Orin S. Kerr
& Bruce Schneier
The widespread use of encryption has triggered a new step in
many criminal investigations: the encryption workaround. We define an
encryption workaround as any lawful government effort to reveal an
unencrypted version of a targets data that has been concealed by
encryption. This essay provides an overview of encryption workarounds.
It begins with a taxonomy of the different ways investigators might try to
work around encryption schemes. We classify six kinds of workarounds:
find the key, guess the key, compel the key, exploit a flaw in the encryption
software, access plaintext while the device is in use, and locate another
plaintext copy. For each approach, we consider the practical,
technological, and legal hurdles raised by its use.
The remainder of the essay develops lessons about encryption
workarounds and the broader public debate about the role of encryption
in criminal investigations. First, encryption workarounds are inherently
probabilistic. None work every time, and none can be categorically ruled
out every time. Second, the different resources required for different
workarounds will have significant distributional effects on law
enforcement. Some techniques are inexpensive and can be used often by
many law enforcement agencies; some are sophisticated or expensive and
likely to be used rarely and by only a few. Third, the scope of legal
authority to compel third-party assistance will be a continuing difficult
challenge. And fourth, the law governing encryption workarounds
remains uncertain and underdeveloped. Whether encryption will be a
game-changer or a speed bump depends on both technological change
and the resolution of many legal questions that currently remain
Fred C. Stevenson Research Professor, George Washington University Law
Lecturer and Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs,
Harvard Kennedy School. Fellow, Berkman-Klein Center for Internet and Society,
Harvard University. Special advisor to IBM Security and CTO, IBM Resilient.
In the last decade, encryption technologies have come into
widespread use. Most Americans now use smartphones that encrypt when
not in use and require the user’s passcode to unlock it.
Free messaging
services such as WhatsApp now encrypt communications from end to
Millions of websites now routinely encrypt traffic in transit.
increased use of encryption has been largely imperceptible to users. But it
amounts to a profound shift in the accessibility of computer-stored
Encryption poses a challenge for criminal investigators. When a
criminal suspect has used encryption, the suspect’s data is protected from
access by third parties. Lawful government access to the data typically
reveals only scrambled information known as ciphertext, which is useless
unless the ciphertext can be decrypted into the unencrypted readable form
known as plaintext.
For government investigators, encryption adds an
extra step: They must figure out a way to access the plaintext form of a
suspect’s encrypted data.
In this paper, we will call such efforts “encryption workarounds.”
We use the term broadly to refer to any effort to reveal an unencrypted
version of a target’s data that has been concealed by encryption.
Encryption workarounds as a lawful government investigative technique
are not conceptually new. In 1807, during the treason trial of Aaron Burr,
the prosecution attempted to decipher Burr’s encrypted messages by
According to a 2015 study, 68% of adults in the United States own a
smartphone. See Monica Anderson, Technology Device Ownership: 2015, Pew Research
Center, available at http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/10/29/technology-device-
ownership-2015/. That percentage is up from 35% in 2011, see id., suggesting that the
percentage today may be substantially higher than 68%.
See End-to-End Encryption, available at https://www.whatsapp.com/
See generally Sang Ah Kim, HTTPS: Staying Protected On the Internet, 1
GEO. L. TECH. REV. 119 (2016)
We use the term “data” to refer broadly to a suspect’s information and
communications, whether at rest or in transit.
forcing Burr’s private secretary to testify about their plaintext meaning.
Even further back, in 1587, Mary, Queen of Scots, was convicted of
treason and then beheaded when her role in an assassination plot against
Queen Elizabeth was revealed by the decryption of private letters among
the conspirators.
Despite their historical antecedents, encryption workarounds have
recently assumed widespread importance for the first time. Even just
twenty years ago, encryption was typically cumbersome and its use rare.
That has changed. Today it is both easy and ubiquitous. As encryption has
been embraced by most users, and therefore most criminal suspects,
investigators have come to encounter it in routine cases. That change has
focused law enforcement attention on how to bypass encryption that
criminal suspects use.
This essay provides an overview of encryption workarounds. It
presents a taxonomy of the different ways investigators might try to work
around encryption schemes. We classify six kinds of workarounds, which
we label as follows: find the key, guess the key, compel the key, exploit a
flaw in the encryption software, access plaintext while the device is in use,
and locate another plaintext copy.
The first three are strategies to obtain
an existing key to unlock encrypted data. The latter three are ways of
accessing the data in plaintext form without obtaining the key.
For each approach, we consider the practical, technological, and
legal hurdles that it implicates. None of the methods is unique to law
enforcement. Anyone, criminals and law enforcement alike, can employ
any of these methods to access encrypted data. But in this article we
consider how each workaround might arise in the course of a lawful
domestic criminal investigation. We take no view on which workaround is
best, or what the law should be that governs any particular one. Instead,
we hope to explain the range of options investigators have and the promise
and challenges of each.
The remainder of the essay develops lessons about encryption
workarounds and the broader public debate about the role of encryption in
government investigations.
First, encryption workarounds are inherently
United States v. Burr, 25 F. Cas. 38 (C.C. Va. 1807) (Marshall, C.J.).
See Part II, infra.
See Part III, infra.
probabilistic. None works every time, and none can be categorically ruled
out every time. Second, the different resources required for different
workarounds will have significant distributional effects on law
enforcement. Some techniques are inexpensive and can be used often by
many law enforcement agencies; some are sophisticated or expensive and
likely to be used rarely and by only a few. Third, the scope of legal
authority to compel third-party assistance will be a continuing difficult
challenge. And fourth, the law regarding encryption workarounds remains
uncertain and underdeveloped.
These observations in turn suggest two broad conclusions about
the new criminal investigative environment caused by widespread use of
encryption. First, it is too early to tell how much the widespread use of
encryption will impact the government’s ability to solve criminal cases.
FBI Director James Comey has expressed fears that the government is
“going dark” because encryption blocks access to communications.
Critics have argued that these fears are overblown.
Which side is right
depends in part on the success of workarounds. The law and technological
feasibility of many workarounds is unsettled, however, and empirical
evidence about their use is largely unknown.
The second conclusion is a corollary of the first: The existence of
workarounds may mean that encryption does not cause a dramatic shift in
the government’s investigative powers. When targets use encryption, the
government does not give up. The government turns to encryption
workarounds that attempt to erase the barrier that encryption tries to erect.
The success rates of different workarounds remain unclear. But the effect
of encryption may prove less dramatic than the government fears or civil
liberties activists hope.
The essay contains three parts. Part I introduces the basic
technology of encryption. Part II surveys the six kinds of encryption
See James B. Comey, Going Dark: Are Technology, Privacy, and Public
Safety on a Collision Course?, Remarks at the Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
October 16, 2014, available at https://www.fbi.gov/news/speeches/going-dark-are-
See, e.g., Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Don’t Panic: Making
Progress on the “Going Dark” Debate (2016), available at
Going _Dark_Debate.pdf.
workarounds. Part III suggests lessons for policymakers drawn from the
Cryptography—the science of encryption—is as old as writing
itself, and its basic principles date back thousands of years. At its core is
an encryption algorithm, which is a series of operations performed on
information that encodes the information to make it unreadable. The
operations might be very simple. For example, the algorithm might merely
be to change each letter in the alphabet one letter so that A becomes B, B
becomes C, C becomes D, and the like. The plaintext phrase “law review”
would become the ciphertext “mbx sfwjfx.” Performing the same
operation in reverse would restore the ciphertext back to plaintext.
