Tamil Nadu Combined Development and
Building Rules, 2019
February 2019
Tamil Nadu Combined Development and
Building Rules, 2019
February 2019
G.O.(Ms) No.18, Municipal Administration And Water Supply (MA.I)
department dated 04.02.2019
PART I - Preliminary
1. Short title, extent and commencement 2
2. Definitions 2
3. Applicability of this rule 13
4. Written permission for development 14
5. Competent Authority 14
PART II - Manner of Obtaining Permission
6. Application for Planning Permission & Building Permit 15
7. Scrutiny fees 16
8. Plan Requirements 17
9. Inspection 22
10. Sanction 23
11. Limitations of permission 24
12. Demolition of buildings 25
13. Cancellation of permit 25
14. Renewal of permit 25
PART III - Conformity of Developments
15. Development to be in conformity with these Regulations 26
16. Designation of use in Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan 26
17. Correlation of land use zones in Master Plan, Detailed Development Plan
and Development Regulations
18. Proposed width of roads 29
19. Development prohibited/restricted areas 29
PART IV - Completion Certificate
20. Application for Completion Certificate 30
21. Illegal occupation of building 31
22. Illegal developments 32
PART V - Registration of Professionals
23. Registration of Architects (RA), Engineers (RE), Structural Engineers (SE),
Construction Engineers (CE), Quality Auditors (QA), Town Planners (TP)
and Developers (D), and their Duties and Responsibilities
24. Appointment of Professionals 35
25. Change of Owner/Developer/Professionals 35
26. Applicability of other rules 36
PART VI - Development Regulations
27. Requirement for site approval 37
28. Structures in setback spaces 37
29. Spaces excluded from FSI and Coverage computation 38
30. Areas of special character 38
31. Boundaries of land use zones 39
32. Regulations to over ride other Rules and Regulations 39
33. Zoning Regulations 40
34. Shelter Charges 40
35. Planning Parameters for Non High Rise Buildings 40
36. Planning Parameters for Industries 47
37. Planning Parameters for Institutional Buildings 48
38. Planning Parameters for Transport Terminals 49
39. Special rules for High Rise Buildings 50
40. Rules for I.T. Developments availing additional F.S.I. benefits 55
41. Reservation of land for community recreational purposes in cases of Non
High Rise buildings/ High Rise building developments
42. Corridor / Verandah width 58
43. Provisions for differently abled, elderly and children 58
44. Solar Energy capture 63
45. Wind Electricity Generator 64
46. Electrical Transformer Rooms 69
47. Layout and Sub-division Regulations 70
48. Transferable Development Rights (TDR) 74
49. Premium FSI 75
50. Repeal and savings 75
PART VII - Building Rules
51. Structural safety 76
52. Requirements of parts of buildings 78
53. Exit requirements 83
54. Sanitation requirements 85
55. Storm water drainage 88
56. Electrical and Allied Installations (including lightening protection of
57. Air conditioning, Heating and Mechanical ventilation 88
58. Gas Supply 88
59. Boiler Room 89
60. Acoustics, Sound insulation and Noise control 89
61. Swimming Pool or Pool 89
62. Structures / Locations / Requirements 89
63. Water conservation 91
64. Fire Safety 91
65. Installation of Closed Circuit Television Units in public buildings 91
66. Architectural Control 91
67. Conservation of buildings of historical or architectural interest 92
68. Tree preservation 92
69. Discretionary powers 92
70. Delegation of Powers 92
71. Exemption from these rules 92
72. Grant of exemptions 93
73. Transitory provisions 93
74. Repeal and savings 94
Form /
I. Form –A Application for Permission for sub-division / Layout or
reconstitution or amalgamation of land for building
purposes and for change of use of land
II. Form –B Application for Permission for carrying out construction
of building or structure, change of use of building
III. Form of undertaking 99
IV. Parking requirements 106
V. List of cottage industries 114
VI. List of Industries classified as “Green” 116
VII. List of Industries classified as “Orange” 118
VIII. List of Industries permissible in `Special and Hazardous
Industries Use zone
IX. Regulations for Special Provisions for Hospital Buildings. 121
X. Sanitation requirements 122
XI. Structural safety 131
XII. Protection against Hazards 133
XIII. Registration, qualification and duties & Responsibility of
XIV. Form No.1 Structural Design basis report 148
Form No.2 Notice for commencement of work 154
Form No.3 Progress Certificate – Plinth stage 155
Form No.4 Progress Certificate – Last Storey 156
Form No.5 Completion Report 157
Form No.6 Building completion certificate by Registered
Form No.7 Building completion certificate by Registered
Construction Engineer
Form No.8 Building completion certificate by Registered Structural
From No.9 Structural Inspection Report 161
Form No.10 Model proforma for Technical Audit Report 163
XV. Special additional regulations for schools 167
XVI. Conservation of heritage sites including heritage
buildings, heritage precincts and natural feature areas
XVII. Development prohibited/restricted areas 174
XVIII. Zoning Regulations 183
XIX. Areas set apart for High Rise Buildings in CMA 190
XX. Swimming Pool or Pool 191
XXI. Installation of Closed Circuit Television units in public
XXII. Rainwater Conservation 223
XXIII. Completion Certificate Norms 237
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 32 and section 122 of
the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972), section
191 and 303 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of
1920), section 242 of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 21 of 1994),
section 230 and 347 of the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (Tamil Nadu Act
IV of 1919), section 268 and 431 of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971
(Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1971), section 268 and 430 of the Coimbatore City Municipal
Corporation Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1981), section 11 of the Tiruchirappalli City
Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 1994), section 11 of the Tirunelveli
City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 28 of 1994), section 11 of the Salem
City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 29 of 1994), section 10 of the
Tiruppur City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 2008), section 10 of
the Erode City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 2008), section 10 of
the Vellore City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu Act 26 of 2008), section 10 of
the Thoothukudi City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 2008), section
10 of the Thanjavur City Municipal Corporation Act, 2013 (Tamil Nadu Act 24 of 2013), and
section 10 of the Dindigul City Municipal Corporation Act, 2013 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of
2013), the Governor of Tamil Nadu, hereby makes the following Rules:-
1. Short title, extent and commencement.— (1) These rules may be called the Tamil
Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules, 2019..
(2) This Rules shall come into force from the date of publication in the Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette.
2. Definitions.— In these Rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or
(1) Access” means way to a plot or a building;
(2) Accessory Use” means any use of the premises subordinate to the principal use
and customarily incidental to the principal use;
(3) Act” means the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act
35 of 1972), the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (Tamil Nadu Act IV
of 1919), the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of
1920), the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of
1971), the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of
1981), the Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 27
of 1994), the Tirunelveli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 28 of
1994), the Salem City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 29 of 1994),
the Tiruppur City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu Act 7 of 2008), the
Erode City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 2008), the Vellore
City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu Act 26 of 2008), the Thoothukudi
City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 2008), the Thanjavur
City Municipal Corporation Act, 2013 (Tamil Nadu Act 24 of 2013), or the Dindigul
City Municipal Corporation Act, 2013 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 2013) and the Tamil
Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 21 of 1994);
(4) Addition and/or Alterationmeans a change from one occupancy to another, or
a structural change including an addition to the area or change in height or the
removal of part of building, or any change to the structure, such as the
construction or removal or cutting into of any wall or part of a wall, partition,
column, beam, joist, floor including a mezzanine floor or other support, or a
change to or closing of any required means of access ingress or egress or a change
to fixtures or equipment" as provided in these Rules;
(5) Advertising Signmeans any surface or structure with characters, letters or
illustrations applied thereto and displayed in any manner whatsoever outdoors for
the purpose of advertising or giving information or to attract the public to any
place, person, public performance, article, or merchandise, and which surface or
structure is attached to, forms part of, or is connected with any building, or is fixed
to a tree or to the ground or to any pole, screen, fence or hoarding or displayed in
space, or in or over any water body included in the jurisdiction of the competent
(6) Air-conditioning
means the process of treating air so as to control
simultaneously its temperature, humidity, purity, distribution and air movement
and pressure to meet the requirements of the conditioned space;
(7) Amenities” shall have the same meaning as defined in Tamil Nadu Town and
Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972);
(8) Application means an application made in such form as may be specified by the
authority from time to time;
(9) Approved means approved orsanctioned by the Authority under these Rules.
(10) Area
In relation to a building means the superficies of a horizontal section
thereof made at the plinth level inclusive of the external walls and of such portions
of the party walls as belong to the building;
(11) Assembly Building” means any building or part of a building, where 50 persons or
more congregate or gather for amusement, recreation, social, religious, patriotic,
civil, travel or other purposes and includes theatres, motion picture houses,
assembly halls, Kalyana mandapams, convention centers, auditoria, exhibition
halls, museums, skating rinks, large gymnasiums, places of worship, dance halls,
club rooms, passenger stations, stadia and terminals of air, surface and marine,
public transportation services;
(12) Auxiliary means electrically operated or fuel fired boilers or systems to heat water
coming out from solar water heating system to meet continuous requirement of hot
(13) Balcony” means a horizontal projection, cantilevered or otherwise including a
parapet" handrail, balustrade, to serve as a passage or sit out place;
(14) Basement or Cellar means the lower storey or storeys of a building below or
partly below ground level with majority of its headroom below ground level;
(15) Building means any structure for whatsoever purpose and of whatsoever
materials constructed and every part thereof whether used as human habitation or
not and includes foundation, plinth, walls, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing and
building services, fixed platforms, verandah, balcony, cornice or projection, part of a
building or anything affixed thereto or any wall enclosing or intended to enclose any
land or space and signs and outdoor display structures.
Tents,shamianahs,pandals, partaulin shelters and the likeerected for temporary and
ceremonial occasions shall not be considered as building;
(16) Building Line shall have the same meaning as defined in the Tamil Nadu Town
and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972);
(17) Carpet Area
The covered area of the usable rooms of a dwelling unitat any floor
excluding the area of the walls;
(18) Canopy or portico or porch” means a cantilever projection at lintel level or ground
floor roof level over an entrance of a building and includes cantilever projection
anywhere between lintel and roof level;
(19) Chimney” means an upright shaft containing one or more flues provided for the
conveyance to the outer air of any product of combustion resulting from the
operation of heat production appliance or equipment employing solid, liquid or
gaseous or any other fuel;
(20) Competent Authority means an authority as specified in rule 5 of these rules;
(21) Construction
means any erection of a structure or a building, including any
addition or extension thereto either vertically or horizontally, but does not
include, any reconstruction, repair and renovation of an existing structure or
building, or construction, maintenance and cleansing of drains and drainage
works and of public latrines, urinals and similar conveniences or the
construction and maintenance of works meant for providing supply of water for
public or the construction or maintenance, extension, management for supply
and distribution of electricity to the public or provision for similar facilities for
(22) Conversion of Building Occupied
means the change from one occupancy to
other occupancy or any change in building structure or part thereof resulting in
a change of space and use requiring additional occupancy certificate;
(23) Conversion of Land Use
means the change from one category of land use to
another category of land use in the Master Plan and Detailed Development Plan and
New Town Development Plan;
(24) Courtyard
means a space permanently open to sky, enclosed fully or partially
by buildings and may be at ground level or any other level within or adjacent
to a building;
(25) Covered Area” means ground area covered by the building above the plinth level
and includes parts of the building projecting out in other storey, including
basement floor levels;
(26) Corridor means a common passage or circulation space within a building;
(27) Continuous building means buildings constructed without any side set back
including row type housing;
(28) Cyclone Prone Areas
mean the areas close to the coast as specified in the wind
velocity map given in I.S. 875, where the cyclonic wind velocities exceed 39 metres
per second and prone to cyclonic storms;
(29) Damp Proof Course” means a course consisting of some appropriate water
proofing material provided to prevent penetration of dampness or moisture;
(30) Dead Load” means the weight of all permanent stationary construction becoming
part of a structure;
(31) Development shall have the same meaning as defined in Tamil Nadu Town and
Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972);
(32) Deemed Approval” means a clearance deemed to have given by the competent
authority on the expiry of time limit for providing such clearance in the absence of
sufficient and reasonable cause for not clearing the application within the time
(33) Drain” shall have the same meaning as defined in Tamil Nadu District
Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act of 1920) or the respective City Municipal
Corporation Act;
(34) Drainage system means a system or a line of pipes, with their fittings and
accessories, such as manholes, inspection chambers, traps, gullies, floor traps used
for drainage of building or yards appurtenant to the buildings within the same
cartilage and includes an open channel for conveying surface water or a system for
the removal of any waste water;
(35) Dwelling Unit means an independent housing unit with separate facilities for
living, cooking and sanitary requirements, and may be a part of a building;
(36) Earthquake Prone Areas
mean the areas as specified in the map given IS: 1893
under seismic zones III, IV & V, which are likely to have moderate to high damage
risk due to earthquake;
(37) Encroachmentmeans an act to enter into the possession or rights either of
permanent or temporary nature on a land or built up property of local body or
S tateor Central Government;
(38) Exit
means a passage channel or means of egress from the building, its storey or
floor to a street or, other open space of safety whether horizontal, outside and
vertical exits meaning as under:-
(i) Horizontal exit means an exit, which is a protected opening through or around a
fire well or bridge connecting two or more buildings.
(ii) Outside exit mean an exit from building to a public way to an open area leading
to a public way or to an enclosed a fire resistant passage leading to a public
(iii) Vertical exit means an exit used for ascending or descending between two
or more levels including stairway, fire towers, ramps and fire escapes;
(39) External Wall
means an outer wall or vertical enclosure of any building;
(40) Farm House” means a building constructed for incidental use in an agriculture or
horticulture farm and any building constructed but not associated with the farm
activities shall not be construed as a “farm house” for the purposes of these Rules;
(41) Fire and/or Emergency Alarm System” means an alarm system comprising of
components for manually or automatically detecting a fire, initiating an alarm of fire
and initiating other actions as appropriate;
(42) Fire Lift
means a special lift designed for the use of fire service personnel in the
event of fire or other emergency;
(43) Fire Proof Door
means a door or shutter fitted to a wall opening and constructed
and erected with the requirement to check the transmission of heat and fire for a
(44) Fire Pump
means a machine, driven by external power for transmitting energy to
fluids by coupling the pump to a suitable engine or motor, which may have
varying outputs or capacity but shall be capable of having a pressure of 3.2 kg/cm2
at the topmost level of the High Rise building;
(45) Fire Resistance means the time during which a fire resistant material i.e. material
having a certain degree of fire resistance, fulfills its function of contributing to the
fire safety of a building when subjected to prescribed conditions of heat and load or
(46) Fire Resistant Building
means a building in which material, which has
appropriate degree of fire resistance is used;
(47) Flood Prone Areas
means areas likely to have significant flood flow inundation
notified by the concerned Authority from time to time, as flood prone areas which
may be modified or added or deleted when necessary by due notification;
(48) Floor Space Index (FSI)” means the quotient obtained by dividing the total covered
area (plinth) on all floors excepting the areas specifically exempted under these
rules, by the Plot Area and is represented by this formula.-
FSI = Total covered area on all floors
Plot Area
(49) Footing means a foundation unit constructed in brickwork, stone masonry or
concrete under the base of a wall or column for the purpose of distributing the load
over a larger area;
(50) Foundation means that part of the structure, which is in direct contact with
ground and transmits loads over it;
(51) Framed Building means a building in which the loads either dead or live are
carried by timber, steel or reinforced concrete framing;
(52) Gal1ery means an intermediate floor or platform projecting from a wall of an
auditorium or a hall providing extra floor area, and or additional seating
accommodation and includes the structures provided for seating in stadia;
(53) Garage-Private” means a building or a portion thereof designed and used for the
parking of vehicle;
(54) Garage-Public means a building or portion thereof, designed other than as a
private garage, operated for gain, designed and or used for repairing, servicing,
using, selling or storing or parking motor driven or other vehicles;
(55) Government means the State Government;
(56) Habitable Roommeans a room occupied or designed for occupancy by one or
more persons for study, living, sleeping, eating, kitchen if it is used as a living
room, but not including bathrooms, water-closet compartments, laundries, serving
and store pantries, corridors, cellars, attics, and spaces that are not used
frequently or during extended periods;
(57) Height of the Building” means the height measured generally from the formed
ground level within the plot abutting the road or passage excluding ramp if any
within the plot upto to the roof level of the topmost livable floor. In the case of
pitched roof, height of the building means the height measured from the ground
level stated above up to the point where external surface of outer wall intersects the
finished surface of the sloping roof, and in the case of gables facing the road, the
midpoint between the eave’s level and the ridge
Explanation.—Stair-case head rooms, lift rooms, solar panels, elevated tanks and
also water closet (with floor area not exceeding 10sq.m.) above topmost floor, and
also architectural features, and parapet walls of height up to 1.5 meter shall not be
included in calculating the height of building. In cases where earth filling is made
or proposed within the site above the average level of the abutting street or road,
then the height of building shall be reckoned from the filled up ground level around
the building provided such filling does not exceed 1 meter above the average level of
the abutting street or road;
(58) High Rise Building means a building exceeding 18.30m height;
(59) Hut”means any building which is constructed principally of wood, mud, leaves,
grass, thatch or metallic sheets and includes any temporary structure of whatever
size or any small building of whatever material made which the council may declare
to be a hut for the purpose this rule;
(60) Illuminated Exit Signsmeans a device for indicating the means of escape during
normal circumstances and power failure;
(61) Layout” means laying out and division of land into plots exceeding eight in
number, for various uses with introduction of new road or roads for public uses;
(62) Live Load
means all loads except dead loads that may be imposed on a structure
and wind loads will also be considered as live loads;
(63) Lift or Elevator
means an appliance designed to transport persons or
materials between two or more levels in a vertical or substantially vertical
direction by means of a guided car or platform;
(64) Load Bearing Wall
means wall that carries dead load other than its own weight;
(65) Lobby
means a covered space in to which all the adjoining rooms open;
(66) Local Body” means Corporation of Chennai, Municipal Corporation, Municipality,
Town Panchayat or a Village Panchayat;
(67) Loft” means an intermediate floor between two floors or a residual space in a
pitched roof above normal level constructed for storage with maximum clear height
of 1.5 meters;
(68) Masonry menas an assemblage of masonry units properly bound together by
(69) Master Plan” means a plan approved by the Government under section 28 of the
Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972);
(70) Means of Escape
means an escape route provided in a building for safe
evacuation of occupants;
(71) Mezzanine floor” means an intermediate floor between two floors above ground
level subject to the following:-
(i) The area of mezzanine floor is restricted to 1/2nd of the area of the floor
immediately below.
(ii) The height of the mezzanine floor shall be minimum 2.2 metres for non-
habitable purposes and 2.5 metres for habitable purposes; and
(iii) The head room height of the remaining part of the said floor shall be the total of
the height of the mezzanine floor and the space below the mezzanine floor;
(72) Miniature Circuit Breaker or Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
means a devices
for tripping of electrical circuits in event of any fault in the circuit or installation;
(73) Mitigation” means the measures taken in advance of a disaster aimed at
decreasing or eliminating its impact on society and on environment, including
preparedness and prevention;
(74) Non Combustible Material
means a material which is not liable to burn or add
heat to a fire when tested for combustibility in accordance with the latest code
of Bureau of Indian Standards Method of Test for combustibility of Building
(75) Occupancy or use
means the principal occupancy or use for which a building or a
part of a building is intended to be used. For the purposes of classification of a
building according to occupancy, an occupancy shall be deemed to include the
subsidiary occupancies which are contingent upon it;
(76) Natural Disaster
means a serious disruption of the functioning of a society,
causing widespread human, material or environmental losses caused due to
earthquake, cyclone, flood, tsunami, landslide and similar event which exceeds the
ability of the affected society to cope using only its own resources;
(77) Natural Hazard
means the possibility or probability occurrence of a natural event,
within a specific period of time in a given area, having potential for damaging
widespread area;
(78) Natural Hazard Prone Areas
means the areas likely to have,—
(i) moderate to very high damage risk zone of earth quakes or
(ii) moderate to very high damage risk of cyclones or
(iii) significant flood flow or inundation, or
(iv) Tsunami proneness or
(v) Landslide proneness or potential, or
(vi) One or more of these hazards;
(79) Non-Structural Component
means the components of buildings, which do not
contribute to the structural strength or stability such as infill walls in Reinforced
Cement Concrete frame buildings, glass panes, claddings, parapet walls, chimneys
(80) Parapet
means a low wall or railing built along the edge of a roof or a floor;
(81) Parking space
means an enclosed or unenclosed covered or open area
sufficient in size to park vehicles, which is served by a driveway connecting to a
street or alley and permitting ingress and egress of vehicles;
(82) Partition
means an interior non-load bearing barrier, one storey or part-storey in
(83) Partition Wall means a wall which supports no load other than its own weight
and includes;
(i) A wall forming part of a building and being used or constructed to be used in
any part of the height or length of such wall for separation of adjoining
buildings belonging to different owners or constructed or adopted to be occupied
by different persons; or
(ii) A wall forming part of a building and standing in any part of the length of such
wall, to a greater extent than the projection of the footing on one side or ground
of different owners;
(84) Passage
means circulation space on land leading from a street or road to the plot
or site;
(85) Permit
means a valid permit or authorization in writing by the competent
authority to carryout development or a work regulated by these rules;
(86) Plinth
means the portion of a structure between the surface of the surrounding
ground and surface of the floor immediately above the ground;
(87) Plinth Area
means the built up covered area measured at the floor level of the
basement or of any storey;
(88) Plot or site Area
means the area of a contiguous parcel of land enclosed by
definite boundaries over which the applicant has legal right for development and
includes part of the site used as exclusive passage, open space reservation area and
internal roads within the boundaries;
(89) Plot coverage
means the extent to which the plot is covered with a building or
structure 12-noon shadow and expressed as a percentage of the ratio of the built up
area to the plot area, excluding the floor area exempted from the computation of plot
coverage as given in rule 29;
(90) Private Street
shall have the same meaning as defined in the Tamil Nadu
District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920);
(91) Prohibited Area
means any area specified or declared to be a Prohibited Area
under the relevant Act by the Central or State Government from time to time;
(92) Protected Monument
means an ancient monument which is declared to be of
national importance by or under the Ancient Monuments and Archeological Sites
and Remains Act, 1958 (Central Act 24 of 1958);
(93) Public Buildings
shall have the same meaning as defined in Tamil Nadu Town
and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972);
(94) Public Street
shall have the same meaning as defined in Tamil Nadu District
Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920);
(95) Qualified Professional
means a professional registered under rule 23 of these
(96) Quality Control
means control construction quality and to control of variation in
the material properties and structural adequacy;
(97) Quality Assurance
means all planned and systematic actions necessary to ensure
that the final product i.e. structure or structural elements will perform satisfactorily
during service life;
(98) Quality Audit
means a requirement for an independent, third party assessment of
the quality and seismic or cyclone resistant features of all the High Rise Building
and especially in earthquake zone-III and coastal areas of the State. The quality
audit report shall consist of conformance or non-conformance of structures with the
technical specifications for prevention of progressive collapse during earthquake,
cyclone or any other accidental load resistance and to suggest remedies/
rectification if any;
(99) Reconstruction
shall have the same meaning as defined in the Tamil Nadu Town
and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972);
(100) Reconstitution of plots
shall have the same meaning as defined in Tamil Nadu
Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972);
(101) Regulated area
means any area specified or declared under section 20B under
the Ancient Monuments and Archological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 (Central Act
24 of 1958);
(102) Retrofitting
means upgrading the strength of an unsafe building by using
suitable engineering techniques;
(103) Road/Street Width
means any highway, street, service road lane, pathway, alley,
stairway, passageway, carriageway, footway, flyover, square, place or bridge over
which the public have a right of passage or access or have passed and have access
uninterruptedly and includes all bunds channels, ditches, storm water drains,
culverts sidewalks, traffic islands, roadside trees and hedges, retaining walls,
fences, barriers and railing within the street lines;
(104) Room Height
means the vertical distance measured from the finished floor
surface to the finished ceiling;
(105) Row Housing/Row type Building
(Continuous Building) means a row of house or
buildings with only front and rear open spaces;
(106) Service Road means a road or lane provided at the front, rear or side of a plot for
service purpose;
(107) Set back
means the open space across front or sides or rear of a plot between the
building and street alignment or boundary of the plot as the case may be;
(108) Stilt floor
means a part or whole of floor at ground level or the height above the
ground level described in these Rules as the building is on stilts;
(109) Street Alignment
shall have the same meaning as defined in the Town and
Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972);
(110) Structural Component
means component of buildings which contributes to
strength and stability of structures under no circumstances these are permitted to
be damaged or partially or totally removed;
(111) Structure means something constructed or built having a fixed base on or other
connection to the ground or other structure;
(112) Site Corner means a site at the junction of and fronting on two or more
intersecting roads or streets;
(113) Site Depth
means the mean horizontal distance between the front and rear site
(114) Site Plan
means a detailed Plan showing the proposed placement of structures,
parking areas, open space, landscaping, and other development features, on a
parcel of land, as required by specific sections of the development code;
(115) Site with Double frontage
menas a site having frontage on two streets other
than corner plot;
(116) Storey
means the part of a building between the upper surface of the floor and
upper surface of the floor next above or the underside of roof;
(117) Spiral Staircase
means a staircase forming continuous winding curve round a
central point or axis provided in an open space having tread without risers;
(118) Sub-division
means division of land into plots not exceeding eight in number;
(119) Tsunami Prone Areas
means an area affected in the past or an area likely to be
affected in the future by tsunami, as identified and notified by the Local body as
tsunami prone areas;
(120) Un-authorised Construction
means the erection or re-erection, addition or
alterations which are not approved or sanctioned by the competent authority;
(121) Underground or Overhead Water Tank
means an installation constructed or
placed for storage of water;
(122) Ventilation means supply of outside air into, or the removal of inside air from an
enclosed space, which includes —
(i) Natural Ventilation - Supply of outside air into a building through window
or other openings due to wind outside and convection effects arising from
temperature or vapour pressure differences (or both) between inside and
outside of the building.
(ii) Positive Ventilation - the supply of outside air by means of a mechanical
device, such as a fan.
(iii) Mechanical Ventilation - Supply of outside air either by positive ventilation or
by infiltration by reduction of pressure inside due to exhaust of air, or by a
combination of positive ventilation and exhaust of air.
(123) Verandah
means a covered area with at least one side open to the outside with the
exception of 1.2 m high parapet to be provided on the open side. It can be a covered
one by grill or jolly works, without reducing natural lighting and ventilation;
(124) Water Closet (W.C)
means a water flushed plumbing fixture designed to receive
human excrement directly from the user of the fixture and the room or
compartment in which the fixture is placed;
(125) Window
means an opening to the outside other than a door, which provides all or
part of the required natural light or ventilation or both to an interior space and
not used as a means of egress or ingress;
(126) words and expressions used and not defined in these Rules unless the context
otherwise requires shall have the meaning as defined in the Tamil Nadu Town and
Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972), Tamil Nadu District
Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920) in the cases of municipalities
and town panchayats, the concerned Municipal Corporation Act in the cases of
Municipal Corporation and the Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 21
of 1994) in the cases of Village Panchayats.
3. Applicability of these Rule.— (1) Except hereinafter or otherwise provided, these Rules
shall apply to all development and construction including,—
(i) all developments, redevelopments, erection or re-erection, design, construction or
reconstruction and additions and alterations to a building;
(ii) part Construction where the whole or part of a building is demolished or altered
or reconstructed, except where otherwise specifically stipulated, these Rules shall
apply only to the extent of the work involved;
(iii) change of use or Occupancy where use of a building is changed, except where
otherwise specifically stipulated, these Rules shall apply to all parts of the
building affected by the change;
(iv) reconstruction where the reconstruction in whole or part of a building which has
ceased to exist due to fire, natural collapse or demolition having been declared
unsafe, or which is likely to be demolished by or under an order of the Authority
as the case may be and for which the necessary certificate has been given by the
Authority shall be allowed subject to these Rules.
(2) Nothing in these Rules shall require the removal, alteration or abandonment or
prevent continuance of the lawfully established use or occupancy of any existing
approved building.
4. Written Permission for development.— (1) Subject to section 47 and 58 of the Tamil
Nadu Town and Country Planning Act 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 0f 1972) no person shall
carry out any development or construction of building or structure, subdivision, layout,
reconstitution or amalgamation of land or change of use of land or building without the
written permission of the aompetent authority.
Explanation.— Such written permission shall include an electronic version issued with
the digital signature of the competent authority.
(2) Any site approval or Permission for any development/ construction under these
rules shall not absolve the applicant of his responsibilities to get clearance or
permission under other Acts and Rules, if so required.
5. Competent Authority.— (1) The competent authority for issue of planning permission
in Chennai Metropolitan Area is, the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority or a
Local Authority concerned to whom the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority
has delegated the powers for issue of Planning Permission.
(2) The competent authority for issue of Planning Permission in the rest of the State is,
the Appropriate Planning Authority delegated by the Director or any other Officer to
whom the power is vested with to carry out certain activities like receiving
application and to issue permission as prescribed in various provisions of these
(3) The aompetent authority for issue of building permit is the Executive Authority of
Local Body or any Agency or person to whom the powers to implement these rules
have been delegated by the Executive Authority.
Manner of Obtaining Permission
6. Application for Planning Permission and Building Permit.— (1) For the purpose of
obtaining planning permission or building permit, the applicant who should be the
owner of the land or leaseholder or power of attorney holder who has right over the land
to develop, shall submit an application on-line in the prescribed Form to the competent
(2) The following operational constructions and installations of Government, whether
temporary or permanent, which are essential for the operation, maintenance,
development or execution of any of the following services are exempted from
applying under these Rules;-
(i) Railways;
(ii) National Highways;
(iii) National Waterways;
(iv) Major ports;
(v) Airways and Aerodromes;
(vi) Posts & Telegraphs, Telephone, Wireless, Broadcasting and other like forms of
(vii) Regional grid for Electricity;
(viii) Defence;
(ix) Metro Rail and
(x) Minor ports;
(3) The departmentsor agencies specified in sub-rule (2), which are exempted from
seeking approval, shall send in advance to the competent authority the details of the
development they intend to carry out for information and records of the competent
authority and local body.
(4) When any department of the State government or the Central government other than
those specified in sub-rule (2), intends to carry out development of any land or
building, the officer in charge of the same shall apply in writing in the Form with
necessary documents and plan to the competent authority and obtain clearance for
the intended development complying with these rules.
(5) Government departments are exempted from the payment of scrutiny fee or any
other fee or charge.
(6) The plan submitted under sub-rule (4) shall be prepared by a qualified architect or
engineer and structural aspects of the design shall be certified by a qualified
structural engineer.
(7) An application in Form - A in Annexure - I accompanied by proof of ownership,
plans, specifications, etc., mentioned therein shall be submitted to the competent
authority in case of subdivision or layout or reconstitution or amalgamation of land
for building purposes.
(8) An application in Form - B in Annexure - II accompanied by proof of ownership,
detailed plans, specifications, site plan, key plan and topo plan showing existing
developments to a radius of 100 metres drawn to a scale of 1:500 and such other
details as may be required from time to time shall be submitted to the competent
authority, in the case of development of land and buildings, change of land and
building use and in the case of site approval.
(9) An undertaking in Form - C in Annexure -III by the registered professionals to the
competent authority in the case of developments such as Non High Rise Buildings
and High Rise Buildings and other developments as may be decided by the
competent authority.
(10) The competent authority may seek any additional particulars as deemed fit for
processing the application.
(11) The applicant may address the competent authority for clarification before filing an
application and such clarification shall be issued within 2 months from the date of
receipt of application seeking such clarification.
7. Scrutiny fees.— (1) Scrutiny Fee means a fee for scrutinizing the applications, collected
from the applicant along with the plan or revised plan or modified plan submitted by the
(2) Every application for planning permission shall be accompanied by a scrutiny fee as
calculated in the following manner:
(i) (a) Plans submitted along with planning permission applications per sq.m. of
floor area of the building Rs.2.00
(b) Ist revised plan per sq.m. of floor area of the building Rs.1.00
(c) 2nd revised plan per sq.m. of floor area of the building Rs.0.40
(d) 3rd revised plan per sq.m. of floor area of the building Rs.0.20
(e) Subsequent revised plans Nil
(ii) Layouts/subdivisions, reconstitutions per sq.m. of land area Rs. 0.75
(iii) Re-classifications (lump sum) Rs.30,000 (for CMA)
Rs.20,000 (for other areas)
(3) In case of layouts or subdivisions or site approval applications, the rates of scrutiny
fee shall be prescribed and notified by the Government from time to time
(4) The Executive Authority of the Local Body may, for scrutinising the applications for
Building Permit shall collect scrutiny fee from the applicants, along with the plan or
revised plan or modified plan submitted by the applicant, at the rates as may be
prescribed and notified by the Government from time to time
(5) Scrutiny fee shall not be collected for Residential Projects where the size of dwelling
units for Economically Weaker Section does not exceed 40 sq.m in plinth area each
(6) In the case of reclassification the cost of publication of reclassification in
Newspapers and Govt. gazette. (if the actual cost exceeds the said amount, the
excess amount is also payable by the applicant)
(7) Any other charges as levied by the competent authority from time to time.
8. Plan Requirements.— (1) The applications for planning permit or Building permit shall
be accompanied as prescribed below:-
(i) Key plan - drawn to a scale of not less than 1 in 10,000 showing the details of
the boundary, location of the site with respect to neighbourhood landmarks,
and existing network of roads or streets; the minimum dimension of the key
plan shall be not less than 10 cm.
(ii) Topo Plan - drawn to a scale of not less than 1 in 5000 showing the details of
the following, which lie within a radius of 500 m:-
(a) the boundary location of the site with respect to neighbourhood land
(b) existing network of roads or streets with details of its widths,
(c) proximity to stone quarries, stone crushers, water bodies, Airport,
Aerodrome, Air Force Station, cremation or burial grounds, railway tracks,
and reserved forests indicating its distance from the site clearly; and
(d) such other particulars as may be prescribed by the competent authority.
(iii) Site plan - drawn to a scale of not less than 1 in 500 for a site upto one
hectare, and not less than 1 in 1000 for a site more than one hectare and shall
show, —
(a) the boundaries of the site;
(b) the position of the site in relation to neighbouring street;
(c) the extent and dimensions of the site affected by any street alignment or road
widening or proposed new road or missing link as per the approved Master
Plan or Detailed Development Plan or as notified by the Local body;
(d) the name of the streets in which the building is proposed to be situated, if
(e) all existing buildings standing on, over or under the site including service
(f) the position of the building and of all other buildings if any which the
applicant intends to erect upon his site in relation to,—
(1) the boundaries of the site and in case where the site has been
partitioned, the boundaries of the portion owned by the applicant and
also of the portions owned by others.
(2) all adjacent street, buildings with number of storied and height and
premises within a distance of 15m of the site and of the contiguous
land if any referred to in item (a) ; and
(3) if there is no street within a distance of 15m of the site, the nearest
existing street.
(g) if the site is an unauthorised subdivision, then the details of the residuary
plots or subdivisions including the details of the buildings or structures
(h) the means of access from the street to the building, and to all other
buildings, (if any) which the applicant intends to erect upon the site.
(i) space to be left about the building to secure a free circulation of air,
admission of light and access during emergency;
(j) vehicle parking arrangements;
(k) the width of the street if any in front and of the street if any at the side or
rear of the building;
(l) the direction of north point relative to the plan of the buildings;
(m) any physical features, such as wells, drains, etc;
(n) alignments of the Low Tension or High Tension electric over head power
lines or such underground cables if it lie within the site or within a distance
of 10m. from the site, and the spatial location from the same to the building
existing or proposed;
(o) rain water harvesting provisions as specified by the competent authority
within the plot;
(p) provisions for water supply and sewage disposal system wherever required by
the competent authority; and
(q) such other particulars as may be prescribed by the competent authority.
(iv) Building plan with details of section, elevation etc. drawn to a scale of 1:100; the
plans and details shall,—
(a) include floor plans of all floors together with the covered area clearly
indicating the size and spacing of all framing members and sizes of rooms
and the position of stair cases, ramps and lift wells;
(b) show the use or occupancy of all parts of the buildings;
(c) show exact location of essential services (for example WC, bath and the like);
(d) show plans, elevations & sections of Private Water Supply and disposal
(e) include at least one elevation from the front showing the height of the
building and rooms and also the height of parapet;
(f) include at least one section through the stair case;
(g) show all structures existing or proposed to be constructed within the site;
(h) include the structural arrangements with appropriate sections showing type/
arrangement of footings, foundations, basement walls, structural load
bearing walls, columns and beams, and shear walls and
arrangement/spacing of framing members, floor slabs and roof slabs with the
material used for the same including detailed structural drawing showing
reinforcement details;
(i) show all street elevations;
(j) give dimensions of the projected portions beyond the permissible building
(k) include terrace plan indicating the drainage and the slope of the roofs;
(l) vehicle parking arrangements within buildings;and
(m) give indications of the north point relative to the plan.
Note: The requirement of 1:100 is permitted to be flexible for specific details needed
for further illustration; and also for drawings for these in digital form.
(2) In case of subdivision or layout or reconstitution or amalgamation of land for
building purposes, the application shall be accompanied by the subdivision or
layout or reconstitution or amalgamation plan which shall be drawn to a scale of not
less than 1:500 containing the following:—
(a) scale used and north point;
(b) the location of all the proposed and existing roads within the land including
details of the extent and dimensions of the site affected by any street alignment
or road widening or proposed new road or missing link as per the approved
Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan or as notified by the Local body;
(c) alignments of the Low Tension or High Tension electric over head power lines
or such underground cables, Solid waste dumping yards, Oil /Gas Pipe lines,
CRZ line if it lie within the site or within a distance of 10m. from the site;
(d) dimension of plot along with building lines showing the setbacks with
dimensions within each plot;
(e) the location of existing drains, sewers, public facilities and services and
electrical lines etc;
(f) a statement indicating the total area of the site, area utilised under roads,
parks and playground, shops and other commercial spaces, schools, public
purpose sites etc. along with the percentage;
(g) in case of plots which are subdivided with built up area, in addition to the
above, the details on the means of access to the subdivisions from existing
(h) if the site is an unauthorised subdivision, then the details of the residuary plots
or subdivisions including the details of the buildings or structures thereon; and.
(i) such other particulars as may be prescribed by the executive authority of the
local body.
(3) For all High Rise buildings in addition to items specified in sub-rule (1), the following
additional information shall be furnished or indicated in the building plan:—
(a) access to fire appliances or vehicles with details of vehicular turning circles and
clear motorable access way around the building;
(b) size (width) of main and alternative stair cases along with balcony approach,
corridor, ventilated lobby approach;
(c) location and details of lift enclosures;
(d) location and size of fire lift;
(e) smoke stop lobby, door, where provided;
(f) refuse chutes, refuse chamber, service duct etc;
(g) refuge area, if any;
(h) details of building services – air conditioning system with position of fire
dampers and mechanical ventilation system, electrical services, boilers, gas
pipes etc;
(i) details of exits including provision of ramps etc., for hospital and special risks;
(j) location of generator, transformer and switch gear rooms;
(k) smoke exhauster system, if any;
(l) details of fire alarm system net work;
(m) location of centralised control connecting all fire alarm systems, built-in fire
protection arrangements and public address system etc;
(n) location and dimensions of static water storage tank and pump room along with
fire service inlets for mobile pump and water storage and tank;
(o) location and details of fixed fire protection installation, such as sprinklers wet
risers, hose-reels, drenchers, etc;
(p) location and details of first aid fire fighting equipments or installations.
(4) In case of Industrial Developments, the following additional information shall be
furnished or indicated in the building plan:-
(a) Details of the machines for manufacturing or production involved both existing
and proposed;
(b) Details of the number of workers both existing and proposed;
(c) Detailed report on the raw materials used, process and machineries involved,
effluent discharge methods proposed, product manufactured, power required
(i.e. Low Tension or High Tension), action taken to alleviate or minimize its
negative impact, if any, or the environment, etc.
(5) Apart from the owner, the professionals to be involved, for different types of
developments, in the preparation of plans and designs, supervision, quality control
and ensuring completion as per the approved plan, shall be as prescribed below:—
(a) Non High Rise buildings with height upto 12m. Registered Architect (RA) or
Registered Engineer (RE)
(b) Non High Rise buildings with height more than 12.0m upto 18.30m Industrial
Developments and Institutional Developments other than High Rise Buildings
Registered Developer (RD),
Registered Architect (RA) or Registered Engineer (RE),
Registered Structural Engineer (RSE), and
Registered Construction Engineer (RCE),
Registered Geotechnical Engineer
(c) High Rise Buildings
Registered Developer (RD),
Registered Architect (RA) or Registered Engineer (RE),
Registered Structural Engineer (RSE),
Registered Geo-Technical Engineer (RGE),
Registered Construction Engineer (RCE), and
Registered Quality Auditor (RQA)
(d) Sub divisions
Registered Architect (RA) or Registered Engineer (RE) or
Registered Town Planner (RTP)
(e) Layout Developments
Registered Developers (RD), and
Registered Architect (RA) or Registered Engineer (RE) or
Registered Town Planner (RTP)
9. Inspection.— (1) General Requirements.— (a) Generally all development works for
which permission is required shall be subject to inspection by the competent authority
or an official nominated by the competent authority, as deemed fit, before issue of
permission and also during construction.
(b) The competent authority may cause inspection for such developments where its
risk assessment deems it fit for inspection. In all cases inspection shall be
carried out by professionals to be empanelled by the competent authorities. The
qualifications and other conditions for empanelment of professionals for
carrying out inspection shall be prescribed by the Government from time to
(c) A single joint site inspection shall be carried out by all the concerned authorities
for issue of planning permit or building permit or completion certificate)
(d) The applicant shall permit authorized officers of the competent authority to
enter the site at any reasonable time for inspection for the purpose of enforcing
these rules.
(e) The applicant shall keep a copy of the approved plan at the premises where the
development is permitted to be carried out.
(f) Before commencement of the building work at site for which building
permission has been granted, the owner shall within the validity period of
Building Permission give notice to the Authority, of his intention to start the
work at the building site in Form 2 in Annexure - XIV.
(2) During Progress of Construction.—Minimum Stages for recording progress,
checking and issuing continuance certificate (For non High Rise Buildings above
12.0 m in height)
(i) Plinth,
(ii) Last storey.
(b) At each of the above stages, the owner or developer through the Registered
Architect or Registered Engineer shall submit to the designated officer of the
competent authority a progress certificate inForm 3 and 4 in Annexure - XIV
and the structural Inspection Report inForm 9 in Annexure - XIV. This progress
certificate shall be signed also by the Registered Architect or Registered
Engineer on record, Construction Engineer on record and structural engineer on
record. The Structural Inspection Report shall be signed by the Registered
Structural Engineer on record.
(c) On receipt of the progress certificate from the owner or registered developer,
through the Registered Architector Registered Engineer it shall be the duty of
the competent authority, to check any deviation from the approved plan and
convey decision within 15 working days to the owner or developer for
10. Sanction.— (1) Applications for permission shall be accompanied by self certification of
the required documents and an undertaking in the prescribed format to be furnished by
the competent authority.
(2) If the Plan and information furnished by the applicant do not provide all the
particulars necessary to process the application satisfactorily, the competent
authority may within 15 days from the date of receipt of Plans or Applications
require the production of such further particulars and details as it deems necessary.
(3) If the plan and the information furnished by the applicant are found to satisfy the
requirements of these rules,
(ii) the written permission shall be issued by the competent authority within 45
days after the receipt of the plan and all other requirements; and
(iii) while granting permission, the competent authority may impose such
restrictions and conditions, which may be necessary under these rules.
(4) In cases where the application for construction of the building is not in accordance
with any of the Acts or these rules, or where the applicant fails to furnish the
additional particulars called for, the competent authority may reject the application
or refuse permission for reasons to be recorded in writing, and furnish a copy of the
same to the applicant.
(5) No building permission is necessary for the following alterations, which do not
otherwise violate any provisions regarding general building requirements, structural
stability and fire safety requirements of this Rule;
(a) plastering and patch repairs;
(b) re-roofing or renewals of roof including roof of intermediate floors at the same
(c) flooring and re-flooring;
(d) opening and closing of windows, ventilators and doors not opening towards
other's properties and / or public road or property;
(e) replacing fallen bricks/stones
(f) construction or re-construction of sunshade not more than 75cms. in width
within one's land and not overhanging over a public street;
(g) construction or re-construction of parapet not more than 1.5 m. in height and
also construction or re-construction of boundary wall not exceeding 2 m
(h) white-washing, painting, etc. including erection of false ceiling in any floor at
the permissible clear height provided the false ceiling in no way can be put to
use as a loft etc.
(6) a copy of the approved site plan and building plans shall be kept at the site at all
times when building operations are in progress and such plans shall be made
available at all reasonable times for the inspection of the competent authority.
(7) the details of the development for which planning permission issued, date of expiry
of permit, mentioning site address, survey number, Block number, Village Name,
door number, street name, locality, name of owner and name of Registered Architect
or Engineer on record , Registered Developer on record, Registered Structural
Engineer on record, Registered Construction Engineer on record. shall be displayed
in the format prescribed by the competent authority on a board of size of atleast
60cm. x 120cm.
(8) nothing shall prohibit the filing of amendments to an application or plan or other
record accompanying the same at any time before the completion of the work for
which a permit was granted. However, construction in deviation to the approved
plan shall not be proceeded till the revised plan is approved. Further, this provision
shall not entitle any person to make any deviation in contravention of the Act and
these rules.
(9) (a) Approval of drawings and acceptance of any statement, documents, structural
report, structural drawings, progress certificate or building completion certificate
shall not discharge the Registered Engineer on Record, the Registered Architect on
Record, Registered Construction Engineer on Record, Registered Structural Engineer
on Record, Registered Developer and Owner from the responsibilities imposed under
the Act, these rules and the laws of tort and local Acts.
(b) The landowner or lessee or power of attorney holder or developer who makes the
development, the Registered Architect or Engineer on Record, and the
Registered Construction Engineer on Record, shall be jointly and severally held
responsible if any unauthorized construction, addition and alternation are done
without prior permission of the competent authority.
11. Limitations of Permission.— The permission granted by the competent authority
shall not mean responsibility or clearance of the following aspects,—
(a) Title or ownership of the site or building.
(b) Easement Rights.
(c) Structural Reports, Structural Drawings and structural aspects. The Registered
Architect or Registered Engineer and Structural Engineer on record as the case may
be, shall be responsible for defects in the design.
(d) Workmanship, soundness of structure and materials used.
(e) Quality of building services and amenities in the construction of building
(f) Other requirements or licenses or clearances required for the site or premises or
activity under various other laws.
12. Demolition of buildings.— (a) If any person intends to demolish a building either in
whole or in part, he shall submit an application to the executive authority of local body
or agency or person to whom this power has been delegated by the executive authority
for permission to execute the work, along with a demolition deed executed by him.
(b) The executive authority of local body or agency or person to whom this power has
been delegated by the executive authority shall grant permission to execute the work
subject to such condition as he may deem necessary for ensuring the health, safety
of the people living within or near the building.
(c) The executive authority of local body or agency or person to whom this power has
been delegated by the executive authority shall collect a demolition charges as
specified by the competent authority. and that he will abide by the rules and other
conditions if any, stipulated for demolition of such buildings.
13. Cancellation of Permit.— The planning permission or building permit if secured by
any person by any misrepresentation or by production of false documents, such
planning permision or building Permit will be cancelled after issuing a show cause
14. Renewal of Permit.—(1) planning permision or building permit granted under these
rules shall be valid for five years from the date of issue and the construction shall be
completed within the same. However the competent authority may on application made
before the expiry date, extend the planning permission or building permit period as the
case may be only once for another 3 years.
(2) For such permit renewals, fees at the rates as may be prescribed by the competent
authority shall be paid by the applicant.
Conformity of Developments
15. The Developments to be in conformity with these Rules.— (1) No developments
shall be in contravention of these Rules.
(2) No land, premises or building shall be developed, constructed, altered,
reconstructed, subdivided, amalgamated, reconstituted, laid-out, changed or put to
use which is not in conformity with the provisions of these rules.
(3) In the case of an area comprised in a Detailed Development Plan approved under the
Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) the
Developments therein shall be in conformity with that Detailed Development Plan:
Provided that where for a road, street alignment is not prescribed in Detailed
Development Plan, but it is prescribed in the Master Plan, then street alignment in
Master Plan shall apply. Provided further that in cases where an area is declared as
Continuous Building Area either in Master Plan or in Detailed Development Plan,
the area shall be taken as Continuous Building Area and developments therein shall
be regulated accordingly. However, Continuous Building Area parameters shall not
apply to plots in approved layout areas unless specifically earmarked for continuous
building developments.
