Updated May 2021
Frequently Asked
Wharton student interested in INSEAD
INSEAD student interested in Wharton
1. Application Process
When can I apply for a
PhD exchange?
Students are eligible (conditional on space being available at
INSEAD) to participate in the Wharton-INSEAD Ph.D. Exchange
only after they have completed one full academic year in
residence in the Wharton Ph.D. Program AND have successfully
passed a qualifications examination in their home department.
The application form must be submitted by May 31
of the year
preceding the academic year when the visit will occur.
Some financial aid may be available through the Wharton-
INSEAD Alliance. Applications should be submitted to the
Alliance Research Director.
Students are eligible (conditional on space being
available at Wharton) to participate in the INSEAD-
Wharton Ph.D. Exchange only after they have completed
one full academic year in residence in the Wharton
Ph.D. Program AND have successfully passed a
qualifications examination in their home department.
The application form must be submitted by May 31
of the year
preceding the academic year when the visit will occur.
Some financial aid may be available through the INSEAD-
Wharton Alliance. Applications should be submitted to the
Alliance Research Director.
When can I apply for a
PhD Short Term Visit for 4-
weeks or less?
When can I apply for a
PhD Short Term Visit for
Can I visit either INSEAD
Students may choose either campus (Fontainebleau or
Singapore), according to the location of a Wharton faculty
exchange member and/or an INSEAD faculty member advising
the student on a research project.
Visits should be arranged with the host institution in advance
so that the faculty sponsor, student and host department can
work out a mutually optimal time for the visit.
Updated May 2021
What length of time can I
go on an exchange for?
A minimum of one term of study and a maximum of one
academic year will be permitted in the program. The
operation of this program during the summer sessions will be at
the discretion of the host and home institutions. Wharton Ph.D.
students are not registered during the summer term.
As there is generally higher demand than supply, students
are limited to one period (equivalent to one Wharton
quarter) on exchange. The duration of the visit can be
reviewed, based on specific research needs.
Frequently Asked
Wharton student interested in INSEAD
INSEAD student interested in Wharton
Is the exchange designed
for research work?
The Wharton-INSEAD exchange for Ph.D. students mainly
focuses on providing the Ph.D. student with the opportunity to
work with either a Wharton Faculty Member who is currently
working at INSEAD as a Wharton-INSEAD Faculty Exchange
member, or an INSEAD Faculty member who shares the same
research area of interest.
During the exchange, visiting doctoral students should actively
seek opportunities to present their research to faculty and other
As a full-time student, working while at the host school is not
permitted and will not be covered by the Alliance.
In addition, The Alliance Center for Global Research and
Education has extended its reach to Wharton and INSEAD
Ph.D.s by making them eligible to join a faculty member from the
partner school in order to constitute an Alliance Center research
The INSEAD-Wharton exchange for Ph.D. students mainly
focuses on providing the Ph.D. student with the opportunity to
work with either an INSEAD Faculty Member who is currently
working at Wharton as an INSEAD-Wharton Faculty Exchange
member, or a Wharton Faculty member who shares the same
research area of interest.
During the exchange visiting doctoral students should actively
seek opportunities to present their research to faculty and
other students.
As a full-time student, working while at the host school is not
permitted and will not be covered by the Alliance.
In addition, The Alliance Center for Global Research and
Education has extended its reach to INSEAD and Wharton
Ph.D.s by making them eligible to join a faculty member from
the partner school in order to constitute an Alliance Center
research project.
How do I find out more
about the exchange
The Doctoral Programs Page of the Wharton Intranet INSIDE
Wharton. http://www.wharton.upenn.edu/doctoral-inside/
Refer to the INSEAD-Wharton Alliance website for information
and applications:
Updated May 2021
What are the
methods/criteria used in
selecting participants?
Any eligible Wharton or INSEAD student should complete and
submit a Wharton-INSEAD Ph.D. Student Exchange Application.
Permission to participate in the program requires the approval of all
the officials from both schools listed on the form including the
invitation letter from the Vice Dean of the Wharton Doctoral
A Wharton Faculty Exchange member or INSEAD faculty member
must agree to serve as a sponsor during the duration of the Ph.D.
student’s visit.
ALL approvals must be obtained two months before the registration
date at the host institution.
Selection of Wharton students for the INSEAD exchange will be
governed by Wharton’s policies for international exchange programs.
Preference will be given to students with strong academic records.
Should you be interested in visiting Wharton, you must show
good academic and financial standards before departure.
INSEAD students should complete and submit an INSEAD-
Wharton Ph.D. Student Exchange Application.
Permission to participate in the program requires the approval of
all the officials from both schools listed on the form.
An INSEAD Faculty Exchange member or Wharton faculty
member must agree to serve as a sponsor during the duration of
the Ph.D. student’s visit.
