Public Sector
Last updated: 03/20/2024
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Table of Contents
Public Sector Digital Services.............................................................................................................. 4
Exploring Public Sector Digital Services...................................................................................... 4
Roles in Public Sector Digital Services................................................................................. 7
Business Stakeholder for Public Sector Digital Services..................................................... 9
Configuring Public Sector Digital Services............................................................................... 11
Install and configure Public Sector Digital Services Core application.......................... 12
Install the Analytics and Reporting Solution for Public Sector Digital Services..............23
Install and configure the Service Request Playbook application.................................. 23
Integrating Public Sector Digital Services with other applications........................................29
Integrating Public Sector Digital Services with Field Service Management and
Customer Service Management........................................................................................29
Using Public Sector Digital Services...........................................................................................30
Using the Government Service Portal in Public Sector Digital Services......................... 30
Using Service Request Playbooks for Public Sector Digital Services...............................45
Agent experience with Public Sector Digital Services.....................................................61
Using Virtual Agent for Public Sector Digital Services......................................................62
Analytics and Reporting Solutions for Public Sector Digital Services.................................... 64
Constituent Service dashboard..........................................................................................65
Service Offered Performance Overview dashboard...................................................... 69
Public Sector Digital Services reference...................................................................................74
Service Request case form................................................................................................. 74
Components installed with Public Sector Digital Services Core.....................................79
Public Sector Digital Services data model....................................................................... 90
Government Service Case type........................................................................................ 91
Government Service Case form........................................................................................ 93
Life cycle of a government service request case........................................................... 97
Government Service Portal service catalog list............................................................. 101
Agency Service Constituent Profile form........................................................................ 105
Actions for service request case types........................................................................... 108
Government Service Case form related lists.................................................................. 109
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Public Sector Digital Services
Use the ServiceNow
Public Sector Digital Services Core application to serve constituents,
businesses, and agencies on a single platform.
Explore Public Sector
Digital Services.
Plan and configure
Plan and configure
your implementation.
Extend capabilities in
Public Sector Digital
Services by integrating
with other applications.
Learn how agents and
constituents use Public
Sector Digital Services.
Track key metrics and
evaluate performance
with preconfigured
Get details on
components such as
roles, tables, and forms.
Exploring Public Sector Digital Services
Learn about Public Sector Digital Services features to help create a seamless experience for
constituents, businesses, internal agencies, and external agencies.
Public Sector Digital Services applications
The Public Sector Digital Services platform includes the following applications:
Public Sector Digital Services Core
The Public Sector Digital Services Core application provides data models,
workflows, an agent interface, and a portal experience that enable
organizations to innovate faster, deliver a better service experience, and resolve
issues quickly. Public sector agencies can use these features to more efficiently
deliver services to constituents, businesses, and other agencies and help resolve
their issues and cases quickly.
Note: Determine which fields contain sensitive information and how to
encrypt them to protect sensitive data.
Service Request Playbook
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
The Service Request Playbook application provides an end-to-end workflow for
handling non-emergency service requests submitted by public sector end users.
The application includes the following:
Service catalog of pre-built, non-emergency request options that constituents
and businesses can choose from the Government Service Portal.
Automated workflow process that agents use to resolve non-emergency
service requests faster and efficiently.
If using Advanced Work Assignment, a Service Request service channel that
admins can use to automatically route non-emergency service requests to
designated agents.
Pre-built Virtual Agent conversation topic that enables constituents and
businesses to use Virtual Agent to submit non-emergency service requests.
Performance Analytics and Reporting Solution
The Performance Analytics and Reporting Solution application for Public Sector
Digital Services provides KPIs and benchmarks to measure the government
services provided to constituents, businesses, and agencies.
The Public Sector Digital Services Core application provides data models, workflows, and a
portal experience that enable your organization to innovate faster, deliver a better service
experience, and resolve issues quickly. Public sector agencies can use these features to more
efficiently deliver services to constituents, businesses, and agencies.
Note: Determine which fields contain sensitive information and how to encrypt them
to protect sensitive data.
Public Sector Digital Services enables government organizations and external agencies to
support constituents and business stakeholders, all from a single platform.
Key features
Public Sector Digital Services offers key features that enable system administrators and
agents to provide the services and support requested by constituents and businesses.
Public sector data model, workflows, roles, and performance indicators
Feature Description
Government Service case type The base case type tailored for
government services. You can
extend this case type to create other
government case types for various
government services.
Constituent data model The constituent records that contain
constituent profile and consumer
Business data model Business records that contain business
profile, child business, and business
contact information.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Feature Description
Agency data model Agency records that contain agency
profile and agency staff information.
Public sector services that are offered Types of services available, such as
licenses, permits, service requests, and
Public sector services that are
Services received by constituents,
businesses, and agencies.
Constituents, business contacts,
agents, and service managers can
easily track the services received.
Persona-based roles Roles for public sector job functions.
These roles control access to public
sector features and information. For
details, seeRoles in Public Sector
Digital Services.
Service catalog of non-emergency
service requests
Pre-built service request options that
constituents and businesses can
choose from the Government Service
Service Request Playbook Pre-built processes that agents follow
to create and resolve cases for non-
emergency service requests.
Service Offered Performance
Performance indicators and data
visualizations on government
services offered to and requested
by constituents, businesses, and
Government Service Portal for public sector end users
The Government Service Portal is a dedicated portal for constituents, business
stakeholders, and contributors (working on behalf of constituents), to request
services, track cases, view and update their profiles, report issues, and more.
Business owners can also register a new business, manage contacts, and request
services, permits, or licenses.
You can expand customer support for constituents and businesses by
implementing Virtual Agent, a chatbot that runs on the Government
Service Portal and in supported third-party messaging applications, such as
Engagement Messenger. Public sector end users can request non-emergency
services through a pre-built, automated conversation that helps them submit a
request. Admins and conversation designers can create custom conversations
or modify pre-built conversations provided with Customer Service Management.
Admins and conversation designers can also create bot conversations using
several pre-built components tailored for public sector use cases.
CSM Configurable Workspace for agents
Government agents and agents from external agencies use the CSM
Configurable Workspace to work on issues and deliver services for constituents,
agencies, and businesses. Administrators tailor the configurable workspace for
public sector use, enabling agents to resolve issues faster and view services
received, recent cases, and profiles for businesses, agencies, and constituents.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Agents can manage their cases, check on service requests, and even initiate
requests for individuals without internet access.
Roles in Public Sector Digital Services
You can use predefined functional and granular roles installed with Public Sector Digital
Services to establish relationships between users and public sector entities. These functional
and granular roles provide different levels of access to public sector data, to help maintain
data security.
Functional roles: A set of roles required to perform a function or meaningful action that
requires access on multiple entities.
Granular roles: Roles that provide access to cases, services used, and related public sector
entities. One or more granular roles can be bundled together as a functional role.
A granular model helps protect data by granting the appropriate level of access to the
corresponding public sector entities. With this functionality, each role is associated with a set
of privileges or responsibilities that determine users’ access to certain information. You can
have fine-grained access control by setting granular policies that authorize individuals to
access the information needed to work efficiently and effectively, ultimately helping improve
the constituent experience.
For example, if you extend the Government Service Case table or other tables in the Public
Sector Digital Services app, you must replicate the access control lists for the extended
tables. You can assign granular roles to public sector users to control access to those
extended tables.
Public sector job functions
Public Sector Digital Services supports users with the following basic job functions (personas).
Public sector job functions
Job function Description
Admin System administrator, who has access to all system features, functions,
and data, regardless of security restraints:
Administers specific scoped apps built using different case types.
Manages the information for constituents.
Constituent End user, such as a citizen, residents, visitors, veterans:
Requests services from government agencies.
Tracks resolution of requests.
End user, such as business owner, business contact, business partner:
Requests services from government agencies.
Tracks resolution of requests.
For more information, see Business Stakeholder for Public Sector Digital
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Public sector job functions (continued)
Job function Description
Fulfiller, such as constituent agent, business agent, agency agent:
Works on government service cases for all constituents. Can read, write,
and update all government service cases and profile records.
Can belong to specific teams or agencies.
Can work on specific case types (for example Licenses or
Contributor Business stakeholder or requester for constituents:
Help constituents or businesses with services that they need.
Submits requests on behalf of constituents and acts as proxy.
Manager of constituent and business services and agents supporting
constituent services:
Administers services delivered to constituents, business stakeholders,
and agency.
Can read, write, update, and delete all government service cases.
Can read, write, update, and delete all constituent, business, and
agency records.
Improves service delivery and constituent satisfaction.
Public sector roles
Public Sector Digital Services provides many functional and granular roles that you can assign
to public sector users. For more information about the roles, see Roles installed with Public
Sector Digital Services Core.
Assigning roles to public sector users
You can assign roles to users or groups that have been configured in the Now Platform
. A
user is an individual who can access your instance and a group is a set of users who share a
common purpose. The users associated with a group are listed as group members. After your
users and groups are configured, you can assign roles to them.
