1 Revised July 2019
The mission of All Saints Catholic
School is to nurture the love of God
already present in each child, and to
become a community of learners
guided by our Catholic traditions.
500 North Second Ave. Alpena, MI 49707 989-354-4911
2 Revised July 2019
Table of Contents
Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................ 4
School Philosophy ……………………………………………………………………………….4
Foreward …………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Spiritual Growth and Faith Development………………………………………………….... 5
Parental Involvement…………………………………………………………………... 5
School Activities…………………………………………………………………….…... 6
Academic Excellence…………………………………………………………………………..... 7
Field Trips......................................................................................................................... 7
Grading Scale ………………………………..............................................……............... 7
Homework........................................................................................................................... 7
School Programs..................................................................................................................8
Specialized Services............................................................................................................ 9
Standardized Testing Program........................................................................................ 9
Text Books & Supplies.......................................................................................................9
Communication .............................................................................................................................10
Communication Protocol…………………………………………………………..…....10
Other Communications.....................................................................................................10
Parent Teacher Conferences ............................................................................................10
Report Cards.......................................................................................................................11
Admission .......................................................................................................................................12
Anti-Discrimination Policy ..............................................................................................12
Intent and Motivation to Enroll.......................................................................................12
Other Faiths........................................................................................................................12
Readmission ......................................................................................................................12
Registration ......................................................................................................................13
Entrance Age .......................................................................................................13
Grade Placement……………………………………………………………......13
Registration Period .............................................................................................13
Required Documentation ..................................................................................13
Student Records ..................................................................................................14
Transfer Students ................................................................................................14
Withdrawal during the School Year ................................................................14
Tuition ...............................................................................................................................15
Payment Terms ....................................................................................................15
Past Due Tuition ..................................................................................................15
Financial Assistance ............................................................................................15
Early Withdrawal ................................................................................................16
After School Program……………………………………………………..…....16
Attendance ........................................................................................................................16
School Day Begins ...............................................................................................17
School Day Ends ..................................................................................................17
Tardiness ..............................................................................................................17
Early Dismissal.....................................................................................................17
Absences ...............................................................................................................17
3 Revised July 2019
Snow Days ............................................................................................................17
Vacations ...............................................................................................................18
Stewardship ......................................................................................................................18
Educational Support.............................................................................................18
Operational ...........................................................................................................19
Technology ............................................................................................................19
Health ..............................................................................................................................................19
Student Illness ...................................................................................................................20
Accident/Student Illness at School ................................................................................20
Communicable Diseases ..................................................................................................20
Medications .......................................................................................................................20
Safety ...............................................................................................................................................21
Bus Transportation ...........................................................................................................22
Child Abuse and Neglect…………………………………………………………….....22
Fire & Tornado Drills .......................................................................................................22
Non-Custodial Parents……………………………………………………………….....22
Search Policy ....................................................................................................................22
Student Drop Off & Pick Up ..........................................................................................23
Tornado Warnings ..........................................................................................................23
Weapons ...........................................................................................................................23
Other Emergencies ..........................................................................................................24
School Rules .................................................................................................................................25
General ..............................................................................................................................25
Lunchroom Rules ............................................................................................................26
Code of Conduct—General…………………………………………………………....26
Code of Conduct—Playground…………………………………………………….....31
Code of ConductAnti-Harassment………………………………………………...32
Code of Conduct—Technology…………………………………………………….....33
Administration Professional Code of Ethics Copyright…………………………....35
Sexual Harassment Policy……………………………………………………….….....36
Dress Code ...................................................................................................................................39
Birthdays .........................................................................................................................41
Hot Lunch Program .......................................................................................................41
Federal School Lunch Program .......................................................................41
Anti-Discrimination Policy for Federal Hot Lunch Program .....................41
Hot Lunch Menus .............................................................................................41
Payment for Hot Lunch ...................................................................................41
Food Allergies ................................................................................................ ..41
Lost & Found..................................................................................................................42
Visitors, Messages and Deliveries .......................................................................... .42
Consent Form…………………………………………………………………………………..43
4 Revised July 2019
The mission of All Saints Catholic School is to nurture the love of God already present in each child,
and to become a community of learners guided by our Catholic tradition.
At All Saints Catholic School we believe our Catholic identity is at the heart of what we teach. We
will provide a Christian education working together with our families, who are the primary
educators of their children. Furthermore, we believe every student has the right to learn about the
Catholic faith and academics through a Catholic lens, and we strive to achieve the highest possible
levels of both at All Saints Catholic School.
All Saints Catholic School (ASCS) is the Catholic school which is supported by the Catholic
Community of Alpena. We recognize the authority of the Bishop of the Diocese of Gaylord
and implement the philosophy, mission and policies of our Diocese in our programs and
practices. In union with the Church in Alpena, in the Diocese of Gaylord and throughout
the world, we proclaim Jesus as Lord and celebrate the Good News of salvation in Word,
Worship and Service.
This handbook was developed to familiarize families with the programs of ASCS. We hope
it will enable students and parents to become more aware of and gain a better
understanding of the philosophy, policies and practices of our school. Use this booklet
when you need specific information. Keep it in a convenient place for quick reference.
The design of this booklet will enable this handbook to be used each year your students
attends ASCS. As policies and information change, you will be supplied with updates to
this handbook, which you should use to replace the older information. Please use the back
pocket to store other school related information.
For ease in reading, he/his will be used for “he/she or his/her” and parents will be used
for “parent/parents or legal guardian/guardians”.
This book and policies, procedures and programs described within may be changed,
amended or deleted by the pastor upon consultation with the ASCS Council. Any such
changes will be communicated to the parents and students of ASCS.
5 Revised July 2019
Parental Involvement
The planned development of the spiritual life of our student, staff and families is the
distinguishing characteristic of ASCS. Rooted in the Catholic faith and respectful of the
Christian communities represented in our school, our shared belief in Jesus is
communicated in all we do and teach. ASCS reflects the Second Vatican Council’s desire
that “All the faithful be led to that full conscious and active participation in liturgical
celebration which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy.”
ASCS believes that parents are the first teachers of their children. Our role is to encourage
and support you in teaching the way of faith. We will provide a positive learning
environment, which is an extension of your home where teachers provide the highest
standard of spiritual and academic learning.
Every aspect of school life teaches and reinforces the importance of our shared beliefs and
values. Teachers actively incorporate Catholic value instruction within their curriculum at
all grade levels.
Faith must be “caught” as well as “taught”. Students are encouraged to see God’s presence
in everyday life. The presence of the school near a Catholic Church, as well as the
involvement of our priests in the school, enhances the influence of faith in their lives.
Within the school, various signs, posters and symbols are constant reminders of the love of
God. The influence is continued as we observe events such as baptismal anniversaries, the
National Day of Prayer and All Saints Day.
Knowing that consistency is necessary for this endeavor to have the intended impact, both
parents and teachers need to be exemplary role models. We expect children to be exposed
to Christian faith at home. As a parent, pray with your children, speak openly about the
importance of Christian values, and participate as a family in the life of your parish or
church community.
If a concern comes up during the school year it is important to go through the proper
channels. Please follow the Communication Protocol outlined on page 10:
6 Revised July 2019
School Activities
Opportunities are provided for detailed teaching of the Catholic faith, as well as
participation in prayer, worship, sacraments and service. In addition, our religion
curriculum includes opportunities for parent/child involvement at home, school and
within the church community. Particular programs may change from year to year.
Weekly MassStudents in grades PreK-8, and teachers, celebrate Mass weekly with
some exceptions. Students actively participate in planning these celebrations
with the assistance of their teachers and the musicians.
SacramentsPreparation for the reception of Sacraments is the responsibility of the
student’s home parish. Sacraments are a part of our religion curriculum. In
addition to the weekly reception of the Sacrament of Eucharist, for grades third
through sixth, the students also have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament
of Reconciliation during the school year. All students participate in the
celebration of other Sacraments as opportunities arise.
School-Wide PrayerThe school community gathers daily for Morning Prayer.
Prayer services are held in the church, school or outdoors, as appropriate, for
Advent, Lent, May Crowning, National Day of Prayer, etc.
Classroom PrayerA variety of prayer styles are incorporated into daily
classroom routines.
Seasonal PrayerIndividual classrooms, as well as the school community,
celebrate special moments in the Church year, such as Advent and Lent.
Christian ServiceClasses participate in service activities throughout the year
utilizing their time and talents to serve others as Jesus did. Activities range from
liturgical ministries, patriotic responsibilities, community service and
worldwide outreach.
Religion SeriesGrade K-8
use the Faith First religion series and the Education in
Virtues that has been correlated to the religion curriculum that we received
from the Diocese of Gaylord.
