Department of Defense | Defense Human Resources Activity
Agency Program Coordinator Guide
Government Travel Charge Card Program
May 2022
APC Guide June 2021
Defense Travel Management Office 1
APC Guide May 2022
Defense Travel Management Office i
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Acronyms and Icons ............................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 2. Laws, Regulations, and Policy Governing the DoD Travel Card Program .... 2
Chapter 3. GTCC Program Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................... 4
3.1 General Services Administration (GSA) .............................................................................. 4
3.2 Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) ....................................................................... 4
3.3 Component Program Manager (CPM) ................................................................................. 4
3.4 Agency Program Coordinator (APC) ................................................................................... 4
3.4.1 As-Necessary Tasks ..................................................................................................... 4
3.4.2 Daily Tasks .................................................................................................................... 5
3.4.3 Weekly Tasks ................................................................................................................ 5
3.4.4 Monthly Tasks ............................................................................................................... 5
3.4.5 Annually ........................................................................................................................ 7
3.5 Cardholder (CH) .................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 4. Charge Card Accounts ....................................................................................... 8
4.1 Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) ..................................................................................... 8
4.2 Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs) ....................................................................................... 8
Chapter 5. Hierarchical Structure ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 6. Training Requirements .................................................................................... 11
6.1 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Travel Explorer (TraX) ........................................................................................................ 11
6.3 Citi Training and Resources .............................................................................................. 11
Chapter 7. Citi Tools ........................................................................................................... 13
7.1 CitiManager ......................................................................................................................... 13
7.2 The CitiManager Transaction Management Module ......................................................... 15
7.3 The CitiManager Reporting Module ................................................................................... 15
7.4 The CitiManager Learning Center Module ........................................................................ 17
Chapter 8. Operational Setup ............................................................................................. 18
8.1 New Account Applications and Setup ............................................................................... 18
8.1.1 Individually Billed Accounts ...................................................................................... 18
8.1.2. Paper CBA Applications ............................................................................................ 21
8.2 Post Application Processing Actions ............................................................................... 21
8.2.1 Card Receipt Report ................................................................................................... 22
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8.2.2 Defense travel system Profile Update ....................................................................... 22
8.2.3 APC Wrap-up with Cardholder ................................................................................... 22
Chapter 9. Account Maintenance ...................................................................................... 23
9.1 Defense Travel System Reports ........................................................................................ 23
9.2 Demographic Updates ........................................................................................................ 23
9.3 Temporary Credit Limit Updates ....................................................................................... 24
9.4 Opening and Closing at Risk Accounts ............................................................................ 24
9.5 Mission Critical ................................................................................................................... 25
9.5.1 PCS .............................................................................................................................. 25
9.6 Hierarchy Transfers ............................................................................................................ 25
9.7 Disputes /Transfers ............................................................................................................ 25
9.8 APC Termination of Accounts ........................................................................................... 26
9.9 Deceased Cardholder ......................................................................................................... 27
9.10 Credit Balance Refunds ................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 10. Delinquency Management ............................................................................. 29
10.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 29
10.2 Delinquency Milestones ................................................................................................... 30
10.2.1 IBA Delinquency Milestones .................................................................................... 30
10.2.2 CBA Delinquency Milestones .................................................................................. 31
10.3 Fees ................................................................................................................................... 32
10.4 Delinquency Management Reports ................................................................................. 33
10.5 Cardholder Payment Options .......................................................................................... 33
10.5.1 Reduced Payment Plan (RPP) .................................................................................. 34
10.5.2 Salary Offset ............................................................................................................. 34
10.5.3 Charge-Off/3rd Party Collections ............................................................................ 34
10.5.4 Payment Options available to the cardholder......................................................... 34
Chapter 11. Misuse ............................................................................................................. 35
11.1 Visa IntelliLink .................................................................................................................. 36
Chapter 12. Account Services ........................................................................................... 37
12.1 Upgrade ............................................................................................................................. 37
12.2 Reinstatement of Cancelled Accounts ............................................................................ 37
12.2.1 IBA Reinstatements .................................................................................................. 37
12.2.2 CBA Reinstatements ................................................................................................ 37
12.3 Exception Status for CBAs .............................................................................................. 38
12.3.1 Exception Requests for CBAs Beyond the Third Request .................................... 38
12.4 Renewals ........................................................................................................................... 39
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12.5 Lost/Stolen ........................................................................................................................ 39
Chapter 13. Additional Resources ..................................................................................... 40
13.1 Citi Customer Service and Support - Cardholders ......................................................... 40
13.2 Client Account Specialist (CAS) Support - APCs ........................................................... 40
13.3 CitiManager (Resources/Forms Links) ............................................................................ 40
13.4 Travel Assistance Center (TAC) ...................................................................................... 40
13.5 Additional websites .......................................................................................................... 41
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Chapter 1. Introduction
This document provides Agency Program Coordinators (APCs) with a general overview and guidance on
processes and procedures necessary for the successful execution and daily operations of their Organization’s
Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Program. It includes information on the administration of both
Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) and Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs). APCs must also refer to their
component’s guidance related to the GTCC Program. In addition to this DoD-wide guidance, APCs must refer to
their service or agency specific guidance, as it may include additional or more specific requirements for their
Note: Although all DoD Travel Card stakeholders will find value in this document, this guide is principally
intended for Department of Defense (DoD) GTCC APCs, therefore the word “you implies “APC.”
Denotes especially important information or helpful tip.
1.1 Acronyms and Icons
Below are common DoD Acronyms that will be used in this guide and in the administration of the GTCC program.
Acronym Description Acronym Description
APC Agency Program Coordinator GSA General Services Administration
BIN Bank Identification Number GTCC Government Travel Charge Card
BP Basis Point HL Hierarchy Level
CAS Client Account Services (Citibank) IBA Individually Billed Account
CBA Centrally Billed Account MC Mission Critical
CBA-S Centrally Billed Account Specialist MCC Merchant Category Code
CBR Credit Balance Refund` PAD PAD Days, Padding or extra time
CCV Charge Card Vendor PCS Permanent Change-of-Station
CPM Component Program Manager POS Point of Sale
CVV Card Verification Value RPP Reduced Payment Plan
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service SO Salary Offset
DoD Department of Defense SoU Statement of Understanding
DPB Days Past Billing SP3 SmartPay3 GSA Master Contract
DTA Defense Travel Administrator TMC Travel Management Company
DTMO Defense Travel Management Office TO Transportation Officer
DTS Defense Travel System TraX Travel Explorer
EAS Citi’s Electronic Access System WBT Web Based Training
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Chapter 2. Laws, Regulations, and Policy Governing the DoD Travel Card
It is recommended that you become familiar with the laws and regulations upon which DoD GTCC Policies are
Public Law 105-264
The Travel and Transportation Reform Act (TTRA) of 1998
Mandates use of the GTCC by U.S. Government civilian and military personnel for official travel.
Public Law 109-115 Section 846
Requires each Organization to evaluate the creditworthiness of an individual before issuing an IBA GTCC.
Public Law 112-194
Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012 SEC 3. Management of Travel Cards
Requires all federal agencies to establish internal controls for government charge card programs, ensure
periodic internal control reviews are conducted, and penalties imposed for violations when circumstances
Public Law 107-314 Section 2784
of the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003
Requires split disbursement of travel reimbursement directly to the GTCC vendor, and allows the withholding of
funds (through Salary Offset) payable to a DoD employee when in debt to the GTCC vendor.
Title 10 U.S.C. 2784a
Management of travel cards
Provides for disbursement of travel allowances directly to creditors.
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)
Pertaining to per diem, travel and transportation allowances, relocation allowances, and certain other
allowances of Uniformed Service Active Duty members, Uniformed Service Reserve Component members, DoD
civilians, and civilians traveling on DoD funding. Only expenses authorized by the JTR should be charged to the
GTCC, unless specifically allowed per the GTCC Regulations authorized by DoDI 5154.31, Volume 4.
Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Regulations
Establishes command supervisory and personal responsibility for use of the GTCC and the operation for the DoD
travel card program, program structure, and APC responsibilities.
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123, Appendix B
Prescribes policies and procedures regarding how to maintain internal controls that reduce the risk of fraud,
waste, and error in government payment solution programs.
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OUSD Memo, 3 May 2007 Reduction of Centrally Billed Accounts
Approved the IBA as the primary payment mechanism for all travel costs.
GSA Smart Bulletin 31
Describes and defines the requirement for creditworthiness assessments for travel card applicants.
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Chapter 3. GTCC Program Roles and Responsibilities
3.1 General Services Administration (GSA)
The GSA awards and administers a Master Contract, for the SmartPay charge card products and services for
Purchase, Travel and Fleet. The current Master Contract for SmartPay3 expires November 29, 2031.
3.2 Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO)
The DTMO, on behalf of the DoD, awards and manages a tailored task order defining the Department’s
requirements for Travel card products and services. The DTMO represents the Department’s Travel Card
interests with all sectors of the Government and Industry, to include the Services’ and Defense Agencies’
Component Program Managers, OSD-Comptroller, DoDIG, Office of Management and Budget, GSA, and DoD’s
contracted bank (currently Citibank).
3.3 Component Program Manager (CPM)
The Component Program Manager (CPM) serves as the primary administrator for their Service or Agency and
must be designated in writing. Minimum CPM responsibilities include:
Maintaining their component’s organizational hierarchy structure.
Notifying the DTMO and the travel card contracted bank of any changes affecting their program
organization (i.e., hierarchy).
Conducting periodic reviews (see GTCC Regulations, Annex 8 for a compliance checklist) to ensure:
travelers submit travel vouchers within five working days of completion of official travel and comply
with split disbursement requirements; IBAs and CBAs are properly approved; credit limits are
adjusted/appropriate to meet mission requirements; unused accounts are closed; the APC is part of the
check in/check out process; APCs are running and analyzing the GTCC reports to assist in program
management; APCs are following procedures to notify delinquent cardholders and suspected misuse,
abuse, or fraud; maximum utilization of the travel card; and APCs report findings of significant
weaknesses to the CPM and Command or Agency Head.
