Contactless mobile payments
A PSR report
July 2018
Payment Systems Regulator 2July 2018
Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
1 Executive summary 3
2 Introduction 6
3 What are contactless mobile payments? 9
4 Issues considered in the CMP sector 29
5 Concluding remarks 34
6 Glossary 36
Payment Systems Regulator 3July 2018
Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
1 Executive summary
1.1 The recent rapid growth in the UK of contactless mobile payments (CMPs) means
they are becoming an increasingly important means of payment with the potential to
change the way we make everyday purchases. We therefore need to have an up-to-
date understanding of this sector – in particular, of any potential issues that could have
a detrimental effect on the PSR’s statutory objectives of innovation, competition and
interests of people and organisations that use payment systems.
Contactless mobile payments
1.2 CMPs are in-store payments that consumers make by using apps installed on their
mobile devices. In the UK, the CMP apps that are currently available – Amex Pay, Apple
Pay, Barclays Contactless Mobile, Google Pay and Samsung Pay – allow consumers to
upload their card details onto the app to make payments from those devices.
1.3 From a technical point of view, when a consumer wants to use a CMP app to make a
payment, the app has to communicate with a retailers point-of-sale (POS) system.
In the UK, the large majority of CMPs initiated through mobile devices use near-field
communication (NFC) technology.
This requires the mobile device to have what is
called an ‘NFC antenna’, enabling contactless services. To the retailers POS terminal,
a transaction with a CMP app is the same as a contactless card transaction. The CMP
app communicates with the NFC antenna on the users device to send the payment
information to the retailers POS terminal.
1.4 A key difference between CMPs and contactless card payments is the information
communicated between the consumer and the retailers POS terminal. In a contactless
card payment, the consumer-related information transmitted includes the payment
card’s Primary Account Number (PAN
). In CMPs, the mobile device transmits a
replacement number, created through a process known as ‘tokenisation. Tokenisation
replaces the PAN with a ‘device primary account number’ (also called a ‘digital primary
account number’) known as a DPAN or ‘token. This is intended to reduce the risk of the
consumers payment details being stolen electronically during a CMP. It is possible to
use a PAN obtained fraudulently but not a DPAN.
1 A POS system is the hardware and software used to record a retail financial transaction. In this case, it could
be an electronic cash register (in a shop) or an integrated computer system (in a transport environment), also
equipped with a card reader.
2 See also paragraph 3.12.
3 This is the long number usually printed across the middle of a payment card.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
Our work
1.5 To better understand the CMP sector in the UK, we undertook a call for information
exercise in 2016 and 2017. Over two rounds of requests for information (RFIs), we
engaged with a variety of stakeholders involved at different levels in the provision of
We were particularly interested in understanding:
whether competition, innovation and the interests of people and organisations that
use payment systems could potentially be affected by the way CMPs operate and
are being offered in the UK, and if so how
whether there were any restrictions affecting the provision of tokenisation services
1.6 As mentioned in paragraph 1.3, CMPs in the UK currently rely largely on NFC
technology for communication between the mobile device and the retailers POS
terminal. There are many mobile devices that have an NFC antenna embedded, which
allow developers of CMP apps unrestricted access to the NFC antenna. However, on
Apple devices (which run on Apples iOS operating system), only the CMP app offered
by Apple – Apple Pay – has access to the NFC antenna in a way that can be used to
make CMPs. Other mobile devices that use the Android operating system (for example,
those made by Google and Samsung) do not restrict access to the NFC antenna by a
particular CMP app. Some card issuers
contended that the restriction on access to the
NFC antenna on Apple devices prevents the use of non-Apple CMPs on these devices,
thereby limiting innovation and competition.
Issues we considered
1.7 We sought to understand the nature of Apple’s restriction on access to the NFC
antenna on Apple devices and its potential impact on our objectives. In particular,
we looked at whether any substantial innovations were likely to be hampered by this
restriction. We asked stakeholders about the effect of Apples restriction on access to
the NFC antenna, and what they would do if the NFC antenna on Apple devices were
made accessible to other CMP apps. Some card issuers argued that, in general, the
restriction had a negative impact on competition and innovation, although they did not
identify specific examples of how such innovation or competition was being hampered.
1.8 The tokenisation process for CMPs in the UK generally occurs in accordance with the
industry standard known as the ‘EMV specification. This is the main global standard
for tokenisation services. The EMV specification was developed by EMVCo, a limited
liability company owned by six of the major card schemes.
We considered how the
EMV specification was developed. Specifically, we considered whether card issuers had
to use particular token service providers (TSPs), and whether there was any restriction
on non-card-scheme TSPs to develop and offer tokenisation services.
4 These included CMP app developers, token service providers, payment card issuers, technology companies,
mobile network operators, card scheme operators and a tokenisation standards body.
5 A card issuer is usually a consumer’s bank or credit card supplier.
6 American Express, Discover, JCB, Mastercard, UnionPay and Visa, each of which has 1/6 ownership.
Payment Systems Regulator 5July 2018
Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
1.9 We were told that some CMP app developers require other parties to use tokenisation
services compliant with the EMV specification. However, the main providers of
tokenisation services (the three major UK card network operators) all offer tokenisation
services that are compliant with the EMV specification. According to one card issuer,
the existence of the common standard on a global scale has had a positive effect on
the development and uptake of CMPs in the UK. We were not made aware of any
examples of market entry being prevented for tokenisation services due to the EMV
specification. We are aware of a party, not a part-owner of EMVCo, that has developed
its own tokenisation service. In general, no major concerns were raised with us relating
to tokenisation services.
Concluding remarks
1.10 While CMPs currently represent a relatively small percentage of transactions compared
with alternative payment methods, their use is growing rapidly and the development of
CMP as an alternative payment method has the potential to benefit both participants
and end users in payment systems. Respondents to our RFIs told us that CMP apps
can create real benefits for consumers, retailers and card issuers.
1.11 For all end users of CMP apps to be able to take full advantage of the current and
future benefits of this payment method, it is important that efficient competition and
innovation in the markets concerned be maintained. We have considered a range of
issues raised with us. However, we have not been told of any prevented innovation or
practices in tokenisation service provision that would require an in-depth assessment
of the issues at this point. Nonetheless, we are aware that CMPs, while still a
relatively new development, are a fast-developing feature of the payments sector.
We will therefore continue to keep the sector under observation, retaining the option
to investigate and to act as we believe necessary to address any problems we may
identify or that may be brought to our attention in the future.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
2 Introduction
Developments in card payments
2.1 In the UK, payment cards have experienced constant and sustained growth since
their introduction
, and debit cards recently overtook cash as the most popular form
of payment.
2.2 As the use of payment cards for purchases has grown, so has that of card-based
contactless methods of payment.
According to UK Finance, contactless accounted for
38% of all in-store card payments in October 2017 (up from 24% in October 2016).
2.3 Technology developments are affecting every aspect of our daily lives, including the
way we pay. For example, users are now able to pay for goods and services quickly and
easily using mobile devices, such as mobile phones or tablets. Payments using mobile
devices have also increased greatly in the past few years.
2.4 Payments through mobile devices can be made through a website (online payments),
within an app on the device itself (in-app payments) or, more recently, by using
contactless payment technology (in-store payments at a point of sale).
All three types
of mobile payment are usually based on the consumer’s payment card – whether credit
or debit – using the relevant card network to complete the transaction.
2.5 Contactless mobile payments (CMPs), as currently available in the UK, are a type
of contactless debit or credit card payment, initiated using a mobile device for in-
store payments. The latest mobile devices contain an antenna that enables CMPs
to be made in-store using near-field communication (NFC) technology, which uses
the existing network of contactless terminals that currently serve contactless card
payments. CMP solutions have emerged in the UK market to take advantage of NFC
functionality. At present, all CMP apps in the UK use consumers’ credit or debit cards
(i.e. cards issued under the Visa, Mastercard and American Express schemes). When
a consumer authorises an in-store transaction, the app releases payment information
to the retailers POS terminal via the NFC antenna, which then travels through the card
network system, in the same way as when a consumer pays with a physical card.
7 Credit cards were introduced to the UK in 1966, and debit cards in 1987.
8 Contactless payment cards were introduced to the UK in 2007.
10 The first contactless mobile phone payment functionality was introduced by Orange and Barclaycard in 2007.
Payment Systems Regulator 7July 2018
Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
2.6 The recent rapid growth of CMPs in the UK has been driven by their increasing adoption
by consumers, by more NFC-enabled POS terminals, and by the move in 2015 from
£20 to £30 as an upper limit on contactless payments.
Growth in the number of
CMPs is likely to continue as more users, handset manufacturers and retailers adopt
the technology. Further broadening of CMP functionality is also possible. For example,
major CMP apps may also begin to use interbank payment systems
in addition to, or
instead of, cards.
Why consider CMPs?