Scripture StudyStudy of Scriptures and the lives of the Saints are
incorporated into the curriculum.
7 Revised July 2019
The academic core-curriculum of ASCS is in accordance with standards set by the Michigan
Non-Public School Accreditation Association, and curriculums from the Diocese of
Gaylord. This includes the subject areas of language arts, mathematics, science, social
studies and religion. ASCS employs only teachers who hold a State of Michigan teaching
certificate or other appropriate state permit if there is a dire situation.
ASCS is accredited through the Michigan Non-Public School Accreditation Association.
ASCS was accredited in the spring of 2019. The accreditation process is on a five-year cycle
with yearly evaluations.
Field Trips
Field trips are part of the school’s educational program designed to meet curriculum goals
and/or build and celebrate the classroom community. Participation on field trips, however,
is a privilege, and may be denied at the discretion of the teacher and/or administrator.
The normal means of transportation is by bus. On some occasions, parent volunteers
and/or school staff may be used and drive their private cars for a field trip. All volunteer
drivers must have submitted a properly completed driver form as required by Diocesan
The teacher must have received a properly completed permission form from the parent
before any student may participate in a field trip. Each trip requires a new form. Other
notes and phone calls are not acceptable forms of permission. Students unable to participate
will spend the school day in the classroom nearest to their own age group until their own
class returns from the trip.
Parents are welcome to serve as chaperones, but may have to pay any cost associated with
their participation.
Grading Scale
A = 100 93 / A- = 92 90 /B+ = 89 87 / B = 86 - 83 / B- = 82 - 80 / C+ = 79 - 77/ C = 76
73/ C- = 72 - 70 /D- = 62 - 60 /D = 66 - 63/ D+ = 69 - 67 F = 59 & below
Homework is planned to meet the needs of students and has an essential place in the
educational program. Homework will be assigned to:
A. Reinforce concepts and skills that have been presented in class.
B. Foster the student's creativity and discipline through enrichment projects or research
C. Train the student to work independently and to accept responsibility for completing a
8 Revised July 2019
The average amount of daily homework time is:
Grade 1 10-15 minutes
Grade 2 15-20 minutes
Grade 3 20-25 minutes
Grade 4 25-30 minutes
Grade 5 & 6 30-35 minutes
It is understood that:
A. The time stated is an average amount and will vary with the individual and vary
per night.
B. If a student uses allotted class time wisely to begin assignments; the amount of
homework can be reduced.
C. If a student does not have a specific assignment, the time should be used for
review, long-range assignments, spelling words or reading.
D. Homework over the weekends is at the discretion of the teacher.
E. A parent should answer questions for the student but should not do the
homework for him.
We suggest that a quality study environment be utilized that meets these
A. Quiet place (no TV)
B. Good lighting
C. Minimal distractions
D. Adequate supplies
E. A regularly scheduled time
School Programs
Activities are offered to complement the home, church and school experience. We believe
that participation in school programs enhance the development of the concepts of fair play
and good sportsmanship. The availability of many of the programs listed is dependent on
the willingness of parents to volunteer as instructors, coaches or supervisors.
LibraryTeachers take their classes to the library on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Additional library time may be scheduled through the teacher or the principal. A
nominal fee is charged for overdue books. Students will be required to pay for the
replacement of any books that are lost, damaged or not returned.
IXL- On IXL, math is more than just numbers. With unlimited questions, engaging item
types, and real-world scenarios. This program is used by all teachers to enhance our
math curriculum.
D.A.R.EDrug Awareness Resistance Education (or DARE) is completed in the 5th
grade with the city police.
Physical EducationThis program is offered with an APS PE teacher coming to our
school. The students participate in physical education twice a week.
9 Revised July 2019
Altar ServersStudents in grades 4-8 may be altar servers. This is a very important
service in our church and requires a true commitment to the position. Training times
will be announced when they become known each year.
Athletics - Boys and girls may participate in a variety of community organized
recreation activities. Information will be provided throughout the school year as it is
made available to us
Specialized Services
Students with special needs are accepted if their needs can be met in school. Initial
enrollment is on a tentative basis with the understanding that if we are unable to
adequately meet the needs of the student; the parents will agree to enroll their child in a
more appropriate program. This policy is in keeping with the education policies of the
Diocese of Gaylord.
ASCS works closely with the AMA-Educational Service District and the Alpena Public
Schools to provide services for students with special needs. Speech therapy, Title I reading
services and evaluation for special education eligibility are among the services available to
our students.
We will work with parents and consulting professionals to design classroom
accommodations to meet special student needs to the greatest extent possible for our
Standardized Testing Program
Standardized tests help the faculty evaluate and improve the school's curriculum, make
decisions about classroom instruction, and identify individual student strengths and needs.
These tests are one tool used by staff to accomplish these purposes.
The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) tests are administered in grades one
through eight each year. Information about testing will be given to parents prior to the test
dates, and scores will be provided to and reviewed with parents.
Text Books & Supplies
Textbooks are tools used by students and faculty for teaching and learning. Like most tools,
they are expensive. Students should handle these books carefully. The student will be
expected to pay for a book that is lost or seriously damaged. Students are expected to
provide their own basic supplies such as notebooks, paper, pencils, pens, erasers and
crayons. In addition, individual teachers will provide a list of specific supply needs for their
10 Revised July 2019
ASCS needs the full support of our parents to effectively fulfill our mission. We believe that
our staff and parents form a partnership to develop the gifts and talents God has given our
children. Our church publicly proclaims parents to be the "first teachers of their children in
the Way of Faith”. We welcome and encourage all our parents to be present in our school
and to be actively involved in the education of the students. It is important for teachers and
parents to communicate regularly about the progress being made in school by our students.
We do this formally through parent teacher conferences and report cards.
Communication Protocol
If a concern comes up during the school year it is important to go through the proper
channels in the chain of command. In dealing with classroom matters, take your concern to
the teacher first. Most situations can be solved with a simple phone call or meeting. If the
parent feels the situation needs to be addressed with the administrator that is the next step.
Finally, would be involvement with your parish priest or the vicar.
Other Communications
Classroom newsletters, principal newsletters, school wide emails, memos and other
important information will be sent home with students as needed.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Formal parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled twice each year, normally in
November and March. Every student is required to have a fall conference, however,
spring conferences are held at the discretion of the teacher and parent. The purpose
of these conferences is to communicate information regarding the student's progress
on all aspects of school life and to strengthen the working relationship between
parents and teachers.
Appointment times are arranged by classroom teachers through a note sent home
with each child in attendance at school. If you are unable to meet at the suggested
time, please contact the teacher directly, either in writing, by phone, or in person to
arrange another time.
Student led conferences- Teachers may, at their discretion, choose to utilize a
student-led conference as an alternative to traditional parent - teacher meetings.
Teachers prepare for conferences by having ready for your review samples of
student work, grades achieved to the date of the conference, insights regarding your
child's strengths or needs, and questions to ask you to deepen their understanding
of your child's motivation, goals and personality. Parent-teacher conferences are
always intended as a time of discussion and planning. Preparation by both parent
11 Revised July 2019
and teacher is critical for an effective conference. Teachers may, at their discretion,
ask for students to be present at conferences. In this case, teachers will help students
to prepare for participation.
Parents may prepare for these conferences by reflecting on the following points and
sharing their observations and insights with the teacher.
a child's reactions/responses to school
relationships within the family, school, church or community that may
influence school behavior and achievement
health problems or special learning needs
evidence of initiative and creativity at home
home responsibilities and out-of-school activities
response to rules at home
hobbies, abilities and special interests
special achievements
problems observed at home that may influence school behavior
your perception of your child's spiritual development and academic
Individual conferences can be arranged at any time during the year. Contact the
classroom teacher directly to make arrangements.
Report Cards
All full-time students receive report cards at the end of each academic semester. Preschool
through First grade report cards do not follow the traditional A, B, C grading scale. It is a
narrative report that highlights the learning achieved by the student during the
12 Revised July 2019
Anti-Discrimination Policy
ASCS does not discriminate. Students are admitted based upon The Diocese of Gaylord
Admission Policy #4010.
No Catholic child whose parents desire to enroll him/her in any Catholic school in
Michigan shall be denied admission to that school on the basis of race, color, or
national origin.
No child, regardless of religious affiliation, whose parents desire to enroll him/her
in any Catholic school in Michigan which possesses capacity for additional
students, shall be denied admission to that school on the basis of race, color, or
national origin.
Catholic schools shall do everything possible to achieve their purpose in an
increasingly adequate way and to show their special concern for the needs of
those who are poor in the goods of this world.