Use the following Now Platform user administration features to create your users and groups
and assign the appropriate public sector roles:
Configuring users, groups, and roles
To See
Create users and groups
Create a user .
Create a user group .
Add a user to a group .
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Configuring users, groups, and roles (continued)
To See
Assign roles to users and groups
Assign a role to a user .
Assign a role to a group .
Business Stakeholder for Public Sector Digital Services
Business Stakeholder for Public Sector Digital Services includes plugins and roles that provide
access to business stakeholder features.
Customers who have purchased a Public Sector Digital Services subscription can provide
Business Stakeholder users with the rights to the following actions:
Create cases on behalf of a customer or an agency (service organization)
View cases, case tasks, and customer data.
View and drill through reports.
Approve requests.
Roles for business stakeholder users
You can assign the following roles to any user who is a business stakeholder.
Create cases on behalf of customers
Role Description Contains roles Plugin User type
Enables users to
request services
and raise
service cases on
behalf of any
com.sn_public_sector_digital_services_coreInternal and
Enables business
stakeholders to
request services
and raise
service cases on
behalf of any
com.sn_public_sector_digital_services_coreinternal and
Enables business
to raise
service cases
on behalf of
customers with
com.sn_public_sector_digital_services_coreInternal and
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Create cases on behalf of customers (continued)
Role Description Contains roles Plugin User type
which they have
a relationship.
Create cases on behalf of agencies
Role Description Contains roles Plugin User type
Enables agency
agents to
request services
and raise
service cases
on behalf of the
Support Model
Internal and
View cases, case tasks, and customer data
Role Description Contains roles Plugin User type
Case viewer
Provides agents
with read-
only access to
service cases.
None com.sn_public_sector_digital_services_coreInternal
Provides agents
with read-
only access
to constituent
Business viewer
Services offered
Provides users
with read-
only access
to services
offered records
and services
received viewer
Provides users
with read-
only access
to services
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
View and drill into reports and dashboards
Role Description Contains roles Plugin User type
Report Viewer
Enables users to
view reports on
the Public Sector
Digital Services
None com.sn_public_sector_digital_services_coreInternal
Note: Customers who have purchased a Public Sector Digital Services subscription
can provide Business Stakeholder users with rights to actions listed under Business
Stakeholder for Customer Service Management .
Configuring Public Sector Digital Services
Set up Public Sector Digital Services to enable government agents and service managers to
provide government services to constituents, businesses, and other agencies.
Public sector configuration tasks
As a user with the admin role, complete the following main configuration tasks to set up
Public Sector Digital Services.
Public Sector Digital Services configuration tasks
Configuration task Description
Install Public Sector Digital Services Core Install and configure the Public Sector
Digital Services Core application
plugin from the ServiceNow Store. It
provides the public sector features used by
constituents, businesses, agency agents,
government agents, and government
service managers.
Install the Performance Analytics Content
Pack for Public Sector Digital Services
Install the Performance Analytics Content
Pack for Public Sector Digital Services
plugin from the ServiceNow Store. This
application provides dashboards that
government agents and service managers
can use to track government cases and
monitor government services offered to and
received by constituents.
Install and configure the Service Request
Playbook application
Install and configure the Service
Request Playbook application
plugin from the ServiceNow Store. It provides
an end-to-end workflow for handling non-
emergency service requests submitted by
public sector end users.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Other configuration tasks
You can optionally use ServiceNow
Virtual Agent with Public Sector Digital Services.
Virtual Agent, which is available with a subscription, provides end-user assistance through
automated conversations in chat channels. Public Sector Digital Services offers several
pre-built public sector components that conversation designers can use in Virtual Agent
conversations. A pre-built conversation topic for creating service requests is provided with the
Service Request Playbook application.
If you’re using Virtual Agent, review and meet the following prerequisites:
Virtual Agent configuration: Set up Virtual Agent and related chat features. For details, see
Planning and configuring Virtual Agent .
Customer Service conversations: Activate Virtual Agent for CSM so that you and your
conversation designers can use pre-built Customer Service conversation topics and topic
blocks for Virtual Agent. For more information on customer service conversations, see
Customer Service Virtual Agent conversations .
Basic knowledge of conversation design: Become familiar with creating and updating
conversation topics using Virtual Agent Designer. To learn more, see Getting started with
Virtual Agent Designer .
Install and configure Public Sector Digital Services Core
Install the Public Sector Digital Services Core application and configure various features used
in the application.
Complete the following tasks to install Public Sector Digital Services Core and configure key
Install Public Sector Digital Services Core Install Public Sector Digital Services Core
from the ServiceNow
Store. It provides
these key features:
Government Service Portal: Used by
constituents and businesses to find, track,
and request government services.
CSM Configurable Workspace: Used by
agency agents, government agents, and
government service managers to interact
with and assist constituents, businesses,
and contributors who are authorized
to represent or assist constituents and
businesses. This workspace requires
configuration for public sector use.
Review and assign roles to public sector
Assign public sector roles to users or groups
that have been configured in the Now
. For additional role information,
see Roles installed with Public Sector Digital
Services Core.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Customize the Government Service Portal Customize the look and feel of the
Government Service Portal and other portal
features used by constituents, businesses,
and agencies.
Set up the Configurable Workspace for
government agents and managers
Configure various elements of the
workspace to display the appropriate public
sector modules, lists, and fields, and activate
other workspace features for your agents,
such as Customer Central.
Configure Virtual Agent for Public Sector
Digital Services
Set up Virtual Agent so that conversation
designers (topic authors) can create and
modify chatbot conversations for public
sector use cases. Also enable your end
users to run Virtual Agent in the Government
Service Portal and get help with self-service
Configure a service for constituent, business,
or agency
Define the type of service offered, the
service taxonomy, and agency that offers
the service.
Install Public Sector Digital Services Core
You can install the Public Sector Digital Services Core application
(com.sn_public_sector_digital_services_core) if you have an admin role. The application
includes demo data.
Before you begin
Ensure that the application and all of its associated ServiceNow Store applications have
valid ServiceNow entitlements. For more information, see Get entitlement for a ServiceNow
product or application .
Review the Public Sector Digital Services Core application listing in the ServiceNow Store
for information on dependencies, licensing or subscription requirements, and release
Role required: admin
About this task
For more information, see Components installed with Public Sector Digital Services Core.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
1. Navigate to All > System Applications > All Available Applications > All.
Find the Public Sector Digital Services Core application
(com.sn_public_sector_digital_services_core) by using the filter criteria and search bar.
You can search for the application by its name or ID. If you can't find the application, you
might have to request it from the ServiceNow Store.
In the list next to the Install button, the versions available to you are displayed.
Select a version from the list and select Install.
In the Install dialog that is displayed, any dependencies that are installed along with your
application are listed.
4. If you are prompted, follow the links to the ServiceNow Store to get any additional
entitlements for dependencies.
Optional: If demo data is available and you want to install it, select the Load demo data
check box.
(Optional) Demo data comprises sample records that describe application features
for common use cases. Load demo data when you first install the application on a
development or test instance.
Important: If you don't load the demo data during installation, it's unavailable to
load later.
6. Select Install.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Customize the Government Service Portal
Modify the Government Service Portal to meet your needs, for example to set the portal
Before you begin
Role required: admin
Navigate to All > Service Portal > Service Portal Configuration.
Some of the components that you can customize include:
• Branding: Configure the portal branding to give your Government Service Portal its own
look and feel. For example, you can give your portal a name and add your logo.
• Menus: Configure the portal header menu to set up the main menu, one of the main
navigation controls for your users.
• Homepage: Assign a homepage to the portal .
• Widgets: Use Service Portal widgets to define the content in your portal.
• Roles: Configure page security by role to either set up pages to be public (no login
required) or to filter them by user role.
Setting up the Configurable Workspace for Public Sector Digital Services
Modify the CSM Configurable Workspace to show the lists, modules, and form fields for Public
Sector Digital Services.
Certain features in the configurable workspace for Public Sector Digital Services require
Configure the List Menu for Public Sector Digital Services
Add public sector-related menu options to the List Menu in the CSM/FSM Configurable
Before you begin
Role required: admin
1. Navigate to All > System Definition > Tables.
2. In the Tables [sys_db_object] table, select the Search icon next to the Label column and
under the column heading, enter UX List Menu Configuration.
3. In the UX List Menu Configuration List table, go to Related Links and select Show List.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Optional: From the Context menu, select Create Favorite to bookmark the UX List Menu
Configurations table so that you can quickly access it if you need to make changes later.
5. Remove the categories that are not applicable to Public Sector Digital Services.
Select the CSM/FSM Configurable Workspace List Menu record and go to the UX List
Categories tab.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
b. For each of the following categories, select the category record and change the Active
value to false:
Note: If the following message is displayed, select the here link to edit the page.
Major Issue Management
Catalog Tasks
Conversation Monitoring
Select the Customer list category and set the Active value to false for the following
What to do next
Configure the Public Sector landing page using the UI Builder.