Modern encryption algorithms use the same principle, but are
much more complex and mathematical. Modern encryption algorithms
follow Kerckhoff’s Principle, first stated by the Dutch cryptographer
Auguste Kerckhoff in the 1800s: an encryption algorithm should be secure
if everything is known about it except the key.
Under this principle,
modern cryptographers assume that the inner workings of their encryption
algorithms are known.
These algorithms are widely known and common
across systems. For example, every Windows computer with the disk-
encryption software Microsoft BitLocker uses the same algorithm. But
because every user of BitLocker has his own key, no one can unlock and
decrypt a computer belonging to someone else. The only thing that is
secret is the key.
The key to an encryption algorithm is the special code that pairs
with the known algorithm to encrypt or decrypt data. Any computer data
can be encrypted: text, images, video, or programs. In the context of
modern computer encryption methods, a key is a long string of
information known as “bits,” consisting of zeros and ones. Modern
computer encryption keys are typically 128 or 256 bits long. For example,
See id.
a 128-bit key might be 0100011001111000110111111000111010
1001011101100100001101011010001100. Generally, this will be
expressed in hexadecimal notation, where every eight bits make up a
single two-character “byte”: 4678df8ea25c95c3da39f8ba5d90d68c. A
256-bit key would look similar, but twice as long.
Encryption algorithms are designed such that there should be no
faster way to break them then to try every possible key. This is known as a
“brute-force attack.”
To thwart a brute-force attack, the key must be long
enough to make such an attack impossible. Fortunately, this is easy. A
128-bit key has 2
, or 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,!
431,768,211,456 possible keys. A 256-bit key has 2
possible keys, a
number twice as long as the previous number. In the arms race between
encryption and brute force attacks, the mathematics overwhelmingly
favors encryption. Very generally speaking, adding a single bit to the
encryption key only slightly increases the amount of work necessary to
encrypt, but doubles the amount of work necessary to brute-force the
Today, 64-bit keys can be brute-forced with a reasonable amount
of computing power, and 80-bit keys can be brute-forced by large
national-intelligence agencies.
But 128-bit keys are beyond the reach of
any current or near-future technologies, and 256-bit keys are beyond the
reach of any foreseeable computer technologies, including still-theoretical
quantum computers. The latter two key lengths are the ones most
commonly used today. Brute-force attacks on a typical-length key are
effectively impossible.
While some encryption applications accept random hexadecimal
keys, most do not. Instead, they generate random keys in one of two ways.
First, in some encryption applications, the keys are generated and
exchanged among computers without a need for users to input them. If
you use an encrypted messaging system such as WhatsApp, for example,
the computers that have the messaging system software encrypt and
decrypt the messages using keys that the computers themselves generate
and use.
The process of encryption and decryption is essentially invisible
to the user.
Second, most modern systems that use encryption rely on the
additional step of using passwords, passcodes, or passphrases (which we
will refer to collectively as passwords).
Although it is essentially
impossible to memorize a 256-bit key, it is relatively easy to memorize a
shorter string of numbers, letters, or words. Modern computer encryption
systems generally submit to that reality by often allowing access based on
a shorter password instead of the full key. They key itself is encrypted,
and the encryption for the key is unlocked with the password. Behind the
scenes, the process of decryption is broken into two parts: one algorithm
pairs with the password to decrypt the key, then a second algorithm is
paired with the plaintext key to decrypt the data.
For users, this means that the passcodes and passwords they use to
encrypt or decrypt their files are technically not encryption keys but
functionally act as encryption keys. Consider the four-digit code that may
be needed to unlock a smartphone. The code is not the key. Instead,
entering the passcode decrypts the key, enabling the key to be processed
and unlock the phone. The two-stage process is invisible to the casual
user. To most users, passcodes and passwords serve the function of keys.
Although modern means of encryption may sound impregnable in
theory, in practice that is not the case. Today, and in the foreseeable
future, every encryption system will have weaknesses. The algorithm must
be written in software and run on a computer. The key must be entered
into the system somehow. If it is to be used at different points in time, it
must be stored in computer or human memory, or written down
somewhere. The algorithm may have flaws. Users can choose easy-to-
guess keys, and the use of passwords or passcodes can dramatically
shorten the number of possible keys that must be tested.
Weaknesses in
See End-to-End Encryption, available at https://www.whatsapp.com/
Technically, there are differences: Passcodes ordinarily only contain numbers,
Passwords ordinarily contain letters, and passphrases are often passwords with added
spaces and may amount to sentences or sentence-fragments.
Users choose and remember short and non-random passwords. In
cryptography, the strength of a password or key is known as “entropy.” A random binary
string has the maximum possible entropy for its length. Anything shorter or less
encryption systems are common, and they will play a big part in the
encryption workarounds described below.
It is important to understand that encryption and encryption
workarounds are “dual use” technologies. They have both positive and
negative uses. Anyone who wants to keep private information away from
third parties can use encryption, and any third party who wants to expose a
person’s encrypted information can try an encryption workaround. This is
an essential point because it shows that the context of lawful criminal
investigations is only one part of a broader picture. In this article, we
assume that a criminal has used encryption to conceal evidence and that
the police are conducting a good-faith investigation to defeat it. But the
reverse dynamic occurs, as well. The government often uses encryption to
maintain the privacy of valuable government data, and criminals or
terrorists often use workarounds to defeat it.
From this perspective, it is wrong to think of using encryption as
inherently bad or to think of efforts to bypass encryption as inherently
good -- or vice versa. The techniques we describe are general. There is
nothing about encryption workarounds, aside from legal compulsion, that
make them unique to law enforcement, the United States government, or
governments as a whole. Anyone can use encryption, and anyone with
sufficient technical expertise and financial resources can use encryption
This section identifies six categories of encryption workarounds.
We label them as follows: find the key, guess the key, compel the key,
exploit a flaw in the encryption scheme, access plaintext when the device
is in use, and locate a plaintext copy. The first three methods are key-
based. They work by obtaining and then using the key to decrypt the data.
The key-based methods differ based on whether the key is found in a place
(find the key), obtained from a person (compel the key), or guessed (guess
the key). The latter three methods work without the key. They differ
primarily based on how the government bypasses the encryption to obtain
an unencrypted copy of the information.
randoma dictionary word, for examplehas less entropy. In general, passwords have
much less entropy than the underlying keys they protect.
A. Find the Key
The first way for the government to decrypt the data is to find an
existing copy of the key. For purposes of this section, we can treat all
passwords, passcodes, and passphrases as keys. The target might have
written down the key somewhere. Perhaps it was entered into a file of
passwords stored on the target’s computer or phone. Perhaps it was written
down on a scrap of paper hidden in a diary. If investigators can locate a
copy of the key, they can enter it to decrypt the ciphertext into plaintext.
Whether this approach will work depends on three hurdles. First,
the key must be available somewhere. A suspect might have written down
a key on a post-it note left next to the computer. Modern browsers have
the option of storing passwords and keys, and a user might use that option
to store a copy there. Alternatively, the encryption program may have a
flaw that accidentally leaves a copy of the key in memory or on the
computer’s hard drive after use.
Second, the government must find the key and be able to read it.
