JethroData Reference Guide
Version: 2.0.0
Updated: 15-Nov-2016
1 Installation Process ................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Instances ................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Creating and Attaching Instances ................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Managing Instances......................................................................................................................... 5
3 Managing Tables and Views .................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Working with Tables ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Working with Views ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Partitioned Tables ......................................................................................................................... 10
4 Loading Data ........................................................................................................................................ 13
4.1 Running JethroLoader ................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Loader Description File Format .................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Input Files with Variable Format .................................................................................................. 19
4.4 CSV Output Mode ........................................................................................................................ 20
4.5 Description File Syntax Diagram .................................................................................................. 21
4.6 Scheduled Loads ........................................................................................................................... 22
5 Administrating JethroData ................................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Managing Local Cache ................................................................................................................. 23
5.2 Managing Adaptive Cache ............................................................................................................ 25
5.3 Managing Query Queuing ............................................................................................................. 27
5.4 Viewing Background Maintenance Status .................................................................................... 29
5.5 Changing The Password of jethro User ................................................................................... 31
5.6 Local Directory Structure .............................................................................................................. 32
6 Auto Micro Cubes Generation ............................................................................................................. 33
6.1 Requirements and Initial Setup ..................................................................................................... 33
6.2 Turn on Automatic Cubes Generation .......................................................................................... 33
6.3 Manual Cubes Generation ............................................................................................................. 33
6.4 Cubes Management ....................................................................................................................... 34
7 SQL Language Elements ..................................................................................................................... 35
7.1 Data Types .................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2 Valid Identifiers ............................................................................................................................ 36
7.3 Operators ....................................................................................................................................... 37
7.4 Aggregate Functions ..................................................................................................................... 38
7.5 String Functions ............................................................................................................................ 39
7.6 Timestamp Functions .................................................................................................................... 41
7.7 Math Functions ............................................................................................................................. 44
7.8 Control Flow Functions ................................................................................................................ 47
7.9 Best Practices ................................................................................................................................ 48
8 SQL Language Reference .................................................................................................................... 49
8.1 ALTER TABLE ............................................................................................................................ 49
8.2 CREATE JOIN INDEX ................................................................................................................ 50
8.3 CREATE RANGE INDEX ........................................................................................................... 51
8.4 CREATE SCHEDULED LOAD .................................................................................................. 52
8.5 CREATE TABLE ......................................................................................................................... 55
8.6 CREATE VIEW ............................................................................................................................ 56
8.7 DROP ADAPTIVE CACHE ........................................................................................................ 57
8.8 DROP CUBES .............................................................................................................................. 58
8.9 DROP JOIN INDEX ..................................................................................................................... 59
8.10 DROP RANGE INDEX .............................................................................................................. 60
8.11 DROP SCHEDULED LOAD ..................................................................................................... 61
8.12 DROP TABLE ............................................................................................................................ 62
8.13 DROP VIEW............................................................................................................................... 63
8.14 GENERATE CUBES .................................................................................................................. 64
8.15 KILL QUERY ............................................................................................................................. 65
8.16 SELECT ...................................................................................................................................... 66
8.17 SHOW ......................................................................................................................................... 68
8.18 UNION ALL ............................................................................................................................... 70
8.19 SET.............................................................................................................................................. 71
8.20 TRUNCATE TABLE ................................................................................................................. 72
8.21 UNSET ........................................................................................................................................ 73
1 Installation Process
Jethro installation is pretty simple. It runs as root, extracts Jethro software to /opt/jethro, and
automatically creates and configures the jethro O/S user and Linux service. To install Jethro:
1) Connect as root and download the Jethro RPM to a local directory:
2) Install the RPM you downloaded with the following command:
rpm -Uvh latest-rpm
3) Change the owner of the Jethro cache directory to the jethro user (the user was created during the
RPM installation):
chown jethro:jethro /mnt/jethro_local_cache
4) If using Kerberos, securely copy the keytab file that was generated in section 3.2 to the jethro
home directory and change its permissions accordingly:
scp kdc_owner@kdc_server:jethro.hadoop.keytab /home/jethro
chown jethro:jethro /home/jethro/jethro.hadoop.keytab
chmod 600 /home/jethro/jethro.hadoop.keytab
5) Optionally, set the password for the jethro O/S user:
passwd jethro
6) The rest of the setup is done as the jethro O/S user:
su jethro
To install the RPM under a different user than the default one (jethro), run:
If a non-default user is to be used, then the user must already exist.
If a non-default user is specified, the group must also be specified.
If the rpm is already installed, the same user must be used.
If a new user is going to be used for an installation over an existing installation, then the rpm
package should be removed first (existing instances will need to be attached to, directories or
mount points of storage and cache will need to be manually chown'd).
2 Instances
A Jethro instance includes an entire database all the tables, data, indexes and metadata. The instance is
stored on a chosen type of storage, shared (such as HDFS, EFS etc’) or local (POSIX). An instance can
be attached to a server, but can also be detached and reattached later (by the same server or another).
2.1 Creating and Attaching Instances
Creating an instance
To create a new, empty instance, run the JethroAdmin create-instance command and provide the
following parameters:
An instance name of your choice (demo in the following example).
An HDFS storage path (An HDFS directory owned by user jethro) or a Local storage path.
Local caching parameters A local root path and maximum size for the cache directory.
When using a local storage path, an extra parameter is required: -Dstorage.type=POSIX.
The basic command:
JethroAdmin create-instance < instance-name > -storage-path=<storage-path>
-cache-path=<cache-path> -cache-size=80G [-Dstorage.type=POSIX]
For example Local instance creation:
JethroAdmin create-instance demo -storage-path=/user/jethro/instances
-cache-path=/mnt/jethro_local_cache -cache-size=80G -Dstorage.type=POSIX
HDFS instance creation:
JethroAdmin create-instance demo -storage-path=/jethro/instances
-cache-path=/mnt/jethro_local_cache -cache-size=80G
Attaching an instance
Instances can be attached/detached from a server. When using a shared storage, they can (and most
probably will) be attached to multiple servers. To attach an existing instance, use the following command:
JethroAdmin attach-instance < instance-name > -storage-path=<storage-path>
-cache-path=<cache-path> -cache-size=80G [-Dstorage.type=POSIX]
Detaching an instance
Detaching an instance from a server require much less parameters:
JethroAdmin datach-instance < instance-name >
Delete an instance
To remove an instance and all of its data and metadata, use the following command:
JethroAdmin delete-instance < instance-name >
2.2 Managing Instances
By server: JethroData server might be attached with a number of instances. The typical case would be
an attachment with one instance. To view the list of locally attached instances, run the following
JethroAdmin list-instances
By storage: Instances in Jethro are based in their storage. They don’t have to be attached to any server
at any times, and they might be attached to one or more than one server at a time. This means that when
a user work on one server of Jethro, the other server might not know about this instance. Therefore, in
order to view a list of instances by storage, run the following command:
JethroAdmin list-storage-instances -storage-path=[storage-root-path]
For example:
JethroAdmin list-storage-instances -storage-path=/home/jethro/instances -Dstorage.type=POSIX
To add/remove an instance from the auto start configurations of a server service, edit:
3 Managing Tables and Views
JethroData organizes tables and views into schemas. The default schema is called def_schema.
Currently, creating new schemas is disabled.
3.1 Working with Tables
Creating a Table
To create a regular (unpartitioned) table, run a CREATE TABLE statement and provide the table
name and list of columns. For example:
For partitioned tables, see section Partitioned Tables for discussion and examples.
The supported data types are:
For more details on each data type, see section Data Types.
JethroData indexes all columns automatically there is no need to run CREATE INDEX commands.
Renaming a Table
To rename a table, run a ALTER TABLE … RENAME TO statement. For example:
ALTER TABLE my_table RENAME TO test_table;
Adding and Dropping Columns From a Table
To add a new column to a table, run a ALTER TABLE … ADD COLUMN statement and specify a
new column name and data type. Existing rows will have NULL value in this new column. For
ALTER TABLE test_table ADD COLUMN number_of_cats INTEGER;
To drop an existing column from a table, run a ALTER TABLE … DROP COLUMN statement. For
ALTER TABLE test_table DROP COLUMN number_of_cats;
Dropping a Table
To drop a table, run a DROP TABLE statement. For example:
DROP TABLE test_table;
Alternatively, run a TRUNCATE TABLE statement to delete all rows from a table while keeping the
table. For example:
TRUNCATE TABLE test_table;
List All Tables
To list all tables (optionally, limited to a specific schema), run the SHOW TABLES statement:
Unlike Hive and Impala, in JethroData the above command list only tables, not views. To list views,
use SHOW VIEWS command, as discussed in the next section.
