Berlin School of Sound, gemeinnützige UG
Veteranenstrasse 21, 10119 Berlin
Berlin School of Sound gemeinnützige UG
Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin
* Please check this space again in January 2022 when more elaborated
information and syllabi will be provided. The launch date of the education
program will be announced by March/April and start June 2022 at the earliest.
Course Modules
Module 4: Engineering and Interdisciplinary Audio
An introduction to the technical and practical operations of a modern recording
studio, along with the theoretical bases for these practices; emphasis on
microphone design and application in complex multi-tracking projects; broad
overview of analog and digital audio processing technology and their practical
applications. Understanding the mixing and mastering process in respect to the
production process of collaborative interdisciplinary artistic project work from
various fields.
To understand the functioning of a project recording studio and professional
recording studio.
To understand underpinnings of audio engineering.
To improve the necessary software knowledge, programming and design skills
for audio production.
To hear minute gradients of sound in the context of the capabilities of the
recording studio environment.
To gain experience recording and mixing in the context of production for
specific audio applications.
To develop composition techniques relevant to sound engineering and
production in the recording studio.
Knowledge of the technical and mechanical bases of analog and digital
recording technology.
Knowledge of the theoretical concepts underpinning recording studio practices
like signal flow, routing, data management.
Skill in directing operational procedures, standards, and social practices of
professional recording in the context of specific performance contexts.
Competency and experience in putting advanced recording technologies into
practice according to the structure and workflow of various art forms.
Week 1: Project production with digital audio workstations
Week 2: Ableton live extended workflow
Week 3: Studio practices
Week 4: Mixing
Week 5: Music theory for the manipulation of multiple tracks and voices
Week 6: Multichannel audio
Week 7: Sound and image
Week 8: Sound and movement
Week 9: Sound, narrative and theater
Week 10: Film sound and music
Week 11: Radio plays - Hörspiel, production for radio, internet radio, podcast
Week 12: Orchestrational and ensemble recording techniques
Week 13: Live sound engineering and production
Week 14: Mastering
Experience with microphones, outboard gear and various other equipment in a
recording studio. Practice setting audio to the requirement of given artistic forms.