ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud
services to cloud service providers
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The motivation for the ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service
providers (hereinafter, the ECB Guide) is threefold:
Firstly, Institutions are increasingly moving from the use of internal information
and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and resources to the use of
cloud computing services offered by cloud service providers (CSPs).
While the
use of cloud services can bring numerous benefits to the banking industry
(including access to innovative technologies, scalability and flexibility), it also
increases institutions’ exposure to several risks. The cloud services market is
highly concentrated, with many CSPs relying on proprietary technologies, and
those technologies must be understood, assessed and monitored by the
institutions in question.
Secondly, The European Central Bank (ECB) has identified deficiencies in the
operational resilience frameworks of supervised institutions as regards the
outsourcing of ICT services, as highlighted in ECB Banking Supervision’s
supervisory priorities for 2024-26.
Finally, the EU legislator has recently adopted new legal acts – such as the
Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
– which focus on establishing
qualitative rules protecting against ICT-related incidents, including those
stemming from outsourcing. The requirements of Article 5 of DORA and Article
74 of the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD)
are driven by the need to
establish effective governance of outsourcing risk, as well as ICT security and
cyber resilience frameworks, in order to proactively tackle any unmitigated risks
which could lead to material disruption of critical functions or services.
With this document, the ECB provides its understanding of those legal requirements.
The aim of the ECB Guide is to explain the ECB’s understanding of those specific
When discussing the relationship between supervised institutions and CSPs, the ECB Guide refers
exclusively to the portfolio of procured cloud solutions, rather than any non-cloud-related products that
might be offered by CSPs.
Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on
digital operational resilience for the financial sector and amending Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009,
(EU) No 648/2012, (EU) No 600/2014, (EU) No 909/2014 and (EU) 2016/1011 (OJ L 333, 27.12.2022).
Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on access to the
activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms,
amending Directive 2002/87/EC and repealing Directives 2006/48/EC and 2006/49/EC (OJ L 176,
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
rules and provide clarity on its expectations regarding institutions’ outsourcing of
cloud services, thereby fostering supervisory consistency and helping to ensure a
level playing field.
The ECB Guide sets out detailed supervisory expectations, drawing on risks
observed in the context of ongoing supervision by Joint Supervisory Teams, as well
as on-site inspections. Where appropriate, those expectations are complemented by
examples of effective practices observed during supervisory activities.
Definitions of terms for the purposes of this Guide
cloud service provider (CSP)
A service provider that is responsible for delivering cloud services under an outsourcing
cloud services
Services provided using cloud computing – that is to say, a model enabling ubiquitous,
convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources
(e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
community cloud
Cloud infrastructure available for exclusive use by a specific community of undertakings
(e.g. undertakings belonging to a particular group).
critical or important function
Activities, services or operations whose discontinuance is likely to lead to disruptions of
services that are essential to the real economy in one or more member states or the disruption
of financial stability, given the size, market share, external and internal interconnectedness,
complexity or cross-border nature of an institution or group’s activities, particularly as regards
the substitutability of those activities, services or operations.
hybrid cloud
Cloud infrastructure that is composed of two or more distinct substructures.
identity and access
management (IAM) policy
A set of rules and protocols that determines and controls how individuals or entities are
granted access to systems, applications, data and resources within an organisation’s ICT
Infrastructure as a Service
A cloud computing model where an IaaS vendor provides the customer with processing,
storage, networks and other fundamental computing resources and the customer is able to
deploy and run its own choice of software, including operating systems and applications. The
customer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over
operating systems, storage and applications – and possibly limited control of selected network
components (e.g. host firewalls).
ICT asset
A software or hardware asset that is found in the business environment.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
A cloud computing model where a customer is able to deploy on the cloud infrastructure
customer-created or acquired applications that have been developed using programming
languages, libraries, services and tools supported by the provider. The customer does not
manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure (including the network, servers, operating
systems and storage), but has control over the applications deployed – and possibly
configuration settings for the application hosting environment.
private cloud
Cloud infrastructure available for the exclusive use of a single undertaking, which can be
installed either on or off the premises.
public cloud
Cloud infrastructure available for use by the general public.
service provider
A third-party entity that performs or provides a process, service or activity (or part thereof)
under an outsourcing arrangement.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
A business model where a customer is able to use a provider’s applications running on cloud
infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices through either a thin
client interface (such as a web browser – e.g. web-based email) or a program interface. The
consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure (including the
network, servers, operating systems and storage – and even individual application
capabilities), with the possible exception of limited user-specific application configuration
Based on a definition used by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology.