Configure the Public Sector landing page with UI Builder
Use the UI Builder to change certain fields in the Public Sector landing page of the CSM
Configurable Workspace.
Before you begin
Role required: admin
About this task
The CSM Landing Page gives agents an overview of their new, assigned, and high-priority
cases, plus the cases assigned to their groups. Replace certain fields in the landing page with
fields relevant to public sector. You can also add or change other fields as needed. For more
information on using UI Builder to modify pages, see Work with pages .
1. Navigate to All and in the filter, enter and select UI Builder.
2. Navigate to the CSM Landing Page:
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
a. In the list of My experiences, select the CSM/FSM Configurable Workspace.
b. In UI Builder, navigate to Page > Landing Page and select CSM Landing Page.
In the message displayed at the top of the page, select Edit in original scope.
In the CSM Landing Page, select the My active cases component and in the Config tab of
the Configuration pane, delete the account field from the Columns.
Add the Constituent field:
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
a. In the Configuration pane, select +Add in the Columns list to open the field chooser.
In the Choose a field list, select Consumer > Constituent and then select OK.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
c. In the Configuration pane, rearrange the columns by moving consumer.constituent
below short.description.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to change the My Team’s cases component.
6. Make other page changes as needed.
7. Select Save in the top right corner to save the landing page changes.
Activate Customer Central for viewing profile information
Install Customer Central using Customer Service Guided Setup so that agents can have
a complete view of constituent, business, or agency information in Public Sector Digital
Before you begin
Role required: admin
About this task
Customer Central displays all the touchpoints that a constituent, business, or agency has with
a government center or agency, in the form of information cards.
1. Navigate to All > Customer Service > Administration > Guided Setup.
2. In the section Customer Central - Customer Information for CSM Configurable Workspace,
locate the list of tasks for setting up the configurable workspace.
Select Activate Customer Central to install the plugin.
After installation, one of the following tabs is available on the interaction record:
The Constituent Information tab when the Constituent tab is populated.
The Business Information tab when the Business tab is populated.
The Agency Information tab when the Agency tab is populated.
You can perform other changes to this layout, as needed. For more information, see
Configure the Customer Information view using the CSM Configurable Workspace .
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Configure Virtual Agent for Public Sector Digital Services
Set up ServiceNow
Virtual Agent so that conversation designers (topic authors) can create
and modify automated conversations for public sector use cases. Also enable your end users
to run Virtual Agent in the Government Service Portal and get help with self-service tasks.
Before building Virtual Agent topics for public sector use cases
As admins or topic authors (users with the virtual_agent_admin role), you can do the
following with Virtual Agent:
Use pre-built conversations and topic blocks in conversations (components that run
subflows or common functions when used in a conversation). Pre-built conversations
and topic blocks are available with the Virtual Agent platform, Customer Service Virtual
Agent Conversations plugin (com.sn_csm.virtualagent), and Service Request Playbook
application. Pre-built Public Sector topic blocks are available with the Public Sector Digital
Services Core application.
Build your own custom, public sector conversation topics and topic blocks. You can
duplicate pre-built topics and topic blocks and then customize them as needed.
Before you or your topic authors create or modify Virtual Agent conversations, meet the
following prerequisites for working with topics and topic blocks using Virtual Agent Designer:
Activate the Glide Virtual Agent plugin (com.glide.cs.chatbot) to access Virtual Agent
Designer and platform topics and topic blocks.
Activate the Customer Service Virtual Agent plugin (com.sn_csm.virtualagent) to access
pre-built Customer Service Management conversations and topic blocks.
Become familiar with Virtual Agent Designer to create and update conversation topics.
Install Public Sector Digital Services Core to access public sector topic blocks that can be
used when creating public sector conversations.
Install Service Request Playbook for Public Sector Digital Services to access the pre-built
topic, Create a Service Request.
Configure Virtual Agent conversations for public sector users
As admins or topic authors (users with the virtual_agent_admin role), you can deploy pre-built
conversation topics, such as the Create a Service Request topic provided with the Service
Request Playbook application, as well as custom conversation topics that you create.
1. Configure Agent Chat to run in the Government Service Portal.
a. Navigate to All > Service Portal > Agent Chat.
b. Locate the GSP Chat record and set it to Active.
2. In Virtual Agent Designer, publish the topic to make it available to your end users.
For more information on working with topics in Virtual Agent Designer, see Getting Started
with Virtual Agent Designer .
Configure a service for constituent, business, or agency
Configure Public Sector Digital Services so that you can define the type of service offered,
the service taxonomy, and which agency offers the service.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Before you begin
Note: Determine which fields contain sensitive information and how to encrypt them
to protect sensitive data.
Role required: admin
1. Navigate to All > Constituent Service > Services Offered > All.
2. Click New or open the service record to be updated.
On the form, fill in the fields.
Service Offered form
Field Description
Name Name of the service offered.
Service type Indicates the type of service offered. Select a service type:
Service Requests
Emergency Benefits
The appropriate category and subcategory appear in the
Category and Subcategory fields.
Category Select the appropriate category. The options available are
dependant on theService type selected.
Subcategory Select the appropriate subcategory. The options available
are dependant on the Service type selected.
Payment source Payment source of the service offered. Select one of the
Grant based
Fee based
Short description Short description of the service offered.
Description Description of the service offered.
Number Shows the government service number assigned to the
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction of the service offered. Select one of the
Status Status of the service offered. Select one of the following:
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Field Description
Not available
Period start date Optional. Start date when you can request the offered
Period end date Optional. End state that you can request for an offered
4. Click Submit or Update.
Install the Analytics and Reporting Solution for Public Sector Digital
Install the content pack for the Public Sector Digital Services Performance Analytics and
Reporting Solution from the ServiceNow Store.
Before you begin
Activate the full, subscription version of Performance Analytics on the instance where you
are activating this Now Intelligence Solution. You can activate Performance Analytics on
a non-production instance without purchasing a subscription. For more information, see
Activate your Performance Analytics subscription .
Install Public Sector Digital Services Core from the ServiceNow Store.
Role required: admin
1. Navigate to All > System Applications > All Applications > ServiceNow Store.
2. Browse for Performance Analytics Content Pack for Public Sector Digital Services and verify
that you have the necessary valid entitlements.
You need a HI account and permission to request applications for the instances under
consideration. The HI account and the instance need to be part of the same company. For
more information, see Install a ServiceNow Product on the ServiceNow Store.
3. Search for Performance Analytics Content Pack for Public Sector Digital
4. Install the application.
Install and configure the Service Request Playbook application
Install the Service Request Playbook application, which enables public sector end users to
submit and track non-emergency service requests and provides government agents with a
pre-defined process for handling and resolving these requests. You can then configure the
features available for submitting requests and routing requests to agents.
As a user with the admin role, complete the following configuration tasks to set up the
Service Request Playbook, after you install the Public Sector Digital Services Core application.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Task Description
Install Service Request Playbook for Public
Sector Digital Services
Install Service Request Playbook
from the ServiceNow
Automatically route service requests using
Advanced Work Assignment
Use the ServiceNow Advanced Work
Assignment (AWA) application to route
and assign public sector service requests to
designated agents.
Configure Engagement Messenger for
Service Request Playbook application
Configure certain Engagement Messenger
settings that enable public sector end users
to create and track non-emergency service
requests from Engagement Messenger.
Enable public sector end users to create a
service request using Virtual Agent
Use Virtual Agent Designer to publish
the pre-built conversation topic, Create a
service request, which enables end users
to submit a service request using the Virtual
Agent chatbot.
Install Service Request Playbook for Public Sector Digital Services
You can install the Service Request Playbook application (sn_gsm_srvc_req) if you have
the admin role.The application includes demo data and installs related ServiceNow
applications and plugins if they aren’t already installed.
Before you begin
Ensure that the application and all of its associated ServiceNow Store applications have
valid ServiceNow entitlements. For more information, see Get entitlement for a ServiceNow
product or application .
Certain features in the Service Request Playbook application are available based on your
ServiceNow entitlements and may require installation of other ServiceNow applications
and activation of specific plugins.
Note: Install the Playbooks for Customer Service Management application to
enable the playbook experience.
Review the Service Request Playbook application listing in the ServiceNow Store
for information on dependencies, licensing or subscription requirements, and release
Role required: admin
About this task
The Service Request [sn_gsm_service_request_case] table is installed with Service Request
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1. Navigate to All > System Applications > All Available Applications > All.
Find the Service Request Playbook application (sn_gsm_srvc_req) using the filter criteria
and search bar.
You can search for the application by its name or ID. If you cannot find the application,
you might have to request it from the ServiceNow Store.
In the list next to the Install button, the versions available to you are displayed.
Select a version from the list and select Install.
In the Install dialog that is displayed, any dependencies that are installed along with your
application are listed.
4. If you are prompted, follow the links to the ServiceNow Store to get any additional
entitlements for dependencies.