2.7 The growth in CMPs means they have the potential to represent a sizeable part of all
UK payments in the near future and thereby have an impact on all three of the PSRs
statutory objectives.
We therefore wished to have an up-to-date understanding of
this sector, in particular with a view to identifying any potential issues that could have a
detrimental effect on innovation, competition and interests of service-users.
2.8 This report reflects our current understanding of the CMP sector in the UK, following the
request for information exercise that was launched in 2016 in pursuit of our objectives.
2.9 There were two areas we were especially interested in:
Access to the NFC antenna in mobile devices: We sought to understand the nature
of Apple’s restriction and its potential impact on our objectives. In particular, we
looked at whether there were any substantial innovations likely to be hampered by
the restriction on access to the NFC antenna on Apple devices.
The existence of the EMV specification for tokenisation services: We looked at how
the EMV specification had been developed. Specifically, we considered whether card
issuers had to use particular providers of tokenisation services, and whether there
was any restriction on non-card-scheme token service providers (TSPs) to develop
and offer such services.
The information-gathering process
2.10 To better understand the CMP sector in the UK, we undertook a request for information
(RFI) exercise, engaging with a total of 18 stakeholders from the following groups:
Card issuers
Card network operators
CMP app providers
Mobile device operating system (OS) developers
Non-payment service provider market participants (e.g. mobile operators)
Associated technology companies, including industry standards associations
11 In addition, CMP apps can now be used for payments above £30, if further verified (for example, by code or
fingerprint) and accepted by the retailer.
12 Interbank payment systems allow payments to be made between bank accounts – for example, Faster
Payments, Bacs and CHAPS. While contactless apps using interbank systems have yet to take off in the UK,
we believe they are established in other countries.
13 The PSR’s statutory objectives are contained in sections 50 to 52 of the Financial Services (Banking Reform)
Act 2013 (FSBRA).
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
2.11 We issued two rounds of RFIs using our information-gathering powers under the
Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013 (FSBRA).
The first round, undertaken in
autumn 2016, was designed to give us a better understanding of topics such as who
the main players are, what services are on offer, what mobile devices are used, usage
data, the role of tokenisation services, and the contractual arrangements in place for the
provision of CMPs. We wanted to understand the sector, its incentives and the various
consumer offerings available, and to consider whether there might be any issues that
could have an impact on competition, innovation or the interests of service-users.
2.12 In our second RFI, undertaken in summer 2017, we focused mainly on two areas: access
to the NFC contactless antenna on mobile devices and the use of industry standards in
tokenisation services. We also held follow-up meetings with several stakeholders.
2.13 We summarise the results of our call for information exercise in this report. The next
chapter explains what CMPs are (in particular, how they work from a functional and
technical perspective, who the main participants are and what their respective roles
are). Chapter 4 outlines our consideration of the particular areas we were interested in.
Chapter 5 sets out our concluding remarks and proposals for next steps.
14 Under section 81 FSBRA, we have the power to require a person to provide information and documents that
we need to exercise our statutory functions.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3 What are contactless
mobile payments?
3.1 In this chapter, we explain what contactless mobile payments (CMPs) are, their
technological features, how they work and the parties involved in delivering the service.
3.2 We start by explaining the technological elements of a CMP, then describe the key parties
offering the different services that together effect a CMP, as well as how information
is exchanged between them. We then focus on CMP apps: how they store and
communicate information securely, and how their features vary across different suppliers.
3.3 We then look at a key difference between CMPs and other card payments – the
tokenisation of payment details. We describe how tokenisation works, how payment
cards are tokenised, and the information flows involved in tokenised transactions. Then
we describe the added security to payments that stakeholders consider tokenisation
brings about. We also look at how the use of these apps currently fits into the broader
landscape of different payment types, and at the incentives for the different parties
involved in providing CMP services. We conclude this chapter with the benefits of CMP
apps to consumers, retailers and card issuers, and a reference to CMP usage (current
and future).
CMP services and how they work
3.4 Mobile payments are those for which the payment data and the payment instruction
are initiated, transmitted or confirmed via mobile devices. These payments can be
made online, in-app or in-store for purchases of services or goods. There are therefore
two broad categories of mobile payments: remote payments at virtual points of sale,
which take place through the internet (e.g. online or via apps on devices); and proximity
payments, which take place directly at a physical point of sale.
3.5 CMPs are proximity payments requiring specifically equipped mobile devices that
interact with a corresponding terminal at the point of sale (e.g. in shops or on public
transport). These payments are initiated by consumers using apps that allow their
mobile devices to communicate with a retailers POS system using the device’s
hardware. In this way, payment data can be exchanged between the parties involved
in the transaction (payee and payer, or retailer and consumer). The retailers point-of-
sale (POS) terminal interprets a transaction with a CMP app as a contactless card
transaction. The app communicates with the POS terminal via near-field communication
(NFC) technology, which is currently the predominant technology for contactless card
payments in the UK. The CMP app will need to communicate with the devices NFC
antenna in order to transmit the payment information to the retailers POS terminal.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.6 Although it is possible that in the future CMPs will use interbank systems, the CMP
services currently available in the UK use debit and credit cards only. Therefore,
this report focuses on card-based CMPs. Card-based CMP apps in the UK connect
with card payment schemes. The transaction is processed through a card scheme
and the payment is completed to the retailer through an acquirer (see below). From
a processing and settlement point of view, there is no difference between CMP
transactions and those conducted through plastic cards. While the payment instruction
is initiated from a mobile device, a CMP nonetheless uses the consumer’s card
information to make the transaction (in the form of a tokenised proxy, discussed
in further detail below). The consumer’s mobile device sends the tokenised card
information to the retailers card terminal and through the card payment system where
it is processed. To understand the systems underpinning CMPs, it is therefore helpful to
look first at card payments.
3.7 To offer card-based CMPs, CMP app developers (such as Apple or Google) must secure
participation from card schemes (such as Visa or Mastercard) and card issuers. They
must also encourage consumers to download the CMP app (if not already pre-installed),
add their cards to the app and initiate transactions using the app.
3.8 A plastic card payment transaction involves a number of parties. A card payment
scheme has two basic configurations: four-party schemes (such as VISA or Mastercard),
which have a consumer (sometimes known as a ‘cardholder’), a card issuer, an acquirer
and a retailer (also known as a ‘merchant’); and three-party schemes (such as American
Express), which have a consumer, a card issuer/acquirer (i.e. a single organisation acting
as both) and a retailer:
Consumers use cards to make payments.
Card issuers provide consumers with payment cards.
Acquirers are the banks that contract with retailers to accept and process
card payments.
Retailers are the trader or service providers that accept card payments
from consumers.
3.9 The underlying method of processing and settlement of a payment transaction is the
same for CMPs as for transactions initiated with plastic cards. As with transactions
made through plastic cards, CMP transactions are subject to the rules of the relevant
card scheme as payment messages are transferred from one party to the other using
the card scheme’s infrastructure.
3.10 The only difference between a plastic card payment (whether contactless or not) and
a CMP is in the type of information that is sent from the buyers payment device to
the retailer. More precisely, in contrast to contactless payments made using plastic
cards (which release the Primary Account Number (PAN
) to the retailers terminal), the
payment information transmitted by CMP apps is a Device Primary Account Number
(DPAN), or token. We describe the processes for creating and using this token later in
this chapter.
15 The long number usually printed across the middle of a payment card.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.11 As with contactless cards, when a consumer wishes to initiate a POS transaction using
their mobile device (e.g. to pay a restaurant bill), the retailers POS terminal must be able
to communicate with that device. To date, the large majority of CMPs initiated through
mobile devices use near-field communication (NFC) technology to transmit the relevant
information. Likewise, a large number of retailer terminals in the UK are NFC-enabled.
3.12 As noted in paragraphs 3.24 to 3.37, there are several other technologies currently
available that may be used to effect CMPs. These include QR Codes, as used in the
apps offered by Tesco and Starbucks. However, as we also point out below, these apps
are store-specific and cannot be used at other retailers. The five NFC-based apps are all
usable with any retailer with a contactless card terminal, and it is for this reason that we
concentrate on these apps in this report.
3.13 In the responses to our requests for information (RFIs), many stakeholders regarded the
wide prevalence of NFC in retailer terminals as giving that technology a clear advantage
over alternative technologies for CMPs. Other factors in favour of NFC, according to
several stakeholders, included the speed and ease of payment for the consumer and
what was seen as superior security (e.g. compared with Bluetooth). We discuss the
alternative technologies for CMPs in further detail below.
Principal roles in CMPs
Key consumer hardware and software for CMPs based
on NFC technology
3.14 To recap, in order to make CMPs, users need a contactless-enabled device which,
using contactless technology, communicates payment information from the device to a
retailers POS terminal. In the UK, that contactless technology is generally NFC.