ASCS complies, as required, by the terms of Title IX of the Education Act of 1972 and Public
Law 92-318 (as amended by Public Law 93-568.). ASCS will not discriminate on the basis of
race, national or ethnic origin, or gender in the administration of our hiring and personnel
policies, education policies, admission, scholarships and loan programs.
Intent and Motivation to Enroll
A. Children of the Catholic Community of Alpena presently attending public
schools, Catholic children from outside the Catholic Community of Alpena,
and children of other faiths may be admitted if the administration judges the
intent and motivation to be in accord with the ideals of Catholic education.
B. All Saints Catholic School shall not be refuge for parents and/or students who
seek to avoid integration in the public schools.
C. When space permits, All Saints Catholic School will try to enroll students to
achieve a cultural and ecumenical balance while maintaining the Catholic
character of the school; with the understanding that Catholic values and
beliefs will be taught and upheld.
Other Faiths
Those of other religions may be accepted unless attendance would cause conflicts for the
students due to the religious philosophy of the Catholic school.
Admission of a student in one year does not guarantee re-admission of that student in
subsequent years. A student will need to re-apply each year for admission to ASCS.
13 Revised July 2019
Entrance Age
ASCS complies with state law regarding the age at which students may enter school. This
law states that, in a traditionally graded school, a child entering kindergarten must be five
years of age on or before September 1 of that year.
Grade Placement
ASCS will seek, and generally follow, the recommendations of the previous teacher. All
such recommendations are considered tentative until placement testing is completed in the
first two weeks of the new school year.
Registration Period
Registration takes place in March of each year and is on a first come, first serve basis.
Names of interested families are accepted at any time. Once a student is formally enrolled
and accepted through FACTS, that student is assured of a place in the appropriate grade.
Registrations are Accepted in the Following Order
From children of active parishioners of the Catholic Community of Alpena
From children who live in neighboring Catholic parishes without a school
From non-Catholics
Required Documentation
To ensure successful enrollment, the following completed documents must be provided:
A registration form and required registration fee.
A birth certificate or other legal verification of a child's date and place of birth.
A baptismal certificate copy and other Sacramental records as appropriate.
A certificate of health and up-to-date immunization records as required by
Michigan Law.
One of the following statements:
1. A statement signed by a physician or nurse that the child has been immunized or
protected against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, rubella, measles, mumps,
chicken pox and polio nephritis and that the child has been tested to determine
the presence of tuberculosis infection or;
2. A statement signed by a parent that the child has not been immunized for
tuberculin tested because of religious convictions or other objection to
immunizations or;
3. A statement signed by one parent that the local Health Department would give
the student the needed protective injections.
14 Revised July 2019
Student Records
A permanent record for each student is maintained in the school office. The record
includes health information, annual academic grade reports, results of standardized tests,
attendance records, and promotion/retention information. All records are confidential.
Parents may review their child's file with authorization from the Principal.
Transfer Students
Registration requirements. A family who wants to enroll a student who has been
attending another school must meet the registration requirements applicable to all
Transfer of records. In addition, the parents must sign a release of information form
to allow the transfer of the student's records to ASCS from any and all schools
previously attended. Parents must also certify that the transfer has been fully
discussed with the Principal of the school in which their child has been most recently
Grade placement. ASCS will seek, and normally follow, the recommendations of the
Principal of the sending school regarding grade placement at the time of transfer. All
such recommendations are considered tentative until school records are received,
registration information is verified, and placement testing is completed.
Withdrawal During the School Year
Parent Initiated
1. A withdrawal form must be completed. This form is available from the
school office.
2. The parent must sign a release of information form permitting transfer of
records to the new school. Records will be forwarded when all tuition
and fees due to ASCS are paid in full.
School Initiated
The school reserves the right to request student withdrawal during the school
year if one or both of the following conditions occur.
1. An inability or unwillingness to perform at the academic level required.
2. An unwillingness to conform to school discipline policies. Please see the
section on Expulsion for more information.
In extreme cases, parents may significantly reduce the school's ability to effectively serve its
students, that the parents may be requested to remove their student from the school for one
or more of the following reasons:
1. Refusal to cooperate with school personnel.
2. Refusal to adhere to Archdiocesan or local policies and requirements.
3. Interference in matters of school administration or discipline.
15 Revised July 2019
Payment Terms
Tuition will be scheduled for payment through FACTS Management. Parents can start
payments in July for the upcoming school year but must be enrolled by August of the
school year. You set up your payment agreement. Automatic payments can be made from
a checking or savings account. The balance of tuition must be paid by the end of June of the
school year.
Past Due Tuition
The school reserves the right to cancel registration of any student whose family fails to meet
its tuition agreement satisfactorily during the preceding semester, or in such cases, to
require full tuition payment in advance of future registration acceptance. Notices are sent
home when payments are not made in accordance with the commitment. If full payment is
not received or an acceptable payment plan is not established by July 1, registration for the
new school year is suspended.
Families late in tuition payments are identified by the Principal. If the family is a
parishioner, it might be appropriate to discuss need with parish priest for any financial
support they may be aware of. If reasonable attempts are made by the family to continue
payments AND tuition assistance can be made available, families can be dealt with in a
“case by case” situation for registration for the following year. If full payment is not
received, or prior arrangements made with the school principal, it will result in the account
being turned over to a collection agency. At this point, the diocese would review the policy
of withholding registration for the following year.
Financial Assistance
Parents should fill out the grant and aid portion through FACTS, if a financial need
exists. Preschool students are not eligible for scholarships. In granting financial assistance,
first consideration will be given to students from low-income Catholic families. Low-
income is defined as eligibility for free or reduced-price lunches in the Federal Nutrition
Program. A Tuition Assistance form must be filled out by June 1, prior to the new school
year. Tuition Assistance applications will not be accepted after this date except for new
families or dire circumstances determined by the administrator. Families are required to
turn in a proof of income statement. These forms will all be kept confidential. Please turn
them into the office in a sealed envelope.
Scholarships are also offered through All Saints Parish. Families will need to meet
the criteria in order for the grant to be awarded. Please the website for the scholarship form.
Recipients will be held on probation for repeated academic or behavioral infractions upon
the discretion of the principal and committee. Study habits must show effort on the part of
16 Revised July 2019
the student and grades in turn need to reflect high academic effort. Discipline records
should reflect Christian values; disrespectful or harmful repeated behaviors will result in a
scholarship review.
Financial policy regarding parent contribution tuition assistance
Applications for tuition assistance will be accepted starting in March through June 1 for the
following school year. A group including the principal, a school council member and a
member of the school financial committee will complete the following process:
Federal income/family size tables for free and /or reduced lunch is used to qualify.
If family meets income level for FREE lunch, 50% of family tuition payment is given.
If family meets income level for REDUCED lunch, 25% of family tuition payment is
If family is near, but doesn’t qualify for REDUCED lunch 15% of family tuition can
be given.
Illness, disability, job loss and medical expenses are taken into consideration and
may offset income.
Early Withdrawal
If it is necessary for a family to leave ASCS during the school year because of unforeseen
circumstance, the tuition and fees will be prorated.
After School Program
The After School Program is open to Pre-k through 8
grade. The hourly cost of the
program is $3.50 per child, $6.00 for two children, and $8.00 for 3 or more children. The
program runs from 2:20 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Parents must sign a
contract prior to enrolling in the program.
7:15amDoors open
7:25amMorning Prayer in the Gathering Area.
10:25 - 10:55am Lunch for Pre School classes
11:25 11:45 amLunch for grades K-3, & recess for 4-8 graders.
11:00 11:25pm Lunch for grades 4-8, & recess for K-3 graders.
2:25 pm School day ends
School Day Begins
In accordance with State laws, all children are held to regular and punctual attendance.
Some students depend on bus transportation provided by the Alpena Public Schools.
Our daily schedule is arranged to facilitate this service. Students are to arrive at school
17 Revised July 2019
no earlier than 7:15am unless arrangements have been made with the teacher and/or
principal. Students are to be at Morning Prayer by 7:25am.
School Day Ends
School is dismissed at 2:25 pm. Students must remain with their teacher until dismissed.
Bus students leave first and those being picked up must be signed out with their teacher
before being released to parents/guardians.
Being on time is an important habit for students to develop. Having students at school on
time is also important for maintaining class routine and schedule of instruction. In addition
to the beginning of the day, students are required to be on time for class following breaks
and recess. If students arrive late due to bus problems, they are not considered tardy.
Students not in attendance at Morning Prayer, by 7:25am, are considered tardy. Frequent
tardiness will result in contact with parents.
