POSTER: Finding JavaScript Name Conflicts on the Web
Mingxue Zhang
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wei Meng
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yi Wang
Southern University of Science and
Including JavaScript code from many dierent hosts is a popular
practice in developing web applications. For example, to include a
social plugin like the Facebook Like button, a web developer needs
to only include a script from in her/his web page.
However, in a web browser, all the identiers (i.e., variable names
and function names) in scripts loaded in the same frame share
a single global namespace. Therefore, a script can overwrite any
of the global variables and/or global functions dened in another
script, causing unexpected behavior.
In this work, we develop a browser-based dynamic analysis
framework, that monitors and records any writes to JavaScript
global variables and global functions. Our tool is able to cover
all the code executed in the run time. We detected 778 conicts
across the Alexa top 1K websites. Our results show that global name
conicts can indeed expose web applications to security risks.
Security and privacy Browser security
Web application
JavaScript; Name conicts; Web applications
ACM Reference Format:
Mingxue Zhang, Wei Meng, and Yi Wang. 2019. POSTER: Finding JavaScript
Name Conicts on the Web. In 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’19), November 11–15, 2019, London,
United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 3 pages.
It is very common to separate code of dierent functionalities into
multiple JavaScript les in today’s web applications. Including
JavaScript code from other hosts is also a very popular practice in
developing web applications, because a developer can reuse the
code in other third-party programming libraries and easily build
an application rich of functions.
While enhancing the functionality of a web application, the in-
cluded third-party scripts may cause unexpected behavior to the
developer’s own code. In the client-side JavaScript runtime environ-
ment, i.e., the web browser, there exists a single global namespace
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CCS ’19, November 11–15, 2019, London, Unite d Kingdom
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ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6747-9/19/11.
for all identiers (i.e., variable names and function names) in scripts
loaded in the same frame. Any variable or function dened in a
script’s own main scope is available to any other script running
in the same frame. This means that a script can not only directly
call global functions and read the values of global variables in an-
other script, but also overwrite any of the global variables and/or
global functions. Since JavaScript is a weakly typed programming
language, a script can even change the type of any global variable
without causing any exceptions or errors. Such kind of global name
conicts can compromise the integrity of the developer’s own code
and the third-party library code. As a result, a script may take a
dierent branch, return an incorrect value, or simply crash, etc.
Even if a developer carefully examines the source code before
she/he includes a third-party script, which could be very dicult
because of code minimization or obfuscation, global name conicts
cannot be avoided. The third-party code is hosted on a remote
server and can be modied by the script provider at any time with-
out notications. Further, a script can dynamically include any
other scripts, which may also contain global names that conict
with the existing ones. They might be prohibited by the Content-
Security Policy (CSP) [
]. However, it had been shown that CSP
had a very low adoption rate [
] because many websites need to
load additional scripts from almost any sources.
Prior research have studied potential global name conicts be-
tween two JavaScript libraries. In [
], the authors tested if two
libraries would cause dierent behaviors when they were loaded
in dierent settings. They created a synthetic client for each of the
settings. Such clients can test the simple operations of the libraries.
They may not well represent the code in real applications that could
be much more complex. Further, only a limited number of libraries
were studied in a synthetic environment. The result cannot reect
the conicts in real applications, which may include more than
two libraries. Finally, the analysis was based on a selective record-
replay dynamic analysis framework [
] that instruments specied
source code. Thus, the tool does not cover any code that is loaded
In this work, we develop a browser-based dynamic analysis
framework that can monitor and log writes to JavaScript global
memory locations (i.e., variables and functions). In particular, we in-
strument JavaScript code dynamically by modifying the V8 JavaScript
engine of the Chromium browser. We insert our monitoring code
to log any operations that are related to memory write in a script.
This allows us to cover all code executed at the run time. With the
logs, we are able to detect three kinds of global name conicts – 1)
variable value conict, where two or more scripts write dierent
values of the same type to the same global variable; 2) function
denition conict, where multiple scripts dene a global function
with the same name; and 3) variable type conict, where multiple
scripts assign values of dierent types to the same global variable.
We implemented a prototype of our framework based on the
version 71 of Chromium. We conducted a measurement study by
using the prototype to collect logs from the main pages of the Alexa
top 1,000 websites. In total, we detected 47 variable value conicts
on 25 websites, 728 function denition conicts on 85 websites, and
3 variable type conicts on 2 websites.
