20 MARCH 2020
Incorporating Change 1, 10 April 2024
Certified Current On, 10 April 2024
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website for
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RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
(Colonel William Culver)
Supersedes: AFI 91-202, 24 June 2015
AFI 91-217, 11 April 2014
Pages: 211
This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 91-2, Safety Programs, and North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Standardization Agreements (STANAGs) 3101, Exchange
of Flight Safety Information, and 3102, Flight Safety Cooperation in Common Ground/Air Space.
It establishes mishap prevention program requirements, assigns responsibilities for program
elements and contains program management information. It applies to all Department of the Air
Force civilian employees and uniformed members of the Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve,
Air National Guard (ANG) and the United States Space Force (USSF). For the purposes of this
instruction, ANG and Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) are included in all references to Major
Commands (MAJCOMs). at joint bases, Air Force units will follow the requirements in this
instruction, along with guidance contained within inter-service and/or inter-agency agreements. At
enduring and contingency locations outside the United States, follow the requirements in this
instruction so long as they do not conflict with applicable requirements from any of the following:
host nation requirements made applicable by international agreement, Overseas Environmental
Baseline Guidance Document standards, country-specific Final Governing Standards, Geographic
Combatant Command policy, environmental annex to operational order, operational plan
(OPLAN) or other operational directive. This publication may be supplemented at any level, but
all direct Supplements must be routed to the OPR of this publication for coordination prior to
certification and approval. Send major command, field command, field operating agency and direct
2 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
reporting unit (MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU) supplements to Air Force Chief of Safety
(AF/SE) Org Box, 9700 G Avenue, Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5670, for coordination and approval
before publication. Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to the Office
of Primary Responsibility (OPR) using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of
Publication; route AF Forms 847 from the field through the appropriate functional’s chain of
command. All requests for changes, interpretations or clarifications concerning this publication
must be forwarded through the MAJCOM/ FLDCOM/FOA/DRU safety organization, who, in
turn, as applicable, will forward to AFSEC. The authorities to waive wing/unit-level requirements
in this publication are identified with a Tier (T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3) number following the compliance
statement. See Department of the Air Force Manual (DAFMAN) 90-161, Publishing Processes
and Procedures, for a description of the authorities associated with Tier numbers. Submit requests
for waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier waiver approval authority, or
alternately, to the requestor’s commander for non-tiered compliance items. Submit waiver requests
for Secretary of the Air Force, Inspector General (SAF/IG) consideration through SAF/IGI. To
meet the intent of DAFMAN 90-161, e-mail finalized waivers (AF Form 679, Air Force
Publication Compliance Item Waiver Request/Approval) to SAF/IGI (usaf.pentagon.saf-
ig.mbx.saf-igi-[email protected]l). Ensure that all records generated as a result of processes
prescribed in this publication adhere to Air Force Instruction (AFI) 33-322, Records Management
and Information Governance Program, and are disposed IAW Air Force Records Disposition
Schedule, which is located in the Air Force Records Information Management System. The use of
the name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial product, commodity, and/or service
in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Air Force. This publication requires the
collection and/or maintenance of information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 authorized by
Title 29 United States Code (USC), Section 9013, Secretary of the Air Force. All records created,
collected and stored under the guidance of this instruction are subject to the provisions of the
Freedom of Information Act, as authorized by Title 5 USC § 552, Public Information; Agency
Rules, Opinions, Orders, Records, and Proceedings, and IAW DoDM 5400.07_AFMAN 33-302,
Freedom of Information Act Program. The System of Records Notice F036 AF PC Q, Personnel
Data System (PDS); F024 AF IL C Motor Vehicle Operator’s Records, and F032 AF ILE,
Enterprise Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health-Management Information System
(EESOH-MIS) are available at:
This Interim Change (IC) revises AFI 91-202 by adding the applicability to the USSF and
redesignating the publication as a Department of the Air Force Instruction (DAFI) and changes the
title to The Department of the Air Force (DAF) Mishap Prevention Program. Additionally, it
adopts changes implemented in Air Force Guidance Memorandum 2022-01, (adds report
submission guidance for the Annual Program Management Review (APMR) in paragraph 3.5
and adds obstacle course inspection guidance. This IC also revises space safety program
management applicability, expands Air Force Safety Management System (AFSMS) guidance,
replaces Table 14.5 to reflect updated Aviation Safety training, and changes Center Commander
to Program Executive Officer in Chapter 13.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 3
1.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 9
1.2. Vision. ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.3. The Air Force Mishap Prevention Program. ............................................................ 9
1.4. Mishap Prevention Program Disciplines (Aviation, Occupational, Weapons,
Space, etc.). .............................................................................................................. 9
1.5. Air Force Occupational Safety and Health (AFOSH) Guidance and Applying
Standards. ................................................................................................................. 10
1.6. Roles and Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 13
1.7. Waivers. ................................................................................................................... 51
1.8. Military-Unique and Nonmilitary-Unique Policy. ................................................... 51
2.1. Safety Staff. ............................................................................................................. 53
2.2. Unit Safety Representative (USR). .......................................................................... 58
2.3. Safety Education/Training. ...................................................................................... 59
2.4. Safety Office Vehicles and Equipment. ................................................................... 60
2.5. Safety Library. ......................................................................................................... 60
2.6. Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Councils (ESOHC). ....................... 60
2.7. Non-USAF Councils and Committees. .................................................................... 61
2.8. Major Range and Test Facility Base (MRTFB) Safety Programs. .......................... 61
3.1. General. .................................................................................................................... 63
Table 3.1. Safety Evaluations, Assessments, and Inspections. ................................................. 63
3.2. Safety Evaluations. .................................................................................................. 64
3.3. Safety Program Evaluation (SPE). ........................................................................... 64
3.4. Safety Program Assessments. .................................................................................. 64
3.5. Annual Program Management Review (APMR). .................................................... 66
3.6. Annual Safety Inspections. ...................................................................................... 67
3.7. Spot Inspections. ...................................................................................................... 69
3.8. High Interest Areas. ................................................................................................. 70
3.9. Administrative Areas. .............................................................................................. 70
3.10. Special and Seasonal Inspections. ............................................................................ 70
3.11. Staff Assistance Visits (SAV). ................................................................................. 71
4 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
3.12. Federal/State Inspections and Investigations. .......................................................... 71
3.13. Contract Performance Assessment. ......................................................................... 71
4.1. Hazard Identification. .............................................................................................. 73
4.2. Reporting Criteria. ................................................................................................... 73
4.3. Hazard Reporting System. ....................................................................................... 73
4.4. Additional Reporting Procedures. ............................................................................ 74
4.5. Air Force Form 457, Airmen Appeal Procedures. ................................................... 75
4.6. Risk Reduction and Mitigation. ............................................................................... 75
4.7. Preparation of Risk Assessments. ............................................................................ 75
4.8. Hazard Abatement. .................................................................................................. 76
4.9. Hazard Control Hierarchy. ....................................................................................... 76
4.10. Hazard Abatement Requirements. ........................................................................... 76
4.11. Critical/Imminent Danger Situations. ...................................................................... 77
4.12. Posting Notification of Hazards. .............................................................................. 77
4.13. Installation Master Hazard Abatement Plan (MHAP). ............................................ 78
4.14. Funding for Hazard Abatement. .............................................................................. 79
4.15. End of Year Annual Master Hazard Abatement Survey and Facility/Workplace
Inspection Report. .................................................................................................... 79
5.1. Information Protection. ............................................................................................ 81
5.2. Recurring Publications. ............................................................................................ 81
5.3. Methods of Information Distribution. ................................................................
...... 81
5.4. Mishap Analysis Program. ....................................................................................... 82
5.5. Mishap Prevention Analysis Methods. .................................................................... 82
5.6. Use of Analyzed Data. ............................................................................................. 83
5.7. Air Force Combined Mishap Reduction System. .................................................... 83
5.8. Organizational Safety Assessment (OSA). .............................................................. 84
5.9. Military Flight Operations Quality Assurance (MFOQA). ...................................... 84
5.10. Airman Safety Action Program (ASAP). ................................................................. 84
5.11. Line Operations Safety Audit. ................................................................................. 84
5.12. Standard Mishap Metrics. ........................................................................................ 85
5.13. Calculating Federal Employee Compensation Metric (Rate). ................................. 86
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 5
5.14. AFSAS Analysis and Query Tools. ......................................................................... 87
6.1. Deployment and Contingency Safety Program. ....................................................... 88
6.2. Air Force Forces Chief of Safety (AFFOR/SE). ...................................................... 88
6.3. AFFOR Deployed Unit Safety Functions and Organizations. ................................. 89
6.4. Mishap Prevention Program. ................................................................................... 92
6.5. Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Safety Awards. ..................................................... 92
6.6. AFFOR/SE Visits. ................................................................................................... 93
7.1. Program Management. ............................................................................................. 94
7.2. Plans. ........................................................................................................................ 94
7.3. Programs. ................................................................................................................. 94
7.4. Aero Club Operations. ............................................................................................. 97
7.5. Training Meetings and Briefings. ............................................................................ 97
7.6. Inspections/Assessments and Monitoring. ............................................................... 98
7.7. Airfield Maintenance, Construction and Waivers (Installation). ............................. 99
8.1. Program Management. ............................................................................................. 101
8.2. Assurance Requirements. ......................................................................................... 101
8.3. Installation Occupational Safety Staff Responsibilities. .......................................... 101
8.4. Tenant Unit and Geographically Separated Unit Responsibilities. .......................... 104
8.5. Unit Safety Representative (USR) Responsibilities. ................................................ 104
8.6. Hazard Identification and Abatement. ................................................................
..... 104
8.7. Federal/State Inspections of DoD Working Conditions and Mishap
Investigations. .......................................................................................................... 105
8.8. DoL Occupational Safety and Health Administration Annual Visit Summary. ...... 105
8.9. Occupational Safety Corporate Committee. ............................................................ 105
9.1. Program Management. ............................................................................................. 106
9.2. Weapons Safety Personnel Management and Manning Plan. .................................. 106
9.3. Explosives Safety Standards. ................................................................................... 106
9.4. Weapons Safety Personnel. ...................................................................................... 106
9.5. Weapons Safety Program Requirements. ................................................................ 109
6 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
9.6. Missile Safety. ......................................................................................................... 109
9.7. Nuclear Surety. ........................................................................................................ 109
9.8. Unit Directed Energy Safety Program Functions. ................................................... 109
9.9. Munitions Rapid Response Team. ........................................................................... 110
9.10. Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB). .................................. 110
9.11. Weapons, Explosives and DEW Training................................................................ 110
9.12. Weapons Safety Committees. .................................................................................. 111
Chapter 10SPACE SAFETY 112
10.1. Program Management. ............................................................................................. 112
10.2. Space Safety Responsibilities. ................................................................................. 112
10.3. Space Safety Council (SSC). ................................................................................... 113
10.4. Space Nuclear Safety. .............................................................................................. 114
10.5. Ground Based Space System Safety. ....................................................................... 114
10.6. Pre-Launch. .............................................................................................................. 114
10.7. Launch Safety. ......................................................................................................... 115
10.8. Orbital Safety. .......................................................................................................... 118
11.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 126
11.2. System Safety Applied to Acquisition Activities. ................................................... 127
11.3. System Safety Risk Acceptance Process. ................................................................ 128
11.4. System Safety Groups (SSG). .................................................................................. 129
11.5. Non-Developmental Items.
...................................................................................... 131
11.6. System Safety Engineering Analysis (SSEA). ......................................................... 131
11.7. Application of a Safety Risk Assessment (SRA). .................................................... 132
11.8. Safety Risk Assessment Purpose and Risk Decision Authority Empowerment. ..... 132
11.9. Core Safety Risk Assessment Principles. ................................................................ 133
11.10. Safety Office SRA Reviews. .................................................................................... 135
12.1. Contract Safety Program. ......................................................................................... 137
12.2. Contract Types. ........................................................................................................ 137
Table 12.1. Contract Considerations. .......................................................................................... 137
12.3. Contractor Compliance. ........................................................................................... 138
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 7
12.4. Safety Office. ........................................................................................................... 138
13.1. Air Force Safety Management System (AFSMS).................................................... 140
Figure 13.1. AFSMS Pillars. ........................................................................................................ 140
Figure 13.2. AFSMS Framework. ................................................................................................ 142
Figure 13.3. The Air Force 5-Step RM Process. .......................................................................... 143
13.2. Annual Program Management Review (APMR). .................................................... 146
13.3. Federal/State Inspections of DoD Working Conditions and Mishap
Investigations. .......................................................................................................... 148
13.4. USAF Aviation Safety Equipment Database Reporting. ......................................... 152
13.5. Mishap Response. .................................................................................................... 153
13.6. Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). .................................................................................... 154
13.7. Risk Assessment Codes (RAC). Note 1: .................................................................. 154
Table 13.1. Safety and Ergonomic Hazard Risk Assessment Code Matrix. ............................... 155
13.8. Abatement Priority Number (APN). ........................................................................ 156
Table 13.2. Severity and Probability Multiplier Matrix. ............................................................. 156
Table 13.3. Abatement Priority Number Index. .......................................................................... 157
13.9. Preparation of Safety Risk Assessments. ................................................................. 157
Figure 13.4. Sample Risk Assessment Layout and Guidance. ..................................................... 157
13.10. Safety Release. ......................................................................................................... 158
Figure 13.5. Safety Release Letter (Example). ............................................................................ 159
13.11. Launch Vehicle Space Debris Assessment Report (SDAR). ................................... 160
Table 13.4. SDAR Format. ......................................................................................................... 160
13.12. Combined Space Vehicle Space Debris Assessment Report/End-of-Life Plan
(SDAR/EOLP). ........................................................................................................ 163
Table 13.5. Contents of SDAR/EOLP. ....................................................................................... 164
14.1. Job Safety Training Outline. .................................................................................... 168
14.2. Continuing Education and Training Courses. .......................................................... 172
Table 14.1. Continuing Career Safety Professional Development (Recommended Safety
Courses). .................................................................................................................. 172
Table 14.2. Continuing Career Safety Professional Development (AFSEC Courses Awarding
Continuing Education Units). .................................................................................. 173
14.3. Safety Education and Training. ................................................................................ 173
8 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Table 14.3. Mishap Investigation. ............................................................................................... 173
Table 14.4. Unit Safety Representative (USR). .......................................................................... 173
Table 14.5. Aviation. .................................................................................................................. 174
Table 14.6. Occupational. ........................................................................................................... 174
Table 14.7. Weapons................................................................................................................... 174
Table 14.8. Space. ....................................................................................................................... 174
Table 14.9. System Safety. ......................................................................................................... 174
Table 14.10. Management. ............................................................................................................ 175
Table 14.11. Risk Management (RM). ......................................................................................... 175
Table 14.12. Other. ....................................................................................................................... 175
14.4. 1S0X1 Retrainee Evaluation Process. ...................................................................... 175
Figure 14.1. 1S0 Safety Retraining Memorandum (Example). .................................................... 176
14.5. Supervisor Safety Training. ..................................................................................... 177
15.1. Instructions for Completing AF Form 1118, Notice of Hazard. .............................. 179
15.2. Instructions for Completing AF Form 3, Hazard Abatement Plan. ......................... 179
15.3. Pre-Departure Travel Safety (Examples Only). ....................................................... 182
15.4. Air Force Off-Duty High-Risk Activities Program. ................................................ 183
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 9
Chapter 1
1.1. Purpose. The purpose of the Air Force Mishap Prevention Program is to minimize the loss
of Air Force resources and protect Air Force personnel from death, injuries or occupational
illnesses by managing risks on and off-duty. This program is aligned with and framed using the
Air Force Safety Management System as the core structure and applies to all Air Force
organizations and personnel. The Air Force Safety Management System is a systematic approach
to managing safety and includes the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policies,
and procedures. The overarching mishap prevention program is system compliant with the tenants
of the American National Standards Institute Z-10 and the Federal Aviation Administration,
Aviation Safety Management Program, which were used as the foundational sources of the Air
Force Mishap Prevention Program. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA)
Voluntary Protection Program is recognized as a form of a Safety Management System, and is
closely aligned with the Air Force Safety Management System. Units employing the Voluntary
Protection Program will follow the USAF mishap prevention program guidance contained within
this instruction. (T-1)
1.2. Vision. AFSEC’s vision is to be a world leader in safety management and provide care for
our Airmen, resources and our environment to meet our air, space and cyberspace missions.
Accordingly, the Air Force is committed to the following three priorities:
1.2.1. Compliance. Comply with all safety and regulatory guidelines.
1.2.2. Risk Reduction. Protect our assets, personnel and material by effectively identifying
and managing risks.
1.2.3. Continuous Improvement. Instill a culture that encourages and supports continuous
1.3. The Air Force Mishap Prevention Program. This instruction is the foundational guidance
document for the implementation of the Air Force Mishap Prevention Program. Commanders at
all levels will adhere to these requirements unless proper waivers, deviations or exemptions are
approved as defined within this instruction. (T-1) Refer to paragraph 13.1., Air Force Safety
Management System, for additional guidance.
1.4. Mishap Prevention Program Disciplines (Aviation, Occupational, Weapons, Space,
etc.). Each mishap prevention program discipline will direct more specific functional
management responsibilities and risk management (RM) processes via AFIs, standards and
manuals, as determined applicable at the various program discipline levels. (T-1)Air Force
installation and tenant safety offices will implement these programs IAW this instruction.
(T-1)Any inter-organization and inter-service agreements will be addressed in formal support
documents. (T-1)Regardless of any support agreement or executive agency guidelines,
requirements of this instruction must be satisfied. (T-1)The mishap prevention program will
1.4.1. Methods to target groups at increased risk for mishaps, injury or illness as directed by
the commander or as indicated through hazard identification processes. (T-1)
10 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
1.4.2. Processes for tracking and trending hazards and incidents, as well as methods for
determining program effectiveness. (T-1)
1.4.3. Funding for safety programs. (T-1)
1.4.4. Metrics for measuring effectiveness (See examples in Chapter 5, Information and Data
Analysis). (T-1)
1.4.5. Safety goals, objectives and milestones that support Air Force established goals. (T-1)
1.4.6. Methods to identify and disseminate safety “best practices,” “benchmarks,” etc. (T-1)
1.5. Air Force Occupational Safety and Health (AFOSH) Guidance and Applying
Standards. AFOSH guidance must be followed at all times and is the minimum guidance
necessary to provide a safe and healthful work environment for all Airmen, other Department of
Defense (DoD)/government personnel, and volunteers IAW Title 10 USC § 1588, Authority to
Accept Certain Voluntary Services, working on Air Force installations. (T-0) Air Force activities
must comply with OSHA requirements at all times unless the military-unique exemption applies
according to DoDI 6055.01, DoD Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Program. (T-0) See
paragraph 1.8 for further guidance on military-unique and nonmilitary-unique policy. AFOSH
requirements shall provide equal or greater protection than applicable federal regulatory standards.
(T-0) All Air Force units must comply with applicable safety guidance during all Air Force
operations. (T-1) The Air Force may develop supplementary or alternative guidance where
inadequate or no federal regulatory standards are applicable. MAJCOMs, FLDCOMS, DRUs and
FOAs may supplement AFOSH guidance when additional or more stringent safety, fire prevention
or health criteria are required. When there is conflicting guidance, apply that guidance which
provides the most protection. Safety offices will maintain (or have access to) a reference library to
include national consensus standards and other mission-related technical and safety guidance.
1.5.1. AFOSH guidance sources include: Regulatory Federal Standards. The Air Force complies with applicable
Department of Labor’s (DoL) OSHA, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and Department of Transportation
standards incorporating specific requirements by reference into AFOSH guidance or
technical orders (TOs). AFOSH Guidance. Air Force published guidance is located at http://www.e- The Air Force publishes industrial and general occupational safety
guidance as Air Force instructions and/or manuals, which implement applicable OSHA
standards. When AFOSH guidance or safety criteria do not cover a situation, use non-Air
Force standards including national consensus standards, professional safety and health
standards, and other federal agency standards. When there is conflicting guidance, use the
guidance that provides the most protection. Refer conflicts between OSHA, AFI, AFMAN,
AFOSH guidelines and TOs to Air Force Chief of Safety (AF/SE) through the appropriate
MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU safety office for resolution. (T-1) TOs and manufacturers’ guidance (e.g., Safety Data Sheets) for specific processes,
aircraft, and equipment.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 11
1.5.2. Joint-Use Workplaces. Personnel from different DoD Components or other federal
agencies working in the same workplace shall be governed by OSHA standards and any
applicable agency standards, host/tenant support agreements, joint base instructions, etc. (T-0)
1.5.3. Variances and Exemptions. The affected work center shall process a request for
variance or exemption when it is impractical or impossible to meet code of federal regulations
(CFR) or AFOSH requirements due to operational needs, mission impact or technical reasons.
(T-0) Variances are temporary and are granted with the understanding that permanent control
measures are planned and will be in place within a time period not to exceed five years.
Exemptions grant permanent relief from a requirement and may be approved when the
applicant can substantiate that their proposed methods, equipment or facilities protect the
employee as well or better than the AFOSH requirements or applicable. AFSEC, Air Force
Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC) and Air Force Medical (AFMED) may grant variances or
exemptions to AFOSH and environmental requirements, and AFMAN 91- 203, Air Force
Occupational Safety, Fire, and Health Standards, guidance that are more stringent than
applicable OSHA requirements. Only OSHA can grant waivers or exemptions to applicable
Title 29 (OSHA) requirements, even if they are included in AFOSH guidance. AFSEC will
serve as the liaison between OSHA and the Air Force when seeking OSHA safety- related
waivers or exemptions. Note: A unit’s inability to fund corrective actions does not constitute
sufficient justification to request a waiver, variance or exemption. Request extensions for
variances through MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRUs to AFSEC Occupational Safety Division
(AFSEC/SEG) or AFMED Surgeon General (AFMED/SG3/5), as applicable, and appropriate.
(T-1) Variance/Exemption process consists of the following steps: Affected work center personnel shall implement interim control measures and
notify the installation occupational safety (or tenant unit safety, if applicable), fire or health
officials to validate the effectiveness of interim controls. (T-0) With effective controls in
place, the work center will coordinate the variance/exemption package with installation
occupational safety (or tenant unit safety, if applicable), fire and health officials. (T-0) The installation safety office (or tenant unit safety, if applicable) will assemble a
detailed staff package with the following attributes. (T-1) Clearly define the safety-related variance or exemption being requested, i.e.,
a description of the situation identifying the AFOSH guidance/publication, paragraph
and specific reason(s) compliance is not possible. State the rationale why the AFOSH guidance/publication cannot be
followed. Provide a description and risk assessment of permanent control measures
planned, implementation date, plus identify interim control measures used to protect
personnel, equipment or property, or used to mitigate the risk or hazard. Identify the number of personnel exposed and protected by interim control
measures relative to the operation or condition on a regular basis, and any Air Force
property involved. A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) will be conducted on all work processes,
where appropriate, to identify potential hazards, preventative measures in procedures
to mitigate the hazards and proper personal protective equipment (PPE), if required.
12 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
(T-0)Note: Prior to submitting a variance or exemption, a JHA should have been
accomplished to address all potential hazards. If not accomplished, provide a reason in
the variance or exemption, why a JHA was not accomplished. In the case of a variance request, provide a proposed way ahead to resolve
the problem, or a description of why it is believed the problem cannot be resolved. In the case of an exemption request, provide the proposed methods,
equipment or facilities to protect the employee as well as or better than the AFOSH
guidance. Propose a plan to remedy the problem. Include drawings, photographs, maps, etc., to clearly and thoroughly
document all of the above. The installation safety office will forward the request to the appropriate MAJCOM
safety office through appropriate command channels. (T-1) Any tenant unit safety staff working a variance or exemption will coordinate the
product with the installation safety office before sending it forward to the tenant unit’s
higher headquarters. (T-0) The MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU safety staff reviews and, if recommended
for approval, forwards requests to AFSEC/SEG (safety-related issues), AFCEC/CC (fire
prevention and facilities-related issues) or AFMED/SG3/5 (health-related issues), as
appropriate, for final approval. Note: Requests received without MAJCOM-
FLDCOM/FOA/DRU coordination will be returned to requestor without action. The MAJCOM, FLDCOM, FOA, DRU or installation Occupational Safety
Manager (OSM) maintains a master file of approved variances or exemptions that apply to
their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, FOA, DRU, or installation/space base delta, as long as they
are in effect and for one year thereafter. The safety manager distributes copies of variances
and exemptions to fire protection, health, and functional managers, as needed. Functional
managers or supervisors, as appropriate, must train affected employees and employee
representatives on approved variances, exemptions or any special procedures required, and
document such training. Post copies of approved variances and exemptions in affected
work areas until integrated into the Job Safety Training Outline (JSTO). (T-0)
1.5.4. Safety Changes to Technical Orders. Process recommended changes to TOs IAW TO
00-5-1, Air Force Technical Order System. Send a copy of recommended changes to Air Force
Materiel Command Occupational Safety Division (AFMC/SEG) and AFSEC/SEG.
1.5.5. Changes to Directives. Submit requests for changes to occupational safety and health
(OSH) guidelines in Air Force instructions through command channels to the directive OPR.
Safety, fire and health reviews, as appropriate, shall be accomplished at each level of command
between the requester and the directive OPR. (T-1) Send a copy of recommended changes to
AFSEC/SEG, AFCEC/CXF, and/or AFMED/SG3/5, as applicable. (T-1)
1.5.6. Occupational Health. Ensure commanders, supervisors, employees and occupational
environmental health subject matter experts assess health risks in the workplace.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 13
1.6. Roles and Responsibilities.
1.6.1. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment, and Energy
(SAF/IE). The SAF/IE is the Department of the Air Force’s Designated Agency Safety and
Health Officer (DASHO). The SAF/IE delegates program responsibilities, except the
DASHO duties (which are not delegable), to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Environment, Safety, and Infrastructure (SAF/IEE). Provides policy, guidance, direction and oversight of all matters pertaining to the
formulation, review and execution of plans, policies, programs and budgets relative to the
mishap prevention and Environment, Safety and Occupational Health (ESOH) programs. Conducts Program Management Reviews of the Air Force ESOH programs, at
least annually, with the Air Force Chief of Safety (AF/SE) and the Air Force Surgeon
General (AF/SG). Reports the progress of the Air Force ESOH programs to the Deputy
Undersecretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), as requested. Establishes strategic goals and objectives, develops performance measures and
assigns responsibilities in coordination with AF/SE. Conducts Headquarters United States Air Force (HQ USAF) Environment, Safety
and Occupational Health Council (ESOHC) meetings IAW AFI 90-801, Environment,
Safety, and Occupational Health Councils. Collects, analyzes and reports Air Force-wide performance information to Office
of the Secretary of Defense IAW DoDI 6055.01, DoDI 6055.04, DoD Traffic Safety
Program, and DoDI 6055.07, Mishap Notification, Investigation, Reporting, and Record
Keeping, as applicable. Establishes procedures for communication with interested external parties. IAW Headquarters AF Mission Directive 1-18, Assistant Secretary of the Air
Force (Installations, Environment and Energy), has authority over the Air Force Risk
Management Process as described in DoDI 6055.01 and AFI 90-802, Risk Management.
1.6.2. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition (SAF/AQ): Establishes engineering and technical policy and procedures for SAF/AQ
Programs (both acquisition and sustainment) to execute System Safety as an integrated part
of the Systems Engineering efforts to manage environment, safety, and occupational health
risks and requirements IAW DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,
and AFI 63-101/20-101, Integrated Life Cycle Management.. Coordinates guidance and federal acquisition regulations involving AFOSH
matters with AF/SE, SAF/IE and AF/SG. Ensures contracts include applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation/DoD Federal
Acquisition Regulation Supplement/Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
(FAR/DFARS/AFFARS) safety clauses. Includes ESOH Risk Management concepts and responsibilities in the education
and training of acquisition personnel.
14 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Ensure appropriate risk acceptance authority for High-Risk system safety
assessments. Establishes engineering and technical policy and procedures for Air Force
Acquisition and Sustainment, including policy and procedures for all programs to execute
System Safety as an integrated part of Systems Engineering. Performs periodic reviews of Acquisition and Sustainment programs. These
include required reviews of the results of each program’s ESOH Risk Management efforts.
This ensures that System Safety is overseen within the context of other cost, schedule and
performance issues. Represents the Air Force in Acquisition and Sustainment Program System Safety
matters with other DoD components and both Governmental and non-Governmental
agencies. Ensures program offices support and are included in system-related Class A and
Class B mishap investigations to the extent necessary to analyze hazards that contributed
to the accident, and provide recommendations for materiel risk mitigation measures,
especially those that minimize potential human errors.
1.6.3. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller
(SAF/FM): Determines process for Risk Assessment Code (RAC) funding visibility, priority
and implementation procedures for funding the abatement of safety, fire and health
hazards. Encourages use of the RAC system on Resource Allocation Programming
Information Decision System used during the corporate budgeting process. Includes ESOH Risk Management concepts and responsibilities in the education
and training of financial management/comptroller personnel. Ensures scoring of ESOH risk data analysis for financial project management and
1.6.4. The Air Force Surgeon General (AF/SG): Establishes goals, objectives, policy and standards for occupational and
environmental health. Ensures Air Force occupational and environmental health policies meet or exceed
federal regulations (CFRs) and other applicable requirements. Develops health-related policies which support the Air Force mishap prevention
program. Develops and facilitates use of human factors standards in mishap prevention.
Ensures use of tools that address human error identification and reduction related to fatigue,
stress and other emotional, psychological or physiological factors. Provides subject matter experts (SMEs) in human factors.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 15 Through the Biomedical Sciences Corps (BSC) Associate Chief for
Bioenvironmental Engineering (AFMRA/SG3PB), coordinates on installation-level
proposed responses related to occupational safety and health events.
1.6.5. The Deputy Chief of Staff Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection (AF/A4): Ensures maintenance and logistics policy address and comply with all applicable
safety and health standards. Ensures Air Force procedures for storing, handling, using and transporting
hazardous materials and disposing of wastes comply with transportation regulations,
environmental statutes and occupational regulations. Ensures civil engineering procedures, operations, technical publications and
designs for new construction meet or exceed federal regulatory requirements and AFOSH
guidance, as well as explosives and other safety criteria. Ensures policy addresses and mitigates the potential for human error associated
with logistics and engineering activities. Integrates ESOH Risk Management and risk reduction into the sustainment
decision-making process. Incorporates ESOH principles in policies, procedures and training. Determines process for RAC funding visibility, priority and implementation
procedures within the Integrated Priority List corporate process for funding safety, fire and
health hazards abatement.
1.6.6. The Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower Personnel and Services (AF/A1): Develops policy on personnel matters relating to AFOSH. Provides guidance for commanders and supervisory personnel to meet
accountability and performance requirements for the AFOSH program. Serves as the OPR for Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) at the Air
Staff level. Establishes a process through which Airmen are evaluated on Safety and
Occupational Health (SOH) duties and responsibilities within the applicable appraisal
system. Provides guidance to ensure supervisory personnel appraisals address SOH
conformance and reflect responsibility for the management of SOH programs in their area
of responsibility. Such appraisals should specifically include an evaluation of their SOH
program management performance. Incorporates AFOSH program orientation into training programs for new civilian
1.6.7. Headquarters, Air Force Directorate of Test and Evaluation (AF/TE). Provides direction
and guidance to ensure test organizations assess safety standards and hazards prior to testing.
1.6.8. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (AF/A3):
16 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Develops policy and guidance for use and management of AF-operated
operational ranges. Ensures applicable environmental, safety and operation health programs and
requirements are incorporated within operational range AFPDs, AFIs, and AFMANs.
1.6.9. The Air Force Chief of Safety (AF/SE): Is the OPR for Air Force safety programs. Directs implementation of Public Law, Executive Orders, and DoD Directives and
Instructions on safety. Directs implementation of the Air Force Mishap Prevention Program. Emphasizes safety management strategies to drive mishap prevention program
and safety management system requirements. Provides direct liaison with MAJCOM/DRU/FOA Directors of Safety on mishap
prevention program and safety management system implementation by providing training,
SMEs and incorporating safety management system principles into existing training
courses. Serves as the lead agent for the overall cross-functional integration and
sustainment effort of Air Force safety risk management processes and procedures IAW
AFI 90-802 requirements. Attends or delegates attendance to the Joint Service Safety Council. Establishes and chairs or delegates chairmanship of the Air Force Senior Safety
Advisory Council. Assigns the Chief of Occupational Safety as the USAF OSHA Process Manager. Ensures SAF/AQ program offices are included in system-related Class A and
Class B mishap investigations to analyze hazards that contributed to the accident, and
provides recommendations for materiel risk mitigation measures, especially those that
minimize potential human errors.
1.6.10. The Air Force Safety Center, under the command of the AF/SE: Develops, implements, oversees and funds, as appropriate, Air Force Mishap
Prevention Programs within the framework of the Air Force safety management system. Develops safety programs, policies, goals and objectives, and establishes
guidelines to support and assess effectiveness of the mishap prevention program. Acts as liaison for safety matters with DoD components, federal agencies and
private sector groups. Prepares and publishes Air Force Instructions covering Air Force-unique
operations and provides implementation guidance for applicable standards. In conjunction with AF/SG and AFCEC, develops special guidance for Air Force
operations where federal regulations, AFI and AFOSH guidance is not available or is
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 17 Serves as the approving authority and repository for all safety-related variances
and exemptions within the Air Force. Coordinates testing to ensure Air Force compliance with DoD Explosives Safety
standards. Develops procedural rules to ensure compliance with DoD and Department of
Energy (DoE) rules related to nuclear systems. Coordinates, facilitates, develops and provides safety education and training
where appropriate. In coordination with MAJCOMs-FLDCOMs/DRUs/FOAs, ensures identified
safety hazards and deficiencies are managed within the hazard abatement program
(Chapter 4, Hazard Identification, Reporting and Abatement). Performs safety evaluations of MAJCOMs, FLDCOMs, DRUs, and FOAs with
a safety staff at least every 48 months. Collects annual OSHA 300, Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illness, and
OSHA Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illness, for submission to the
Bureau of Labor and Statistics by 30 May each year. Manages the Air Force Combined Mishap Reduction System (AFCMRS)
survey process and conducts Organizational Safety Assessments (OSA) of organizations
or wings, as requested by commanders. Reviews records disposition for functional records IAW AFMAN 33-363,
Management of Records, and 29 CFR Part 1904, Recording and Reporting Occupational
Injuries and Illnesses. Provides and maintains a centralized suite of mishap reporting, data collection
and analytical tools or resources for use at all levels of the Air Force Safety enterprise. Conducts specialized analyses and studies at the request of the Congress, Chief
of Staff of the Air Force, Air Force Chief of Safety, Headquarters Air Force, and
MAJCOM-FLDCOM/DRU/FOA Commanders. Provides discipline specific subject matter experts in safety. Coordinates with applicable agencies to ensure safety requirements and issues
(e.g., safety related FAR clauses) are addressed in guidance and directives. Serves as consultants on assessments, evaluations and mitigation of human
factors and human performance hazards. Performs Air Force-level trend analysis of mishaps, incidents, risk, hazards and
errors, and publishes results. Serves as safety consultants for safety related investigations. Maintains and upgrades the Air Force Safety Automated System (AFSAS)
program, database and all associated information technology tools necessary for AFSAS
operation and maintenance.
18 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Serves as the lead agent for the overall cross-functional integration and
sustainment effort of Air Force Risk Management processes and procedures IAW AFI 90-
802. Conducts the Air Force Senior Safety Advisory Council. Conducts the Air Force Occupational Safety Corporate Committee. Conducts the Air Force Space Safety Council. Conducts the Air Force Aviation Safety Council. Develops, implements and oversees the Air Force OSHA Process Management
system for the cross-functional integration and execution of occupational safety and health
events and procedures for Federal or State programs. Coordinates on installation- level
proposed responses related to occupational safety and health events. Develops and publishes yearly high-interest spot inspection areas
(Occupational Safety Emphasis items), using five years of on-duty ground mishap data
analysis as part of the Occupational Safety Annual Program Management Review. Publishes OSHA Cross-tells for each notice of violation received by an
installation to share data across the Air Force and DoD to support mishap prevention and
reduction efforts. (T-1) Cross-tells may be published to reinforce effective safety programs
identified during occupational safety and health events. Develops and coordinates System Safety policy and guidance. Evaluates safety risk assessment portions of High-Risk and Serious-Risk
acceptance packages for systems safety analysis. Reviews and coordinates on the High-
Risk acceptance packages before submission to SAF/AQ. Provides independent assessments and advice on overall Acquisition and
Sustainment Program safety (residual hazards and associated risks) to Headquarters Air
Force senior leadership, as appropriate. Participates in Headquarters Air Force (HAF)-level reviews for Acquisition and
Sustainment Programs. These reviews are one of the key opportunities to influence System
Safety in Acquisition and Sustainment Programs. Represents the Air Force in system safety policy and guidance matters with
other DoD components and other government and non-government agencies. Develops and implements System Safety training programs. Provides advisors and consultants to System Safety Groups. Reviews Air Force technical and management documents (capabilities
management documents, program management directives, System Safety Group charters)
for inclusion of appropriate safety requirements. Reviews and comments on mishap reports for technical content and lessons
learned. Provides members, advisors and consultants to the Non-nuclear Munitions
Safety Boards, Laser System Safety Review Board and safety study groups for terrestrial
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 19
nuclear reactors. Provides a senior advisor to the chair of the US Air Force Nuclear
Weapons System Safety Group. Refer to AFI 91-205, Nonnuclear Munitions Safety Board,
and AFI 91-102, Nuclear Weapon System Safety Studies, Operational Safety Reviews, and
Safety Rules. Evaluates the System Safety of Directed Energy Weapons needed for Air Force
operations via the Directed Energy Weapons Safety Board. This safety consideration is a
System Safety effort which considers the Directed Energy Weapons hazard posed to
Airmen and all pertinent Air Force equipment. Safety of a Directed Energy Weapon device
shall be considered before purchase or during design, using AFI 91-401, Directed Energy
System Safety, for safety design criteria. For system-related mishaps, determines whether the Program Manager
previously identified the hazards that played a role in the mishap sequence and had
included those hazards in its Systems Engineering ESOH Risk Management efforts.
1.6.11. Program Executive Officers (PEOs) ensure that programs within their portfolios are
integrating ESOH concerns into the overall systems engineering process using the system
safety methodology in Military Standard (MIL-STD)-882E, DoD Standard Practice for
System Safety, as required by DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, and
AFI 63-101/20-101, Integrated Life Cycle Management. They perform periodic program and
technical reviews of programs within their portfolios. These required reviews include the
results of each program’s System Safety and safety Risk Management efforts. This ensures
that System Safety is overseen alongside other cost, schedule and performance issues. PEOs
are the acceptance authorities for “Serious” program safety risks and coordinate on “High”
program safety risks.
1.6.12. MAJCOM/DRU/FOA/Numbered Air Force (NAF)/Center Commanders/Directors: Direct implementation and provide resources for the mishap prevention program. Establish and maintain a safety program that provides a safe and healthful
workplace. Ensure command guidelines meet or exceed applicable safety program
requirements. Ensure subordinate commanders enforce compliance with occupational safety
and health requirements. Ensure a process is in place for new commanders to receive training on their
safety responsibilities. Ensure procedures are developed to identify command mishap trends and direct
actions and resources in order to establish goals and objectives to reverse identified adverse
mishap or safety program trends. Ensure safety program performance is included in rating of subordinate
commanders, and senior civilian supervisory personnel’s performance using guidance
provided by AF/A1 as called for in paragraph Advocate with applicable organizations for funding priorities for hazard
abatement projects during the MAJCOM corporate planning, programming and budgeting
20 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Coordinate safety directives, instructions and supplements with the AF Safety
Center. Subordinate unit supplements will be approved by their parent command.
MAJCOM-FLDCOM programming plans, safety annexes, Concept of Operations, etc.,
should be shared with the Safety Center and MAJCOM-FLDCOM safety staffs as cross-
feed items. When such documents impact other commands, coordination with the Safety
Center is required. Ensure command personnel are aware of commander’s goals and related
expectations for safety. Ensure contracts include provisions requiring contractors to maintain an
effective safety and health program on Air Force-owned sites that complies with applicable
DoL, DoD, and Air Force safety standards. Ensure all personnel are provided requisite formal and informal training
courses, educational programs and other activities to enable them to meet their respective
mishap prevention responsibilities. Ensure conduct of the MAJCOM Environment, Safety and Occupational Health
Council adhere to requirements of AFI 90-801. Support and ensure installations execute cooperative efforts to reduce injuries
and illnesses across the Air Force by implementing safety and occupational health
management systems throughout their command. Convene Safety Investigation Boards and receive out briefs IAW AFI 91-204,
Safety Investigations and Hazard Reporting.
1.6.13. MAJCOM/DRU/FOA/NAF/Center Safety Staffs: Oversee implementation of the mishap prevention program within their
organization. Evaluate management, implementation and effectiveness of the Air Force
Mishap Prevention Program within the command IAW this instruction. Ensure the evaluation criteria includes a qualitative rating system with
written criteria, to measure compliance, adequacy and effectiveness of the safety
program and safety management system. Report results directly to MAJCOM-FLDCOM/DRU/FOA/NAF/Center
Commander/Directors. Based on assessment/evaluation results, identify opportunities
for continuous improvement. Track program evaluation deficiencies and monitor corrective actions until
closure. Review and analyze applicable mishap reports from other organizations for
lessons learned. Distribute mishap prevention data and other safety related
communications to subordinate units. Note: Lessons learned can be viewed via the
AFSEC SharePoint®. Assist and advise commanders and supervisors at all levels to understand their
responsibility to ensure plans, procedures, facilities, equipment modifications/acquisitions,
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 21
hardware, software, and operations receive a safety review and incorporate effective risk
management, hazard elimination/mitigation and mishap reduction features. Represent the cross-functional interest of their command during applicable
councils, committees, and meetings, e.g., Senior Safety Advisory Council, Occupational
Safety Corporate Committee, Non-Nuclear Munitions Safety Board, Explosives Safety
Committee, Flight Safety Corporate Committee, and Space Safety Council. Coordinate with appropriate staff agencies to ensure explosives site plans comply
with explosives and other safety criteria. Advocate for funding of safety training for command safety personnel. Maintain
a current list of safety training courses required/completed by each career safety
professional, as defined by paragraph 2.1.2, to include name of course(s), date courses
completed and courses required. MAJCOMs-FLDCOMs/FOAs/DRUs can delegate
tracking of training. Coordinate, facilitate, develop and provide safety education and training and
required funding to assist command safety personnel in meeting their continuing education
unit (CEU) requirements through various funding sources available, i.e., civilian personnel,
base level civilian training, Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC), Federal Safety and Health
councils, as well as organizational funding. Evaluate local On-the-Job Training (OJT) and continuation training of safety
personnel during safety program evaluations. Review all Class A and B mishap investigation reports for thoroughness and
accuracy. (T-1) Class C and below reports may be released at the convening authority level
without MAJCOM-FLDCOM review. Ensure the findings, causes and recommendations
of reports comply with the direction in AFI 91-204 and the applicable manuals: AFMAN
91-221, Weapons Safety Investigations and Reports, AFMAN 91-222, Space Safety
Investigations and Reports, AFMAN 91-223, Aviation Safety Investigations and Reports,
and AFMAN 91-224, Ground Safety Investigations and Reports. Ensure a process is in place to identify, train and track training of potential
safety investigation board members within the MAJCOM staff. Ensure all personnel with access to privileged safety information receive annual
training on the proper handling procedures and document the training. Note: For those
with AFSAS accounts, training may be recorded in their AFSAS Training Module. Assist commanders and functional managers on implementation and integration
of risk management language into command operations and instructions to include risk
assessment processes. Develop and submit supplements for organization unique AFI and AFOSH
guidance to AFSEC for approval prior to publication. Supplements must delineate methods
for accomplishing safety program management responsibilities and should consider
guidance on: The process for scheduling and conducting commander-requested Staff
Assistance Visits (SAVs) for subordinate units.
22 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Conduct analysis at the installation level and below. Safety staffs should
use available resources to identify and analyze mishap trends and guidance and present
to subordinate units and commanders for mishap prevention. Command mishap tracking and recommendation procedures IAW AFI
91-204. Review of safety alert messages (which could come from a number of
sources, e.g., manufacturers, users, Program Managers) and verify subordinate units
take appropriate actions. Coordinating and processing annual and recurring safety awards in
accordance with AFMAN 36-2806, Awards and Memorialization Program. Air Force
Safety Award Guide functional community awards criteria can be located online at The eligibility criteria and
submission procedures for Air Force level awards, functional community awards, and
awards sponsored by other Federal agencies and non-Federal entities are provided
online at Providing command unique training to subordinate units’ safety staff. Responsibilities and/or expectations of the NAFs in regards to the
management and implementation of the Air Force Mishap Prevention Program. Providing MAJCOM-unique requirements to subordinate units for
implementation into local Air Force Supervisor Safety Training (SST) classes. Coordinates the cross-functional integration and execution of occupational
safety and health events, responses and procedures as prescribed within this instruction. Consider designating high interest areas for spot inspections using their
MAJCOM-specific mishap trends and the AFSEC Occupational Safety Emphasis Items. Provide direction and guidance identifying documentation, by discipline, which
must be uploaded in the unit’s Management Internal Control Toolset (MICT). Refer to AFI
90-201, The Air Force Inspection System, and AFI 33-360 for additional guidance. Review and supplement, as needed, the Occupational Safety Emphasis Items
based on MAJCOM-specific mishap trends. Prescribe these emphasis items to subordinate
installations for inclusion in their High Interest Spot Inspection program. Each MAJCOM with acquisitions not accomplished by SAF/AQ programs
must appoint a trained System Safety Manager to act as the point of contact to facilitate
System Safety matters. Specify any requirements for safety features that could reduce risk,
hazards or their effects. Safety personnel must identify particular safety constraints as
early as possible to the Program Office, preferably as a part of a formal requirements
document, endorsed by the Lead Command’s proponent office for the system. These
System Safety constraints could affect the command mission, base locations, unique
operational use, support concepts or meteorological operating environments dealing
with the weapons system.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 23 Participate as System Safety Group (SSG) members and System Safety
Working Group (SSWG) members, as appropriate. Ensure the Programmatic
Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Evaluation (PESHE) includes adequate
operational safety criteria and meets the DoDI 5000.02 requirements. Ensure material
mishap recommendations are included in the Lead MAJCOM cycle and efforts/results
are addressed by program offices. Designate a trained focal point in the MAJCOM Safety Office responsible
for System Safety advocacy for the Command. Provide AFSEC Flight Safety Division
(AFSEC/SEF), AFSEC/SEG, AFMC System Safety Branch (AFMC/SES) and Air
Force Space Command System Safety Branch (AFSPC/SEK) (space programs only)
with the name of the focal point. Note: Trained focal point is someone who has
completed a formal System Safety course. Work closely with non-SAF/AQ program managers to facilitate the Lead
Command’s coordination role in the System Safety risk acceptance process. Jointly
determine the overall level of risk and document the acceptance of this risk level with
the appropriate authorities. Use the principles of system safety to discover previously unidentified
hazards and/or changes in the level of risks in fielded systems. Provide relevant
information to the program manager for risk mitigation efforts. Lead Commands will consolidate Using Command’s requirements and
represent these needs to program offices.
1.6.14. Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) and United States Space Force (USSF): Develop policy and provide guidance on applying System Safety management
and engineering. Identify and correct product safety deficiencies, give technical assistance to
mishap investigation boards, and implement corrective action involving materiel safety
aspects of mishap reports as required by AFI 91-204. Manage budgets provided for mishap
investigation support. Ensure system, aviation, space, occupational, directed energy, and
weapons/explosives safety experts are consulted early in the life cycle of acquisition
programs. Maintain a master hazard abatement program for centrally procured systems and
equipment applied to end products. Ensure design criteria complies with commercial standards, military
requirements and joint standards, as well as applicable AFOSH and/or OSHA
requirements. Periodically review design handbooks, TOs, military specifications, military
standards, and Allowance Standards (AS) to ensure safety and health criteria and
procedures in those documents comply with safety guidance. Ensure human factors and
reduction of human error potential are factored into the system design, through the use of
System Safety Groups, Human Factors review, etc., and based upon inputs from System
Safety and Human Systems Integration activities.
24 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Monitor the Government Industry Data Exchange Program, distributes
information and corrective action to eliminate or reduce use of hazardous products. Develop and encourage use of human factors standards in mishap prevention. Ensure use of tools that address human error identification and reduction related
to fatigue, stress, and other emotional, psychological or physiological factors. Establish and maintain the Air Force's capability to support system safety
efforts on major weapon system acquisitions. Develop and coordinate MAJCOM centric guidance and policy for system
safety. Ensure program offices and the lead and using commands coordinate
when modifications or changes in system use affect safety. Evaluate mishaps and mishap trends to identify deficiencies that engineers
and managers may have overlooked or incorrectly analyzed during system
development. Specifically, notify AFSEC of Program Lead System Safety Manager
assignment and location. Ensure level of support, training and experience of System Safety staff is
appropriate for each Program. Ensure all Center system safety managers annually report RM policies
conforming to paragraph 11.1.3, along with a current list of all Component
Acquisition Executive (CAE)- or Program Executive Officer (PEO)-accepted risks for
their programs. Provide a consolidated annual report for all programs to AF/SE and
SAF/AQ. Appoint a trained System Safety manager to act as the point of contact to
facilitate system safety matters. Air Force Materiel Command: Ensures Centers document safety criteria and hazards identified
during their efforts throughout the program life cycle. Provides support as required
to ensure the responsible organizations include a safety hazard analysis with any
development or modification to be evaluated, assessed or tested within AFMC and
the using command. Facilitates information exchange between AFMC Centers, HQ
AFSEC and the user to maintain operational safety of AFMC managed weapon
systems and end items. Ensures AFMC/SES forwards to AFSEC/SEFE not later than 1
November in every even-numbered year, an update to the USAF Aviation Safety
Equipment Database in the format described in paragraph 13.4., USAF Aviation
Safety Equipment Database Reporting, reflecting fleet status on the last day of the
preceding fiscal year. AFMC/SES is responsible for System Safety Engineering Analysis
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 25
efforts but may delegate these as required. AFMC/SES shall ensure each Center has a designated Center
System Safety Manager (CSSM). Air Force Space Command. Ensures launch and on-orbit hazards are
identified. Provides input to the acquisition framework to ensure system safety is
considered throughout the space system life cycle.
1.6.15. Air Education and Training Command (AETC): Reviews new and revised technical training course specialty and job qualification
training objectives and outlines to ensure safety requirements are being met. Ensures mishap prevention programs and risk management concepts are
embedded in technical training and Professional Military Education. Incorporates AFOSH program orientation into training programs for officer and
enlisted accessions and new civilian employees. Develops and oversees safety training guidance for the development and
management of formal technical training (non-flying), OJT, ancillary and additional duty
training, automated training record and learning management systems, and Mission
Readiness Training.
1.6.16. Program Managers organize their offices, based on system acquisition program size
and complexity, to execute the system safety requirements elaborated by the DoD and Air
Force in DoDI 5000.02, AFI 63-101/20-101, and MIL-STD-882E. Acquisition Category
(ACAT) I Acquisition and Sustainment Program Managers integrate system safety into their
program’s overall Systems Engineering effort at the same level where day-to-day engineering
decisions are being made. This allows System Safety professionals to most effectively
influence system design. Ensure that ESOH concerns are integrated into the overall systems engineering
process using the system safety methodology in MIL-STD-882E, as required by DoDI
5000.02 and AFI 63-101/20-101. The Program Manager appoints a System Safety Manager
(SSM) to serve as the program focal point for the System Safety Program. Program offices must document and report status of all High-Risks and Serious-
Risks as part of their risk management. This information is also required to be documented
in the PESHE (if a PESHE is required for the program). Applicable current High- and
Serious-Risks must be presented at each Program and Technical Review. For High- and
Serious-Risks, program managers must prepare a written risk decision package IAW
paragraph 13.9., Preparation of Risk Assessments. (T-1) Paragraph 13.9 is also
recommended for all other risk assessments. The Program Manager (PM) shall provide safety releases containing all
identified hazards, implemented mitigation measures and accepted risks to developmental
and operational testers as part of testing and fielding new or modified systems or end items
prior to any test involving personnel. As a minimum, the safety release will contain the
information in paragraph 13.10., Safety Release.
26 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
1.6.17. System Safety Managers (SSMs) and System Safety Engineers (SSEs) will monitor
operational experience, mission changes, environmental effects or system modifications to
identify and correct hazards throughout the life cycle of a system or facility. When a program
(e.g., an aircraft or a space vehicle) has an embedded sub-program (e.g., an aircraft engine or
hosted payload), which could create inter-related safety risk at the higher system level, both
program managers will ensure their Systems Engineering Plans include processes to identify
inter-related safety risks and to integrate RM and mitigation efforts for safety risks. When
assigned to Program Offices, SSMs and SSEs: Will have direct lines of communication to PMs to advise them on system safety
matters. Must have introductory space safety course training when assigned to a program
involved in the acquisition of a space system. Work within the Program Manager’s organizational structure to perform system
safety functions IAW the methodology in MIL-STD-882E. Integrate System Safety efforts with systems engineering and other functional
areas within the program. Identify and assess safety hazards and risks throughout the program life. Annually report safety RM policies, accepted risks and those that require PEO
or higher action for their program to the Center System Safety Manager. Incorporate safety requirements and design criteria into appropriate program
documents. Work with Systems Engineering staff to provide System Safety risk assessments
for program and technical reviews. Develop, recommend and oversee efforts to verify effectiveness of mitigation
measures. Develop and implement tracking procedures for all identified hazards and
mitigation measures. Document management decisions for acceptance of risks. Conduct SSGs/SSWGs meetings, when required, for their program. Prepare formal risk assessment packages for acceptance at the appropriate level
IAW paragraph 13.9., DoDI 5000.02, AFI 63-101/20-101 and MIL-STD-882E. Ensure System Safety requirements are clearly defined and presented to the
appropriate decision authorities for integration into the Systems Engineering process for
their program. As part of the preparations for fielding new or modified systems, ensure Air
Force Operational Test Evaluation Center (AFOTEC), using commands and Air Force
Sustainment Center Chief of Safety (AFSC/SE), as well as other validated stakeholders,
are provided with a listing of all High- and Serious-Risks (and Low- and Medium-Risk on
specific request), their mitigation measures, as well as risk assessment and acceptance
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 27 SSMs shall participate in Configuration Control Boards (CCBs), deficiency
review boards, Integrated Test Team, and other meetings where system safety concerns
may be addressed.
1.6.18. When assigned as a Center System Safety Manager (CSSM): AFMC and SSC Centers will have a trained full-time CSSM in the center safety
office, unless waived by MAJCOM System Safety Functional. The CSSM should be level
II acquisition certified. If a center has a full-time system safety staff, the chief of this staff will be the
CSSM. CSSMs should be members of applicable center senior engineering venues such
as Acquisition Strategy Panel, to remain informed of top-level issues and provide cross-
tell. CSSMs or their designated staff members will be members or advisors of SSGs
and Mishap Review Panels and CCBs. Note: Full-time SSMs may represent system safety
in lieu of the CSSM on program-unique CCBs, Mishap Review Panels and SSGs. CSSMs will conduct annual meetings with all center system safety personnel to
cover refresher training, cross-tell items, and new developments in system safety. The CSSM will coordinate on the safety portion of the PESHE for programs
managed at the Center. CSSMs must provide annual overviews to the MAJCOM/SE and AF/SE on the
safety RM policies and status of all risks requiring PEO or CAE action for all programs
managed at their Center. Promote standardization through the cross-flow of best practices.
1.6.19. When assigned to Lead/Using Command, System Safety Officers, Managers and
engineers: Must be familiar with System Safety policy and guidance. Support the Initial Capabilities Document, Capability Development Document
and Capability Production Document development effort IAW AFPD 90-8, Environment,
Safety, and Occupational Health Management and Risk Management. Safety personnel
must work with the Environmental and Bioenvironmental Engineering (BE) staffs to
identify ESOH constraints as early as possible to prevent adverse impacts on command
mission, base locations, operational use, support concepts or meteorological operating
environments associated with systems. Assist in coordinating user concurrence for safety risk acceptance decisions. Interpret hazard data provided by the program manager for the system users.
1.6.20. Test Organizations. During both development and operational test and evaluation, test
organizations will review and validate program office and airworthiness board risk assessments
for hazards that were not eliminated through redesign. The test organizations on request will
provide the using commands with their recommendations on program office and airworthiness
28 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
board risk assessments. The test organizations on request will provide to the program office a
summary of the test hazards and the mitigating actions for all serious and high-test hazards.