(4) All detailed Town Planning Schemes sanctioned under the Town Planning Act 1920
(Tamil Nadu Act VII of 1920) shall stand superseded by the Master Plan or Detailed
Development Plan approved for that area. All developments therein shall be
regulated with reference to the land use classification indicated in the Master Plan
or Detailed Development Plan for that area and development regulations.
16. Designation of use in Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan.— (1) Where use of
a site or premises is specifically designated not broad land use zoning in the Detailed
Development Plan or Master Plan, it shall be used only for the specific purpose so
designated, unless the land use of the site is varied as provided in the Act.
(2) Where the use of the site or premises is not specifically designated in the Detailed
Development Plan or Master Plan, it shall be used for the uses or activities
permissible in the land use zone in which the site or premises falls as per the
Detailed Development Plan or Master Plan.
Provided that a non-conforming use (i.e). an use which are not permissible under
these rules, shall not be extended or enlarged at the site.
Explanation.— Improvements to building or machinery intended to make the
operations more economical, cleaner, less noisy and to provide amenities to workers
which do not add to the manufacturing capacity as may be specially approved by the
Authority shall not be deemed to be extension or enlargement:
Provided that it will be open to the authority to order at any time the discontinuance
or continuance subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be imposed by on
an existing use, which is non-conforming.
(3) Where for an area both Master Plan and Detailed Development Plan are sanctioned,
the designated use shall be as shown in the latest development Plan.
(4) Where for an area, a Detailed Development Plan has been prepared and the consent
of the Government has been given under Section-26 of the Act, the provisions of that
Detailed Development Plan shall apply.
(5) Where for an area, a detailed lay-out plan for land development has been prepared
and approved by the Authority or such other executive authority of local body or
Agency or person to whom or which the power has been delegated by the Authority,
the land use shown on such Lay-out Plan shall be applicable and the developments
in the area shall be regulated according to these regulations:
Provided that if the layout plan was approved prior to 5.8.1975 in case of Chennai
Metropolitan Area and prior to the date on which the publication of notification of
Master Plan in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette for rest of the State, the higher
order land use zoning of Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan shall be
applicable for the plot.
Provided further that if land use is varied under section 32 sub-section (4 )of the
Act, subsequent to approval of the Master Plan, Detailed Development Plan or the
layout as the case may be then the reclassified land use is applicable for such land.
(6) In areas designated for Primary Residential and / or Mixed Residential Use zone in
the Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan. Sites abutting and gaining access
from roads of width 18m. and above are deemed to have been zoned for Commercial
use zone.
(7) In addition to the areas declared as ‘Economically Weaker Section’ areas in the
Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan all areas set apart for Housing of
Economically Weaker Section in the sanctioned Schemes by Tamil Nadu Housing
Board and areas declared as Slums by Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board, slums
improved by Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board under Slum Improvement Scheme
projects and also the Economically Weaker Section plots in the approved layouts are
deemed to have been declared as ‘Economically Weaker Section’ areas.
(8) When a site falls in different land use zones, then developments in that site shall be
made with reference to its conformity in each of the land use zones the site
(9) Where more than one activity is existing or proposed in a building or a site, the
space regulations that govern the development shall be based on the dominant
activity in that building or site decided on the basis of the percentage of floor area
(10) Where more than one type of development such as High rise building, Non High rise
building. is existing or proposed in a site, —
(a) the setback shall be regulated with reference to the individual type of
(b) the height of building, abutting road width shall be regulated with reference to
the highest order of development existing or proposed
(c) the Floor Space Index, coverage etc. shall be regulated with reference to the
dominant type of development on the basis of floor area within the site.
17. Correlation of land use zones in Master Plan, Detailed Development Plan and
Development Rules:
Use classification in
Master Plan
Use classification in
Detailed Development
Use classification in
Development Rules
01. Primary Residential Use Primary Residential or
Residential use
02. Mixed Residential use Mixed Residential Residential
03. Commercial use Commercial use Commercial use
04. Industrial use or Light
Industrial use or
Controlled Industries use
Industrial use or Light
Industrial use
Industrial use
05. General Industrial General Industrial Industrial use
06. Special and Hazardous
Industrial Use
Special and Hazardous
Industrial use
Special and Hazardous
Industrial use
07. Institutional or
Educational use or Public
and Semi-public use
Institutional or
Educational use or Public
and Semi-public use
08. Open space and
recreational use
Open space and
recreational or Park or
Play space
Open space recreational
(in Chennai Metropolitan
Public use zone (in other
areas of the State)
09. Non-urban Non-urban Non – urban only in
Chennai Metropolitan
10. Agricultural use Agricultural use Agricultural use
11. Urbanisable -- Urbanisable use (only in
Chennai Metropolitan
18. Proposed width of roads.— (1) Proposed right of way for all major roads together with
setback lines for them shall be in accordance with the approved master plan or Detailed
Development Plan in that area.
(2) Competent Authority may notify street alignment (with proposed road width) in
areas without Master Plan or Detailed development Plan.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Master Plan or Detailed Development
Plan or in these Rules, with the prior approval of the Council, the executive
authorities of the local bodies may under the Act provisions prescribe street
alignments (with proposed road widths) higher than those given in the Master Plan
or Detailed Development Plan or any other statutory plan and implement the same.
19. Development prohibited or restricted areas.— The regulations for Development
prohibited or restricted areas are furnished in Annexure - XVII. The Government may
notify modifications to these regulations from time to time and such modifications shall
Completion Certificate
20. Application for Completion Certificate.— (1) For all buildings except residential
building upto 12m in height not exceeding 3 dwelling units or 750 sq.m and all type of
Industrial buildings, the Applicant or Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Registered
Developer and any other Person who is acquiring interest shall submit a completion
report in Form 5 along with Form 6, 7 and 8 in Annexure - XIV, to
obtain Completion
Certificate, certifying that the building has been completed as per the approved plan,
from the competent authority that has issued Planning Permit before getting service
connections such as electric power connection, water supply sewerage connection. These
service connections shall be given by the service provider to these buildings only after
the production of the Completion Certificate.
(2) The owner or developer shall submit an application to the competent authority in
the first stage after completion of work upto plinth level requesting for issue of order
for continuance of work.
(3) The owner or developer through the registered professional shall submit to the
designated officer of the competent authority a progress certificate in the given
format at the stage of Plinth and last storey level along with structural inspection
report as provided for under sub-rule (2) of rule 9 of these rules.
(4) On receipt of the progress certificate from the owner or registered developer through
the registered professional, the competent authority shall check for any deviation
from the approved plan and convey decision within 7 working days to the owner or
developer for compliance.
(5) If the order of continuance is not issued within 15 days of receipt of the respective
application, it will be taken as deemed to be issued and the owner or developer may
proceed with the construction without any deviation to the approved plan.
(6) The owner or Power of Attorney holder or registered developer or any other person
who has acquired interest shall submit application in complete shape for issue of
completion certificate according to the norms prescribed in Annexure - XXIII to
these Rules.
(7) The competent authority may on its own or through a subordinate official or a
qualified professional inspect or cause to be inspected the work atleast the two
stages of construction viz, plinth level and completion of construction and such
inspection shall include confirmation that,—
(a) the work was executed and the building was completed as per the approved
plan as stated in these rules along with the norms prescribed for issuing the
completion certificate;
(b) it shall be obligatory on the part of the applicant to confirm that certificate of
Lift Inspector has been obtained regarding satisfactory erection of lift; and
(c) it shall also be obligatory on the part of the applicant to confirm the certificate
to the Directorate of Fire & Rescue Services for completion of fire safety
requirements as applicable for the type of building has also been obtained.
(8) If any project consists of more than one detached or semi detached building or
buildings in a building unit and any building or buildings thereof is completed as
per approved plan (such as parking, internal roads, height of the building,
infrastructure facilities, lift and fire safety measures), the competent authority may
issue completion certificate for such detached or semidetached building or buildings
in a building unit.
(9) The completion certificate shall not be issued unless the information is supplied by
the owner, developer, the registered professionals concerned in the schedule as
prescribed by the competent authority from time to time.
(10) The competent authority shall within 30 days from the date of receipt of application
for completion report inform, communicate its decision after necessary inspection
about grant of completion certificate.
(11) Connection to the sewer or water mains or electricity:
(a) Temporary connection for water, electricity or sewer, permitted for the purpose
of facilitating the construction, shall not be allowed to continue in the premises
after completion of the building construction.
(b) No connection to the water mains or sewer line or electricity distribution line
with a building shall be made without the prior permission of the authority and
without obtaining completion certificate.
(c) In case the use is changed or unauthorised construction is made, the authority
is authorised to discontinue such services or cause discontinuance of such
21. Illegal Occupation of Building.— (1) Executive Authority may by written notice, order
any building or any portion thereof to be vacated forthwith or within the time specified in
such notice;—
(a) if such building or portion thereof has been unlawfully occupied in
contravention of these Rules
(b) if a notice has been issued in respect of such building or part thereof requiring
the alteration of restriction of any works specified in such notice have not been
commenced or completed.
(c) if the building or part thereof is in a ruinous or dangerous condition, which are
likely to fall and cause damage to any person occupying, resorting to or passing
by such building or structures or any other structure or place in the
neighbourhood thereof.
(2) The reasons for requiring such building or portion thereof to be vacated should be
clearly specified in every such notice.
(3) The affixing of such written notice or any part of such premises shall be deemed to
be a sufficient intimation to the occupiers of such building or portion thereof.
(4) On issue of such notice, every person in occupation of the building or portion thereof
to which the notice relates shall vacate the building or portion as directed in the
notice and no person shall so long as the notice is withdrawn, enter the building or
portion thereof, except for the purpose of carrying out any work of reinstatement
which he may lawfully permitted to carry out.
(5) The competent authority may direct that any person who acts in contravention of
above provision or who obstructs him in any action taken under these rules shall be
removed from such building or part thereof by any police officer, and may also use
such force as is reasonably necessary to effect entry in the said premises.
(6) The cost of any measures taken under this provision shall be recovered from the
owners or occupants.
22. Illegal Developments.— If any construction or development is carried out illegally or in
deviation to the plan approved, the competent authority shall take action against the
constructions or developments as provided in the Act and in these rules.
Registration of Professionals
23. Registration of Architects (RA), Engineers (RE), Structural Engineers (SE),
Construction Engineers (CE), Quality Auditors (QA), Town Planners (TP) and
Developers (D), and their Duties and Responsibilities.— (1) Registration.— (a) The
competent authority shall register Architects (RA), Engineers (RE), Structural Engineers
(RSE), Construction Engineers (RCE), Quality Auditors (RQA), Town Planners (RTP) and
Developers (RD). Application for registration shall be submitted by these professionals
to the competent authority or Block Development Officer in case of Village Panchayat,
(b) On receipt of such application, and after satisfying the educational qualifications
and experience in the field, and the certificate of the screening committee to be
constituted by the Chennai Corporation, Commissioner of Municipal
Administration, ,
Directorate of Rural Development as the case may be, the
competent authority may register on payment of registration fee of five thousand
rupees and subject to such other conditions as he may thinks fit.
(c) Registration shall be valid for a period of five years and shall be renewable.
(d) The competent authority shall cause to maintain a register of licensed
professionals stated above. The list of names shall be updated every year and the
updated list shall be placed before the council every year for information.
(e) Where any registered professional makes any misrepresentation or commits any
fraud in certifying the plan and other documents submitted under these rules,
the competent authority may suspend or cancel the registration of such
professional done under these rules and notify the same in their official website.
Provided that no registration shall be cancelled unless the person concerned is
given an opportunity to make a representation in writing.
(f) On cancellation of such registration by the competent authority under sub-rule
(e) above, the name of such registered professional shall be deleted from the
register maintained by him and a report in this regard shall also be placed
before the council for information.
(g) The registration, qualification and duties of professionals shall confirm to the
rules given in the Annexure - XIII.
(2) Duties and Responsibilities - General duties and responsibilities applicable to
all Professionals. — (a) They shall study and be conversant with the provisions of
the Local Acts, Rules and Regulations and standing orders approved by the
competent authority.
(b) They shall inform the competent authority of their employment or assignment or
resignation for any work within 7 days of such employment or assignment or
(c) They shall prepare and submit all plans, documents and other details they are
required to do so in a neat, clean and legible manner and the papers properly
(d) They shall submit plans documents and details without any scratches or
corrections. Site conditions shall be correctly shown.
(e) They shall personally comply with all queries or requisitions received from the
competent authority in connection with the work under their charge promptly,
expeditiously and fully at one time. When they do not agree or cannot comply
with the requisition or query, they shall state their objection in writing within
the time as may be stipulated so that, the competent authority can decide on its
merit in the matter.
(f) Any corrections or changes made in the plan or additional documents and
details by the professionals to the competent authority shall be in consultation
with the owners or developer and shall be with their acceptance or agreement.
(g) They shall clearly indicate on every plan, document or forms in which they sign
the details of their designation such as Registered Architect. Registered
Engineer, Registered Structural Engineer etc., with registration number and
their, full name and address below the signature for identification.
(h) They shall not accept the employment for preparation and submission of plans,
documents and supervision of any work if the same is intended or being
proposed to be executed or already executed in contravention of provisions of
the Act or the Rules including these rules.
(i) The registered person shall provide the information and undertaking for the
work undertaken by him in the forms prescribed by the competent authority.
(j) The Owner or Developer shall compulsorily appoint a Construction Engineer for
over all constant supervision of construction work on site and such person
appointed shall not be allowed to supervise more than one such site at a time.
(k) The Registered Architect or Registered Engineer and the structural engineer
shall be responsible for adhering to the provisions of the relevant and prevailing
Indian Standard Specifications including the National Building Code. However
they will not be held responsible for the severe damage or collapse that may
occur under any natural force going beyond their design courses provided in the
above said Standards or National Building Code.
(l) The Registered Architect or Engineer is solely responsible for obtaining the
certificate required under this rule from the registered professionals.
(m) In the event of any deviations the Registered Architect or Engineer is the solely
responsible to bring it to the notice of the competent authority.
Note: Specific additional Duties and Responsibilities of the professionals and the owner
or developer are stated in the Annexure - XIII.
24. Appointment of Professionals. —(1) The owner or registered developer shall appoint
Registered Architect (AR), Registered Engineer (ER), Registered Structural Engineer
(SER), Registered Geo Technical Engineer on record (GER), Registered Construction
Engineer (CER), Registered Town Planner (TPR) and Registered Quality Auditor (QAR)
as required. A proper written agreement(s), in a standard format(s), should be entered
upon with such professional(s) engaged by the owner or developer.
(2) The owner or registered developer shall submit a list of the appointed registered
professionals with the application for Planning Permission or Building Permit to the
competent authorities. Consent or undertaking from these professionals is needed in
the required format at the time of seeking Planning Permission or Building Permit or
change in professionals.
(3) The owner or registered developer shall not appoint the same professional as
Registered Engineer or Registered Structural Engineer or Registered Construction
Engineer as Quality Auditor.
25. Change of Owner or Developer or Professionals. — (1) If during the construction of
the building the owner or registered developer (RD) or Registered Architect on Record
(AR) or Registered Engineer on record (ER) / Registered Structural Engineer on Record
(SER) or Registered Geo Technical Engineer on record (GER) or Registered Construction
Engineer on Record (CER) or Registered Quality Auditor on Record (QAR) is changed, he
shall intimate the competent authority by a registered letter that he was no longer
responsible for the project, and the construction shall have to be suspended until the
new Owner or Registered Developer or Registered Architect on Record (AR) etc.,
undertakes the full responsibility for the project as prescribed in these rules and also in
the forms.
(2) A new owner or registered developer (RD) or Registered Architect on Record (AR) or
Registered Engineer on Record (ER) or Registered Structural Engineer on Record
(SER) or Registered Geo Technical Engineer on record (GER) or Registered
Construction Engineer on Record (CER) and Registered Quality Auditor on Record
(QAR) shall inform the change to the competent authority, and before taking
responsibility as stated above, check as to whether the work already executed is in
accordance with the Building Permit granted by the competent authority. He or She
may go ahead with the remaining works only after obtaining permission with the
competent authority.
26. Applicability of other Rules.(1) Considering the ecological sensitiveness and need
for conservation of the notified hill stations, the Tamil Nadu Hilly Areas Special Building
Rules, 1981 and Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993
shall be in force.
(2) Considering the specific aspects for the control of construction of building or use of
land in the notified area of any Nuclear Installations in the State of Tamil Nadu,
Nuclear Installations (Regulation Building and use of Land) Rules, 1990 will be
applicable in areas within 4.8 Km from any portion of the boundary of any stretch
Nuclear Installations on such date as the Government may by notification appoint.
Development Regulations
27. Requirement for site approval.—
(1) Location of Building.— Every person, who construct, reconstruct, or alters or add
a building shall whenever the site is within 15 meters of any tank, reservoir, water-
course, river, fresh water channel or well, carryout such measure as may be
necessary or as the executive authority may direct, for the purpose of preventing
any contamination of or any risk of the drainage of building passing into, such tank,
reservoir, water-course, river, fresh water channel or well such other rules in force.
(2) Reconstitution Deed.— If a development is proposed in more than one plot or site
proposing amalgamation or reconstitution of the individual sites into one site, then
Reconstitution Deed in the format and manner prescribed by the executive authority
shall be furnished by the applicant,
28. Structures in setback spaces.—Unless or otherwise specifically provided for elsewhere
in these regulations, no structure shall be constructed within the minimum prescribed
set back spaces except the following:
a) In cases of Non High Rise buildings.—
(i) Sun-shades not exceeding 0,6m.
(ii) Motor room of area not exceeding 2 sq.m. each and height not exceeding 1.8m,
without affecting parking and driveway requirements.
(iii) In case of Non High Rise Buildings with height upto 9.0m, open single flight or
spiral staircase or open double flight staircase so long as such structure do not
fall within 0.50 m from the side boundary or 1m. from the rear or front
boundary of the site or street alignment.
(iv) A compound wall of height not exceeding 2.0m
(v) Watchman booth not exceeding 2.5m.x 2.5m. in size at each gate and height
not exceeding 3m.
(vi) Gate pillars without or with arches with a min. headroom clearance of 5.50m
available atleast to a width of 3.5m.
(vii) Meter Rooms for meter boxes or electrical panels along the boundary wall or
external walls of the building with the projections not exceeding 0.60 meter
from the abutting walls and the open Transformer without affecting parking and
drive way, subject to the safety measures stipulated by Tamil Nadu Electricity
Explanation: (i) In order to minimize traffic conflicts on to the abutting roads, the
number of vehicular entry or exits to site shall be kept minimum and it shall not exceed
2 numbers (i.e. one entry or one exit); provided that an additional gate for every 50
metres frontage may be allowed in large sites where its frontage exceeds 50 metres.
ii. In the event of the site abutting more than one road one additional gate shall be
29. Spaces excluded from FSI and Coverage Computation.— The following shall not be
counted towards FSI and plot coverage computation: —
(1) In the terrace above the top most storey, areas covered by stair-case rooms and lift
rooms and passages thereto, architectural features, elevated tanks (provided its
height below the tank from the floor does not exceed 1.5 metre) and WC (with floor
area not exceeding 10 sq.m)
(2) Staircase and lift rooms and passage thereto in the stilt parking floor or upper floors
used for parking
(3) Staircase and lift rooms and passage thereto in the basement floor or floors used for
(4) Area of the basement floor or floors used for parking
(5) Area of the stilt parking floor provided it is open on sides, and used for parking. In
cases where upper floor or floors over a stilt parking floor is proposed for parking.
(6) Servants or drivers bath room and water closet for each block in cases of Non High
Rise Buildings and High Rise Buildings at ground floor or stilt parking floor
(7) Watchman booth
(8) caretaker booth or room in ground floor or stilt parking floor
30. Area of special character.—
(1) Continuous Building Areas (CBA).— Buildings without side set back are
permissible in a plot or site in continuous building areas set apart in the approved
Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan or in the other areas as may be declared
by the local body as CBA with the approval of the Directorate of Town and Country
Planning or Government as the case may be from time to time. However in an
approved layout area only in the plots classified for Continuous type of buildings it
is permissible.
(2) Economically weaker section areas (EWS). Areas declared as slum by Tamil
Nadu Slum Clearance Board (TNSCB) are categorised as EWS areas for the purpose
of these regulations. In addition it includes the areas developed as EWS plot in the
Tamil Nadu Housing Board (TNHB) neighbourhood schemes, Sites and Services
schemes, slum improvement schemes and approved layouts. For the purpose of
application of these rules the Local body may declare areas as EWS Areas by council
resolution and notify from time to time.
(3) Costal Regulation Zone (CRZ) area.— Developments in these areas shall be
regulated with reference to the CRZ classifications and the regulations notified by
the Government of India from time to time under section 3 of the Environment
(protection) Act, 1986 (Central Act 29 of 1986).
(4) Conservation zones in the Heritage Towns.— Government may notify Heritage
Towns, a list of Heritage precincts there in with metes and bounds and conservation
zones around such listed Heritage precincts. Any new construction of building or
use of premises in the conservation zones shall conform to the special guidelines
relating to height, use etc., prescribed and notified by the Government from time to
(5) Transit Oriented Development areas.— (i) In order to encourage Transit sensitive
activities and to allow densifications in any mass rapid transit system in the state,
the Govt. may prescribe such regulations, including premium FSI at concession
rates as may be necessary from time to time.
(ii) In case of Metro Rail Corridors, Existing and Proposed properties located within
a distance of 500m measured from the centre line of the corridor, Premium FSI
shall be charged at 50 % of the normal Premium FSI rate.
(6) Natural hazard prone areas.— (1) Areas likely to have (i) moderate to very high
damage risk zone of earth quakes, or (ii) moderate to very high damage by cyclones,
or (iii) significant flood flow or inundation, or (iv) land slides proneness or potential,
or (v) tsunami proneness, or (vi) one or more of this hazards, have been declared as
natural hazard prone areas.
(2) The areas prone to natural hazards will be notified by Governemnt from time to
time. Structural design and aspects of building construction in these areas
shall take into the account of the special provisions contained in these rules for
hazard prone area.
Boundaries of land use zones.— (1) The different land use zones are located and
bounded as shown in the land use plans.
(2) Variations: Updated information on variations of Land Use made under sub-rule (4)
of section 32 of the Act and published subsequent to approval of the Master Plan or
New Town development Plan or Detailed Development Plan.
32. Rules to over ride other Rules and Regulations.— In the application of these Rules, if
there is conflict between the provisions under these Rules and the requirements under
the other rules in time being in force, then provision in the above mentioned Rules shall
stand suspended to the extent of conflict with these Rules.
33. Zoning Regulations.— The Zoning Regulations shall comprise of Residential use zone,
Commercial use zone, Industrial use zone, Special and Hazardous use zone,
Institutional use zone, Open Space and Recreational use zone, Urbanisable use zone and
Agricultural use zone and the activities permissible in each use zone are provided in
Annexure - XVIII.
34. Shelter Charges.— (1) In any development proposed, where the Floor Space Index [FSI]
area (build up area) exceeds 4000 sq.mts either the applicant shall provide housing for
lower income groups for an extent of 10 % of Floor Space Index area with dwelling units
not exceeding 40 sq.mts in carpet area or shelter charges as prescribed in the Tamil
Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971(Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972). The rate of
shelter charges payable shall be 1% of the Guide Line Valve [GLV] of the FSI area
exceeding 4000 sq.mts.
(2) Housing units for Low Income Group (LIG) shall be provided either within the site or
in any other site located within the radius of 2 km from the site under reference
where the development is now proposed. No conversion or amalgamation shall be
permissible in this case of lower income group dwelling.
(3) The crucial date for levy of shelter charges in respect of Directorate of Town and
Country Planning area is the date of issue of technical clearance by the Directorate
of Town and Country Planning and in respect of Chennai Metropolitan Area, the
same is the date of raising demand for development charges.
35. Planning Parameters for Non High Rise Buildings.— (1) All Buildings not exceeding
18.30m. in height,—
(a) The minimum road width, FSI, set back etc. for Non High Rise buildings up to
16 dwellings or up to 300 square meters of commercial building shall be
regulated according to the table below:
lly weaker
Other areas
1 2 3 4 4
Minimum road
3.0 m 3.0 m 3.0m up to 6.0 m 6.0 m and above
GF + 2F or Stilt + 3F
subject to a maximum
of 12m height
GF + 1F or Stilt +
2F subject to a
maximum of 9m
GF + 2F or Stilt
+ 3F subject to
a maximum of
12m height
dwelling units /
commercial use
up to 16
or up to
meters of
al use
up to 16
up to 8 dwellings
up to 16
dwellings or up
to 300 square
meters of
commercial use
D Maximum FSI 2.0
Minimum Set
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed, it shall be
from that street alignment/ new road line. In the case of
others, it shall be from the property boundary.
i) Front set back 1.5m 1.0m
Abutting road
Front set back
Upto 9.0m. 1.5m
More than 9.0m.
upto 18m.
More than 18m.
upto 30.5m
More than 30.5m. 6.0m.
ii) Side Set back Nil
Height of
Plot width SSB
Up to 9m
1m on one
Above 9m
1m on
either side
than 7m.
Up to 6m
1m on one
Above 6m,
upto 9m
1.5m on
one side
Above 9m
1.5m on
either side
ii) Rear Set back Nil
Height of the
Upto 7m. Nil
More than 7m.
upto 12m.
(b) The minimum road width, FSI, set back etc. for Non High Rise buildings upto
18.30m height and exceeding 16 dwelling units and exceeding 300 square
meters of commercial building shall be regulated according to the table below:
Building Areas
Other areas
1 2 3 4
Minimum road
9.0 m
18.30 m
C Maximum FSI 2.0
Minimum Set
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed, it shall be from
that street alignment/ new road line. In the case of others, it
shall be from the property boundary.
i) Front set back Abutting road width FSB
from 9.0m. upto 18m. 3.0m.
More than 18m. upto 30.5m 4.5m.
More than 30.5m. 6.0m.
Side Set back /
Rear Set back
Height of the
Upto 7m. 1.0m.
More than 7m.
upto 12m.
More than 12m.
upto 16.0m.
More than 16m.
upto 18.30m.
(c) Passage
Description Passage width
A. Non High Rise buildings upto 12m height
If the site does not directly abut a public road but gains access through a private passage
or through a part of the plot which can be treated as a passage from a public road of
minimum width as prescribed above, the minimum width of such passage shall be as
When it is intended to 8 dwellings a) CBA / EWS areas – 1 m
b) Other areas – 3 m
B. Non High Rise buildings exceeding 12.0m in height upto 18.30m height or
exceeding 16 dwelling units
If the site does not directly abut a public road but gains access through a private exclusive
passage or through a part of the plot which can be treated as a passage from a public road
of minimum width as prescribed above, the minimum width of such passage shall be as
(i) When it is intended to 8 dwellings or up to 600
square metres of commercial building and the
length of the passage does not exceed 80 metres.
3.6 meters
(ii) When it is intended to serve upto 12 dwellings or
upto 2,400 square metres of commercial building
and the length of the passage does not exceed
100 metres.
4.8 meters
(iii) When it is intended to serve not more than 16
dwellings or up to 3000 square metres of
commercial building and the length of passage
does not exceed 120 metres.
6 meters
(iv) When it is intended to serve not more than 20
dwellings or up to 6000 square metres of
commercial building and the length of passage
does not exceed 120 metres.
7.2 meters
(v) When it is intended to serve more than 20
dwellings or more than 6000 square metres of
commercial building.
9 meters
Explanation 1.— (i) Road width means the road space as defined in Rule 2(103). The
qualifying road width for permitting non High Rise buildings with more than 12 m
height upto 18.30m shall be available atleast for a prescribed length of 250m in the
case of CMA and other Municipal Corporations and 100m for the other areas along
the length of the road abutting the site and the stretch from a junction can be
straight or a curve or zigzag or combination of the above.
(ii) In the event of the road width being less than the qualifying width in certain
portions then the total length of such portions shall not be more than 10% of
the prescribed length. In such cases the average road width for the prescribed
length shall be equal or above the qualifying width.
(iii) In the event of the sub-division for qualifying road not being incorporated in the
Field Measurement Book sketch, in such cases road width certificate shall be
obtained from the concerned Executive Authority.
(iv) In the event of variation of site extent and dimension of the site between Patta
and document the least extent of the site to be considered along with site
dimension corresponding to the least extent.
Explanation 2.— (i) In the event of more than one block on Non High Rise Building
in a site, then the distance between one block for building upto 12m in height shall
be 3.0m and for buildings more than 12m height up to 18.30m in height shall be
(ii) In the event of more than one block with varying height in a site, the setback of
each block shall be regulated in accordance with the height of the building.
(iii) The maximum height of the building shall not exceed 18.30 metres provided
water tanks, chimneys, Architectural features such as flag masts, gopurams,
minarets, steeples and other ornamental structures which are not intended for
human habitation may be permitted subject to a ceiling of 30.5 metres from
ground level.
(iv) Where a site abuts more than one road, then the front setback shall be insisted
with reference to wider road width and for the remaining side or sides the side
setback space or rear setback space shall be insisted as per the above rules
provided in the case of CBA minimum set back of 1m.
(v) In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in
ground level or ground floor, directly accessible to road
(vi) The minimum road width for conference halls and multi storeyed parking lots
and Air-conditioned cinema theatres shall be 12m. For Community or Kalyana
mandapams or Exhibition Hall shall be 15m. For star hotels and multiplex or
Malls shall be 18m.
(vii) For public buildings such as Kalyana mandapam assembly halls, exhibition
halls, hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, lodging houses, cinema theatres,
multiplex or malls etc. set back all around shall not be less than 6m.
(viii) FSI benefit shall be permitted for the land left for OSR, link road, street
alignment or road widening wherever it is insisted upon by competent authority.
(ix) FSI benefit shall not be permitted for the land left for road widening to make the
road as qualifying road for the proposed development.
(x) FSI benefit for the OSR area in the approved sub-division shall be permitted in
proportionate to the plot extent.
(2) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed set back spaces are given in rule
(3) The minimum width of corridor shall be as given in rule 42.
(4) Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to standards prescribed
in the Annexure - IV.
(5) Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure - XXII.
(6) Special regulations for physically disabled provided in the rule 43 shall be adhered
(7) Solar energy capture provisions as prescribed in the regulations given in rule 44
shall be provided where applicable.
(8) The reservation of land for community recreational purposes such as park or play
ground required in these regulations shall be as given in the rule 41.
(9) Internal vehicular access way including passage if any within the site shall a clear
width of 7.2 m and such vehicular access shall be available for every building block
in the site within a distance of 50 metres. Further, it shall be a clear open to sky
and no projection of structure over it is permissible.
(10) If the building is constructed on stilts and the stilt floor is to be used for parking, it
shall not be enclosed, if it is enclosed it shall be counted for FSI.
(11) Every Non High Rise building development exceeding 900 sq.m in floor area shall be
provided with electrical room in ground floor or open space at ground level within
the premises to accommodate electrical transformer conforming to rule 46.
(12) If a Non High Rise building contains more than one use and the allowability of the
built space with reference to the abutting road width and exclusive passage width
shall be decided based on the number of dwellings for the residential use and
equivalent floor area allowable for commercial and other uses.
(13) Vehicular ramp in setback spaces around a Non High Rise Building may be
permitted subject to the condition that the clearance of the proposed ramp from the
property boundary or street alignment shall be minimum 1.5 metres and a clear
motorable driveway of minimum 3m. in width is available around the building.
(14) The structures incidental to the main activities such as water closet or pump room,
transformer room, transformer yard, electrical room shall not be construed as
individual blocks for the purpose of these rules.
(15) In areas where sewage system provided by the local body concerned is not available
(a) where number of dwelling units exceeds 50 nos. or 2500 sq.m. of commercial
area sewage treatment plant shall be provided and maintained for the disposal
of the sewage within the site itself as per the designs approved by such other
Technical agencies as Government may empaneled from time to time.
(b) where number of dwelling units is less than 50 nos. or 2500 sq.m. of
commercial area, septic tank with up-flow filters shall be provided and
maintained for the disposal of the sewage within the site itself.
(16) Any construction with roof over it in the terrace floor for A.C. Plant or structures
shall be counted, as a floor and categorization of type of building shall be done
(17) In residential or predominantly residential developments with dwelling units
exceeding 100 in number, the design should include waste management
infrastructure and atleast a closed non polluting storage provision for solid waste
storage within the premises preferably with direct access from the abutting road
shall be provided so that the local body can collect this stored waste from it.
(18) In residential or predominantly residential developments, provision for atleast one,
bath room and water closet shall be provided for the use of servants or drivers, for
each block not exceeding 25 Dwelling units.
(19) The space set apart and notified for formation of a new road or road widening or
street alignment shall be transferred to the local body through a registered Gift Deed
before actual issuance of Building Permit. The exact mode of conveyance of the land
shall be consistent with the relevant enactment and regulations. In such cases
'Transfer of Development Rights' (TDR) provisions of the rule 48 shall be applicable.
(20) Basement Floor.— (a) The height of basement floor shall not exceed 1.2 metres
above ground level and the headroom shall be minimum 2.4 metres.
(b) No part of the basement shall be constructed in the minimum required set back
spaces, required for the movement of fire fighting vehicles or equipments.
(c) In cases where second basement is proposed for parking and incidental uses,
sufficient provision for lighting and ventilation and also for protection from fire
to the satisfaction of Directorate of Fire and Rescue Services shall be made.
(d) During the construction of the basement floor, it shall be the sole responsibility
of the Building Permit holder to ensure that the building or structure in the
adjoining sites are not weakened or damaged.
(21) Security Deposit.— The applicant (not being a Government department or agency)
shall deposit a sum at the rate of 50% of the infrastructure and amenity charges in
force per square metre of floor area as a refundable non-interest earning security
and earnest deposit. The deposit shall be refunded on completion of development as
per the approved plan as certified by Executive Authority of the Local body; if not, it
would be forfeited.
(22) Display Board.— (a) The details of the development for which planning permission is
issued, shall be displayed in the site in the format as prescribed in Rule 10(7) of
these regulations.
(b) The applicant not being a Government department or agency shall pay a sum of
Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) as earnest money non interest bearing
refundable deposit and same should be utilized for the purpose of installing the
display board as prescribed in Rule 10(8) on the site by Local body, in the event
of the applicant not fulfilling the conditions stated in (a) above.
(c) If the applicant fulfills the conditions (a) above, the deposit shall be refunded
after production of the completion certificate.
(23) In cases of Hospital Buildings with Ground Floor/Stilt Floor + First Floor and above
and floor area exceeding 300 sq.m. in each floor, the special provisions for Hospital
Buildings prescribed in Annexure – IX shall be adhered to.
(24) Affordable Housing.— (a) Development for affordable housing projects with size of
dwelling unit not exceeding 40 sq.m within Chennai Metropolitan Area and dwelling
unit with size not exceeding 60 sq.m in the rest of state shall be regulated according
to provisions stipulated above.
(b) Premium FSI charges shall not be collected for the excess FSI area over and
above normally permissible FSI area for affordable housing projects.
36. Planning Parameters of Industries.— The road width, FSI, Setbacks etc. for cottage
industries, Green industries, Orange industries and Red industries shall be regulated
according to the table below. The Detailed lists of these industries are given in
Annexures V, VI, VII and VIII respectively.
Sl.No. Description Category of industries
Cottage Industries
Green & Orange
Red industries
(Special &
Minimum road
7m. 7m. 7m.
18.30m. 18.30m 18.30m.
C. Maximum FSI 1.50 1.50 1.50
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed, it shall be
from that street alignment/new road line. In the case of
others, it shall be from the property boundary.
(i) Front Setback
road width
6.0m 6.0m
less than
9m. to
18m. to
More than
(ii) Side Setback 1.50m. 3.0m. 6.0m.
(iii) Rear Setback Nil 2.0m. 6.0m.
Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side setback
and Rear set back are given in the rule 28
In addition, incidental structures such as Gate pillars, servant room, watch man
booth, cycle stand and toilets with height not exceeding 4m are permissible in
these minimum prescribed setback spaces.
Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to standards
prescribed in the Annexure - IV.
G. Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure - XXII.
The maximum height of the building shall not exceed 18.30 metres provided water
tanks, chimneys, Architectural features such as flag masts, gopurams, minarets,
steeples and other ornamental structures which are not intended for human habitation
may be permitted subject to a ceiling of 30.5 metres from ground level. In case total
height exceeds, 30.50 m from Ground level necessary NOC from Airport Authority of
India (AAI) shall be furnished.
37. Planning Parameters of Institutional Buildings.— Including nursery schools, Primary
schools and religious buildings with floor area exceeding 300 sq.m. Secondary schools,
Colleges, Higher Educational, Technical & Research Institutions, Students hostels &
Dormitories, Research Institutions, Broadcasting, Telecasting & Telecommunication
centers, Government & Quasi Government Offices, and Institutions, Government
Archives, Museums, Art galleries and Public libraries, Foreign Missions, Consulates and
Sl.No. Description Continuous Building Areas Other areas
1 2 3 4
Minimum road
Minimum 7.2m for schools
upto higher secondary level
and industrial training
For others, min. 9 m
B. Maximum Height 18.30m.
C. Maximum FSI 2.0
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed, it shall be
from that street alignment/narrow line. In the case of others,
it shall be from the property boundary.
(i) Front Setback 6m 6m
(ii) Side Setback
For schools - 2m
(iii) Rear Setback
For schools - 2m
a) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side setback
and Rear set back are given in the rule 28
b) In addition, Gate pillars, gopurams, and incidental structures (with height not
exceeding 4m) such as servant room, cloak room, and watch man booth, cycle
stand, Kitchen and toilets are permissible in these minimum prescribed setback
Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to standards prescribed
in the Annexure - IV.
Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure - XXII.
The minimum width of corridor shall be as given in rule 42
Special regulations for physically disabled stated in the rule 43 shall be adhered to.
The applicant not being a government department or agency shall deposit a sum at
the rate of 50% of the infrastructure and amenity charges as a refundable non-
interest earning security and earnest deposit. The deposit shall be refunded on
completion of development as per the approved plan as certified by Executive
Authority of the Local Body; if not, it would be forfeited.
(i) In Continuous Building Area (CBA), there shall be atleast 1m wide internal
passage from rear to front in ground level or ground floor, directly accessible to road.
(ii) In the case of schools, the development shall confirm to the additional safety
standards stated in the Annexure - XV.
(iii) The maximum height of the building shall not exceed 18.30 metres provided water
tanks, chimneys, Architectural features such as flag masts, gopurams, minarets,
steeples and other ornamental structures which are not intended for human
habitation may be permitted subject to a ceiling of 30.5 metres from ground level.
(iv) In cases of Hospital Buildings with Ground Floor/Stilt Floor + First Floor and above
and floor area exceeding 300 sq.m. in each floor, the special provisions for Hospital
Buildings prescribed in Annexure – IX shall be adhered to.
38. Planning Parameters of Transport Terminals.—
Sl.No Description All areas
A. Minimum road width
9 metres except for container terminals where it shall
be 18m
B. Maximum Height 18.30m.
C. Maximum FSI 1.00
D. Maximum Plot coverage 75%
E. Minimum Setbacks
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed, it
shall be from that street alignment/narrow line. In
the case of others, it shall be from the property
(i) Front Setback 6m
(ii) Side Setback 6m on either side
(iii) Rear Setback 6m
a) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side
setback and Rear set back are given in the rule 28
b) In additions, incidental structures such as gate pillars, servant room,
watch man booth, cycle stand, kitchen and toilets with height not
exceeding 4m are permissible in these minimum prescribed setback
Parking: 10% of the extent of the site shall be reserved for parking in the part
of site carved out in a regular shape preferably with frontage abutting the road.
Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the rule 63 .shall be provided.
Special regulations for physically disabled stated in the rule 43 shall be
adhered to.
39. Special rules for High Rise Buildings.— (1) Areas set apart for High Rise building
developments in Chennai Metropolitan Area are given in Annexure - XIX. In rest of the
State, High Rise buildings are permissible except in areas specifically declared as
prohibited area for construction of High Rise Buildings in the Master Plan or Detailed
Development Plan or as may be declared by the local body in other areas with the
approval of the Directorate of Town and Country Planning orGovernment from time to
(2) Road width:- The site shall either abut on a road not less than 18 metres in width or
gain access from public road not less than18 metres in width through a part of the
site which can be treated as an exclusive passage of not less than 18 metres in
Provided further that High Rise building may be permitted with limitations on
maximum FSI of the building on a site abutting or gaining access from a public road
of min. 12 m or 15 m in width, or gain access from public road not less than 12 m
or 15 m in width through an exclusive passage of not less than 12 m or 15 m in
width, subject to compliance of the planning parameters according to the table
(3) The extent of the site, FSI, Set back etc. for High Rise Buildings shall be regulated
according to the table below:
Sl. No Description All Areas
A. Min. Road width 12m. 15m. 18m.
B. Maximum FSI 2.0 2.5 3.25
C. Maximum Coverage 50%
Minimum set back all
Height of the
building above
ground level
Minimum required setback space
from the property boundary
Upto 30m. 7m.
Above 30m.
For every increase in height of 6m
or part thereof above 30m
minimum extent of setback space
to be left additionally shall be one
meter subject to the maximum
setback of 20m.
Spacing between
blocks in case of more
than one block of High
Rise building
Height of the
building above
ground level
Minimum required spacing
between blocks
Upto 30m. 7m.
Above 30m.
For every increase in height of
6m. or par thereof above 30m.
space to be left additionally shall
be one metre subject to the
maximum setback of 20m.
Explanation 1.
(i) Road width means the road space as defined in clause (103) of rule 2. The
qualifying road width for permitting High Rise buildings with more than 18.30m
shall be available atleast for a prescribed length of 500m in the case of Chennai
Metropolitan Area and other Municipal Corporations and 250m for the other
areas along the length of the road abutting the site and the stretch from a
junction can be straight or a curve or zigzag or combination of the above.
(ii) In the event of the road width being less than the qualifying width in certain
portions then the total length of such portions shall not be more than 10% of
the prescribed length. In such cases the average road width for the prescribed
length shall be equal or above the qualifying width.
(iii) In the event of the sub-division for qualifying road not being incorporated in the
Field Measurement Book sketch, in such cases road width certificate shall be
obtained from the concerned Executive Authority.
(iv) In the event of extent and dimension of the site between Patta and document
the least extent of the site to be considered along with site dimension
corresponding to the least extent.
(v) In the cases where street alignment has been prescribed, the front open space
shall be left from the street alignment.
Explanation 2.
(i) In the event of more than one block with varying height in a site, the setback of
each block shall be regulated in accordance with the height of the building.
(ii) FSI benefit shall be permitted for the land left for OSR, link road, street
alignment or road widening wherever it is insisted upon by competent authority.
(iii) FSI benefit shall not be permitted for the land left for road widening to make the
road as qualifying road for the proposed development.
(iv) FSI benefit for the OSR area in the approved sub-division shall be permitted in
proportionate to the plot extent.
(4) (a) The space specified above shall be kept open to sky and free from any erection or
projection such as sunshade or balcony of any building other than a fence or
compound wall provided that these open yards may be used for the provision of
access ways to the building’s parking facilities.
(b) A watchman or caretakerbooth or Kiosk not exceeding 2.5m.x 2.5m. in size at
each gate and not exceeding 3m. in heightand open transformer yard shall be
permitted in the set back space after leaving 7 metres clear set back from the
main structure.
(c) Gate pillars without or with arches with a min. headroom clearance of 5.50m
atleast to a width of 3.5m. shall be permitted in the set back space after leaving
7 metres clear set back from the main structure.
(5) Parking and Parking facilities.— For the use of the occupants and of persons visiting
the premises for the purposes of profession, trade, business, recreation or any other
activity parking spaces and parking facilities shall be provided within the site to the
satisfaction of the competent authority and conforming to standards prescribed in
the Annexure - IV.
(6) Vehicular access within the site.— Internal vehicular access way including passage
if any within the site shall have a clear width of 7.2m. and such vehicular access
way shall be available for every building block in the site. Further, it shall be a clear
width open to sky and no projection in structure over it is permissible.
(7) Corridor width.— The corridor serving as access for units in the development in
whichever floor they may be situated shall not be less than the standards prescribed
in rule 42.
(8) Basement Floor.— (a) The height of basement floor shall not exceed 1.2 metres
above ground level and the headroom shall be minimum 2.4 metres.
(b) In cases where more than one basement is proposed for parking and incidental
uses, sufficient provision for lighting and ventilation and also for protection
from fire to the satisfaction of Directorate of Fire and Rescue Services shall be
(c) During the construction of the basement floor, it shall be the sole responsibility
of the Building Permit holder to ensure that the building or structure in the
adjoining sites are not weakened or damaged.
(d) The basement shall be permitted below the ground and beyond the building
lines at ground level subject to a clear minimum front setback space of 4.5m
and side and rear setback of 3m, subject to non habitable uses and provision
for mechanical ventilation and all safety provisions and drainage. However, it is
essential that the basement top slab below the external circulation at ground
level should be designed for firefighting vehicular loads
(9) The reservation of land for community recreational purposes such as park or play
ground required in these regulations shall be as given in the rule 41.
(10) Conformance to National Building Code of India.— (a) In so far as the determination
of sufficiency of all aspects of structural designs, building services, plumbing, fire
protections, construction practice and safety are concerned the specifications,
standards and code of practices recommended in the National Building Code of
India 2016 shall be fully conformed to and any breach thereof shall be deemed to be
a breach of the requirements under these rules.
(b) Every High Rise Building erected shall be provided with
(i) lifts as prescribed in National Building Code of India, 2016;
(ii) a stand-by electric generator of adequate capacity for running lift and water
pump, and a room to accommodate the generator;
(iii) an electrical room confirming to the rule 44.
(iv) at least one metre room of size 2.4 metres by 2.4 metres for every 10
consumers or 3 floor whichever is less. The metre room shall be provided
in the ground floor.
(11) Fire safety, detection and extinguishing systems.— (i) All building in their design
and construction shall be such as to contribute to and ensure individually and
collectively and the safety of life from fire, smoke, fumes and also panic arising from
these or similar other causes.
(ii) In building of such size, arrangement or occupancy that a fire may not itself
provide adequate warning to occupants, automatic fire detecting and alarming
facilities shall be provided where necessary to warn occupants or the existence
of fires, so that they may escape, or to facilitate the orderly conduct of fire exit
(iii) Fire protecting and extinguishing system shall conform to accepted standards
and shall be installed in accordance with good practice as recommended in the
National Building Code of India, 2016 and to the satisfaction of the Director of
Fire and Rescue Services by obtaining a no objection certificate from him.
(12) Security deposits.— The applicant not being a Government department or agency
shall deposit a sum at the rate of 50% of the infrastructure and amenity charges in
force per square metres of floor area as a refundable non-interest earning security
and earnest deposit. The deposit shall be refunded on completion of development as
per the approved plan as certified by the competent authority, if not, it would be
(13) Display Board.— (a) The details of the development for which planning permission is
issued, shall be displayed in the site in the format prescribed in Rule 10(7) of these
(b) The applicant not being a Government department or agency shall pay a sum of
Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) as earnest money noninterest bearing
refundable deposit and same should be utilized for the purpose of installing the
prescribed size board on the site by local body, in the event of the applicant not
fulfilling the conditions stated in clause (a) above.
If the applicant fulfills the conditions in clause (a) above, the deposit shall be
refunded after production of the completion certificate.
(14) In areas where sewage system provided by the Local body concerned is not available
(a) Where number of dwelling units exceeds 50 nos. or 2500 sq.m. of commercial
area sewage treatment plant shall be provided and maintained for the disposal
of the sewage within the site itself as per the designs approved by such other
Technical agencies as Government may empaneled from time to time.
(b) where number of dwelling units is less than 50 nos. or 2500 sq.m. of
commercial area, septic tank with up-flow filters shall be provided and
maintained for the disposal of the sewage within the site itself .
(15) In residential or predominantly residential developments with dwelling units
exceeding 100 in number, the design should include waste management
infrastructure and atleast a closed non polluting storage provision for solid waste
storage within the premises preferably with direct access from the abutting road
shall be provided so that the local body can collect this stored waste from it.
(16) In residential or predominantly residential developments, provision for atleast one,
bath room and water closet shall be provided for the use of servants or drivers for
each block not exceeding 25 Dwelling units.
(17) In the interest of the public for better circulation in the area and also to ensure that
the proposed development does not block access to the properties around, in cases
of large developments where link roads have to be provided for connectivity to the
adjoining lands areas, through the site applied for development, the competent
authority reserves the right to insist the applicant to set apart such road spaces
within the site and the applicant shall hand over the same free of cost through a
registered gift deed to the Local body for declaring it as public road. In such cases
set back from these roads to the buildings proposed shall be provided as prescribed
in these rules.