16 According to UK Finance, the number of bank-owned NFC retailer terminals grew by 28% between June
2016 and June 2017.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.15 From the responses to our RFIs, the following are the essential hardware and software
components that a mobile device needs to perform CMPs:
A CMP app: These apps provide the user interface for CMP services, and facilitate
the storage and transmission of payment information.
An NFC antenna: The NFC antenna facilitates communication between the CMP
app and the retailers POS terminal.
Secure storage: It is key to the security of CMPs that payment data can be stored
securely, either on the mobile device itself or remotely, within the systems of the
app provider, as follows:
i. Secure element: This is a chip used to store sensitive data on a mobile device.
The secure element may be embedded in the device (e.g. for Samsung Pay and
Apple Pay) or the SIM card (e.g. for the recently closed Vodafone Pay). The secure
element stores the tokens representing the consumer’s card details registered
with the CMP app. It also holds dynamic cryptograms that accompany the tokens
to verify them as having come from the consumers device (see paragraphs 3.56
to 3.61).
ii. Host Card Emulation (HCE): Under this configuration, the CMP app supplier
stores the sensitive information (i.e. tokens and cryptograms) remotely on secure
servers in host or ‘cloud’ databases (e.g. for Google Pay). The CMP app uses the
mobile devices data connection to the internet to access this information and
draw it down onto the device as needed.
An operating system (OS): This enables the mobile device to function, and
handles the processing of apps loaded onto it. CMP apps that do not use a secure
element for CMP services, such as Google Pay, use the device’s OS and cloud-based
technology (HCE) to store and send tokens and dynamic cryptograms.
Mobile device manufacturers
3.16 CMPs require a mobile device to contain, or be connected to, a contactless radio
antenna capable of communicating with a retailers POS terminal using NFC or similar
technology. Mobile device manufacturers decide whether or not to include such an
antenna in their models, and they seem to have the ability to control how apps on the
device can access the antenna. Our understanding is that most recent mobile phone
devices have an NFC antenna embedded.
Mobile device operating system developers
3.17 Mobile devices come with a pre-installed OS that enables the phone to function. In
some cases (e.g. Apple and Google phones) the device manufacturer also develops
the OS. In other instances (e.g. Samsung phones), the OS is developed by a third
party, although it may be customised by the device manufacturer. The developer may
exercise control both over which apps may be used on the device and the extent of the
functionality offered to those apps (including the extent to which the apps are able to
access and control the devices various hardware elements, including the NFC antenna).
The OS pre-installed on the device will usually contain a number of apps including,
increasingly, a form of CMP app.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
CMP app developers
3.18 CMP apps can be provided by an array of developers, including card issuers (e.g.
Barclays), OS developers (e.g. in the case of Google Pay), card scheme operators (e.g.
Amex Pay), device manufacturers (e.g. in the case of Samsung Pay), mobile network
operators (e.g. in the case of Vodafone Pay
) or, potentially, third-party app developers.
Token service providers
3.19 As noted in paragraph 1.4, a key difference between CMPs and payments made by
other means (e.g. contactless plastic cards) is the information communicated between
the buyer and the retailers POS terminal. In CMPs, rather than a card’s PAN, a mobile
device transmits ‘tokenised’ payment information to the POS terminal (i.e. a DPAN, or
payment token). The main role of token service providers (TSPs) is to replace a PAN
provided by a buyer’s card issuer with a payment token.
3.20 The responses to our RFIs indicated that the three main card schemes operating in the
UK – Visa, Mastercard and American Express – are also the principal TSPs to UK card
issuers offering CMPs, and that they provide token services in accordance with the
EMV tokenisation standard. We were told that one UK card issuer provides tokenisation
services for contactless payments made with its own app. Card issuers can also offer
TSP services to other parties.
CMP apps
3.21 CMPs are made by consumers through apps that allow their card issuers to send and
receive payment information using their devices. As well as being a user interface
for consumers, a CMP app facilitates the storage and transmission of the DPAN or
payment token provided by the card issuer’s TSP (see paragraphs 3.56 to 3.61). In order
to do this, a CMP app must be downloadable onto the device, able to communicate
with the devices OS and to do so using the same technology by which the device
sends the payment information (for almost all CMPs, this is the NFC antenna).
Consumers may buy CMP apps – or download them free – and install them on their
mobile devices. Some devices may have CMP apps pre-installed before sale.
17 Vodafone was the only mobile network operator offering its own CMP app in the UK after EE ceased support
for its ‘Cash on Tap’ service in 2015. However, Vodafone Pay also closed on 28 June 2018.
18 There could be an expansion of third-party account and payment services offered following the
implementation of the revised Payment Services Directive, which is designed to encourage new third-party
players in payments markets, such as Account Information Service Providers (AISPs) and Payment Initiation
Service Providers (PISPs).
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.22 CMP apps vary in three basic ways:
Acceptance: This refers to where an app can be used to make payments – whether
in almost any shop or in specific shops only. Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay
and Amex Pay all offer general purpose apps that can be used to pay any retailer
accepting contactless payments, whereas retailers such as Tesco and Starbucks
offer specific apps that can only be used within their own outlets.
Funding: In the UK, CMP apps have two main funding methods. Some apps, such
as Google Pay, Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, can be linked to any payment card (i.e.
any card issuer and network). Other apps, such as the Barclays Contactless Mobile
App, are limited to cards issued by a specific bank – in Barclays’ case, any UK credit
or debit card that it has issued.
Pass-through or staged wallets: Some CMP apps are referred to as ‘pass-through
digital wallets’ and others as ‘staged digital wallets’:
i. A pass-through digital wallet is an app that enables payment directly from a
single payment system, such as a credit or debit card. At the appropriate time,
the consumer selects one of the ‘stored’ payment methods to finalise payment
to the retailer. Google Pay, Apple Pay and Samsung Pay are examples of pass-
through wallets.
ii. In a staged digital wallet, payment from a consumer to a retailer has two distinct
stages. First, on the funding leg, money is drawn down from the consumer’s
credit or debit card (or from a line of credit from the staged wallet provider) and
used to ‘top up’ an account (the wallet) so that payments can be made. This is
done independently of the retail payment stage. When a payment is to be made
(the second leg) the app moves funds from the wallet to the retailer to complete
the purchase. The app manages both the drawing down of the top-up money and
the dispensing of it to make purchases, allowing users to monitor their spending.
bPay (from Barclays) is an example of a staged digital wallet.
3.23 As stated earlier, a CMP app does three things to enable CMPs through a
mobile device:
It communicates the payment information to a retailers terminal.
It provides a user interface for the CMP service.
It facilitates the storage of payment information.
We will discuss each of these in turn.
Technologies used to communicate CMP payment information
3.24 To make a CMP, the consumer’s mobile device must communicate with the retailers
POS terminal. We now look at the technologies that respondents to our RFIs identified
as allowing mobile devices to exchange information with POS terminals.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.25 There are several technologies currently available that may be used to effect CMPs.
They include NFC, Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) and Bluetooth Low Energy
(BLE). While contactless communication technologies are necessary for CMPs, they
are not exclusive to contactless-enabled mobile devices and may also be used for other
payment methods such as contactless payment cards.
Near-field communication
3.26 NFC is an agreed messaging standard for communication using radio-frequency
electromagnetic waves to exchange information (without contact). Apart from mobile
devices, NFC technology is also used for contactless plastic cards, wearable fobs
and stickers.
Some of these external devices (e.g. Barclays’ bPay products) have an
embedded passive NFC chip, enabling the device to provide the same functionality as
a contactless prepaid card.
Alternatively, external devices may be fully functioning
extensions of an on-device CMP app, with real-time information and tokenised
payments (such as Apple Watch or Samsung Gear).
3.27 Devices using NFC may be active or passive. A passive device, such as the NFC chip in
a contactless card, contains information that other devices can read but it does not read
any information itself. Active devices can both read and send information. An active NFC
device, such as a smartphone, can not only collect information from NFC chips but can
also exchange information with other compatible phones or devices. Most importantly
from a mobile payments viewpoint, a mobile device with active NFC capability can
send and receive different information for different transactions – for example, different
information per transaction through the process called tokenisation (see paragraphs
3.56 to 3.61), which allows these devices to offer higher levels of security.
3.28 Almost all CMP apps in the UK use NFC technology to transmit payment information
between a mobile device and the POS terminal.
The network of NFC infrastructure is
already widely rolled out in the UK (and retailer acceptance therefore well established)
– mainly as a result of the growth of contactless card payments. Any CMP service with
NFC technology can use a retailers existing contactless terminals. This means that
there is no need to provide any new equipment for either the consumer or the retailer,
or for CMP app developers to invest in promoting the adoption of NFC technology to
make CMPs.
3.29 From a retailers perspective, NFC CMP transactions are treated by the card schemes
in the same way as physical card transactions, with the same liability rules applying
to retailers. Furthermore, to be able to accept CMPs, retailers only need to have POS
terminals capable of effecting contactless payments (e.g. contactless plastic cards) and
to receive a software update from their POS terminal provider – there is no need for
further hardware changes.
