302 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 101, Number 5
March 1, 2020
Curbside Consultation
Emotional Support Animals:
Considerations for Documentation
Commentary by Alice H. Tin, MD, MPH, Swedish Cherry Hill Family Medicine Residency, Seattle,
Washington; Peter Rabinowitz, MD, MPH, University of Washington Departments of Environmental/
Occupational Health Sciences, Family Medicine, Global Health and UW Center for One Health Research, Seattle,
Washington; and Heather Fowler, VMD, PhD, MPH, DACVPM, National Pork Board, Clive, Iowa
Case Scenario
A 43-year-old established patient with a history of anxiety
requests a letter from her primary care physician to desig-
nate her two-year-old, spayed female Labrador retriever mix,
adopted from a shelter three months ago, as an emotional
support animal. She states that she needs this certication
for her dog to accompany her on ights to alleviate her fear
of ying. She states she has diculties meeting with a ther-
apist because of her irregular work schedule.
What steps should physicians take to evaluate and, if
appropriate, to provide documentation for a patient’s emo-
tional support animal? How does an emotional support ani-
mal t into a patient’s therapeutic plan?
Companion animals are increasingly viewed as part of the
family, and studies show many mental and physical bene-
ts of pet ownership.
Federal regulations require patients
to obtain health care professional documentation for emo-
tional support animals to allow these animals to accompany
the owner on air travel or to live in housing that might oth-
erwise restrict pets.
No professional practice guidelines
are currently available to guide health care professionals
responding to patient requests for emotional support ani-
mal documentation.
Before documenting an emotional support animal as part
of a patient’s treatment plan, physicians should understand
the dierences between emotional support animals, service
animals, and therapy animals (Table 1
); know the poten-
tial risks and benets of emotional support animals; and
develop a consistent approach to providing documentation
about such animals.
Emotional support animals are intended to support the
needs of individuals with disabilities. ese animals and
their owners are not required to undergo specialized train-
ing, socialization, or formal evaluations. ere is no formal
certifying body or process for establishing that an animal
is an emotional support animal. No mainstream medi-
cal or veterinary organization sanctions or recommends
any of the multiple online registries for emotional support
animals or approves use of animal vests and other equip-
ment designed to be worn by emotional support animals;
such apparel has no regulatory basis. At least 19 states have
passed laws prohibiting misrepresentation of an emotional
support animal as a service animal.
Housing covered under the federal Fair Housing Act, even
those with no-pet policies, must allow residents to have “an
animal that works, provides assistance, or performs tasks
for the benet of a person with a disability, or provides emo-
tional support that alleviates one or more identied symp-
toms or eects of a person’s disability.
Although the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development does not
require that such animals be individually credentialed, a
housing provider may request documentation of need for an
emotional support animal from a health care professional.
e Air Carrier Access Act prohibits discrimination in
airline service against persons with disabilities and requires
air carriers to accommodate requests to have animals
accompany persons with disabilities on air travel.
Department of Transportation requires documentation
within the past year on the letterhead of a licensed mental
health professional stating that the person has a disability
recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men-
tal Disorders, 5th ed. (DSM-5),
needs the emotional support
animal for air travel and activity at the destination, and is
under the professional care of the signing mental health
care professional.
Given the increase in companion animal
air travel, the Department of Transportation plans to issue
an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Traveling
Case scenarios are written to express typical situations that
family physicians may encounter; authors remain anony-
mous. Send scenarios to afpjournal@ aafp.org. Materials are
edited to retain confidentiality.
This series is coordinated by Caroline Wellbery, MD, associ-
ate deputy editor.
A collection of Curbside Consultation published in AFP is
available at https:// www.aafp.org/afp/curbside.
Author disclosure: No relevant financial aliations.
Downloaded from the American Family Physician website at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright © 2019 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncom-
mercial use of one individual user of the website. All other rights reserved. Contact copyrights@aafp.org for copyright questions and/or permission requests.
March 1, 2020
Volume 101, Number 5 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 303
by Air with Service Animals to protect the health and safety
of all travelers.
Individual air carriers are clarifying pol-
icies and procedures, such as limiting species recognized
as emotional support animals, and some are requiring that
airline-specic forms be completed at least 48 hours before
ight, which can include documentation of certain vaccina-
tions for the animal.
erapy animals include a wider group of species that
are a part of animal-assisted, goal-directed intervention.