(18) The space set apart and notified for formation of a new road or road widening or
street alignment shall be transferred to the Local Body through a registered Gift
Deed before actual issuance of planning permission. The exact mode of conveyance
of the land shall be consistent with the relevant enactment and regulations In such
cases 'Transfer of Development Rights' (TDR) provisions of rule 48 are applicable.
(19) Rain water harvesting provisions as prescribed in rule 63 shall be provided.
(20) Solar energy capture provisions as prescribed in rule 44 shall be provided where
(21) Special regulations for physically disabled as prescribed in rule 43 shall be adhered
(22) In cases of Hospital Buildings with Ground Floor/Stilt Floor + First Floor and above
and floor area exceeding 300 sq.m. in each floor, the special provisions for Hospital
Buildings prescribed in Annexure – IX shall be adhered to.
(23) Affordable Housing.— Development for affordable housing projects with size of
dwelling unit not exceeding 40 sq.m within Chennai Metropolitan Area and dwelling
unit with size not exceeding 60 sq.m in the rest of state shall be regulated according
to provisions stipulated above.
(b) Premium FSI charges shall not be collected for the excess FSI area over and
above normally permissible FSI area for affordable housing projects.
40. Information Technology developments availing additional FSI benefits.— The
development of land and building for the purpose of development of Information
Technology Park, Software and its associated, Computer technology, Bio-Informatics
units shall be certified by the appropriate authority designated by the Government for
the purpose, to avail the concessions stated below.
(1) Areas: The proposed Information Technology development is permissible in the
Local body Area, subject to the provision of adequate water supply and sewage
disposal arrangements to the satisfaction of the Local body.
(2) Activities: Manufacture of hardware, development of software and its associated
computer - communication technology applications, bio-informatics units including
offices, conference halls and projection theatres connected there with, only shall be
permitted. No showrooms, other offices, residential uses and activities of similar
nature shall be permitted. Provided that incidental activities such as staff canteen,
staff recreational area, guest accommodation, watchmen quarters, and the like not
exceeding 10% of the total floor area shall be permitted.
(3) Road width: The proposed development shall either abut on a public road of not
less than 18 metres in width or gain access from a passage of not less than 18
metres width which connects to a public road of not less than 18 metres width.
(4) Floor Space Index:
(a) Normally permissible FSI is allowable according to the development.
(b) Premium FSI charges shall not be levied for additional FSI upto 0.5 for High
Rise Developments.
(c) Premium FSI charges are applicable for Premium FSI achieved over and above
0.5 for High Rise Developments
(5) Caution Deposit:
(a) Caution Deposit to be made by the applicant not being a Government
department or agency before issue of Building Permission shall be 10% of the
guideline value of the land or 20% of the Guideline Value of the land area equal
to which the additional floor area is availed, whichever is higher. The caution
deposit is acceptable in the form of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued in
the format prescribed, in favour of the Executive Authority of Local Body from
any scheduled bank
(b) The Bank Guarantee shall be kept alive till a final decision is taken by the
Executive Authority of Local Body.
(c) The Bank Guarantee towards caution deposit is returnable after a period of five
years, from complete occupation and commencement of commercial operation
subject to confirmation by a certificate from the appropriate authority (ELCOT)
certifying that the building is put into continuous use for Information
Technology (IT) parks or Bio Informatics units for the said five years.
(d) If the building is utilised for any other purpose during this period and the
occupancy confirmation certificate from the appropriate authority (ELCOT) is
not furnished, the Bank Guarantee shall be invoked and the caution deposit
shall be forfeited by transferring the same to the Executive Authority of Local
Body’s account.
(e) The caution deposit referred to above shall be different from, and over and
above the security deposit to be paid in the normal course of issue of Building
(f) The decision of the Executive Authority of Local Body is final in the invocation
or release of Bank Guarantee.
(6) Other Parameters: Except for the above said specific provisions, the developments
shall conform to these rules in respect of all other parameters.
41. Reservation of land for community recreational purposes in certain
(1) The reservation of land for community recreational purposes such
as park or play ground shall be as given below at ground level in a shape and location
abutting a public road to be specified by the competent authority:
Extent of site Reservation
For the first 3,000
square metres
Between 3,000
square metres and
10,000 square
10% of the area excluding roads or in the alternative he shall
pay the Guideline value of the equivalent land excluding the
first 3000 sq.m. as per the valuation of the Registration
Department. . No such area reserved shall measure less than
100 square meters with a minimum dimension of 10 meters.
Such area to be reserved shall not be more than 2 parcels.
The space so reserved shall be transferred to the Local body,
free of cost, through a registered gift deed. In cases of
residential developments, the local body concerned may
permit the Residents Association or Flat Owner’s Association
for maintaining such reserved space as park or playground.
Above 10,000
square metres
Ten per cent of the area excluding road with the dimension in
the ratio of 1:5 and such area to be reserved shall not be less
than 500 square meters and this space shall be transferred to
the local body designated by it, free of cost, through a gift
deed. It is obligatory to reserve and hand over the space and
no charge in lieu can be accepted in case of new
developments or redevelopments.
(i) The gifting of the reservation of land for community recreational purposes in
respect of Institutional developments and Industrial Developments to the local
body is not required. However the space may be maintained by the owner
concerned subject to the supervision and monitoring of the concern local body.
(ii) The plot area including the area reserved for community recreational purposes
shall be considered even when there is change of ownership to determine the
plot extent.
(2) The site so reserved shall be exclusive of the set back spaces and spacing between
blocks prescribed in these rules, and shall be free from any construction or
(3) For the purpose of this regulation, existing development is defined as one where the
extent of ground area covered by structures already existing prior to application for
Building Permit is 25 per cent and above of the total site area.
(4) In case of additions to existing developments, where it is difficult to leave the 10 per
cent area as open space for community recreational purposes, the executive
authority of the local body reserves the right to collect the guideline value of
equivalent land in lieu of the land to be reserved. However, if on a future date, the
applicant wants to demolish the existing structures and raise new structures on the
site in question, the community recreational space as per the rule shall be reserved.
(5) In the case of developments of Government departments or agencies, the executive
authority of local body reserves the right to enforce the maintenance of such
reserved lands by the department or agency to the satisfaction of the Local Body or
order the department or agency to transfer the land to the local body free of cost.
(6) Structures for watchman’s booth, gardener’s instrument room, public toilet and
police booth for the purpose of maintenance and toilets may be permitted with total
floor area not exceeding 5 percent of the total OSR area in one place.
(7) Public parking lot may be permitted in basement below the OSR.
(8) Rain water harvesting water tanks and STP may be
permitted below the OSR.
42. Corridor / Verandah Width.— The minimum width of corridor or verandah within
buildings shall be as given below.
Building use or type
Minimum width of
corridor or
(i) Residential buildings 1.0 m
Assembly buildings such as Auditoriums,
Kalyanamandapams, cinema theatres, Religious buildings,
temples, mosques or churches and other buildings of
public assembly
2.0 m
(iii) Institutional buildings
a) Government offices 2.0 m
b) Hospitals 2.4 m
Educational Buildings such a schools, colleges, Research
2.0 m
Commercial buildings such as private offices, Nursing
Homes, etc.
2.0 m
e) All other buildings including hotels 1.5m
43. Provisions for differently abled, elderly and children.— In order to provide barrier
free environment in the buildings and premises used by public the following should be
provided. These regulations shall be applicable to all buildings and facilities used by
the public such as educational, institutional, assembly, commercial, business,
mercantile buildings and group housing constructed on plots having an area of more
than 2000 sq.m. It shall not apply to private residential buildings.
(a) Types of buildings to adopt barrier free guidelines
(i) Buildings to be designed for Ambulant Disabled People:
Higher Secondary School, Conference Hall, Dance Halls, Youth Centers, Youth
Clubs, Sport Centers, Sport Pavilions, Boat Club Houses, Ice Rinks,
Bowling Centers, Swimming Pools, Police Stations, Law Courts, Courts
Houses, Sport Stadiums, Theaters, Concert Halls, Cinemas, Auditoria, Small
Offices (the maximum plinth area 1400 sq.mt) Snack Bars, Cafes and
banqueting rooms (for capacity above 50 dinners).
(a) In sport stadiums provisions shall be made for non-ambulant spectators
(small wheel chair)
(b) @ 1:1000 up to 10,000 spectators and @ 1:2000 for spectators above
(c) In Theaters, Concert Halls, Cinemas and Auditoria provisions shall be
made for non-ambulant spectators (Small Wheel Chairs) @ 1/250 up to
1000 spectators and 1/500 for spectators above 1000.
(ii) Buildings to be designed for Non-Ambulant Disabled People:
Schools for differently abled and other buildings such as Residential building,
Educational building, Institutional building, Assembly building, Business
building, Mercantile building, Industrial building, Storage building, Hazardous
building, Mixed Land use buildings, Wholesale Establishment and along with
Botanical Gardens, Religious Buildings, Elderly People Clubs, Village Halls, Day
Centers, Junior Training Centers, Post Offices, Banks, Dispensaries, Railway
Stations, Shops, Super Markets, and Departmental Stores.
Large wheel chair criteria shall be applicable on ground floors of the
following building, post offices, banks, dispensaries, railway station, shops,
supermarkets, and departmental stores.
(iii) Buildings to be designed for Non-Ambulant People (using small wheel
Public lavatories in Tourist Sports, Clubs, Motels, Professional and
Scientific Institution, Museum, Art Galleries, Public Libraries, Laborites,
Universities, College for further Education, Teachers Training Colleges,
Technical College, Exhibition Halls Dentist Surgeries, Administrative
Department of the Hospitals, Service Stations, Car Parking,
Buildings Airports Terminals, Bus Terminals, Factories.
Employing differently-abled for sedentary works, Large Offices, with plinth area
abode 1400 sq.mt., Tax Offices, Passport Offices, Pension Offices, and Labour
Offices, Cafes, Banqueting Rooms and Snack Bars (For capacity above 100
(b) Site development:
Level of the roads, access paths and parking areas shall be described in the plan
along with specification of the materials.
Access Path / Walk Way
Access path from plot entry and surface parking to building entrance shall be
minimum of 1800 mm wide having even surface without any steps. Slope, if any,
shall not have gradient greater than 5%. Selection of floor material shall be made
suitably to attract or to guide visually impaired persons (limited to coloured floor
material whose colour and brightness is conspicuously different from that of
the surrounding floor material or the material that emits different sound to guide
visually impaired persons; hereinafter referred “o as "guiding floor material".
Finishes shall have a non- slip surface with a texture traversable by a wheel
chair. Kerbs wherever provided should blend to a common level.
(c) Parking:
For parking of vehicles of differently-abled people, the following provisions
shall apply:
(i) Surface parking for two car spaces shall be provided near entrance for the
physically differently-abled persons with maximum travel distance of 30m. from
building entrance.
(ii) The width of parking bay shall be minimum 3.6 meter.
(iii) The information stating that the space is reserved for wheel chair users
shall be conspicuously displayed.
(iv) Guiding floor materials shall be provided or a device, which guides visually
impaired persons with audible signals, or other devices, which serves the
same purpose, shall be provided.
(d) Building requirements
The specified facilities in buildings for persons shall be as follows:
(i) Approach to plinth level:
Every building should have at least one entrance accessible to the differently
abled and shall be indicated by proper signage. This entrance shall be
approached through a ramp together with the stepped entry.
(ii) Ramped Approach:
Ramp shall be finished with non-slip material to enter the building. Minimum
width of ramp shall be 1800mm with maximum gradient 1:12. Length of ramp
shall not exceed 9.0 meter having 800mm high hand rail on both sides
extending 300mm beyond top and bottom of the ramp. Minimum gap from the
adjacent wall to the hand rail shall be 50mm.
(iii) Stepped Approach:
For stepped approach size of tread shall not be less than 300mm and maximum
riser shall be 150mm. Provision of 800mm high hand rail on both sides of the
stepped approach similar to the ramped approach.
(iv) Exit/Entrance Door:
Minimum & clear opening of the entrance door shall be 900mm and it shall not
be provided with a step that obstructs the passage of a wheel chair user.
Threshold shall not be raised more than 12mm.
(v) Entrance Landing:
Entrance landing shall be provided adjacent to ramp with the minimum
dimension 1800mm x 2000mm. The entrance landing that adjoins the top end
of a slope shall be provided with floor materials to attract the attention of
visually impaired person's (limited to coloured floor material whose colour and
brightness is conspicuously different from that of the surrounding floor material
or the material that emits different sound to guide visually impaired persons.
Finishes shall have a non-slip surface with a texture traversable by a wheel
chair. Kerbs wherever provided should blend to a common level.
(vi) Corridor connecting the entrance/ exit for the differently abled:
The corridor connecting the entrance / exit for differently abled leading directly
outdoors to a place where information concerning the overall use of the
specified building can be provided to visually impaired persons either by a
person or by signs, shall be provided as follows:
(a) Guiding floor materials' shall be provided or device that
emits sound to guide visually impaired persons.
(b) The minimum width shall be 1500mm.
(c) In case there is a difference of level, slope ways shall be
provided with a slope of 1:12.
(d) Handrails shall be provided for ramps/slope ways.
(vii) Stair-ways:
One of the stair–ways - near the entrance / exit for the differently abled shall
have the following provisions:
(a) The minimum width shall be 1350 mm.
(b) Height of the riser shall not be more than 150 mm and width of the
tread 300mm.
(c) The steps shall not have abrupt (square) nosing.
(d) Maximum number of risers on a flight shall be limited to 12.
(e) Handrails shall be provided on both sides and shall extend 300 mm on
the top and bottom of each flight of steps.
(viii) Lifts:
Wherever lift is required as per bye-laws, provision of at least one lift shall be
made for the wheel chair user with the following cage dimensions of lift
recommended for passenger lift of 13 person’s capacity of NBC 2005, BIS.
Section 4.9.3 Table no1- Desirable Lift size
Clear internal width 1100 mm Clear internal depth 2000 mm Entrance door
width 900 mm
(a) A hand rail not less than 600mm long at 1000mm above floor level shall
be fixed adjacent to the control panel.
(b) The lift lobby shall be of an inside measurement of 1800 mm x 2000 mm
or more.
(c) The time of an automatically closing door should be minimum 5
seconds and the closing speed should not exceed 0.25 m/ sec.
(d) The interior of the cage shall be provided with a device that audibly
indicates the floor, the cage has reached indicates that the door of
the cage of entrance or exit is either open or closed.
(e) Graphic or Braille signage, as per the Harmonized Guidelines, shall
be provided in the lift lobby.
(ix) Toilets:
One special W.C. in a set of toilets shall be provided for the use of differently
abled with essential provision of washbasin near the entrance for the differently
(a) The minimum size shall be 1500 mm x 1750 mm.
(b) Minimum clear opening of the door shall be 900mm and the door shall
swing out.
(c) Suitable arrangement of vertical/horizontal handrails with 50mm
clearance from wall shall be made in the toilet.
(d) The W.C. seat shall be 500mm from the floor.
(x) Proper signage:
(a) Appropriate identification of specific facilities within a building for the
differently abled persons should be done with proper signals.
(b) Visually impaired persons make use of other senses such as hearing and
touch to compensate for the lack of vision, whereas visual signals benefit
those with hearing disabilities. Signs should be designed and located so
that they are easily legible by using suitable letter size (not less than 20
mm high).
(c) For visually impaired persons, information board in brail should be
installed on the wall at a suitable height and it should be possible to
approach them closely.
(d) To ensure safe walking, there should not be any protruding sign
which creates obstruction in walking.
(e) Public Address System may also be provided in busy public areas.
(f) The symbols/information should be in contrasting colour and properly
illuminated because people with limited vision may be able to
differentiate amongst primary colours.
(g) International Symbol Mark for wheel chair be installed in a lift, toilet,
staircase, parking areas, etc., that have been provided for the differently
44. Solar Energy Capture.— (1) Solar water heating system,- (a) Fitment of solar assisted
water heating system –the requirements for fitment of solar assisted water heating
system in buildings shall be in accordance with the following regulations.
(i) If the building is a High Rise Building
(ii) If the building is intended to be used as:-
(a) hospitals and nursing homes; exceeding 150 Square metres in floor area
(b) hotels, lodges and guest houses; exceeding 150 square metres in floor area
(c) hostels of Schools, Colleges, Training Centres;
(d) barracks of arms forces, paramilitary forces and police;
(e) individual residential buildings having more than 150 sq.m. plinth area
(f) functional buildings of railway stations and airports like waiting rooms, retiring
rooms, rest rooms, inspection bungalows and catering units;
(g) community centres, banquet halls, Kalyana Mandapams and buildings for
similar use; exceeding 200 square metres in floor area
(h) Industries wherein hot water is required for processing and
(i) Government buildings or quasi –government buildings wherein electric Geyser
is used.
In which there is a system or installation for supply hot water, a provision shall
be made for an auxiliary solar assisted water heating system.
(b) The Executive Authority before issuing Building permit for the construction of new
building shall ensure if it has a provision in the building design itself for an
insulated pipeline from the rooftop in the building to various distribution points
where hot water is required. The new building shall have provision for continuous
water supply to the solar water heating system. The new building shall also have
open space on the rooftop to receive direct sun light. The load bearing capacity of
the roof shall atleast be 50 kilogram per square meter. All new buildings shall have
solar assisted water heating system installed before they are utilized for business or
other activity.
(c) In the existing building, solar assisted water heating system shall be installed at the
time of change of use to any of the categories of building mentioned in item 1 above,
provided there is a system or installation for supplying hot water therein.
(d) The capacity of solar water assisted heating system to be installed on the building of
different categories mentioned in item 1 above shall be decided in consultation with
the Executive Authority. The recommended minimum capacity shall not be less
than twenty five litres per person per day for each bath room and kitchen subject to
the condition that maximum of 50 per cent of the total roof area is provided with the
system as per norms to be fixed by the Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agencies
from time to time.
(e) Installation of solar assisted water heating system shall conform to Bureau of Indian
Standards specification Indian Standard 12933. The Technical specifications of
solar water heating system shall conform to the specifications defined by Ministry of
New and Renewable Energy, Government of India from time to time. The solar
collectors used in the solar assisted water heating system shall have the Bureau of
Indian Standards Certification mark.
(f) Wherever hot water requirement is continuous in any building, auxiliary back up
arrangement shall be provided.
(2) Erection of solar photo voltaic panels.-
Installation of Solar Energy System is mandatory in all buildings in the category of High
Rise Buildings and Non High Rise Buildings exceeding 16 dwelling units and 300 sq.m of
commercial building, Accordingly
(a) Minimum terrace area to be reserved for erecting solar photo voltaic panels shall be
of total terrae area.
(b) The space required for erecting solar photo voltaic panels is about 10sq.m. for
generating 1 KW of electricity.
(c) The electricity generated from solar photo voltaic system so erected will be used for
common electricity requirements like staircase lights, setback lights, lifts, pumps
and non-floor space index areas, etc.
(d) Net metering guidelines of Tamil Nadu Energy Regulatory Commission shall apply to
all such installation of solar photo voltaic system.
(e) The competent authority shall monitor the actual erection and give completion
certification to the said buildings only after the erection of solar photo voltaic panels.
The Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited will give service
connection of Net metering only after the completion certificate is issued.
45. Wind Electricity Generator.— (1) The development of Wind Electricity Generator
(WEG) shall be regulated as follows
(a) Wind Electricity Generator (WEG) shall be permitted in all landuse zones.
(b) The minimum required land size shall be not less the 150m x 150m
(c) The minimum width of public road or uninterrupted access way / passage shall
be not less than 7mtrs.
(d) The reservation of land for community recreational purposes shall not be
insisted for development of Wind Electricity Generator (WEG).
(e) Subdivision rules shall not be applicable
(2) The development, installation, erection and operation of Wind Electricity Generator
(WEG) for the purpose of generation of electricity is required to be certified by the
competent authorities. For the purpose of obtaining planning permission or
building permit for installation of WEG, the applicant who should be the owner of
the land or leaseholder or power of attorney holder who has right over the land to
install the WEG, shall submit an application, in the Forms in Schedule I under this
rule, to the competent authority.
(3) For the purposes of this rule, Wind Electricity Generator means the equipment used
for converting wind energy to electricity including the medium voltage unit
transformer by whatever name called including windmill, wind turbine generator or
wind electric converter as approved for used by the Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy, Government of India and included in its Revised List of Models and
Explanation: Wind Electricity Generator shall not fall within the definition of
‘Building’ as defined under clause of (15) of rule 2 of these rules.
(4) The applicant shall submit to the designated officer of the competent authority an
application in the Form prescribed under Schedule I along with the documents or
information as detailed in Schedule II.
(5) Notwithstanding the other provisions of these Rules, the applicant shall be entitled
to planning permission or building permit pursuant to application under
Regulation 3, upon obtaining and submitting to the competent authority the
following approvals or certifications from the appropriate statutory authority(ies) for
the relevant WEG.
(6) Chief Electrical Inspector to Government (CEIG) Approval under the Central
Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations,
(7) Location Clearance Approval or Noted for Record, as applicable, issued by Tamil
Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO).
(8) No Objection Certificate issued by the Airports Authority of India of the Ministry of
Defense, as applicable for WEG height clearance.
Schedule I
pplication for Planning Permission/Building Permit for installation of Wind
Electricity Generator
The Executive Authority of the Local body
1. I/We hereby apply for permission for installation of Wind Electricity Generator
2. I/We have absolute right over the land applied for and have not made any encroachment
on any government land.
3. I/We shall fulfill my duties and responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the
Development Rules.
Signature of the applicant
1. Applicant’s name
2. Postal Address for correspondence
Telephone number for communication:
3. Applicant’s right over the land to
make the proposed development
(documentary evidence to be enclosed)
4. Development site address
5. Present use of the land and
[Please give details of each use]
6. Whether all the documents
required to be enclosed with the
application as per the Schedule II
have been enclosed
Signature of the applicant
Schedule II
Details to be submitted
1) Details of the Applicant
2) Details for the Project
I. Location
a) SF No.
b) Land extent
c) Revenue village
d) Taluk
e) District
II. Grid interface arrangement
III. Expected date of commissioning
IV. Grid connection
V. Nearest sub-station of Central Transmission Utility / State Transmission Utility
3) Protection arrangement
I. Details of protection provided at the Wind Electricity Generator
II. Details of protection provided at the transformer on the LV side
III. Details of protection provided at the transformer on the HT side
IV. Details of lighting protection
V. Details of Earthing arrangement
4) Details of Wind Electricity Generator
I. Rated capacity of the WEG proposed
II. Make of the WEG
III. Type approval
IV. Blade length
V. Hub height
VI. Types of Tower (metal/concrete)
VII. Tower height
VIII. Whether elevator included
IX. Type of Foundation
X. Total comprehensive stress
46. Electrical Transformer Rooms.— Electrical rooms in Non High Rise Buildings and
High Rise Building developments shall conform to the following
(1) Tamil Nadu Electricity Board- Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation
(TANGEDCO) Standards:-
(a) Indoor space required within the premises for installing floor mounted
distribution transformer and associated switchgear.
(i) An electrical room for accommodating the transformers and associated
switchgears shall be provided at the ground floor, either within the built
up space of the buildings or outside the buildings and within the premises
of the buildings nearer the main entrance of the building. The associated
switchgear shall be separated from the transformer bays by a fire-resisting
wall with a fire resistance of not less than 4 (four) hours.
(ii) The width of the approach road to the above said electrical room shall not
be less than 3.0 metres.
(iii) The electrical room with RCC roof shall have clear floor area 6m. X 4m.
with a vertical clearance of 2.75m.
(iv) Three sides of this room shall be covered with brick walls. The fourth
side, towards the approach road shall be covered with M.S. Rolling Grill
Shutter of width not less than 3 metres with locking facility.
(v) The electrical room shall be fitted with 2 Nos. exhaust fans in the wall
facing the approach road, one on either side of the shutter.
(vi) The electrical room shall have raised cement flooring with cable duct of
450-mm. width and 750-mm. depth, all around inside the room and close
to the exterior walls shutters. The flooring shall slope towards the cable
duct. The cabled duct shall be covered with RCC slabs of thickness not
less than 75 mm. (3 inches). The covered slabs shall flush with the
cement flooring. The radius of curvature of the cable ducts at the
turnings inside the electrical room shall not be less than one metre.
(b) The open space within the premises for installation.
A clear space of 10m. x 4m. or 5m. x 5m. open to the sky and having an
approach road of width not less than 3 metres, upto the public road shall be
provided within the consumer premises, preferably at the main entrance.
(2) Directorate of Fire and Rescue Services Standards:
(i) No transformer shall be located below the first basement or above the
ground floor
(ii) A sub-station or switch station with apparatus having more than 2000 litres oil
shall not be allowed in the case of indoor transformer.
(iii) The indoor transformer should preferably be housed in a fireproof room with
walls and doors sufficient fire rating.
(iv) The room in the ground floor of the basement housing the transformer shall
have a free access to the outside.
(v) There shall be a curb or a dwarf wall around the transformer so that oil spills if
any, is contained within the curb. There shall also be a suitable drain with a '
(vi) If in the basement, the transformers shall be adequately protected against fire
by a high velocity water spray or a CO2 flooder of suitable capacity, depending
upon the size of the transformer.
(vii) The switchgears, if any shall be housed in a separate room with suitable fire
resistance walls.
(viii) The transformers shall be located only in the periphery of the basement or
ground floor, observing suitable clearances.
(ix) DCP or CO2 portable fire extinguishers of a minimum capacity of 10 kg. shall
be kept near the doorway housing the transformer.
(x) All indoor transformers shall be subjected to periodic inspection and shall be
replaced in good time so that there is no fire risk.
(xi) The room shall be well ventilated so that the transformer remains cool.
(xii) The room shall have emergency and automatic lighting with independent power
47. Layout and sub-division Rules.— (1) This rules seeks to ensure access to plots by way
of roads and private passages, creating hierarchy of roads depending on the road length
and intensity of developments in the area and also to provide adequate linkages to the
existing roads and further to provide proper circulation pattern in the area, providing
required recreational spaces such as parks or playgrounds, and providing spaces for
common amenities such as schools, post and telegraph offices, fire stations, police
stations etc.
(a) The minimum width of the public street or road on which the site abuts or
gains access shall be 7.2m. for residential layout developments and 9m. for
industrial layout developments. For subdivisions the minimum width of the
passage or public streets or road on which the site abuts or gains access shall
be as required for different uses and types of developments.
(b) The minimum width stated above shall be the existing width of the road and not
the street alignment prescribed.
(2) When layout site abuts a National or State Highway or Bye Pass Road, a Service
Road of having a minimum width of 7 m shall be provided which shall include 1m
wide median having width of 0.5m to 1.0m and to a height of 0.30m to 0.45m
separating the main road from the service road. There would not be any necessity to
obtain an NoC from the National or State Highway authorities for any such layout
(3) The width of the streets or roads and passages in the layouts or subdivisions or
amalgamations shall conform to the minimum requirements given below:
(a) Residential developments.—
A. Passage
(i) In Economically Weaker Section areas and
continuous building areas:
a) For single plot
b) For two to four plots
1.0 metre
1.5 metre
The passage will
remain private
(ii) When it is intended to serve upto two plots and
length of the passage does not exceed 40
3.0 metres
The passage will
remain private
(iii) When it is intended to serve up to four plots and
length of the passage does not exceed 80
3.6 metres -Do-
(iv) When it is intended to serve up to ten plots and
length of the passage does not exceed 100
4.8 metres -Do-
B. Streets and Roads
(i) Streets of length does not exceeds 120 metres
7.2 metres
All streets shall
become public
(ii) Streets of length more than 120 meters but
below 240 metres
10.0 metres
All streets shall
become public
(iii) Roads of length more than 240 metres but below
400 metres
12.0 metres
All streets shall
become public
(iv) Roads of length between 400 metres to 1,000
18.0 metres
All streets shall
become public
(v) Roads of length more than 1000 metres 24.0 metres
All streets shall
become public
(1) In case of layout the minimum extent of plot shall be 32 sq.mts. for EWS
and 72 sq.mts. for other category of plots.
(2) Minimum width of the road within a layout that is extendable to the
adjacent land parcels shall not be less than 9 m in width.
(b) Industrial Development
width of
(1) When it is intended to serve only one plot and
length of the passage does not exceed 100
5.0 metres
The passage will
remain private
(2) When it is intended to serve two to five plots and
the length of the passage does not exceed 120
7.2 metres
The passage
will remain
(3) When it is intended to serve more than 5 plots 12.0 metres
The street shall
become public.
Not withstanding anything contained above the competent authority reserves
the right to revise layouts proposed by the applicant and applied for sanction in
order to provide for better or adequate linkages and proper circulation pattern
considering local conditions etc.
(4) Cul-de-sacs can be provided when their length do not exceed 60 metres. At the
closed end, they shall be provided with a turnaround area of 9m. x 9m. or
provisions for reversing cars satisfying standards.
(5) Splay: -
A splay at the intersection of two or more streets or roads shall be provided subject
to the minimum dimensions given below:
Sl. No When the narrower road is of width Min. splay
1 Upto 7.2m. 1.5m. x 1.5m.
2 More than 7.2m. Upto 12m 3.0m. x 3.0m.
3 More than 12m. Upto 30.5m 4.5m. x 4.5m.
4 More than 30.5m. 6.0m. x 6.0m.
(6) Reservation of land for recreational purposes in a layout or sub-division for
residential, commercial, industrial or combination of these uses shall be as follows.
Extent of layout
For the first 3000
square metres
Between 3000 square
metres and 10,000
square metres
10 per cent of the area excluding roads or in the alternative
he shall pay the guideline value of equivalent land and
excluding the first 3000 square metres as per the valuation
of the registration department. "No such area reserved shall
measures less than 100 square metres with a minimum
dimension of 10 metres."
Above 10,000 square
10 per cent of the area excluding roads. It is obligatory to
make the reservation and no equivalent land cost in lieu of
the same is acceptable.
(a) The land for community recreational purposes shall be restricted to ground
level, in a shape and location to be specified by the competent authority. The
land so reserved shall be free from any construction by the layout owner or
(b) The building and use of land shall conform to the conditions that may be
imposed while sanctioning the layout. The space set apart for commercial,
institutional, industrial or other uses shall be used only for the purpose set
apart. However conversion of the use of these non-residential use sites can be
considered and decided on its merits when it is proved by the developer that
demand for the same does not exist.
(c) Structures for watchman’s booth, gardener’s instrument room, public toilet and
police booth for the purpose of maintenance and toilets may be permitted with
total floor area not exceeding 5 percent the total OSR area in one place.
(d) Public Parking lot may be permitted in basement below the OSR.
(e) Rain water harvesting water tanks and STP may be permitted below the OSR.
(7) (a) The space set apart for roads (except those which may remain private) and the
10% area reserved for recreational purposes shall be transferred to the Local
Body free of cost through a registered gift deed before the actual sanction of the
layout. The exact mode of conveyance should be consistent with the relevant
enactment and regulations.
(b) In cases of industrial estates developed by Government department or agencies,
the competent authority reserves the right to allow them to retain the spaces set
apart for roads and the recreational spaces as parks or play grounds and
maintain them for the purposes to the satisfaction of the competent authority.
(c) The competent authority reserves the right to reserve space for recessed bus
stops as part of the road space in the layouts exceeding 2 hectares, where found
necessary on public interest and this part of the road space also be transferred
free of cost as stated in the clause (a) above.
(8) Ten per cent of layout area excluding roads, additionally, shall be reserved for
"Public Purpose" in those layouts, which are more than 10000 sq.m. in extent.
Interested Government departments or agencies shall be given intimation of layout
approval by the Local body and requested to purchase the land from the owner or
developer on paying the cost of plots so reserved at Guide Line Value of the
Registration Department. Within the above ceiling 5% of area shall be reserved and
transferred to the Local Body free of cost through a registered gift deed before the
actual sanction of the layout.
(9) In cases where the extent of the residential layout exceeds 10,000 sq.m. ( 1 hectare)
ten per cent of layout area (excluding roads) shall be developed as EWS plots and
the owner or developer or promoter shall sell these plot only for this purpose. No
conversion or amalgamation shall be permissible in these cases of EWS plots at any
point of time.
(10) When the area of land proposed for subdivisions is 20 hectares or more the
competent authority may reserve at least 3 percent of the total area for commercial
(11) The cost of laying improvements to the systems in respect of road, water supply,
sewerage, drainage or electric power supply that may be required as assessed by the
concerned authority, namely, the local body and Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, shall
be borne by the applicant.
(12) Not withstanding anything stated above, layouts for EWS housing, site and services
schemes, and Slum improvement may be approved subject to certain conditions as
may be stipulated by the Competent Authority.
48. Transferable Development Rights.— (1) In certain circumstances, the development
potential of the whole or a part of the plot or site may be separated from the land itself
and may be made available to the land owner in the form of Transferable Development
Rights (TDR) excepting in the case of existing or retention users, or any compulsory
reservation of space for public purpose or recreational use or EWS or social housing etc.
in the cases of subdivisions or layouts or Non High Rise Buildings or or High Rise
Buildings or such other developments prescribed in these rules.
(2) Transferable Development Rights (TDR) shall apply to cases, where a private land is
required for-
(i) any road widening or new road formation as proposed and notified by the local
body or the Government department or agency
(ii) any traffic and transport infrastructure development such as bus stops or Bus
stands, metro rail, Bus Rapid Transits System etc.
(iii) any other urban infrastructure development such as water supply, sewerage,
drainage, electricity, education, health, notified by the State Government
Department or Government Agency or local body.
(3) These rights may be made available based on the provisions prescribed by the
Government from time to time.
49. Premium FSI.— The Premium FSI over and above the normally allowable FSI relating
the same to road width parameter may be allowed as follows:
Sl.No. Road Width Premium FSI
(% of normally allowable FSI)
1. 18.0 m and above 50%
2. 12.0 m - below 18.0 m 40%
3. 9.0 m - below 12.0 m 30%
Rates applicable for computation of Premium FSI charges :
The Premium FSI charges shall be collected at the rate of 50% of Guideline value for
the excess FSI area over and above normally permissible FSI area for Non High Rise
Building and at the rate of 40% of Guideline value for the excess FSI area over and above
normally permissible FSI area for High Rise Building. In case of multiple survey numbers
for a site the maximum Guideline value shall be considered.
50. Repeal and Savings.— Anything done or any action taken including action against
unauthorized or deviated constructions, shall be deemed to have been done or taken
with reference to the corresponding provisions of these rulesand continue in force
accordingly, unless and until superseded by anything done or any action taken with
reference to theserules.
Provided that the action against unauthorized/deviated developments with reference
Master Plans taken by the competent authority or person to whom the Authority had
delegated powers, immediately before commencement of these regulations may be
continued irrespective of whether the unauthorized/deviated development is in
conformity with the Master Plan DR or not, as if this Development Regulations have not
come into force, till the unapproved/deviated development is demolished or got
regularised on its merits with reference to these Development Regulations.
Building Rules
51. Structural Safety.— (1) In the cases of Non High Rise buildings with height upto 12m.,
industrial or institutional buildings upto G+1 floors in height and with floor area both
existing and proposed not exceeding 300 sq.m. the provisions in this part of the rules
relating to structural design, submission of working drawings or structural drawings,
etc. shall not apply except that all such applications and plans for these developments
shall be signed by the owner or Registered Developer, and the Registered Engineer or
Architect who prepared the plan and further the Registered Engineer or Architect shall
certify that the structural design of the small development has been done as per the
latest Indian standard Specifications and the National Building Code.
(2) Structural design.— The structural design of foundations, elements of masonry,
timber, plain concrete, reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete and structural
steel shall conform to the provisions of part VI Structural Design Section – 1 Loads,
Section – 2 Foundation, Section – 3 Wood, Section – 4 Masonry, Section – 5
Concrete and Section – 6 Steel of National Building Code of India, taking into
consideration the Indian Standards as given in the Annexure - XI
(3) Structural Design Basis Report [SDBR] .— Drawings and Documents to be
submitted for approval of appropriate authorities shall include SDBR. In compliance
of the design with the Indian Standard the Registered Structural Engineer on
Record shall submit a structural design basis report in Form 1 in Annexure - XIV.
(4) Review of Structural Design.—The competent authority for issue of Building
permit in case of Village Panchayats, if necessary, shall constitute a Structural
Design Review Panel (SDRP) consisting of senior SERs whose task will be to review
and certify the design prepared by SER for all High Rise buildings and in cases of
other developments whenever referred by the competent authority excluding for Non
High Rise buildings with height upto 12m.
(5) Certification Regarding Structural Safety in Design.— The Registered Structural
Engineer on Record (SER) shall give a certificate of structural safety of design as per
Proforma given in Form8 in Annexure - XIV at the time of completion and structural
inspection report as per proforma given in Form 9 at different stages of
(6) Constructional Safety.— (a) All construction except Non High Rise buildings with
height upto 12m. shall be carried out under supervision of the Registered
Construction Engineer on Record (CER)
(b) CER shall give a certificate of structural safety of construction while submitting the
progress report as per proforma given in Form 3 and 4 in Annexure - XIV at the
different stages of construction and at the time of completion as per proforma
given in Form 7 in Annexure - XIV.
(7) Quality Control and Inspection.— (a) All High rise building construction with
more than 18.30m. in height shall be carried out under quality inspection program
prepared and implemented under the the Registered Quality Auditor on Record
(b) The Registered Quality Auditor on Record (QAR) shall give a certificate of
quality control as per proforma given in Form10 in Annexure - XIV .
(c) Quality Inspection Programme to be carried on the site shall be worked out by
QAR in consultation with the owner, builder, CER.
(8) Protective Measures in Natural Hazard Prone Areas.— In natural hazard prone
areas, structures, buildings and installations, which cannot be avoided, such
constructions or developments should be properly safeguarded by taking protective
measures as recommended in Annexure - XII
(9) Maintenance of buildings in seismic Zone-III.— In case of High rise buildings and
buildings for public assembly older than fifty years, it shall be the duty of the owner
of a building, to get his building inspected by a Registered Structural Engineer (RSE)
within a year from the date of coming into force of these rules. The Structural
Inspection Report in Form 9 in Annexure - XIV shall be produced by the Owner to
the competent authority. If any action, for ensuring the structural safety and
stability of the building is to be taken, as recommended by SER, it shall be
completed within five years. For other buildings less than fifty years old, the owner
shall get his building inspected after the age of building has crossed fifty years. The
procedure shall be followed as per above rule.
(b) Seismic Strengthening or Retrofitting.—Prior to seismic strengtheningor
retrofitting of any existing structure, evaluation of the existing structure as
regards structural vulnerability in the specified windor seismic hazard zone
shall be carried out by a Registered Structural Engineer. If as per the
evaluation of the Registered Structural Engineer the seismic resistance is
assessed to be less than the specified minimum seismic resistance as given in
the “note” below, action should be initiated to carry out the upgrading of the
seismic resistance of the building as per applicable standard guidelines.
(i) for masonry buildings reference is to be made to IS: 4326 and IS: 13935
(ii) for concrete buildings and structures reference to be made to IS code on
evaluation and seismic strengthening for retrofitting of RCC buildings
under preparation at present.
52. Requirements of parts of buildings.— (1) Plinth.— (a) Main buildings: The plinth or
any part of a building or out house shall be so located with respect to the surrounding
ground level that adequate drainage of the site is assured. The height of the plinth shall
be not less than 45 cm from the surrounding ground level. However in flood prone areas,
plinth shall be above the maximum flood level notified by the concerned authority.
(b) Interior court yards and covered parking areas shall be raised at least 15 cm
above the determining ground level and shall be satisfactorily drained.
(2) Walls .— (a) The outer walls of a building shall be constructed of bricks or stone or
other incombustible material.
(b) All walls of a building must be properly bonded.
(c) Damp-Proof
(i) Every wall and pier of the building except when built on materials such
as steel or reinforced cement concrete shall be provided with a damp-
proof course.
(ii) Damp-proof course shall be laid at a level not higher than the lowest part
of underside of the construction of the ground floor and shall extend to
the full width and extent of such walls or piers. It shall be at least two
centimeters thick. Where the damp-proof course is provided below the
plinth level, vertical damp-proof course shall be provided between the
floor and the inside of the plinth.
(3) Paving materials.— In the case of every building intended to be used for human
habitation, every part of each floor of such building, including every passage and
airy verandah therein, every lavatory, urinal, washing or bathing place included in
it, shall be laid or paved with stone or non-absorbent tiles laid in cement or other
durable material, impervious to moisture.
(4) Structural metal.— shall not be used for conducting electrical or service currents:
Provided that such metal may be used as part of a sufficient and properly earthed
apparatus for protection of the building against damage by lightening.
(5) Habitable rooms.— (a) Height: The height of all rooms for human habitation shall
not be less than 2.75m measured from the surface of the floor to the lowest point of
the ceiling bottom of slab. In the case of pitched roof, the average height of rooms
shall not be less than 2.75m. The minimum clear head room under a beam, folded
plates or eaves shall be 2.4m. In the case of air conditioned rooms, a height of not
less than 2.5m measured from the surface of the floor to the lowest point of air
conditioning duct or the false ceiling shall be provided.
(b) Size: The area of habitable room shall not be less than 7.5sq.m with a
minimum width of 2.4m. Pooja room, or store room shall not be taken as a
habitable room]
(6) Kitchen.— (a) Height: The height of a kitchen measured from the surface of the
floor to the lowest point of the ceiling (bottom slab) shall not be less than 2.75m,
except for the portion to accommodate floor trap of the upper floor.
(b) Size: The area of a kitchen where separate dining area is provided shall be not
less than 5.0 sq.m. with a minimum width of 1.8m. where there is a separate
store, the area of the kitchen may be reduced to 4.5sq.m. A kitchen, which is
intended for use as a dining area also, shall have a floor area of not less than
7.5 sq.m. with a minimum width of 2.1m.
(c) Other requirements: Every room to be used as kitchen shall have:
(i) Unless separately provided in a pantry, means for the washing of kitchen
utensils which shall lead directly are through a sink to a grated and
trapped connection to the waste pipe;
(ii) an impermeable floor;
(iii) a flue, if found necessary; and
(iv) a window or ventilator or opening.
(7) Bathrooms and Water closets.— (a) Height: The height of a bathroom or water
closets measured from the surface of the floor to the lowest point in the ceiling
bottom of slab shall not be less than 2.1m.
(b) Size: The area of a bath room shall not be less than 1.4 sq.m. with a minimum
width of 1.0m. The floor area of water closet shall be 1.0 sq.m. with a
minimum width of 0.9m. If bath and water closet are combined, its floor area
shall not be less than 2.4sq.m. with a minimum width of 1.2m.
(c) Other requirements: Every bath room or water closet shall:
(i) be so situated that at least one of its walls shall open to external air;
(ii) not be directly over or under any room other than another water closet,
(iii) washing place, bath or terrace, unless it has a water-tight floor;
(iv) be enclosed by walls or partitions and the surface of every such wall or
partitions shall be finished with a smooth impervious material to a height
of not less than 1m above the floor of such a room;
(v) be provided with an impervious floor covering, sloping towards the drain
with a suitable grade and not towards varandah or any other room; and
have a window or ventilator, opening to a shaft or open space, of area not
less than 0.3 sq.m.
(vi) the door of the water closet or bath not to be directly opened to a kitchen
(8) Mezzanine Floor.— (a) Height - It shall have a minimum height of 2.2 m.
(b) Size- The minimum size of the mezzanine floor, if it is to be used as a living
room shall not be less than 9.5 sq.m.. The aggregate area of such mezzanine
floor in a building shall in no case exceed 1/2nd the plinth area of the
(c) Other Requirements - A mezzanine floor may be permitted over a room or a
compartment provided:
(i) it conform to the standard of living rooms as regards lighting and
ventilation in case the size of mezzanine floor is 9.5 sq.m. or more;
(ii) it is so constructed as not to interfere under any circumstances with
the ventilation of the space over and under it;
(iii) such mezzanine floor is not sub-divided into smaller compartments;
(iv) such mezzanine floor or any part of it shall not be used as a kitchen;
(v) in no case shall a mezzanine floor be closed so as to make it liable to be
converted into unventilated compartments.
(9) Store room.— Height: The height of a storeroom shall be not less than 2.2m.
Size: The size of a storeroom, where provided in a residential building, shall be
not less than 3sq.m.
(10) Garage.— Height - The height of a garage shall be not less than 2.4 m.
Size - The size of garages shall be as below:
a) Private Garage - 3.0m × 6.0m, minimum; and
b) Public Garage - Based on the number of vehicles parked by Equivalent Car
Unit .
(11) Basement.— (a) The basement shall not be used for residential purposes
(b) The basement shall have the following requirements:
(i) Every basement used for non-habitable purposes shall be in every part at least
2.4m in height from the floor to the underside of the roof slab or ceiling; for
habitable purposes, it shall conform to the standards prescribed for habitable
rooms above.
(ii) Adequate ventilation shall be provided for the basement. The ventilation
requirements shall be the same as required by the particular occupancy
according to National Building Code. Any deficiency may be met by providing
adequate mechanical ventilation in the form of blowers, exhaust fans, air
conditioning systems, etc.;
(iii) Adequate arrangements shall be made such that surface drainage does not
enter the basement;
(iv) The walls and floors of the basement shall be water-tight and be so designed
that the effects of the surrounding soil and moisture, if any, are taken into
account in design and adequate damp proofing treatment is given; and
(v) The access to the basement shall be separate from the main and alternative
staircase providing access and exit from higher floors. Where the staircase is
continuous in the case of building served by more than one staircase, the same
shall be of enclosed type serving as a fire separation from the basement floor
and higher floors.
(vi) The exit requirements in basements shall comply with the provisions of the
NBC Part 4 ‘Fire and Life Safety’
(12) Chimneys.— The chimneys shall be built at least 0.9 m above flat roofs,
provided the top of the chimneys is not below the top of the adjacent parapet wall.
In the case of sloping roofs, the chimney top shall not be less than 0.6 m above
the ridge of the roof in which the chimney penetrates.
(13) Parapet.— Parapet walls and handrails provided on the edges of roof terraces,
balcony, verandah, etc. shall not be less than 1.2m and not be more than 1.5m in
height from the finished floor level.
(14) Roofs.— (a) The roof of a building shall be so designed and constructed as to
effectively drain water by means of sufficient rain-water pipes of adequate size
wherever required, so arranged, jointly and fixed as to ensure that the rain-water is
carried away from the building without causing dampness in any part of the walls,
roof or foundations of the building or an adjacent building.
(b) Rain-water pipes shall be affixed to the outside of the external walls of the
building or in recesses or chases cut or formed in such external walls or in
such other manner.
(c) Conservation of rain-water using suitable rainwater harvesting techniques
including by roof water collection shall be made.
(15) Mosquito-proof Water Tank.— Water storage tank shall be maintained in a perfect
mosquito-proof condition, by providing a properly fitting hinged cover, and every
tank more than 1.50mts. in height shall be provided with a permanently fixed iron
ladder to enable inspection by anti-malaria staff.
(16) Lighting and Ventilation.— Rooms shall have, for the admission of light and air,
one or more openings, such as windows and ventilators, opening directly to the
external air or into an open verandah.
(a) Notwithstanding the area of openings stated above, the minimum aggregate
area of such openings, excluding doors inclusive of frames, shall be not less
than one- eighth of the floor area;
(i) If a window is partly fixed, the openable area shall be counted
(ii) No portion of a room shall be assumed to be lighted, if it is more than
7.5m away from the opening assumed for lighting that portion.
(iii) The area of openings as given above shall be increased by 25% in the
case of a kitchen
(iv) in cases where the ventilation is derived through open to sky. the
dimensions of the open to sky need to be 1.5m x 2.5m. This will apply to
kitchens and store rooms but not to lavatories and bath rooms which
shall have windows or ventilators of not less than 0.5sq.m. abutting such
open space
(b) For requirements regarding lighting and ventilation for different uses and
occupancy reference shall be made to the NBC Part 8 ‘Building Services,
Section 1 Lighting and Ventilation’.
(17) Stairways Requirements.— (a) Minimum width of staircase shall be:
(i) (a) Ordinary Residential buildings…………. 0.75 m
(b) Other Residential buildings ……………. 0.90 m
(ii) Assembly buildings like :
Auditoria, assembly halls….. ………………… 2.00 m
(iii) All other buildings………………………………. 1.50 m
(iv) Educational institutions………………………. 2.00 m
b) Minimum tread
The minimum width of tread without nosing shall be 250mm for residential
buildings. The minimum width of tread for other buildings shall be 300mm. In
case of spiral staircases, it shall have the above minimum tread width at the
outer end.
c) Maximum riser
The maximum height of riser shall be 190 mm for residential buildings and
150 mm for other buildings and these shall be limited to 15 per flight.
d) The minimum headroom in a passage under the landing of a staircase shall be
2.2m. The minimum clear headroom in any staircase shall be 2.2m.