1.6.21. Installation Commander: Directs implementation and provides resources for the mishap prevention
program. Provides safe and healthful workplaces for all installation personnel. Ensures leadership at all levels enforces safety and occupational health
standards. Based on assessment/evaluation results, identifies continuous improvement
opportunities, goals and objectives via the Annual Program Management Review (APMR). Promotes safety and occupational health awareness (e.g., culture, environment,
and atmosphere) and enforce personal accountability. Promotes and supports Airmen participation in safety and health program
activities. Provides incentives to Airmen for participation in Airmen-led safety and health
program activities. Refer to AFI 65-601V1, Budget Guidance and Procedures, for
guidance regarding promotional or incentive gifts and awards, including exceptions. Develops and implements safety and health programs and risk management
processes that integrate hazard reduction and safety policy into on and off-duty operations
and activities. Serves as chairperson of the ESOHC. Refer to AFI 90-801 for additional
information and guidance. Reviews interim control measures and establishes funding priorities for master
hazard abatement projects. Ensures safety and occupational health program requirements and mishap
prevention are part of the measurement of group/squadron commanders and senior civilian
supervisory personnel’s performance appraisals using guidance provided by AF/A1. Minimizes assigning full-time safety personnel additional duties not directly
associated with duties described in 91-series directives and their supplements. Note: This
expectation should be applied to all safety offices, installation or tenant. Ensures functional managers and supervisors (rather than the safety staff) take
actions to mitigate hazards and reduce risk. Integrates safety and occupational health into all operations and missions of the
installation’s organizations. Emphasizes risk management and personal accountability. Ensures the installation safety office has established written procedures to
define how to support OSHA representative(s) during official installation visits or
inquiries. These procedures will be approved by the installation commander. Publishes guidance informing command personnel of expectations for safety
and occupational health.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 29 Ensures commanders, functional managers, and requirements generators work
with their responsible contracting and safety office to ensure all contracts require
contractors and subcontractors (e.g., contract aircraft maintenance and grounds
maintenance) to provide a contractor safety and health plan (as required) to the contracting
office. Additionally, promptly reports pertinent facts regarding mishaps involving
government personnel or property incidental to work performed as part of the Statement of
Work that occur on or off an Air Force installation IAW AFI 91-204. Provides adequate funding and support for safety and occupational health
program (e.g., funding for required safety training). Ensures an APMR is accomplished by the safety office IAW this instruction to
determine Air Force Safety Management System (AFSMS) effectiveness and to make
necessary changes to the future program elements as a means of continual improvement. Ensures safety personnel are properly trained to the appropriate level for
deployment prior to being deployed. Will review the annual calendar year (CY) OSHA 300 and sign the OSHA Form
300A for the OSHA establishment code related to their organization and delineated in
AFSAS, no later than 31 January each year for posting by 1 February. This task may be
delegated to the vice commander or executive director. Note: Tenant units on Air Force
installations with full-time qualified safety personnel except those defined in paragraph will be responsible for producing their own OSHA 300 and 300A to include
posting of the form. Codify this responsibility in the related host/tenant support agreement.
At all joint bases, this responsibility will be codified in the formal Inter-Service
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Any tenant unit safety staff generating their own
OSHA 300 and 300A will send a courtesy copy to the installation safety office. Serves as chairperson for OSHA visit meetings to the installation. This may be
delegated to the deputy commander or Chief of Safety. Ensures proper coordination and is
the final signature on official responses from the installation to OSHA. The final signature
may be delegated no lower than the deputy commander. Convenes safety investigations IAW AFI 91-204. The commander may appoint
all personnel in their safety office as Investigating Officers for Class C E events, to be
detailed to specific investigations by the Chief of Safety. Commander appointments should
be in writing when possible. Promotes a Just Culture which provides Airmen an environment where they can
report hazards, near misses, work-related injuries, and illnesses without fear of reprisal.
1.6.22. Installation Safety Office: Oversees implementation of the mishap prevention program. Advises commanders, functional managers, supervisors, and employees on
safety matters. Provides safety office member as an active participant of the FECA working
group, if one is held at the installation. Lends support to specific issues and assists with
problem solving at other base meetings, e.g., Aerospace Medicine Council, Occupational
and Environmental Health Working Group, Sports Council, etc.
30 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Manages proactive on and off-duty safety programs, focusing on identifying and
mitigating latent conditions, which are deficiencies within the organization or supervision
negatively affecting job performance, hazards or mishap outcome. Conducts safety program assessments and inspections of their command
subordinate units, both local and geographically separated. Conducts the annual safety
inspection of tenant units without a fulltime safety staff or as otherwise specified IAW
Support Agreements. The tenant unit inspection will include a validation of job safety
training and documentation at least every two years. Tracks open findings and
discrepancies until closure. Note: Installation will not perform safety program assessments
or inspections of tenant organizations with full-time safety staff, unless otherwise specified
in host/tenant support agreement. HAF, MAJCOM-FLDCOM, AFOTEC, NAF and Center
safety offices are not configured as a traditional safety office IAW the latest version of the
Air Force Manpower Standard (AFMS) and are, therefore, treated as a tenant unit without
an assigned safety staff. They will follow the installation program unless otherwise
specified in a host/tenant support agreement. Special consideration may be needed for
Guard or Reserve safety offices with only traditional Guardsmen or Reservists. Ensures appropriate assignment of OPRs or Offices of Collateral Responsibility
for mishap recommendations and that they are notified and actively manage the
recommendations through closure, providing status updates as outlined in AFI 91-204. Manages installation master hazard abatement program. Assigns RACs to safety
hazards and coordinates with health and fire protection officials when required. Processes hazard reports and manages the hazard reporting process. Conducts safety education programs and provides assistance to supervisors in
developing Job Safety Training Outlines (JSTOs) and Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs).
Completes Part 4 of AF Form 1754, Job Capability and Safety Analysis, when submitted
by Medical Treatment Facility (MTF). Reviews airfield waiver packages, to include airfield construction
phasing/safety plans. (T-2) Oversees Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) programs in
coordination with Airfield Manager, flying operations and civil engineering. (T-1) Ensures mishaps are properly investigated and reported IAW AFI 91-204 and
discipline specific manuals (e.g., AFMANs 91-221, 222, 223, 224). Exception: Tenant
units with full-time safety staff will investigate and report mishaps for their unit. Assigns
safety office personnel to specific Class C-E mishap investigations when the commander
has appointed those personnel as the investigating officer. Ensures all personnel with access to privileged safety information receive
annual training on the proper handling procedures and documents the training. For those
with AFSAS accounts, training may be recorded in their AFSAS Training Module. Assists
medical personnel in training and obtaining access to AFSAS occupational illness, OSHA
events and hazard management (i.e., RACs) modules. Maintains a list of potential Safety Investigation Board (SIB) members who
have completed the formal training requirements according to AFI 91-204 and discipline
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 31
specific manuals (e.g., AFMANs 91-221, 222, 223, 224), and provides a copy to
MAJCOM/SE when requested, through the NAF or Center safety office, as applicable. In
addition, maintains a list of potential medical consultants for SIBs such as Psychologists,
Flight Surgeons, and Aerospace and Operational Physiologists (AOP)/Aerospace and
Operational Physiology Technicians who have completed Aircraft Mishap Investigation
and Prevention (AMIP), Aircraft Mishap Investigation Course (AMIC) or the Mishap
Investigation Non-Aviation (MINA) course. Provides potential Interim Safety Board (ISB) and SIB members identified in
paragraph with annual training on the basics of mishap investigation. Note:
This requirement is applicable to Air Force Reserve (AFR) units who have identified
individuals as potential ISB members or have established ISB support responsibilities
through MOA/Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This annual training is also
required for potential medical consultants for SIBs (identified in paragraph,
such as Psychologists, Flight Surgeons, and Aerospace and Operational
Physiologists/Aerospace and Operational Physiology Technicians, who have completed at
least one of the following courses: AMIP, AMIC or MINA. Annual training will be
consistent with DAFMAN 48-149, Flight and Operational Medicine Program (FOMP),
paragraph 9.3.4, and in consultation with the installation Safety Office and MTF/SGP.
Note: The intent is for Installation Safety Offices to have a reasonable sized roster of
members and specialists who are able to provide ISB/SIB support on short notice. Develops and coordinates the Mishap Response Plan, addressing all disciplines,
in conjunction with Installation Emergency Manager for integration with the overall
Installation Emergency Management Plan. The plan will define roles, responsibilities and
notification requirements for leadership and all involved agencies. Reviews other
emergency plans and procedures to include, but not limited to: SAFE HAVEN, SAFE
PARKING, Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) and disaster response required by AFI 10-
2501, Air Force Emergency Management Program. Ensures safety concerns, procedures,
notification, etc., are addressed. The Installation Emergency Management Plan should
include elements of and reference existing plans concerning the following (paragraph
13.5., Mishap Response): Disaster response required by AFI 10-2501. HAZMAT response required by AFI 10-2501. Response to aircraft in-flight and ground emergencies. Response to severe weather watches and warnings. Crash recovery plans. Notifying and convening investigation boards. Procedures for missing aircraft. Procedures and training for extracting crewmembers from local and
common transient aircraft. Provides mishap prevention and education material to subordinate and tenant
32 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Identifies explosives siting requirements and submits for approval, according
to the Defense Explosives Safety Regulation (DESR) 6055.09_AFMAN 91-201,
Explosives Safety Standards. Coordinates on facility siting and construction projects
through the installation or space base delta facilities board. Conducts annual review of
composite constraints mapping of explosives quantity distance arcs in conjunction with
Civil Engineering (CE). Assists responsible commanders and supervisors to ensure plans, procedures,
facility and equipment modifications/acquisitions, hardware, software and operations
receive a safety review based on RM and hazard elimination/mitigation. Note: Safety staff
qualifications may preclude hardware and software safety reviews. Functions as the primary point of contact and process manager for all OSHA
related activities. This includes cross-functional management of all federal and state OSHA
visits to the installation, OSHA requests for self-investigations/inspections, and
recordkeeping responsibilities, to include Employees’ Compensation Operations and
Management Portal. Assigns roles to OSHA cross-functional representatives as needed,
including tenant unit safety office when the OSHA event involves the tenant unit. Upon
request from OSHA, provide copies of AF Forms 978, Supervisor’s Preliminary
Mishap/Incident Report, and/or OSHA Rapid Response Reports. Refer to paragraph
13.3., Federal/State Inspections of DoD Working Conditions and Mishap Investigations,
for additional information. In collaboration with Bioenvironmental Engineering (BE), assists the
contracting officer through the Multi-Functional Team (MFT) as needed to ensure that the
contractor safety and health plan includes all required elements identified in the
Performance-Based Work Statement. The contractor is directly responsible for complying
with federal and state OSHA standards for its employees. Administers the Safety Awards Program IAW AFMAN 36-2806 to ensure
proper recognition of personnel. Create annual program management review report. See paragraph 3.5, and
paragraph 13.2., Annual Program Management Review, of this instruction. Documents duties delegated among installation and tenants in a MOA or similar
formal document, with tenant/joint base organizations’ responsibilities spelled out. Employs the Occupational Safety Manager to act as initial Evaluating Agent
during the 1S0X1 retraining evaluation process. Refer to paragraph 14.4. S0X1 Retrainee
Evaluation Process. Supports installation planning and execution of Air Force Open Houses as
described in AFI 10-1004, Conducting Air Force Open Houses. (T-2) Installation safety offices may not impose installation command-unique
requirements on tenant units unless specified in the applicable support agreement. Tenant
USAF units without full-time safety authorizations receive the same safety services as
installation subordinate units. (Note: HAF, MAJCOM, AFOTEC and NAF safety offices
are not configured as a traditional safety office IAW latest AFMS and are, therefore, treated
as a tenant unit without an assigned safety staff. They will follow the installation program
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 33
unless otherwise specified in a host/tenant support agreement.) Support Agreements will
identify and delineate responsibilities. Non-USAF tenant units may be provided safety
services based on support agreements IAW DoDI 4000.19, Support Agreements, and AFI
25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter- Agency Support Agreements Procedures.
Note: Installations may require reimbursement for services provided.
1.6.23. Installation Contracting Office: Directs implementation and provides resources to support the installation
contracting role within the mishap prevention program. Ensures provisions for safety clauses are included in the contract solicitation
IAW FAR/DFARS/AFFARS, including the Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation
Supplement Clause 5352.223-9001, Health and Safety on Government Installations. Ensures contractor’s past performance in safety is a consideration during the
selection process for those contractors whose employees are expected to work on a
government installation(s) more than 1,000 hours per quarter (this may include a
comparison of the contractor’s three year total recordable incident rate and three year days
away, restricted and/or transfer case incident rate to the most recently published Bureau of
Labor Statistics national average for the specific National American Industry Classification
System or other similar information).
1.6.24. Installation Medical Wing/Group Commanders: Direct implementation and provide resources to support the installation medical
role within the mishap prevention program. Ensure comprehensive and coordinated occupational and environmental health
surveillance and education programs are established and implemented. Ensure patient safety programs are developed and fully implemented in
compliance with DoDI 6025.13, Medical Quality Assurance and Clinical Quality
Management in the Military Health System, AFI 44-119, Medical Quality Operations, and
appropriate civilian standards. Ensure timely notification to the installation safety office, or other safety
office(s) per support agreements, for any injury producing events that occurred to military
members (on-duty and off-duty), and DoD civilians on-duty IAW AFI 44-102, Medical
Care Management. At a minimum, the following medical information will be released to
fulfill requirements for OSHA injury reporting as defined in 29 CFR Part 1904: Name of the injured individual. Organization. Date of injury. Date of treatment. Diagnosis of injury, a brief description of the nature of the injury. (Use
latest version of International Classification of Disease codes).
34 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Severity of injury, whether the treatment given was greater than first aid
(as defined by 29 CFR 1904.7 (b) (5) (i)), if the individual was placed on quarters (and
how long) and if the individual was hospitalized and the estimated hospital duration. Consistent with AFI 41-200, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA), medical information will be released to safety personnel for military
members treated in the MTF for on-duty or off-duty injuries, and for civilian members
treated in the MTF for on-duty injuries. When the MTF discovers that injured individuals (military on-duty or off-duty
and civilian on-duty) are seen at a civilian hospital or clinic, as much injury information
listed above that is obtained will be reported to safety. IAW DoDM 6025.18,
Implementation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Privacy Rule in DoD Health Care Programs, all disclosures to the safety office must be
documented by the MTF and kept by the MTF for a period of six years. DELETED Ensure occupational illnesses are thoroughly investigated and reported using the
Occupational Illness Module and AFSAS. As applicable, ensures the Bioenvironmental Engineer or Public Health officer,
attends all federal/state official in-briefs and out-briefs, accompanies officials during all
health-related inspections/investigations. The Chief of Aerospace Medicine (SGP) or Occupational Medicine physician: Provides oversight for the occupational health program and ensures
medically appropriate risk assessment and medical surveillance activities are
conducted IAW AFI 48-101, Aerospace Medicine Enterprise, DAFI 48-145,
Occupational and Environmental Health Program, DoD 6055.05-M, Occupational
Medical Examinations: Medical Surveillance and Medical Qualifications, and 5 CFR
Part 339, Medical Qualification Determinations. Provides consultative services on occupational and environmental health
and safety issues that affect the framework of the AFSMS. Provides urgent clinical services for occupational injuries and
occupational illnesses in DoD civilian employees. Performs routine surveillance,
periodic evaluation, fitness for duty evaluations, pre-placement evaluations and
disability evaluations IAW AFI 48-101, AFI 48-145, DoD 6055.05-M and 5 CFR Part
339. Maintains a list of Flight Surgeons who are potential medical officers on
ISBs or SIBs and track the dates of the AMIP training and previous SIB experience. In
addition, tracks Psychologists, and Aerospace and Operational
Physiologists/Aerospace and Operational Physiology Technicians, who have
completed AMIP, AMIC, MINA or Aviation Safety Program Management (ASPM)
courses. Provides a list to installation Chief of Safety, MAJCOM/SGP, and appropriate
agencies. Ensures Flight Surgeons, trained Psychologists, Aerospace and Operational
Physiologists, and Aerospace and Operational Physiology Technicians are trained
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 35
annually on the basics of mishap investigation and privilege by the installation safety
staff or flight safety officer (FSO). Attends the FECA Working Group, if one is held at the installation.
Medical participation in FECA program will be IAW DoDI 1400.25-V810, DoD
Civilian Personnel Management System: Injury Compensation. Participates in military
and civilian lost work/duty time initiatives. Accomplishes additional occupational health and safety responsibilities
as delineated in AFI 48-101. Flight Surgeons/Aerospace and Operational Physiologists (AOP)/ Aerospace
and Operational Physiologists Technicians. Direct implementation and provide resources to support the installation
medical role within the mishap prevention program. Provide human performance and human factors analysis on identified
hazards and evaluate controls to reduce or mitigate risks. Support the wing’s aircrew flight equipment and flying safety programs. Assist in targeted occupational safety improvements, training of safety
staff and unit safety representatives in human factors and human factors hazard
mitigation strategies. Provide consultant services for safety activities and
investigations. Support wing RM, crew resource management, and maintenance resource
management programs to optimize war fighter performance and safety in the
operational environment. Act as Human Systems Integration consultants for aircraft, space,
weapons and Warfare Centers at the wing level. Provide ISB/SIB members for military mishaps IAW AFI 91-204 and its
related AF Manuals. Bioenvironmental Engineering (BE): Manages the occupational and environmental health surveillance
programs IAW AFI 48-145 and AFMAN 48-146, Occupational and Environmental
Health Program Management. Identify health-related deficiencies and assign health-
related RACs. Conducts occupational and environmental health evaluations and health
risk assessments of workplaces, maintains survey reports, as required (IAW DoDI
6055.05, Occupational and Environmental Health), and provides access to all
documents at request by the employee, supervisor or union representative as permitted
by governance such as the Privacy Act, Freedom of Information Act, etc. Performs health risk assessments and notifies the applicable safety office
of assigned health RACs 1-3. Maintains access to pertinent health-related OSHA standards/ guidelines,
Air Force requirements, and other OSHA guidelines pertaining to occupational health.
36 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Attends all federal/state official (Federal OSHA, State OSHA, NIOSH,
Environmental Protection Agency, etc.) in-briefs and out-briefs, accompanies
inspectors during all health-related inspections/investigations. As applicable, the
Bioenvironmental Engineer, provides occupational health subject matter expertise
consultation to a unit receiving a OSHA Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working
Conditions. Determines the need for and adequacy of occupational health-related
personal protective equipment (PPE), engineering controls, substitution and
administrative controls to reduce exposures. Maintains the ability to provide Safety Data Sheets upon request for all
hazardous materials used in the industrial workplaces on the installation. Provides radiological protection program management as the installation
radiation safety officer, when appointed, IAW AFI 48-148, Ionizing Radiation
Protection. As needed, provides a representative to the FECA Working Group to offer
BE-rated expertise. Note: At non-collocated AFR installations BE is the full- time
BE/Public Health Office that is aligned under the Mission Support Group. At collocated
AFR Wings/Groups, where regular Air Force is host and AFR units are tenant, BE is
aligned under the regular Air Force Military Treatment Facility (MTF). A Host/Tenant
Support Agreement between the regular Air Force installation and AFR tenant shall
outline support provided by the regular Air Force BE Flight to AFR units. Identifies and manages health-related RACs using the Defense
Occupational and Environmental Health Readiness System while also meeting the
requirements of the installation master hazard abatement plan process procedures. Public Health: Communicates occupational health education requirements and available
resources to supervisors. Responsible as the initial point of contact for occupational
medical monitoring. Reports cases of occupational illness to the installation occupational
safety office through AFSAS. Investigates and reports occupational illness IAW AFI 91-204. Provides a representative to actively participate in the FECA working
group (if one exists) and the ESOHC to provide consultation on epidemiology,
occupational illnesses, and other occupational health program areas. Attends all federal/state official in-briefs and out-briefs, accompanies
officials during all health-related inspections/investigations. As applicable, the Public
Health officer provides occupational health subject matter expertise consultation to a
unit receiving an OSHA Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions. Psychologists who are AMIP, AMIC or ASPM trained or have completed a
post-doctoral fellowship in operational psychology will work in conjunction with Flight
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 37
Surgeons to provide consultant services on human factors investigations and analysis of
military aircraft mishaps.
1.6.25. Installation Civil Engineer: Directs implementation and provides resources in support of the civil
engineering role within the mishap prevention program. Provides cost data and status information on hazard abatement actions associated
with real property facilities and real property installed equipment. Coordinates corrective
actions with the applicable installation and/or tenant unit safety office. Coordinates siting and construction plans with the installation safety office and
ensure explosives site plans have been approved before beginning construction as required
in DESR 6055.09_AFMAN 91-201. Ensures an environmental review and coordinates new construction, facility
modification projects or work request documents with installation safety, fire protection,
environmental management, and BE offices. Also, ensures they are included in associated
project approval, design review meetings and acceptance inspections. Notifies safety, environmental management, BE and fire protection offices of
major base maintenance projects, e.g., digging permits, road markings, welding projects
outside the CE shops. Ensures RACs are incorporated into project prioritization for corrective actions. Coordinates airfield waiver packages with airfield manager, installation or
applicable safety office, and installation commander. Performs fire investigations IAW DoDI 6055.07 and AFI 91-204. Provides traffic engineering expertise. Teams with the MFT to ensure contractor operations are compliant with safety
and health requirements of the contract. Provides a foundation informational map and facility data (common installation
picture and real property inventory) for safety offices to apply and publish their unique
map(s). Any changes to common installation picture or real property inventory data must
be coordinated with the installation safety office. Attends all federal/state official in-briefs and out-briefs, accompanies officials
during all fire-related inspections/investigations. As applicable, the Fire Department
provides subject matter expertise consultation to a unit receiving a OSHA Notice of Unsafe
or Unhealthful Working Conditions.
1.6.26. Installation Security Forces Commander. Directs implementation and provides resources to support the security forces’
role within mishap prevention program. Provides the Chief of Safety and/or Occupational Safety Manager (OSM) a copy
of Security Forces (SF) blotter entries involving injury or death resulting from a mishap,
motor vehicle mishaps (government or private motor vehicle), property damage as a result
38 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
of a mishap, and any others as deemed appropriate by the SF commander. Provides
completed investigation reports when requested by the Chief of Safety or OSM. Blotter
entries may be retrieved electronically or through the appropriate SF office after they have
been processed. Notifies command post of all safety related issues as determined in a locally
devised installation notification matrix. Upon request from Chief of Safety or occupational safety (installation or tenant
unit), coordinates with local or state law enforcement to obtain off-base traffic accident
reports and/or data. Traffic accident reports may include vehicle accident involving death or
serious injury to a military member, DoD civilian or dependent of regular Air Force
member. Traffic accident data may include areas which are identified as high traffic
incident areas or areas which travel is deemed unsafe (as deemed by the installation
commander) under certain conditions.
1.6.27. Commanders other than the installation commander: Direct implementation and provide resources for the mishap prevention program. Implement a safety and health program in their unit or area of responsibility.
Where commanders are not authorized full-time safety personnel, they will appoint a
primary and alternate Unit Safety Representative (USR) to assist them in implementing
their safety program. Notify the installation safety office, in writing, of the appointment of
USRs in order to schedule USRs for training. Ensure safety and health training, to include risk management, is provided to all
personnel based on requirements from regulatory guidance, and the specific needs of the
organization. (T-1) Implement and use RM principles at all levels within the unit. Ensure a proactive mishap prevention program is implemented to include
procurement and proper use of PPE, and facility compliance with AFOSH guidance and
OSHA standards. Note: Overseas installations will also need to consider host nation
standards. Ensure hazard abatement actions needed to control identified hazards are
implemented and follow-up actions are complete. Update fire, safety and BE offices, as
appropriate, on abatement actions every 180 days until the hazard(s) is abated. Ensure request for equipment, products and services using purchase orders
and/or Government Purchase Card (GPC) are reviewed for potential safety and health
impact in accordance with DAFI 64-117, Government Purchase Card Program, and
AFMAN 32-7002, Environmental Compliance and Pollution Prevention. Note: Ensure
government purchase card program addresses requirement to coordinate purchase of
hazardous chemicals, munitions and industry equipment through the installation or
applicable tenant unit safety office. DAFI 64-117 limits guidance for GPC purchase of
munitions for bird/wildlife aircraft strike hazard (BASH) management. DAFMAN 21-201,
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 39
Munitions Management, requires proper staffing protocol for Global Ammunition Control
Point approval prior to acquiring or using commercial off-the-shelf COTS munitions. Establish a management strategy integrating safety and health into all operations
and missions and ensure functional managers and supervisors take actions to mitigate
hazards and reduce risk. Ensure all personnel are briefed on the findings and recommendations contained
in occupational and environmental health risk assessments and reports. A copy of the
survey report will be posted in a conspicuous location in the workplace for a period of 10
days after receipt to allow all employees free access to the findings. These reports will be
maintained on file in the workplace for a minimum of two years. Provide the opportunity for Airmen to participate in safety and health program
activities and/or committees. Communicate safety and health expectations to personnel in their command and
hold them accountable for compliance with applicable standards. Encouraged to establish an off-duty High Risk Activities Program to ensure
personnel participating or planning to participate in high-risk activities take appropriate
safety measures to reduce the likelihood of their involvement in a mishap. High risk
activities are defined in Attachment 1, while paragraph 15.4., Air Force Off-Duty High
Risk Activities Program, contains sample guidance for those units that may adopt the
optional program. Note: MAJCOMs can define their own list of high risk activities.
Briefings may be documented on AF Form 4391, High Risk Activities Worksheet. If
commanders or supervisors at any level choose to make this program mandatory it will
apply only to regular Air Force personnel. Appoint Motorcycle Safety Representatives IAW AFI 91-207, The US Air
Force Traffic Safety Program. Will ensure their safety office, if authorized one and staffed, accomplishes an
APMR in accordance with this instruction. Ensure applicable OSH guidance for the workplace and operations are available
to personnel. Ensure their unit complies with the installation safety office procedures for
OSHA related events on the installation. Ensure representation at all unit/organization related federal/state official in-
briefs and out-briefs, during all inspections/investigations. Ensure a unit receiving an
OSHA Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions consults with the applicable
subject matter expert and crafts any related correspondence to OSHA in preparation for the
Installation Commander’s endorsement and release. Commanders of Operational Units. Support, as appropriate, participation in SSGs and SSWG meetings to identify
risks and hazards.
40 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Coordinate issues affection System Safety with the MAJCOM
Representatives, the Program Office, the System Safety Group, and AFSEC as
appropriate. Ensure the unit risk management effort uses Program Manager’s System
Safety hazard information in its risk assessments, as appropriate.
1.6.28. Work Center/Shop Supervisors: Direct implementation and provide resources for the mishap prevention program. Understand and enforce the safety and health standards that apply to their areas,
operations and operations involving their subordinates. Demonstrate knowledge of their
roles and responsibilities with relation to risk management and mishap prevention. Shall not require personnel to work in environments and conditions hazardous to
their safety or health without first providing adequate elimination, substitution, engineering
controls, administrative controls, and/or PPE. Shall provide safe working conditions by: Ensuring required guards, interlocks, enclosures, other protective
equipment and tools are provided, used, properly maintained, and inspected daily prior
to use. Providing required safety related training. Providing proper required PPE. Exercising control over job tasks to ensure personnel follow all precautions
and safety measures, including the proper use of PPE. Taking immediate action to correct any violation of safety rules observed
or reported to them. Ensuring actions are taken to promptly eliminate hazards and correct
deficiencies, and ensure any hazards identified by an AF Form 1118, Notice of Hazard,
are added to the JSTO and employees are trained on the interim control measures and
documented IAW paragraph 14.1., Job Safety Training Outline (JSTO). Use risk management techniques to analyze work environment and job tasks for
hazards. Conduct a Deliberate Risk Assessment or JHA of job tasks as required to
determine potential hazards for each work task. It shall be accomplished when new
equipment is installed, equipment is modified/relocated or new procedures are
implemented in critical or hazardous operations. Refer to paragraph 13.6., Job Hazard
Analysis (JHA), for additional guidance. Ensure employees exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals or
materials are trained on the hazards of those chemicals and materials per AFI 90-821,
Hazard Communication, including information from the Safety Data Sheet for each
chemical or material used. BE and the installation or applicable tenant unit safety office
will be consulted for selection of PPE. In addition, ensure work center/shop is authorized
to be used in accordance with AFMAN 32-7002.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 41 Develop a work center-specific JSTO based on paragraph 14.1 on safety, fire
protection/prevention and health requirements. Documents will be maintained and
centrally located, readily available to supervisor and individual. The mandatory items can
be documented as one item, i.e., course code for JSTO mandatory training. Job specific
items and any additional training identified in a BE survey will be documented
individually, as appropriate. Methods of documentation may include, but are not limited to, the AF Form
55, Employee Safety and Health Record, electronic mediums such as AFFORMs/MAF
LOG C2/G081 or locally developed products. If the AF Form 55 is mandated for use
as the training documentation device, the entity that mandated the form usage will
prescribe the requirement in writing to include entries that require signatures, e.g.,
HAZCOM, respirator, powered industrial trucks, lockout/tagout, fall protection,
confined spaces, radiation safety, laser safety, etc. Note: Training requirements vary,
i.e., some documents may require the signature of the supervisor or the person who
conducted the training, while other documents may require the initials of the individual
(trainee) and trainer/supervisor. Documentation will contain the following minimum data: trainee name
(last, first, middle initial), type of training and date of training. Neither the trainer nor
trainee signature is required unless specified in writing by the applicable chain of
authority. Note: If the Maintenance Information System cannot support minimum
documentation requirements, then it is not suitable as a documentation product. Provide and document work area specific safety, fire protection and health OJT
to all DoD employees and volunteers before assigning them duty tasks requiring this
training. This includes OSHA, AFOSH directives, AFPDs, AFIs, AFMANs, etc. Review
JSTO annually, update and retrain employees when new tasks or equipment are added, or
when existing tasks change, whichever comes first. The home station supervisor shall ensure a copy of the documented training
is sent with the deploying personnel and the deployed supervisor shall collect the
documentation from the deployed individual. Ensure subordinates receive a safety briefing from the temporary duty
(TDY) locations safety staff on known hazards associated with TDY locations. Provide
and document job safety training at the TDY locations as specified in paragraph The TDY supervisor will ensure the individual is provided a copy of the
documented training to return to the home station supervisor. Planned workloads will be assigned to qualified employees ensuring they
understand the work to be completed along with the potential hazards and abatement for
those hazards. Report all mishaps that occur on-duty and all off-duty mishaps involving
assigned military personnel, and related subsequent Airmen absences to the supporting
safety office IAW AFI 91-204. The AF Form 978 will be used to document Ground, Motor
Vehicle and Afloat mishaps to the Unit Commander and the Installation Safety Office. Use
of the AF Form 978 for mishap reporting within the Aviation, Weapons, and Space
disciplines is optional. For appropriated and Non-Appropriated Fund Air Force employee
42 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
occupational injuries and illnesses, supervisors will complete the required Compensation
Act/Longshore (CA/LS) forms IAW the servicing civilian personnel office or Non-
Appropriated Fund Human Resources Office processes. Ensure AF Form1118 issued by qualified safety, fire protection or BE officials
is posted to alert personnel to the hazardous conditions and interim control measures. Accomplish Air Force Supervisor Safety Training. Attend Supervisor Safety Training course as scheduled by applicable
safety office. Prior to attending, supervisors will complete the Supervisor Safety
Training computer-based training located on Air Force Distributed Learning Service
(ADLS) and bring their completion certificate to the classroom portion of the course. Consider providing an interactive pre-departure safety briefing to all active duty
regular Air Force military personnel, reserve component personnel in a duty status and
civilian personnel performing official duties scheduled for travel outside the local area.
Refer to paragraph 15.3., Pre-Departure Travel Safety (Examples Only), for
recommended guidance. Conduct and document monthly spot inspections of their work areas IAW
paragraph 3.7 of this instruction. Upon notification that a military employee is pregnant, direct the employee to
report to Public Health immediately in order to ensure they receive appropriate education. Ensure a workplace evaluation is scheduled and completed. Advise pregnant civilian employees of the same opportunities so they may
choose to take advantage of the program, if desired. Provide employees an environment where they can report work-related injuries
and illnesses without fear of reprisal. Will encourage and support employee participation in safety and health
program activities and/or committees. Ensure personnel requiring occupational health medical examinations attend
scheduled medical appointments. Ensure safety program requirements are part of measurement of non-
supervisory personnel’s performance appraisals using guidance provided by AF/A1. Ensure applicable OSH guidance for the workplace and operations are available
to personnel. Supervisors at Outside Continental United States locations shall ensure
applicable host-nation safety guidance is available. Note: Electronic or paper products are
acceptable. Complete an OSHA Rapid Response Report when requested by safety staff and
return to safety office by their suspense date. See paragraph 13.3 for additional guidance. When delegated by unit commander, attends all work center related
federal/state official in-briefs and out-briefs, accompanies officials during all
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 43
inspections/investigations and ensures a work center receiving a OSHA Notice of Unsafe
or Unhealthful Working Conditions crafts any related correspondence to OSHA in
preparation for the installation Commander’s endorsement and release. Note: Also, when
delegated by unit commander, ensures a work center receiving a OSHA Notice of Unsafe
or Unhealthful Working Conditions consults with applicable subject matter expert(s).
1.6.29. Airmen. An all-encompassing term used to indicate all Department of the Air Force
members, both uniformed military and DoD civilian employees working for the Air Force.
Airmen shall: Comply with all occupational safety and health instructions, guidance, technical
orders, job guides and operating procedures. Apply RM principles in both on-duty and off-duty activities to enhance the safety
and well-being of themselves and other personnel. Assess personal safety and the safety of surrounding employees while
performing assigned tasks as well as off-duty activities. Identify and report hazardous conditions that place personnel or property at risk
to supervision, facility manager, USR, or safety office, without fear of coercion,
discrimination or reprisal. Use the AF Form 457, USAF Hazard Report, or Airman Safety
Action Program, as appropriate. Promptly report personal injury, property damage, near misses and any suspected
exposure to biological, chemical or nuclear hazardous materials to their supervisor without
fear of coercion, discrimination or reprisal, i.e., occupational illness and on-duty injury to
DoD military and civilian personnel, and off-duty injury to DoD military personnel. Immediately report to their supervisor if they believe that they have a physical
or mental condition that they feel may impact safe job performance. Use prescribed PPE for job tasks to include inspecting and maintaining it IAW
applicable guidance. Ensure required guards, interlocks, and enclosures are in place and properly used. Comply with required medical surveillance examinations. Military members will immediately notify their primary care managers of a
known pregnancy and make an appointment with Public Health to initiate a workplace
evaluation for exposures that may be hazardous to the fetus and determination of work
restrictions. Government civilian employees are encouraged to notify their supervisor
of a known pregnancy and to make an appointment with Public Health for a workplace
evaluation, but are not required to do so. Any employee with questions regarding how their worksite exposures can
affect immediate family members (e.g., spouse, children) should contact Public Health. DoD personnel must be protected from coercion, discrimination, or reprisals for
participation in the safety and occupational health program IAW DoDI 6055.01. Use official on-duty time to take part in safety activities.
44 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Hand-carry or electronically transfer safety training documentation, provided
by their supervisor, to the new supervisor when deploying or transferring to another
government position/location. Note: Upon separation or retirement from government
service the employee is entitled to copies of their safety training documentation. Refer to this chapter and Chapters 2, Safety Organization, 3, Safety Assurance,
4, Hazard Identification, Reporting and Abatement, 5, Information and Data Analysis, 13,
Supporting Guidance, 14, Safety Training, and 15, Miscellaneous Safety Information, for
additional guidance.
1.6.30. The Air Force Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC): Ensures agency/center support for occupational safety and health-related events. Ensures Air Force fire, and safety policies meet, exceed or receive proper waiver,
deviation, or exemption authority, as applicable, to federal regulatory standards, MIL-STD
3007G, Standard Practice Unified Facilities Criteria, Facilities Criteria and Unified
Facilities Guide Specifications, DoD Unified Facility Criteria (, National
Fire Protection Association, and/or other applicable agency requirements. (T-0) Coordinates on installation-level proposed responses related to occupational
safety and health events. Adopts national consensus standards and develops impending guidance for
standards developed by consensus code/standard bodies such as the International Code
Council and the National Fire Protection Association.
1.6.31. Headquarters, United States Air Force, The Air Force Judge Advocate (AF/JA),
primarily through the Air Force Safety Center Legal Office (AFSEC/JA) and the Air Force
Environmental Law and Litigation Division (AF/JAOE): Ensures Air Force guidance meets or exceeds OSHA and other applicable agency
requirements. Ensures Air Force correspondence to agencies such as OSHA are in compliance
with established legal and regulatory requirements.
1.6.32. Installation Legal Office. Ensure a legal representative attends all federal/state official
out-briefs, and reviews all correspondence to OSHA for installation Commander’s
endorsement and release after full coordination as specified within this instruction. (T-1)The
installation safety office may request a legal representative to attend in-briefs, as needed.
1.6.33. Acquisition and Sustainment Program Managers. The designated acquisition
individual (per DoDD 5000.01, The Defense Acquisition System) with responsibility for and
authority to accomplish program objectives for development, production, and sustainment to
meet the user’s operational needs. This term is used interchangeably with Program Manager.
Refer to this chapter and Chapter 11, System Safety and Safety Risk Assessments, for
additional guidance.
1.6.34. Additional Duty Flight Safety Officer. Additional duty flight safety officers are
assigned to the AEW/AEG safety offices. They are responsible for managing the flight safety
program for the expeditionary wing. Refer to this chapter and Chapters 2, Safety
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 45
Organization, 3, Safety Assurance, 6, Deployment and Contingency Safety, and 7, Aviation
Safety, for additional guidance.
1.6.35. Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representative (ADWSR). A person assigned to a
unit who is responsible for the additional duties that may include explosives safety, missile
safety, nuclear surety and directed energy safety. The ADWSR coordinates with the
installation safety office on these matters. Refer to this Chapters 2, 3, 6 and 9, Weapons Safety,
for additional guidance.
1.6.36. Career Field Manager. The chief master sergeant at Headquarters, Air Force Safety
Center, is responsible for organizing and managing the Safety career field. They will use the
Enlisted Development Team (EDT) to execute the progression, succession planning to ensure
there are sufficient personnel, and skill sets available to accomplish the mission. Refer to
Chapter 2 for additional guidance.
1.6.37. Career Safety Professional. Career safety professionals include all Air Force enlisted
safety career field personnel holding the Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) of 1S0 and those
civilians in the safety career field GS-0018, Occupational Safety and Health Manager or
Specialist; GS-0019, Safety Technician; GS-0017, Weapons Safety Manager or Specialist; GS-
1815, Air Safety Investigator; and GS-0803, Safety Engineer. Refer to this chapter and
Chapters 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, Occupational Safety, and 14.
1.6.38. Chief of Safety (COS). The COS (or Director in a civilian-led unit or
MAJCOM/FOA/DRU) manages the commander’s safety program, which may include flight,
occupational, space, system and weapons safety disciplines. Refer to this chapter and Chapters
24, 6 9, 10, Space Safety, 11, 12, Contract Safety, and 14 for additional guidance.
1.6.39. Commander. Commanders hold the authority and responsibility to act and to lead their
units to accomplish the mission. They can hold positions at the
MAJCOM/DRU/FOA/NAF/Center/Directors, wing, group and squadron levels. Commanders
must apply good risk management, accept risk and manage resources to adjust the timing,
quality and quantity of their support to meet the requirements of the supported commander.
They provide leadership emphasis to all safety disciplines. Refer to this chapter and Chapters
215 for additional guidance.
1.6.40. Component Acquisition Executive. A Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) is a
single official within a DoD component that is responsible for all acquisition functions within
that component. This individual serves as the risk decision authority for high risks. This term
is interchangeable with Service Acquisition Executive. Refer to this chapter and Chapter 11
for additional guidance.
1.6.41. Employee. The term Employee applies to all DoD civilian and military personnel, and
Department of the Air Force military personnel. This may also include Personal Services
Contractors (defined in Attachment 1, Terms. Refer to this chapter and Chapters 1, 3, 4, 8, 12,
14 and 15 for additional guidance.
1.6.42. Enlisted Development Team (EDT). This team will vector the 1S0 career field. They
will provide recommendations for training, education and experience requirements for the
most critical safety duty positions. Refer to Chapter 2 for additional guidance.
46 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
1.6.43. Flight Safety Manager (FSM). FSMs are civilians assigned to perform flight safety
officer duties. They manage flight safety programs for the Director/Chief of Safety and the
commander. Refer to this chapter and Chapters 2, 3 and 7 for additional guidance.
1.6.44. Flight Safety Non-Commissioned Officer (FSNCO). Full-time FSNCOs are assigned
to positions authorized by the Unit Manning Document. Their primary duty will focus on
aviation maintenance safety. Refer to Chapters 2, 3 and 7 for additional guidance.
1.6.45. Flight Safety Officer (FSO). Full-time FSOs are assigned to positions authorized by
the Unit Manning Document at the wing level or above. They are responsible for managing
the flight safety program for the Chief of Safety and the commander. Refer to this chapter and
Chapters 2, 3, 7 and 13 for additional guidance.
1.6.46. Milestone Decision Authority. - The designated individual (per DODD 5000.01) with
overall responsibility for a program. The MDA has the authority to approve entry of an
acquisition program into the next phase of the acquisition process and is accountable for cost,
schedule, and performance reporting to higher authority, including Congressional reporting.
Refer to Chapter 11 for additional guidance.
1.6.47. Non-typical Safety Staffs. Since their duties and responsibilities are those of the senior
safety advisor within their organization, they will report to their commander/director as they
manage the commander’s mishap prevention program. Refer to Chapter 2 for additional
1.6.48. Occupational Safety Manager (OSM). The OSM manages the occupational safety
program for the Director/Chief of Safety and the commander (e.g., installation, center,
NAF/MAJCOM/FOA/DRU commanders). Refer to this chapter and Chapters 2 6, 8 and 12
1.6.49. Program Manager. - The designated acquisition individual with responsibility for and
authority to accomplish program objectives for development, production, and sustainment to
meet the user’s operational needs. This term is used interchangeably with Acquisition and
Sustainment Program Manager. Refer to this chapter, and Chapters 11 and 13 for additional
1.6.50. Safety Staff. Assigned safety professionals that are qualified to perform safety
discipline duties. Qualified safety professional’s work in the safety office and manage the
commander’s safety program. They ensure Air Force units understand and comply with all
safety requirements and standards. All safety disciplines will oversee the implementation of
the mishap prevention program. Refer to this chapter and Chapters 2 14 for additional
1.6.51. Satellite Anomaly Resolution Team. Group established to resolve a spacecraft
anomaly with the primary purpose of returning an on-orbit satellite to operations. Refer to
Chapter 10 for additional guidance.
1.6.52. Service Acquisition Executive. Service Acquisition Executive (SAE) is a single
official within a DoD service that is responsible for all acquisition functions within that service.
This individual serves as the risk decision authority for high risks. This term is interchangeable
with Component Acquisition Executive. Refer to this chapter and Chapter 11 for additional
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 47
1.6.53. Space Safety Manager. Personnel assigned to a space mishap prevention or mishap
investigation role. Refer to Chapters 2 and 10 for additional guidance.
1.6.54. Squadron Assigned Flight Safety Officer. Squadron assigned FSOs are assigned to
flying squadrons that do not have full-time positions by the Unit Manning Document. The
primary duty of the squadron-level FSO is to manage the squadron’s internal flight safety
program as directed by the squadron commander. Refer to this chapter and Chapters 2, 3 and
7 for additional guidance.
1.6.55. Supervisor. Supervisors whether officer, civilian or enlisted have a specific
responsibility to ensure assigned members comply with safety guidance and standards in this
instruction and correct them when they deviate. Refer to this chapter and Chapters 1 9 and
1215 for additional guidance.
1.6.56. System Safety Manager. The assigned individual responsible for the application of
engineering and management principles, criteria and techniques throughout all phases of the
system life-cycle to optimize safety within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time
and cost. Refer to this chapter and Chapters 2, 10, 11, 13 and 14 for additional guidance.
1.6.57. System Safety Officer. This is a general term for a person (military or civilian) working
at a Lead MAJCOM (as defined in AFPD 10-9, Lead Command Designation and
Responsibilities for Weapon Systems) or operational command who represents the operational
community in system safety matters. Refer to this chapter and Chapters 2, 11 and 13 for
additional guidance.
1.6.58. Technology Executive Officer (TEO). The individual dedicated to executive
management and supervision of the Air Force Science and Technology portfolio, analogous to
a Program Executive Officer. The TEO shall be appointed and assigned by, and is accountable
to, the Air Force Service Acquisition Executive. Refer to Chapter 11 for additional guidance.
1.6.59. Unit Motorcycle Safety Representative. Unit motorcycle safety representative
responsibilities are defined in AFI 91-207.
1.6.60. Unit Safety Representative (USR). A person assigned to a unit who is responsible for
the additional duty safety responsibilities. May be a representative of flight, occupational or
weapons safety, and may include a more specific title such as additional duty weapons safety
representative or squadron assigned flight safety officer, etc. Refer to Chapters 2, 3, 6 9, 13
and 14 for additional guidance.
1.6.61. Weapons Safety Manager (WSM). The WSM manages explosives safety programs to
ensure Air Force and tenant units understand and comply with explosives safety, missile safety,
nuclear surety and directed energy safety standards. Refer to this chapter and Chapters 2, 3, 6,
9, 13 and 14 for additional guidance.
1.6.62. Space Operations Command (SpOC), and Space Training and Readiness Command
(STARCOM) Delta Commanders. Direct implementation and provide resources for the Delta mishap prevention
program. Delta commanders will appoint a USR to assist in implementing the
occupational safety program for the delta staff. Note: USR responsibilities may be
assigned to the Chief of Mission Safety (CMS), to consolidate safety functions within
48 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
one individual. However, those assignments are left to the discretion of the delta
commander. The installation/space base delta safety office will be notified of this
appointment in order to schedule the USR for training. The USR will work closely with
the installation/space base delta safety office, who will oversee and manage the
implementation of the delta commander’s occupational safety program, as specified in
support agreements. Appoint a Chief of Mission Safety to implement the space safety program
for any delta that owns or operates space systems. Provide for a safe and healthy workplace for all Delta personnel. Ensure leadership at all levels enforces safety and occupational health standards. Promote safety and occupational health awareness (e.g., culture, environment
and atmosphere) and enforce personal accountability. Provide the opportunity for DAF personnel to participate in safety and health
program activities. Provide incentives to airmen for participation in guardian-led safety and health
program activities. Note: Refer to DAFMAN 65-605V1, Budget Guidance and Technical
Procedures, for guidance regarding promotional or incentive gifts and awards, including
exceptions. Develop and implement safety and health programs and risk management
processes that integrate hazard reduction and safety policy into on- and off-duty operations
and activities. Participate in installation/space base delta-led ESOHC. (T-2) Note: Refer to AFI
90-801 for additional information and guidance. Review interim control measures and establish funding priorities for master
hazard abatement Delta-listed projects. Ensure safety and occupational health program requirements and mishap
prevention are part of the measurement of commanders and senior civilian supervisory
personnel’s performance appraisals using guidance provided by AF/A1. Minimize assigning additional duties to the Delta Chief of Mission Safety not
directly associated with duties described in 91-series directives and their supplements.
Note: This expectation should be applied to all safety offices, installation or tenant. Ensure functional managers and supervisors (rather than the safety staff) take
actions to mitigate hazards and reduce risk. Integrate safety and occupational health (concepts, principles, ideology, etc.)
into all operations and missions. Emphasize risk management and personal accountability. Follow installation/space base delta safety office written procedures that
support OSHA representative(s) during official installation visits or inquiries.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 49 Publish guidance informing delta personnel of expectations for safety and
occupational health. Ensure commanders, functional managers and personnel generating
requirements work with their responsible contracting office and safety office to ensure all
contracts require contractors and subcontractors (e.g., contract aircraft maintenance and
grounds maintenance) to provide a contractor safety and health plan (as required) to the
contracting office. Additionally, all contracts require provisions for prompt reporting of
pertinent facts regarding mishaps involving government personnel or property incidental
to work performed as part of the statement of work that occur on or off an DAF installation
IAW DAFI 91-204. Provide adequate funding and support for safety and occupational health
program (e.g., funding for required safety training, traffic safety programs, visits to
geographically separate units, temporary duty travel). Submits to the parent Field Command Director of Safety an APMR,
accomplished by the full-time CMS, to determine AFSMS effectiveness and to make
necessary changes to the space safety mishap prevention program as a means of continual
improvement. Convenes safety investigations IAW DAFI 91-204. Receive a safety immersion briefing from their designated Field Command
safety office, advising of commander-level safety roles and responsibilities. Promote a Just Culture which provides DAF personnel with an environment
where they can report hazards, near misses, work-related injuries and illnesses without fear
of reprisal.
1.6.63. Space Mission Delta Chief of Mission Safety (CMS). Manage a mission-focused space safety program for the Delta Commander
(Delta/CC). Advise Delta/CC and subordinate commanders on all safety and risk
management matters. Develop and execute the Delta/CC’s space safety mishap prevention program. Provide or arrange for safety support for assigned geographically separated units. Work directly with the Field Command Safety staff to develop and execute space
safety programs. Serve as the Delta/CC representative on the DAF Space Safety Council and
associated working groups. Serve as the Delta/CC representative to installation-level safety groups. Ensure primary and alternate Mission Safety Managers (MSMs) are appointed
in writing for each subordinate unit (e.g., squadrons, operating locations) with a space
mission IAW paragraph 2.1.8. Provide and document training and qualifications of subordinate MSMs.
50 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Support investigations and reporting on space safety mishaps IAW DAFI 91-
204 and AFMAN 91-222. Administer all aspects of space safety investigations where the Delta/CC is the
designated Convening Authority. Ensure unit leadership is trained on safety reporting requirements. Support higher headquarters space safety inspections and site visits. Prepare the delta space safety program APMR. Manage or arrange for appropriate unit access to the AFSAS. Review unit taskers, policies, communications, etc., for safety equities. Tailor space safety training materials to assigned mission(s). Manage and track all required safety privilege training for assigned personnel
as required. Handle and store all privileged safety information IAW DAFI 91-204, Chapter
4, Privileged Safety Information. Integrate sound safety and risk management principles in all phases of unit
operations in order to increase mission effectiveness and achieve enhanced mission success
rates. In coordination with the appropriate installation COS, ensure all assigned
mission facilities are assessed annually, or as otherwise specified in support agreements,
as part of the tenant unit inspection for DoD, federal, and where applicable, host-country
safety standard compliance. Ensure subordinate units follow Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices
(ODMSP). Assist in preparation and track status of ODMSP exceptions to policy or non-
compliance notifications. Assist in preparation and track status of space safety waiver requests and
provide copies of all dispositioned space safety waivers to the field command safety staff. Manage hazard abatement processes associated with mission facilities and
operations. Provide routine mission safety briefing materials to subordinate units, as
appropriate. Disseminate Field Command-specific and delta-specific safety information to
subordinate units. Ensure all assigned space operators have a basic understanding of space safety
and reporting requirements. Develop and manage an awards program to ensure assigned personnel are
considered for recognition for achievements in space safety. Establish and maintain a space safety library in accordance with paragraph
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 51 Develop relationships with mission partners critical to mission and weapon
system safety. Ensure a support agreement is established between the delta and the supporting
installation that is providing traditional AFSMS support. The delta CMS is delegated responsibility for tracking safety-related training
for all applicable safety disciplines and may delegate further as required to meet mission
needs. Mishap Report and Recommendation Monitoring. The delta CMS will monitor
their organization’s mishap reports and follow-up on open recommendations until closed. The delta CMS, with assistance from the host installation safety office, will
provide face-to-face training on the safety and health of the organization to new
commanders within their organizational chain within 60 days of their arrival or
1.7. Waivers.
1.7.1. Waivers to safety explosive requirements will be processed in accordance with DESR
6055.09_AFMAN 91-201. (T-0)
1.7.2. Each commander/director will keep, at a minimum, the previous
commander’s/director’s waivers/deviation/exemption on file. (T-1)
1.7.3. Each commander/director will reevaluate risk throughout the
waiver/deviation/exemption period and adjust risk controls as necessary. (T-1)
1.7.4. Each applicable Safety Office shall brief previously approved and active safety waivers,
deviations or exemptions to incoming commanders, system program managers, and Chiefs of
Safety within 90 days of assignment. (T-1)
1.8. Military-Unique and Nonmilitary-Unique Policy. The Air Force policy is to comply with
AFOSH, OSHA, DoD and other non-DoD regulatory safety and health standards and guidance as
provided under federal law and IAW DoD policy with respect to military-unique and nonmilitary-
unique workplaces, operations, equipment and systems.
1.8.1. Military-Unique. 29 CFR Part 1960, Basic Program Elements for Federal Employee
OSHA, DoDI 6055.01 and Attachment 1 for additional guidance and information regarding
military-unique. The Air Force shall apply AFOSH, OSHA, DoD and other non-DoD regulatory
safety and health standards and guidance to military-unique workplaces, operations,
equipment and systems in whole or in part, insofar as practicable. These standards shall
apply unless AFSEC or Air Force Medical/SG3P (AFMED/SG3P) coordinates on a
variance or exemption with a recommendation of an approval/disapproval for the risk
acceptance authority. Air Force commanders who oversee workplaces, operations, equipment or
systems in question, will employ the guidance in 29 CFR Part 1960, DoDI 6055.01, and
this instruction when making military-unique determinations. (T-0) These process
procedures will be codified via technical orders, job guides, operations orders, a Job Hazard
52 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Analysis or some other means to address residual hazards and alternative protective
measures. (T-0)
1.8.2. Nonmilitary-Unique. Air Force personnel and units shall comply with OSHA, DoD,
AFOSH, and other non-DoD regulatory safety and health standards and guidance with respect
to nonmilitary-unique workplaces, operations, equipment and systems, regardless of whether
work is performed by military or civilian personnel. (T-0) Refer to DoDI 6055.01 and
Attachment 1 for additional guidance and information regarding nonmilitary-unique.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 53
Chapter 2
2.1. Safety Staff. All safety disciplines will be consolidated under a single Director or Chief of
Safety, as applicable. Full-time safety personnel must be trained and qualified to manage safety
programs. (T-0) Use the Air Force Manpower Standard (AFMS) 11H100
( to determine the size of the safety
staff. ARC units use applicable Command Manpower Standards or Guides to determine safety
staff size. All safety manpower requests or changes will be coordinated with the MAJCOM-
FLDCOM/SE and (for Regular AF requests/changes only) AFSEC Career Field Manager
(AFSEC/CFM) before submission to the local management engineering team. (T- 1) Manpower
variances can be submitted for safety staffs that conduct special programs IAW AFMS 11H100.
Note: The unit involved, the MAJCOM-FLDCOM safety office and the applicable manpower
staffs collaboratively determine the size of safety staffs for Joint Bases and other non- host units
excluded by AFMS 11H100. (T-2)
2.1.1. Chief of Safety (COS). The Chief of Safety (or Director in a civilian-led unit,
MAJCOM, Field Command (FLDCOM), FOA or DRU) reports directly to the commander
and manages the mishap prevention program for the commander (e.g., installation, space base
delta, center, NAF, MAJCOM, FLDCOM, FOA or DRU commanders). The COS must be
qualified in a primary mission weapons system of the unit, if one exists, or if the COS is a
civilian position, have a Safety Officer who is qualified in a primary mission weapon system
(except USSF). (T-1) Civilian COS must meet the qualification standards for Safety and
Occupational Health professionals stated in the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
classification series (GS-0018 or GS-0803). (T-0) MAJCOM, FLDCOM, FOA or DRU
Directors of Safety will have previous safety experience (except USSF). (T-1) The AFR
equivalent to the above are Chiefs of Safety, which are 2181-series (pilot)/2183-series
(navigator) civilians. When the COS is either Regular Air Force or Air Force Reserve (not applicable
to Air National Guard wing), he/she will be appointed on a memorandum signed by the
unit commander and be selected from a current or previous Squadron Commander/Director
of Operations/Chief of Safety list, or be a former Squadron Commander. (T-2) Assigned individuals must complete the Chief of Safety Course (WCIP05B)
within 90 days of assuming the Chief of Safety position. (T-1) Air Force Reserve and ANG
Chief of Safety may substitute the Air Reserve Component Chief of Safety course
(ARCCOS101) and should make every effort to complete the requirement within 90 days
of assuming the Chief of Safety position. Note: In no case will Air Force Reserve and
ANG components exceed a 180 day limit. Waiver authority for this requirement will be
AFSEC. (T-1) Assigned individuals must be available to serve as COS for a minimum of one
year after completion of training. (T-1)
2.1.2. Career Safety Professional. The Air Force/Space Force has an enlisted safety career
field (Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 1S0X1) and a civilian safety career field (GS-0018,
Safety and Occupational Health Manager or Specialist; GS-0019, Safety Technician; GS-0017,
54 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Weapons Safety Manager or Specialist; GS-1815, Air Safety Investigator; and GS-0803,
Safety Engineer). These career safety personnel are assigned to positions authorized by the
Unit Manning Document. The safety career field is addressed in AFMAN 36-2100, Military
Utilization and Classification, and described in the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory. Professional Continuing Education and Training. Full-time safety professionals
working in authorized occupational safety positions as depicted in the Unit Manning
Document, must complete at least three safety-related CEUs per year. (T-2) For courses
with no assigned CEU value, one CEU is the equivalent of ten hours of course participation.
