Administrative Copyright Classification Systems
The classification system employed by the Copyright Office to further identify the form of a given deposit
has always been an internal policy, considered part of the Office “housekeeping, and considered not to have
any bearing on the copyright itself. It can be a very useful tool in limiting searches and identifying sparsely
cataloged entries with few descriptors. The system has evolved over the years; new classes were established
and older designations were phased out. As a response to Revision and to make as clean a break as possible
between old law” and “new law” registrations, the Copyright Office developed the following system which
went into effect on January 1, 1978:
Class TX: Nondramatic Literary Works
This category is very broad. Except for dramatic works and certain kinds of audiovisual works, Class TX
included all types of published and nonpublished works written in words (or other verbal or numerical
symbols). A few of the many examples of “nondramatic literary works” include: fiction, nonfiction, poetry,
periodicals, textbooks, reference works, directories, catalogs, advertising copy, and compilations
of information.
Class PA: Works of the Performing Arts
This category includes published and unpublished works prepared for the purpose of being “performed”
directly before an audience of indirectly “by means of any device or process”. Examples of works of the
performing arts are: musical works, including any accompanying words; dramatic works, including any
accompanying music; pantomimes and choreographic works; and motion pictures and other audiovisual
Class VA: Works of the Visual Arts
This category consists of published and unpublished pictorial, graphic, or sculptural works”, including
two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of fine, graphic, and applied art, photographs, prints and art
reproductions, maps, globes, charts, technical drawings, diagrams, and models. Within this class are pictorial
or graphic labels and advertisements, as well as “works of artistic craftsmanship”. The design of a useful
article” may be registrable in Class VA, but only if, and only to the extent that, such design incorporates
pictorial, graphic, or sculptural features that can be identified separately from, and are capable of existing
independently of, the utilitarian aspects of the article”.
Administrative Copyright Classication Systems
Class SR: Sound Recordings
This category is appropriate for registration for both published and unpublished works in two situations: (1)
where the copyright claim is limited to the sound recording itself; and (2) where the same copyright claimant
is seeking to register not only the sound recording but also the musical, dramatic, or literary works embodied
in the sound recording. With one exception, “sound recordings” are works that result from the fixation of
a series of musical, spoken, or other sounds. The exception is for the audio portions of audiovisual works,
such as a motion picture soundtrack or an audio cassette accompanying a filmstrip; these are considered an
integral part of the audiovisual work as a whole and are registrable in Class PA. Sound recordings fixed before
February 15, 1972 are not eligible for registration, but may be protected by State law.
Class RE: Renewal Registration
This category covers renewal registration for copyrights that are already in their first term on January 1, 1978
(that is, renewals for works originally copyrighted between January 1, 1950 and December 31, 1977). Class RE
is appropriate for all renewal registrations, regardless of the class in which the original registration was made.
In dealing with pre-1978 registrations, it is necessary to be aware of the administrative classes that had evolved
prior to Revision. The following is a brief description of each class, along with a history of numbering
systems. NOTE: None of these classes are in effect at the present time. If a class was phased out prior to
December 31, 1977, the end date is indicated.
1870 – 1894
No Classification
One letter of the alphabet used before the numbers each year through the entire alphabet, omitting “J”. The
letters did not indicate the class of material registered but, rather, the year.
Beginning date Closing No.
July 1, 1870 A 1 – 5600
Jan. 1, 1871 B 1 – 12831
Jan. 1, 1872 C 1 – 14180
Jan. 1, 1873 D 1 – 15648
Jan. 1, 1874 E 1 – 16206
Jan. 1, 1875 F 1 – 14197
Jan. 1, 1876 G 1 – 14883
Jan. 1, 1877 H 1 – 15758
Jan. 1, 1878 I 1 – 15799
Jan. 1, 1879 K 1 – 18125
Jan. 1, 1870 L 1 – 20687
Jan. 1, 1881 M 1 – 21085
Administrative Copyright Classication Systems
Beginning date Closing No.
