This pamphlet was prepared as a public service by the Washing-
ton State Bar Association. It contains general information and is
not intended to apply to any specic situation. If you need legal
advice or have questions about the application of the law in a
particular matter, you should consult a lawyer.
Lawyer Referral Services
Clark County 360-695-0599
King County 206-267-7010
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Washington State Bar Association
1325 Fourth Ave., Ste. 600, Seattle, WA 98101-2539
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© 2011 by Washington State Bar Association
Consumer Information Published in the Public Interest
by the Washington State Bar Association
• Signing Documents
• Accommodating Others
• Oral Promises
• Making Payment Agreements
• Signing Contracts
• Leases and Rental Agreements
• Examining Documents Before
• Formalities in Signing Documents
• Breaking Contract Agreements
• Minimizing Your Risks
tions a consumer normally encounters, other documents
should also be studied and understood before being
Door-to-door and telephone sales agreements, repair
authorizations, and loan applications, for example, de-
serve careful consideration. Product warranties should also
be compared and understood before signing a purchase
agreement. Installation and service provisions should be
described in detail in a contract before you sign it.
People rarely take the time to examine the autho-
rization forms they are asked to sign when arranging
automobile service or repairs. Before signing, be sure
the authorization entitles you to complete, written work
orders and cost estimates. The agreement should also
provide for notication of major repairs before they are
undertaken. Finally, you should understand the liability
of the service facility for any damages to your car while
in its care.
Credit or loan applications should also be carefully
considered before being signed. These “applications”
may contain the necessary elements of a legally binding
and enforceable contract. Of particular importance are
your responsibilities under the agreement and the condi-
tions upon which the credit or loan is being granted. With
various forms of nancing now available, it is important to
read and understand credit applications and to compare
offerings from different sources.
Formalities in Signing Documents
Certain formalities must be observed when signing doc-
uments. In witnessing a will, for example, the witnesses
must sign the document in the presence of the person
making the will and in the presence of each other.
When you sign a document as a witness, be sure
you actually observe the afxing of the signature you
are witnessing. You may be asked to testify to such ac-
tion in court.
Some documents, such as property deeds, require
the signing to be acknowledged before a public ofcer
(usually a notary public) who testies that the signer is
known to him or her and that he or she is the one who
signed it.
Breaking Contract Agreements
Under certain conditions, you can legally cancel a con-
tract or avoid payments. For consumers, remedies are
sometimes allowed if a transaction involves deceptive
or fraudulent practices or “undue inuence.” Non-perfor-
your needs and situation. A brief consultation with a lawyer
before closing a transaction can help you avoid problems and
may also save time, money, and grief.
Keep a copy. Obtain signatures of the proper persons, then
request and keep a copy of the document. Get a receipt for
any money paid. If necessary, record the agreement with ap-
propriate ofcials.
mance and consumer law violations may also be consid-
ered. Depending on circumstances and claims, you may
want to consult a lawyer for specic legal advice or repre-
Minimizing Your Risks
You can decrease your legal risks and avoid misunder-
standings by taking certain precautions before signing
Put the agreement in writing. This will reduce the
possibility for disputes. Although some contracts may be
either verbal or written, oral promises or assurances are
not binding.
Know what you are signing. Don’t be misled or con-
fused by a title. A “receipt” may be a contract; a “state-
ment” may be a release of your claims; or a “contract” may
be a negotiable promissory note.
Read everything in any document. Clauses in ne
print may be important. Verify that your obligations and
expectations — are covered by the written agreement. Take
nothing for granted.
Check the document. Be sure the dates, prices, names,
and conditions are lled in correctly. You are bound by what
it says, not by what you think it says.
Acknowledge any modications with your initials.
If preprinted forms are used, language may be revised,
added, or deleted, but all alterations should be initialed by
the parties to the agreement.
Sign each page of a multi-page agreement. Have the
other party do the same.