In addition, to get a detailed report of all tables, including number of columns, number of rows, number
of partitions and size of disk, run the SHOW TABLES EXTENDED statement (the output was
slightly trimmed to fit into the page width):
ID | Schema Name | Table Name | Columns | Rows | Partitions | Columns-MB | Indexes-MB
16 | def_schema | test1 | 9 | 1920800 | 0 | 4.598 | 26.078
92 | def_schema | test2 | 3 | 20 | 0 | 0.003 | 0.003
299 | def_schema | test3 | 4 | 11745000 | 0 | 37.338 | 44.478
453 | def_schema | test4 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0.000 | 0.000
227 | def_schema | test5 | 23 | 2880404 | 63 | 166.178 | 510.365
As this command analyzes the instance current storage usage, it may take up to a few minutes
List a Table's Columns
To list all columns of a specific table and their data type, run the DESCRIBE statement:
DESCRIBE my_table;
In addition, to get a detailed report of a table's columns, including number of distinct values, number of
NULLs and size of disk, run the SHOW TABLE COLUMNS table_name statement (the output was
slightly trimmed to fit into the page width):
ID | Column | Type | NULLs | Distinct | Total (MB) | Index (MB) | Column (MB) | Keys (MB)
13 | event_type | INTEGER | 0 | 4 | 1.419 | 0.631 | 0.788 | 0.000
14 | event_ts | TIMESTAMP | 2370142 | 930 | 1.026 | 0.105 | 0.921 | 0.000
15 | client_id | STRING | 0 | 2243288 | 108.219 | 31.067 | 6.052 | 71.099
17 | class | INTEGER | 1288168 | 181 | 4.184 | 2.009 | 2.174 | 0.000
18 | subclass | BIGINT | 2334246 | 6343 | 0.879 | 0.518 | 0.360 | 0.000
3.2 Working with Views
Views are a stored sub-query definition (metadata-only). When used in a query, it is replaced with a
sub-query containing its text.
Creating a View
To create a view, run a CREATE VIEW statement and provide a view name, an optional list of
column name for the view, and the view query text:
SELECT region, count(*) event_count FROM events GROUP BY region;
CREATE VIEW v1 (region, event_count) AS
SELECT region, count(*) FROM events GROUP BY region;
Each column in the view must have a unique and valid name. To give proper name to columns that are
based on functions and expressions, either use column aliases in the query (as in the first example
above) or specify a column list in the CREATE VIEW statement (as in the second example).
Dropping a View
To drop a view, run a DROP VIEW statement. For example:
Listing All Views
To list all views (optionally, limited to a specific schema), run the SHOW VIEWS statement:
In addition, to get a detailed report of all views, including number of columns, status and definition, run
the SHOW VIEWS EXTENDED statement:
ID | Schema Name | View Name | Columns | Status | View Statement
182 | def_schema | v | 19 | valid | create view v1 as select * from events
196 | def_schema | v1 | 2 | valid | create view v2 as SELECT region,
count(*) event_count FROM events GROUP BY region;
261 | def_schema | v2 | 3 | invalid | create view v3 (a,b,c) as select * from
List a View's Columns and Definition
To list all columns of a specific view and their data type, run the DESCRIBE statement. The command
also prints the CREATE TABLE statement that was used to create the view:
DESCRIBE my_view;
View query: | CREATE VIEW v1 AS
SELECT region, count(*) event_count FROM events GROUP BY region;
View Invalidation
When you create a view, JethroData verifies that the view's query is valid. However, after the view was
created, its query may become invalid. For example, a view may refer to a table (or another view) that
was dropped or changed after the view's creation.
JethroData automatically maintains the status of each view. When the view's query becomes invalid,
the view itself moves to INVALID status and cannot be used. If the view's query becomes valid and
matches the view definition, the view will become valid automatically.
The current status of each view can be seen using SHOW VIEWS EXTENDED command.
3.3 Partitioned Tables
Partitioning physically splits a very large table ("fact table") into smaller pieces, based on user-
specified criteria.
Why use partitioning?
Partitioning enables rolling window operations (maintenance). For example, if a table is
partitioned by a timestamp column let's say one partition per day then you can implement
DELETE by dropping a daily partition.
Since JethroData format is append-only, dropping a partition is the only way to delete data.
In many databases, partitioning is considered a critical performance tool as it allows them to scan
less data when they full scan a table. However, in JethroData,, all queries use the indexes to read
only the relevant rows, so a query will access the same number of rows regardless of if it is
partitioned or not. So, for JethroData partitioning is not a major performance feature.
Partitioning also enables better scalability. If a query needs to access a specific subset of the table
based on the partitioning key (for example, a single day), partitioning helps to isolate it from the
actual size of the table the query will consider a similarly sized subset of the table regardless of
the table's retention (one month / year / decade of data).
Partitioning Types JethroData only supports range partitioning. Also, it only support a single
partitioning key. Additional options are not needed as partitioning is used mostly for rolling window
operations, not as a tool to minimize I/O (we use the indexes for that!)
How to choose a partition key? The partitioning key should be the main timestamp column that is
used both for maintenance (keeping data for n days) and in queries. That column data type is typically
TIMESTAMP, but occasionally it is a generated key (usually INT) from a date dimension.
In most cases, the large tables hold events (calls, messages, page views, clicks etc) and the likely
partitioning key is the event timestamp when did the event happen.
How big should each partition be? Generally, you should align the partition range to the retention
policy. For example:
If you plan to keep data for 12 months, purging once a month, start with monthly partitions.
If you plan to keep data for 60 days, purging once a day, start with daily partitions
However, it is also recommended to aim for a typical partition size of a few billion rows. Many small
partitions are inefficient and may overwhelm the HDFS NameNode with too many small files. A few
extra-large partitions of many billions of rows each are harder to maintain for example, harder to
correct the data after loading one bad file. So,
If you have a few billion rows per month, partition by month.
If you have a few billion rows per day, partition by day.
If you have a few billion rows per hour, partition by hour.
Partition key and NULL. If the partition key has NULL values, JethroData will create a dedicated
partition for those rows. This is part of the normal processing.
Simple and Automatic. In JethroData, partitioning is automatic. You just need to specify a
partitioning policy in the CREATE TABLE statement. JethroData creates the actual partitions on the
fly during data load. Also, partitions don't have names, so you don't need to manage them. When you
drop a partition, you just reference it by value (see below).
Creating a Partitioned Table
To create a partitioned table, you need to provide two additional parameters the column that will be
used as a range partitioning key (in the PARTITION BY RANGE clause) and the interval that defines
the boundaries of each partition (in the EVERY clause).
The way you specify the interval depends on the data type of the partitioning key:
Examples with timestamp partition key:
CREATE TABLE events (id BIGINT, event_ts TIMESTAMP, value INT)
CREATE TABLE events (id BIGINT, event_ts TIMESTAMP, value INT)
Example with numeric partition key:
CREATE TABLE events (id BIGINT, event_day_id INT, value INT)
PARTITION BY RANGE (event_day_id) EVERY (1);
Examples with string partition key:
(Note - not recommended you should always keep timestamps in a timestamp data type)
CREATE TABLE events (id BIGINT, event_date STRING, value INT)
Adding a Partition
There is no direct command to add a new partition! Instead, partitions are automatically added on-the-
fly by the JethroLoader as it loads new rows. Also, there is no option(or an need) to create empty
partitions in advance.
Concurrency: Adding new partitions by JethroLoader is transparent to concurrently running queries.
Loading new rows does not block queries, even if it creates new partitions. Once the JethroLoader has
successfully ended, new queries will start seeing the new partitions and their data.
Listing Partitions
To list all the partitions of a table, use the SHOW TABLE PARTITIONS table_name command.
The command lists the existing partitions, their range, row count and disk space. Note: if the partition
column is INT or BIGINT, the partition End Value column is inclusive the end value is included
in the partition range.
ID | Start Value | End Value | Rows | Column(MB) | Index(MB)
p1 | NULL | NULL | 129600843 | 5902.987 | 5807.455
p2 | 2450611 | 2450975 | 138421504 | 6336.308 | 6752.216
p3 | 2450976 | 2451340 | 550095759 | 25077.495 | 24262.893
p4 | 2451341 | 2451705 | 550783528 | 25110.166 | 24306.149
p7 | 2451706 | 2452070 | 548425830 | 25000.232 | 24208.061
p6 | 2452071 | 2452435 | 550208601 | 25083.587 | 24282.732
p5 | 2452436 | 2452800 | 412451934 | 18876.952 | 18544.290
If the partitioning column is TIMESTAMP, FLOAT or DOUBLE, the partition End Value column
is exclusive the end value is not included in the partition range. For example, with yearly partitions:
ID | Start Value | End Value | Rows | Column(MB) | Index(MB)
p1 | 1998-01-01 00:00:00 | 1999-01-01 00:00:00 | 19791072 | 809.944 | 556.415
p2 | 1999-01-01 00:00:00 | 2000-01-01 00:00:00 | 20024903 | 819.405 | 562.247
p3 | 2000-01-01 00:00:00 | 2001-01-01 00:00:00 | 20086331 | 822.694 | 564.032
p4 | 2001-01-01 00:00:00 | 2002-01-01 00:00:00 | 19891053 | 815.420 | 558.946
p5 | 2002-01-01 00:00:00 | 2003-01-01 00:00:00 | 19989221 | 821.732 | 561.340
p6 | 2003-01-01 00:00:00 | 2004-01-01 00:00:00 | 217420 | 9.483 | 11.599
Dropping a Partition
To drop a partition, use the ALTER TABLE command. To identify which partition to drop, specify any
value within the partition range. JethroData will find in which partition does the value reside and drop
that partition. For example:
ALTER TABLE my_table DROP PARTITION FOR ('2014-01-01 00:00:00');
Concurrency: Dropping a partition may take up to a few minutes, as it updates some table-level data
structures. However, just like when partitions are added, this is transparent to concurrently running
queries dropping a partition does not block queries. Once the DROP PARTITION has successfully
ended, new queries will stop seeing the dropped partition and its data.
