AHS Travel and Business Expense Policy
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AHS Travel and Business Expense Policy
To the extent that your company (“Company”) has entered into a contract or agreement (“Agreement”) with
American Home Shield Corporation or any of its affiliates (collectively, “AHS) which incorporates this
AHS Travel and Business Expense Policy (thisPolicy”) into the Agreement by reference, Company and its
employees, representatives, consultants, agents, contractors, and any other persons acting on Company’s
behalf (each, a Representative) agree to comply with the additional terms and conditions set forth herein.
Further, this Policy shall be applicable to any change order, work order, insertion order, SOW, or any other
document which provides for the purchase of goods or services that is subject to the terms and conditions of
the Agreement (any such document being referred to herein as a SOW”). In the event of a conflict between
the Agreement and this Policy, this Policy will control. Any capitalized term used but not defined herein will
have the meaning assigned to it in the Agreement.
All travel and expenses incurred by Company or any Representative in connection with the provision of the
Services must be preapproved in writing by the AHS Project Leader. In addition, itemized receipts (not
merely the credit card payment slip) and accompanying reimbursement-request documentation (collectively,
Documentation”) are required to be submitted for all expenses incurred by Company or any Representative
and such Documentation must include the vendor name, location, date of purchase, item or service
description, proof of payment, reason for expense, and all participants. Within five (5) business days
following the end of each month, Company shall endeavor to deliver an invoice and all applicable
Documentation to AHS setting forth all expenses for which Company is requesting reimbursement during
such month. Company shall submit only one (1) request for reimbursement per month and each monthly
request for reimbursement shall include all expenses incurred during the applicable month.
AHS shall not be responsible for reimbursing or otherwise paying for any expense incurred by Company or
any Representative that does not comply with the terms and conditions of this Policy, unless AHS has
provided preapproved written authorization allowing for such expense and then only to the extent for which
such authorization provides explicit approval.
I. Air Travel
Air travel is authorized only on commercial airlines.
Lowest Practical Airfare Representatives are required to use the lowest practical economy class
airfare available. The “lowest practical economy class airfare” is defined as a fare no more than
five percent (5%) more expensive than the least expensive economy class fare on any flight (e.g.,
nonstop, direct, connecting or alternate airport) within a two-hour window on either side of the
requested departure/arrival time. For purposes of this Policy, the terms “economy” and “coach,”
when referring to classes of air travel, are synonymous.
Purchase airline tickets at least fourteen (14) days in advance whenever possible. In addition, non-
refundable airline tickets should be purchased whenever possible. In the event that (a) AHS is
primarily responsible for any Representative not being able to utilize an applicable non-refundable
airline ticket, AHS shall be responsible for all expenses incurred in connection therewith and (b)
Company or any Representative is primarily responsible for any Representative not being able to
utilize an applicable non-refundable airline ticket, Company shall be responsible for all expenses
incurred in connection therewith.
Prohibited Air Travel Classes of ServiceFirst class and business class air travel are
Baggage Fees Baggage fees associated with air travel incurred by Representative must meet the
criteria in the table immediately below in order to be eligible for reimbursement by AHS:
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AHS shall not be responsible for any baggage fees in excess of those set forth in the table
immediately above, including any fees associated with equipment or supplies needed while
traveling on behalf of AHS, unless AHS has provided written approval for such excess fees prior
to any such fee being incurred.
II. Ground Transportation
Car RentalRepresentatives traveling alone or in a pair by rental car shall rent the lowest available
cost intermediate or economy class car, choosing whichever option provides the lowest cost. A
larger class of car may be booked when traveling with two (2) or more additional Representatives
or customers. Prior to returning a rental car, Representatives must refuel their vehicles to avoid
excessive refueling charges. Representatives shall not purchase the prepaid fuel option. AHS will
not pay for or reimburse optional insurance options or rental car accessories such as prepaid fuel,
satellite radios, car racks and car seats.
Ride-sharing Service, Taxi and Other Local Transportation Lyft is the preferred form of ground
transportation for Representatives, as long as the applicable Representative feels the option is safe.
Taxis and other more expensive forms of transportation shall be used only when (a) time constraints
justify the same (or where regular airport transportation is substantially more inconvenient) and (b)
when circumstances dictate that the total cost of a taxi is lower than that of a rental car or ride-share
service. Ground transportation is reimbursable by AHS only with respect to transportation to and
from the following places: (i) the applicable arrival airport into which the Representative is arriving
to perform Services, (ii) where such Representative is lodging during the duration of the stay during
which such Representative is performing Services and (iii) AHS-directed business locations. AHS
shall not reimburse for travel in respect of a commute from a Representative’s home to a
Representative’s regular work site or a Representative’s departure airport. Representatives are
encouraged to utilize public transportation whenever feasible or prudent from a security
perspective. The use of limousines is not permitted.