19 NFC has wider applications and can be used for purposes other than payments, such as phone-to-phone
connections, local information caching and transmission (e.g. in museums) or tagging areas visited (such as
by security guards or cleaners).
20 A bPay device does not interact with the users device, but is standalone and works as a prepaid card. The
device is only used to top up the card.
21 The major non-store-specific CMP apps (such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and Amex Pay) all use
NFC technology. Some store-specific apps (such as the Starbucks and Tesco apps) use barcode technology.
22 For example, according to the UK Cards Association, around 60% of all acquirer-owned POS terminals in
the UK were contactless at the end of 2016. Card
Payments 2017 - Summary FINAL.pdf
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
Bluetooth Low Energy
3.30 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is one alternative to NFC that also uses radio-frequency
electromagnetic waves, albeit using a different frequency from that used by NFC.
works on most mobile devices and is distinctive in allowing consumers to make CMP
transactions over a longer distance; a Bluetooth-enabled device does not need to be
held right next to a terminal to make a transaction. However, some card issuers thought
that the longer range
can pose security concerns, which could be a reason why
Bluetooth has yet to be used as a contactless payment technology in the UK.
3.31 A BLE roll-out would also likely require new hardware to be deployed to all supporting
retailers, and for those retailers to develop their own systems to integrate BLE.
According to stakeholders responding to our RFIs, for these reasons, as well as the
existing prevalence of NFC, BLE has yet to be adopted in the UK.
Magnetic Secure Transmission
3.32 Samsung has a proprietary technology called Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST),
which also uses radio transmissions to send encrypted data. MST replicates a card
swipe by using a Samsung smartphone to send radio transmissions that communicate
with standard magnetic credit card readers.
3.33 While card readers may require a software update to read MST messages, MST
technology could be accepted at nearly all payment terminals that have a card reader.
However, MST has not been made available on Samsung Pay in the UK since its launch
in 2017.
QR Codes
3.34 Some mobile payment services have been launched that rely on two-dimensional (or
matrix) barcodes, also known as QR codes. For example, Tesco has enabled a payment
service called PayQwiq and Starbucks has a mobile payment application, both of which
use two-dimensional codes. QR code-based payments work by scanning barcodes
between the retailers POS terminal and the mobile device to communicate payment
details. Payments are made over the card networks. However, because these services
are usually retailer-specific, they can only be used within the relevant retailers stores.
Furthermore, 2D barcodes have limited adoption and acceptance countrywide, and NFC
technology is already well established. Consequently, no other solution, open to card
issuers and usable outside specific retailers, is likely to be established in the UK – an
opinion shared among the stakeholders who responded to our RFIs.
23 NFC operates on 13.56 MHz, BLE on 2.4 GHz.
24 BLE can work at ranges up to 100m; NFC works at a range of around 4cm.
25 However, BLE can be used to provide location-based services for mobile marketing activities. For example,
a BLE beacon can provide an additional communication channel by alerting customers to offers in a shop
they are passing by – even enhancing these messages with personalised offers, such as discounts or loyalty
schemes, to the customers mobile device.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
Anticipated use of technology
3.35 While some of these alternative CMP technologies have been adopted and used in
other countries, the submissions we have received indicate that non-NFC technology
currently presents disadvantages in the UK. The primary disadvantage is comparatively
limited retailer acceptance. The associated cost of building a new network and the
potential need for extra on-counter equipment are likely to deter retailers from adopting
alternative technologies. Some respondents to our RFIs also mentioned the security
concerns currently associated with non-NFC payment methods (e.g. from BLE’s signal
range being wider than that of NFC).
3.36 Based on the information gathered in our RFIs, it seems that NFC is currently the main
practicable option for providing widespread CMP functionality at POS terminals in the
UK. Other alternatives are either proprietary or lack widespread retailer acceptance, and
it appears that material investments in POS terminals would be necessary to advance
their adoption.
3.37 Given the prevalence of NFC technology in processing proximity payments in the UK,
this report will now focus on CMPs based on that technology.
Providing a user interface
3.38 CMP app developers offer consumers apps with which they can manage their funds
as well as, in some cases, view transaction details, and use offers and gift cards. For
example, users interact with Apple Pay through Apples Wallet app, and with Samsung
Pay through the Samsung Wallet.
CMP apps are either downloaded onto a user’s
mobile device or are pre-loaded onto devices before sale. The apps themselves can be
intended for CMP use only or they can offer a more comprehensive set of payment
options, such as online or in-app purchases.
3.39 CMP functionality within CMP apps can be part of more comprehensive mobile banking
apps supplying broader services (e.g. peer-to-peer payments and banking services).
Alternatively, it can be supplied to these payment apps as a ‘bolt-on’ or ‘pass-through
service (e.g. mobile banking apps linking through to Apple Pay for CMPs).
3.40 CMP apps may also be used to engage with or sell users other services (e.g. by
providing links to download other apps or by presenting targeted advertising).
Storing payment information
3.41 CMP apps must store card numbers securely, even if tokenised, to reduce fraud risks.
For this reason, CMP apps do not store consumers’ payment details on a mobile devices
operating system (as they would most other data). Instead, CMP app developers design
their apps to enable payment information to be stored on one of the following:
a secure element built into the mobile device
a secure element built into the mobile devices SIM card
secure servers in the cloud (HCE)
26 A ‘wallet’ can be an app on the device within which the CMP app sits. Users can often store other electronic
items within them too, such as event tickets, boarding passes, membership cards and coupons.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
Secure element approaches
3.42 To recap, a secure element is a separate physical chip installed within a device.
CMP apps that use secure elements store sensitive data within the element and
communicate with it to obtain the necessary token and cryptogram to make a payment.
3.43 Secure elements on mobile devices are not generally accessible by apps placed
on those devices. CMP app developers wishing to make use of a mobile device’s
secure element must enter into an agreement with the entity that controls it. That is,
depending on the type of secure element used, CMP app developers wishing to use
it must agree this with either the device manufacturer if the app is to use an in-built
secure element (e.g. Apple or Samsung) or the consumer’s Mobile Network Operator, if
the app is to use a SIM-based secure element (e.g. Vodafone and EE).
3.44 We are unaware of any CMP app developed by a card issuer or third-party provider that
uses the secure element within a mobile device or SIM card. The only CMP apps available
in the UK that use the secure element embedded in the device or the SIM card are those
developed by handset manufacturers and SIM card providers respectively.
Host Card Emulation
3.45 As an alternative to using the secure element built into the device or SIM card, certain
CMP apps developed for the Android OS use HCE. With this solution, the CMP app
developer does not need to reach an agreement with the device manufacturer or
Mobile Network Operator to use the in-built physical chip or SIM card.
3.46 When HCE is used, the sensitive data is stored in the cloud rather than on the mobile
device itself. Tokens are transmitted remotely to the consumer’s device via the internet
and mobile network, and stored there until needed for a payment. However, this
data is only in single-use form (i.e. only a few time-limited single-use tokens can be
downloaded and stored each time). Once the single-use tokens are used or expire,
new tokens must be drawn down. This happens automatically whenever the device
connects to the mobile network as part of its normal synchronisation process. This
means that if the device is stolen, or its system hacked, the information on it is only
usable for a limited amount of time and money.
3.47 The CMP apps based on the HCE alternative are available on all mobile devices with
NFC technology enabled, except those made by Apple.
CMP Developers and their CMP apps
3.48 Based on the responses to our RFIs, we list here the main CMP apps currently available
in the UK and their functionalities.
3.49 Amex Pay (American Express): American Express launched its proprietary CMP
app in the UK – Amex Pay – in November 2016. Amex Pay is an added element to the
American Express Mobile App that enables cardholders to use ‘tap and pay’ CMP
functionality on Android devices using HCE. The American Express Mobile App does
not have CMP capability on Apple devices. Amex cardholders, who have Apple devices
and want to make CMP transactions, can register their cards on Apple Pay.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.50 Apple Pay (Apple): Apple Pay was launched in the UK in July 2015. It is the only
payment app currently available on Apple devices that can make NFC CMP transactions.
Apple Pay can be used by holders of the major credit and debit cards (Visa, Mastercard
and American Express) issued by many UK banks, and it uses a secure element built
into Apple devices for tokenisation. While other CMP apps require user verification
only when the cost of a transaction is over a certain amount (typically £30), Apple Pay
requires all CMP payments to be verified, either by Touch ID (Apple’s fingerprint identity
sensor) or by a passcode. Loyalty cards can also be stored on Apple Pay.