4 Loading Data
The JethroData loader utility JethroLoader allows a fast and efficient data loading from text files
into a JethroData table. It parses its input into rows and loads them into an existing JethroData table.
In production environments where large data loads are running during user activity, we recommend to
run the JethroLoader from a separate host, to minimize the impact on running queries.
This chapter will use the following distinction between an input file and a table:
The input file is made of records (usually, each line is a separate record), each record is broken
into one or more fields.
A JethroData table is made of rows, each row has one or more columns.
4.1 Running JethroLoader
The JethroLoader command line tool expect three parameters:
JethroLoader instance-name description-file
STDIN | input-location [input-location]...
Instance Name the name of the local instance to connect.
Description File a file describing the format of the input file and the way it will be processed.
Input location either STDIN (to load from a pipe) or a list of one or one locations.
Each location is a path (local or on HDFS) to a file or directory to be loaded.
Files can be a mix of uncompressed files and compressed files (.gz or .gzip extension)
compressed files are automatically uncompressed in-memory when they are read.
JethroLoader dev1 t1.desc t1_input_dir
JethroLoader dev1 t1.desc t1.part1.csv t1.part2.csv
JethroLoader dev1 t1.desc HDFS://home/jethro/files/t1.gz
sed ... | JethroLoader dev1 t1.desc stdin
NOTE when loading from a pipe, the program that sends data to JethroLoader may fail in the
middle. In that case, the loader is not be notified of error - it gets a standard end-of-file (EOF)
notification for its input, and therefore will commit the data and exit without error.
It is your responsibility to monitor for such cases and respond accordingly.
The location of the loader report log is placed at:
The loader report file name includes the target table name of each load.
4.2 Loader Description File Format
The loader description file describes the structure of the input file and the way it will be processed. It
has three sections:
1. Table-level section describe the format of the input file and some processing options.
2. Column-level section a mapping between the fields in the file and columns in the table.
3. (Optional) Record description section special clause for handling variable format files
files with different format per line (discussed in section Input Files With Variable Format)
To get started, you can copy and modify the sample description file that is located at
$JETHRO_HOME/doc/sample_loader_desc_file.desc. The sample description
file also include a summary of the syntax, commented out.
Table-Level Description Section
If using all the default options, the minimal table-level section is just the table name to be loaded into
like TABLE my_table. You can optionally specify non-default options like the file format and
processing options.
The general syntax of the table level section is: (the full version is at end of the chapter)
TABLE [schema_name.]table_name
APPEND / OVERWRITE and the optional PARTITION limit
The default behavior of JethroLoader is APPEND - inserting the input file data into the existing
table. You can also optionally limit the load to just a specific set of partitions the rest of the records
will be skipped. Alternatively, you can specify OVERWRITE to replace either an entire table or just a
specific set partitions. This allows updating or deleting rows from a table, in cases where dropping a
partition is not fine-grained enough.
Overwriting (like appending) is an atomic operation until the operation is done, queries will see the
older version, and once it is done, the queries will see the new version. So, you can safely refresh the
contents of a dimension table while users are running queries, for example, without the need to drop the
dimension table, create it again and reload it. This avoids the risk of some queries failing (if the
dimension table does not exist momentarily) or returning zero results (if joining to the dimension table
while it is still empty, during JethroLoader run).
Overwriting specific partitions is useful for a data correction process for example, replacing a daily
partition with a corrected data. Limiting the loader to a specific set of partitions allows smooth
replacement of specific partitions with new data. Input records outside the list of partitions will be
automatically skipped. To limit the loader to a specific set of partitions, provide a comma-separated list
of partition values, each quoted by single quotes, for example:
TABLE my_partitioned_table
OVERWRITE PARTITION '2013-06-01', '2013-06-02', '2013-06-03'
ROW FORMAT DELIMITED a clause describing a non-default file format.
FIELDS sub-clause specifies non-default field definition; how to break an input line into fields.
TERMINATED BY char specifies an alternative field separator.
The default field separator is tab (\t). For example:
TERMINATED BY '\001' uses ASCII 001 (^A), used by Hive TEXTFILE by default.
QUOTED BY char | NONE specifies a quote character.
Default is none - surrounding quotes are considered part of a string.
ESCAPED BY char specifies an escape character (usually the backslash \ character) for
quoted strings (must also specify a quote character). Needs to be explicitly specified. Once
specifies, it allows:
embedding the quote character and escape characters inside a string, for example \" \\ \'
embedding special characters - \t for tab, \n for newline, \r for carriage return.
NULL DEFINED AS string specifies an alternative NULL string, in addition to the default
empty string. For example, Hive and Impala CLIs write NULLs to their output as the string
OPTIONS a clause describing non-default processing options.
SKIP n instruct the JethroLoader to skip n header lines (default is 0 no skipping).
ROW REJECT LIMIT n allows up to n invalid records in the input file before aborting the
load. The The default row rehect limit is 100. Rejected rows are stored in a file called
loader_rejects_date_time_pid.out in the local directory, each with the reject reason.
Column-Level Description Section
Basic Mapping
The column description section maps the file fields to table columns. For each field in the file, it
mentions the target column name, by input file position. For example:
TABLE my_table (c1,c9,c5)
In the above example, the first field of each input record will be mapped to c1 column, the second field
will be mapped to c9 column, and the third field will be mapped to c5 column.
If a specific record has additional fields, they will be ignored.
In the above example if a specific record has five fields, the last two will be ignored.
If a specific record has fewer fields than mentioned in the description file, fields with missing value
will have NULL value.
In the above example , if a specific record has only one field, then columns c9,c5 will have NULL
Any table columns that are not mentioned in the description will have NULL value.
In the above example, if table MY_TABLE also has a column named c4, it will have NULLs.
Column NULL Definition
A specific per-column NULL identifier can be declared, adding NULL defined as ‘string’ following the
specific column’s name. This comes as addition to the global NULL definition that can be declared in
the table-level description.
c1 null defined as ‘c1-null’
c3 null defined as ‘c3-null’
In the above example, where c1-null appears in c1 and c3-null appears in c3, NULLs will be written.
Skipping Input File Fields
An input file may include fields that are you may wish not to load. You can ask the loader to skip them
by specifying skip_columns(n) in the description file. The skipped fields are not mapped to any
column. For example:
TABLE my_table
In the above example, the first field of each input record will be mapped to c1 column and the fifth
field will be mapped to c9 column skipping three fields from each input record (fields 2,3,4).
In addition, the first two records (lines) in the input file will also be skipped (OPTIONS SKIP 2).
Assigning Constants, Internal Variables and Functions
Instead of assigning a column the corresponding field from the input file, you can instead assign it a
constant, an internal loader variable or the output of a few function calls.
In that case, the corresponding field from the input file will be skipped.
NOTE - if you don't want to skip any the input file fields, put all the special column assignments at the
end of the description file column list.
The internal loader variables can help you track the lineage of each row where did it come from:
$LOAD_START when did this JethroLoader run start (returns TIMESTAMP).
$FILE_NAME the name of the current file that is being loaded (returns STRING).
$FILE_PATH the full path of the current file that is being loaded (returns STRING).
$LINE_NUMBER the line number in the current input file (returns BIGINT)
In addition, there are several built-in functions you can use:
getenv('env_variable_name') get an environment variable value
substr(another_column, start_pos[,length]) returns a substring of another
column from character position pos, either until its end or only length characters.
extract(another_column,'timestamp_element') extracts a element from a
timestamp column, like day of month. Valid elements are 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week',
'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second' and 'microsecond'.
url_extract_domain(another_column) extracts domain name from url
url_extract_base_url(another_column)- extracts base url (remove parameters and
anchor) from url.
For example:
TABLE my_table
( product_code,
product_code_type = substr(product_code,1,4),
load_start_ts = $LOAD_START,
load_full_path = $FILE_PATH,
load_line_number = $LINE_NUMBER,
source_region = 'us-east-1',
loader_home_dir = getenv('JETHRO_HOME')
In the above example, only product_code column is read from the input file.
The rest are either constants (load_start_ts, load_full_path, source_region,
load_home_dir) or computed per row (product_code_type, load_line_number).
Numeric values loaded into INTEGER or BIGINT column can be formatted as a decimal number or as
hexadecimal number using the ‘0x’ prefix. The format is automatically identified by the Loader and
converted to INTEGER or BIGINT.
Examples for numeric input for loader and their converted INTEGER/BIGINT values:
Input Value
Value in INTEGER column
Value in BIGINT column
Out of range
TIMESTAMP Formats and Timezone
The default timestamp format is 'yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss' (without sub-second component).
However, you can specify a FORMAT clause to specify an alternative format per column.
For example:
TABLE my_table
( event_id,
event_ts format='dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS',
processing_date format='yyyy-MM-dd')
If the input string of the field is longer than the format string, the rest of field content is ignored.