APCs, from a hierarchical prospective, receive their GTCC Program guidance from their Component’s CPM.
3.4 Agency Program Coordinator (APC)
The APC must be designated in writing by their Organization’s Commander or Director. Some APC tasks must be
performed at least once per billing cycle, but best-practice recommends more frequent attention to some
specific areas of the program. To assist you with keeping track of these tasks and their recommended frequency,
see below.
APC Self Maintenance Prohibition: APCs that are also cardholders are not authorized to perform account
maintenance such as activating or deactivating or making credit limit adjustments on their own IBA. If an
APC/cardholder needs APC functions performed on their IBA, they must direct the request to a higher level APC
or CPM.
3.4.1 As-Necessary Tasks
o Collect and review required cardholder documentation prior to card issuance; e.g. signed
application, Statement of Understanding, and Programs & Policies Travel Card Program
Travel Card 101 [Mandatory] certificate of completion
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o Self-register your APC profile in CitiManager (Citi’s online tool)
o Remind cardholders to verify their profile information in CitiManager when their account
application is approved
o Proactively communicate with IBA cardholders and CBA managers to minimize account
o Process CBA applications with required approval needed from your CPM
o Respond promptly to cardholder inquiries
o Maintain (add, update/modify, remove) APC and cardholder profiles in the GTCC EAS for
individuals within your span of control
o Facilitate cardholder moves between GTCC organizational hierarchies
o Manage and monitor accounts based on authorized travel dates, any history of misuse or
potential concerns about inappropriate card use and component or agency guidance.
o Adjust IBA credit limits as necessary for the travel mission
o Place IBAs in PCS Status or Mission Critical Status as applicable (per Component guidance)
and supervisor justification
o Work with your Defense travel system DTAs to ensure travelers on long term TDY are setup
for Scheduled Partial Payments (SPPs)
o Adjust CBA credit limits, as necessary, for the travel mission
o Request CBA exceptions through the CPM, as needed
o Perform maintenance and reporting utilizing the EAS (Transaction Management and
Reporting Modules)
3.4.2 Daily Tasks
o Process Account (IBA & CBA) applications within 24-hours of receipt
o Process requests to: manage and monitor accounts with compliance concerns, set card active
start and end dates, open or close temporary block accounts, adjust IBA credit limits, place
accounts in PCS status, Mission Critical status, update demographic information, etc.
3.4.3 Weekly Tasks
o Decline Authorization reports in the Reporting module (mandatory to run no less than once
per cycle):
To identify all ATM/cash and purchase transactions that were attempted for an
account, but were declined. This report will help you determine where and why
transactions failed, so you can be proactive in assisting cardholders with activating
their accounts, raising credit limits, updating DTS or MyTravel profiles, or pointing-out
improper use of the card.
Unsubmitted Voucher Report (DTS) may require coordination with the Defense
Travel System Defense Travel Administrator (DTA).
3.4.4 Monthly Tasks
o APCs are expected to obtain mandatory reports listed in the GTCC Regulations 041402 (IBA)
and 041403 (CBA) on a monthly basis, at a minimum.
o IBA and CBA Account Activity Text File-CD100T” Report
You must run and review this report for IBAs no less than monthly, but recommend
as often as weekly to identify potential improper use of the GTCC. The earlier misuse
is identified, the earlier it can be corrected with the cardholder.
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o Account Listing Report (IBA)
Ensure cardholders are keeping their personal information current with the GTCC
vendor by validating the detailed content of the Account Listing report with each
cardholder (e.g. full name, physical mailing address, e-mail address and phone
Ensure cardholders no longer assigned to the organization/hierarchy are either
transferred or their account closed.
This report will also allow you to be proactive in reminding cardholders (and
potentially the cardholders’ DTAs), to update GTCC card numbers or expiration dates
in their Defense travel system profiles.
o Delinquency Report Hierarchy (IBA and CBA)
This report displays accounts that are delinquent by time frame (i.e. 31, 61, 91, 120 or
more days past billing). You should use this report to aggressively work all
o DoD Travel IBA Aging Analysis or IBA Aging Analysis Summary Report
This report will identify detailed account delinquencies and summary level
information by component hierarchy. You will use one, or both, reports to get a point
in time listing of your delinquencies. These reports should be run at the completion of
each cycle, and used in conjunction with the Delinquency Report.
o DoD Travel CBA Aging Analysis
This report will identify summary level delinquency information by Component HL.
o Complete monthly CBA Reconciliation and ensure that payments post to your account (if CBA
reconciliation is applicable to you).
o Validate in/out-processing cardholders based on component procedures. Close cards
immediately for those former cardholders leaving the DoD; deactivate cards for those
transferring (except when in a PCS status), but remaining in DoD; close accounts of deceased
o Coordinate with your Defense travel system DTA and have them run the Traveler Status
Report. Identify any at risk accounts (accounts with a history of misuse or delinquency)
against the Account Listing Report that should be placed in the closed temporary block
status indefinitely during non-travel periods. At risk cards can also be managed and made
unavailable for use by very specifically setting the card active start and end dates for narrowly
defined periods of travel.
o Complete ad hoc requests to add/remove APCs that require access to CitiManager.
o Comply with the monthly IntelliLink requirement (See 11.1) and respond to IntelliLink case
inquiries as applicable or if so delegated.
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3.4.5 Annually
Recommended annual tasks that you should complete include (but aren’t limited to):
o Identify all cardholders that need to complete required course, Programs & Policies Travel
Card Program Travel Card 101 [Mandatory] other sources, as approved by the applicable
CPM (every three years).
o Identify all cardholders that need to complete a new SOU (every three years or new duty
o Complete any refresher APC training as mandated (every three years; available in TraX).
o Run and review a CBA Listing report annually to determine whether accounts are being
utilized, and if any modifications need to be made to credit limits, CBA Points of Contact, etc.
3.5 Cardholder (CH)
Cardholders (CHs) must:
Read, sign and comply with the DD3120-ardholder Statement of Understanding (SoU) initially, every
three years and upon arrival at each new duty station.
Complete traveler training available in TraX
(Programs & Policies Travel Card Program – Travel Card
101 [Mandatory]) initially and every three years.
Read and comply with the GTCC vendor’s cardholder agreement
Verify receipt of their card with the bank and set up a PIN
Ensure all cardholder contact information (email address, mailing address, telephone number, name
changes, etc.) are kept current with the GTCC vendor, as well as within their Defense travel system
traveler profile
Verify that their account is open and available for use before authorized travel begins by checking their
account online or by calling Citi and either using the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or talking
to an agent
Contact their APC if they need assistance to make their card available for use or to adjust the available
credit limit on their account if they need an increase
Use their GTCC for ALL authorized travel-related expenses /charges, where the GTCC is accepted
Submit their travel voucher within five working days of trip-end
Split disburse their travel expense reimbursement directly to the GTCC vendor in either DTS or
MyTravel (via Payment Total screen in DTS), to avoid late payments
Pay all undisputed charges on their GTCC monthly billing statement by the due date, regardless of
whether reimbursement has been received
Review GTCC billing statements and submit disputes within 60 days of the first appearance of an
erroneous charge
Coordinate with their APC when they receive PCS orders, so the APC can make the necessary PCS
Status updates to the account, as needed
Coordinate with their DTA to schedule partial payments (SPP) for long term TDY and/or PCS travel
Maintain awareness of, and stay within their available credit limit, while they are traveling by accessing
their GTCC account online or on the mobile app on their smartphone or by calling the customer service
number on the back of the travel card itself. If additional credit limit is necessary based on the travel
mission (long-term travel or travel to a high cost area for example), contact their APC to request an
Notify the APC and card vendor immediately if the card is lost or stolen
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Chapter 4. Charge Card Accounts
Citi is DoD’s GTCC vendor under the GSA SmartPay3 master contract (effective November 30, 2018 to November
29, 2031). Citi’s portfolio of travel card products offers a wide-variety of options, but DoD primarily uses two
types of individually billed accounts (IBAs) standard travel accounts and restricted travel accounts; and, two
types of centrally billed accounts (CBAs) - transportation only accounts and unit travel accounts.
4.1 Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs)
IBA initial spending limits are established based on the DoD’s requirements. However, the APC may
(temporarily) adjust the spending limits based on mission needs; permanent increases are not authorized. Any
individual that may travel as part of their official duties should obtain a GTCC card. Qualifications, credit limits,
and the types of IBAs for DoD were established in the DoD task order and are specified in the GTCC Regulations.
The IBA is a liability of the cardholder, and they are responsible for payment of all undisputed transactions on
the account.
There are two types of IBAs: 1) Standard, and 2) Restricted. Standard Accounts are issued to individuals who
authorize a credit score check and have a credit score of 660 or higher. The credit score check is a soft pull that
does not impact an applicant’s credit score. An applicant with a credit score below 660 will receive a restricted
account. If the applicant does not authorize a credit score check, they must complete the alternate
creditworthiness assessment form DD 2883.
Applicants not authorizing the bank to pull a credit score and who provide any false responses to any of
the true and false questions on the DD 2883 are not eligible for a travel card.
Note: Applicants who were not successful in applying for a travel card because they did not authorize a credit
score check and provided any false response on the DD 2883 can reapply and authorize a credit score check and
still receive a travel card based on their credit score criteria. There is no longer an APC restricted card option. If
an applicant is not successful in applying for a travel card for having a false response on the DD 2883 and will not
authorize a credit score check, they are ineligible to receive the IBA travel card.