53. Exit Requirements.— (1) The following general requirement shall apply to exits:
(a) Every building meant for human occupancy shall be provided with exits
sufficient to permit safe movement and also escape of occupants in case of fire
or other emergency.
(b) All exits shall be free of obstructions.
(c) No building shall be altered so as to reduce the number, width or portion of
exits to less than required.
(d) Exits shall be clearly visible and the routes to reach exits shall be clearly
marked and signs posted to guide the occupants of floor concerned.
(e) All exit ways shall be properly illuminated.
(f) Fire fighting equipment where provided along exits shall be suitably located
and clearly marked but must not obstruct the exit way and there should be
clear indication about its location from either side of the exit way.
(g) Alarm devices shall be installed to ensure prompt evacuation of the occupants
concerned through the exits, wherever required.
(h) All exits shall provide continuous means of egress to the exterior of a building
or to an exterior open space leading to a street.
(i) Exits shall be so arranged that they may be reached without passing through
another occupied unit, except in the case of residential buildings.
(2) Types of Exits.— (a) Exits shall be either horizontal or vertical type. An exit may
be doorway, corridor and passage to an internal staircase or external staircase,
ramp or to a verandah and/or terraces that have access to the street or to roof of a
building. An exit may also include horizontal exit leading to an adjoining building
at the same level.
(b) Lifts, escalators and revolving doors shall not be considered as exits.
(3) Number and size of Exits.— The requisite number and size of various exits shall
be provided, based on the occupants in each room and floor based on the occupant
load, capacity of exits, travel distance and height of buildings as per provisions of
the NBC Part 4 ‘Fire and Life Safety’.
(4) Arrangement of Exits.— Exits shall be so located so that the travel distance on
the floor shall not exceed 22.50m. for residential, educational, institutional and
hazardous occupancies and 30m. for assembly, business, mercantile, industrial
and storage occupancies. Whenever more than one exit is required for a floor of a
building they shall be placed as remote from each other as possible. All the exits
shall be accessible from the entire floor area at all floor levels.
(b) The travel distance to an exit from the dead end of a corridor shall not exceed
half the distance as stated above except in the case of institutional occupancy
in which case it shall not exceed 6m.
(5) Passenger elevators or lifts.— (a) Every High rise building, in addition to the
stair-case, shall be provided with lift or lifts, depending on the number of persons
using each floor and which shall be installed at such places and at such distances
as prescribed in the National Building Code.
(b) Every lift shall be in conformity with the following requirements:
(i) The lift way and the car shall be enclosed.
(ii) The lift shaft shall be enclosed with fire resisting materials and shall be
ventilated from the highest point direct to the open air.
(iii) The motors, the winding gear and the operating mechanism shall be
installed in a chamber constructed of fire resisting materials and shall be
ventilated from the highest point direct to the open air.
(iv) These shall be fitted with an inter-locking device of such a type as will
(a) all landing doors, other than the door to be opening at which the lift
car is at rest, from being opened and
(b) the car being moved until all doors, including the car door, are
(v) Precautionary measures shall be adopted to ensure the safety of
passengers in the event of:-
(a) an interruption or failure of electric supply;
(b) a defect or failure in the controlling mechanism;
(c) the rupture or displacement of ropes or shelves;
(d) over running or excessive speed of the lift-car due to electrical or
other defects in the motor or other mechanism;
(e) the loading of the car in excess of its maximum capacity; and
(f) articles falling upon the lift.
(vi) The safe carrying capacity of the lift or elevator shall be conspicuously
posted in or on the car or platform.
(vii) Every lift shall be properly lighted.
(viii) Once in every year, lift shall be got inspected and certified by a
competent Engineer
(c) For requirements regarding planning, designing and installation, etc. of lifts
and escalators, reference shall be made to the NBC Part 8 ‘Building Services
Section 5 Installation of Lifts and Escalators’.
54. Sanitation requirements
(1) General.— (a) There should be at least one water tap and arrangement for drain in
the vicinity of each water closet or group of water closets in all the buildings.
(b) Each family dwelling unit shall have at least one water closet and one kitchen
sink. A bath or shower shall also be installed to meet the basic requirements
of sanitation and personal hygiene.
(c) All other structures for human occupancy shall have adequate sanitary
facilities, but in no case less than one WC and one other fixture for cleaning
(d) All materials, fittings and sanitary appliances shall conform to the National
Building Code.
(2) Sanitary fittings.—
(a) For Residences.— (i) Dwellings with individual conveniences shall have at
least the following fitments:
(a) One bath room provided with a tap and a floor trap;
(b) One WC with flushing apparatus with an ablution tap
(c) One tap with a floor trap or a sink in kitchen or wash place.
(ii) Where only one WC is provided in a dwelling, the bath and WC desirably
be separated accommodated
(iii) Dwellings without individual conveniences shall have the following
(a) One water tap with flow trap desirably in each tenement
(b) One WC with flushing apparatus and an ablution tap for every two
(c) One bath with water tap and flow trap for every two tenements.
(b) For Buildings Other than Residences.— The requirements for fitments for
sanitation in the case of buildings other than residences shall be in accordance
with the Tables given in the Annexure - X. Provided further that the respective
toilets or sanitary arrangements shall be kept open for the ladies and children
in restaurants, petrol pumps & hotels.
(3) Sewerage.— (a) Taking into account the site conditions, land and building uses,
and nature of wastes within the site, outlet connection ( i.e. the availability of
sewers or other outlets, sub-soil conditions etc.), sewage and waste water
collection and disposal system for a building or a group of buildings or for a layout
shall be designed and it shall conforming to National Building Code.
(b) Septic Tanks
(i) Where a septic tank is used for sewage disposal, the location, design and
construction of the septic tank shall conform to requirements of the
National Building Code and as per provisions in G.O.Ms. No 106, MAWS
Dept., dated 01.09.2014 (operative guidelines for septage management
for local bodies)
(ii) Location of the Septic Tanks and Subsurface Absorption System: A sub-
soil dispersion system should preferably not be closer than 18m from any
source of drinking water, such as well, to mitigate the possibility of
bacterial pollution of water supply.
(iii) Requirements.—
(a) Dimensions of septic tanks – Septic tanks shall have a minimum
width of 75 cm, a minimum depth of 1m below the water level and a
minimum liquid capacity of 1 cu.m. The length of tanks shall be 2 to
4 times the width;
(b) Septic tanks may be constructed of brickwork, stone masonry,
concrete or other suitable materials as approved by the Authority;
(c) Under no circumstances shall effluent from a septic tank be allowed
into an open channel, drain or water body without adequate
(d) The minimum nominal diameter of the pipe shall be 10cm. Further,
at junctions of pipes in manholes, direction of flow from a branch
connection shall not make an angle exceeding 45 degrees with the
direction of flow in the main pipe;
(e) The gradients of land drains, under-drainage as well as the bottom of
dispersion trenches and soak ways shall be between 1:300 and
(f) Every septic tank shall be provided with ventilating pipe of at least 5
cm diameter. The top of the pipe shall be provided with a suitable
cage of mosquito-proof wire mesh. The ventilating pipe shall extend
to a height which would cause no smell nuisance to any building in
the area. Generally, the ventilating pipe may extend to a height of
about 2m, when the septic tank is at least 15m away from the
nearest building and to a height of 2m above the top of the building
when it is located closer than 15m.
(g) When the disposal of septic tank effluent is to a seepage pit, the
seepage pit may be of any suitable shape with the least cross-
sectional dimension of 0.90m and not less than 1.00m in depth
below the invert level of the inlet pipe. The pit may be lined with
stone, brick or concrete blocks with dry open joints which should be
backed with at least 7.5 cm of clean coarse aggregate. The lining
above the inlet level should be finished with mortar. In the case of
pits of large dimensions, the top portion may be narrowed to reduce
the size of the RCC cover slabs. Where no lining is used, especially
near trees, the entire pit should be filled with loose stones. A
masonry ring may be constructed at the top of the pit to prevent
damage by flooding of the pit by surface runoff. The inlet pipe may
be taken down a depth of 0.90m from the top as an anti-mosquito
measure; and
(h) When the disposal of the septic tank effluent is to a dispersion
trench, the dispersion trench shall be 0.50m to 1.00m deep and
0.30m to 1.00m wide excavated to a slight gradient and shall be
provided with 150mm to 250mm of washed gravel or crushed stones.
Open jointed pipes placed inside the trench shall be made of
unglazed earthenware clay or concrete and shall have a minimum
internal diameter of 7.5cm to 10cm. Each dispersion trench shall
not be longer than 30m and trenches shall not be placed closer than
(4) Separation of bath and wash basin water and reuse.— All buildings shall be
provided with separate pipelines; one for collecting waste water from bath and
wash basins and the other for connecting the toilets. The wastewater from the
toilets alone shall be connected to the street sewer. The wastewater from the bath
and wash basins shall be disposed off as here under. –
Each building shall have a separate downward pipeline to collect waste water from
bath and wash basins and the collected waste water shall be treated adequately by
organic or mechanical recycling and taken to a sump for onward pumping to the
exclusive overhead tank or to a separate compartment of over head tank for
exclusive use of toilet flushing through cisterns. The excess wastewater not reused
for toilet flushing, shall be used for gardening or rain water harvesting structure
within the site.
Explanation.— For the purposes of these rules in regard to recycling systems are
concerned, any other modifications, additional structures, alternative designs
furnished by the applicant can be considered for approval, if it conforms to
recycling concept to the satisfaction of the competent authority 'for building
The above stated waste water reuse arrangement is mandatory for High Rise
buildings; optional and preferable for non- High Rise buildings.
55. Storm Water Drainage.— (1) Storm water drainage system in a site shall be designed
in such a way to harvest cent percent of it to recharge ground water table below. The
design factors of rain water harvesting structures within a site shall include type of soil
and its absorption capacity, ground slope, intensity and duration of rain fall for the
design period etc. However there shall also be a provision for carrying any excess storm
water which was not absorbed during an exceptional rain fall, to drain or discharge into
the street or public storm water drainage system.
(2) No existing natural or man-made drainage system such as channel, canal, nallah
etc. passing through the site shall be closed. When it is realigned within the site
optimizing the usability of the site, due care shall be taken that its carrying
capacity or velocity of flow is not reduced affecting the upstream and downstream
sites and such a realignment shall be done only with prior approval of the
Executive Authority of the Local body.
56. Electrical and Allied Installations (Including lightening protection of buildings) .—
For requirements regarding electrical installations in buildings including lightening
protection of buildings, reference shall be made to the NBC Part 8 ‘Building Services,
Section 2 Electrical and Allied Installations’. Power room or Generator room or Ring Main
Guard or Ring main Unit or Metering sets and panels to be installed at Ground floor or
above, at a height of atleast 1 meter above the Ground level. Installation at basement
floors shall be discouraged.
57. Air conditioning, Heating and Mechanical Ventilation.— For requirements regarding
design, construction and installations of air conditioning, heating and mechanical
ventilation systems, reference shall be made to the NBC Part 8 ‘Building Services,
Section 3 Air conditioning, Heating and Mechanical Ventilation’.
58. Gas supply.— For requirements regarding gas pipe installations, reference shall be
made to part 9 plumbing services, Section 3 Gas supply of National Building Code of
59. Boiler Room.— The following aspects may be taken into account in the location of
Boiler or Boiler Room:
(a) The boiler shall not be allowed in sub-basement but be allowed in the first
basement away from the escape routes.
(b) The boilers shall be installed in a fire resisting room of 4 hours fire resistance
rating, and this room shall be situated on the periphery of the basement. Catch pit
shall be provided at the low level. Entry to this room may be provided with a
composite door of two hour fire resistance.
(c) The boiler room shall be provided with fresh air inlets and smoke exhausts directly
to the atmosphere.
(d) Foam inlets shall be provided on the external walls of the building at the ground
floor level to enable the fire services to use foam in case of fire.
(e) The furnace oil tank for the boiler, if located in the adjoining room shall be
separated by fire resisting wall of 4 hour rating. Entry to this room shall be
provided with a composite door of 2 hour fire resistance. A curb of suitable height
shall be provided at the entrance in order to prevent the flow of oil into the boiler
room in case of tank rupture.
60. Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise Control.— For requirements regarding the
desired noise levels and sound insulation in different occupancies, reference shall be
made to the NBC Part 8 ‘Building Services, Section 4 Acoustics, Sound Insulation and
Noise Control’.
61. Swimming Pool or Pool.— It is an artificial body of water having the water surface area
of 7.0 square metre or more and having water depth of 0.6 metre or more used by an
individual or collectively by a number of individuals primarily for the purpose of
swimming and includes related equipment, structures, areas, and enclosures intended
for the use of individuals using or operating the swimming pool such as equipment,
dressing booth, locker, shower and bath rooms. The regulation and monitoring of
swimming pool shall be in accordance with Annexure - XX.
62. Telecommunication Structure.—(1) Structures may be.—
(a) Steel fabricated tower or antenna’s on steel pole;
(b) Pre-fabricated shelter of fiberglass or P.V.C. on the building roof
top/terrace for equipment;
(c) Masonry Structure or Shelter on the ground for equipment;
(d) D.G. Set with sound proof covers to reduce the noise level.
(2) Location: The Telecommunication Infrastructure shall be either placed on
the building rooftop or on the ground or open space within the premises
subject to the following regulations:
(a) Base Trans Receiver Station (BTS) Towers and installation of equipment for
Telecommunication Networks:
(i) BTS structures are not considered as buildings and only structures for
telecommunication. It can be allowed either on a plot or on top of a
(ii) When proposed in a plot, it shall have proper access, which may be a
private access.
(iii) When the proposed BTS tower is on a roof top, for the purpose of deciding
on the height of the building defined in these rules, it shall not be taken
into account, hence the question of additional setback if any for the
building does not arise.
(iv) It shall not be located either within a Heritage precinct or on a heritage
building listed for conservation.
(v) BTS room size shall not exceed 15 sq.m. in floor area and 3 m in height.
(vi) Height of these structures shall conform to the regulations of the Civil
Aviation Department, Indian Air Force and Director of Fire and Rescue
(vii) Building over which BTS towers proposed shall be structurally strong to
take the load of these structures including the wind load to be certified
by the Registered Structural Engineer.
(viii) These BTS structures shall be sound and safe.
(ix) The generator shall not cause noise or air pollution.
(x) The service provider shall pay the fees as may be uniformly fixed by the
Government and notified from time to time.
(3) Requirement: The Service provider shall have obtained necessary permission from
the Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation” (SACFA) issued by
Ministry of Telecommunications before seeking Building Permit for the
telecommunication structures.
(4) - (a) Every applicant will have to produce the structural safety & stability certificate for
the above structures and for the building over which it will be erected from the
Registered Structural Engineer (SER) and it shall be the liability of both the owner
and the SER.
(b) Applicant has to produce or submit plans of structure to be erected.
(c) Projections: No Pager and/or Telephone Tower shall project beyond the existing
building line of the building on which it is erected in any direction.
63. Water Conservation.— (1) Rain Water Harvesting.— Effective measures shall be
taken within each premises for conservation of rainwater, and rainwater-harvesting
structures shall be provided as prescribed in Annexure - XXII of this Rule.
(2) Additional regulations for all buildings.— (a) In the ground floor, floor level of
water closets shall be at least 0.9 metre above the road level to ensure free flow.
(b) All centrally air conditioned buildings shall have their own wastewater
reclamation plant and use reclaimed wastewater for cooling purposes.
(c) A separate sump shall be constructed for storing potable where the water is
supplied by the Local Body and the volume of such sump shall not exceed
1,000 litres per dwelling unit. This sump shall be independent of other tanks,
which may be constructed for storing water obtained from other sources.
64. Fire Safety.— (1) In general, all buildings in their design and construction shall be
such as to contribute to and ensure individually and collectively the safety of life from
fire, smoke, fumes and also panic arising from these or similar other causes. In large
buildings a fire may not itself provide adequate warning to occupants; automatic fire
detecting and alarming facilities shall be provided where necessary to warn occupants or
the existence of fire, so that they can escape.
(2) Fire protecting and extinguishing system shall conform to accepted standards and
shall be installed in accordance with good practice as recommended in the National
Building Code of India (amended from time to time).
(3) the requirements for fire protection shall include high rise buildings which are of
18.30m. and above in height and public buildings, commercial complexes or malls,
cinema theatre kalyana mandapam, community hall, all categories of industries and
warehouses, commercial buildings where explosives, fire crackers and other similar
inflammable materials are handledor traded.
65. Installation of closed circuit television units in Public Buildings.— The installation
of closed circuit television units in Public Buildings shall be in accordance with the rules
in Annexure - XXI.
66. Architectural Control.— The Architectural façade or elevation of any building or the
architectural features of any premises shall be in conformity with such conditions as the
Local body may impose at the time of grant of permission.
67. Conservation of buildings of historical or architectural interest.— In the opinion of
the executive authority, if a building or premises not covered under the Ancient
Monuments and Archeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 (Central Act 24 of 1958) is of
historical or architectural interest and needs to be conserved, such heritage buildings or
premises shall be listed and notified with the approval of the Government and any
development at such heritage building premises shall conform to the rules given in
Annexure - XVI.
68. Tree preservation.— (1) The Executive Authority may, in the interest of amenity make
a Tree Preservation Order for any tree or group of trees or belt of forestland.
(2) The tree preservation order may prohibit the felling, topping, lopping or willful
destruction of the trees concerned, except when those operations are carried-out
with the permission of the Executive Authority and under such conditions, as the
Executive Authority may deem fit. In granting Building Permit for any development,
the Executive Authority may wherever it is appropriate, make adequate provision
for the preservation or planting of trees, as may be specified.
69. Discretionary Powers.— (1) In specific cases where a clearly demonstrable hardship
is caused the Government may relax any of the parameters prescribed by these rules.
(2) In the case of organized market and shopping centers, the Government may, at its
discretion, permit use of machinery not exceeding 15 horsepower in respect of each
shop, if it is considered that such permission shall not be injurious to health or
amenity for the area.
70. Delegation of Powers.— Any of the powers, duties or functions conferred or imposed or
vested with the Executive Authority or Government by any of foregoing rules may be
delegated to any Officer under its control or to any Officer of Government or an Agency of
71. Exemptions from these rules.— The following buildings are subject to the provisions
of the sub-rule (2) to (4) of rule 6, exempted from the operation of other provisions of
these rules:-
(i) Any building which is the property of the State or Central Government.
(ii) Any building constructed, reconstructed, altered or added to or intended to be
constructed, reconstructed, altered or added to by the Government in accordance
with such plan and in such manner as may be approved or directed in pursuance
of any statutory provisions in that behalf.
(iii) Any building constructed, reconstructed, altered or added to or intended to be
constructed, reconstructed, altered, or added to, to function solely as a temporary
hospital for the reception and theatre for persons suffering from infectious disease.
72. Grant of exemptions.— (1) (a) The Government or any other authority empowered by
the Government by a notification published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette,
may either suo motu or on application exempt from the operation of all or any of the
provision of these rules, for reasons to be recorded in writing, any building or any
specified class of buildings provided that such application is made within sixty days
from the date of receipt of the order of the executive authority against which such
application is made to the Government or the authority empowered by the Government,
as the case may be.
(b) The Government, may either suo motu or on appeal against any orders of the
authority empowered by them, pass such orders, as deemed fit, provided such
an appeal is made within thirty days from the date of receipt of the order of the
authority empowered by the Government:
Provided that it is open to the Government or the authority empowered by the
Government, as the case may be, to condone any delay for reasons to be
recorded in writing, if applications under the rule (a) above or appeals under
this clause are not made to Government or the authority empowered by the
Government, as the case may be, within the prescribed time.
(2) Any exemption granted under this rule shall not be deemed to be approval or
permission for construction or reconstruction of any building required by or under
the Act and the appellant after getting the exemption shall obtain building permit
by submitting required plans and paying fees, charges, and deposits applicable for
the development.
73. Transitory Provisions.—
(1) These rules shall come into force from the date of notification.
(2) Applications in which demand letter has been sent prior to the date of notification
will be processed under the existing (old) rules
(3) Applications under scrutiny stage in which the demand letter is yet to be send will
be examined either in the old rules or in the new rules as per the options of the
(4) Applications received from the date of notification will be scrutinized as per the new
74. Repeal and Savings.— (1) All existing rules, regulations, bye-laws, orders, that are in
conflict, and inconsistent with these rules shall stand repealed or modified to the extent
of the provisions of these rules.
(2) The following rules are repealed.
(i) Tamil Nadu Panchayat Building Rules, 1997
(ii) Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Building Rules, 1972
(iii) The Multi Storied Building & Public Building Rules, 1973
(iv) Tamil Nadu Cyclone Prone Area Special Building Rule, 1982
(v) Special Rules for relating the construction and maintenance and facility civil
aero dram, 1970
(vi) Chennai City Corporation Building Rules, 1975
(vii) Special Rules for the Multi Storied Building & Public Buildings Rule, 1974
(viii) Development Regulations approved in G.O.Ms.No.190, 191, Housing and
Urban Development Department as part of second master plan of Chennai
Metropolitan Area.
(ix) Development Control Regulations vide G.O.Ms.No.130, Housing and Urban
Development Department, dated.14.6.2010
(x) The building rules framed / followed under the Municipal corporation act of
Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Thanjavur, Dindigul,
Salem, Erode, Tiruppur, Vellore
(3) Anything done or any action taken including action against unauthorized or
deviated constructions, with reference to the earlier Development Regulations and
Building Rules shall be deemed to have been done or taken with reference to the
corresponding provisions of these Combined Development and Building Rules and
continue in force accordingly, unless and until superseded by anything done or any
action taken with reference to these Rules.
(4) These rules shall not apply to the constructions in progress as per the valid
approved plans on the date of coming into force of these rules provisions (i.e. 4
of February 2019) and the exemption is applicable till the expiry of the Planning
Permit or Building Permit with renewal period for the above such constructions in
progress. It shall also not apply in cases of buildings constructed already as per the
approved plan and completion certificate is awaited from the competent authority.
Annexure – I
[See rule 6 (7)]
Application for Permission for subdivision/layout or reconstitution or amalgamation
of land for building purposes. And for change of use of land
(Affix stamp
size photo-
graph of the
The Executive Authority of the Local body
1. I/We hereby apply for permission for subdivision / layout or reconstitution or
amalgamation of land for building purposes as described in the accompanying plans and
2. I/We have absolute right over the land applied for and have not made any
encroachment on any government land.
3. The names of the persons employed by me/us for the preparation of plans, and
supervision of the work are as under:
a) The plans are prepared by Registered Architect/Engineer/Town
Planner ------------------- [name]
b) The execution of the development will be supervised by Registered
Architect/Engineer/Town Planner-------------[name]
4. I/We have read the Building Rules applicable for the Local body wherein the site
lies and claim to be fully conversant with it; I/We will abide to the provisions of the Building
Rules fully.
5. I/We shall fulfill my duties and responsibility in accordance with the provisions of
the Building Rules.
Date: Signature of the Owner/Developer
Signature of Registered Professional
1. Applicants name :
2. Postal Address for correspondence :
Telephone number for communication:
e mail ID
3. Applicant’s right over the land to make the proposed
development: (documentary evidence to be enclosed)
4. Development site address :
5. Extent of the site applied for :
6. Present use of the land and the existing :
Building if any [Please give details of each use]
7. Proposed use of land and/ the building,
[Please give details of each use] :
8. Whether the site applied for forms part of/lie in
an approved layout. If yes, please give date of
approval and reference no, with a copy of the
approved layout plan duly authenticated :
9. Existing use of the adjoining lands in
the North -
the East -
the South -
the West -
10. The width and status of the abutting road
(i.e. private or public)
11. Whether all the documentary evidences,
plans details, certificates required to be
enclosed with the application as per the
Building Rules have been enclosed:
Signature of Owner/Registered
Developer or
Authorised agent of the owner:
Annexure – II
[See rule 6 (8)]
Application for Permission for carrying out construction of building or structure,
change of use of building
stamp size
graph of
The Executive Authority of the Local body
1. I/We hereby apply for permission for carrying out construction of building or
structure, change of use of building as described in the accompanying plans and drawings.
2. I/We have absolute right over the land applied for and have not made any
encroachment on any government land.
3. The names of the registered professionals employed by me/us for the
development are as under:
a) The plans have been prepared by Registered Architect/Engineer ---------------
----- [name and registration number]
b) The structural report, details and drawings have been prepared and supplied
by the Registered Structural Engineer --------------------- [name and
registration number]
c) The construction of the proposed buildings will be carried under the
supervision of the Registered Construction Engineer on Record ……………(name
and registration number)
d) For the foundation work of the High rise building, the services of the
Registered Geo-technical Engineer ………….. (name and registration number)
will be availed.
e) The construction work of a High rise building executed by Registered
Construction Engineer on the record will be under the independent
quality inspection programme prepared and implemented under the
supervision of the independent Registered Quality Auditor on record……………
(name and registration number)
4. I/We have read the Building Rules applicable for the Local body framed under the
provisions of the relevant Act and claim to be fully conversant with it.
5. I/We shall fulfill my duties and responsibility in accordance with the provisions of
the Building Rules.
Signature of the Owner/Registered Developer
1. Applicants name :
2. Postal Address for correspondence :
Telephone number for communication
3. Applicant’s right over the land to make the
proposed development (documentary
evidence to be enclosed :
4. Development site address :
5. Present use of the land and/ or the :
building [Please give details of each use]
6. Proposed use of the land and/the building,
[Please give details of each use] :
7. Whether the site applied for forms part of/lie in an
approved layout. If yes, please give date of
approval and reference no, with a copy of
the approved layout plan duly authenticated :
8. Existing building - Floor area -
- Number of dwelling units
9. Proposed building - Floor area
- Number of dwelling Units
10. Whether all the documentary evidence,
plans details, certificates required to be
enclosed with the application as per the
Building Rules have been enclosed:
11. In industrial use machineries
a) Existing H.P.
Proposed H.P.
b) Number of workers- Existing
- Proposed
c) Whether detailed report on the raw materials used,
process and machineries involved, effluent discharge
methods progressed, product manufactured, category
of power consumption (i.e. LT/HT), action taken and
minimize its negative impact, if any, or the environment,
etc. enclosed
Date: Signature of the Owner/Builder
Annexure – III
[See rule 6 (9)]
Form of undertaking to be executed by the land owner or power of attorney
holder or builder or promoter and structural engineer, architect, geo-tech expert and
site engineer.
This deed of undertaking executed at ………….on the…………………day
of……………………………20.. by the landowner Thiru/Tmt/Selvi
………………………………………………… Son/Daughter of ………………………………….
aged…………………………..Residing at
No.………………………………………………………………..... (or) Power of Attorney Holder (or)
Builder (or) Promoter / Structural Engineer __________, Architect __________________, Geo-
Tech Consultant __________________ in respect of proposed development / construction
made in Door No._________, _________________ Road in the following S.No.
S.No. / R.S.No. / T.S.No. Block No. Village Taluk
in favour of the ……………………………………….(competent authority) having office at
………………………………………….witnesseth as follows.
2. I/We (Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter) have
applied for the Planning Permission for construction in the above premises by submitting
an application to the ………………………………..(competent authority)in accordance with the
planning norms prescribed in these rules. I am associated with the project as Land
Owner/Power of Attorney Holder/Builder/Promoter. The extent of site as per document is
_____ sq.m. and as per Patta / TSLR / PLR / Handing over sketch _______ sq.mt. I assure
that I will put up the construction only in accordance with the approved plan without any
deviation and if any construction is later on found not in accordance with the approved
plan and any unauthorized addition is made, I agree for the forfeiture of the Security
Deposit which will be collected while issuing Planning Permission, and also agree to
demolish the such a deviation marked by the ………………………………………..(competent
authority) within thirty days after such notice, failing which, apart from forfeiture of
Security Deposit, the ……………………………………………………… may demolish or cause to
demolish such unauthorized or deviated constructions at the site under reference and
recover the cost of demolition from me.
3. I/We (Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter) also
assure that the open space around the building to be left or the usage of the building,
including the car parking in ground floor, will be kept as specified in the approved plan and
it will not be converted into any other use except the purpose for which it is approved. If
any structural modification or usage differs from the approved plan, the competent
authority is at liberty at any time to remove any structural modification or usage and the
expenses incurred by the competent authority is recoverable from me for non-compliance of
their request or order.
4. I/We (Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter) further
assure that I will not convert any place of the construction in contravention to the approved
plan, especially in respect of car parking as specified in the sanctioned plan. At any time in
future, I will not convert the car parking on stilts by covering them fully, and use the car
parking space for any other purposes. If any construction work in car parking place,
converting them either as a flat or for any other purpose, is done either by me or by my
successor or by any other person to whom the said construction is transferred in future,
without getting appropriate order for doing so from the competent authority, the Authority
is at liberty at any time to take any action to remove any structural modification or usage
and the expenses incurred by the Authority is recoverable from me/my successor or from
any other person to whom the said construction is transferred in future.
5. I/We (Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter) hereby
undertake that, I am, jointly and severally responsible with the Land Owner/Power of
Attorney Holder/Builder/Promoter to carry out the developments in accordance with the
permission granted and also for payment of Development Charges, Security Deposit,
Scrutiny Fee and for all other charges levied from time to time by the Authority and also
liable for penal provisions for developments made in contravention of the Development
Regulations and these presents.
6. I/We (Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter) assure
that I/We will pay the premium FSI charges as applicable in case the FSI area exceeds the
permissible FSI as per Development Regulations.
7. I/We (Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter) assure
that I / We shall gift the OSR area as applicable or pay the equivalent land cost in lieu of
OSR area as per Development Regulations.
8. I/We (Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter) assure
that I / We shall gift the Street Alignment Portion / Road Widening Portion / Link Road as
per the provisions in the Development Regulations to the Authority / Localbody before issue
of Planning Permission.
9. I/We (Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter) hereby
solemnly affirm and declare that I / We are the absolute owner / owners / Power of
Attorney Agent / Lease Holder of the said property and it is not covered under the Land
Ceiling and Land Acquisition (in respect of Land Acquisition Act, 1894, The Right to Fair
Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2015, Land Reforms Act, 1961 and Land Ceiling Act, 1978) and I
/ We shall be liable for all future consequences in case of land falling under Land Ceiling,
Land Reforms or Land Acquisition.
10. I / We (Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter) have
engaged the following as the consultant for the proposed development:
Consultant Name and
Registration No. E-Mail
ID & Mobile No.
Architect / L.S.
Geo-Tech Expert
Site Supervision
This is to certify that I the Architect / LS of the site has inspected the site at
S.No. / R.S.No. / T.S.No. Block No. Village Taluk
I, the Architect / Licensed Surveyor certify that
The ………………………..Road abutting the site under reference is public
(maintained by the Local Body) and its width actually measures ………m in front of the site
and qualifying width of …..m is available for a length of 250m / 500m as shown in the Road
width sketch enclosed mentioning width of the road at regular interval of 25 m mentioning
the landmark of the stretch where width has been measured.
I have personally verified the site measurements on ground and dimensions given in
the plan correspond with the actual on the ground.
The residuary plot details including structures thereon evidenced by documents
correspond with the actual on the ground.
Distance between the site and nearby waterbody, if any, is _____ m.
Distance between the site and quarry / crusher, if any, within 500m is ------ m
Distance between the site and burial ground , if any, within a distance of 30 m
from a place declared and used as a burning or burial place / ground is -----m
The Street Alignment Portion / Road Widening Portion / OSR Area shown in the Site
Plan tallies to the dimensions in the ground condition.
The site approval for Non High Rise Buildings / High rise building is enclosed (in
such cases item No.1 to 7 does not arise).
The building plans prepared and submitted herewith satisfy the relevant provisions
of development regulations vide planning parameters compliance statement.
The site lies vacant (or) not.
The depth of the plot with reference to road level is _______ m.
HT / LT line passes through the site : Yes / No
(If yes, to be shown in the site plan)
Topo Plan furnished showing the surrounding developments for a radius of 500 m
correspond with the actual on the ground.
The coverage of the building mentioned in the Plan is correct.
In case of non-issuance of NOC, I shall obtain NOC / remarks from the department’s
concerned before commencement of the construction and comply the conditions stipulated
by the concerned NOC /Remarks issuing Department during the construction and submit
the NOC / remarks along with certificate from the concerned agencies on fulfillment of the
NOC conditions at the time of applying for Completion Certificate.
I the Architect / LS to inform competent authoritybefore the commencement of
crucial stages of construction viz.
Earth work for foundation
Foundation concreting
Laying the roof of basement floor
Laying the roof at each floor level
After completing the finishing work
(White washing, colouring, fixing, water supply, drainage or other sanitary fitments)
and before obtaining regular connection for water supply / electricity.
I the Architect / LS also undertake to communicate to
………………………….(competent authority)Certificate to the effect that the construction is in
conformity with the plan approved by competent authorityat the crucial stages mentioned
If any deviation to the approved plan is proposed to be made, I the Architect / LS
shall obtain prior approval of the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority
I the Architect / LS shall intimate ………………………….(competent
authority)immediately if for any reasons association with the project ceases
The above information furnished is correct. If any information furnished is found
wrong, I am aware that action shall be initiated against me and I shall not be henceforth
allowed to sign in the Plans for the Planning Permission Applications processed by GCC,
Local Body, CMDA and DTCP. To this effect an Undertaking shall be obtained from
Architect / Licensed Surveyor and owner.
We (Owner / Builder / Structural Engineer / Architect / Geo-Tech Expert)
certify that the structural plans of the building meet the structural safety requirements for
all situations including natural disasters, as applicable, as stipulated under Part 6
Structural Design of the National Building Code of India and other relevant Codes; T he
design has been done after detailed soil test and we are satisfied as to the adequacy of soil
test carried out and the information given therein is factually correct to the best of our
knowledge and understanding.
T he site is fit for the proposed construction, it has been tested vide soil test report.
No......................... dt..................... done by ...................................
We (Owner / Builder / Structural Engineer / Architect / Site Engineer) certify that
the development, erection, re-erection or making alteration in the building shall be carried
out under our supervision and we certify that all the materials (type and grade) and the
workmanship of the work shall be generally in accordance with the general and detailed
specifications, as per NBC standards and to meet out the structural design of the proposed
We (Owner / Builder / Structural Engineer / Architect / Site Engineer) undertake
not to continue construction without any supervis ion by the our Site Engineer and submit
the report to the local body.
I (Landowner / Builder ) certify to engage the above mentioned Engineers for the
active period of building execution and I hereby assure to give Revised Certificate in case of
any change of Engineer, I shall ensure no work is taken up in this period till required
Engineers are engaged by me.
In case construction work is entrusted by a Builders Agreement to a 3rd Party, I
(Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter)shall undertake to include
these conditions as part of the agreement.
Applicable incase of existing building within the site
I (Structural Engineer / Architect / Site Engineer) hereby certify that the
development, erection, re-erection or for making alteration in the building has been carried
out under our supervision and we certify that all the materials (type and grade) and the
workmanship of the work was in accordance with the general and detailed specifications, as
per NBC standards and met out the structural design of the constructed building. The
construction was made under the supervision of Site Engineer and submitted the report to
the local body periodically.
I (Owner / Builder / Structural Engineer / Architect) hereby certify that the
building, has been designed by me ………………………………………………and the Structural
Design was made by Thiru ……………………………………………………………… to the
approved plans sanctioned in the Planning Permission No. ………………………… dated
…………………… and the Building Permit No………………………………
dated………………………….. The Building has been constructed and completed under my
guidance and supervision as per the structural design furnished by the Structural Engineer
engaged by us. I also assure and undertake that, I have signed in the plan and in “as on
site” plan and the same is structurally safe and fit for occupancy based on my personal
assessment and certification of the Structural Engineer engaged by us.
This deed of undertaking is executed by us on the…………………….day
of…………………………………….20………….with the full knowledge of the contents of this
Consultant Name and
Registration No. E-Mail ID &
Mobile No.
Owner of the
land / Power of
Attorney Holder /
Lease Holder
Architect / L.S.
Geo-Tech Expert
Site Supervision
Duly attested by the
SEAL Notary Public
Planning Permission Application is processed based on the compliance to land use
provisions in the respective development plan in force and the Tamil Nadu Combined
Development and Building Rules;
Compliance to the Provisions of other relevant Act and Rules with respect to
construction is the responsibility of the applicant or owner and the competent authority is
not responsible for any lapse;
Planning Permission for buildings is issued in accordance with the provisions of the
Town and Country Planning Act, 1971. and the rules made there under.
Issuance of Planning Permission by competent authority under the statutory
provisions does not confirm any ownership or title over the property, in favour of the
applicant. Before issuing Planning Permission for any development, competent authority in
this regard, checks only the aspect of applicant’s right over the site under reference to make
the development thereon based on the copies of the documents (such as Sale Deed, Patta,
Lease Deed, Gift Deed etc., and GPA) furnished by the applicant along with his /her
application to prove the same. Thus, competent authority primarily considers only the
aspect whether the applicant prima facie has a right to carry out development on the site
under reference.
Any person who acquires interest in the property shall ensure independently about
the ownership and the applicant’s right before acquiring the same. Further, if any
individual claim right (or) title over the property he / she / they shall have to prove it before
the appropriate or competent Court to decide on the ownership or get the matter settled in
the Court of Law and competent authority is not the statuary authority to decide on this
Annexure – IV
[See rule 38 (4) and 39 (8)]
Parking Requirements
(a) For the use of the occupants and of persons visiting the premises for the purposes of
profession, trade, business, recreation or any other activity parking spaces and
parking facilities shall be provided within the site to the satisfaction of the Executive
Authority and conforming to the standards specified below.
(b) The portion of the site affected by street alignment shall not be reserved for parking.
(1) Residential
(A) Corporation or Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
Dwelling Unit
Number of Parking
Dwelling Unit
Number of Parking
Floor area upto
25 sq.m
Floor area upto
50 sq.m
Floor area above
25 sq.m and
upto 50 sq.m
1 Two Wheeler space
Floor area above
50 sq.m and
upto 75 sq.m
1 Two Wheeler space
Floor area above
50 sq.m and
upto 75 sq.m
1 car space for every 2
dwelling units and 1
Two Wheeler space for
every dwelling unit
Floor area above
75 sq.m and
upto 100 sq.m
1 car space for every 2
dwelling units and 1
Two Wheeler space for
every dwelling unit
Floor area above
75 sq.m
1 car space for every 75
Floor area above
100 sq.m
1 car space for every
100 sq.m
Visitors Parking:
In addition to the parking spaces specified above, parking spaces for visitors shall be
provided to the extent of 10% of the number stipulated above rounded to the nearest whole
number where number of dwelling units exceeds six.
Note: 1.In cases where the number of car parking spaces required in an ordinary
residential building does not exceed 3 in number, separate driveway or aisle is not
2. In cases of flatted residential development where the number of car spaces
required for a dwelling unit does not exceed 2 in number separate aisle is not
necessary for the second car space required for that dwelling unit.
(2) Shops/Shopping Centres/Departmental Stores/Super Markets
(A) Corporation or Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
Floor Area
Number of Parking
Floor Area Number of Parking Spaces
Upto 50
Nil Upto 75 sq.m
Above 50
1 car space and 1 Two
wheeler space for every 50
sq.m or part thereof
excluding the first 50 sq.m
Above 75
sq. m
1 car space and 1 Two wheeler
space for every 75 sq.m or part
thereof excluding the first 75
(3) Automobile Showrooms
1 car space for every 100 sq.m of gross area including the office area, service area, wash
area, etc. This space is exclusive of the space provided for the display of new vehicles but
inclusive of the space required for parking of service vehicles.
(4) Government Offices
Floor Area Number of Parking Spaces
Upto 500 sq.m
1 car space for every 150 sq.m or part
thereof and 1 Two Wheeler space for every
25 sq.m or part thereof.
Above 500 sq.m
1 car space for every 100 sq.m or part
thereof and 1 Two Wheeler space for every
25 sq.m or part thereof
Visitors Parking:
In addition to the parking spaces specified above, parking spaces for visitors shall be
provided to the extent of 10% of the number stipulated above subject to a minimum of 1
car space and 1 Two Wheeler space.
(5) Other Offices including regional offices of banks, etc.
(A) Corporation or Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
1 car space for every 100sq.m of floor area
or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
every 25sqm of floor area or part thereof
1 car space for every 100sq.m of floor area
or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
every 25sqm of floor area or part thereof
Visitors Parking:
In addition to the parking spaces specified above, parking spaces for visitors shall be
provided to the extent of 10% of the number stipulated above subject to a minimum of 1
car space and 1 Two wheeler space.
(6) Banks – service branches
(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities, (B) Panchayat Areas
1 car space for every 75sqm of floor area or
part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
every 25sq.m of floor area or part thereof.
1 car space for every 125sq..m of floor area
or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
every 25sqm of floor area or part thereof
(7) ATM Centres
1 car space for every 25sqm of floor area or part thereof
(8) Post Offices, Telegraph Offices, Telephone Offices and Similar establishments
(A) Corporation/ Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
1 car space for every 150sq.m of floor area
or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler space for
every 50sq.m of floor area or part thereof.
1 car space for every 250sq.m of floor area
or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
every 100sq.m of floor area or part thereof
(9) IT Offices, IT Enabled Services, Bio Informatics Centres
1 car space for every 50sq.m of floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler space for every
25sq.m of floor area or part thereof.
(10) Restaurants and Hotels
(a) Restaurants, Fast Food outlets
(A) Corporation or Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
1 car space for every 50sq.m of floor area or
part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
every 25sq.m of floor area or part thereof
1 car space for every 100sq.m of floor area
or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
every 50sq.m of floor area or part thereof
(b) Starred Hotels, Major Hotels and Lodges with more than 50 rooms in CMA
1 car space for every 4-guest rooms and for the non-room area, 1 car space for every
100sq.m of floor area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for every 50sq.m of floor
area or part thereof. For restaurants in these hotels – same as that specified for
restaurants specified above.
(c) Unstarred Hotels, other Hotels & Lodges
1 car space for every 10-guest rooms and for the non-room area, 1 car space for every
100sq.m of floor area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for every 50sq.m of floor
area or part thereof. For restaurants in these hotels – same as that specified for
restaurants specified above.
(11) Hostels
1 Two Wheeler for every 10 rooms
(12) Auditorium, Kalyana Mandapams, Cinema Halls
(A) Corporation/ Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
1 car space and 1 two wheeler space for the
every 20sq.m of Auditorium/Kalyana
Mandapam area or part thereof
1 car space and 1 two wheeler space for the
every 50sq.m of Auditorium/Kalyana
Mandapam area or part thereof
(13) Educational Institutions
(a) Government Schools or Local Body schools
(A) Corporation/ Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
1 car space for every 500sq.m of class room
area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler
space for every 50sq.m of class room or
part thereof and one cycle space for every
10sq.m of class room area or part thereof.
1 two-wheeler space for every 50sq.m of
class room area or part thereof and one
cycle space for every 5sq.m of class room
area or part thereof.
(b) Private Schools
(A) Corporation or Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
1 car space for every 100sq.m of class room
area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler
space for every 50sq.m of class room or
part thereof and one cycle space for every
10sq.m of class room area or part thereof.
1 car space for every 300sq.m of class room
area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler
space for every 50sq.m of class room area
or part thereof and one cycle space for every
5sq.m. of class room area or part thereof.
Note: 50% of the car spaces specified above shall be provided in the front area abutting
the road so
as to act as a recessed parking area for the vehicles coming for drop/pick up for
(c) Colleges
1 car space for every 100sq.m of class room area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler
space for every 50sq.m of class room area or part thereof.
(d) Tutorial/Parallel colleges
1 car space for every 200sq.m of class room area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler
space for every 50sq.m of class room area or part thereof.
(e) Software/Hardware and other training institutes
1 car space for every 100sq.m of floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler space
for every 30sqm of floor area or part thereof.
(14) Hospitals and Nursing Homes
(A) Corporation or Municipal Areas
(B) Panchayat Areas
Floor Area Number of Spaces Number of Spaces
1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space
for every 50sq.m or part thereof
1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space
for every 100sq.m or part thereof
1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space
for every 75sq.m or part thereof
1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space
for every 150sq.m or part thereof
(15) Health Clubs and Recreational Centres.
(A) Corporation or Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space for
every 50sq.m of floor area or part thereof
1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space for
every 75sq.m of floor area or part thereof
(16) Recreational Clubs
(A) Corporation or Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
1 car space for every 75sq.m of floor area or
part thereof
1 car space for every 100sq.m of floor area
or part thereof.
(17) Industries
(a) Manufacturing industries, service industries, biotechnology industries
1 car space for every 100sq.m of office floor area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space
and 1 cycle space for every 50sq.m of workshop floor area or part thereof and 1 lorry
space for every 500sqm or workshop floor area or part thereof
(b) Cottage Industries
1 car space for every 100sq.m of office floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler space
and 1 cycle space for every 50sq.m of workshop floor area or part thereof.
(c) Garments / Packaging Industries
1 car space for every 200sq.m of office floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler space
and 1 cycle space for every 50sq.m of workshop floor area or part thereof.
(d) Electrical and Electronic Industries including Computer hardware industries
1 car space for every 100sq.m of office floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler space
and 1 cycle space for every 50sq.m of workshop floor area or part thereof.
(e) IT Industries, Software, Bio Informatics Industries
1 car space for every 50sq.m of floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler space for
every 25sq.m of floor area or part thereof.
(18) Godowns, Ware Houses & Wholesale Stores, etc.
(a) Godown, Warehouses, Freight Stations, Containerisation Units
If the area is open, 1 lorry space for every 300sq.m of plot area or part thereof
If the area is covered, 1 lorry space for every 300sq.m of covered area or part thereof.
(b) Cold Storage
1 lorry space for every 500sqm of floor area or part thereof.
(19) Religious Buildings
(A) Corporation/ Municipal Areas (B) Panchayat Areas
1 car space for every 100sq.m of floor area
or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
every 50sqm of floor area or part thereof
1 car space for every 250sq.m of floor area
or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
every 100sqm of floor area or part thereof
General Note
Where the prescriptions are based on the total Floor Space Index (FSI) area, the number
of car/two wheeler parking spaces required shall be calculated for 75% of the total plinth
area in the buildings.
In cases of residential developments, the number of car/two wheeler parking spaces
required for a dwelling shall be based on the size of the dwelling unit, excluding the
common areas like common corridors, staircases, etc.
Off Street Parking Standards
(A) Stall Size:
The dimension of the parking stall for different kind of vehicles shall be:
Vehicle Type Breadth (m) Length (m)
Car 2.5 5.0
Two Wheelers 1.0 1.8
LCV 3.5 7.0
Lorry/Bus 3.5 10.0
Articulated Vehicles [Container Vehicles] 3.5 16.0
The stall dimensions mentioned above shall be clear of any structural members. Where a
stall is adjacent to a large element such as a wall, minimum stall width shall be 2.7m for
parallel parking and where cars cannot be parked by reversing, minimum stall length shall
be 7.2m.
(B) Parking for Special (physically challenged) persons
For Buildings having more than 2 floors 10% of the required car/two wheelers parking
spaces subject to minimum of 2 car spaces and 2 two-wheeler spaces shall be reserved for
the physically handicapped persons near the entrance. This is to provide an exclusive
reservation of car parking for physically handicapped and also to provide them easy access
to the lift and staircase.
(C) Driveway and Aisle Widths
The driveway width shall be 3.0m for one-way movement and 6.0m for two-way movement.
Aisle Widths:
Aisle is a access lane leading to/abutting the individual parking lot within a parking facility.
The aisle widths for different types of parking shall be:
Vehicle Type Parallel Parking All angles up to 60
Angles above 60
Perpendicular parking
Two Wheeler 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m
Car 3.0m 3.0m 4.5m.
LCV/Truck/Bus 7.0m 7.0m 10.0m
The width of the driveway and the aisle shall be free from kerb and other encumbrances.
(D) Width Entry and Exit Gates
The width of entry or exit gates shall be a minimum of 3.0m
(E) Gradient
Slope of parking spaces shall be not more than 4% in any direction.
(F) Turning Radius
Sufficient turning radius shall be provided for adequate manoeuvring of vehicle
(G) Ramps
The minimum clear width of the ramps shall be 3.0 m for one-way movement and
6.0m for two-way movement. Gradient shall not be steeper than 1 in 8.
(H) Headroom
The clear headroom (between floor and beam bottom) shall be minimum 2.2metres
those parts of a building intended to be used for parking of wheeled vehicles and also for all
approaching parts like ramp, covered access, etc.
Standards for Multi Level Parking Lots
(A) Location of Multi Level Parking Lots
Structures exclusively for multi level parking shall abut on a road of minimum 7.2m
in width where the height is upto 18.30m and road of minimum 18.0m in width where its
height exceeds 18.30m. As proposed there will not be any FSI/coverage restriction for such
multi level parking lots.