Note: This also applies to persons such as over-hires, career-broadeners, interns or similar
positions working within occupational safety. Other full-time safety professionals in
weapons, space and flight safety disciplines should consider similar continuing education
to remain up to date in their specialty. MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs may grant waivers for this
requirement for reasons to include personnel on extended deployments, manning shortfalls
and funding limitations. The wing or below chief of safety will document specific
circumstances and conditions when this training requirement cannot be met and is not
covered under a MAJCOM-FLDCOM level waiver. (T-2) Professional continuing education and training is not the same as
qualification training where an individual could be decertified, downgraded or unable
to deploy, etc., if not trained to a specific level. The purpose of continuing education
and training is to help safety professionals expand their knowledge base and stay
informed on the latest technical and behavioral developments in the field of safety. College, OPM and other safety professional development courses that do not
award CEUs, e.g., on-line training, seminars, webinars may be used to satisfy this
requirement, if approved by the MAJCOM-FLDCOM/SEs or their designee. Chapter 14 contains a partial list of recommended safety courses that safety
professionals should consider when meeting CEU requirements. Additionally, Table 14.2
contains a list of AFSEC courses that will satisfy CEU requirements. Safety managers will
plan, program and budget for safety resources (e.g., to include sufficient safety training to
meet CEU requirements). The award of Special Experience Identifier (SEI) 430 “Master Safety
Professional” requires the following requirements to be met: Completion of an Associate’s Degree or higher in Safety. Mishap Investigation Non-Aviation (MINA) course (Course Code: WCIP
059). Note: MINA is the preferred course; however, Introduction to Mishap
Investigation is a suitable substitute if personnel are unable to attend the MINA course. Complete the Safety Managers Course. Five (5) years in the Safety career field. One or more certifications from recognized and accredited
national/international organizations. Supervisor and MAJCOM Functional Manager recommendation.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 55 Ensure safety and health personnel are properly trained. (T-0) 29 CFR § 1960.56,
Training of Safety and Health Specialists, DoDI 6055.01, 29 CFR § 1960.7, Financial
Management, and DAFI 36-2670, Total Force Development, discuss responsibilities for
funding and ensuring safety and health personnel are trained to function effectively as
safety and health advisors to commanders and management officials. The 1S0 AFSC vectors Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (SNCOs) through the
Enlisted Development Team (EDT) construct. The 1S0 EDT outlines the training,
education, and experience requirements for the most critical Safety duty positions and
provides recommendations for the best qualified SNCOs into key developmental and key
leadership positions at the unit, MAJCOM, FLDCOM and HQ AF level. SNCOs are
vectored on a periodic basis according to the most current EDT Charter is on the Career
Field Manager page located on the AFSEC/SEG SharePoint® website
( The EDT Charter and vectored position
list are reviewed annually and available at the above link. All eligible SNCOs will route a
worksheet to the EDT as directed by the EDT Chair. (T-1) MAJCOM/FLDCOM
Functional Managers determine vectored positions with the concurrence of the EDT Chair.
out-of-cycle EDTs will be conducted at the discretion of the EDT Chair to provide
opportunity to eligible candidates during supplemental promotion boards or when an
individual’s records change. (T-1)
2.1.3. Occupational Safety Manager (OSM). The OSM manages the occupational safety
program for the Director/Chief of Safety and the commander (e.g., installation, space base
delta, center, NAF, MAJCOM, FLDCOM, FOA and DRU commanders). (T-1) The OSM must
be fully qualified to advise and execute decisions on safety matters for the primary mission of
the unit. (T-1) The OSM should complete the Safety Manager Course (AFSEC Course
WCIP05D) prior to assuming an OSM position. If this is not possible, they will complete the
course within one year of assuming the OSM position. (T-1) Note: Previous courses such as
the Senior Safety Professional’s Course or the Ground Safety Manager’s Course meet this
2.1.4. Flight Safety Officer (FSO). FSOs in higher headquarters positions will be rated officers
or prior rated officers with experience in headquarters managed mission aircraft (not applicable
[N/A] for Flight Safety Managers). FSOs/Flight Safety Managers manage flight safety
programs for Director/Chief of Safety and the commander, e.g., installation, Center,
NAF/MAJCOM/FOA/DRU commanders. (T-1)FSOs at squadron and installation-level must
be current in a unit mission aircraft (N/A for Flight Safety Managers). Once trained, individuals
will fill the position for a minimum of 12 months unless waived by the MAJCOM/FOA/DRU
SE. (T-1) Flight Safety Managers will not be assigned to fill FSO billets on bases where there
are primary active flying missions and only one FSO billet. (T-1) Note: This requirement does
not apply to deployed operations. (T-2) Full-time FSOs (squadron level, wing level and above) must complete the Aircraft
Mishap Investigation Course (AMIC, WCIP05A) and Aviation Safety Program
Management course (ASPM, WCIP09B), AFSEC-certified MAJCOM equivalent courses
have completed the legacy FSO course. This training should be completed within 90 days
of appointment, but must be completed no later than 180 days from appointment. (T-2)
AFRC and ANG FSOs may fulfill this requirement by attending AMIC (WCIP05A) and
56 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
the Air National Guard Chief of Safety/Air Reserve Component Chief of Safety course
(ARCCOS101). Commanders of flying squadrons without an authorized FSO will appoint a
Squadron Assigned Flight Safety Officer as an additional duty. (T-3) Squadron Assigned Flight Safety Officers should attend the ASPM course and/or
AMIC course in conjunction with MAJCOM/FOA/DRU supplemental training.
2.1.5. Aviation Safety Noncommissioned Officer (AVSNCO). The AVSNCO is an integral
part of the aviation safety program. They provide support to aviation safety programs and
increased focus on aviation maintenance safety. Individuals selected to fill the position will be,
as a minimum, a technical sergeant or civilian equivalent, with less than 16 years Total Active
Federal Military Service, GS-0018 or GS-0803, with maintenance experience on a unit-
assigned aircraft type, but no less than a 7-level with two years’ experience as a 7-level. (T-2)
Primary consideration will be to select individuals in the 2A37X (tactical aircraft maintenance)
or 2A57X (aircraft maintenance) career fields. Selecting from other 2A AFSCs is acceptable
with a minimum of two years flightline experience in the unit assigned aircraft. Refer to AFRC
and ANG supplements to this instruction for Air Reserve Component (ARC) AVSNCO and
Aviation Safety Manager manning descriptions. Individuals will complete the Aviation Safety Program Management (ASPM)
course, or AFSEC-certified MAJCOM equivalent course, and attend the AMIC
(WCIP05A) within 120 days of appointment. (T-1) AFRC and ANG AVSNCOs will fulfill
this requirement by attending AMIC (WCIP05A/3J5ACC1XXXX 001) and the ANG
Chief of Safety/ARC Chief of Safety course (ARCCOS101) within 180 days of
appointment. The FSNCO will be assigned the Special Experience Identifier (SEI) code of 307
and AFPC personnel records will assign a code 39 to ensure they serve in this capacity for
a minimum of two years. (T-1) Designated individuals must meet criteria IAW AFI 36-
2101. (T-1)
2.1.6. Weapons Safety Managers. Full-time Weapon Safety Managers are assigned to
positions authorized by the Unit Manning Document. Weapons Safety Managers must be qualified in their AFSC 2WXXX, 2MXXX,
or OPM 017/018 or 803 standards and should have experience in the maintenance or
operation of nuclear weapons, missiles or non-nuclear munitions. Airmen selected as
Weapon Safety Managers will be at least a 7-level in their Air Force Specialty Code. (T-2) Full-time Weapon Safety Managers and Air Reserve Component Weapons Safety
Managers in UTC positions must complete the Weapons Safety Course (L3AZR2W071-
0C2A) within six months of appointment. (T-2) Upon completion of training course L3AZR2W071-0C2A and six months in the
Weapons Safety position, the COS will ensure the individual is awarded special experience
identifier (SEI) 375 and a two-year assignment deferment is initiated if the individual is
satisfactorily accomplishing Weapons Safety tasks (Assignment deferment is not
applicable for Air Reserve Component personnel). (T-3) It is desirable that individuals not
deploy in Weapons Safety Manager positions prior to six months satisfactory experience
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 57
in Weapons Safety tasks (Chiefs of Safety will make final deployment determinations
based on proven duty performance). (T-3)
2.1.7. System Safety Officers, Managers and Engineers. According to their particular job
requirements, individuals in System Safety positions will complete a MAJCOM-approved
System Safety Course within 120 days of assignment. (T-1) Safety offices must document
reasons for assigned individuals who have not completed training within 120 days of
assignment. (T-1)
2.1.8. Space Safety Manager. These positions can be filled by a System Safety Manager,
Mission Safety Manager, Mission Flight Control Manager, Launch Safety Manager, Orbital
Safety Manager and/or Ground Based Space System Manager, as applicable to the program’s
mission. These individuals will be trained in space mishap prevention and/or investigations, as
applicable to their assigned duties, within 120 days (or at the first available course). (T-1)
Assigned Space Safety personnel (military and government civilians) shall receive initial and
annual training in all applicable aspects of Space Safety according to the unit’s specific
operations (e.g., risk analysis and management, system safety, space environment hazards,
testing, and conjunction assessment), tailored to the person’s assigned tasks and positions.
(T-1) Space Safety personnel will complete the Air Force Space Safety Fundamentals located
on the AFSEC/SES SharePoint® at (T-1)
Any AFSEC or National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provided mishap
investigation course is suitable. As appropriate for the assigned mission, each wing (or equivalent) will have at
least one Space Safety Manager for each program. (T-2) These individuals may be assigned
to subordinate units. With approval from the MAJCOM/NAF/Center Safety Office, these
positions may be assigned as an additional duty or multiple programs may be covered by
the same Space Safety Manager. Safety Offices must document reasons for assigned individuals who have not
completed training within 120 days (or first available course) of assignment. (T-1) Organizations acquiring, testing and/or operating space systems must have the
following, as applicable: At a minimum, wing-level organization conducting operational space or
space test missions shall have a Chief of Safety. (T-3) Each wing-level space organization shall assign a Space Safety Manager for
each subordinate unit. (T-3) In addition, each space system program office must have
a Space Safety Manager. (T-3)
2.1.9. Non-Typical Safety Staffs. Throughout the Air Force there are an assorted number of
one-deep safety positions and other small atypical safety staffs which are centric in nature to a
specific safety function occupational safety, lab safety, hospital safety, etc. These may exist
at FOAs, Groups (CE, Medical, etc.) or other organizational levels outside of or below a
standard wing organization. They may reside as an installation or tenant unit function on an
installation. Individuals assigned to these positions, or those similar in nature, fulfill the role
and responsibility of keeping their respective Commanders/Directors informed of safety issues
and executing the mishap prevention program for their Commander. Since their duties and
responsibilities are those of the senior safety advisor within their organization, they will report
58 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
to their Commander/Director as they manage the commander’s mishap prevention program.
(T-1) This is consistent with the principles set forth in AFI 38-101, Manpower and
2.1.10. Space Mission Delta Chief of Mission Safety. The Delta CMS is considered as a non-
typical safety staff position as described above in paragraph 2.1.9. The CMS must complete
the Board President/Chief of Safety Course (AFSC810) within 90 days of assuming the CMS
position. (T-1) The CMS must also complete the Space Mishap Investigation Course
(SMIC001), Aircraft Mishap Investigation Course (WCIP05A) or an equivalent mishap
investigation course, as approved by the FLDCOM safety office, within 120 days or at the first
available course. (T-2)
2.2. Unit Safety Representative (USR). Each unit will have a primary and alternate USR. (T-1)
Additionally each unit will have a primary and alternate Additional Duty Weapons Safety
Representative and Squadron Assigned Flight Safety Officer, as applicable. (T-2) When possible,
these individuals will have one-year retainability in the assigned additional duty position. Each
installation safety discipline or assigned safety staff (if different than the installation safety office)
will train their respective USRs within 30 working days after receipt of appointment letter. (T-2)
Air Reserve Component primary and alternate USR will complete initial training within two unit
training assemblies of appointment. (T-2) Note: Units with full-time safety personnel are not
required to have a USR.
2.2.1. Organizations may augment the primary and alternate safety representatives using a
“team concept” by adding representatives at the flight level (or equivalent organizational
levels). However, the primary and alternate representation will serve as the primary points of
contact for all unit safety issues. (T-2) If the team concept is used, each member, beyond the
primary and alternate, will be trained by the organization for their responsibilities. (T-2)
2.2.2. For specific USR responsibilities, see the discipline-specific chapters. USRs will, as a
minimum: Advise the commander on safety matters, including latent conditions, which are
deficiencies within the organization or supervision negatively affecting job performance,
hazards or mishap outcome. (T-2) Conduct and document spot inspections in conjunction with facility managers
when possible and IAW paragraph 3.7. (T-2) Assist unit personnel with mishap reporting requirements. (T-1) Assist unit
commander and supervisors in mishap investigation when required to include OSHA’s
Rapid Response Report. (T-2) Assist supervisors who develop Job Safety Training Outlines and Job Hazard
Analysis. (T-2) Conduct and document safety briefings and provide unit personnel with
educational safety materials. (T-2) Assist the unit commander and supervisors with hazard abatement processes.
(T-2) Facilitate the inspection and assessment process for their unit and accompany
safety office personnel on the formal inspection and assessment. (T-2)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 59
2.3. Safety Education/Training. Education and training prepares Airmen to meet their safety
and health responsibilities. Each installation shall develop, implement and integrate safety
guidelines and standards into existing local level training programs. (T-1) Commanders will
promote safety awareness at all appropriate venues such as commander calls, holiday safety
briefings and other events or functions. (T-2)
2.3.1. Commander Orientation/Immersion. The Chief of Safety will provide face-to-face
training on the safety and health of the organization to new commanders within their
organizational chain within 60 days of their arrival or appointment. (T-1) It is recommended
the Chief of Safety include their safety discipline managers, as applicable, for these training
events. Air Reserve Components will complete this requirement within 90 days (3 Unit
Training Assemblies). (T-1) Telephonic training is satisfactory for units that support
commanders at operating locations away from the Chief of Safety’s home base. In the absence
of the Chief of Safety, their deputy will fulfill this requirement. (T-2) The training will be
documented and include, but is not limited to the following items: Launch vehicle operations and concerns (if applicable). (T-1) Safety responsibilities. (T-1) Last annual inspection/assessment/evaluation results and open recommendations,
unabated hazards and master hazard abatement plan. (T-1) Unit specific mishap rates, trends and open mishap recommendations. (T-1) Special interest issues (e.g., motorcycle safety/motorcycle unit tracking tool, high
risk activities, Annual Program Management Review). (T-1) Hazards posed by explosives activities. Refer to paragraph 9.4 for additional
information. (T-1) Airfield operations and concerns. (T-1) Safety Awards Program. (AFMAN 36-2806). (T-1) Air Force Combined Mishap Reduction System (AFCMRS). (T-1) Website: OSHA activities to include Voluntary Protection Program participation, if
applicable, and expectations required in response to OSHA visits. (T-0) Ensure MAJCOM
and AFSEC coordination in the process. (T-1) Proactive safety programs (Airman Safety Action Program, Military Flight
Operations Quality Assurance, Line Operations Safety Audit, and Organizational Safety
Assessments). (T-1) Approved and active safety waivers, deviations or exemptions. (T-1)
2.3.2. Supervisor Safety Training. For requirements, refer to paragraph 14.5.
2.3.3. Safety, Fire Protection and Health Training. Supervisors will develop a Job Safety
Training Outline specifically tailored to address safety, fire protection and health concerns of
the work environment. (T-0) The outline will encompass both safety awareness and job
specific safety training topics. (T-0) See mandatory training requirements in paragraph 14.1.
60 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
2.4. Safety Office Vehicles and Equipment. The following information should be used when
establishing equipment requirements.
2.4.1. Vehicles and Communication. Safety disciplines must be mobile to accomplish their
program responsibilities on and off the installation to include mishap response. (T-1) In units
with flying, missile, and range operations and units with installation base responsibilities who
support these activities or as designated by the installation commander, the safety staff must
have the immediate use of a two-way radio (ultra-high frequency/very high frequency)-
equipped 4-wheel drive vehicle capable of transporting a minimum of four people and their
associated mishap investigation equipment. (T-1) Any radio net, appropriate to the mission,
that allows the vehicle to move freely around the airfield or missile complex is acceptable.
2.4.2. Allowance Standards (AS). The following AS prescribe the equipment items and
quantities required to perform safety missions, functions, and duties. The standards can be
found at
2.4.3. Mishap Investigation Kits. Each MAJCOM/FOA/DRU determines the minimum
contents of investigation kits for their safety offices to maintain and have available to meet
initial response and ISB requirements for flight, ground, weapons, and space mishaps. (T-2)
Safety offices will have available all items required to conduct a safety investigation IAW AFI
91-204 to include interview forms with appropriate disclaimers. (T-2) Coordinate the medical
member investigation content requirements of the kit with the medical treatment facility.
Mishap investigation kits are optional for AFRC units.
2.5. Safety Library. Air Force safety offices will establish a library with publications that
specifically apply to the safety program. (T-1) Electronic access through the internet meets the
intent of this requirement; maintain hard copies of publications that are not available electronically.
The library will include as a minimum:
2.5.1. DoD Safety standards and handbooks and applicable host country’s governing safety
standards, rules and regulations. (T-1)
2.5.2. Air Force policy directives, instructions, pamphlets, manuals and appropriate technical
orders. (T-1)
2.5.3. Applicable (based on organizational mission) OSHA, Air Force Safety and Health
guidance/standards, National Fire Protection Association, American National Standard
Institute standards and other national consensus standards, e.g., Compressed Gas Association,
Pressure Vessel and Boilermaker, etc. (T-1)
2.5.4. MAJCOMs/FOAs/DRUs will provide a means to disseminate command-specific safety
information to subordinate units. (T-1)
2.6. Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Councils (ESOHC). For council
requirements see AFI 90-801. Note: Aviation Safety trends and analysis may instead be addressed
through more appropriate forums, i.e., Airfield Operations Board, Bird Hazard Working Group,
Quarterly Flight Safety Meeting, Foreign Object Damage Prevention Committee, etc.
2.6.1. While AFI 90-801 governs the rules regarding the conduct of ESOHCs, the ESOHC
Chair may charter an ESOHC Safety Sub-Group to ensure full review and oversight of all
safety related matters.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 61 If established, Safety Sub-Groups will be chaired by the commander or
commander’s designee and will convene at the commander’s discretion. (T-2) The Safety
Sub-Group will be represented at a minimum by group and squadron commanders from
the installation base, representatives from each 2-letter office and commanders (or their
designee) from tenant organizations, unless exempted by the installation. (T-3) Union
representatives will be invited to participate. (T-1) The safety staff will make all Safety Sub-Group arrangements; develop the agenda
and distribute it in advance; and record and publish council meeting minutes. (T-1) The
Safety Sub-Group agenda and minutes will consider safety-related items addressed in the
previous ESOHC and the meeting outcomes will be added to the agenda and proceedings
of the following ESOHC. (T-1) The chief of safety will ensure the minutes are prepared
within 30 days following a Safety Sub-Group meeting. (T-1) The Sub-Group chair will
approve the minutes and all Sub-Group members will be furnished a copy. (T-1) OPRs will
be identified for items requiring action. (T-1)
2.6.2. AFI 90-801 identifies topics that can be addressed, as appropriate, at the ESOHC.
Hazard report analysis will include AF Forms 457, AFSAS-generated Hazard reports and
Hazardous Air Traffic Reports. (T-1)
2.7. Non-USAF Councils and Committees. Air Force safety staffs should support federal, state,
and local safety councils and committees through attendance and participation at scheduled
2.8. Major Range and Test Facility Base (MRTFB) Safety Programs. MAJCOMs will
establish safety policy for MRTFB and other range activities. The overall goal of the range safety
program is to ensure safety consistent with operational requirements, which includes preventing
test objects, space launch vehicles or their hazardous effects from violating established limits.
Units operating any range facility or conducting “range activities” as defined by AFMAN 13-
212V1, Range Planning and Operations, shall establish a range safety program to ensure public
safety and protection of government resources and personnel. (T-1) The installation commander
of the unit operating the range is considered the Range Operating Authority. Under the direction
of the MAJCOM concerned, the Range Operating Authority will:
2.8.1. Appoint a Range Safety Officer. Range Safety Officers appointed to the Range
Operating Authority typically monitor daily activity and implement the safety program. Range
safety duties vary from installation-level program management (Range Safety Officer assigned
to the installation/wing) to on-site safety oversight performed by the Range Safety Officer,
Range Control Officer or activity manager during execution.
2.8.2. Institute a Risk Management program that quantifies risk and sets requirements for risk
acceptance. High residual risk range events are typically accepted by the installation
commander or Range Operating Authority. MAJCOM/A3 and SE will establish guidance
regarding high risk activities. Approval authorities in coordination with the installation safety
office may issue local operating instructions for select or repetitious activities.
2.8.3. Determine safety requirements and ensure all range users are in compliance.
2.8.4. Establish allowable occupational and flight safety conditions and take appropriate
action to ensure that test articles do not violate the conditions. Where reliability of the test
62 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
object is not established, appropriate measures should be taken to ensure it will not endanger
the public or their property.
2.8.5. Ensure weapon, non-ionizing and ionizing radiation safety footprints exist for all
aircraft, weapons, radars, telemetry, radioactive material and tactics (including those from
other services and countries) authorized for a given target and event on the range.
2.8.6. The installation safety office assists the Range Operating Authority with the
development and publication of a standardized safety and Risk Management program. An
installation-level Range Safety Officer may be appointed within the safety office.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 63
Chapter 3
3.1. General. Under the AFSMS, safety assurance is largely achieved through safety program
evaluations, assessments and inspections that measure program compliance, conformance, and
effectiveness of Department of Labor, Department of Defense, and Air Force Mishap Prevention
Program requirements. See Table 3.1 for a summary of minimum evaluation, assessment, and
inspection requirements.
Table 3.1. Safety Evaluations, Assessments, and Inspections.
36 Months
Base Delta
36 Months
Safety Program
Squadron, Standalone
Group and DoD Schools
Assessment &
Wing/Space Base
Delta/Group SE
2, 3
Wing, Space Base Delta
and below
Wing/Space Base
ron SE/Safety
Wing, Space Base Delta
and below
High Interest
Wing/Space Base
Delta/Group SE
Wing, Space Base Delta
and below
Special and
Wing/Space Base
Delta/Group SE
Note 1: Conducted IAW this instruction, these Program Evaluations will be conducted
for wing, space base delta, wing/delta-equivalent or higher with an assigned safety staff.
(T-1) Exception: Air National Guard will complete this requirement not to exceed 48-
month frequency. (T-1)
Note 2: Program Assessments are specified at a 24-month frequency, while safety
inspections are at a 12-month frequency. Safety program assessments and inspections
should be combined when conducted the same year to reduce the footprint within the
affected organization.
Note 3: IAW DoD 1342.6-M, Administrative and Logistic Responsibilities for DoD
Dependents Schools, (August 1995) before the start of the school year, an inspection by
qualified facility, physical security, safety, sanitation, bioenvironmental, and fire
protection specialists to identify all facilities deficiencies and requirements and their
relative priority for repair or maintenance. Additionally, in January, an inspection by
64 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
qualified facility, physical security, safety, sanitation, bioenvironmental, and fire
protection specialists to identify all facilities deficiencies and requirements and their
relative priority for accomplishment. The second physical security inspection in January
is not required for those schools located on military installations protected by positive
entry control procedures.
3.2. Safety Evaluations. AFSEC will conduct safety evaluations of
MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs/DRUs/FOAs with a Headquarters safety staff at 36-month intervals, not
to exceed 48 months. (T-0) Waiver requests for deviation from the 48-month evaluation
requirement from MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs/DRUs/FOAs will be processed through AFSEC, who,
in turn, will process to SAF/IE to USD (P-R). These evaluations are conducted in accordance with
DoDIs, AFIs, DAFIs, OSHA Standards and federal law. At the direction of the AF/SE, they will
be rated with a two-tier (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) grading criterion. (T-1)
3.2.1. The focus of these evaluations is to ensure MAJCOM/SE program management
compliance and oversight of subordinate organizations’ safety programs are effective. The
evaluation provides the MAJCOM/CC/CV an independent perspective of the effectiveness and
efficiency of the evaluated organization’s safety program.
3.2.2. A written report will be prepared for each evaluation and sent to the commander and
the safety staff of the MAJCOM/FLDCOM being evaluated. (T-1) This report will contain a
statement to declare whether the mishap prevention program conformance and effectiveness
under the systemic processes of the AFSMS was either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. (T-1)
3.3. Safety Program Evaluation (SPE). Either independently, or in conjunction with a Unit
Effectiveness Inspection, qualified safety personnel from MAJCOMs/FOAs/DRUs must evaluate
the safety program of each organization at wing (or wing-equivalent level), as appropriate, and
higher. (T-1) The evaluations will be accomplished every 36 months. (T-1) Safety staffs will
develop evaluation checklists to assess compliance and performance of core program elements.
(T-1) Safety staffs-developed checklists will be reviewed at least annually for accuracy and
relevancy. (T-1) The SPE checklist items include, but are not limited to the Annual Program
Management Review, trends in MICT, mishap trends, results of OSHA inspections, local training
of safety personnel during program evaluations, to include OJT master training plan for assigned
1S0s, and results of any commander-requested safety staff assistance visits that were conducted
since the last safety program evaluation. Safety will prepare a comprehensive report on the status
of the Commander’s safety program, inclusive of all safety disciplines evaluated and will attach
this report as an addendum to the IG report or an independent report as called for by
MAJCOM/FOA/DRU procedures. (T-1) The report will contain a statement to declare the mishap
prevention program conformance and effectiveness under the systemic processes of the AFSMS
was either met and effective, met but needs minor improvement(s), met but needs significant
improvement(s), or was not effective. (T-1)
3.4. Safety Program Assessments. Qualified safety personnel assess the safety program of each
standalone group and squadron on the installation every 24 months as a minimum. (T-1)
3.4.1. The assessment will cover all applicable safety disciplines. (T-1) Safety staffs will
conduct multi-discipline (e.g., Aviation, Occupational, etc.) assessments, when feasible. (T-1)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 65
Safety assessments address the areas of commander and supervisory support, compliance with
program directives and the effectiveness of mishap prevention programs (performance).
Assessments may be conducted in conjunction with the annual safety inspection. Assessments
may include safety related data found in the Commander’s Inspection Program IAW AFI 90-
201, The Air Force Inspection System. Exception: For subordinate Geographically Separated
Units, Detachments or Operating Locations, recommend on-site safety program management
assessment be accomplished at intervals not to exceed 24 months. MAJCOM/SEs may allow
a virtual assessment in lieu of on-site visits.
3.4.2. The Safety Program Assessment is not an IG-led process, but is core to the safety
program and authorized in AFI 90-201. Commanders and Chiefs of Safety are encouraged to
use information from the Commander’s Inspection Program as part of the assessment. Details
of the Commander’s Inspection Program are in AFI 90-201. Results of the most recent Safety
Program Assessments should be summarized and included as part of the APMR.
3.4.3. Provide an out-brief to the commander within three work days and a formal written
report to the squadron/unit commander within 15 work days after completion of assessment.
(T-2) When either of these timeframes cannot be met, the safety staff will create a
memorandum for record justifying the delay. (T-2) The assessment report may be combined
with the annual inspection report. This report must contain: A statement declaring the mishap prevention program conformance and
effectiveness under the systemic processes of the AFSMS was either met and effective,
met but needs minor improvement(s), met but needs significant improvement(s), or was
not effective. (T-1) Unit assessed. (T-1) Date of assessment. (T-1) Management and supervisory support for safety. (T-1) Mishap experience and trends. (T-1) Compliance with safety program directives. (T-1) Description of any program deficiencies or policy shortfalls and references. (T-1) Recommendations for improvement/compliance. (T-1)
3.4.4. Safety staffs will develop assessment checklists to assess compliance and performance
of core program elements. (T-1)Safety office-developed checklists will be reviewed at least
annually for accuracy and relevancy, and dated accordingly. (T-1)Conduct assessments with
prior notice. (T-1)Existing MICT self-assessment communicators may be used in the
assessment process. As a minimum, assessments will include the following program elements
as applicable: Fall Protection. (T-1) Hazardous Energy Control Program. (T-1) Confined Space Program. (T-1) USR compliance with roles and responsibilities. (T-1)
66 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Motorcycle Safety Representative compliance with roles and responsibilities.
(T-1) Completion of SST by new supervisors. (T-1) Traffic safety training IAW AFI 91-207. (T-1) Hazard reporting procedures. (T-1) Mishap response and reporting procedures. (T-1) Safety promotion support. (T-1) Use of Risk Management/Training. (T-1) Training, care and use of PPE. (T-1) Currency of JSTO content, to include but not limited to JHAs and hazards (AF
Forms 1118, Notice of Hazard, AF Form 3, Hazard Abatement Plan, etc.). (T-1)
3.4.5. When prescribed by MAJCOM safety guidance, subordinate safety staffs will upload
documentation in unit MICT (or hyperlink to suitable electronic medium, such as
SharePoint®) to permit oversight of assessments by the MAJCOM. (T-2)
3.4.6. Follow-up Procedures and Actions. The assessed unit will submit to the safety staff
corrective actions taken/planned. (T-1) The safety staff ensures these reports along with the
unit's corrective actions are staffed through the installation commander as their policy
prescribes. Safety personnel will track and monitor the status of all open assessment findings
until closed. Procedures shall be established to document and follow-up on the correction of
hazards/deficiencies identified during assessments not to exceed 180 days (see spot inspection
follow-up and/or hazard abatement program). (T-1)
3.5. Annual Program Management Review (APMR). Refer to paragraph 13.2 for APMR
content. The management review provides leadership and applicable process owners a strategic
and critical evaluation of the conformance and effectiveness of the mishap prevention program
and an opportunity to recommend improvements. Each safety office at the HAF, MAJCOM,
FLDCOM, FOA, DRU, installation, wing and delta is responsible for completing an APMR. (T-1)
The APMR will include data from all safety disciplines, and all subordinate units, including
subordinate geographically separated units. (T-1) Host safety offices will not include data from
tenant units. (T-3) Results of the annual APMR inform the commander on the health and
effectiveness of the organization’s safety program and will contain a statement declaring the
mishap prevention program conformance and effectiveness under the systemic processes of the
AFSMS was either, met and effective, met but needs minor improvement(s), met but needs
significant improvement(s), or was not effective. (T-1) Results and action items from this review
will be documented, prioritized, communicated to affected organizations and tracked to
completion. (T-1) The Director/Chief of Safety will brief their commander on the results of the
APMR. (T-1) Each installation, wing or delta safety office below the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU level will forward their report to the next higher level safety
office by 15 November. (T-1) MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU SE offices will submit their
APMR to AF/SE via email to[email protected] and AFSEC at [email protected] by 15
January. (T-1) AF/SE will consolidate MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU APMRs into an DAF-
level APMR for submission to SAF/IEE by 15 March. (T-1)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 67
3.6. Annual Safety Inspections. Safety inspections as required by public law (29 CFR Part 1960,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration), DoDI 6055.01 and this instruction help identify
hazards and measure compliance with applicable safety guidance and standards. The annual safety
inspection is not an IG-led inspection, but part of core safety duties and can only be accomplished
by a qualified safety professional.
3.6.1. Scope. At least annually (12 month cycle), qualified safety personnel shall inspect every
installation workplace/facility where Airmen are regularly employed at fixed installations.
(T-0) Workplace/facility inspections shall include reviews of inspection documentation for
equipment and real property, i.e., Air Force Technical Order (AFTO) Form 244,
Industrial/Support Equipment Record, hoist weight testing, etc. (T-1) Inspections are to be
conducted more frequently based on factors such as the exposure to and potential severity of
hazards, actual accident experience, special emphasis programs, changes in the organization’s
staffing or workplaces or other events that increase risk in the workplace. Procedures shall be
established to document and follow-up on the correction of hazards/deficiencies identified
during inspections. (T-1) Follow-ups will be completed within 30, 60, 90 days or other
specified timeframe(s) not to exceed 180 days (see spot inspection follow-up and/or hazard
abatement program). (T-1) Note 1: Inspections of workplaces and operations in contractor
facilities (Government-Owned Contractor Operated or contractor owned/operated) where
fewer than 25 AF personnel are employed shall be at the discretion of the Chief of Safety,
based on existing conditions and potential risks. (T-1)Assist the contract management multi-
functional team, upon request, to resolve any issues related to the safety of the contractor’s
facilities. Note 2: Use of CE’s Facility Listing can provide a baseline for identification of
workplace/facilities on an installation however, their listing may include areas such as
unoccupied/condemned buildings, slated for demolition, flagpoles, and foundation slabs,
which may not be considered facilities for safety purposes. OSMs may adjust their listing of
facilities accordingly. Facility, workplace and operational inspections. The safety manager will ensure
safety personnel are properly qualified and/or have been task certified to perform all
aspects of the inspection, and all facilities assigned to the unit are inspected/documented.
(T-0)The inspection report will identify all workplaces and facilities inspected regardless
of whether there were findings or not. (T-1) All hazards identified during the inspections will be assigned a RAC. (T-1) The
safety staff conducting the inspection will assist the responsible supervisor in developing
hazard mitigation and abatement actions. (T-1) Program management deficiencies
identified during the inspections will be assigned a deficiency designator of Critical,
Significant or Minor instead of assigning a RAC. (T-1) Inspection findings will be recorded
and tracked through closure. (T-1) Checklists will be used to help identify hazards, deficiencies and other work-
related violations. (T-1) The safety staff will ensure checklists are available to all
applicable organizations. (T-1) Safety office-developed checklists will be reviewed at least
annually for accuracy and relevancy. (T-1) Method of documentation of the review is
determined by the safety staff. The installation safety staff inspects units that do not have an authorized full-time
safety position in a particular discipline. Exception: The installation safety staff inspects
68 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
HAF, MAJCOM, NAF and AFOTEC safety offices as specified in paragraph
Host/tenant/associate support agreements will define who will conduct inspections. Geographically separated units with full-time safety personnel will inspect
workplaces annually and keep a copy of the report on file until the next annual inspection.
(T-1) For geographically separated units without a full-time safety staff, the installation
safety office will conduct the annual workplace’s inspection (unless a support agreement
specifies otherwise) and forwards a copy of the report to the geographically separated unit
and the geographically separated units parent organization. (T-1) Tenant/Associate units with a full-time safety staff (by discipline) will conduct
annual inspections/assessments and will provide a copy of their inspection report to the
installation safety office except as exempted in paragraph (T-1) Inspect at least 20 percent of unmanned missile and space launch facilities once a
year. (T-1)Select these launch work areas to ensure that a representative segment of the
unit’s assets are inspected annually. Inspections must be scheduled to ensure all launch
work areas will be inspected over a 5-year cycle. (T-1)
3.6.2. Procedures. Safety staffs will conduct multi-discipline (e.g., Aviation, Occupational,
etc.) inspections when feasible. (T-1) The safety staff will develop and publish an annual fiscal
year inspection schedule and distribute to units, to include local union(s) and Wing IG
gatekeepers, no later than 15 September for the upcoming fiscal year. (T-1) When possible,
these may be conducted as part of the Wing’s Commander’s Inspection Program. Inspectors must consult with workplace personnel and their union representatives
on matters affecting their safety and health and give them the opportunity to identify unsafe
and unhealthful working conditions, equipment and practices. (T-0) Upon request, conduct
such consultations privately and do not identify employees who want to remain
anonymous. Provide an out-brief to the commander within three work days and a formal
written report to the squadron/unit commander within 15 work days after completion of
inspection. (T-1)When either of these timeframes cannot be met, the safety staff will create
a memorandum for record justifying the delay. (T-1) Ensure these reports along with the
unit's corrective actions are staffed through the installation commander as their policy
prescribes. When the installation base safety office conducts inspections of tenant units,
the installation base safety office will send a copy of the report to the parent safety office.
(T-1) Formal inspection reports must contain: The unit, activity or work areas inspected. (T-1) The date of the inspection. (T-1) Facilities and/or work areas inspected. (T-1) Description of any hazards, deficiencies or unsafe work practices with risk
assessment code and deficiency designator (as applicable) and references. (T-1) Note:
When there is an OSHA reference for the non-compliance, that reference will be used.
Safety staffs may also use AFI references to further support non-compliance. Causes of deficiencies and hazards noted, if known. (T-1)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 69 Recommendations for improvement/compliance. (T-1) Instructions for follow-up actions such as requiring units to provide monthly
updates on open items until closure. (T-1) Follow-up procedures and actions. The inspected unit will submit to the safety
staff corrective actions taken. (T-1) Safety personnel will track and monitor the status of
all open inspection findings until closed. (T-1)Use spot inspections and follow-up reporting
to ensure corrective action(s) are taken and hazards are mitigated/abated. (T-1) All hazards
identified during inspections will be managed IAW Chapter 4. (T-1)
3.7. Spot Inspections. Work center/shop supervisors, USRs, and safety personnel will perform
spot inspections to check the day-to-day safety and health of an organization, work center, facility,
etc. (T-1) Work center/shop supervisors, USRs, squadron assigned flight safety officers and
Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representatives will conduct and document monthly spot
inspections. (T-2) See discipline specific chapters for additional operations and areas that need to
be inspected or monitored.
3.7.1. The Chief of Safety will ensure coverage of on-duty and off-duty activities that occur
on, or are controlled by the installation. (T-2)
3.7.2. Ensure appropriate follow-up actions (not to exceed 180 days) are conducted and
documented until findings are closed. (T-2) Documentation of spot inspections by safety staffs
will include the following: The organization, unit, activity or work area inspected. (T-2) The date and time of the inspection. (T-2) The inspector’s name and their organization or office symbol. (T-2) A brief description of the areas, equipment or processes/procedures reviewed as
well as observations (may also include positive findings), hazards or unsafe work practices.
(T-2) When qualified safety personnel identify hazards or deficiencies, assign RACs or
deficiency codes, as prescribed by this instruction. (T-2) Causes of deficiencies and hazards, as noted. (T-2) Recommendations for corrective action. (T-2) Name and phone number and/or e-mail address of responsible person. (T-2) Ensure appropriate follow-up actions (every 30 days) are conducted and
documented until findings are closed. (T-2)
3.7.3. Ensure appropriate follow-up actions (every 30 days) are conducted and documented
until findings are closed. (T-1)Documentation of spot inspections by work center/shop
supervisors and USRs will include the following as a minimum. Local safety staffs may
prescribe additional items. The activity or work area inspected. (T-2) The date and time of the inspection. (T-2) The name of the person conducting the spot inspection. (T-2)
70 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 A brief description of the area, equipment or process/procedure reviewed as well
as observations of hazards, deficiencies or unsafe work practices. (T-2) The description
may also include positive findings. The applicable RAC or deficiency code, if assigned by a qualified fire, safety or
health person after contact by the USR or supervisor. (T-2) Corrective action taken or planned. (T-2)
3.8. High Interest Areas. High interest areas are those areas having the greatest risk to life or
property, have experienced repeated mishaps or in the judgment of the wing commander and/or
safety office require added monitoring. While designation should usually be based on trends,
analysis or command interest, they can also be work areas or operations that need additional
attention or inspections because of increased mishap potential due to the nature of the work
performed, physical conditions or type of materials handled. High interest areas, if identified, will
be designated by the Chief of Safety in writing. (T-1)Identified High Interest Inspections will be
accomplished and documented at least monthly. (T-1)In addition to local and MAJCOM identified
High Interest Areas, consider incorporating the AFSEC designated Occupational Safety Emphasis
Items. Documentation of High Interest Area inspections will be IAW paragraph 3.7.2. (T-1)
3.9. Administrative Areas. A task-qualified USR may conduct inspections of administrative
work areas (not permissible for entire facility inspections, which include dock areas, mechanical
rooms, storage, etc.) when the safety staff determines the mishap potential is minimal. The
applicable occupational safety staff develops specific provisions to ensure the USR has sufficient
documented training and/or experience in the safety hazards of the administrative area to recognize
and evaluate those particular hazards and to suggest general abatement procedures, as required by
29 CFR § 1960.25, Qualifications of Safety and Health Inspectors and Agency Inspections. (T-0)
Any specific provisions beyond what may already be addressed in the required USR training may
be added to that training process. Periodic over-the-shoulder assessments of these USR
responsibilities will be accomplished and documented. (T-1)
3.10. Special and Seasonal Inspections. Inspections are conducted to ensure work and
recreational environments are safe and healthy.
3.10.1. Special inspections include seasonal, targeted mishap preventive activities, special
events and mission readiness operations/exercises. Special inspections will be conducted of
installation child development centers and playgrounds that are part of real property. (T-1)
Playground inspections, special or seasonal, conducted by the safety office, Family Support
Squadron (FSS) personnel or CES personnel will be accomplished using the most current
version Consumer Product Safety Commission Public Playground Safety Handbook. (T-1) Installation safety offices will conduct the annual unannounced comprehensive
safety inspections of all child and youth facilities, Family Child Care (FCC) Administration
and at least 10 percent or no fewer than three FCC homes located in government housing.
(T-0) Note: This excludes all privatized housing. Installation safety offices will train applicable FCC personnel (Child and Youth
Services Flight Chiefs, Child Development Center Directors, Airmen and Family Services
Flight Chiefs, etc.) in hazard recognition to conduct all other FCC Home safety inspections
to include new applicants, renewals, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary as required in
DoDI 6060.02, Child Development Programs (CDPs). (T-0)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 71 Any facility inspection performed under this paragraph does not need to be re-
inspected as part of the annual safety inspection called for by paragraph 3.6. The annual
inspection report called for by paragraph 3.6 will contain a memo indicating these
facilities were completed as part of the inspections under AFI 34-144, Child and Youth
Programs. (T-1)
3.10.2. Seasonal inspections will be conducted of recreational areas (e.g., sports fields,
swimming pools, camp grounds, and recreational vehicle parks and other recreational areas).
FSS will coordinate with the safety staff to jointly conduct pre-season inspections of seasonal
areas belonging to FSS. (T-1)
3.10.3. Obstacle course inspections will be conducted and documented annually, and at the
request of the obstacle course program manager (OCPM) for a joint safety inspection. (T-1) A
copy of any reports will be forwarded to the OCPM. (T-1) Annual reporting of obstacle course
status and mishaps associated with the obstacle course will be added to the APMR as a single
source document. (T-1) For additional guidance, refer to DAFMAN 36-2611, Air Force
Obstacle Course Program.
3.11. Staff Assistance Visits (SAV). The purpose of the SAV program is to help develop
solutions, not to inspect or evaluate, and to provide observations and recommendations for
improvement. SAVs may be conducted at any level at any time, but only when requested by the
commander who is receiving the SAV. The SAV Team Chief will produce and deliver a written
report to the commander. (T-2)Do not require replies unless an action started during the visit needs
monitoring by the higher headquarters safety staff or requires further staff action above the level
of the visited unit.
3.12. Federal/State Inspections and Investigations. Federal/state officials may conduct
inspections/investigations of nonmilitary-unique workplaces and operations where Air Force
civilian personnel work (inspections may be unannounced). Refer to paragraph 13.3 for specific
3.13. Contract Performance Assessment. Installation or tenant unit safety offices, as
applicable, will assist the MFT in validating that contractors are meeting the safety requirements
of the contract. If the installation is pursuing Voluntary Protection Program certification, the
contracting officer is responsible for notifying in writing, contractors who are performing work on
the installation. (T-2)
3.13.1. The MFT will ensure contractors perform IAW the terms and conditions of the
contract. (T-1) Discrepancies will be reported to the MFT via Contracting Office
Representative (COR). (T-1) Commanders will ensure CORs that are required to monitor
safety requirements are trained in the recognition of hazardous conditions/environments, the
use of safety and health standards, and in other areas of safety, as necessary. (T-1) The
appropriate safety office will assist commanders and CORs in specialized safety training
requirements to ensure the COR is properly trained to provide oversight of the contract. (T-2)
3.13.2. Airmen who note potential safety violation(s) will report the hazard to the COR. (T-1)
CORs notify the multi-functional team, and initiate the appropriate actions related to
violations. Unless there is critical/imminent danger, Airmen should avoid reporting safety
violations directly to the contractor, but should immediately report observed violations to the
contracting officer or the installation safety office.
72 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
3.13.3. Inspection of Contractor Work Areas and Government-Owned Contractor Operated
Work Areas. When Airmen conduct safety inspections in contractor work areas their primary
concern is the potential risks to Airmen and government property. Hazardous conditions or
violations of safety standards will be reported to the contracting officer, the responsible
commander or to the installation safety office. (T-1) Note: Inspections of workplaces and
operations in contractor installations where fewer than 25 DoD personnel are employed shall
be at the COS’s discretion, based on existing conditions and potential risks. (T-2) Government-Owned Contractor Operated explosives activities must comply
with the applicable portions of DoDM 4145.26, DoD Contractor’s Safety Manual for
Ammunition and Explosives, to assure safety of the activity and the prevention of mishaps.
(T-0) The requirements documents will specify compliance with appropriate
provisions of DESR6055.09_AFMAN91-201 and this instruction. (T-0)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 73
Chapter 4
4.1. Hazard Identification. Mishap prevention depends on personnel identifying, reporting and
correcting hazards promptly and efficiently. Managers or supervisors will not allow coercion,
discrimination or reprisal against an employee who exercises their right to report hazards.
(T-0)Reports can be submitted anonymously.
4.2. Reporting Criteria. Submit hazard reports unless personnel can take corrective action under
this instruction or any of these Air Force publications:
4.2.1. AFI 11-215, USAF Flight Manuals Program (FMP).
4.2.2. AFI 51-1101, The Air Force Procurement Fraud Remedies Program.
4.2.3. AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Hazard Reporting.
4.2.4. TO 00-5-1, Air Force Technical Order System.
4.2.5. TO 00-35D-54, USAF Deficiency Reporting, Investigation and Resolution.
4.3. Hazard Reporting System. Commanders must ensure an AF Form 457, USAF Hazard
Report, or equivalent product is readily available to all personnel. (T-1)The AF Form 457 and its
related process requirements meets the 29 CFR Part 1960 mandate for an employee hazard
reporting system. Additionally, hazards may be submitted using the Airman Safety Action
Program (ASAP) and MAJCOM specific hazard reporting forms. Readily available is defined as
not being under lock and key or only accessible through electronic means when a member does
not have immediate access to a government computer. Personnel have the option to submit hazard
reports anonymously, to the responsible supervisor, or to the local safety office. To preserve easy
access to the hazard report and anonymity when desired, commanders will consider posting the
AF Form 457 in commonly visited areas like break rooms, training rooms, and debrief rooms, as
well as safety bulletin boards. Any person assigned, attached or under contract to the Air Force
may report a hazard. A hazard report may be submitted on any event that includes hazards, errors,
unsafe procedures, practices or conditions that affects flight, occupational, weapons, systems or
space safety. This process is not designed for readdressing hazards that are already being managed
for abatement through another process such as a CE work request, job order, project or mishap
4.3.1. Refer to AFI 91-225, Safety Programs, for detailed guidance on ASAP’s roles and
4.3.2. If the hazard presents critical/imminent danger, the supervisor or individual responsible
for that area will take immediate action to mitigate or eliminate the hazard to protect personnel
or property. (T-0)
4.3.3. Report hazards that cannot be eliminated immediately to the installation safety office
via AF Form 457, telephone, e-mail, in person or ASAP ( (T-1)All
reported hazards will be documented, processed, and maintained on file according to records
disposition requirements. (T-1)
4.3.4. For all hazard report submissions, regardless of methodology (e.g., AF Form 457,
ASAP and telephonic), the Chief of Safety, in consultation with their safety staff, will
74 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
determine the appropriate safety, fire or health discipline to investigate the reported hazard.
(T-1) For occupational safety hazards, the assigned investigator will investigate the reported
hazard within 1 duty day for critical/imminent danger situations, and 3 workdays for
potentially serious situations and 10 workdays for lesser conditions. (T-0) For all other
disciplines, follow established 91-series discipline-specific guidance, as appropriate. The
investigator discusses the reported hazard with the member who submitted the report (if
known), the responsible supervisor or manager and other parties involved to validate the hazard
and determine the best interim control and corrective action. (T-1)
4.3.5. If the hazard is validated: The investigator assigns a control number, a RAC as appropriate and monitors all
corrective actions until complete. (T-1) The investigator completes the Form 457, Part II, Investigation of Hazard, Actions
Taken to Mitigate or Abate Hazard, within 10 working days and returns the report to the
safety office for monitoring. (T-1) The OPR completes Part II, Investigation of Hazard, Actions Taken to Mitigate or
Abate Hazard, within 10 working days and returns the report to the safety office for
monitoring. (T-1) The investigator informs the originator (if known) in writing about the corrective
action or plans and conducts follow-up reviews until the action is completed. The
investigator informs the originator, (if known), about the completed action within 10
workdays after the report is closed. If the originator is not known, inform the supervisor or
manager of corrective actions. (T-1) If the response is not satisfactory to the originator, the originator should resubmit
the report and follow procedures in paragraph 4.5. Validated hazards that result in an assignment of a RAC may be closed and
corrective action monitored through the hazard abatement process. Note: Transference of
tracking from the hazard reporting program to the master hazard abatement program or the
RAC 4 and 5 mechanism does not relieve the investigator of the responsibilities.
4.4. Additional Reporting Procedures. Transient personnel unable to report a hazard at a base
where it is found should submit the AF Form 457 to the next Air Force base they visit, or to the
safety office at their home base. The receiving safety office will send the report to the responsible
installation safety office. (T-1) These types of reports may be submitted via ASAP.
4.4.1. The safety office sends reported hazards that cannot be corrected at the local level to
the agencies that can take appropriate action. (T-1)
4.4.2. Tenant personnel send hazard reports involving activities for which the installation is
responsible to the installation safety office for processing. (T-1)
4.4.3. Hazard reports requiring urgent action will be transmitted by the most expeditionary
communication means available (overnight mail, official government e-mail, telephone). (T-1)
4.4.4. Persons identifying hazards involving weather forecasting must submit hazard reports
as soon as possible to ensure that records are not destroyed. (T-1) Promptly advise the
appropriate agency providing weather forecasting services, i.e., installation weather
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 75
flight/detachment supporting operational weather squadron, of their intention to submit a
hazard report. Aircrews should consider using a Hazardous Air Traffic Report or ASAP.
4.4.5. Installation safety staffs will send reported hazards that involve other military services,
foreign nations or other agencies outside the Air Force to AFSEC/SE, 9700 G Ave SE, Kirtland
AFB, NM 87117-5670, or through e-mail at [email protected], and to the affected Air
Force units and their chain of command as information addressees. (T-1)Upon receipt, AFSEC
will maintain tracking and subsequent closing action of the report and will report results to
both the sending and affected unit. (T-1)
4.5. Air Force Form 457, Airmen Appeal Procedures. If the submitter is dissatisfied with
actions taken on a hazard report, they should resubmit the report to the appropriate installation
safety, fire protection or health, and request the alleged hazard be reinvestigated. Reports can be
submitted anonymously. The safety, fire and/or health representative must respond within 10 work
days. (T-1)If the submitter is still dissatisfied, they may appeal to a higher level of safety, fire
protection or health office in the following sequence:
4.5.1. Intermediate headquarters.
4.5.2. MAJCOM headquarters.
4.5.3. AFSEC/SEG (safety hazards), AFCEC/CXF (fire hazards) or AFMED/SG3 (health
4.5.4. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment and Energy
(SAF/IE). This is the final Air Force review for reports that originate at installations in foreign
countries, from military personnel or involve military-unique operations or equipment.
4.5.5. Higher level appeals must be addressed promptly and a reply sent to the employee
within 20 calendar days. (T-1) If a reply is not received within 20 calendar days or if the
employee is dissatisfied with the reply, they may appeal to the next higher level. Each reply to
an appeal will advise the employee of this right and will include the office symbol and address
of the next higher level of appeal. If requested, the appropriate agency will assist the employee
in obtaining technical information for clarification or for processing the appeal.
4.5.6. Civilian employees may submit appeals directly to the Office of Federal Agency Safety
Programs, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, US Department of Labor.
However, the procedures outlined in the paragraphs above are encouraged as the most
expeditious means of correcting hazardous conditions.
4.5.7. The procedures outlined above do not prevent the use of agency or negotiated grievance
4.6. Risk Reduction and Mitigation. Commanders and supervisors at all levels are expected to
determine the level of acceptable risk required to preserve assets and safeguard health and welfare.
They should incorporate RM into daily activities, on-duty and off-duty, IAW AFI 90-802, Risk
4.7. Preparation of Risk Assessments. See AFMAN 48-146, Occupational & Environmental
Health Program Management, and AFPAM 90-803, Risk Management (RM) Guidelines and
Tools, for additional and detailed guidance on preparation of risk assessments.
76 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
4.8. Hazard Abatement. The purpose of the hazard abatement program is to eliminate, control
or limit exposure of personnel to hazardous conditions. It provides senior leaders, functional
managers, supervisors and employees with a risk-based systemic process for identifying hazard
mitigation and elimination strategies for hazards in all workplaces and operations. Additionally, it
provides a tracking system for hazards from identification through closure.
4.8.1. Responsibilities. Each installation establishes a program to abate hazards based on a priority
system. (T-1) Commanders, supervisors and employees at all levels are responsible for abating
hazardous conditions. Commanders protect national resources, both human and material, and have the
responsibility to take action in implementing safety measures. Functional managers correct hazards in their areas of responsibility. (T-1) The safety office helps commanders assess and prioritize abatement actions and
provide the commander with follow-up support until the hazard is eliminated. Send projects beyond the capability of local commanders to the parent
4.8.2. Planning and Engineering. Use RM processes during the planning, design and execution
phases to identify and eliminate hazards as early as possible when they will have the least cost
and operational impact on the program. Continually review plans, specifications and drawings
to identify and eliminate hazards until the equipment or workplace is operating with acceptable
risk levels. (T-1)Reevaluate risk assessments when any factor applied in the decision-making
process changes. (T-1)
4.8.3. Procedural Actions. Develop procedures or restrictions to minimize risk if planning or
engineering actions cannot be used to eliminate hazards. (T-1)If necessary, impose restrictions
such as operational limits, frequent inspections, protective equipment or stopping the operation
until corrective action is taken.
4.9. Hazard Control Hierarchy. See AFMAN 48-146 and AFPAM 90-803 for additional and
detailed guidance.
4.10. Hazard Abatement Requirements. To abate hazardous conditions:
4.10.1. Abate hazards in military-unique equipment and processes through established
systems for modification and upgrade (e.g., Product Quality Deficiency Reporting Program
[T.O. 00-35D-54,], and Flight Manual Changes [AFI 11-215]). (T-1) Additionally, when
possible, use the same criteria specified in paragraphs
4.10.2. Hazard abatement in nonmilitary-unique workplaces must: Abate RACs 1, 2 and 3 hazards as soon as possible. (T-1) Identify abatement actions for RACs 4 and 5 hazards as soon as possible. (T-1)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 77
4.10.3. Select an abatement method and, if possible, interim control measures based on the
hierarchy outlined in paragraph 4.9. Note: Assigned RAC will remain until completely
abated even though interim control measures are in effect. (T-1)
4.10.4. Other factors that affect decisions on abatement actions are: Impact to mission. Technical feasibility and cost of available options. Number of personnel exposed and length of time exposed. Previous mishap experience. Future use of workplaces or equipment. Alternative methods to control the hazard or protect personnel. Interim control measures in effect.
4.10.5. Paragraphs 13.7, 13.8, 15.1 and 15.2 provide additional instructions for assigning
RACs, determining abatement priority numbers, and completing AF Form 3 and AF Form
4.11. Critical/Imminent Danger Situations. Anyone identifying a critical/imminent danger
situation will immediately bring it to the attention of the commander and supervisor in charge.
(T-1)Commanders or supervisors must take immediate action to eliminate or control the hazard or
cease operations and withdraw exposed personnel until the hazard is mitigated or the elevated risk
is accepted at the appropriate level. (T-1)
4.12. Posting Notification of Hazards. The fire, safety or health officials will complete the AF
Form 1118 identifying RAC 1, 2 and 3 hazards IAW paragraph 15.1 and forward to the supervisor
for posting not later than the end of the next duty day. (T-1) The control number for the AF Form
1118 will be assigned by the installation wing safety office. (T-1) This will ensure the control
number is compatible with the associated AF Form 3, Hazard Abatement Plan, should it become
required. A copy of the AF Form 1118 will be sent to the installation wing safety office by the
office assigning the RAC. (T-1) Supervisors must alert all affected employees and contractors of
the hazardous condition, any interim control measures and permanent corrective actions underway
or programmed. (T-1) Supervisors post the AF Form 1118 in the workplace immediately upon
receipt. AF Form 979, Danger Tag, may be used for this purpose on equipment. Refer to AFMAN
91-203 for additional guidance.