ParkingParking fees should be considered in determining the total cost of ground transportation.
Long-term parking typically offers considerable savings over short-term parking and the most
economical available parking choice must be used. The lowest cost parking option, such as
economy airport parking, is required.
Personal CarsRepresentatives traveling more than two hundred (200) miles (one-way) must travel
by air whenever adequate commercial service is available, unless Representative has received prior
written approval from AHS to travel via other means for specific business reasons or due to
medically required special travel accommodations.
When use of a personal automobile is authorized by AHS, AHS will pay for the applicable business
mileage allowances for all miles driven via the most practical direct route, and any reasonable and
necessary tolls and parking fees.
The business mileage allowance includes gas and everyday wear and tear on the vehicle. Current
IRS mileage rates (or the equivalent worldwide) will apply.
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The total reimbursement for all costs associated with a Representative’s use of his or her personal
automobile must not exceed the lowest available air travel cost plus rental car cost as dictated by
this Policy, and any other related expenses that would be anticipated to reasonably accompany such
air and rental costs.
When using a personal vehicle while on AHS business, the Representative must maintain insurance
on the vehicle at no less than any applicable minimum state requirements.
AHS will not pay for or reimburse any repair costs for any Representative’s personal vehicle(s)
even if such costs result from business travel for AHS.
III. Hotel & Motel Accommodations
Reservations and Preferred PropertiesRepresentatives must stay in AHS-preferred hotels (as may
be listed on the AHS Supplier website located at www.ahs.com/suppliers), when available, and
request the AHS preferred rate when booking any room. In cases where an AHS-preferred hotel is
not available or designated, a moderately priced hotel or motel (as compared to other hotels or
motels within a ten-mile radius) that provides adequate safety and is conveniently located near the
location where the Representative is to conduct business pursuant to AHS and Company’s business
relationship should be selected. Hotel clubs, memberships, or rewards programs shall not be a factor
in Representative’s accommodation selection.
In the case of international travel, each Representative should cross check any applicable travel
rates available from Company’s travel agent with his or her in-country host to ensure the
Representative receives the most favorable rates reasonably possible.
Non-Reimbursable Hotel Expenses As certain hotels charge fees for early check-ins or late
checkouts, each Representative should be aware of any such applicable fees and plan his or her trip
accordingly, as AHS will not provide reimbursement or otherwise pay for any such fees incurred
by any Representative, unless they have been specifically authorized by AHS beforehand.
AHS will not pay for or reimburse the Company or its Representatives for any discretionary
personal expenses, including but not limited to, movie rentals, spa treatments, salon services,
personal grooming items, concierge services, and clothing items.
Cancellation Policy Room reservations are typically guaranteed despite a traveler’s late arrival
when such reservations have been made with an individual’s corporate credit card. When a traveler
fails to honor his or her reservation and fails to cancel the reservation in a timely fashion, the credit
card under which the reservation was made may be charged for the room. While circumstances
may require a change in travel plans, if a Representative fails to properly cancel hotel reservations
which ultimately result in charges to AHS, such charges will become the responsibility of Company
and the Representative.
IV. Business Meals
When Representatives are away from their home city on authorized AHS business, reasonable meal
expenses (including tax and tip) are appropriate expenditures.
When traveling on business for AHS, Representatives should use reasonable business judgment in
paying for business meals. Daily personal meals (including breakfast, lunch and dinner) should not
exceed Seventy Dollars ($70.00) per day (“Daily Meal Budget Cap”), unless a higher amount is
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authorized by AHS in writing. Unless such authorization specifically states the number of days for
which the Daily Meal Budget Cap can be exceeded, the authorization is only valid for a single day’s
V. Security
Depending upon security risks, AHS may restrict travel to locations where the security risks are
considered to be significant. Travel to or connecting through countries without established AHS
facilities is prohibited unless written approval is provided in advance by appropriate management
designated by AHS Corporate Security.
Representatives who are the victims of crime while traveling on AHS business should, wherever
possible, notify the local authorities immediately. Representatives should also complete an AHS
security incident report.
VI. Communications
Representatives will not be reimbursed for cellular and other telephone expenses without prior
written approval from AHS. The use of air cards (cellular data connectivity) will not be reimbursed.
VII. Other Expenses
No other expenses will be reimbursed without prior written approval from AHS.