developed by science filmmaker tom mcnamara //
A lot of research grants have media and science communication requirements. For example, “broader
impacts” associated with National Science Foundation funding.
Useful primers provided by the NSF:
Broader Impacts Overview
Broader Impacts 101
Having worked on media strategies with scientists over the years, I’ve seen first hand what a dynamic
multimedia and science communication plan in a funding proposal can get them: mainly, awarded
grants. Also, before you ever even write a grant, having a demonstrated history of compelling
SciComm—whether it’s making YouTube videos, posting to Instagram, TikTok and Twitter, or
producing a podcast—will only make you that much more likely to receive funding, no matter when
you apply. Perhaps more importantly, developing your SciComm skills can lead to greater awareness
of your work, sharpen your communication skills, generate discussion within your scientific
community, and possibly create opportunities for collaboration.
Ten or twenty years ago, a scientist's media plan often promised twitter threads or Wikipedia style web
resources. But, increasingly, many scientists are now amazing photographers, filmmakers, designers,
and podcasters. It’s no wonder. Through your work as a scientist, you’ll often find yourself in worlds
the rest of us can only see in a Planet Earth documentary. You have high powered microscopes. You
create machines that float in space. A 100 micron resolution MRI brain scan might be integral to your
research, but it’s also something no animator could ever make on their own.
Edlow, Brian L. et al. (2019), Data from: 7 Tesla MRI of the ex vivo human brain
at 100 micron resolution, Dryad, Dataset,
When I got a chance to photograph a cheetah in the wild, I looked through my camera roll and
thought, “I bet it’s hard to take a bad picture of a cheetah.” To be sure, a great photographer is a great
photographer. But, in my opinion, what often separates a National Geographic photographer from
everyone else is access (having a budget, of course, helps too).
Cheetah in Serengeti National Park, 2018
As a scientist, you often have that access built into what you do. So, if you think you can’t take a good
photo or record an interesting video, you’re in luck—your subject matter, your field of research, is
probably pretty cool looking. Kibble balances look like time machines. Pond scum under a microscope
is one of the more beautiful things on Earth. And a cheetah, even if it just ate and is covered in blood,
never looks bad. So, take that picture. Record that video. The USGS Bee Inventory on Flickr is one of
the best SciComm projects I’ve ever seen—and it’s just a static image database.
Whether you’re trying to secure funding or trying to get your work covered in the press—or simply
trying to communicate your science because science is for everyone (and not just for publication in a
journal)—making and providing engaging SciComm multimedia has never mattered more.
What follows is a brief video primer for scientists and students alike that fall somewhere between
multimedia novices and phone camera pros.
USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab
No matter your skill level, you can document your work with a modest media production kit (keep
reading for equipment suggestions in a minute). What follow is a guide to making that happen, but as
you’re working keep in mind a few questions about what stories could be told with this content:
Does it capture your imagination?
Show strange structures or behaviors?
Shed new light on an old debate?
Relate to another field like art or economics?
Help inform decisions in our daily lives?
Examples of simple but effective media you can make:
Lab timelapses (low-fi) (hi-fi) - So much of science is invisible. It’s numbers. It’s gasses. So,
how do you show that? If your field of research doesn’t include animals or rockets, fear not.
Sometimes simply showing your labspace can be enough. My favorite shoot of all time was
in the basement labs at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Nature camera traps (video) (interesting project)
In the field photos and videos (Voyagers Wolf Project on Instagram)
In the lab photos and videos (ParticleClara on TikTok)
Photos and videos through the lens of your microscope (Biologist Sally Warring’s Pondlife
Instagram, which later turned into a video series)
Screenshot from @pondlife_pondlife’s Instagram account
How your media might be used:
Seeker by The Verge on Instagram is an excellent example of the kinds of media scientists
are producing. Not only that, but the kinds of media that the members of the press are
interested in profiling and highlighting—because the majority of the social videos science
news organizations produce and share are created primarily with scientist-made media.
Biologist Adrian Smith’s Ant Lab on YouTube is an awesome example of a scientist turning
their research into SciComm for everyone. As a cameraperson myself, Smith uses and has
access to equipment I could only dream of.