Animal-assisted therapy includes therapeutic riding pro-
grams, physical or occupational therapy, or counseling
and psychotherapy.
Registration for therapy animals and
their owners is provided by a number of national and local
nonprot organizations that also mandate the frequency of
reevaluation and/or reregistration.
Service animals are dened by the Americans with Dis-
abilities Act as a dog or miniature horse trained to do work
or to perform tasks for the benet of an individual with
a disability.
Service animals receive rigorous training to
perform specic tasks such as assisting blind or deaf indi-
viduals or alerting people to hypoglycemia or oncoming
seizures. Although no national or federal certication
protocols or standards for service animals have been
developed, several international organizations accredit
service dog training facilities in the United States and
other countries.
Emotional Support, Therapy, and Service Animals
Emotional support animal Therapy animal Service animal
Access Housing: allowed even if pets
are restricted; landlords cannot
charge tenants animal deposit
Airline travel (Air Carrier Access
Act refers to emotional support
animals as service animals)
No other public access
Only where specifically
welcome or invited
All areas where the pub-
lic is allowed
Certifying/documenting pro-
fessional or organization
Licensed health care professional
must document need for emo-
tional support animal; no formally
recognized certification process
Registered by nonprofit
organizations (e.g., Pet
Partners, Therapy Dogs
Certified by nonprofit
organizations (e.g.,
National Education for
Assistance Dog Services)
Governing regulation/policies Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. Part
3604), Air Carrier Access Act CFR
part 382.117
Not applicable Americans with Disabil-
ities Act, 1990 (Section
Periodic update of documents Recent documentation may be
Some organizations
require reregistration
Depends on certifying
Questions that relevant author-
ities (airline employees or
landlords)* are legally allowed
to ask about the animal
Any questions are allowed, but
owner’s diagnosis may not be
Any questions
Is this a service animal?
What is the animal
trained to do?
Species Local authorities or carriers may
dictate size, generally not wildlife
or venomous species
No species restrictions,
but registration organiza-
tions may dictate aliative
domestic animal species
Only dogs or miniature
Training None required Required per the cer-
tifying therapy animal
*—For service animals, this applies to shop owners, bus drivers, etc.
Information from reference 5.
Downloaded from the American Family Physician website at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright © 2019 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncom-
mercial use of one individual user of the website. All other rights reserved. Contact copyrights@aafp.org for copyright questions and/or permission requests.
304 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 101, Number 5
March 1, 2020
A patient may claim benet from having an emotional
support animal; however, owning the animal is not a sub-
stitute for comprehensive appropriate mental health and
medical care. In addition, an emotional support animal
may present health risks to the owner and others, includ-
ing zoonotic infectious diseases, allergies, and injury
from bites and scratches. Several well-publicized episodes
have documented injuries, asthmatic attacks, and allergic
responses attributed to emotional support animals during
air travel.
e animals welfare may also be jeopardized
by the stress of travel or if the owner’s disabilities interfere
with the ability to provide adequate care.
Gathering data for an appropriate emotional support
animal documentation letter probably requires more than
one patient visit. e letter should include the patient’s
name and date of birth to allow verication of the owner’s
identity, should state that the patient has a disability recog-
nized in the DSM-5, and should state where the emotional
support animal is allowed. Consider including a phrase in
the document such as “We recognize that allowing animals
in public spaces is not without risk,” if advocating for air
travel, and stating that the patient is working with a veter-
inarian to ensure that the animals health and vaccination
records remain up-to-date. A patient visit should be sched-
uled to encourage follow-up care and to reassess the role of
the emotional support animal.
For the patient in the case scenario, the physician could
explore the barriers that the patient has with accessing a
therapist. A request from a patient for an emotional support
animal documentation letter provides an opportunity to
reassess the patient’s mental health status, conrm any rel-
evant diagnoses, review current treatment, and discuss why
the patient believes that an emotional support animal will
be benecial. Before providing documentation, physicians
should determine the role of the emotional support animal
in the patient’s treatment plan, consider the environments
in which the patient could benet from an emotional sup-
port animal, and consult a veterinarian on issues related to
the risks of animals in public settings, animal behavior in
stressful environments, and any necessary preventive care
to protect human and animal health.
The opinions and assertions contained herein are the private
views of the authors and are not to be construed as ocial or
as reflecting the views of the National Pork Board or the U.S.
Address correspondence to Peter Rabinowitz, MD, MPH, at
peter r7@ uw.edu. Reprints are not available from the authors.
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