Early Dismissal
A student may be excused prior to the regular dismissal time in case of illness or injury,
for an appointment which cannot be made outside school hours, or for other reasons
determined by the parents or the Principal. No student will be dismissed unless
accompanied by a parent or other authorized adult. The parent or adult must come to the
office and "sign-out" the student. The Principal must approve any other arrangement in
Reporting Absences - As required by state law, students are expected to be in school
every day that school is in session. If a student must be absent from school due
to illness or another important reason, parents must notify the office each day
by calling 989-354 -4911, between 7:30 am and 8:30 am. This practice assures
both parents and staff that students are in school as expected. When the
amount of absenteeism is hindering a student's progress, the parents will be
Making Up Schoolwork - Absence from school does not excuse a pupil from
assignments given during their period of absence. Teachers will help students
make up tests and other work after a child has been absent due to illness or for
family reasons. Teachers will provide the missed assignments for the student to
complete at home. Parents should plan on picking up missed assignments at
the end of the day.
18 Revised July 2019
Snow Days
School may be canceled due to heavy snow or ice. Parents will be notified through Parent
Alert. Also Listen to WATZ 93.3 FM, 1450 AM, or 107.7 the Bay FM for school delays
open or closures. It will also be posted on our Facebook page and Website
(alpenaallsaints.org). The decision to cancel or delay is made by the administration.
Vacation trips when school is in session are strongly discouraged. Generally, such absences
adversely affect the quality of a student's education. Therefore, parents are requested to
make every effort to plan vacations and other out of school activities during the specified
vacation times and school holidays listed in the annual calendar. When trips are planned
during the school year, it will be the responsibility of the parents to help students make up
work that was missed. Parents need to contact principal for approval, and work with the
teacher, well in advance and make arrangements for the student's completion of
assignments by a date selected by the teacher.
All things come from God. God calls us to holiness through stewardship. God gives us life,
talents and love, all with no conditions. Volunteers of all ages provide an essential link to
the students and staff at ASCS. They keep students growing, creating, learning and
exploring! Without this collaborative work with God, God doing his mighty deeds through
them and those deeds being passed on to others, many programs and opportunities would
not exist.
Come and act as God's agent to ensure the continued academic success and spiritual
growth of the student body. Whether you can help once a week or once a year, one hour or
many hours, we want you! You remain the heart and soul of our school program and
Christian mission ---- you make a difference. Opportunities exist, so whatever time or
talents you have, step out in faith and share your gifts; there's a place for you!
Educational Support
Teacher's aide - Help with teacher and classroom needs. Often teachers need help
during the day such as duplicating materials, collating and stapling, helping
students one-on-one, or in small groups with reading, math or spelling. Some work
may be done at home in the evening such as doing cutouts, pasting etc. This time
can be arranged on a regular basis (i.e., one day a week for an hour or every other
week or once a month or whatever works with ones schedule).
Classroom Parents - Responsibilities include planning, organizing and conducting
Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day parties throughout the year as well as
collecting funds, coordinating with other parents and managing special events such
as the School Carnival and Track &Field Day.
19 Revised July 2019
Library Helpers - Help children select books and check them out during library
time. Prepare books for shelving, re-shelf books and straighten shelves. Volunteers
for all grades are needed.
Fund Raising Activities-There are various fundraising activities to be involved in. A
few fundraisers of note are the K of C Breakfast and our Evening of Elegance, which
is our biggest fundraiser. If you are interested in finding out more about any of these
opportunities, ask in the office.
Office aides - Help with office needs such answering the phone, duplicating
materials, collating, stapling, cataloging or putting supplies away. Some work may
be done at home in the evening.
Lunchroom aides -Individuals assist in the cafeteria by tracking meal and milk sales
or preparing and distributing student meals or cleaning up as needed. At least one
hour of time needs to be scheduled for this volunteer position to be effective. Your
help is always needed. Scheduling is flexible, so if you can't commit to a schedule,
volunteer as a substitute.
Playground supervision -Help is needed to ensure our students’ safety on the
playground. A background check is required and forms can be acquired through the
These volunteers make recommendations to ensure that students at ASCS have the needed
technology for academic classes and computer skills for the future. In addition, they
monitor and evaluate the infrastructure in order to maintain "state of the art" education
support for the teaching staff.
Student Illness
Parents should not send a child to school if he is not feeling well. The child will not benefit
from instruction, and he endangers his health, the health of other students and the teacher.
Accident/Student Illness at School
Minor cuts and scratches will be cleansed and bandaged by school staff in
accordance with proper health procedures.
If your child has an accident that is determined to be serious enough to go home or
becomes ill at school, we will use your emergency call numbers in order to notify
someone to pick up the student. We do not have the facilities to care for a sick child.
In order to reach you in a timely manner, we must have up-to date information in
20 Revised July 2019
your child's records. It is the parent's responsibility to notify the school if there are
changes in home or work phone numbers, addresses, or other information during
the course of the year. If parents are unavailable, the alternate name(s) on the
"Emergency Medical Sheet" will be contacted. If neither is available, school staff will
respond in accordance with the signed medical release authorization form.
In case of an emergency, we will take immediate action to get your child the medical
help needed and contact the parent.
Communicable Diseases
Any student, teacher, or other staff member having a communicable disease will be
dealt with on an individual basis in accordance with the guidelines for that disease issued
by both state and local health departments as well as the Center for Disease Control. In all
cases, consideration will be given to the needs and well-being of the individual involved
those with whom he has contact and the broader school community being served.
Prescription Medications
Medications are rarely necessary for pupils during the school day. They are justified
in some chronic health conditions or short-term acute health conditions. Parents are
urged to work with their medical provider to plan a schedule for dispensing
medication outside school hours. Public act 157 (1971) provides that administration
of medication in school must be on the basis of written permission by the parent,
must be done in compliance with a physician's instructions and done in the presence
of another adult.
School staff will cooperate with dispensing medications under the provisions of
Public Act 157. ASCS will provide a medication form to be completed by the medical
provider, certifying that the dispensing of prescribed medication is appropriate and
necessary, and signed by the parent prior to the dispensing of any medication at
school. Forms and a complete copy of the Student Medication Policy are available on
request from the school office.
The medicine is to be furnished by a parent. The medication must be in its original
prescription container, labeled with the name of the medicine, the amount to be
given, the time of day to be taken, expected duration of treatment, and the name of
the physician.
The parent must secure training for school staff in the event a medication requires
special handling or procedures. Medications will be stored in the school office.
21 Revised July 2019
Non-prescription medications
Non-prescription medications will normally not be dispensed at school. If a medical
provider recommends that a student receive non-prescription medications at school,
you need to complete a medication form, and all rules governing prescription
medications then apply. If parents determine that their child must have access to
non-prescription medications at school, they may come to school to dispense the
medication or complete a form provided by the school. This form contains a
statement relieving the school of any responsibility for the benefits or consequences
of parent-prescribed medications taken at school. The parents must provide all such
medications. The student is responsible for coming to the office to request the
Medication in the Possession of Students
Students may keep medications in their possession only if required due to possible
emergency situations and if authorized in writing by the medical provider and
parents. An inhaler used for asthma is one example where this may apply.
Any other medication found in a student's possession will be confiscated and
secured in the school office, a parent will be contacted and disciplinary action will be
taken on a case-by-case basis.
Cough Drops
Cough drops may not be brought to class, but can be administered through the
office. Please provide a note granting permission for your child to use them. Your
child may not give them to any other students. Students should be instructed never
to accept any type of medication from another student.
Bus Transportation
Public School bus routes are scheduled daily to and from ASCS. Students in the Alpena
School District are bused to Alpena High School where they switch to a transfer bus and are
transported to All Saints Catholic School. It is a privilege to ride the bus. Students must
follow the directions of the bus driver and obey the bus rules. The bus driver, principal, and
the director of transportation handle discipline for Alpena Public Schools.
You will receive notification from the Alpena Public School’s Transportation Department
with details regarding bus numbers and pick-up times for your child. If your address has
changed since the previous school year, please contact the Alpena Public Schools Bus
22 Revised July 2019
If a parent wants their child to ride the bus to a stop other than his normal bus stop, he
must send written permission to school. At dismissal time, students using bus
transportation will line up and be escorted to the buses.
Child Abuse and Neglect
Certified teachers are required by law to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the state
Family Independence Agency.
Fire, Tornado & Lock Down Drills
Regular instruction and practice for evacuation in the event of fire, tornado or lock down
will be conducted during the school year. Each classroom contains directions for leaving the
building during a fire drill and directions on where to go during a tornado drill. Drills will
be conducted according to State law.
Non-Custodial Parents
In the absence of a court order to the contrary, our school will provide the non-custodial
parent with access to the academic records and to other school-related information
regarding the child. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information
given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official
copy of the court order.