Screenshots from Ant Lab on YouTube
After years of work, your research will hopefully be published in a scientific journal. Your science will
also likely find its way to press release aggregators like AAAS’s EurekaAlert! Give their multimedia
page a look. Sometimes having a compelling image, infographic, or video clip that pops on this feed
will be the difference between getting your years worth of research covered in the New York Times’
Science page or not. For example, on any given day, more than half of the lead images for their
Trilobites column is supplied by scientists or science communication staff. Of course, all the research
profiled is interesting. But, because internet news lives and dies on images and video, the scales
might tip in your favor if a reporter is picking between fascinating research with multimedia and
fascinating research without.
The multimedia feed on AAAS’s EurekaAlert!
A resource that’s often underutilized or ignored by scientists is the science communication team at
their universities, labs, research institutes, and museums. Being a scientist is a lot of work. Afterall,
research comes first. Depending on where you are, you very likely could have an ace in the hole in a
SciComm multimedia producer or communications manager. Other types of organizations and
institutions might have science writers you can collaborate with. For example, the Field Museum’s
Brain Scoop project filmed with in-house researchers, and Columbia’s Climate School has great
writers on staff. Whatever the situation, the trick is to work with these folks early and often. They can
help write grants. They can assist with broader impact plans. They can document your work. They can
create multimedia projects out of your research. They can get your science noticed.
Amazing SciComm projects made by comms staff:
The National Institute of Standards & Technology’s SI Redefinition microsite (one of the best
collaborations between comms staff and scientists I’ve ever seen)
UNC Research’s Endeavors
The American Museum of Natural History’s Shelf Life project
University of California’s Fig. 1 project
Cal Academy’s bioGraphic
University of Florida’s Becoming Visible project
(Left to right) UC’s Fig. 1, Cal Academy’s bioGraphic, AMNH’s Shelf Life
Of course, the real trick is having colleagues as well as the institutional investment to pull off
projects and collaborations like this. Which, oftentimes, is easier said than done. Still, the only way
to find out if projects like the above are possible is to reach out and talk with your SciComm
If you’re looking to turn your science into media, consider the following tools as a starting point. If
anything here sounds useful, research what brand fits your budget and makes sense for you. In the
next section, I’ll do a deep dive into camera equipment. If you have any questions, please reach out.
I’m at thomas.r[email protected].
Clip on macro
lenses for your
phone can improve
any field
GoPros are great for
setting up lab
A steady shot is one
of the most
important things in
even make tripods
for your smartphone.
Then again, not all
science stands still.
A gimbal mount for
your phone can
steady any handheld
shots—this can give
a real pro look to
anything you film.
The next step up
from your phone
camera on a gimbal
is a built-in
They make
microscope camera
adapters for your
phone and
pro-cameras alike.
If you think about it,
a lot of science
happens on
tabletops. So do a
lot of YouTube
videos (think
unboxing content).
Because they make
overhead table
mounts for your
phone, try setting
something like this
up for your next
dissection or lab
Light sensors and
color correction
technology on your
phone is so
advanced now that
even if you’re in a
lab with a few
burned out
lightbulbs, you can
probably get away
without having to
buy additional
lighting equipment.
Then again, they
make pocket lights
like the example in
the photo that can
come in pretty
handy. I’ve also used
camping headlamps
to light entire shoots
at night or in caves.
Using your phone's
audio jack or
lightning port, you
can attach pro level
microphones. Costs
can vary—same
goes for your audio
needs—so you
should also consider
the pro level option
for audio, especially
because clear audio
can really make or
break any media
project. Here’s a
pretty affordable
option from Zoom.
I edit video on
Adobe Premiere. I
edit audio on Adobe
Audition or Avid’s
Pro Tools. If you are
a student or work for
a university, it’s very
likely you’ll have
access to this
software for free or
at highly discounted
prices. I always
recommend learning
on the industry
straightforward and
you’ll save time in
the long run.
If cost is an issue,
look no further than
the free DaVinci
Resolve software.
