FAQ: Vaccines for Educators
November 4, 2021
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a
substitute for specific legal or other professional advice. If you have specific questions about
your legal or contractual rights, contact your Education Minnesota field representative. This
guidance will be updated periodically based on new information and guidance, so please refer
back to this link for the most current information.
1. Who is currently eligible to receive vaccines in the state of Minnesota?
Beginning on November 3, Minnesota expanded eligibility for the Pfizer vaccine to all residents
ages 5 and older. Moderna and Johnson and Johnson vaccines are also available to all residents
16 and older.
Minnesotans who are over the age of 65, have underlying health conditions, or who have higher
risk based on where they live or work (this includes all educators) are now eligible for a booster
shot of the COVID vaccine. For more information about booster shots and eligibility, visit the
Minnesota Department of Health website.
2. If I have not yet signed up for a vaccine, how do I sign up?
Sign-up is no longer necessary, but information about vaccine locations is available online at:
3. Is there a cost to educators and school staff who receive the vaccine?
No, all vaccines administered by the state are provided free of charge.
4. What is the most recent guidance from the CDC and MDH for K-12 schools, and how
will it impact requirements for Minnesota schools this fall?
Following the release of revised masking and safety guidelines by the CDC, MDH has recently
released its own guidance regarding best practices for the 2021-22 school year that will align
with the CDC’s recommendation. These recommendations are particularly directed to
implementing layered prevention strategies (using multiple prevention strategies together
consistently) to protect people who are not fully vaccinated. Some of the main issues covered in
the guidance:
All people ages 12 years and older should get vaccinated for COVID-19 before returning
to in-person school, sports, or other activities to protect themselves and people around
them who cannot get vaccinated.
Universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12
schools, regardless of their vaccination status and regardless of the level of
community transmission.
Schools should maintain at least 3 feet of physical distance between students within
classrooms whenever possible.
Students, teachers, and staff should stay home if they have signs of any infectious illness,
and should contact their health care provider for testing and care.
Students, teachers, and staff who have been fully vaccinated do not need to stay home
even if they have had recent close contact with a confirmed case so long as they remain
asymptomatic and do not test positive. Follow CDC testing guidance for anyone exposed
to a confirmed case.
People who are not fully vaccinated and returning to in-person school, sports, or
extracurricular activities (and their families) should get tested regularly for COVID-19
according to CDC guidance.
Schools should continue to strengthen good ventilation, rapid and thorough contact
tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, handwashing, respiratory etiquette,
cleaning, and disinfection as important layers of prevention to keep schools safe.
Given the expiration of the Governor’s emergency powers, MDH and MDE currently only have
legal authority to strongly encourage Minnesota school districts to adopt these practices.
Individual school boards have authority to make them mandatory.
5. What are the details of OSHA’s vaccine mandate for workplaces with 100 or more
Biden Administration announced that the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) will soon require all employers with 100 or more employees to
ensure that they are either fully vaccinated against the coronavirus or get tested at least once a
week. A summary of OSHA’s new Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) is available here.
Below are some key elements of the proposed rule:
Coverage. The ETS applies to all employers of 100 or more employees (except those
employed by the federal government) whether they are public or private, meaning that all
public, private, and charter schools as well as higher education institutions are covered as
long as they meet the employee threshold.
Every covered employer must create a policy. The ETS requires covered employers to
develop, implement, and enforce a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, with an
exception for employers that instead establish, implement, and enforce a policy allowing
employees who are not fully vaccinated to elect to undergo weekly COVID-19 testing
and wear a face covering at the workplace.
January 4 deadline. While the ETS takes effect immediately following its publication
on November 5, the deadline for covered employees to have their final vaccination dose
(second shot for Moderna or Pfizer, first shot for J&J) or provide their first negative test
to their employer and wear a face covering is Tuesday, January 4.
Proof of vaccination required. The ETS requires employers to determine the
vaccination status of each employee, obtain acceptable proof of vaccination, maintain
records of each employee’s vaccination status, and maintain a roster of each employee’s
vaccination status.
Paid time off required for vaccination and recovery. The ETS requires employers to
support vaccination by providing employees reasonable time, including up to four hours
of paid time, to receive each vaccination dose, and reasonable time and paid sick leave to
recover from side effects experienced following each dose.
Testing costs. The ETS does not require employers to pay for testing for unvaccinated
employees, but Minnesota law requires employers to pay these costs, so unions should
consider proposing in bargaining that employers must pay any testing costs to ensure
compliance. If unions are unsuccessful in bargaining this language, employers will still
be required to pay any testing costs not covered by an employee’s insurance.