Keys can be hidden. A key might be written down on a particular page in
a particular notebook in the suspect’s library, requiring officers to find it.
Keys might be stored in a computer somewhere, which would require
investigators to perform forensic analysis on the computers to locate them.
Keys can themselves be encrypted, such that a second key is needed to
decrypt the key needed to decrypt the original messages. For example, the
target could record his keys in a single text file and encrypt that file.
Alternatively, readily available computer programs known as “password
managers” can encrypt the hundreds of passwords and keys the average
person has with a single master key. The master key must be used to
decrypt the file of individual passwords.
The third hurdle to finding the key is that the government must
have the lawful authority to access it. Depending on the circumstances,
this may require a search warrant or even greater legal authority. For
example, in a 2001 case, United States v. Scarfo,
the government knew
that the suspect had encrypted a file on his home computer but lacked the
password to decrypt it. Agents obtained a warrant, secretly entered into
This step would combine “find the key” with a second workaround, “exploit a
flaw in the encryption scheme,” discussed below. See notes [] to [], supra.
180 F. Supp.2d 572 (D.N.J. 2001).
his home, and installed a keylogger on his computer. When the suspect
alter used his computer and entered in his password to decrypt the file, the
keylogger intercepted the password. Agents later retrieved the keylogger
and used the password to decrypt the file.
The federal court then had to
determine whether installing and using the keylogger was permitted using
a traditional search warrant or whether it required a wiretap order under
the Federal Wiretap Act.
The court ruled that the traditional search
warrant was sufficient because of the technical details of how the
keylogger was installed.
B) Guess the Key
A second approach is to guess the key. Although random
encryption keys are sufficiently long as to make this effectively
impossible, the more easily memorizable and typable passwords,
passcodes, and passphrases that often protect the keys are generally much
shorter. A passcode or password can be relatively easy to guess. And since
the password unlocks the encryption key, which in turn decrypts the
encrypted volume, such as a hard drive, guessing the password has the
same effect as guessing the encryption key.
Whether the government can correctly guess the password or key
depends on many variables. The most important is the number of possible
keys. Some systems have limitations on what sorts of passwords can be
used. A system might use only a four-digit PIN or a password with up to
eight alphanumeric characters. While the most secure systems allow for an
arbitrary length string including any typable characters, many systems
have limitations that limit the set of possible keys.
Other factors that affect whether a key can be guessed include
whether investigators have reason to suspect the owner used a particular
key; whether technical means exist to make many guesses quickly; and
whether weaknesses exist in the encryption algorithm that limit the likely
number of guesses. In the simplest case, agents may guess the key
See id. The password was “NDS09813-050,” which happened to be the prison
ID number of Scarfo’s father. See John Schwartz, “Compressed Data; Password
Protection With Prison Stripes,” New York Times, Aug. 6, 2001, available at
180 F.Supp.2d at [].
See id.
successfully by making educated guesses about what passwords the owner
is likely to have used. Passwords generally need to be remembered by
their users, which means they are often memorable numbers or phrases.
Consider the recent case of United States v. Lopez.
The defendant
Lopez was arrested at the U.S. border when agents discovered cocaine in
her car. Agents also seized the defendant’s locked iPhone and iPad tablet.
During questioning, the agents asked Lopez her date of birth. After she
shared that information with the agents, agents successfully unlocked the
iPhone and iPad by correctly guessing that Lopez used her birthday as the
code needed to unlock both devices.
The record in Lopez does not
explain why the agents guessed her birthdate as the code, or whether the
phone was configured to accept a 4-digit code, 6-digit code, or something
else. The entry may have been simply been a good first guess: Everyone
has memorized their birthdates, and agents may try that intuitive sequence
as a likely passcode.
In some cases, agents might be able to guess widely used
passwords without knowing anything specific about the owner. A 2011
study of four-digit numerical passcodes selected by smartphone users
found that 15% of the passcodes consisted of only 10 combinations out of
the 10,000 possibilities.
The most popular passcode was 1-2-3-4, which
was used about 4% percent of the time.
On computers, the most common
passwords are “123456,” “qwerty,” and “password.”
The general technique of guessing human-memorizable passwords
and keys in some sort of commonness order is known as password-
guessing, and is a common tactic of both law enforcement and criminals.
Modern computers can try millions of password per second. They can
easily try sets of possible passwords such as all dictionary words, all
dictionary words with “@” substituted for “O,” all pairs of dictionary
words with a single digit between them, all strings of eight characters or
2016 WL 7370030 (S.D. Cal. 2016).
Id. at *1.
Acccording to a prosecutor who contacted one of the authors, a birthdate is a
common law enforcement guess.
See id.
2016/01/TeamsID-IG- Worst-Password-V3.pdf
less that are entirely lowercase letters, and so on.
And while there are
techniques for creating passwords that are both secure and easily
remembered, relatively few people use them.
The ease of password-guessing depends on whether potential
passwords can be tried offline using dedicated computer systems.
Consider the case of an encrypted file. The guesser can remove the
encrypted file from the suspect’s computer and bring it to a forensic
laboratory. This allows the guesser to use parallel-processing systems
optimized to guess passwords as quickly as the processing speed permits.
If the keys must be guessed on the seized hardware device itself,
however, the time required can be considerably greater. Consider Apple’s
iPhone. Trying every possible four-digit PIN, requiring up to 10,000
combinations, is almost instantaneous on an offline computer. But the
iPhone’s processor is comparatively slow. It would take an iPhone 22
hours to run through the 10,000 possible keys under its default four-digit
If a user expands a passcode to 13 digits, it would take
only minutes to guess offline but about 25,000 years to run through every
possibility on the iPhone itself.
Technical means can be used to slow down or thwart guessing. The
current iPhone operating system combines these features with the “Erase
A 2013 article tested four password-cracking experts against a list of 16,000
encrypted passwords. The winner successfully guessed 90% of them in 20 hours using a
single computer and a commonly available add-on card. Passcodes used included:
"k1araj0hns0n," "Sh1a-labe0uf," "Apr!l221973," "Qbesancon321," "DG091101%,"
"@Yourmom69," "ilovetofunot," "windermere2313," "tmdmmj17," and
"BandGeek2014." Also included in the list: "all of the lights" (yes, spaces are allowed on
many sites), "i hate hackers," "allineedislove," "ilovemySister31," "iloveyousomuch,"
"Philippians4:13," "Philippians4:6-7," and "qeadzcwrsfxv1331." "gonefishing1125" was
another password Steube saw appear on his computer screen.
This gives some flavor of how effective password guessing is. Some criminal
organizations have much more powerful capabilities to guess passwords than these lone
hackers and their single computers. The world’s national intelligence agencies have even
more extensive capabilities. Companies like AccessData sell password-guessing
hardware and software to law enforcement that is more powerful than this example
See id.
Data” feature.
The feature is not enabled by default. When users turn it
on, however, it disables the phone for one minute after five wrong
passcode entries. The delay period grows for the next four successive
wrong entries, from five minutes for wrong entry #6, to fifteen minutes
each for entries #7 and #8, to an hour for entry #9. After the tenth wrong
entry, the phone’s data is permanently erased and cannot be accessed at
This obviously limits the opportunity investigators have to access the
phone’s contents by guessing.