Jan. 1, 1882 N 1 – 22929
Jan. 1, 1883 O 1 – 25294
Jan. 1, 1884 P 1 – 26895
Jan. 1, 1885 Q 1 – 28411
Jan. 1, 1886 R 1 – 31241
Jan. 1, 1887 S 1 – 35084
Jan. 1, 1888 T 1 – 38228
Jan. 1, 1889 U 1 – 40985
Jan. 1, 1890 V 1 – 42798
Jan. 1, 1891 W 1 – 48917
(prior to this year non-resident foreigners could not register claims for copyright)
Jan. 1, 1892 X 1 – 54748
Jan. 1, 1893 Y 1 – 58973
Jan. 1, 1894 Z 1 – 62803
1895 – 1897
No Classification
One letter followed by small figure 2 before the number, as a symbol of the year.
1895 AA 1 – 67574
1896 B2 1 – 72482
1897 C2 1 – 74191
1898 – 1899
No Classification
No letters before the numbers.
1898 1 – 77621
1899 1 – 85602
Four classes
Letter before the numbers indicating the class.
A (Books and dramas) A 1 – 31965
B (Periodicals) B 1 – 21589
C (Music) C 1 – 20024
*D (Miscellaneous) D 1 – 24642
*Miscellaneous included maps, charts, chromos, lithographs, engravings, prints, photographs and fine arts.
Administrative Copyright Classication Systems
1901 – June 30, 1909
Nine classes*
Letter before the numbers indicated the class. Letter followed by xxc (i.e., twentieth century) and the number.
A (Books) A xxc 1 – 243564
B (Periodicals) B xxc 1 – 189240
C (Music) C xxc 1 – 210861
D (Drama) D xxc 1 – 16208
E (Maps and Charts) E xxc 1 – 15227
F (Engravings, cuts & prints) F xxc 1 – 78218
G (Chromos & Lithographs) G xxc 1 – 21857
H (Photographs) H xxc 1 – 129497
I (Orig. works of art) I xxc 1 – 30269
*Numbering was continued after July 1, 1909, with the changes given below. Numbers between closing numbers here and beginning
numbers in 1909 were unused.
Books and works of art deposited and registered at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Missouri.
Books LPE Group 1 No. 1 – 183
Works of art LPE Group 2 No. 1 – 178
April 11 separate numbering started for deposits of foreign books for reservation of copyright.
Act of March 3, 1905.
Res. No. 1 – 3073 (Completed June 30, 1909)
Changes in classes, and Renewals Notice of Uses added. (Act of March 4, 1909) Effective July 1, 1909.
Numbering continued 1901 series above.
Completed Date
*A (Domestic books) A xxc 243600 – 1087999 (1057000-1060999 unused) Oct. 13, 1928
AA and AO Pamphlets, small books, leaflets, etc. Oct. 6, 1928
A5 Contributions to periodicals Nov. 21, 1928
A5ct Contributions in Chicago Tribune Feb. 18, 1929
A5nt Contributions in New York Times Aug. 29, 1929
*Certain records books were assigned to particular classes of books but were numbered as a single class.
Administrative Copyright Classication Systems
Completed Date
A for. (Foreign books) A For. xxc 1 – 39999 Oct. 1928
A int. (Ad interim books) A int. xxc 1 – 12999 Jul. 3, 1929
B (Periodicals) B xxc 189300 – 900999 Oct. 2, 1928
C (Lectures, sermons) C xxc 1 – 4115 Oct. 1, 1928
*D (Drama & Dramatico-Mus.) D xxc 16206 **- 87999 Feb. 28, 1929
*Certain record books were assigned to particular kinds of drama but numbered as one class:
D1c Unpublished drama
D2c Published drama
DM Dramatico-musical comp.
**16206. 7, 8, are dup. nos. of old series
*E (Music) **E xxc 211000-704999 Sept., Oct. 1928
*After no. E xxc 264703 (1911) certain record books were assigned to published, unpublished and foreign music but were numbered as a single class.