4.12.1. Location. Post AF Form 1118 on, at or as near as possible to the hazard. However,
where the nature of the hazard or workplace is such that this is not practical, post notices in a
prominent place where all employees can see them. The workplace supervisor must ensure the
posted AF Form 1118 is maintained in good condition and employees are kept informed of any
changes. (T-1) If adverse conditions are present, enclose the notice in a suitable protective
cover. (T-1)
4.12.2. Removal. The issuing office will be the authority to remove a posted AF Form 1118.
(T-1) Removal of notices will only occur after the hazard has been corrected, or three (3)
working days (excluding weekends and federal holidays), whichever is later, following
validation by the issuing authority. (T-0)
78 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
4.13. Installation Master Hazard Abatement Plan (MHAP). All RACs assigned 1, 2 and 3
will be entered into the MHAP, even if corrected the same day. (T-1) This ensures full
accountability for hazards of this severity. Fire and Occupational Health offices will ensure all
identified RAC 1, 2 and 3 hazards are communicated to the installation safety office for entry into
the formal installation/space base delta MHAP. (T-1) Commanders/functional managers will
ensure AF Form 3s are initiated for any RAC 1, 2 or 3 hazard not abated within 30 days of
identification. (T-1)
4.13.1. Those RAC 1, 2 or 3 hazards will be entered on an AF Form 3 IAW paragraph 15.2
(T-1) Safety, fire or health officials assist functional managers in preparation of the AF Form
3. Commander/functional manager approves, signs and send the AF Form 3 to the installation
safety office. (T-1)
4.13.2. The installation safety staff will maintain the installation MHAP. (T-1)The MHAP
will consist of the following as a minimum: A fiscal year log of all RAC 1, 2, and 3 items. (T-1) A complete set of AF Form 3s and AF Form 1118s from across the installation.
(T-1) Other related or supporting documentation. (T-1) The signed approval called for in paragraph 4.13.5 or a cross reference to the
appropriate ESOHC minutes if the option is used to track commander approval via the
ESOHC. (T-1)
4.13.3. Squadron commanders or functional managers will conduct a semiannual review of
AF Form 3 pertaining to their areas of responsibilities and reflect that review in Block 38 of
the AF Form 3. (T-1) Commanders/functional managers notify the safety personnel of any changes in
hazard abatement status and annotate changes on the AF Form 3. Squadron commanders or functional managers will conduct a semiannual review
of AF Forms 3 pertaining to their areas of responsibilities and reflect that review in Part
IV--Semi-Annual Review Records of the AF Form 3. (T-1) Completed hazard abatement projects must be certified by the appropriate
agency; safety, fire, or health, to ensure the hazard was abated properly. (T-1)Certification
in this particular instance means the appropriate official has performed a site visit to verify
the hazard has been fully abated.
4.13.4. The ESOHC will review open MHAP items at least once a year. (T-1) They will
address project delays and other problems during each ESOHC. (T-1) The ESOHC minutes
will reflect the review and delays or problems respectively. (T-1)
4.13.5. Annually, the Chief of Safety will send a copy of the MHAP to the installation
commander for review and approval of priorities for projects. (T-1) The copy sent to the
commander will include a cover letter addressing the purpose of the review and description of
the request for the commander’s review and signature. (T-1)The package will include a list of
all open plan entries and those closed since the last annual review. (T-1) The open list will be
prioritized by RAC and abatement priority number. (T-1) See paragraph 13.8. Note:
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 79
Locations utilizing the AF and MAJCOM/FOA/DRU level Risk models which are included in
scheduled Facilities Boards and ESOHC meet the intent of this paragraph and that of
4.13.6. The installation safety office will make the MHAP available for review locally by
representatives of recognized employee organizations, if such organizations exist. (T-1)
4.13.7. MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU occupational safety personnel will send copies of
AF Forms 3 received from subordinate installations or units to AFSEC/SEG and
AFMED/SG3P or AFCEC/CXF, if appropriate, when MAJCOM funding authority for
abatement action is exceeded. (T-1)
4.13.8. RAC 4 and 5 hazards are not part of the installation MHAP. Safety staffs, including
tenant units, will track RAC 4 and 5 hazards not to exceed 180 days until closed. (T-1) Refer
to paragraph 3.6.1 for more information. AF Form 3 or AF Form 1118 is optional for RACs
4 and 5. MAJCOM/FOA/DRU may delineate additional tracking requirements.
4.13.9. Once a hazard is transferred to the MHAP (RACs 1 3) or the RAC 4 and 5 tracking
mechanism, close out applicable source hazard report or inspection report. (T-1)
4.14. Funding for Hazard Abatement. Funding for hazard abatement projects should be entered
into the Planning, Programming and Budget process. Hazard abatement projects should compete
for the necessary funds within the planning, programming, and budgeting system framework.
4.14.1. Incorporate safety, fire and health requirements into repair and construction projects.
(T-1) For projects that exceed local funding authority, follow requirements in AFI 32-1021,
Planning and Programming Military Construction (MILCON) Projects, or AFI 32-1032,
Planning and Programming Appropriated Fund Maintenance, Repair, and Construction
Projects, as applicable, and submit projects to the parent MAJCOM for prioritization and
subsequent completion for funding. Identify the portion of project cost attributable to hazard
abatement. (T-1)
4.14.2. CE provides actual cost data for abatement of hazards in workplaces and real property
installed equipment to the functional manager. The functional manager consolidates the
information and sends it to the installation safety staff at least once a year for centralized
4.15. End of Year Annual Master Hazard Abatement Survey and Facility/Workplace
Inspection Report. At the beginning of each fiscal year, AFSEC/SEG will send a data call for
end of year hazard abatement and facility/workplace inspection information. (T-0)
4.15.1. This data call will be sent to each MAJCOM/FOA/DRU for subsequent distribution to
their subordinate units. (T-1) The report template is available on the AFSEC SharePoint® site.
4.15.2. Each installation safety manager obtains and maintains the data called for in the report.
4.15.3. MAJCOMs/FOAs/DRUs will compile all subordinate units’ results and submit to
AFSEC within required suspense date. (T-1) FOAs/DRUs are exempt from submitting a
report, if their hazard abatement and facility/workplace inspection data is reported by their
installation safety office.
80 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
4.15.4. At joint bases where the Air Force is not the lead, the Air Force safety office will
complete the report to reflect only AF-specific hazards and facilities owned by the AF, where
annual facility/workplace safety inspections are performed. (T-1)
4.15.5. Refer to paragraph 3.6.1 to define the facilities/workplaces each safety staff is
responsible for inspecting. This could include, but is not limited to, electrical vaults, pump
houses, hard stands, wash racks, guard towers, etc. The local OSM will act as the decision
authority for situations where uncertainty exists with regards to facility/workplace inclusion in
this data call. (T-1)
4.15.6. Installations not completing 100 percent facility inspections will provide justification
in their report to indicate factors preventing the completion of these required inspections along
with planned corrective actions to ensure full compliance with the inspection requirements.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 81
Chapter 5
5.1. Information Protection. Safety investigation reports contain privileged safety information
and are for mishap prevention purposes only; they are not releasable outside of safety channels.
Portions of such reports, though, contain factual, non-privileged information, which may be
released to the public, as well as information that is not releasable to the public. For example,
information that is For Official Use Only, may be restricted from public release by the Freedom
of Information Act (5 USC § 552), the Privacy Act (5 USC § 552a), Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (Public Law 104-191, 21 August 1996), Arms Export Control Act (Title
22, USC § 2751), Export Administration Act of 1979 (Title 50, USC § 2401), and other pertinent
laws, regulations and policies. See DoDI 6055.19, Aviation Hazard Identification and Risk
Assessment Programs (AHIRAPs), and AFI 91-225, Safety Programs, for program details and
personnel protections against adverse actions as a result of Military Flight Operations Quality
Assurance (MFOQA) information. Requests for release of non-privileged information in safety
reports or databases, AFSEC/JA is the release authority for requests from outside the Air Force;
AFSEC leadership or chiefs of safety are the release authority for mishap prevention requests
within the Air Force organizations.
5.2. Recurring Publications. The goal of these publications is to prevent mishaps by providing
educational information and insights. These publications discuss topics like standards
implementation as well as establishment/maintenance of nuclear surety, environment, safety and
occupational health programs. The OPR for each publication will determine content and
frequency. AFSEC/SEF posts monthly Blue Four News on the Air Force Safety Automated
System (AFSAS) website, summarizing the previous month's Class A and B aviation mishaps.
This summary contains privileged information and will be protected IAW AFI 91-204.
5.2.1. AFSEC/SE will issue recurring publications pertaining to the Air Force mishap
prevention program. (T-1)
5.2.2. MAJCOM Publications. MAJCOMs/FOAs/DRUs will utilize a variety of media and
mediums to disseminate command-specific safety information to subordinate units.
5.2.3. Periodic Summaries. AFSEC sends periodic mishap summaries to the MAJCOM-
FLDCOM/FOA/DRU safety staffs. These summaries include recent mishap experience,
mishap statistics, analyses of current problem areas and proposed changes in safety policy.
These summaries will be disseminated, as appropriate, to subordinate organizations for mishap
prevention purposes.
5.3. Methods of Information Distribution. Select an appropriate distribution method by
considering content, time available and audience. Each safety office will determine the appropriate
distribution methods for privileged and non-privileged safety information for their subordinate
organizations. Suggested methods of distribution of privileged and non-privileged safety
information, see below:
5.3.1. Privileged Safety Information. Requires appropriate screening of attendees, marking of
materials and reminders of the privileged nature of the information. Safety meetings.
82 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Supervisor safety briefings.
5.3.2. Non-privileged safety information. Safety meetings. Supervisor safety briefings. Base newspapers and bulletins. Safety publications. AFSEC or MAJCOM/FOA/DRU publications. Electronic means via e-mail, web page or video.
5.3.3. Forward reports of Air Force mishaps as directed by AFI 91-204. Some of these reports
may contain recommendations requiring urgent action requirements by AF agencies. Treat
these mishap reports as urgent action notices.
5.3.4. Urgent action notices will be forwarded to AFSEC through the Air Force Service Watch
Center (AFSWC) at DSN 227-6103 or [email protected]. (T-1)
AFSEC will distribute these notices to safety offices through electronic distribution as
appropriate to organizations with applicable guidance/instructions. (T-1)
5.4. Mishap Analysis Program. In order to reduce mishaps, Commanders and Chiefs of Safety
need to know the types of mishaps and mishap rates, and number of mishaps that occur in their
command. Once the type and number are identified, commanders can take risk mitigation actions
based on sound mishap analysis. This historical look-back approach should be complemented by
a proactive, forward looking mishap prevention plan based on pre-identified hazards that haven’t
yet caused a mishap.
5.4.1. MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU and wing safety staffs will: Conduct an annual analysis and develop specific actions to reverse adverse trends.
(T-1)Analysis should target specific problem areas with recommendations for commander
approval and appropriate actions. This analysis complements the data required in
paragraph 13.2. Identify successes, problem areas and trends to measure safety program
effectiveness and guide prevention actions. (T-1)
5.4.2. AFSEC will perform an annual Air Force-level trend analysis and publish results. (T-1)
5.5. Mishap Prevention Analysis Methods. There are several ways to approach analysis of
mishap data and proactive information for mishap prevention purposes. Program analysis
functions are to target, monitor and/or study.
5.5.1. Target Approach. This approach is similar to the study method below. After determining
causes of mishaps, recommendations are developed and prioritized based on the frequency and
severity. Corrective actions are directed at the activities and mechanisms that result in the
greatest number of injuries.
5.5.2. Study Approach. This is a detailed examination of a specific problem area through the
use of a systematic process. A study should follow a systematic process. It typically follows
the format of the Scientific Method. The researcher first drafts a problem statement that clearly
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 83
defines the goals of the study. For example, a suitably specific research question might be,
“Determine a trend in the frequency of X and identify possible explanations for this trend.”
The researcher then conducts background research to identify factors and data relevant to the
problem. Then the researcher drafts an objective statement that describes the problem and
limits the study (the hypothesis or purpose). An example is “X is increasing because of Y.”
Then the researcher develops a plan on how these factors and data are going to be collected,
tabulated, compared, plotted and analyzed (methods). Finally, the data is collected and
analyzed and results reported confirming or denying the hypotheses. Conclusions and
implications regarding application of the results of the study are the most important outcome
of the study.
5.5.3. Additional Analysis Categories. In this method, the safety staff selects categories of raw
data and reviews them regularly in the form of tabulations or rates. The object is to identify
trends and problem areas. Selection of the areas to be monitored depends on the available data
and the needs of the organization. Mishap reports are a good place to start, but other areas
should not be overlooked. Some other categories that may be appropriate for analysis are: Hazardous Air Traffic Reports. Deficiency Reports. Inspection/Evaluation/Assessment Reports. Foreign Object Damage Reports. First-Aid Cases. Maintenance Logs or Reports. Hazard Reports. Airman Safety Action Program (ASAP). Military Flight Operations Quality Assurance (MFOQA) Analyses. Line Operations Safety Audit Reports. Air Force Combined Mishap Reduction System Surveys (AFCMRS). Organizational Safety Assessments (OSAs).
5.6. Use of Analyzed Data. The purpose of analysis is to help prevent mishaps and present
conclusions drawn in a useful format that can be applied to prevention programs. Once corrective
actions are taken, follow-up analysis may be required to determine effectiveness.
5.7. Air Force Combined Mishap Reduction System. AFCMRS provides any commander with
an anonymous, no-cost, web-based safety culture survey designed for operators, maintainers,
support personnel, medical personnel and headquarters staff. An additional survey assesses motor
vehicle safety within a unit. Results are available immediately upon survey completion and
commanders receive a telephonic debrief to explain the data and to explain how to utilize the
AFCMRS analytic tools. Commanders may request AFCMRS survey at
or by contacting the AFSEC Human Factors Division (AFSEC/SEH): DSN 246-6097, Commercial
(505) 846-6097.
84 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
5.8. Organizational Safety Assessment (OSA). An OSA is a customized, in-depth, proactive
mishap prevention tool that aids commanders in risk assessment and safety decision making. The
program focuses on operations, maintenance and support functions with a direct impact on safety
across the entire organization. The OSA team is comprised of safety professionals and subject
matter experts who conduct in-person surveys and in-person interviews of all members within the
installation organization. The focus of the assessment is on the organization’s safety culture and
additional related topics specifically identified by the requesting commander. Commanders may
request an OSA through AFSEC/SEH. If approved by AF/SE, AFSEC/SEH will conduct the OSA
and provide an immediate out-brief to the requesting commander. Contact AFSEC/SEH: DSN
263-3513 or Commercial 505-853-3513, for information.
5.9. Military Flight Operations Quality Assurance (MFOQA). The Air Force MFOQA
Program is a proactive aviation safety initiative that analyzes routine flight data to detect, measure
and mitigate mishap precursors while protecting crew identity.
5.9.1. Currently, the MFOQA Program uses former Air Force instructor pilots under contract
with the Safety Center to analyze the flight data and produce monthly reports for aircrew,
operational leaders and safety officers. The MFOQA analysts study the aggregate data to
establish a baseline of normal flight operations, detect trends toward operational limits, and
examine exceedances of preset parameters. The result of such analyses allows leaders to
intervene to correct adverse mission and safety trends before they lead to mishaps. Subsequent
analyses of the same data allow leaders to objectively measure whether the corrective action
was effective.
5.9.2. Commanders and safety professionals can utilize MFOQA to validate effectiveness of
tactics, training and procedures by measuring what actually happens out in the system;
compare actual versus calculated aircraft performance data; obtain insight on how effectively
flights are following mission profiles; learn where unstable approaches and go-arounds are
most likely to occur; detect exact parts of profiles where over/under-loads, over-speeds, and
over-temps are most likely to occur; measure variations in mission accomplishment within pre-
established limits in order to optimize processes; and assess whether a procedural change has
had a positive or negative effect on operations. Anyone with a common access card can view
aggregate fleet-wide MFOQA analysis in the pubs and reference section of AFSAS at Also, safety professionals and leaders can request customized
analyses that lend specific insights into their operations. Contact AFSEC/SEF at
5.10. Airman Safety Action Program (ASAP). ASAP is a voluntary, web-based capability to
report errors and hazards by Airmen in all functional areas. It facilitates hazard submission via
personal or government electronic devices, and provides means to view and analyze submissions
within AFSAS. ASAP also provides leadership with evidence of risk that may otherwise be
invisible, so that risk management actions can be taken to improve safety. Submit reports at
5.11. Line Operations Safety Audit. The Air Force Line Operations Safety Audit Program is a
non-punitive, unobtrusive, peer-to-peer observation program that collects safety-related flight data
during normal operations in order to assess safety margins and improvement measures.
5.11.1. Line Operations Safety Audit is designed to provide early warnings of developing
safety problems. The program works by selecting and training highly qualified crewmembers
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 85
to ride on jump seats during routine flights to record the threats encountered by aircrew, the
types of errors committed and how the crews managed those threats and errors in order to
maintain safety. How crews manage threats and errors provides excellent insights into training
and organizational culture. Line Operations Safety Audit observers also study Crew Resource
Management performance and perform a carefully structured interview to collect aircrew to
improve mission and safety.
5.11.2. Line Operations Safety Audit can be used by commanders and safety professionals to
systematically and scientifically identify the strengths and weaknesses of normal operations,
decrease the frequency of undesirable events, assess the quality and usability of procedures,
detect inappropriate techniques, identify design issues with automation as evidenced through
mode errors and aircrew use, and detect normalization of deviance in the form of workarounds
and shortcuts used by aircrew, air traffic controllers and dispatchers.
5.12. Standard Mishap Metrics. Mishap metrics (calculated as a number of events against some
kind of exposure) are an effective way to compare the actions and accomplishments of the unit.
Consideration must be given to the differences in operations, environment, equipment or other
variables when comparing organizations or MAJCOMs/FOAs/DRUs. The metrics used by the
safety community to this point have focused on results the number of mishaps experienced over
time relative to exposure. AFSEC uses standardized rates for metrics below:
5.12.1. Aviation Mishaps. Total USAF Aviation Class A/B Metric. This metric identifies the number of
USAF aviation mishaps (to include flight, flight-related, and aircraft ground operations)
and mishap rates per 100,000 flying hours. The Class A/B rate is calculated as the total
number of Class A/B mishaps multiplied by 100,000 flying hours divided by the total
number of flying hours. USAF Class A Aviation Flight Mishap Metric. This metric identifies the number
of USAF Class A aircraft flight mishaps per 100,000 flying hours. Aviation-Related Fatalities Metric. This metric identifies the number of fatalities
due to USAF aviation mishaps and mishap rates per 100,000 flying hours. Destroyed USAF Aircraft Metric. This metric identifies the number of destroyed
USAF aircraft due to aviation mishaps and mishap rates per 100,000 flying hours. USAF Unmanned (Remotely Piloted Aircraft [RPA], Unmanned Aerial System
[UAS], etc.) A/B Metric. This metric identifies the number of USAF mishaps and mishap
rate per 100,000 flying hours.
5.12.2. Class A & B Weapons Metric. This metric identifies the total Class A and B weapons
5.12.3. Class A & B Space Metric. This metric identifies the total Class A and B Space
5.12.4. Ground Mishaps. On-duty Ground Metric (Rate). This metric applies to both military and civilian
personnel and is used to identify the number of mishaps, fatalities or injuries experienced
by military and civilian personnel while on-duty per 100,000 personnel per fiscal year
86 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
(FY). To calculate daily, monthly or yearly on-duty rates, multiply the total number of
military and civilian mishap, fatalities or injuries by 100,000 personnel divided by the
military and civilian strength. Note: AFSEC calculates daily and yearly statistics based
upon AFPC/Air Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC) strength numbers. Off-Duty Ground Metric (Rate). This metric applies only to military personnel
and is used to identify the number of mishaps, fatalities or injuries experienced by off-duty
military personnel per 100,000 personnel per year. To calculate daily, monthly or yearly
off-duty rates, multiply the total number of military mishap, fatalities or injuries x 100,000
personnel divided by the military strength. Note: AFSEC calculates daily and yearly
statistics based upon AFPC/ARPC strength numbers. Private Motor Vehicle Off-duty Metric (Rate). This metric applies only to
military personnel and is used to identify the number of off-duty private motor vehicle
fatalities experienced by off-duty military personnel per 100,000 personnel. Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR). This metric applies only to civilian
personnel and is used to identify the total number of recordable (Class A, B, C, and D)
civilian injuries and illness cases per 100 full-time employees that a site has experienced
per year. The TRIR is calculated as follows: TRIR = (Total number of injuries x
200,000)/Number of man-hours worked. Rationale: The 200,000 hours are based on 100
full-time employees working 40 hours per week, 50 weeks each year (100 x 40 hours per
week x 50 weeks). Total man hours worked equals the personnel strength x 40 hours per
week x 50 weeks per year plus overtime hours worked. Note: Actual hours to include
overtime should be used for computing civilian hours worked. Days Away, Restricted, and/or Transfer (DART) Case Incidence Rate. This
metric applies only to civilian personnel and is used to identify the total number of
recordable civilian injuries and illness cases per 100 full-time employees resulting in days
away from work, restricted work activity, and/or job transfer that a site has experienced in
a given time frame. The DART is calculated as follows: DART = (Total incidents resulting
in days away, restricted work or transfer x 200,000)/Number of man-hours worked.
Rationale: The 200,000 hours are based on 100 full-time employees working 40 hours per
week, 50 weeks each year (100 x 40 hours per week x 50 weeks). Total man hours worked
equals the personnel strength x 40 hours per week x 50 weeks per year plus overtime hours
worked. Note: Actual hours to include overtime should be used for computing civilian
hours worked. To compare the unit’s TRIR and DART rates go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
website at for national averages.
5.13. Calculating Federal Employee Compensation Metric (Rate). This metric applies only
to civilian personnel. These rates are related to civilian claims that result for on-duty civilian
mishaps per 200,000 hours of exposure. To calculate the rates, multiply the number of civilian
compensation claims by 200,000 hours divided by civilian strength multiplied by 2,000 hours plus
overtime hours, e.g., (Total number of civilian compensation claims x 200,000)/Number of man-
hours worked. Rationale: The 2,000 hours equates to 40 hours per week x 50 weeks per year.
Note: This formula is also used to calculate the Non-Appropriated Fund employee compensation
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 87
5.14. AFSAS Analysis and Query Tools.
5.14.1. AFSAS Data Extraction Tool (DET). The DET was developed to supply AFSAS users
with a quick and easy tool for obtaining historical mishap data. The DET generally meets the
majority of requests for raw data, with the added capability to extract the data to either MS-
Excel, HTML or MS-Word.
5.14.2. AFSAS Advanced Query Tool. AFSAS Advanced Query Tool is a Business
Intelligence capability that provides users a repository of ready-to-go reports, formatted to
define requirements. Reports found within the repository were developed to fulfill the
requirements of Air Force safety personnel to generate periodic dashboard-like briefings to
senior leadership. Typically, these reports have specific, repetitive data and presentation
requirements that change very little over time. AFSAS Advanced Query Tool reports retrieve data directly from AFSAS and
other systems automatically, on a daily basis, leaving safety professionals more time to
focus on other important tasks other than building repetitive briefings. Additionally, the Tool offers an advance query tool called Query Studio which
offers users the ability to create simple queries, but with greater options to conform data
into charts and graphs for presentations from the DET.
88 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Chapter 6
6.1. Deployment and Contingency Safety Program. The purpose of this chapter is to provide
Commander, Air Force Forces (COMAFFOR) and Air Force Forces (AFFOR) a tool to preserve
combat capability and manage risk to US based and deployed Air Force units supporting US
homeland and worldwide contingency operations. The rotational nature of forces within an Area
of Responsibility (AOR) necessitates an active program and commander involvement at all levels.
Pre-planning, training, and preparation prior to deployments are essential to mission success.
6.1.1. Objectives: Provide timely and accurate safety information to commanders. Enhance deployed unit mishap prevention programs. Recommend required mishap mitigation measures.
6.1.2. No aspect of this chapter is intended to conflict with existing AFPDs, AFIs or Tactics,
Techniques and Procedures. It is intended to clarify the duties and responsibilities of the
COMAFFOR, AFFOR and deployed Air Force Safety office in the context of a unique
deployment environment. In the event that this instruction conflicts with safety guidelines set
forth by AOR governing/executive agency, apply safety requirements consistent with
paragraph 1.5.3. The requirements of the Deployed and Contingency Safety Program apply
to all AFFOR assigned/gained/aligned units for the duration of their assignment or deployment.
In specific areas where guidance is lacking in this instruction, good judgment and thorough
communication throughout the chain of command must prevail.
6.1.3. Bare Base Safety. Risk Management. While establishing bare base and short term operations, the
single most important action a deployed chief of safety can take is real-time risk
management. Specific programs as listed in this instruction will be implemented as
resources are available to establish and maintain them. Once in place, sustainment ops
commanders, supervisors and functional managers at all levels will develop and implement
safety, RM and health programs that integrate hazard reduction and safety policy into all
on-duty and off-duty operations and activities. (T-2) Key Programs. Bare base safety priorities must include a Spot Inspection Program
(ensures safety is in the work areas), the Unit Safety Representative program (conduit for
information to and from the unit), and Mishap Response Plans. (T-1) As the location
matures, the commander must evaluate the need for additional programs. (T-2)
6.2. Air Force Forces Chief of Safety (AFFOR/SE).
6.2.1. AFFOR/SE elements will forward deploy as needed within the AOR in support of Air
Expeditionary Force tasking, Operational Plans (OPLANS), contingency operations, theater
engagement or to perform assessments.
6.2.2. AFFOR/SE Responsibilities: Guide the execution of the AFFOR Safety Program within the AOR.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 89 Coordinate manpower requirements for staff safety functions in the AOR. Coordinate and execute the AFFOR Hazard Review Board. Coordinate with the COMAFFOR, Geographic Combatant Commands (GCC) and
other Component Commands of the GCC, Host Nations, sister services, MAJCOMs/NAFs,
other governmental agencies and non-governmental agencies on safety-specific theater
issues and safety investigations. Author AOR OPLAN annexes, as required. Conduct semi-annual evaluations to ensure continuity of AFFOR-gained units,
observe execution of unit safety programs and provide feedback, as necessary.
6.3. AFFOR Deployed Unit Safety Functions and Organizations. AFFOR deployed safety
offices will establish and maintain all required mishap prevention programs as addressed in this
instruction and applicable AOR procedures. (T-1) AFFOR/SE will provide guidance and
assistance as necessary.
6.3.1. Scope. Most units are composed of an Air Expeditionary Wing (AEW) or Air
Expeditionary Group (AEG), associated flying squadrons, maintenance units and mission
support units. Where there is no parent AEW or AEG, squadrons/detachments will assume
duties listed below, where applicable.
6.3.2. Air Expeditionary Wing/Group/Squadron Commander Responsibilities: Coordinate/liaise with AFFOR/SE on requested manpower changes. (T-2) Provide guidance to the assigned safety staff on performing safety duties. (T-2) Expeditionary Squadron Commanders will appoint a USR for occupational safety.
(T-1) Designate, by signed memo, USRs to the AEW/AEG safety office prior to departure
of the current USR or within two weeks of arrival of new appointee. Newly appointed
USRs must coordinate with the AEW/AEG Safety Office for training so that training may
be accomplished within seven days of appointment notification. (T-2) Expeditionary flying Squadron Commanders will designate, by signed memo, an
Additional Duty Flight Safety Officer to the AEW/AEG safety office prior to departure of
the current Additional Duty Flight Safety Officer or within two weeks of individual’s
arrival. (T-1) Additional Duty Flight Safety Officer should attend the Aviation Safety
Program Manager (ASPM) or AFSEC-certified MAJCOM equivalent courses. At operating locations where the unit stores, handles or transports explosives, the
expeditionary unit commanders will designate, by signed memo, an Additional Duty
Weapons Safety Representative to the AEW/AEG safety office prior to departure of the
current Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representative or within two weeks of arrival, if
possible. (T-1)Newly appointed Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representatives must
coordinate with the AEW/AEG Safety Office for training so that training may be
accomplished within seven days of appointment notification. (T-2)
6.3.3. Operating Location and Deployed Safety Office Responsibilities. US homeland based Operating Locations and detachments supporting AFFOR
AOR missions continue to employ safety program elements IAW their respective
90 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
MAJCOM/FOA/DRU directives. US homeland based AFFOR assigned/gained unit safety
offices shall incorporate AFFOR/SE coordination into their programs as determined
applicable by AFFOR/SE. (T-2) Utilize the semi-annual ESOH Council to review recent safety events, items on
the master hazard abatement plan, hazard reports, SAV results, mishap experience and
weapons and flight-related issues of concern. (T-2) If an ESOH Council is not conducted
at a specific location, establish a semi-annual safety council to perform these tasks. Subject to any GCC limitations, attempt to meet at least bi-monthly with host
nation air force or local airfield authority counterparts concerning safety issues. Document
meetings, or attempts, in writing and include agenda, attendees, discussion summary,
agreements, recommendations, action items and proposed date of next meeting. (T-2) Maintain a Mishap Response Plan (separately or as part of the Installation
Emergency Management Plan) reflecting working relationships with local and installation
Agencies. (T-2)Mishap Response Plan will be employed and evaluated during Installation
Major Accident Response Exercises. (T-2) This activity should include all disciplines of
safety, if possible. All identified hazards will be tracked IAW Chapter 4, Hazard Identification,
Reporting and Abatement. (T-1) Forward all hazard abatement issues that require Higher
Headquarters funding or involvement to AFFOR/SE for dissemination outside the AOR.
(T-1) In addition to established MAJCOM hazard abatement processes, US based
organizations supporting an AFFOR/AOR forward hazard abatement issues affecting AOR
mission accomplishment to AFFOR/SE for additional coordination within the Combatant
Command. (T-1) Work with contracting officials to review procedures for procurement requests
prior to purchase via the Government Purchase Card and AF Form 9, Request for Purchase,
Chapter 12, Contract Safety, to assist purchase agents with procurement of items and
equipment that meet or exceed safety requirements, depending on the location. Continuity Books. Each safety office will maintain comprehensive continuity
book covering all duties required of the safety staff. (T-2) The continuity books will contain
at a minimum: End of Tour reports, Rotational Safety Councils, Confined Space Program
team meetings, Flight Safety meetings, Airfield Operations Board meetings, and USR
meetings. (T-2) End of Tour Reports. All individuals deployed into safety positions will submit
end of tour comments to the deployed Chief of Safety. (T-2) All deployed Chiefs of Safety
will consolidate inputs from each safety discipline and submit a written report to
AFFOR/SE before the completion of their deployment and maintain a copy in their
continuity book. (T-2) This report should focus on lessons learned, positive and negative.
Activities, actions and duties performed while deployed may be included but the primary
focus of the report is to improve the Deployed Safety Program. These reports will be posted
in the Air Force Joint Lessons Learned Information System Document Library
( and forwarded or made available to other organizations (e.g.,
AFSEC, MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs/FOAs/DRUs, NAFs and wings), as appropriate. (T-2) Weapons Safety.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 91 Explosives Site Planning. Site Planning will be accomplished IAW AFMAN
91-201, Explosives Safety Standards. (T-1)AFFOR Weapons Safety Division
(AFFOR/SEW) is the MAJCOM-level coordination authority for deployed AOR base
explosives site planning involving Air Force munitions assets. AFFOR Chief of
Weapons (AFFOR/SEW) will coordinate/liaise on similar issues in other AORs in
order to keep COMAFFOR appraised of issues which may affect AFFOR combat
capability. (T-1) Deployed Weapons Safety Managers are responsible for initiating action for
the explosives site planning of potential explosives sites at their base. Deployed
Weapons Safety Managers will direct any problems involving explosives site planning
to AFFOR/SEW. (T-1) AFFOR/SEW will review all AOR explosives site plans and
provide guidance/technical assistance to theater operating location Weapon Safety
Managers. (T-1) Final approval must go through appropriate agencies as identified in
DESR 6055.09_AFMAN 91-201. (T-0) Units that handle less than 1,000 rounds of small arms ammunition, and are
not licensed, are not required to assign an Additional Duty Weapons Safety
Representative. Supervisors are responsible to monitor activities of these units. Radiation Hazard Zones. Ensure radiation hazard zones are established with
the focus on personnel, electro-explosive devices and petroleum, oils, and lubricants.
Ensure interoperability with other systems deployed to the same location. (T-0) Refer
to AFI 48-109, Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMFR) Occupational and
Environmental Health Program, AFI 48-139, Laser and Optical Radiation Protection
Program, AFI 91-208, Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO)
Certification and Management, and DESR 6055.09_AFMAN 91-201 for additional
information. Occupational Safety Managers (OSMs) are responsible for: Providing safety briefings for the Personnel Support for Contingency
Operations office’s RIGHT START or equivalent program. The safety briefing will
address safety conditions/issues specific to that particular base/environment. (T-1) Safety inspections, annual, spot, special, and high interest, will be
conducted IAW Chapter 4. (T-1) Review designs and plans for projects and construction, coordinating with
AFFOR/SEW and AFFOR/SEF, as applicable. (T-2) Space Safety. For operationally deployed space assets, system-related safety
issues will be directed through Wing Safety (or equivalent), NAF/Center Safety,
MAJCOM-FLDCOM Safety and AFSEC/SES. (T-1) Wing or equivalent-level safety
offices responsible for deployed assets are responsible for the following: Directed Energy Systems. Ensure all directed energy systems are directed
away from aircraft traffic patterns and personnel. Ensure coordination with local air
traffic control to avoid development of flight patterns that may impinge upon Directed
Energy clear zones. Directed energy systems aimed above the horizon must interface
92 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
with the Laser Clearinghouse IAW DoDI 3100.11, Management of Laser Illumination
of Objects in Space. (T-0) Frequency Management. Deploying units contact a Spectrum Manager at
the squadron, wing or installation, who, in turn, will contact the MAJCOM-FLDCOM
and AFFOR frequency managers prior to their unit’s arrival at the operating location
to de-conflict potential interference issues. (T-1) Upon arrival, deploying units contact
the local frequency manager to follow up on any changes which may have occurred
while en route. Ensure compliance with the published Joint Restricted Frequency List.
(T-0) Deployed Supervisor. Ensure subordinates receive a safety briefing from the
deployed location safety staff on known hazards associated with deployed locations. (T-1)
Provide and document job safety training at deployed locations as specified in paragraph (T-1)The deployed supervisor will ensure the individual is provided a copy of
the documented training to return to the home station supervisor. (T-1)
6.4. Mishap Prevention Program. AFFOR deployed safety offices will establish and maintain
all required mishap prevention programs as addressed in this instruction and applicable AOR
procedures. (T-1) AFFOR/SE will provide guidance and assistance as necessary.
6.4.1. Mishap Investigation. In general, COMAFFOR is not the convening authority for
mishaps in the AOR. Convening authority falls to the home station
MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU IAW AFI 91-204. The convening authority may contact the
COMAFFOR and/or AFFOR/SE to request local deployed safety office SIB support beyond
ISB responsibilities, provided the deployed commander and AFFOR/SE support the request.
Mishap investigations should be accomplished IAW AFI 91-204 with the following caveats: Aviation. The COMAFFOR is the convening authority for all Class E and Hazard-
BASH, Controlled Movement Area Violations (CMAVs), Hazardous Air Traffic Reports
(HATRs), Class E and Hazard Laser events, and appropriate hazards to promote location-
dependent trending and intervention. Ground. The COMAFFOR is the convening authority for mishaps related to War
Readiness Materiel assets or injury/death of an AOR permanent change of station member. Explosives. The COMAFFOR is the convening authority for all munitions
mishaps that don’t involve improper weapons activation (not actuated from
weapon/aircraft). For events involving accidental or improper weapons activation (misfire,
jamming, etc.), the home station MAJCOM/[FLDCOM/FOA/DRU of the person/aircraft
is convening authority.
6.4.2. Mishap Notification Procedures. AFFOR/SE will be notified immediately of any Class
A or Class B mishaps and included as an addressee on all safety reports, e-mails and messages
concerning events that involve USAF assets in or supporting contingency operations in the
AOR (T-2) In the event of a Class A or Class B aviation, ground or weapons mishap,
AFFOR/SE will be the primary coordinator with MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU convening
authorities and the Air Force Safety Center. (T-1)
6.5. Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Safety Awards. Deployed individuals and units are
eligible for MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU and AF-level safety awards. Refer to AFMAN 36-
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 93
2806, Awards and Memorialization Program, for additional information regarding AF-level safety
6.6. AFFOR/SE Visits. AFFOR/SE will conduct semi-annual visits to AOR Operating Locations
and deployed units. (T-2) Additionally, AFFOR safety will conduct interim visits as requested by
AEW/AEG commanders. (T-2) Due to the cyclical nature of deployed personnel, these visits are
an important tool to reinforce safety presence with the subordinate units. SAVs will focus on areas
requested by the AEW/AEG safety office or as determined by AFFOR/SE, based on previous
program evaluation (PE) reports and other correspondence.
94 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Chapter 7
7.1. Program Management. Each unit conducting or supporting flight operations, to include
small unmanned aircraft systems operations, must have an aviation safety program. The Chief of
Safety or senior installation safety representative will ensure an active safety presence at the
installation through the plans, programs and training responsibilities outlined below. (T-1)
7.1.1. The installation safety office is responsible for the base aviation safety program.
7.1.2. Tenant units coordinate their flight safety programs with the installation to avoid
duplication. If the installation does not have an FSO allocation, the largest tenant with an
allocation manages the base flight safety program. If neither the installation nor the tenant has
an FSO allocation, flight safety responsibilities revert to the installation Chief of Safety.
7.2. Plans. The FSO/Flight Safety Manager/FSNCO should help develop and review appropriate
emergency response plans and coordinate on any other installation plans involving flight safety or
aircraft emergencies. These plans will include but are not limited to:
7.2.1. Installation Emergency Management Plan. (T-3) The COS is responsible for ensuring
that units develop an aviation specific portion of the Installation Emergency Management Plan.
The Chief of Safety ensures the plan defines roles, responsibilities and notification
requirements for leadership and all involved agencies. The Installation Emergency
Management Plan should include elements of or a reference to existing plans concerning the
disaster response required by AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management Program.
7.2.2. Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Plan. (T-1) The installation safety office,
or assigned tenant unit with a flying mission, will establish the BASH plan, to include, defining
the nature and extent of wildlife hazards and implementation of the plan. (T-2) BASH Plan implementation must be consistent with all program requirements
IAW AFI 91-212, Bird/wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Management. BASH plans for Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) locations should
include environmental considerations included in the Status of Forces Agreement, and,
when available, input from local, regional or governmental environment and wildlife
7.3. Programs. The COS will ensure the following programs are established, maintained and
reviewed at least annually. (T-1)
7.3.1. BASH Program. Refer to AFI 91-212 for the responsibilities for establishing and
administering the Air Force BASH Program.
7.3.2. Hazardous Air Traffic Reporting (HATR) Program. HATR information is vital to Air
Force flight safety. Use of information taken from these reports is for mishap prevention, not
intended to initiate disciplinary actions. HATR information is not privileged information and
is releasable outside Air Force channels. The AF Form 651, Hazardous Air Traffic Report
(HATR), should not include identities or personal information. Responsibilities for establishing
and administering the HATR program include:
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 95 Unit commanders will ensure AF Form 651 and AF Form 457, USAF Hazard
Report, are available to aircrews at base operations facilities, flying squadron operations
offices, in trip kits and USAF Air Traffic Control (ATC) facilities. (T-3) Commanders
must emphasize the importance of identifying hazardous situations and direct the filing of
appropriate HATR events as a method of preventing future mishaps. (T-3) Unit safety offices will investigate high accident potentials (HAPs) and HATRs
IAW AFI 91-204 and AFMAN 91-223. (T-3) The FSO or Flight Safety Manager will
ensure HATR reporting procedures and requirements are briefed at least annually to
aircrew and ATC personnel. Refer to AFMAN 91-223 for reporting requirements.
7.3.3. Midair Collision Avoidance (MACA) Program. Units with flying programs must
establish a written or electronic MACA program. (T-1) The unit safety office is responsible
for its creation, documentation, and upkeep. (T-2) The FSO/Flight Safety Manager works
closely with the Operations Group-determined OPR and other interested parties such as the
Airfield Operations Flight Commander, the airspace manager, Air Traffic Control, local Fixed
Base Operators, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, and the local Flight Standards District
Officer, to establish a comprehensive MACA program. The FSO/Flight Safety Manager uses
the resources and services of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards
District Officer accident prevention specialists or equivalent host nation agency, if applicable.
Tailor the MACA program to meet local needs. As a minimum, the FSO/Flight Safety Manager
will coordinate with appropriate agencies to accomplish these key objectives: Ensure the free flow of MACA information between installation and tenant
organizations, effective communication between base, local military aviation units, local
airport managers, fixed base operators, and local small unmanned aircraft systems
operators and actively support the HATR Program. Actively engage and acquaint the local
flying public and all military units that use the local airspace with configurations, speeds,
and altitudes of routine operations in the vicinity. The FSO/FSM should schedule MACA
meetings during a time that allows maximum participation of both civilian and military
personnel. Evaluate the midair collision potential with civilian operators and work with
operators of nearby airfields to reduce risk and minimize the hazards. (T-3) Evaluate the
midair collision potential with small unmanned aircraft systems and work with small
unmanned aircraft systems operators to reduce risk and minimize the hazards. (T-3) Develop a MACA pamphlet. (T-3) The MACA pamphlet is an installation-wing
responsibility. Tenant units will provide MDS-specific information as required and will
coordinate on the installation-wing pamphlet. (T-3) Overseas locations should consider
publishing the pamphlet in the host country’s language along with English. Provide
educational programs/publications to general aviation servicing facilities to increase the
use of available radar services among civil aircraft. Develop appropriate maps and graphics
showing the base radar services and routes. (T-3) Distribute the maps to all civil airfield
managers, fixed base operators, military base operations, airports, local small unmanned
aircraft systems operators, including hobby shops and model aircraft clubs, and other flying
operations that use the surrounding airspace. (T-3)
96 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Units may combine MACA programs with other military organizations in a 50-
mile range of their base. (T-3) This will require more coordination efforts but will result in
a better product to be used by the area’s civilian population.
7.3.4. Awards Program. Ensure proper recognition of personnel through the Air Force Safety
Awards Program as outlined in AFMAN 36-2806. (T-3)
7.3.5. Operational/Training Squadron Flight Safety Program. The squadron commander will
maintain overall supervision of the flight safety program. (T-3) The squadron assigned flight
safety officer represents an extension of the wing flight safety program at the squadron level.
In addition to managing the squadron flight safety program, these individuals are still
responsible for carrying out all normal wing safety duties as requested by Wing Chief of Safety.
Units possessing aircraft with enlisted crew positions should also consider appointing an
enlisted crewmember as additional duty flight safety NCO to assist in the flight safety program.
The squadron commander will ensure that the following actions are accomplished by the
squadron assigned flight safety officers: Upon appointment, contact the wing safety office for required training. (T-3) Administer the unit safety program using this instruction as a guide and
management tool. (T-3) Disseminate flight safety information to unit crewmembers. (T-3) Forward all flying safety matters of significance, which cannot be corrected at unit
level through the unit commander to the COS. (T-3) Assist in conducting wing safety spot inspections as requested and conduct unit
self-inspections. (T-3) Ensure a current file of applicable safety directives, to include this instruction, AFI
91-204, AFMAN 91-223 and AFI 91-212 are maintained by the unit. (T-3) Maintain Volume V of the squadron Flight Crew Information File IAW AFI 11-
202, Volume 2, Aircrew Standardization/Evaluation Program, if applicable. (T-3) Use of
Volume V is optional IAW AFI 11-202, Volume 2. If Volume V is utilized, procedures
will be implemented to ensure all aircrews review Volume V. (T-3) Maintain unit safety bulletin boards. (T-3)
7.3.6. Data-centric Proactive Safety Programs. Chiefs of Safety and unit-level staffs will use
MFOQA, ASAP and Line Operations Safety Audit proactive safety as correlated data streams
for hazard identification and risk mitigation to prevent mishaps and accomplish the mission.
(T-2)Proactive safety programs enable leaders, safety professionals, aircrews and support
personnel to achieve efficiencies in maintenance, operations, safety, tactics and training. These
programs affect positive change in the Air Force by engendering a culture where personnel are
willing to identify hazards and errors, not cover them up. Refer to paragraphs 5.10 5.12 for
a more detailed description of MFOQA, ASAP and Line Operations Safety Audit. Refer to
AFI 91-225, Safety Programs, for how all proactive safety programs are conducted in a Just
7.3.7. Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flight Safety Program. Units conducting Small
Unmanned Aircraft System Operations are typically not designated as Flying Squadrons (i.e.,
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 97
Maintenance, Public Affairs, CE, Security Forces or small flying units), however, they will
comply with the following: Will have an Squadron Assigned Flight Safety Officer/Flight Safety Manager
assigned as an additional duty with responsibilities identified in paragraphs through, or may have the responsibilities of the Squadron Assigned Flight Safety Officer
shared with another unit on base. (T-3) Units up to the Wing level will designate a primary and alternate System Expert
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Officer for each UAS operated by the unit, for the
purpose of mishap investigations. (T-3) At least one squadron assigned flight safety officer/Flight Safety Manager on a
base supporting small unmanned aircraft systems will be ASPM and AMIC trained. (T-3) Small unmanned aircraft systems operations must still adhere to requirements of
this chapter. (T-3)
7.4. Aero Club Operations. The installation unit commander appoints an FSO as a safety
advisor to the base Aero Club. (T-3)If the installation unit does not have an assigned FSO, the
commander will obtain the assistance of a tenant unit FSO to provide safety assistance to the Aero
Club. (T-3) The installation safety office may investigate Aero Club mishaps IAW AFI 91-204.
However, the National Transportation Safety Board or host nation civil aviation authority has
primary responsibility for investigating and reporting. Refer to AFI 34-101, Air Force Morale,
Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs and Use Eligibility, for further guidance on Aero Club
support. The wing safety advisor should attend the monthly aero club safety meetings.
7.5. Training Meetings and Briefings. The COS will ensure the following:
7.5.1. Each flying unit will conduct quarterly aircrew flying safety meetings. (T-3) This
requirement is fulfilled whether conducted as a unit or wing. Topics covered should include
unit mishaps, MDS-specific trend analysis, local flying hazards (e.g., airspace, aerodrome),
seasonal concerns (weather), human factors to include annual fatigue management and
awareness training given by Aerospace Physiology or Aerospace Medicine, etc.
7.5.2. Maintenance units receive critical safety alerts, timely briefings on maintenance-related
mishaps, and trends relevant to the unit’s mission/MDS. (T-2)
7.5.3. Airfield Operations personnel receive timely briefings on HATR and CMAV related
events and trends. (T-3)
7.5.4. Interim Safety Board Training. The FSO/Flight Safety Manager conducts annual
training for unit personnel identified to serve as interim safety board members in conjunction
with or for the safety office. (T-3) This requirement is not applicable for AFRC. ISB
composition is identified in AFMAN 91-223.
7.5.5. Other Activities Related to Flight Safety. The FSO/Flight Safety Manager/FSNCO or
their designated representative, will attend Airfield Operations Board meetings, Foreign Object
Damage Prevention Committee meetings and Standardization/Evaluation and Training review
meetings. (T-3)
98 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
7.6. Inspections/Assessments and Monitoring.
7.6.1. Flight Safety personnel will conduct assessments/inspections of all assigned
(installation) flying units’ flight safety programs for compliance with USAF and wing safety
requirements IAW Table 3.1 (T-3)Assessments/inspections of tenant unit flying safety
programs will only be accomplished as stated in base support agreements. (T-3)The tenant’s
higher headquarters assesses the tenant’s internal program. (T-3)Refer to Chapter 3, Safety
Assurance, for additional guidance.
7.6.2. USAF Hazard Reporting. The FSO or Flight Safety Manager investigates reported
flight-related hazards according to Chapter 4.
7.6.3. Flight safety personnel, to include AVSNCO and squadron assigned FSO, will inspect,
assess, and monitor flight-related workplaces, operations and support in accordance with
Chapter 3 criteria. (T-2) With the assistance of the installation Occupational Safety office,
assign RACs to flight safety hazards. (T-2) Potential spot inspection/monitoring areas include,
but are not limited to: Airfield. Installation has responsibility for entire airfield. Tenant units need only
inspect/monitor unit-specific ramps and taxiways. Note: May be accomplished in
conjunction with activities prescribed in AFMAN 13-204V1, Management of Airfield
Operations, and AFMAN 13-204V2, Airfield Management. High-interest areas. Ramps and runways, including taxiways, overruns, stressed pavement areas
and unstressed pavement areas immediately next to runways. Engine-run areas, including engine exhaust standoff distances and condition
of pavement to prevent Foreign Object Damage. Lighting systems, including runway lights, approach, taxiway, and ramp
lights and vehicle control lights. Barriers and arresting gear. Airfield obstructions, including obstacles on approach paths. Airfield markings, including runway markings, distance markings, taxi
lines, etc. Airfield signs, include distance remaining, instrument hold, visual flight
rules hold, taxiway guidance, etc. Vehicle traffic control on or around the airfield and parking areas. Airfield vegetation and drainage. Wildlife hazards present on the airfield. Operations and Maintenance. Supervisor of flying program. Runway supervision program.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 99 Emergency-response equipment, including crash-rescue vehicles,
ambulances, communications and crash-recovery equipment. Bird/Wildlife strike reporting. Aircraft marshaling, fueling and towing procedures. Foreign object damage-control program, control equipment and procedures. Aero Club operations. Aircraft generations, engine start and launch exercises. Post-flight maintenance debriefing procedures. Unit and transient (installation only) maintenance operations. Product Quality Deficiency Reporting System. Flight safety information use in maintenance training flight. Maintenance engine-run training procedures. Snow removal plans and operations, if applicable. Deicing training for aircrew and maintenance, to include flightline-deicing
procedures. Low-level routes, weapons ranges and drop zones. Functional check flight procedures. Assigned and attached unit’s flight workplaces, briefings and meetings. Life-support workplaces and training programs. Egress training.
7.7. Airfield Maintenance, Construction and Waivers (Installation). COS or designated SE
representative monitors routine airfield maintenance and major construction projects. (Note:
Ensure any conversations with the contractors concerning safety-related matters are not construed
as contract changes). On major construction projects, the Chief of Safety or designated SE
representative reviews the initial plan and follow-on plans for compliance with AFI 32-1023,
Designing and Constructing Military Construction Projects, UFC 3-260-01, Airfield and Heliport
Planning and Design, and attends the pre-construction conference or briefing to consider if it will
affect unit operations. Note: At OCONUS locations, plans shall be IAW Status of Forces
Agreement, Host Nation Funded Construction Agreement and Bilateral Infrastructure Agreement.
7.7.1. Chief of Safety will participate in annual Airfield Manager’s review of airfield waivers
per AFMAN 13-204V2. (T-3)
7.7.2. When able, the Chief of Safety should participate in risk analysis of items needing
waivers and work to eliminate those items. Consider these factors: The inspection of areas before use. The impact of maintenance and construction on daily flying schedule and
emergency situations.
100 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 The communications between the tower and contractor, and the availability of the
contracting agent. Controlling vehicular traffic on the airfield and designating haul routes for
contractor trucks. Briefing pilots and transient aircrews with updated information. Establishing the minimum allowable distance between equipment and the runway. Marking obstructions, controlling foreign objects and assigning hearing
protection. Explosives safety criteria. The potential impact of construction on wildlife hazards to airfield operations.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 101
Chapter 8
8.1. Program Management. This chapter contains the minimum requirements for safety offices
at all command levels. Occupational safety mishap prevention efforts include both on-duty and
off-duty activities.
8.1.1. Each installation occupational safety manager will implement and manage a base-wide
occupational safety program IAW applicable AFPD/AFI/AFMAN 90- and 91-series guidance,
and other applicable regulatory guidance. (T-1) Newly assigned occupational safety managers
will conduct and document an occupational safety program self-assessment within 90 days of
taking the position. (T-1)
8.1.2. Installation safety offices may not impose host command-unique requirements on tenant
units unless specified in the support agreement. Tenant USAF units without full-time qualified
safety authorizations receive the same safety services as installation subordinate units. (Note:
HAF, MAJCOM, AFOTEC and NAF safety offices are not configured as a traditional safety
office IAW AFMS 11H100 and are, therefore, treated as a tenant unit without an assigned
safety staff. They will follow the host program unless specified in a host tenant support
agreement.) Support Agreements will identify and delineate responsibilities. IAW DoDI
4000.19, Support Agreements, and AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter- Agency
Support Agreements Procedures, non-USAF tenant units may be provided safety services
based on support agreements (host may require reimbursement for services provided). (T-2)
Wing subordinate units and tenant organizations will implement a program that supports the
installation program as defined within the host/tenant support agreements, when applicable.
8.1.3. One-deep safety positions will develop and maintain complete and thorough continuity
folders covering all duties required by their positions. (T-1)
8.2. Assurance Requirements. Occupational safety personnel will conduct inspections and
assessments of all assigned units. (T-1)Refer to Chapter 3, Safety Assurance, for inspection and
assessment guidance.
8.3. Installation Occupational Safety Staff Responsibilities. The installation Occupational
Safety staff will manage:
8.3.1. Ensure all managers, supervisors, and employees are trained to identify, evaluate, and
control workplace hazards. (T-1) Assist supervisors in developing and maintaining Job Hazard
Analysis(es), and setting up programs to ensure organizational compliance with OSHA, DoD,
and Air Force safety requirements. Note: Overseas installations will consider application of
installation nation standards as well. (T-1)
8.3.2. Investigate and report all events IAW AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports,
and AFMAN 91-224, Ground Safety Investigations and Reports. (T-1)
8.3.3. Will work cooperatively with other installation functions to include but not limited to
tenant units’ safety staff, BE, CE, Security Forces, Personnel, Contracting, Logistics Readiness
Squadron, Force Support Squadron, Public Health, Installation Occupational and
Environmental Medicine Consultant, Fire and Emergency Services (FES) Flight, and
102 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Aerospace and Operational Physiology Technician personnel to provide an effective
occupational safety program. (T-2) Coordinate with installation LRS to obtain GOV damage/mishap/abuse reports to
evaluate and determine mishap reporting criteria. (T-2) Coordinate with the installation Judge Advocate to obtain data on tort claims that
reached Class D or higher threshold value. (T-2) Coordinate with the installation contracting office to obtain data on contractor
mishaps involving government losses that reached Class D or higher threshold value. (T-2)
8.3.4. Monitor on-base sports facilities and activities. (T-2)
8.3.5. Implement a traffic safety program IAW AFI 91-207, US Air Force Traffic Safety
Program. (T-1)Joint bases will follow the established Memorandum of Agreement. (T-0)
8.3.6. Review and recommend for approval, as appropriate, the use of new hazardous
materials in accordance with AFMAN 32-7002. (T-1) Coordinate on updates of the
installation’s hazardous materials Authorized User List when requested by the installation
Environmental Management office under the installation Hazardous Materials Management
Program. (T-1)
8.3.7. Review CE work requests, project designs, and specifications for safety criteria. (T-1)
8.3.8. Provide technical safety consultation services to all base activities and promote on-duty
and off-duty safety awareness. (T-2)
8.3.9. Budget for training safety professionals, safety educational materials, and safety
promotional campaigns. (T-1) Refer to AFI 65-601V1, Budget Guidance and Procedures, for
more information.
8.3.10. Work with contracting officials and unit purchasing personnel to ensure requests for
equipment products and services using purchase orders and/or Government Purchase Card are
reviewed for potential safety and health impact in accordance with AFI 64-117, Air Force
Government-Wide Purchase Card (GPC) Program, AFMAN 32-7002 and Chapter 12. (T-1)
8.3.11. Assist tenant units without full-time safety personnel with ground event reporting
procedures and requirements IAW established applicable host/tenant support agreements.
8.3.12. Coordinate Department of the Air Force civilian and Non-Appropriated Fund civilian
mishap investigation information through the appropriate channels, and provide a
representative to actively participate in the Federal Employee Compensation Act Working
Group, if one is held at the installation level. (T-0)
8.3.13. Maintain records of reportable and recordable events IAW 29 CFR 1904, Recording
and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, DoDI 6055.07, Mishap Notification,
Investigation, Reporting, and Record Keeping, AFI 91-204, AFMAN 91-224, and AFMAN
33-363, Management of Records. (T-0)
8.3.14. Maintain a master list or file of approved safety, fire protection, and occupational
health variances or exemptions to AFMAN 91-203 and any variances to AFOSH requirements
that apply to the installation. (T-1) The current approved variances/exemptions are available
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 103
at the AFSEC/SEG SharePoint® website (
8.3.15. Responsible for developing and implementing an OSHA Reception and Action Plan.
This plan will address actions to implement prior to, during, and after an OSHA event. (T-0)
This includes official OSHA representative installation visits and OSHA requests for self-
investigation/inspection. These procedures will address all requirements called for in
paragraph 13.3 and those contained within DoDI 6055.01, Enclosure 3. (T-0)
8.3.16. Assist in the development and review of emergency response plans and procedures for
handling events such as, but not limited to ground and aircraft emergencies, toxic spills,
ventilation malfunctions, cleanup operations, and emergency egress. (T-1)These areas of
review include: Disaster response required by AFI 10-2501. HAZMAT response required by AFI 10-2501. Response to severe weather warnings. Crash recovery plans. Notifying and convening Interim Safety Boards (ISBs) for ground-related
8.3.17. Provide fully qualified occupational safety personnel in support of Air Expeditionary
Force deployment tasks. (T-1)Occupational safety managers will know the current deployment
status of all assigned military personnel and ensure the proper status information is provided
for the Airman Readiness Tool Report. (T-1) To ensure personnel are competent with occupational safety program
responsibilities, the individual’s supervisor or occupational safety manager will conduct a
review of all appropriate skill level core tasks with individuals prior to their deployment.