C) Compel the Key
A third approach is for the government to compel the key from
someone who has or knows it. In most cases, the relevant key will be a
password or passcode. In a broad sense, compelling a key could refer to
any use of coercion. Depending on the person’s relationship with the law
and the law in general, coercion could include threats, bribery, seduction,
torture, and so on. The phrase cryptographers use for this attack is
“rubber-hose cryptanalysis.”
In this essay, we restrict ourselves to legal
compulsion techniques.
Of course, if investigators ask for the key and such a person
provides it voluntarily, officers may use the key that is provided so long as
the Fourth Amendment is otherwise satisfied.
The more significant case
is where the person refuses to disclose the key voluntarily. The
This is humorously portrayed in the popular webcomic xkcd.
Similarly, it seems likely that he evidence on the decrypted device would
nonetheless be admissible if the password were obtained in violation of Miranda v.
Arizona. See generally https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-
Searching a device will often be a Fourth Amendment search that requires a
warrant. If the person who has common authority over the device and knows the key
consents to both disclosing the key and the officer’s search, the device can be searched
without a warrant. On the other hand, the government may voluntarily obtain the key
from a person who lacks common authority over the device but happens to know the key;
In that case, the key will be obtained voluntarily, but the person’s consent does not
provide a ground for searching the device.
government may be able to order the computer’s owner to enter in the
password or to disclose the password to the government. In the case of
storage devices where the key is protected by a biometric access
mechanism, such as a fingerprint reader, the government could order the
owner to unlock the device using the biometric access.
This approach is not limited to targets. Anyone who knows the
password is a potential subject for disclosure. If a wife knows her
husband’s key, for example, the government could compel it from her
even if she was not a regular user of the data the key can unlock.
Compelling the key can be understood as a close cousin of finding the key.
The government effectively “finds” the key by identifying someone who
has or knows it and then compelling them to disclose or use it.
Compelling the key raises two practical challenges. First, a person
who knows or has the key must be known and available to the
government. The government may not know who knows or has possession
of the key. For example, imagine officers seize a collection of cell phones
from a closet inside a drug stash house. They will possess the phones, but
they may not know who used any particular phone. Alternatively, the
government might know who knows the password, but that person may be
dead, missing, or in another jurisdiction and out of reach.
The second problem is that the available person who knows or
controls the key may not wish to disclose it, which raises the legal
question of how much pressure the government can exert to encourage
disclosure. This depends largely on the limits of the Fourth Amendment
and Fifth Amendment. These constitutional limits are not yet well
developed, and considerable ambiguity remains about how much of a
burden they impose. Nonetheless, a basic overview of the range of options
is helpful to understand this encryption workaround.
The Fourth Amendment limits on compelling the key are fairly
modest, in part because of the limited or nonexistent Fourth Amendment
limits on governmental compelling of testimony and documents.
On the
The San Bernardino terrorism case is an example: The user of the phone was
dead before the government wished to unlock the phone. See generally notes [] to [],
See United States v. Dionisio, 410 U.S. 1 (1973) (no Fourth Amendment
limits on forcing a person to testify before the grand jury); United States v. Horowitz, 482
other hand, significant Fourth Amendment issues may arise when
biometric authentication can be used to decrypt data. Typically, the
suspect will be “seized” in order to have his fingerprints placed on a
fingerprint reader until either one opens up access or additional fingerprint
reads are no longer permitted. The open legal question is what level of
cause and what court order the government might need to compel the act.
Courts have generally held that reasonable suspicion that a
particular person committed a crime is sufficient to compel a suspect to
provide a fingerprint that can show a match with known evidence. It is
possible that courts will similarly require reasonable suspicion of
criminality to order a suspect to place fingers on a fingerprint reader to
unlock a phone. This is possible but not obvious. When investigators seek
a fingerprint to unlock a phone, ordinarily they are not interested in
proving a fingerprint match. Instead, they want to unlock the phone to
enable searching its contents, which itself will ordinarily require a search
warrant. This might conceivably alter the Fourth Amendment standard, as
the question of whether the phone’s owner committed a crime can be quite
different from that of whether there is evidence in the phone.
example, the required type of cause might be reason to think that the
person controls a phone rather than cause that the owner committed a
The precise standard currently remains unknown.
The more significant legal hurdle to compelling acts that decrypt
devices is the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
Fifth Amendment ordinarily does not impose limits on forcing a person to
use a biometric means of access.
Because biometric access ordinarily
F.2d 72 (2d Cir. 1973) (only fourth Amendment limits on compelling documents are
reasonableness, which looks to the burden of complying with the disclosure).
Imagine a victim of domestic violence took photographs of her injuries on her
cell phone. There would be probable cause that evidence is on the phone, but there would
be no cause to believe that the phone’s owner committed a crime.
This is the case because placing a body part on a scanner does not imply any
testimony required under the Fifth Amendment. However, such access may be
testimonial if government tells the person to decrypt the device and leaves up to them to
select the specific body part that the biometric reader recognizes. See generally Orin
Kerr, The Fifth Amendment and Touch ID,
does not require testimony, the government can force a phone’s owner to
press their finger onto a fingerprint reader without triggering the Fifth
The government also can compel a person to speak a
known password, as voice examplars are not testimonial under the Fifth
On the other hand, a person who is forced by threat of law to enter
in an unknown password is being compelled to testify.
entering in the passcode implicitly testifies that the person knows the
passcode: Without that knowledge, the act of unlocking the device could
not have occurred. Knowing the password to the device may be
incriminating: it may provide a “link in the chain” that can help to show
awareness of the contents of the device and involvement in its creation or
As a result, being compelled to decrypt an encrypted device
raises potential Fifth Amendment issues. If the government seeks to have
the person disclose the password to the government, rather than merely
use it, the password itself might also be independently incriminating.
If an individual asserts his Fifth Amendment rights not to comply
with such an order, a court must determine if the government can legally
compel the act of decryption.
The answer hinges largely on fact-specific
applications of the “foregone conclusion” doctrine.
The foregone
conclusion doctrine teaches that if the testimonial aspect of production is
already known to the government, and is not to be proven by the
testimonial act, then the testimony is a foregone conclusion and the Fifth
Amendment privilege does not apply.
How the “foregone conclusion” doctrine applies to compelled
decryption is presently uncertain. The open question is what facts must be
established as known by the government to make the testimony implicit in
decryption a foregone conclusion. On one view, the government must
establish that it already knows the specific files expected to be found on
See State v. Diamond, ___ N.W.2d __, 2017 WL 163710 (Minn. Ct. App.
United States v. Dionisio, 410 U.S. 1 (1973).
Salinas v. Texas.
See Fisher v. United States.
Fisher v. United States; Hubbell.
the decrypted device.
From this perspective, decrypting the device
amounts to testimony about their contents; that testimony is a foregone
conclusion only if the government already has relatively detailed
awareness of the contents of the device when in decrypted form.
another view, the government must only establish that it knows that the
person knows the password. From this perspective, decrypting the device
only amounts to testimony that the person knows the password. This
standard would be vastly easier for the government to meet in practice, as
evidence that the person uses the phone regularly is likely sufficient to
establish that the person knows the password.
Which standard is correct
is not yet clear in the case law.