3.51 Barclays Contactless Mobile (Barclays): Barclays Contactless Mobile was released
in January 2016 and forms part of the Barclays mobile banking app. While the Barclays
mobile banking app is available on both Android and Apple devices, the Barclays
contactless mobile element is only available on devices using the Android OS. This
solution uses HCE to store a consumers tokenised card details in the cloud. Only
Barclays debit cards or Barclaycards (i.e. credit cards) can be used to make payments
through this app.
3.52 Google Pay
(Google): Google Pay was launched in the UK in May 2016. While it is
available on both Android and Apple devices, it can only conduct CMP transactions on
Android devices. Google Pay uses HCE and works with Visa and Mastercard credit and
debit cards issued by many UK banks, as well as American Express. The consumer
can add debit or credit cards issued by participating banks to Google Pay, which can be
used to make payments in-store (except on Apple devices), online and in-app. Loyalty
cards can also be uploaded to the Google Wallet and used automatically in Google Pay
transactions, including CMPs. (The Android OS can also be used by third parties, such
as banks, to offer their own NFC payment apps on Android, enabled by HCE.)
3.53 Samsung Pay (Samsung): Samsung Pay launched in the UK in May 2017 and is
available on Samsung devices (these use the Android OS), using a built-in secure
element. Samsung Pay supports Visa, Mastercard and Amex-branded cards, and can
be used contactlessly in-store as well as for in-app and online payments. Samsung Pay
also supports loyalty card integration for certain UK retailers. According to our RFIs,
while Google Pay is usable on all Android-based devices, including Samsung ones,
Samsung Pay is only available on Samsung devices.
3.54 One example of a CMP app using a SIM-based secure element was Vodafone Pay
Vodafone Pay was launched in the UK in October 2016 and was available on
the Android operating system, using a SIM-based secure element. Vodafone Pay was also
a staged wallet: it used the consumers payment card or PayPal account to put money
into a ‘virtual’ prepaid card, details of which were provisioned into the secure element
attached to the devices SIM. It was also a part of a wallet app (Vodafone Wallet) that
could store loyalty cards. Vodafone Pay and Wallet closed on 28 June 2018.
27 In January 2018, Android Pay and Google Wallet were rebranded as Google Pay.
28 Another example was EE’s ‘Cash on Tap’ service, which closed in 2015.
29 According to Vodafone, ‘The uptake of mobile payments has remained low and we know there are a variety
of similar services on the market. We have therefore decided to concentrate on our other Vodafone apps and
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.55 As well as the CMP apps listed above, we note the existence of Zapp (VocaLink/
Mastercard). Zapp offers a way for consumers to pay retailers directly from their bank
accounts, using their mobile devices. This pay-by-bank-app functionality is offered to
banking apps and retailers’ sites to facilitate payment. For in-app and online purchases,
the consumer uses the pay-by-bank-app button on the retailers app and is then put
through to their mobile bank app where there is a request-to-pay message. They then
choose which account to pay from and the payment is made. Zapp is currently used
by a number of card issuers in their banking apps (and a number of retailers’ apps too).
Zapp can also offer banks CMP functionality for their mobile apps on Android devices,
via the NFC antenna.
3.56 Tokenisation is currently a key feature of CMPs and the main difference between CMPs
and contactless payments using plastic debit and credit cards. It is intended to reduce
the risk of the PAN being stolen electronically in the course of a CMP. The PAN of the
payment card being used is generally the main payment information susceptible to fraud
in card payments. It provides a direct link to a consumers bank account or credit facility.
3.57 Tokenisation is the process by which a card’s PAN is replaced by a DPAN. A PAN can
be used if obtained fraudulently but a DPAN cannot. This is because CMPs require
DPANs to be supplied alongside other information to validate them, usually in the form
of a dynamic cryptogram. These cryptograms are limited-use codes (usually single-use)
that relate the token to the consumer’s contactless device. Without the cryptogram,
the token service provider cannot validate the DPAN and match it to the PAN to permit
a purchase to proceed. The cryptograms are also difficult to use fraudulently because
(as the name suggests) they are non-static, encrypted and only valid for a limited time
and number of purchases. Furthermore, only tokenised information is ever transmitted
between a mobile device and a retailers POS terminal.
3.58 When a card number is tokenised, the PAN is replaced by the card issuers TSP with a
second series of numbers (the token), which is then stored on the mobile device and sent
to the retailers POS terminal (along with device-specific information and payment details)
to complete a CMP transaction. Because tokens are not generated using an algorithm,
the PANs that they replace cannot be reconstructed from the tokens themselves.
Card provisioning and the tokenisation process
3.59 The act of enrolling a payment card for use with a CMP app on a mobile device is
known as ‘provisioning’. Tokenisation occurs during the card-provisioning process.
Consumers enrol their cards with a CMP app by entering their PAN, security code
and other information requested by the app. The CMP app provider then requests a
token from the TSP. The TSP forwards the request to the card issuer for approval. If that
approval is given, the TSP creates a token to replace the PAN and the token is then
used in CMP transactions. The TSP stores a list of the tokens and their corresponding
PANs in its ‘token vault’.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.60 The token is a device-specific account number that the TSP sends directly to the
consumers device. Tokens are unique to each card and device, and serve as a proxy for
the consumers card account. They are stored on the secure element of the consumer’s
device, a secure element on the SIM or ‘in the cloud’ under HCE (as per the different
configurations discussed in paragraphs 3.41 to 3.47).
3.61 During tokenisation, the TSP also creates cryptographic keys. As with the token,
these cryptographic keys are provisioned (placed) into the secure element, or stored
in the cloud, as per the method used. The use of dynamic cryptograms (as created by
the cryptographic keys) is one of the principal security features underpinning the EMV
tokenisation specification. It means that, even if a fraudster were to obtain a token,
the information would be of no use because the token could not be used to make
transactions without an associated dynamic cryptogram. The tokens, and the PANs
they correspond to, are kept by TSPs on behalf of card issuers as part of the
tokenisation service.
The tokenised transaction process
3.62 When a CMP transaction is made, the CMP app takes the token and dynamic
cryptogram from the secure element on the device or SIM card, or from the cloud
under HCE, and sends these through the NFC antenna to the retailers POS terminal.
From there, the payment information journey is represented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Information flows in a CMP transaction
PAN = Card number
DPAN = Token
DC = Dynamic cryptogram
DPAN + DC Approval
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.63 In Figure 1, the pink flows represent the gathering of relevant payment information
pre-approval, and the green flows show the transmission of that approval back to the
transaction location. The sequence is as follows:
1. The consumer’s DPAN (the token replacing their card number) is combined with a
dynamic cryptogram (containing information on the device and the transaction itself)
and sent via the NFC antenna to the retailers terminal.
2. The acquirer takes the information from the terminal and passes it to the relevant
card network operator.
3. The card network operator sends the DPAN to the TSP’s token vault to be verified
and exchanged for the card number (PAN).
4. The card network operator then sends the PAN and dynamic cryptogram to the
issuer for verification and approval.
5. The issuer now has the card information, payment details and confirmation that the
CMP instruction came from the consumers device. They then send their approval for
the transaction back to the card network operator.
6. From the card network operator, the approval is transmitted back to the acquirer and
on to the retailer, who sees that the consumers payment has been accepted and
that they will be paid for the goods or services sold.
3.64 By transmitting tokens rather than card details, CMPs could arguably lead to lower fraud
risks than contactless payments made using plastic cards. Also, consumers’ payment
details (even when tokenised) are not stored on the mobile devices OS, but on either a
secure element (on the device or SIM) or on secure servers in the cloud (HCE). Several
issuers and card scheme operators set out these security points as advantages of
CMPs and tokenisation in their responses to our RFIs. However, data supplied by these
parties does not yet conclusively show this to be the case. CMPs are still relatively new
and reliable fraud data will take time to accumulate.
3.65 Statistics regarding the level and nature of fraudulent CMP transactions will build as
CMPs continue to be adopted by consumers as a payment method and industry will
be better able to assess the potential for CMPs to reduce the incidence of fraud in the
payments sector.
CMP usage
3.66 Payment by card is now more popular in the UK than using cash, and contactless
payments accounted for nearly 40% of all in-store payments in October 2017 (up
from 24% the year before).
While CMPs still constitute a small percentage of all UK
contactless payments, they are in the tens of millions each month and increased 2.5
times between mid-2016 and mid-2017. If this growth continues, CMPs could come to
represent a significant proportion of daily consumer payments.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
Recent CMP use
3.67 Figure 2 is taken from surveys conducted by Mintel in April 2017 and February 2018.
It shows the percentages of the people surveyed who used a number of different
payment methods over the six-month periods to the two survey dates.
Figure 2: Use of payment methods, April 2017 and February 2018
3.68 While 16% of people surveyed had made a CMP transaction in the six months
preceding the 2017 survey, 24% had done so in a similar period before the 2018 survey.
This shows a fairly strong increase in the use of CMPs in a relatively short time. This
is consistent with responses to our RFIs. The survey also shows increased use of
debit cards and wearables for contactless payments between the two periods (and a
decrease in contactless use of credit cards).