(T-1) Individuals who do not meet required core tasks for appropriate skill level
requirements will be required to receive appropriate training from their supervisor, OSM,
or other recognized source prior to deployment. (T-1)
8.3.18. Ensure qualified and proficient Occupational Safety (1S0/0018) personnel conduct the
Air Force Supervisor Safety Training (SST) that incorporates MAJCOM/FOA/DRU and
organization/installation unique requirements, if any, into the core curriculum. (T-1) Group or
Wing-level tenants with an assigned safety staff will conduct their own SST to ensure their
assigned personnel are trained in their MAJCOM/FOA/DRU program specifics unless
otherwise specified in host/tenant support agreements. (T-1)
8.3.19. Assist COS in new commander safety orientations/immersion when occupational
safety interest are present in the organization. (T-1)
8.3.20. Administer the occupational safety awards program IAW AFMAN 36-2806. (T-1)
8.3.21. Ensure newly assigned USRs are trained within 30 working days after receipt of
appointment letter. (T-2) Air Reserve Component primary and alternate USR will complete
initial training within two unit training assemblies of appointment. (T-2)
104 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 USRs will receive localized training based on USAF, MAJCOM-
FLDCOM/FOA/DRU, and installation-specific requirements. (T-1) Deployed USRs will complete the USR Training Course located on ADLS
within three calendar days of the safety office receiving notification of appointment.
(T-2)Upon completion of the computer based training, ensure a copy of the training
certificate is provided to the safety office. (T-1)The supporting occupational safety office
will provide localized training within seven calendar days of receipt of appointment letter.
8.3.22. Evaluate and process safety related hazard reports, to include ASAP generated reports,
and maintain a master hazard report log. (T-1)
8.4. Tenant Unit and Geographically Separated Unit Responsibilities. The tenant’s higher
headquarters will perform assessments of the tenant’s internal program IAW Chapter 3. (T-1)
8.4.1. Tenant and Geographically Separated Units without full-time safety staff will appoint
an occupational USR IAW paragraph 2.2 and comply with the responsibilities outlined in
paragraphs 2.2 and 8.5, and any applicable formal support agreements. (T-1)
8.4.2. Tenant units with authorized qualified safety personnel carry out all program elements
not performed by the installation and conduct their assessments, inspections and mishap
investigations IAW a host/tenant support agreement. The host/tenant support agreement will
specify those responsibilities from paragraph 8.3 that have been agreed to. (T-2)
8.5. Unit Safety Representative (USR) Responsibilities. In additional to paragraph 2.2., USRs
8.5.1. Advise the commander on safety related matters at least on a quarterly basis or more
frequently as necessary and document key elements briefed. (T-2)
8.5.2. Assist supervisors and unit personnel in the hazard abatement process. (T-1)
8.5.3. Ensure mishap notification procedures are established in the unit and assist installation
safety, unit commander, and supervisors with mishap investigations. (T-1)
8.5.4. Disseminate safety educational materials within the unit. (T-1)
8.5.5. Conducts spot inspections IAW paragraph 3.7.3. (T-1)
8.5.6. Comply with the safety program requirements to include attending USR meetings.
8.5.7. Post AFVA 91-209, Air Force Occupational Safety and Health Program, in a
conspicuous location readily accessible to all employees and applicants for employment. (T-1)
8.5.8. Provide their safety office with a current listing of all facilities owned/used by their unit
for safety inspection purposes. (T-1)
8.5.9. Provide a Rapid Response Report for OSHA when requested by the safety office. (T-1)
8.6. Hazard Identification and Abatement. The installation occupational safety office will:
8.6.1. Assign RACs to safety hazards and deficiencies, as applicable, and coordinate with
health and fire protection officials when it involves their area of expertise. (T-1) For additional
instruction for assigning RACs, see paragraphs 13.7, 13.8, 15.1 and 15.2. Note: Tenant unit
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 105
occupational safety staffs are permitted to assign RACs, but will coordinate RACs 1-3 with
the installation occupational safety office to ensure the RACs are managed accordingly in the
master hazard abatement plan. (T-1)
8.6.2. Complete abatement priority number when required to assist in establishing funding
priorities. (T-1)
8.6.3. Maintain the installation master hazard abatement plan, including AF Form 3, Hazard
Abatement Plan, covering safety, fire, and health hazards. (T-0) Note: Assignment of RACs
for fire and health hazard(s) is the responsibility of the fire department and medical officials
respectively. Fire safety deficiencies will not be included in the master hazard abatement plan
as they are managed IAW AFI 32-10141, Planning and Programming Fire Safety Deficiency
Correction Projects.
8.7. Federal/State Inspections of DoD Working Conditions and Mishap Investigations. For
guidance related to federal/state Events, refer to paragraph 13.3.
8.8. DoL Occupational Safety and Health Administration Annual Visit
Summary. AFSEC/SEG will use the procedures and information attained through the AFSAS
OSHA Events Module to identify trends, corporate-wide issues, and complete the annual report
required by the DoL. (T-0)
8.9. Occupational Safety Corporate Committee. The Occupational Safety Corporate
Committee is a forum conducted at the direction of the AF Chief of Safety. The forum meets at
least semi-annually to address issues of interest to the AF occupational safety community. The
committee membership includes, AFSEC and MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU occupational
safety managers. The charter is posted on Air Force Occupational Safety SharePoint® website
106 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Chapter 9
9.1. Program Management. The Weapons Safety program comprises four disciplines:
Explosives Safety, Missile Safety, Nuclear Surety and Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) safety.
9.1.1. Units at and above squadron level with an explosives, missile, nuclear or directed
energy weapons mission must have a weapons safety program. (T-2)
9.1.2. The installation safety office coordinates weapons safety for the entire installation.
Tenant units implement mission unique mishap prevention programs where the installation
does not have a mission in that area. Tenant units must coordinate, through an MOA or MOU,
any additional program functions with the installation to avoid duplication and clearly
delineate responsibility. (T-3)
9.1.3. Where the host owns the mission, the tenant organization is subject to the host's
MAJCOM requirements.
9.2. Weapons Safety Personnel Management and Manning Plan. Weapons Safety personnel
are normally from the 2WXXX or 2MXXX career fields. Civilian personnel with the appropriate
series (0018, 0017) experience in the safety career program may be used in all positions that do
not have a military necessity. It is the responsibility of the Chief of Safety to recruit, train and staff
the Weapons Safety function. (T-2)
9.2.1. MAJCOM Chief of Weapons Safety must have munitions, missile or nuclear weapons
9.2.2. Individuals will be scheduled for formal Weapons Safety Management Course
L3AZR2W071-0C2A within 90 days of assuming weapons safety position and complete the
course within six months of being assigned. MAJCOMs must ensure all weapons safety
personnel in their command are properly trained. Additional nuclear surety training
requirements are listed in AFI 91-101, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program.
9.2.3. Upon completion of training course L3AZR2W071-0C2A and six months in the
Weapons Safety position, the Chief of Safety will ensure the individual is awarded special
experience identifier (SEI) 375 and a two-year assignment deferment is initiated if the
individual is satisfactorily accomplishing Weapons Safety tasks. (T-3) Note: Assignment
deferment is not applicable for ANG or AFRC personnel.
9.2.4. Based on mission needs, Weapons Safety personnel are highly encouraged to attend the
following courses: Safety Manager Course (SMC), MINA, Introduction to Mishap
Investigation, AMMO-47 Lightning Protection for Air Force Facilities, Explosives Safety
Siting (ESS) Training and AMMO-65 DoD Contractor’s Explosives Safety Standards.
9.3. Explosives Safety Standards. Air Force explosives safety standards are in AFMAN 91-201,
Explosives Safety Standards. Criteria for specific explosives are specified in technical publications
and other standard publications, such as command and local directives.
9.4. Weapons Safety Personnel. Manage Weapons Safety program to ensure Air Force units
understand and comply with all explosives, missile, nuclear surety and directed energy safety
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 107
9.4.1. Review waivers, exemptions and deviations from established explosives safety criteria
and advise commanders of the increased damage potential these exceptions allow. (T-1)
9.4.2. Ensure units identify and integrate compensatory measures into locally written
procedures. (T-2)
9.4.3. Assist units in performing a risk assessment for explosives operations according to
applicable directives. (T-2)
9.4.4. Coordinate on all local written procedures affecting weapons safety and perform annual
review. (T-2)
9.4.5. Remain aware of planning and activities on the installation that affect weapons safety.
The Weapon Safety Manager must conduct and maintain documentation of initial and annual
reviews on munitions-related written instructions, explosives test plans, deployment plans,
OPLANs, operational orders and local directives involving the storage, handling and
inspection of nuclear weapons, missiles, explosives or directed energy weapons. (T-2) Copies
of reviewed documentation must be maintained by safety office. (T-2) Archived/inactive test
plans, safety appendices or written procedures do not require annual review unless reactivated.
9.4.6. Advise each new wing and group level commander responsible for an explosive safety
program within 60 days of appointment on applicable waivers, exemptions, deviations and
compensatory measures as well as the associated risk for each. Commanders below group level
will be briefed by appointed Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representatives, when
appropriate. (T-2)
9.4.7. Participate in mishap prevention and Risk Management determination in the following
areas: Maintenance, storage, alert, research and developmental test, and operating
locations. (T-2) Flight line explosives operations. (T-2) Operational procedures for aircraft carrying hazardous materials. (T-2) Explosives Ordnance Disposal proficiency/demolition ranges. (T-2) Nuclear surety elements. (See AFI 91-101). (T-2) Munitions Material Handling Equipment quality assurance programs. (T-2) Weapon systems maintenance. (T-2) Weapon systems modifications, special exercises and test programs. (T-2) Planning for contingencies. (T-2) Concurrent Servicing Operations. (T-2) Licensed locations. (T-2) Installation support (Continental United States only) for Department of Energy
(DoE) shipments (SAFE HAVEN). (See AFMAN 91-201). (T-2) Weapons safety training for unit personnel. (T-2) Weapons test review process, if applicable. (T-2)
108 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Explosives movement route. (T-2) Hot Cargo Pads and Inspection Points/Secure Holding Location for Explosives-
Loaded Commercial Vehicles. (T-2) Management, storage and disposition of Materials Potentially Presenting an
Explosives Hazard. (T-2) Aerial port explosives operations. (T-2) Small arms ranges. (T-2) Field training exercise areas where explosives are used. (T-2) Missile Alert Facilities and Launch Facilities. (T-2)
9.4.8. Annually review installation explosives location map and provide changes and
corrections to CE. (T-2) Review must be documented and maintained by the safety office.
(T-2) CE published maps should be coordinated with logistics, airfield management and safety.
The reviews can be documented on separate logs and will include but not be limited to the
following applicable areas: Explosives safety “clear zones” required around each location based on approved
site plans. (T-2) Primary and alternate explosives movement routes through the installation. (T-2) Authorized airfield locations for conducting explosives operations to include
concurrent servicing operations activities, explosives aircraft cargo on or off loading and
combat aircraft explosives loading. (T-2) Locations for handling hung ordnance and gun-clearing operations. (T-2) Arm and de-arm areas. (T-2) Explosives support workplaces, such as airfield munitions holding areas. (T-2) Base explosives prohibited zones (see DESR 6055.09_AFMAN 91-201 and UFC
3-260-01). (T-0) Note: At OCONUS locations, consideration must be given to Status of
Forces Agreements, Host Nation Funded Construction Agreements and Bilateral
Infrastructure Agreements. (T-0) Vehicle inspection points and suspect vehicle areas. (T-2) Parking spots for aircraft loaded with munitions or explosives identified in DESR
6055.09_AFMAN 91-201. (T-2) DEW operations, including potential electromagnetic radiation hazard zones,
and maintenance location hazard zones that could affect munitions operations. (T-2) After
100 percent evaluation, plot only those zones that actually impact munitions operations to
include primary and alternate explosive routes. (T-2) Identify hazardous DEW effects to
potential explosive sites, including ordnance and fuel. (T-2) The review must be
documented and maintained by Weapons Safety. (T-2) The reviews can be documented on
separate logs. * Explosives Ordnance Disposal range(s). (T-2) Base weapons range(s). (T-2)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 109 Restrictive easement(s). (T-2)
9.4.9. With the assistance of Occupational Safety, assign RACs to weapons safety hazards
9.5. Weapons Safety Program Requirements. Units that maintain explosives must:
9.5.1. With the assistance of the installation CE and Safety offices, submit explosives site
plans in accordance with DESR 6055.09_AFMAN 91-201. (T-0) The installation safety office
is the OPR for all explosives site plans and will maintain a current installation ESS dataset.
9.5.2. Request a license for facilities that store small quantities of explosives according to
DESR 6055.09_AFMAN 91-201. (T-0)
9.5.3. Review and help develop plans and procedures for handling emergencies to include, but
not limited to, SAFE HAVEN, HAZMAT response, AFI 10-2501 or UFC 3-260-01, and when
required by law (e.g., Clean Air Act; Environmental Planning Community Right To Know
Act; secure explosives holding areas IAW the Defense Travel Regulation, Part II), or
accidental release RM programs for explosives. Note: At OCONUS locations, consideration
must be given to Status of Forces Agreements, Host Nation Funded Construction Agreements
and Bilateral Infrastructure Agreements. (T-2)
9.5.4. Ensure the Weapons Safety Manager attend pre-construction meetings hosted by the
Installation Community Planner and Airfield Manager. (T-2) Note: Weapons Safety Manager
must be a coordination member on any construction that affects explosives clear zones,
weapons or airfield operations. (T-2)
9.6. Missile Safety. Missile systems are ground-launched or air-launched and do not include
unpiloted drones or remotely piloted vehicles. The aerospace vehicle, ground support and
operational equipment, personnel, and the operational environment are all sources of mishaps.
Missile launch operations will comply with DoDD 3200.11, Major Range and Test Facility Base
(MRTFB), DoDI 3200.18, Management and Operation of the Major Range and Test Facility Base,
AFI 99-103, Capabilities-Based Test and Evaluation, and AFMAN 13-212V1, Range Planning
and Operations, safety requirements as described in Chapters 1 and 2, and will be conducted from
a MRTFB range. (T-1)
9.7. Nuclear Surety. The goal of the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program is to
incorporate maximum nuclear surety, consistent with operational requirements, from weapon
system development through dismantlement. Refer to AFI 91-101 for nuclear surety program
requirements, policies on nuclear safety design certification, and AFI 63-125, Nuclear
Certification Program, for the process for nuclear certification, to include design and operational
certification of nuclear weapon systems.
9.8. Unit Directed Energy Safety Program Functions. Directed Energy Safety program
requirements are broken down into two categories, weapons and non-weapon systems. Hazards
presented by a directed energy system are intrinsic properties of the system and not a function of
any distinction as a weapon system. However, there are different programmatic requirements
based upon a system's operational use.
9.8.1. For operational units with non-weapon directed energy systems, the unit will execute
occupational health and safety plans based upon the hazard(s) (e.g., laser and/or
110 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
electromagnetic frequency radiation) of the directed energy system IAW the installation Laser
Safety Officer, Installation Occupational and Environmental Medicine Consultant, BE, and/or
Public Health per AFI 48-139, Laser and Optical Radiation Protection, AFI 48-109,
Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMFR) Occupational and Environmental Health Program,
and AFI 48-127, Occupational Noise and Hearing Conservation Program, respectively. (T-1)
9.8.2. For installations with directed energy weapons, base/wing Weapons Safety personnel
will review directed energy weapon safety programs at least annually for each type of directed
energy weapon system operated by the installation's units IAW this Instruction. (T-1)
9.8.3. In coordination with installation safety personnel, operational units will evaluate and
document unit radio frequency weapons, laser weapons and other directed energy systems for
operational compatibility with ordnance, electronics and fuel storage likely to be in the
operating and maintenance environment of the directed energy system in accordance with
DoDI 3222.03, DoD Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Program, DESR
6055.09_AFMAN 91-201 and this instruction. (T-0)
9.8.4. Spot inspection requirements for directed energy weapons will be developed and
documented in coordination with the USR and installation safety officer to work cooperatively
with other installation functions, including BE, Public Health, and installation Occupational
and Environmental Medicine Consultant. (T-1)
9.9. Munitions Rapid Response Team. Hill AFB’s Munitions Rapid Response Team is manned
with personnel knowledgeable in conventional munitions areas. This team is available to support
MAJCOMs and units whenever they have a conventional weapons mishap or problem. They can
be activated to respond within 24 to 48 hours. Refer to paragraph 13.5 for specific guidance.
9.10. Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB). The DDESB is a joint board
of the DoD. It is subject to the direction, authority and control of the Secretary of Defense, under
the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security).
9.10.1. The board consists of a chairperson and an officer (O-6/GS-15 or above) from each of
the military departments. In addition, each military department must designate an alternate.
Within the Air Force, AF/SE provides the primary and alternate members.
9.10.2. The DDESB establishes DoD explosives safety policy and is responsible for the DoD
Explosives Safety Management Program (ESMP). DDESB conducts Component-level
programmatic evaluations according to DoDI 6055.16, Explosives Safety Management
Program, which requires the Secretaries of the Military Departments to establish, resource,
implement and maintain effective DoD Component-level ESMPs. Each year DDESB evaluates
one of the Military Departments ESMPs. This is a top to bottom review (HAF, MAJCOM,
NAF and installation) of the Services’ explosives safety program.
9.11. Weapons, Explosives and DEW Training.
9.11.1. The MAJCOM/FLDCOM/DRU/FOA weapons safety office must provide
MAJCOM/FLDCOM/Center- unique Weapons Safety Manager training to their NAF- and
installation-level weapons safety personnel. Training should include all MAJCOM/FLDCOM-
specific requirements and known challenges to increase effectiveness of newly assigned
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 111
9.11.2. The installation Weapons Safety Manager provides weapons safety training to all
appointed Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representatives on their responsibilities and
program management. (T-2)Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representatives are required to
be trained within 30 working days of appointment, with recurring training as determined by
the MAJCOM. Air Reserve Component primary and alternate Additional Duty Weapons
Safety Representative will complete initial training within two unit training assemblies of
9.11.3. Weapons safety, Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representative or designated
representative conducts explosives safety training, which augments the job training provided
by the supervisor IAW paragraph 14.1 (T-2) The installation weapons safety staff evaluates
and monitors this training, approves lesson plans and reviews them annually. (T-2) All
personnel (supervisory and non-supervisory) who operate, handle, transport, maintain, load,
activate or dispose of missiles, explosives or nuclear weapons must receive initial explosives
safety training before performing any of these tasks. (T-2) All personnel tasked to work on
aircraft configured with explosives or ordnance will receive training that includes how to
identify an armed aircraft and a familiarization of the hazards involved when working on or
around explosives loaded aircraft. (T-2) Ensure initial explosives safety training is provided
before performing any of these tasks. (T-2) Recurring training must be provided not later than
the end of the 15
month following initial training. (T-2) Exception: Personnel who store
and/or handle only the following are exempt from initial and refresher explosives safety
training. Small arms ammunition, including cartridge-actuated tools in hazard
class/division 1.4. This exception also includes the use of cartridge-actuated tools, blanks
and dye marking ammunition for training and weapons qualification. Document destroyers. Small tear gas items, such as grenades. Aircraft, vehicle and facility fire extinguisher cartridges. Other hazard class/division 1.4 items in their packaged configuration only.
Personnel who will unpack and handle unpackaged items other than the exceptions listed
above still require training.
9.11.4. Personnel conducting or directly supporting DEW operations, maintenance, testing or
training must receive training prior to use, within 30 days of assignment to unit, and every 24
months thereafter. (T-3)
9.11.5. Aircrew personnel trained per AFI 11-series (Flying Operations) guidance are exempt
from initial and refresher explosives safety training.
9.12. Weapons Safety Committees. These committees include the Explosives Safety
Committee, the Non-Nuclear Munitions Safety Board, the Nuclear Weapons System Safety Group
and the Directed Energy Weapons Safety Board. The committees are chaired by an AFSEC/SEW
representative and are composed of the chiefs of weapons safety or their MAJCOM-FLDCOM
representatives. These committees discuss matters of mutual concern that cross MAJCOM-
FLDCOM lines.
112 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Chapter 10
10.1. Program Management.
10.1.1. This chapter contains requirements for space safety offices at all command levels. This
includes USSF and Air Force organizations that develop, test or operate any space system, or
who provide launch/range services for space systems shall comply with this instruction. This
includes space systems under development, research and development systems, experimental
systems, systems undergoing testing, operational systems, systems at end-of-life, software
safety, system safety, integration, pre-launch, launch operations, range operations, space
nuclear systems, orbital operations, reentry operations and ground-based systems. This chapter
covers the entire segment of the Space mission (e.g., systems architecting and design,
manufacturing, launching and operations through disposal) under DAF control. Organizations
designing and operating DAF/Space Force hosted payloads on non-DAF/Space Force satellite
vehicles shall comply with this chapter for portions within their control. (T-3)
10.1.2. Units conducting space-related missions must have a comprehensive Space Safety
Program designed to improve operational effectiveness by identifying, managing and
mitigating hazards, reducing mishaps, supporting mission assurance and incorporating mishap
prevention guidance across the life cycle of space systems and their unique support equipment.
10.2. Space Safety Responsibilities. This section addresses the space safety responsibilities of
wing and directorate-level organizations within the Air Force and Space Force, and those of
mission partners outside of the Air Force. It also lays out responsibilities with regards to space
10.2.1. Wing/Directorate-level Organization Responsibilities. Organizations that acquire,
maintain, upgrade, test, operate, and/or dispose of space systems shall coordinate with the
NAF/Center Safety Office to implement a Space Safety Program. (T-3) At a minimum, the
Wing/Directorate Safety Office shall: Keep the Wing/Directorate Commander apprised of Space Safety issues. (T-3) Ensure subordinate units execute Space Safety Programs, provide oversight to
local Space Safety Programs, and train to ensure compliance with formal guidance. (T-3) Ensure each subordinate unit has at least one trained Space Safety Manager
appropriate to their mission. (T-3) Manage, as applicable, the Launch/Range, Orbital, Ground-Based, or System
Safety Program for the commander/director. (T-3)
10.2.2. Waivers Responsibilities. By 1 October each year provide AFSEC/SES with all MAJCOM-FLDCOM
Commander approved and active space waivers to this publication. The wing/center COS and System Safety Manager shall review all space safety
waiver requests. (T-3)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 113 MAJCOM-FLDCOM’s subordinate units (e.g., wings, centers, NAFs) shall
provide the MAJCOM-FLDCOM/SE copies of all dispositioned space safety waivers.
(T-2) MAJCOM-FLDCOM safety offices shall provide copies of all dispositioned
space safety waivers to other supporting or supported MAJCOM-FLDCOM’s safety
10.2.3. Mission Partner Responsibilities. All organizations with participation from external
mission partners with space safety considerations should establish MOAs or MOUs with those
organizations. Note: Consult with NAF safety staff and MAJCOM-FLDCOM/SE, as
appropriate. Such MOAs and MOUs should consider the following: Each organization’s responsibilities and requirements with regard to space
safety mishap prevention. Understanding and implementation of space safety requirements and
policies of affected organizations. Address which Space Safety policies apply to Air Force/Space Force
personnel assigned to non-Air Force organizations (e.g., National Reconnaissance
Office, FAA, NASA). The participating organizations’ responsibilities to determine the lead
agency, with respect to risk management approval authority. When external organizations share launch services on Air Force launches, MOAs
and MOUs with those organizations shall include responsibilities to provide a do-no-harm
and National Space Policy compliance certification from a proper the applicable U.S.
Government Department or Agency approval authority to include, but not limited to
compliance with U.S. National Space Policy. (T-2) The Air Force shall not launch any
space vehicle which has not been certified as compliant with the National Space Policy,
unless a waiver to the National Space Policy has been obtained. (T-0)
10.3. Space Safety Council (SSC). Assists the AF/SE or designated representative in providing
oversight responsibilities on matters concerning safe operations in the space environment (and
related mission areas) through effective governance and management. The SSC also serves to
improve space safety effectiveness and advocate for the consistent application of DoD, civil,
commercial, academic and international standards or practice across the space enterprise.
10.3.1. AFSEC/SES chairs the Space Safety Council. The Space Safety Council has a
composition of FLDCOMs/MAJCOMs/FOAs/DRUs/organizations with space missions that
affect Air Force/Space Force operations.
10.3.2. The Space Safety Council convenes at least twice per year, and: Recommends DoD/Federal and Air Force/Space Force safety policy. Prepares and monitors DoD/Federal and Air Force/Space Force directives and/or
instructions concerning Space Safety issues.
114 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Promotes Space Safety initiatives for DoD/Federal space flight using Air
Force/Space Force resources. Recommends, prepares, monitors, and promotes policies, directives, and/or
instructions for commercial Space Safety, especially those associated with Air Force/Space
Force resources. Maximizes collaboration with organizational Space Safety Offices. Discusses Space Safety issues.
10.4. Space Nuclear Safety. Programs that use radioactive material and nuclear power systems
in space shall follow AFMAN 91-110, Nuclear Safety Review and Launch Approval for Space or
Missile Use of Radioactive Material and Nuclear Systems, for safety requirements, review
processes, and approval processes. (T-1)
10.5. Ground Based Space System Safety.
10.5.1. Organizations which operate ground-based space systems, including unique space
support equipment as well as space-related systems that do not directly support launch
operations or on-orbit satellite operations shall establish a space safety program to address the
unique ground based space safety aspects of the organization’s mission. (T-1)
10.5.2. Radio Frequency Deconfliction. Organizations shall take special care not to produce
unintended effects during operations. (T-3)Refer to Space Instruction 534-15, Risk
Management and Radio Frequency Deconfliction for Space Control Activities, for further
10.5.3. Testing. Organizations with ground based space systems which will undergo testing
shall have documented test program validation (to include procedures discipline, readiness
reviews, and test execution risk management) and configuration control processes. (T-3)
10.6. Pre-Launch. This section outlines safety responsibilities and tasks for pre-launch. Pre-
launch activities includes the design, development, and procurement acquisition stages and
processing of space systems at the launch site.
10.6.1. Safety Responsibilities. Different aspects of pre-launch safety may be the responsibility of different
authorities. For example, the protection of a system’s equipment from hazards may be the
responsibility of the program office Director while the protection of the public from a space
program's ground and/or flight hazards may be the primary responsibility of the Wing
Commander. The Wing Commander shall ensure range users comply with Air Force pre-
launch/range safety requirements levied upon them as a condition of Air Force range use.
(T-3) The Wing Commander is responsible to ensure that pre-launch activities do not
unreasonably endanger the health and safety of the public, mission essential personnel, and
neighboring operations personnel, while providing for ground resource protection.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 115 Responsibilities for pre-launch safety for FAA-licensed operations from AF
ranges shall be established in agreements between commercial launch providers and the
AF. (T-3) Safety responsibility for pre-launch site processing is normally the responsibility
of the program office PM or equivalent acquiring the system/services when occurring at a
location outside of the launch site. The launch wing safety office normally has safety
responsibility for pre-launch processing occurring on AF range property.
10.6.2. Pre-Launch Safety Activities. Plan and execute the transportation of high-value and/or hazardous space
systems to minimize hazards posed to and by the space system IAW Department of
Transportation, state, local, and other applicable transportation requirements. (T-1) The
responsible program office PM shall develop and approve a transportation plan (or
equivalent document) for transportation from the factory to the operational site or range.
(T-3) The receiving Wing Commander and program office PM, if any, shall coordinate on
the plan. (T-3) Appropriate Readiness Reviews shall occur before initiating final countdown so
that the wing commander has assurance of launch safety and the readiness of all personnel
and systems involved. (T-3)
10.7. Launch Safety.
10.7.1. This section outlines safety responsibilities and tasks for launch operations (to include
return of launch vehicle stages/components to the launch site or other site), and the reentry of
launch vehicle components. For on-orbit disposal safety responsibilities, requirements for
spacecraft or launch vehicle components that achieve or remain in orbit, see paragraph 10.8.
10.7.2. Safety Responsibilities. The Wing Commander is responsible to ensure that launch activities do not
unreasonably endanger the health and safety of the public, launch area personnel, and other
mission support personnel, while providing for ground resource protection. This
responsibility for personnel and public safety extends from liftoff to orbital insertion, or
from liftoff to sub-orbital impact. It includes jettisoned launch vehicle components, debris
released prior to orbital insertion, and any controlled landing systems such as fly-back
stages and recovering space vehicles to a launch/landing site. The Wing Commander shall ensure range users comply with Air Force
launch/range safety requirements levied upon them as a condition of Air Force range use.
(T-3) The AF will accept FAA licensing decisions/approvals for commercially
licensed missions. The Secretary of Transportation has a statutory responsibility for all
aspects of launch safety as required by Title 51 U.S. Code, National and Commercial Space
Programs. This responsibility is executed through the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space
Transportation. Use established agreements for safety processes. For all non-licensed launches and landings at Air Force ranges, including test
and evaluation and DoD/civil space missions, the Air Force has responsibility for ensuring
public health and safety and the protection of resources.
116 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Use of Air Force safety standards or services is not required for FAA-licensed
launches. If FAA-licensed launch providers choose to use Air Force services they will
engage the owning wing through established processes.
10.7.3. Launch Mishap Prevention Program. The launch/recovery site commander shall
perform review, and approve all risk analyses associated with launch/landing on the range.
(T-3) The following outlines acceptable risk levels for hazards during the launch phase for
launch vehicles, jettisoned components, controlled landings to a launch and landing site, and
for suborbital missions. Personnel Risk. The risk to the general public, launch essential personnel, and
neighboring operations personnel shall use criteria thresholds listed in Range Commanders
Council (RCC) 321, Common Risk Criteria Standards for National Test Ranges. (T-3) Critical Asset Risk. The probability of impact to critical assets shall not exceed
1 × 10
. (T-3) More stringent criteria may be applied as deemed necessary by the Wing
Commander to protect assets critical to national security. Launch Collision Avoidance (COLA) and Launch Conjunction Assessment
(CA). Non-FAA licensed launches from Air Force ranges and all Air Force controlled
launches from any range shall accomplish Launch COLA procedures accounting for all
launched objects (e.g., booster segments, payloads, jettisoned components, and debris)
with an altitude capability equal to or greater than 150 km. (T-3) Launch operators/range users shall provide the launch wings and the 18th
Space Control Squadron with planned flight profile data for all space launch vehicle
and jettisoned components (to include upper stages pre-programmed for a controlled
reentry, up until atmospheric reentry). (T-3) This data shall be provided to the 18th
Space Control Squadron IAW the timelines referenced on website and the 18SPC Launch Conjunction Assessment Request
Form 22. (T-3) Wing Commanders shall establish and enforce launch window hold
periods, based on the Launch conjunction assessments computed by the 18th Space
Control Squadron against catalogued objects. (T-3)For Air Force launches from non-
Air Force ranges, the senior Air Force representative involved with the launch assumes
responsibility of Launch COLA risk management. Timeframe. Launch COLA shall cover the period of time from when
launched objects achieve an altitude equal to or greater than 150 km, until location
uncertainty makes performing a pre-launch safety COLA infeasible, or until the
suborbital or reentry components descend to less than 150 km. (T-3) The propagation
of uncertainties in precise launch time, variability of delta V magnitude and direction,
and growth rate should be considered in determining when Launch COLA becomes
infeasible. There is currently a gap between the end of the Launch COLA and the time
when 18th Space Control Squadron can establish, or receive from a payload operator,
reliable orbital data on launched objects, plus the time when an active asset can respond
to an 18th Space Control Squadron conjunction assessment. This is known as the
“COLA gap.” For missions where a pre-programmed controlled reentry occurs, any
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 117
portion of the mission after the end of the launch COLA is contained in the COLA gap.
Programs should use industry best practices to mitigate the COLA gap risk to Human
Space Flight objects. Examples of these practices are but not limited to, nodal
separation and in-track screening, probability density model, and radial and argument
of latitude screening. Launch window hold periods. Determine the launch window hold periods
based on one or a combination of the following methodologies and criteria: The probability of collision between the launch components and a
Human Spaceflight objects shall not exceed 1 × 10
(one in one million). The
probability of collision between the launch components and Non-Human
Spaceflight objects (to include active satellites and orbital debris) shall not exceed
10 × 10
(ten in one million). (T-3) The safe separation distance for Human Space Flight objects shall
consist of either ellipsoidal miss distance volumes with semi-axes of 200 km in-
track, 100 km cross-track, or 100 km radial; or spherical volumes with a radius of
200 km. (T-3) The safe separation distance for non-Human Space Flight objects
shall consist of three-sigma ellipsoidal miss distance volumes calculated from the
covariance data. Where the covariance data are not available, utilize a spherical
miss distance volume with a radius of 25 km for active satellites and 2.5 km for
debris. (T-3) Timeline. CA results for launch decision shall be computed no more than
24 hours prior to the end of the launch window. This requirement does not preclude
early launch screenings, nor screenings within 24 hours when updates are warranted to
account for significant updates to tracking or trajectory data. (T-3) Control of Errant or Non-Nominal Vehicle Flight. The Wing Commander
shall approve the methodology for controlling erratic vehicle flight while managing
risks to the public and foreign countries for all vehicles launched from or onto Air Force
ranges. (T-3) The range shall coordinate with the FAA to ensure timely notification of
any expected air traffic hazard associated with range activities. (T-3) To prevent
increased risk to public safety in the event of a mishap, the range shall immediately
inform the FAA of the affected airspace (impact on volume/duration). (T-3) Similarly,
the range shall coordinate with the US Coast Guard to ensure timely notification of
potentially hazarded ship traffic and in the event of mishap, inform the US Coast Guard
of the affected sea area and duration of navigable waters. (T-3)
10.7.4. Space Debris. All launch vehicles (or components) shall be managed (mitigate and
control) for potential space debris generation. (T-0) For the launch vehicle, debris mitigation
practices shall be incorporated throughout system development, operations and end of life.
(T-0)The launch vehicle shall be assessed for compliance with the National Space Policy,
DoDI 3100.12, Space Support, and this instruction for generation of space debris during all
mission phases. (T-0) For launch vehicles, Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices requirements
shall be addressed as part of the Mission Architecture Options determination during
118 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Material Solutions Analysis phase of DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition
System, or equivalent phase for non-DoD 5000.02 activities, documented in the Analysis
of Alternatives report, or equivalent, and included as a compliance document in the
development of the program/project statement of work for release of the request for
proposal. (T-1) Space systems not meeting the National Space Policy will follow the AF/A3
Exception to Policy process for a Secretary of Defense waiver. Accepted operational or
acquisition safety risk assessments shall be included in the Exception to Policy package.
(T-1) Risk acceptance assessments should be completed as early as possible based on
determining a hazard exists, and prior to seeking approval with Exception to Policy
10.7.5. Launch Vehicle End of Life Requirements. Any launch vehicle component that achieves orbit will undergo passivation and
disposal procedures as outlined in paragraph 10.8. (T-1) Reentry hazards posed by expended launch vehicles or other jettisoned
components that achieve orbit shall be in the analysis and risk budgets of the disposal and
end of life phase. (T-3) Refer to DoDI 3100.12 for additional guidance. For reentries of launch vehicle objects or recovery of objects jettisoned during
ascent, the acquisition organization shall develop disposal recovery plans which include
adequate steps to mitigate known hazards during recovery operations. (T-3)
10.8. Orbital Safety.
10.8.1. Scope and responsibility. All organizations with Satellite Control Authority or that test or operate any
space system (including satellites, payloads, and experimental systems) designed to
complete one or more revolutions in Earth orbit, shall establish an Orbital Safety Program
appropriate to the level of effort commensurate with organizational scope of operations.
(T-2) The Orbital Safety Program shall span the on-orbit testing, operations and end-of-
life actions. (T-2) Units shall appoint Space Safety Managers for each Space Safety Program to
manage the Satellite Control Authority’s Orbital Safety Program. (T-3) Space Safety
Managers shall: Participate in all Operations Review Panel (ORP), Operational Review
Board (ORB), Satellite Anomaly Resolution Team (SART) and similar or equivalent
processes to observe trends and provide input on Space Safety related issues. (T-3) Obtain and review ORP/ORB/SART minutes and information on orbital
anomalies and events of significance to their program office and MAJCOM-FLDCOM
safety office for the purpose of trend tracking mishap prevention, and reporting. (T-3)
If this information is classified, report and handle via appropriate classified channels. Verify that routine, contingency, test, operations, experimental, and any
other applicable procedures take no unnecessary risk, consistent with cost effectiveness
and mission requirements. (T-3)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 119 Participate in both routine operations and spacecraft anomaly recovery
actions in order to gain experience and help prevent future anomalies. (T-3) Tailor local Space Safety training for operations and operational test
personnel for greater applicability to the assigned mission and conditions. (T-3) Assist operations/operational test personnel in complying with Space
Safety guidelines. (T-3) Advise the unit commander on risks to the mission by monitoring things
such as crew rest, training, system modifications, and any other aspect of operations.
(T-3) Participate in Systems Safety Working Groups to voice operations
concerns relative to systems design decisions. (T-3) Report safety related issues to the wing safety office. (T-1)
10.8.2. Orbital Anomaly Response To ensure proactive mishap prevention, organizations shall notify their Space
Safety Manager of all anomalies. (T-3) Refer to AFI 91-204 and AFMAN 91-222, Space Safety Investigations and
Reports, for specific anomaly reporting criteria. Unit commanders shall ensure Space Safety Managers are full members on all
Anomaly Resolution Teams, Engineering Review Boards, Operational Review Boards,
and/or similar constructs, and shall receive invitation to participate in all supporting events.
(T-3) Reporting. Organizations shall process the relevant findings and
recommendations from anomaly resolutions through safety channels, in addition to normal
reporting channels, to ensure proactive mishap prevention. (T-2)
10.8.3. Space Debris. All spacecraft and launch vehicles (or components) that expect to achieve orbit
shall be managed (mitigate and control) for potential space debris generation. (T-0) For
spacecraft and launch vehicle, debris mitigation practices shall be incorporated throughout
system development, operations, and end of life. (T-0) The spacecraft and launch vehicles
shall be assessed for compliance with the US National Space Policy, DoDI 3100.12 and
this instruction for generation of space debris during all mission phases. (T-0) For spacecraft and launch vehicles, Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard
Practices requirements shall be addressed as part of the Mission Architecture Options
determination during Material Solutions Analysis phase of DoDI 5000.02, or
equivalent phase for non-DoD 5000.02 activities, documented in the Analysis of
Alternatives report, or equivalent, and included as a compliance document in the
development of the program/project statement of work for release of the request for
proposal. (T-3) Spacecraft and launch vehicles not meeting Orbital Debris Mitigation
Standard Practices will follow the AF/A3 Exception to Policy process for a Secretary
120 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
of Defense exception. Safety risk assessments related to the noncompliance shall be
included in the Exception to Policy package. (T-1) Risk acceptance assessments should
be completed as early as possible based on determining a hazard exists, and prior to
seeking approval with Exception to Policy packages. Space Debris Assessment Report. For all Air Force/Space Force owned objects launched into space, the
launch vehicle PM and the spacecraft PM shall prepare and deliver applicable space
debris assessments, per the format and content defined in paragraph 13.11., Launch
Vehicle Space Debris Assessment Report (SDAR), and paragraph 13.2., Combined
Space Vehicle Space Debris Assessment Report/End of Life Plan (SDAR/EOLP). (T-2)
Air Force/Space Force owned hosted payloads are not required to develop a Space
Debris Assessment Report, unless specifically required by the hosting spacecraft. The Launch Vehicle Space Debris Assessment Report (paragraph 13.11)
shall address space debris associated with the launch vehicle. (T-2) Spacecraft PMs shall combine the Spacecraft Space Debris Assessment
Report with the Spacecraft End of Life Plan and deliver this per the format and content
defined in paragraph 13.12. (T-2) The Space Debris Assessment Report shall include an assessment of debris
generation risk during launch, on-orbit operations, and end of life disposal, and assess
compliance with the Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices. (T-2) The space debris assessment shall specifically note requirements not met
because of an overriding conflict with mission requirements or a prohibitive cost
impact, along with the appropriate rationale and justification. (T-2) Assessment of Debris Released During Normal Operations. Operational or mission-related debris includes debris released during
normal space operations (e.g., sensor covers, tie-down straps, explosive bolt
fragments). It does not include slag ejected during the burning of a solid rocket motor
or liquids dispersed from a spacecraft. Total object-time of debris in Low Earth Orbit. For missions leaving debris
in orbits passing through Low Earth Orbit, the total object-time of debris larger than
five millimeters (5mm) in any dimension will not exceed 25 years per object and 100
object-years per mission. (T-0) The object-time of debris is calculated as the sum of
time spent in Low Earth Orbit for all mission debris objects (below 2000 km altitude).
(T-3) Refer to NASA-STD-8719.14C, Process for Limiting Orbital Debris, for
calculation of total object time. Assessment of Debris Generated by Accidental Explosions. The program office PM for each spacecraft or launch vehicle must
demonstrate via failure mode and effects analyses (or equivalent) that the integrated
probability of explosion for all failure modes (excluding collisions) is less than 1x10-3
(one in one thousand). (T-0)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 121 The probability shall be met for all separate spacecraft and launch vehicle
orbital stages during all phases of operations, and during the remaining orbital lifetime
after disposal. (T-3) The maximum time period for the assessment of this probability of
explosion is 100 years. Reference NASA-STD-8719.14B. Assessment of Debris Generated by Intentional Breakups. Program offices and/or operators shall assess and limit the effect of
intentional breakups of spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stages on other users of
space. (T-2) Planned explosions or intentional collisions shall occur at altitudes such
that, for orbital debris fragments larger than 10 cm, the object time does not exceed 100
object years. (T-1) No debris larger than 1 mm shall remain in Earth orbit longer than
one year. Reference NASA-STD-8719.14B. (T-1) Immediately before a planned explosion or intentional collision, the
probability of related debris larger than 1 mm colliding with any active spacecraft
within 24 hours of the breakup shall not exceed 1x10-6 (one in one million). Reference
NASA-STD-8719.14B. (T-1) Assessment of Debris Generated by On-orbit Collisions. Collisions with Large Objects. Program office PMs must demonstrate that, during the orbital lifetime
of each spacecraft or launch vehicle component, the probability of accidental
collision with space objects larger than 10 cm in diameter does not exceed 1 x 10-
3 (one in one thousand). (T-0) For the assessment of collision probability, the
orbital lifetime is defined as the time from end of launch collision avoidance to
atmospheric reentry. The maximum time-period for assessment is 100 years. The reduction in probability of collision achieved by on-orbit
collision avoidance performed by the spacecraft or launch vehicle component (i.e.,
for the system which the Space Debris Assessment Report is assessing) may be
included in this assessment. When this reduction in probability is utilized, then the
safety hazard risk assessment is based upon this reduction of probability. Collisions with Small Objects. Program office PMs must demonstrate that,
during the mission of the space system, spacecraft design will limit the probability to
less than 0.01 (1 in 100) that collisions with micrometeoroids and orbital debris smaller
than 1 cm will cause damage that prevents planned post-mission disposal. (T-0) Refer
to NASA-STD-8719.14C for additional guidance.
10.8.4. Conjunction Assessment and Collision Avoidance. The wing commander shall have and approve a conjunction assessment/collision
avoidance process commensurate with the scope and effort of the operational mission.
(T- 3) The program begins following separation of the last launch vehicle component and
shall continue through decommissioning, end-of-life disposal, or reentry. (T-3)
122 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Orbital objects which are cataloged by the 18th Space Control Squadron but are
not expected to remain on orbit long enough for orbital CA processes to be reliable (e.g.,
upper stages with pre-programmed reentry burns), should follow paragraph
(Launch COLA processes). All Air Force launch and orbital space systems shall use 18
Space Control
Squadron-generated CA data to inform safety COLA risk decisions. (T-3) Organization with Satellite Control Authority of active on orbit spacecraft shall: Have a process to receive conjunction assessment results at least every 24
hours. (T-3) For orbital vehicles capable of controlling or altering their orbital
parameters, the following collision risk levels and collision risk acceptance thresholds
apply. The probability of collision at any individual conjunction with a
Human Spaceflight object shall not exceed 1 × 10-6 (one in one million). (T-3) The probability of collision at any individual conjunction with other
active Non-Human Spaceflight satellites shall not exceed 10 × 10-6 (ten in one
million). (T-3) The approved COLA process shall identify collision risk levels and
collision risk acceptance thresholds for all other objects. (T-3) Conduct collision avoidance to pre-screen planned maneuver vectors, to include
operational, end of life, and controlled reentry burns. (T-3) Proximity Operations. Organizations executing proximity operations shall develop procedures to
avoid unintended spacecraft-to-spacecraft contact (e.g., planning an orbit with a non-
intersecting natural motion circumnavigation), unnecessary debris generation, or
contamination of sensitive equipment, e.g., from spacecraft thruster firings, other off-
gassing. (T-3) Organizations shall notify 18
Space Control Squadron of their close
proximity operations and any special support requirements. (T-3) The approved COLA process shall identify collision risk levels and
collision risk acceptance thresholds for all other objects. (T-3)
10.8.5. End-of-Life Actions. All spacecraft and orbital launch vehicle components shall undergo passivation
and disposal at End of Life. (T-0) End of Life passivation and disposal shall comply with the National Space Policy
and Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices. (T-0) Spacecraft End of Life Plan. All test, experimental, or operational orbital space
systems shall develop End of Life Plans. (T-2)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 123 Spacecraft PMs shall prepare, update, and deliver a pre-launch combined
Space Debris Assessment Report and End of Life Plan to the operator(s) using a format
and content outlined in paragraph 13.12 for the configuration of the space vehicle
anticipated at end of life. (T-2) Launch vehicle PMs shall ensure the launch vehicle Space Debris
Assessment Report contains any orbital launch vehicle component End of Life Plan
information. (T-2) All organizations with satellite control authority shall update the end of life
plan throughout orbital operations IAW paragraph 13.12. (T-2) Reliability of post-mission end of life operations. The probability of successful disposal will be no less than 0.90 at end of
life for reentry within 25 years, orbital storage disposal, or for direct retrieval. (T-0) This calculation builds from an initial pre-launch assessment of the ability
to execute end of life actions and shall undergo re-assessment during the orbital
operations phase as needed to address degrading health of spacecraft systems and
increasing uncertainty in knowledge of remaining propellant. (T-3) Disposal. Organizations with Satellite Control Authority will dispose of orbital
objects via atmospheric reentry within as short a time as practicable, but no more than 25
years, orbital storage disposal or direct retrieval. (T-0) The preferred disposal option is atmospheric reentry. For uncontrolled and controlled atmospheric reentry, the hazard threshold
for kinetic energy of individual surviving inert debris objects shall be 15 Joules. Debris
objects with kinetic energy less than this hazard threshold do not contribute to casualty
expectation. Refer to NASA-STD-8719B for additional guidance. Direct retrieval strategies shall comply with all disposal requirements in
this instruction. (T-1) To ensure that all disposal orbit parameters are met, the final disposal
operation shall account for any induced ΔV due to depletion burns/venting. (T-3) Passivation. During space system design and development, the PM shall identify
sources or potential sources of stored energy and develop a plan for depleting or safing
all these sources at end of life. (T-2) The PM shall include a description of the
passivation procedure in the Space Debris Assessment Report, and if applicable, the
End of Life Plan. (T-2) This description shall also provide a notional timeline of when
the procedures will take place. (T-2) Sealed heat pipes and passive nutation dampers need not undergo
depressurization at end of life. Batteries. Battery charging lines shall undergo de-activation. (T-3) If this is
impractical, the batteries shall be left with a permanent electrical drain to prevent
124 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
recharging. (T-3) If possible, pressurized batteries shall undergo depressurization at
end of life. (T-3) Structurally, a two-fault tolerant battery casing design is preferred. Self-destruct systems shall be incorporate designs to prevent unintentional
destruction due to inadvertent commands, thermal heating, radio frequency
interference, and/or internal hazards such as software and hardware faults. (T-1)
10.8.6. Orbital Reentry and Recovery. For recovery of orbital vehicles, the operator and landing/recovery site
commander or equivalent is responsible for all mission segments under their control. This
includes reentry risks to the general public, landing recovery area personnel, other mission
support personnel, and site facilities. Reentry safety begins with the final commitment to
re-enter the atmosphere (i.e., the final command that initiates or enables the entry and
landing sequence) and ends when all components associated with the reentry come to rest
on the Earth and safing actions are complete. Reentry/Recovery of Spacecraft. The landing/recovery site commander shall
perform, review, and approve all risk analyses associated with each reentry event onto the
range. (T-3) The following outline acceptable risk levels for hazards associated with
reentry/recovery from orbit at ranges. Personnel Risk. The risk to the general public, launch essential personnel,
and neighboring operations personnel shall use criteria thresholds listed in Range
Commanders Council (RCC) 321, Common Risk Criteria Standards for National Test
Ranges. (T-3) CriticalAssetRisk.Theprobabilityofimpacttocriticalassetslistedbelow
applies to all launches. The risk to critical assets shall not exceed 1 × 10-3. More
stringent criteria may be applied as deemed necessary by the Wing Commander to
protect assets critical to national security. (T-3) Control of Errant or Non-nominal Vehicle Flight. The Wing Commander
shall approve the methodology for controlling erratic vehicle flight while managing
risks to the public and foreign countries for all vehicles returning to ranges. (T-3) The reentry/recovery site commander or equivalent has the authority to
approve or deny the initiation of de-orbit. This includes the planned nominal and
contingency sites. The Wing Commander who has the last opportunity to control the reentry phase
of flight shall implement the CA/COLA process for the reentry phase of flight IAW
existing local CA processes for orbital operations until the reentry vehicle descends to less
than 150 km or where location uncertainty makes performing a safety COLA infeasible,
whichever occurs first. (T-3) The Wing Commander shall implement reentry holds to
prevent collisions with any cataloged orbiting objects. (T-3) It is United States policy to recover identifiable debris when it lands in foreign
territory or the United States. Typically, the applicable acquisition organization is
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 125
responsible for Air Force owned objects/assets and shall determine recovery requirements.
(T-3) Develop written recovery procedures that include notification to HQ Air Force, DoD,
the State Department and other appropriate organizations through the MAJCOM-
FLDCOM Headquarters when recovery is an option in foreign territory. Recovery
procedures shall include provisions for safing the objects in the event hazards remain after
landing or impact. (T-3) Prior to launch, the launching agency shall provide the appropriate land and
recovery site with anomaly/contingency response plans, as well as debris and object
recovery plans. (T-3)
126 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Chapter 11
11.1. Overview. This chapter establishes policy requirements for Safety personnel in support of
System Safety. System Safety is the application of engineering and management principles, criteria
and techniques to achieve acceptable risk within the constraints of operational effectiveness and
suitability, time and cost throughout all phases of the system life cycle. This chapter also defines
how Safety personnel and organizations interact, influence and advise the other Air Force
communities that are corporately responsible for System Safety in the Air Force. System
acquisition and sustainment programs are subject to the mandatory policy and guidance described
in paragraph 11.1.3. System safety principles are used to manage safety risks across many
functional disciplines within the AF and form the basis for risk management.
11.1.1. System Safety must be a planned, integrated, comprehensive effort employing both
engineering and management resources. Effective System Safety efforts depend on clearly
defined safety objectives and system performance requirements. System Safety objectives
shall include, but not be limited to, prevention or mitigation of all reportable mishaps that may
be associated with a system’s use and function throughout its life cycle. Losses of systems,
mission degradation, cost and schedule impacts shall be considered. The intent is not to
duplicate work performed by related or other functional disciplines, but to ensure it is done in
a systematic manner that addresses and manages mishap risk.
11.1.2. IAW MIL-STD-882E, DoD Standard Practice for System Safety, System Safety
efforts consist of eight essential elements that PMs will document and periodically review: Documenting the system safety approach. (T-1) Hazard identification and analysis over the system life cycle. (T-1) Assessment of risk, expressed as severity and probability of consequences. (T-1) Identification and assessment of potential risk mitigation measures. (T-1) Implementation of measures to reduce risks to acceptable levels. (T-1) Verification of risk reduction. (T-1) Acceptance of risks by appropriate authorities. (T-1) Tracking of hazards and risks throughout the system life cycle. (T-1)
11.1.3. Acquisition and sustainment communities implement system safety as an integral part
of a Program Office's systems engineering activity as outlined in AFI 63-101/20-101,
Integrated Life Cycle Management.
11.1.4. PMs organize their offices, based on system acquisition program size and complexity,
to execute the system safety requirements elaborated by the DoD and Air Force in DoDI
5000.02, AFI 63-101/20-101 and MIL- STD-882E. Acquisition and Sustainment Program
Managers integrate system safety into their program’s overall Systems Engineering effort at
the same level where day-to-day engineering decisions are made. This allows System Safety
professionals to most effectively influence system design.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 127
11.1.5. Within the System Safety Program, acquisition and sustainment programs must
document and periodically review: System Hazard Tracking Logs. (T-1) These logs shall communicate sufficient
information to identify and track the status of each hazard. (T-1) To ensure appropriate
management attention, the status of hazards is required to be presented at program and
technical reviews. The System Safety effort supports program and technical reviews with
current information of all hazards. Hazard tracking logs shall contain the minimum fields
required by MIL-STD-882E. (T-0) System Safety Risk Decisions: Risk Mitigation. Programs shall use the system safety design order of
precedence defined in MIL-STD-882E. (T-1) Risk Acceptance. (T-1)Every hazard that cannot be eliminated must be
mitigated to an acceptable level and formally accepted by the appropriate level of
leadership as specified in DoDI 5000.02 and AFI 63-101/20-101. (T-1)
11.2. System Safety Applied to Acquisition Activities.
11.2.1. CAE-PEO(TEO)-PM Structured Programs. System Safety Programs based on a
governing CAE-PEO (Technology Executive Officer [TEO])-PM structure. Such programs
include ACAT, Business Acquisition Category (BCAT), Joint Urgent Operational Need
(JUON), Urgent Operational Need (UON) programs as defined in AFI 63-101/20-101. The
System Safety Risk Acceptance Authorities are the CAE; within the Air Force, the Service
Acquisition Executive (SAE); SAF/AQ for High System Safety risks; the PEO(TEO) for
Serious System Safety risks; and the PM for Medium and Low System Safety risks. These
authorities may not be delegated.
11.2.2. Middle Tiered Acquisition. The below guidance is applicable to those acquisition
activities following the rapid acquisition processes and/or being conducted at one of the Air
Force’s Rapid Capability Offices. The Decision Authority is the acceptance authority for High system risks, and
the Program Manager (PM) is the acceptance authority for Serious, Medium and Low
system risks. All Middle Tiered Acquisition activities, to include rapid prototyping,
procurement, and fielding activities, shall have a system safety program as defined in MIL-
STD-882E paragraphs 3 and 4, as a minimum. (T-3) Programs shall document their risk management process within their Systems
Engineering Plan. (T-1) If a Systems Engineering Plan is not being used for the program,
then programs shall document their risk management process within their PESHE. (T-1)It
is recommended to follow MIL-STD-882E for this process. Programs shall appoint an appropriately trained system safety manager to
facilitate system safety matters. (T-3) Appropriate training is considered completion of a
formal System Safety training course. Programs shall maintain a hazard tracking system for all program related system
safety risks. (T-1) It is recommended to follow MIL-STD-882E for this process.
128 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Programs are recommended to conduct System Safety Groups IAW paragraph
11.4. System Safety Group membership should consist of the program manager, chief
engineer, user representative, operational test representative, AF Safety Center
representative, and, if applicable, the acquisition command representative.
11.2.3. System Safety Programs Not Adhering to a PEO(TEO) Structure. Other than CAE-
PEO(TEO)-PM structured programs: The System Safety Risk Acceptance Authorities are the
AFMC/CC or AFSPC/CC as applicable for high System Safety risks; the Center/CC for
Serious System Safety risks; and the PM for Medium and Low System Safety risks. These
authorities may not be delegated.
11.2.4. System risks identified through the independent airworthiness process in DAFI 62-
601, Airworthiness, will follow the risk acceptance authorities based on CAE-PEO(TEO)-PM
structure, or other than CAE-PEO(TEO)-PM structure identified above.
11.3. System Safety Risk Acceptance Process.
11.3.1. For hazards determined to have a High or Serious level of System Safety risk,
programs shall prepare a System Safety Risk Assessment IAW paragraph 13.9.
11.3.2. Designated System Safety Risk Acceptance Authorities must formally accept System
Safety risks prior to exposing people, equipment, or the environment to known system-related
hazards at any point in the system’s life cycle.
11.3.3. System safety risk acceptance packages are only necessary for those risks that are
inside the design/specification/requirement envelope. Those outside the envelope are handled
by the user’s/operator’s risk management process using standard operational risk management
and acceptance practices described in AFI 90-802 and DAFPAM 90-803.