Notably, compelling a key raises practical and legal hurdles rather
than technical ones. Sophisticated technological resources are not
required, but a person who knows the key may refuse to hand it over or
use it. The government can force a target to use a biometric indicator,
physically placing his finger on the reader. But the government has no
way to actually force a suspect to disclose a key or decrypt a device even
if a court rules no Fifth Amendment privilege applies. The government
must instead rely on the possibility that the punishment of noncompliance,
including jail time for contempt or failure to follow an officer’s unlawful
order, appears greater than the possible punishment that might follow from
decryption and government access to plaintext. If the evidence on the
device is particularly damning, a rational suspect may decide to suffer the
punishment for noncompliance rather than suffer the greater punishment
of the underlying crime.
Enforcing compliance with orders to decrypt typically requires
legal proceedings for contempt (if a court order is obtained)
or failure to
In Re: Grand Jury Subpoena Duces Tecum Dated March 25, 2011, 670 F.3d
1335 (11th Cir. 2012).
See id. at [].
State v. Stahl, Case No 2D14-4283 (Fl. Ct. App. 2D 2016), available at
For a detailed look at the arguments, see Orin Kerr, The Fifth Amendment
limits on forced decryption and applying the ‘foregone conclusion’doctrine, The Volokh
Conspiracy, June 7, 2016, available at https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-
See, e.g., Fed. R. Crim Pro. 41.
follow an officer’s lawful order (if no such order is obtained). The
government must show that the defendant is willfully refusing to comply
with a lawful order, either by outright refusal or by falsely claiming to be
unable to comply.
The defense can assert claims of privilege or argue
that he is unable to comply with the order.
One difficulty with enforcing compliance with decryption orders is
that a court may be unable to determine accurately if the defendant is
unable to comply. A defendant may truthfully claim to have forgotten the
password or to never have known it. If the trial judge finds that testimony
unpersuasive, and wrongly believes that the defendant is testifying falsely,
the judge may wrongly convict the defendant of willful refusal to comply
with the order. In that case, using strong encryption may actually work
against the suspect’s interests: An innocent suspect who forgets his
password presumably would rather have the government search his device
and clear him of suspicion than face the possibility of jail time for
contempt if the judge believes he is only pretending to be unable to
comply with a decryption order.
The encryption workarounds discussed so far have all been key-
based—means of obtaining and then using the designated key. We next
turn to workarounds that do not require the key.
D) Exploit A Flaw in the Encryption Scheme
The first non-key-based encryption workaround is to exploit a flaw
in the encryption scheme to gain access without the key. This is analogous
to breaking into a locked car by breaking a window instead of picking the
lock. Access is gained without requiring the key by exploiting a weakness
in the system designed to keep people out.
This weakness can take several forms. It can be a mathematical
weakness in the encryption algorithm, a weakness in the random-number
generator used to provide inputs to that encryption algorithm, or a
weakness resulting from the implementation of that algorithm in software
and on a computer. The weakness could be the result of new advances in
the science of cryptanalysis, or a mistake made by a system designer or
programmer. The flaw could also be deliberately inserted.
Flaws are not uncommon. All software contains bugs, and
commercial software can contain thousands. Some of these bugs result in
In re Weiss, 703 F.2d 653, 662663 (2d Cir. 1983).
security vulnerabilities, and some of those vulnerabilities can be exploited
to defeat the encryption scheme. Hackers, criminals, foreign governments,
and others all take advantage of these flaws in encryption systems.
Additionally, some flaws are deliberately inserted, either by the software
vendors themselves or by individuals wanting to subvert the security of
the software.
These are commonly called “backdoors.” In both the 1990s
and over the past few years, the FBI has endorsed a requirement that
vendors create these backdoors for their agents to use.
The success of exploiting a flaw is contingent on finding or
knowing an exploit that will work with a particular device and software
combination. Flaws may be specific to a particular version of a device or
operating system. When exploits become known, companies and software
writers will try to quickly correct the flaw. Exploiting a flaw therefore
often requires knowledge of a flaw that is not otherwise widely known or
has not yet been corrected for that particular device.
A dramatic example of such a flaw was discovered by security
researcher John Gordon about the Android smartphone operating system
called “Lollipop” released in 2015.
Gordon discovered that a phone
running that operating system would unlock after several minutes if a user
entered any extremely long string of characters—roughly 50 pages of text
-— at the password prompt.
The exceedingly long data entry
overwhelmed the phone, causing it to crash and bypass the lock. Gordon
notified Google of the flaw, and Google then created and distributed a
patch to correct the error.
Exploiting a flaw can work in concert with other encryption
workarounds. Consider how the government gained access to the iPhone
used by San Bernardino attacker Syed Farook. Farook’s phone was known
to have used the auto-erase feature that thwarts passcode guessing, and the
government had sought Apple’s assistance in disabling that feature to
allow the FBI to guess the passcode quickly. Apple objected to the
assistance order, and the FBI was able to gain access to the phone a
See id.
See id.
different way. Although details remain murky, it appears that a private
company had found an exploit that disabled the auto-erase function.
FBI reportedly paid the company $1M for the use of the exploit, allowing
the FBI to access the phone by guessing the passcodes. This approach
relied on two workarounds in tandem: First, exploit the flaw; second,
guess the key.
E) Access Plaintext When the Device Is In Use
The fifth type of encryption workaround is to access plaintext
when the device is in use. Data must be decrypted to be read by intended
users. Encrypted data must be available in unencrypted form where
intended users access it. This necessarily creates a security vulnerability:
the government may work around the encryption by gaining access to the
information when it is in decrypted form for the user. This technique is
limited in scope because it usually works only in real time” For the most
part, the information it seeks will be available only when the government
has ongoing real-time access to the device where the information rests at
the moment it is available in plaintext.
Consider an encrypted text message that is end-to-end encrypted
from the sender’s device to the recipient’s device. Although the message
will be encrypted from device to device, it will be readable in unencrypted
form both on sender’s keyboard and on the recipient’s screen. Access to
either device, perhaps from a hidden camera or an investigator
surreptitiously looking over the suspect’s shoulder, will enable access to
an unencrypted copy of the information.
The same dynamic can exist when investigators target a suspect’s
encrypted hard drive. That hard drive might be encrypted when the
computer is turned off, so that turning on the computer requires a key to
decrypt it. When the computer is turned on and being used, however, the
encryption key is available and constantly being used to access the hard
drive. Someone who has control of the computer can access the hard drive
and view the decrypted information. An investigator could insert a
keylogger into a computer to collect keystrokes or install a hidden camera
in the room where the computer is that can record both what the suspect is
typing and what he is reading.
The technological sophistication required to access plaintext when
the device is in use varies widely. In some cases, it is as simple as
physically grabbing the device from the suspect. In the investigation into
the Silk Road website, for example, the FBI carefully planned the arrest of
suspect Ross Ulbricht to bypass the whole-disk encryption on his laptop.
Ulbricht was known to be using his laptop at a public library. The laptop
was encrypted when shut down, but decrypted when in use. To capitalize
on this, the FBI sent two plainclothes agents into the library posing as a
couple. While standing next to Ulbricht, the two agents began a loud
The fight distracted Ulbricht, allowing one of the agents to grab the
laptop while it was open.
That agent turned it over to a third officer who
immediately began to search the device while Ulbricht was placed under
arrest. The ruse enabled the FBI to bypass Ulbricht’s whole-disk
encryption by taking it from his hands.