Although this new rule makes it unlikely that any covered employer would need to bargain over
a vaccine mandate itself, we still encourage all affected locals to bargain the impact of the policy
on terms and conditions of employment, such as access to testing, employee privacy, and any
other staff safety measures above what the ETS requires. The latest version of our sample
vaccine MOU is available here.
6. How do schools know whether students and staff are vaccinated? Is it legal for them to
ask or require students or staff to be vaccinated against COVID-19?
The most practical way for schools to determine a person’s vaccination status is to ask or require
parents and staff to provide documentation in the form of a vaccination card of documentation
from a medical provider.
a. Students
Schools and child care facilities are currently required by state law to ask parents and guardians
to provide documentation that students have received immunization against a number of
diseases, including tetanus, polio, and hepatitis B, subject to exceptions for those who have a
medical reason for declining or a conscientious objection to vaccination, with required
documentation. COVID-19 is not currently a required immunization, but the Legislature could
add it. The Department of Health also has the authority to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list
of required immunizations through rulemaking, but this process could take up to 18 months.
Schools and childcare facilities are not currently required to mandate vaccination of K-12
students against COVID-19, and it is unclear whether they have the legal authority to do so. A
number of higher education institutions have announced plans to require their students to be
vaccinated in order to be on campus in the fall. In addition, the Los Angeles Board of Education
passed a policy requiring all students ages 12 and older to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by
December 19 in order to attend in-person classes.
b. Staff
In May, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces and provides guidance
on federal anti-discrimination laws, issued guidance stating that employers could mandate that
employees be vaccinated, provided that the employer makes accommodations for employees
who do not get vaccinated because of a disability or a sincerely held religious belief. (See section
K). In addition, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that a hospital in Texas had the
right to require its employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Although this decision is not
binding in Minnesota, it is persuasive, and it relied on a prior Supreme Court decision upholding
the constitutionality of vaccination mandates.
Because the requirement to be vaccinated is a term and condition of employment, employers
must bargain any vaccine mandate with an exclusive representative. Locals that feel strongly in
favor of having a vaccine mandate in place may even want to consider proposing this to their
school district. A sample staff vaccination MOU for locals to use with employers is available
here. If a federal or state government vaccine mandate takes effect, the requirement itself may
not be subject to bargaining, but any effects of that mandate not required by law still are.
Based on this guidance, it is likely the case that schools may legally ask staff whether or not they
are vaccinated, but they should not ask additional information about an employee’s health
condition unless it is for the purpose of making an exception to a vaccine mandate based on
disability or religion. Employers should also maintain this information in confidence, as it likely
constitutes private personnel data under Minnesota law.
6. Do schools have the legal authority to require students and staff to wear face coverings if
they are not fully vaccinated?
Yes. Even if a school district does not have a vaccine mandate for students and staff, and even if
the state does not require face coverings, individual school districts may choose to implement
CDC guidance by requiring staff and students to continue wearing face coverings indoors if they
are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19. However, without a verification system as described
in question 5 above, this would be done on an honor system.
7. Do schools have the legal authority to require students and staff to submit to regular
COVID testing if they do not get vaccinated?
It is uncertain whether school districts will have this authority absent state law or regulations
from the state or federal government. Schools will need to seek their own counsel regarding the
legality of mandating testing for students.
Districts may be able to require that unvaccinated staff participate in regular screening testing;
however, we would consider required testing of staff a mandatory subject of bargaining, and
suggest that locals work on an MOU that specifies:
Who will administer the tests and how often;
Whether or not the tests will occur on worktime (staff would need to be paid for time
spent getting tested outside the workday); and
How the school district or charter school will maintain the privacy of test results.
8. Will Education Minnesota represent members who are disciplined for refusing to get
We can’t make a definitive guarantee that we would or would not represent a member who
refuses to get a vaccine at this time since there is still a great deal about vaccine implementation
for school employees that we don’t know. In discipline cases outside of teacher terminations,
local unions would have a say in whether a case goes to hearing. In all cases, our ability to be
successful would depend on the specific reason(s) the educator refused vaccination and whether
the policy was negotiated with the exclusive representative. Education Minnesota will advocate
for school vaccination policies that are fair and reasonable, understanding the clear public health
benefits of COVID-19 vaccination while upholding any legal rights employees may have to opt
out under state and/or federal law.
9. What are some trusted sources of information on COVID vaccines?
Minnesota Public Radio interview on MDH Commissioner Jan Malcolm and infectious disease
director Kris Ehresmann on COVID-19 and children:
Reuters fact check of false claims that COVID vaccines are experimental or have not been
adequately tested: https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-vaccines/corrected-fact-
Minnesota Department of Health: www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/vaccine.html
U.S. Food & Drug Administration: www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, U.S. Centers for Disease Control:
World Health Organization: www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/covid-