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The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting an Academic Paper
Google Docs is a free, web-based application that allows users to produce, manage, and save
documents through their Gmail accounts; all Germanna students have access to Google Docs
through their Germanna email addresses. The application has many useful features: documents
automatically so that work is never lost; documents can be shared with others so that
people can review and edit at the same time; and documents are available both
online and offline.
This handout discusses how to format a paper using Google Docs. It reviews how to create a
Google Doc, how to set up a general paper, how to set up a paper using MLA, APA, or Chicago
citation styles, and how to insert a hanging indent within a bibliography page.
You can navigate to specific sections of this handout by clicking the links below.
Creating a Google Doc: pg. 2
General Formatting: pg. 3
MLA Format: pg. 5
APA Format: pg. 8
Chicago Manual Style: pg. 12
Hanging Indent: pg. 16
Additional Resources: pg. 17
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
Figure 2
Creating a Google Doc
1. To create a Google Doc, log in to myGCC, and open Gmail. Click on the “Apps” button in the
upper right hand of the screen and select “Docs” (see Figure 1). If the “Docs” button is not
click on the “More” button at the bottom of the drop-down menu to display more
choices. To create a new document, click on the blue plus underneath the words “Start a new
document” (see
Figure 2).
Figure 1
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The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
General Format
1. To change the font, click the “font” drop-down menu on the ribbon at
the top of the page
to view available fonts. Scroll down to select the appropriate font for the formatting style.
2. To change the font size, click the “font size” drop-down menu on the top ribbon to view
available font sizes, and select the desired size.
3. To create one- inch margins, click the “File” drop-down menu, and click on “Page setup.”
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
4. If the margins are not already 1 inch, change the margins to 1 inch by typing “1” into the “Top,”
“Bottom,” “Left,” and “Right” boxes, and click “OK” (see Figure 1).
5. To establish double spacing for the paper, click the “line spacing” drop-down menu on the
top ribbon to view available spacing options, and select “Double.”
Now the paper is ready to be formatted in a specific citation style. Turn to page 4 for Modern
Language Association (MLA) format, page 7 for American Psychological Association (APA)
or page 11 for Chicago Manual Style (CMS) format.
Figure 1
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The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
MLA Format
To insert page numbers and your last name into the header, click the “Insert” drop-down
and click Page number.” Select the first option from the fold-out menu that appears.
Inside the header, make sure that the insertion point is on the left side of the number (see
Figure 1),
and then press enter so that the page number is in the correct position. Type your
last name where
the insertion point is blinking, and then press the spacebar (see Figure 2).
If the page number and name are not in “Times New Roman,” size “12,” highlight the text and
follow steps 1 and 2 of the General Format section on page 2. Click elsewhere in the document
exit the header.
Figure 1
Figure 2
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The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
To create the paper’s headings, click to position the insertion point in the top left corner of
document, making sure the “Left Align” button is selected, and type your full name, the
name, the course name and number (e.g. ENG 111), and the paper’s due date,
pressing the enter key
after each entry.
For the title, click the “Center” button, and type the title of the paper.
Press enter, and click “left align.”
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
Before setting the first-line indent for the rest of the paper, click the “View” drop-down
and make sure “Show ruler” is checked (see Figure 3).
To set the first-line indent for the paper, use the blue upside-down triangle on the ruler, which is
under the top ribbon. Click and drag the line over the triangle to the .5 tick to create the indents.
To format the hanging indent for the Works Cited page, go to page 15.
For more information on MLA, please see the following handouts by Germanna’s Academic
Center for Excellence: MLA Format and MLA Sample Paper.
Figure 3
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The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
APA Format
To insert page numbers, click the “Insert drop-down menu, and click “Page number.”
Select the first option from the fold-out menu that appears.
Inside the header, make sure the insertion point is on the left side of the number (see the figure
below), and then press enter so that the page number is in the correct position. If the page
number is not flush with the right margin, press
the space bar until it is. The number of spaces
needed will vary paper to paper.
If the page number is not in font Arial 11 pt., Times New Roman 12 pt., Calibri 11 pt., Lucida Sans
Unicode 10 pt., or Georgia 11 pt., highlight it and follow steps 1 and 2 of the General Format
section on page 2. Click elsewhere in the document to exit the header.