4.2 Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs)
A CBA is an account that has been issued to a DoD organization to pay for official travel transportation charges
such as air, rail, bus, and for other official government travel related expenses. The CBA is the sole liability of the
government and requires monthly reconciliation of the invoice. The APC and/or CBA Manager have the
responsibility to ensure that the CBA invoice is reconciled in a timely manner and by the statement due date to
avoid delinquency and/or suspension of the CBA. The account has a net 30-day payment term, and is subject to
the Prompt Payment Act of 1982. These accounts contain a unique prefix that identifies the account as a CBA for
official federal government travel. Transportation-only CBAs are typically used to purchase transportation (air,
bus, and rail) for individuals that do not have and/or are otherwise not eligible to be issued a GTCC IBA. An
additional, separate CBA called a Unit Card can be established to support groups of travelers, such as escort
teams, military bands, etc., needing the flexibility of charging directly to a CBA. Unit cards (which require CPM
approval) may be used to charge all authorized travel expenses, such as transportation, lodging, meals, etc.
There are five different kinds of CBAs, and the reason for the use of the CBA for your organization will determine
which type the APC would apply for on the CBA application. These accounts contain a unique prefix (Bank
Identification Number BIN) that identifies the account as a CBA for official federal government travel. This
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prefix also identifies the account as eligible for government travel rates including city pair program fares and tax
exemption where applicable.
Types of CBA Accounts
Types of CBA’s Description BIN DTS
Defense Travel
System (DTS)
The DTS CBA is a CBA that is reconciled
electronically in the DTS. Only air, rail and
related point of sale fees can be billed to a DTS
CBA. This type of account allows for the invoice
to be received electronically in DTS. This type of
CBA is loaded into the DTS and is used to pay for
DTS airline tickets. The card for this account is
what is referred to as ‘white plastic’ and cannot
be swiped at a point of sale terminal.
27 Yes Yes
Traditional CBA
The Traditional CBA is used to make reservations
and purchasing tickets (air, rail, and bus) on
behalf of individuals who have not been issued
an IBA. This type of CBA can be loaded in DTS for
ticketing. This type of CBA is also used for non-
DTS transportation needs and is loaded in the
Travel Management Center (TMC) script. The
card for this account is what is referred to as
‘white plastic’ and cannot be swiped at a point
of sale terminal. This type of CBA is reconciled
manually (outside of DTS) using a component-
based process or system.
26 Yes Yes
Unit Travel
Charge Card
A Unit Card is typically issued to a DoD
component in the travelers or the
Agency’s/Organization’s name. This type of CBA
can be used for point of sale transactions so the
type of transactions that can be billed to this
type of CBA is the most flexible. The Unit CBA
cannot be used for DTS travel. These types of
cards are used sparingly due to the
administrative oversight needed and manual
reconciliation of the monthly invoices. Note that
unit cards require CPM approval.
29 No Yes
Special Program
Special Program CBAs City Pairs Program (CPP)
are used specifically for bus and ground
transportation ticketing.
28 No Yes
Special Program
(MEPS Account)
Special Program CBAs non-CPP are used
specifically for MEPs ticketing.
70 No No
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Chapter 5. Hierarchical Structure
APCs are responsible for maintaining the hierarchy structure and accounts within their hierarchy structure. Citi
uses a Hierarchy Level (HL) structure to define the reporting structure of accounts for IBAs and CBAs. These
structures will then determine what accounts you have access to and can run reports against. The DoD hierarchy
can contain up to eight levels. An example of a service hierarchy is as follows:
Level 1: Department of Defense (DTMO)
Level 2: Military Components (Service CPMs)
Level 3: Major Command/CPM level for Defense Agencies
Level 4: Installations/Units/Agency Subordinate Commands
Level 5-8: Subordinate Commands
Each HL is unique, and all levels of the DoD hierarchy are required on each cardholder/CBA application. APCs
must ensure that they have proper access to their HL so they can support their IBA and CBA cards. If access is
needed, the APC should go to their next higher level APC to gain access (i.e., You are an APC at the HL4 and need
access, your HL3 APC or CPM in the Defense Agencies would process the request).
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Chapter 6. Training Requirements
6.1 Requirements
The Government Travel Charge Card Regulations, Section 0408, defines the travel card training requirements for
Cardholders and APCs.
Government Travel Card Training
Requirements for Cardholders and APCs
Travel Card Program Mgmt. (APC Course) X
Travel Card Program Mgmt. (every three
Retain Completion Certificate for APC
EAS Training X X
GSA Smart Pay Training X
Programs & Policies Travel Card Program
Travel Card 101 [Mandatory] (initially and
then every three years).
Retain Completion Certificate for Programs
& Policies Travel Card Program Travel
Card 101 [Mandatory]
6.2 Travel Explorer (TraX)
Travel Explorer (TraX) is a centralized source of travel information that includes travel assistance, training, and
access to trip tools and other useful information for DoD traveler's and administrators. To access TraX, users
must register through Passport at DTMO's web portal at
. TraX aids
DoD travelers and administrators by functioning as an extension of the Travel Assistance Center (TAC), which is
the 24x7 help desk for DoD travelers. An individual can do the following in TraX:
Submit help desk tickets and track the progress of the ticket
Access Training materials and references to include ’How To’ guides, information papers, FAQs, Web
Based Training (WBTs), demonstrations and Instructor Led Training (ILT)
Obtain information to assist with official DoD trip planning using the Trip Tools to review airline city
pairs and associated fares, per diem rates, rental car ceiling rates, and destination weather forecasts.
6.3 Citi Training and Resources
Citi offers instructor led training and on-line training to support APCs in the use of the travel card vendor’s
online tools. Online training also includes web based training (WBTs) modules, instructional guides, and
webinars. Registration for all Citi training is available in Citi's training environment The Learning Center. The
Learning Center is located in CitiManager (see Chapter 7.4 of this guide for additional details).
Instructor Led Training:
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On-Site TrainingCiti offers on-site training at no cost for organizations meeting the required 20-
participant minimum. An online training request form for onsite instructor led training must be
submitted via The Learning Center so logistics can be coordinated with Citi's Training team.
Regional Citi Training Facilities - Citi also offers day-long, hands-on training by a Citi instructor, for APC
classes of up-to 20 students, at the following locations:
o Washington, DC
o Norfolk, VA
o O'Fallon, MO
o Jacksonville, FL
o Wilmington, DE
Training information is available by logging into Citi’s website at and then
selecting “Web Tools” and the “Learning Center” link.
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Chapter 7. Citi Tools
Citi’s electronic access system, CitiManager, is a web-based tool that automates many of the administrative
tasks performed by APCs. The CitiManager tools are broken down into four main modules: CitiManager,
Transaction Management, Reporting, and The Learning Center which all APCs need access to in order to
successfully manage their GTCC program.
Before an APC can use Citi’s electronic access system (EAS) they have to be appointed in writing and must
complete the Programs & Policies – Travel Card Program Travel Card 101 [Mandatory] and APC training. Once
registered in the EAS by the higher level APC/CPM, the new APC will receive two emails with instructions on how
to access the CitiManager website and complete the “Self-registration for Non Cardholders.”
7.1 CitiManager
CitiManager allows APCs to access a variety of card program tasks and web tools that provide the following
functions. The functions you have access to are based on your role and entitlements. It is used by both APCs, as
well as Cardholders.
For APCs:
APCs will use Manage Users Card Accounts to view statements online. APCs can securely and easily access the
various details of card charges and use this module for assisting and auditing individual cardholders.
Features of the Manage Users Module Card Accounts page include:
o View accounts, statements, balances and transactions including pending transactions
o Dispute transactions
o View authorizations/declines
o View, approve or reject application
o Perform account maintenance
o Review pending user requests
o Activate and deactivate users
o Assign applications
o Set passcodes
o Manage alerts
o Manage your profile
o Access on-demand training resources in the Learning Center
o View Resources to include:
Links/Help (link to various sites that are used by the APC in managing their program)
Web Tools (access to Transaction Management, Reporting and The Learning Center
APCs will follow this path to log in and access Manage Card Accounts:, Manage Card Accounts
CitiManager: User Guide Non-Cardholder (Available in the Learning Center for DoD)
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For Cardholders:
Manage Card Accounts in CitiManager and CitiManager Mobile.
o Cardholders who applied after March 6th of 2020 will have a CitiManager account established
by Citibank as part of the card issuance process.
o Cardholders that were issued travel cards before March of 2020 can, and should, self-enroll
by accessing at
and click on Self Registration for
Cardholders. APCs should highly recommend this to their cardholders so they can easily
manage their account electronically, which is a huge benefit when they are away from their
home or office.
o Existing cardholders need only their card number and their name as it appears on the card
and can self-enroll for their online account.
Features of the online and mobile accounts include:
o Ability to make online payments
o Credit balance refund request (CBR)
Refunds requested by the cardholder will be issued in the form of an electronic
payment (ACH)
CBRs can be requested on-line in CitiManager, by phone in the Interactive Voice
Response (IVR) system or by talking to a customer service representative
Must be less than the current balance
Cannot obtain CBR on open disputes
Amounts above $10,000 can be disbursed in more than one payment
Citibank will issue email alerts to cardholders that they have CBRs at 60, 90 and 120
Once requested and approved the funds will be deposited in their bank account
within 2 to 3 business days
Refunds can be tracked under “View Refund Requests” on the “Card Details” tab in
o View, print, and download statements
o View unbilled transactions
o Set alerts
o Update account information (address, phone number, email)
o Access and change account settings (POC info for CH, enrollment for mobile, paperless
statements, etc.)
CitiManager: User Guide Cardholder (Available in Links)
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Defense Travel Management Office 15
7.2 The CitiManager Transaction Management Module
The CitiManager Transaction Management Module is the online application that APCs use to maintain users and
view and search for transactions. Depending upon your access, you will log in separately to either CBA or IBA
hierarchy. The Home screen displays a high-level summary of total number of accounts and number of APCs. The
Transaction Management Module is a secure electronic tool that contains four modules for various functions in
support of your GTCC program including:
o Hierarchy to view structure or add/delete APC Points of Contact
o Search account lookup, Point of Contact, statement, or transaction
o Resources – Links & Help, reports: APC listing report (in CTMS it is called the Multiple
Business Unit Contact Report) or Non-cardholder User Access Report (located in CTMS)
o Alerts
Additionally, APCs will have access to the Citi Help Desk support, as well as onsite training, comprehensive
online learning and self-help tools to help manage the GTCC program. The self-help tools including user guides
and quick reference cards can be found in Learning Center or within the Transaction Management Module, Links
& Help under the Resources tab.