If investigators cannot gain physical control of a device, accessing
it in use raises more difficult technical and legal questions. The chief
alternative is to hack into the device remotely while it is connected to the
This is much more complicated than physically seizing the
machine. First, hacking will require the government to have figured out a
technical means to gain remote access to the device. Second, government
hacking can raise complex legal questions under the Fourth Amendment
and other laws.
Dozens of federal courts are currently considering the legality of
one prominent example, the search authorized by the Playpen warrant.
Playpen was a child pornography website available only using Tor. The
government took over the website in an effort to trace back the identities
of the site’s visitors. Because Tor masked the true IP addresses of its
See Natasha Bertrand, “The FBI staged a lovers' fight to catch the kingpin of
the web's biggest illegal drug marketplace,” Business Insider, January 22, 2015, available
at http://www.businessinsider.com/the-arrest-of-silk-road-mastermind-ross-ulbricht-
See id.
See id.
Landau’s “lawful hacking” paper:
visitors, however, the government could not trace back visitors in the
usual way: visits only logged the IP addresses of Tor nodes, which could
not be traced back to the IP addresses visitors themselves used to establish
an Internet connection and visit Playpen. To reveal the true IP addresses of
users, the government obtained a warrant authorizing the installation of a
“network investigative technique”—in other words, malware—on the
computers of Playpen visitors.
The NIT was a workaround response to Tor’s use of encryption
and anonymizing software to hide IP addresses. When a user logged into
the Playpen site, the NIT would travel from Playpen back to the user’s
machine, install itself, and from there locate identity information about the
user’s machine, including its real IP address. It would then send that
information to the government. After the warrant was signed, the Playpen
NIT was successfully placed on over 1,000 machines around the world.
The information revealed by the NIT led to the arrest and prosecution of
over 200 defendants in the United States.
This complex technical means of access to data raises many legal
questions that are currently before the federal courts in challenges to the
Playpen investigation. The legal questions include: Was accessing the
suspect’s machines to obtain their IP addresses a Fourth Amendment
search? Did accessing computers that ended up being located outside the
district where the warrant was obtained violate the territoriality rules of
the search warrant statute? Did the single warrant used to commit
hundreds or thousands of searches satisfy the Fourth Amendment’s
probable cause and particularity requirements? Finally, does the
government need to disclose to the defense how the NIT worked? For our
purposes, the answers to these questions are less important than how and
why they arose. The use of Tor blocked the usual means of investigations,
requiring a complex technical workaround with novel legal implications to
obtain the same information.
F) Locate a Plaintext Copy
The sixth and final kind of encryption workaround is to obtain a
separate and unencrypted copy of the information. The target may have
multiple copies of the sought-after records, and the government may be
able to access an unencrypted version. Unlike the workarounds discussed
above, this approach does not involve decryption of a known encrypted
file or device. Instead, it instead looks for another copy of the sought-after
This strategy may be used as a second-best alternative when law
enforcement cannot successfully decrypt a file or device. Police looking
for the final version of the ransom note on the suspect’s computer might
be blocked from reading it, but find unencrypted earlier drafts that the
word processing software had automatically created.
wishing to read e-mails on a locked phone might instead go to the cloud
provider and see if copies of the e-mails are stored in the cloud. Similarly,
the user of a locked phone may have stored an unencrypted backup copy
using a remote cloud storage service.
Once again, the recent investigation into the terrorist attack in San
Bernardino, California, provides a prominent example. The government
attempted to decrypt the iPhone used by suspect Syed Farook pursuant to a
search warrant served on Apple.
When that proved initially unsuccessful,
the government obtained what was available from an iCloud backup copy.
The cloud-stored copy was somewhat out of date because the phone had
last been backed up six weeks before the shooting.
Nonetheless, the
backup gave the government access to at least some the contents of
Farook’s phone without needing to decrypt it.
The success of locating another copy depends on three questions.
First, does an additional unencrypted copy of the sought-after information
exist? Second, is the government able to locate the unencrypted copy of
the data? Third, is the unencrypted copy sufficiently similar to the
encrypted copy to be an adequate substitute? The last question is often
difficult to answer because investigators ordinarily will not know what has
been encrypted. This means that investigators may not know if the
additional copy of the data is accurate and complete.
Cf. Commonwealth v. Copenhefer, 587 A.2d 1353 (Pa. 1991) (recovering draft
copies of ransom note automatically saved by word processing software on suspect’s
With a taxonomy of encryption workarounds in place, we next
offer insights that the taxonomy suggests about law enforcement responses
to the widespread use of encryption. We identify four lessons.
The first lesson is that there is no magic way for the government to
get around encryption. The nature of the problem is one of probabilities
rather than certainty. Different approaches will work more or less often in
different kinds of cases. In that sense, the challenge of bypassing
encryption is similar to the challenge of interrogating a suspect. Some
suspects will waive their rights and confess; others will assert their rights
and end the interrogation. There are no certainties about what will work.
Second, the different resources required to pursue different
workarounds may have considerable distributional effects on law
enforcement. Some workarounds require technical expertise and deep
pockets. Others require neither. As a practical matter, this likely means
that state and local investigators will be forced to rely heavily on low-
resource approaches such as compelling keys. The federal government,
with its greater technical resources, is likely to choose from a wider range
of workarounds. This may lead to the federal government taking over
certain kinds of state and local investigations.
A third lesson is that the degree of third-party assistance that can
be legally compelled is likely to be a continuing theme of the law of
encryption workarounds. Encryption technology runs on software created
outside the government and runs on hardware manufactured by private
companies. Expertise relevant to workarounds will be found outside the
government As the recent dispute over the San Bernardino iPhone
revealed, how much authority the government has to compel the assistance
of third parties is a fundamental question of encryption workarounds.
Fourth, the law of encryption workarounds is still developing.
Many workarounds raise complex and novel legal questions that courts are
only beginning to confront. Until the law of encryption workarounds
becomes more settled, it is too early to know how much the widespread
use of encryption will interfere with the successful resolution of criminal
We expand on each of these lessons below.
A. Workarounds Are Never Guaranteed
The first lesson of encryption workarounds is that there are no
guarantees. Workarounds are inherently probabilistic. On one hand, no
approach will work every time. On the other hand, the fact that a target has
used encryption does not mean the investigation is over. It only means the
government has to search for a workaround that might succeed.
The uncertainty is inherent: whether a particular workaround is
effective, or whether any of the workarounds will work, will often depend
on facts that are likely unknown or even unknowable when the encryption
is discovered. Did the suspect write down the passcode somewhere? If a
court orders him to decrypt the device, would he agree to do so? Is there a
security weakness that the government can exploit for that particular
device running that particular software? Does someone else know the
passcode? Is there an unencrypted copy of the relevant files somewhere
else? These questions do not have universal answers. They typically
require investigative work to find out which of the strategies might
provide successful.
Proposals to mandate government access to a key do not alter this
basic dynamic. In theory, key mandates sound as if they can work every
time. But any legal regime that requires mandating access to a key can be
circumvented, essentially providing a reverse encryption workaround
against the encryption workaround. This means that mandates at most can
regulate default uses of encryption products. Defaults are important,
certainly: many or most users use products in the default way, even if
changes are simple to make. But even at their hypothetical best, legislation
can only facilitate particular workarounds. They cannot ensure their
The fact that encryption will stymie some government
investigations does not make encryption unique. FBI Director James
Comey has said that encryption “takes us to a place—absolute privacy—
For example, imagine that Congress passed a federal law after the San
Bernardino case prohibiting the software option to block password guessing. A criminal
suspect or terrorist could readily block the usefulness of this law by simply switching
from a four-digit numerical default passcode that could be guessed within a day to a
longer alphanumeric password that would take [X years] to guess.
that we have never seen before.”
