Suggestions for writing a letter to Pope Francis on behalf of Catherine
McAuley’s beatification
1. Please include your address and date of writing.
2. Suggested salutations/greetings include:
# Dear Pope Francis,
# Dear Holy Father,
# Your Holiness,
3. The content of the letter may contain:
# An expression of gratitude to the pope for his initiative in calling the Jubilee Year of Mercy in the
universal church;
# A description of your own connection with the gift of mercy and with Catherine McAuley;
# A reference to your connection with Sisters of Mercy and the Mercy ministries in your area;
#.A reference to the influence for good Catherine McAuley has been in your life through the example
of her life and through the power of her intercession;
# A reference to any graces or favours you have received through her intercession;
# An expression of wish/desire that Catherine McAuley might be beatified during this Jubilee Year of
4. To conclude your letter, you can promise to pray for Pope Francis and use a simple expression for
the closing such as: yours affectionately, yours respectfully, yours gratefully, or some other
expression that is usual in your culture.
5. Mail the letter directly to:
His Holiness, Pope Francis,
Convito Santa Marta,
Vatican City,
Rome, Italy
6. Please also send a copy of the letter to Sister Brenda Dolphin, Postulator for the Cause. You can
send the letter via email to
or by mail to:
Brenda Dolphin, RSM
Via San Sebastianello 16
Piazza di Spagna,
00187 Roma. Italia
# All the letters that the postulator receives will be printed and bound in book form for presentation
to Pope Francis on December 12, 2015.
# It would also be helpful if you would take a moment to email the Vice postulator of your
area/region to say that you have written to Pope Francis.
Sister Sheila Carney RSM at sheilacarne[email protected]om
Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Philippines:
Sister Caroline Ryan RSM at
7. All letters should be mailed by Mercy DaySeptember 24, 2015.
Thank you kindly for all you do to promote the cause for beatification of Catherine McAuley.
Brenda Dolphin RSM
and the International Canonisation Committee