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
1.2 Scope and effect
The supervisory expectations set out in the ECB Guide are addressed to institutions
that are supervised directly by ECB Banking Supervision. When applying these
expectations, account should be taken of the principle of proportionality. The
supervisory regime under DORA that will enter into force on 17 January 2025 has
been taken into consideration to the extent possible. Also, the ECB Guide may be
complemented by publications produced by other supervisory authorities within the
Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), such as national competent authorities
(NCAs). References to Union directives within the ECB Guide should be regarded as
covering all legislation that transposes those directives into national law.
The ECB Guide does not lay down legally binding requirements. It does not replace
the relevant legal requirements stemming from Union or national law, nor should it
be construed as introducing new rules or requirements over and above those
currently imposed by Union and national law. Although the European Banking
Authority (EBA) Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements (EBA/GL/2019/02) are also
applicable to cloud outsourcing (incorporating the EBA recommendations on
outsourcing to cloud service providers that were initially published in 2017), cloud
technologies are so important that a comprehensive description of prudent risk
mitigation practices is warranted. The ECB Guide should be read in conjunction with
the DORA regulatory framework (including implementing legislation), which takes
precedence over this ECB Guide, and the EBA Guidelines on outsourcing
arrangements. Where applicable, reference has been made to the relevant
provisions of the Union framework, as interpreted in accordance with the EBA
Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements.
When discussing the relationship between supervised institutions and CSPs, the
ECB Guide refers exclusively to the portfolio of procured cloud solutions, rather than
any non-cloud-related products that might be offered by CSPs. Where a non-CSP
third-party provider (TPP) is reliant on cloud services provided by a CSP, the same
supervisory expectations apply.
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
2 Supervisory expectations
2.1 Governance of cloud services
2.1.1 Full responsibility continues to lie with the institution in question
Institutions should ensure that they establish an appropriate governance framework
for and thus control and monitoring of the outsourcing of cloud services, including
definitions of the roles and responsibilities of the relevant functions and bodies.
The outsourcing of cloud services creates operational responsibilities for both the
CSP and the institution, making a clear and unambiguous allocation of
responsibilities more challenging. Nevertheless, the institution’s management body
bears the ultimate responsibility for the management of ICT risk under Article 5(2) of
DORA. To protect its information, the institution should ensure that roles and
responsibilities are clearly understood and defined internally and contractually
agreed when procuring cloud computing services.
The ECB understands Article 28(1)(a) of DORA as meaning that institutions which
outsource ICT should apply the same level of diligence regarding risk management,
processes, and controls (including ICT security) as those which decide to keep the
relevant services in-house. Consequently, institutions should ensure that their CSPs
have established equivalent risk management practices, processes and controls.
2.1.2 Pre-outsourcing analysis
Under Article 28(4) of DORA, institutions are required to conduct risk analysis that
covers certain specified elements termed a “pre-outsourcing analysis” – prior to
entering into a new cloud outsourcing arrangement with a CSP. In order to
adequately identify and assess all of the relevant risks relating to the outsourcing of
cloud services, institutions should:
perform thorough analysis of the control processes that will be established;
assess the CSP’s ability to provide the information required for these checks;
ensure that the CSP has itself properly implemented the relevant checks;
assess whether the institution has the expertise and human resources required
to implement and perform these checks;
That is, a governance framework that complies with the requirements of Article 5 of DORA and Article
74 of the CRD.
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
in the case of ICT services supporting critical or important functions, assess the
risks associated with long and complex sub-outsourcing chains, bearing in mind
the requirements set out in Article 29(2) of DORA.
It is good practice for a pre-outsourcing analysis to consider the following risks:
vendor lock-in and potential challenges that could arise in the course of
identifying an alternative provider if an exit is required;
data storage and processing risks, as well as the potential for sensitive data to
be lost, altered, destroyed or disclosed without authorisation;
physical risks and region-specific risks (e.g. risks relating to the political stability
of the country where the services are provided and/or the data are stored);
the risk of a considerable fall in quality or a significant increase in price (both of
which are common scenarios in a highly concentrated market);
the risks of a multi-tenant environment.