In a limited sense, Comey is right. Any
physical place can be entered somehow, which means that the idea of data
that can be held but not accessed is new. But in a broader sense, there is
nothing new about the dynamics of encryption. The success of
investigative tools and methods are always matters of chance. When a
crime occurs, an eyewitness might have seen it or no one did. When the
police interrogate a suspect, the suspect might confess or he might refuse
to talk. When the police search a house for drugs, the drugs might be there
or they could have been moved or destroyed. When the police investigate
a conspiracy, a conspirator might flip and cooperate with the government
or none might. No law enforcement technique works every time. The
challenges of encryption are no exception to that general rule.
Perhaps the best analogy is to interrogations. When the police have
a suspect and wish to obtain a confession, the law gives the police a set of
tools they may use in an effort to persuade the suspect to confess. Some
techniques are outlawed, such as excessive force or pressure.
And some
techniques are regulated in detail, such as custodial interrogations
regulated by the Miranda rules.
But within legal bounds, the police are
free to try to persuade a suspect to confess by using various strategies for
interrogations. None of the methods work every time. In some cases, no
matter what the government does, suspects will confess. In other cases, no
matter what the government does, suspects will assert their rights and
refuse to say a word. The government must work with the inherently
probabilistic nature of obtaining confessions.
B. Workarounds Will Have Distributional Effects on Law Enforcement
Another characteristic of encryption workarounds is that different
workarounds require different resources, which is likely to have
considerable distributional effects on law enforcement. Some workarounds
require technical expertise and deep pockets. Others require neither.
Because resources vary considerably among and within governments,
some workarounds can be used often by any government agency and
others are likely to be used rarely and only by a few. As a practical matter,
See voluntariness/due process cases.
Miranda v. Arizona. See generally….
this likely means that the federal government, with its greater resources, is
likely to have a wider range of workarounds to choose from. This may
lead to the federal government taking over certain kinds of state and local
In general, the least resources are required to compel the key. If a
person is available who knows the key, the government needs only to
assert legal pressure on that person to try to persuade them to disclose it.
So long as the Fifth Amendment does not block the government’s order,
the government can exert that pressure and the suspect must make a choice
whether to comply. The strategy of compelling the key makes encryption a
relatively traditional question of contempt law: whether the pressure of jail
time is too much for the subject of the order to refuse to comply. This
approach certainly can raise complex practical questions, such as how best
to know when the subject of an order genuinely cannot comply with a
disclosure order. But no special technology or resources are required.
On the other hand, some encryption workarounds are very costly
and require significant technical expertise. For example, the NIT warrant
used in the Playpen investigation required developing and using special
software. Similarly, accessing the phone in the San Bernardino case
reportedly required a payment in the neighborhood of $1 million to
purchase use of a software exploit that could disable the feature that
thwarted password-guessing.
Cyberweapons arms manufacturers like
Hacking Team and Gamma International sell espionage systems to Third
World countries for millions of dollars to circumvent encryption. Such
expensive exploits are not likely to be broadly available within law
The range of resources required for different workarounds is
important because available resources vary considerably inside the
government. Government resources in national security cases will
generally exceed resources in criminal cases. Federal government
resources will typically exceed the resources available in state cases. Local
government resources will generally be the most modest of all. As a result,
the toolkit of encryption workarounds varies considerably, depending on
which government agency is investigating and how important any
particular case happens to be.
The different resources needed for different encryption
workarounds may further the federalization of many kinds of criminal
investigations. This might happen in several different ways. First,
particularly important state and local cases might get passed up to the
federal government, either for investigative assistance or to take over the
investigation, after the workarounds available to state and local police
prove unsuccessful. Second, some kinds of investigations will require
federal resources and are likely to succeed only at the federal level. State
and local investigators will continue to investigate cases and will use the
workarounds that require fairly modest resources. But other kinds of
investigations are likely to need federal resources and expertise.
C. Defining the Legal Limits on Assistance Will Be a Continuing
A third lesson is that obtaining assistance from third parties outside
the government—and the law determining how much assistance can be
obtained—is likely to remain a continuing question raised by encryption
workarounds. Encryption software and the hardware that hosts it is almost
always designed and manufactured by the private sector. Although
criminal investigators can pursue some encryption workarounds on their
own, they will tend to have fewer resources and less expertise than some
others in the private sector.
The prospects of deputizing that expertise
can seem highly appealing to investigators. How much authority the
government has to force the private sector to assist in investigations, and
under what conditions, is therefore likely to be a recurring question.
From one perspective, this is not a new problem. In the common
law era, criminal investigations relied heavily on mandates of third-party
assistance. The raising of “hue and cry” required all able-bodied men
within earshot to assist in the apprehension of a criminal after a witness
announced that the crime had occurred in his presence.
Even today, any
The limit to “criminal investigators” is important because the expertise may
exist elsewhere inside government. In particular, intelligence agencies and particularly
the NSA has a great deal of technical expertise. That expertise is generally off-limits to
law enforcement, however, because successful encryption workarounds that lead to
criminal investigations will ordinarily become public. Details may have to be disclosed
to the defense in a criminal case.
Statute of Winchester of 1285, 13 Edw. I cc. 1 and 4. See also Babington v.
Yellow Taxi Corp., 250 N.Y. 14, 17, 164 N.E. 726, 727 (1928) (Cardozo, C.J.) ("Still, as
third-party witness can to be forced by subpoena to appear before the
grand jury or in court to testify under penalty of perjury about what they
have seen, at least if no special privilege exists.
Reliance on third-party assistance is also an established aspect of
surveillance law and practice. The government often needs assistance to
conduct surveillance on privately owned networks. It can be less intrusive,
more privacy-protective, and more efficient to have network providers
conduct surveillance on the government’s behalf than to have investigators
try to conduct the surveillance themselves.
For that reason, network
surveillance laws generally include assistance provisions requiring
providers to provide necessary assistance to effectuate surveillance
pursuant to court orders.
The Supreme Court has interpreted the All
Writs Act to grant judges a somewhat analogous authority to mandate
some amount of provider assistance in the execution of search warrants.
Despite this tradition, third-party assistance with encryption
workarounds raises a new twist. Requiring assistance from manufacturers
and designers of encryption products can prompt a direct clash between
the government’s interest and that of the compelled party. The purpose of
encryption is to block third-party access, while the goal of encryption
workarounds is to enable it. Workarounds try to undo encryption’s
protection. As a result, mandating assistance with workarounds may
compel manufacturers or designers of encryption products to help weaken
the products they manufacture or design. To companies committed to
in the days of Edward I, the citizenry may be called upon to enforce the justice of the
state, not faintly and with lagging steps, but honestly and bravely and with whatever
implements and facilities are convenient and at hand"); In re Quarles and Butler, 158 U.
S. 532, 158 U. S. 535 (1895) ("It is the duty . . . of every citizen, to assist in prosecuting,
and in securing the punishment of, any breach of the peace of the United States")
See, e.g, United States v. Dionisio 410 U.S. 1 (1973) (noting “the
longstanding principle that 'the public has a right to every man's evidence’”) (quoting
United States v. Bryan, 339 U.S. 331 (1950)).