We illustrate how our analysis framework works in this section.
We record each function denition in the V8 parser to detect func-
tion denition conicts (§2.1). We dynamically instrument any
JavaScript code that is executed to log writes to a global variable
(§2.2). Our instrumentation dynamically infers the type of the write
target for each write operation. The logs allow us to detect conict-
ing writes by dierent scripts to the same global functions or the
same global variables (§2.3).
2.1 Recording Global Function Denitions
The root cause of function denition conicts is two or more scripts
dene their functions using the same global function name. There-
fore, we need to nd all functions that are explicitly dened in each
script. Whenever a global function is parsed by the V8 parser, we
log its name and the URL of its script. Especially, we log only the
ones with a non-empty function name. This allows us to detect
multiple explicit denitions of the same global function.
2.2 Recording Writes to Global Variables
We focus on four types of operations that JavaScript may perform
to write to a variable: 1) assignment statements; 2) object literal
expressions; 3) call expressions; and 4) return statements. When
any of such operations is executed, our framework uses the
operator in JavaScript to infer the type of the write target. It also
records the value of the target if it is a primitive type variable, a
unique ID for each operation e.g., the ID of the script, and the ID of
the execution context (frame). Except for the above data, we collect
additional information for each kind of operations as we describe
Assignment Statements.
For each write target
in an assign-
ment statement, in order to tell if
is a global variable, our tool
checks all the declared variable names (including parameters, if the
current scope is a function scope) within the scope of the current
assignment statement. It continues searching in the outer scopes
until a match is found or it reaches the global scope. If no match is
found for a variable
or it is found only in the global scope, it is
considered as a global variable.
Object Literal Expressions.
A script may change a property of a
global object instead of overwriting the entire variable. Therefore,
our tool needs to record writes to object properties. First, it logs
direct assignments to object properties such as
o.p =
1. It also
records a special kind of writes to object properties – object literal
expressions. Specically, for each object literal expression, e.g.,
, . . . }
, it logs a write to
is the temporary variable
representing the object literal. We do realize that our approach is
not comprehensive, which we will discuss in §4.
Call Expressions.
An object can be passed by reference as an
argument to a parameter of a function and then be modied within
the function through the parameter variable. Therefore, we need to
keep track of the pass of objects in function calls. Specically, for
each function call, our tool logs the function name and a list of argu-
ments that are passed into this function. When the program enters
into the function body (i.e., the callee), it records each parameter.
In this way, we can nd a corresponding parameter record logged
in the callee for each of the argument record logged in the caller. If a
write to the local parameter variable is recorded, we can then trace
back to the caller logs to determine if this would cause a global
name conict.
Return Statements.
A local object
may be initialized within
a function and then returned and assigned to another variable
This variable may be modied later by the caller function or by any
other functions if it is a global variable. To detect potential conicts,
we also record which local variable is being returned in a return
statement. This allows us to link the writes to
with the writes to
v and to detect conicting writes to the same (global) object.
2.3 Detecting Conicts
In this section, we explain how we detect conicts using the logs
described in §2.1 and §2.2.
Alias Analysis.
For each write to a variable, we will maintain
an alias if the write is a copy-by-reference or a pass-by-reference
operation. An alias is removed when one of the variables is assigned
with another object. Then, we will nd the write records of the
current variable as well as the records of its aliases to determine if
there exists a conict.
Function Denition Conicts.
To nd function denition con-
icts, we check the function denition logs in each frame to nd if
the same global function had been dened for more than once by
dierent scripts.
Value Conicts and Type Conicts.
If a global variable is of a
primitive type, it does not have an alias. We will search any other
write records to the same global variable. If the logged values in two
records are dierent and the writes are performed by two dierent
scripts, we report it as a variable value conict. However, if the
types of the global variable are dierent, we report it as a variable
type conict.
If a global variable is an object, a value conict may happen when
the variable itself is overwritten with another variable, or a property
of the object is written. Therefore, except for the assignment records
to the same variable, we also search the write records of all the
object’s valid aliases with regards to the current assignment. For
writes to the object variable itself, a value conict is reported if it
is assigned with another object, and a type conict is reported if it
is assigned with a primitive-type value. For writes to the property
of the object, we apply the above rules depending on its type.