Corresponding Learning Center module recommendations
Document: DoD Travel: CitiManager Cardholder End-to-End User Guide
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager CBT Individual Online Applications and Maintenance
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager CBT Getting Started
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager CBTManage Card Program
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager CBTManage Cardholder Accounts
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager CBT Manage Users
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager CBT My Profile
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager CBT Resources, Web Tools and Alerts
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager CBT Reporting CBT Basic
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager CBT Supervisor (Approver1) Activities
Course: DoD Travel: Transaction Management CBT A/OPC
Document: DoD Travel: CitiManager A/OPC End-to-End User Guide
7.3 The CitiManager Reporting Module
CitiManager Reporting Module is a robust tool that enables APCs to closely monitor and better manage their
Travel Card Programs for policy compliance, potential misuse, spend trends and patterns, account transaction
activity, and account delinquencies, just to name a few. The Reporting Module supports DoD’s reporting
requirements in two ways: first, it provides a variety of standard report templates that simplify the reporting
process for new APCs; and, second, it provides a dynamic custom reporting capability for the more experienced
APCs with advanced reporting requirements.
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Helpful Reporting Module features:
o Pre-defined reports that can be used, or that can serve as templates for customized reports
o Ability to schedule reports by establishing subscriptions (identified under the report) to run at
a variety of time periods, including daily load complete, weekly, cycle-end, or at month-end.
APCs also have the option to enter e-mail addresses to notify when the report is available.
o Ability to create ‘Ad-Hoc’ reports that can be built to the APCs needs
o Access to a history list of reports run in the past. Simply add the report to your History List in
the Reporting module.
The GTCC Regulations, in section 0414, identify the available reports and denotes which are mandatory.
Mandatory Reports for IBA:
1. Account Activity Text Report
2. Account Listing Report
3. Declined Authorization Report
4. Delinquency Report-Hierarchy
5. DoD Travel IBA Aging Analysis or IBA Aging Analysis Summary
Mandatory Reports for CBA:
1. Declined Authorization Report
2. Delinquency Report
3. DoD Travel CBA Aging Analysis
Additional reports are available to the APC and are located in the Supplemental Reports folder within the
Department of Defense Travel Shared Reports that you may find useful.
Follow the path below to access Supplemental Reports in The Reporting Module:
o Web Tools
o Reporting
o Select IBA or CBA Travel (will depend on the APCs access)
o GSA auto populates
o Organizational Shared Folders
o Department of Defense Travel Shared Reports
o Supplemental Reports
Additional Resources
Quick Reference Guide and Data Dictionary available within the Reporting Module by selecting Help.
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Corresponding Learning Center module recommendations:
Document: DoD Travel: CitiManager - Reporting Shared Reports Tip Job Aid
Document: DoD Travel: Reporting Program Dashboards User Guide
Document: DoD Travel: CitiManager Reporting User Guide
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager Reporting CBT - Basic
7.4 The CitiManager Learning Center Module
The CitiManager Learning Center Module is a module within CitiManager that provides a Citi single source
training environment for APCs that includes manuals, Computer-Based Training (CBTs), demos, instructor led
training, and much more. This training environment provides APCs with the system functionality of using Citi’s
tools to support your travel card program.
APCs will follow this path to log in to CitiManager then go to the Learning Center:
The Learning Center environment is flexible, equally accommodating APCs interested in a single lesson, as well
as those interested in a comprehensive curriculum that includes fundamental skills for all of Citi’s online tools
and associated capabilities (e.g. CitiManager, The Transaction Management and Reporting Modules, etc.).
The Learning Center CBTs can be interrupted and picked right back up where you previously stopped, and
once the training is completed, the certificates can be printed right from The Learning Center.
Each APC should be knowledgeable with using CitiManager, Transaction Management, Reporting and Learning
Center Modules. If training is not provided by their command, they should utilize the training in The Learning
Center in order to learn how to use the tools and resources available in support of their travel card program.
There is a Learning Center Quick Reference Guide available in CitiManager under Resources/Links Help that will
provide usability and navigation instructions for the Learning Center.
There is a current listing of courses and descriptions that are available in the Learning Center. When accessing
the Learning Center, please be sure to look for the courses and user guides that begin with “DoD Travel”.
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Chapter 8. Operational Setup
8.1 New Account Applications and Setup
The GTCC program includes Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) and Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs). For every
new account established with the travel card vendor an application is required. Citi will determine whether to
issue a card to designated government travelers and organizations upon review of the application.
8.1.1 Individually Billed Accounts
The Department of Defense (DoD) policy is that the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) will be used by DoD
personnel (military or civilian) to pay for all costs related to official government travel. IBAs are a direct liability
of the cardholder. IBA applications for cardholders must be submitted by the APC and can be done so either
online (the preferred method), electronic/fillable PDF or via paper applications.
The cardholder is required to provide the following information on the application:
o Full Name
o Social Security Number (this is not optional)
o Date of Birth
o Address
o Email Address
o Phone
o Applicant’s Signature/Date of Signature
o Approving Supervisor Signature/Date of Signature
o Credit Score Review Authorization or complete a DD 2883
In addition, the cardholder will be required to complete the following:
o Programs & Policies Travel Card Program Travel Card 101 [Mandatory]
o The DD 3120 Statement of Understanding (SoU) that is found on the DoD Forms website at
NOTE: Regardless of the application process used by the cardholder (online/electronic PDF/paper), when
the cardholder signs the application for the GTCC, they agree to the terms and conditions in the cardholder
agreement. The cardholder agreement can be downloaded from the Department of Defense Travel Program
section at:
Once the application is received by the travel card vendor for processing, they will review the application, and
based on the results of the credit score check or alternate creditworthiness assessment form DD 2883, the
traveler will be issued either a standard or a restricted IBA (See Chapter 4.1). The DD 2883 must be retained
locally and not uploaded to CitiManager.
APC Guide May 2022
Defense Travel Management Office 19 Online Applications
Online applications are the preferred method of processing an IBA application.
Benefits for submitting an online application include:
Fewer errors from illegible handwriting and faxing on the manual application
No paper, better for the environment
Provides ability for the APC to see the status of the application
Online recordkeeping versus paper
Provides the fastest expedited application processing and card delivery
APCs first set the invitation passcode for their organization per component or agency policy, they will then send
the applicant the link to the CitiManager log in page:, the invitation passcode
and the inviter’s email address. The applicant will then go to the CitiManager landing page and select “Apply for
Card”. Next they select the radio button for “Invitation Passcode” and then continue. On the User Registration
page, they enter both the invitation passcode and the inviter’s email address. Citi provides a user guide on the
application process: DoD Travel: CitiManager - Cardholder Online Applications Quick Start User Guide.
Expedited processing online is the fastest way to process an expedited application in response to an official
mission requirement but expedited applications can also be processed using the electronic/fillable PDF or paper
application. Cardholders will receive expedited cards in two to three business days, while the standard
processing time is between three to five business days.
Step by step instructions for the APC to initiate a new online cardholder application can be found in the User
Guide and online training.
Corresponding Learning Center module recommendations:
Document: DoD Travel: CitiManager A/OPC Online Applications Quick Start User Guide
Document: DoD Travel: CitiManager - Cardholder Online Applications Quick Start User Guide
Document: DoD Travel: CitiManager Supervisor(Approver1) Online Applications Quick Start Guide
Course: DoD Travel: CitiManager CBT Individual Online Applications and Maintenance Electronic PDF and Paper Applications
Paper applications are available for those individuals that do not have access to the online tool for submitting
IBA applications but the online application should be used as much as possible. Once completed by all parties,
the application is then emailed, scanned and emailed to Citi or faxed to the number referenced on the paper
application. The processing time for a manual application, either electronic PDF or paper once received by the
card vendor is approximately two three business days. Due to the PII information that is required by the bank
and on the paper application, the APC MUST ensure that all documentation is stored in a secure location. APCs
must adhere to archiving requirements of the GTCC Regulations and your organization. The travel card vendor
accepts digital signatures on IBA applications done electronically but for paper applications that are printed out
and filled in by hand, wet signatures (using pen and ink) must be provided by the APC, the applicant’s supervisor
and the cardholder. Prior to submission of the IBA application form to Citi, the APC should verify that the form
has been completed in its entirety and that all information is legible and correct. Applications sent via email
APC Guide May 2022
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must be limited to a single application per email. Email applications to: , Fax paper
applications to: 866-671-5910 or 605-338-5745
APCs can access the electronic PDF IBA application (which can also be printed out for a hard copy paper form) at
the following URL:
The form has designated areas that must be completed by the cardholder, the cardholders approving
supervisor, as well as the APC. Expedited Applications
Expedited applications, which allow a travel card to be shipped within 24 hours of the GTCC vendor receiving the
application, may be used for personnel who are scheduled to travel within five working days. Remind travelers
to plan ahead and apply for a travel card far enough in advance to avoid the need for an expedited application.
Only expedite cards when necessary. The GTCC vendor does not charge a fee for expedited card delivery.
The steps for expedited applications (including online, electronically completed and paper applications) are:
1. The cardholder, approving supervisor, and you complete the application for an IBA.
2. You will review the application and verify that all sections are completed (particularly the credit score review
authorization and expedited delivery fields) and that the cardholder and approving supervisor signed the
3. You will complete the APC sections on hierarchy, complete the account specification section (if applicable),
and complete and sign the authorization fields.