ALL approvals must be obtained two months before the
registration date at the host institution.
Am I guaranteed to be able
to go on exchange?
Exchanges are not automatic. In order to be sure that the timing
of the visit has greatest educational value, the department and
visitor must work out an optimal timesomething that is a
function of the student’s goals for the visit and the department’s
ability to accommodate a visitor.
Exchanges are not automatic. In order to be sure that the
timing of the visit has greatest educational value, the
department and visitor must work out an optimal time
something that is a function of the student’s goals for the visit
and the department’s ability to accommodate a visitor.
Once the application process is completed, the Wharton Host
Department will issue a letter of invitation which will include a
statement of the planned duration of the visit and the visit’s
What is expected of an
exchange student?
The exchange student should be actively involved in the life of
the host department and attend all organized events, seminars,
etc. The student is expected to spend the majority of their
exchange visit on campus of the host school.
The exchange student should be actively involved in the life of
the host department and attend all organized events,
seminars, etc. The student is expected to spend the majority
of their exchange visit on campus of the host school.
What is the status of a
Ph.D. student studying
Wharton Ph.D. students remain full-time students registered at
the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School during the time
spent on the exchange program. A special course #996 for
“Dissertation Abroad” will be set up for the student by their
INSEAD Ph.D. students remain full-time students of INSEAD
during the time spent on the exchange program.
Updated May 2021
Department administrator if the student is visiting during the Fall
or Spring term. Ph.D. students do not register for summer
I’m an International
student. Do I need to apply
for a student visa?
Yes. INSEAD will assist you with this process.
Yes. You must obtain a student visa. Wharton will assist
you with this process. No other visa will be acceptable.
You must submit an electronic version of your student visa to
Michele Klekotka at [email protected] prior to
your departure from INSEAD to verify the correct visa has
been obtained. PENN Global Student Scholar Services
2. Courses, Credits &
Can credit be obtained for
Wharton Ph.D. students may only obtain up to a maximum of 3
CU’s of elective course work from INSEAD. No course credit for
courses that have a core program requirement will be given.
Elective courses taken at INSEAD must be related to the Ph.D.
student’s dissertation research and approved by the Faculty
Ph.D. Coordinator in their department before a transfer of credit
is given. Ph.D. students can refer to the Wharton Ph.D.
Resources website: http://www.wharton.upenn.edu/doctoral-
inside/ for information on how to obtain Transfer of Credit for
Graduate coursework.
INSEAD Ph.D. students going to Wharton for course work
need to have the prior agreement of their Area in order to
validate their elective course work at Wharton.
The coursework should be relevant to their research interests.
Transfer of credit (s) for taken courses at Wharton will have to
be approved by the INSEAD Ph.D. Office in coordination with
the Area Ph.D. representative.
No course credit for core and required area courses will be
Do I have access to
classes outside of the
business school?
INSEAD is a stand-alone business school. There are no
departments outside of the business school.
The exchange agreement is for Wharton Ph.D. courses only.
Exchange students may not take courses at other schools
within the University of Pennsylvania, including those offered
by the Lauder Program.
Where can I find a list of
Course lists are updated for both Wharton and INSEAD each
academic term and can be located on the Wharton Ph.D.
Resources website: http://www.wharton.upenn.edu/doctoral-
Course lists are updated for both INSEAD and Wharton each
academic term and are located on the INSEAD Ph.D. intranet
Updated May 2021
*Note: Wharton does not offer Ph.D. level courses during
Summer Sessions.
Is this a dual-degree
program? Do I get a
diploma from the host
What does it say on my
diploma and transcript?
Courses taken on exchange will not appear on your transcript.
You will be given transfer credit if the Ph.D. Coordinator
approves the courses. You can apply to Ph.D. elective courses
for your doctoral program. Your diploma will not mention
*Each course credit is equivalent to 1CU (Credit Unit). See
Wharton Policy and Procedures on Transfer Credit.
Courses taken on exchange appear on your INSEAD
transcript. Your diploma does not mention Wharton.
Do I become an
alumna/alumnus of the
host school?
No. You have access to the alumni database during the period
of the exchange but not before or after.
No. You have access to the alumni database during the
period of the exchange but not before or after.
3. Finance & Funding
What kind of funding is
available as part of the
Ph.D. Exchange?
1) Your Stipend will continue to be paid to you by your home
school during your approved exchange visit to INSEAD.
2) Ph.D. funding for travel and housing: Funding may be
awarded to the visiting student only after successful completion
of application, see items covered below:
Travel, one approved round trip economy class fare from Paris to Philadelphia
(one-way tickets are not acceptable), or one approved round trip economy
class fare from Singapore, up to €1,600.00. Tickets should be purchased
well in advance in order to obtain the best price.