For automated/mechanically-operated parking the executive authority
notwithstanding anything containing in the rules subject to such conditions as may be
decided by the executive authority may permit parking lots/structures taking into account
safety and environmental aspects.
(B) Setbacks
The setbacks all round and spacing between blocks within the site for multi level
parking structures up to 18.30m high shall be a minimum if 4.0m, irrespective of the area
of location of the multi level parking structure. Where the height of the building exceeds
18.30m, the building shall conform to the norms laid in the rules for High rise building
except in respect of the plot coverage and FSI requirements.
(C) Width of Entry and Exit
The width of entry or exit gates shall be a minimum of 4.5m. The entry or exit gate
shall be located away from junctions. In cases of large sites with frontage along road
exceeds 50 m; additional entry exit may be permitted.
(D) Other Requirements:
(i) Parapet/Protection Frame - All floors above ground floor shall have a RCC
parapet/protection frame of height not less than 1.0m
(ii) Ventilation - In case of parking on ground floor, all sides shall be left open for
ventilation and lighting. In case of all floors above ground floor, adequate
natural ventilation and lighting should be provided. In case of basement or sub
basement parking, adequate mechanical ventilation and adequate lighting
should be provided.
(iii) Where car/two wheeler lifts are proposed/provided there shall be at least one
ramp to standards from the parking floors to the ground level.
Annexure – V
[See rule 36]
List of cottage industries
(1) Areca nut cutting
(2) Appalam Manufacturing
(3) Bee-Keeping (Agriculture) Honey and Bee’s wax
(4) Bakery - Biscuits, Cakes
(5) Blanco Cakes and Bee’s wax
(6) Confectionary – Sweets
(7) Coffee roasting and grinding
(8) Dehydrated fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and dried vegetables
(9) Fruit canning
(10) Jaggery manufacture, Gur-making from sugarcane, date palm of Palmyra and
coconut tree, handmade sugar, sugar candy
(11) Jam, jellies and preserves
(12) Syrups, aerated water, ice making
(13) Vermicelli manufacture
(14) Apparel and ready-made clothing (including sarees, dhoties)
(15) Artificial flowers
(16) Alce fibre extraction - Palmyra, coconut fibres
(17) Banian manufacture
(18) Blanket weaving
(19) Block engraving for cloth printing
(20) Brush manufacture
(21) Button making out of mother of pearl, horns, brass and tin
(22) Calico printing
(23) Canvas shoes manufacture
(24) Embroidery, knitting, crochets and needle work
(25) Hosiery (with hand and power)
(26) Laundry and cleaning clothes
(27) Leather goods making, boots, shoes, chappals, slippers, bed straps.
(28) Ornaments and jewellery (including bangles, combs).
(29) Ornamental Leather craft, money-purses handbags.
(30) Weaving cotton, wool, tusser, jute, matka, silk
(31) Spinning cotton wool in charkas
(33) Woolen fabrics and woolen goods
(34) Wool clipping and grading
(35) Fly shuttles, looms making
(36) Ribbon manufacture
(37) Cane furniture (also cane and basket ware, matting)
(38) Cement ware works.
(39) Coir, coir making, rope
(40) Candle sticks manufacture
(41) Agarbathi making
(42) Manufacture of Cardboard and cardboard boxes
(43) Clay modeling, paper mache works
(44) Crayons
(45) Engraving on metals
(46) Enamellings
(47) Handmade paper and pulp paper cutting and paper fans
(48) Inks, inkpads (for rubber stamps)
(49) Lapidaries work
(50) Musical instruments – stringed or reed
(51) Painting on blanks and glass
(52) Perfumery – essential oils and scents
(53) Pith works – pith hat, garlands, and flower
(54) Printing and allied trade – book binding, block making
(55) Soap making
(56) Koraimats, plates, baskets, handbags, window screen
(57) Palmyra leaf – fancy and utility articles midribs
(58) Palmyra fibre – brush making
(59) Palmyra rafters and stems – furniture, cots, weaving of cots and seating from stem
(60) Wood turners industry, other wood works
(61) Fibre and fibre products
(62) Icons
(63) Match sticks manufacture (– manufacture of splints with wood only)
(64) Fountain pen manufacture
(65) Minor Radio parts manufacture
(66) Braided cord manufacture
(67) Storing of articles in Frigidaire
(68) Toys
(69) Slips
(70) Decorticating dhal by hand grinding
(71) Twisting and throwing of silks and cotton yarns
(72) Twisting and winding of silk thread, cotton thread, artificial yarns
(73) Wax costing on paper and cloth.
Note: - Category of Industries modified time to time by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board will be
Annexure – VI
[See rule 36]
Industries classified as “Green”
(1) Washing of used sand by hydraulic discharge
(2) Atta – chakkies
(3) Rice Mills
(4) Ice Boxes
(5) Dhal mills
(6) Groundnut decorticating (dry)
(7) Chilling
(8) Tailoring and garment making
(9) Cotton and woolen hosiery
(10) Apparel making
(11) Handloom weaving
(12) Shoe lace manufacturing
(13) Gold and silver thread and saree work
(14) Gold and silver smithy
(15) Leather foot wear and leather products excluding tanning and hide processing
(16) Musical instruments manufacturing
(17) Sports goods
(18) Bamboo and cane products only dry operations
(19) Cardboard box and paper products (paper and pulp manufacture excluded)
(20) Insulation and other coated papers (paper and pulp manufacture excluded)
(21) Scientific and mathematical instruments
(22) Furniture (wooden and steel)
(23) Assembly of domestic electrical appliances
(24) Radio assembling
(25) Fountain pens
(26) Polythene, plastic and PVC goods through extraction/moulding
(27) Rope (Cotton and Plastic)
(28) Carpet weaving
(29) Assembly of Air coolers, conditioners
(30) Assembly of by-cycles, baby carriages and other small non-motorised vehicles.
(31) Electronic equipment (assembly)
(32) Toys
(34) Carpentry excluding saw-mill
(35) Cold storages (small scale)
(36) Oil ginning/expelling (No hydrogenation and no refining)
(37) Jobbing and machining
(38) Manufacture of steel, trunks and suitcases
(39) Paper pins and ‘U’ clips
(40) Block making and card printing
(41) Optical frames
(42) Tyres retreading
(43) Power looms and handlooms (without dying and bleaching)
(44) Printing press
(45) Garment stitching, tailoring
(46) Thermometer making
(47) Foot wears (rubber)
(48) Plastic processed goods
(49) Medical and surgical instruments
(50) Electronic and Electrical goods
(51) Rubber Goods industries
(52) Factory product, Biscuits and confectionaries
(53) Instant tea/Coffee processing
(54) Malted food
Note: - Category of Industries modified time to time by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board will be
Annexure – VII
[See rule 36]
Industries classified as “Orange”
(1) Manufacture of mirror from sheet glass and photo framing
(2) Surgical gauzes and bandages
(3) Wires, Pipes, Extruded shapes from metals
(4) Automobiles servicing and repair stations
(5) Ice cream
(6) Mineralised water and soft drinks bottling plants
(7) Steel furniture, fasteners, etc.
(8) Fragrance, flavours and food additives
(9) Aerated water/soft drinks
(10) Light Engineering industry excluding fabrication & forging
(11) Plastic industries like injection moulding
(12) Readymade garment industries
(13) Flour Mills upto 20 horse powers
(14) Designing of fabrics
(15) Washing of fabrics
(16) Trimming, Cutting, Using and blanching of fruits and vegetables
(17) Washing of equipments and regular food washing using cooling water
(18) Separated milk and whey
(19) Steeping and processing of grain
(20) Bleaching
(21) Degreasing
(22) Phosphating
(23) Dying and Printing
(24) Cooking of fibres, digesting
(25) Juicing of sugarcane, extraction of sugar
(26) Filtration, Centrifugation, Distillation of edible oils
(27) Pulping and fermenting of coffee beans
(28) Electroplating, Galvanizing
(29) Cotton spinning and weaving
(30) Polishing
(31) Surface quoting
(32) Granite Industry except quarrying
Formulations of pharmaceuticals
(34) Dyeing and printing (small units)
(35) Laboratory ware
(36) Wire drawing (cold process) and bailing straps
(37) Potassium permanganates
(38) Textile industry
(39) Dyes and Dyestuff
(40) DM plant exceeding 20 kilo litres per day capacity
Note: - Category of Industries modified time to time by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board will be
Annexure – VIII
[See rule 36]
List of Industries Permissible in Special and Hazardous Industries Zone
All Industries classified as “RED” by TNPCB i.e.,
(1) Lime Manufacture
(2) Ceramics
(3) Sanitary wares
(4) Tyres and Tubes
(5) Refuse incineration
(6) Large flour mills
(7) Vegetable oils including solvent extracted oils
(8) Soap with/without steam boiling process and synthetic detergent formulations
(9) Steam generating plants
(10) Manufacture of machineries and machine tools and equipments
(11) Manufacture of office and household equipments and appliances involving use of
fossils fuel combustion
(12) Industrial gases (only nitrogen, oxygen and O2)
(13) Miscellaneous glass wears without involving use of fossil fuel combustion
(14) Optical glass
(15) Petroleum, storage and transfer facility
(16) Surgical and medical products including prophylactic and latex products
(17) Manufacture of power driven pumps, compressors, and Refrigeration units, fire
fighting equipments, etc.
(18) Acetylene (synthetic)
(19) Glue and gelatin
(20) Metallic sodium
(21) Photographic films, papers and photographic chemicals
(22) Plant nutrients (manure)
(23) Ferrous and non-ferrous metals extraction, refining, casting/forging, alloy making
processing, etc.
(24) Dry coal processing / mineral processing, industries like sintering, beneficiation,
pelletisation, etc.
(25) Phosphate rock processing plants.
(26) Cement plants with horizontal rotary kilns
(27) Glass and Glass products involving use of coal
(28) Petroleum refinery
(29) Petro-chemical industries
Manufacture of lubricating oils and greases
(31) Synthetic rubber manufacture
(32) Coal, oil, nuclear and wood based thermal power plants
(33) Vanaspathi hydrogenated, vegetable oils/industrial purposes
(34) Sugar Mills (white and khandasari)
(35) Craft paper mills
(36) Coke oven by-products and coal tar – distillation products
(37) Alkalis
(38) Caustic soda
(39) Potash
(40) Electro thermal product (artificial abrasives, calcium carbide, etc.)
(41) Phosphorus and its compounds
(42) Acids and their salts (organic and inorganic)
(43) Nitrogen compound (cyanides, cynamides and other nitrogen compounds)
(44) Explosives (including Industrial explosives, detonators and fuses)
(45) Phthalic an hydrides
(46) Process involving chlorinated hydro carbon
(47) Chlorine, fluorine, aromine, iodine and their compounds
(48) Fertilizer industries
(49) Paper board and straw board
(50) Synthetic fibres
(51) Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and pesticides (basic manufacture and
(52) Basic drugs
(53) Alcohol (industrial or potable)
(54) Leather industry including tanning and processing
(55) Coke making, coal liquefaction and fuel gas making industries
(56) Fibre glass production and processing
(57) Refractory
(58) Manufacture of pulp - wood pulp, mechanical or chemical (including dissolving pulp)
and/paper making.
(59) Pigment dyes and their intermediates.
(60) Industrial carbons (including graphite, electrodes, anodes, midget electrons,
graphite, blocks, crucibles, gas carbons activated, carbon synthetic diamonds,
carbon black, black, lamp etc.)
(61) Electro chemicals (other than those covered under alkali group)
(62) Paints, enamels and varnishes
(63) Ploy propylene
(64) Poly vinyl chloride
Chlorates, per chlorates and peroxides
(66) Polishes
(67) Synthetic resin and plastic products
Note: - Category of Industries modified time to time by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board will be
Annexure - IX
[See rule 35 (23)]
Regulations for Special Provisions for Hospital Buildings.
(1) Ramps of minimum width 2.4 m and maximum slope of 1:12 shall be provided in all
Hospital Buildings with Ground Floor/Stilt Floor +First Floor and above and floor
area exceeding 300 sq.m. in each floor.
(2) Set back space alround the building with access for fire fighting vehicles to operate,
as already laid down in the Development Regulations shall be provided as given
(i) For buildings less than 18.30 metres height, 6.0 metres wide set back alround.
(ii) For buildings between 18.30 metres and 30.0 metres height, 7.0 metres set
back alround.
(iii) Set back area should be free of any obstruction, such as fountains, statues,
flower pots, decorative idols, ramps etc., to facilitate movement of vehicle and
people during emergency.
(3) Minimum of two large 'louvered windows' (with adequate safety provision) shall be
provided in each floor for easy evacuation of persons, wherever the building is fully
(4) Fire Lifts with alternate power supply outside the building shall be provided.
(5) Fire fighting training shall be given for selected employees in each hospital. The
Hospital Authorities shall approach the Directorate of Fire & Rescue Service
Department (DF&RS) for imparting such training.
(6) Regular mock drills shall be conducted once in every six months with the help of
DF&RS to ensure effective functioning of all safe guards built for fire and life safety.
(7) All Government/Private Hospitals shall display in suitable places, within the
premises, declaration enlisting the fire safety measures and escape routes provided
in the hospital. This declaration should be displayed on a board in Tamil and
Annexure – X
[See rule 54 (2) (b)]
Sanitation requirements
The requirement for fitments for drainage and sanitation in the use of buildings other
than residential shall be in accordance with tables below
Table: 1. Sanitation requirements for shops and Commercial Offices
Sanitary Unit/
For Personnel
1. Water closet
One for every 25 persons or part thereof, exceeding 15 (including
employees and customers).
For female personnel 1 for every 15 persons or part thereof,
exceeding 10.
Drinking Water
One for every 100 persons with a minimum of one on each floor.
3. Wash Basin One for every 25 persons or part thereof.
4. Urinals Nil up to 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
3 for 40-70 persons
4 for 71-100 persons
From 101 to 200 add at the rate of 3%;
For over 200 persons add at the rate of 2.5%.
5. Cleaners’ Sink One per floor minimum, preferably in or adjacent to sanitary rooms.
Note: Number of customers for the purpose of the above calculation shall be the average
number of persons in the premises for a time interval of one hour during the peak
period. For male-female calculation a ratio of 1: 1 may be assumed.
Table:2 Sanitation Requirements for Hotels
Individual guest rooms shall have attached toilets. In addition, the following shall also be
Sanitary Unit
For Residential
Public staff
For non residential Staff
For male For female
Water Closet
One per 8 Persons
omitting occupants
of the attached
water closet
minimum of 2 if
both sexes are
1 for 1-15 persons
2 for 16-35 persons
3 for 36-65 persons
4 for 66-100 persons
1 for 1-12 persons
for13-25 persons
for 26-40 persons
for 41-57 persons
5 for 58-77 persons
6 for 78-100 persons
dd 1 for every 6
ersons or part thereo
2. Ablution Taps One in each W.C One in each W.C One in each W.C.
3. Urinals Nil Nil up to 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
3 for 40-70 persons
4 for 71-100 persons
4. Wash Basins One per 10 persons
1 for 15 persons
2 for 16-35 persons
3 for 36-65 persons
4 for 66-100 persons
1 for 1-12 persons
2 for 13-25 persons
3 for 26-40 persons
4 for 41-57 persons
for 58-77 persons
6 for 78-100 persons
5. Baths One per 10 persons
Nil Nil
One per 10
Less occupants of
room with bath in
Nil Nil
7. Kitchen Sink One in each Kitchen One in each Kitchen One in each Kitchen
Note: i) It may be assumed that the two-thirds of the number are males and one- third
ii) One water tap with drainage arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons
or part there of in the vicinity of water closet and urinals.
Table:3 Sanitation Requirements For Public halls
Sanitary Unit For Male For Female
1. Water Closet
One per 100 persons upto
400 persons; for over 400
add at the rate of one per
250 persons or part thereof.
Two for 10 persons upto 200
persons; over 200 add at the
rate of one per 100 persons or
part thereof.
2. Ablution Taps One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
3. Urinals
One for 50 persons or part
Nil, upto 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
3 for 46-70 persons
4 for 71-100 persons
4. Wash Basins
One per W.C. and urinal
One per W.C. provided
5 Kitchen Sink One in each kitchen One in each kitchen
6. Bath (shower) One per 10 persons
7. Cleaner’s sinks
One per 30 Bed rooms (one
per floor mimimum)
Note: i) It may be assumed that the two-thirds of the number are males and one- third
ii) One water tap with drainage arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons
or part thereof in the vicinity of water closet and urinals.
Table:4 Sanitation Requirements for Educational Occupancy
Sanitary Unit Boarding Institutions Other educational Institutions
Boys Girls Boys Girls
Water Closet
One for 8
boys or part
One for 6
girls or part
One for 40 boys or
part thereof
One for 25
girls or part
2. Ablution Taps
One in each
One in each
One in each W.C.
One in each
3. Urinals
One per every
25 pupils or
part thereof
One per every 20
pupils or part
4. Wash Basins
One for every
8 pupils or
part thereof
One for every
6 pupils or
part thereof
One for every 40
pupils or part
One for
every 40
pupils or
part thereof
5. Baths
One for every
8 pupils or
part thereof
One for every
6 pupils or
part thereof
-- --
Drinking Water
One for every
50 pupils or
part thereof
One for every
50 pupils or
part thereof
One for every 50
pupils or part
One for
every 50
pupils or
part thereof
7. Cleaner’s Sink
One per Floor
One per Floor
One per Floor
One per
Table:5 Sanitation Requirements for Nursery Schools
Sl. No. Sanitary Unit Requirement
1. Water Closet One for 15 boys, one for 6 girls
2. Ablution Taps One in each W.C.
3. Urinals one for 12 boys
4. Wash Basins One for every 15 pupils or part thereof
5. Baths One bath sink per 40 pupils
6. Drinking Water Fountains One for every 50 pupils or part thereof
7. Cleaner’s Sink One per floor minimum
Note: 1. One water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons
or part thereof, in the vicinity of water closets and urinal.
2. For teaching staff, the schedule of sanitary units to be provided shall be the same
as in case of office buildings (Table 1).
Table:6 Sanitation Requirements for Governmental and Public Business Occupancy
and Offices
Sl. No. Sanitary Unit For Male Personnel For female Personnel
1. Water Closet (W.C.)
One for 25 persons or
part thereof
One for 15 persons or part
2. Ablution taps One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
3. Urinals Nil upto 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
3 for 46-70 persons
4 for 71-100 persons
From 101 to 200 add at
the rate of 3%;
For over 200 persons
add at the rate of 2.5%.
4. Wash Basins
One for every 25 persons
or part thereof
One for every 25 persons or
part thereof
Drinking water
One for every 100
persons with a minimum
of one on each floor
One for every 100 persons
with a minimum of one on
each floor
6. Cleaner’s Sinks
One per floor minimum;
preferably in or adjacent
to sanitary rooms.
Executive Room /
Conference Hall
Toilet Suite (1 WC, 1 washbasin, optional shower for 24
hr usage)
Unit could be common for Male / Female or separate
depending on the number of user of each facility
Note: One water tap with drainage arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or
part thereof in the vicinity of water closet and urinals.
Table: 7 Sanitation Requirements for Residences
Sanitary Unit
Dwelling with
Dwelling without individual
1. Bath Room
One provided
with water tap
One for every two tenement
2. Water Closet (W.C.) One One for every two tenement
3. Sink (or Nahani) in the Floor One --
4. Water Tap One
One with drainage arrangement in
each tenement
One in common bath rooms and
common water closet.
Note: Where only one water closet is provided in a dwelling, the bath and water closet shall
be separately accommodated.
Table:8 Sanitation Requirements for Assembly Occupancy Buildings (Cinema,
Theaters, Auditoria. etc.)
For Public For Staff
Male Female Male Female
One for 100
persons upto 400
persons. For over
400 persons, add
at the rate of 1 per
250 persons or part
Two per 100
persons upto 200
persons. For over
200 persons add
at the rate of 1
per 100 persons
or part thereof
One for 15
Two for 16-35
One for 1-12
Two for 13-
25 persons
add at the
rate of 1 per
6 persons or
part thereof
One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
One in each
One in each
3. Urinals
One for 50 persons
or part thereof
_____ Nil upto
6 persons
One for 7-20
Two for 21-45
One for every 200
persons or part
One for every 200
persons or part
One for 1-15
Two for 16-35
One for 1-12
Two for 13-
25 persons
One per 100 persons or part thereof
One per floor
Shower /
As per trade requirement
Note: - i) One water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons
or part
thereof in the vicinity of water closets and urinals.
ii) It may be assumed that two thirds of the numbers are males and one third
Table:9 Sanitation Requirements for Assembly Buildings (Art, Galleries, Libraries and
For Public For Staff
Male Female Male Female
One for 200
persons upto 400
persons. For over
200 persons, add
at the rate of 1
per 250 persons
or part thereof
One per 100
persons upto 200
persons. For over
200 persons, add
at the rate of 1
per 150 persons
or part thereof
One for 1-15
Two for 16-
35 persons
One for 1-12
Two for 13-25
persons, add at
the rate of 1 per
6 persons or
part thereof
One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
One in each
One in each
3. Urinals
One for 50
persons or part
-- Nil upto
One for 7-20
Two for 21-
45 persons
One for every 200
persons or part
thereof. For over
400 persons, add
at the rate of 1
per 250 persons
or part thereof.
One for every 200
persons or part
thereof. For over
200 persons, add
at the rate of 1
per 150 persons
or part thereof
One for 1-15
Two for 16-
One for 1-12
Two for 13-25
One per floor, minimum
One per 100 persons or part thereof
As per each kitchen
Table :10 Sanitation Requirements for Restaurants
Sanitary Unit
For Public For Staff
Male Female Male Female
Water Closet
One per 50
seats upto 200
seats. For over
200 seats, add
at the rate of 1
per 100 seats
or part thereof
One per 50
seats upto 200
seats. For over
200 seats, add
at the rate of 1
per 100 seats
or part thereof
1 for 15
2 for 16-35
3 for 36-65
4 for 66-100
1 per 1-12
2 for 13-25
3 for 26-40
4 for 41-57
5 for 58-77
6for 78-100.
2. Ablution Taps
One in each
One in each
One in each
One in each W.C.
3. Urinals
One for 50
persons or part
Nil upto 6
1 for 7-20
2 for 21-45
3 for 46-70
4 for 71-100
4. Wash Basins One for every water closet
Kitchen Sinks
& Dish
One per each Kitchen
6. Service Sink One in the restaurant
Table:11 Sanitation Requirements for Factories
Sanitary Unit
For Male Personnel For female Personnel
1. Water Closet 1 for 15 persons
2 for 16-35 persons
3 for 36-65 persons.
4 for 66-100 persons.
For 101 to 200 persons
add at rate of 3%.
From over 200 persons,
add at the rate of 2.5%.
1 for 1-12 persons
1 for 13-25 persons.
2 for 26-40 persons.
3 for 41-57 persons.
4 for 58-77 persons.
5 for 78-100 persons.
For 101 to 200 persons, add at the rate
of 5%. From over 200 persons add at
the rate of 4%.
2. Ablution Taps One in each W.C One in each W.C.
3. Urinals Nil upto 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
3 for 46-70 persons
4 for 71-100 persons
From 101 to 200 persons
add at the rate of 3%; for
over 200 persons add at
the rate of 2.5%.
Washing Taps
with draining
One for every 25 persons or part thereof
One for every 100 persons with a minimum of one on each floor
As required for particular trade or occupation
shower and
eye wash
1 per every shop floor per 500 persons
i) For many trades of a dirty or dangerous character, more extensive provisions are
ii) One water tap with draining arrangement shall be provided for every 50 persons or
part thereof in the vicinity of water closet and urinal
iii) Crèches where provided shall be fitted with water closets (One for 10 persons or part
thereof), wash basins (1 for 15 persons or part thereof) and drinking water tap with
drinking arrangement for every 50 persons or part thereof.
Table -12 Sanitary Requirements for Large Stations and Airports
Sl. No. Place W.C. for Males
W.C. for Females
Urinals for Males
1. Junction Stations,
Stations and
3 for first 1000
persons, add 1 for
subsequent 1000
persons or part
8 for first 1000
persons, add 1 for
every additional
1000 persons or
part thereof.
4 for every 1000
add 1 for every
additional 1000
persons or part
Terminal Stations
and Bus Terminals
4 for first
persons and 1
every additional
1000 persons or
10 for every
1000 person and 1
for every
additional 1000
persons or
part thereof.
6 for every 1000
person and 1 for
additional 1000
persons or part
3. Domestic Airports
1 per 40 persons or
For 200 persons 5 16 thereof.
For 400 persons 9 30
For 600 persons 12 40
For 800 persons 16 52
For 1000 persons 18 58
1 per 40 persons or
For 200 persons thereof.
For 600 persons 12 40
For 1000 persons 18 58
Provision for wash basins, baths including shower stalls, shall be in accordance
with part ix section 2- Drainage and Sanitation of National Building Code of India.
* At least one Indian style water closet shall be provided in each toilet. Assume 60 %
males and 40% females in any area. At least 50 % of female WCs may be Indian
pan and 50% EWC.
Table13 General Standards/Guidelines for Public Toilets in Public Area
Public Toilet
On roads and for open areas: At every 1 km, including in parks,
plaza, open air theatre,
swimming area, car parks, fuel stations. Toilets shall be disabled-friendly
and in 50-50 ratio (M/F). Provision may be made as for Public Rooms
(Table 4.10 Contd)
Signboards on main streets shall give directions and mention the distance
to reach the nearest
public convenience. Toilets shall have multi-lingual signage for the
convenience of visitors. Helpline number shall be pasted on all toilets for
Pay and use or free. In pay and use toilets entry is allowed on payment to
the attendant or by
inserting coin and user gets 15 minutes.
The toilet should have both men and women attendants. Alternatively
automatic cleaning
cycle covering flush, toilet bowl, seat, hand wash basin, disinfecting of
floor and complete drying after each use can be adopted, which takes 40
Public toilet shall be open 24 hours.
Annexure – XI
[See rule 51]
Structural Design and Safety
Indian Standards to be taken into consideration for structural design of foundations,
elements of masonry, timber, plain concrete, reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete and
structural steel are given below:
For General Structural Safety
(1) IS: 456:2000 “Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete”
(2) IS: 800-1984 “Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel”
(3) IS: 801-1975 “Code of Practice for Use of Cold Formal Light Gauge Steel
Structural Members in General Building Construction”
(4) IS 875 (Part 2):1987 “Design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and
structures Part2 Imposed Loads
(5) IS 875 (Part 3):1987 “Design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and
structures Part 3 Wind Loads”
(6) IS 875 (Part 4):1987 “Design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and
structures Part 4 Snow Loads”
(7) IS 875 (Part 5):1987 “Design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and
structures Part 5 special loads and load combination”
(8) IS: 883:1994 “Code of Practice for Design of Structural Timber in Building”
(9) IS: 1904:1986 “Code of Practice for Structural Safety of Buildings: Foundation”
(10) IS1905:1987 “Code of Practice for Structural Safety of Buildings: Masonry Walls”
(11) IS 2911 (Part 1): Section 1:2010 “Code of Practice for Design and Construction of
Pile Foundation Section 1
Part 1: Section 2 Bored Cast-in-situ Piles
Part 1: Section 3 Driven Precast Concrete Piles
Part 1: Section 4: 1984 Bored precast Concrete Piles
Part 2: 1980 Timber Piles
Part 3 1980: Under Reamed Piles
Part 4 1985: Load Test on Piles”
For Cyclone/Wind Storm Protection
(12) IS 875 (3)-1987 "Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures, Part 3, Wind Loads"
(13) Guidelines (Based on IS 875 (3)-1987) for improving the Cyclonic Resistance of
Low rise houses and other building
For Earthquake Protection
(14) IS: 1893-2002 "Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (Fifth
(15) IS: 13920-1993 "Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to
Seismic Forces - Code of Practice"
(16) IS: 4326-1993 "Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings -
Code of Practice (Second Revision)"
(17) IS: 13828-1993 "Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Strength Masonry
Buildings - Guidelines"
(18) IS: 13827-1993 "Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthen Buildings -
(19) IS: 13935-1993 "Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings -Guidelines"
(20) The repair of structures should be undertaken as per IS:15988
For Protection of Landslide Hazard
(21) IS 14458 (Part 1): 1998 Guidelines for retaining wall for hill area: Part 1
Selection of type of wall.
(22) IS 14458 (Part 2): 1997 Guidelines for retaining wall for hill area: Part 2 Design
of retaining/breast walls
(23) IS 14458 (Part 3): 1998 Guidelines for retaining wall for hill area: Part 3
Construction of dry stone walls
(24) IS 14496 (Part 2): 1998 Guidelines for preparation of landslide – Hazard zonation
maps in mountainous terrains: Part 2 Macro-zonation
Note: Whenever an Indian Standard including those referred in the National Building
Code or Bureau of Indian Standards is referred, the latest revision and additions
of the same shall be followed except specific criteria, if any, mentioned above
against that code.
Annexure – XII
[See rule 51 (8)]
Protection against Natural Hazards
1. Protection from Earthquakes
(1) In those areas where there are no dangers of soil liquefaction or settlements or
landslides, all building structures and infrastructures should be designed using
the relevant Indian Standards as provided in these rules and the National
Building Code.
(2) Soils subjected to liquefaction potential under earthquake shaking shall be
improved by compaction to desired relative densities, so as to prevent the
possibility of liquefaction.
(3) Buildings and structures shall be founded on deep bearing piles going to non-
liquefiable dense layers.
(4) Steep slopes shall be made more stable by terracing and construction of
retaining walls and breast walls, and by ensuring good drainage of water so that
the saturation of the hill-slope is avoided.
(5) Any other appropriate engineering intervention that may be required to save the
buildings, structures, or infrastructure from the fury of the earthquake shall be
2. Protection from Cyclonic Wind Damage / Flooding /Tsunami
(1) Buildings, structures and infrastructures in the cyclone prone areas shall be
designed according to the Indian Standards and Guidelines as provided in these
rules and the National Building Code.
(2) Light utility structures used for electrical transmission and distribution and
towers for communications, Chimneystacks of industrial structures require
special design considerations against the cyclonic wind pressures, suctions and
(3) In case the buildings, structures and infrastructures are founded on marine
clay deposits it will be advisable to adopt either under-reamed or long piles
which shall penetrate the marine clay layer and rest on dense sand stratum, or
individual column footing with a reinforced concrete beam located at the level of
the ground, or a continuous reinforced concrete strip footing, using a very low
bearing pressure.
(4) Wherever, the topsoil could become slushy due to flooding, the top layer of 30
cm depth of soil shall not be considered for providing lateral stability.
(5) In storm surge prone areas, it will be preferable to construct the community
structures, like schools, cyclone shelters, etc. by raising the level of the ground
protected by provision of retaining walls at sufficient distance away from the
building, taken to such depth that no erosion takes place due to receding storm
surge. Alternatively, construct the community structures on stilts with no
masonry or bracing up to the probable maximum surge level.
(6) Protection of areas from floods may require one or more of the following actions:
(a) Raising the site above the high flood level.
(b) Construction or improvement of drainage paths to effectively drain the water
from the site area
(c) Construction of buildings and structures on deep foundations going below
the depth of scour or on stilts with deep enough foundations under water.
Annexure – XIII
[See rule 23]
Registration, Qualification and Duties and Responsibilities of Architects, Engineers,
Structural Engineers, Construction Engineers, Quality Auditors, Geo-Technical
Engineer, Town Planners and Developers
(1) Registered Architect (RA)
(a) Registration
On the basis of their academic qualifications and experience, Architects shall be
“Registered” in two “Grades”. (The purpose is not to licence to practice, but to
register such professionals to help to achieve compliance of these rules for the
development or construction by the owners or developers). The eligibility criteria for
registration in each “Grade” and the “Scope of Work” which can be entrusted to the
Architects of each “Grade” are given below.
i) Architect Grade-I
Scope of work: To prepare plans, designs and drawings for any type of
buildings or developments including High rise buildings and
layout developments
Eligibility: The person with B.Arch or equivalent degree with minimum
2 years experience (after obtaining the degree) in professional
work shall have registered with Council of Architects under
the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972.
The evidence for registration of Architects with the council of Architects and
subsequent renewal have to be produced.
ii) Architect Grade-II
Scope of work: To prepare plans, designs and drawings for small
developments stated in clause (1) (a) of Rule 35
Eligibility: Diploma in Architecture with 5 years experience (after
obtaining the Diploma) in professional work.
b) Duties and responsibilities
i. He shall be responsible for making adequate arrangements to ensure not only
that the work is executed as per the approved plans but also is in conformity
with the stipulations of the NBC for safe and sound construction and smooth
functioning of the services provided in the building and for making adequate
provisions for services and equipments and protection from fire hazards as per
ii. He shall on behalf of the owner obtain and submit the progress certificates,
completion report and other details required for occupancy certificate and any
other report as required under the rule and obtain the same and keep it ready
in the site for inspection by the competent authorities.
iii. He is solely responsible for obtaining the certificates required under this rule
from the registered professionals.
iv. In the event of any deviations he is the solely responsible to bring it to the
notice of the competent authority
v. If the services of the registered architect on record are terminated he shall
immediately inform the competent authority about his termination and the
stage of work at which his services have been terminated. The registered
architect appointed as replacement of the preceding architect shall inform
about his appointment on the job and inform the competent authority of any
deviation that might have occurred on the site with reference to the approved
plan and the stage at which he is taking over the charge.
vi. The registered architect appointed shall inform the competent authority
immediately on termination of the services of the registered structural engineer
on record , registered construction engineer on record , or any change of owner
or registered developer.
vii. He shall instruct the concerned person or agency that adequate provisions are
made for ensuring the safety of workers and others during excavation,
construction and erection.
viii. He shall instruct the concerned person or agency that adequate provisions are
made for providing safe and adequate temporary structures required for
construction and development
ix. He should inform in the progress report about satisfactory working conditions
for the workers as per the various acts in force and binding on the employers
of workers,
x. If there are deviations to approved plan or unauthorized additional
construction, the same has to be intimated immediately
xi. He should provide all certificates and reports as required under these rules
(2) Registered Engineer (RE)
a) Registration
On the basis of their academic qualifications and experience, Engineers shall be
“Registered” in three “Grades”. The eligibility criteria for registration in each “Grade”
and the “Scope of Work” which can be entrusted to the Engineer of each “Grade” are
given below.
i) Grade-I
Scope of work: To prepare plans, designs and drawings for any type of
buildings or developments including High rise buildings and
layout developments;
Eligibility: B. E. Civil or equivalent degree or A.M.I.E. with minimum 10
years experience (after obtaining the degree) in professional
ii) Grade-II
(i) Scope of work: To prepare plans, designs and drawings for Non High rise building
(i.e. upto 18.30m. in height) and layout developments on lands upto 10 hect. in
Eligibility: B. E. Civil or equivalent degree with minimum 5 years
experience (after obtaining the degree) in professional work.
iii) Grade-III
Scope of work: To prepare plans, designs and drawings for small
developments stated in clause (1) (a) rule 35 and excluding the
above mentioned structures for Grade-I and Grade-II and
layout developments on lands upto 5 hect. in extent.
Eligibility: i) Diploma in Civil Engineering with 5 years experience (after
obtaining the diploma) in professional work, or
(ii) B. E. Civil or equivalent degree with minimum 3 years
experience (after obtaining the degree) in professional work,
b) Duties and responsibilities
i. He shall be responsible for making adequate arrangements to ensure not only
that the work is executed as per the approved plans but also is in conformity
with the stipulations of the NBC for safe and sound construction and smooth
functioning of the services provided in the building and for making adequate
provisions for services and equipments and protection from fire hazards as per
ii. He shall be responsible to see that the structure serviceable for its intended
iii. To inspect the building construction work periodically and maintain such
records as cube strength, steel test certificate, etc. as envisaged in NBC. He is
responsible for quality of material and execution.
iv. He shall on behalf of the owner obtain and submit the progress certificates,
completion report and other details required for occupancy certificate and any
other report as required under the rule and obtain the same and keep it ready
in the site for inspection by competent authorities.
v. He is solely responsible for obtaining the certificates required under this rule
from the registered professionals
vi. In the event of any deviations he is the solely responsible to bring it to the notice
of the competent authority.
vii. In the event of any deviations he is the solely responsible to bring it to the notice
of the competent authority.
viii. If the services of the registered engineer on record are terminated, he shall
immediately inform the competent authority about his termination and the
stage of work at which his services have been terminated. The registered
engineer appointed as replacement of the preceding engineer shall inform about
his appointment on the job and inform the competent authority of any deviation
that might have occurred on the site with reference to the approved plan and
the stage at which he is taking over the charge.
ix. If there are deviations to approved plan or unauthorized additional construction,
the same has to be intimated immediately.
x. The registered engineer appointed shall inform the competent authority
immediately on termination of the services of the registered structural engineer
on record , registered construction engineer on record , or any change of owner
or registered developer.
xi. He shall instruct the concerned person or agency that adequate provisions are
made for ensuring the safety of workers and others during excavation,
construction and erection and that the employment of workers are made
satisfying the statutory Acts
xii. He shall instruct the concerned person or agency that adequate provisions are
made for providing safe and adequate temporary structures required for
construction and development
xiii. He should inform in the progress report about satisfactory working conditions
for the workers as per the various acts in force and binding on the employers of
xiv. To provide all certificates and reports as required under this rule.
(3) Registered Structural Engineer (RSE)
(a) Registration
On the basis of their academic qualifications and experience, Structural Engineers shall
be “Registered” in two “Grades”. The eligibility criteria for registration in each “Grade”
and the “Scope of Work” which can be entrusted to the Structural Engineer of each
“Grade” are given below.
i) Grade-I
Scope of work: To prepare structural design and structural drawings for any type of
buildings including High rise buildings
Eligibility: M. E., or equivalent degree in structures or Earthquake Engineering
or Ph.D. in the subject with minimum 5 years of experience (after
obtaining the degree) in structural design work at a responsible
position as a structural designer.
Note: The experience as stated above shall be under a Structural Engineer on
Record. (This requirement shall be waived for the first ten years of the
notification of these Rules)
ii) Grade-II
Scope of work: To prepare structural design and structural drawings for small
developments stated in clause (1) rule 35 and excluding the above
mentioned structures for Grade-I
Eligibility: (ii) B. E. Civil or equivalent degree with minimum 3 years experience
(after obtaining the degree) in structural design work at a responsible
position as a structural engineer, or
(iii) M.E. or equivalent degree in Structures/ Earthquake
Engineering or Ph.D. in the subject with minimum 1 years of
experience (after obtaining the degree) in structural design work at a
responsible position as a structural engineer .
Note: The experience as stated above shall be under a Structural
Engineer on Record. (This requirement shall be waived for the first
ten years of the notification of these Rules)
(b) Duties and responsibilities:
i. To prepare a report on the structural design and to prescribe the method and
techniques of its execution as per relevant IS specifications and NBC.
In the case of High rise buildings.
(a) To get required soil (geo-technical) investigation done from an approved
laboratory and submit the report concerning the same in prescribed format
to the competent authority.
(b) To get the structural Design checked through third party verification and
submit a certificate concerning the same to the competent authority.
ii. To prepare and submit design basis report
iii. To prepare a detailed report on structural drawings and specifications for
execution indicating thereon design live loads, safe soil baring capacity,
specification of materials, assumption made in the design, special precautions
to be taken by contractor or builder to suit the designs and assumptions etc.
iv. To supply copies of structural drawings to the Registered Construction Engineer
on Record (CER) and the site supervisor and keep it ready for inspection of the
competent authority during progress certification.
v. To ensure that the structural components are executed without any deviation of
the submitted structural drawing.
vi to inspect the work at all important stages and certify the work being executed
for structural safety and over all structural soundness of the building and as
per the original structural drawings and furnish a copy of the certificate to
Registered Architect or Registered Engineer for submission to the competent
authority periodically along with progress report, structural inspection report
and completion report.
vii. To advice the owner or developer or architect or engineer for arranging for tests
purpose and their report for soil, building material etc., for his evaluation and
design consideration.
viii. To review field test result at progressive stages as per NBC and submit the
same to the competent authority. He shall also inform the competent authority
if any deviations in quality of materials or execution.
ix. to inform the Registered Architect or Registered Engineer of any structural
deviations noticed by him during the progress of work, who in turn will inform
the same to the competent authority
x To inform in writing the competent authority within 7 days if for any reason he is
relieved of appointment or responsibilities as the registered structural
engineer(RSE) for the development.
xi. Not to provide services to further or advance work of any type of development
that does not comply with these rules or is unauthorised as per these rules.
xii. If there are deviations to approved plan or unauthorized additional construction,
the same has to be intimated immediately to Registered Architect or Registered
Engineer who will inturn will inform the same to the competent authority
xiii. To provide all certificates and reports as required under this rule.
(4) Registered Construction Engineer (RCE)
a) Registration
The requirements for registration shall be:
(i) B.E. Civil or equivalent degree or A.M.I.E. with five years experience (after
obtaining the degree) in construction , or
(ii) Diploma in Civil Engineering with seven years experience (after obtaining the
diploma) in construction, or
(iii) B. Arch or equivalent with 5 years of experience (after obtaining the degree) in
construction registered with Council of Architects under the provision of Architects
Note: The experience as stated above shall be under one or more Construction Engineer
on Record of one or more reputed construction companies. Such company or
companies established within or outside the area of jurisdiction of the competent
authority shall be of minimum ten years of standing.
b) Duties and responsibilities
All construction works (except the small developments defined in the clause (1) (a)
rule 35) shall be carried out under the supervision of a CER.
i. To adhere strictly to the structural drawings, specifications and written
instructions of the Registered Structural Engineer on Record and Registered
Architect on Record or Registered Engineer on Record
ii. To ensure that the structural components are executed without any deviation
of the submitted structural drawing.
iii. To follow the provisions of NBC. or I.S. specifications as regards materials,
components, quality control and the process of construction.
iv. He shall be responsible to see that the structure serviceable for its intended
v. To inspect the building construction work periodically and maintain such
records as cube strength, steel test certificate, etc. as envisaged in NBC and
submit the reports to Registered Architect or Registered Engineer. The same
has to be kept in the site for inspection by the competent authority.
vi. He is responsible for quality of material and execution.
vii. To provide for safety of workers and others during excavation, construction and
viii. To provide safe and adequate temporary structures required for construction
and erection.
ix. To bring to the notice of the registered Structural Engineer on record and
Registered Architect on record or Registered Engineer on record any situation of
circumstances which in his opinion are liable to endanger the safety of the
structure. The Registered Architect or Registered Engineer will in turn intimate
to the competent authority
x. To deposit with the Registered Architect or Registered Engineer for submission
to the competent authority one set of working drawings of the works executed
along with the progress certificates before proceeding with the next stage of the
xi. He/she shall be in overall charge of the site and responsible for overall
supervision of the work.
xii. He/she shall ensure that all the work under his charge is carried out in
conformity with the approved drawings and as per the details and specifications
supplied by the registered Architect on record or Registered Engineer on record.
xiii. He/she shall take adequate measures to ensure that no damage is caused to the
work under construction and adjoining properties.
xiv. He/she shall also ensure that no undue inconvenience is caused in the course
of his/her work to the people in the neighborhood.
xv. He shall also ensure that no nuisance is caused to traffic & neighboring people
by way of noise, dust, smell, vibration etc. in the course of his/her work. If there
are deviations to approved plan/unauthorized additional construction, the same
has to be intimated to Registered Architect or Registered Engineer who will in
turn will inform the same to the competent authority
xvi. To provide all certificates and reports as required under this rule.
(5) Registered Quality Auditor (RQA)
a) Registration
The requirements for registration shall be:
(i) B.E. Civil or equivalent degree with five years experience (after obtaining the
degree) in testing of building materials including concrete and/or experience in
quality control work with a reputed construction agency.
(ii) M.E. (Civil) or equivalent with two years experience (after obtaining the
degree) stated above.
Note: The experience as stated above shall be under one or more registered
quality auditors/ under one or more reputed construction companies or
agencies. Such companies or agencies established within or outside the area of
jurisdiction of the competent authority shall be of minimum ten years of
b) Duties and responsibilities
(i) The construction work of a High rise building executed by CER shall be under
an independent quality inspection programme prepared and implemented under
the supervision of an independent QAR.
(ii) At the time of seeking permission from competent authority for starting
construction of a High rise building of special structures CER shall submit an
undertaking from QAR that:
a) The QAR is agreeable to accept the assignment to implement the quality
inspection programme, and that the appointed QAR is acceptable to the
b) The QAR will get all the testing of building materials, concrete etc. done by
an independent approved testing laboratory.
iii).During construction of a High rise building the QAR shall carry out necessary
testing of materials as well as non-destructive testing of structural components with
the help of approved testing laboratory and submit to the CER, Registered Architect /
Registered Engineer and the owner/developer, the reports as per quality inspection
(iv.)Upon completion of the construction of High rise building or the special
structure the QAR shall submit the report and certificate in the prescribed format
based on the quality inspection programme. This report and certificate will be
submitted to the CER, Registered Architect/Registered Engineer and the
owner/developer for final submission to the competent authority to provide all
certificates and reports as required under this rule.
(6) Registered Geo-Technical Engineer (RGTE)
a) Registration
For foundation work, the requirements for registration Geo-technical Engineer on
shall be:
(i) M.E. (or equivalent) in Geo-technical Engineering with minimum 5 years of
experience(after obtaining the degree)
(ii) The experience as stated above shall be under one or more Geo-technical
Engineer or agency. Such agencies established within of outside the area of
jurisdiction of the competent authority shall be of minimum ten years of
(iii) The Geo-technical Engineer shall state the Laboratory he will be using.
b) Duties and Responsibilities:
All High Rise Buildings shall have, for foundation work, the services of a Registered
Geo-technical Engineer on Record.
i To carry out soil investigation at proposed locations as per specifications of
Registered Structural Engineer on Record (SER)
ii To recommend various type foundation for proposed structure and loading
with supporting calculations
iii To enable SER to take site decision in case strata different investigation
report is met with.
iv To list out precautionary measures so that there is no damage to adjacent
(7) Registered Town Planner
a) Registration
For layout developments /subdivisions, the requirements for registration Town
Planner shall be:
Masters degree in Town and Country Planning or in Urban Planning or in City
Planning or in Regional Planning or in Housing or an equivalent degree with
minimum 2 years experience (after obtaining the degree), or
A.I.T.P. with minimum 2 years experience (after passing the
examination/becoming the member)
b) Duties and Responsibilities:
i. Preparation of plans for land subdivisions/layouts,
ii. He shall be responsible for making adequate arrangements to ensure not only
that the work is executed as per the approved plan but also is in conformity
with the stipulations / conditions of approval. He shall inform the competent
authority of any deviation with reference to the approved plan.
iii. If the services of the Registered Town Planner are terminated he shall
immediately inform the competent authority about his termination. The
Registered Town Planner appointed as replacement of the preceding Town
Planner shall inform about his appointment on the job and inform the
competent authority of any deviation that might have occurred on that site with
reference to the approved plan and the stage at which he is taking over the
iv. The Registered Town Planner shall inform the competent authority immediately
any change of owner or developer before getting permission for sub division /
layout under these rules.
v. He shall instruct the concerned person/agency that adequate provisions are
made for ensuring the safety of workers and others during the layout
vi. to provide all certificates and reports as required under this rule.
(8) Registered Landscape Architect
a) Registration
For the work related to landscape design for building/ layout development for land
extending 5 hectares and above, the requirements of registration of landscape architect
shall be Bachelor or Master’s Degree in landscape architecture or equivalent from
recognized Indian or Foreign Universities.
b) Duties and Responsibilities
i. Preparation of landscape designs for buildings/ layout developments
ii. Shall be responsible for the maintenance of the natural eco system
iii. shall inform the competent authority if there are any intervention to the natural
iv. He shall be responsible for making adequate arrangements to ensure not only
that the work is executed as per the approved plan but also is in conformity
with the stipulations / conditions of approval.
v. If the service of the Registered Landscape Architect is terminated he shall
immediately inform the competent authority about his termination. The
Registered Landscape Architect appointed as replacement of the preceding
Landscape Architect shall inform about his appointment on the job and inform
the competent authority of any deviation that might have occurred on that site
with reference to the approved plan and the stage at which he is taking over the
vi. The Registered Landscape Architect shall inform the competent authority
immediately any change of owner or developer before getting permission for sub
division / layout under these rules.