Optional: If demo data is available and you want to install it, select the Load demo data
check box.
(Optional) Demo data comprises sample records that describe application features
for common use cases. Load demo data when you first install the application on a
development or test instance.
Important: If you don't load the demo data during installation, it's unavailable to
load later.
6. Select Install.
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Automatically route service requests using Advanced Work Assignment
Use the ServiceNow Advanced Work Assignment (AWA) application to route and assign
public sector service requests, such as non-emergency requests, to designated agents.
The Service Request Playbook application provides the following items that are used in AWA
to automatically route and assign public sector service requests:
• Service Requests service channel - The default service channel for routing incoming public
sector service requests to specific government agents. This service channel includes
related attributes that define the default conditions for determining the items handled in
the channel, work queue associated with agent assignment groups, agent inbox layouts,
and more.
• Public Sector Requests assignment group - The default assignment group that identifies the
agents handling public sector service requests. Agent assignments are based on agent
availability, capacity, and skills.
• Public Service Requests queue - The default queue to which public sector service requests
are routed.
Inbox layouts - The default card layouts for service request items displayed in the agent
inbox view of CSM Configurable Workspace:
Constituent Service Request layout: Includes Short description, Constituent, and Service
Business Service Request layout: Includes Short description, Business, Business Contact,
and Service fields.
Generate Service Request Layout: Displayed when anonymous users submit service
requests. Includes Short description and Service fields
As an admin, you can change the default attributes for the Service Requests service
channel, such as the related assignment group and queue settings. For details, see Configure
Service Requests service channel.
Configure Service Requests service channel
Change the default Service Requests service channel attributes in Advanced Work
Assignment to control how public sector service requests are routed and assigned to
government agents.
Before you begin
Activate the Advanced Work Assignment plugin (com.glide.awa) .
Activate the Agent Chat plugin (com.glide.interaction.awa) .
Install the Service Request Playbook application.
Role required: awa_admin or admin
About this task
You can modify the context and attributes for service channels in AWA. For the Service
Requests service channel, use the Public Sector Requests assignment group to specify
the agents handling service requests. You can also add advanced conditions to filter the
routing conditions in the Service Request service channel, or change queue settings, such as
assignment rules.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Configure the Service Requests service channel by modifying the default attributes as
Options Steps
Enable the Service Request service channel
a. Navigate to All > Advanced Work Assign
ment > Settings Presence States.
b. Select the Available record.
c. In the Presence State form, go to theSer
vice Channels field and move the Service
Request channel to the Selected column.
d. Select Update.
Add members (agents) to the Public Sector
Requests assignment group
a. Navigate to All > Advanced Work Assign
ment > Management > Groups.
b. Select the Public Service Requests group.
In the Group form, navigate to the Group
Members related list and review the list of
example members.
Use the examples to determine the gov
ernment agents, managers, and their as
sociated roles to be added to the assign
ment group.
Note: Agents and managers added
to this assignment group must also
have the awa_agent role.
d. In the Group Members related list, click Edit
to add members to the group.
e. Select Edit.
f. Select one or more names in the Col
lection list and move them to the Group
Members list.
g. Select Save.
Configure the Public Service Requests
a. Navigate to All > Advanced Work Assign
ment > Settings > Queues.
b. Select the Public Services Requests queue.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Options Steps
c. Change other settings as needed, for ex
ample the assignment rule that determines
Assignment Eligibility.
d. Select Update.
For more information on queue settings, see
Change Inbox card layouts for service re
quest items in CSM Configurable Workspace
a. Navigate to All > Advanced Work Assign
ment > Service Channels and select the
Service Request channel.
b. Select the Inbox Layouts related link.
c. Select the layout and edit the fields to be
d. Select Update.
For more information on changing inbox
card layouts, see Create or modify an inbox
Configure Engagement Messenger for Service Request Playbook application
Configure certain Engagement Messenger settings to enable public sector end users to
create and track non-emergency service requests from Engagement Messenger. With
Engagement Messenger, public sector users can access self-service and chat features from
third-party web applications outside of the ServiceNow environment.
Before you begin
Create an Engagement Messenger module. For more information on implementing
Engagement Messenger, see Set up Engagement Messenger .
Be familiar with customizing the Engagement Messenger module. For details, see
Customize the feature configuration of Engagement Messenger .
Activate the Agent Chat plugin (com.glide.interaction.awa).
Activate the Virtual Agent plugin (com.glide.cs.chatbot), which requires a subscription.
Activate the Customer Service Virtual Agent Conversations plugin
(com.sn_csm.virtualagent), which requires a subscription.
Role required: sn_csm_ec.ec_admin or admin
About this task
Public sector end users can create and track service requests in Engagement Messenger.
They can choose from a catalog of pre-packaged service requests that are provided with
the Service Request Playbook application. If Virtual Agent is implemented, they can use
the pre-built Virtual Agent conversation, Create a Service Request, to submit and update
non-emergency service requests from Engagement Messenger. You must enable the
Government Service Catalog and this pre-built Virtual Agent conversation in Engagement
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
1. In Engagement Messenger, navigate to All > Engagement Messenger > Modules.
2. Customize the Catalog feature to use the Government Service Catalog, which provides
the pre-packaged, non-emergency services that users can select from when creating a
service request.
a. From the Features section, open the Catalog feature.
b. Select Edit to search for and then add the Government Service Catalog.
Customize the Chat feature by enabling the pre-built Virtual Agent conversation for
creating a service request.
a. From the Features section, open the Chat feature.
b. Under Reference chat, find and select the Create a Service Request conversation topic.
4. Select Update.
Integrating Public Sector Digital Services with other
Extend the capabilities of Public Sector Digital Services and connect with other departments
to assist with case resolution by integrating with other applications.
Public Sector Digital Services provides integrations with the following applications:
Integrating Public Sector Digital Services with Field Service Management and Customer
Service Management
Integrating Public Sector Digital Services with Field Service
Management and Customer Service Management
When you integrate Public Sector Digital Services with the Customer Service Management
(CSM) application and the Field Service Management application, you can create and view
all work orders and appointments that are related to your case, depending on the business
Users can view the information about the constituent, household, business, and contact on
work orders and work order tasks in the Field Service Management application.
Product use rights that are included with this application
If you purchased a subscription for both the Public Sector Digital Services (PSDS) application
and the Field Service Management (FSM) application, Public Sector Digital Services agents
can create and view all work orders and appointments that are related to their cases.
If your Field Service Management field agents have the correct roles, they can view the
relevant Public Sector Digital Services data from work orders.
External users with the snc_external and other relevant Public Sector Digital Services and
Customer Service Management (CSM) roles can view all case-related work orders and
appointments that are related to their accounts.
Configuring the Customer Service Management integration with Field Service
Complete these initial configuration steps for the integration:
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Activate the Customer Service Management integration with the Field Service
Management (com.snc.csm_fsm_integration) plugin.
If you want to manage how agents work with Public Sector Digital Services case types, you
can also add UI actions to the relevant playbooks.
Add the Work orders related list to the Public Sector Digital Services case type tables for all
relevant views on Classic UI and Workspace.
Assign the Public Sector Digital Services (PSDS) customer data viewer roles to Field Service
Management field agents so that they can view relevant PSDS customer data from work
Note: Adding certain viewer roles might require a Business Stakeholder license. For
more information about Business Stakeholder users, see Business Stakeholder for Public
Sector Digital Services.
Using Public Sector Digital Services
Learn how public sector agencies help constituents and businesses with digital services and
resolve their issues.
Using the Government Service Portal in Public Sector Digital
By using the Government Service Portal, constituents and businesses can report issues, access
and view the status of existing service requests, search for information about a question
or issue, view and update their personal contact information, request assistance from a
government service agent, and a lot more in a user-friendly, customizable interface.
Using the Government Service Portal as a constituent
The Government Service Portal experience begins on the homepage for constituents.
Agencies usually customize their homepages to be viewed by logged-in users and users
who aren't logged in. For example, the logged-in users may see different information on the
homepage than the users who are not logged in.
This example shows the default homepage for a logged-in user of the Public Sector Digital
Services Government Service Portal.
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Government Service Portal default homepage (Constituent view)
Note: Administrators can customize Government Service Portal homepages in Service
Portal, so homepages may differ visually across government agencies. For more
information on customization, see Customize the Government Service Portal.
The following table lists what constituents can access and use by accessing the homepage.
Government Service Portal homepage for logged-in constituents
UI component Description
Knowledge Tab where constituents can access the Knowledge homepage and search
or view a list of the top-rated or most viewed knowledge base articles.
Services Tab where constituents can find all the available services in the catalog.
They can search through the service catalog or view a list of the recently
used or most popular catalog items.
Your Cases Tab where constituents can find all their cases.
Tab where constituents can access quick links to their personal information:
Businesses (Agent Experience only)
Contacts (Agent Experience only)
Items Received
Services Received
Notifications Tab where constituents can see their notifications for resolved cases, cases
awaiting information, publications, and approvals.