Ground transportation to/from airport for departure and return visit
Housing (see Number (4) below)
Submission of Ph.D. Exchange Application must be completed
and approved prior to the submission of the Exchange Budget
1) Your Stipend will continue to be paid to you by your home
school during your approved exchange visit to Wharton.
2) Ph.D. funding for travel and housing: Funding may be
awarded to the visiting student only after successful
completion of application, see items covered below:
Travel, one approved round trip economy class fare from Paris to
Philadelphia (one-way tickets are not acceptable), or one
approved round trip economy class fare from Singapore, up to
€1,600.00. Tickets should be purchased well in advance in
order to obtain the best price.
Ground transportation to/from airport for departure and return visit
Housing (see Number (4) below)
Updated May 2021
Acceptance to the Exchange Program is not a guarantee of
receiving funding from the Alliance Research Center. This does
not cover taxes, books, utilities or technology related purchases
(computers, cell phones, etc.) living expenses such as meals,
local transportation and telephone charges covered by your
Requests may be made by completing the Budget
Application Form:
Send Application to: Guillaume Roels,
[email protected]. If funding is approved, an award
email will be sent by Michele Klekotka, together with attached
approved budget application and project number.
All original receipts will need to be reviewed and approved by
either the host or home school prior to payment. Budgets are
strictly adhered to and any overage will not be covered by the
3) The Alliance Centre for Global Research & Education may
provide funding for work involving research projects with a
faculty member at the host school and a Ph.D. student. Faculty
Application can be found at
http://inside.wharton.upenn.edu/faculty/ and should be made to
the Research Director of the Centre Professor Guillaume Roels:
[email protected]. All applications are subject to
Award notification will be confirmed in an email by the
Alliance Manager along with detailed instructions.
Submission of Ph.D. Exchange Application must be completed
and approved prior to the submission of the Exchange Budget
Acceptance to the Exchange Program is not a guarantee of
receiving funding from the Alliance Research Center. This
does not cover taxes, books, utilities or technology related
purchases (computers, cell phones, etc.) living expenses such
as meals, local transportation and telephone charges covered
by your stipend.
Requests may be made by completing the Budget
Application Form at https://www.insead.edu/about/alliance-
Send Application to: Guillaume Roels:
[email protected]. If funding is approved, an award
email will be sent by Michele Klekotka, together with attached
approved budget application and project number.
All original receipts will need to be reviewed and approved by
either the host or home school prior to payment. Budgets are
strictly adhered to and any overage will not be covered by the
3) The Alliance Centre for Global Research & Education may
provide funding for work involving research projects with a
faculty member at the host school and a Ph.D. student.
Faculty Application can be found at
and should be sent to the Research Director, Professor
Guillaume Roels: [email protected]. All
applications are subject to approval.
Award notification will be confirmed in an email by the
Alliance Manager along with detailed instructions.
Updated May 2021
4. Housing
How do I find housing for
my visit?
Wharton Students can find information about housing options in
Fontainebleau by consulting https://www.mbahousing.fr/ .
We encourage students to reside in Fontainebleau during their
exchange due to logistics and distance from Paris and other
locations. Acceptable housing in Fontainebleau would be
INSEAD Résidence or housing/apartment in Fontainebleau
(max. €1000 per month). Singapore (max. €1475 per month) and
provided through the INSEAD-Wharton Center for Global
Research and Education. The same approved amounts apply to
Wharton visiting students. Budgets are strictly adhered to.
(Consult host school Ph.D. Department for acceptable housing
Information on housing both on-campus and off-campus can
be found at the University of Pennsylvania Housing and
Related services website:
It is encouraged that students find accommodations in the
Philadelphia or the surrounding vicinity during their exchange
due to logistical and excessive commuting times from other
5. Working and
Am I able to work during
the exchange?
No. Exchange students are not permitted to work while on
exchange and the Alliance will not cover these expenses. It is
the exchange student’s responsibility to adhere to this
requirement while at the host institution.
No. Exchange students are not permitted to work while on
exchange and the Alliance will not cover these expenses. It is
the exchange student’s responsibility to adhere to this
requirement while at the host institution.
How does the exchange
impact summer jobs or
Students going on exchange in the summer generally choose to
go after their second year and before starting a full-time job.
Some students are able to fit a summer exchange after their first
year, if the internship begins later in the summer.
There is no impact. Summer period is between the end of
June to mid-August, which gives ample time to pursue
research activities.
Updated May 2021
*Wharton Ph.D. students are expected to continue working
on research during the summer as part of their Program
6. Contacts
Who is the contact person
for questions about the
Ph.D. Exchange?
Gidget MURRAY, Associate Director
Ph.D. Program Office, The Wharton School
Director, Ph.D. Programme, INSEAD