(9) Registered Developer
a) Registration
i. Generally the person / firm who apply to register as developer shall have
experience in the field of construction or real estate development.
ii. The developer have to be an IT Assessee.
b) Duties and responsibilities
The responsibilities of developers shall be:
i. To obtain building permission from the Executive Authority prior to
commencement of construction / development
ii. To appoint Registered Architect / Registered Engineer/Construction Engineer
and Registered Structural Engineer and other required professionals stated in
these rules
iii. The appointment of the Registered Architect/ Registered Engineer /Registered
Construction Engineer/ Registered Structural Engineer shall mean that he (the
Developer) has authorised the Registered Architect / Registered Engineer to do
all things necessary and to take all adequate measures for preparing the design,
drawings and specifications for the project and to appoint on his behalf
appropriate persons to act as CER, required for the proper execution of the
project and to retain on behalf of the owner any other specialist or expert
required on the work of the project, in consultation with the developer.
iv. To obtain and submit to the competent authority, along with application for
building permission the required certificates/report/ undertakings ,each
progress report through Registered Architect/Registered Engineer and
application for occupancy certificate.
v. To obtain at relevant stages certificates from them, for submission to the
competent authority, through Registered Architect/Registered Engineer that in
designing the building/ development and providing detailed drawings and
specifications for it they have complied with requirements as laid out in these
vi. To obtain and adhere to the quality assurance procedure prepared by the CER.
vii. To adequately enable the CER to carry out his responsibilities.
viii. To certify along with the CER that construction/ development has been carried
out as per the design, detailed drawings and specifications provided by the
Registered Architect on Record/ Registered Engineer on Record and Registered
Structural Engineer on Record.
ix. To regularly submit progress reports and certificates through Registered
Architect/Registered Engineer as required by the competent authority.
x. To inform in writing the competent authority within 7 days, if for any reason he
ceases to be the developer or is relieved of his responsibilities as the developer.
xi. To inform in writing to the competent authority within 7 days, if for any reason
any of the registered professionals appointed by him have been relieved of their
responsibilities or have resigned.
xii. He shall not cause or allow any deviations from the approved drawings in the
course of the execution of the project against the instruction of Registered
Architect on Record / Registered Engineer on Record / Registered Construction
Engineer on Record / Registered Structural Engineer on Record and shall bear
all responsibilities for any irregularity committed in the use and function of the
building or its parts for which the approval has been obtained.
xiii. He shall not commence the use of building or shall not give the possession to
occupy the building to any one before obtaining the completion certificate or
occupancy certificate as applicable from the competent authority.
xiv. He shall provide adequate safety measures for structural stability and protection
against fire hazards likely from installation of services like electrical installation,
plumbing, drainage, sanitation, water supply etc. wherever required under the
xv. He shall make available copies of titles for the land, approved plans and all
certificates issued by the competent authority under these rules to the
prospective purchasers of the premises.
xvi. He should inform in the progress report about satisfactory working conditions
for the workers as per the various acts in force and binding on the employers of
xvii. He shall instruct the concerned person/agency that adequate provisions are
made for ensuring the safety of workers and others during excavation,
construction and erection and that the employment of workers are made
satisfying the statutory Acts
xviii. If there are deviation to approved plan/unauthorized additional construction,
the same has to be intimated immediately to the competent authority and
Registered Architect /Registered Engineer.
xix. He shall be responsible to see that the structure serviceable for its intended
xx. To provide all certificates and reports as required under this rule.
Annexure – XIV
[See rule 51 (3)]
Form 1
Structural Design Basis Report
(1) This report to accompany the application for Building Developments
Part1 General Data
S.No. Description Informatio
1. Site Address
2 Name of Owner
3 Name of Registered Developer along with the
Registration Number
4 Name of Registered Architect/Engineer along
with the Registration Number
5 Name of Registered Structural engineer along
with the Registration Number
6 Use of the building
7 Number of stories above ground level
(including storeys to be added later, if any)
8 Number of basements below ground level
9 Type of structure
Load bearing walls
R.C.C. frame
R.C.C. frame and Shear Walls
Steel frame
10 Soil data
Type of soil
Design safe bearing capacity
IS:1893 C1.
IS: 1904
IS: 1892
IS: 2131
IS: 2720
11 Dead loads (unit weight adopted)
Brick masonry
Plain cement concrete
Reinforced cement concrete
Floor finish
Other fill materials
IS: 875 Part 1
12 Imposed (live) loads
IS: 875 Part 2
Floor loads
Roof loads
13 Cyclone/Wind
Design pressure intensity
IS: 875 Part 3
14 Seismic zone IS: 1893 (2002)
15 Importance factor IS:1893(2002)
Table 6
16 Seismic zone factor (Z) IS:1893 Table 2
17 Response reduction factor IS:1893 Table 7
18 Fundamental natural period – approx. IS:1893 C1.7.6
19 Design horizontal acceleration spectrum value
IS: 1893 C1.6.4.2
Expansion/Separation Joints
21 Building is regular/irregular IS 1893
Enclose detailed drawings drawn to scale for each floor
In case terrace garden is provided, indicate additional fill load and live load along with
the detailed drawings drawn to scale
Part 2 Load bearing masonry buildings
Sl.No. Description Information Notes
Building category
IS: 4326 C1.7
Read with IS:1893
Ordinary B C D E
Important C D E E
2 Basement Provided
3 Number of floors including
Ground Floor (all floors including
stepped floors in hill slopes)
4 Type of wall masonry
5 Type and mix of Mortar IS: 4326 C1.8.1.2
6 Re: size and position of openings
(See note No.[i])
Minimum distance (b5)
Ratio (b
Minimum pier width
between consequent opening
Vertical distance (h
Ratio of wall height to
thickness 4
Ratio of wall length between
cross wall to thickness
IS: 4326 Table 4, Fig.7
7 Horizontal seismic band
at plinth level
at window sill level
at lintel level
at ceiling level
at eave level of sloping
at top of gable walls
(see note No.2)
IS:4326 C1 8.4.6
IS: 4326 C1 8.3
IS: 4326 C1 8.4.2
IS: 4326 C1 8.4.3
IS: 4326 C1 8.4.3
IS: 4326 C1 8.4.4
at top of ridge walls
8 Vertical reinforcing bar
at corners and T junction of walls
at jambs of doors and window
IS: 4326 C1 8.4.8.
IS: 4326 C1 8.4.9
9 Integration of prefab
roofing/flooring elements
through reinforced concrete
IS:4326 C1 9.1.4
10 Horizontal bracings in pitched
truss in horizontal plane at the
level of ties in the slopes of
pitched roofs
Notes: (i) Information in Item 6 should be given on separate A4 sheets for all walls with
large number of openings
(ii) IP indicated “Information Provided”
IP indicates “Information to be provided”
NA indicates “Not Applicable”
Tick mark one box
Part 3 Reinforced concrete framed buildings
Sl. No. Description Information
1 Type of building
Regular frames
Regular frames with Shear Walls
Irregular frames
Irregular frames with Shear Walls
Soft storey
IS: 1893 C1 7.1
2 Number of basements
3 Number of floors including ground floor
4 Horizontal floor system
Beams and slabs
Ribbed floor
Flat slab with drops
Flat plate without drops
5 Soil data
Type of soil
Recommended type of foundation
-Independent footings
Recommended bearing capacity of
Recommended type, length, diameter
and load capacity of piles
Depth of water table
Chemical analysis of ground water
Chemical analysis of soil
IS: 1498
6 Foundations
Depth below ground level
7 System of interconnecting foundations
Plinth beams
Foundation beams
IS: 1893 C1 7.12.1
8 Grades if concrete used in different parts of
9 Method of analysis used
10 Computer software used
11 Torsion included IS: 1893 C1 7.9
12 Base shear
a. Based on approximate fundamental
b. Based on dynamic analysis
c. Ratio of a/b
IS: 1893 Cl. 7.5.3
13 Distribution of seismic forces along the
height of the building.
IS:1893 Cl.7.7
(Provide sketch)
14 The Column of soft ground storey specially
IS: 1893 Cl.7.10
15 Clear minimum cover provided in
IS: 456 Cl. 26.4
16 Ductile detailing of RC frame
Type of reinforcement used
Minimum dimension of beams
Minimum dimension of columns
Minimum percentage of reinforcement
of beams at any cross section
Maximum percentage of
reinforcement at any section of beam
Spacing of transverse reinforcement
in 2-d length of beams near the ends
Ratio of capacity of beams in shear to
capacity of beams in flexure
Maximum percentage of
reinforcement in column
Confining stirrups near ends of
columns and in beam-column joints
Ratio of shear capacity of columns to
maximum seismic shear in the
IS: 456 Cl. 5.6
IS: 13920 Cl.6.1
IS: 13920 Cl.7.1.2
IS: 456 Cl.26.5.1(a)
IS: 13920 Cl.6.2.1
IS: 456
IS: 13920 Cl.6.2.2
IS: 13920 Cl.6.3.5
IS: 456 Cl.
IS: 13920 Cl. 7.4
17 Does the features require clearance by SDRP
Example: High rise building
Prefab building
Building in hazard prone areas
i. In case raft foundation has been adopted, indicate K value used for analysis of the
ii. Incase pile foundations have been used, give full particulars of the piles, type, dia,
length, capacity
iii. In case of high water table, indicate system of countering water pressure, and
indicate the existing water table, and that assumed to design foundations.
Idealization for Earthquake analysis
i. In case of composite system of shear walls and rigid frames, give distribution of
base shear
in the two systems on the basis of analysis, and that used for design of each system
ii. Indicate the idealization of frames and shear walls adopted in the analysis with the help
of sketches.
iii. Submit framing plans of each floor
iv. In case of basements, indicate the system used to contain earth pressures.
Part 4 Buildings in structural steel
1 Adopted method of
o Simple
o Semi-rigid
o Rigid
IS:800 Cl 3.4.4
IS:800 Cl.3.4.5
IS:800 Cl.3.5.6
2 Design based on o Elastic analysis
o Plastic analysis
IS: 800 Section-9
SP;6 (6)
3 Floor construction o Composite
o Non composite
o Boarded
4 Roof construction o Composite
o Non composite
o Metal
o Any other
5 Horizontal force
resisting system
Braced frames
Frames & shear walls
Note: Seismic force As
per IS:1893 Would
depend on system
6 Slenderness ratios
Members defined in Table 3.1,
IS 800; Cl.3.7
7 Member deflection
limited to
Beams, Rafters
Crane Girders, Purlins
Top of columns
IS:800 Cl.3.13
8 Structural members o Encased in concrete
Not encased
IS: 800 Section-10
9 Proposed material o General weld-able
o High strength
o Cold formed
o Tubular
IS: 2062
IS: 8500
IS: 801, 811
IS: 806
10. Minimum metal o Hot rolled sections IS: 800, Cl.3.8
thickness Specified for
corrosion protection
o Cold formed sections
o Tubes
Cl.3.8.1 to Cl.3.8.4
11 Structural
o Rivets
o CT Bolts
o S H F G Bolts
o Black Bolts
o Welding field
Shop (Specify welding type
proposed) Composite
IS: 800, Section-8
IS: 1929, 2155,
IS 6639, 1367
IS 3757, 4000
IS: 1363, 1367
IS: 816, 814,1395,
7280, 3613, 6419,
6560, 813, 9595
Minimum Fire rating
proposed, with
o Rating……………hours
o Method proposed.
-In tumescent painting
-Fire retardant boarding
IS: 1641, 1642,
Any special weakness in the building making it vulnerable for stability related
failure and the precaution to be taken during execution/completion and finishing to be
Recommendations of structural Engineer with respect to special requirements
needed with respect to structural safety and stability to be taken note of by competent
authority feature like incorporation of swimming pool, heavy load on roof ,prefabricated
structure or any other hazardous features should be included.
Form 2
[See rule 9 (1) (g)]
Notice for Commencement of work
Reference No.
Owner's Name: Location:
Developer's Name with
Registration No. :
Submitted on : Received on:
Ref: Proposed work of ................................... (Title of the project)
......................... at ...................................................................... (Site
address) ......................................for ...................................(Name of Owner
/ Developer / Builder), ...........................(his address and Tel. No.)
I hereby inform that the construction of the building in (site address)
......................................................................... will commence on ................................. as
per the permission obtained vide Office communication No...........................................,
dated........................ under the supervision of .................................. Architect / Engineer /
Construction Engineer on record, Registration No. .........................................................
and in accordance with the plans sanctioned.
Signature of Registered Architect/Engineer Signature of Owner / Registered
Developer with date
Name of Owner / Registered Developer in Block Letters
Address of Owner
Tel. No.
Dated:...................................... ______________________________
Form 3
[See rule 9 (2) (b)]
Progress Certificate
Plinth Stage / In case of basement, casting of basement slab stage
Reference No.
Owner’s Name:
Developers Name: Location:
Submitted on: Received on:
(i) We hereby inform you that the work of execution of the building as per approved plan,
working drawing , detailed structural drawings and structural specifications prepared
by the Registered Structural Engineer on Record , the detailed Architectural drawings
and Architectural specifications prepared by the Registered Architect on Record ,has
reached the Plinth Level casting of basement slab level and is executed under our
(ii) We declare that revised /amended plan is not necessary at this stage.
(iii) We also undertake to comply with the rule no. 19 regarding the change of owner/
Developer / Professionals
Yours faithfully,
Signature of the Signature of the
Registered Architect/Engineer Owner/ Registered Developer (with
Registration No,)
Date: ______________________ Date: ____________________
Name in block letters: __________________ Name in block letters__________
(with Registration No.)
Address: _____________________________ Address ___________________
Signature of the
Registered Construction Engineer on Record
Date: ______________________
Name in block letters: __________________
(with Registration No.)
Address: _____________________________
Signature of Structural Engineer
The construction up to this stage has been executed as per the structural drawing without
any deviation with respect to structural component and reinforcement details in complying
with provisions of NBC The recommendations made by me to ensure adequate safety of the
structure are complied with by the owner to my entire satisfaction.
Signature of the
Registered Construction Engineer on Record
Registration No.)
Name in block letters________ Address: _________________________
Form 4
[See rule 9 (2) (b)]
Progress Certificate - Last Storey
Reference No.
Owners Name: Location:
Registered Developers Name:
Submitted on: Received on:
1. We hereby inform you that the work of execution of the building as per approved plan,
working drawing , detailed structural drawings and structural specifications prepared by
the Registered Structural Engineer on Record , the detailed Architectural drawings and
Architectural specifications prepared by the Registered Architect on Record ,has reached
the -----------storey level and is executed under our supervision
2. We declare that revised / amended plan is not necessary at this stage.
3. We also undertake to comply with the rule no,19 regarding the change in
Yours faithfully,
Signature of the Signature of the
Registered Architect/ Engineer Owner/ Registered Developer (with
Registration No.)
Date: ________________________ Date: ____________________
Name in block letters: __________ Name in block letters________
(with Registration No.)
Address: ___________________ Address___________________
Signature of the
Registered Construction Engineer on Record
Name in block letters: ________________
Address: _________________________ Signature of Structural Engineer
The construction up to this stage has been executed as per the structural drawing without
any deviation with respect to structural component and reinforcement details in complying
with provisions of NBC. The recommendations made by me to ensure adequate safety of the
structure are complied with by the owner to my entire satisfaction.
Signature of the
Registered Construction Engineer on Record
Registration No.)
Date:________________________Name in block letters________ Address:
Form 5
[See rule 21 (1)]
Completion Report
Reference No.
Owners Name: Location:
Submitted on: Received on:
1. The work of erection/re-erection of building as per approved plan is completed under the
Supervision of Registered Construction Engineer on record who has given the completion
certificate which is enclosed herewith.
2. We declare that the work is executed as per the approved plan/permission granted and
to our satisfaction. We declare that the construction is to be used for ______________ the
purpose as per approved plan and it shall not be changed without obtaining written
3. We hereby declare that the plan as per the building erected has been submitted and
4. We will transfer the area of parking space provided as per approved plan to the
occupants /association before for occupancy certificate.
5. Any subsequent change from the completion drawings will be our responsibility.
6. One complete set of structural drawings showing the reinforcement details/structural
details/foundation details including reinforcement drawings certified by structural engineer
as executed have been submitted to the competent authority. The submitted drawing shall
show all features that affect the structural stability including non structural items.
Yours faithfully,
(Developer’s Signature) (Owner’s
Name of Registered Developer (with Registration No.)/Name of Owner
Encl: Completion Report
Form 6
[See rule 20 (1)]
Building Completion Report by Registered Architect or Engineer
Reference No.
Owners Name: Location:
Registered Developers Name:
Submitted on: Received on:
1. The building/s has/have been constructed according to the sanctioned plan.
2. The building/s has /have been constructed as per approved plan.
3. Construction has been done under our supervision / guidance and adheres to the
drawings submitted.
Signature of the Owner / Registered Developer Signature of Registered
Architect on (with Registration No,) Record / Registered
Engineer on Record
Date Date
Name in block letter: Name in block letters:
(with Registration No.)
Address: _________________ Address: ___________________
Form 7
[See rule 20 (1)]
Building Completion Report by Registered Construction Engineer
Reference No.
Owner’s Name: Location:
Registered Developers Name:
Submitted on : Received on :
1. The building/s has/have been constructed according to the sanctioned plan.
2. The building/s has / have been constructed as per
- the detailed structural drawings and structural specifications prepared by the
Registered Structural Engineer on Record
- the detailed Architectural drawings and Architectural specifications prepared by
the Registered Architect on Record.
- detailed drawings and specifications of all services
3. All materials used in the construction have been tested as provided in specifications and
a record of test reports has been kept.
4.The building was inspected and cleared by the structural engineer with respect to stability
features of structure and foundation.
Signature of the Owner / Registered Developer Signature of Registered
(with Registration No.) Construction Engineer
on Record
Date Date
Name in block letter: Name in block letters:
(with Registration No.)
Address: _________________ Address:
Form 8
[See rule 20 (1)]
Building Completion Report of Registered Structural Engineer
Reference No.
Owner’s Name : Location :
Developers Name:
Submitted on : Received on :
This is to certify that detailed structural drawings of the buildings/s has / have been
prepared on the basis of a detailed analysis and a detailed design carried out according to
relevant previsions of the latest Indian Standard Codes, National Building Code and as
indicated in the structural design basis report.
The construction up to this stage has been executed as per the structural drawing without
any deviation with respect to structural component and reinforcement details in complying
with provisions of NBC The recommendations made by me to ensure adequate safety of the
structure are complied with by the owner to my entire satisfaction.
Signature of the Owner Signature of Registered Structural
on Record
Date Date
Name in block letters: Name in block letters:
(with Registration No.)
Address: ____________________ Address: ________________
Form 9
[See rules 9 (2) (b) and 51 (5)]
Structural Inspection Report (to be submitted at plinth level and last storey)
(This form has to be completed by Registered Structural Engineer after his site inspection
and verification regarding compliance of all his recommendations by the owner, which in
the opinion of the registered structural engineer are necessary for safety of the structure)
I. Work of ……….. (Title of the project)…….. at …………………............ [Site
II. Name of the present owner:
III. Description of the structure:
Class I or Class II (Briefly describe the property in general and the structure in
particular) Indicate whether the structure is regular/irregular as per IS1893 of the
structure is in Zone-III.
(a) Function (b) Framed construction
(with or
Hostel Auditoria Factory
or any
(pl. state)
1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8
A. Load
B. Framed
and structural
Brick RCC Stone
RBC Steel Jack-
IV. Year of construction
Year of subsequent additions or rectifications (Please describe briefly the nature of
additions or rectifications).
V. Date of last inspection report filed: Last filed by whom (This does not apply to the
first report).
VI. Soil on which building is founded
i) Any change subsequent to construction
ii) Nearby open excavation
iii) Nearby collection of water
iv) Proximity of drain
v) Underground water-tank
vi) RW. Pipes out-lets
vii) Settlements
VII. The Super-structure (R.C.C. Frame structure)
i) Crack in beam or column nature and extent of crack probable causes.
ii) Cover spell
iii) Exposure of reinforcement
iv) subsequent damage by user for taking pipes, : conduits, hanging, fans or any
other fixtures, etc.
v) Crack in slab
vi) Spalling of concrete or plaster of slab
vii) Corrosion of reinforcement
viii) Loads in excess of design loads
VIII The Super-Structure (Steel Structure)
i) Paintings
ii) Corrosion
iii) Joint, nuts, bolts, rivets, welds, gusset plates
iv) Bending or buckling of members
v) Base plate connections with columns or pedestals
vi) Loading
IX. The Super-Structure (Load bearing masonry structure) Cracks in masonry walls)
(Please describe some of the major cracks, their nature, extent and location, with a
sketch, if necessary.
X. Recommendations if any
This is to certify that the above is a correct representation of facts as given to me by the
owner and as determined by me after Site Inspection to the best of my ability and judgment.
XI. Indicate any hazard the structure faces such as cyclone/land slide/Tsunami/weak
The construction up to this stage has been executed as per the structural drawing
without any deviation with respect to structural component and reinforcement details in
complying with provisions of NBC The recommendations made by me to ensure adequate
safety of the structure are complied with by the owner to my entire satisfaction.
Signature of the Registered Structural Engineer
on Record
Name of the registered structural Engineer:
Registration No.
Form 10
[See rule 51 (9)]
Model Proforma for Technical Audit Report
1. Design
1.1 Design/Drawings available? Y/N
Design category
Type design?
Specific design ?
Design to be
collected to
refer to Design
Drawings prepared/checked by competent authority? Y/N
Design Drawings/details
Structural detailed included
Earthquake/cyclone resistant features included?
Design verified/vetted by Dept./Govt. approved
agency/competent authority?
Design changes approved by dept./govt. approved
agency/competent authority?
2 Foundation
2.1 Foundation used Existing/New
2.2.1 If existing foundation used
2.2.1 Depth of foundation below ground : <50cm/50-70/>70cm
2.2.2 Type of masonry : Stone/Bricks/PCC Blocks
2.2.3 Thickness of masonry (above ground) : 23cm/35/>35
2.2.4 Mortar used : Cement-Sand/Lime/Mud
2.2.5 Mix of cement mortar : 1:4/1:6/Leaner
2.2.6 Height up to Plinth : ________________ cm
2.2.7 If stone masonry Through Stones : Yes/No, if Yes
Adequate/Inadequate Corner Stones : Yes/No, if Yes
2.3 If new foundation used
2.3.1 Depth of foundation below ground : _____ <50/50-70/>70cm
2.3.2 Type of masonry blocks : stone/bricks/PCC
2.3.3 Thickness of Masonry above plinth : 23 cm/35/>35cm
2.3.4 Mortar used : Cement – sand/lime/mud
2.3.5 Mix of cement mortar (1:4) : Yes/No
2.3.6 Height up to Plinth : <60/>60cm
2.3.7 If stone masonry Through Stones : Yes/No, if Yes
Adequate/Inadequate Corner Stones : Yes/No, if Yes
2.4 Verticle reinforcement in foundation : Yes/No
3 Walling
3.1 Type of masonry : Stone/Brick/PCC Blocks
3.2 Mortar used : Cement – Sand/Lime/Mud
3.3 Mix of cement mortar : 1:4/1:6/Leaner
3.4 Thickness of wall : >23cm/23cm/23cm
3.5 Mixing of mortar : OK/Not OK
3.6 Joint Property filled : OK/NOT OK
3.7 Wetting of bricks : Good/ Medium/ Poor
3.8 If stone masonry
3.8.1 Through Stones : Yes/No
3.8.2 Corner Stones : Yes/No
3.9 Overall workmanship : Good / Medium / Poor
4 Roofing
4.1 Type of roof : Flat/Sloping
4.2 If sloped : Morbid tiles/ A.C. sheet/ G.I.
4.3 Purlins : Angle-Iron / Timber / NA
4.4 Truss type ____________
4.5 Anchorage with wall : Adequate/ Inadequate/ NA
5 Materials
5.1 Cement
5.1.1 Source Authorised Dealer/Market
5.1.2 Type of cement : OPC/PPC/PSC
5.1.3 If OPC : Grade (33/ 43/ 53)
5.2 Sand
5.2.1 Type of sand : River sand / Stone dust
5.2.2 Presence of deleterious materials : Mild / Moderate/ High
5.3 Coarse Aggregates
5.3.1 Type coarse Aggregates : Gravel/ Crushed Stone
5.3.2 Presence of deleterious material : Mild/ Moderate / High
P.C.C. Blocks (Applicable for onsite production)
5.4.1 Type of P.C.C. Blocks : Solid blocks/Hollow blocks
5.4.2 Ratio of concrete in blocks : ______________________
5.4.3 Interlocking feature : Yes/No
5.4.4 Course aggregates used : Natural/ Crushed stone
5.5 Bricks Blocks, Stone etc.
5.5.1 Strength (field assessment) : Low/Medium/High
5.5.2 Dimensional accuracy : Yes/No
5.6.3 Compaction : Vibrators/Thappies and rods
5.6.4 Workability : Low / Medium / High
5.6.5 Availability of water : Sufficient / Insufficient
5.6.6 Curing : Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.
5.7 Reinforcing Steel
5.7.1 Type of Steel : Plain mild steel/HYSD
5.7.2 Source : Authorised Dealer/Market
5.7.3 Whether IS marked : Yes/No
5.7.4 Conditions of bars : Clean/Corroded
5.7.5 Fixing of reinforcement as per drawing : Yes/No
5.7.6 Suitable cover : Yes/No
5.7.7 Spacing of bars : Regular/Irregular
5.7.8 Overlaps as per specifications : Yes/ No
5.8 Form Work
5.8.1 Type of Form Work : Timber / Ply board
5.8.2 Use of mould oil : Yes/No
5.8.3 Leakage of cement slurry : Observed/ Not observed
5.9 Source
5.9.1 Cement
5.9.2 Sand
5.9.3 Coarse Agg.
5.9.4 Bricks
5.9.5 PCC Blocks
6 Seismic Resistance Features
6.1 Masonry Structures
6.1.1 Provision of bands at Plinth level Sill level Lintel level Roof level (if applicable)
Provided Adequate
Yes/No Yes/No
Yes/No Yes/No
Yes/No Yes/No
Yes/No Yes/No
6.1.2 If sloped roof, whether seismic bands are provide at Gable wall top Yes/No Eaves level Yes/No
6.1.3 Provision of vertical steel in masonry at
Provided Adequate
Each corner
Each T-junction
Each door joint
Around each window
6.1.4 Openings Total width of openings : <50%/50*-60%/>60%
(*-42% for double storey) Clearance from corner Pier width between two openings
6.2 Framed structures
6.2.1 Ductile detailing Spacing of stirrup Sizes of members End anchorage Lapping (length, location, etc.) Angle of stirrup hook
90/135 degrees
6.3 Any testing carried out by owner/Engineering
Supervisor on
Testing done Testing results
6.3.1 Water
6.3.2 Cement
6.3.3 Bricks/PCC blocks/Stones
6.3.4 Aggregate
6.3.5 Mortar
Yes/No OK/Not OK
Yes/No OK/Not OK
Yes/No OK/Not OK
Yes/No OK/Not OK
Yes/No OK/Not OK
6.3.6 Concrete
6.3.7 Reinforcement
Yes/No OK/Not OK
Yes/No OK/Not OK
Signature of Owner/Registered Developer signature of the Registered quality
Name and Address Name and Address
(in case of Registered Developer state the (with Registration No.)
Registration No,)
Annexure - XV
[See rule 37]
Special regulations for schools
Buildings of schools shall conform to the following special regulations:
Site of the school building
[a] shall not have opening direct to the National / State Highways with heavy vehicular
[b] shall not be close to water bodies and forests.
[c] shall not be in the close proximity of garbage dumps, dusty and noisy roads or
2.No. of floors
The provisions in the National Building Code 2016 in all aspects apart from adherence
to these rules.
3.Stair case and exits shall conform to the following minimum standards.
[a] Minimum width 1.6m
[b] One stair case for every 6 class rooms
[c] Mid landing not less than 1.6m in width
[d] Continuous stairs from ground level to the terrace level.
[e] Travel distance to the stair case from any part of upper floors shall not be more than
[f] Exit door if any from the stair case at the ground level shall open directly to the
open space and it shall not be less than 2m in width and 2.1m in height.
4.Class rooms shall confirm to the following:
[a] Minimum size shall be 6m x 6m for student strength of not exceeding 40 Nos.
[b] Thickness of wall shall not be less than 23 cms.
[c] Head room height of the class rooms shall be minimum 3metres.
[d] Each class room shall have at least 2 doors and 2 windows
[e] Doors and windows should be made of materials with high fire resistance rating.
5.Fire safety measures
[a] Adequate no. of fire extinguishers shall be provided
[b] Provision of separate water tank / sump to meet the requirement of fire fighting
during emergency shall be provided.
[c] Buildings shall be constructed using non-combustible materials.
6.Electrical wiring, equipments and installations shall confirm to the safety standards
prescribed in the NBC and also confirm to the requirements of the Chief Electrical
[a] Kitchen if any located within the school premises shall not be closer to the class
rooms or student toilets.
[b] Where covered verandah / corridor is provided, it shall be minimum 1.8m. in width
in front of class rooms.
[c] The parapet wall in the open terrace shall be minimum 23cm in thickness and
100cm in height.
[d] Toilets enough in number and with adequate water supply shall be provided.
Annexure - XVI
[See rule 6]
Conservation of heritage sites
including heritage buildings,
heritage precincts and
feature areas
1. These regulations will apply to those buildings, artifacts, structures, and/or precincts of
historical and/or aesthetical and/or architectural and/or cultural value (hereinafter
referred to as Listed Buildings/Heritage Buildings and Listed precincts/Heritage precincts)
which will be listed in notification(s) to be issued by the Government and will not apply to
those which have been covered in the notification of Central or State Archeological
Department under their Act/Rules
2. Restriction on Development/Redevelopment/Repairs, etc.
(i) No development or redevelopment or engineering operation or additions,
alterations, repairs, renovation including the painting of buildings, replacement
of special features or demolition of the whole or any part thereof or plastering of
said listed/heritage buildings or listed/heritage precincts shall be carried out
except with the prior written permission of the competent authority. The
competent authority shall act in consultation with the Heritage Conservation
Committee to be appointed by Government (hereinafter called “the said Heritage
Conservation Committee”).
Provided that in exceptional cases for reasons to be recorded in writing the
competent authority may over rule the recommendation of the Heritage
Conservation Committee.
Provided that the powers to over rule the recommendation of the Heritage
Conservation Committee shall not be delegated by the competent authority to
any other Officer.
(ii) In relation to religious buildings in the said list, the changes, repairs, additions,
alterations and renovations required on religious grounds mentioned in sacred
texts, or as a part of holy practices laid down in religious codes shall be treated
as permissible, subject to their being in accordance and consonance with the
original structure and architecture, designs, aesthetics and other special feature
Provided that before arriving at his decision, the competent authority shall take
into consideration the recommendations of the Heritage Conservation
3. Preparation of list of Heritage Buildings and Heritage Precincts:- The list of
buildings, artifacts, structures and precincts of historic, and/or aesthetical /or cultural
value etc. to which these regulations apply shall be notified by the Government after its
approval on its merits with or without modifications.
The draft list of buildings artifacts etc. to which these regulation shall apply shall be
prepared by the authority in consultation with the Heritage Conservation Committee and
also addressing the owners of the said listed building/precincts giving an opportunity to
represent regarding the proposed notifications and further notifying in newspapers inviting
objections/suggestions from the general public, and it shall be forwarded to Government.
The Government may accord approval for the said list with or without modifications as may
be decided on its merits and notify the same in Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, and also
in local newspapers.
This list may be supplemented, altered, deleted, or modified from time to time by the
Government on receipt of the proposals from the Executive Authority or suo motto by the
government after following the procedures of giving opportunity to the owners/ lessees and
also the general public stated above after notification in the Tamil Nadu Government
4. Power to Alter, Modify or Relax Regulations: - With the approval of Government and
after consultation with the said Heritage Conservation Committee, the competent authority
shall have the power to alter, modify or relax the provisions of other Regulations if it is
needed for the conservation, preservation or retention of historical, aesthetical, cultural or
architectural quality of any listed Buildings/Heritage Buildings or listed Precincts/Heritage
5. Hearing etc. to persons likely to be affected: - Provided that in case any alterations,
modifications or relaxations of any of the provisions of the Development Regulations, will
cause undue loss to the owners or persons who have development right over the Heritage
Buildings/Heritage Precincts, the competent authority shall give an opportunity of hearing
to the said owner or persons who have development right over the Heritage Buildings and to
the public, before taking final decision in the matter.
6. Grant of Transferable Development Rights in cases of loss of Development Rights: -
If any application for development on a private land is refused under this Regulation or
conditions are imposed while permitting such development therein which deprive the
private owner/lessee who is not a Government or a quasi Government department or
agency or a religious institutions or a trust a society, or a charitable institutions etc., of any
unconsumed FSI otherwise the private owner/lessee could have availed considering the
land use, road width, setback etc., as per these rulesthe said owner/lessee shall be
compensated by grant of Development Rights Certificate as may be prescribed by
Government from time to time, on transfer of the right to the competent authority through a
registered gift deed. The extent of TDR for which Certificate to be granted may be
determined by the competent authority if required in consultation with the Heritage
Conservation Committee, and will not be awarded unless sanctioned by the Government.
7. Maintaining Sky Line: - Buildings included in Listed Heritage Precincts shall
maintain the sky line in the precincts (without any High Rise Development) as may be
existing in the surrounding area, so as not to diminish or destroy the value and beauty of
the said listed Heritage Buildings/Heritage precincts. The development within the precincts
shall be accordance with the guidelines framed by the competent authority in consultation
with Heritage Conservation Committee.
8. Restrictive Covenants: - Restrictions existing as on date of this notification imposed
under covenants, terms and conditions on the leasehold plots whether by State Government
or by the Municipal Corporation or any other local bodies or any other Government or quasi
Government agency including Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Board, Wakf
Board shall continue to be imposed in addition to Development Regulations. However, in
case of any conflict with the heritage preservation interest, the said Regulations shall
9. Repair Fund: - Buildings included in the said list shall be repaired by the
owners/lessees of the said buildings themselves With a view to give monetary help for such
repairs to a limited extent in deserving cases where the owner/lessee could not repair it a
separate fund may be created, which would be kept at the disposal of the Executive
Authority, who will make disbursement from the funds in consultation with Heritage
Conservation Committee.
10. Grading of the Listed Buildings/Listed Precincts: - Listed Heritage buildings/listed
Heritage Precincts may be graded into three categories. The meaning of these Grades and
basic guidelines for development permissions are as follows:
Listing does not prevent change of ownership or usage. However such usage should
be in harmony with the said listed precinct/buildings. Care will be taken to ensure that the
development permission relating to these buildings is given without delay.
Grade-I Grade-II Grade-III
A. Definition
Heritage Grade-I comprise
of buildings, and precincts
of national or historical
importance, embodying
excellence in architectural
style, design, technology
and material usage. They
may be associated with a
great historical event,
personality, movement or
institution. They have
been and are, the prime
landmarks of the City.
Heritage Grade-II (A and B)
comprises of buildings, or
regional or local
importance, possessing
special architectural or
aesthetical merit, cultural
or historical value, though
of a lower scale than in
Heritage Grade. They are
local landmarks,
contributing to the image
and identity of the City.
They may not be the work
of master, craftsman or
may be models or
proportion and
ornamentation, or designed
to suit particular climate.
Heritage Grade-III comprises
importance for town space; they
evoke architectural aesthetic or
sociological interest though not
as much as in Heritage
Grade-II. These contribute to
determine the character of the
locality, and can be
representative of lifestyle of a
particular community or region
and may, also be distinguished
by setting on a street line, or
special character of the façade
and uniformity of height width
and scale.
B. Objective
Heritage Grade-I richly
deserves careful
Heritage Grade-II deserves
intelligent Conservation.
Heritage Grade-III deserves
protection of unique features
and attributes.
C. Scope for changes.
No interventions would be
permitted either on the
exterior or interior unless
it is necessary in the
interest of strengthening,
and prolonging, the life of
the buildings or precincts
or any part or features
thereof. For this purpose,
absolutely essential and
minimal changes would be
allowed and they must be
in accordance with the
Grade-II (A)
Internal changes
and adaptive reuse will be
generally allowed, but
external changes will be
subject to scrutiny. Care
would be taken to ensure
the conservation of all
special aspects for which it
is included in Heritage
Grade-II (B)
In addition to above
extension or additional
buildings in the same plot
or compound could in
certain circumstances, be
allowed provided that the
buildings is in harmony
with (and does not detract
from) existing heritage
building(s) or precincts
especially in terms of height
and facade.
External and internal changes,
and adaptive reuse would
generally be allowed. Changes
can include extensions,
additional buildings in the same
plot or compound provided that
extension/additional buildings
is in harmony with and does
not attract from the existing
heritage buildings/
Precinct especially in terms of
height and/or façade.
Reconstruction may be allowed
when the building is
structurally weak or unsafe or
when it has been affected by
accidental fire or any other
calamity or if reconstruction is
required to consume the
permissible FSI and no option
other than reconstruction is
However unless absolutely
essential, nothing should spoil
or destroy any special features
or attributes for which it is
placed in the Heritage List.
D. Procedure
Development permission
for the changes would be
given by the Planning
Authority on the advice of
the Heritage Conservation
Committee to be appointed
by State Government.
Development permission for
the changes would be given
by the Planning Authority
on the advice of the
Heritage Conservation
Committee to be appointed
by State Government.
Development permission would
be given for changes by the
Planning Authority on the
advice of the Heritage
Conservation Committee to be
appointed by State Government
E. Vistas/Surrounding
All development in areas
surrounding Heritage
Grade-I shall be regulated
and controlled, ensuring
that it does not mar the
grandeur of or views from,
Heritage Grade-I.
11. Composition of heritage conservation committee for areas other than Chennai
Metropolitan Area.
The Heritage Conservation Committee shall be appointed by the State
Government comprising of:
1. District Collector Chairman
Representative from PWD at District level
3. Representative from State Archeology Member
Representative from Central Archeology
5. Town Planning Officer from the concerned local
6. Historian Member
7. Conservation Architect Member
8. Representative from DTCP
Member Secretary
(a) The Committee shall have the powers to co-opt upto three additional members who
may have related experience.
(b) The tenure of the Chairman and Members of other than Government Department /
Local Bodies shall be three years.
(c) The Committee already constituted for Chennai Metropolitan Area shall continue.
Annexure - XVII
[See rule 9]
Development Prohibited or Restricted areas:
(1) Area around Indian Air Forceor Naval Air station:
Lands to a depth of 100m around the boundary of the Indian Air Force stations is
prohibited for development as per the Government of India Notification.
(2) Area around Airport or Aerodrome:
(a) The buildings/structures in the vicinity of civil and defence aerodromes shall
conform to the regulations of the Civil Aviation and Defence authorities
However, latest rules, including amendments if any notified by the Directorate
General of the Civil Aviation shall be followed in all such cases of building
constructions in the vicinity of aerodromes. If the site is located within 20 kms.
from the aerodromes reference point, for constructions, which rise to 30 metres
or more in height, no objection certificate shall be obtained from the Directorate
General Civil Aviation. Areas within Chennai Metropolitan Area which fall in the
approach funnel, the transitional area and trough around runways are given in
the map annexed.
(b) The area around Hill stations which are those areas where the Tamil Nadu
District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Buildng Rules, 1993 apply, land
surrounding the nuclear station notified by the Ministry of Atomic Energy,
Government of India as “Sterlised Zone”, areas in the vicinity of reserved
forests/wild life/ bird sanctuaries would be permitted for development after
taking into account the provisions in the relevant Act and Rules.
(3) Proximity to quarries and crushers
(a) No subdivision or layout for building purposes shall be made and no building for
Residential, Commercial, Industrial or Institutional or any structure for
occupation shall be constructed within 500m from an existing live quarry. (If a
quarry is claimed as abandoned, then a certificate from the local body or the
licensing authority concerned to that effect shall be produced when necessary).
(b) No subdivision or layout for building purposes shall be made and no residential
or commercial or institutional building shall be constructed within the radius of
500m from an existing crusher.
(c) No crusher is permissible within a distance of 500m. from an existing residential
(4) Construction of buildings in other restricted or prohibited areas:
Where the site on which the building proposed to be constructed is located in the
restricted or prohibited areas such as monument zone, heritage town or any other
zone or area specified by the Central or State Government for any restriction or
prohibition, in addition to these rules, the regulations /rules /guidelines issued by
the Central or State Government from time to time for construction of buildings in
those areas shall also be followed and necessary clearance/ permission from them
shall be obtained by the applicant.
(5) Others
SI. No.
Description Minimum Requirement
*Low tension power lines.-
(a) From the portion of building
accessible to Persons
(b) From the portion of building
inaccessible to persons
Min. Horizontal clearance - 1.50 m
Min. Vertical clearance - 4.50 m
Min. Horizontal clearance - 1.25 m
Min. Vertical clearance - 2.50 m
*High tension power lines.-
(a) From the portion of building
accessible to persons
(b) From the portion of building
inaccessible to persons
Min. Horizontal clearance - 1.75 m
Min. Vertical clearance - 4.50 m
Min. Horizontal clearance - 1.25 m
Min. Vertical clearance - 2.50 m
3. Cremation and burial Grounds 30m from the cremation or burial
grounds Wherever piped water supply
syatem not availadle.
4 Electric / Gasified crematorium
For constructions around the crematoria
site, no clearance is required; however
the crematorium structure shall be
constructed with a setback of minimum
10m all around within its site.
5 Railway tracks
30 m from the railway boundary;
however with clearance obtained by the
applicant from the Railway authority
concerned, constructions can be
* In sites which abut or affected by the alignments of the LT/HT electric over head
power lines or such underground cables, constructions can be permitted only with
the no objection certificate obtained by the applicant from the TNGEDCO for such
(6) Construction of religious buildings
The competent authority shall not entertain any building application for construction
of buildings in relation to any religious institution unless such application is
accompanied with a No Objection Certificate obtained from the District Collector
Explanation- For the purpose of this rule, the religious institution shall mean any temple,
math, mosque, church or any other place of worship, which is dedicated for the benefit of or
used as of right, by the public as a place of religious worship.
(7) Constructions around the ASI notified monuments.
(i) In case of sites located within the distance upto 100 m in all directions from the
protected monuments as notified under the Archaeological Monuments and Ancient
Sites and Remains Act 2010, no construction is allowed.
(ii) For sites located within the distance of above 100 m to 300m in all directions
from the protected monuments as notified under the Archaeological Monuments and
Ancient Sites and Remains Act 2010, the construction is allowed only after obtaining
prior permission from the competent authority under the above said act.
(8) Defence Establishments:
In case of sites within 500m distance from the boundary of defense areas / Military
establishments’ prior clearance of defense authority shall be obtained.
(9) Oil / Gas Pipelines:
In case of sites in the vicinity of Oil / gas pipelines, clearance distance and other
stipulations of the respective authority shall be complied with.
(10) Solid Waste Dumping Yards:
No habitable use within a distance of 30 m from the Solid Waste Dumping Yard is
(11) Aquifer recharge area:
The areas, which have good aquifers and recharge potential have been declared as
aquifer recharge area. Description of the aquifer recharge area and the regulation
for developments therein are given in Appendix -A
(12) Catchment area (only for CMA):
Redhills and Puzhal lakes are the main sources of water supply to the Chennai city.
In order to protect this water source from the negative impacts of the urban
developments contiguous areas in the catchments of these lakes has been declared
as 'Redhills catchments area'. The description of the catchments area and
regulations for development therein is given in Appendix -B
(13) Pallikaranai Swamp area (only for CMA):
Considering its importance and drainage system in the area, the contiguous swamp
area in Pallikaranai has been declared for conservation as swamp area, prohibiting
development therein.
Regulation for developments in the Aquifer Recharge Area
(1) In the interest of maintaining the aquifers in the area and to realise the full benefits of
recharge into this aquifer during precipitation, this aquifer recharge area that serve as one
of the major sources for city water supply has been declared as aquifer recharge area
restricted for development. Details of villages covered in the aquifer recharge area are given
in Map no MP-II/CMDA.10/2008 and it is bounded by city limits in the north, CMA limits
in the south, B'canal in the west and coastal line in the east falling in the following villages:
(i) Kottivakkam
(ii) Palavakkam
(iii) Neelankarai
(iv) Okkiamthuraipakkam
(v) Injambakkam
(vi) Karapakkam
(vii) Sholinganallur
(viii) Uthandi
(2) Parts of the Restricted Development Zone area to a depth of 500 m from the High Tide
Line of the sea and 100 m from the Buckingham canal lie in the Coastal Regulation Zone
as per the Coastal Zone Management Plan. Developments there in shall also be subject to
the Coastal Zone Regulation notified by Government of India under the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 and the amendments made from time to time.
(3) In the Restricted Development Zone, Non High Rise upto 9m height with 6 dwelling
units residential and commercial buildings, institutional and other non High rise building
shall be permitted only for the following purposes and accessory uses.
Permissible Deveopments.
(i) Any Non High Rise upto 9m height with 6 dwelling units residential building
including dwelling, detached, semi-detached, tenements or flats and service
(ii) Professional consulting offices and incidental uses thereto occupying a floor
area not exceeding 40 sq.m. and G+1 floors in height
(iii) Schools of Commerce including Tutorial Institutions not exceeding 100 sq.m.
in floor area and G+1 floors in height
(iv) Petty shops dealing with daily essentials like retail sale of provisions, soft
drinks, etc., tea stalls, bakery, confectionary, retail shops, mutton stalls, milk
kiosk, cycle repair shops, tailoring shops etc. occupying a floor area not
exceeding 40 sq.m. and G+1 floors in height
(v) Nursery schools, Primary Schools, High Schools, Higher Secondary Schools,
Libraries and reading rooms.
(vi) Parks, play grounds, farms, gardens, nurseries, including incidental buildings
(vii) Cottage industries listed in Annexure - V (with number of workers not
exceeding 8 and electric machineries not exceeding 5 H.P.) with G+1 floors in
(viii) Storage of domestic cooking gas cylinders not exceeding 300 M
in floor area
subject to the conditions prescribed in G.O.M.sNo.329 dated 24.2.1977 viz.
necessary the Applicant should obtain clearance from the Director of Fire &
Rescue Services and from the Dept. of Explosives of the Govt. of India.
(ix) Hostels and dormitories not exceeding 500 sq.m. in floor area and G+1 floors
in height
(x) Working women's hostel / old age homes with G+1 floors in height
(xi) Assembly halls, welfare institutions not exceeding 300m2 in floor area and
18.30m in height (upto crown level in case of leaned roofs).
(xii) Govt./Semi Govt. Offices, Banks, Pay Offices, Post Office, Offices of Electricity
Board, Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Limited, etc.
occupying a floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m. and G+1 floors in height
(xiii) Daily or weekly markets serving local needs not exceeding G+1 floors.
(xiv) Transport depots. bus terminals and railway stations.
(xv) Service industries serving the local needs such as flourmills, repair shops,
service workshops with installations not exceeding 15 HP, 300m2 in floor area
and G+1 floor in height.
(xvi) Public Utility Buildings like sewage-pumping stations, water works, Fire
stations, Telephone exchanges not exceeding 18.30m in height.
(xvii) Restaurants not exceeding 300 sq.m. in floor area with G+1 floors in height
provided the width of the abutting road is minimum 10 metres
(xviii) Clinics, Nursing Homes, Dispensaries and other Health facilities not exceeding
300 sq.m. in floor area with G+1 floors in height provided the width of the
abutting road is minimum 10 metres
(xix) Departmental stores with a floor area not exceeding 100 Sq.m and with G+1
floors in height provided the width of the abutting road is minimum 10 metres
(xx) Fuel filling stations and service stations with installations not exceeding 5 HP
and with G+1 floors in height provided the width of the abutting road is
minimum 10 metres
(xxi) Swimming Pools attached to residential activity in a plot.
(xxii) Air-conditioned Cinema Theatres and open-air theatres not exceeding 18.30m
in height abutting min. 12 m wide road.
(xxiii) Burning burial grounds, crematoria and cemeteries.
(xxiv) Religious buildings not exceeding 300 sq.m. in floor area
(xxv) On plots/sites not less than 1 Hect. in extent:
(a) Beach cottages, hotels and tourism-based developments as may be
decided by the Authority not exceeding 18.30m in height.
(b) Recreational activities not exceeding 18.30m. in height
(c) Educational, technical and research institutions not exceeding 18.30m
in height
(4) (a) In the Natham sites, and the sites shown as EWS Area in the Master Plan
Map the activities listed as A(i) to (viii) and B(i) to (xii) are only permissible.
(b) In other areas, all the activities listed in (3)A and (3)B are permissible.
(c) Permissible non-residential activity shall be limited to one in a subdivision /
plot in cases where it is a residential plot in an approved layout.
(5) The extent of the site, plot coverage, FSI, Set back, etc. for the developments shall
be regulated as given below:
(i) Non High Rise Buildings upto 9m height Residential / Commercial Buildings and
Other Small developments:
Non High Rise building upto 9m heigt residential / predominantly residential,
clinics, Dispensaries, Nursing homes stated above
Working women hostels stated above
Service apartments stated above
Cottage industries (with number of workers not exceeding 8 and electric machineries
not exceeding 5 H.P.) stated above
Nursery schools, primary schools not exceeding 300 sq.m.