11.3.4. High System Safety Risk Acceptance. CAE-PEO (TEO)-PM Structured Programs. High System Safety risk
assessments must be coordinated with lead Acquisition MAJCOM/FLDCOM/CC/SE,
Center/CC/SE (Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Commander [AFLCMC/CC]),
Lead OTA/SE or AFLCMC Engineering Office (AFLCMC/EN/EZ) for non-space
technical accuracy, lead MAJCOM/FLDCOM/CC or CD, PEO and AF/SE before
submission for acceptance by the CAE. (T-1) Other than CAE-PEO(TEO)-PM structured programs: High System Safety risk
assessments shall be coordinated with lead Acquisition MAJCOM, FLDCOM, Center/SE
(for non- space programs), AFLCMC/EN (for non-space technical review), the lead
MAJCOM-FLDCOM/CC (delegable to CV, CD or SE), Center CC, and AF/SE before
submission for acceptance by AFMC/CC or SSC/CC as applicable.
11.3.5. Serious System Safety Risk Acceptance. CAE-PEO(TEO)-PM Structured Programs. Serious System Safety risk
assessments must be coordinated with lead Acquisition MAJCOM/FLDCOM/SE,
Center/SE, Lead OTA/SE or AFLCMC/EN/EZ for non-space technical accuracy review,
lead MAJCOM/FLDCOM/A3/A4/SE and HQ AFSEC before submission for acceptance
by the PEO. (T-1)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 129 Other than CAE-PEO(TEO)-PM structured programs: Serious System Safety
risk assessments shall be coordinated with lead Acquisition MAJCOM, center/SE (for non-
space programs), AFLCMC/EN (for non-technical review), the lead MAJCOM/A3/A4/SE
and AFSEC before submission for acceptance by the Center/CC. (T-1)
11.3.6. CAE-PEO(TEO)-PM and Other than CAE-PEO(TEO)-PM structured programs:
Medium and Low System Safety risks are accepted by the Program/Project Manager.
11.3.7. High and Serious System Safety Risk Reacceptance: High and Serious System Safety
risk assessments/acceptances are valid for four years at which time they must be re-
accomplished. (T-1) Re-accomplish means update the System Safety risk assessment using the latest
information, re-coordinate it and reaccept the System Safety risk as if it were being
addressed for the first time. (T-1) When the High or Serious System Safety risk acceptance authority is replaced,
the new System Safety risk acceptance authority must be notified on the prior
assessment/acceptance within 60 working days. (T-1) This action does not restart or extend the duration of acceptance or the four-year
validation period. When High and Serious System Safety risks are downgraded, a new risk
assessment shall be prepared IAW paragraph 13.9, coordinated with the offices required
for the original level of risk and approved by the original System Safety risk acceptance
11.4. System Safety Groups (SSG). SSGs are the organized committee of system safety
stakeholders that augment/assist the program office system safety function. In addition to the day-
to-day systems engineering and system safety activities, program offices should use SSGs to
collect and cross feed user inputs/insights into the program’s System Safety efforts and to provide
all a view of all safety issues currently in work. SSG members are detailed in paragraph
11.4.1. All Acquisition Category I (ACAT I) aircraft, weapons and space programs on the
Acquisition Master List (AML) are required to conduct SSGs. Programs for subordinate
systems used on aircraft or space systems shall address system safety issues within the SSG
associated with the aircraft or space systems in which they are to be integrated, and are not
required to have their own, separate SSGs. (T-1) Separate SSGs are not typically required for
programs covered under AFI 91-205, Nonnuclear Munitions Safety Board, or AFI 91-
401Directed Energy Weapon Safety. SSGs are optional for all other programs not previously
addressed. AFSEC will maintain a list of aircraft and space programs that conduct SSGs. (T-1)
11.4.2. The program manager, deputy program manager or chief engineer chairs the SSG.
SSG meetings are held at least annually as scheduled by the chair. In addition, any member of
the SSG may request the chair call a meeting. The SSG Chair with concurrence of the PEO
can postpone the SSG, but the SSG Chair must report on status of all safety
modifications/Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs)/Time Compliance Technical Orders
(TCTOs), open SSG action items, and High and Serious risks to the SSG Members with the
postponement notice. The next SSG cannot be more than 24 months after the last SSG. Each
SSG meeting will address the following as appropriate:
130 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Program status. (T-1) Fleet safety assessment. (T-1) Analyses of major safety design trade-offs and modifications. Analysis will
include risk hazard indices, proposed corrective actions and their effect and status. (T-1) Status of planned, pending, active and disapproved safety modifications.
Paragraph 13.9 has guidelines and considerations for modification planning and risk
assessment. (T-1) Safety investigation recommendations affecting the system. A discussion of
mishaps that have occurred since the last meeting. (T-1) User/operator issues. (T-1) Safety risk mitigation options. (T-1) Unmitigated hazards. (T-1) Those hazards with either no mitigation plan or
hazards where there is a planned mitigation that has not been completely implemented. System Safety program scope, including contractual requirements and
deliverable System Safety data. (T-1) Overall safety assessments, especially before milestone reviews. (T-1) Major modifications or engineering change proposals. (T-1) The need to establish SSWGs as necessary to work detailed System Safety
issues. (T-1) Making safety recommendations during design, development, test, operations,
sustainment and disposal. (T-1) Assign risk indices to each discussion/action item as
appropriate. Aircraft Information Program status to emphasize the collection and analysis of
safety data. (T-1)
11.4.3. The SSG System Safety Manager develops and coordinates the SSG charter. (T-1) The
SSG charter will address the purpose and scope, mandatory membership, operating procedures
and administration of the group. All mandatory members must commit to supporting SSG
meetings and must sign the charter. (T-1) SSG membership consists of: Minimum mandatory SSG members including the Chairperson (Program
Manager, Deputy or Chief Engineer), Program SSM, SSC/SE (for space systems),
AFMC/SES (for non-space ACAT 1 programs), the Lead MAJCOM-FLDCOM safety
office, Lead Operational and Developmental Test Agencies, and the Lead MAJCOM-
FLDCOM user representative. (T-1) Minimum mandatory SSG advisors including the Center System Safety
Manager, AFSEC and AFMC/SE (for non-space systems other than ACAT 1). (T-1) Additional SSG members or advisors may include SAF/AQRE, the contractor
system safety manager, program engineering staff (as needed based on issues at hand),
Space Launch Ranges, National Guard/Air Force Reserve representatives, and other DoD
and industry organizations (as appropriate) as determined by mandatory members. (T-1)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 131
11.4.4. Within 30 working days, SSG meeting minutes shall be sent to all members, advisors,
SAF/AQR, and AFMC Directorate of Engineering (AFMC/EN) or Space Missile Center
Directorate of Engineering (SMC/EN), as applicable. MAJCOM/SEF will ensure SSG meeting
minutes are distributed to affected NAF and Wing Flight Safety representatives.
11.4.5. SSG recommendations that require capability changes or materiel modifications by the
program office must be validated and documented IAW the process and criteria outlined in
AFI 10-601, Operational Capability Requirements Development .
11.5. Non-Developmental Items. Program managers and purchasing activities/procuring
agencies are required to conduct a System Safety analysis appropriate for the system or item. For
non-developmental items, the analysis should review usage history, verify intended use
similarities, evaluate differences, and plan for adequate safety evaluation for all Air Force-unique
modifications or changes in use. This System Safety review should be accomplished by the
procuring/buying agency that is in the best position to assess the intended use and necessary
modification. For example, Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) certification requirements are
incrementally implemented and may not apply to all models or year groups of similar aircraft.
Operations from military fields and or with military support equipment provide unique hazard
opportunities that may not have been considered in the original design.
11.6. System Safety Engineering Analysis (SSEA). The SSEA program evaluates new
operations that are currently prohibited due to the perceived risks (e.g., aircraft hot refueling,
concurrent servicing operations, concurrent servicing operations supporting combat sortie
generation and wet wing/rapid defueling operations). Based upon the successful demonstration
and evaluation, approval may be granted to use the operation/procedures.
11.6.1. SSEA of a proposed operation is performed by a highly qualified team under
controlled conditions. The team conducts actual demonstrations and analysis of the operation
to validate overall risk assessment and recommend actions. The SSEA team is normally
chaired by the AFLCMC System Safety Office and includes experts from AFMC/SES,
AFSEC/SEF/SEG, and the developing/supporting and operational commands, and any other
technical experts (as needed) as determined by the SSEA Chair. At the discretion of the SSEA
Team Chief, Low-Risk SSEAs may be done via the in-house “tabletop” method without a
11.6.2. A using command requests a SSEA in writing to AFLCMC/SES and informs HQ
AFSEC and AFMC/SES. Requests must include: A complete description of the proposed operation. (T-1) Justification for accepting the increased risk. (T-1) Recommended location and dates for the SSEA demonstrations. (T-1) Identification of other DoD, Government or foreign agencies that might be
involved. (T-1)
11.6.3. The SSEA team reports the results of the analysis, including operational concepts,
system descriptions, risk assessments, hazard analyses, descriptions of the demonstrations and
conclusions and recommendations to the requester. (T-1)
132 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
11.7. Application of a Safety Risk Assessment (SRA).
11.7.1. A formal SRA is a decision-making tool that may be required to communicate and
document key elements of safety risk management processes. In acquisition programs, System
Safety processes are used to develop risk data and determine decision authorities; that
information is then used in an SRA for decision-making. An SRA is usually associated with a
non-conformity, abnormality, inability to demonstrate compliance with requirements or
regulations, a previously unforeseen condition that creates a potentially hazardous
environment, intended operations outside of known or approved environments, intent to
operate equipment that has exceeded design service limits or that has not been maintained IAW
standards or requirements, or when failures, mishaps or unexpected issues have indicated that
previous assessments or expectations may be incorrect or incomplete. SRAs may also be used
to evaluate new and innovative activities that could result in accidental losses and/or injuries.
Paragraph 13.9 provides a sample SRA layout.
11.7.2. An SRA may be used as part of the in-depth deliberative risk management planning
outlined in AFI 90-802, Risk Management; to support safety risk management decisions within
acquisition and sustainment life cycle management processes carried out under DoDI 5000.02
and AFI 63-101/20-101 or DoDD 5030.61, DoD Airworthiness Policy, and AFI 62-601, USAF
Airworthiness, and other internal guidance; as well as deliberative operational risk decisions,
mishap recommendation closure decisions and other contemplative evaluations of safety risk
where foreseen hazards require mitigation or formal risk acceptance.
11.7.3. When an SRA is required by Air Force instructions or policy, or an SRA is needed for
technical, operational, airworthiness, acquisition or other purposes, a process must be
developed that fulfills the core SRA principles described in this Chapter. Other instructions
may prescribe detailed provisions for applying these principles in a specific manner. (T-1)
11.7.4. An SRA is the summary document for a package of materials that provides supporting
details for the assessment and a decision. Do not rely upon information presented to the
decision-maker separately. The SRA combined with supporting documents forms an SRA
package that must sufficiently document all aspects pertinent to the decision regarding the
mission or activity, involved systems, identified hazard(s), risk calculations, data sources and
the mitigation options considered. (T-2)
11.8. Safety Risk Assessment Purpose and Risk Decision Authority Empowerment.
11.8.1. SRA packages are prepared to facilitate decisions on whether to accept safety risks, or
mitigate them to reduce the predicted consequences. The primary purpose of an SRA is to
ensure the Risk Decision Authority (RDA) has adequate information on potential adverse
safety consequences, mitigations and alternatives to make an informed risk management
11.8.2. A secondary purpose of an SRA package is to document the safety risk decision
process and the factors that were known or presumed at the time of the decision. The
documentation may be used to support leadership oversight, to inform the successor RDA or
others who may inherit the accepted risks, and to provide a basis for preparing future SRA
packages for required periodic revalidation.
11.8.3. While some guidance refers to the RDA as a Risk Acceptance Authority, it is essential
that an RDA has the authority to direct and fund risk mitigation alternatives in addition to
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 133
accepting risks without mitigation. The RDA must be in a position to balance safety risks with
potential mission, operational, programmatic and other benefits. In acquisition and
sustainment programs, the RDA must also be in a position to evaluate impacts on costs,
schedules and other risks. (T-1)
11.9. Core Safety Risk Assessment Principles. An SRA must include the following seven key
elements: (Note: Additional information may be required for specific decision purposes.)
11.9.1. Hazard description. (T-1) An SRA must include a statement of the hazard, along with
an explanation of the associated mission, operation or system that creates or warrants the
exposure to the hazard. (T-1) The counter-balancing benefits of the activity should be
described in overview in the SRA, with additional details provided in the SRA package
supporting documents.
11.9.2. Level of Risk. (T-1) An SRA must include an assessment of the potential adverse
consequences that could realistically result from exposure to the identified hazard. (T-1)Risk
level is expressed in terms of severity of consequences and probability of consequences.
Estimate the probabilities for the most severe credible adverse consequences that may be
realized, expressed in terms of losses per operational event or time period. When a hazard has
potential to result in multiple consequences of different severities, assess the probability for
each and include the consequence with the most severe net losses for an exposure period along
with other consequences that produce losses within an order of magnitude of those losses
during the exposure period. Potential losses suffered, as well as potential losses imposed upon
others, must be addressed. The potential adverse consequences must include all entities
exposed to the hazard, including damage to equipment and environmental damage as required
by AFI 32-7020, The Environmental Restoration Program, and injuries or death of operators,
participants and uninvolved parties. (T-1) Consequences are generally expressed in terms of the number and cost of
equipment losses and the number of injuries or deaths. A monetized aggregate total for
both losses and injuries/deaths may be used by applying valuations for injury costs and the
OSHA Value of Statistical Life adjusted to current-year dollars for fatalities. Such
aggregated costs can be useful in evaluating the cost of mitigations against the cost of
consequences. AFI 91-204 provides guidance on calculating Air Force mishap losses.
Alternative methods of valuation may be used if they more accurately describe the
consequences, but rationale must be provided. Consequences and probability may be combined and expressed as a risk level
(sometimes referred to as a Hazard Risk Index, Risk-Hazard Index or RAC). Risk levels
are primarily used to determine an RDA or evaluation process and may also be used to
characterize a degree of danger. They should are not be used as the sole consideration for
risk acceptance decisions because they fail to reflect the critical element of exposure, which
ultimately determines is a key element in determining projected losses.
11.9.3. Exposure Period. (T-1) If RDA approval is sought for a limited period or a limited
number of exposures, define that exposure period and use it for projected loss calculations. An
exposure period is usually the time until risk mitigations are expected to be incorporated or
hazard exposure otherwise ends, but may be for the life cycle of a system if no practical
mitigations are identified. (T-1)
134 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Where RDA approvals are sought for the life cycle of a system, establish a
process for periodic re-accomplishment of the SRA, which will validate previous
assumptions using accrued data and reassess potential mitigations considering
technological advances and process changes. (T-1) State the date when re-accomplishment
is required in the SRA. (T-1) When an RDA accepts risk for the life cycle of a system, establish a process to
provide accepted risk information to RDA successors or persons assuming similar levels
of responsibility for the system. (T-2)
11.9.4. Projected Losses. (T-1) Provide statistical calculations for the losses projected to occur
during the exposure period for which the RDA is making a decision. (T-1) State the losses on
an annual basis and for the entire exposure period. (T-1) Show the calculation of projected
losses that will occur during the period of exposure (typically the period for which approval is
sought), as well as losses extrapolated across the lifetime of the system or foreseeable activity.
(T-1)Projected losses mathematically express consequences and probability combined with
exposure. To determine projected losses, multiply the losses per period or event (as used to
determine risk level) by the number of periods or events for which risk acceptance is being
considered. (T-1) Include a calculation for projected losses across the lifetime of the system or
foreseeable activity if risk were to continue at the same level without mitigation, to provide
perspective on the need for mitigation. (T-2) If safety risk acceptance is sought for an exposure period equal to the life cycle
of a system, include a calculation for projected losses that will occur prior to the next
periodic reassessment. (T-2) If an SRA is prepared to address a non-conformity or non-compliance in a
system, include all projected losses that are expected to result, both those suffered within
that system and those imposed on other involved systems, personnel and entities. (T-1)This
is required because only the RDA for the non-conforming or non-compliant system will
have the authority and means to correct the shortfalls and mitigate the resultant safety risks. For the purposes of an SRA, when multiple potential adverse consequences are
evaluated (e.g., both Catastrophic and Critical severity outcomes), projected losses do not
need to be included for outcomes with loss projections substantially lower than the most
severe projected loss, unless the uncertainty is large or the less-severe outcomes are
particularly relevant.
11.9.5. Mitigation Options. (T-1) Describe available or obtainable mitigation options,
including expected effectiveness and resultant reduction in projected losses, along with
impacts to cost, schedule, mission accomplishment and other important factors. (T-1)
Mitigation options usually include an evaluation of the consequences with no mitigation as
well as an evaluation of not conducting the operation or activity that requires exposure to the
hazard, and may include transfer of mission responsibility to other entities. Consider and
evaluate mitigations that include reducing exposure, redesign of systems, protective devices to
reduce severity of consequences, warnings, training, restrictions and limitations. (T-1) Include
a recommendation for the RDA. (T-1)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 135
11.9.6. User and Stakeholder Views. (T-1) Provide the RDA a summary of the views of
organizations responsible for users and interacting organizations that may experience
potentially significant losses of assets or injuries to their personnel due to their exposure to the
risks. (T-1)Other organizations may be required to prepare another SRA for a different RDA
if hazard exposure may produce elevated risk levels for other entities. Address such situations
as stakeholder views. Also provide the evaluation of reviewing safety organizations when such
a review has been obtained or is required by policy. (T-1)
11.9.7. Document the Risk Decision Authority (RDA) Authority and Decision. (T-1) In the SRA package, cite the policy that designates the RDA based upon the level
of projected losses, level of risk, or other institutionalized responsibility. (T-1)The RDA
(also referred to as Risk Acceptance Authority) must be empowered to direct mitigation
measures and/or operational restrictions that reduce safety risk, as well as accepting risks
or prohibiting exposure to the hazard. While risk level may be used for identifying an RDA,
the actual risk decision must be based upon projected losses to ensure risk exposure period
is considered. Document the decision of the RDA and any directed mitigations or
limitations. (T-1) Many acquisition programs (and MIL-STD-882E) use risk level to establish
RDAs, without considering the exposure to the risks; however, the preferred method for
identifying an RDA is to use projected loss thresholds with higher annual loss projections
requiring higher leadership levels as decision authorities. Note: For example, Wing
Commanders could be empowered to accept projected losses up to $100 million per year,
MAJCOM-FLDCOM commanders could accept projected losses up to $1 billion per year,
and SECAF acceptance could be required for projected losses above that level.
11.10. Safety Office SRA Reviews. When organizational policy directs a review of SRA
packages by AF/SE, AFSEC or other safety offices, those reviews will be completed before the
SRA package is presented to the RDA for a decision. (T-1)Include the results of safety office
reviews in the user and stakeholder views presented to the RDA in the SRA package. (T-1)Safety
reviews of SRA packages will include:
11.10.1. An evaluation of the hazard description to ensure it is accurate and comprehensive.
11.10.2. A review of calculations for risk levels and an assessment of the validity and accuracy
of the data used as a basis for the calculations. (T-1) Safety reviews may recommend additional
data, data sources or subject matter experts that should be used to improve confidence in the
11.10.3. A review of the basis for qualitative risk assessments to determine if any data in the
SRA is inappropriate for the assessment, or if additional applicable historical data is available
in safety databases. (T-1)Safety offices may identify comparative assessments for similar
operations or activities and provide information on historical acceptance for similar levels of
11.10.4. Validation for projected losses calculations in the SRA, research into mishap data
and/or expert opinions that may verify or refute the reasonableness of the assumptions made.
136 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
11.10.5. Periodic reassessments. (T-1) Programs requiring an SRA must provide a timeframe
of validity, after which an SRA must be re-accomplished, to include briefing and documenting
RDA decisions and risk re-acceptance. (T-1) SRAs should also be considered invalid and re-
accomplished if a mishap event or history of events demonstrate assumptions or supporting
data in the SRA package are found to be significantly inaccurate, or when technology or
improved operational practices provide viable new mitigations for safety risk.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 137
Chapter 12
12.1. Contract Safety Program. The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance on the
responsibilities of the applicable safety office in the contracting process; with the overarching goal
of protecting government personnel, equipment, facilities and mission from hazards posed by
contractor operations. It is imperative that safety involvement begins early in the process to prevent
hazardous conditions from developing or costly changes to the contract after implementation.
Note: This chapter will be supplemented as needed by MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs and installations to
ensure proper safety criteria is defined and adhered to in all AF acquisitions and/or AF procured
contracts. (T-1)
12.2. Contract Types. The majority of contracts fall in two broad categories: services (includes
construction) and commodity (supply) contracts. See Table 12.1 for a list of possible issues to
consider when dealing with contracts and subsequent design and review processes.
12.2.1. Service Contracts. Under a service contract, the Air Force/Space Force pays a civilian
company to perform a service. Service contracts generally include, but are not limited to,
custodial services, ground maintenance operation of government-owned equipment,
housekeeping services, etc. Construction contracts include the construction, alteration or repair
(including dredging, excavating, painting) of buildings, structures or other real property. The
requesting organization will submit an AF Form 332, Base Civil Engineer Work Request, when
required, defining facility criteria and needs to the installation CE office. (T-2) Construction
contract reviews by safety personnel should begin at preplanning conferences, continue
through design reviews, preconstruction conferences and facility acceptance inspections.
12.2.2. Commodity (Supply) Contracts. Commodity contracts are normally used for the local
procurement of items not available through the AF, Space Force or General Services
Administration (GSA) supply systems. These contracts may include rental or leased equipment
obtained for specific purposes. Installation organizations regularly initiate procurement actions
for items or equipment that may not be designed, manufactured, installed or used according to
safety criteria. Items in the Air Force, Space Force or General Services Administration supply
system are evaluated for safety and normally meet minimum standards.
12.2.3. The organization/user will coordinate AF Forms 9, Request for Purchase, and other
purchase requests with the applicable safety staff before sending them to the contracting office
unless locally established exemptions exist. (T-3)
Table 12.1. Contract Considerations.
Services and Construction Contracts.
Are there safety requirements required for the unit personnel? If so, what are the safety requirements,
and who is responsible to ensure these requirements are met?
Will the service contract place unit personnel at risk of potential hazards, to include safety issues, such
as slips, trips or falls, or HAZMAT? If so, does the contractor ensure supervisors of exposed personnel
are made aware of the hazards?
Are flightline safety requirements briefed to contractors who work there?
Are contractors who work within explosive arcs, munitions, or weapons storage areas briefed on safety
138 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Services and Construction Contracts.
Are contractors briefed on unit emergency procedures?
Do contractors adhere to federal or state safety training requirements that may be specified within the
Are contractors made aware of how to contact emergency personnel on the installation?
What type of facility and occupancy (administrative, industrial, combination) will be constructed or
What is the proposed number of personnel who will occupy the facility?
What is the specific use of the facility, i.e., aircraft maintenance hangar, industrial shop for welding or
brazing, corrosion control facility or administrative building?
Is the equipment within the contract government owned/provided? If government owned are related
safety standards included in the contract?
What are the potential hazards for the proposed operation of the facility?
Can potential hazards be eliminated or engineered out in the development phase of the construction
Is the facility equipped with adequate ramps for handicap personnel that meet the requirements of the
American Disabilities Act (ADA)?
Ensure adequate parking for personnel.
Ensure adequate handicapped spaces are identified and applicable signage is applied.
Have traffic safety concerns been addressed?
Does the new facility or facility modification affect weapons or flight safety requirements?
Does the facility meet National Fire Protection Association life safety code?
Are Small UAS use to support Operations.
Commodity Contracts.
Are AF Form 9 purchases reviewed for safety concerns/implications prior to being sent to the
installation contracting office?
Are GPC purchases, not GSA-approved, reviewed to meet safety requirements?
Does the safety office review contracts/purchases that specify certain required and/or optional safety
features for tools and equipment?
Are contracts reviewed for specific uses, e.g., explosion-proof equipment for hazardous locations?
Note: This list is not all-inclusive. Ideally, these questions would be addressed during the development
phase of the contract.
12.3. Contractor Compliance. Contractors are responsible for complying with federal and state
occupational safety and health standards for their employees, except where the Air Force or Space
Force contractually agreed to assume responsibility. Further detail can be found in DoDI 6055.01,
Enclosure 5.
12.4. Safety Office. Safety personnel will:
12.4.1. Ensure the appropriate safety staff is included during the development of any
contractual or government purchase card requirement and/or project processes to include safety
requirements in the Performance-Based Work Statement or Statement of Work. (T-1)
12.4.2. Coordinate with the installation contracting office to ensure notification of the safety
staff for relevant conferences, meetings, inspections and applicable designs reviews, e.g.,
blueprints, Computer-Aided Designs, etc. (T-1) The safety staff will participate as part of the
Multi-Functional Team (MFT), when prescribed by AFI 64-102, Operational Contracting
Program, and AFI 63-138, Acquisition of Services. (T-1)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 139
12.4.3. Ensure the requesting activities/organization communicates specific requirements
outlined in operating directives or technical orders, to include operation plans, training needs,
storage needs, traffic considerations, etc. (T-1)
12.4.4. Visit the proposed project location or facility during the site selection process, if
needed. (T-1)
12.4.5. Review contractor safety plans to ensure materials used or operations conducted do
not endanger public safety and government personnel or property. (T-1)
12.4.6. Not take actions that would put them in direct control of a worksite owned or controlled
solely by a contractor or contract personnel. (T-0)
12.4.7. Report observed safety violations to the contracting officer or their representative.
(T-1) In cases of observed critical and/or imminent danger safety personnel will take action to
stop the operation and immediately contact the contracting officer. (T-1)
12.4.8. Consider host nation and OSHA or the national consensus standards of the United
States (e.g., National Fire Protection Association and National Electrical Codes) when
Statement of Work or Performance-Based Work Statement are developed for contract work
outside the jurisdiction of the United States.
140 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Chapter 13
13.1. Air Force Safety Management System (AFSMS).
13.1.1. Purpose. AFSMS utilizes the four pillars (depicted in Figure 13.1) and the AFSMS
framework (Figure 13.2) to structure the AF mishap prevention program. Activities associated
with each pillar set policy, identify and mitigate hazards and risk, and reduce the occurrence
and cost of injuries, illnesses, fatalities and property damage. Managing mishap prevention
activities requires goal setting, planning, executing and measuring performance utilizing
continuous improvement processes through the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model as
described in paragraph 13.1.4.
Figure 13.1. AFSMS Pillars.
13.1.2. Leadership implements the mishap prevention program by providing guidance and
goals, establishing safety responsibility and accountability, applying risk management to all
activities, and promoting the program throughout the organization. The result is a program
designed to prevent mishaps, safeguard Airmen, protect resources and preserve combat
13.1.3. AFSMS Framework. Policy and Leadership. Safety policy provides a structure for building a sound
and proactive mishap prevention program. Active leadership involvement in the
implementation and execution of the system supported at all levels of command is critical.
The following are descriptions and examples of safety policies, leadership engagement and
Airmen participation. Safety policy is the foundation for the SMS framework of requirements and
expectations. The structure is built of AF mishap prevention programs and activities
that support the AF safety mission, vision, goals and objectives.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 141 Leaders have overall responsibility for safe operations and must clearly
establish safety responsibility and accountability throughout the organization,
communicating their commitment to the safety and health of our Airmen. Safety staffs
at all levels assist commanders with the integration and implementation of safety
management elements into organizational activities. Leaders set safety policies and goals and lead SMS implementation,
communicating safety management throughout the organization by identifying and
controlling safety risk, applying management principles and promoting a strong
safety culture. Leadership engagement includes: publicly committing to and taking
responsibility for a safe working environment for all personnel; directing the
organization to implement and maintain a mishap prevention program that includes
appropriate authority and accountability levels; communicating the safety policy to
all Airmen; and holding Airmen at all levels accountable for effective program
implementation. Airmen Participation. Organizational leadership shall establish and
implement processes to ensure effective participation by its Airmen at all levels. (T-1)
Proper use of the AFSMS elements enhances Airmen engagement and system
effectiveness and drives continuous improvement. Organizational leadership will:
encourage and support Airmen participation in the mishap prevention program, safety
committees, and safety briefings; educate Airmen on the goals of safety-related
inspections, risk assessments, and job safety analyses and how to accomplish them; and
encourage Airmen to communicate safety concerns to leadership via hazard reports and
other safety feedback mechanisms. (T-1)
142 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Figure 13.2. AFSMS Framework. Risk Management (RM). Risk management is the key to mishap prevention. The
Air Force’s five-step Deliberate RM process (see Figure 13.3) is the core of the Air Force’s
safety and mishap prevention program. Utilize RM to the maximum extent possible to
identify and assess hazards, develop and implement mitigating controls, and monitor and
analyze the controls to assess their effectiveness. More details are available in AFI 90-802,
Risk Management, and AFPAM 90-803, Risk Management (RM) Guidelines and Tools.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 143
Figure 13.3. The Air Force 5-Step RM Process. Assurance. Safety assurance is how commanders determine the elements of the
mishap prevention program are implemented, and guides continuous improvement efforts.
The assurance functions of evaluation, monitor, and review measure whether organizations
conform to standards and are making progress toward established goals. Evaluation. Evaluate system conformance and effectiveness through
monitoring, measurements, inspections, assessments, evaluations, and mishap, near
miss, and hazard investigations. Corrective action must be taken when non-
conformance with system processes or execution is identified. (T-1) Evaluation of safety assurance processes concentrates on validating,
through collection and analysis of objective evidence(i.e., documents, records,
metrics, inspection, evaluation), that operation, process, or system expectations are
met or exceeded. These processes focus on compliance and conformance with the
mishap prevention program, and that desired effectiveness results are achieved. Safety assurance data is obtained from numerous sources, including
continuous program monitoring/measurement, self-inspection, independent
internal process/program evaluation, external inspection/evaluation (Unit
Effectiveness Inspection [UEI], Management Inspection [MI], etc.), safety
investigation and internal reporting systems (Hazard Reports, Airman Safety
Action Program [ASAP] Reports, Military Flight Operations Quality Assurance
(military FOQA) reports, Management Internal Control Toolset [MICT], etc.).
(T-1) Ensure acquired data is actionable and adequately measures operations,
program processes, and/or system performance. (T-1) Monitoring. Commanders determine whether the system is performing
effectively and meeting regulatory requirements by monitoring the status of corrective
144 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
and preventive actions, injury/illness metrics, findings of safety investigations
(including hazards and near misses), inspections, assessments, audits, effectiveness
measures and trend analysis. (T-2)To be effective, monitoring should ensure the
necessary information is available for leadership to evaluate the continuing suitability,
adequacy, and effectiveness of the mishap prevention program, which then helps
commanders set continuous improvement targets. Leadership Review (Annual Program Management Review [APMR]). This
review allows leadership and applicable process owners to conduct a strategic and
tactical critical evaluation of the conformance and effectiveness of the mishap
prevention program and AFSMS framework. Results, recommendations, and action
items from this review shall be documented, prioritized, communicated to affected
organizations and tracked to completion. (T-1) See paragraph 13.2. Following the
APMR, communicate expectations to each Airman, and incorporate these expectations
into actionable tasks with clear deliverables and estimated completion dates.
Additionally, revise program and/or system requirements, as needed. Additional safety assurance considerations: Design Review and Management of Change. Identify and take
appropriate steps to prevent or otherwise control hazards at the design and redesign
stages using tools found in the System Safety and RM processes. Commanders,
supervisors and planners will utilize change management tools to assess and
address change-induced risks associated with operations and contingencies. (T-2) Procurement. Identify and evaluate potential hazards prior to
purchasing products, goods and/or services. Ensure procedures and requirements
are communicated to suppliers and service providers. Contracts. As appropriate, include safety program requirements and
processes in the Performance-Based Work Statement (PWS) for contracted work. Emergency Preparedness. Periodically evaluate plans IAW AFI 10-
2501, Air Force Emergency Management Program. Early Intervention of Hazards. Participate in existing Air Force
proactive safety programs, such as Air Force Combined Mishap Reduction System
(AFCMRS) and ASAP, that provide early identification and intervention for
hazards. Use such programs to identify, measure and mitigate hazards; revisit
existing risk controls; and determine the effectiveness of newly implemented risk
mitigations. Traditional mishap investigation data sources, i.e., Air Force Safety
Automated System (AFSAS), and proactive safety data sources, e.g., Military
Flight Operations Quality Assurance (MFOQA), are available to measure the risk
hazards pose to operations, and the efficacy of mitigation controls. Consultation. Safety professionals provide consultation services
regarding all aspects of safety. This includes by request, through assurance
processes and/or any other opportunities. Resourcing. Programming resources for safety management to
include manning, promotion and education, hazard abatement, etc.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 145 Promotion, Training and Education. Ensure Airmen are provided safety
awareness information, organizations have embedded ongoing training into the mishap
prevention program, organizations have implemented effective risk control measures, and
that Airmen are actively engaged in the mishap prevention program. (T-1) Airmen and contractors shall know the mishap prevention program
requirements that apply to their daily duties. This includes understanding hazard
identification, control and reporting procedures, and where and how they can
participate in the mishap prevention program. (T-0) Records of training are generated
and maintained as directed by this instruction and other guidance. The ideal context for maximizing mishap reduction through the AFSMS
should be defined as an Informed Safety Culture, comprised of a Just Culture,
Reporting Culture, Learning Culture and Flexible Culture. Commanders and leaders
throughout the organization promote and enforce these aspects. The foundation of an Informed Culture is a Just Culture, which
encourages personnel to provide safety-related information without fear of reprisal.
Leaders establish a Just Culture environment by encouraging hazard and error
reporting for safety analysis and mishap prevention purposes. At the same time,
they must understand and promote the idea that more can be learned through full
reporting and detailed investigation of safety issues than by assigning blame and
punishment. Leaders must also establish clear guidelines on acceptable and
unacceptable behavior. Commanders may not use safety investigation reports for
any purpose except mishap prevention, while other investigations (e.g.,
Commander-Directed Investigation) may be used as a basis for command
disciplinary action, as appropriate. The value of a Reporting Culture should be continuously promoted
and reinforced by leadership actions, not only in soliciting information on hazards
and threats to safety, but also in taking action. Addressing hazards is critical to a
healthy Reporting Culture, as Airmen will stop reporting if they feel their concerns
are not taken seriously. A Learning Culture exists when the organization is not afraid to
change direction, processes, or way of doing business simply because it’s always
been done that way. Leaders endorse a Learning Culture by showing a willingness
to change procedures and practices based on uncovered hazards and mistakes. A Flexible Culture is continuously promoted and reinforced by
leadership actions throughout organizations by empowering personnel to
recommend procedural and behavioral changes to manage risk.
13.1.4. Continuous Improvement. The AFSMS implements and supports a continuous
improvement process by creating the framework to review safety conformance and
effectiveness. It creates deliberate opportunities to refine and refocus suboptimal elements as
trends develop, interventions are successful or fail, or new technology is introduced. While
Figure 13.2 depicts continuous improvement under the Assurance pillar, there is, in fact, a
benefit of continuous improvement through execution of the mishap prevention program using
all pillars of the AFSMS. Leaders from the squadron to the headquarters will use the PDCA
146 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
methodology to ensure that continuous improvement is being accomplished. (T-1)PDCA is an
iterative four-step management method used for the control and continuous improvement of
processes and products. Plan. Establish the objectives and desired end state. Study programmatic
shortfalls, emerging trends and/or changing conditions. Outline possible countermeasures
and the necessary policy, programs, processes and actions necessary to deliver results IAW
the expected outcome (the target or goals). By establishing output expectations, the
completeness and accuracy of the specification becomes a part of the targeted
improvement. Do. Implement the plan, execute the process and make the product. Collect data
for charting and analysis in the following “CHECK” and “ACT” steps. Check. Study the actual results (measured and collected in “DO” above) and
compare against the expected results (targets or goals from the “PLAN”) to ascertain any
differences. Look for deviations in implementation from the “PLAN” and “DO” parts of
the cycle that may have affected execution. Charting data can make it much easier to see
trends over several PDCA cycles and convert the collected data into information.
Information is what you need for the next step, “ACT.” Act. Request corrective actions on significant differences between actual and
planned results. Analyze the differences to determine their root causes. Determine where
to apply changes that will include improvement of the process or product. (T-1) At the
conclusion of the reviews in this part of the cycle, there should be evidence of the future
direction of the mishap prevention program and any needed changes to the policy,
priorities, objectives, resources or other program elements.
13.1.5. DELETED
13.2. Annual Program Management Review (APMR).
13.2.1. Annually reviewing safety programs and analyzing results is essential to successful
execution of the mishap prevention program under the Safety Management System (SMS).
This analysis and resulting adjustments to the safety program should improve the program
processes and procedures, reduce risk exposure, and consequently, decrease the frequency
and/or severity of mishaps. The APMR provides senior leaders with a clear picture of the
effectiveness of their safety function as well as its impact on the mission of the organization.
Safety staffs must ensure all subordinate units’ SMS data is reflected in their APMR. (T-1) A
list of all units covered will be included as an appendix page to the APMR. (T-1) The review
will contain a statement declaring the mishap prevention program conformance and
effectiveness under the systemic processes of the AFSMS was either met and effective, met
but needs minor improvement(s), met but needs significant improvement(s), or was not
effective. (T-1)
13.2.2. Minimum Required Elements of the APMR, as applicable: (Note: These elements are
designed to preserve consistency across the safety enterprise.) Executive Summary. A brief overview of how the organization’s activities fit
into the SMS concept and structure. (T-1) Safety goals, objectives, and priorities for the next fiscal year. (T-1)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 147 Analysis of the prior fiscal year’s resource (manpower and funding) allocation
plans and execution, and recommendations for new or reallocation of resources to
supporting future goals. (T-1) Mishap reduction progress. Include at least five years of data in the applicable
categories. (T-1) Note: The Business Intelligence Tool of AFSAS will format/provide
these slides at the MAJCOM, NAF, Wing and Squadron levels. (T-1) Review of findings, recommendations (closed and new), and trends. (T-1) Review results, deficiencies and corrective actions from CCIP and UEI reports
conducted IAW AFI 90-201. (T-1) Effectiveness of safety processes. Address both successes and failures of the
safety processes in order to identify areas for improvement, where applicable. (T-1) Review of Master Hazard Abatement plans and Open Risk Assessment Codes. Continuous Improvement. (T-1) Reference links to safety division related annexes, tabs, attachments or other
products containing greater detailed breakdown of relative data. (T-1) Annual summary of obstacle course status and obstacle course related mishaps.
(T-1) Signature of Commander (Installation/NAF/MAJCOM/FLDCOM, as
appropriate). May be delegated no lower than deputy commander or executive director.
(T-1) Tenant organizations on an installation with a safety office, if authorized one,
will prepare and submit an APMR through their chain of command. (T-2) Tenant
organizations without a full-time safety professional will have their parent organization
capture their data and incorporate into the parent APMR. (T-2) Installations and tenant
organizations with safety offices are encouraged to share copies of their APMR. Appendix page including list of all units covered by APMR. (T-1)
13.2.3. DAF and the Secretary of the Air Force will review the AFSMS for overall
performance and impacts of policy changes. As part of the AFSEC APMR, AF/SE will review all applicable safety standards
and publications for changes that would affect the performance of the AFSMS. AF/SE will
report that the AFSMS is currently aligned with supporting policy or needs minor or major
revisions. AFSEC and SAF/IEE will review all MAJCOM/FLDCOM APMRs for trends
and possible improvements to the AFSMS. As part of the DAF Safety and Occupational Health Performance Management
Review to the Assistant Secretary of the Defense for Readiness, SAF/IEE will certify that
the AFSMS has been reviewed for suitability with current policies and standards and is
performing well, or needs minor/major updates.
148 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
13.3. Federal/State Inspections of DoD Working Conditions and Mishap
Investigations. Refer to DoDI 6055.01, DoD Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Program,
for additional information on announced or unannounced inspections, federal/state official access,
opening and closing conferences, resolving conflicts and hazard abatement. OSHA inspection
procedures for federal agency workplaces are provided in OSHA’s Field Operations Manual. The
current OSHA Field Operations Manual is located on the AF Occupational Safety SharePoint®
website ( Note: State OSHA officials,
operating under a federally-approved plan and subject to the terms of any variance, tolerance or
exemption granted by the DoL, may enforce state OSHA standards in workplaces. Verify with the
base legal office to determine which areas of the installation fall under state versus exclusive
federal jurisdiction. (T-1)
13.3.1. Federal/state officials may conduct, as part of their evaluation program, annual
targeted inspections or program assistance visits of AF installations based on the comparative
incidence of worker compensation claims. Federal/state officials may also request installations
perform self-investigations and self-inspections on a case-by-case basis. Installation
commanders, through execution of a locally approved OSHA Reception and Action Plan
(example located on the AF Occupational Safety SharePoint® website
( will: Ensure Security Forces are provided a letter of instruction outlining notification
procedures to the installation safety office upon federal/state official(s) arrival at the gate.
(T-2) Without delay, ensure the federal/state official(s) are met by a member of the
installation safety office and escorted to where an opening conference will be conducted
during normal duty hours. (T-0) Host an opening conference with federal/state officials. (T-2) The installation
safety office will notify their CC/CV, JA and IG of federal/state official’s arrival. (T-2)
Notify BEE, FES, PH, Civilian Personnel Office, Contracting Office, tenant unit safety
offices, labor representatives, and other agencies as required based upon the federal/state
official’s stated purpose of the visit. (T-2) A safety representative and/or other functional representative (e.g., FES, BEE,
PH, etc.) will escort the federal/state official to other parts of the installation after the
opening conference. (T-2) When federal/state officials require entry to a classified or
restricted area, the official will meet established security requirements for the area. (T-1) Provide upon request, access to available safety, fire protection and health
information in workplaces, unless prohibited by this instruction or other AFI guidance.
(T-1) Access to privileged safety information is prohibited by DoDI 6055.07 and AFI 91-
204. Federal/state officials may review non-privileged portions of mishap/incident reports
in the workplace during the course of their investigation. Do not release “For Official Use
Only” marked reports or materials to federal/state officials. Federal/state officials
requesting access to additional information and records may obtain the information IAW
the provision of DoDI 6055.01 and AFI 91-204. Provide photographic or video support, if required. Videos or photographs taken
on installations fall under the exclusive control of the installation commander. AF officials
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 149
may review photographs and videos before release if they suspect possible disclosure of
classified or proprietary information without the review. During federal/state inspections
or investigations, take (or obtain from officials) photos of identified physical
hazards/discrepancies which may result in an OSHA Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful
Working Conditions. Host a closing conference with the federal/state officials and invite required
agencies to attend. (T-0)If significant hazards or deficiencies are identified or problems
occur during a federal/state inspection or investigation, notify the MAJCOM/FOA/DRU
safety staff. (T-1)The MAJCOM/FOA/DRU will in turn immediately notify AFSEC/SEG. Treat OSHA Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions in the same
manner as a fire, safety or health AF inspection report. (T-1) Evaluate and assign a RAC
to each hazard identified by OSHA personnel. (T-1) Note: DoD agencies (i.e., DeCA,
AAFES, etc.) are responsible for resolving issues related to OSHA Notice of Unsafe or
Unhealthful Working conditions or requests for delays, variations, tolerances or
exemptions of applicable safety and health standards. Ensure appropriate members of the fire, safety or health offices verify
federal/state inspection results, including all testing. (T-1) AF tests or sampling for future
testing should be accomplished at the same time and at the same location as the federal/state
testing, if possible. Upon completion of the federal/state visit, health and fire officials, as
applicable, shall coordinate responses to federal/state visits and OSHA Notice of Unsafe
or Unhealthful Working Conditions with the installation safety office. (T-1)
13.3.2. Contractor Operations. Within the 50 states and US territories, AF contractors operating from AF or
privately-owned workplaces located on or off AF installations are subject to enforcement
authority by federal and state safety and health officials. Authorized safety officials from
states without OSHA-approved safety and health plans may, subject to the exceptions in
this instruction, exercise jurisdiction over contractor operations. At overseas locations,
local government agencies may conduct inspections of contractor workplaces or operations
as stipulated in status of forces or country-to-country agreements. (T-0) Federal/state officials may perform OSH inspections of AF contractor
workplaces in areas where the US holds exclusive federal jurisdiction. Verify with base
legal office to determine which areas of the installation fall under federal jurisdiction. (T-1) The DoL does not have authority over working conditions for which another
federal agency or certain state agencies exercise statutory authority to prescribe or enforce
standards or regulations affecting safety and health. Thus, OSHA authority does not extend
to working conditions specifically covered by: Any nuclear safety or health standard or instruction implementing Title 42,
U.S.C., 2012, 2021, 2121(b), and 2201(b). Any explosives safety standard or instruction implementing Title 10,
U.S.C., 172, Ammunition Storage Board.
150 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Regardless of whether or not a state has an OSHA-approved plan, state safety
and Industrial Hygiene officials have no authority in AF contractor workplaces located in
areas where the US holds exclusive federal jurisdiction. Federal/state inspections or investigations of contractor operations on an AF
installation will be reported IAW this instruction.
13.3.3. AFSAS OSHA Event Module. OSHA Events shall be entered into the AFSAS OSHA Events Module. (T-1) An
OSHA Event is defined as any official contact (i.e., email, fax, telephonic, in person)
initiated between the AF and federal/state officials requesting inspection of processes,
facilities or projects (military, civilian or contractor) or investigation of a mishap/incident
on the installation. Any request for mishap/incident investigation information, i.e., the
OSHA Rapid Response Report (see paragraph 13.3.4) or AF Form 978, Supervisor
Mishap Report, is considered an OSHA Event. Detailed instructions can be found in the
AFSAS OSHA Events Module Guide located on the AF Occupational Safety SharePoint®
website ( Note: Self-investigation
responses, the OSHA Rapid Response Report or AF Form 978 requested by federal/state
officials do not require coordination with appropriate MAJCOM/FLDCOM/DRU/FOA
(SE, FES, SG, JA) and HAF (AFSEC, AFCEC, AF/SG, AF/JA). All OSHA Event correspondences will be uploaded into the AFSAS OSHA
Events Module as the official recordkeeping process for OSHA Events. (T-1)
13.3.4. OSHA Rapid Response Report. If a Rapid Response Report is requested by OSHA,
the installation safety office may ask OSHA if they will accept the AF Form 978 in lieu of the
Rapid Response Report. The affected organization will ensure the appropriate report is completed by the
supervisor or USR and appropriately routed to the installation safety office. (T-1) The installation safety office will: Ensure the report does not contain any privileged information. (T-1) Note:
To prevent inadvertent release of privileged information, a 1S0X1 or 0018 will not
complete a Rapid Response Report. Notify the installation commander or designated authority. (T-1) Ensure the report is uploaded to the appropriate AFSAS OSHA Event.
(T-1) Provide the report to OSHA by their suspense date. (T-1) The Rapid Response Report Worksheet is located on the AF Occupational Safety
SharePoint® website (
13.3.5. OSHA Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions. Upon receipt of an
OSHA Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions, the installation safety office will
upload the Notice into the AFSAS OSHA Events Module within two workdays and notify
AFSEC by Email ([email protected]). (T-1) This reporting requirement applies to AF
workplaces or operations performed by a contractor in which AF workplaces, equipment or
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 151
procedural deficiencies are identified in the Notice. Note: OSHA Notice of Unsafe or
Unhealthful Working Conditions include those issued and abated on the spot. Although units receive notices individually at a particular location, the identified
hazard may be classified as an Corporate-wide Repeat violation, previously identified at
another AF location. All OSHA Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions
correspondence to OSHA will be coordinated with the appropriate MAJCOM/DRU/FOA
(SE, FES, SG, JA) and HAF (AFSEC, AFCEC, AF/SG, AF/JA). (T-1) If required, AFSEC
will coordinate with SAF/IEE. The MAJCOM and AFSEC track all violation(s) from
identification through proposed response to OSHA and subsequent closure. Informal Conference. The installation safety office will request an Informal
Conference with the local OSHA office. Exceptions to an Informal Conference shall be
coordinated through affected disciplines (i.e., BEE, FES, PH, etc.), MAJCOM and
AFSEC/SEG. (T-1) Pre-informal Conference. A Pre-Informal Conference involving applicable local
representatives, MAJCOM and AFSEC will be held to discuss expectations of the Informal
Conference. It shall be held no later than two days prior to the Informal Conference.
(T-1)The Pre-informal Conferences will be scheduled by the applicable safety office and
will: Be scheduled with the local OSHA office as soon as possible IAW the
OSHA Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions instructions. (T-1) Be used to contest violations and/or seek lesser classification, i.e., Serious
to Other-Than-Serious. (T-1) Be used to request extension on abatement dates (Petition for Modification
of Abatement Date) and/or allow time for multi-level coordination through specific
disciplines, MAJCOM, AFSEC and SAF/IEE. (T-1) Involve, via teleconference, applicable MAJCOM and HAF-level agencies
to include AFSEC/SEG. (T-1) Petitions for Modification of Abatement Date (PMA) requested from OSHA (to
include interim control measures) will be initiated by the installation OSM as the OSHA
process manager for the installation commander. An electronic courtesy copy shall be sent
to the MAJCOM/DRU/FOA and AFSEC. (T-1) After the Informal Conference with OSHA, or approved exception, the
commander or designated official will draft and coordinate the proposed official response
to the violation, which will then be sent to the applicable MAJCOM/DRU/FOA safety
office and AFSEC in parallel. (T-1)The MAJCOM/DRU/FOA will forward their
coordinated position to AFSEC via e-mail to [email protected] for review and approval.
AFSEC/SEG will determine SAF/IEE coordination. AFSEC/SEG will send the approved
OSHA response to the installation for release. Units will build this additional coordination
process into the time frame allowed for the response suspense to OSHA. (T-1) In addition to local notifications, such as installation IG, JA, PA, CC or CV, and
affected organizations or tenant activities, the installation safety office shall notify: Applicable MAJCOM/FOA/DRU/SEG/SGP/SGPB/CE.
152 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Applicable Intermediate Command/SEG/SGP/CE.
13.4. USAF Aviation Safety Equipment Database Reporting.
13.4.1. Purpose and Scope. The database will be maintained by AFSEC/SEFE in an electronic
spreadsheet format and will be organized into aircraft categories of Bomber, Cargo/Transport,
Fighter/Attack, Helicopter, Remotely Piloted Aircraft, Reconnaissance/Battle
Management/C3I, Special Operations, Tanker, Trainer and Other.
13.4.2. Aircraft. Each aircraft model will be described to the level necessary to convey
configuration differences, e.g., EC-135N, KC-135R, F-16CM, F-16B Block 15.
13.4.3. Inventory. The number of aircraft in this model as of the end of the fiscal year will be
provided. If still in production, the planned production buy and current inventory as of the end
of the fiscal year will be reported. Provide the following information for each item listed below: The nomenclature, manufacturer and status of each equipment item for each
Model Design Series. If an update or procurement is in progress, document the current configuration,
the new configuration, its Initial Operational Capability (IOC) date and its expected
completion date by Fiscal Year Quarter. If an item is planned but not funded, do not report it. If an item is in source
selection, report it as to be determined (TBD) and include estimated IOC and completion
dates. If an item is installed only on a portion of the fleet, identify the extent of its
installation (e.g., 20% of fleet). Elaboration of each data element and requests for more detailed information are
provided in the descriptions below. For each item, provide a Point of Contact to address
further questions or clarifications.
13.4.4. Crash Survivable Parametric Recorder (Flight Data Recorder). Report any data
recorder specifically designed to survive an aircraft crash and provide parametric data to a
mishap investigation, e.g., LAS-209F, MU-1003. Additionally, document program’s current
compliance with applicable Air Force requirements contained within Aircraft Information
Programs publications (AFH 63-1402, Aircraft Information Program). For any retrofit
programs in progress, indicate when the retrofit program commenced, the status of the program
(number complete), and what organization is accomplishing the retrofits.
13.4.5. Crash Survivable Acoustic Recorder (Cockpit Voice Recorder). Report any acoustic
recording device specifically designed to survive an aircraft crash and provide evidence to a
mishap investigation, e.g., A90A, VADAR. Additionally, document its compliance with
USAF/SE requirements statement of 1997 for 2-hour recording capability and compliance with
FAA TSO 123a.
13.4.6. Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)/Crash Position Indicator (CPI). Report any
devices whose purpose includes alerting Search and Rescue to the location of aircraft wreckage
and/or crew. Document compliance with FAA TSO C-126.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 153
13.4.7. Traffic Alerting and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). Identify the generation of
the TCAS system (TCAS I, TCAS II, ETCAS, V7.0 ACAS) or transponder only mode. Also,
identify any Automatic Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems.
13.4.8. Global Positioning System (GPS). Identify either stand-alone receiver or integrated
GPS capability. If integrated into a navigation/avionics suite, then provide information of next
higher-level assembly.
13.4.9. Ground Collision/Proximity Warning Systems (GPWS). Identify the generation of the
GPWS system (First, Second, Third, Fourth, EGPWS, TAWS) and Class (Class A, B, C). If
an additional function of another device, then provide information about the device that
generates the warning, e.g., Flight Control Computer. Document compliance with USAF/XO
Memorandum, Implementation of AF Navigation and Safety Master Plan and Policy
Clarification for GPWS, ADF, and GPS Navigation Systems, 13 March 1997 and FAA TSO
13.4.10. Ground Collision Avoidance System (GCAS). For Bomber, Fighter/Attack and
Special Operations aircraft, identify any type of GCAS equipment, or if an additional function
of another device, then provide information about the device that generates the warning or pull-
up command, e.g., GCAS, AGCAS, TFR, TAR.
13.4.11. Windshear Detection System (WDS). If an additional function of another device, then
provide information about the device that provides detection, e.g., FSAS, MARK VII GPWS.
13.4.12. Other Electronic Storage Devices. Identify any other devices that if they survive a
mishap, contain recorded information that could be of use to a mishap investigation. Examples
could be a central computer that stores information on system faults, Head-Up-Display tapes,
Multi-Function Display tapes, Quick Access Recorders, Signal Acquisition Units or a
structural life usage recorder.
13.5. Mishap Response.
13.5.1. General. Pre-mishap response planning by safety staffs must address appropriate
participation in all base-level responses, including: Major mishaps. Hazardous materials mishaps. Natural disasters. Nuclear weapons mishaps. Conventional weapons mishaps. Directed Energy Weapons mishaps.
13.5.2. The basic response planning document for Major Accident Response, Natural
Disasters, Enemy Attack, and Distribution is AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management
13.5.3. Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The EOC responds to peacetime major
accidents and natural disasters to provide on-scene command and control of Air Force military
resources and functional expertise. The EOC and its members will meet the requirements in
154 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
AFI 10-2501. Note: Ideally, the safety representative to the EOC should not be responsible for
assembling the interim safety board (ISB). (T-2)
13.5.4. Safety Response to Other than Major Peacetime Accidents. Some mishaps may not
warrant a full activation of the Disaster Response Force (DRF). However, the safety staff may
need some EOC elements to support investigation of these less severe incidents, such as
Combat Camera or Civil Engineering Specialists. Each safety staff should consult with their
supporting readiness and emergency management flight to determine how to formally provide
for partial EOC support when the full DRF is not activated.
13.5.5. Munitions Rapid Response Team. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
Munitions Sustainment Division (AFLCMC/EBH) has developed a conventional munitions
rapid response team to support Air Force units throughout the world anytime a munitions
incident occurs. The team includes experts (engineers, equipment specialists, program
managers and safety personnel) from associated conventional munitions and commodities
programs. These personnel are able to travel anywhere in the world within 24 to 48 hours to
assist safing the affected system, determining cause of failure, and assessing salvage ability of
the system. If your MAJCOM/FOA/DRU or unit has an incident, and this team’s help is
desired, contact the AFLCMC Munitions Operations and Readiness Branch
(AFLCMC/EBHM) via the Global Ammunition Control Point (GACP) Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) System at to request support
or by calling DSN 312-777-AMMO (2666); DSN 312-775-AMMO (2666); Commercial 801-
777-AMMO (2666) or 801-775-AMMO (2666).
13.6. Job Hazard Analysis (JHA).
13.6.1. JHAs are conducted on all work processes, where appropriate, to identify potential
hazards, determine appropriate PPE and include preventative measures in procedures to
mitigate hazards. Part of the JHA process overlaps BE efforts to link tasks to hazards and
identifying Occupational and Environmental Health PPE requirements. The JHA shall involve
BE to avoid duplication of effort and to ensure proper awareness of process changes.
(T-1)Note: A JHA is not required when existing guidance adequately ensures all safety
requirements of an operation or process.
13.6.2. A JHA Guide and worksheet are available at the AF Occupational Safety SharePoint®
website ( Additional information on
JHAs can be found in OSHA 3071, Job Hazard Analysis.
13.7. Risk Assessment Codes (RAC). Note 1: This instruction is not for use for System Safety
processes. Those are addressed in MIL- STD-882E, DoD Standard Practice for System Safety.
Note 2: AF Bioenvironmental Engineering will refer to the latest version of DAFMAN 48-146,
Occupational Health Program, or DoDI 6055.01, DoD Safety and Occupational Health (SOH)
Program, Appendix to Enclosure 3 Determining RACs, to determine appropriate health RACs.