For example: for format='yyyy/MM/dd', the input field '2014-02-14 15:16:17' will be
stored as the timestamp '2014-02-14 00:00:00'. This allows truncating the input record to a
lower precision in the above example, from a second-level to a day-level.
Timestamp format strings are case sensitive. The valid format elements are:
Format Element
In addition, the JethroLoader by default does not perform any timezone manipulation the input
is loaded as is. In other words, we store all TIMESTAMP data in UTC timezone and we assume all
input is already in UTC.
However, in some cases you may want to adjust the timezone of an input field. For example, you may
want to load log files from different data centers each file has timestamps in the local timezone, so
each needs its own adjustment.
You can ask for a timezone adjustment of a specific field by using the TIMEZONE keyword for
timestamp field. In that case, the JethroLoader will compute the current offset of that timezone vs.
UTC once (at the beginning of the run) and apply it to all values of that field. The offset is specified at
the field-level different fields may have different offsets.
For example:
event_ts timezone='America/New_York',
processed_ts format='unix_timestamp' timezone='America/Los_Angeles',
4.3 Input Files with Variable Format
In some cases, different records (lines) in the same file have different format. For example, a file can
include several event types or log message formats, each with a different number and order of fields.
JethroLoader description file supports these type of input files in the following manner:
1. You can define several, different record description blocks different mapping of the source
record to table columns, You must provide each of them a different alias (record_desc_alias).
2. If you defined more than one record description block, you must also add a record description
chooser block to the description file a list of rules for choosing the correct record format per row.
The record description chooser syntax allows defining a list of rules on the source data. Each rule has a
condition plus a record description alias. For example:
@if (int($1) == 2) type2
The rule above says find the first field in each record, cast it to integer, check if that integer equals to
two, and if so, process this record according to record description called type2 (see an example below).
The rules are processed one-by-one, by their order in the description file. Once a rule is matched, the
record is processed according to the record description alias and the JethroLoader moves to the next
record. If none of the rules match a specific record, it is skipped.
For example, assume an input file that holds multiple event types. The first field of each line holds the
event type. In the example, we chose not to load the event type into a column, just use it for record
format decision (though you could definitely also map it to a column in the record description blocks):
TABLE events
(skip_columns(1),event_id,event_time,url) type1
(skip_columns(1),event_id,event_time,user_id,url) type2
(skip_columns(1),event_id,event_time,host,path,filesize) type3
@if (int($1) == 1) type1
@if (int($1) == 2) type2
@if (int($1) >= 3) AND int($1) <= 7) type3
4.4 CSV Output Mode
Sometimes it useful to export a query result set as a CSV file. For example, you may want to store it or
load it into another database (or even back to JethroData).
The CSV output mode (-c option) allows a simple export to CSV. It writes the query result set into a
compact form (without wrapping each column with extra whitespace). It also suppresses all
informational message (quiet mode) so there are no extra lines to remove in the beginning or end of the
output, lets you control the column separator character (default is comma) and let you optionally
remove the header line.
JethroClient Command Line Options
-i FILE executes a SQL script and exit. It runs all SQLs from a local FILE (each SQL should
be terminated with a semicolon).
-o FILE : writes the output to FILE.
-q TEXT : executes the TEXT query and exit.
--no_header : does not print the header lines for queries (the column names lines).
--quiet : does not print informational messages.
-c : switches to CSV output mode
-d 'char' : for CSV mode, changes the column delimiter from comma to char. You can also
use ASCII annotation like '\001' or use '\t' for tab delimiter.
4.5 Description File Syntax Diagram
Description File Format
record_desc [record_desc]...
TABLE [schema_name.]table_name
( column_desc [,column_desc]... ) [record_desc_alias]
column_name |
column_name [NULL DEFINED AS ‘string’] |
column_name [FORMAT='format_string'] [TIMEZONE='region/location'] |
column_name = const | builtin_var | builtin_function |
extract(another_column,'timestamp_element') |
getenv('env_variable_name') |
substr(another_column, start_pos [,length])
@if(condition) record_desc_alias;
simple_condition |
(condition) |
condition AND | OR condition |
NOT condition
data_type($col_position) = | != | <> | > | >= | < | <= constant
4.6 Scheduled Loads
Jethro allows scheduling of automatic loads, according to pre-defined time cycles. Input files are polled
periodically from a source folder called drop folder and loaded into table.
Scheduled loads are managed by loads scheduler service. The service will initiate periodic check for new
files in the drop folder and will start a loader task if one or more new files found in the drop folder.
Following a successful or failed load input files will be renamed, deleted or moved as defined in the
create scheduled load command.
Starting Scheduled Loads Service
To enable scheduled loads start the Jethro loads scheduler service:
service jethro start <Instance-name> loadscheduler
To stop the service:
service jethro stop <Instance-name> loadscheduler
Alternatively this service can be set to start automatically upon service start command. Edit the service.ini
file and set the third parameter for this instance to yes:
vi $JETHRO_HOME/instances/services.ini
--> Instance-name:port:yes:yes:yes
Scheduling a Load
To schedule a load, run CREATE SCHEDULED LOAD command from JethroClient.
Creating scheduled load that start every 15 minutes that loads file from HDFS drop folder /data/drop into
For more information see: CREATE SCHEDULED LOAD
5 Administrating JethroData
5.1 Managing Local Cache
JethroServer automatically caches some of its HDFS files locally. Caching can accelerate read
time for frequently accessed files and also avoid frequent accesses to the NameNode and DataNodes.
The local cache is populated by JethroServer process in the background. It is used by all
JethroData processes, including JethroLoader and JethroMaint. The cache transparently
handles partially written files if a file is cached and later appended with new data, all processes will
continue work correctly (internally, the older data will be read from the local cache and the newer parts
will be read directly from HDFS).
Also, the local cache is automatically checked and updated once a minute. Irrelevant files are removed
(after tables are dropped or indexes are optimized) and new data is incrementally added, up to the cache
max size limit.
The local cache location and size is controlled by the parameters local.cache.path and
local.cache.max.size. Both are initially derived from the command line parameters of
JethroAdmin create-instance or attach-instance, which provides a directory that is
used for both Local Cache and for Adaptive Cache. They can be modified later if needed by editing the
local-conf.ini file at $JETHRO_HOME/instances/instance_name.
Full Caching of Specific Columns
In addition to the automatic caching, you can explicitly ask that specific columns or tables will be fully
cached. For example, frequently accessed columns of large tables (like join keys or common measures)
or entire small dimension table.
In the current release, you need to manually specify which columns or tables will be fully cached, using
the configuration file local-cache.ini in $JETHRO_HOME/instances/instance_name.
Each line in the file adds a caching request for a column or a table in the format of
schema_name.table_name.column_name. You can specify * instead of column name to ask
all columns to be cached. For example:
Processing Order the local cache is first populated with schema and column metadata. Then, the
local-cache.ini file is processed line by line so its order implies priority. In any case, local
caching will not exceed the user specified max disk space (local.cache.max.size).
Refreshing the file changes to local-cache.ini are automatically identified and applied by the
JethroServer process during the next cache refresh (once a minute). There is no need for any user
action, like restarting the process.
Errors if there are any errors while parsing the file, they will be noted in the JethroServer log file at
Viewing the Local Cache
You can view the current contents of the local cache with the SHOW LOCAL CACHE command. It
shows for each table the disk space it uses in the local cache. In addition, under "Non-metadata
cached (MB)" column you can find how much of the total comes from the specific local-
cache.ini configuration.
Schema Name | Table Name | Total Cached (MB) | Non-metadata cached (MB)
def_schema | test1 | 1,713.31 | 1,008.73
def_schema | test2 | 6.035 | 0
def_schema | test3 | 20,800.9 | 18,634
TOTAL | TOTAL | 22,520.245 | 19,642.73
If you make changes to the local cache configuration, you can use the above command to monitor the
progress of populating the cache and the size cached per table.
5.2 Managing Adaptive Cache
As users work with their favorite BI tools, the sequence of SQLs that these tools generate and send to
JethroData has some predictable patterns. For example, most users start from a dashboard (that sends a
predictable list of queries), than typically start adding filter conditions and aggregate conditions one at
a time.
Adaptive cache is a unique JethroData feature that leverage those patterns. It is a cache of re-usable,
intermediate bitmaps and query results that is automatically maintained and used by the
JethroServer engine on its local storage. The cache is also incremental after new rows are
loaded, the next time a cached query will be executed it will in most cases automatically combine
previously cached results with computation over only the newly loaded rows.
The adaptive cache is managed locally by each JethroServer. It is guaranteed to be consistent
having the same transactional visibility as a regular query and will not return stale results. The
adaptive cache is self-managed when it fills up, it removes less useful entries while taking into
account how frequently were they used, how recently were they used and how much cache space they
Cache Size and Location
The adaptive cache location and size is controlled by the parameters adaptive.cache.location
and adaptive.cache.quota. Both are initially derived from the command line parameters of
JethroAdmin create-instance or attach-instance, which provides a directory that is
used for both Local Cache and for Adaptive Cache. They can be modified later if needed by editing the
local-conf.ini file at $JETHRO_HOME/instances/instance_name.
Adaptive Query Cache
Adaptive query cache is the part of the adaptive cache that holds intermediate query result sets (for
SELECT statements only). It is enabled by default, but can optionally be turned off by setting
adaptive.cache.query.enable to zero (this could be useful when performing static
performance benchmarks).