Reading rooms, libraries, post office, EB office, telegraphic office, Local body
maintenance offices not exceeding 300 sq.m.
Govt., semi Govt. office stated above
Religious building stated above
Natham/declared EWS
areas / EWS plots
Other Areas
Minimum plot
80 sq.m. 220 sq.m.
4.5m 12 m
Max. FSI 1.00 0.80
Max. Plot
50% 40%
Max. height
(G+1 or stilt +2 floors)
(G+1 or stilt +2 floors)
Min. set back: In accordance with the Rule 8 Where street alignment and building
lines have not been specified, it shall be as given below.
Min. Front Set
Abutting road Width Min. FSB
Upto 9m 1.5 m
Above 9m but less than
3.0 m
Above 18m but less tha
4.5 m
Above 30.5 m 6.0 m
SSB Nil 2m on either side
RSB Nil 2m
(a) Other parameters such as Parking, width of corridor etc shall be regulated
as provided elsewhere in these rules.
(b) For New Sub-divisions and layouts, plot extent and frontage shall be
minimum as prescribed above.
(c) In cases of earlier approved layout plots or approved sites, it shall be as per
the approved layout plan or approved site plan and no further sub division shall
be allowed or recognised after the date of coming into force of these rule unless it
satisfies the regulations applicable for development in Restricted Development
Zone. Further even in such approved layout plots or approved sites construction
for which permissions sought shall comply with these rules applicable for
developments in RDZ.
(d) In the rear set back of residential premises structures like lavatory, lumber
room, garage, etc. not intended for human habitation and servant quarters may
be permitted provided that such structures do not occupy more than one-third of
the rear width of the site and 6 m from the rear boundary; provided further that
the height of such structures do not exceed 4 m measured from the ground level
of the site.
(ii) Other large institutional developments such as Religious Buildings, Higher
Educational, Technical and Research Institutions shall be regulated with reference to
the planning parameters given in rule 37 subject to a maximum FSI of 0.80 and
maximum plot coverage of 40%. Assembly halls and other assembly buildings /places
of public assembly shall have minimum set back of 6m all around.
(iii) Service industries stated in (3) (xiv) above shall be regulated with reference to the
planning parameters given in rule 36 subject to maximum FSI of 0.80 and maximum
plot coverage of 40 %.
(iv) Beach cottages, hotels, tourism based developments and recreational activities
stated in sub rule (3) (xxv) (a) and (b) and also daily or weekly markets and other
commercial activities stated above shall be regulated with reference to planning
parameters given in rule 35, subject to a maximum FSI of 0.80 and maximum plot
coverage of 40%.
(6) The laying out and sub division / amalgamation/reconstitution of land for building
purposes shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions specified in rule 47
subject to minimum plot extent and frontage as specified above. No new subdivision or
layout shall obstruct the access to beach by general public and the developers shall
provide access of adequate width to beach when such developments are made
(7] Rain water harvesting – (a) Within the site major part of the area which is not covered
by the buildings / structures shall not be paved and it shall be maintained as green
space with proper rain water harvesting provisions allowing the storm water collected
during precipitation percolates below and recharge the aquifer.
(b) Any direction / instruction given by the approving authority in the matter of
preservation of the aquifer recharge shall be carried out by the applicant, land
owners, buyers, developers. If any direction / instruction is not carried out, action
may be taken by the approving authorities to carry out the work and the
expenditure incurred for that work shall be collected from those who failed to carry
out the direction / instruction as if it is an arrear of land revenue by the authority
concerned or by the Taluk Tahsildar.
(c) Any failure to carry out the direction / instruction or fulfill the condition
shall be the sufficient ground for ordering for discontinuance of the activity in the
[8] The sewage disposal system within the premises shall be so designed not to pollute the
Regulations for Redhills catchment area
(1). In the interest of maintaining the Redhills and Puzhal lakes catchments area free
from possible contamination and to realise the full benefits of surface run off during
precipitation the areas in the catchment of these lakes which serve as the major
source for city water supply has been declared as Redhills catchment area restricted
for development.
(2). Details of the villages covered under the catchment area are given in the Map No.
MP-II/CMDA.11/2008 and the villages list is given below:
(1) Attanthangal
(2) Pammadukulam
(3) Pothur
(4) Vellanur
(5) Morai
(6) Pulikutti
(7) Tenambakkam
(8) Arakkambakkam
(9) Pandeswaram
(10) Melpakkam
(11) Kadavur
(12) Karlambakkam
(13) Kilkondaiyur
(14) Alathur
(15) Vellacheri
(16) Pakkam
(17) Palavedu
(18) Mittanamallee
(19) Muktha pudupattu
(20) Kovil padagai
(21) Vijayanallur
(22) Palaya Erumaivetti palayam
(23) Alamadi
(24) Thirumullaivoyal (Part) - (All S.Nos. north of M.T.H. Road)
(25) Nallur (Part) - (All S.Nos. west of G.N.T. Road)
(26) Oragadam (Part) - (All S.Nos. north of Ambattur Redhills Road)
(27) Padianallur (Part) - (All S.Nos. west of G.N.T. Road)
(3) In the areas zoned as Primary Residential use zone and Mixed Residential use zone,
Industrial use zone (covering the existing industries of National importance) and the
areas covered in approved layouts, and areas reserved for commercial exploitation
within 122 m. (400 ft.) wide ORR, developments are allowable subject to satisfying
zoning regulations and planning parameters prescribed in these rules.
(4) Other use zone classifications such as commercial use zone and Institutional use
zone etc have not been made in these villages specifically for prohibition of such
activities in this catchment area. Existing authorised activities may continue
without expansion or enlargement.
(5) Contiguous Government lands in these areas are deemed to have been zoned for
Open space and Recreational use zone for developing social forestry.
(6) No lands shall be reclassified into any urban use zone.
Annexure – XVIII
[See rule 33]
Zoning Regulations
Residential use zone
(1) In this zone buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following purposes
and accessory uses. Permissible non-residential activity shall be limited to one in a
i) Any residence including dwelling, detached, semi-detached, tenements or flats
and service apartments.
ii) Professional consulting offices and incidental uses thereto occupying a floor
area not exceeding 40 sq.m.
iii) Nursery schools, Primary Schools, High Schools, Higher Secondary Schools,
Libraries and reading rooms.
iv) Parks, play grounds, farms, gardens, nurseries, including incidental buildings
v) Cottage industries listed in G.O.Ps.Nos.565 and 566 dated 12.3.1962 as
amended and indicated in Annexure - V, with number of workers not exceeding
8 and electric machineries not exceeding 5 H.P.
vi) Installation of Motor for pumping water, Air conditioning, Lifts, Solar Heaters,
Dish Antennas, etc.
vii) Storage of domestic cooking gas cylinders subject to the conditions prescribed
in G.O.M.sNo.329 dated 24.2.1977 viz. the applicant should obtain necessary
clearance from the Director of Fire and Rescue Services and from the Dept. of
Explosives of the Govt. of India.
viii) Working women hostels, old age homes
ix) Professional consulting offices, Schools of Commerce including Tutorial
Institutions, Govt./Semi Govt. Offices, Banks, Pay Offices, Post Office, Offices of
Electricity Board, Chennai City Corporation, Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk
Producers Federation Limited, etc. occupying a floor area not exceeding 300
x) Public Utility Buildings like sewage pumping stations, water works, Fire
stations, Telephone exchanges.
xi) Swimming Pool attached to residential activity in a plot.
xii) Daily or weekly markets serving local needs.
xiii) Transport depots, Bus Terminus and Railway Stations.
xiv) Burning, Burial grounds, crematoria and cemeteries.
xv) Air-conditioned Cinema Theatres abutting min. 12 m wide road.
xvi) Banks and Safe Deposit Vaults, Business Office and other Commercial or
Financial Institutions occupying floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m. provided
the width of the abutting road is minimum 10m.
xvii) Hotels, Restaurants occupying a floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m.
xviii) Hostels, Dormitories, Boarding and Lodging houses and Welfare Institutions
occupying a floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m.
xix) Clinics, Hospitals, Dispensaries, Nursing Homes and other Health facilities
occupying a floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m. provided the width of the
abutting road is minimum 10m.
xx) Establishments and shops retailing in vegetables, fruits, flowers, fish, meat
and such other daily necessities of the residents, including provisions, soft
drinks, newspapers, tea stalls, milk kiosks, cycle repair shops, internet /
computer centres, ATMs etc. departmental stores occupying floor area not
exceeding 500 sq.m. or organized markets.
xxi) Bakeries, Confectionaries, Laundries, tailoring, Goldsmith shops,
hairdressing saloons occupying floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m.
xxii) Fuel filling stations, and automobile service stations with installation not
exceeding 30 HP.
xxiii) Industries listed by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board as ‘Green’
Industries listed in Annexure - VI and subject to maximum installation of 30
xxiv) Taxi stands and car parking including multilevel parking
xxv) Automobile workshop with floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m and electrical
installations not exceeding 15 H.P.
xxvi) Religious buildings and welfare institutions occupying a floor area not
exceeding 500 sq.m.
(2) All uses/activities not specifically mentioned under sub-regulations (1) above shall be
prohibited in this zone.
Commercial use zone
(1) In this zone, buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following purposes
and accessory uses:
i) All activities that is permissible in Residential Zone without restriction of
floor area (except industries)
ii) All commercial and business uses including all shops, stores, markets,
shopping centers and uses connected with the display and retail sale of
merchandise but excluding explosives, obnoxious products and other
materials likely to cause health hazards and danger to lives.
iii) Fuel filling stations, automobile service stations and workshops with
installation not exceeding 50 HP.
iv) Industries listed out by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board as “Green”
Industries listed in Annexure - VI and as “Orange Industries” listed in
Annexure - VII subject to a maximum installation of 50 HP.
v) Research, Experimental and Testing laboratories not involving danger of fire,
explosives or health hazards.
vi) Warehouses and other uses connected with storage of wholesale trade in
commodities not notified under the Specified Commodity Act, but excluding
storage of explosives or products which are either obnoxious or likely to cause
health hazards.
vii) Buildings for development of software and its associated computer technology
applications, IT Parks.
viii) Broadcasting, telecasting and telecommunication stations.
ix) Helipads subject to clearance by Civil Aviation department, Directorate of
Fire and Rescue Services and police department.
x) Manufacture of computer hardware
xi) Preview theatres and dubbing theatres.
xii) Colleges, higher educational, technical and research institutions.
xiii) Foreign Missions, Embassies and Consulates.
xiv) Air-conditioned Cinema Theatres along roads of width min. 12 m and
Assembly Halls and Kalyana Mandapams along roads of width min. 15 m and
Multiplex / Malls along roads of width min. 18m.
(2) All uses/activities not specifically mentioned under sub-regulations (1) shall be
Industrial use zone
(1) In this zone, buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following purposes
and accessory uses:
i) In approved layouts residential, commercial, institutional and other activities
as designated therein.
ii) Using electrical H.P or with employees not exceeding 100 in number but
excluding industries of obnoxious and hazardous nature by reasons of odour,
effluent, dust, smoke, gas, vibration or other wise likely to cause danger or
nuisance to public health or amenity.
iii) Residential buildings for security and other essential staff required to be
maintained in the premises.
iv) All use permissible in Residential and commercial use zones
v) Storage of petroleum timber and explosives and inflammable and dangerous
vi) All industries (without restrictions of H.P or floor area or number of workers)
except those industries listed under as Red category in Annexure of these
vii) Container terminals (at sites abutting or gaining access from minimum 18
metre wide public road)
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned under sub-regulations (1) shall be prohibited in
this zone.
Special and Hazardous Industrial use zone
(1) In this zone buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following uses and
accessory uses:
i) All Industrial activities permissible in Industrial zone
ii) All special and hazardous industries (classified as 'Red' by the Tamil Nadu
Pollution Control Board) without restriction of Horse Power that are likely to be
dangerous to human life or health or amenity, but sufficient precaution to the
satisfaction of the TNPC Board have been taken to eliminate noxious or
dangerous effluents and to alleviate danger to human life or health or amenity
(Annexure - VIII).
iii) Uses involving storage, handling and other uses, incidental to such industries.
iv) Residential, commercial, Institutional and recreational uses incidental to the
uses listed above.
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned under sub-regulations (1) above shall be
Institutional use zone
(1) In this zone buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following purposes
and accessory uses:
i) Educational institutions including colleges and institutions of higher
education, research, technical and training in nature.
ii) Govt. and quasi Govt. offices and institutions
iii) Professional and business offices
iv) Art galleries, Archives, Museums, Public Libraries, Social and Cultural
Institutions and Religious buildings.
v) Hospitals, Sanatoria, and other medical and public health institutions.
vi) Parks, Play fields, Swimming pools and other public and Semi public open
vii) Broadcasting, telecasting, installations and Weather stations.
viii) Public utilities, municipal and community facilities.
ix) Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools.
x) Social and Cultural Institutions including Sabhas.
xi) Residential and commercial spaces not exceeding 500 sq.m.permissible in
this use zone.
xii) Transport terminals, bus and railway stations, Airport, Harbour, and parking
lots including multilevel parking lots
xiii) Cinema theatres and others entertainment centres and Kalyana mandapams.
xiv) Clubs, community halls, Assembly halls, Auditoriums and Theatres
xv) Sports stadium, Recreation Complexes, Exhibition, Fares.
xvi) Burial Ground, Burning Ground, Cemeteries, crematoria
xvii) Buildings for development of software and its associated computer technology
applications I.T.Parks
xviii) Manufacture of computer hardware
xix) Bio- informatics centres.
xx) Container terminals at sites abutting and gaining access from public roads of
width minimum 18 metres
xxi) Foreign mission, Embassies, Consulates
xxii) All public and semi public recreational uses and open spaces, parks and play
grounds, zoological and botanical gardens, nurseries, waterfront
developments, museums and memorials.
xxiii) Theme parks and amusement parks
xxiv) Open Air Theatre, Exhibitions, Circuses, Fairs and Festival grounds, public
xxv) Installations that may be necessary for the uses mentioned above.
xxvi) Installations that may be necessary for the uses mentioned above.
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned under sub regulations (1) shall be prohibited.
In the rest of the state, areas zoned for public and semi public use zone and
educational use zone shall be equated to institutional use zone and the activities
shall be regulated accordingly.
Open Space and Recreational use zone (only in CMA)
(1) In this zone buildings or premises shall be permitted for the following purposes and
accessory uses:
i) All public and semi public recreational uses and open spaces, parks and play
grounds, zoological and botanical gardens, nurseries, waterfront developments,
museums and memorials.
ii) Theme parks and amusement parks
iii) Open Air Theatre, Exhibitions, Circuses, Fairs and Festival grounds, public
iv) Burial and burning grounds or crematoria.
v) Incidental residential uses for essential staff required to be maintained in the
vi) Incidental commercial uses
vii) Hotels and restaurants not exceeding 300 sq.m.
viii) Beach cottages each not exceeding 100 sq.m. in floor area and 7.5 m in height.
ix) Sports stadia and recreational complexes.
x) Installations that may be necessary for the uses mentioned above.
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned in sub regulations (1) shall be prohibited.
Urbanisable use zone (only in CMA)
(1) In this use zone, buildings or premises shall be permitted for the following purposes
and accessory uses.
i) All uses permissible in commercial and institutional use zones
ii) All industries with installations not exceeding 200 H.P and permissible in
industrial use zone
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned in sub regulations (1) shall be prohibited.
Non-Urban use zone(only in CMA)
(1) In the Non-Urban use zone, buildings or premises shall be permitted for the following
purposes and accessory uses:
i) All Agriculture uses
ii) Burning, Burial grounds, crematoria and cemeteries
iii) Salt pans and salt manufacturing.
iv) Brick, earthen tile or pottery manufacturing.
v) Stone crushing and quarrying.
vi) Sand, clay and gravel quarrying.
vii) Installation of electrical motors not exceeding 50 HP that may be required for the
uses mentioned above.
viii) Incidental residential uses
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned in sub regulations (1) shall be prohibited.
Agricultural use zone:
(1) In the Agricultural use zone buildings or premises shall be normally permitted for the
following purpose and accessory uses:
A. Normally permissible uses:
i) All Agricultural uses.
ii) Farm houses and buildings for agricultural activities.
iii) All the uses permissible in the residential use zone within the natham
boundaries (settlements)
iv) Dairy and cattle farms
v) Piggeries and poultry farms
vi) Forestry
vii) Storing and drying of fertilizers
viii) Installation of electric machinery of not exceeding 15 horse power may be
allowed for the uses mentioned above.
ix) Sewage farms and garbage dumping sites.
x) Mills for grinding, hulling, etc. of cereals, pulses, food grains and oil seeds
provided the site has proper access and installations do not exceed 50 H.P.
xi) Burning and Burial grounds, Crematoria and Cemeteries.
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned in sub regulations (1) shall be prohibited.
Annexure – XIX
[See rule 39]
Areas set apart for High Rise Buildings in Chennai Metropolitan Planning Area
High Rise Buildings are permissible in the Chennai Metropolitan Area excluding the
following areas: -
(a) Area bounded by two arms of Cooum river starting near Park Station to the
mouth of Cooum river (Napier Bridge) generally known as Island Grounds.
(c) Aquifer Recharge Area bounded in
the North by Thiruvanmiyur Village
the East by Bay of Bengal
the West by Buckingham Canal
the South by Chennai Metropolitan Area boundary
(d) Redhills Catchments Area stated in the regulation no. 24 (2) (c)
Annexure – XX
[See rule 61]
Swimming Pool and Pool
1. Definitions.(1) In this rules, unless the context otherwise requires
(ii) “Executive Authority” means the Commissioner of a Municipal Corporation
or a Municipality or the Executive Officer of a Municipality or a Town Panchayat, as the
case may be;
(iii) “Urban Local Bodymeans a Municipal Corporation, Municipality or Town
Panchayat in the State;
(iv) “Appurtenance” means an accessory facility or feature at a swimming pool;
(v) “Bather Load” means the maximum number of persons that may be allowed
in the pool area at one time without creating undue health or safety hazards;
(vi) “Competent Authority” means the Member-Secretary of Composite Local
Planning Authority or the Member-Secretary of New Town Development Authority or
Regional Deputy Director of Town and Country Planning or Regional Assistant Director of
Town and Country Planning or the Member Secretary of Chennai Metropolitan Development
Authority, as the case may be;
(vii) “Committee” means the Committee constituted under rule 4 to examine and
consider the issue ‘No Objection Certificate’ to use a swimming pool;
(viii) Deep Area” means an area of a swimming pool in which the water depth
exceeds 1.5 metre;
(ix) Diving Pool” means a pool designed and intended exclusively for diving;
(x) “Form” means a Form appended to these Rules;
(xi) Inlet” means an opening or fitting through which filtered water enters the
(xii) “Inspecting Authoritymeans -
a. The Commissioner of Police, Chennai City in respect of Chennai
Metropolitan Area;
b. The District Collector concerned in respect of districts, except Chennai
Metropolitan Area;
c. Regional Senior Manager, Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu
d. Joint Director, Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department of
every District or area concerned;
e. Divisional Officer (Fire and Rescue Services) of the respective District or
area concerned;
f. Member-Secretary of composite local planning authority / Member-
Secretary of new town development authority/ Regional Deputy Director
of Town and Country Planning/ Regional Assistant Director of Town and
Country Planning of the area concerned;
g. Member Secretary of Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority in
respect of Chennai Metropolitan Area;
h. Executive Engineer, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board in the
respective area except Chennai Metropolitan Area;
i. Executive Engineer, Metro Water in respect of Chennai Metropolitan
j. Joint Director in the office of the Directorate of School Education of the
concerned area;
k. The Joint Director of Collegiate Education in the office of the Collegiate
Education of the concerned area;
l. The Executive Engineer, Public Works Department of the area concerned,
in respect of swimming pools with a diving board.
(xiii) “Main Drain” means the outlet or outlets in the floor of the swimming pool;
(xiv) “Make-up Water” means the water added to a pool to replace the water
which is lost;
(xv) “No Objection Certificate” means a certificate to be issued to operate
swimming pool;
(xvi) “Pool Depth” means the vertical distance between the pool floor and the
water level;
(xvii) Pool manager” means the person entirely responsible for the actual daily
operation, or for the supervision of the operation of a swimming pool;
(xviii) Shallow Area” means an area in a swimming pool, in which the water
depth does not exceed 1.5 m at any point;
(xix) Skimmer” means a mechanical device connected to the recirculation piping
which is used to skim the pool surface;
(xx) “Swimming Pool or Pool” means an artificial body of water having the
water surface area of 7.0 square metre or more and having water depth of
0.6 metre or more used by an individual or collectively by a number of
individuals primarily for the purpose of swimming and includes related
equipment, structures, areas, and enclosures intended for the use of
individuals using or operating the swimming pool such as equipment,
dressing booth, locker, shower and bath rooms;
(xxi) “Swimming pool in-ground” means any pool whose sides rest in partial or
full contact with the natural ground; and
(xxii) “Swimming pool on-ground or suspended pool” means any pool whose
sides rest fully above the natural ground;
(xxiii) Public Swimming Pool: The Swimming Pool in schools, amusement parks
of public congregation, hotels and similar places
(xxiv) Residential Swimming Pool: The Swimming Pool in Residential Complex
(xxv) Transition Point” means a location in a shallow area of a swimming pool
where an area, having a floor slope of not more than 30 cm vertical in 3.65
m horizontal, adjoins an area where the floor slope exceeds one in 12;
(xxvi) “Turnover Period” means the time required to re-circulate a volume of water
equivalent to the water volume of the pool through the filtration system;
(xxvii) Water Level” means the level of the overflow lip of a perimeter overflow
system or the midlevel of surge weirs, if present, or the mid-level of the
skimmer operating range;
(xxviii) Zero-Depth Edge” means that portion of the perimeter of a zero-depth pool
where the pool floor intersects the pool water surface; and
(xxix) Zero-Depth Pool means a swimming pool where the pool floor intersects
the water surface along a portion of its perimeter.
(2) Words and expressions used, but not defined in these rules shall have the
meanings respectively assigned to them in the Acts.
3. Application for Permission for Construction and Operation of a Swimming
Pool.(1) Every owner or occupier of a land, who intends to construct a swimming pool
therein, shall submit application to the Executive Authority. competent authority depending
upon the development, for construction of swimming pool along with the planning
permission application itself. Only after obtaining the necessary permissions the applicant
shall begin the construction of the swimming pool.
(2) After completion of the construction of the residential swimming pool along with
the building, the owner or occupier shall submit an application for issue of
completion certificate for entire premises . There is no separate requisition for
issue of NoC for Residential Swimming Pool to operate.
(3) After completion of the construction of the public swimming pool, the owner or
occupier of the public swimming pool shall submit a completion report together
with an application in Form-IV to the Executive Authority for grant of
permission to operate the swimming pool. The application in Form-IV shall be
submitted along with an affidavit in a non-judicial stamp paper for Rs.100/- in
Form V.
(4) The Executive Authority, shall, on receipt of completion report and the
application in Form-IV from the owner or occupier, submit the same before the
Committee for its consideration to issue ‘No Objection Certificate’. On receipt of
recommendation of the Committee, the Executive Authority shall either grant
permission to operate the public swimming pool in Form VI or refuse to grant
permission for reasons to be given in writing. The owner or occupier shall
operate the swimming pool only after grant of permission in Form VI.
4. Committee.(1) There shall be a Committee in each district and in the Chennai
Metropolitan area for the purpose of issuing No Objection Certificate to operate a swimming
(2) The Chairman of the Committee shall be the Commissioner of Police, Chennai City
in respect of Chennai Metropolitan Area and the District Collector concerned in
respect of other districts.
(3) Each Committee shall consist of the following members, namely:-
(i) Regional Senior Manager, Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu
(ii) Joint Director, Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department of the
Local Body concerned;
(iii) Divisional Officer (Fire and Rescue Services);
(iv) Executive Authority of the local body concerned in which the swimming
pool is constructed–Convener;
(v) Member Secretary of the composite local planning authority/Member-
Secretary of the new town development authority/ Regional Deputy Director of
Town and Country Planning/ Regional Assistant Director of Town and Country
Planning/ Member-Secretary of Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority,
as the case may be, in which the swimming pool is constructed;
(vi) Executive Engineer, Metro Water in respect of Chennai Metropolitan area
and the Executive Engineer, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board in
respect of other areas:
Provided that the Joint Director, Office of the Directorate of School Education
Department concerned shall be a member of the Committee in respect of swimming pools in
schools and the Joint Director, Office of the Collegiate Education concerned shall be a
member of the committee in respect of swimming pools in Colleges and Universities:
Provided further that the Executive Engineer, Public Works Department of the area
concerned shall be a member of the Committee in respect of swimming pools with a diving
(4) The committee shall meet at least once in a month so as to consider the issue of
No Objection Certificate, to operate the swimming pools. The members of the Committee
shall inspect the swimming pool before giving their recommendations in writing to the
Chairman of the Committee.
(5) The Chairman of the Committee shall issue or refuse to issue a No Objection
Certificate to operate the swimming pool based on the recommendations of the members of
the Committee. Where the Chairman of the Committee refuses to issue No Objection
Certificate, he shall give reasons in writing for such refusal.
5. Inspection of Swimming Pool.Regular and random inspections of swimming
pools shall be carried out by the Executive Authority and the Inspecting Authority. If the
Executive Authority finds out any defects in a swimming pool during such inspection, he
shall issue a show cause notice to the owner or occupier of that swimming pool and he may
also specify a period within which the defects are to be rectified. The reply to the show cause
notice shall be submitted within seven days from the date of receipt of the notice or within
the time prescribed, if any, in the show cause notice. The Executive Authority may order
suspension of usage of the swimming pool even before the receipt of the reply for the show
cause notice. He may also suspend the usage of the swimming pool, if the defects pointed
out in the show cause notice are not rectified within the time given in the notice or on the
advice of the inspection Authority. If the inspection carried out by any Inspecting Authority
reveals any defects, he shall intimate the same to the Executive Authority immediately and
the Executive Authority shall take further action as prescribed above. After rectification of
the defects, the Executive Authority may allow operation of the swimming pool after getting
the report from the respective Inspecting Authority The defects shall be categorized as
construction and Civil wrk, water Quality (Health & Sanitation) and Fire & Rescue Safety.
6. Appeal. Any person aggrieved by the order of the Executive Authority / Competent
Authority under clause (b) of sub-rule (2) of rule 3 or sub-rule (4) of rule 3 shall make an
appeal to the Secretary to Government, Housing and Urban Development Department within
a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of the order. The decision on order of the
revisionary authority shall be final.
7. General provision for penalty, punishment of offences.— whoever contravenes any
of the provisions of these rules, shall be imposed with a penalty of Rs.100 shall be levied. If
such contravention of rules is repeated by the owner or occupier of the swimming pool, the
usage of the pool shall be suspended by the Executive Authority immediately on its notice
till the violation is rectified.
8. Existing Swimming Pool.— In respect of existing swimming pools for which
approvals are issued prior to 07.07.2015 there is no requirement of obtaining a separate
NoC for operation of swimming pool.
9. Dimensions.- (1) A Swimming pool may be of any shape and of any dimension.
However, in case of swimming pools in Educational Institutions, their dimensions and shape
shall be as mentioned below:-
(a) The shape shall be rectangular only; and
(b) The dimensions shall be:-
(i) category-I: 50m x 25m;
(ii) category-II: 25m x 16m;
(iii) category-III: 15m x 10m; or
(iv) category-IV: 10m x 6m.
(2) In case, a pool is designed to have zero depth edge, the transition from
shallow to zero depth should be a distance over and above the minimum pool
Structure.—(1) In case of educational institutions, there shall be swimming pool-in
ground only and there shall be no pool-on ground or suspended pool.
(2) The prospective New Swimming Pool shall be so designed that it shall
withstand all anticipated hydraulic structural loadings for both full and empty
conditions. All appurtenances to the pool, such as diving boards and slides, shall be
designed to carry the anticipated load. Any obstruction creating a safety hazard shall
not extend into or above the pool and shall not protrude from the floor of the pool.
The water spread area of the swimming pool should not be used for any purpose
other than bathing or swimming. Designers shall refer Industrial Standard Code
6494:1988 for providing the guidance on the procedures and the precautions to be
taken during construction of swimming pool to ensure the water tightness of the
structure. The design of the pool shall be certified by a structural engineer. The
location of the pool shall be easily accessible for emergency vehicles. In case of pools
in amusement parks, an exclusive drive way of minimum width of 3.5m from a
public road shall be made available without any obstruction up to a distance of at
least 30m from the swimming pool.
11. Material.—Any suitable material which is non-toxic and provide a rigid watertight
shell with a smooth, impervious, light colored finish shall be used to construct the pool. The
floor of shallow areas shall have a slip-resistant finish. Sand or earth shall not be permitted
to be used as an interior finish in a swimming pool.
12. Floor slopes.—Slope of the floor of the pool shall be made downward toward the
main drain. All slopes should be uniform. The slope in shallow areas shall not exceed 30 cm
vertical in 3.6m horizontal except for a slope directed downward from a transition point,
which shall not exceed 30cm vertical in 1m horizontal. In portions of the pool with a depth
greater than 1.5 m, the front slope of the deep area shall not be steeper than 30 cm in 1 m.
The slope requirements of a pool floor are illustrated in the figure given in Annexure - I.
13. Transition point.—Transition points shall be marked with a stripe on the pool floor
having a width of at least 10 cm and a color that contrasts with that of the floor, and with a
buoyed safety rope with colored buoys, installed at least 30 cm on the shallow side from the
transition point. In other pools having adjoining shallow and deep areas, a safety rope with
colored buoys shall be installed where the water depth reaches 1.5 m.
14. Pool walls.—(1) Where the pool depth is 1 m or less, pool walls shall be vertical to the
floor and the junction of the wall with the floor shall consist of a cove with a radius not
exceeding 15 cm. Where the pool depth exceeds 1 m, pool walls shall meet one of the
following criteria:-
(a) The wall shall be vertical for a distance of at least 1.5 m below the water level,
below which the wall may angle to the floor; or
(b) The wall shall be vertical for a distance of at least 1 m below the water level,
below which the wall shall form a curve to the floor. The curve shall be tangent
to the pool wall and shall have a radius of curvature at least equal to the
vertical distance between the centre of curvature and the pool floor.
(2) All junctions between pool walls and the pool floor, shall be coved with a minimum
radius of 25 mm.
15. Water depth.—Water depth at the shallow end of the swimming pool shall be 106
cm for all categories of the pools, whereas, the deeper end shall not be more than 167 cm.
In case of educational institutions, the deeper end of the pools shall not be more than 167
cm for category I and II pools and shall not be more than 152 cm for category III and IV
pools, referred to in clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 10.
16. Walkways and deck areas.—(1) Pools shall have deck that is at least 3 m in
width on the larger side of the pools. There shall be no obstructions or interruptions of
the pool deck within the 3m width other than necessary structural supports, or
appurtenances such as perimeter overflow systems, starting blocks, handrails, stand
having life jackets, stand for life guard etc. A clear, unobstructed walkway of at least 1.1 m
in width shall be maintained at the place of such obstructions or interruptions. The
walkway and deck area shall have a setback of atleast 1.5 m on the larger side of the
pool. There shall be no obstructions or interruptions of the setback space within the 3m
adjacent to the deck. The setback space shall have a level difference of not less than 10 cm
and not more than 15 cm below the level of the deck area. In case of swimming pools in
single dwelling unit, the minimum requirement is 1m wide deck area around the pool and
the deck area shall have a setback of at least 1m from any adjacent structure or boundary
of the site.
(1) Structural supports located within the minimum required deck width or within
3m of the swimming pool shall be no closer than 3 m apart measured parallel to
the adjacent perimeter of the pool, with the dimension of any single support in a
plane parallel to the adjacent pool perimeter not greater than 1 m and the sum
of all such support dimensions no greater than 10 per cent of the pool
(2) The deck between two adjacent swimming pools shall be at least 6m wide. All
decks and walkways shall have an unobstructed overhead clearance of at least
(3) Synthetic material having the following criteria shall be used for deck coverings:-
(i) Non-fibrous material which allows drainage and will not remain wet or
retain moisture;
(ii) Inert material, which will not support bacterial or fungal growth;
(iii) Durable;
(iv) Cleanable; and
(v) Provides a slip-resistant finish.
(5) The decks and walkways shall have a paved surface. The surface of the pool
deck and other surfaces used for foot contact, such as gratings of perimeter
overflow systems, shall be slip-resistant.
17. Ladders, Step-Holes, Steps and Ramps.—(1) The New Swimming pool shall have
at least two means of egress, located near opposite ends. A means of egress shall consist of
a ladder, step-holes and grab rails, stair, ramp, or zero-depth edge. Pools of 9 m or more in
width shall have at least four means of egress that shall be located near each end and on
opposite sides. The distance from any point with a depth greater than 76cm in the
swimming pool to a means of egress shall not exceed 15 m. At least two ladders or sets of
step-holes shall be located at the deep area of the swimming pool.
(1) Step-holes shall have a minimum tread depth of 12 cm. Where step-holes or
ladders are provided, there shall be a handrail or grabrail at the top on both sides
which extends to the edge of the pool.
Steps shall be of contrasting color or marked to contrast from the pool floor and
have uniform size treads of at least 30 cm and a rise of not more than 23 cm.
Steps shall be located where the water depth is 1.4 m or less and shall have no
pointed or sharp edges. One sturdy handrail or grabrail per 4 m of step width or
fraction thereof, extending the length of the steps shall be provided. In case of
category – IV swimming pool of educational institutions, the overall dimension of
the steps shall be over and above the required 10 m of minimum length of the
(3) All ladders, step-holes and steps shall have slip-resistant surfaces and provisions
may be made for the use of physically challenged persons also.
(4) Slope of the ramp shall not be more than one in twelve. Ramp shall have a slip-
resistant surface; handrails on both sides and its width shall not be more than
1.4 m.
18. Diving Area.—(1) No diving board shall be permitted in pools of educational
institutions and single dwelling units.
(i) The dimensions of the diving area of a pool that has diving boards or
platforms of three metre or less in height shall conform to those shown in
the figure in Annexure - II. In such pools, the distance from the plummet to
the pool wall ahead shall be at least 11 m.
(ii) Swimming pools with the diving, facilities in excess of three meters in
height shall comply with dimensions illustrated in the figure in Annexure –
III and the Table there under. If the pool is used for swimming as well as
diving, then transition slope from the deep to the shallow end shall not be
steeper than one in three.
(iii) There shall be no obstruction extending from the wall or the floor into the
clear area of the diving portion of the pool. There shall be an unobstructed
distance of 5 m above the diving board measured from the centre of the
front end of the board and this clearance shall extend at least 2.5 m behind,
2.5 m to each side, and 5 m ahead of the measuring point.
(iv) Handrails shall be provided at all steps and ladders leading to diving
boards. Platforms and diving boards which are one metre or higher shall be
protected with guard railings. One metre diving board guard rails shall be at
least 76 cm above the diving board and extend to the pool water’s edge. All
platforms or diving boards higher than one metre shall have guard rails
which are at least 76 cm above the diving board or platform and extend to
the pool water’s edge. Three metre platforms and boards shall have a side
rail barrier.
19. Starting Platforms.Starting Platforms shall be located in the deck area in the
deep side of the pool. Starting Platform shall be from 0.50 m to 0.75 m above the surface of
water. The maximum height of the platform above the water shall be 0.75 m where the
water depth is 1.2 m or greater and 0.50 m when the water depth is less than 1.2 m. The
surface area of each platform shall be 0.5m x 0.5 m with a maximum slope of not more
than 100. Surface of each block shall be covered with non-slip material and with back
stroke hand grip facility.
20. Electrical Installation – Lighting.—(1) Artificial external lighting shall be provided
at all indoor and outdoor pools that are open for use after sunset which shall be atleast
33.5 lumens or 2.2 watts per square metre of pool water surface area and deck area. There
shall be a provision for emergency lighting, in case of failure of routine source of power. The
emergency lighting shall be atleast half of the prescribed artificial external lighting i.e.,
16.75 lumens or 1.1 watts per square metre of pool water surface area and deck area. The
pool shall not be put to use without such emergency lighting.
(2) Where portable electric vacuum cleaning equipment is used, electrical
receptacles with ground-fault circuit interrupter protection shall be provided. Separation
between receptacles shall be a maximum of 30 m. All receptacles installed in the swimming
pool area shall have waterproof covers and ground-fault circuit interrupter protection.
(3) Lighting controls shall not be accessible to the public.
21. Ventilation.For New Swimming Pool a dequate ventilation shall be provided in
facilities to prevent objectionable odour. In case of indoor pools, sufficient number of
windows and ventilators providing a total ventilation area of not less than one fifth of
enclosed water surface area and floor area or proper mechanical ventilation shall be
provided. The windows and ventilators shall be abutting at least for a length of not less
than 2.5 metre on an open space, either external or internal. Such open space shall not be
less than 1.75 metre in width.
22. Shower and bathroom.—(1) Separate shower, dressing booth and sanitary
facilities shall be provided for each gender. The rooms should be well lit, drained, ventilated
and of good construction using impervious materials. They shall be developed and planned
to ensure maintenance of good sanitation throughout the building at all times. Floors shall
have a slip-resistant surface and sufficiently smooth to ensure ease in cleaning.
(2) A Minimum of one shower and one dressing room for each gender up to a
area of 75 sq.m of swimming pool, with additional one shower and one dressing
room for additional each 75. sq.m of swimming pool area or part there of. :
Provided that in case of swimming pool in single dwelling unit, the above provision is
(3) Necessary structural provision shall be made in the toilets to enable the physically
challenged also to use them.
23. Fencing And Exits.—(1) All indoor and outdoor pools shall be fenced. Fencing shall
be at least 1.2 m height and it shall not have any hand or footholds that can enable a
young child to climb it. Care shall also be taken to ensure that pool side equipment is not
positioned such that it may be used to climb the fence and access the pool.
(2) All indoor and outdoor pool premises shall have sufficient number of exits for safe
exit from the swimming pool premises with at least two exits of minimum width of 2.0 m
located near opposite ends.
24. Swimming Pool Water Treatment System.(1) General.—A water treatment
system shall be provided to filter, chemically balance and disinfect the swimming pool
water. The system shall be so designed for the recirculation flow rate that turnover period
shall not exceed 6 hours.
(2) Hair and Lint Strainer.—A hair and lint strainer shall be installed on
the suction side of the pump except on vacuum filter systems. The strainer basket
shall be easily removable. Valves shall be installed to allow the flow to be shut off
during cleaning, switching baskets, or inspection.
(3) Inlets.—Inlets for filtered water shall be located and directed suitably to
produce uniform circulation of water to facilitate the maintenance of a uniform
disinfectant residual throughout the entire pool without the existence of dead
spots, and to produce surface flow patterns that effectively assist skimming.
(4) Outlets.—Pools shall be provided with a main drain at the deepest point.
The main drain shall be connected to the recirculation system. Openings must be
covered by grating which cannot be removed without the use of tools. Openings of
the grating shall be at least four times the area of the main drain pipe or have an
open area. The maximum width of grate openings shall be 3.5 cm. Main drains
and all other suction outlets installed in the pool shall be designed to prevent
bather entrapment. Pool shall not be used if any of the covers are missing,
unsecured or damaged.
Make-up Water.—Make-up water shall be added through a fixed air gap
of at least 15 cm to the pool, surge tank, vacuum filter tank, or other receptacle.
When make-up water is added directly to the pool, the fill-spout shall be located
under a low diving board or immediately adjacent to a ladder rail, grab rail, or
fixed lifeguard chair.
(6) Filtration.—The design filtration rate in the particular application in
which the filter is utilized shall not exceed the maximum design filtration rate for
which the filter was installed. Wash or backwash water from diatomaceous earth
filters shall be passed through a separation tank designed for removal of
suspended diatomaceous earth and solids, prior to disposal.
(7) Disinfection.—The pool water shall be continuously disinfected by
suitable disinfecting agent that imparts easily measured residual. Gaseous
chlorine, chlorine compounds, bromine compounds or other bactericidal
agents should be used to maintain the quality parameters of water specified in
rule 28.
(8) In the case of swimming pools in single dwelling units, the above
provisions are optional only.
25. Personnel.(1) Pool Manager.- A competent pool manager shall be provided at all
swimming pools who possess adequate swimming capabilities. He shall be held
responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of all the facilities and upkeep of all
the life safety measures of the swimming pool and accountable for any lapse. In case of
swimming pools in single dwelling unit, provision of pool manager is optional.
(2) Life Guard and Swimming Coach / Instructor.—(i) Competent
lifeguards shall be provided at all swimming pools except for swimming pool in
single dwelling units. The minimum number of life guards shall be one for a pool
size of 150 square metre and below and proportionate increase for larger size pools.
(ii) In case of swimming pools in educational institutions, in addition to the
life guard, competent swimming coach/instructor shall also be
provided, who has adequate knowledge of first aid and artificial
respiration. At least two coaches or instructors for category-I and II
pools and at least one coach or instructor for category-III and IV pools
shall be provided. At least four life guards for category-I and II pools and
at least 2 life guards for category-III and IV pools shall be provided.
(3) Qualification for the coach, instructor and life guard.—(i) Swimming
instructor.— A person possessing National Institute of Sports Certificate (6 week
course) in swimming issued by National Institute of Sports is eligible for
appointment as Swimming Instructor to teach swimming to beginners and novices.
(ii) Swimming coach.—A person possessing National Institute of Sports
diploma course (Regular) in coaching swimming issued by National
Institute of Sports is eligible for appointment as a swimming coach to
coach swimmers for competitive swimming training and for teaching
(iii) Life guard.—For appointment as a Life Guard, a person must possess
the following qualifications, namely:-
(a) Minimum 8th standard pass;
(b) Pool life guard course certificate conducted by Rashtriya Life
Saving Society –India (RLSS)
) experience in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Procedure.
(iv) The working hours of the Life Guards shall not be more than 4 hours at
a stretch. He shall be rested for atleast four hours before he is put on
duty again. Sufficient number of reserve life guards with prescribed
qualification shall be made available.
(v) The practical ability and alertness of the Instructors, coaches and life
guards in rescuing children during emergency times should be tested
before they are actually deployed. The Fire and Rescue Service
personnel, shall, before the grant of No Objection Certificate for
operating the swimming pools, verify the abilities of the life guards,
instructors and coaches.
(4) Duty time of personnel:—The pool manager shall ensure that the
minimum number of swimming coaches/ Instructors and lifeguards specified for
different categories of pools in sub-rule (2) is made available on duty while the
swimming pool is in use. And at the same time, the duty time of swimming coaches/
instructors and life guards shall not be more than eight hours in a day and not
more than four hours at a stretch.
26. Specific Safety Features.—(1) A chair placed on the top of a removable stand of
three and a half foot high shall be provided for seating of the lifeguard at a location so that
all areas of the pool are visible to the lifeguard. A lifeguard shall be dressed in uniform
swimming attire and be identified as a lifeguard. The coach/instructor and the lifeguard
shall have undergone the training for giving first aid.
(2) The owner or occupier of the pool shall provide necessary life saving devices
in adequate numbers such as First aid box, oxygen cylinder, breathing equipments,
artificial respirator, buoys for beginners, at least two life jackets, life belts, stretcher,
life saving hook, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation pocket mask, rescue tubes, life guard
stand, etc.
(3) The owner or occupier of the pool shall -
(i) place a life saving instructions chart at the pool.
(ii) place the safety/sanitary rules board at the pool.
(iii) provide necessary fire fighting appliances in the premises which
must be maintained in proper condition.
(iv) not allow undesirable elements in the vicinity of the pool and
shall take adequate precautions to prevent harassment of
(v) require a beginner to wear red cap for easy identification.
(vi) provide proper uniform to the life guards.
(vii) install a Flag to indicate that a life guard is on duty.
(viii) insure all the swimming pool users against any mishaps.
(ix) display emergency contact numbers at a conspicuous place of the
(4) Rescue Equipment:—(i) General purpose first aid kit shall be provided to
handle minor bumps, bruises and sprains. A swimming pool facility shall have a first-
aid kit which contains at least the following items, namely:-
(a) Band-Aids.
(b) Sterile 100 x100 mm bandage compress.
(c) Self-adhering gauze bandage.
(d) Disposable gloves.
(e) Chemical cold compress.
(ii) The first-aid kit shall be prominently mounted in the swimming pool
enclosure, or a sign stating its location shall be posted near the swimming
pool. The first-aid kit shall be accessible when the swimming pool is open.
Items which have a shelf life shall be within the period of expiry.
(iii) An emergency response kit shall be provided which includes items like
emergency survival blanket, 10 cm (4 inch) offset bandage compress,
rescue breather, ambu bags, gloves, wipes and a thunderbolt (low
frequency) whistle with lanyard.
(5) The following life saving equipments shall be provided:-
(i) Life buoys (Ring Buoys) .– Life Buoys of the following specifications shall
be used in rescue operations in water.
(a) Material: Cork with polyurethane covering. A grab line secured
to life buoy at four equidistant points by cotton cord.
(b) Dimension: Circular in shape with elliptical cross section.
(c) Colour: Orange
(d) Life Buoys shall be tested for strength and buoyancy.
(e) Te type, date of test, manufacturer’s batch number shall be
marked on all life buoys by intelligible colour.
(f) It shall be marked with Bureau of Indian Standard certification.
(g) Reflectors in the form of strips shall be provided for use in
(h) All other specifications shall conform to IS 5326 – 1969 and
requirements under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 and the
rules made there under.
(i) Buoy surface shall resist weather and temperature extremes and shall
feature an integral rope of 6 mm diameter line that has a length of 1.5 times
the maximum width of the pool or 15.2 m whichever is less for easy handling.
(ii) Life Jacket .- Life Jackets (size 1) of the following specifications shall be
used for providing means of safety for the wearers while performing rescue
work connected with water.
(a) Material – Unicellular plastic with Kapok fiber filler of first grade
flotation quality.
(b) Colour – Orange or light yellow
(c) Design – It shall be provided with a collar or other suitable means
for supporting the head of floating unconscious wearer above
water. The buoyancy shall be obtained essentially by the use of
buoyant materials as given in BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARD
(d) Donning – It shall be capable of being donned and secured within
30 seconds by a wearer. After having been familiarized with the
method of donning, the jacket shall fit securely the body of
wearer. It shall afford reasonable comfort and to allow freedom of
movement to the wearer both in and out of water.
(e) All other specifications shall confirm to Bureau of Indian
Standard 6685-1972;
(f) The jacket shall be legibly marked with following information:-
(A) Trade Mark of manufacturer;
(B) Size and date of manufacturer;
(C) “Front” and “Back” words in appropriate position where a
possibility of confusion exists;
(D) Self illuminated light may be provided for use in night;
(E) Jacket shall be marked with Bureau of Indian Standard
(iii) Life vests (Buoyant Life vests):- It is like life jackets and are made of
nylon and Poly ethylene foam and feature 3 buckles and open side with visible
colours in red and blue.
(iv) Rescue boards (Spine boards):- The most versatile and easy to handle
board especially good for two guard rescues. Made of 5/8” marine plywood
with capped wood runners on the bottom and capped bombers. Head
immobilizer secures to board with pressure sensitive Velcro for quick and
accurate immobilization.
(v) Emergency survival blanket:- This blanket shall be made of thermal
material (blend of wool or manmade fibres) that retains 90% of body heat.
(vi) Ring Buoy line (Throw rope or rescue lines):- Made from heavy duty
floating line.
(vii) Rescue cans: – Rescue can shall be constructed of rotationally molded
polyethylene to be both light weight and durable.
(viii) Rescue hook:- It shall meet International Red Cross specifications and
features a blunt end life hook large enough to safely encircle a victim. It is
made up of heavy duty aluminium mounted on a light, super tough, highly
visible fibre glass pole with rubber end cap.
(ix) Storm whistle: – Professional life guard whistle can be blown under water
with whistle lanyards.
(x) Underwater goggles:– One piece flexible Poly Vinyl Chloride frame with
water tight seal.
(xi) Emergency Eyewash Station: – This self contained system shall provide
victims with immediate eye flushing with a sterile, soothing, normal saline
wash that neutralizes varying quantities of acids or caustics depending on the
(xii) Body flush station: – Self contained system for immediate body flushing
with a sterile, buffered isotonic saline solution. It shall be fitted with highly
visible back plate.
