Your rights. Your voice.
Phone 1800 424 079
Disclaimer: This document is a guide only and cannot take account of individual circumstances. We recommend that you seek appropriate professional advice
relevant to your particular situation. THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. The Aged-care Rights Service Inc. trading as Seniors Rights Service. ABN 98 052 960 862
Am I allowed to complain?
The Aged Care Act 1997 states that aged care recipients have the right to bring complaints or issues of concern to
the manager of that aged care service. Raising issues or complaints can be beneficial for all concerned. Positive
changes may be made as a result of a concern being raised.
Every aged care service must:
- have in place a complaints/feedback process
- use this process to resolve complaints
You can ask an aged care advocate to help you raise issues or make a complaint on your behalf if you wish. You
can speak to an advocate by contacting Seniors Rights Service 1800 424 079
What Can I Complain About?
You can complain if you are unhappy with any of the care and services provided, such as meals, personal care,
hygiene, security, safety, activities, financial matters etc. You can also complain about the way you are spoken to
or treated by staff or management which means you can complain about any aspect of the accommodation and
care you are receiving.
How Can I Make a Complaint?
There are three ways you can go about raising issues and making complaints:
1. Speak for yourself
It is always best to raise and attempt to resolve issues directly with management or staff of the aged care service.
Use the internal complaints process developed by your aged care service. This process should be detailed in your
Care Agreement.
Also an aged care home may have a Residents Committee which meets regularly. The Committee is another way
of residents having a say about things and sorting out day-to-day problems.
Your rights. Your voice.
Phone 1800 424 079
Disclaimer: This document is a guide only and cannot take account of individual circumstances. We recommend that you seek appropriate professional advice
relevant to your particular situation. THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. The Aged-care Rights Service Inc. trading as Seniors Rights Service. ABN 98 052 960 862
2. Get someone to help you make a complaint
If you feel uncomfortable about making a complaint yourself, or you are not sure about what to do, or you simply
want support and advice, phone Seniors Rights Service 1800 424 079 for assistance. An aged care advocate may
be able to assist you.
3. Contact the Aged Care Complaints Scheme (CS) 1800 550 552
You can make a complaint either in writing, over the phone or by email. The Intake Staff at the Complaints Scheme
will listen to your concerns, discuss options and may be able to investigate your complaint if your information
relates to an approved aged care provider’s responsibilities under The Aged Care Act 1997.
What does an aged care advocate do?
Aged Care Advocacy Services contribute to improving the quality of life of people living in aged care homes or
receiving aged care packages or services in their own home.
An aged care advocate is someone you can ask to act on your behalf or assist you to act.
How can an advocate help you?
Advocates can:
- give you information on a range of matters
- help protect your rights as a resident
- speak up for you if necessary.