A query is considered for inclusion in the adaptive query cache if it finished without errors and took
more than adaptive.cache.query.min.response.time, which defaults to one second.
Also, the cached result set must be lower than adaptive.cache.query.max.results rows,
which defaults to 100,000 rows. When possible, the result set will be stored in incremental format,
otherwise it will be stored in full format.
Adaptive Query Cache Incremental
JethroData can incrementally refresh several common types of queries after new data is loaded for
example, aggregative queries on a star schema. In those cases, when a query result set was stored in the
query cache and new data is loaded into one of the tables, the next time this query will be executed
JethroData will automatically combine the previously cached result set with a computation only on the
newly inserted rows.
A query must meet some criteria to be cached in incremental result set mode. The main ones are:
1. It may include unlimited joins and sub queries.
2. It should include an aggregation in its top-level query block.
3. It should not include DISTINCT inside aggregate functions, like count(distinct column).
4. It should only include simple columns in its GROUP BY clause and inside the aggregate functions,
not function calls or complex expressions.
5. The number of rows returned from the top-level GROUP BY, before the final HAVING clause or
LIMIT clause, should be below the adaptive.cache.query.max.results limit.
Adaptive Query Cache Full mode
When a query does not meet the criteria to be cached in incremental result set format, it is considered
for being fully stored. Any query can have its result set fully stored if its number of rows is below the
threshold, except queries that call non-deterministic functions, such as rand() or now().
In this mode the final query result set is stored. So, repeated query executions will just read the cached
result and send it to the client without additional processing. However, a full result set is not
incremental if any of the tables involved in the query change (new rows inserted, old partitions
dropped etc), the cached result set will be discarded.
Adaptive Index Cache
Adaptive index cache is the part of the adaptive cache that holds intermediate bitmap index entries
that were computed on-the-fly during query execution. It is enabled by default, but can optionally be
turned off by setting adaptive.cache.index.enable to zero (this could be useful when
performing static performance benchmarks).
An intermediate bitmap is considered for inclusion in the adaptive index cache if creating it took more
than adaptive.cache.index.min.response.time, which defaults to 0.5 second. Also, its
size must be lower than adaptive.cache.index.max.size, which defaults to 100MB.
The intermediate bitmaps are stored separately per partition. So, dropping a partition does not
invalidate cached bitmaps from other partitions. In addition, intermediate bitmaps are currently cached
only for IN conditions, either with a list of values or those generated as part of a star transformation
Viewing the Adaptive Cache
You can view all the queries and indexes that are currently cached with the SHOW ADAPTIVE
CACHE command. The command shows various attributes of the cached elements, including the
number of times they were used, the last time they were used and their rank - low rank means less
valuable, more likely to be deleted when cache becomes full.
The command output is still work-in-process and will be cleaned up and fully documented in the
coming releases.
5.3 Managing Query Queuing
Query queuing is a feature that limits the number of SQL queries that can run concurrently. By
transparently limiting the number of concurrent queries, it reduces JethroData's peak memory
utilization, which helps avoiding out-of-memory issues under heavy usage.
Query Queuing Behavior and Parameters
Concurrent Queries - the maximum number of concurrently running queries is controlled by the
parameter query.resource.max.concurrent.queries.
The default value is 0, which means that JethroData automatically picks a value based on the host
memory size and number of cores. Alternatively, you can set it to any positive number, to choose
the number of concurrently running queries.
The exact formula is internal and may change from version to version.
As of version 0.9, it is set to allow one concurrent query per 20GB of host RAM or one concurrent
query per four cores the lower of the two.
Additional Memory Limit JethroData also adapts the number of concurrent queries based on the
current memory utilization of the host, as an additional protection against memory spikes.
If available host memory drops below a certain threshold, new queries will be queued, regardless of
the number of queries currently running. The default threshold is 15% - controlled by the parameter
Query Queue Size the number of queries that can be queued at the same time is controlled by the
parameter query.resource.max.waiting.queries. The default queue size is 20 queries.
When a query needs to be queued and the queue is full, it will fail immediately.
Queue Timeout if a query is queued for execution for a long period of time, it will eventually
time out and an error will be returned to the client. The timeout is controlled by the parameter
query.resource.max.waiting.timeout, which defaults to 60 seconds.
This parameter can also be set at the session level.
Adaptive Cache Bypass when a query is received from the client, the JethroServer checks
if the results for the query are already available in the adaptive query cache. If so, the query will
skip the queue and will return the cached results immediately.
Non-Query Statements are never queued. They are typically not resource-intensive.
Viewing The Queries Queue
You can view all the queries that are in progress with the SHOW ACTIVE QUERIES command.
The command shows all queries that are in progress (running or queued), including their position,
duration, the client IP address and the query text.
For example:
Host | Position | Query ID | Duration | Status | Client | Query
jethro-dev1 | 1 | 6@jethro-dev1 | 20.5861981 | RUNNING | | SELECT ...
jethro-dev1 | 2 | 7@jethro-dev1 | 18.5715730 | RUNNING | | SELECT ...
jethro-dev1 | 3 | 8@jethro-dev1 | 18.5382791 | RUNNING | | SELECT ...
jethro-dev1 | 4 | 9@jethro-dev1 | 14.5227342 | QUEUED | | SELECT ...
jethro-dev1 | 5 | 10@jethro-dev1 | 6.4988081 | QUEUED | | SELECT ...
jethro-dev1 | 6 | 14@jethro-dev1 | 0.0000522 | RUNNING | | SHOW ACTIVE
Note when using Client-Side Load Balancing, each SQL command will be directed to a different
JethroData host. So, take it into account and either:
Connect to a single JethroServer to investigate it.
Prepare to have each execution return from a different host (check the Host column).
Use JethroClient - it has special handling for this command. It automatically iterates over all
the JethroServers in its connect string and concatenates the results.
5.4 Viewing Background Maintenance Status
The JethroMaint service is in charge of running maintenance tasks in the background. Its main
responsibilities are:
1. Optimizing indexes performing a background merge of column indexes after data loads.
The merge writes a new version of an column index that replaces two or more column index files.
New queries will automatically start using the new version of the column index.
2. Deleting unneeded files after an index was optimized, the files of its old version can be deleted.
However, there could be queries already in progress that access the older version of the index, so
the older versions are deleted after a delay. Also, dropped and truncated tables are also physically
deleted in the background after the same delay.
If the JethroMaint service was not running for a long time (for example, it was manually stopped
or it ran into an unexpected issue), it could affect query performance, as each column may have
unoptimized index with many small index files.
SHOW TABLES MAINT Command and Output
To verify that all maintenance operations ran successfully, use the SHOW TABLES MAINT command:
ID | Schema Name | Table Name | Merge Status | Pending Delete (MB)
806 | def_schema | test1 | FULLY MERGED (145/145) | 311.1
1208 | def_schema | test2 | MOSTLY MERGED (140/28) | 2177.4
1295 | def_schema | test3 | FULLY MERGED (32/32) | 0.0
1832 | def_schema | test4 | FRAGMENTED (370/37) | 5436.6
The Merge Status column shows a status indication of the merge status:
FULLY MERGED means that all the indexes of the table are fully optimized and there is no
additional optimization work pending.
MOSTLY MERGED means that there is only a minor amount of work of index optimization
pending. Query performance should not be significantly affected, though if you run a benchmark,
you should probably wait a few minutes to let JethroMaint finish the background optimization.
FRAGMENTED means that there are many index files per column. That may negatively impact
query performance. This should not happen under normal circumstances and typically indicates that
JethroMaint was not running for an extended period (see troubleshooting below).
The Merge Status also includes a more technical status - the actual number of index files and optimal
number of index files (actual / optimal). In most cases, the optimal number of index files are one per
column (and for partitioned table, one per column per partition), though if a table (or a partition) is very
large (many billions of rows), the optimal number could be bigger.
The Pending Delete column shows how many MBs will be freed in HDFS when old index files
will be deleted by JethroMaint.
Troubleshooting JethroMaint issues
1. Verify that JethroMaint service is running:
service jethro status
2. If the service is not running, start it by running:
service jethro restart
service jethro status
You can also run it only for specific single instance:
service jethro start instance-name maint
If the service does not start, check its log at:
3. Check the log for errors. The JethroMaint log is located at
5.5 Changing The Password of jethro User
Each JethroData instance has a pre-defined database user called jethro, with a default password of
jethro. To change the default password, run the following command from any JethroData host:
JethroAdmin change-pass instance_name
You will be asked to provide a new password for the jethro user.
The current release uses this user/password combination to control access to the instance. A more
comprehensive authentication and authorization functionality will be available in a future release.
5.6 Local Directory Structure
JethroData software is installed under /opt/jethro.
The directory structure supports multiple installed binary versions for example, for easier upgrade /
downgrade. It also supports multiple instances for example, running several dev and test instances
from the same host.