2.1.3 Consistency between an institution’s cloud strategy and its overall
Under Article 28(2) of DORA, an institution must have in place a strategy that covers
ICT third-party risk including the risk of outsourcing to cloud service providers.
Further, Article 6(3) of DORA requires appropriate strategies to minimise the impact
of ICT risk. In the ECB’s opinion, this can be a specific cloud strategy or cloud
aspects can be integrated into the institution’s general outsourcing strategy. Given
the wording of recital 45 of DORA, the ECB is of the view that any outsourcing
strategy should be consistent with the institution’s general strategy. At the same
time, the outsourcing strategy should also be consistent with the institution’s general
strategy frameworks and its internal policies and processes, including as regards the
management of operational and ICT risk.
2.2 Availability and resilience of cloud services
2.2.1 Holistic perspective on business continuity measures for cloud
As referred to in Article 85(2) of the CRD, an institution must have contingency and
business continuity plans that ensure it is able to continue operating and limit losses
in the event of severe disruption to its business. Under Article 21(2)(c) of the
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
NIS 2 Directive
, measures aimed at managing risks to the security of network and
information systems must include business continuity and back-up management.
Article 11(1) of DORA also requires that institutions put in place a comprehensive
ICT business continuity policy. When selecting a CSP especially for the
outsourcing of critical or important functions an institution should ensure that
business continuity, resilience and disaster recovery capabilities can be maintained,
including for all outsourced cloud services.
The ECB understands Article 12 of DORA as meaning that institutions’ response and
recovery planning for cloud services involving the storage of data should include
back-up procedures and restoration and recovery procedures in order to mitigate a
failure of the CSP to provide services as well as the failure of the CSP as a whole,
e.g., due to bankruptcy. In order to avoid jeopardising the security of network and
information systems, the ECB considers that back-ups of critical or important
systems should not be stored in the cloud which hosts the services concerned. The
back up procedures and restoration and recovery procedures should be tested
periodically in accordance with Article 12(2) of DORA. Tests should be validated as
regards the accuracy, completeness and practicality of recovery procedures.
For the purposes of Article 12(6) of DORA, the ECB understands that business
continuity management (BCM) measures should address a worst-case scenario
where some or all of the relevant cloud services (provided by one or more CSPs) are
not available and the institution has to perform an exit under stress or an exit without
cooperation from the CSP(s) in question.
2.2.2 Proportionate requirements for critical functions
For the purposes of the requirements of Article 85(2) of the CRD and Article 6(8) of
DORA, the institution should assess the resilience requirements for the cloud
outsourcing services provided and the data managed and, following a risk-based
approach, decide on the appropriate cloud resilience measures. Those measures
may include the following:
Multiple data centres in different geographical locations, allowing a switch to a
data centre in another physical location. Having two hot-synced availability
zones in the same physical location might not suffice if a function is critical. (A
multi-region approach is even better, offering additional security relative to a
set-up with multiple virtual zones in the same region.)
Multiple active data centres in different availability zones within the same
region, which allows the service provider to re-route services if a data centre
becomes unavailable.
Directive (EU) 2022/2555 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on
measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union, amending Regulation (EU)
No 910/2014 and Directive (EU) 2018/1972, and repealing Directive (EU) 2016/1148 (OJ L 333,
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
Use of hybrid cloud architecture.
Multiple CSPs or back-up providers, as long as data centres and physical
locations do not overlap as a result of services being spread across multiple
vendors that share data centres.
For the purposes of Article 28(8) of DORA, it is the ECB’s expectation that the
institution will ensure that, for critical functions,
abrupt discontinuation of a
CSP’s outsourced cloud services does not lead to business disruption beyond
the maximum tolerable downtime or data loss as defined in the institution’s
internal policies. A combination of the above measures should be used to
enable the institution to remain fully operational,
including in cases where a
failed CSP cannot provide the level of assistance that one would expect in an
orderly transition under the exit plan. The institution must retain the ability to
bring data and applications back on-premises. To this end, institutions should
consider using technologies that ensure the portability of data and ICT systems,
facilitating effective migration while minimising the impact of using a solution
specific to an individual CSP. For example, institutions could consider
developing mature virtual machine-based applications and/or containerising
their applications in the cloud environment, or they could consider portability
aspects of Platform as a Service solutions.