**This numbering was a continuation of Class C of the 1901 group.
*F (Maps and Charts) **F xxc 15228-56999 Sept. 23, 1929
*Certain record books were assigned to maps from the Sanborn Map Co. and marked FS- the last book was completed Sept. 15, 1929.
**This numbering was a continuation of Class E of 1901 group.
*G (Works of art) G xxc 30270 – 84999 Jan. 2, 1929
*This is a continuation of Class I of the 1901 group.
H (Reproductions) H xxc 1 – 1072 June 30, 1925
I (Drawings of plastic works of
scientific or technical character) I xxc 1 – 15999 Dec. 11, 1928
*J (Photographs) **J xxc 129500 – 300999 Nov. 24, 1928
*Certain record books were assigned to unpublished photographs and marked Jo but numbered as a single class.
**This numbering was a continuation of Class H of the 1901 group.
*K (Prints and
pictorial illustrations) K xxc 1 – 246999 Dec. 3, 1928
*Certain record books were assigned to pictorial illustrations from the Chicago Tribune and marked Kct but were numbered as a single class.
*R (Renewals) R xxc 1 – 49999 **Sept. 4, 1928
*Certain record books were assigned to renewals from the West Publishing Co. and marked RW but were numbered as a single class.
**A new numbering was begun in Sept. 1928 but the one book assigned to the West Publishing Co. entries was not completed until Jan. 1933.
*U (Notice of use) Not numbered
*Started Sept. 2, 1909
Administrative Copyright Classication Systems
Act of Aug. 24, 1912 following classes added:
Completed Date
L (Motion pictures
– photoplays) Lxxc 1 – 25999 Jan. 12, 1929
M (Motion pictures
– not photoplays) Mxxc – 5999 Mar. 23, 1929
Registration made at Panama Pacific International Exposition (Act of Sept. 18, 1913).
No. 1, July 25, 1915, pages 27-33 inclusive entries, 1 certificate.
1928 – Dec. 31, 1945
Closing the xxc series and beginning the series without xxc.
Class Beginning Date Numbering
A Oct. 14, 1928 A 1 – 192186
AO Oct. 8, 1928 AO 1 – 4325 (Discontinued Dec. 4, 1928)
[These registration numbers are bound with the AA registration]
AA Sept. 27, 1928 AA 4326 – 501314
A5 Dec. 12, 1928 A5 1 – 140664
A5ct Feb. 18, 1929 A5ct 1 – 2999 Discontinued Dec. 3, 1930
A int. July 3, 1929 A int. 13000 – 29298
A for. July 16, 1928 A for. 1 – 51150
B Oct. 1, 1928 B 1 – 705364 (704269 – 704999 not used)
C Oct. 1, 1928 B 4116 – 18031
*D April 11, 1930 D 1 – 96581
*Published drama marked D pub.; Unpublished drama marked D unp.; certain record books assigned to Dramatico-musicals and marked DM.
E pub. Oct. 20, 1928 E pub. 1 – 137736
E unpubl. Oct. 6, 1928 E unp. 1 – 451923
E for. Sept. 22, 1928 E for. 1 – 71662
*F Sept. 23, 1928 F 1 – 20127
*Certain record books assigned to maps from Sanborn Map Co. and marked F.
Administrative Copyright Classication Systems
Class Beginning Date Numbering
G Jan. 2, 1929 G 1 – 46841
*H Oct. 23, 1937 H 1073-3060
*No registrations made from June 30, 1925-1937
*I Dec. 17, 1928 I 1 – 37139
*Published entries marked I pub. Unpublished entries marked I unpub.
*J Nov. 24, 1928 J 1 – 3900
*Certain record books assigned to unpublished entries and marked Jo – discontinued and same numbering with unpub. marked J unpub.