Tours Link where constituents can view a tour for additional guidance on how the
Public Sector Digital Services application works. An administrator determines
whether tours appear on pages.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Government Service Portal homepage for logged-in constituents (continued)
UI component Description
Live Chat Link where constituents can chat with a virtual agent or a customer service
agent. For more information, see Get help with your service requests by using
Virtual Agent.
Link where constituents can use Engagement Messenger to find the
information or services from third-party web applications that are outside
of the ServiceNow environment. For more information, see Configure
Engagement Messenger for Service Request Playbook application.
Profile menu Link where constituents can access a profile photo to either view a profile or
log out.
Search Link where constituents can search the portal by either entering a keyword
to use the type-ahead search or enter one or more words to view all search
Most viewed
Link where constituents can view a list of the most viewed articles.
Link where constituents can view featured community content.
Most useful
Link where constituents can view the most useful knowledge articles by the
usage count of the articles.
Constituents can do the following tasks in the Government Service Portal:
Register as a new user, create a login, and create a user profile.
Search for information, browse knowledge articles, and engage with the community.
Get help using Virtual Agent.
Request services such as street repair, trash removal, building inspections, and other public
After registering and logging in to the Government Service Portal, constituents can:
View the services that they received.
View constituent profiles (includes household information, such as names, addresses, and
other constituent information).
View existing cases.
View publications and notifications including government pamphlets and newsletters
about services as well as government notifications.
For more information on the services that are offered in the Government Service portal
service catalog, see Government Service Portal service catalog list.
Using the Government Service Portal as a business
The Government Service Portal enables businesses to access their cases and service
information as well as report issues. Business or business contacts can use the Government
Service Portal to view their submitted cases, and raise requests by using the service request
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Business contacts have the same functionality as a constituent user, with a few additional
permissions. In addition to the base user tasks, business contacts can do the following tasks in
the Government Service Portal:
Register a new business.
Request services that are related to licenses, benefits, permits, and service requests.
View services that they received.
View items that they received.
View their existing cases.
View business and child business profiles.
View business contact information such as names, addresses, and other contact
View publications, such as government pamphlets and newsletters about services.
View notifications such as government notifications and new contact approvals.
Customizing the Government Service Portal
To customize this portal, navigate to Service Portal > Portals and click Government Service.
See Service Portalfor more information about creating a custom interface.
Register for the Government Service Portal
Register for the Public Sector Digital Services Government Service Portal so that you can
search for information, request assistance from a government service agent, or track the
status of your request.
Before you begin
Role required: none
1. Navigate to the Government Service Portal
2. In the portal header, select Register.
3. Select whether you want to register as a Constituent, a Business contact, or a Business.
4. Fill in the fields on the registration form.
Your email address must be unique. If you enter an address that is already in the system,
you receive an error message. Try again with a different email address.
5. Select the Security Code check box, complete the CAPTCHA validation, and select Verify.
6. When prompted to agree to the privacy policy and to the community terms and
conditions, select the agree check box.
Select Sign Up.
A verification email is sent to the email address that you provided.
8. Select the link in the email to verify your email address.
Your registration is complete. You can now log in to the Government Service Portal.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Self-registering a business account in the Public Sector Digital Services government service
As a business owner, you can self-register your business on the government service portal to
gain access and to create a business profile.
Before you begin
Role required: none
1. Go to the Government Service Portal page and select Register in the portal header.
2. When prompted, select A new business.
3. On the form, fill in the fields.
4. Select the Security Code check box, complete the CAPTCHA validation, and select Verify.
5. Agree to the privacy policy and to the community terms and conditions by selecting the
check box.
Select Register.
Your request is routed to an administrator, who can approve or deny the registration
request. If the registration request is approved, you receive an email prompting you to
set a user ID and password for login to the Government Service Portal. If the registration
request is denied, you are notified by email.
View or update a constituent profile in the government service portal
As a registered constituent, view your profile, update your information, and change your
password directly on the Public Sector Digital Services government service portal.
Before you begin
Role required: sn_gsm.constituent
1. Log in to the Government Service Portal.
2. Select your user name in the portal header and select Profile.
To update the personal information in your profile, including your name, contact
information, and address:
a. Select the field that you want.
b. In the pop-up window, enter the new information.
c. Select Save.
For more information on the fields, see Agency Service Constituent Profile form.
To change your password, select Change Password.
The Change Password link appears on the government service portal profile only when the
Self Service Password Reset plugin (com.snc.password_reset) is activated by an admin.
5. In the Change Password pop-up window, rill in the fields and select Update.
To manage your email notification preferences, select Notification Preferences and check
the options that you want or clear the options that you don't want.
Your preferences are automatically saved.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Track your cases from the Government Service Portal in Public Sector Digital
Keep track of your cases in the Government Service Portal by viewing a list of your cases and
selecting the ones that you want to see more details about.
Before you begin
Role required: sn_gsm.constituent
About this task
Selecting a case opens a form with the following sections:
A conversation that displays the interaction between the user and the government service
The action that needs to be taken on the user's part, such as accepting or rejecting a
The case details, including the case number and current status.
Any attached files.
1. In the Government Service Portal portal header, navigate to Your Cases.
2. In your list of cases, select the case number that you want to view more information about.
Optional: If you want to add a message for an agent, enter the message, and select Post.
Your message becomes part of the case conversation. All responses from the agent are
also included in the conversation, and you can see responses from other agents here.
Creating a government service request with Public Sector Digital Services
You can create a case about a community question or issue from the Government Service
Portal in Public Sector Digital Services. The Government Service Portal supports submissions by
both registered and anonymous users.
Before you begin
Role required: none.
About this task
Constituents can use the Government Service Portal to request services and report issues in
their community. They can also use the portal to view the status of existing service requests,
as well as update their contact information.
Constituents can submit their non-emergency requests through the Government Service
Portal self-service experience, through Virtual Agent, or using Engagement Messenger. For
more information on using Virtual Agent with Public Sector Digital Services, see Get help with
your service requests by using Virtual Agent.
Create a service request as a registered user
1. Navigate to the Government Service Portal.
2. Navigate to Services > Service Requests to expand the list of Service Requests categories
that are offered by Public Sector Digital Services.
3. Select the desired category.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
4. Select the Service Request issue that you want to report. For more information on the
services offered in the Government Service Portal, see Government Service Portal service
catalog list.
5. On the form, fill in the fields.
Create Case form
Field Description
Location Type Location type of the service request. The choices are:
Address or an Intersection.
Street Address Address for this case, if Address is selected as the location
First Cross Street/Second
Cross Street
Cross streets for the case, if Intersection is selected as the
location type.
Short Description Brief description of the question, issue, or problem.
Details Detailed description of the question, issue, or problem.
Contact Information Contact information for the business or individual who
reported this case.
6. Add any attachments.
7. SelectSubmit.
The case is created, assigned a case number, and is now viewable in the Your Cases list
in the Government Service Portal. For information on how to track the case as it moves
through the various stages, see Track the status of a government service request from the
Government Service Portal.
Create a service request as a public user
Create a service request as a public user in the Public Sector Digital Services application.
You can a submit service request anonymously, without logging into the application.
Organizations usually customize their landing pages, and anonymous users may see different
information than users who are logged in.
Note: To allow public users to submit service requests, certain settings must be
configured by an administrator. For more information on how an administrator might
configure these settings, see Unauthenticated users cannot submit catalog items on
Service Portal .
Navigate to the Government Service Portal.
On the portal header, select Services.
Expand the list of Service Requests categories offered by Public Sector Digital Services by
selecting Service Requests.
Select the category that you want.
Select the Service Request issue that you want to report.
On the form, fill in the fields.
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Create Case form
Field Description
Location Type Select whether the service request is being submitted for an
Address or an Intersection.
Street Address The address for this case, if Address is selected as the location
First Cross Street/Second
Cross Street
The cross streets for the case, if Intersection is selected as the
location type.
Short Description A brief description of the question, issue, or problem.
Details A detailed description of the question, issue, or problem.
Contact Information Select if you are reporting this case as a business or an
Note: You may choose to leave the Contact Information fields blank, or you may
add your email to receive updates on the case status. Adding attachments is not
supported as a public user.
Select the Security Code check box, complete the CAPTCHA validation, and click Submit.
You will be taken back to the service request catalog, where you can submit another
service request or register for an account.
Note: If you didn't provide any contact information, you can't track the status of this
request or see details of the case after you select Submit. If you would like to check
the status of this request after your submit it, you must register for an account. For
instructions, see Register for the Government Service Portal.
Track the status of a government service request from the Government
Service Portal
Monitor the status of a case that you submitted through the Government Service Portal in
Public Sector Digital Services. On the case page, you can see when the case was created,
when it was last updated, and whether it’s awaiting a response from you or from an agent.
Before you begin
Role required: constituent, business_contact, business_partner
1. Navigate to the Government Service Portal.
2. In the Government Service Portal header, select Your Cases.
The following table lists the case categories that are visible:
Your Cases Category list
Category Description
All Cases List of all cases.