Search Policy
Students of ASCS are expected to behave in a Christian manner. Certain behaviors are not
acceptable on school property or while participating in any school activity. ASCS reserves
the right to search student desks without notice. Safety for the individual is as important as
safety for all. Therefore, the following search policy #4115 of the Diocese of Gaylord will be
A. Any student or participant discovered to be, or suspected of carrying, possessing,
concealing or transferring any drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, weapons or illicit
contraband of any nature whatsoever upon school premises or in the immediate
vicinity of the school, or during field trips, retreats or any other youth group
experience, shall be immediately subject to a search.
B. The search may be conducted to verify the suspicion or clarify the discovery. The
search may include, without prior warning, an inspection and search of
student's/participant's pockets (the student/participant empties his own
pockets), book bags, purse, wallet, suitcase, lunch pail, locker, automobile, or any
other items the student/participant has in his possession or control. Questioning
for the same purposes may include questioning by an instructor, counselor,
chaperone or other member of the administrative team, pastor/pastoral
administrator, principal, teacher or a person acting in the place of any of these
23 Revised July 2019
C. If a student/participant refuses to cooperate or interferes with a search, said refusal
to cooperate or interference will result in disciplinary action, up to and including
dismissal from the group or group activities or expulsion from school.
D. If a student/participant is found to be in violation of the diocesan weapon policy, all
of the provisions in that policy shall apply.
Student Drop Off & Pick Up
To ensure a safe beginning and end to the school day, it is necessary that an orderly and
organized routine be followed. We expect all parents or others dropping off or picking up
students to follow this procedure: enter the parking lot off Second Ave., drop your child off
at the main entrance, and turn left and proceed to the exit behind St. Mary’s church. After
the buses have left, we encourage parents to enter the building, pick up your students, and
escort them to your vehicle.
Tornado Warnings
Children will not be dismissed during an active tornado warning.
The following weapons policy (#4112) of the Diocese of Gaylord will be enforced:
A. Definitions:
1. A "weapon" is an object that can be used to threaten or injure another. It
includes, but is not limited to, "dangerous weapons”, as defined by the State
law, which includes a firearm, a dagger, a dirk, a stiletto, a knife with a blade
more than 3 inches long, a pocket knife opened by mechanical device, an iron
bar or brass knuckles.
2. "School premises" include the school building and the adjacent grounds,
including, but not limited to, parking lots, playgrounds, student lockers, and
3. "Immediate vicinity" of the school means within a block radius of the school
and any off-premises school activity site.
4. A "firearm" is defined as:
any weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may
readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive;
the frame or receiver of any such weapons;
any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or
any destructive device.
B. Rules:
1. Any student discovered to be, or suspected of, carrying, possessing, concealing
or transporting a weapon upon school premises or in the immediate vicinity
of the school will be immediately excluded from classes pending
2. A search may be conducted to verify the suspicion or clarify the discovery. The
search may include, without prior warning, an inspection and search of a
24 Revised July 2019
student's pockets (the student empties his own pockets), book bags, purse,
lunch pail, locker, automobile, or any other items the student has in his
possession or control. Questioning for the same purposes may include
questioning by the principal, a member of the administrative team, a teacher,
the pastor/pastoral administrator or a person acting in the place of any of
these persons.
3. If a student refuses to cooperate or interferes with a search, said refusal to
cooperate or interference will result in disciplinary action, up to and
including expulsion from school.
4. The student will be detained whenever the school has reason to suspect a
student may have a weapon or when a weapon is present on school premises
or in the immediate vicinity of the school. Depending on the nature of the
weapon, the local police department may be notified.
5. Any student found to be in violation of the school's weapons policy is subject to
disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. Any student determined
to have brought a weapon to school shall be expelled for a period of not less
than one year. The school principal or superintendent on a case-by-case basis
can modify the rule regarding expulsion whenever, in the principal's sole
the weapon was not possessed by the student for use as a weapon;
the weapon was not knowingly possessed by the student;
the student did not know or have reason to know that the object
constituted a dangerous weapon;
the weapon was possessed by a student at the suggestion, request
or direction of a school or police authority;
mitigating circumstances justify other disciplinary action besides
6. If an injury occurs in school, on school premises or in the immediate vicinity of
the school, as the result of a weapon, the principal and teachers shall
endeavor to:
have students remain calm and avoid panic;
notify the police, the pastor/pastoral administrator of the
parish/inter-parish school;
secure the school;
notify and consult with the Secretariat for Education and
Formation. The Secretariat for Education and Formation will,
in turn, notify appropriate offices in the Diocesan Pastoral
7. The principal may use discretion to keep non-school persons out of the school
and/or retain students in the school until police have completed their
25 Revised July 2019
Other Emergencies
Situations may develop that require special protection or evacuation. The instructions of
local safety officials will be followed in these circumstances. Parents will be notified as
quickly as possible after the students' safety has been assured. Parents should not come to
the school in these circumstances until requested in order to avoid confusion. Local radio
and television will be given information for broadcast as necessary.
Be on time and be ready to learn
Students are to be in school by 7:25 a.m. each day.
Students are to be in their assigned classroom at all times unless excused
by their teacher.
Students are to have all necessary "tools" in the classroom at the
beginning of each day or each new class period.
Students may not bring laser pointers, electronic devices (including iPods
& cell phones), games or toys to school unless specifically permitted by
the teacher for a class purpose. The school does not accept responsibility
for damage or loss for such items brought to school. Parents are
responsible for picking up the item if confiscated.
Be respectful of staff, students, and property
Yelling and screaming at another person may be considered abusive.
Abusive language may not be used by anyone. This includes swearing,
name-calling and teasing.
Fighting is not allowed. This includes hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting
and throwing objects at someone.
Ignoring directions is not respectful. Students need to respond promptly
to the proper requests and directions of staff and other students.
Everyone will walk in the classrooms, in the hallways and on the stairs.
Persons using the stairs should use the right side of the stairway and
hold the handrail. Sliding down the handrail is not allowed.
If a student damages or destroys any property of the school, staff or
another student, he is expected to tell a teacher immediately. If the
damage was intentional, the student is expected to pay for repair or
replacement of the item. If the damage was accidental but the student
failed to tell us about it, that student will also be expected to help pay for
repair or replacement.
Chewing is distracting in class and is a major maintenance problem. Gum
chewing is not allowed at any location on the school grounds or on the
26 Revised July 2019
bus. Food or beverages are allowed only when specifically permitted by
the teacher.
Be safe & keep others safe from harm.
Students in kindergarten through grade four will be sent on errands in
Students may not turn off lights in stairways.
Bicycles may be used to travel to and from school. Students must walk
their bikes across the streets and on parish grounds. Students may not
ride their bikes during school hours. Parents are responsible for safety
instruction and equipment.
Roller-blades may be used to travel to and from school with parental
permission. These may not be used during the school day. Parents are
responsible for safety instruction and equipment.
Students are to come to school properly clothed for the day's weather.
Boots and outdoor wear are generally not permitted in the classroom.
Teachers may permit jackets to be worn.
Live animals or birds may be brought to school only with the prior
approval of the classroom teacher. These must be properly housed or
contained at all times. Teachers must be certain that no health problem is
posed for any student before giving approval.
Students must remain on school grounds until dismissed. Exceptions
require parental approval.
Lunchroom Rules
All students must eat their lunch in the cafeteria. Classes will be assigned tables
and all students must use the assigned table for their class. The principal must
approve exceptions.
Good manners are expected, including soft voices, "please and thank you”, and
respect for staff and volunteers.
Tables will be dismissed by an adult after they have been cleaned.
Pick up trays and garbage and take them to the proper places when you are
finished eating. Each class is responsible for leaving their tables clean.
Throwing or playing with food is not allowed.
Students are to remain seated while eating.
All other school rules apply in the cafeteria.
All Saints Catholic School (ASCS) is committed to providing a safe and orderly learning
environment. School authorities and faculty have an obligation to expect an attitude of
respect and cooperation from their students. Discipline is fundamental in education and a
respectful atmosphere is essential for academic, social, and spiritual growth to take place. In
27 Revised July 2019
order to establish and promote an atmosphere of Christ-like living in the school
community, the following standards of conduct are expected:
Respect for self, students, teachers, staff, and guests.
Respect for personal and communal property.
Respect for rules and regulations.
Self-discipline is a responsibility students need to learn. Helping students to learn self-
discipline is a shared responsibility of the school and parents/guardians. Rules and
regulations are devised by the administration to help the school community function
smoothly. Students are expected to follow the rules and regulations. By enrolling at ASCS,
parents and students have accepted the conditions expressed.