Note 3: This instruction is not for use to determine Fire Safety Deficiencies (FSDs). FSDs are
addressed in AFI 32-10141, Planning and Programming Fire Safety Deficiency Correction
13.7.1. Risk Assessment Codes are an expression of the degree of risk associated with a hazard
that combines hazard severity and mishap probability into a single numeric identifier. RACs
are tools used by fire, safety and health professionals and commanders to prioritize abatement
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 155
plans and mitigate hazards. It may not be possible to assign a RAC to every hazard or
circumstance and the lack of a RAC should not dissuade efforts to mitigate hazards. This instruction describes the basic RACs and provides some guidelines for
assigning priorities based on cost, effectiveness and exposure. The discipline specific
chapters also provide additional guidance for assessing the risks of the applicable hazards. Risk Assessment Codes. Only qualified occupational safety, fire and/or health
personnel shall assign a RAC to each hazard after an evaluation of the concern. (T-2) RACs can be applied to hazards that are not necessarily considered occupational
hazards, but where the RAC is appropriate to ensure CE prioritizes the work to abate the
hazard(s), e.g., military working dogs kennels that pose a hazard to the animals and AF
owned playgrounds where liability to the AF is possible in the case of injury or death.
13.7.2. Safety and fire RACs are determined by plotting the probability (A, B, C or D) that a
mishap will occur and the potential mishap severity (I, II, III or IV) if it does happen (Table
13.1.). FSDs will not be assigned a RAC. Fire safety deficiencies are addressed in AFI 32-
10141, Planning and Programming Fire Safety Deficiency Correction Projects.
Table 13.1. Safety and Ergonomic Hazard Risk Assessment Code Matrix.
Likely to occur
Probably will
occur in time
Possible to
occur in
Unlikely to
Death, permanent total disability,
or loss of facility or asset of
$2,500,000 or more
2 Serious
4 Minor
Permanent partial disability or
major property damage of
$600,000 up to $2,500,000
2 Serious
3 Moderate
4 Minor
Lost workday injury or
compensable injury, or minor
property damage $60,000 up to
2 Serious
3 Moderate
4 Minor
Injury involving first aid or minor
supportive medical treatment, a
minimal threat to personnel or
property (damage up to $60,000),
or a violation of a standard
4 Minor
4 Minor
5 Negligible
13.7.3. Health-related RACs are determined by plotting the health hazard severity and illness
probability categories. For health RAC tables, reference DAFMAN 48-146. DELETED DELETED
13.7.4. Commanders will consider this RAC system when determining which hazards/
deficiencies warrant the expenditure of limited resources. (T-2)
156 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
13.7.5. Assigned RACs 1-3 will be tracked in the installation master hazard abatement plan.
RACs 4 and 5 will be tracked IAW locally prescribed processes. All RACs will be tracked
until completely abated. (T-2)
13.8. Abatement Priority Number (APN).
13.8.1. The APN is a two-part code: the RAC and the Cost Effectiveness Index (CEI). CEI
measures cost effectiveness of a hazard abatement project and represents a ratio of the project
cost and its potential effectiveness. The APN will be used to determine the relative priority of
abatement actions. Use the APN in establishing funding priorities for hazard abatement
projects during the budgetary cycle. Compute APN: Step 1. Determine RAC from Table 13.1, based on mishap severity and
probability of occurrence. (T-2) Step 2. Determine the severity probability multiplier (M) from the matrix in
Table 13.2 using the same severity and probability used to determine the RAC. (T-2)
Table 13.2. Severity and Probability Multiplier Matrix.
0.26 Step 3. Determine exposure I, or the average number of personnel exposed daily
to the hazard during the course of the year. (T-2) Step 4. Determine the total abatement project cost (C). (T-2) If actual costs are
not known, use best available estimate. Step 5. Compute the CEI by dividing the C for abatement by the product of M
and E, or CEI = C/ (M) (E). (T-2) Step 6. Determine APN by listing the RAC followed by the CEI in parenthesis,
or APN = RAC (CEI). (T-2) Step 7. Determine relative priority of abatement projects by comparing the CEI
of projects within identical RACs. (T-2) Note: The lower the CEI, the higher its relative
priority within the same RAC.
13.8.2. To use APNs to establish a priority list of projects, follow these steps: Step 1. Determine RAC. (T-2) Assumptions: Given a hazard that will probably
occur in time (Probability B) and would result in a permanent partial disabling injury
(Severity II) if it resulted in a mishap. Therefore, the assigned RAC from Table 13.1 would
be 2. Step 2. Determine multiplier (M). (T-2) Plot mishap probability (B) versus
hazard severity (II) on to obtain a multiplier of 21. Step 3. Determine exposure (E). (T-2)Assumption: The functional manager or
supervisor determined that on an average day 25 people are exposed to the hazard.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 157 Step 4. Determine the total cost of project (C). (T-2) Example: The total cost of
the project to abate the hazard as provided to the functional manager by CE is $2,100. Step 5. Determine CEI. (T-2)CEI = C/ (M) (E); (M) (E) = 21x25, therefore CEI
= 2100/ (21) (25) = 4. Step 6. Determine APN. (T-2) APN will be (RAC) (CEI) = (2) (4). Step 7. Determine relative priority. (T-2) The APN will now be used to prioritize
this project in relation to other RAC 2s for which APNs have been computed. A
hypothetical priority listing containing this project is shown in Table 13.3.
Table 13.3. Abatement Priority Number Index.
Note: The APN system is not used to compare projects of two different RACs.
13.9. Preparation of Safety Risk Assessments. A risk assessment succinctly documents the
results of several steps in the risk management process and supports follow-on decision-making
processes. A suggested risk assessment layout is show in Figure 13.4.
Figure 13.4. Sample Risk Assessment Layout and Guidance.
Risk Assessment Title
1. Background: Broadly describe the situation being evaluated. Provide sufficient detail so
the remainder of the risk assessment may be easily understood.
2. Hazard Identification: Accurately and succinctly describe the hazard (e.g., deficiency
with engineering design, material, quality, software, operations, maintenance) being analyzed.
3. Initial Risk: Using quantitative (preferred) and qualitative (alternate) means, identify the
probability and severity of a mishap that could result from the hazard, based upon the exposure
of personnel or assets to the identified hazard. Use the baseline or “as designed” state as the
basis for determining the initial risk. Fully explain the methodology used, data considered (e.g.,
reported mishaps/events, deficiency reports, test results, etc.) and rationale for determining
initial risk.
4. Interim Risk: Many times, initial mitigation steps have already been taken prior to the
completion of a written risk assessment. These steps may include permanent risk mitigation
measures or temporary stop-gap risk mitigation measures. Describe these measures and explain
how the initial risk is being mitigated, their effectiveness and the resulting interim risk until
final risk mitigating options can be implemented.
5. Risk Mitigation Options: It is likely several options still exist to mitigate the risk of the
identified hazard. Effective control measures reduce or eliminate one of the three components
(i.e., probability, severity or exposure) of risk. Investigate specific strategies and tools that
reduce, mitigate or eliminate risk. Address each risk mitigation option separately. One option
158 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
to always consider is “taking no further action” which is the equivalent of accepting the initial
risk and acknowledging and accepting projected future losses.
6. For each option, including accepting the initial risk, address:
Description: Describe the option being evaluated.
Impact: Describe the impact of this option. What are its benefits; limitations?
Address its effectiveness and explain how it will eliminate or control future losses. Does it
address other hazards/problems or introduce new ones?
Cost: Estimate the costs (i.e., financial, operational, maintenance) to implement this option.
Schedule: Estimated timeline needed to implement this option.
Target Risk: Great risk mitigation options eliminate hazards and their risk entirely; others
only reduce the risk. Assuming this risk mitigation option is implemented; identify the
probability and severity of a mishap that could result from the hazard based upon the exposure
of personnel or assets to the identified hazard. Fully explain the methodology used (including
analytical assumptions and limitations), data considered, and rationale for determining the
target risk.
Projected Losses: Estimate the projected losses with implementation of this option. Projected
losses quantify the probability of occurrence for a given exposure. Express losses over a period
of time, a number of events, number of flight hours, for a given population, etc. as appropriate.
Fully explain the methodology used, data considered and rationale for determining these
projected losses. Note: If qualitative means were used to determine the probability levels, a
qualitative description of projected future losses may also be used. The projected future losses
should not simply state the MIL-STD-882, or other applicable standard, qualitative probability
levels. Instead, include the proposed exposure and effect of mitigations as appropriate (i.e.,
operating restrictions, remaining life of asset, limited period of test, etc.) to describe and
substantiate the projected future losses.
7. Summary of Options: If the number of risk mitigation options is lengthy, a tabular
summary may be appropriate. Include, as necessary.
8. Recommendation: State the recommended courses of action, including rationale.
9. Endorsements: Document the program office’s preparation and review of the risk
assessment by providing dates, signature blocks and signatures for the risk assessment’s
author, the System Safety Manager, the Chief Engineer, and the Program Manager.
13.10. Safety Release.
13.10.1. Requirements. The Program Manager shall provide a safety release for the system prior to each
developmental and operational test involving personnel. (T-3) The safety release must
identify the known environment, safety and occupational health (ESOH) hazards that may
affect the test and their associated risk acceptance. (T-3) A Safety Release provides the
Test and Evaluation community the known system-related ESOH hazards prior to exposing
people, equipment or the environment. The safety release must transmit system ESOH
hazard data to the operators, maintainers, trainers and testers. (T-3) Test organizations use
the safety release and other relevant data, documents and expertise to assess, further
mitigate and accept test risks as appropriate. Refer to the Defense Acquisition Guidebook,
DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, MIL-STD-882E, DoD
Standard Practice for System Safety, and AFMAN 63-119, Certification of System
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 159
Readiness for Dedicated Operational Testing, for additional information. As a minimum,
the safety release will contain: (T-1) Known hazards and mitigation actions/measures identified and tracked by
the program office (e.g., master hazard list, Safety Assessment Report, SSG tracked
hazards, previous test identified hazards, airworthiness analysis/certificates). A cover letter or equivalent by the PM stating the item/system is safe to
test given known hazards and mitigating measures, signed by the appropriate
acquisition risk acceptance authority (A16.1.2). The PM shall document that the associated risks have been accepted by the
appropriate acquisition acceptance authorities as specified in DoDI 5000.02. (T-2) The
user representative shall be part of this process throughout the life cycle and shall provide
formal concurrence prior to all serious- and high-risk acceptance decisions. (T-2)
13.10.2. Format. The AFSEC recommended format for a safety release is provided in Figure
Figure 13.5. Safety Release Letter (Example).
MEMORANDUM FOR [Test Organization(s)] [Date] FROM: [Organization/Office Symbol]
[Organizational Address]
SUBJECT: [Program Name] [Specific Activity, (e.g., RDT&E, FDE, OA, OT&E)] Safety
Ref: DoDI 5000.02, Operations of Defense Acquisition Systems [include any system safety
and programmatic documentation (e.g., SSHA, SAR, PESHE) used to prepare this document]
1. Purpose. [State the purpose of the program, services involved, which service has lead,
which office has been designated at the Program Office lead. State what time
frame/operations/testing this safety release will cover.]
2. System Description. [Give a brief system description with the name, type, model
number/designation, software version and the system mission (as applicable). Indicate how the
system/materiel works and/or how it will be used/worn/operated.]
3. Discussion. [Discuss sources of data and summarize the open, mitigated and unmitigated
ESOH hazards affecting this safety release. Provide the resultant risk level of those hazards.
Provide which user representative(s) are/were a part of this process and have/will provide
formal concurrence prior to all serious- and high-risk acceptance decisions.]
4. Conclusions/Recommendations. [Indicate whether the system is safe for testing and whether
or not there are any exceptions that need to be detailed. Highlight any known safety problems
requiring additional investigation during test. List any technical or operational limitations or
precautions needed to prevent injury or equipment/property/environmental damage.]
[Org/office] must be immediately notified of any safety related anomalies regarding the use of
the system under test.
5. Point of Contact (POC). The POC is [Program Manager (and System Safety Manager, as
required), office symbol(s), DSN and Commercial phone numbers, e-mail address(es).]
[Signature block of appropriate risk acceptance authority] [Number of attachments]
160 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
1. [List of the appropriate attachments/documents used to support this safety release] Distro:
[List the organizations/office symbols of the user representatives and testing organizations
which will require/coordinate this safety release]
13.11. Launch Vehicle Space Debris Assessment Report (SDAR).
13.11.1. Delivery Requirements Note: SDAR delivery will be IAW the requirements
specified below. The normal schedule is: Preliminary Design Review (PDR) draft SDAR: 30 days prior to the program
or project PDR or equivalent program/project development milestone. The program
manager (PM) receives the draft document and distributes it to the Chief Engineer and
Safety Office and other offices as required. The purpose of preparing the report early in the
design and development process is to ensure early identification of orbital debris issues
when resolutions are least costly to implement. Any orbital debris mitigation compliance
issues not resolved by the PDR require resolution no later than the Critical Design Review
(CDR) or equivalent program/project development milestone. CDR Draft SDAR: 45 days prior to the program or project CDR or equivalent
program/project development milestone. The purpose of the CDR draft is to update and
clarify the issues and changes to the PDR Draft. The PM will submit the CDR draft for
review and concurrence to the Center-level (or equivalent) Chief Engineer, both the Center-
level and NAF-level (or equivalent) Safety Offices, and any other offices as required. Final Launch Vehicle SDAR. The PM will submit the Final Launch Vehicle
(LV) SDAR 30 days prior to the launch approval process (Air Force Operational Readiness
Review, Flight Readiness Review or equivalent) for approval and signature by the
appropriate acquisition authorities (PEO or equivalent, or designated approving official).
Prior to final SDAR approval, the Center (or equivalent) technical and safety subject matter
expert will independently review the final pre-launch SDAR. In addition, in the event of
non-compliance requiring user concurrence on risk acceptance, the MAJCOM/FLDCOM
(or equivalent) technical and/or safety subject matter expert will also review the final PRE-
launch SDAR/EOLP prior to approval. Note: SDARs are not required for suborbital
13.11.2. Format Note: Each LV SDAR will follow the format shown in Table 13.4 below,
and, at a minimum, include the content indicated.
Table 13.4. SDAR Format.
Cover and Front Matter
Cover showing the document version and date of delivery.
Inside cover signed by (at a minimum): document preparer(s), program management, Chief Engineer,
and Safety Office reviewers.
Statement of any restrictions on the data in the SDAR, such as proprietary, International Traffic in
Arms Regulations, or export controls. If the document does not contain any restrictions, then include a
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 161
statement to that effect. If the document does contain restricted information, then summarize and
clearly mark on the page(s) where it occurs and on the cover.
The document history page shows each version of the report. This page will include reviews of the
previous versions by the Chief Engineer or Safety Office.
Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview
a. Identification of the program sponsoring the mission and the PM.
b. Identification of any mission partners’ participation in the program and a summary of the DAF’s
responsibility under the governing agreement(s).
c. Schedule of mission design and development milestones through proposed launch date, including
preliminary design review and critical design review (or equivalent) dates.
d. Summary table indicating compliance or noncompliance with each debris mitigation requirement of
DoDI 3100.12, United States Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices (USG
ODMSP) and this instruction.
e. Brief description of the mission.
f. Identification of the anticipated launch site.
g. Identification of the proposed launch date and mission duration.
h. Description of the launch and deployment profile, including all parking, transfer, and operational
orbits with apogee, perigee, and inclination.
i. Identification of all launch vehicle orbital stages and all other launch vehicle released objects (> 5
mm in diameter), including their orbital parameters, following insertion of the spacecraft into a mission
orbit or into an Earth escape orbit.
j. Identification of any interaction or potential physical interference with other operational spacecraft.
Section 2: Spacecraft Description
a. Brief physical description of the spacecraft, including spacecraft bus, payload, and all appendages,
such as solar arrays, antennas, and instrument or attitude control booms.
b. Illustration of the entire spacecraft in the mission operation configuration.
c. Total spacecraft mass at launch, including all propellants and fluids.
d. Dry mass of spacecraft at launch, excluding solid rocket motor propellants.
e. Description of all propulsion systems (cold gas, monopropellant, bipropellant, electric, nuclear).
f. Identification of any radioactive materials on board.
Section 3: Launch Vehicle ,Description
a. Identification of launch vehicle used.
b. Identification of any upper stages used.
c. Identification of any launch vehicle stage identified for permanent insertion into Earth orbit.
d. Dry mass of each orbital stage after spacecraft deployment.
e. Detailed illustration of each orbital stage.
Section 4: Launch Vehicle Debris Released during Normal Operations Assessment
a. List of any object(s) greater than 5 mm identified for release into Earth orbit from any stage,
including, but not limited to, dual payload attachment fittings and stage separation devices.
b. Rationale/necessity for release of each object.
c. Time of release of each object, relative to launch time.
d. Release velocity of each object with respect to orbital stage.
e. Expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object after release.
f. Calculated orbital lifetime of each debris object until reentry.
g. Assessment of launch vehicle compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG
ODMSP and this instruction, and the rationale for any non-compliances.
162 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Section 5: Launch Vehicle Potential for Explosions and Intentional Breakups Assessment
a. Identification of all potential causes of launch vehicle orbital stage breakup during operations,
including during and after passivation.
b. Summary of failure modes and effects analyses (or equivalent analyses) of all credible failure modes
which may lead to an orbital stage accidental explosion.
c. Detailed plan for any designed orbital stage breakup, including explosions and intentional collisions.
d. Detailed plan, under normal end of life conditions and deployment malfunction scenario, for
passivating each orbital stage, including the depletion of residual propellants and fluids as thoroughly
as possible.
e. Assessment of launch vehicle compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG
ODMSP and this instruction, and the rationale for any non-compliances.
Section 6: Launch Vehicle Potential for On-Orbit Collisions Assessment
a. Calculation of each orbital stage probability of collision with known space objects larger than 10 cm
in diameter during the orbital lifetime. For the assessment of collision probability, the orbital lifetime is
defined as the time from end of launch collision avoidance to atmospheric reentry. The maximum time
period for the assessment is 100 years. The reduction in probability of collision achieved by on-orbit
collision avoidance performed by each orbital stage may be included in this assessment.
b. Assessment of launch vehicle compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG
ODMSP and this instruction, and the rationale for any non-compliances.
Section 7: Launch Vehicle Post-Mission Disposal Plans and Procedures Assessment
a. Description of orbital stage disposal option selected.
b. Plan for any orbital stage maneuvers required to accomplish disposal after end of orbital stage
c. Calculation of area-to-mass ratio after completion of all orbital stage operations, including disposal
maneuvers, if the controlled reentry option not selected.
d. Procedure for executing orbital stage disposal plan, including timeline from final shutdown of each
orbital stage to completion of passivation and disposal operations. This includes, but not limited to
burning residual propellants to depletion, venting propellant lines and tanks, venting pressurized
systems, discharging batteries and preventing recharging, depressurizing gas and liquid filled batteries,
deactivating flight safety systems and de-energizing control moment gyroscopes.
e. Demonstration of reliability of orbital stage disposal operations.
f. Assessment of launch vehicle compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG
ODMSP and this instruction, and the rationale for any non-compliances.
Section 8: Launch Vehicle Reentry Hazards Assessment
Note: If a reentry hazard assessment already exists for an orbital stage, refer to that report and make
any necessary adjustments for orbital inclination and year of reentry.
a. Detailed description of launch vehicle components by size, mass, material, and shape, if atmospheric
reentry option selected.
b. Summary of objects expected to survive an uncontrolled reentry, specifying software tool(s) used for
the analysis (such as NASA Debris Assessment Software, NASA Object Reentry Survival Analysis
Tool, or comparable software).
c. Calculation of expectation of human casualty for the expected year of reentry and the orbital stage
d. If appropriate, preliminary plan for launch vehicle controlled reentry.
e. Assessment of launch vehicle compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG
ODMSP and this instruction, and the rationale for any non-compliances.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 163
Section 9: Reference List
a. Complete reference list of cited material, analysis, requirements, and a list of acronyms.
13.11.3. Review. Note: The Center Chief Engineer in coordination with the Center Safety
Office will review each SDAR delivered and provide recommendations for improvements to
the PM.
13.12. Combined Space Vehicle Space Debris Assessment Report/End-of-Life Plan
(SDAR/EOLP). Note: The SDAR/EOLP will be a living document that evolves with the
13.12.1. Delivery Requirements. Note: Deliver IAW the requirements specified below. The
normal schedule is: Preliminary Design Review (PDR) draft SDAR/EOLP: 30 days prior to the
program or project PDR or equivalent program/project development milestone. The PM
receives the draft document and distributes it to the Chief Engineer and Safety Office, and
other offices as required. The purpose of preparing the report early in the design and
development process is to ensure early identification of orbital debris issues when
resolutions are least costly to implement. Any orbital debris mitigation compliance issues
not resolved by the PDR require resolution no later than the Critical Design Review (CDR)
or equivalent program/project development milestone. CDR Draft SDAR/EOLP: 45 days prior to program CDR for the spacecraft or
equivalent program/project development milestone. The PM will submit the preliminary
draft for review and concurrence to the Center-level (or equivalent) Chief Engineer, both
the Center-level and NAF-level (or equivalent) Safety Offices, and any other offices as
required. Final pre-launch SDAR/EOLP. The PM will submit the final pre-launch
SDAR/EOLP 30 days prior to the launch approval process (Air Force Operational
Readiness Review, Final Readiness Review, or equivalent) for approval and signature by
the appropriate acquisition authorities (PEO or equivalent, or designated approving
official). Prior to final SDAR approval, the Center (or equivalent) technical and safety
subject matter expert will independently review the final pre-launch SDAR. In addition, in
the event of non-compliances requiring user concurrence on risk acceptance, the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM (or equivalent) technical and/or safety SME will also review the final
pre-launch SDAR/EOLP prior to approval. The program office PM will provide the
operational organization that will assume satellite control authority with a copy of the final
SDAR/EOLP prior to the Operational Readiness Review or Final Readiness Review. Note:
SDARs are not required for suborbital missions. The operating unit shall update the SDAR/EOLP at the major program
operational milestones identified in the SDAR/EOLP. Updates shall have the following
title: [date] Update to the SDAR/EOLP. Develop/deliver the final operational SDAR/EOLP IAW USSTRATCOM and
Air Force operational guidance. The Center/NAF/Wing-level (or equivalent) technical and safety SMEs will
independently review each SDAR/EOLP developed/delivered IAW this instruction. (T-3)
164 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
13.12.2. Contents of SDAR/EOLP. Note: Table 13.5 below parenthetically identifies the data
added during operations; the required assessments will reflect achieved operational orbit
parameters and on-orbit state of the spacecraft.
Table 13.5. Contents of SDAR/EOLP.
Combined SDAR/EOLP Cover and Front Matter
Cover showing the document version and date of delivery
Inside cover signed by (at a minimum): document preparer(s), program management, Chief
Engineer, and Safety Office reviewers.
Statement of any restrictions on the data in the SDAR/EOLP such as proprietary, International
Traffic in Arms Regulations, or export controls. If the document does not contain any
restrictions, then include a statement to that effect. If the document does contain restricted
information, then summarize and clearly mark on the page(s) where it occurs and on the cover.
The document history page shows each version of the report. This page will include reviews of
the previous versions by the Chief Engineer or Safety Office.
Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview
a. Identification of the program sponsoring the mission and the PM.
b. Identification of any mission partners’ participation in the program and a summary of the Air Force’s
responsibility under the governing agreement(s).
c. Schedule of mission design and development milestones through proposed launch date, including
spacecraft PDR and CDR (or equivalent) dates.
d. Schedule of mission operational milestones from launch through end of life.
e. Summary table indicating compliance or noncompliance with each debris mitigation requirement of
DoDI 3100.12, USG ODMSP and this instruction.
f. Brief description of the mission.
g. Description of operational orbits with apogee, perigee, and inclination.
h. Chronology of management reviews of the EOLP to include changes in spacecraft operability, which
may affect the ability to passivate and dispose per the plan in Section 6 of the EOLP.
i. Identification of the anticipated launch vehicle and launch site.
j. Identification of the proposed launch date and mission duration.
k. Identification of all released objects (> 5 mm in any dimension), including their orbital parameters
following insertion of the spacecraft into a mission orbit or into an Earth escape orbit.
l. Identification of any interaction or potential physical interference with other operational
Section 2: Spacecraft Description
a. Physical description of the spacecraft, including spacecraft bus, payload, and all appendages, such as
solar arrays, antennas, and instrument or attitude control booms.
b. Detailed illustration of the entire spacecraft in the mission operation configuration.
c. Total spacecraft mass at launch, including all propellants and fluids.
d. Dry mass of spacecraft at launch, excluding solid rocket motor propellants.
e. Total mass of post-passivation spacecraft, including all propellants and fluids.
f. Description of all propulsion systems (cold gas, monopropellant, bipropellant, electric, nuclear).
g. Identification, including mass and pressure, of all fluids (liquids and gases) planned to be on-board
during mission, including end-of-life maneuvers.
h. Description of all fluid systems, including size, type, and qualifications of fluid containers such as
propellant and pressurization tanks.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 165
i. Description of all active and/or passive attitude control systems with an indication of the normal
attitude of the spacecraft with respect to the velocity vector.
j. Description of any range safety or other pyrotechnic devices.
k. Description of the electrical generation and storage system.
l. Identification of any other sources of stored energy not noted above.
m. Identification of any radioactive materials on board.
n. Table of the following on board the spacecraft at time of issue of SDAR/EOLP version,
expected at commencement of passivation, and expected at completion of passivation. (Data to
be updated during operations.)
Pyrotechnic devices
Electrical generation and storage system
Identification of any other sources of stored energy not noted above
Any radioactive materials
o. List of changes in the propulsion systems and energy systems which have occurred since launch.
Include a detailed illustration of the entire spacecraft in the EOL configuration. (Data added during
p. Status of the major systems on board the spacecraft, including any changes in redundancy.
(Data added during operations.)
Section 3: Spacecraft Debris Released On-orbit Assessment
a. Identification of any object (>5 mm in any dimension) expected to release from the spacecraft any
time after launch, including object dimensions, mass, and material.
b. Rationale/necessity for release of each object.
c. Time of release of each object.
d. Release velocity of each object with respect to spacecraft.
e. Expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object after release.
f. Calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in low earth orbit.
g. Assessment of spacecraft compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG
ODMSP and this instruction, and the rationale for any non-compliances.
Section 4: Spacecraft Potential for Explosions and Intentional Breakups Assessment
a. Identification of all potential causes of spacecraft breakup, including during and after passivation.
b. Summary of failure modes and effects analyses (or equivalent analyses) of all credible
failure modes which may lead to an accidental explosion.
c. Detailed plan for any designed spacecraft breakup, including explosions and intentional collisions.
d. List of components identified for passivation at end of life, including method of passivation.
e. Rationale for all items identified for passivation but not designed to be passivated.
f. Assessment of spacecraft compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG
ODMSP and this instruction, and the rationale for any non-compliances.
Section 5: Spacecraft Potential for On-orbit Collisions Assessment
a. Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with known space objects larger than 10 cm in
diameter during the orbital lifetime. For the assessment of collision probability, the orbital lifetime is
defined as the time from end of launch collision avoidance to atmospheric reentry. The maximum time
period for the assessment is 100 years. The reduction in probability of collision achieved by on-orbit
collision avoidance performed by the space vehicle may be included in this assessment.
b. Identification of all systems or components required to accomplish any post-mission disposal
operation, including passivation, and maneuvering.
166 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
c. Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with space objects, including orbital debris and
meteoroids, of sufficient size to prevent post-mission disposal.
d. Assessment of spacecraft compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG
ODMSP and this instruction, and the rationale for any non-compliances.
Section 6: Spacecraft Post-mission Disposal Plans and Procedures Assessment
a. Demonstration of reliability of post-mission disposal operations.
b. Description of spacecraft disposal option selected.
c. Plan for any spacecraft maneuvers required to accomplish post-mission disposal.
d. Calculation of area-to-mass ratio after post-mission disposal, if controlled reentry option not
e. Procedure for executing post-mission disposal plan.
f. Detailed plan for passivation of the spacecraft, including the depletion of residual propellants and
fluids as thoroughly as possible, the disabling of charging circuits, and the de-energizing of rotational
energy sources. This includes, but not limited to burning residual propellants to depletion, venting
propellant lines and tanks, venting pressurized systems, discharging batteries and preventing
recharging, depressurizing gas and liquid filled batteries, deactivating flight safety systems, and de-
energizing control moment gyroscopes.
g. Assessment of spacecraft compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG
ODMSP and this instruction, and the rationale for any non-compliances.
Section 7: Spacecraft Reentry Hazards Assessment
a. Detailed description of spacecraft components by size, mass, material, and shape, if atmospheric
reentry option selected.
b. Summary of objects expected to survive an uncontrolled reentry, specifying software tool(s) used for
the analysis (such as NASA Debris Assessment Software, NASA Object Reentry Survival Analysis
Tool, or comparable software).
c. Calculation of expectation of human casualty for the expected year of reentry and the spacecraft
orbital inclination.
d. If appropriate, preliminary plan for spacecraft controlled reentry.
e. Assessment of spacecraft compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG ODMSP
and this instruction, and the rationale for any non-compliances.
Section 8: Tether Missions Assessment
a. Type of tether (e.g., momentum, electrodynamic).
b. Description of tether system, including (1) tether length, diameter, materials, and design (single
strand, ribbon, multi-strand mesh) and (2) end-mass size and mass remaining at EOL.
c. Determination of minimum size of object that will cause tether severance.
d. Tether mission plan, including duration and post-mission disposal.
e. Probability of tether colliding with large space objects.
f. Probability of tether severance during mission or after post-mission disposal.
g. Maximum orbital lifetime of a severed tether fragment.
h. Assessment of compliance with the relevant paragraphs of DoDI 3100.12, USG ODMSP
and the rationale for any non-compliances.
Section 9: Reference List
a. Complete reference list of cited material, analysis, requirements, and a list of acronyms.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 167
13.12.3. Review. Note: The Center Chief Engineer in coordination with the Center Safety
Office will review each SDAR/FOLP delivered and provide recommendations for
improvements to the PM.
168 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Chapter 14
14.1. Job Safety Training Outline.
14.1.1. Training Requirements. Supervisors will provide and document safety training to all
newly assigned individuals (i.e., PCS, PCA or work center change to include deployment) on
the hazards of their job before they start work and immediately when there is a change in
equipment, processes, work environment or safety, fire and health requirements. Refresher
training will be conducted and documented when employees demonstrate a lack of
understanding of their required safety responsibilities or training such as is called for in
AFMAN 91-203, Chapter 21, Hazardous Energy Control, has a specified frequency for
recurrence. (T-1) Supervisors will review and update the JSTO annually and/or when there is a
change in equipment, processes or safety, fire and health requirements, to include
procedural input as a result of a completed JHA. JSTO reviews will be accomplished by
the supervisor and documented with the date of review and the person conducting the
review. Safety, fire protection and health personnel will provide technical assistance to
supervisors in developing a training outline to meet AFI/AFOSH requirements. JSTOs will
be reviewed by safety inspectors during the scheduled safety assessment. (T-1) Document safety, fire and health training as specified in paragraph
Documentation will be maintained by the supervisor within the work center. (T-2) Designated Employee Representatives. The civilian personnel flight will
schedule and monitor safety, fire protection and health training for employee
representatives. (T-0)Upon request, coordinate training for designated representatives of
civilian employees to assist in maintaining safe and healthful workplaces. The extent of
such training will depend on local needs, but can typically be met by attendance at
Supervisor Safety Training. General Safety Education and Training Courses are listed in paragraph 14.3.
Supervisors/instructors will document employee training. (T-2) Documentation may be
accomplished using the AF Form 1286, Safety Education/Training Roster, or equivalent
14.1.2. Mandatory Items. The Job Safety Training Outline will be developed and used by
supervisors to instruct all employees on work place specific hazards upon initial assignment and
when work conditions or tasks change. The items below are mandatory, minimum topics the
supervisor must ensure their employees receive training on prior to performing tasks in the work
center. Topics addressed by other sources can be directly referenced in the JSTO to prevent
redundancy and still adequately cover the required topics. Document training as specified in
paragraph Deployed and installation commanders may dictate more stringent
requirements. (T-1) Describe hazards of the job that apply to their work place. (T-1) Specific hazards such as crushing hazards, burn hazards, chemical
exposure, ladder use and falls, etc.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 169 Hazards in the work environment such as flight line issues, weather
hazards, loud noises in the shop, etc. Applicable safety guidance such as TOs, job guides, JHAs, manufacturer’s
instructions, etc. Describe hierarchal controls used to reduce hazard potential of these work
place hazards IAW the following concepts (Refer to AFMAN 48-146 and AFPAM 90-
803 for additional and detailed guidance): Elimination. (T-1) Engineering controls. (T-1) Substitution.(T-1) Administrative controls. (T-1) Required use of PPE as determined by a JHA, requirements directed by TO, job
order or instruction, recommendations from the safety office and BE. Training must include donning, doffing, cleaning, maintaining, storing and
disposal of PPE. Personnel who wear contact lens or have medical conditions or take
medications that may affect the use or wear of PPE will be reminded that they must
notify their supervisor immediately. (See paragraph Emergency action and fire prevention plans applicable to the work place; refer
to emergency management plans for additional information. Location and use of
emergency and fire protection equipment (i.e. alarms, AEDs and extinguishers) will also
be addressed. (T-1) Requirements for reporting unsafe equipment, conditions or procedures to
supervisor immediately. Procedures must include notification to employees that reporting
unsafe conditions or work related injury or illnesses can be reported without fear of
retaliation. (T-0) Purpose and location of AF Form 457, USAF Hazard Report. (T-1) Purpose and means to access the ASAP process. (T-1) Requirements and procedures for reporting mishaps, occupational injury,
occupational illness, and OSHA recordable events such as: minimum stress and strain,
terrorist acts, and work place violence without fear of coercion, discrimination or reprisal.
(T-1) Address specific requirements for on- and off-duty regular Air Force
employees and on-duty only for civilians. Location of medical facilities and procedures for obtaining treatment. (T-1) Emergency procedures which apply to the work center: Means to summon emergency service, i.e. 911, on-base number for cell
phones, etc.
170 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Evacuation routes and meet-up points. Shelter in place locations. Active shooter response methods. Purpose and location of the CA-10, What a Federal Employee Should do When
Injured at Work and Form LS-201, Notice of Employee’s Injury or Death (Non-
Appropriated Funds), if applicable. (T-1) Requirements of Air Force Traffic Safety Program (Reference: AFI 91-207).
Include mandatory use of seat belts and helmets, speed limits, local traffic hazards, spotters
while backing and vehicle training requirements. Additionally, brief
prohibition/restrictions on use of electronic devices while operating vehicles on- or off-
base and discuss motorcycle safety training requirements before riding a motorcycle. (T-1) Location and content of Air Force Visual Aid (AFVA) 91-209, Air Force
Occupational Safety and Health Program. (T-1) AFSMS Responsibilities, discuss how leaders, supervisors and airmen will
participate in the unit safety management system and work towards continual
improvement. (See paragraph 13.1.)
14.1.3. Job Specific Training Items. Supervisors will provide specific training based on the
program requirements of the work place, provide application-level training, and document
prior to employee performing task. If the Career Field Education Training Plan (CFETP)
covers a particular training program, then no additional documentation beyond the CFETP is
required. Note: Subjects listed below may not be mandatory for every job, but are dependent
upon the type job/tasks individuals will be performing. Items listed below may not be all
inclusive, refer to specific program requirements. (T-2) Hazardous Energy Control. Reference: 29 CFR §1910.147 and AFMAN 91-203,
Chapter 21, Hazardous Energy Control. (T-2) Hazard Communication. Reference: AFI 90-821, Hazard Communication, and
29 CFR § 1910.1200. (T-2) Bloodborne Pathogens. Reference: 29 CFR § 1910.1030. (T-2) Hearing Conservation. Reference: AFI 48-127, Occupational Noise and Hearing
Conservation Program. (T-2) Confined Space Program (Entrant, Attendant, Supervisor, Monitor and Rescue
Team). Reference: AFMAN 91-203, Chapter 23, Confined Spaces, and 29 CFR §
1910.146. (T-2) Manual and Powered Hoists. Reference: AFMAN 91-203, Chapter 35, Material
Handling Equipment. (T-2) Respiratory Protection Program. Use AF Form 2767, Occupational Health
Training and Protective Equipment Fit Testing (LRA). Reference: AFI 48-137, Respiratory
Protection Program. (T-2)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 171 Vehicle Mounted Elevated Work Platforms, Self-Propelled and Manual
Platforms. Reference: AFMAN 91-203, Chapter 16, Mobile Elevating Work Platforms.
(T-2) Fall Arrest System(s). Reference: AFMAN 91-203, Chapter 13, Fall Protection,
29 CFR 1910.66 and 29 CFR 1926.503. (T-2) Forklift (Material Handling Equipment). Reference: AFMAN 91-203, Chapter
35, and 29 CFR 1910.178. (T-2) Explosives Safety Training. Reference: AFMAN 91-201, Explosives Safety
Standards, and this instruction. (T-2) Pole/Tower Climbing. Reference: AFMAN 91-203, Chapter 30,
Communication Cable, Antenna and Communication Systems. (T-2) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training. Reference: AFMAN 91-203,
Chapter 1, Introduction. (T-2) Flight Line Driving. Reference: AFMAN 91-203, Chapter 24, Aircraft Flight
Line – Ground Operations and Activities, and other governing directives. (T-2) Fetal Protection Program. Job Specific. Reference: AFMAN 48-146,
Occupational & Environmental Health Program Management. Note: Air Force Reserve
AFRCI 41-104, Pregnancy of Air Force Reserve Personnel. (T-2) Medical Surveillance Examination (Scheduling, Administration, Reporting and
Follow-up). Reference: AFI 48-145, Occupational and Environmental Health Program.
(T-2) Electromagnetic Field Training (EMF). Reference: AFI 48-109,
Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMFR) Occupational and Environmental Health
Program. (T-0) Laser Safety Training. Reference: AFI 48-139, Laser and Optical Radiation
Protection Program. (T-0) As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) Ionizing Radiation Training.
Reference: AFI 48-148, Ionizing Radiation Protection. (T-2)
14.1.4. Documentation of Training. Document training as specified in paragraph
14.1.5. Maintenance and Disposition of Training Documentation Product. Maintain as
prescribed by the records disposition schedule
(, Table & Rule: T 91 - 04 R 24.00
or T 91 - 04 R 25.00. Supervisors will maintain the training documentation as prescribed in
paragraph When an individual deploys/transfers to another Air Force
position/location, the training documentation will be transferred physically or electronically
by the old supervisor to the individual who will provided the records to the new supervisor
upon arrival to deployed location or new base. The new supervisor will review the training
documentation product, transfer current training completion dates as necessary and initial
Hazardous Communication (HAZCOM) date and other one-time training to a new training
documentation product if necessary and retain the old product IAW the Air Force Records
172 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Disposition Schedule. The supervisor will provide a copy to personnel who separate or retire
and destroy the training documentation product after one year. (T-3)
14.2. Continuing Education and Training Courses.
Table 14.1. Continuing Career Safety Professional Development (Recommended Safety
Course Subjects Topics
Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the General Industry
Occupational Safety and Health for Other Federal Agencies
Introduction to industrial Hygiene for Safety Personnel
Principles of Ergonomics Applied to Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety
National Electric Code 9NEC) Electrical Standards
Collateral Duty Course for other Federal Agencies
Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout Tagout)
Machinery and Machine Guarding Standards
Hazard Evaluation and Risk Assessment
Permit-Required Confined Space Entry
OSHA Recordkeeping and Inspections
Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control
Environmental Compliance Assessment
Disaster Site Worker Train-the-Trainer
Evacuation and Emergency Planning
Hazardous Waste Management
Scaffolding, Cranes and Rigging
Excavation and Trenching
Traffic Control Technician
Health Hazard Awareness
Respiratory Protection
Fall Arrest Systems
Voluntary Protection Programs
Risk Management
Advanced Fault Tree Analysis
Software System Safety Analysis
System Safety/Reliability Analysis Course
System Safety Short Courses
Laser/Directed Energy Safety
Hazard Identification and Documentation
Hazard Tracking and Reporting
Risk Assessment Review & Acceptance Process
System Safety Groups
Space Safety Management
Weapon/Explosive Integration onto Weapon Systems
Other (may include management, writing and other courses designed to improve safety professional
management and/or technical skills)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 173
Table 14.2. Continuing Career Safety Professional Development (AFSEC Courses
Awarding Continuing Education Units).
Aircraft Mishap Investigation Course (AMIC)
Aviation Safety Program Management (ASPM)
Mishap Investigation Non-Aviation (MINA)
Space Mishap Investigation Course (SMIC)
Safety Managers Course (SMC)
Introduction to Mishap Investigation (IMI)
Risk Management Application and Integration (RM A&I)
Board President Course (BPC)
Chief of Safety
Air Reserve Component Chief of Safety (ARCCoS)
ACC Occupational Safety Program Management Course (OSPM))
Human Factors (HF)
Ammo-47 Air Force Electrical Explosive Safety (44E-F37/645-F21 [MC])
14.3. Safety Education and Training. Air Force Catalog (AFCAT), USAF Formal Schools
found at the following website (formerly AFCAT 36-2223), outlines
specific safety-related courses (those listed below with a number designation). Refer to the
AFCAT for full course descriptions and prerequisites. Training in System Safety (CLE 009) is
available from Defense Acquisition University ( Organizations responsible
for course management are indicated next to each course.
Table 14.3. Mishap Investigation.
Course Name
AFCAT Number
Safety and Accident Investigation Board President Course
Aircraft Mishap Investigation Course (AMIC)
Mishap Investigation Non-Aviation (MINA) Course
Aircraft Mishap Investigation and Prevention (AMIP)
Clinical Psychologist
B3OZY42P3 003
Aircraft Mishap Investigation and Prevention (AMIP)
Aerospace Physiologist
B3OZY43A 003
Aircraft Mishap Investigation and Prevention (AMIP)
USAF Medical Investigator (Flight Surgeon)
B3OZY48G3 003
Aircraft Mishap Investigation and Prevention (AMIP) Non-
USAF Medical Investigator (Flight Surgeon or other
B3OZY48G3 010
Life Sciences Equipment Investigation Course (LSEIC)
J3AZR1P071 0L1A
Table 14.4. Unit Safety Representative (USR).
Course Name
Owning Organization
Supplemented with MAJCOM/DRU/FOA/local requirements
174 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Table 14.5. Aviation.
Course Name
AFCAT Number
Security Assistance Training Program (SATP)
International Flight Safety Officer (IFSO) Course
Air Combat Command (ACC) Flight Safety Program
Management Course
DCMA Aviation Safety Officer Course, ASO
Air Reserve Component Chief of Safety Course
Aviation Safety Program Manager’s Course
Inter-European Aviation Safety Program Management
Table 14.6. Occupational.
Course Name
AFCAT Number
Safety Apprentice
L3ALR1S031 0S2B
Safety Craftsman
L3ACR1S071 0S2B
OSHA Training Institute (OTI
National Safety Council (NSC) Safety Training Institute
(Refer to OSHA Training Institute catalog)
Advanced Occupational Safety (Refer to NSC Safety
Training Institute course catalog)
Radiation Safety Officer Course
ACC Occupational Safety Program Management Course
3J5ACC1S0X1 000
Table 14.7. Weapons.
Course Name
AFCAT Number
Weapons Safety Management Course
L3AZR2W071 0C2A
ACC Weapons Safety Program Management Course
3J5ACC2W0X1 000
Lightning Protection for Air Force Facilities (AMMO-47
J5AZB3E051 00AA
Table 14.8. Space.
Course Name
Owning Organization
Space System Safety Course
Space Safety Course
Space Mishap Investigation Course
Table 14.9. System Safety.
Course Name
Owning Organization
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 175
Course Name
Owning Organization
USC Viterbi School of Engineering (System Safety
Certificate and courses)
Table 14.10. Management.
Course Name
AFCAT Number
Chief of Safety (COS) Course
Safety Manager Course (SMC)
Table 14.11. Risk Management (RM).
Course Name
AFCAT Number
AF RM Fundamentals Course
ADLS (under Misc.
AF RM Application and Integration Course (RM A&I) – on
Table 14.12. Other.
Course Name
AFCAT Number
Operational Safety, Suitability and Effectiveness (OSS & E)
Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health (ESOH)
Compliance Assessments
Supervisor Safety Training Course (SST)
ACC Aircrew Flight Equipment Program Manager’s Course
3J5ACC1P0X1 000
14.4. 1S0X1 Retrainee Evaluation Process. The local Occupational Safety Manager (OSM) or
designated representative will act as initial Evaluating Agent for retraining applicants. (T-3)
14.4.1. The Evaluating Agent will: Ask the applicant’s immediate supervisor to appraise his or her work
performance, attitude and overall character, and review the applicant’s last 3-5 enlisted
performance reports. (T-3) Provide applicant a briefing on Safety programs and responsibilities. (T-3)
Discuss the safety career field and answer any questions. Determine if applicant has
problems which would preclude working nights, holidays, standby, TDY, overseas
assignments or deployments. Also, problems with prolonged standing or walking or other
medical problems which would affect work performance. Establish and document an observation period for all applicants under
consideration for retraining. (T-3) The applicant must complete a three to seven day
assessment period with the local Safety office before the Evaluating Agent can make a
recommendation. (T-3) Note: Exception to the assessment period will be approved by
AFSEC/CFM. Provide meaningful, structured activities which assist in assessing the applicant’s
suitability for the Safety career field. (T-3) The activities will consist of:
176 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 An assessment of the applicant’s communication skills and his/her abilities
to write and speak clearly and distinctly. Applicant will write a memorandum stating their reasons for wanting
to retrain into the career field. (T-3)Memorandum will include strengths, areas for
improvement and what the applicant can contribute to improve the safety program.
(T-3) Applicant will instruct and lead some portion of a safety class or
meeting. (T-3) Introduction to inspection/spot inspection process. Applicant will review
annual reports, conduct follow up for the open write-ups and conduct spot inspections.
(T-3) Familiarization to flightline/maintenance/industrial areas. Applicant will
visit flightline/maintenance/industrial areas as deemed appropriate by the Evaluating
agent. (T-3) Note: This may be incorporated into paragraph Introduction to mishap investigation. Applicant will partake in the
investigation and processing of a mishap. (T-3)Preferably a real mishap, but a training
scenario may be used. This includes an AFSAS familiarization session, reviewing
mishap findings to establish causal factors and a mishap summary/out-brief to the Chief
of Safety. Note: This activity will include briefing applicant on what to expect at a
mishap scene. (T-3) Introduction to Hazard Abatement Program. Applicant will assign a RAC
to a hazard (actual or simulated) based on an assessment of the mishap potential and its
severity. (T-3) Applicant will also process AF Forms 457 and 1118. (T-3)
14.4.2. At the end of the evaluation period, the Evaluating Agent will provide the servicing
FSS with a memorandum summarizing the following areas based on research and structured
activities: Recommendation/Non-Recommendation of applicant’s request for retraining.
(T-3) Assessment of applicant’s structured activities. (T-3) Assessment of applicant’s written communication skills. (T-3) Overall assessment of the appearance, moral standards, military conduct and
bearing. (T-3)
Figure 14.1. 1S0 Safety Retraining Memorandum (Example).
SUBJECT: 1S0 Safety Retraining Memorandum
1. I recommend/non-recommend
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 177
2. Applicant:
(Applicant’s Rank and name) request for retraining.
a. (Did/did not) complete the three to seven day assessment period.
b. (Has/does not have) ability to meet the needs of the Safety career field.
c. (Has/does not have) appearance, moral standards, military conduct and bearing to meet the
needs of the Safety career field.
3. I interviewed applicant’s immediate supervisor and foresee no problems OR have reason for
concern. Explain:
4. Applicant received a briefing on Safety programs and responsibilities and has/has no
problems which would preclude working nights, holidays, standby, TDY, overseas
assignments or deployments.
5. If you have questions please contact me at DSN: xxx-xxxx.
14.5. Supervisor Safety Training. This course trains supervisors in management skills needed
to implement safety policies and programs. It develops skills to recognize, control, report and
eliminate hazards. MAJCOMs/FOAs/DRUs and installations with unique requirements will
supplement this training with those requirements. (T-0)This two part course includes a Computer
Based Training found on ADLS, and a classroom portion conducted by the safety office.
14.5.1. Personnel required to attend: Noncommissioned officers and Senior Airmen when first assigned a supervisory
position. (T-0) Commissioned officers when first assigned as a supervisor. (T-0) Civilian personnel (DAF, NAF, foreign national) upon initial assignment to a
14.5ervisory position. (T-0) Any supervisor needing refresher training or who demonstrates a lack of safety
knowledge. (T-0)
14.5.2. Administration. Unit commanders ensure eligible personnel are identified and course scheduling
is arranged with the installation occupational safety office.
178 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 The safety staff allocates quotas, giving priority to newly assigned supervisory
personnel. Prior to attending the classroom portion training held by the safety office,
attendees must complete the computer-based training (CBT) located on ADLS. (T-1)The
student will ensure a copy of the CBT certificate is provided to the safety office prior to
attending the face-to-face course. (T-2) Safety offices will use the AF Form 1286, Safety Education/Training Class
Roster, or another equivalent product for attendee sign-in. (T-2)
14.5.3. Documenting Training. Safety staffs will provide confirmation of training upon completion of the course
to all attendees. This may include a copy of the classroom roster, email product, certificate,
etc. Safety staffs will use training rosters to update completion of SST in the Military
Personnel Data System in accordance with PSDM 20-03, MilPDS Access Control Policy,
Table 1. (T-1) Supervisors of military personnel will ensure documentation IAW paragraphs and (T-2) Supervisors of civilian personnel will document this training in the employee’s
AF Form 971, Supervisor’s Employee Brief, or equivalent product. (T-2) Supervisors of military and civilian personnel will ensure training completion
dates are transcribed to new documentation tool upon reassignment to a new duty location
or station.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 179
Chapter 15
15.1. Instructions for Completing AF Form 1118, Notice of Hazard.
15.1.1. AF Form 1118. Qualified occupational safety, fire protection and health (BE, PH,
flight surgeon and/or occupational medicine physician) officials are the sole issuing authorities
for AF Form 1118.
15.1.2. Control Number. The control number for the AF Form 1118 will be the agency code
(S, F, H), date of hazard identification and sequential number, e.g., S-20061201-1. The
numbering system will coincide with the corresponding Hazard Abatement Plan (AF Form 3).
15.1.3. Location. Note the building number, room number and function involved where the
hazard is located, and nomenclature of the hazardous item or procedure, e.g., Building 18,
Room 217, CE Carpenter Shop, Table Saw.
15.1.4. Hazardous Condition. Describe in detail the nature of the hazard, including a reference
to the standard or requirement violated, if any. (T-2)
15.1.5. Risk Assessment Code. List RAC, followed by RAC description, e.g., “1
(Critical/Imminent Danger).” (T-2)
15.1.6. Interim Control Measures. Identify temporary measures needed to reduce the degree
of risk associated with the hazard to an "acceptable degree” until permanent corrective actions
are implemented. (T-2) Assigned RAC will remain until completely abated even though
interim control measures are in effect.
15.1.7. Permanent Corrective Action. List the action that will permanently eliminate the
identified hazard. Include associated document number, e.g., install new exhaust system; CE
work order and project number. (T-2)
15.1.8. Contact Point. Name, grade, office symbol and telephone number of individual
responsible for elimination of the hazard.
15.1.9. Estimated Completion Date. Self-explanatory.
15.2. Instructions for Completing AF Form 3, Hazard Abatement Plan.
15.2.1. The AF Form 3 is for an identified RAC 1, 2 or 3 hazard requiring more than 30
calendar days to abate. The form then becomes part of the installation’s formal master hazard
abatement plan. The AF Form 3 may be used for RAC 4 or 5 hazards or deficiencies. Electronic
systems that collect identical data and can produce a hard copy of AF Form 3 may be used.
15.2.2. Prepare a separate AF Form 3 for each individual hazard. (T-2)
15.2.3. The commander or functional manager ensures AF Form 3, Parts I and II, are
completed in as much detail as possible and then sent to the appropriate installation safety, fire
protection or health office: Part IHazard Information. Item 1 Type of Hazard. Select the type hazard from the drop-down menu.
(T-2) Indicate whether the hazard is part of a facility, property, traffic, etc. (T-2)
180 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Item 2 Category. Select appropriate category from the drop-down menu:
Safety, Fire or Health. (T-2) Item 3 Control Number. The control number will coincide with the AF
Form 3 issued by the installation safety office, leave blank unless provided by the safety
office. Item 4 Date. Use the drop-down calendar to select the date this form was
initiated. (T-2) Item 5 Date Hazard Discovered. Use the drop-down calendar to select the
date this hazard was discovered. (T-2) Item 6 Risk Assessment Code (RAC). Use the drop down menu and
select appropriate RAC (i.e., 1 (I, A), 3 (II, C), etc.) as provided by safety, fire or health
officials. (T-2) Item 7 Discovery Method. Use the drop-down menu to select method
indicating how the hazard was originally identified. (T-2) Item 8 Exposure. Enter the average number of personnel exposed to the
hazard daily. (T-2) Item 9 Description of Hazard. Provide a word description of the hazard
to illustrate its potential impact if not abated. (T-2)This includes the condition,
procedure or practice that creates a potential for producing death, injury, illness, fire,
property, equipment or environmental damage. Item 10 Organization. List the organization responsible for the hazard
abatement. (T-2) Item 11 Office Symbol. Self-explanatory. Item 12 Facility Number. Enter facility number, leave blank if not in a
facility. (T-2) Item 13 Specific Location/Description. Provide additional descriptor,
i.e., NE corner, etc. (T-2) Item 14 Functional Manager/POC Name. Last, First, Middle Initial. See
Attachment 1, Terms, for definition. Item 15 – Grade/Rank. Enter the appropriate Grade/Rank. (T-2) Item 16 – Duty Phone. Item 17 Signature. Select electronic signature. Part IIAbatement Information. Item 18 Interim Control Measures. List all temporary measures taken to
reduce the risk associated with the hazard pending completion of permanent abatement
action (i.e., issuance of specific PPE, termination of operations, specific work-around
procedures, etc.). (T-2)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 181 Item 19 Residual RAC Level. Select the Residual RAC Level after
Interim Control Measures are applied to the hazard. (T-2)Note: Interim controls do
not reduce original RAC level. The Residual RAC level must be a RAC 4, 5 or lower. Item 20 Description of Permanent Abatement Action. Provide a
description of the permanent abatement action taken or programmed to eliminate or
reduce the hazard. (T-2) Item 21 Method of Abatement. Select from the drop-down menu to
method used to abate the hazard, e.g., CE Work Order, Local Purchase, military
construction (MILCON) project, etc. (T-2) Item 22 Project/Work Order number. Self-explanatory. Item 23 Status of Project/Work Order #. Using the drop-down menu,
enter the status of the abatement project, i.e., awaiting materials, under construction, in
design, in review, unfunded, etc. (T-2) Item 24 Project Cost. Indicate total cost associated with project identified
in Item 22. (T-2)If actual costs are not known, use best available estimate. Item 25 Abatement Cost (if different from project cost). If the cost to
abate the hazard is not the total cost of the project, enter only the cost associated with
correction of the hazard. (T-2)For example, a $500,000 facility renovation project will
correct hazardous electrical wiring estimated to cost $25,000. Item 24 would show
$500,000 and Item 25 would show $25,000. If actual costs are not known, use best
available estimate. Item 26 Estimated Date of Completion. Use the drop-down calendar to
select the projected date of completion. (T-2) Part IIIFor Safety/Fire/Health Use: Item 27 – Severity. Use Table 13.2. Item 28 – Probability. Use Table 13.2. Item 29 Multiplier. Use Table 13.2. Item 30 Exposure. Same as Item 8. Item 31 Cost. Abatement Cost. Same as Item 25. Item 32 RAC. Same as Item 6. Item 33 Cost Effectiveness Index (CEI). See paragraph Item 34 Abatement Priority Number (APN). See paragraph 13.8.2 and
Table 13.3. Part IVSemi-Annual Review Records: Item 35 Status of Project/Work Order #. Use drop-down to select the
current status of the project (i.e., awaiting materials, under construction, in design, in
review, unfunded, etc.). (T-2)
182 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 Item 36 Comments Regarding Progress. Enter any comments regarding
progress of abatement actions. (T-2) Item 37 Date. Item 38 Commander/Functional Manager Name. Last, First, Middle
Initial. Item 39 - Grade/Rank. Enter the appropriate Grade/Rank. (T-2) Item 40 – Duty Phone. Item 41 Signature. Select electronic signature. (T-2) Item 42 Other Related Notes. Use this area to add any additional
comments regarding the status of the hazard abatement process. Part VHazard Closure. Item 43 Hazard Closed and Verified By: Enter name of qualified safety,
fire or health official that verified hazard is fully abated. (T-2)Last, First, Middle Initial
and Office Symbol. Item 44 – Grade/Rank. Enter the appropriate Grade/Rank. (T-2) Item 45 Signature. Select electronic signature. Item 46 Date Hazard Fully Abated. Use drop-down calendar to select
completion date. (T-2)
15.3. Pre-Departure Travel Safety (Examples Only). The Pre-Departure Travel Safety
Program is a recommended management tool for commanders and supervisors. It helps military
and civilian employees on orders, especially those under the age of 26, reduce the potential for a
traffic mishap by identifying and mitigating risks involving travel by private motor vehicle for
leave, PCS and temporary duty assignments.