3.69 With regard to the longer term, Mintel’s April 2017 survey looked at awareness among
the same survey population of different methods of mobile payment by age group (see
Figure 3).
31 Mintel: Consumer Payment Preferences – UK, June 2017 and Consumers and Payment Innovation - UK -
May 2018
Use of payment methods in preceding 6 months
April 2017 February 2018
6 months
6 months
Not in last
6 months
95% 2% 97% 3%
Debit card (chip and PIN)
87% 7% 83% 17%
Contactless debit card
53% 42% 63% 37%
Credit card (chip and PIN)
57% 33% 62% 38%
Contactless credit card
49% 47% 43% 57%
CMP (e.g. Apple Pay,
Google Pay)
16% 82% 24% 76%
11% 87% 15% 85%
Base: 2,000 internet users aged 16 or over
Source: Lightspeed/Mintel
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
Figure 3: Awareness of mobile payment schemes by demographic, April 2017
3.70 Figure 3 shows an awareness of CMP-enabled payment apps among a significant
percentage of the surveyed population, especially younger people (and a lower
awareness among the 65 and over age group). Considering that the apps in question
have only been available for a few years, this indicates positive levels of awareness and
scope for growth in both knowledge and use.
3.71 Current consumer attitudes towards ‘going cashless’ could give some indication of
future use of contactless payments as a payment method, as seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Attitudes towards non-cash payment methods by demographic,
April 2017 and February 2018
3.72 There appears to be a significant number of survey respondents in both surveys
‘Which, if any, of the following payment providers have you heard of?’
Age group Apple Pay Google Pay Samsung Pay
16 to 34
60% 42% 23%
35 to 44
57% 41% 19%
45 to 64
58% 41% 19%
65 and over
42% 20% 9%
Base: 2,000 internet users aged 16 or over
Source: Lightspeed/Mintel
‘I am comfortable with the idea of a cashless society
April 2017 February 2018
Age group Ye s No Don’t know Ye s No Don’t know
16 to 24
39% 41% 20% 47% 34% 19%
25 to 34
46% 37% 17% 51% 36% 13%
35 to 44
36% 47% 17% 39% 47% 13%
45 to 54
30% 54% 15% 29% 57% 13%
55 to 64
21% 62% 17% 21% 67% 12%
65 and over
20% 68% 13% 21% 69% 10%
Base: 2,000 internet users aged 16 or over
Source: Lightspeed/Mintel
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
who would be comfortable to go cashless. The number is also higher for younger
respondents (i.e. aged between 16 and 45). It is also interesting to note increases in the
percentages happy to go cashless in the same age groups, between the two surveys.
These findings could suggest a growing propensity in the population towards accepting
card-based and contactless payments over cash, which could result in increased uptake
and use of CMP apps on mobile devices.
Future CMP use
3.73 Based on the views of stakeholders, it seems likely that the use of CMPs will continue
to increase in the foreseeable future. There are several factors that are likely to drive
this increase:
There was a general consensus among the respondents to our RFIs that there
would be continued growth in CMPs over the next few years, driven by increasing
consumer adoption, more NFC-enabled POS terminals
and increasing acceptance
(and facilitation) of higher-value (>£30) CMPs by retailers.
There is also potential for increased CMP use through the broader emerging scope
for contactless payments – for example, for transport (already adopted in many areas
in the UK) and through the growing use of NFC-chipped wearable devices (where
these are directly linked to a CMP app).
CMP apps may also begin to use interbank payment systems in addition to, or
instead of, cards, which could increase the scope for innovative services. As we
have seen, the functionality for interbank-based CMPs already exists.
Changes introduced by PSD2 and Open Banking
are expected to increase
competition in the payments sector by promoting open access to payment systems
and accounts. Non-PSPs, corporates (such as Amazon) and FinTech businesses
will be able – with consumer consent – to access consumer bank accounts directly
to perform payment activities. Thus, for example, non-PSPs could be able to offer
contactless pay-by-bank apps or functionality.
CMP use may increase as other services are now integrated into CMP apps – for
example, loyalty cards and discount coupons. CMP app providers told us they see
this integration making the use of CMPs more convenient – for example, removing
the need to carry loyalty cards, as these can be applied automatically to relevant
transactions through the CMP app – and could lead to an increased uptake in CMPs.
32 According to UK Finance, there were 491,084 contactless-enabled bank-owned terminals in the UK in
April 2017.
33 Where a CMP is verified by the consumer, for example via the Touch ID fingerprint reader on Apple Pay,
retailer POS terminals can (at the retailers discretion) accept higher value payments.
34 The revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) was transposed into UK legislation in the Payment Services
Regulations 2017 (PSRs 2017). The Competition and Markets Authority issued a ruling (Open Banking)
requiring the nine biggest UK banks to allow licensed entities direct access to their customers’ account
information (if the customers chose to engage the entities).
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.74 The different parties involved in providing CMP services to consumers have different
incentives for doing so:
Card issuers told us that it is important that their customers have as many secure and
convenient ways as possible of making payments with their cards. They also told us
that they need to offer their customers the newest innovations in payment methods.
Card scheme operators have an incentive to maintain, or even increase, the
number of payments consumers make through their schemes. To achieve this,
consumers must choose to use schemes’ cards, which are issued by card issuers
and must be accepted by as many retailers as possible.
Device manufacturers pointed out that a CMP app developer can provide an
additional functionality to a mobile device.
CMP app developers have different incentives when offering their products,
depending on the model they follow for monetising them that we now discuss.
CMP app monetisation
3.75 When monetising use of their apps, CMP app developers do one of the following:
They charge fees to the card issuers that participate in the CMP app.
They charge nothing for use of the CMP app but monetise the transaction
data obtained.
3.76 We explain these in turn, making no judgment about the advantages and disadvantages
of the alternative approaches. In this review, we did not consider the regulatory issues
around the use of data. We recently published a discussion paper on the future of data in
payment systems, indicating that it intends to consider how data is used in this context.
3.77 To offer card-based CMPs, a CMP app developer needs to interact directly with card
schemes, card issuers and consumers. CMP app developers may therefore charge
any or several of these parties fees for using their products. This is illustrated by the
different approaches of Apple and Google, currently the main players in this sector.
Apple does not charge consumers fees for making payments through Apple Pay,
or card schemes for processing transactions through Apple Pay. However, Apple
charges fees to card issuers that participate in Apple Pay.
Google does not charge card schemes, card issuers or consumers for use of
Google Pay.
36 See, for example:
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
3.78 If it chose to do so, a CMP app developer could, instead of charging a fee, retain data
on an individual’s purchasing history (regardless of the type of card used). Such data,
which can reveal an individual’s spending habits, can be monetised, even if the data
is not passed to a third party. We have observed different approaches from CMP app
developers in respect of their approaches to monetising data. This is illustrated by the
different approaches of the two biggest players – Google Pay and Apple Pay.
Google states in the terms of service for Google Pay that, as permitted by its privacy
policies, the user permits Google ‘to collect transaction, account, and other personal
information from third parties, including retailers and your payment method’s issuer‘.
In its general privacy policy, Google states that ’ads help keep our services free
for everyone. We use data to show you these ads, but we do not sell personal
information like your name, email address and payment information‘.
In contrast, Apple’s website states that ‘Apple Pay doesnt collect any transaction
information that can be tied back to you’.
The benefits of CMP apps
3.79 CMP apps provide consumers with another way of using their cards to make contactless
payments (by ‘tapping’ their mobile device rather than a plastic card). This extra
option could create benefits for both consumers and retailers. In our RFIs, we asked
stakeholders what these benefits might be. Stakeholders told us about the following:
Consumers are able to pay without carrying a physical plastic card with them.
This was mentioned by a card scheme operator, several card issuers and a mobile
network operator. We note that there is also a potential benefit to a consumer from
being able to make CMPs if their plastic card is not contactless.
Retailers will be able to integrate loyalty schemes with CMP apps, removing
the need for consumers to carry and produce a separate card. In turn, this could
encourage consumers to use the loyalty scheme for any given transaction, thereby
benefiting the loyalty schemes. These were mentioned by a card scheme operator,
several card issuers and a mobile network operator.
According to respondents, CMP apps can, in principle, enhance the security of a
contactless payment by requiring biometric authentication before the payment is
processed and through the tokenisation process (this may not be available with other
payment methods
– see paragraphs 3.64 to 3.65). This point was made by card
scheme operators, a number of card issuers, a mobile network operator, CMP app
providers and a payment system operator. A card scheme operator also pointed out
that issuing banks can benefit from the cost savings of not having to issue physical
cards or administer and arrange for replacements if they are lost.