2.2.3 Oversight over the planning, establishment, testing and
implementation of a disaster recovery strategy
Under the second subparagraph of Article 11(6) of DORA, financial entities’ testing
plans must include, among others, scenarios involving cyber-attacks and switches
between the primary ICT infrastructure and the redundant capacity. Article 21(2)(c)
of the NIS 2 Directive also provides that the measures taken to manage risks as
required by Article 21(1) of that Directive must include, among others, business
continuity, such as backup managements and disaster recovery. On the basis of
these provisions, the ECB understands that an institution should test its CSP’s
disaster recovery plans and should not rely exclusively on relevant disaster recovery
certifications. When conducting disaster recovery tests with the CSP, the institution
should perform spot checks and/or tests at short notice in order to assess its
readiness for an actual disaster event. The testing plan should cover a variety of
disaster recovery scenarios (including component failure, full site loss, loss of a
region and partial failures). These scenarios should be tested regularly in
accordance with the institution’s strategy and in line with its business continuity
policy and requirements.
In the view of the ECB, it is good practice for personnel at the institution and the CSP
who are involved in disaster recovery procedures to have designated roles and
As defined in paragraph 29(a) of the EBA Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements.
“Fully operational” means that all workflows that are necessary for the execution of critical functions
can be performed as foreseen.
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
training, in order to ensure awareness of their responsibilities and ensure that they
are capable of executing them. If joint tests with the CSP are not possible, the
institution should ensure that all affected components within the CSP’s area of
responsibility are covered by tests conducted by the institution.
It is also good practice for any deficiencies identified during testing to be
documented and analysed in order to identify corrective measures, with a
remediation plan (including details of relevant roles and responsibilities) being
established and monitored via the appropriate governance bodies. Such deficiencies
should be addressed for example, by renegotiating the contract with the CSP.
2.2.4 Assessment of concentration and provider lock-in risks
As referred to in paragraph 2.1.2, Article 28(4) of DORA, requires institutions to
perform a risk analysis covering certain specified elements before entering into a
contractual arrangement with a CSP. The ECB believes that, especially when it
comes to concentration risks, it is good practice to perform such a risk assessment
on a regular basis, as providers’ practices and market shares may change over time.
A regular review of the institution’s dependence on individual service providers
(including procured services that sub-outsource to specific CSPs) is strongly
advisable. Concentration risks are generally exacerbated by a lack of knowledge
about other CSPs’ proprietary technology, which creates difficulties and increases
the cost of switching or exiting contracts (“lock-in risk”). These concentration risks
will also need to be taken into consideration for the policy on the use of ICT services
supporting critical or important functions, as set out in Article 1(h) of the proposed
When performing risk assessments, the ECB considers it good practice to scrutinise
typical risks relating to cloud services (such as increased provider lock-in, less
predictable costs, increased difficulty of auditing, concentration of provided functions
and lack of transparency regarding the use of sub-providers), alongside aspects of
data residency. When assessing concentration risks, three main aspects may be
considered: concentration in a specific provider, concentration in a specific
geographical location and concentration in a specific functionality/service (also taking
into account the fact that other outsourcing providers used by the supervised entity
will also be reliant on the CSP’s cloud services). In particular, concentration risks
should be assessed not only on the basis of the number and nature of outsourced
functions, but also by taking into account the scalability of the cloud (which allows it
to be gradually extended to encompass new functions, with potential effects on
concentration risks).
Draft of the Commission delegated regulation supplementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the
European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the
detailed content of the policy regarding contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting
critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers.
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
2.3 ICT security, data confidentiality and integrity
As referred to in Article 21(1) of the NIS 2 Directive, appropriate and proportionate
technical, operational and organisational measures are to be taken by essential and
important entities to manage risks posed to the security of network and information
systems which those entities use for their operations or for the provision of their
services, and to prevent or minimise the impact that incidents have on recipients of
their services and on other services. As institutions effectively extend their trusted
zones to the cloud environment when internal back-end systems need to
communicate with cloud-outsourced applications, a careful risk assessment and a
well-informed risk management decision are warranted, which should also take into
account the requirements set out in Article 9 of DORA. Consequently, institutions
need to protect their data (including relevant back-ups) from unauthorised access by
maintaining high levels of data encryption and constantly adapting to external
threats. This involves encrypting data in transit, at rest and, where feasible, in use,
employing appropriate encryption methods in line with the institution’s data sensitivity
classification policy.