/opt/jethro the top JethroData directory
/opt/jethro/jethro-version one directory per installed version of JethroData
/opt/jethro/jethro-version/bin binaries and scripts
/opt/jethro/jethro-version/conf templates for new instance configuration
/opt/jethro/jethro-version/doc documentation and samples
/opt/jethro/jethro-version/instances symbolic link to instances directory
/opt/jethro/jethro-version/jdbc JDBC driver
/opt/jethro/jethro-version/lib shared libraries
/opt/jethro/current a symbolic link to the current used version of JethroData
/opt/jethro/instances metadata for all instances
/opt/jethro/instances/services.ini a config file controlling autostart of services
/opt/jethro/instances/instance_name metadata of a specific instance
a config file with the instance HDFS location, local cache attributes and overriding parameters
a config file for additional control of local caching (see section Managing Local Cache)
a config file controlling instance debug logging (used by Jethro support)
/opt/jethro/instances/instance_name/log symbolic link to the instance log dir
/var/log/jethro top directory for JethroData logs
/var/log/jethro/instance_name log directory for a specific instance
6 Auto Micro Cubes Generation
Jethro auto micro cubes brings the great performance value of pre-aggregated cubes, combined with the
ability to automatically generate and transparently maintain those cube.
Cubes can be useful to accelerate performance for certain set of queries, mainly queries that are not
highly filter and would normally scan large parts of the data set. Jethro optimizer combines cubes with
indexing and caching technology to ensure interactive queries response time on wide range of use
Cubes can be generated in two modes:
1. Auto generation based on queries sent to the server
2. Manual cube generation for a given query using the GENERATE CUBES command
Auto cubes generation process is transparent to user. Jethro intercept incoming and automatically
generate the appropriate cubes. The initial cubes generation phase for BI dashboard is called training
phase. Training phase for a new dashboard usually take anywhere between few minutes to an hour.
6.1 Requirements and Initial Setup
Since cube generation can be resource consuming process it is recommended to allocate a designated
Jethro node for cubes generation. If a designated node can’t be allocated it is recommended turn on
cube auto generation only when business user are not accessing the system.
Jethro maint service is responsible for intercepting incoming queries and sending cube generation
request to the designated cube generation execution server. By default cube generation host is localhost
and the default port is 9111. To change server address or port set the parameter For example, if cubes generation node dns is
cubes.gen and the JethroServer running on port 9112 run the following set global command from SQL
client connect to the instance:
set global;
6.2 Turn on Automatic Cubes Generation
By default auto cubes generation is turned off. The turn cube generation state (on/off) is controlled by
the parameter Use set global to enable/disable auto cubes
To enable auto cubes generation set the value to 1:
set global;
To disable auto cubes generation set the value to 0:
set global;
6.3 Manual Cubes Generation
Cubes can be manually create from a query via the GENERATE CUBES command. The command will
generate one a more cubes from a given query.
The generate cube command allow also generation of cubes with WHERE. For more info see:
6.4 Cubes Management
Related commands:
Show all generated cubes use SHOW CUBES;
To remove all cubes from cube repository: DROP CUBES;
Cubes location
Cubes are persistently stored at the instance storage location (either HDFS, NFS or local file system).
When total cubes size executed max storage size allocated for cube unused cubes are automatically
Cubes update
When new data is loaded cubes are automatically updated in the background. The maint service is
responsible for updating cubes by sending UPDATE CUBE command to the cube generation server.
Cubes can also be updated manually by issues UPDATE CUBE BY KEY command. The key can be
found in the SHOW CUBES command output.
7 SQL Language Elements
7.1 Data Types
The supported column data types in JethroData are:
INTEGER 32-bit integers
BIGINT 64-bit integers
FLOAT 32-bit floating point values.
DOUBLE 64-bit floating point values.
When specifying any numeric literal (constant) in SQL, you can choose between standard and
scientific notation. For example, either 0.011 or 11e-3
STRING store string values of up to 4KB. Replaces char() and varchar() data types in other
To specify a string literal in SQL, use a single quote. For example, 'abc'.
NOTE: string processing assumes data is in ASCII format.
While Unicode data can be stored inside string columns, no special Unicde handling is
currently implemented.
TIMESTAMP a timestamp data type includes both a date part (year+month+day) and a time part
(hour+minute+second +optional sub-second, up to 6 digits).
Valid values are between '1970-01-01 00:00:00' and '2038-01-19 03:14:07'.
To specify a timestamp literal (constant) in SQL, there is implicit casting from three string
formats to timestamp:
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS...' (1 to 6 digits)
for example: '2014-02-25 13:14:15.250'
To convert between data types, you can use the explicit casting operator :: or the cast() function.
7.2 Valid Identifiers
In JethroData, you can use identifiers as schema names, table names, view names, column names,
table and column aliases (in SELECT statement) etc.
A valid identifier:
Is made from a sequence of alphanumeric characters (English letters and digits) and underscore
Starts with a letter.
Has maximum length of 64 characters,
Is case-insensitive (and stored internally in lower case).
7.3 Operators
Numeric Operators
Timestamp Operators
ts + i
adds i seconds to ts
ts - i
subtracts i seconds from ts
ts - ts
computes difference in seconds,
treated as unix_timestamp, converted to timestamp
Relational Operators (returns TRUE/FALSE/NULL)
!= or <>
not equal
greater than
greater or equal to
less than
less than or equal to
Other Operators
Explicit cast expression::data_type
7.4 Aggregate Functions
Returns the number of rows that matches a specified criteria.
count(*) - Returns the number of records in a table
count(expression) Returns number of rows where expression is not NULL
count(distinct expression) Returns number of distinct values of expression
avg(expression) - Average (arithmetic) of expression
min(expression) - Minimum value for expression
max(expression) - Maximum value for expression
sum(expression) - Sum of the values of expression
stddev_pop(expression) - Population standard deviation
stddev_samp(expression) - Unbiased sample standard deviation
var_pop(expression) - Population variance
var_samp(expression) - Unbiased sample variance
7.5 String Functions
ascii(s) - Returns ASCII code of the first byte of the argument s.
Example: ascii(‘x’) 120
char(i) - Converts an int ASCII code to a character.
Example: char(65) ‘A’
concat(s1,s2...) Concatenate up to 5 strings.
Example: concat('a','bc','d') 'abcd'
instr(s1,s2) Locate the first position of s2 inside s1.
Example: instr('abcd','cd') 3
length(s) Returns the length of string s
Example: length('abcd') 4
locate(s1,s2) - Locate the first position of s1 inside s2.
Example: locate('b','abcabc') 2
locate(s1,s2, pos) - Locate the first position of s1 inside s2 from position pos.
Example: locate('b','abcabc',4) 5
lower(s) - Converts s to lowercase.
Example: lower('AbCd') 'abcd'
replace(s,sp, sr) - Replace occurrences of string pattern sp in string s with replacement string sr. String
patten sp can’t be empty string.
Example: replace(‘aCBef’, ‘CB’, ‘bcd’) ‘abcdef’
right(s,n) - Returns the right part of a string s with the specified number of characters n. When n is
negative, it will return all string s but first |n| characters.
Example: right(‘abcde’, 2) ‘de’
right(‘abcde’, -2) cde
space(a) - Returns a string that is composed of the specified number of repeated spaces.
Example: space(1) ‘ ‘
substr(s,start) - Remove portion of the string s from position start
Example: substr('abcd',2) 'bcd'
Example: substr('abcd',2,1) 'b'
The function substring is alias for substr.
trim(s) Remove left and right whitespaces from string s.
Example: trim (' a ') 'a'
ltrim(s) Remove left whitespaces from string s.
Example: ltrim (' a ') 'a '
rtrim(s) Remove right whitespaces from string s.
Example: rtrim (' a ') ' a'
upper(s) Converts s to uppercase.
Example: upper('AbCd') 'ABCD'
7.6 Timestamp Functions
Current date/time
now() Returns current server date and time as timestamp.
curdate() Returns current server date as timestamp.
Date/time parts
year(ts) Extracts year-part from ts.
Example: year('2014-02-25 13:14:15') 2014
quarter(ts) Extracts quarter-part from ts.
Example: quarter('2014-02-25 13:14:15') 1
month(ts) Extracts month-part from ts.
Example: month('2014-02-25 13:14:15') 2
weekofyear(ts) Extracts week number from the beginning of year of ts.
Example: weekofyear('2014-02-25 13:14:15') 9
day(ts) Extracts day-part from ts.
Example: day('2014-02-25 13:14:15') 25
The function dayofmonth is alias for day.
dayofweek(ts) Extracts day of week of ts as number.
Example: dayofweek('2014-02-25 13:14:15') 3
hour(ts) Extracts hour-part from ts as number.
Example: hour('2014-02-25 13:14:15') 13
minute(ts) Extracts minutes-part from ts as number.
Example: minute('2014-02-25 13:14:15') 14
second(ts) Extracts seconds-part from ts as number.
Example: second('2014-02-25 13:14:15') 15
microseconds(ts) Extracts microsecond-part from ts as number.
Example: microsecond('2014-02-25 13:14:15.250') 250000
Date/time Manipulation and Conversion
datediff(ts1, ts2) Return the difference in days (ts1-ts2).
Example: datediff('2014-02-25','2014-02-22') 3
date_add(ts, i) Adds i days to ts. Returns timestamp.
Example: date_add('2014-02-25 13:14:15', 2) '2014-02-27 13:14:15'
date_sub(ts, i) Subtracts i days to ts. Returns timestamp.