39 Some card issuers have suggested to us that awareness is low of the security benefits of making a
contactless payment using a mobile rather than a plastic card. This is supported by research by Mintel that
cites security concerns as a key reason why survey respondents have not used a smartphone to make
payments or transfers. (Mintel: Consumer Payment Preferences, UK, June 2017). This is despite CMP app
providers’ explanations about the security benefits (see, for example,
HT203027 and
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
The consumer has easy, real-time access to a list of their payments. Consumers
with payment cards can see this too, through their mobile banking app, but it would
not be in real-time –there would be a delay while the card payment cleared through
the system. This was mentioned by two card issuers and a mobile network operator.
In general, CMPs offer increased speed and simplicity of payments for consumers.
This was mentioned by CMP app providers and card and payment scheme
operators. It was also pointed out by some card issuers that retailers could benefit
from being able to offer a more seamless checkout for consumers, reducing the time
needed to serve them.
One card issuer made the point that retailers may also benefit from consumers
having more payment options (possibly making them more likely to make a
purchase). Also, to the extent that consumers recognise the security advantages of
CMP apps, this could benefit those retailers taking payments, in terms of being able
to accept higher-value contactless payments when the CMP app supports this (for
example, through fingerprint verification). Another card issuer said that retailers may
also be able to provide an electronic receipt through the CMP app, which reduces
cost and the environmental impact of paper receipts.
Several card issuers and a card scheme operator told us that CMPs allow card
issuers to add new services to their current account offerings, to provide consumers
with a wider choice of payment methods and to provide a new alternative to cash.
Card issuers also told us that CMPs allow retailers to deepen customer relationships
via consumer messaging opportunities and further value-added services.
Two card issuers and a card scheme operator pointed out that CMPs (when verified
– for example, by a fingerprint scan) could enable consumers to make contactless
payments for purchases over £30, whereas cards must be inserted into POS
terminals and a PIN used. Retailers could also benefit from somewhat shorter
checkout times if consumers chose to make such contactless payments instead of
using chip and PIN.
3.80 Most of these benefits are widely available today from CMP apps. Others were raised by
stakeholders as potential benefits to both retailers and consumers from using CMP apps.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
4 Issues considered in the
CMP sector
Access to the NFC antenna
4.1 Near-field communication (NFC) technology is the prevalent technology used to make
contactless mobile payments (CMPs) in the UK. As we explained in paragraph 3.36, NFC
appears to be the only current feasible option for widespread contactless POS payments.
4.2 The principal concern raised with us was that only Apple has access to the NFC
antenna on its devices in a way that can be used to make CMPs. Some card issuers
alleged that this restriction on access prevents non-Apple CMPs from operating on
these devices, thereby limiting innovation and competition. Comments included:
card issuers are not able to develop their own branded payment apps to access the
NFC capability on Apple devices
third-party applications are unable to offer host card emulation (HCE) solutions on
Apple devices, and cannot innovate with alternative propositions on Apple devices
as a result of this restriction, Apple-using consumers are not able to access a
complete set of alternatives for CMPs on their devices
4.3 However, other card issuers said the restriction on access to the NFC antenna made
no difference to their businesses, either because they did not wish to launch their own
CMP apps or because they were content with offering their customers CMPs through
Apple Pay.
Potential innovation in CMPs
4.4 We sought to understand what the effect of restrictions on access to the NFC
antenna on Apple devices could be. In particular, we looked at whether there were any
substantial innovations being hampered by the restrictions. CMP solutions that run on
platforms that offer access to the NFC antenna (i.e. on Android) offer similar features to
Apple Pay.
4.5 There seems to be no great difference – in terms of innovation – between Apple Pay
and what is available on the Android platform. Google Pay, Samsung Pay and Amex Pay,
for example, all have the same basic functionality as Apple Pay. For example, Apple Pay
supports online, in-store and in-app payments.
40 In 2016, following the launch of Apple Pay in Australia, a coalition of Australian banks sought authorisation
from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to negotiate collectively with Apple
over the use of Apple Pay. The ACCC decided not to give clearance to the proposed collaboration, because it
did not believe that the likely benefits (in terms of increased competition in CMP apps) would outweigh the
likely detriments – harm to Apple’s business model, reduced innovation in contactless payments and reduced
competition between retail banks. While the ACCC decision is helpful in its examination of some aspects
of CMPs, it nonetheless differs from our own work. The ACCC decision looked at the possible effects of
granting permission for collective bargaining; we looked at the workings of the CMP sector in general.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
4.6 In addition, in the course of our call for information, we did not identify any clearly
distinct products that would likely become available if access to the NFC antenna
was granted by Apple. None of the issuers suggested that their own apps (had they
developed a CMP app) would have offered their customers something significantly
more than what was already available through Apple Pay. We asked card issuers about
the effect of Apples restrictions to the NFC antenna, and about what they would do if
access to the NFC antenna on Apple devices were open. The issuers identified:
automatic updating of loyalty card points
a function to ‘auto-provision’ customer’s cards, and thus eliminate fraud arising at
the point of provision.
a functionality to pay-by-bank (i.e. via Faster Payments) at a physical POS using NFC.
allowing consumers to use a mobile device to withdraw cash at an ATM.
4.7 Auto-provisioning’ of customer cards, and the adding of loyalty cards are currently
available on the two main CMP apps (Apple Pay and Google Pay). Some card issuers
already allow their customers to use a mobile device to withdraw cash at an ATM.
also note that the functionality to pay-by-bank is not available on either Apple- or Android-
based CMP apps. This may be an opportunity for innovation in the future. In particular,
contactless pay-by-bank functionality could be a significant innovation for card issuers.
Stakeholder views on potential for consumer benefits arising
from restricted access to the NFC antenna
4.8 Apple claimed that there are benefits for consumers arising from its refusal to allow
third parties access to the NFC antenna for CMPs on Apple devices.
4.9 Apple told us that it places significant value on privacy
and security (for example,
through the curation of apps that can be installed on Apple devices) and that Apple
devices are designed with security as a main concern (for example, including a
device-based secure element). See Figure 5.
41 We understand that, since May this year, PayPal can be used with Google Pay and Samsung Pay in the USA
(though not in the UK).
42 For example, RBS and NatWest both offer a service through their mobile banking apps, using a PIN,
requested and received via the customer’s mobile device and entered into the ATM to retrieve cash.
While not NFC-based, this service offers the same functionality and can be used on both Apple- and
Android-based devices.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
Figure 5: Apple Pay and HCE payment credentials and storage
4.10 According to Apple
, the secure element (where the DPAN and dynamic cryptograms
are stored) is completely isolated from the devices operating system, and the payment
credentials pass only through the NFC controller on their way to a retailers POS
terminal. On devices that allow HCE CMPs, the payment credentials sit within the
operating system.
4.11 Apple told us (and have stated publicly
) that giving third parties access to the NFC
antenna built into Apple devices could lead to concerns affecting the security of CMPs.
Apple says that such issues would lessen the security on its devices.
4.12 Apple also told us that opening access to the NFC antenna on its devices would
degrade the user experience associated with its devices and brand. According to Apple,
there could be friction introduced to this experience if using a third-party app required
a change in settings on the device itself before use – for example, to switch between
payment apps.
Our current view based on the evidence available
4.13 Although some card issuers argued that Apples restriction was harmful, the majority
of the respondents didn’t raise any concerns. Some card issuers complained about
negative effects of restricted access, although they were not able to identify specific
restrictions on innovation at this stage. We have not identified any innovations in CMP
services that are not being developed as a result of the restriction.
4.14 Although we were not told of any specific feature not being offered to Apple users, or of
any major development being hindered on the Apple platform, this is still a developing
market and we would like to keep a close review of the effects of the restriction, including
on fees, product development and user choice of mobile payment solutions.
44 See, for example,
45 For example,, page 5.
46 See also, page 19.
Apple Pay
HCE-based CMP app
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Tokenisation services
4.15 Tokenisation is a key element in CMPs: it aims to make the card information stored on
mobile devices unusable elsewhere, thereby reducing the possibility of fraud through
card number theft.
4.16 In our initial request for information (RFI), we wanted first to understand what
tokenisation is, how it is provided, whether there are standards and, if so, how these
were set up and what is their role in the provision of CMPs. In our second RFI, we
asked stakeholders for more detailed information regarding the EMV specification.
The EMV specification
4.17 The tokenisation process for CMPs in the UK generally occurs in accordance with the
industry standard known as the EMV specification. This is the main global standard for
tokenisation services. It describes the payment tokenisation ecosystem, the types of
entities needed to support payment tokens and the main responsibilities of each entity.
It also outlines minimum requirements for the creation and use of payment tokens,
such as token format, domain specificity, which parties can know what information, etc.