4. You will then submit the online application or send the manual PDF form or scanned paper copy
electronically via the GTCC vendor website file depository (e.g. Citi Library) or fax the paper application to
the GTCC vendor as soon as possible.
5. You can see the status of your submitted online applications in the system or you will need to verify with the
GTCC vendor whether the application has been received if it were otherwise an electronic or paper
application form.
6. The GTCC vendor will process the application within 24 hours and will send out expedited travel cards with 2
to 3 business day shipping to the individual cardholder’s stated primary address, or to an alternate/physical
address annotated on the application.
7. Both expedited standard and restricted travel cards will be delivered in an open status.
8. The cardholder must verify receipt of their travel card and set up a PIN.
APC Guide May 2022
Defense Travel Management Office 21 Emergency Applications
Emergency application procedures are only for responses to natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes),
threats to national security, and military mobilization.
The steps for emergency applications are similar to expedited applications except:
1. The application must be submitted through the GTCC vendor’s dedicated agent by the HL3 or by the local
APC with appropriate enterprise level coordination (e.g., NORTHCOM, DoD, or the Installation Commander).
2. When necessary, oral instruction can be provided to the GTCC vendor to set-up an account and issue a card.
The oral request must be followed by a written confirmation sent electronically within five calendar days to
the dedicated agent or the agency support box with the completed paper application.
3. The GTCC vendor shall process and initiate delivery within 24 hours of the request by overnight delivery.
Cards for emergency applications will be delivered in an open status and are immediately available for use
once the cardholder verifies receipt.
8.1.2. Paper CBA Applications
CBA Applications can only be processed manually via paper or electronically. There is no online CBA application.
The CBA paper application is available from the Citibank Department of Defense Travel Program web page:
Then scroll down to Department of Defense Travel Program / Applications.
Once the application has been completed by the APC, they must forward the application to the CPM for
approval. The APC and/or CPM will then forward the application to their customer account representative at Citi
who will process the application. The application can be completed electronically and accommodates digital
signatures. A CBA requires additional setup time due to the type of product it is, and can take up to two weeks
to establish with the charge card vendor. The CBA card will then be mailed to the APC address on the
application. Depending on the type of CBA account, there could be a ‘white plastic’ for non-point of sale (POS)
cards (cards which are not used at a POS terminal) that serve to keep track of the account number, expiration
date, three-digit Card Verification Value (CVV) number, etc. CBA accountholders provide the CBA information
(account number/expiration date) to the TMC to enter the account “script” in their system. The CBA
accountholder verifies receipt, keeps the card properly secured and maintains the white plastic.
8.2 Post Application Processing Actions
Upon processing either the IBA or the CBA, there are actions that MUST be taken in order for the cards to be
open and available for ticketing purposes. The necessary actions include: 1) The cardholder must verify receipt
of their card and set up a PIN; 2) The cardholder must update Defense travel system profiles and TMC scripts, as
APC Guide May 2022
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8.2.1 Card Receipt Report
In order for an IBA or a CBA to be used, the cardholder and/or APC must confirm receipt of the card. Each card
will have instructions (a sticker on the card) on how to receipt verify the card. The cardholder will verify receipt
of their IBA and the APC is responsible to verify receipt of their CBA card by following the instructions on the
card mailer. IBA holders must also set up a PIN for their card to be available for use. Until this action has taken
place, the card cannot be used. APCs can monitor who in their organization has confirmed receipt of their IBA
travel card by running the Accounts Listing of Chip Cards report in the Reporting tool in the Supplemental
Reports / Chip & Pin Reports folder. For CBAs the report is called the Chip & Pin Account Listing with Active Start
and End Dates.
8.2.2 Defense Travel System Profile Update
All travelers must ensure that their Travel System profile is updated in either DTS or MyTravel. Travelers are
responsible for their Defense Travel System and MyTravel Traveler profiles and APCs must coordinate with their
CBA Administrator for updating the CBA information so it’s available for use. APCs can provide their travelers
with the following link that provides directions on how to update their DTS traveler profile:
APCs need to compare GTCC information in travel systems to the Citi system. As most APCs do not have the
same access as a Defense travel system DTA, APCs should request information on their traveler’s profile status
on a monthly basis from their Defense travel system DTA. APCs should request the Defense travel system DTA to
run an Accounts Info List and compare the GTCC IBA information including the cardholder’s expiration date
listed in travel systems with the information in the Citi system and correct accordingly. The report is run in DTS
within the DTA Maintenance Tool by selecting the View Person List and the drop down titled Accounts List Info.
APCs will use the CBA Load Sheet to provide to their CBA DTAs any new CBA’s that should be loaded into DTS so
it’s available for use by the organization’s travelers or when there is a new expiration update that must be
completed. The CBA Load sheet is available for download on the DTMO website under Quick Links and
Resources at:
8.2.3 APC Wrap-up with Cardholder
APCs should reach out to their cardholders to close the loop and ensure they have completed all required
actions. This is also a good opportunity to ensure that cardholders know how to check their account online or
with the mobile app with their smartphone while they are away on travel. APCs can also use this opportunity to
ensure they have a copy of the cardholder’s Programs & Policies Travel Card Program Travel Card 101
[Mandatory] certificate, Statement of Understanding and answer any remaining questions with the cardholder
about their responsibility concerning the GTCC.
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Chapter 9. Account Maintenance
APCs will be required to perform maintenance on their cardholder’s accounts to ensure account information is
kept current as well as complete program administrative tasks for accounts within their hierarchy. Account
maintenance is completed in the CitiManager Manage Users Icon Card Accounts Module.
Corresponding Learning Center module recommendation:
Document: DoD Travel: CitiManager A/OPC End-to-End User Guide
9.1 Defense Travel System Reports
The following reports are recommended in the Defense travel system to support APCs in managing their GTCC
program. APCs can request these reports from their Defense travel system DTA:
Report Name Frequency APC Action
Unsubmitted Voucher Report Weekly
Identifies travelers that have not submitted their travel
voucher closing out payments that are due to the GTCC
People Accounts Info List Monthly
Identifies travelers within the Defense travel system
organization. Report identifies cardholders with expired
card data or missing GTCC card data in their profile for
the APC’s action.
Organizations View CBA List Quarterly
Identifies CBA data that is loaded in Defense travel
systems for travelers to use if they don’t have an IBA.
Report indicates CBAs that are expiring and that need to
be updated in Defense travel systems, as well as
organizations that have access to the CBA for ticketing.
9.2 Demographic Updates
The APC must ensure all cardholder information is kept up-to-date to guarantee effective program
management. The APC must maintain individual cardholder information such as primary mailing address, email
address and phone number. Not keeping this information current could result in a cardholders account to be
temporarily closed due to returned mail. The account will remain closed until the primary address is verified or
updated and the returned mail status is removed from the account. As the DoD and the charge card vendor
move more towards digital communications, email address, and mobile numbers also need to be kept current to
ensure receipt of Citi communications by the cardholder.
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9.3 Temporary Credit Limit Updates
The APC, CPMs and the DTMO have authority to raise individual credit limits on a temporary basis to meet
mission requirements. The chart below details the authority for each level CPM/APC in respect to raising
individual credit limits as of the date of this APC Guide and is subject to adjustment by Citi.
Standard account credit limit increases are limited to a temporary duration of no more than 12 months.
Restricted account credit limit increases are limited to a temporary duration of no more than 6 months. After
such time, the temporary limits will be reset back to the default limits.
Department of Defense
Government Travel Card Credit Limits
APC (HL4/5 8)
Approval Maximum
APC (HL3/4)
Approval Maximum
CPM (HL2/3)
Approval Maximum
Approval Maximum
Credit $7,500 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 No Maximum
Travel $7,500 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 No Maximum
Cash $250 $5,000 $10,000 $25,000 No Maximum
Retail $250 $500 $1,000 $2,000 No Maximum
Credit $4,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 No Maximum
Travel $4,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 No Maximum
Cash $250 $5,000 $10,000 $25,000 No Maximum
Retail $100 $500 $1,000 $2,000 No Maximum
9.4 Opening and Closing at Risk Accounts
Per component or agency policy, certain accounts may require being placed in a closed temporary block status
during indefinite periods of non-travel. The APC can also set specific dates for which the card is available for use,
as well as when it will become unavailable for use, based on travel dates for the cardholder. Additionally, the
APC may place accounts in a closed misuse status during periods of non-travel in response to a known history
of card misuse or during suspected card misuse research. Managing accounts with the use of specific card active
start and end dates or setting the card status to open or closed is available through EAS.
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9.5 Mission Critical
Mission critical status is applied to an IBA when travel is being performed under competent orders and the
traveler is performing duties in a remote location that, through no fault of their own, may prohibit the traveler
from filing a voucher for their outstanding travel card charges. The purpose of applying mission critical status to
an IBA is to prevent the account from being suspended or cancelled due to delinquency, which would render the
account unusable. Only an APC or CPM can enroll accounts in mission critical status with supervisor justification;
cardholders may not enroll their own account.
Mission critical status should not be used as a means of avoiding delinquency for the cardholder due to
untimely processing of travel vouchers, but used only in situations that apply for mission critical status.
APCs may only enroll accounts into mission critical status prior to the account suspending (delinquent 60 days or
less), however, CPMs may request Citi customer support place accounts suspended for delinquency, in a MC
status. While in this status: (1) accounts will not suspend, cancel or charge off; (2) accounts will not report as
delinquent, no late fees will be charged; and (3) accounts will not begin aging until the status end date. Monthly
statements will continue to be sent to the cardholder’s address of record. Mission critical updates can be made
using the EAS.
9.5.1 PCS
For services that allow IBAs to be used by their cardholders, the account should be placed into a PCS status. This
status allows additional processing time of PCS vouchers and prevents delinquency and suspension of the
account prior to when they begin in-processing at their new duty station. Depending on component/agency
policy, this process may be accomplished through automated file transfer, manual file exchange with Citi or the
Bulk Maintenance process in CitiManager. Please review your component/agency specific policy for more
information on the PCS status process.