• Ask questions. Do not sign a document unless you un-
derstand what it means. Language clearly stating what you
want can be inserted. By reading the document and asking
questions, you will better understand your rights and liabili-
ties. Reviewing the document may also provide you with a
basis for negotiating its terms, and can familiarize you with
possible risks so you can consider alternatives. If you have
doubts about the meaning or effect of an agreement or
are uncertain about signing, seek information and advice.
Consult a lawyer. Some documents or transactions can
be entered into without the assistance of a lawyer. Howev-
er, if considering an expensive purchase or a transaction of
major signicance, it is wise to consult a lawyer to discuss
the terms and consequences of the transaction. A repu-
table business person will not hesitate to let you have your
lawyer review documents. Your lawyer can provide advice
and assistance in negotiating and drafting terms that t
Signing Documents
People routinely sign documents
or forms without giving them much
attention. Too often, people do not
read these documents, thinking
the wording is “routine,” “standard-
ized,” or “too complicated.” Some
people mistakenly assume adjustments can be made at
a later date.
Keep in mind that you probably would not be asked
to sign a form or document unless someone thought
it was important. A contract describes agreements be-
tween parties, and signing one may impose both legal
and nancial obligations or requirements on you. This
pamphlet discusses common types of legal agree-
ments and explains basic practices to follow to avoid
misunderstandings or problems.
Certain precautions should be taken when signing
documents. Always read a document before you sign
it. It represents a highly legally binding agreement or
promise and, upon signing, you agree to what it says
not what you think or hope it says. Once in force, it gen-
erally cannot be altered unless both parties agree. Fur-
thermore, with very few exceptions, such agreements
cannot be broken.
Examples of documents which people are frequent-
ly asked to sign include:
• Installment sale agreements
Security agreements (when borrowing money or buy-
ing merchandise on a time payment plan)
Earnest money receipts or real estate purchase and
sale agreements
• Leases or rental agreements
• Application forms (for credit, credit cards, loan, etc.).
• Repair authorizations or orders (for automobile or
home repairs)
• Purchase orders
The foregoing are examples. Some of them are
discussed in more detail in this pamphlet. However, no
matter what the form is called, read it carefully and ask
questions to be sure you understand and agree with the
terms before you sign. If an agreement involves com-
plicated technical language or an expensive item, you
may want to have your lawyer review the provisions be-
fore you sign. Finally, insist on receiving a copy of the
signed document.
Before You Sign
You signature, like your ngerprint, is unique. No one else
has one exactly like it, and only you can use it.
If uncertain about signing a document, seek informa-
tion and advice. It usually costs far less to prevent problems
than to remedy them. Your signature could legally bind you
to actions or payments. For your own protection, you should
clearly understand what you are signing, why you are sign-
ing, and what the consequences may be. Do not be rushed
or pressured into signing something before you fully under-
stand it. It is rarely possible to avoid legal obligations of an
agreement, once it is signed.
Accommodating Others
Even when you are not directly involved in a transaction,
you may at times be asked to sign an instrument or docu-
ment to accommodate someone else. Examples include
co-signing someone else’s promissory note or purchase
contract, endorsing a check, or signing a guaranty.
Afxing your signature to a document may cause
events of great consequence to you. If you sign a docu-
ment or instrument to accommodate some other person,
you will be personally liable for the obligation created by
that document. If the person you are accommodating
fails to pay or perform the obligations required by the doc-
ument, you will be legally required to do so. For example,
your signature on a note as a “co-signer” or your endorse-
ment of a check could result in your having to make it
good if the principal signer fails to pay.
Do not co-sign documents with someone else or sign
guaranties unless you have condence in the nancial abil-
ity of that other person and in his or her integrity. Further-
more, you should not sign a guaranty or co-sign a docu-
ment unless you are deliberately willing to risk being sued
if that other person does not pay or perform.