15.3.1. Overview. Commanders, managers and supervisors will help guide and mentor
employees in applying personal RM when planning for a trip. (T-3)Consider the following
factors to guide the discussion on assessing risk and identifying mitigating strategies, but also
consider and address other factors based on the unique nature of each situation. This interactive
briefing may be documented on AF Form 4392, Pre-Departure Safety Briefing Form. Another
tool for commanders and supervisors to consider is use of the Travel Risk Planning System
(TRiPS) program to assist in travel planning for all personnel. TRiPS is accessed through the
Army Safety portal ( Urge the driver to carefully and thoroughly plan the trip, allowing time for rest
prior to departure and to take a break at least every two hours. Travelers are not to drive more than 10 hours during any 24-hour period.
Motorcyclists are highly encouraged to travel fewer hours. Highly recommend that
travelers get a good night’s sleep (7-8 hours) while traveling. Airmen must ensure they have sufficient funds available to cover expenses (a
shortage of funds often leads to exhausting, marathon driving). (T-3)
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 183 Travelers must check the weather forecast and road conditions for the intended
route of travel. (T-3) Discourage driving during late night hours. Remind the traveler that there is a
greater chance to encounter impaired (intoxicated, fatigued) drivers on the road at night
than during the day. Stress the value of occupant restraint devices (mandatory for military personnel),
including child restraints and the use of helmets and personal protective equipment by
motorcyclists; review the hazard of reduced visibility due to factors such as darkness,
weather, sun glare; and touch on the issue of being alert for road hazards such as animals
crossing the roadway, stalled or slow-moving vehicles, and so forth. Stress the importance of vehicle condition vehicle defects also contribute to
mishaps. Discuss the main causes of injury and death by vehicle mishaps in the Air Force,
which include speeding or excessive speed for conditions, fatigue, inattention or
distraction, not wearing seatbelts and the effects of medication and alcohol.
15.3.2. Additional Information. Advise the member to contact their unit commander, first
sergeant, flight commander, immediate supervisor or command post in the event of a mishap
or if an emergency situation arises. Ensure the individual is provided the phone numbers of the
points of contact.
15.4. Air Force Off-Duty High-Risk Activities Program. The Off-duty High Risk Activity
(HRA) Program is a recommended management tool for commanders and supervisors. The intent
of the program is to ensure participants are familiar with the hazards and injury potential associated
with their particular activity. This program is intended for military personnel only.
15.4.1. High-Risk Activities. These are activities having a higher potential for personal injury
due to the level of competition, speed, risk or skills needed and requiring greater agility,
stamina and dexterity. Some examples of high-risk activities are flying civil aircraft, hang
gliding, skydiving, mixed martial arts (MMA) fighting, parasailing, white-water rafting,
motorcycle and auto racing, scuba diving, bungee jumping, bronco and bull riding, and extreme
sports or any activity identified by the commander. Note: MAJCOM/FOA/DRU can
determine within the command what are considered high risk activities.
15.4.2. Commander/Supervisor Responsibility. Commanders or supervisors will ensure all
personnel are briefed about the HRA program regardless of their participation in high-risk
activities. (T-3)Each individual should be surveyed and if it is determined they are actively
engaged or about to engage in an HRA they should meet one on one with their commander or
supervisor. Ideally implemented, an HRA interview is not a briefing. It is for the purpose
determining the mental and physical readiness, and situational awareness preparedness of
participants before the HRA occurs. The interviewer can discuss with the interviewee the risks
of the activities and ascertain some idea of the likelihood that the participant can enjoy the
activity without an unacceptable level of risk. Through this process the interviewer can
determine such things as level of experience, knowledge of PPE requirements, physical safety
aspects of the area of participation, level of supervision or oversight by qualified professional
staffs or officials, rules or recommended practices of professional organizations, and so on. It
is also a chance to discuss the mental and physical preparedness of the participant. If
184 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
interviewers determine participants are not adequately trained or are inexperienced, they
should encourage participants to seek additional training through a nationally recognized
institute before participating in the activity.
15.4.3. Individual Responsibility. Individuals planning to engage in high-risk activities, such
as those described in paragraph 15.4.1, will be encouraged to inform his or her immediate
supervisor, and schedule an interview with their supervisor, squadron commander or designee.
The individual engaging in a high-risk activity is responsible for applying sound RM practices
to avoid jeopardizing life or limbs and their ability to perform their Air Force duties.
15.4.4. Documentation. AF Form 4391, High-Risk Activities Worksheet, may be used to
document the briefing, completed by the squadron commander, individual’s supervisor, safety
officer or training manager.
Major General, USAF
Chief of Safety
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 185
Attachment 1
5 USC § 552, Public Information; Agency Rules, Opinions, Orders, Records, and Proceedings
5 USC § 552a, Records Maintained on Individuals
10 USC § 1588, Authority to Accept Certain Voluntary Services
22 USC § 2751, Need for International Defense Cooperation and Military Export Controls;
Presidential Waiver; Report to Congress; Arms Sales Policy, (Chapter 39, Arms Export Control)
50 USC § 2401, Establishment and Mission
29 CFR Part 1904, Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
29 CFR Part 1960, Basic Program Elements for Federal Employees OSHA
29 CFR § 1960.7, Financial Management
29 CFR § 1960.25, Qualifications of Safety and Health Inspectors and Agency Inspections 29
CFR § 1960.56, Training of Safety and Health Specials
Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of the Air Force and the Federal Aviation
Administration on Safety for Space Transportation and Range Activities, 16 January 2001
OSHA 3071, Job Hazard Analysis, 2002
Public Law 104-191, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, September
Title 5, Administrative Personnel, Code of Federal Regulations Part 339, Medical Qualification
Title 51, USC, National and Commercial Space Programs, 18 December 2010
DESR 6055.09, Volume 1, General Explosives Safety Information and Requirements, 13 January
DoD 1342.6-M, Administrative and Logistic Responsibilities for DoD Dependents Schools,
August 1995
DoD 6055.05-M, Occupational Medical Examinations: Medical Surveillance and Medical
Qualifications, 27 July 2022
DoDD 3100.10, Space Policy, 18 October 2012
DoDD 3200.11, Major Range and Test Facility Base (MRTFB), 27 December 2007
DoDD 5000.01, The Defense Acquisition System, 12 May 2003
DoDD 5030.61, DoD Airworthiness Policy, 24 May 2013
DoDI 1400.25-V810, DoD Civilian Personnel Management System: Injury Compensation, 12
April 2005
186 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
DoDI 3100.11, Management of Laser Illumination of Objects in Space, 24 October 2016
DoDI 3100.12, Space Support, 14 September 2000
DoDI 3200.18, Management and Operation of the Major Range and Test Facility Base
(MRTFB), 1 February 2010
DoDI 3222.03, DoD Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Program, 25 August 2014
DoDI 4000.19, Support Agreements, 25 April 2013
DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, 7 January 2015
DoDI 6025.13, Medical Quality Assurance and Clinical Quality Management in the Military
Health System, 26 July 2023
DoDI 6055.01, DoD Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Program, 14 October 2014
DoDI 6055.04, DoD Traffic Safety Program, 20 April 2009
DoDI 6055.05, Occupational and Environmental Health (OEH), 11 November 2008
DoDI 6055.07, Mishap Notification, Investigation, Reporting, and Record Keeping, 6 June 2011
DoDI 6055.16, Explosives Safety Management Program, 29 July 2008
DoDI 6055.19, Aviation Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Programs (AHIRAPs),11
April 2017
DoDI 6060.02, Child Development Programs (CDPs), 5 August 2014
DoDM 4145.26, DoD Contractor’s Safety Manual for Ammunition and Explosives, 13 March
DoDM 5400.07_AFMAN 33-302, Freedom of Information Act Program, 27 April 2018
DoDM 6025.13 (DELETED)
DoDM 6025.18, Implementation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) Privacy Rule in DoD Health Care Programs, 13 March 2019
DAFI 36-2670, Total Force Development, 25 June 2020
DAFI 48-145, Occupational and Environmental Health Program, 22 September 2022
DAFI 62-601, Airworthiness, 10 June 2022
DAFI 64-117, Government Purchase Card Program, 19 May 2022
DAFI 91-225, Aviation Safety Programs, 31 January 2022
DAFMAN 21-201, Munitions Management, 3 May 2022
AFH 63-1402, Aircraft Information Program, 19 March 2001
AFI 10-601, Operational Capability Requirements Development, 6 November 2013
AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management Program, 19 April 2016
AFI 11-202V2, Aircrew Standardization/Evaluation Program, 6 December 2018
AFI 11-215, Flight Manuals Program, 25 March 2019
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 187
AFI 13-204V2, Airfield Operations Standardization and Evaluations, 1 September 2010
AFI 13-204V3 (DELETED)
AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements Procedures, 18
October 2013
AFI 32-1021, Planning and Programming Military Construction (MILCON) Projects, 25
February 2016
AFI 32-1023, Designing and Constructing Military Construction Projects, 19 November 2015
AFI 32-1032, Planning and Programming Appropriated Fund Maintenance, Repair, and
Construction Projects, 24 September 2015
AFI 32-7020, The Environmental Restoration Program, 7 November 2014
AFI 32-7086, Hazardous Materials Management, 4 February 2015
AFI 32-10141, Planning and Programming Fire Safety Deficiency Correction Projects, 15 May
AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, 23 March 2020
AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, 1 December 2015
AFI 34-101, Air Force Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs and Use Eligibility,
16 April 2019
AFI 34-144, Child and Youth Programs, 2 July 2019
AFI 36-130, Civilian Career and Developmental Programs, 27 September 2019
AFI 36-401, Civilian Training, Education, and Professional Development, 31 May 2018
AFI 36-2101 (DELETED)
AFI 36-2651, Air Force Training Program, 3 January 2019
AFI 38-101, Manpower and Organization, 29 August 2019
AFI 44-102, Medical Care Management, 17 March 2015
AFI 44-119, Medical Quality Operations, 16 August 2011
AFI 48-101, Aerospace Medicine Enterprise, 8 December 2014
AFI 48-109, Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMFR) Occupational and Environmental Health
Program, 1 August 2014
AFI 48-127, Occupational Noise and Hearing Conservation Program, 26 February 2016
AFI 48-139, Laser and Optical Radiation Protection Program, 30 September 2014
AFI 48-145 (DELETED)
AFI 48-148, Ionizing Radiation Protection, 20 November 2014
AFI 51-1101, The Air Force Procurement Fraud Remedies Program, 19 October 2017
AFI 62-601 (DELETED)
188 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
AFI 63-101/20-101, Integrated Life Cycle Management, 9 May 2017
AFI 63-125, Nuclear Certification Program, 24 July 2017
AFI 63-138, Acquisition of Services, 30 September 2019
AFI 64-102, Operational Contracting Program, 9 October 2014
AFI 64-117 (DELETED)
AFI 65-601V1, Budget Guidance and Procedures, 24 October 2018
AFI 90-201, The Air Force Inspection System, 20 November 2018
AFI 90-801, Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Councils, 4 August 2016
AFI 90-802, Risk Management, 1 April 2019
AFI 90-821, Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) Program, 13 May 2019
AFI 91-101, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program, 15 August 2014
AFI 91-102, Nuclear Weapon System Safety Studies, Operational Safety Reviews, and Safety
Rules, 12 April 2017
AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Hazard Reporting, 27 April 2018
AFI 91-205, Nonnuclear Munitions Safety Board, 23 May 2018
AFI 91-207, The US Air Force Traffic Safety Program, 26 July 2019
AFI 91-208, Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) Certification and
Management, 24 October 2019
AFI 91-212, Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Management Program, 31 May 2018
*AFI 91-225 (DELETED)
AFI 91-401, Directed Energy System Safety, 28 November 2018
AFI 99-103, Capabilities-Based Test and Evaluation, 18 November 2019
AFMAN 10-1004, Conducting Air Force Open Houses, 23 August 2018
AFMAN 13-204V1, Management of Airfield Operations, 22 July 2020
AFMAN 13-204V2, Airfield Management, 22 July 2020
AFMAN 13-212V1, Range Planning and Operations, 14 March 2023
AFMAN 36-606, Civilian Career Field Management and Development, 14 November 2019
*AFMAN 36-2100, Military Utilization and Classification, 7 April 2021
AFMAN 36-2806, Awards and Memorialization Program, 9 June 2019
AFMAN 48-146, Occupational and Environmental Health Program Management, 15 October
AFMAN 48-149, Flight and Operational Medicine Program (FOMP), 13 October 2020
AFMAN 91-110, Nuclear Safety Review and Launch Approval for Space or Missile Use of
Radioactive Material and Nuclear Systems, 22 May 2019
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 189
AFMAN 91-201, Explosives Safety Standards, 21 March 2017
AFMAN 91-203, Air Force Occupational Safety, Fire, and Health Standards, 11 December
AFMAN 91-221, Weapons Safety Investigations and Reports, 21 August 2015
AFMAN 91-222, Space Safety Investigations and Reports, 17 June 2019
AFMAN 91-223, Aviation Safety Investigations and Reports, 14 September 2018
AFMAN 91-224, Ground Safety Investigation and Reports, 29 March 2019
AF Mission Directive 1-18, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations, Environment and
Energy), 10 July 2014
AFPAM 90-803, Risk Management (RM) Guidelines and Tools, 11 February 2013
AFPD 10-9, Lead Command Designation and Responsibilities for Weapon Systems, 7 March
AFPD 90-8, Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Management and Risk Management,
14 March 2017
AFPD 91-2, Safety Programs, 3 September 2019
AFVA 91-209, Air Force Occupational Safety and Health Program, 14 October 2016
Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Clause 5352.223-9001, Health and Safety
on Government Installations, October 2019
MIL-STD-882E, DoD Standard Practice for System Safety, 11 May 2012
MIL-STD-3007G, Standard Practice Unified Facilities Criteria, Facilities Criteria and Unified
Facilities Guide Specifications, 1 November 2019
TO 00-5-1, Air Force Technical Order System, 14 June 2016
TO 00-35D-54, USAF Deficiency Reporting, Investigation, and Resolution, 1 September 2015
UFC 3-260-01, Airfield and Heliport Planning and Design, 4 February 2019
Civilian Force Renewal PAQ/COP Guide
NASA-STD-8719.14C, Process for Limiting Orbital Debris, 5 November 2021
NATO STANAG 3101, Exchange of Flight Safety Information, 3 November 2016
NATO STANAG 3102, Flight Safety Co-operation in Common Ground/Air Space, 27 March
RCC 321, Common Risk Criteria Standards for National Test Ranges, September 2017
SI 534-15, Risk Management and Radio Frequency Deconfliction of Space Control Activities, 2
April 2007
190 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Prescribed Forms
AF Form 3, Hazard Abatement Plan
AF Form 55, Employee Safety and Health Record
AF Form 457, USAF Hazard Report
AF Form 651, Hazardous Air Traffic Report (HATR)
AF Form 1118, Notice of Hazard
AF Form 1286, Safety Education/Training Class Roster
AF Form 4391, High-Risk Activities Worksheet
AF Form 4392, Pre-Departure Safety Briefing
Adopted Forms
AF Form 9, Request For Purchase
AF Form 332, Base Civil Engineer Work Request
AF Form 847 9DELETED)
AF Form 860B, Civilian Progress Review Worksheet
AF Form 978, Supervisor Mishap Report
AF Form 979, Danger Tag
AF Form 1754, Job Capability and Safety Analysis (LRA)
AF Form 4437, Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet
AFTO Form 244, Industrial/Support Equipment Record
DAF Form 847, Recommendation For Change of Publication
OSHA 300, Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illness
OSHA Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illness
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACAT—Acquisition Category
ACCAir Combat Command
ADLSAir Force Distributed Learning Service
ADMMOAerial Delivery Manuals and Malfunctions Office
AETC—Air Education and Training Command
AEG—Air Expeditionary Group
AEWAir Expeditionary Wing
AFCECAir Force Civil Engineering Center
AFCMRS—Air Force Combined Mishap Reduction System
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 191
AFFARSAir Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
AFFORAir Force Forces
AFDWAir Force District of Washington
AFGSCAir Force Global Strike Command
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFIMSCAir Force Installation Mission Support Center
AFLCMCAir Force Life Cycle Management Center
AFLCMC/EZAir Force Life Cycle Management Center Airworthiness Office
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFMCAir Force Materiel Command
AFMC/ENAir Force Materiel Command Directorate of Engineering
AFMEDAir Force Medical
AFMSAir Force Manpower Standard
AFOSHAir Force Occupational Safety and Health
AFOTECAir Force Operational Test Evaluation Center
AFPAMAir Force Pamphlet
AFPCAir Force Personnel Center
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
AFRAir Force Reserve
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AFSASAir Force Safety Automated System
AFSC—Air Force Specialty Code
AFSECAir Force Safety Center
AFSEC/SEGAir Force Safety Center Occupational Safety Division
AFSMSAir Force Safety Management System
AFSOCAir Force Special Operations Command
AFSWCAir Force Service Watch Center
AFTOAir Force Technical Order
AMCAir Mobility Command
AMICAircraft Mishap Investigation Course
192 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
AMIPAircraft Mishap Investigation and Prevention
ANGAir National Guard
AOP—Aerospace and Operational Physiologists
AORArea of Responsibility
APMR—Annual Program Management Review
ARC—Air Reserve Component
ARCCOS—Air Reserve Component Chief of Safety
ARPCAir Reserve Personnel Center
AS—Allowance Standards
ASAPAirman Safety Action Program
ASPMAviation Safety Program Manager
ATCAir Traffic Control
AVSNCOAviation Safety Noncommissioned Officer
BASHBird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard
BCATBusiness Acquisition Category
BEBioenvironmental Engineering
BSCBiomedical Sciences Corps
CA—Conjunction Assessment
CAE—Component Acquisition Executive
CCB—Configuration Control Board
CD—Deputy Commander
CE—Civil Engineering
CDP—Child Development Program
CEU—Continuing Education Unit
CFMCareer Field Manager
CFR—Code of Federal Regulations
CMAVsControlled Movement Area Violations
CMSChief of Mission Safety
COLA—Collision Avoidance
COMAFFORCommander, Air Forces
CORContracting Office Representative
COTSCommercial Off-the-Shelf
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 193
COSChief of Safety
CSSMCenter System Safety Manager
CQAClinical Quality Assurance
CVVice Commander
CYCalendar Year
DARTDays Away Restricted and/or Transfer Case
DASHODepartment of the Air Force’s Designated Agency Safety and Health OfficerDDESB
Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board
DESRDefense Explosives Safety Regulation
DETData Extraction Tool
DEW—Directed Energy Weapons
DFARSDoD Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDDDepartment of Defense Directive
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
DoEDepartment of Energy
DoL—Department of Labor
DRUDirect Reporting Unit
ECP—Engineering Change Proposal
EDTEnlisted Development Team
EOLPEnd-of-Life Plan
ESMPExplosives Safety Management Program
ESOHEnvironment, Safety and Occupational Health
ESOHC—Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Council
F—FahrenheitFAAFederal Aviation Administration
FAR—Federal Acquisition Regulation
FCCFamily Child Care
FECAFederal Employees’ Compensation Act
FES—Fire and Emergency Services
FLDCOMField Command
FOAField Operating Agency
FSNCOFlight Safety Non-Commission Officer
FSOFlight Safety Officer
194 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
FSS—Family Support Squadron
FYFiscal Year
GCCGeographic Combatant Command
GPCGovernment Purchase Card
GSAGeneral Services Administration
HAFHeadquarters Air Force
HAP—High Accident Potential
HATRHazardous Air Traffic Report
HAZMATHazardous Material
HEROHazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance
HHQ—Higher Headquarters
IAWIn Accordance With
IFSOInternational Flight Safety Officer
IG—Inspector General
IGIInspector General for Investigations
IOEMC—Installation Occupational and Environmental Medicine Consultant
ISBInterim Safety Board
JHAJob Hazard Analysis
JSTO—Job Safety Training Outline
JSpOCJoint Space Operations Center
JUON—Joint Urgent Operational Need
LRSLogistics Readiness Squadron
LV—Launch Vehicle
MACA—Midair Collision Avoidance
MAF LOG C2Mobility Air Force Logistics Command and Control
MAJCOMMajor Command
MDSMission Design Series
MFOQAMilitary Flight Operations Quality Assurance
MFTMulti-Functional Team
MHAPMaster Hazard Abatement Plan
MHSMilitary Health System
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 195
MILCONMilitary Construction
MICTManagement Internal Control Toolset
MIL-STDMilitary Standard
MINA—Mishap Investigation Non-Aviation
MOA—Memorandum of Agreement
MOU—Memorandum of Understanding
MRTFBMajor Range and Test Facility Base
MSMMission Safety Manager
MTFMedical Treatment Facility
N/A—Not Applicable
NAFNumbered Air Force
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NIOSHNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
OCONUSOutside Continental United States
OCPM—Obstacle Course Program Manager
OEH—Occupational and Environmental Health
ODMSPOrbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices
OJTOn-the-Job Training
OPLANOperational Plan
OPMOffice of Personnel Management
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
ORBOperational Review Board
ORPOperations Review Panel
OSAOrganizational Safety Assessments
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
OSMOccupational Safety Manager
PACAFPacific Air Force
PEProgram Evaluation
PEOProgram Executive Officer
PESHE—Programmatic, Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Evaluation
PHPublic Health
196 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
PMProgram Manager
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
PPP—Personnel Parachute Program
RACRisk Assessment Code
RCC—Range Commanders Council
RDA—Risk Decision Authority
RMRisk Management
RPARemotely Piloted Aircraft
RRR—Rapid Response Report
SAE—Service Acquisition Executive
SAFSecretary of the Air Force
SARTSatellite Anomaly Resolution Team
SATPSecurity Assistance Training Program
SAVStaff Assistance Visit
SDARSpace Debris Assessment Report
SEChief of Safety
SEFFlight Safety Division
SEG—Occupational Safety Division
SEISpecial Experience Identifier
SEKSystem Safety Branch
SESSystem Safety Branch
SEWWeapons Safety Division
SFSecurity Forces
SGPChief of Aerospace Medicine
SIB—Safety Investigation Board
SMCSpace and Missile System Center
SMC/ENSpace Missile Center Directorate of Engineering
SMESubject Matter Expert
SMSSafety Management System
SNCO—Senior Non-Commissioned Officer
SOHSafety and Occupational Health
SPESafety Program Evaluation
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 197
SPOSystem Program Office
SRASafety Risk Assessment
SSCSpace Systems Command
SSE—System Safety Engineer
SSGSystem Safety Group
SSMSystem Safety Manager
SSTSupervisor Safety Training
SSWG—System Safety Working Group
STANAG—Standardization Agreement
TCTOTime Compliance Technical Order
TDY—Temporary Duty
TEO—Technology Executive Officer
TOTechnical Order
TRIRTotal Recordable Incident Rate
UONUrgent Operational Need
UAS—Unmanned Aerial System
USUnited States
USG ODMSPUnited States Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices
USRUnit Safety Representative
USAFUnited States Air Force
USAFAUnited States Air Force Academy
USAFEUnited States Air Force Europe
USSFUnited States Space Force
WSMWeapons Safety Manager
WWWWorld-Wide Web
Acquisition OrganizationThe government organization responsible for developing, acquiring,
fielding, and sustaining either hardware or a service (e.g., launch services). For most Air Force
space systems and launches, the Space and Missiles Systems Center (SMC) will usually perform
this function.
Active Satellite/Active SpacecraftOrbiting systems that serve a useful purpose or could
potentially serve a useful purpose (e.g., fully mission capable, partially mission capable, on-orbit
spares, in test/checkout).
198 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
AirmenAll-encompassing term used to indicate all Department of the Air Force members, both
uniformed military and Department of Defense civilian employees working for USAF.
Air Force Occupational Safety and Health (AFOSH)An overarching term for the Air Force
Occupational Safety and Health Program.
AFSEC/SEG Occupational Safety Emphasis ItemsList developed annually by AFSEC/SEG
identifying high interest inspection items based on a five-year review of on-duty mishaps.
Air Force Safety Management System (AFSMS)It is the framework upon which the USAF
mishap prevention program is built. Provides organizations with an effective framework for
continual improvement of safety performance. It enables organizations’ ability to minimize risks
and reduce the occurrence and cost of injuries, illnesses, fatalities, and property damage. The
system requires goal setting, planning, executing, and measuring performance to be successful.
Air Reserve Component (ARC)—Used when referring to both AFRC and ANG as one entity.
Annual Safety InspectionMethod to identify workplace/facility hazards used by safety staffs
at the wing and below level. These are conducted by qualified safety personnel annually on all
workplaces and facilities.
Annual Program Management ReviewAn examination of the mishap prevention program at
all levels of execution to evaluate the safety management system and the performance of programs
or elements managed within the system. The review is performed by senior leadership and safety
professionals to ensure the system continues to be suitable, adequate and effective for its intended
purposes, and for making decisions or authorizing actions that need to be taken by staff to ensure
the continuous improvement of one or more of its programs or elements.
AnomalyUnexpected events that may or may not result in damage, injury, or mission impact,
but do not reach the level of a reportable mishap.
Anomaly Resolution ProcessAny process used to resolve a spacecraft anomaly. Typically
conducted by the operating/testing organization (squadron or equivalent level).
ApogeeThe point of a satellite’s greatest distance from the center of the Earth, where the
satellite’s velocity is lowest. The apogee altitude is the distance of the apogee point above the
surface of the Earth.
Area of Responsibility (AOR)Theater of operations for Combatant Command missions and
operations such as US Central Command (USCENTCOM), US Northern Command
(USNORTHCOM), US European Command (USEUCOM), US Pacific Command (USPACOM)
or US Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM).
Cataloged ObjectsItems entered in the JSpOC Satellite Catalog. Some items re-enter the
Earth’s atmosphere after cataloging.
CasualtyA serious injury or worse, including death, for a human. For the purposes of this
standard, the Abbreviated Injury Scale Level 3 defines serious injury.
Collective RiskThe total combined risk to all individuals within a category (e.g., launch-
essential personnel, general public) exposed to a particular hazard during a specific period of time
or event; unless otherwise noted, the mean number of casualties predicted (Ec) to result from a
given hazard. Specification of collective risk is either in “per mission” or “per year” value.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 199
Collision Avoidance—A process designed to prevent collisions between on-orbit tracked objects
or to prevent collisions between on-orbit tracked objects and launched vehicles (including spent
stages)/payloads by determining and implementing courses of action through careful analysis of
validated conjunction assessments and satellite health and mission requirements. The process
includes establishing launch wait periods in either the launch window or spacecraft maneuvering
based on validated conjunction assessments and accounts for uncertainties in spatial dispersions,
arrival time of orbiting objects and/or the launch vehicle/payload, and modeling accuracy.
Commercial LaunchThe term “commercial,” for the purposes of the National Space Policy
and this instruction, refers to space goods, services, or activities provided by private sector
enterprises that bear a reasonable portion of the investment risk and responsibility for the activity,
operate IAW typical market-based incentives for controlling cost and optimizing return on
investment, and have the legal capacity to offer these goods or services to existing or potential
nongovernmental customers.
Commodity ContractUsed for any materials, articles, supplies, goods or equipment. Refer to
the Federal Acquisition Regulations for additional information.
Configuration ControlProcess of approving or disapproving and coordinating changes to
configuration items after formal establishment of their configuration identification.
Conjunction Assessment (CA)A process for determining the point and time of the closest
approach of two tracked orbiting objects or between a tracked orbiting object and a launched
vehicle (including spent stages) or payload.
Controlled ReentrySee Uncontrolled Reentry. A planned reentry for which the final
atmospheric penetration time is chosen through spacecraft maneuvering so as to either maximize
the amount of spacecraft material that burns up in the atmosphere, limiting the potential for
endangering the public, or to bring down a recoverable reentry vehicle (e.g., capsule) in a manner
that does not endanger the public. This typically controls the time and place of the disposal of
space objects that are at the end of their mission life or for reentry capsules.
Convening AuthorityThe individual who has the authority to order a safety investigation. For
additional guidance, refer to AFI 91-204.
Corporate-wide ViolationsTwo or more substantially repeated violations occurring at different
military locations.
Covered EntityA health plan or a health care provider who transmits health information in
electronic form in connection with certain covered transactions under DoDM 6025.18. This
generally includes health plans, health care clearinghouses and most DoD health care providers.
Such entities must comply with HIPAA standards as set forth in DoDM 6025.18, Implementation
of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule in DoD Health
Care Programs, and DoDI 8580.02, Security of Individually Identifiable Health Information in
DoD Health Care Programs.
Critical AssetA resource requiring protection. It normally includes property/ infrastructure that
is essential to protect the public health and safety, maintain the minimum operations of the range,
or protect the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States.
Critical/Imminent DangerConditions or practices in a workplace which could reasonably be
expected to cause death or severe physical harm immediately or before such dangers can be
200 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
eliminated through normal abatement procedures. RAC 1 hazards are classified as
critical/imminent danger.
Days Away, Restricted, and/or Transfer Case Incidence RateThe rate of all civilian injuries
and illnesses resulting in days away from work, restricted work activity, and/or job transfer. This
rate is calculated for a work site for a specified period of time (usually one year).
DebrisAny non-maneuverable/non-operational orbital space system or component. This
includes dead satellites and their associated components, spent launch vehicle components, and
objects in orbit around the Earth created by humans but no longer serve any useful purpose. Debris
includes explosion and collision fragments, slag (including dust) from solid rocket motors, surface
degradation products such as paint flakes, coolant released by nuclear powered satellites, and
objects released due to the impact of micrometeoroids or small debris with spacecraft.
Debris GenerationRelease of objects from a spacecraft into the space environment. This
generally occurs in an unpredictable and uncontrolled manner. Debris generation may be the result
of a collision or an occurrence within the spacecraft.
Delta V (ΔV)The change in the velocity vector caused by thrust measured in units of meters per
second. Used as a measure of required energy (i.e., fuel) to maneuver an orbital space system from
one orbit to another.
Department of Defense Civilian PersonnelIncludes Senior Executive Service (SES), General
Schedule (GS), Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) (GG) and federal wage
system employees, including ARC technicians, unless in military duty status. Includes Non-
Appropriated Fund employees who are not military personnel working part time; Corps of
Engineers Civil Works employees; Youth Opportunity Program (YOP) and student assistance
program employees; Direct-Hire Foreign-national civilians employed by the Air Force (Air Force
Foreign Nationals [AFFN]) and Army-Air Force Exchange Service employees.
Department of Defense Military PersonnelThese are non-Air Force US military personnel.
Department of the Air Force Military PersonnelThese are regular Air Force, ARC personnel
on military duty status. Includes Air Force Academy cadets; also includes Reserve Officer
Training Corps (ROTC) cadets engaged in directed training activities. Includes members of other
US military services serving on extended tour of duty with the Air Force or foreign-national
military personnel assigned to the Air Force.
EmployeeFor the purpose of this instruction, the term Employee applies to all Department of
Defense Civilian Personnel, Department of Defense Military Personnel, and Department of the Air
Force Military Personnel. This may also include Personal Services Contractors see glossary
End-Of-LifeFinal stage of spacecraft lifetime. End result will be either recovery, reentry,
spacecraft disposal (passivation), or catastrophic loss (due to on-board explosion/failure or
collision with another object).
EventSee AFI 91-204 when related to a mishap or hazard.
ExemptionGrants permanent relief from a requirement.
Failure Modes—How a system or component might fail.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 201
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-Licensed LaunchAny launch issued a launch
license by FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation.
Field Command (FLDCOM)MAJCOM-equivalent organizations within the US Space Force,
For the purpose of mishap prevention, FLDCOM includes Space Operations Command (SpOC),
Space Systems Command (SSC), Space Training and Readiness Command (STARCOM), and
Space Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO), and Space Development Agency (SDA).
Fire HazardA condition which can cause a fire to occur, or, if left unchecked, cause a fire to
grow. The distinction between fire hazard and fire safety deficiency (FSD) is important because
the documentation, reporting, and correction procedures differ for each. Only fire hazards are
included in the Master Hazard Abatement Plan and FSDs are managed IAW AFI 32-10141.
Fire Safety Deficiency (FSD)A condition which reduces fire safety below an acceptable level,
including noncompliance with standards, but by itself cannot cause a fire to occur. See
Occupational Deficiency.
Flexible CultureOne of the four sub-cultures that make up an Informed Culture. A Flexible
Culture is a collection of behaviors and beliefs that acknowledge the inevitability of human error
and unsafe conditions and which allow quick and smooth reactions to address hazards before
mishaps result.
Flight Safety ManagerA civilian assigned to perform Flight Safety Officer duties.
Formal Inspection ReportA report with a particular prescribed format.
Full-timeIndividuals in primary duty safety positions. See definition for safety and health
officials. Does not include additional duty safety personnel such as USRs and Squadron Assigned
Flight Safety Officers.
Functional ManagersThe senior operating official at all levels exercising managerial control
of an activity or operation. This individual usually can acquire and commit resources for the
abatement of occupational safety and health hazards.
Geographically Separated UnitAny Air Force unit that is geographically separated beyond a
reasonable commuting distance from its servicing military personnel flight.
HazardAny real or potential condition that can cause injury, illness, or death to personnel or
damage to or loss of equipment or property, mission degradation.
Hazard/Deficiency AbatementEliminating or permanently reducing a hazard by complying
with applicable safety requirements or taking equivalent protective measures.
Hazard/Deficiency SeverityAn assessment of the expected consequences if a hazard, if left
unabated, results in a mishap. The Air Force defines severity by the degree of injury, illness, or
resource damage that can result from a specific mishap.
Hazard ReportingA process, by which any person assigned, attached or under contract to the
Air Force, may report a hazard. This includes any event or condition that affects aviation,
occupational, weapons or space safety.
High Interest AreasThese areas have the greatest risk to life or property damage, experienced
repeated mishaps, or in the judgment of the safety office, require added oversight. They can also
be work areas or operations that need additional attention or inspections because of increased
202 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
mishap potential due to the nature of work performed, physical conditions or type of materials
HighRisk ActivitiesThese are activities having a higher potential for personnel injury due to
the level of competition, speed, risk or skills needed, and requiring greater agility, stamina and
dexterity, which may require specialized training, experience or certifications. Some examples of
high-risk activities are flying civil aircraft, hang gliding, skydiving, parasailing, white-water
rafting, motorcycling and auto racing, scuba diving, bungee jumping, and bronco and bull riding.
Note: MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU determine within the command what are considered high-
risk activities.
Hosted PayloadsA module attached to a satellite with communications circuitry that operates
independently of the main spacecraft utilizing available power, mass and space on the satellite.
Human Space FlightObjects in orbit which support human life or have the capability to support
human life, and objects in orbit intended to rendezvous, dock with such objects.
Informed CultureA term used to describe the optimal state of an organization’s safety culture,
in which each individual sees his or her role as a fundamental part of the organization’s
commitment to safety and achievement of organizational safety goals. Four prerequisite sub-
cultures help create an Informed Culture: a Just Culture, a Reporting Culture, a Learning Culture
and a Flexible Culture.
InspectionsThe process of determining compliance with safety and health standards through
physical surveys of workplaces, operations, and facilities.
InstallationEncompasses both Air Force and Space Force bases, to include the appropriate
wing, space base delta or Space Launch delta organization responsible for their installation.
Interim Control MeasureTemporary action taken to reduce the degree of risk associated with
a hazard pending completion of an abatement project.
Job Hazard AnalysisA technique focusing on job tasks as a way to identify hazards before they
occur. It focuses on the relationship between the employee, the task, the tools, and the work
Job Safety Training Outline (JSTO)An outline of mandatory safety training items supervisors
use when conducting work center safety training for their specific work areas. See paragraph
Just CultureOne of the four sub-cultures that make up an Informed Culture. A Just Culture is
an organizational environment where front line operators or others are not punished for actions,
omissions or decisions taken by them that are commensurate with their experience and training,
but where gross negligence, willful violations and destructive acts are not tolerated. Just Culture
focuses on improving system designs and employee procedures to include: better system
operations; creating redundant safety systems to trap or mitigate errors; pre-identifying high-risk
operations; and leadership actions designed to limit at-risk behaviors.
Launch Essential PersonnelThe minimum number of persons necessary to successfully and
safely complete an operation and whose absence would jeopardize the completion of the operation.
This includes persons required to perform emergency actions according to authorized directives,
persons specifically authorized by the Wing Commander/System Program Office(SPO) Director
to perform scheduled activities, and persons in training. The number of mission-essential personnel
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 203
allowed within Safety Clearance Zones or Hazardous Launch Areas is determined by the Wing
Commander/SPO Director and the Range User with Range Safety concurrence.
Launch MishapSee Orbital Mishap and Pre-Launch. Mishaps that occur between the initial
ignition of any stage of the rocket and up until the final piece of launch hardware separates from
the spacecraft. This includes payloads not launched into the intended orbit.
Launch OperationOperations occurring in the terminal countdown through sub-orbital flight
or orbital insertion.
Launch OperatorA person or entity that conducts or proposes to conduct the launch of a launch
vehicle for the purpose of inserting a spacecraft into orbit or delivering a payload to a specified
ballistic location.
Launch VehicleAny means of transportation used to place an object into Earth orbit or deep
space, including ballistic missiles.
Launch Vehicle ComponentsAll the parts of a launch vehicle except payload(s), to include
upper stages and any apogee kick motors that separate from the spacecraft after operation.
Launch WindowA period of time during which the flight of a launch vehicle may be initiated
to meet mission requirements.
Launching AgencyThe range user at Air Force ranges or equivalent organization at other
Learning CultureOne of the four sub-cultures that make up an Informed Culture. A Learning
Culture exists when an organization has the willingness and ability to implement proper
recommendations from safety information that is produced through continuous risk assessment of
Lift-OffFor the purposes of flight safety analyses, lift-off occurs during a launch countdown
with any motion of the launch vehicle with respect to the launch platform (which includes a carrier
aircraft), including any intentional or unintentional separation from the launch platform.
LossesA term to describe personnel injuries, fatalities, system degradation, or destruction when
describing mishap outcome.
Major CommandFor the purpose of mishap prevention (MAJCOM) includes Air Force District
of Washington (AFDW), ACC, AETC, AFMC, AFOTEC, AFRC, Air Force Global Strike
Command (AFGSC), Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), Air Mobility Command
(AMC), ANG, Pacific Air Force (PACAF), United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) and
United States Air Force Europe (USAFE). Note: FLDCOM is the USSF-equivalent to MAJCOM.
See Field Command in this Terms section.
MeteoroidsA solid object moving in interplanetary space, of a size considerably smaller than
an asteroid and considerably larger than an atom or molecule (e.g., meteoroid material associated
with asteroid breakup or material released from comets).
Minor DeficienciesAny validated deficiencies that do not meet the definition of a Critical or
Significant deficiency but requires corrective action.
MishapAn unplanned occurrence, or series of occurrences, that results in damage to Department
of Defense (DoD) property; occupational illness to DoD personnel; injury to on- or off-duty DoD
204 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
military personnel; injury to on-duty DoD civilian personnel; or damage to public or private
property, or injury or illness to non-DoD personnel, caused by DoD activities. Mishaps are
classified by total direct mishap cost and the severity of injury/occupational illness.
MissileA rocket-propelled or jet-propelled expendable vehicle used to deliver a warhead. It may
use a ballistic trajectory or fly under active guidance and control.
Mission AssuranceA process to protect or ensure the continued function and resilience of
capabilities and assets including personnel, equipment, facilities, networks, information and
information systems, infrastructure, and supply chains critical to the execution of DoD mission-
essential functions in any operating environment or condition.
MTF Covered Entities (DELETED)Multi-Functional Team (MFT)As defined 63- and
64-series guidance publications, MFT is a team of stakeholders responsible for a Service’s
acquisition. It includes not only representatives of the technical and procurement communities, but
also stakeholders of the Service’s acquisition and the contractors who provide the services. The
team may consist of subgroup(s) responsible for routine contract actions. The team could be a
Business Requirements Advisory Group, Mission Area Acquisition Team, Integrated Product
Team, working group, an A-76 Integrated Product Team or Steering Group, etc.
National Consensus StandardsStandards published by recognized standards organizations
such as the American National Standards Institute, National Fire Protection Association, American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Compressed Gas Association, and National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. National consensus standards adopted by OSHA are
part of OSHA standards.
Neighboring Operations PersonnelSee Launch Essential Personnel. Individuals required to
perform safety, security, or operationally critical tasks but not associated with the specific/current
operation or launch under consideration.
Non-ComplianceA noticeable or marked departure from requirements, standards, or
Nonmilitary UniqueThe term nonmilitary-unique refers to military and civilian workplaces,
operations, equipment and systems that are generally comparable to those of the private sector.
Examples include facilities involved and work performed in the repair and overhaul of weapons,
aircraft or vehicles (except for equipment trials); construction; supply services; civil engineer or
public works; medical services; and office work.
Notice of HazardA written warning of a condition, procedure or practice which constitutes a
hazard. As used in the context of this instruction, “Notice of Hazard” refers to AF Form 1118.
Occupational DeficiencyConditions, procedures and practices not compliant with OSHA or
AFOSH requirements, but do not, in themselves, create a potential for producing an occupational
injury or illness mishap. Deficiencies may, however, create a potential for secondary injuries or
illnesses or may contribute to the severity of an injury or illness that has already occurred.
Examples include, but are not limited to, program management items or the absence of an eyewash
station. A clear distinction between hazards and deficiencies may not always be possible; therefore,
the judgment and experience of qualified safety, fire protection and health personnel must be relied
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 205
Occupational HazardConditions, procedures, and practices directly related to the workplace
that can create a potential for producing occupational injuries, property or equipment damage,
mission degradation, damage to the environment, or illnesses.
Occupational IllnessAny reported condition that does not meet the definition of injury. Any
abnormal physical condition or disorder, other than one resulting from an occupational injury,
resulting in adverse consequences and caused by occupational factors associated with
employment. Includes all confirmed cases of acute and chronic illnesses or diseases caused by
inhalation, absorption, ingestion or direct contact with suspect substances.
Operational Review Panel (ORP)The panel, established in the AFI 10- series of instructions,
chaired by the responsible commander that approves system modifications, training, procedures,
and database changes to operational equipment.
Operational Review BoardEstablished in the AFI 10-series of instructions, the responsible
commander that reviews problems in operations of systems chairs this board.
Operational EffectivenessThe overall degree of mission accomplishment of a system when
used by representative personnel in the environment planned or expected for the operational
employment of the system. Can also be referred to as mission effectiveness.
Orbital InsertionThe point in time when an object or vehicle achieves sufficient altitude and
velocity to complete at least one orbit of the Earth. This occurs when the object or vehicle achieves
a minimum 130 km perigee based on a computation that accounts for drag.
Orbital Space SystemsTerm used to describe the hardware and activities associated with the
design, development, testing and operation of any man-made object to achieve an altitude and
velocity sufficient to complete one revolution of the Earth. The lower the altitude, the shorter the
orbital period.
PassivationThe process of removing stored energy that could result in an explosion or
deflagration from a space system at end-of-life. This includes electrical, mechanical, chemical, or
nuclear energy.
PayloadSee Satellite or Spacecraft. Refers either to the object(s) carried by a launch vehicle or
the mission-performing portions of a satellite/spacecraft (e.g., the main communications package
on a communications satellite). This AFI will not collectively reference a satellite/spacecraft as a
“payload” following separation from the launch vehicle.
PerigeeThe point in the orbit nearest to the center of the Earth, and where the satellite’s velocity
is greatest. The perigee altitude is the distance of the perigee point above the surface of the Earth.
Personal Services ContractorsCharacterized by the employer-employee relationship between
the government and the contractor’s personnel (e.g., medical contractors). The Government
exercises relatively continuous supervision and control over the contractor personnel performing
the contract. Verify with contracting officials of the work status of the contract employee.
Performance AppraisalA systematic comparison of an employee’s performance of duties and
responsibilities with performance standards.
Pre-LaunchSpace related activities occurring during early acquisition stages, ground handling,
processing, and transportation operations just prior to ignition (lift-off) actions.
206 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Post-MissionDescribes the time period after a spacecraft completes its mission and culminates
with final passivation and disposal activities.
Privileged Safety InformationInformation that is reflective of a deliberative process in the
safety investigation or given to a safety investigator pursuant to a promise of confidentiality, which
the safety privilege protects from being released outside safety channels or from being used for
any purpose except mishap prevention. It includes products such as draft and final findings,
evaluations, opinions, preliminary discussions, conclusions, mishap causes, recommendations,
analyses, and other material that would reveal the deliberations of safety investigators, including
reviews and endorsements. It also includes information given to a safety investigator pursuant to
a promise of confidentiality and any information derived from that information or direct or indirect
references to that information.
Program Manager (PM)The designated individual with responsibility for and authority to
accomplish program objectives for development, production, and sustainment to meet the user’s
operational needs. The PM shall be accountable for credible cost, schedule, and performance
reporting to the Milestone Decision Authority.
PublicSee Critical Operations Personnel, Launch Essential Personnel and Neighboring
Operations Personnel. All persons not in either the Launch Essential Personnel or Neighboring
Operations Personnel categories.
Public SafetySafety involving risks to the general public of the US or foreign countries and/or
their property (both on- and off-base); includes the safety of people and property not involved in
supporting a launch as well as those within the boundary of a launch site.
Quality Assurance PersonnelIndividuals designated to perform quality assessment functions
and manage performance IAW the Performance Plan. They serve as on-site technical managers
assessing contractor performance against contract performance standards. Personnel in this area
have many titles, such as Quality Assurance Evaluator, Quality Assurance Specialist, Functional
Area Evaluators and Contracting Officer Technical Representative.
Quality Assurance Program Coordinator (QAPC)Mission support group or AFMC/SSC
Center-level individual, normally from the contracting activity, selected to coordinate and manage
the Performance Management Assessment Program (Quality Assurance Program).
Qualified Safety, Fire Protection, Bioenvironmental Engineering and Health OfficialsAir
Force civilian and military personnel assigned to full-time positions for the respective disciplines.
Air Force civilian personnel who meet the Office of Personnel Management standards for safety
and occupational health manager or specialist, safety engineering technician, safety engineer, fire
protection engineer or specialist, medical officer, health physicist, industrial hygienist,
occupational health nurse or environmental health technician job qualification standards. Safety,
fire protection, and health personnel with experience or up-to-date training in occupational safety,
fire protection, and health hazard recognition and evaluation are considered as meeting the
qualifications of safety, fire protection, and health inspectors. Air Force military personnel, who
possess a safety, fire protection, Bioenvironmental Engineering, aerospace medicine, or medicine
Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC). Government civilian employees are considered fully qualified
IAW 29 CFR Part 1960 and military at the AFSC 7-level or can be a 5-level if task certified. (See
29 CFR § 1960.25).
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 207
Radioactive MaterialMaterials that generate, or are capable of generating, ionizing radiation
including naturally occurring radioactive materials, by-product materials, source materials, special
nuclear materials, fission products, materials containing induced or deposited radioactivity, and
nuclear reactors.
Range UserAny individual or organization that conducts or supports any activity on resources
(land, sea, or air) owned or controlled by an Air Force range. This includes such organizations as
the DoD, US government agencies, civilian launch operators, foreign government agencies, and
other foreign entities that use Air Force range facilities and test equipment; conduct pre-launch
and launch operations; and/or require on-orbit or other related support.
Rapid Response Report (RRR)A form used to provide data to OSHA Investigators during
civilian-related mishaps with injures. OSHA Investigators may request mishap data, the RRR
completed either by the USR or Supervisor will meet this requirement.
ReentryThe event occurring when a spacecraft or other man-made object comes back into
Earth’s dense atmosphere from higher altitudes.
Reporting CultureOne of the four sub-cultures that make up an Informed Culture. A Reporting
Culture thrives in a climate where leaders encourage both hazard reporting for appropriate staff
action and error reporting for Airmen passing along lessons learned. As events are reported,
hazards and errors are documented and messaged, resulting in safety performance improvement.
RiskSee Collective risk. The probability and severity of loss or adverse impact from exposure
to various hazards.
Risk AnalysisThe analysis of systems (hardware, software, firmware, and procedures) to
determine potential hazards that could result in loss of personnel, injury to personnel, loss or
degradation of the system, or loss of life or injury to the public.
Risk ManagementThe application of a systematic process or thinking to detect, assess, and
control risk to enhance total organizational performance.
Safe/SafingPlacing an object in a condition that limits the possibility of new or further system
or component failures.
Safe HavenDesignated area to which noncombatants of the United States Government’s
responsibility, and commercial vehicles and material, may evacuate during a domestic or other
valid emergency. Temporary storage provided Department of Energy classified shipment
transporters at Department of Defense workplaces to assure the safety and security of nuclear
material and/or non-nuclear classified material. Also includes parking for commercial vehicles
containing Class A or Class B explosives.
SafetyThe programs, RM activities, and organizational and cultural values dedicated to
preventing injuries and accidental loss of human and material resources, and to protecting the
environment from the damaging effects of DoD mishaps.
Safety AssessmentMethod of appraising the effectiveness of mishap prevention program
management used by wing safety staffs to evaluate each standalone group and squadron safety
program conformance and effectiveness within the safety management system (SMS). Like
program evaluations, assessments address the areas of commander and supervisory support,
compliance with program directives, and the effectiveness of mishap prevention program.
Assessments may be conducted in conjunction with the required annual safety inspection.
208 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
Safety EvaluationMethod of appraising the effectiveness of mishap prevention program
management used by AFSEC to evaluate MAJCOM/FLDCOM/DRU safety program conformance
and effectiveness within the SMS. Also used for FOAs with assigned safety staffs. Addresses the
areas of commander supervisory support, compliance with program directives and the
effectiveness of the mishap prevention program.
Safety Program EvaluationMethod of appraising the effectiveness of mishap prevention
program management used by MAJCOM/FLDCOM/DRU/FOA safety staffs to evaluate wing,
NAF and Center safety program conformance and effectiveness within the SMS. Also used for
FOAs with assigned safety staffs. Addresses the areas of commander supervisory support,
compliance with program directives and the effectiveness of the mishap prevention program.
SatelliteSee Payload or Spacecraft. An object that orbits another object known as a central
body. Commonly, this term refers to Non-Human Spaceflight spacecraft in orbit around the Earth.
Satellite Control AuthorityThe authority to plan, schedule, and perform satellite commanding.
SeparationOccurs when the last launch vehicle component (to include non-integrated apogee
kick motors) physically separates from the spacecraft. Final separation occurs when both physical
separation and any tethers detach from the spacecraft.
Service ContractA contract that directly engages the time and effort of a contractor whose
primary purpose is to perform an identifiable task rather than to furnish an end item of supply.
This contract may be either a non-personal or personal contract. It can also cover services
performed by either professional or unprofessional personnel whether on an individual or
organizational basis.
Significant DeficienciesAny validated deficiencies that have or could have negative mission
SlagSolid material in solid rocket motor exhaust.
SpacecraftA man-made object either that orbits a central body (planet or star) or is in an escape
trajectory (eccentricity > 1) from that central body. This can include both Earth-orbiting and
interplanetary spacecraft.
SpacecraftSee Satellite and Payload. An object designed to perform some function in space.
This includes satellites and Human Space Flight objects in space. This term can also refer to the
object while it is still on the ground. This does NOT include launch vehicle components separated
from the spacecraft.
Space And Missile Systems Center (SMC)A direct reporting unit to USSF that develops and
acquires space launch vehicles, spacecraft, and range systems for the Air Force.
Space ControlOperations to ensure freedom of action in space for the United States, its allies,
and when directed, deny an adversary freedom of action in space.
Space DebrisSee Meteoroids and Orbital Debris. General class of debris, including both
meteoroids and orbital debris.
Space MishapAny unplanned event involving space systems that results in personnel injury,
system damage/destruction, or mission capability loss/delay. For reporting purposes, it also
includes near misses, close calls, and HAP events.
DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020 209
Space ObjectAny object above the Earth’s atmosphere (e.g., spacecraft, debris, natural
Space SafetyA dynamic process designed to improve operational effectiveness by
managing/preventing close calls (events), reducing mishaps, and supporting mission assurance
throughout the life cycle of a space system.
Space Safety ManagerPersonnel assigned to a Space Mishap Prevention or Mishap
Investigation role.
Space SystemsAll the devices and organizations forming the space network. These consist of:
launch vehicles; launch ranges; launch and range support equipment and systems; spacecraft;
ground and airborne stations; and data links among spacecraft, mission, and user terminals. Space
systems refer to the equipment required for space operations, comprised of nodes and links. There
are three types of nodes: space, airborne, and terrestrial. Space nodes include satellites, space
stations, or reusable space transportation systems. Airborne nodes are primarily aircraft weapon
systems that leverage space capabilities. Terrestrial nodes include any land or sea equipment that
receives, processes, or uses data derived from space capabilities. Information conduits called links
tie these nodes together. There are two classification types of these links: control and mission.
Space operators use control links to operate Space systems. Space systems disseminate data on
mission links, which enable force multiplication.
Space VehiclesDevices designed for orbit about the Earth or into a trajectory toward another
celestial body. This definition differentiates between vehicles that remain in space (included) and
vehicles that are suborbital (excluded).
Spot Inspection—These inspections are no-notice inspections to check the day-to-day safety and
health of an organization, work center, facility, etc.
StandardsSafety and health standards (including emergency temporary standards) issued under
the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (Title 29, U.S.C., Sections 651-678). This includes
national consensus standards adopted by OSHA by reference.
Suborbitalobject trajectory that does not complete a complete orbit.
System SafetyThe application of engineering and management principles, criteria, and
techniques throughout all phases of the system life-cycle to optimize safety within the constraints
of operational effectiveness, time, and cost.
System Safety Engineer (SSE)An individual meeting the qualifications for, and assigned to,
the Office of Personnel Management 0803 Safety Engineering Series (or equivalent), or military
AFSC of either 62-series Developmental Engineer or 61-series Scientist. An SSE may be assigned
as a System Safety Manager (SSM).
System Safety Groups (SSGs)The organized committee of system safety stakeholders that
augment the program office system safety function; it is not a substitute or replacement. While
many SSG members are not assigned to the Program Office, they advise the system program
manager or single manager on safety matters. They act as an integrated product team for system
safety. The members assist the program office in identifying risks, assessing these risks, and
recommending solutions to these risks. The SSG includes safety experts associated with the
particular weapon system.
210 DAFI91-202 20 MARCH 2020
System Safety ManagerThe individual appointed by the Program Manager as the program
focal point for the System Safety Program.
System Safety Working Groups (SSWGs)Are a subset of System Safety Groups (SSGs).
SSWGs are usually formed when a full SSG wants to research a problem without tying-up the full
membership. The SSG will generally form an SSWG to work a problem separately and report back
to the SSG. An SSWG augments an SSG; it's not a substitute.
Team ConceptA diverse group of individuals working together with complementary skills who
are committed to a common purpose, have group goals, take an approach for which they are
mutually accountable.
TRiPS(Travel Risk Planning System)TRiPS program assists in travel planning. TRiPS is
accessed through the Air Force portal (
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)A number that represents the total recordable civilian
injuries and illnesses per 100 full-time employees, calculated for a worksite for a specified period
of time (usually one year).
Uncontrolled ReentrySee Controlled Reentry. A random reentry in which the spacecraft/object
reenters the atmosphere where an operator cannot sufficiently determine or influence the surface
impact point prior to reentry. This is the typical reentry method for debris and spacecraft in decay
orbits where the final reentry point and time is underdetermined due to uncertainty in atmospheric
density conditions due to the extended time period between disposal and reentry.
Unique Space Support EquipmentSystems, equipment, and facilities required for supporting
other space systems. Includes launch and orbital space support systems.
Uniquely Military Equipment, Systems and OperationsDefined in 29 CFR § 1960.2(i) and
further refined in DoDI 6055.01, Enclosure 3, paragraph 2.
Unit Safety RepresentativeGeneral term for a person assigned to a unit who is responsible for
the additional duty safety responsibilities. May be a representative of flight, occupational or
weapons, and may include a more specific title such as Additional Duty Weapons Safety
Representative or Squadron Assigned Flight Safety Officer, etc.
United StatesThe several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico
and the Northern Marina Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Midway and Wake Islands, the United
States Virgin Islands, any other territory or possession of the United States, and associated
navigable waters, contiguous zones, and ocean waters of which the natural resources are under the
exclusive management authority of the United States.
Upper StageTypically, the last portion of a launch vehicle used to deliver a spacecraft into orbit.
Some spacecraft may also have an apogee kick solid-rocket motor or other propulsion system, to
include mono or bi-propellant chemical rocket engine thrusters, electric, or ionic propulsion
Urgent Action NoticeSignificant event notifications sent out by the Air Force Service Watch
Center (AFSWC). These notifications are also called AFSWC notifications.
VarianceAn approved temporary change (not to exceed 5 years) to a procedure, criterion, or
rule prescribed in safety standards which provides the same degree of protection to personnel.
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Wing Commander/System Program Office (SPO) DirectorCommander/Director of a
wing/office that acquires, operates, or supports Space Systems.
WorkplaceThe physical location where work is performed for the Air Force by Air Force
personnel or where Air Force operations take place.