Action Needed Cases in the Resolved state that are
awaiting a constituent response.
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Category Description
Your Cases Cases that haven’t yet been submitted for
Your Requests Cases that have been submitted for
resolution and are awaiting an agent
Your Service Requests All service request cases that a user has
access to. The Service Requests list shows
the following fields:
Service Request Number
Short Description
Business Contact
Reported on
Under Your Cases, select the case number that you want.
The following table describes the fields that are displayed:
Government Service Portal Case Fields
Fields Description
Timeline Visual display that shows when the case
was created and when it was last updated.
State Current status of the case for the given
stage. For a detailed explanation of each
case state, see Government Service Portal
Case states.
Constituent, Business, or Business Contact Contact information for the reporting party.
Service Type of service being requested.
Stage Phase through which a case moves. For a
detailed explanation of each case stage,
see Government Service Case type.
Location Type Option that indicates whether the location
of the issue is an address or intersection.
Address or Cross Streets Address or cross streets where the issue is
Related tabs Additional case information, activity, or
comments. The Related tabs show the
following fields:
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Fields Description
Related Tasks
You can add attachments or comments
Manage your government service cases from the Government Service Portal
Create, accept, assign, escalate, de-escalate, cancel a case, and even more actions for
various government services all from the Government Service Portal.
Before you begin
Role required: sn_gsm.constituent_agent, sn_gsm.business_agent, sn_gsm.agency_agent,
sn_gsm.relationship_agent, and sn_gsm.service_manager
1. Open the case.
2. Do one of the following actions that are related to your case:
Action Description
Create Case Creates a case and associates the new
case with the originating case. The new
case appears in the Related Cases related
This action displays the Select Case Type
pop-up window where you can select the
type of case to create.
Accept Accepts an assigned case. This action is
performed by the logged-in user.
Assign to me Assigns the case to the logged-in user.
This action is available if the case is
unassigned and the logged-in user has the
correct role.
Compose Email Opens an email window in a new sub-tab
on the Case tab.
The To field displays the customer's email
The Subject field displays the case
number and issue.
This action is available from the More UI
Actions menu.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Action Description
Escalate Case Escalates the case, which highlights
the case and raises awareness about a
customer or issue.
This action is available if the logged-in user
has the correct role.
De-escalate Case De-escalates a case.
This action is available if a case has been
escalated and the logged-in user has the
correct role.
Report Knowledge Gap Opens a knowledge feedback task in
a new sub-tab for the case. After being
saved, the task appears in the Knowledge
Gaps related list.
This action is available from the More UI
Actions menu.
Propose Solution Enables the agent to propose a solution for
a case.
Record Time Records the time worked for the case or
case tasks. Selecting Record Time opens a
Time Worked form with the Task and User
fields already populated.
This action is available from the More UI
Actions menu.
Create Work Order Creates a work order for the case.
After a work order is created, it appears
in the Work Orders related list. The case
number is also referenced on the work
This action is available from the More UI
Actions menu.
Close Case Closes a case.
This action is available after a resolution
code and any information related to the
closure is provided in the Resolution notes
Open case Changes the state of a case from Awaiting
Info to Open.
Submit application Saves the application and moves the state
of the case from Draft to New.
This action is available when the state of a
case is Draft.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Action Description
Request Info Requests information about a case or
case task from the constituent, business, or
This action is available when the state of
a case is not Draft, Resolved, Closed, or
Start Work Begins work on an open case.
This action is available to the agent who
is assigned to the task when the state of a
case is Open.
Cancel Updates the state of the case to
This action is available when the state of a
case is not Resolved, Closed, or Cancelled.
These actions are inherited by the case types that are created by extending the service
case type.
The actions in the following table are available with the cases when the corresponding
plugins are activated.
Plugin Action
Service Management
Create Incident
Create Standard Change
Create Problem
Major Case Management Shows all major case actions.
Special Handling Notes Shows any special handling notes for the
Case Action Status Indicates the current action state.
Creating and resolving case tasks as a government service agent in CSM
Configurable Workspace
Service request case tasks in Public Sector Digital Services are automatically created and
assigned to agents as each service request case moves through its lifecycle. Government
service agents can view and complete these case tasks (or even create their own tasks) in
the CSM Configurable Workspace.
View existing service request case tasks in CSM Configurable Workspace
View a list of the case tasks that are associated with a service request case, regardless of
whether the case task was created automatically or manually, in the CSM Configurable
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
1. From the Lists menu in the CSM Configurable Workspace sidebar, navigate to Service
Requests > All.
2. Open the service request case by selecting the case number.
In the Related List header, select Case Tasks to open the Tasks related list.
All the tasks that are associated with this service request case are displayed.
To view a list of every service request case task that has been assigned to an agent in your
agency, navigate to Lists > Government Service Case Tasks > All.
Create a service request case task in CSM Configurable Workspace[csm-
Manually create case tasks from information that you gathered from a service request case.
When an agent creates a service request case task, the system uses information from the
service request case to automatically fill in the fields on the Case Task form. Agents can use
auto-filled information, as well as the data collected from the end user, to create service
request case tasks. After the agent creates and saves a case task, it appears in the Case
Tasks related list on the Service Request Case form.
1. Open the case.
2. From the Case Tasks related list, select New.
On the form, fill in the fields.
Case Task form
Field Description
Number Automatically assigned case task number.
Priority Assigned priority:
1 - Critical
2 - High
3 - Moderate
4 - Low (default)
Parent Case that this case task was created for.
This can be a case from the Case table
(sn_gsm_government_service_case) or any child
tables of the Case table.
State Current state of the case task:
Awaiting Info
In Progress
Associated Table Table associated with this task.
Associated Record Records that are associated with this task.
Assigned to Assigned user.
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Field Description
Subject Subject of the case task.
Description Description of the work that needs to be done in
order to complete the case task.
Work Notes List Customizable list of agents that can view the work
Work notes (Private) Free-form private work note text viewable to
assigned agents only.
Additional comments (Customer
Notes that are visible to the constituent. Agents can
use this field to request more information from the
4. Select Save.
Resolve a service request case task in CSM Configurable Workspace
Resolve a service request case in CSM Configurable Workspace. After all information has
been added to the comments or work notes of a service request case task, you can mark
the case task as resolved.
1. Navigate to the Lists menu in the CSM Configurable Workspace sidebar.
2. From the Lists menu in CSM Configurable Workspace, navigate to Service Requests > All.
3. Open the service request case by selecting the case number.
4. From the Tasks related list, select the task number.
5. Add any additional work notes or comments. The case task can't be resolved without
added work notes or comments.
6. Select Save.
7. Select Close.
Email notifications for the Service Request Case Type
Various types of email notifications are automatically triggered by both the Government
Service Portal and Service Request Playbook in Public Sector Digital Services. A notification
can be a result of an agent action, a response needed from an agent,constituent, or
business contact, or an update on the status of a case, such as a new case activity or case
Email notifications in the Service Request Playbook are configured to automatically send
to the constituent, business, or agency, as well as the contributor watchlist, when an agent
performs one of the following case activities:
Opens a case for a constituent
Comments on a constituent's case
Moves the case to another stage
Provides a resolution for a constituent's case
Closes a constituent's case
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Cancels a constituent's case
Requests more information on the unresolved case
Email notifications are automatically sent to the assigned agent when:
A case is assigned to them.
A case needs attention or requires an agent response.
Case work notes or comments are updated.
A case task is assigned.
There is new activity on the case.
The proposed solution is rejected.
There is an service level agreement (SLA) warning or breach.
Business contacts, contributors, other agents, and other constituents that are added to the
case watchlist should receive all email notifications that are also received by the constituent
who submitted the request.
For agents, email notifications in the Government Service Portal or Service Request Playbook
can also be triggered by certain SLAs. For more information on SLAs for agents, see Service
level agreements for government service cases.
Service level agreements for government service cases
A service level agreement (SLA) is a record that you use to guarantee a specific time that a
service or information must be provided by, or that an agent must finish a task must by. The
Public Sector Digital Services application uses SLAs with government service request cases.
You can attach an SLA to a service request in the Government Service Portal or to a service
request in the Service Request Playbook. You can configure an SLA to start, pause, or stop
depending on any government service case attributes that you or someone else assigned to
the SLA.
An SLA is automatically associated to a case when the case is created or updated
depending on the conditions that have been set up in the SLA definition. The specific record
that gets attached to a case is the Task SLA record, which tracks the SLAs for that particular
case. The Task SLA table [task_sla] stores Task SLA records.
An SLA sends notifications at certain events that are defined in the workflow. For information
on defining SLA workflow events, see Create an SLA definition . By default, SLA notifications
are triggered and sent to the assigned agent on the following occasions:
A Service Request case is in the Intake stage for more than two days.
A Service Request case is in the Review stage for more than eight days.
A Service Request case is in Processing stage for more than eight days.
A Service Request case is in the Decision stage for more than two days.