Example: date_sub('2014-02-25 13:14:15', 2) '2014-02-23 13:14:15'
timestampadd(unit, i, ts) Add interval i to ts. Returns timestamp. The unit for interval is given by the
unit. Interval units are: year / quarter / month / week / day / hour / minute / second / microsecond /
frac_second. Unit may include SQL_TSI_ prefix.
timestampadd(MINUTE,1, '2010-01-02') '2010-01-02 00:01:00'
timestampadd(SQL_TSI_YEAR,1,'2010-10-02') '2011-10-02'
timestampdiff(unit,ts1, ts2) Calculate ts1-ts2. Return integer. The unit for the difference interval is
given by unit. Interval units are: year / quarter / month / week / day / hour / minute / second /
microsecond / frac_second. Unit may include SQL_TSI_ prefix.
timestampdiff(MONTH, ‘2010-02-01’, ‘2010-04-01’) 2
trunc(ts, se) Truncate ts to date/time element level se. Return result as timestamp. Date/time
elements: year / quarter / month / week / day / hour / minute / second
Example: trunc('2014-02-25 13:14:15', ‘month’) '2014-02-01 00:00:00'
to_timestamp(s) Explicitly converts string s to timestamp.
Converted string s format is: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS...'
Example: to_timestamp('2014-02-25 13:14:15', ‘month’) {ts}
unix_timestamp() Returns current server time as number of seconds since the epoch: 1970/1/1.
unix_timestamp(ts) Convert timestamp ts to integer values representing the number of seconds since
the epoch: 1970/1/1.
Example: unix_timestamp('2014-02-25 13:14:15', ‘month’) 1393334055
7.7 Math Functions
acos(r) - Returns invited cosinus of a
Example: acos(0) 1.5707963
asin(a) Returns invested sinus of a
Example: asin(1) 1.5707963
atan(a) - Returns inverse tangent of a
Example: atan(tan(1)) 1
atan2(a,b) - Returns inverse tangent of a/b
Example: atan2(4,-3) 2.2143
ceil(n) - Returns the smallest BIGINT that is greater than or equal to n.
Example: ceil(1.7) 2
cos(r) - Returns cosinus of radians r
Example: cos(pi()/2) 0
degrees(r) - Returns degrees of radians r (convert radians to degrees)
Example: degrees(pi()/2) 90
exp(a) - Returns exponential of argument a
Example: exp(1) 2.7182818
floor(n) - Returns the largest BIGINT that is less than or equal to n.
Example: floor(1.7) 1
ln(a) - Returns the natural logarithm of number a. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e
Example: ln(95) 4.5538769
log(a) - Returns the natural logarithm of number a. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e
Example: log(95) 4.5538769
Log10(a) - Returns the natural logarithm of number a based on the constant 10.
Example: log10(100) 2
radians(d) - Returns radians of degrees d (convert degrees to radians)
Example: radians(90) 1.5705963
round(n,d) Rounds decimal number n to the number of decimals d specified. If d is omitted, the
function will round the number to 0 decimal places.
Example: round(125.315) 125
round(125.315, 2) 125.32
round(125.315, -2) 100
pi() - Returns value of PI
Example: pi() 3.1415927
pow(a,b) - Returns a raised to the power of b (a
Example: pow(2,3) 8
sign(a) - Returns the sign of number a. The possible return values are -1 if the number is negative, 0 if
the number is zero, or 1 if the number is positive.
Example: sign(-2) -1
sin(r) - Returns sinus of radians r
Example: sin(pi()/2) 1
sqrt(a) - Returns square root of a
Example: sqrt(4) 2
tan(r) - Returns tangent of radians r
Example: tan(pi()/4) 1
7.8 Control Flow Functions
The CASE function implements a complex conditional construct.
There are 2 variants for the CASE syntax:
Simple case:
CASE value
WHEN [compare_value] THEN result
[WHEN [compare_value] THEN result] …
[ELSE result]
Searched case:
WHEN [condition] THEN result
[WHEN [condition] THEN result]…
[ELSE result]
The first version returns the result where value=compare_value. The second version returns the result
for the first condition that is true. If there was no matching result value, the result after ELSE is
returned, or NULL if there is no ELSE part.
if(expr1,expr2,expr3) If expr1 is TRUE (expr1<> 0 and expr1 <> NULL) then return expr2;
otherwise it returns expr3.
This function returns a numeric or string value, depending on the context in which it is used.
If expr1 is not NULL returns expr1; otherwise it returns expr2.
The function returns a numeric or string value, depending on the context in which it is used
Returns NULL if expr1= expr2 is true, otherwise returns expr1.
7.9 Best Practices
Always store data in the appropriate data type. For example:
Don't store numbers as strings.
Don't store timestamps as strings or numbers.
In a WHERE clause, prefer using "column operation expression" applying a function
or a computation on the right side expression, not on the column.
It allows JethroServer to use optimized execution. For example:
Instead of WHERE a*2 > 10 use WHERE a > 5 or WHERE a > 10/2
Instead of:
WHERE datediff(now(),ts) >= 4
move the function calls to the right side:
WHERE ts >= datesub(now(),4)
or a literal instead:
WHERE ts >= '2014-03-15 12:00:00'
Instead of using multiple function calls on a timestamp column:
WHERE year(ts)=2014 and month(ts)=2 and day(ts)=25 and hour(ts)=16
use a simple range scan:
WHERE ts >= '2014-02-25 16:00:00' and ts < '2014-02-25 17:00:00'
8 SQL Language Reference
ALTER TABLE [schema_name.]table_name
RENAME TO table_name |
ADD COLUMN column_name data_type |
ADD PRIMARY KEY (column_name) |
DROP COLUMN column_name |
DROP PRIMARY KEY (column_name) |
DROP PARTITION FOR [(value[,value]…)] | [BETWEEN value AND value]
Changes an existing table.
ADD / DROP COLUMN adds or drops a column.
When adding a column, all existing rows will have NULL value for the new column.
ADD / DROP PRIMARY KEY adds or drops a primary key column.
A table can have one primary key column. Primary keys must contain unique values and cannot
contain NULL values.
DROP PARTITION - to drop partitions, specify one or more column value for the partition key or
a range of value using BETWEEN clause. The partition in which the value exists/that are within the
given range will be dropped.
ALTER TABLE web_events DROP PARTITION FOR ('2014-05-27');
AND ‘2014-03-01’);
RENAME renames an existing table.
CREATE JOIN INDEX {join-index-name}
ON {fact-table-name}({dim-table-name}.{dim-column-name})
FROM {join-clause}
{join-clause} :
{fact-table_name} JOIN {dim-table-name} on {fact-join-key-column}
= {dim-join-key-column}
Creates a new join index for a given dimension column and a fact table.
Join index is an index on a one table, based on the values of another table column and on a specific join
criteria. Typically it is an index on a large fact table based on the values of a dimension attribute. Join
index accelerates queries by eliminating both the fetch of the join key from the fact table and the join
implementation (hash join or IN - merging indexes).
Join indexes are relevant we have relatively large dimension (few K values or more) and the attribute
(the column in the dimension) is low cardinality so that each value in the attribute represent large
number of join key values.
Typically a join index is define if the average ratio between unique dimension attribute and the related
join keys value is 1000 or more, but if fact table is large (more than few billion) it is recommended to
define join index for attribute with smaller number of related join keys per value.
CREATE JOIN INDEX store_sales_by_item_color_idx
ON store_sales(item.item_color)
FROM store_sales JOIN item ON ss_item_sk = i_item_sk;
CREATE RANGE INDEX {range-index-name}
ON [schema-name.]{table-name}.{dim-column-name})
Creates a new range index for a given column. The range index is used to optimize performance for
range based queries.
Best practice: use when queries where clause contains wide ranges (ranges that contain hundreds or
more values)
Limitations: currently range index can be created only for INT and BIGINT columns
CREATE SCHEDULED LOAD {table-identifier}
FROM {drop-folder}
DESCFILE {desc-file-name}
[optional-parameter [argument] [,...] ]
{drop-folder}: [HDFS://[{ip}]]drop-folder-path[/file-pattern]
{desc-file-name}: [HDFS://[{ip}]]description-file-full-path
Create a scheduled load for a specified table from specified drop folder. Loader scheduler will initiate a
check for new files in the drop folder according to defined schedule and will start a loader task if one or
more new files found in the drop folder. Following a successful or failed load input files will be
renamed, deleted or moved as defined in the create scheduled load command.
Mandatory parameters
Table Identifier
The name of the target table.
Drop Folder
Location of input file to load with optional files pattern. Drop can be a folder on locally mounted
file system or on HDFS. The drop folder path can be defined using four alternative paths:
Local path
Full path of a folder on a locally mounted file system.
The following example create scheduled load of all .csv files under local folder
/home/jethro/salesdata/ into sales table:
HDFS full path
Full path of HDFS folder.
The following example create scheduled load for all HDFS files under /data/sales folder. HDFS name
node IP taken from local core-site.xml file:
The following example create scheduled load for all HDFS files under /data/sales folder using
standard HDFS URI:
CREATE SCHEDULED LOAD sales FROM hdfs://my.cluster:8020/data/sales/ SCHEDULE
The load schedule.