The following activities are not permissible anywhere on school or Parish property:
Cursing or obscenity (words, pictures, gestures, texts, or websites).
Bullying. ASCS has a zero tolerance for bullying.
Killing statements, put-downs, and threatening statements.
Throwing of any object not meant to be thrown, taking hats or belongings of
others, etc.
Disregard of safety rules.
Disrespect of others (children or adults).
Aggressive behavior/putting your hands or feet on another student or “play
Gum is not permitted anywhere on parish or school grounds.
Normal discipline is the responsibility of the student with the guidance of the
classroom teacher. If poor conduct or attitude becomes an insistent problem, the
teacher is to make contact with the parents/guardians to enlist their cooperation. If
this fails, the student is reported to the principal. The principal will assess the
situation and then determine the action to be taken. The principal has final discretion
on all disciplinary actions. The principal may determine an “in-school” or “at home”
suspension of one to three days.
Parent conferences (with teacher(s) and principal) are required in all cases of chronic
or serious discipline cases. If a child is suspended, parents will be notified directly
and be requested to attend a joint conference with their child, the school principal,
and possibly a faculty member. Depending on the case and in accord with Diocesan
guidelines (4110), the principal will place the student on probation, suspension, or in
rare instances, recommend expulsion to the (president) Pastor.
28 Revised July 2019
Normal disciplinary procedures in the classroom include, but shall not be limited to, the
1. warnings, written or verbal
2. loss of free time or recess
3. detention scheduled by the teacher (Kindergarden-8
grade students only)
4. contacting the parents
5. a visit to the Principal’s office
Disciplinary action to include, but not limited to detention, parent conference, loss of
privileges, and behavioral contract.
1) General: Disruptions in the class, hall, restrooms, lunchroom,
playground, etc., which are: unsafe, disrupt school routines, or interfere with
students’ ability to learn.
2) Violation of classroom rules: Students shall abide by the classroom rules as
determined by the teachers at the beginning of the year.
3) Leaving the classroom without permission: Students shall not leave the classroom
or their assigned area without permission from the supervising teacher.
4) Chronic failure to complete assignments.
A student will be subject to immediate disciplinary action up to and including suspension
and expulsion for any of the following reasons:
1) Disruption of school: A student shall not by use of violence, force, coercion, threat,
or false alarm cause disruption or obstruction of normal school operations.
2) Damage of school property: A student shall not cause or attempt damage to any
school property. This will include books, equipment, furniture, vehicles, and
buildings. Students/parents are responsible for restitution of all damages.
3) Assault: A student shall not act or behave in such a way as could cause physical
injury to other students, any school employee or other persons on school
property or during school sponsored activities.
4) Dangerous weapons and instruments: A student shall not possess, handle, or
conceal any dangerous weapon or instrument while on school property or
during school sponsored activities.
NOTE: A weapon is an object that can be used to threaten or injure another
person. The school vicinity refers to any of the buildings on the Parish
compound, as well as the adjacent grounds (including parking lots,
playgrounds, play fields, and/or the perimeter of all parish property).
29 Revised July 2019
5) Procedures regarding weapons policy (In compliance of The Michigan School
Code and The Diocese of Gaylord Weapons Policy 4112):
a) Any student discovered to have, or suspected of carrying, possessing,
concealing, or transferring a weapon on school grounds shall be
immediately removed from classes pending further investigation.
b) A search may be conducted to verify the suspicion. Questions may be
asked by the principal, a member of the administration team, a teacher,
the pastor, or any other person acting on behalf of one of these
c) Depending on the nature of the weapon, the local police department may
be notified immediately and the pupil may be detained.
d) A pupil found to be in violation of the school’s policy is subject to
disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
6) Alcoholic beverages, drugs, and controlled substances: A student shall not
possess, use, deliver, conceal, or be under the influence of the aforementioned
items while on school grounds or at any school-sponsored activities.
7) Repeated violations, gross disrespect, insubordination: A student shall not
repeatedly fail to comply with directions of teachers, substitute teachers, teacher
aides, principals, or other authorized school personnel or school volunteer while
the student is under the authority of school personnel.
8) Stealing: Students shall respect the personal ownership rights of others.
9) Verbal abuse/profanity: A student shall not verbally abuse and/or use profanity
to harass another student, teacher, administrator, staff member, or other school
personnel or volunteer. This includes “Killing Statements” and put-downs of
other students; including texts and online threats.
10) Smoking/chewing tobacco: Students shall not possess or smoke cigarettes,
cigars, or other tobacco products. Tobacco of any kind is prohibited.
11) Cheating: Students shall not cheat on tests or other assignments. If caught
cheating or plagiarizing students will receive an automatic zero. Parents will
be notified.
12) Physical abuse: Students shall not engage in inappropriate touching or physical
abuse of another student, teacher, administrator, staff member, or other school
personnel or volunteer.
13) Hands Off Policy: All students are to keep their hands and feet to themselves in
order to avoid any misunderstandings. Unfortunately, the most innocent of
touches can be interpreted as being aggressive and can lead to fighting.
14) Technology Use: Students shall not use inappropriate websites on the school
vicinity. Cyber bullying will not be tolerated.
A detention may be given for academic or behavioral misconduct. A detention may be
assigned before school, after school, or during lunch/recess. Parents will be notified in
30 Revised July 2019
advance of this decision. Five detentions for any one student will result in an automatic
“Parent-Teacher-Administrator” conference and possible suspension.
The pupil is removed from daily classes but not from the building. They are expected to
complete daily assigned work in silence by themselves. Parents will be informed by the
principal of all suspensions.
Suspension procedures according to Diocesan Policy 4110 will take effect when a
student has been found to seriously impair the development of Christian education,
respecting the rights of all involved.
The Diocese of Gaylord has a specific policy governing this action. Suspension is
considered very serious and will be used only after other methods to bring about
behavioral change have been exhausted. We believe our students need to be in school
and will do everything possible to keep them here. Accordingly the following
suspension policy #4110 will be enforced:
Each School, realizing its obligation to the students, must extend a reasonable
effort to assist students to adjust to the social and academic requirements of the
school environment. Decisions to suspend should follow only after other means
of motivation have failed and/or circumstances of crime, scandal, immorality,
disruption or safety necessitate suspension.
In reaching such decisions, consideration must always be given to the welfare
and Christian development of the individual student and the practical common
good of the entire student body.
Parents shall be notified of the suspension and requested to attend a joint
conference with their child, school Principal, and any appropriate faculty
member(s). In no instance shall a student be asked to leave the school during
regular school hours and proceed home without prior notification to and
consent of the parents/guardian. The decision to require a student to proceed
home alone or await the arrival of a parent/guardian shall be made jointly by
the parent/guardian and the Principal.
Immediately following the suspension, notification with details should be given
to the Pastor/Pastoral Administrator, who frequently is in a position to be a
facilitator and may be able to suggest pastoral remedies. The conference with
the parents/guardian and child shall take place within three (3) school days
from the suspension, if possible. If the Principal, parents/guardian, and child
are unable to meet within that time period for any reason, the conference shall
be scheduled as quickly as possible. Within that same 3-day period, the
Principal may continue investigation of the facts and circumstances leading to
31 Revised July 2019
the suspension and shall document the reasons for the suspension.
Documentation of the suspension shall be placed in the student's file.
The Principal shall have discretion to extend the suspension beyond three (3)
school days, with notification to the parents.
The following is taken from Diocesan Policies 4114:
Expulsion is defined as the permanent dismissal of a student from the school. Like
suspension, it is enacted as a last resort after all other means of motivation and
correction have failed and/or circumstances of crime, scandal, morality, or
disruption necessitate this extreme disciplinary action.
There are two general situations that may lead to expulsion:
1) When the moral or physical well being of the student body or staff is endangered.
2) When there is prolonged and open disregard for school authority.
The school principal shall exercise the right of expulsion only after suspension and
having had a conference with the student, parents/guardians, and pastor.
The principal has final discretion on all disciplinary matters. Because it is
impossible to foresee all problems that arise, the faculty and administration are
empowered to take disciplinary action for any behavior that violates the spirit and
philosophy of ASCS.
During recreation and play, it is expected that students show respect to each other and
adults by:
1) Giving all students the opportunity to participate in games;
2) Taking time to apologize and make amends if someone is hurt; and
3) Taking the corrections of adults positively and with a cooperative attitude.
At our schools, we don’t say, “You can’t play.”
Play on designated playground areas within sight of supervisors.
Respect the rights and feelings of others (No pushing, fighting, teasing, or
foul language.)
Obey the supervisors, the first time a direction is given.