Oral Promises
As a general rule, a written contract is nal. Promises that
are made but not written into the contract are rarely con-
sidered by the courts. There are some situations when an
oral promise or representation will be legally binding and
enforceable, but you cannot depend on it; verbal promises
are usually risky and should be avoided. In most cases, a
written and signed document will supersede all oral discus-
sions and promises.
If, after entering a transaction, you feel you have been
misled by oral representations or promises, you may wish
to consult a lawyer. In some situations, oral claims or cer-
tain sales practices involving displays of samples or sales lit-
erature can be a basis for complaint and relief. This is particu-
larly true for consumer transactions, where many regulations
exist to protect against fraud or deceptive and unscrupulous
sales tactics. You can, however, often avoid problems by in-
sisting—before you sign the document—that oral promises or
representations be written into the agreement.
Making Payment Agreements
In some situations, it may be advantageous to buy merchan-
dise on an installment or “time payment” plan. Under this
arrangement, you will usually be asked to sign a document
called a “security agreement,” a “purchase agreement,” or an
“installment sales agreement.” Your rights and your liabilities
will be governed by the document, whatever it is called. “Buy
now and pay later” opportunities should not be accepted until
you fully understand what is involved.
Most consumer installment purchase transactions are
regulated by laws that require the document to set forth cer-
tain information. Furthermore, the seller must furnish you
with a signed copy of the agreement. Information that is gen-
erally required to be in the document includes:
• a description of the merchandise;
• the total cash price;
• the down payment;
• trade-in allowance (if any);
• the net cash price;
• the nance charge;
• the total amount to be paid in installments;
• the amount of each installment; and
• the method and period of time over which installments are
to be paid.
It may also be necessary for the seller to set forth in
the document agure called theannual percentage rate
or “APR.” That gure tells you the percentage cost of cred-
it that you will incur each year as a result of signing that
Even if the transaction is not legally subject to such dis-
closures, ask the questions you feel are necessary to give you
the essential information. You should also be sure the pro-
visions of the document are consistent with the information
you are given.
Signing Contracts
People considering the purchase of a home often sign a
“purchase and sale agreement” or “earnest money receipt.”
These documents are contracts that legally require the sell-
er to sell, and the buyer to purchase the property.
If the buyer refuses to purchase the property after
signing an “earnest money form” or “real estate purchase
and sale agreement,” the seller has the option of keeping
the earnest money deposit or of suing the buyer to force
purchase of the property.
The agreement also imposes obligations on the seller.
The seller cannot give the earnest money deposit back to
the buyer and refuse to sell. If there is a real-estate agent
involved in the transaction, the earnest money receipt or
agreement will also impose an obligation on the seller to
pay a real-estate commission or fee.
A purchase and sale of real property can be a complex
transaction. When making an investment as important as
a home, it is sensible to consult a lawyer and have him or
her review the documents before you sign anything.
Leases and Rental Agreements
When renting a home, apartment, commercial space, or
other property, you may be asked to sign a written contract,
usually called a “lease” or “rental agreement,” which should
cover all terms of the agreement with the property owner.
A lease establishes a tenant’s right to use property
for a specied term. City, county, and state regulations can
also affect the terms of a lease agreement.
Most leases say how much rent is to be paid, dates of
possession, notication requirements to terminate the lease,
responsibilities for damages, and other concerns. The docu-
ment might also cover restrictions on pets, subletting/trans-
ferring the lease, or occupancy and use of the premises.
Lease agreements might also mention other papers,
such as “house rules.” Do not sign the agreement until you
have read and been provided a copy of these rules. Make
certain all oral agreements are written into the contract
and be sure all blank spaces are lled in or crossed out
before you sign it.
Printed lease forms from an ofce-supply store or oth-
er source are sometimes adequate, but frequently they are
not. These forms may, for example, fail to answer specic
questions about your transaction, or they may not cover
certain agreements between you and the landlord. Do not
rely on promises intended for your situation that are not
included in the written contract.
Examine Documents Before Signing
Although retail credit contracts, real estate agreements,
and leases represent the more signicant nancial obliga-