4.18 The EMV specification was developed by EMVCo, which is a limited liability company
owned by six of the major card schemes
, each of which has 1/6 ownership. EMVCo
developed its tokenisation specification to allow a registered party to offer tokenisation
services and to ensure compatibility across CMP apps. The EMV specification defines a
number of roles and concepts relevant to the tokenisation process. These are explained
in turn below:
Token services: These can include the generation and storage of payment tokens,
placing tokens into a digital wallet on a consumer’s device (known as ‘provisioning’),
keeping the lists of corresponding primary account numbers (PANs) and device
primary account numbers (DPANs) for confirmation on request by the card issuer
via the card system operator, as well as managing authorisation messages between
the various parties. Tokens are usually ‘domain-specific’ – i.e. specific to the type of
payment being made or device on which the transaction is initiated (for example,
specifically for CMPs or on a specific mobile device). This means that if someone
tried to use a CMP-specific token for an e-commerce payment via a web-browser (or
vice versa), or to use a CMP token on a device different from the one on which the
token was provisioned, this would not pass the token services domain controls.
Token service provider (TSP): A TSP generates and provisions tokens to be used on
consumers’ mobile devices, stores and manages records of those tokens over their
working life, and deletes them once they expire.
Token vault: The token vault is where a TSP stores PANs and their linked DPANs.
The vault is consulted during a CMP transaction to match the token with its
corresponding card number in order to validate the payment request.
47 American Express, Discover, JCB, Mastercard, UnionPay and Visa.
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4.19 While these services are generally undertaken by the main card schemes acting as TSPs,
they can – together or separately – be provided by card issuers or other parties. However,
if a TSP wishes to become EMV specification-compliant from the processes detailed
on the EMVCo website relating to becoming an EMV TSP, there are also administrative
requirements and costs involved with becoming registered with the organisation.
Possible issues with the EMV specification
4.20 We considered whether the EMV specification might have any effect on the provision
of tokenisation services for CMPs. Specifically, we considered whether:
card issuers had to use particular providers of tokenisation services
there was any restriction on non-card-scheme TSPs to develop and offer
tokenisation services
4.21 We have examined the EMV specification and engaged with relevant stakeholders in
relation to how the standard was developed and is set in practice.
4.22 We were told in the responses to our RFIs that some CMP app developers require use
of the EMV specification from other parties but that others do not. However, the main
suppliers of tokenisation services (the three main UK card network operators) all offer
EMV specification-compliant services.
4.23 On the basis of responses to our RFIs, participants appear to prefer using the EMV
specification. According to one card issuer, the existence of the common standard
on a global scale has had a positive effect on the development and uptake of CMP in
the UK. They said this means that card issuers do not need to develop and agree a
separate standard for each wallet provider, making the economics of tokenisation more
affordable from the perspective of the banks.
4.24 All final decisions relating to the EMV specification are taken by EMVCo members only.
However, non-members can become involved in the process of developing and setting
the standards, and the standards are freely available.
4.25 We were not made aware of any examples of tokenisation services being prevented
market entry because of the introduction and operation of the standard and its
associated costs and processes. We were not told of any firm that had been prevented
from developing its own tokenisation services due to the existence and operation of
the EMV specification. No card issuer has reported that they have been prevented from
choosing their own TSP.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
5 Concluding remarks
Benefits for end users
5.1 The development of contactless mobile payments (CMPs) as an alternative payment
method has the potential to bring significant benefits for participants in payment
systems and the people and organisations that use them. Nonetheless, while the
use of CMPs is continuing to increase, they currently still represent a relatively small
percentage of all payments in the UK.
5.2 Respondents to our requests for information (RFIs) told us that CMP apps can create real
benefits for consumers, retailers and card issuers, beyond those currently derived from
plastic card contactless payments. For consumers, these benefits are claimed to include:
generally increased speed and simplicity of payments
not having to carry a physical card
being able to link payments to loyalty schemes
being able to make contactless payments from a non-contactless payment card
the security brought by tokenisation (and possibly biometric authentication)
real-time access to payment history
5.3 For retailers, benefits could include:
consumers having more payment options
the improved security of CMP apps could allow retailers to accept higher-value
contactless payments
retailers being able to offer electronic receipts through the CMP app
higher-value payments meaning shorter checkout times if consumers chose CMPs
over chip and PIN payments
5.4 For card issuers, benefits could include:
CMPs allowing them to add new services to their current account offerings in order
to retain or compete for customers
CMPs providing consumers with a wider choice of payment methods
CMPs providing a new alternative to retailers for taking payment from consumers
the security brought by tokenisation (and possibly biometric authentication)
5.5 More benefits may arise as the sector continues to evolve. If the benefits just
outlined are significant, they may drive and increase take-up of CMP services by
consumers and retailers, and card issuers may continue to want to provide these
services for their customers.
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Our role in protecting competition, innovation
and the interests of service-users
5.6 We have considered a range of issues in our call for information exercise. These have
included whether the setting of a tokenisation standard and restricting access to key
hardware and software elements have a detrimental impact in our objectives.
5.7 Respondents to our RFIs did not identify significant innovation that was being held back
by Apple’s restriction to give access to its NFC antenna. Any restrictions – including on
software or hardware – that have the potential to hinder the development of products
or access to payment services will be kept under observation. In order for all end
users of CMP apps to be able to take full advantage of current and future benefits of
this payment method, it is important that efficient competition and innovation in the
markets concerned are maintained.
5.8 CMPs are still a relatively new development and are also a fast-developing part of the
payments sector. For these reasons, we will continue to keep the CMP sector under
observation as it develops further, retaining the option to investigate in future and to
take any action we believe to be necessary to address any problems we may identify or
that are brought to our attention. We will therefore continue to monitor developments in
this rapidly changing sector.
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Contactless mobile payments: A PSR report
6 Glossary
Term or abbreviation Description
Card issuer
A PSP contracting to provide a consumer with a payment instrument
to initiate and process the consumers card-based payment
transaction, made by means of any card, telecommunication, digital
or IT device or software
Card network
A payment system that enables a holder of a payment card to make
a payment
Card scheme
A single set of rules for card-based payment transactions, including
any specific decision-making body accountable for the functioning of
the scheme
mobile devices
Mobile devices that are capable of using contactless technology to
initiate CMPs. They may also be capable of implementing security
services such as tokenisation
Contactless mobile
payment (CMP)
A payment initiated on a consumer’s mobile device that uses
contactless technology to transmit payment information to a
retailers terminal
CMP app
A computer program, designed to run on a mobile device, that allows
that device to make CMPs
Short-range wireless communication technologies used to transmit
payment information from a consumers device to a retailers terminal
– for example, near-field communication (NFC), Magnetic Secure
Transmission (MST) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). These could
be available on a contactless-enabled mobile device or on a passive
device, such as a contactless payment card
Device primary
account number
The token, generated by a card issuer’s TSP, linked to a consumer’s
PAN and used to make CMP transactions (also known as a ‘digital’
primary account number)
Host Card Emulation
Software that enables certain CMP apps to make tokenised
contactless payments without relying on a secure element
In-app payment
A payment initiated using a retailers software application on a
consumers device that transmits payment information to that retailer
over the internet
In-store payment
A payment initiated by the transmission of payment information from
a consumers device to a retailers POS terminal. Payments can be
initiated by both passive and ‘smart’ devices
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Term or abbreviation Description
Mobile device
An electronic device, excluding cards, tags or fobs, that can operate
interactively and autonomously, and that connects to other devices or
networks via wireless protocols such as Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi or 4G
communication (NFC)
A standard of wireless communication for enabling a contactless
connection between devices. In the case of contactless payments,
NFC is the technology that enables them to be made – whether
between a contactless card and a POS terminal or between a mobile
device and a POS terminal
NFC antenna
A piece of electronic transmitting and receiving equipment, built
into a mobile device, that enables CMPs to be made in-store using
NFC technology
Online payment
A payment initiated within a browsing application on a consumers
mobile device that transmits payment information to a retailer over
the internet
Operating system
The system software that manages computer hardware and software
resources, and that provides common services for computer programs
Payment Service
Provider (PSP
In relation to a payment system, any person who provides services
to people who are not participants in the system for the purposes of
enabling the transfer of funds using the payment system (see also
s.42(5) FSBRA)
Point-of-sale (POS)
The hardware and software used to record a retail financial transaction
Primary account
number (PAN)
The 12-digit number across the middle of a payment card (credit or
debit) that identifies the card account holders account – also known as
a ‘funding’ primary account number (FPAN)
Secure element
A chip used to store sensitive payment data on a mobile device.
The secure element stores the provisioned cards’ DPAN tokens and
other dynamic information used to verify them as coming from the
consumers device
The substitution, often to enable secure mobile payments, of sensitive
payment data (e.g. a consumers PAN) with data still capable of
initiating a payment, but of more limited potential value if intercepted
or stolen
Token service provider
A party that provides services that can include generating and
provisioning tokens to be used on a card issuers customers mobile
device; storing and managing records of those tokens over their
working life; and deleting them when this is over
© The Payment Systems Regulator Limited 2018
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