9.6 Hierarchy Transfers
APCs are responsible for ensuring that cardholders are located in the correct hierarchy level (HL). Accounts are
transferred between HL’s in the Transaction Management Module. APCs can ONLY “pull” accounts into their
hierarchy (by account numbers or social security number) and are unable to transfer (“push”) an account into a
hierarchy level that is not within their HL span of control. HL transfers can be made using the EAS.
9.7 Disputes /Transfers
Cardholders, as a best practice, should monitor and reconcile their monthly statements to validate charges
against their travel card. Discrepancies identified need to be reviewed, and, if necessary, a dispute should be
initiated through the charge card vendor for IBAs. For CBAs, review to verify if a transfer transaction form or a
dispute is necessary. If the transaction occurred in DOD a transfer form should be completed rather than a
dispute form to transfer the transactions to the appropriate Service, Agency, or hierarchy level.
A cardholder, or an APC on behalf of the cardholder, may choose to dispute transactions on his/her Statement
of Account for a variety of reasons.
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Disputes typically fall into the categories of:
Questionable Charges
Duplicate Billings
Unauthorized Charges (i.e., charged an extra night for a hotel room)
Incorrect Charges (i.e., airline charged $2000 instead of $200 for airline ticket)
For CBA transactions, it is very important that the CBA manager researches the transaction and identifies that it
is truly an unauthorized transaction and not just an error with an incorrect CBA that was billed. CBAs with
excessive disputes can be closed by the bank due to perceived suspicious activity. This will result in CBA
reconciliation issues. In those instances, a Transfer Transaction Form should be completed to move the
transaction from the erroneous CBA to the correct CBA.
The Transfer Transaction Form is available at:
Disputes must be submitted to Citi within 60 days of the date of the invoice on which the charge(s) first
appeared. After 60 days, the right to dispute a charge is relinquished.
For all merchant issues, the cardholder should first make every attempt to resolve the issue directly with the
merchant. This approach has the greatest potential for quick and efficient resolution of the issue.
There are two ways that a cardholder or an APC can dispute a transaction(s): Online (the preferred method) or
Manual dispute. The manual dispute process requires the cardholder or APC to:
Step 1: Contact the merchant directly (Most disputes are resolved by contacting the merchant directly)
Step 2: If the merchant is unable to help, contact Citi to initiate the dispute process or submit the
dispute form directly to Citi
Contact Citi at 800-200-7056 (cardholder) or 1-866-670-6462 (APC)
Citi will research the transaction with the merchant and their acquirer on the cardholder’s behalf and issue a
provisional credit for the dispute amount until the dispute resolution is finalized.
Regardless that the APC initiated a dispute with Citi via phone, the cardholder or APC will still need to complete
and submit the dispute form, including additional required documentation.
The form can be accessed using the hyperlink:
Note: The signature blocks on the dispute form accommodates digital signatures.
The cardholder must provide any requested additional information to Citi, or the dispute may be resolved in the
merchant’s favor. If the dispute is found in favor of the merchant, the provisional refund will be reversed and
the cardholder will see the re-billing of that transaction on their next monthly statement.
9.8 APC Termination of Accounts
When a cardholder leaves DoD, is terminated from employment, or no longer requires a GTCC, the APC must
close the account or notify Citi immediately. The APC or his/her designated representative should thereafter
retrieve and destroy the GTCC if the employee does not have the card at termination or instruct the employee
to destroy the card immediately. Citi does not require that the destroyed card be returned to Citi.
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9.9 Deceased Cardholder
Once notification has been provided that a cardholder is deceased, APCs have a responsibility to place the
account into a deceased status (Closed Deceased status via the EAS), which will close the account.
CPMs and APCS (HL1 HL3) are the only authorized persons who may request an account be placed in a
deceased status. For Independent Agencies, APCs at HL4 may also make the request.
Notification from APCs at HL4 HL8 (with the exception of an HL4 for an Independent Defense Agency), family
members and/or Chaplains should be referred to the appropriate level APC, as referenced above.
Step Action
Upon receiving a call, the Citi customer service representative determines whether the caller is an
HL1 through HL3 CPM/APC or other (or HL4 for an Independent Defense Agency).
If caller is a HL1 HL3CPM/APC, proceed to step 2.
If caller is a HL4 HL8 APC, proceed to step 7.
If caller is a family member, proceed to step 8.
2 HL1 HL3 CPM/APC: Verify APC information i.e. Agency, Name etc.
3 Citi requests that the APC confirm that the account is/was closed (Closed Deceased) in CitiManager.
Citi Collections Department will review the account for further action, such as status validation, to
allow up to 60 days to process payments or to charge off immediately.
5 Citi requests that the APC obtain the card and verify its destruction when possible.
6 Citi will note the account with APC’s name and telephone number.
7 HL4 HL8 APC: Citi directs the caller to contact their HL1 HL3 CPM/APC.
Family member: Citi verifies name, address, and last four digits of social security number and notes
it on the account. Citi then offers the family member the phone number for the appropriate Service
Casualty Assistance Office and also notifies the CPM or HL3/HL4 level APC who has the deceased
cardholder in their span of control for proper actions 1-6 as listed above.
o Army Casualty Assistance: 1-800-325-4988
o AF Casualty Operations: 1-800-525-0102
o Navy Casualty Assistance: 1-800-368-3202
o USMC Casualty Assistance: 1-800-847-1597
9.10 Credit Balance Refunds
A Credit Balance Refund (CBR) is the process by which cardholders (or APCs/CPMs on behalf of cardholders), can
request a refund for overpayments made to their IBA. Refund of credit balances may be requested by either the
cardholder or APC by contacting the bank. If the cardholder or APC does not initiate a CBR request within the
180-day window refunds are legally required, the bank will initiate a refund. Based on which route the refund
was requested different banking requirements exist:
APC Guide May 2022
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1. All IBA CBRs will be issued directly to the cardholder.
2. The preferred and most expedient way to request and receive an IBA CBR is to request it on-line in
CitiManager for amounts up to $10,000 and the payment will be made via ACH to the cardholder’s bank
3. CBRs can also be requested by phone in the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for amounts up to
$10,000 or by talking to a live customer service representative for any amount.
4. CBRs initiated by cardholders will be sent via ACH regardless of amount.
5. The requested amount cannot be a partial refund for anything under $10,000. For amounts over
$10,000 it can be disbursed in more than one payment.
6. CBRs requested by the cardholder or the APC shall be issued by Citi within ten (10) calendar days of
receipt directly to the cardholder.
7. CBRs initiated by Citi that are:
$10,000 or less will be issued within 150 business days from the date the credit balance originally
appeared on the cardholder’s statement and refunded to the cardholder via check
Over $10,000, will be issued within 180 calendar days from the date the credit balance originally
appeared on the cardholder’s statement and refunded to the cardholder via check
A thorough review may be completed before a CBR is issued to an individual cardholder having an
outstanding balance, outstanding authorization, and/or dispute(s). A CBR will also not be issued to a cardholder
who has a return mail indicator on their account or a balance of less than $1.01. This review will determine
whether the CBR is held in whole, in part or returned to the individual.
Note: The report indicating credit balances is the “IBA/CBA Account Listing with Credit Balances” report in
the supplemental folders in the Reporting tool.
8. CBR Email Alerts:
CBR email alerts will be generated and sent to cardholders at 60, 90 & 120 days.
Cardholders will be advised there is a credit balance in their account due to them and prompted to use
CM to request the refund.
o Cardholders are asked to login to CitiManager and click on the Card Details tab, Request Refund
button and fill in the requested information including their ACH information
o Once their request has been approved, the funds will be deposited in their bank account within
2-3 business days
o Refunds can be tracked under View Refund Requests on the Card Details tab
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Chapter 10. Delinquency Management
A primary responsibility of an APC is monitoring their hierarchy for delinquencies and notifying cardholders to
ensure delinquent balances are paid as soon as possible. Through the use of various tools and resources, APCs
can quickly and easily identify individuals that have not met the payment due date of their government travel
card. The same management controls for monitoring CBAs is applicable to APCs that are responsible for those
GTCC Regulations (Section 0413)
10.1 Overview
The following delinquency timeline applies to both IBAs and CBAs.
As a reminder, an IBA is the responsibility of the cardholder, whereas, the CBA is a DoD liability. This means the
cardholder is responsible for ALL charges that are billed to their travel card account and the government is
responsible for payment in full to the travel card vendor for any transactions that are billed to the CBA.
Day 1
45 Days Past
Suspends - 61
Days Past
APC notifies
for accounts
91 Days Past
Cancels - 121
Days Past
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10.2 Delinquency Milestones
10.2.1 IBA Delinquency Milestones
1 TO 60 Days * 61 to 125 Days* 126 to 210 Days* 211 Days*
Traveler files travel
voucher within five
working days after
completion of travel
No new charges
allowed on card
Submitted for
enrollment in Salary
Offset (or cardholder
may apply for Reduced
Payment Plan)
May charge off,
and report to 3rd
party for collection
Receive Statement The first late fee is
charged at two cycles
plus fifteen days past
due (day 75) and then
each cycle thereafter
Member may request a
travel advance if
required to travel
Could affect
cardholder's credit
Day 1 = The day after the
charges post to the
cardholder's statement
Receiving APC must
transfer member into
HL regardless of
Receiving APC must
transfer member into
their HL regardless of
delinquency status
removed from HL
Past Due status at day 31 Effects Commands
delinquency rate
Effects Command's
delinquency rate
Day 45 = Pre-suspension
notification reports
available. APCs notify
cardholder and the
cardholder’s Supervisor
accounts will suspend in
15 days if payment not
transaction must be
reported within 60 days
of when the charge first
appears on a statement
* Days = days past billing statement date
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10.2.2 CBA Delinquency Milestones
1 to 60 Days * 61 to 125 Days* 126 to 210 Days* 211 Days*
Receive statement
No new charges
without CBA
exception granted by
the travel card
PPA interest is being
accrued until
payment receipt
May charge off
Day 1 - The day after
charges post to the
PPA interest is being
accrued until
payment receipt
At 126 days and
beyond no further
exceptions can/will
be approved
Could affect ability
to open new CBA
Past Due status at
day 31
Effects Command's
delinquency rate
Reinstatement of
account upon
payment in full and
CPM approval
removed from HL
Prompt Pay Act (PPA)
- Interest is incurred
at day 31
At 61-90 days
exceptions must be
approved by CPM/HL
Cannot transfer to
another HL
Reports available and
CBA cardholder has
15 days to make
payment prior to CBA
At 91 -125 days
exceptions must be
approved by
transaction must be
researched and
transfer transactions
submitted promptly.