The security and accuracy of data in transit and data at rest are key requirements
when relying on cloud infrastructure. A failure to fulfil these requirements could
potentially cause severe reputational damage and have a significant financial impact.
Institutions that outsource to the cloud continue to own their data. For that reason, it
is good practice for institutions to restrict the locations where CSPs can store their
data and apply appropriate tracing mechanisms to monitor compliance with those
restrictions, while also ensuring that data can be accessed when needed.
2.3.1 Establishment of adequate data security measures, such as
encryption and cryptographic key management processes
Under Article 9(4)(d) of DORA, institutions are required to implement protection
measures involving cryptographic keys whereby data are encrypted on the basis of
approved data classification and ICT risk assessment processes. The following can
be regarded as best practices in terms of ensuring the establishment of adequate
encryption and cryptographic key management processes:
Detailed policies and procedures are in place governing the entire lifecycle of
encrypted data (i.e. generation, storage, usage, revocation, expiry and
renewal), as well as the archiving of cryptographic keys, including a key access
justification process that has the characteristics identified Article 9(3) of DORA.
Details of encryption algorithms, corresponding key lengths, data flows and
processing logic are regularly reviewed as appropriate by subject matter
experts to identify potential weaknesses and points of exposure. Only
non-obsolete encryption methods and keys of sufficient length are used for
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
Cryptographic keys are controlled to ensure that they are generated and
managed securely and are reviewed regularly in accordance with industry best
Encryption keys used for the encryption of institution data are unique and not
shared with other users of the cloud service.
In addition to encryption technology, institutions may also (i) use multi-cloud
technologies that enhance their data security, (ii) apply micro-segmentation
technologies or (iii) adopt other data loss prevention measures.
2.3.2 Risks stemming from the location and processing of data
Since some CSPs may be heavily affected by third-country legislators, the ECB
considers it good practice for these risks to be explicitly taken into consideration.
Institutions are advised, therefore, to draw up a list of acceptable countries
their data can be stored and processed, depending on the data in question. That
assessment should ideally take account of legal and political risks surrounding
outsourcing (e.g. the risk of litigation or sanctions).
Requirements, processes and controls for the processing and storage of data should
be consistent across all agreed locations or zones. This should be assessed for the
various zones and locations on a regular basis. Data processing controls should be
in place for the retrieval, transformation or classification of (personal) information on
behalf of the institution or on behalf of the CSP (sub-processing).
Furthermore, the ECB also considers it good practice for institutions to assess
additional risks if a sub-contractor relevant for the cloud services is located in a
different country from the CSP, while taking into account any risks associated with
complex sub-outsourcing chains as outlined in paragraph 25 of the EBA Guidelines
on outsourcing arrangements.
2.3.3 Consistent inclusion of outsourcing assets in an institution’s
inventory of ICT assets
The ECB considers it good practice for institutions to adopt a clear policy on the
classification of all ICT assets, including those that are outsourced to CSPs. This
policy should be applied by the institution in every case and should support the
institution’s ability to assess and determine the controls that are necessary to ensure
the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, regardless of where the data are
stored and processed.
The European Commission has drawn up a list of non-EU countries where data protection is
considered adequate on the basis of Article 45 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The
ECB advises supervised entities to use that list.
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
As part of this practice, an institution should, as a matter of best practice, maintain
an up-to-date inventory of all the ICT assets it is responsible for under the policy, in
order to ensure that all operational processes (monitoring, patching, incident
management, change management, etc.) are extended to cover cloud assets.
2.3.4 Identity and access management (IAM) policies for cloud
outsourcing arrangements
Unclear roles and responsibilities as regards the management of access and
configuration rights and encryption keys are a major source of operational risk and
disruption for cloud services, as commonly observed in supervisory activities.
Consequently, the configuration of the cloud environment should be clearly defined
and agreed between the parties, with a clear segregation of duties.