A constituent's comment or query hasn’t been responded to for two days.
An SLA is at 50 percent of the duration that is specified in the SLA definition.
An SLA is at 75 percent of the duration that specified in the SLA definition. A notification is
sent to the agent and agent manager.
An SLA is breached. A notification is sent to the agent and agent manager.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
An SLA's timer pauses when the case is awaiting information from the constituent who had
a comment or query. The timer is canceled if the state of the case changes to Closed or
To learn more about SLAs, see Service Level Management concepts .
Get help with your service requests by using Virtual Agent
Get help with completing or updating your non-emergency service requests by using a
Virtual Agent chatbot. You can chat with Virtual Agent from the Government Service Portal
or from the Engagement Messenger application.
Before you begin
Role required: constituent, business_contact, business_partner
About this task
Your inputs and the bot responses during the Virtual Agent conversation help to create a
service request for you.
1. Navigate to the Government Service Portal or to the Engagement Messenger module if
you have the Engagement Messenger application.
2. Select Chat.
3. Select Show me everything.
4. Create or update a non-emergency service request by selecting Create a Service
Virtual Agent asks you questions using the chat conversation window. You’re asked if this
request is new or is an update to an existing request.
If it's a new request, the chatbot displays the categories of non-emergency services that
you can choose from.
If you need a service that isn't offered, enter a short description of the issue and create
a service request.
If the issue requires a location to be specified, enter the address or intersection of the
If it's an existing request, the chatbot displays a list of the service requests that you
submitted and then prompts you to update the case by adding an image or comment.
The chatbot creates or updates the case for the service request. You can continue working
on a different issue with the chatbot or let it know that no further help is needed, which
ends the Virtual Agent conversation.
Using Service Request Playbooks for Public Sector Digital Services
Government service agents and their managers can use the Service Request Playbook to
manage and resolve requests for services like park maintenance, broken stop signs, or other
types of community issues.
A playbook provides agents with step-by-step guidance through the lifecycle of a
government service case.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
The Service Request Playbook automatically appears in the Playbook tab when an agent
creates a service request case by using the CSM Configurable Workspace.
A playbook takes a workflow and breaks it into multiple stages or lanes. Each stage in a
playbook includes one or more activities, or steps, for an agent to complete. Stages can also
include automated activities, such as auto-sending an email to a customer when a stage or
activity is complete. When using a playbook, agents can:
View the playbook stages and activities.
Select an activity and perform the work to complete that activity.
Mark an activity as complete and move to the next activity or stage.
Complete the stages and activities to resolve the case.
The workflows that are associated with a specific type of case and the activities that need to
be completed to resolve the cases of this type are detailed in the playbook. Playbooks also
help the agent visualize the entire lifecycle of the service request workflow.
Playbook stages
The Service Request Playbook stages are listed in the following table.
Playbook Stages
Task Description
Intake Guides an agent through the record
creation process by capturing details of the
service request and assigning it to the right
Review Acts as a checkpoint for duplicate cases
and provides the agent with an opportunity
to review the case details to verify that the
issue is valid and needs to be resolved.
Process Guides an agent through the activities for
case resolution.
Decision Captures and communicates the decision
that the agent made on the service request
to the constituent and any other agents or
involved parties.
Playbook layout
A playbook is made up of several areas, including the playbook lifecycle, the playbook
work area, and the contextual side panel. The activity view determines how the stages and
activities appear in the playbook.
The default activity view for the Service Request Playbook is Focused. This view, which is
shown in the following example, shows each stage and activity in the playbook work area as
the agent works on it.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Playbook layout with focused activity view
Users with the admin role can configure the playbook activity view so that the default
view is Stacked, which displays all playbook stages in the work area. An administrator can
also configure the playbook to use the Compact view, which moves the playbook to the
contextual side panel.
The following table shows the components that the agents can see in the Service Request
Playbook workspace.
Playbook Components
Playbook area Description
Playbook header
Appears at the top of the playbook lifecycle.
Shows the title of the playbook.
Includes a filter that you can use to filter the
activities by the assigned user or the activity status.
Includes the Playbook Actions menu that you can
use to select the playbook-level and activity-level
Playbook Lifecycle
Appears in a panel on the left side of the playbook.
Displays either the playbook stages or the stages
and activities, depending on the configured activity
view (Focused or Stacked).
Can be collapsed to increase the size of the
playbook work area.
Playbook work area
Appears in the middle of the playbook.
Displays either a list of the activities for a stage or
the card for the current activity, depending on the
configured activity view.
Contextual side panel
Appears on the right side of the playbook.
Includes the tabs that an agent can use to display
different information, such as:
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Playbook Components (continued)
Playbook area Description
Case or case task activity stream.
Ribbon information such as the case overview,
customer details, timeline, and service level
agreements (SLAs).
Dynamic related records. For more information,
see Dynamic related records.
For more information on how an administrator can configure the playbook activity view in UI
Builder, see Install and configure the Service Request Playbook application.
Create a service request record by using playbooks in Public Sector Digital
Create a service request record in the Public Sector Digital Services application by using a
Service Request Playbook activity. By using a playbook, your agents can have an efficient,
streamlined way to create and resolve a service request.
Before you begin
Note: Before starting this procedure, verify that the Service Request Playbook
application, which is separate from Public Sector Digital Services Core, has been
installed and enabled in the CSM Configurable Workspace. For instructions, see Install
Service Request Playbook for Public Sector Digital Services.
Role required: sn_gsm.constituent_agent, sn_gsm.business_agent, sn_gsm.agency_agent,
sn_gsm.relationship_agent, and sn_gsm.service_manager
About this task
If a playbook is configured to use the record generator feature, government service agents
can create a record using a playbook activity. If a case is already associated with a
playbook, a new service request case type is opened in a new tab, with Playbook as the
default tab. Creating a record from a list or form, or from an activity in another playbook,
opens the Service Request playbook and initiates the first activity. This activity, the first step of
the intake stage, guides an agent through the record creation process.
1. In the CSM Configurable Workspace, navigate to Lists > Service Requests list > All.
2. Select New.
The Service Request Playbook opens and initiates the first activity for collecting the request
details, which is the Intake stage.
3. On the Enter Request Details activity card, fill in the information.
4. Select Save.
A case is created with the service request information. The case number is added to the
tab and the first activity in the Intake stage is marked as complete. The second activity in
this stage is highlighted as the current activity.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
What to do next
Continue using the playbook stages and activities to resolve the constituent's issue and
complete the case.
Resolving a case using playbooks in Public Sector Digital Services
Use playbooks to create cases, as well as to complete the tasks and activities that are
needed to resolve specific types of cases.
Note: Verify that the Service Request Playbook application, which is separate from the
Public Sector Digital Services Core application, has been installed and configured. For
instructions, see Install and configure the Service Request Playbook application.
By default, the following stages are available to you as a government service agent in the
Service Request Playbook in the CSM Configurable Workspace.
The Service Request Playbook experience starts with the Intake Stage. This is the default
playbook stage for a new service request case. Use this playbook stage to gather
information about the requester, the complaint, and the category and subcategory for the
service request case. You can also request additional information from the requester.
The playbook continues with the Review stage. In this stage, you can do initial
troubleshooting on the case, check for similar or duplicate case requests, and determine
what services need to be rendered and if a field service agent needs to be dispatched.
For more information on the Public Sector Digital Services integration with Field Service
Management, see Integrating Public Sector Digital Services with Field Service Management
and Customer Service Management.
The playbook continues with the Process stage. In this stage, you can assess resources,
request resource approval, create case tasks, and add or request new information before
case resolution begins. If a field service agent needs to be dispatched to the service request
location, you can create a work order during the process stage. The case status changes to
Work in Progress once the field service agent begins work on the service request case. Once
work has been completed, the case is moved to the Decision stage.
The final stage of the Service Request Playbook is the Decision stage. At the Decision stage,
the state of the case is updated from Work in Progress to Ready for Decision once an agent
sends in a decision. A notification is sent to the requester that lets them know that a decision
has been reached. The requester can either accept or reject the solution. If the requester
accepts the solution, the case is automatically closed. If the requester rejects the solution,
the case is reopened, and the agent must propose another solution.
Complete the Decision Stage in Service Request Playbook
Complete the decision stage as your last step in resolving a case using the Service Request
Before you begin
Role required: admin, sn_gsm.constituent_agent, sn_gsm.business_agent,
sn_gsm.agency_agent, sn_gsm.relationship_agent, and sn_gsm.service_manager
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
1. Fill in the Resolve case form.
2. Select Propose solution
All case tasks must be closed before an agent can propose a solution to the case.
A notification is sent to the constituent that lets them know that a decision has been
reached. The constituent can either accept or reject the solution. If the constituent
accepts the solution, the case is automatically closed. If the constituent rejects the solution,
the case is reopened, and the agent must propose another solution.