We crawled data from the main pages of the Alexa top 1K websites
in August, 2019. We gathered 957 function denition log les and
variable write log les from 957 frames loaded on 893 websites.
We were not able to collect data using our current implementation
1 function createCookie (a, e, b) {
2 if (b ) { var d = new Date ; ...... } else b = "" ;
3 docume nt .cookie = a + "\x3d" + e + b + "; path\ x3d /"
4 }
1 function createCookie (b, c, a) {
2 if (a ) { var d = new Date ; ...... } else a = "" ;
3 - 1 < google_tag_manager [" GTM -KBNVHH"]. macro (134) .indexOf ("
zoho .eu ") ?
4 docume nt .cookie = b + "\x3d" + c + a + "; domain \ ;
path \ x3d/" : ...... ;
5 }
Listing 1: Conicting denitions of createCookie() in dierent scripts
from the rest websites. We leave it as a future work to improve
our implementation. Except for those that were extremely large
(with over 1 million records), we were able to analyze 947 (98.96%)
assignment log les and 957 (100.00%) function denition les.
In summary, we found 47 variable value conicts on 25 websites,
728 function denition conicts on 85 websites, and 3 variable type
conicts on 2 websites. Note that if a conict was caused by the
same script, we do not report here.
Interestingly, we found 46 cookie-related functions were over-
written by at least one script. One example was detected on website, where 5 inline scripts all dened a global
. The denitions from dierent scripts are
slightly dierent, as shown in Listing 1.
Similarly, we discovered multiple denitions of function
on This shows that a JavaScript global name
conict could expose a victim user to security risks. For example, a
malicious third-party can manipulate
to force a user
to use the attacker’s session in the client-side code and trick the
application code into processing the attacker’s Cookie.
We now discuss the limitations of our current work and our future
Incomplete Support of Objects.
An alternative way to dene
an object property is to initialize it through the identier
within the constructor or a method of an object. For example,
t = new Obj(. . .) {this.p = e
. In order to determine the object
refers to, we need to know the receiver object of the
methods. We plan to support it in our future work.
Function Denition Conicts.
Except for directly declaring a
global function, a script can also assign a function literal to a global
identier, e.g.,
f = f unction(){.. . }
. This could result in a function
denition conict or a type conict. To detect this kind of conicts,
we need to also cross check the function denition logs and variable
write logs. We will include this analysis in our future work.
Characterization of Conicts.
Our categorization of the de-
tected conicts is not sucient for comprehensively investigating
the problem of JavaScript global name conicts. For example, it
would be interesting to analyze the conicts of third-party scripts
overwriting rst-party dened names. We aim to perform a com-
prehensive analysis of the conicts in the future.
JavaScript Conict Analysis.
Patra et al. proposed ConictJS, an
automated approach to analyzing the conicts between JavaScript
libraries using synthetic clients [
]. They considered simple oper-
ations like direct variable write and property write, and studied
limited number of JavaScript libraries. In [
], the authors proposed
a dynamic JavaScript analysis framework that is based on selective
record-replay technique. Therefore, the tool is not able to cover
dynamically loaded code. In contrast, our dynamic analysis frame-
work is able to detect the conicts between scripts that are even
dynamically loaded.
JavaScript Type Inference.
Pradel et al. proposed TypeDevil
to detect type inconsistency in JavaScript [
]. Jensen et al. de-
ned a type analysis for JavaScript based on abstract interpreta-
tion [
]. Hackett et al. presented a hybrid type inference approach
for JavaScript based on points-to analysis in [
]. These works fo-
cus on inferring JavaScript type information within a single script.
Meanwhile, there have been several learning-based approaches to
predicting the type for JavaScript code [
]. They aimed to stati-
cally infer about a variable type and therefore enable the generation
of much faster code, which is orthogonal to our work. In our work,
we leverage the JavaScript built-in type checker to infer the type of
a variable at run time.
We developed a browser-based dynamic analysis framework to
study JavaScript global name conict problem on the Web. We
collected data from the Alexa top 1K websites. In total, we detected
47 variable value conicts on 25 websites, 728 function denition
conicts on 85 websites, and 3 variable type conicts on 2 websites.
We further investigated the detected conicts and demonstrated
that the global identier conicts may lead to security issues.
The work described in this paper was partly supported by a grant
from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Ad-
ministrative Region, China (CUHK 24209418).
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[9] W3C. [n.d.]. Content Security Policy Level 3.
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