(6) Emergency Telephone and Emergency Contact List:—A telephone shall be
accessible in the vicinity of the swimming pool, in or within 90 m of the pool
enclosure. The telephone numbers of the local police, State Police, fire department,
physician, ambulance service, and a hospital, shall be displayed in a conspicuous
place near the telephone. The location of the emergency telephone shall be
displayed in the swimming pool area unless the telephone is located in the pool
(7) Depth Markers :(i) The depth of water shall be marked at or above the
water surface on the wall of the pool and on the edge of the deck next to the pool so
as to be readable by persons entering or in the pool. Depth markings shall be
provided at the shallow and deep ends of the pool, the transition point, and the
point of maximum depth, and shall be spaced at not more than 7.5 m intervals
measured peripherally, except that depth markings are not required at a zero-
depth edge.
(ii) Depth markers shall indicate pool depth in metric system, and shall be
of a color that contrasts with the background. Numerals indicating depth shall
be a minimum of 10 cm high.
(iii) In shallow areas, “no diving” markers or symbols at least 10 cm high
must be located at not more than 7.5 m intervals around the pool perimeter
except at a zero-depth edge.
27. Water Quality.(1) The clarity of water shall be that a 4 inch black-and-white
object in the deepest water is clearly visible from the pool deck. The pH of the pool water
shall be between 7.2 and 8.0 and the free residual chlorine count shall be from 0.6 to
1.5ppm depending on the pH.
(2) Disinfection.- (i) The area around the pool must be cleaned and disinfected
(ii) In order to prevent the transmission of contagious diseases, the water
in the pool must have powerful and lasting disinfectant properties.
(iii) Water in the swimming pool must comply with the following
requirements for safety and swimmers’ comfort, namely :-
(a) The water shall be transparent, that is, the lane marked on the
bottom of the pool shall be clearly visible and a dark object
(measuring 0.30 m along each side) placed in the deepest part of
the pool shall be easily discernible.
(b) The water shall not irritate the eyes, skin, or muscle membranes.
(c) The quantity of substances that oxidize in hot potassium
permanganate in an alkaline medium, expressed as oxygen shall
must not exceed the levels present in the water used to fill the
swimming pool by more than 4 mg/ ltr.
(d) The water shall not contain substances which may affect the
health of swimmers.
(e) The pH of pool water shall be contained between 7.2 and 8.0
(f) In one millilitre of water, the number of aerobic bacterial revival at
37 degree centigrade shall be less than 100.
(g) In 100 millilitre of water the number of total coliforms shall be less
than 10 and no fecal coliforms shall be present. Millilitre samples
taken from pool water shall be free of pathogenic staphylococcus
(h) The water shall be disinfected and also act as a disinfectant.
(i) The water shall contain no pathogenic germs.
(3) Disinfectant Residual.- (i) Where chlorine is used as a disinfectant, the
chlorine residual shall be maintained between 1.0 and 4.0 ppm. as free chlorine
residual. A free chlorine residual of at least 2.0 ppm. shall be maintained when the
pool water temperature exceeds 30o C.
(ii) Where bromine is used as a disinfectant, a bromine residual shall be
maintained between 2.0 and 8.0 ppm. as total bromine. A bromine
residual of at least 4.0 ppm. shall be maintained when the pool water
temperature exceeds 30o C.
(iii) Where chlorinated cyanurates are used, the cyanuric acid concentration
shall not exceed 100 ppm.
(iv) Where silver/copper or copper ion generators are used, the concentration
of copper shall not exceed 1.3 ppm. and the concentration of silver shall
not exceed 0.05 ppm.
(v) Where ozone is used, the ambient air ozone concentration shall be less
than 0.1 ppm. at all times either in the vicinity of the ozonator or at the
pool water surface.
(vi) For all other physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters, the
quality of water used in swimming pools in continuous circulation type
shall conform to IS 3328:1993.
28. Operation And Maintenance.(1) Pool and Pool Area.- (i) The pool manager shall
keep the water in the pool clean and change it at least once in six months in a year and at
short intervals if directed by the Inspecting authority. Monthly water test report shall be
maintained and entered in a register, which is subject to inspection by the Executive
(ii) The swimming pool shall be maintained free from sediment, lint, dirt
and hair. The walls, ceilings, floors, equipment and the pool area shall
be properly maintained so that they are protected from deterioration.
Cracks and other defects in the pool, if appear, shall be repaired
immediately. All equipment shall be maintained in proper condition,
with all required components in place.
(iii) Pool decks shall be rinsed daily. Indoor pool decks shall be disinfected
at least weekly. No furniture, plants or other furnishings shall be placed
within 1.2 m of the pool. This area shall be kept free from obstructions
such as chairs, baby strollers and maintenance equipment.
(iv) Floats or tubes not in use shall be removed from the pool. Safety ropes
shall be kept in place except when the swimming pool is being used
exclusively for lap swimming or competition.
(v) Planting of trees or shrubs that attract insects near the pool and
furnishing shall be situated away from the pool edge or shall be avoided.
(vi) Starting platforms and starting blocks shall not be used for any other
purpose other than competitive swimming activities. Starting blocks
shall be securely anchored when in use but removed or prohibited from
use when not being used in conjunction with competitive swimming or
(2) Perimeter Overflow and Skimmers.- The perimeter overflow systems or
automatic surface skimmers shall be kept clean and free of leaves or other debris
which will restrict flow. The strainer baskets for skimmers shall be cleaned daily.
The flow through each skimmer shall be adjusted as often as necessary to maintain
a vigorous skimming action which will remove all floating matter from the surface of
the water. The pool water shall be maintained at an elevation such that effective
surface skimming is accomplished. For pools with perimeter overflow systems,
adequate surge storage capacity should be maintained so that flooding of the
perimeter overflow system does not occur during periods of peak usage.
(3) Inlet Fittings.- Inlets shall be checked frequently so that the rate of flow
through each inlet establishes a uniform distribution pattern. Inlets in pools with
surface skimmers shall be adjusted as necessary to provide vigorous skimming.
(4) Security.- The owner or occupier of the pool shall provide sufficient number of
guards at the pools, except in swimming pools of single dwelling unit, both during
operational and non-operational time to regulate access. Doors or gates in the
swimming pool enclosure shall be kept closed and locked when the swimming pool
is closed.
(5) Bather Loads.- (i) The pool manager shall not allow any person who does not
know swimming or a beginner to enter the water in the absence of a qualified Life
Guard, Coach or Instructor , as the case may be.
(ii) The number of persons permissible within a swimming pool depending
on the depth of the pool is as follows:-(a) Where depth is less than 1.0
m, 1 bather per 2.2 square metre
(b) Where depth is between 1.0m and 1.5 m, 1 bather per 2.7 square
metre (c) Where depth is more than 1.5 m, 1 bather per 4.0
square metre
(iii) In case of educational institutions, the number of persons within a
swimming pool shall not exceed 30 in case of category-I and II pools and
it shall not exceed 15 in case of category-III and IV pools which is
subject to the full complement of swimming coach/instructor and life
guards as prescribed in sub-rule (2) of rule 26.
(iv) Except in swimming pools in single dwelling units, the bather load shall
be pasted at the pool entrance or at a location where it can be seen by
all bathers and shall be enforced by the pool manager.
(v) No person shall be allowed to be in the pool for (except in swimming
pools of single dwelling unit) more than one hour except with the
consent of the life guard or the coach, as the case may be.
Operational timings.- (i) Permission for specific operational timings shall be
obtained from the Committee. Swimming pools in Schools shall be kept open for use
only between 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. In case of higher educational institutions, the
swimming pool shall be kept open for use only between 6.00 a.m and 9.00 p.m. In
respect of institutions other than education institution, the owner or occupier of the
swimming pool shall get specific permission from the Committee for required
operational time. The swimming pool shall not be kept open for use other than the
timings specified in this rule except with special permission in writing from the
(ii) Recycling of pool water shall not be made during the operational
(iii) The full contingent of personnel indicated in rule 26 shall be available
during the operational timings.
(7) Electrical Systems.- Electrical system in the pool premises shall be
maintained in accordance with the National Electrical Code.
(8) Operation of Mechanical Equipment.- (i) Manufacturers’ instructions for
operation and maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment, as well as
pump performance curves, shall be kept available at the pool. All valves and piping
in the equipment room shall be permanently identified as to use and direction of
flow. A valve operating procedure must be provided in the equipment room for each
operation (e.g., recirculation, filtration, backwashing, etc.).
(ii) Recirculation pumps shall be kept in good repair and condition. The
pump discharge or inlet supply line valve shall be adjusted as
necessary to maintain the design flow rate.
(iii) Filtration equipment:- The filtration flow rate shall not exceed the
maximum filtration design flow rate specified by the filter manufacturer
for public swimming pool usage. Where the filtration flow rate is not
known or has not been determined, it shall not exceed 67 litre per
minute per square foot of filter area for high-rate sand filters.
(iv) Hair and Lint Strainers:- Hair and lint strainers shall be cleaned to
prevent clogging of the suction line and cavitations. The pump shall be
stopped before the strainer is opened to avoid drawing air into the
pump and losing the prime.
(v) Flow meters shall be maintained in an accurate operating condition
and shall be readable.
(vi) Vacuum and Pressure Gauges:- The lines leading to the gauges shall be
bled occasionally to prevent blockage.
(vii) Gas Chlorinators:- (a) The manager or operator shall post the telephone
numbers of the appropriate emergency personnel to contact, in the
event of a chlorine gas emergency;
(b) Chlorine cylinders shall be stored indoors in the area designed for
that purpose and away from a direct source of heat. They shall be
chained or strapped to a rigid support to prevent accidental tipping.
Cylinders shall not be moved unless the protection cap is secured
over the valve. Gas mask, approved for use in a chlorine
atmosphere, shall be kept outside the chlorine room in an unlocked
container at all times. The gas mask canister shall be replaced
regularly as per the manufacturer’s recommendations;
(c) Chlorinators, gas lines, injectors, vent lines and cylinders shall be
checked daily for leaks. In case of a chlorine leak, corrective
measures shall be undertaken only by trained persons wearing
proper safety equipment. All other persons shall be evacuated from
the dangerous area until conditions are again safe.
(viii) Positive Displacement Feeders:- (a) Positive displacement feeders shall
be periodically inspected and serviced.
When a chemical feeder is used with calcium hypochlorite
solution, to minimize sludge accumulation in the unit, the lowest
practicable concentration of solution shall be used, and in no case
shall this concentration exceed five percent. If liquid chlorine
solution is used, the dilution with water is not critical to the
operation of the unit. After thoroughly rinsing with water, a small
amount of mild acid solution may be fed through the unit
periodically, to dissolve sludge accumulations.
(ix) pH Adjustment:- (a) Soda ash or caustic soda shall be used to raise the
pool water pH. Protective equipment and clothing, including rubber
gloves and goggles, must be available for the handling and use of these
(b) Sodium bisulfate, carbon dioxide gas or muriatic acid shall be used
to lower pool water pH. Carbon dioxide cylinders shall be securely
chained or otherwise restrained in a manner that will prevent
tipping. Protective equipment and clothing, including rubber gloves
and goggles, must be available for handling these chemicals.
(x) Miscellaneous Chemicals:- (a) Chemicals shall be kept covered and
stored in the original, labeled container, away from flammables and
heat and in a clean, dry, well-ventilated place which prevents
unauthorized access to the chemicals.
(b) If polyphosphates are used for sequestering iron, the concentration
of polyphosphates shall not exceed ten pm.
(xi) Acoustics:- Suitable arrangement shall be made to ensure that safety
instructions can be heard, considering the noise level in peak hours.
(xii) Monitoring and Reporting:- (a) Operation reports: The pool manager
shall keep the daily record of swimming pool or other pool operational
(b) Water quality testing:- Disinfectant residual and pH tests shall be
made on samples collected from the shallow and deep areas of
swimming pool, at least twice daily. Where chlorine is used as a
disinfectant, testing for combined chlorine shall be performed at
least daily. In addition, where chlorinated cyanurates are utilized
as a chlorine disinfectant, testing for cyanuric acid concentration
shall be performed at least daily. Where ozone is utilized, testing to
determine the ozone concentration immediately above the pool
water surface shall be performed monthly. Necessary testing kits
should be made available for checking the pH and disinfectant
residual. The person responsible for testing shall be thoroughly
familiar with the procedure for checking. Records of water quality
testing shall be kept intact.
(c) Refuse disposal:-The equipment provided for the storage,
collection, and disposal of refuse produced at a swimming pool or
bathing beach shall be such that the creation of conditions
detrimental to public health, such as rodent harborage, insect
breeding areas, odors, air pollution and accidents are prevented.
All refuse shall be stored in water-tight, metal or rigid plastic
containers having tight-fitting lids. Containers shall be provided as
needed throughout food preparation areas and eating areas to
provide for enough collection of trash.
(xiii) Besides the specifications prescribed in these rules, the following
Industrial Standard codes of practice shall also be followed and any
breach thereof shall be deemed to be a breach of the requirements
under these rules:-
(a) 3328:1993 Quality tolerances for water for swimming pools (First
(b) 6494:1988 Code of practice for water-proofing of underground
water reservoirs and swimming pools;
29. Regulations for swimming pool users.- (1) Restriction of users:- The pool
manager shall maintain a register of enrollment of persons for allowing them to use
swimming pool.
(2) Restrictions of user for enrolment:- (i) Persons below 8 years of age and
of height less than 121.6 cm shall not be allowed in the pool. However, such
children may be allowed with parental supervision. Consent of parents or
guardians shall be obtained in respect of children using swimming pools in
(ii) Person using the pool shall produce a self declaration that he is free
from any chronic diseases like epilepsy, heart problem, severe
respiratory illness, skin disease, venereal disease, or any other
contagious disease, before using the pool.
(iii) In case of swimming pool in amusement parks, a resident doctor who
shall be a registered medical practitioner, shall be made available
within the premises.
(iv) In case of swimming pools in educational institutions, person using
the pool shall produce a medical certificate from a registered medical
practitioner that he is free from any chronic diseases like epilepsy,
heart problem, severe respiratory illness, skin disease, venereal
disease, or any other contagious disease, for enrolment to use the
(3) The pool manager shall not allow any person –
(i) to enter the pool if he has not taken a shower bath and a foot bath in
the bathroom provided in the premises;
(ii) to enter the pool in any apparel other than the recognized swim wear
or the costume trunk;
(iii) to enter the pool, if he has consumed alcohol;
(iv) in the pool before educating him through a class the basic safety
aspects of using the pool;
(v) in the pool during lightning, thunder, raining and or any other natural
calamity like storm, cyclone, earthquake etc and if any person is
found in the pool during such times, he shall be evacuated
immediately from the pool;
(vi) either before or after entering the water of the pool, to use soap, oil or
any substance or preparation whereby the water of the pool may be
rendered turbid or unfit for use of the bathers;
(vii) to enter who may willfully or otherwise, foul or pollute the water of the
pool by spitting or in any other matter whatsoever;
(viii) to use the pool, who suffers from temporary illness like cold, cough,
fever etc.,
(ix) to enter the pool or remain in the pool at any time other than the
prescribed timings under the rules or to enter or remain on the
premises surrounding the swimming pool fifteen minutes before or
after the opening and closing hours;
(x) accompanying any animal to enter the swimming pool or the premises
surrounding the swimming pool thereto; and
(xi) to use the pool before certifying the minimum water standard by
testing daily and registering the same in a register kept for the
Application for permission for construction of swimming pool
(see rule 3(1))
(Name and address of the Owner/
Occupier of the Land/
Power of attorney holder/ Lease Holder)*
The Executive Authority ,
I hereby apply for permission to construct a swimming pool in the ——————————
in S.No.———— of Block No……… of Revenue Division No…………..
I, forward herewith the following particulars in quadruplicate, duly signed by me, and
the licensed Surveyor.
(a) A key-map of the area showing the site in relation to existing streets and street
intersections, discharging clearly therein the boundaries of the site under
reference and the adjoining lands owned or controlled by me.
(b) A detailed site plan of the land for development to a scale of not less than 1:800.
(c) A plan or plans of the swimming pool showing the ground plan, and the
sectional and front elevation of the pool.
(d) Clearance Certificate obtained from the Public Works Department, in case of
swimming pools with diving facility.
(e) The particulars in the Annexure.
I, the owner / occupier legal representative of every part of the land specified above
request that permission for the construction of a swimming pool may be accorded.
(i) I agree to not to proceed with the construction of the swimming pool until the
local body grants permission for the construction.
(ii) I agree to not to do any development otherwise than in accordance with plans
which have been approved and any of the provisions of the relevant rules.
(iii) I agree to keep one of the approved site plan and one set of copies of the
sanctioned plan of the swimming pool at the site of the pool at all times when
the construction is in progress and also agree to see that such plans are
available and the construction is open at all reasonable times for the inspection
of the Executive Authority or any officer authorised by him in that behalf.
(iv) I agree to obtain the letter of acceptance of the completion report from the
Executive Authority before making the pool functional.
*Signature of the Owner / Occupier of the Land/
Power of attorney Holder/Lease holder
* Strike out the portions, which are not applicable.
1. Applicant (in Block Capital)
Name …. ….
Address …. ….
Tel. No. …. ….
2. Particulars of land in which the swimming pool is proposed to be constructed:
(a) Full address or location of the land to which this application relates and site
Door/Plot No.
Town Survey No./
S.F.No. Division or
Ward No. Road or Street name
Name of Local Authority
Site area
(b) State whether applicant owns or controls any adjoining land and if so give its
location and extent.
(c) State whether the proposal involves:
(i) Swimming pool only
(ii) New Building(s)
(iii) Alteration, extension or addition to buildings
(iv) Change of use.
3. Particulars of proposed, present and previous use of swimming pool, buildings with
the dimension of the pool and extent of the buildings in sq. mts.
Signature of the Owner/Occupier of the Land/
Power of attorney holder/Lease Holder
Signature of the
Licensed Surveyor/Architect
Affidavit by the Applicant
(see rule 3(2)(a))
This deed of undertaking executed at …………… on the…………………
Thiru/Tmt/Selvi……………….................................... Son/Daughter of
……………………aged…………………………..residing at
........………....................................in favour of the Executive Authority of the local body
having its office at ————————————— witnesseth as follows:-
1. I have applied for the permission for construction of a swimming pool at…… premises
No.………………………………………………………………… by submitting an application to
the —————————local body in accordance with the norms prescribed in the Tamil
Nadu Urban Local Bodies (Regulation and Monitoring of Swimming Pools) Rules, 2015. I
am associated with the swimming pool as Land Owner / occupier / Power of Attorney
Holder/lease holder. I assure that I will put up the construction only in accordance with
the approved plan without any deviation and if any construction is later on found to be
not in accordance with the approved plan and any unauthorised addition is made, I
agree to demolish such deviation marked by the ———————— local body within the
time prescribed by the authority after such notice, failing which, the ————— local
body may demolish or cause to demolish such unauthorised or deviated constructions
at the site under reference and recover the cost of demolition from me.
2. I also assure that the swimming pool will be kept as specified in the approved plan and
it will not be converted into any other use except the purpose for which it is approved. If
any structural modification or usage differs from the approved plan, the
—————————— local body is at liberty to remove any structural modification or
usage at any time and the expenses incurred by the ———————————— local body
is recoverable from me for non-compliance of their order.
3. I further assure that I will not convert any place of the swimming pool in contravention
of the approved plan. If any construction work, converting them for any other purpose,
is done either by me or by my successor or by any other person to whom the said
construction is transferred in future, without getting appropriate order for doing so
from the competent authority, the Authority is at liberty at any time to take any action
to remove any structural modification or usage and the expenses incurred by the
Authority is recoverable from me/my successor or from any other person to whom the
said construction is transferred in future.
4. I hereby undertake that, I am, jointly and severally responsible with the Land
Owner/Power of Attorney Holder/Lease Holder to carry out the development in
accordance with the permission granted and also for payment of necessary charges
levied from time to time by the Authority and also liable for penalty for the
developments made in contravention of the relevant Rules.
5. This deed of undertaking is executed by me on the……………day
of…………………………………….20………with the full knowledge of the contents of this
Duly attested by the Notary Public
Permission to Construct a Swimming Pool
(see rule 3(2)(b))
The Executive Authority,
(Name and address of the Owner/Occupier of the Land/
Power of attorney holder/Lease Holder) *
Permission is hereby accorded for the construction of swimming pool in the ———————/in
S.No.———— of Block No………of Revenue Division No…………subject to the conditions specified
below and the provisions contained in the Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies (Regulation and
Monitoring of Swimming Pools) Rules, 2015. If any deviations or violations are found, strict action
shall be taken as per rule 8 of the said Rules and the permission granted herein will be
Date Signature of the Executive Authority
This permit is subject to the following conditions:-
(i) Every person engaged in the construction of swimming pool shall follow all the provisions
contained in the said Rules.
(ii) In case of violation of any of the provisions of the said Rules, the Executive authority shall
not permit the continuance of construction of swimming pool.
Application for Grant of Permission to Operate Public Swimming Pool
(see rule 3(3))
(Name and address of the Owner / Occupier of the Land /
Power of attorney holder / Lease Holder) *
The Executive Authority,
I hereby apply for grant of permission to operate the swimming pool in ————————
the land in S.No.———— of Block No……… of Revenue Division No…………
I, forward herewith the following particulars:
(a) Concurrence obtained from the competent authority under clause (c) of sub-
rule (2) of rule 3 of the Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies (Regulation and
Monitoring of Swimming Pools) Rules, 2015 along with the approved plans;
(b) Order granting permission for construction of the swimming pool obtained
under clause (b) of sub-rule (2) of rule 3 of the said Rules in Form III along with
the approved plans;
(c) Completion Report of the swimming pool;
(d) Particulars in the Annexure.
*I, the Owner/Occupier/Legal representative of every part of the land specified above
request that permission for operation of the swimming pool may be accorded.
(i) I agree to not to use the swimming pool until the Executive Authority grants
permission for operating the pool.
(ii) I agree to not to do anything otherwise than in accordance with plans which
have been approved or in contravention of any provisions of the said rules.
(iii) I agree to keep a copy of the permission granted in Form VI to operate the pool
at the site of the pool at all times and keep the swimming pool open at the
reasonable times for the inspection of the Executive Authority or the Inspecting
Authority or any officer authorised by them in that behalf.
*Signature of the Owner/Occupier of the Land/
Power of attorney Holder/Lease holder
* Strike out the portions, which are not applicable.
To be completed by the owner / occupier of the land/power of attorney holder/lease
1. Applicant (in Block Capital) …. ….
Name …. ….
Address …. ….
Tel. No. …. ….
2. Particulars of proposal for which permission or approval is sought
(a) Full address or location of the land to which this application relates and site area
Door/Plot No.
Town Survey No./S.F.No.
Division or Ward No.
Road or Street name
Name of Local Authority
Site area
(b) State whether applicant owns or controls any adjoining land and if so give its
location and extent.
State whether the proposal involves:
(i) New Building(s)
(ii) Alteration, extension or addition
(iii) Change of use.
3. Particulars of present and previous use of Buildings
Extent in Sq. mts. of the building
Present use of building.
4. Information regarding the proposed uses Extent in Sq.mts.
a) Total floor area of all buildings to which the application relates
Signature of the Owner of the Land/Power of
attorney holder / Lease Holder
Signature of the
Licensed Surveyor/Architect
Affidavit by the Applicant
(see rule 3(3))
This deed of undertaking executed at ……………on
the…………………day...............................................of …………………… 20.. by
Thiru/Tmt/Selvi…………...................................Son/Daughter of……………….
aged……………. residing at.............................................No.…………………………………in
favour of the Executive Authority,———————having office at ————————————
witnesseth as follows:-
2. I have applied for the grant of permission to operate the swimming pool
at………............................................premises No.…………………………………………………by
submitting an application in accordance with the norms prescribed in the Tamil Nadu
Urban Local Bodies (Regulation and Monitoring of Swimming Pools) Rules, 2015. I am
associated with the swimming pool as Land Owner/Power of Attorney Holder/lease holder.
I assure that I shall operate the swimming pool only in accordance with the said rules and
if any deviation of the said Rules is later on found, I agree to abide by the action taken by
the Executive Authority.
3. I hereby undertake that, I am, jointly and severally responsible with the Land
Owner/Power of Attorney Holder/Lease Holder to carry out the operations in accordance
with the conditions laid down in the permission so granted and also for payment of
necessary charges levied from time to time by the Authority and also liable for penal
provisions for developments made in contravention of the rules and these presents.
4. This deed of undertaking is executed by me on
………with the full knowledge of the contents of this document.
Duly attested by the Notary Public
Permission to Operate Public Swimming Pool
(see rule 3(4))
The Executive Authority ,
(Name and address of the Owner / Occupier of the Land /
Power of attorney holder / Lease Holder) *
Permission is hereby accorded for the operation of swimming pool in the —————
————— in S.No.———— of Block No………….of Revenue Division No………….. subject to
the conditions stipulated below and the provisions contained in the Tamil Nadu Urban
Local Bodies (Regulation and Monitoring of Swimming Pools) Rules, 2015. If any deviations
or violations there of are found, strict action shall be taken as per Rule 8 of the said Rules
and the permission granted herein to operate the swimming pool will be suspended.
Signature of the Executive Authority
This permit is subject to the following conditions:-
(i) Every person operating the swimming pool shall follow all the rule provisions
contained in the said Rules.
(ii) In case of violation of any of the provisions of the said Rules, the Executive authority
shall not permit operation of the swimming pool.
(see rule 13)
(see rule 19 (2) (i) )
Minimum distance indicated
< 0.5
1 3
A – End wall to Tip of Board 1 1.5
B – Centre of board to sidewall or adjacent board 3 3
C – Centre of board laterally to point of required depth 1.2 1.2
D – Depth at end of board and for beyond 3.6 m 2.8 3
(see rule 19 (2) (ii) )
Dimensions of swimming pools with diving facilities in excess of three meters in height
Platform Platform
(m, Min) (m, Min) (m, Min)
(3) (4) (5) (6)
i Length
6.0 6.0 6.0
i Width
1.5 1.5 1.5
ii From Plummet:
1.5 1.5 1.8
back to pool wall
iv Back to platform directly below
1.5 1.5
v From Plummet to pool wall at side
3.9 4.5 5.2
vi From plummet to adjacent plummet C
- -
vii From plummet to pool wall ahead D
10.5 11.0 13.7
viii On plummet from board to ceiling
3.6 3.6 3.6
Clear overhead behind and each side
2.7 3.0 5.0
x Clear overhead ahead of plummet
5.0 5.0 5.0
xi Depth of water at plummet H
4.3 4.5 5.2
ii Bottom distance ahead of plummet J
6.0 8.0
iii Bottom depth ahead of plummet
3.3 4.0 4.5
xiv Bottom distance each side of plummet
3.6 4.0 4.3
xv Bottom depth each side of plummet M
4.3 4.5 5.2
Annexure – XXI
[See rule 65]
Installation of Closed Circuit Television units in public buildings
1. Short title and Commencement- (i) These rules may be called the
Urban Local Bodies (Installation of Closed Circuit Television
in Public Buildings)
(ii) They shall come into force on the 14
day of December
2. Definitions :- (1) In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires :-
a) “Act” means the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (Tamil
Act IV
of 1919), the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil
Act V of
1920), the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971
Nadu Act 15 of
1971), the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act,
(Tamil Nadu Act 25
of 1981), the Tiruchirappalli City Municipal
Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu
Act 27 of 1994), the Tirunelveli City
Corporation Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu
Act 28 of 1994), the Salem City
Corporation Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu
Act 29 of 1994), the Tiruppur
Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil
Nadu Act 7 of 2008), the Erode
Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu
Act 8 of 2008), the Vellore
Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu Act
26 of 2008) and
Thoothukudi City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008 (Tamil
Nadu Act 27
2008), as the case may be
b) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of a Municipal Corporation or a
c)“ Executive Authority” means the executive authority of a Municipality or a
Town Panchayat;
d) “public building” means, any building where public have an access for any
purpose and used as a -
(i) higher secondary school or a college or a University or other similar
educational institutions (including private institutions) ;
(ii) hostel where more than 100 persons reside;
(iii) hospital, nursing home, dispensary, clinic, maternity centre or any other
similar institution, having a floor area of 500 square metre and above;
(iv) boarding and lodging house or a star hotel;
(v) choultry or marriage hall;
(vi) cinema theatre, amusement park, swimming pool, recreation centre,
motion picture house, assembly hall, auditorium, exhibition
hall, museum, skating rink, gymnasium, dance hall, recreation pier,
stadium or bar;
(vii) market for the display and sale of merchandise, shop or a store either wholesale
or retail having a floor area of 500 square metre and above;
(viii) bank, ATM Counter, Insurance company; (ix) jewellery shop;
(ix) shopping mall, a building providing multiple services or facilities to the public
like shopping, cinema theatres, restaurants, etc., for example a multiplex or a
shopping complex;
(x) petrol filling station;
(xi) industry carrying the activities of production, manufacturing and services where
more than 100 persons are employed;
(xii) institution of information technology services, radio broadcasting station or
television station;
(xiii) place of religious worship or a place of religious, political or social
congregation by the public or any class or section of the public, where more than
500 persons assemble at a time;
(xiv) office of the Central Government or any State Government or any local authority
or any body corporate owned or controlled by the Central Government or any
State Government, where more than 100 persons are employed or having a floor
area of 500 square metre and above ;
(xv) office of any Quasi-Governmental organization or any Government undertaking
controlled by the Central Government or any State Government, where
more than 100 persons are employed or having a floor area of 500 square
metre and above;
(xvi) library, lecture room, public concert room, hotel, coffee house, eating
house, club or a club room, having a floor area of 500 square metre and above ;
(xvii) Bus Station or a Bus Terminal ; and
e) “urban local body” means a Municipal Corporation, a Municipality or a
TownPanchayat .
(2). Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have
meanings respectively assigned to them in the
3. Provision of Closed Circuit Television Units .- (1). In every public building, within
the territorial area of an urban local body, Closed Circuit Television units shall be
installed by the owner or occupier of that building in the manner specified below :
Provided that, in a building, where public have an access or gather in
and not covered under clause (d) of rule 2 or in any other
where the public
gather in large numbers for religious, social, political or
other purpose, Closed
Circuit Television units shall be installed by the
or occupier of that building or
place, if required by the District Collector,
the recommendation of a police officer
not below the rank of
Superintendent of Police or Assistant Commissioner of
Police, or
to do so, for the purpose of crime control or for maintaining
public order
peace or for any other reasons, to be recorded in writing, within a
time given by the District
2) In every public building, Closed Circuit Television units shall
installed at
the rate of one unit for every 300 square metre of floor
and part
3) The Closed Circuit Television units shall be installed at suitable vantage points
such as entry points, exit points, corridors, reception area, etc., in such a manner
that the movement of the public can be closely surveilled.
Every person intend to construct or reconstruct a public building shall make
necessary provision in the building plan itself for the installation of Closed
Circuit Television units in the manner prescribed in sub-rules (2) and (3),
while making application to the Commissioner or the Executive Authority of the
urban local body concerned for granting of permission for the execution of that
The Commissioner or the Executive Authority of the urban local body concerned
shall, before giving permission for the construction of a new public building or
reconstruction of an existing building as a public building ensure that
necessary provisions have been made in the building plan for the installation of
Closed Circuit Television units in the manner as prescribed in sub-rules (2) and
In all existing public buildings, Closed Circuit Television units shall be installed
in the manner as prescribed in sub-rules (2) and (3) by the owner or occupier
of the building within a period of 6 months from the date of coming into
force of these rules. If the Closed Circuit Television units are not installed
within such time limit, the regular type Trade or Business License issued
by the competent authority under the relevant statutes to the owner or occupier of
that building may, at any time, be cancelled or suspended. The Commissioner or
the Executive Authority of the urban local body shall ensure that the Closed
Circuit Television units have been installed in such buildings in the manner as
prescribed in sub-rules (2) and (3).
Where a building, which is not used as a public building, is proposed to be used as
a public building, Closed Circuit Television units shall be installed in such
building by the owner or occupier, before such change of use and the
concerned licensing authority competent to permit such business, trade or
profession shall permit to carry out such change of use in the building only after
ensuring that Closed Circuit Television units have been installed therein in
the manner as prescribed in sub-rules (2) and (3).
The Commissioner or the Executive Authority of the urban local body concerned
shall, while receiving the notice of completion of construction or reconstruction
of a public building, to be given by the owner of that building, shall ensure that
the Closed Circuit Television units have been properly installed in such building in
the manner as prescribed in sub-rules (2) and (3).
Annexure – XXII
[See rules 35 (5) and 63 (1)]
Rainwater Conservation
Water Conservation:
A. Rain Water Harvesting
Effective measures shall be taken within each premises (roof top and campus) for
conservation of rainwater, and RWH structures to the following standards shall be provided;
the same shall be shown in the plan applied for planning permission.
a) Non High Rise Buildings – Buildings of height up to 12m
Following are the recommended designs that can be adopted in the non High Rise
Buildings ie., Independent Houses and Apartments with Ground + two floor or Stilt
+ 3 floors and not more than 16 dwelling units).
(i) In plots that are being developed/buildings with a dug (source) well, rooftop
water to be diverted to a sump for immediate use (if that is relevant), through a
first flush cum pebble-sand filter combination or a Special filter and the
overflow to be diverted to the source well. The rain falling on the driveway or
paved setback areas (around campus) and from rooftop pipes that are not
connected to the sump or source well to be intercepted near the gate(s) either
by means of a gutter (provided with a perforated lid) or a bump/speed breaker
arrangement and led to a recharge well. (Drawing 1A & 1D).
(ii) In plots to be developed/buildings without an open well, rooftop water to be
diverted to a sump for immediate use (if that is relevant), through a first flush
cum pebble-sand filter combination or a Special filter and the overflow to be
diverted to a recharge well. The rain falling on the driveway or paved setback
areas and from rooftop pipes that are not connected to the sump or recharge
well to be intercepted near the gate(s) either by means of a gutter (provided
with a perforated lid) or a bump/speed breaker arrangement and led to a
recharge well. ( Drawing 1B & 1D)
(iii) In plots to be developed/buildings where the setback area is very small, not
enough to dig a recharge well or sewers, water line, electrical cable running
below, rooftop water brought down by pipes should be led to percolation pits,
one per pipe. (Drawing 1C)
b) Non High Rise Buildings more than 12m height and upto 18.3m heighrand
Industries and Institutional Buildings
In case of Non High Rise developments, Industries, Institutional Buildings as
mentioned in all the above cases, rooftop water can be diverted to a sump for
immediate use (if that is relevant), through a first flush cum pebble-sand filter
combination or a Special filter that is available in the market and the overflow to be
diverted to either a dug (source) well or a recharge well depending on the
availability of a source well. Depending on the need and relevance any combination
of the above methods can be chosen.
(i) In the above mentioned categories, rain falling on the setback areas as well as
some of the rooftops will flow on the driveway itself and runoff to the streets
and get wasted. This runoff should be intercepted by means of a bump/speed
breaker arrangement constructed in one or more locations within the premises
and discharged into suitably designed recharge well (s) located nearby.
(Drawing 3A.)
(ii) Rain falling on the setback areas as well as some of the rooftops will flow into
the storm drains constructed along the periphery of the building, whose slope
will always be towards the gate(s) in order to discharge the runoff onto the
street. This flow within the drain can be intercepted inside the drain by a baffle
wall and injected into several recharge wells located close to the drain.
(Drawing 3B.)
c) High Rise Buildings (Residential/Commercial)
(i) In plots that are being developed/buildings with a source well, rooftop water to
be diverted to a sump for immediate use (if that is relevant), through a first
flush cum pebble-sand filter combination or an Special filter that is available
in the market and the overflow to be diverted to the source well. The rain
falling on the driveway or paved setback areas or from rooftop pipes not
connected to the sump or source well to be intercepted near the gate(s) either
by means of a gutter (provided with a perforated lid) or a bump and led to a
recharge well. ( Drawing 2A & 2D)
(ii) In plots to be developed/buildings without an open well, rooftop water to be
diverted to a sump for immediate use (if that is relevant), through a first flush
cum pebble-sand filter combination or a Special filter that is available in the
market and the overflow to be diverted to a recharge well. The rain falling on
the driveway, paved setback areas, and from rooftop pipes that are not
connected to the sump or recharge well to be intercepted near the gate(s)
either by means of a gutter (provided with a perforated lid) or a bump/speed
breaker arrangement and led to a recharge well. (Drawing 2B, 2C & 2D)
B. Recycling Of Grey Water:
Effective measures shall be taken within each premise for recycling of Grey water
(water used for washing of cloths and bathing) and structures to the following standards
shall be provided, the same shall be shown in the plan applied for Planning permission.
The methodology for the recycling of Grey water for the uses of Ground water
recharge (Drawing 4) and flushing of toilet (Drawing No.4B).
Prepare a soil bed of garden soil whose area should be at least 2.5 sq ft per each
individual. Lay the water-loving plant at a distance of one foot from each other laterally and
longitudinally. The soil area need not have a regular shape. It can have any shape as long
as the requisite area is provided. But the level of the soil bed should be uniform so that the
grey water will spread over the entire bed and soil over the entire area is available for
cleaning the water. If there are slopes, water will tend to flow more in the lower areas alone
and the purification will be incomplete. The plants must receive at least moderate amount
of sunlight so that they will grow in a healthy manner.
The plants should be watered with fresh water for two or three weeks till they take
root and are stabilised and then the grey (used) water should be diverted to it in
progressively increased volumes over a week. Thereafter, the process is practically self-
sustaining. (Drawing 4A)
If the treated water is to be physically recovered, a sump has to be built for this
purpose. The treated water can then be pumped to the relevant compartment of the over-
head tank or to an exclusive tank, for flushing. If there is excess of treated water, the
overflow can be connected to a suitable water recharge structure. (Drawing 4B)
Drawing – 1A
Drawing – 1B
Drawing – 1C
Drawing – 1D
Drawing – 2A
Drawing – 2B
Drawing – 2C
Drawing – 2D
Drawing – 3A
Drawing – 3B
Drawing – 4A
Drawing – 4B
Annexure XXIII
[See rule 20 (6)]
Completion Certificate Norms
1) The following guidelines are issued for the purpose of treating the building as
completed for issue of completion certificate
a) In respect of commercial buildings, the following items should have been
completed in all respects. However, interior completion works, fixtures, flooring
and partition need not be insisted.
(i) Terrace Floor with weathering course including parapet wall
(ii) Lift Machine Room, OHT and Stair-case Head room
(iii) Electrical installations (switch boxes and fixtures not to be insisted)
(iv) Sanitary and water supply installations (fixtures not to be insisted)
(v) Sump for water storage
(vi) Outer plastering of the building
(vii) Frames for joinery
(viii) No dowel rods left out in the building for vertical or horizontal expansion
(ix) Completion of Internal Plastering and Flooring need not be insisted
b) In case of residential buildings, the following items shall have been completed in
the said project to consider it for issue of Completion Certificate
(i) Terrace Floor with weathering course including parapet wall
(ii) Lift Machine Room, OHT and Stair-case Head room
(iii) Electrical installations (switch boxes and fixture not to be insisted)
(iv) Sanitary and Water Supply installations (fixtures not to be insisted)
(v) Sump for Water storage
(vi) Outer plastering of the building
(vii) Frames for Joinery
(viii) Kitchen (Provision on Modular Kitchen is permitted provided provision for
water supply / drainage is made)
(ix) Internal partition walls
(x) No dowel rods left out in the building for vertical or horizontal expansion
(xi) Completion of Internal Plastering and Flooring need not be insisted.
2) Completion Certificate Norms
a) Norms for Non High Rise buildings with GF + 2F or Stilt + 3F subject to a
maximum of 12m height with 16 dwellings or up to 300 square meters of
commercial building shall be regulated according to the table below:
Parameters Norms
1. Dimension of the Building The increase in the dimension of the building shall
not exceed 0.30 mts in length and 0.30 mts in
2. Set Backs The reduction in setbacks is allowed on all sides
by 0.30 mts, subject to availability of minimum set
back of 1.20 mts. in the event of prescribed
minimum setback being 1.5m and by 0.20 mts
subject to availability of minimum set back of 0.80
mts. In the event of prescribed minimum setback
being 1.0m
3. Height of the Building Increase in height of the building is permitted not
exceeding 3% of the building height approved as
long as such increase does not exceed 12m and
does not constitute an additional floor. In case of
Institutional building if it does not exceed 18.30
4. FSI Tolerance Limit FSI Tolerance limit will be maximum of 15 sq.m
over and above the permissible FSI.
5. Over Head Tank Change in the location/ Architectural
orientation permissible. In case of increase in
the size of the over head tank necessary fees to
be collected.
6. Inter connection between
two flats
Permissible as long as it satisfies parking
7. Change in the position of
the columns and
introduction of new
columns in the stilt floor
Permissible as long as it does not affect
minimum parking lots required as per
approved plan is left as car parking space.
Movement and parking of required number of
cars on ground can be taken irrespective of
certain deviations from the approved plan,
subject to conformity to DR provision relating
to Parking and Driveway.
8. Non FSI area Change in location of incident use as long as
within non-FSI area permissible limit.
9. Variation between
document dimension and
site dimension
If on site measurements area are less than
originally approved from PLR line, but even,
this lesser set backs on the site confirm to
these rules.
10. Entrance Arch / Pillar As per the provision of these rules.
11. Pergola Permissible for elevation purpose in the terrace
not exceeding 10 % area of the respective floor
Pergola projections in other places will be
treated as architectural features, as per the
provisions of these rules.
12. Rain Water Harvesting Should be provided.
13. Compound wall
constructed including the
land left for road widening
Not permissible. Permanent compound wall to
be constructed as per the approved plan after
leaving the street alignment or road widening
b) Norms for Non High Rise buildings upto 18.30m height and exceeding 16
dwelling units and exceeding 300 square meters of commercial building shall be
regulated according to the table below::
Parameters Norms
1. Dimension of the building The increase in the dimension of the building shall
not exceed 0.30 mts. In length and 0.30 mts. in
2. Set Backs / Distance
Between Blocks.
0.30 mts. reduction in setbacks is allowed on all
sides, subject to availability of minimum set back of
1.20 mts. in the event of prescribed minimum
setback being 1.5m and by 0.20 mts subject to
availability of minimum set back of 0.80 mts. In the
event of prescribed minimum setback being 1.0m
3. Height of the Building Increase in height of the building is
Permitted not exceeding 3% of the building height
approved as long as such increase does not exceed
18.30 mts. and does not constitute an additional
floor. In such cases, additional setback for the
additional height increase shall not be insisted.
4. FSI Tolerance Limit FSI Tolerance limit will be 0.03 of FSI or 50 Sq.mt.
floor area whichever is higher over and above the
permissible FSI.
5. OHT Change in the location/orientation permissible. In
case of increase in the size of the OHT, development
charges to be collected.
6. Inter connection
between two flats
Permissible as long as it satisfies parking
7. Change in the position
of the columns and
introduction of new
columns in the stilt floor.
Permissible as long as it does not affect minimum
3.00 mts. driveway for vehicular movement and the
no. of minimum parking lots required as per
approved plan is left as car parking space.
Movement and parking of required number of cars
on ground can be taken irrespective of certain
deviations from the approved plan, subject to
conformity to TNCBR provision relating to Parking
and Driveway.
8. Non FSI area
Change in location of incidental use within non-FSI
area permissible limit.
9. Variation between
document dimension and
site dimension
If on site measurements are less than originally
approved from PLR line, but even this lesser set
backs on the site conform to these rules-
10. Entrance Arch / Pillar
As per the provision of these rules.
11. Pergola
Permissible for elevation purpose in the terrace not
exceeding 10% area of the respective floor.
12. Rain water harvesting
Should be provided.
13. Compound Wall
constructed including the
land left for road
Not permissible.
Permanent compound wall to be constructed as per
the approved plan after leaving the Street Alignment
or Road widening portion.
However, the land left for road widening may be
utilized for landscaping with temporary grill /
barbed wire fencing, with or without Dwarf wall not
exceeding 0.60 mts. height.
14. Fire license As per the provisions of TNCBR
15. OSR land As the OSR space is vested with competent
authority or Local Body, no structure shall be
constructed or erected on OSR land.
16. Structures permitted in
the set back area
Access steps to Ground floor and ramps, (without
affecting ventilation of Basement Floor) closed Well,
Water and Sewage Treatment Plant, Generator, Box
type transformers are permitted in the set back area
subject to availability of minimum driveway of 3.00
mts. and parking requirements as per the approved
17. Structures permitted in
the Terrace Floor
AC Plant and Two toilets in every block are
permitted in the Terrace Floor Architectural feature
in the periphery on the top most floor (Terrace
Floor) up to 3.00 mts. height is permissible subject
to the condition that the portion constructed over
allowable 1.5 mts. height parapet wall shall be non
continuous with solid portion not exceeding 50% of
the surface area.
18. Installation of Solar
Energy System
1/3 rd area of the total terrace area to be reserved
for erecting Solar Photo Voltaic Panels. The
approximate space required for erecting Solar
Voltaic Panel is 10 sq.mt for generating 1 KW of
c) Norms for High Rise buildings shall be regulated according to the table below::
Parameters Norms
1. Dimension of the building The increase in the dimension of the building shall
not exceed 0.30 mts. in length and 0.30 mts. in
2. Set Backs / Distance
Between Blocks.
The reduction of 0.30 mts. In the set back space is
permissible on all sides, subject to availability of
minimum 6.70 mts., for the buildings of within 30
mts. height. With increase in height above 30 mts.
corresponding increase in setback to be insisted.
3. Height of the Building Increase in height of the building is permitted not
exceeding 5% of the building height approved as
long as such increase does not constitute an
additional floor. In such cases, additional setback
for the additional height increase shall be insisted
on pro- rata basis. (For instance, for a 30 mts.
height building with 5% increase in height the
additional set back insisted will be 0.25 mts.)
However, the total height should be within the
height permitted by AAI / IAF.
4. FSI Tolerance Limit FSI Tolerance limit will be 0.03 of FSI or 50 Sq.mt.,
floor area whichever is higher over and above the
permissible FSI.
5. Architectural projection
& service ducts
Service ducts upto 1.0 mt. here and there and not
to the entire width and length of the building and
Architectural projection upto 0.60m. in width where
it is continuous and upto 1.0 mt. where it is dis-
continuous are permissible, subject to availability of
minimum clear set back of 6.70 mts. where required
set back is 7.0 mts. and minimum clear set back of
7.70 mts. where required set back is 8.0 mts. and
minimum set back of 8.70m. where required set
back is 9.0 mts.and so on
6. OHT Change in the location/orientation permissible. In
case of increase in the size of the OHT, development
charges to be collected.
7. Inter connection
between two flats
Permissible as long as it satisfies parking
8. Change in the position
of the columns and
introduction of new
columns in the stilt floor.
Permissible as long as it does not affect driveway of
minimum 3.00 mts. for vehicular movement and the
no. of minimum parking lots required as per
approved plan and left as car parking space .
Movement and parking of required number of cars
on ground can be taken irrespective of certain
deviations from the approved plan, subject to
conformity to TNCBR provision relating to Parking
and Driveway.
9. Non FSI area
Change in location of incidental use within non-FSI
area permissible limit.
10. Variation between
document dimension and
site dimension
If on site measurements are less than originally
approved from PLR line, but even this lesser set
backs on the site confom to these rules -
11. Entrance Arch / Pillar
As per the provision of these rules.
12. Pergola
Permissible for elevation purpose in the terrace not
exceeding 10% area of the respective floor.
13. Rain water harvesting Should be provided.
14. Compound Wall
constructed including the
land left for road
Not permissible.
Permanent compound wall to be constructed as per
the approved plan after leaving the Street Alignment
/ Road widening portion.
However, the land left for road widening may be
utilized for landscaping with temporary grill /
barbed wire fencing, with or without Dwarf wall not
exceeding 0.60 mts. height.
15. Fire license Compliance Certificate from DF&RS is required.
16. OSR land As the OSR space is vested with competent
authority/ Local Body, no structure shall be
constructed / erected on OSR land.
17. Structures permitted in
the set back area
Access steps to Ground floor and ramps, (without
affecting ventilation of Basement Floor) closed Well,
Water and Sewage Treatment Plant, Generator, Box
type transformers are permitted in the set back area
subject to availability of minimum set back of 6.7
mts. and satisfying the parking requirements.
18. Structures permitted in
the Terrace Floor
AC Plant and Two toilets in every block are
permitted in the Terrace Floor. Architectural feature
in the periphery on the top most floor (Terrace
Floor) up to 3.00 mts. height is permissible subject
to the condition that the portion constructed over
allowable 1.5 mts. height parapet wall shall be non
continuous with solid portion not exceeding 50% of
the surface area.
19. Installation of Solar
Energy System
1/3 rd area of the total terrace area to be reserved
for erecting Solar Photo Voltaic Panels. The
approximate space required for erecting Solar
Voltaic Panel is 10 sq.mt for generating 1 KW of