An institution’s IAM policy should be extended to cover cloud assets and executed
when entering into a cloud outsourcing arrangement. This policy should cover both
technical and business users. Roles and responsibilities
The ECB considers it good practice for institutions to agree individual clauses with
the CSP when configuring the cloud environment. If this is not feasible, the institution
should, as a minimum, look at how the structure provided by the CSP for the cloud
services fits with the institution’s roles and responsibilities to ensure the effective
segregation of duties. Any deviations can then be analysed and addressed using risk
mitigation measures. Access management, remote access and authentication for users
Users – especially those with privileged access to the system – should be
clearly identified and should always be authenticated using a strong
authentication solution (i.e. multi-factor authentication) when connecting to
cloud systems. They should be subject to regular user access reviews. Access
rights should be checked using re-certification and access withdrawal
processes to prevent users from having excessive privileges, and the regularity
of those processes should be in line with the criticality of the function in
question. Privileged users’ access should be clearly tracked in real time and
reported, and access/change requests should be subject to agreed approval
processes when they entail access to the institution’s data. Access reviews
should adopt a broad perspective, looking at in-house systems as well.
Clear business owners should be identified, in order to ensure accountability for
and ownership of each specific role.
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
Access security measures (such as two-factor authentication and virtual private
network (VPN) encryption) should be implemented.
If a CSP has access to any of the institution’s systems or data, this should be
properly documented and monitored using appropriate monitoring tools (which
should also be reviewed on a regular basis).
2.4 Exit strategy and termination rights
Under Article 28(8) of DORA, financial entities are required to put in place exit
strategies for ICT services that support critical or important functions. Significant
risks and challenges can arise if an institution decides to terminate a contractual
agreement with a CSP without having previously established a comprehensive exit
plan on the basis of a principle-based exit strategy. Exit strategies with clearly
defined roles and responsibilities and estimated costs should be drawn up for all
outsourced cloud services performing critical or important functions before those
systems go live, and the time required to exit should be in line with the transition
period indicated in the relevant contractual agreement.
2.4.1 Termination rights
Contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services must allow the institution the
right of termination if any of the circumstances set out in Article 28(7) of DORA
arises. The ECB understands that grounds for such a termination, (which should be
clearly stated in the cloud outsourcing contract with the CSP), could include (i)
ongoing inadequate performance, (ii) serious breaches of the contractual terms, or of
the applicable law or regulations, or (iii) an excessive increase in expenses under the
contractual arrangements that are attributable to the CSP.
Furthermore, the ECB understands Article 28(7) of DORA as meaning that the right
of termination should also apply in cases where a reason for termination as
described in the paragraph above is the result of the relocation of business units or
data centres. Other changes that could also lead to such a reason for termination
include (i) a merger or sale, (ii) a material change to the sub-contracting chain, (iii)
relocation of the provider’s headquarters to another jurisdiction, (iv) relocation of the
data centre hosting to another country, or a significant change to the host country’s
social, political or economic climate, (v) a change to national legislation affecting the
outsourcing arrangement, (vi) a change in the regulations applicable to data location
and data processing, (vii) significant changes to the management of cybersecurity
risk in the chain of sub-contractors, (vii) continuous failure to achieve agreed service
levels or a substantial loss of service, and (ix) a failure to successfully execute cloud
provider test migrations at the agreed times.
As a matter of best practices, contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services
supporting critical or important functions should include a transition period in the
case of termination, with the aim of reducing the risk of disruption and allowing the
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
switch to another provider, or the insourcing or decommissioning of the service. The
ECB understands that, in order to allow for such a transition, the contract between
the institution and the CSP should oblige the CSP to support a smooth and effective
transition in accordance with the schedule in the agreed exit plan.
If an outsourcing contract encompasses several services that can be managed
independently, it should be possible to terminate only some of those services.
On the basis of the requirement concerning key contractual provisions contained in
Article 30(2)(a) of DORA, institutions should ensure that all suppliers of
subcontracted services supporting the CSP comply with the same contractual
obligations that apply between the institution and the CSP, (including obligations
relating to confidentiality, integrity, availability, the retention and destruction of data,
configurations and back-ups) if termination rights are exercised.