* Days = days past billing statement date
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10.3 Fees
The table below outlines fees that may be applied by (charged by) the travel card vendor:
Type of Fee Description of Fee
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSFs) Fee A NSF fee will be applied to a cardholder’s GTCC account when a
payment is returned by the cardholder’s financial institution for
insufficient funds. NSF fees are not reimbursable. An account that
has two (2) or more NSFs within a 12 month period is subject to
immediate cancellation by the travel card vendor.
Reinstatement Fee The reinstatement fee is applicable when a previously cancelled
account is reinstated at the cardholder’s request. The reinstatement
fee is non-reimbursable.
Late Fee The first late fee is charged at two cycles plus fifteen days past due
(day 75) and then each cycle thereafter. A late fee may be
reimbursable, if the late fee was charged as the result of a late
reimbursement to the traveler (
DoD Financial Management
Regulation, Vol. 9, Chapter 8).
Salary Offset Fee Any fees applied to an account placed into Salary Offset are non-
Reduced Payment Plan Fee The travel card vendor may offer a reduced payment plan for which
additional fees will be assessed and are non-reimbursable.
ATM Withdrawal Fee An ATM administrative and service fee may be charged by the travel
card vendor and/or the ATM owner for each withdrawal.
Foreign Currency Conversion
Also listed as Cross Border Processing Fees on cardholder
statements. For each purchase made in other than US dollars, the
bank may pass along any charges assessed by the bankcard
associations. The international transaction fees will appear as a
separate transaction on the billing statement.
GTCC Regulations (Section 041203)
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10.4 Delinquency Management Reports
APCs are required to provide delinquency management oversight of accounts within their hierarchy level and to
take appropriate actions, as needed, to ensure GTCC accounts are kept current with the travel card vendor.
Standard reporting templates are available in Citi’s Reporting module for reports identified as ‘mandatory’ and
those most frequently used.
The APC will use the following reports for IBAs and CBAs to assist them in easily identifying accounts that age by
delinquency timeframe (i.e., 31, 61, 91, 121 or more days past billing). APCs and account managers should use
these reports to aggressively work all delinquencies within their HL:
Pre-Suspension Report
Delinquency Report (this report can be run for IBA/CBA details) (use in conjunction with the aging
analysis report)
DoD Travel IBA Aging Analysis and/or IBA Aging Analysis Summary
DoD Travel CBA Aging Analysis
Salary Offset Report
APCs will follow this path to log in to The Reporting Module: / Web Tools /Reporting
As these reports will be used frequently, the APC can establish subscriptions in the Reporting Module. When a
subscription is established, the report will run each time based on the parameters that were established within
the subscription. Email notification to the APC is also available for reminders that they have a report to
download from the Reporting Module history list. Directions on how to establish subscriptions in the Reporting
Module are available in the Learning Center in the Reporting Quick Start Guide.
Another report that APCs can use to assist with delinquency management is the Unsubmitted Voucher report
available in Defense travel systems. Cardholder accounts can become delinquent if travel vouchers are not
submitted within five working days of travel completion and/or split disbursement is not used properly to send
payments to the travel card vendor. Also when TDY for more than 45 days, a traveler should be signed up for
Scheduled Partial Payments (SPP) in Defense travel systems. Most APCs do not have access to this report, but
can request through their Defense Travel Administrator (DTA). APCs can also ask for their DTA to grant them
Organizational access in their Defense travel system profile to be able to run this report themselves.
GTCC Regulations (Section 0414)
10.5 Cardholder Payment Options
Collection efforts by the charge card vendor for past due balances can be coordinated directly with the
cardholder or through an intermediary such as DFAS. The earlier in the delinquency process that a cardholder
begins to work with the charge card vendor, the better as it may reduce financial penalties and negative impacts
on the cardholders credit report. Some options are only available at certain points in the delinquency process, so
communication between the cardholder and the bank is critical even if no payments can be made. Keep the
lines of communication open.
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10.5.1 Reduced Payment Plan (RPP)
The Reduced Payment Plan is offered to cardholders who have not yet entered into Salary Offset to resolve their
delinquent account balance. The RPP allows for the cardholder and Citi to come to an agreement on a payment
plan for the outstanding balance over a defined time period as an alternative to Salary Offset. This is
coordinated directly between the cardholder and the charge card vendor.
10.5.2 Salary Offset
Salary Offset may occur for the cardholder once their delinquent account has reached 126 days past billing.
Once this occurs, Salary Offset procedures will kick-inthrough a coordinated effort between DFAS and the
charge card vendor. If the cardholder is eligible, a set deduction from the cardholder’s wages will be applied
automatically each pay period until the outstanding balance has been paid in full, or the account is removed
from Salary Offset. Additional fees applied to the cardholder once they are placed into this status are non-
reimbursable. Note that late fees will continue to be assessed.
10.5.3 Charge-Off/3rd Party Collections
Once an account reaches 211 days past billing, the account qualifies to be charged off by the card vendor. The
charge card vendor has the option to refer the past due accounts to a 3rd party collection partner to resolve the
delinquent balance owed. Such 3rd party collection actions may reflect on the (former) cardholder’s credit
rating and any associated fees are not reimbursable.
10.5.4 Payment Options available to the cardholder
o Split disbursement (mandatory for all DoD cardholders)
o Alternate payment options include:
Online Payments
post within 48 hours
Mobile Payments CitiManager app or available on post within
48 hours
Pay by Phone (free of charge): 800-200-7056 or 757-852-9076 (collect) post within
48 hours
Western Union/Quick Collect post within 48 hours (Code Citi: Roman, SD)
US Mail post within 7 to 10 business days:
Citibank Government Card Services
PO Box 183173
Columbus, OH 43218-3173
Express Mail Payments (FedEx, UPS or Airborne) post within 48 hrs.:
Citibank Government Card Services
Attn: Payments Department
1500 Boltonfield Street, Columbus, OH 43228
NOTE: Payments CANNOT be made at a Citibank branch
The Citi Payment Option Guide is available online at:
o APCs will follow this path to access this document in CitiManager:
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and-forms/gsa.html Department of Defense Travel Program/ APC Guides/Payment Options
Chapter 11. Misuse
The General Services Administration (GSA) and DoD provide clear direction for the use of the GTCC. The GTCC is
only authorized for use during periods of official travel, and only for authorized travel expenses (per the Joint
Travel Regulations). The GTCC must not be used for personal expenses. Use of a travel charge card for other
than official federal government travel and travel related expenses is considered misuse or abuse. In most
instances, the Agency Program Coordinator (APC) is the first point of contact when misuse or abuse is suspected.
Instances of potential unauthorized personal use, misuse, abuse or fraud must be reported by the APC to the
cardholder’s supervisor and commander/director for action. Supervisors, commanders, or directors may take
administrative or disciplinary action depending upon the outcome of their investigation and the circumstances
of the unauthorized personal use, misuse, abuse or fraud. Account transaction activity must be monitored
regularly to identify possible personal use, misuse, abuse, and fraud. Additionally, when the cardholder transfers
to a new duty assignment, the losing activity APC is required to notify the gaining activity APC of any personal
use, misuse, abuse, or fraud for the transferring cardholder.
Military members who violate travel card policy and misuse the travel card are subject to prosecution under
Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) for failure to obey a lawful order or regulations, as well
as any other applicable article of the UCMJ based on the nature of the misconduct involved.
DoD civilian employees who misuse or abuse the travel card may be subject to administrative or disciplinary
action up to, and including removal from Federal service.
Some examples of misuse uncovered by inspector general audits include using the GTCC to pay for:
Adult entertainment
Any expense for other than the cardholder, even when on official travel (with the exception of
authorized expenses for dependent travel as authorized in the JTR.)
Excessive ATM cash withdrawals for amounts exceeding authorized meals and incidental expense
The APC is the “first line of defense” against personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud. APCs can use IntelliLink and/
or the information from a variety of management reports in the Reporting Module to monitor cardholder
transactions to identify training opportunities for cardholders. Additionally, on no less than a monthly basis, the
HL3 or designated IntelliLink APC reviews the findings in the Analytics Module in IntelliLink to identify activity
that indicates potential personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud. If personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud is
suspected, the APC must:
1. Create a case in IntelliLink (if delegated permissions; otherwise proceed to step 2).
2. Contact the cardholder for verification. A template letter is provided in Annex 7 of the GTCC Regulations
to use as a guide for written correspondence.
3. Notify in writing the cardholder’s Commander/Supervisor of potential personal use, misuse, abuse, or
fraud and copy the CPM. Based on the nature and severity of the personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud,
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the cardholder’s Supervisor/Commander will determine and carry out the appropriate course of
4. Follow up on and clear out any pending actions on open cases on no less than a monthly basis
5. Conduct a review of past transactions for cardholders when personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud is
confirmed. Provide the results of the comprehensive review to the cardholder’s Supervisor/Commander.
6. Monitor accounts with prior personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud more closely than usual and report
any additional infractions to the Commander/Supervisor immediately.
7. Consider restricting cash and credit limits for cardholders with prior personal use, misuse, abuse or
8. Verify employment status of cardholders identified with personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud.
