Copyright 2019 by TCK Publishing
Passive to Active Voice Worksheet
1. The painting was done by Picasso. _____________________________________________.
2. Dinner is being prepared by Rita. ______________________________________________.
3. The vase was broken by Tom. __________________________________________________.
4. The car was washed by David before his date. _____________________________________.
5. Next year, engineering will be studied by the students. ______________________________.
6. The sink should be fixed by the plumber tomorrow. _________________________________.
7. Five tickets were reserved by the family. _________________________________________.
8. The rooms had been thoroughly cleaned by Mara. __________________________________.
9. Five million dollars were donated by Leonardo DiCaprio. ____________________________.
10. This dress was given to me by my grandmother. ___________________________________.
11. The election was won by Donald Trump. _________________________________________.
12. It's easy to tell when Julia is annoyed by Mark. ____________________________________.
13. My homework was eaten by my dog. ____________________________________________.
14. The table was reserved by Valerio. ______________________________________________.
15. The rock that broke the window had been thrown by Steven. __________________________.
Copyright 2019 by TCK Publishing
Answer Key
1. Picasso completed the painting.
2. Rita is preparing dinner.
3. Tom broke the vase.
4. David washed the car before his date.
5. The students will study engineering next year.
6. The plumber should fix the sink tomorrow.
7. The family reserved five tickets.
8. Mara had thoroughly cleaned the rooms.
9. Leonardo DiCaprio donated $5 million.
10. My grandmother gave me this dress.
11. Donald Trump won the election.
12. It’s easy to tell when Mark annoys Julia.
13. My dog ate my homework.
14. Valerio reserved the table.
15. Steven threw the rock that broke the window.