The institution should ensure that the CSPs termination rights are aligned with the
institution’s exit strategy. In particular, the notice period set out in the contract with
the CSP should be sufficient to allow the institution (or any third-party service
provider employed by the institution that uses cloud services in its outsourcing chain)
to transfer or insource the relevant services in accordance with the schedule in the
exit plan.
2.4.2 Components of the exit strategy and alignment with the exit plan
The ECB understands that for the purposes of compliance with the requirements set
out in Article 28(8) of DORA, institutions should ensure operational resilience and
mitigate relevant risks by establishing a principle-based exit strategy with granular
technical exit plans for individual cloud outsourcing arrangements. Those exit plans
should allow sufficient time for all the steps that need to be taken in the event of a
planned or abrupt exit (including the establishment of alternative arrangements, such
as moving the services in-house or finding a new provider). While BCM measures
should ensure the continuity of services in the short term, exit plans should ensure
continuity in the long term.
When an exit strategy focuses on moving cloud services to another CSP, the
institution should draw up a list of qualified alternative service providers, reviewing
and updating that list on a regular basis using market reviews (looking, for example,
at the advantages and disadvantages of the various cloud outsourcing providers).
Where exit strategies involve bringing services in-house or migrating them to another
CSP, institutions should perform technical analysis and estimate the time required
for such a transition (which should be in line with the termination dates and periods
set out in the contract).
2.4.3 Granularity of exit plans
A dedicated exit plan as referred to in Article 28(8) of DORA should ensure that a
supervised entity is able to react quickly to any deterioration in the service provided
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
by a CSP. It is good practice for exit plans to include, as a minimum, the critical
milestones, a description of the tasks and skill sets that are necessary to perform the
exit, and a rough estimate of the time required and the costs involved. Exit plans
should be reviewed and tested on a regular basis, bearing in mind the principle of
proportionality as described in Article 28(1)(b) of DORA. Supervised entities should
at least perform an in-depth desktop review, ensuring that such reviews are
conducted by staff who are sufficiently knowledgeable about cloud technologies.
Institutions should also review the amount of data and the complexity of the
applications that would need to be migrated, thinking about the potential data
transfer method, in order to produce meaningful estimates of the time required.
Institutions should check that they have the personnel required for their exit plans
and, by conducting a walkthrough of the tasks involved, ensure that the staff
available are able to perform the proposed tasks outlined in the exit plan.
For the most critical steps in the migration process, employees’ ability to perform
their assigned roles in the allotted time should be checked for a sample of tasks.
Supervised entities should check, on a regular basis, whether the skill sets required
to perform the tasks set out in their exit plans are represented among staff members,
or whether external consultants would be needed in order to exit a cloud outsourcing
arrangement. The feasibility of each exit plan should be independently verified (i.e.
checked by someone who is not responsible for drafting the plan in question).
2.4.4 Exiting under stress
As a result of the particular way in which cloud services are set up, the CSP has the
technical ability to terminate any service/access for any customer at any point in time
in such a way that the service cannot be resumed by another party. Regardless of
any contractual agreement, such a termination could be caused by external events
such as conflicting legislation.
In the exit strategies that are required under Article 28(8) of DORA, institutions
should include a business continuity policy catering for such a situation in order to
ensure that the institution is able to withstand that scenario and has access to the
data required to operate the service in question.
2.5 Oversight, monitoring and internal audits
If an institution makes compromises with regard to the audit rights regime, that could
lead to a situation where the institution’s audit function is no longer able to conduct
an independent review of an outsourcing arrangement. In many cases, CSPs do not
provide sufficient detail about their infrastructure processes and their internal control
systems, with the result that institutions often lack detailed first-hand knowledge of
the CSP’s premises, information systems, proprietary technology, sub-providers and
contingency plans, as the majority of entities rely solely on the CSP’s statements and
third-party certifications.
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
The ECB understands for the purposes of compliance with Article 6(6) of DORA, the
internal audit functions of the institutions should regularly review the risks stemming
from the use of a CSP’s cloud services. That review should cover, among other
things, adequacy of the application of internal guidelines, the appropriateness of the
risk assessment conducted and the quality of the provider’s management. The
outsourcing contract should clearly specify that the institution, its internal audit
function, and the competent authorities and resolution authorities have the right to
inspect and audit the CSP.