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
To format the information on the title page, press the enter key four times, then click the
“Center” button. Select the “Bold” button and type the paper’s full title. Press enter twice
and unselect the “Bold” button again. Next, type your full name, the school’s name, the
course number and title, the instructor’s full name, and the due date of the paper, ensuring
the enter button is pressed after each entry. After you have typed the paper’s due date,
press enter one more time to move the insertion point to the end of the list.
3. To add an Abstract page, click the “Insert”
drop-down menu, and select “Page Break”
to create a new page.
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
4. Click the “Center” and “Bold” buttons, then type “Abstract.” Next, press enter to move
the insertion point to a new line.
Before typing the abstract, unselect the “Bold” button, and click the “left align” button.
5. To start typing the body of the paper, move the insertion point to an empty space
below the abstract. Click the “Insert” drop-down menu, and select “Page Break.” Click
the “center align” and “Bold” buttons. Then, type the title of the paper. Next, press
enter, unselect the “Bold” button, and click the “left align” button.
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
To format the hanging indent for the References page, go to page 15.
For more information on APA, please see the following handouts by the
Academic Center for Excellence:
APA Format and APA Sample Paper.
6. Before setting the first-line
indent for the rest of the paper,
click the “View” drop-down menu,
and make sure “Show ruler” is
To set the first-line indent for the
paper, use the blue upside-down
triangle on the ruler, which is under
the top ribbon. Click and drag the line
over the triangle to the .5 tick to
create the indents.
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
Chicago Manual Style
To format the title page, click the “Center” button. Press the enter key six times. Next, type
title. The title should be double-spaced. Press the enter key four times, then type your
name, the instructor’s name, the course number, and the date that the paper is due, pressing
the enter key after each entry. This information should be single-spaced.
To add the title on the second page of the paper, click the “Insert” drop-down menu,
and select “Page Break” to create a new page for the body of the paper.
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
Click the “Center” button, and then the “Bold” button. Next, type the paper’s title (see Figure 1).
Press the enter key, and click the “left align” button.
Before setting the first-line indent for the rest of the paper, click the “View” drop-down
and make sure “Show ruler” is checked (see Figure 2).
To set the first-line indent for the paper, use the blue upside-
down triangle on the ruler, which is under the top ribbon. Click
and drag
the line over the triangle to the .5 tick to create the
Figure 1
Figure 2
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
In Chicago Manual Style, the paper’s page numbers start on the second page, after the title
To insert page numbers starting on the second page, click the “Insert” drop-down menu,
and select
“Page numbers.” In the menu that folds out, click the second box on the first line.
Make sure that
the page number is in the font “Times New Romans,” and the font is size “12.”
With the insertion point on the left side of the number (see Figure 3), press the enter key. Click
elsewhere in the document to close the header.
Figure 3
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
To insert footnotes in the paper, click the “Insert” drop-down menu, and select “Footnote.”
In the footnote, press backspace to remove the space between the superscripted number and
insertion point, then click the tab key once to add a first-line indent (see Figure 4).
To format the hanging indent for the Bibliography page, go to page 15.
For more information on Chicago Manual Style, please see the following handouts by the
Academic Center for Excellence: Chicago Manual Style Format, Chicago Style Citation Guide,
Chicago Notes and Bibliography Style Sample Paper, and Chicago Author-Date Style Sample
Figure 4
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The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
Hanging Indent
Once the paper is complete, click the “Insert” drop-down menu, and select “Page Break” to
create a new page for the references.
Type either “Works Cited” (MLA), “References” (APA), or “Bibliography” (Chicago), depending
on the assigned citation style. To insert a hanging indent, click on the “Format” drop-down
menu, and select “Align and Indent." In the fold-out menu, click “Indentation Options.” In the
“Special Indent” section, click on the drop-down menu, and select “Hanging.” Then, click “Ok”.
Provided by
The Academic Center for Excellence
Google Docs: Instructions for Formatting
Updated May 2021
Additional Resources
More Helpful Handouts on MLA, APA, and Chicago Manual Style are available by visiting the
Academic Center for Excellence at either the Fredericksburg, Stafford, or Locust Grove locations
or by visiting the ACE website at
In addition, MLA and APA citation and formatting style videos and interactive modules are also
available on the Academic Center for Excellence’s “Writing Resources” webpage at
Fredericksburg: (540) 891-3017 • Stafford: (540) 834-1993 • Locust Grove: (540) 423-9148