9. Place card accounts with past questionable activity in a “Closed Misuse” status up to 18 months during
non-travel periods or specifically set the “Card Active Start and End Dates” for known periods of travel.
10. Advise the gaining APC when a cardholder with prior personal use, misuse, abuse or fraud transfers out
of the hierarchy. It is recommended that a comment be made in the cardholder’s account in
CitiManager / Manage Users / Account Maintenance / Additional / Account Comments.
11.1 Visa IntelliLink
Visa® IntelliLink is a web based tool that uses self-learning algorithms to provide the DoD with automated
compliance analysis of all travel card spend to identify potential misuse and policy violations. Each transaction is
attributed a predictor score based on actual situational factors and historical data comparisons of similar
transactions with a higher score indicating increased potential policy compliance concerns. Additionally,
IntelliLink provides comprehensive access to cardholder transaction activity and spending patterns. Finally, the
IntelliLink Compliance Module is a record keeping tool that includes automated data gathering on questionable
transactions, collaboration functionality to facilitate follow up inquiries to verify transaction validity, oversight
escalation and disposition documentation. Use of IntelliLink is mandatory at hierarchy levels two and three,
while also highly encouraged at hierarchy level four and below.
On no less than a monthly basis:
1. Review Analytics Module results.
2. Flag questionable transactions and create cases for instances of potential misuse.
3. Follow up on and close any pending actions on flagged transactions and open cases from the previous
4. Enter case notes and disposition decisions on misuse and potential misuse transaction activity into
IntelliLink that was reported from lower levels or discovered outside of IntelliLink.
For additional information, guidance, and/or access to IntelliLink, contact your CPM or higher level APC.
Additional training resources for IntelliLink are found in the Citi Learning Center.
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Chapter 12. Account Services
12.1 Upgrade
Restricted cardholders may request a new credit worthiness evaluation to potentially upgrade their account
from a restricted account to a standard account. If a cardholder has a restricted account, they will have an
upgrade link on the right side of their card details screen to request the account upgrade online. The link is only
visible if the cardholder has a restricted account and their account is in good standing. There is also a paper form
available at:
The cardholder must agree to a new credit score check and meet the minimum credit score to be upgraded to a
standard account. If the applicant has a FICO score of 660 or higher, they will be upgraded to the standard
account. If the applicant scores below 660, they will receive a written notification of the denial and continue to
have a restricted account.
12.2 Reinstatement of Cancelled Accounts
APCs and cardholders may request reinstatement of a cancelled account. Each has different parameters that
must be met in order for them to qualify for a reinstatement as outlined in the GTCC Regulations.
12.2.1 IBA Reinstatements
IBA accounts that have been cancelled due to delinquency may be eligible for reinstatement as a restricted
account. In order to be approved for reinstatement, cardholders must meet the following criteria:
o A reinstatement application is required (online or manual process)
o Cardholder must consent to a new credit score soft pull
o A non-reimbursable reinstatement fee of $29 is required and will be billed upon
o The account balance must have been paid in full for a minimum of 60 days
o There must be no payments returned for non-sufficient funds (NSF) for a minimum of 12
o There must be no more than 3 NSF payments in the life of the account
o The previous account balance was not charged off as bad debt
o The account has not been previously reinstated. The IBA Reinstatement form can be accessed
using the following hyperlink:
GTCC Regulations (Section 041306)
12.2.2 CBA Reinstatements
CBAs that have been cancelled due to delinquency may be eligible for reinstatement, per component policy. In
order to be approved for reinstatement, the CBA must meet the following criteria:
o A reinstatement request is required and submitted through the CPM (including the following
Central Account Number (last 6 digits)
Account Balance
Last payment date/amount
Justification for reinstatement
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o The account balance must have been paid in full
o No more than two CBA reinstatement requests within a rolling 12-month period without
DTMO review and concurrence
12.3 Exception Status for CBAs
When a CBA is nearing suspension at 61 days past billing, CPMs may request the account be placed in an
exception status not earlier than 55 days past billing to allow for a temporary reprieve from suspension pending
posting of a scheduled payment. A payment must have been initiated with remittance expected shortly. No
more than three exception requests within a rolling 12-month period are permitted at the CPM level; requests
beyond the third will require DTMO approval. Approval of these requests is at the travel card vendor’s
discretion. If approved, accounts are normally placed in exception status for a period not to exceed 30 days.
Canceled accounts do not qualify for a CBA exception. CBA exceptions generally require three business days for
review; however, if the request is urgent due to mission related activities being impacted or halted, the CPM can
forward the request to with URGENT in the subject line, and the request will be
reviewed within 24-hours. Citi will reply to the email, to advise the request was received and is being reviewed.
The use of “URGENT” in the subject line of the email request is only appropriate if the account will suspend
within 72 hours (58 days past billing) or has already suspended and mission related activity has been halted.
The request must be submitted by the CPM with the following information:
o Last (6) digits of CBA central account number
o Date and amount of last payment
o Balance due
o Number of days past due
o Reason for delinquency
o Expected or actual submission date to DFAS (or other vendor pay)
o Expected full reconciliation date
o Expected payment day and payment amount and
o Exception justification
12.3.1 Exception Requests for CBAs Beyond the Third Request
The four additional elements of information below must be provided to your DMTO liaison when requesting an
exception from suspension for a CBA for the 4th or more time within a 12-month period; CPMs should continue
to send CBA exception requests to the Citi email address as you do today; however, when Citi determines they
have already received at least three previous exception requests for the account within the past 12 months,
they will return the request to the CPM for escalation to the DTMO. The DTMO 4
Exception Request form
must then be submitted to DTMO by the CPMs next higher level leadership/management, rather than the CPM
directly. Upon receipt, DTMO will review the request and determine whether to forward to Citibank or return
for additional information. Note that Citibank (and not DTMO) will have the final word on whether the request is
1. Please provide the following account information:
a. Balance past due and number of days past due
b. Last date and amount of payment on the account
c. Is there a payment pending? If so, when is the payment expected (include amount)?
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d. If no payment in-progress, when will proper documentation be submitted to DFAS or other
vendor pay (include amount)?
2. What business process improvements or other changes is the organization considering to improve the
timeliness of CBA reconciliation/payments (in order to reduce/preclude such delinquency)?
Specifically, what, if any improvements have been put in place since the timeframe of the previous
account exception request?
3. Explain why the travelers impacted by this exception were not issued an individually billed account.
4. What alternative methods of payment are available to the organization, should this request for
exception be denied?
Important Note: If an exception is granted, the organization must strive to bring the account up-to-date,
i.e., pay the delinquent balance. Additionally, the CPM must provide their DTMO liaison with a status of the
account within one week of approval.
12.4 Renewals
All GTCCs (IBAs and CBAs) are issued with an expiration date, usually two to three years after issue. Renewal
cards will typically be sent at least 20 calendar days before card expiration of the existing card. Early renewal can
be requested if the cardholder will be on travel when the card is due to expire. APCs should use the EAS Account
Renewal Report monthly to identify those cardholders whose cards are due for renewal.
Cardholders (IBAs and CBAs) who are issued a new card with a new expiration date should immediately
(regardless of travel status):
Verify Card Receipt Follow sticker directions on the card for IBAs. APCs with CBA cards need to call
the number on the back of the card.
Update the Defense travel system travel profile with new expiration date and/or card number
Update the Defense travel system CBA profile with new expiration date/inform TMC of CBA changes
12.5 Lost/Stolen
Cardholders must promptly report a lost or stolen GTCC to Citi and notify their APC. The Citi Customer Service
Center is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year to accept calls from APCs and/or
cardholders reporting a lost or stolen card. A replacement card with a new account number/new expiration date
will be sent to the cardholder (this can be expedited especially for those that are on travel). Cards reported as
lost or stolen are immediately blocked from accepting additional charges. It is not up to the APC to require the
cardholder to fill out an affidavit. At the time the lost/stolen card is reported, the bank reviews the account
activity with the cardholder. If the cardholder identifies fraudulent charges, Citi opens a case for investigation.
The cardholder must remain vigilant in reviewing their statements and reporting any additional fraudulent
charges within 60 days of when they appear on their statement. The Citi Fraud Team may require an affidavit if
unauthorized charges are identified and are sufficiently questionable. For any additional assistance or questions
regarding lost/stolen accounts, APCs and Cardholders may contact the Fraud Department at 1-800-945-3114.
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Chapter 13. Additional Resources
APCs have various resources available to them that will support the APC community in managing their travel
card program.
13.1 Citi Customer Service and Support - Cardholders
Citi provides customer service dedicated to provide support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is specifically
available to assist cardholders. This number is designated for DoD customers only for which Citi customer
support representatives have been trained.
Cardholders may contact Citi Customer Support for assistance:
13.2 Client Account Specialist (CAS) Support - APCs
Citi’s Client Services line is dedicated directly for all APCs for any support that they require. Client services for
APCs are available Monday Saturday from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm EST:
This information is also available on the DTMO website for reference at:
13.3 CitiManager (Resources/Forms Links)
Additional resources are available to APCs within CitiManager including links to User Guides, Quick Reference
Guides, forms, applications, external websites such as the DoD Travel Card homepage, GSA SmartPay3 website,
GTCC Regulations, and so much more.
APCs will follow this path in CitiManager to access the links:
o Links/Help
13.4 Travel Assistance Center (TAC)
The DoD Travel Assistance Center (TAC) is staffed by well-trained customer service representatives whose sole
mission is to assist DoD personnel with travel-related questions and issues that cannot be resolved by other
intermediate support. The TAC is available 24/7/365, offering assistance with most commercial travel programs
to include the Defense Travel Systems, the Government Travel Charge Card, DoD Travel Policy, and Recruit
Assistance. The TAC may be contacted online, as well as by telephone:
Online: by initiating a help desk ticket via DTMO’s Travel Explore (TraX):
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13.5 Additional Websites