With cloud infrastructure and services becoming increasingly complex, there is an
increased need to pool expertise and resources given the skills and resources
required for audits and the costs involved. That expertise needs to be updated
frequently given the fast pace of technological progress. An institution’s internal audit
function should ensure that risk assessments are not based solely on narratives and
certifications provided by the CSP without independent assessments/reviews and
the incorporation of input provided by third parties (e.g. security analysts).
It is good practice for institutions to work together to audit a CSP, putting together a
joint inspection team containing at least one technical expert from each institution.
The inspection plan could be agreed by the institutions concerned on a consensual
basis. If, during such a joint audit, specific issues are only relevant to a single
institution, institutions should have the ability to follow up individually with the CSP
on a bilateral basis. To prevent blind spots in the conduct of audits, leadership of
those inspection teams should rotate among the supervised entities involved,
changing every year.
2.5.1 Need for independent expert monitoring of CSPs
Under Article 6(10) of DORA, financial entities may, in accordance with Union and
national sectoral law, outsource the task of verifying compliance with ICT risk
management requirements to intra-group or external undertakings. That Article
further provides that in such a case, the institution remains fully responsible for the
verification of compliance with the ICT risk management requirements. The ECB
understands this to mean that even where cloud services are provided as managed
services, with the CSP responsible for keeping operations running and complying
with security standards, accountability for verification of compliance with the ICT risk
management requirements by the outsourced function cannot itself be outsourced. In
order to ensure an adequate level of quality, the institution should monitor the cloud
services provided by the CSP. Relying solely on monitoring tools provided by a CSP
in order to assess performance might not be sufficient in the case of outsourcing of
critical or important functions. In such a scenario, the monitoring tools provided
should be complemented by independent tools to prevent manipulation by the CSP.
In order to perform appropriate monitoring, supervised institutions should retain
expertise in-house, with a centralised function or department being recommended for
the monitoring of CSPs. The monitoring and oversight metrics used should give the
relevant team a comprehensive overview and should be the basis for internal
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
reporting to the management body on the outsourcing activities of the supervised
The institution should ensure that all contractual arrangements for outsourcing
including intra-group outsourcing, both with and without sub-outsourcing take
account of the reporting that is required for monitoring purposes.
2.5.2 Incident reports and contractual details
Under Article 19(5) of DORA, financial entities that decide to outsource the reporting
obligations under Article 19 to a third-party service provider nevertheless remain fully
responsible for the fulfilment of incident reporting requirements. The institution’s
oversight function should be able to follow up in detail on any incident that occurs at
the CSP, with clearly defined procedures, roles and responsibilities when it comes to
incident management. Reports should include relevant details to enable the
identification of affected services. These reports should enable the institution to
assess any potential impact on its business. All stages of the incident management
process should be tracked in order to draw conclusions and learn lessons as
appropriate. Institutions should use contractual clauses to ensure appropriate
incident and monitoring reports, enabling ongoing assessment of outsourced
2.5.3 Contractual clauses
Article 30(4) of DORA requires that when negotiating contractual arrangements,
institutions and ICT third-party service providers must consider using standard
contractual clauses developed by public authorities for specific services. Taking this
into account, the ECB recommends that financial entities use standard contractual
clauses when outsourcing cloud computing services. The specific recommendations
below can be regarded as a guide to best practices in this respect:
Contractual clauses should allow institutions to follow up on ineffective provision
of services and ask for the implementation of remedial actions.
Contractual clauses should allow institutions to monitor any deterioration in
services and ask for the implementation of remedial actions.
Contracts should include details of how the cost of performing on-site audits is
calculated, ideally including a breakdown and indicating the maximum cost.
If contractual provisions are stored online, the provider should be required to
sign a separate digital or physical copy to prevent any risk of unilateral
ECB Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers
3 Annex: Table of acronyms
Capital Requirements Directive
cloud service provider
Digital Operational Resilience Act
European Banking Authority
European Central Bank
identity and access management
Infrastructure as a service
information and communication technology
national competent authority
NIS 2 Directive
Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union
platform as a service
software as a service
third-party provider
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Postal address 60640 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Telephone +49 69 1344 0
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For specific terminology please refer to the SSM glossary (available in English only).