All three cameras outlined below have great image quality at medium range in good lighting and
ultimately, I think you could make good videos with any of them. Here’s a helpful comparison video.
DJI Pocket 2 Creator Combo
Without knowing more about budget or what types of things you’ll need to shoot,
this is my top recommendation. Only reason to avoid this camera is if you’ll need
very good close-ups (and it’s admittedly more expensive than the GoPro).
Creator Combo comes with very good wireless mic
Built-in zooming function while you’re shooting video (GoPro can’t do this)
Best of all models for low-light shooting
Not great at close-ups
Image stabilization not quite as good as GoPro (but still really good)
Sony ZV-1 Digital Camera (w/ Vlogger Accessory kit) or Sony ZV-E10
Mirrorless Camera (w/ Content Creator kit) (similar models)
Best option if most of what you’re doing would be talking to camera on a tripod
and shooting close-ups.
Best option for close-up shots
Best audio quality from built in mic
Most expensive of the batch
Worst image stabilizer on this short list (hence, this is a better camera for static, tripod
GoPro HERO 10 Black
I really think of this camera more for action/outdoors shooting, but it is undeniably
the cheapest of the lot. If you decided to go with this, I’d recommend an external
mic, which would add appx $60-$200.
Great image stabilization if you’re wanting to move around handheld
Great cost point (and the HERO 9 and HERO 8 are even cheaper!)
Great for timelapses
Terrible at close-ups
Poorest audio quality
I find it awkward to hold without a grip. (Which, of course, you can buy separately.)
The above examples and sample kits are starting points for capturing the world of your research. If
you’re comfortable being on camera, here are a few extra tips for recording yourself:
Audio quality matters: If people can’t understand what you’re saying, they’ll scroll on past.
Make sure your microphone can hear you, so that your audience can!
Explain any technical vocabulary. Don’t think of this as avoiding jargon. Cool new words and
concepts are fun to learn—just make sure you explain them. Share your script or
explanation with someone not in your field and if any words are unfamiliar, think of short
ways to explain those things. E.g., “When a researcher thinks they have a new species, they
need to pick out a single specimen that’s going to represent that species for all time. We call
that a holotype.”
Be yourself! Get comfortable before you hit record. Reading a script will come across as
reading a script. This is stuff you know about, so have your talking points in hand, but try
and do at least a couple of takes where you just speak conversationally, rather than worry
about hitting every note perfectly. That’s what editing is for!
There are plenty of simple video editing tools out there. YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok allow you
to edit in-app. As mentioned earlier, DaVinci Resolve (free) and Adobe Premiere (discounted for
students) are great options.
LinkedIn Learning—which is available free through NYPL and other libraries—offers tons of courses
on video production, editing, animation, etc.
LinkedIn Learning
Viewers are increasingly consuming videos with captions turned on. Adding captions makes content
accessible to a much wider audience, and I’ve found they help underscore concepts that you may
be explaining on screen.
Most social media platforms—e.g., YouTube—have captioning abilities available. Make use of them
and don’t rely on auto-captioning. Particularly when it comes to science, you don’t want YouTube’s
less-than-rigorous bot to turn Boyle’s Law into boiled slaw.
Rebecca L Coates, et al. PhysFilmMakers: teaching science students how to make
YouTube-style videos. Eur. J. Phys. December 18, 2017. (Particularly check out Section 4.4
B-roll sessions to spark some ideas!)
Paul Hitlin and Kenneth Olmstead. User engagement with posts on science-related Facebook
pages is more common for visual posts, calls to action. Pew Research Center. March 21,
2018. (Visual communication draws eyeballs.)
Neil A. Lewis, Jr., Jay J. Van Bavel, Leah H. Somerville, June Gruber. A social media survival
guide for scientists. November 5, 2018. (Some good reminders here about
keeping the long view in sight and the dark side of internet scicomm.)
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at thomas.r[email protected]. I’ve
kitted out scientists for in the lab and in the field video projects. I’ve helped scientists develop media
plans for successful grant applications. I make all kinds of science multimedia. More than anything, I
love working with scientists. Just give me a shout. Always happy to help!