Rough play of any kind is not permitted, i.e. “chicken”, red rover, tackle
football, wrestling, martial arts fighting, etc.
Use the play equipment properly.
32 Revised July 2019
NO food, drinks, candy, or gum are allowed on the playground except on
special occasions.
Snow pants and boots are required attire in order to play in the snow.
In the winter, students may climb/play on the snow hills at the discretion of
the playground attendant. Sliding on ice or throwing snowballs is not
permitted under any circumstance.
Students are not to re-enter the building until the bell rings, unless permitted
by a playground supervisor. When the bell rings, playtime is over.
Students should line up quickly and quietly.
1) All students must remain indoors whenever the principal calls an "indoor
2) Stay in the areas of the school designated by the supervisor. These may
change depending on available activities and school functions.
3) All school rules apply during indoor recess.
4) No objects may be thrown anywhere inside the building other than the
A Warning system is used on the playground.
First Warning
Student is to correct the behavior and name, date & offense is written down.
2nd Warning
Student is sent to the principal and the child may be asked to notify the parents. One to
three days of recess are lost.
3rd Warning
Child is sent to the principal, and the child notifies the parent. The student misses two to
five days of recess
It is the policy of the Diocese of Gaylord and ASCS to make every effort to provide an
educational environment that is free from all types of harassment. This policy applies to the
actions of all faculty, staff, and students at ASCS, as well as others who may be in a working
relationship with the school. The Diocese of Gaylord and ASCS are open to and respect
any/all concerns brought under this policy. At ASCS, every individual should be treated
with dignity and respect. Faculty, students, staff members, and anyone else who works
and/or visits the school are entitled to work/attend school in an environment free from
33 Revised July 2019
discriminatory practices, including sexual and other forms of harassment. All will be held
by standards of conduct that ensure that the school is free from sexual and other forms of
harassment. Students are expected to treat all persons with respect and dignity. Thus,
inappropriate sexual behavior or comments, which are directed at faculty, students, or
other staff members, will not be tolerated. The school will investigate all complaints of
harassment in a confidential, professional manner. Appropriate action will be taken when
warranted. Individuals involved in any allegations will be given due process. However, it
should be noted that individuals who are found in violation of this policy, would be subject
to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion from
All students and staff at ASCS are required to abide by the following code of ethics:
All Saints Catholic School
Computer, Network, and Internet
Student and Staff Acceptable Use Policy
All Saints Catholic School (ASCS) strongly promotes the use of electronic
technologies in the educational process. ASCS provides access to information
resources in a variety of formats. Together these allow students and staff to access
current and relevant resources provide opportunity to communicate in a
technologically rich environment, and become responsible, self-directed life long
The use of technology within ASCS is a privilege extended to students, faculty, and community
members to enhance learning and exchange information. When using ASCS technology, the user
must realize that he/she represents the Catholic Community, and therefore must uphold Christian,
ethical, and legal requirements. All users must read understand, sign, and abide by the Acceptable
Use Policy. Access privileges may be revoked; school disciplinary action may be taken, and/or
appropriate legal action for violations that may constitute a criminal offense.
All ASCS students and staff have the right to make educational use of the
following censored resources; internet access, limited hard drive space on our
servers, and access to ASCS approved software on the workstations, in a manner
consistent with Catholic school philosophy.
It is important that users of electronic technologies within ASCS represent themselves
with ethical, Christian responsibility. As such, the following points are a partial list of
unacceptable behavior:
34 Revised July 2019
Users may not damage or mistreat equipment or facilities under any
circumstances. Cost of damage to equipment or facilities will be the
responsibility of the student’s parents/guardians.
Users must not leave their workstation unattended for any reason and must
properly logout at the end of their session
Users must make sure that all food or drink are kept away from computer
Users may not intentionally waste computer resources
Users may not transmit any material in violation of any United States or State of
Michigan Regulations
Users may not employ the network for personal financial gain or commercial
Users may not violate regulations prescribed by the network administrator
Users may not engage in practices that threaten the integrity of the network (e.g.,
knowingly download files containing viruses).
Users may not engage in personal business that is unrelated to the research
being done or the performance of the job
Users may not write, use, send, download, or display obscene, threatening,
harassing, or otherwise offensive messages or pictures, including pornography,
violence, or hate sites.
Users may not use the equipment for any illegal activities, including the
violation of copyright laws and software piracy
Users may not load or copy any software or other programs to or from ASCS
equipment unless permission is explicitly granted by an authorized party (e.g.,
the network administrator).
Users may not use anyone else’s password, nor may they share their password
with others.
Users may not trespass into anyone else’s folders, documents, or files.
Users may not disclose anyone else’s personal information (e.g., address, phone
number, or confidential information), including and especially that belonging to
students, community members and families, or fellow employees
Users may not use the network, or the internet for unauthorized game playing,
unauthorized “chat” or chain letters
Users may not use the network for acts of vandalism against persons or
resources including the uploading of viruses.
Users may not use another person’s computer file, access accounts, and or files
without proper authorization
The use of the Internet and related technologies is a privilege, not a right, and
inappropriate use may result in cancellation of those privileges.
35 Revised July 2019
It is the policy of the Diocese of Gaylord and ASCS that all employees, volunteers, and
students will abide by federal copyright laws. Employees, volunteers, and students may
copy, print, or non-print material allowed by:
1. Copyright Laws
2. Fair use guidelines
3. Specific license or contractual agreements
4. Other types of permission
Depending on the nature and severity of the policy violation, the technology director, or
school administrator may take one or more of the following actions:
1. Verbal or written warning
2. Temporary access denial
3. Permanent access denial
4. Suspension
5. Expulsion
6. Legal action
Demonstrated intent to violate policy will be considered the same as actual policy violation.
Demonstrated intent means evidence of actions, which if successful or carried out as
intended, would result in a policy violation.
Evidence of attempted or actual system security, integrity, or performance-related incidents
will be cause for immediate access denial.
If warranted, the school administrator will refer the case to Local, State, or Federal
authorities for further disposition.
The Diocese of Gaylord and ASCS makes no guarantee that the functions or the
services provided by or through the school/district system will be error-free or
without defect. The school/district will not be responsible for any damage
suffered, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. The
school/district is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information
obtained through or stored on the system. The school/district will not be
responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the
system. In addition, it is understood that despite reasonable efforts of
supervision, access control, and filtering, students may inadvertently or otherwise
access inappropriate materials.
36 Revised July 2019
ENVIRONMENT (March 1, 2003)
A. Preamble
It is the policy of the Diocese of Gaylord to make a sincere and reasonable effort to
provide a Christian work environment free from sexual harassment. Sexual
harassment in the work place is illegal and will not be tolerated.
B. Purpose
The purpose o f this policy is to address sexual harassment by those who are leaders
in the Church, persons in its employ, independent contractors, or persons acting as
Church volunteers.
C. Definition
Sexual Harassment is behavior that creates an offensive, hostile, or threatening work
or educational environment. Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not
limited to: unwanted sexual advances, demands for sexual favors in exchange for
favorable treatment or continued employment, sexual jokes, sexual advances or
propositions, verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic, verbal commentary about an
individual’s body, sexual prowess or sexual deficiencies, leering, whistling,
touching, pinching, assault, coerced sexual acts, suggestive, insulting, or obscene
comments or gestures, and display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures in the
religious, employment, or educational setting. This also includes the electronic
transmission or promotion of any of the previously mentioned examples, or those
not listed but clearly intended as a means of sexual harassment.
D. Process
One way of resolving complaints is the willingness of one person to approach the
other in order to reach a resolution of the complaint. It is hoped that the persons
involved can resolve complaints of a less substantial nature between themselves. The
following format may be used:
1) A person (complainant) who believes that he or she has been the subject of sexual
harassment of a less substantial nature should detail the alleged act(s) of sexual
harassment in writing and retain it.
2) The complainant should then attempt to resolve the complaint with the alleged
violator directly and document the interaction and retain it.
3) The complainant should notify a supervisor of the alleged problem and
If the sexual harassment continues after a documented attempt to resolve the
complaint, the complainant should seek resolution of the complaint through the
formal process.
37 Revised July 2019
The formal process is utilized for complaints of repeated less substantial forms of
sexual harassment, or sexual harassment of a more serious nature, such as hostile or
offensive verbal or physical sexual conduct. However, this process may also be
employed if complaints are not resolved under the informal process. The Diocesan
Sexual Harassment Panel will investigate all complaints of sexual harassment, which
are brought before it through the formal process.
1) A person (complainant) who believes that he or she has been the subject of
sexual harassment by an alleged violator (respondent) must de tail,
completely and clearly, the alleged conduct in writing (complaint). Any
witnesses to the alleged harassment must be identified in the complaint.