CONTINUES - continually check if new files are available in drop folder and start load at least one
new file found in drop folder
PERIODIC x MINUTES|HOURS check for new files in drop folder every X minutes/hours. Start
load if at last one new files found in the drop folder.
Description file
Path to load direction file.
DESCFILE {file-name} - full path to load description file. If file is located on HDFS use HDFS:
prefix notation.
Optional Parameters:
Pre load file action
RENAME (default) - Rename file before load to *.loading
NONE - Don't rename file before load
Post load file action
RENAME (default) - Rename to *.done
DELETE - Delete loaded file
MOVE [HDFS://[{ip}]]loader-files-folder - Move file to a loaded file folder
Failed file action
RENAME (default) - Rename to *.failed
DELETE - Delete failed file
MOVE [HDFS://[{ip}]]failed-files-folder - Move failed file to a failed file folder
Comments and limitations:
All paths must not include spaces
Move folders must be of same path type as the drop folders
Scheduled load service must be started to allow scheduled loads to run. To start scheduled load
service run:
service jethro start <Instance-name> loadscheduler
Related commands:
SHOW SCHEDULED LOADS - Print all scheduled loads
DROP SCHEDULED LOAD <table-name> - Remove scheduled load of specific table
DROP SCHEMA SCHEDULED LOADS <schema-name> - Remove scheduled loads of specific schema (or
default schema if parameter is empty).
CREATE TABLE [schema_name.]table_name
column_name data_type [PRIMARY KEY]
[ PARTITION BY RANGE(column_name) EVERY (part_interval) ]
n |
INTERVAL 'n' month | day | hour
Creates a new table.
Table and column names must be a valid identifier. JethroData data types attributes can be found here.
A table can have one primary key column. Primary keys must contain unique values and cannot contain
NULL values.
The optional PARTITION BY clause defines range partitioning.
NOTE unlike Hive and Impala, in JethroData the partition column name must be one of the columns
previously defined in the table column list.
Partitioning interval specification depends on the data type of the partitioning column:
For numeric partition key use EVERY (n).
For example:
For string partition key you must specify EVERY (VALUE). Each distinct string will have its
own partition.
For example:
For timestamp partition key use EVERY (INTERVAL …)
For example:
See also the examples section of the range partitioning documentation.
CREATE VIEW [schema_name.]view_name
AS query
Creates a new view.
The list of column names for the view can be explicitly stated before the view's query, otherwise it is
derived from the query.
Drops all adaptive cache results. Once dropped adaptive cached results cannot be recovered.
Drops all existing cubes. Once dropped cubes cannot be recovered and must be recreated.
DROP JOIN INDEX join-index-name;
Drops a join index.
Internally, the command only marks the join index for deletion. The dropped join index will be
physically deleted later by the background maintenance service. New queries will not see the dropped
join index, but in-flight queries will finish executing successfully, as if they started execution right
before the join index was dropped.
DROP RANGE INDEX range-index-name;
Drops a range index.
Internally, the command only marks the range index for deletion. The dropped range index will be
physically deleted later by the background maintenance service. New queries will not see the dropped
range index, but in-flight queries will finish executing successfully, as if they started execution right
before the range index was dropped.
DROP SCHEDULED LOAD [schema_name.]table_name;
Remove scheduled load of specific table
Remove scheduled loads of specific schema (or default schema if parameter is empty).
DROP TABLE [schema_name.]table_name;
Drops a table.
Internally, the command only marks a table for deletion. The dropped table will be physically deleted
later by the background maintenance service. New queries will not see the dropped table, but in-flight
queries will finish executing successfully, as if they finished execution right before the table was
DROP VIEW [schema_name.]view_name;
Drops a view.
GENERATE CUBE {cubes-tag}
[WITH WHERE where-expression]
FROM select-statement
Generate one or more cubes from a query. Cube tag and query (select statement) must be provided.
Cubes with Where
To create cube with where use the WITH WHERE clause. Cubes with where are generated on filtered
data based on the given where expression and can be applied only to queries that include identical
where expression in their where clause.
Generate cube example:
cube tag | status | rows | candidate query
cube1 | finished successfully | 13 | SELECT
| sales_demo.store_country,
| sales_demo.store_name,
| sum(sales_demo.net_profit)
| sales_demo
| sales_demo.store_country,
| sales_demo.store_name
KILL QUERY {query-id};
Kill a query by query id.
The get active query id run SHOW ACTIVE QUERIES.
SELECT [DISTINCT] select_item [,select_item]...
FROM table_element [join element]...
[WHERE condition]
[GROUP BY expression [,expression]... [HAVING condition] ]
[ORDER BY orderby_item [,orderby_item]... ]
[LIMIT row_count OFFSET row_offet]
[[schema_name.]table_name.]* | expression [ [as] alias]
expression (returns a value)
simple_expression | (expression) |
function(expression) | case_expression |
expression [+ | - | * | /] expression
simple_expression (returns a value)
column_identifier | literal | NULL
[schema_name.]table_name [ [as] alias] |
(query_block) [as] alias
join_condition (returns TRUE/FALSE/NULL)
expression <=> expression |
Condition (returns TRUE/FALSE/NULL)
simple_condition |
(condition) |
condition AND | OR condition |
NOT condition
simple_condition (returns TRUE/FALSE/NULL)
expression = | != | <> | > | >= | < | <= expression |
expression BETWEEN expression AND expression |
expression LIKE 'string_pattern' |
expression IS [NOT] NULL |
column [NOT] IN ( query_block | list_of_value )
expression [ASC | DESC]
Runs a query.
Joins there is no limit to the number of tables or sub-queries in a join.
Only join conditions that use "equals to" conditions (equi-joins) are supported.
Only ANSI syntax is supported (a join b on condition).
In the ON clause, only join conditions are supported, not single-table filter conditions.
Self join are not supported in the same FROM clause (workaround: you can however use the same
table in different sub-queries)
Join support null safe join compare condition operator (<=>). The expression: T1 JOIN T2 ON
T1.C<=>T2.C is equivalent to the expression: T1 JOIN T2 ON T1.C=T2.C OR (T1.C
IN IN accepts a list of values or an uncorrelated sub-query
Only a single left column is supported. Correlated sub-queries are not supported.
8.17 SHOW
SHOW PARAM parameter_name | ALL
SHOW TABLE COLUMNS | PARTITIONS [schema_name.]table_name
SHOW VIEWS [EXTENDED] [schema_name]
Displays various aspects of the system.
Some of the command option display detailed storage usage data, for example at the table-level,
partition-level or cache-level. This may take a while as those commands analyze the current storage
SHOW PARAM displays the current value of a specific system parameter, or all parameters.
Output specifies set value and set level using “*” sign.
SHOW TABLES lists all tables in the instance or in a specific schema.
SHOW TABLES EXTENDED lists all tables with more detailed information, including
number of columns, number of rows, and number of partitions and size of disk.
SHOW TABLES MAINT lists the background maintenance status of all tables.
SHOW TABLE COLUMNS lists all the columns of a table, including number of distinct of
values, number of NULLs and size on disk.
SHOW TABLE PARTITIONS lists all the partitions of a partitioned table, including partition
boundaries, number of rows and size on disk.
SHOW VIEWS [EXTENDED] lists all views in the instance or in a specific schema. When
specifying EXTENDED, also lists the view status (valid/invalid) and underling SQL statement.
SHOW LOCAL CACHE lists the content of the local cache a summary per table.
SHOW ACTIVE QUERIES lists all in-progress queries (running or queued).
SHOW SCHEMAS lists all the schemas defined in the instance.
Currently adding new schemas is not available.
SHOW JOIN INDEXES list all the existing join indexes and their attributes.
SHOW RANGE INDEXES list all the existing range indexes and their attributes.
SHOW SCHEDULED LOADS - show all scheduled loads
SHOW VERSION show server version number.
SHOW CUBES show all generated cubes.
SHOW ADAPTIVE CACHE ACTIVE show all adaptive cache results.
UNION All is used to combine the result from multiple SELECT statements into a single result set.
The result includes all matching rows from all the SELECT statements.
8.19 SET
SET [SESSION|GLOBAL] parameter-name=value;
Set a value to a parameter. The value can be set at session level or at global level. Setting at session
level is valid only during the current session lifetime. Setting at global level is persistent and it effects
the entire system and become the default value for all new sessions. If set level is not specified session
level is assumed.
Parameters Values Levels Hierarchy (top override lower levels):
1. Session level setting
2. Local setting (via local-conf.ini)
3. Global level setting
4. Default value
set adaptive.cache.query.enable=1;
set global;
The rest parameter value to its default values use UNSET command.
TRUNCATE TABLE [schema_name.]table_name;
Truncates a table (deletes all the rows from a table).
Internally, the command duplicates the table definition and marks the old copy for deletion. The old
copy will be physically deleted later by the background maintenance service. New queries will see the
new (empty) copy, but in-flight queries will finish executing successfully on the old copy, as if they
finished execution right before the table was truncated.
8.21 UNSET
UNSET [SESSION|GLOBAL] parameter-name | ALL
Unset set value of a parameter. The value can be unset at session level or at global level. Unset can
only be used over a parameter that is values was set on the same level. If unset level is not specified
session level is assumed.