See Orin S. Kerr, Internet Surveillance Law After the USA Patriot Act: The
Big Brother That Isn’t, 97 Nw. U. L. Rev. 607, 62122 (2003) (noting the tradeoffs
between “direct surveillance,” in which government agents conduct the surveillance, and
“indirect surveillance,” in which government agents get a court order requiring a provider
to conduct the surveillance on the government’s behalf).
Cite Wiretap Act and Pen Register assistance provisions.
NY Telephone.
providing the most secure product possible, assistance with workarounds
may appear less a nuisance than a threat.
This dynamic became clear in the recent litigation over whether
Apple was legally required to assist efforts to decrypt the iPhone used by
San Bernardino attacker Syed Farook. Farook was already dead, making
the compel-the-key strategy unavailable. The government knew that
Farook’s phone had enabled the auto-erase feature to thwart guessing the
passcode, complicating the guess-the-password strategy. The government
had pursued the locate-another-copy strategy and obtained an older iCloud
backup of the phone’s contents, but wished to obtain a more recent copy
of the data. The government obtained an order seeking Apple’s assistance
in disabling the auto-erase function to enable quick password guessing.
Apple objected to the order.
The case ended without a legal ruling; the
government ended up withdrawing its request because access was
obtained by purchasing an exploit from an unnamed third party.
The position of the technology industry toward the government in
the Apple case was uniform and harshly negative. In an unusual public
statement, Apple CEO Tim Cook condemned the request for the order as
“dangerous” and said it would make Apple “hack [its] own users and
undermine decades of security advancements that protect our customers—
including tens of millions of American citizens—from sophisticated
hackers and cybercriminals.” According to Apple, complying with the
order would set a precedent that would weaken security for everyone with
a phone: “The same engineers who built strong encryption into the iPhone
to protect our users would, ironically, be ordered to weaken those
protections and make our users less safe.”
Almost every major
technology company wrote or joined an amicus brief objecting to the
government’s request, including Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft,
Yahoo, AT&T, and Twitter.
See earlier discussion.
The briefs are available at
No doubt part of the uniform reaction reflected the politics of the case. The major U.S.-
based Internet companies have a global customer base, and international objections to
The staunch opposition of the technology industry to assisting
government decryption efforts has particular importance for the critical
question of how much third-party technical assistance the government can
compel. The cases and statutes on technical assistance generally recognize
some sort of proportionality requirement: parties can be forced to assist in
some ways, but the assistance cannot impose an “unreasonable burden”
or be too obtrusive.
The difficult question is, how much assistance is too
The technology industry’s opposition to assisting with encryption
workarounds makes such standards particularly difficult to apply.
Companies control the design of their products. Because technical
assistance standards generally use a baseline of the product as it exists at
the time of the order, companies wishing to thwart technical assistance
orders can design their products now to make technical assistance in any
future case as burdensome and obtrusive as possible. There is no natural
baseline from which to measure the burden of assistance. The more a
company fears a government assistance order in the future, the more it can
take steps now to ensure that effective assistance will be unreasonable.
Given the position of today’s technology industry today, we should not be
surprised if the technical assistance companies provide will only diminish
over time.
Proposals to mandate a key, such as key escrow laws proposed but
not enacted in the 1990s,
can also be understood as a kind of assistance
provision. When the government mandates a key, it enacts some statute or
other binding legal rule that mandates access to an additional key that can
be used to decrypt communications. This is an assistance requirement, but
one that works in advance of any investigation. Instead of requiring
companies to assist the government in a particular case, mandates would
require manufacturers of hardware and/or designers of software to weaken
security practices and make an additional key available before the crime
occurred. In effect, it is a meta-strategy designed regulate products directly
U.S. government surveillance following the 2013 disclosures by Edward Snowden has
made distancing themselves from U.S. surveillance practices a business necessity.
New York Telephone, 434 U.S. at 172.
18 U.S.C. 2518(4).
See generally Hal Abelson, et al., The Risks of Key Recovery, Key Escrow,
and Trusted Third-Party Encryption (1997), available at
to ensure that there can always be a successful encryption workaround. On
the other hand, mandating a key is the scenario technology companies fear
most: By trying to guarantee workarounds, key mandates would also
guarantee weaker security.
D. The Law of Encryption Workarounds Is Still Developing
A fourth observation about encryption workarounds is that the law
relating to them is still developing. Several workarounds raise novel and
complex legal questions. Circumventing encryption often relies on
untested theories of government power, and courts have only begun to
address them.
Several examples have been covered in Section II. For example,
the Fourth and Fifth Amendment standards for compelling decryption
remain uncertain. The Playpen warrant used to circumvent Tor’s hiding
user IP addresses raises difficult questions under the Fourth Amendment
and Rule 41. Similarly, the level of permitted technical assistance under
statutes such as the All Writs Act is largely unresolved and raises complex
questions about the standards for measuring the burden of assistance.
That encryption workarounds raise novel and unresolved legal
questions should not be surprising. Encryption blocks government access
to information, and investigators will naturally respond by trying to gain
access to the information in some other way that investigators did not need
to consider before encryption was used. Those new ways often involve
new strategies or technologies. Their legality often will be untested.
One consequence of the uncertain law of encryption workarounds
is that the degree to which encryption will stymie investigations remains
unclear. The tools available to investigators depend on both technology
and law. Courts may approve encryption workarounds readily, or they
may block them or place high barriers to their use. We don’t yet know. As
a result, the government toolkit of encryption workarounds is presently
unsettled. We can map out the possibilities, but we can’t yet know how
easy or difficult any particular workaround may yet be. Until the law of
encryption workarounds becomes clear, it is difficult to assess how much
encryption will prove a practical barrier to investigations and in what
kinds of cases the barriers will be greater or lesser.
The public debate over the impact of encryption on criminal
investigations often treats encryption as a game-changer. On one side, the
government argues that investigations are “going dark.” Its supporters
contend that that legislation to help or even mandate encryption
workarounds may be required to make criminal cases solvable again.
Civil libertarians respond that encryption offers an essential tool to restore
necessary limits on government access to communications and to improve
security for everyone. It is usually taken for granted, by both sides, that
encryption will have a dramatic impact on government power. The
disagreement is whether that impact is a net positive or a net negative.
This paper suggests a different view. How much encryption is a
game-changer for criminal investigations depends on the success of
encryption workarounds. When targets use encryption, the police do not
simply give up. Rather, investigators turn to encryption workarounds that
try to erase the barrier that encryption can create. Just as for every action,
there is an equal and opposite reaction, for every use of encryption to
conceal communications there is a set of workarounds that could be
employed to try to reveal them.
It is too early to tell how much the widespread use of encryption
will impact the government’s ability to solve criminal cases because the
law and technical feasibility of many encryption workarounds is unsettled.
Empirical evidence about their use is largely unavailable. The impact of
encryption may be modest or great—or perhaps modest in some kinds of
cases and great in others. Encryption adds a new step to many
investigations. But whether it proves a game-changer or a speed bump
remains unclear, and it will depend on both technological change and the
resolution of many legal questions that currently remain unanswered.
See, e.g., Feinstein-Burr bill.