2) The complainant must lodge the formal written complaint to the members
of a diocesan sexual harassment panel. This panel shall consist of at least 5
members to be appointed by the bishop. One member of this panel should be
a priest, one member should have experience in the dynamics of sexual
harassment, and one member should be a licensed attorney with the
remaining members lay persons. Representatives from both genders shall be
on the panel. The panel shall not function without a majority of members. If a
member of the panel is either the complainant or the respondent, he or she
will be refused from the panel for that case.
3) The panel will notify the respondent in writing of the complaint within five
(5) working days from receipt of the complaint.
4) The respondent must answer the complaint in writing within fifteen (15)
working days.
5) If the respondent admits the complaint or fails to answer, the panel may
make a recommendation regarding reprimand to the appropriate supervisor,
pastor and/or secretariat director, or it shall take other action, as it deems fit,
to resolve the matter.
6) If the alleged violator denies the complaint within the allotted time frame,
a conference will take place within forty-five (45) working days from the
panel’s receipt of the complaint. The panel will have the discretion to hold
this conference with the parties together or separately. At any time prior to
the conference, the panel may ask for additional information from the parties
or interview witnesses.
7) Either party has the right to appoint an advocate for assistance.
8) After the conference, the panel will make a recommendation regarding
resolution of the matter to the appropriate supervisor, pastor and/or
secretariat director.
9) The panel may extend the time frame for holding a conference, as the
panel, in its sole discretion, shall deem necessary. If there is a pending
criminal investigation regarding either of the parties or if either of the parties
to the complaint have threatened to file litigation concerning matters which
relate, either directly or indirectly to the complaint, the panel, in its sole
38 Revised July 2019
discretion, may choose to delay indefinitely or dismiss the complaint,
investigation or recommendations.
10) The panel will be notified in writing of any action taken after the panel
has made a recommendation regarding resolution of the matter.
E. Reprisals / False Accusations
The Diocese of Gaylord will not tolerate reprisals against any person(s) who make
sexual harassment complaints. By the same token, the employer will not lightly treat
false or malicious accusations of sexual harassment against any person.
F. Employer Restrictions
Nothing in this policy shall be intended to restrict the employer in any way from
suspending or terminating any person’s employment, contract or services at any
time, with or without notice or cause.
G. Amendment
This policy can only be amended by the Bishop of the Diocese of Gaylord in
consultation with the Diocesan Pastoral Council and the Presbyterian Council.
Discipline issues are private concerns to be shared and discussed only among those
persons directly involved. No staff member shall discuss discipline matters outside
the school or within the school except with those other persons who have a
legitimate need to know. Parents and volunteers are also expected to refrain from
discussion of discipline issues unless they are directly involved in the matter.
Questions or concerns should be addressed to the principal. All volunteers having
direct contact with students in the school must sign the Volunteer Confidentiality
Parents also need to be aware of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
1974 or FERPA. This law regulates student records and information on students, and
who has access to this information. Please see the principal for more details on
39 Revised July 2019
For the current school year our school’s dress code is as follows: Monday-Friday. Preschool
4-5 through 8th grade will be required to follow the dress code.
Students will be able to wear solid colored polo shirts in navy blue, red or white.
Shirt styles include short & long sleeve polo’s, sweaters, turtlenecks, and blouses or
dress shirts.
Sweatshirts and T-shirts will be acceptable if they have the All Saints logo on them in
the school colors.
If there is a need to wear a shirt underneath, that shirt will also be of a solid color in the
above colors. This could be a T-shirt.
Sweaters, cardigans, and sweatshirts must follow uniform shirt guidelines.
No lace, sequins, patterns, or stripes
Students will be able to wear solid colored dress pants or cargo pants in navy blue,
khaki or in the khaki family (tan, stone, etc.).
The following are not acceptable pants: denim, leggings, jogging pants, or sweatpants.
In warm weather solid colored navy blue or khaki dress shorts (an inch above the
knee), or shorts from Lands’ End in the Classic Navy Large Plaid pattern or capri’s will
be acceptable.
Skirts, skorts, or jumpers:
Girls have the option to wear solid navy blue or khaki skirts, skorts, or jumpers (an
inch above the knee).
Girls also have the option to wear skirts, skorts or jumpers from Lands’ End in the
Classic Navy Large Plaid pattern.
No lace, sequins, patterns, or stripes
Leggings and knee highs are allowed under a skirt in solid navy, white, or red.
Solid polo dresses in navy blue, red or khaki.
Tights or socks of any color or pattern are required with these items.
All students must wear shoes and socks (of any color or pattern).
Shoes must be a closed toe and safe in design.
For safety reasons, the following shoes ARE NOT permitted: sandals, flip flops, clogs,
Heelys, & high heels over 1” in height.
40 Revised July 2019
Mass Day
No T-shirts or sweatshirts on Mass Day
o Khaki or navy dress pants
o Solid button down dress shirts in light blue or white.
o Plaid Tie from “French Toast”
o Dress Shoes
o Skirts or jumpers with plaid pattern from “French Toast” or “Lands End”
o Dress shirts
o Dress Shoes
There will be “Free choice” the first and third Fridays on the month, as long as dress
code has been followed for the week.
Free choice and non dress code days are to be in good taste; no tank tops, mid-drifts,
short shorts, drug and alcohol paraphernalia, profanity, inappropriate language,
depictions of or allusions to violence; and is at the discretion of the school staff.
*If assistance in purchasing items are needed, please contact the office.
Failure to Meet the Dress Code
If a student does not meet the dress code, the following steps will be taken.
A. If the student does not meet the dress code, a written note will be sent home to
parents describing the problem and asking that it be corrected. The note must
be returned to school signed by the parents.
B. If further action is needed, a phone call will be made to the parents asking them to
bring the proper attire to school for the student.
C. If the student violates the dress code during the school week, they forfeit free
choice on Friday.
School Pictures
Student pictures will be taken each year for school records and for purchase by parents.
Composite pictures of each class and individual student pictures are available for purchase.
Information dates and prices will be included in the weekly newsletter when available.
41 Revised July 2019
If your child wishes, he may bring birthday treats during the school year. If treats are
brought, a treat should be brought for every child in the class. You may also choose to
donate a book to the school’s library in your child's name. Please do not distribute
invitations to parties in class. Those not invited, for whatever reason, are usually deeply
Hot Lunch Program
Federal School Lunch Program
ASCS participates in the federal school lunch program. At the beginning of each school
year, or whenever a family's financial circumstances change, an application for "reduced" or
"free" lunch may be submitted. The Principal, based on standards set by the federal
government, reviews this application. If the application meets these standards, parents are
notified of their child's eligibility for free or reduced price lunches. We are required to audit
a percentage of applications each year. This means the family will be required to submit
proof of income as stated on the application. This information is kept confidential. Names
for this purpose will be selected at random.
Anti Discrimination Policy for Federal Hot Lunch Program
No person because of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability shall be excluded
from participation in, be denied the benefits, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in
our nutrition program. Any person who believes they have been discriminated against
should write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250.
Hot Lunch Menus
Menus are sent home monthly.
Payment for Hot Lunch
Hot lunch is a prepaid system through Alpena Public School. You may pay weekly or
monthly through their online system (link on school webpage). Payments may also be
made by cash or check. Checks should be made out to: A.P.S Food Service and mailed to:
2373 Gordon Rd. Alpena, MI 49707 with your child’s name and school name written on the
memo area. If an overdue balance has not been taken care of by July 1
, the balance will be
charged to your FACTS account since the school has to pay for overdue balances by July 1
42 Revised July 2019
Food Allergies
Please notify the office if your child has a known food allergy. A doctor's note may be
required if menu changes are necessary.
Lost & Found
All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the student's name and grade. Lunch
containers, bags, etc. also need to be well marked as they are frequently left on the
playground. Lost and found articles will be traced, if at all possible. Items found will be
placed in the Lost & Found Center. Any items not claimed by the last day of school will be
donated to a local charity.
Visitors, Messages and Deliveries
Upon entering the school building, all visitors are asked to report directly to the school
office. All messages and deliveries must be made through the school office. This includes
lunches, books, and musical instruments. The doors are locked during the school day and
doorbells need to be rung to notify someone to let you enter.
The school office is located on the main floor, central lobby, of the school building.
43 Revised July 2019
Our Family, ___________________________________has read, understand and agree to
the rules and regulations contained in the 2018-2019 All Saints Catholic School Family
Handbook. I also understand that Catholic values and beliefs will be taught and upheld.
Child(ren’s) name:_________________________________________________
Parent’s signature:________________________________________________