K Dec. 3, 1928 K 1 – 60530
K ct* Dec. 3, 1928 Kct – 8402 Discontinued
*ct – Chicago Tribune
L Jan. 14, 1929 L 1 – 13711
M March 26, 1929 M 1 – 16613
*R September 5, 1929 R 1 – 146584
*Certain books assigned to West Publishing Co., and marked RW
U Not numbered
Following classes added – (Act of July 31, 1939) – effective July 1, 1940: closed Dec. 31, 1945.
KK (Prints and labels) KK 1 – 36703
RR (Renewals of Prints and labels) RR 1 – 151
January 1 all classes began numbering with No. 1 – Following the Act of June 3, 1949, a separate series of
numbers for foreign works deposited without fee was set up (AFO, BFO . . . ) These works were registered
upon receipt of application and deposit. In general, F means foreign, P published, U unpublished, I ad interim.
Books A 1 -
Pamphlets, etc. AA 1 – 230874 Discontinued Dec. 31, 1952
AF 1 -
AFO 1 - Began July 28, 1949
AI 1 -
AIO 1 - Began Aug. 16, 1949
Periodical contribution A5 1 – 6699 Changed to B5 May 1947
Periodical B 1 -
Periodical contribution B5 1 – 33161 May 13, 1947 – Jan. 9, 1956 (Changed to BB)
Administrative Copyright Classication Systems
BB 1 - Began Jan. 9, 1956
BF 1 - Began Feb. 14, 1952
BFO 1 - Began July 26, 1951
BI 1 - Began July 25, 1951
BIO 1 - Began July 25, 1951
Lectures, sermons, addresses C 1 -
Dramatic compositions D 1-23811 Discontinued Apr. 5, 1950
DF 1 - Began Jan. 19, 1951
DFO 1 - Began Sept. 8, 1949 (Nos. 1-58 DPO)
DP 1 - Began Apr. 6, 1950
DU 23812 Began Apr. 6, 1950
E = music)
EP 1 -
EU 1 -
EF 1 -
EFO 1 - Began Aug. 5, 1949
Maps F 1 -
FF 1 Began Mar. 17, 1966
FFO 1 - Began Oct. 5, 1949 (Nos. 1-20 FO)
Works of art G 1 – 16006 Discontinued Apr. 5, 1950
GF 1 - Began July 30, 1962
GFO 1 - Began Dec. 13, 1955
GP 1 - Began Apr. 6, 1950
GU 16007 Began Apr. 6, 1950
Reproductions of art H 1 -
HF 1 - Began Feb. 22, 1966
HFO 1 - Began Sept. 12, 1949 (Nos. 1-3 HO)
Drawings I 1 – 6768 Discontinued Apr. 5, 1950
IFO 1 - Began Jan. 26, 1950 (Nos. 1-3 IPO)
IP 1 - Began Apr. 6, 1950
IU 6769 Began Apr. 5, 1950
Photographs J 1 – 6329 Discontinued Apr. 5, 1950
JFO 1 - Began Feb. 23, 1950 (No. 1-15, JO; No. 16-44, JPO)
JP 1 - Began Apr. 6, 1950
JU 6330 Began Apr. 6, 1950
Prints and pictorial illustrations K 1 -
KF 1 - Began Oct. 4, 1966
Administrative Copyright Classication Systems
KFO 1 - Began Nov. 14, 1949 (No. 1-19, KO)
Prints and labels KK 1 -
KKF 1 - Began Apr. 20, 1967
KKFO 1 - Began Jan. 6, 1959
Photoplays L 1 – 2973 Discontinued Apr. 5, 1950
LP 1 - Began Apr. 7, 1950
LU 2974 Began Apr. 13, 1950
LF 1 - Began Apr. 8, 1966
LFO 1 - Began Mar. 8, 1965
Motion pictures M 1 – 5133 Discontinued Apr. 5, 1950
MP 1 - Began Apr. 7, 1950
MU 5134 Began Apr. 13, 1950
MFO 1 - Began Aug. 31, 1965
Sound recordings N 1 - Began Feb. 15, 1972
Renewals R 1 -
November 26 started numbering “NOTICE OF INTENTION TO USE”, using the letter “V” preceding
the number.
V 1 -