Complete the Intake Stage in Service Request Playbook
Complete the intake stage as your first step in resolving a case using the Service Request
Before you begin
Role required: admin, sn_gsm.constituent_agent, sn_gsm.business_agent,
sn_gsm.agency_agent, sn_gsm.relationship_agent, and sn_gsm.service_manager
1. In the CSM Configurable Workspace, navigate to Lists > Service Request case list > All.
2. Select New.
The Service Request playbook opens and initiates the first activity for collecting the request
3. On the Enter Request Details activity card, fill in the information.
4. Select Save.
A case is created with the service request information. The case number is added to the
tab and the first activity in the Intake stage is marked as complete. The second activity in
this stage is highlighted as the current activity.
5. Review the details of the case and make updates if needed.
6. Select Submit.
Select Move to review.
The Intake stage is now complete and the case is moved to the Review stage.
Complete the Process Stage in Service Request Playbook
Complete the process stage as your third step in resolving a case using the Service Request
Before you begin
Role required: admin, sn_gsm.constituent_agent, sn_gsm.business_agent,
sn_gsm.agency_agent, sn_gsm.relationship_agent, and sn_gsm.service_manager
1. Fill in the Assess resources case form.
2. Do one of the following actions depending on whether a resource approval is required to
Options Steps
If a resource approval is required
a. Select Request approval. The case moves
to the Approve resources activity, where
an approval record case task is created,
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Options Steps
and each approver can approve or re
ject the proposed conditions.
b. After all approvals have been received,
select Start work to move to the Perform
work activity.
If a resource approval is not required
If no approvals are needed, select Start
work to bypass the Approve resourcesactiv
ity. The case is moved to the Perform work
3. Fill in the Perform work case form.
Do one of the following actions depending on whether a field service agent must be
dispatched to the service request location.
Options Steps
If a field service agent must be dispatched
to the request location
a. Select Create work order.
b. Fill in the required information and select
If no field service agent must be dis
If no field service agent must be dispatched
to the service request location, or if Field
Service Management hasn't yet been inte
grated with Public Sector Digital Services,
select Mark complete.
5. Verify that everything is correct and that you’ve added all your comments.
Select Move to decision, and confirm again when prompted.
The Process Stage is complete and the case is moved to the Decision stage.
Complete the Review Stage in Service Request Playbook
Complete the review stage as your second step in resolving a case using the Service Request
Before you begin
Role required: admin, sn_gsm.constituent_agent, sn_gsm.business_agent,
sn_gsm.agency_agent, sn_gsm.relationship_agent, and sn_gsm.service_manager
1. In the contextual side panel, check for duplicate cases using the Related records feature
in the contextual side panel.
2. Do one of the following actions depending on whether or not you have duplicate cases.
Options Steps
If there are no duplicate cases
Select Request inspection, then check the
box to confirm that there are no similar ser
vice requests.
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Options Steps
If there are duplicate cases
a. In the Parent field, select the search icon
and then select the duplicate case.
Select Mark as duplicate and then se
lect Move to decision to skip the Process
stage to move the case directly to the
Decision stage. Select again to confirm.
In the Decision stage, the Resolution code
is Void/Cancelled, Duplicate Issue
by default.
c. Resolve the case and notify constituents
by selecting Propose solution.
d. If the solution doesn't work, select Repro
pose solution to delete the existing solu
tion and then resubmit the case. You’re
redirected to the Decision stage, where
you can edit any field. Submit the updat
ed solution and notify constituents by se
lecting Propose solution. After a solution
has been proposed, the state of the case
changes to Resolved.
Fill in the Inspect and report case form.
For more information on how Public Sector Digital Services integrates with Field
Service Management, see Integrating Public Sector Digital Services with Field Service
Management and Customer Service Management.
Do one of the following actions depending on whether a field service agent must be
dispatched to the service request location.
If a field service agent must be dispatched
a. Select Create work order if a field service
agent must be dispatched to the service
request location to resolve the issue.
b. Fill in the details of the work order request.
Note: Agents can't proceed with
the rest of the playbook until the
work order is complete.
c. Once the work order has been fulfilled,
select to move to the next activity.
If no field service agent must be dis
If a field service agent doesn't need to be
dispatched to the service request location,
or if Field Service Management hasn't yet
been integrated with Public Sector Digital
Services, select Record findings to go to the
next activity.
5. Fill in the Record findings case form.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
6. Verify if any open case tasks need to be closed, and then select Move to process.
The Review stage is now complete and the case is moved to the Process stage.
Using the contextual side panel in Public Sector Digital Services Service
Request Playbook
The contextual side panel provides you with the tools that can help you to research and
resolve problems about your cases.
The contextual side panel in the CSM Configurable Workspace gives you access to
information that can help you resolve government service cases.
It includes a column of icons that you can select to access different types of information.
The following table shows you the tabs that you should see on the contextual side panel in
the Service Request Playbook.
Contextual side panel tabs
Field Description
Ribbon icon
Relevant information about a record.
In Service Request Playbook, the ribbon
displays the record information, constituent
details, the case timeline, and the active
and inactive service level agreements
(SLAs). For more information on how to view
information about the ribbon in playbooks,
see Viewing the ribbon information in Service
Request Playbook.
Agent assist icon ( )
List of search results with the content that
is related to the record that the agent
is viewing. The content may include
knowledge articles, recommended actions,
similar resolved service request cases, or
other related records. For more information,
see Agent assist Overview .
Attachments icon ( )
Ability for agents to attach knowledge base
content to a response to the requester in the
activity stream.
Template icon ( )
Standard content that is related to resolving
the issue. To create a template, select the
template icon .
Response Template icon ( )
Reusable messages that agents can copy
and paste into cases and case tasks. For
more information on using and creating
response templates, see Use response
templates in the Service Request Playbook.
Dynamic Related Records icon ( )
Related records in the contextual side panel
that dynamically change based on the
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Contextual side panel tabs (continued)
Field Description
context of the current record or playbook
Activity stream icon
Ability for agents to communicate with
requesters and make internal notes about
the work that is done on a record.
Use response templates in the Service Request Playbook
Respond to cases by using the response templates in the contextual side panel in CSM
Configurable Workspace. Good templates save you time by eliminating repetitive work.
Before you begin
Role required: sn_gsm.constituent_agent, sn_gsm.business_agent, sn_gsm.agency_agent,
sn_gsm.relationship_agent, or sn_gsm.service_manager
About this task
Selecting the response templates icon shows the reusable messages that you can copy
and paste into cases and case tasks. For information on how to create response templates,
see Create or modify a response template .
1. In the CSM Configurable Workspace, open a service request task.
2. In the contextual side panel, select the response templates icon to display a list of the
available templates.
3. In the Response Templates side panel, search for a template.
Select a template and then select Copy to copy the template to the clipboard.
Paste the template text into the Work notes field or the Additional comments field.
Using the activity stream in Service Request Playbook
You can access the activity stream in the contextual side panel in CSM Configurable
Workspace after you create a service request record. The activity stream enables you to
communicate with constituents and make internal notes about the work that is done on a
record, making it easier to relay and track the information.
Using the activity stream
You can use an activity stream to communicate with constituents and track the information
on a record. The activity stream updates when the current activity in the playbook is
You can access the activity stream by selecting the activity stream icon ( ) in the
contextual side panel.
Agent tasks in the activity stream
The following table lists the tasks that you can do in the activity stream.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Agent tasks
Task Description
View posts for the case or case task
Current activity in the playbook work area
that determines the information that is
displayed in the activity stream.
Scroll through the posts in the Activity section
to view the case or task information.
Select Case or Task at the top of the activity
stream to switch views.
Add work notes or comments
In the Compose section:
1. Select the Work notes or Comments
2. Add the information to the text field.
3. Select Post Work Notes or Post Comments.
The post is added to the Activity section.
Internal work notes are private and are only
visible to other agents. External comments
are visible to agents and requesters.
Filter or search posts
Select the filter icon ( ) at the top of the
Activity section to display the filter selections:
• Post types: Select the types of posts
to view, such as the work notes or
• Field changes: Select the fields that you
want to view the posts for in only those
• Flagged: Enable this button to view posts
that have been flagged as important.
• Filter sets: Select two or more filters in this
Select the activity stream search icon ( )
to search all activity posts.
Sort posts
Select the activity stream sort posts icon ( )
to sort the posts by the newest to the oldest
or the oldest to the newest posts.
Expand and collapse posts Select the activity stream more options icon
( ) to expand and collapse posts:
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Agent tasks (continued)
Task Description
• Expand all posts: Expands the posts to
view additional details.
• Collapse all posts: Returns the posts to their
previous state.
Viewing the dynamic related records in Service Request Playbook
You can view the dynamic related records in the playbook contextual side panel in CSM
Configurable Workspace. These records dynamically change based on the current record or
playbook activity.
Using related records in Service Request Playbook
You can view, search, and sort the records in the Related Records tab in the contextual side
panel after you create a service request record. For details on how to create a record, see
Create a service request record using playbooks in Public Sector Digital Services.
The Related Records tab displays the related records that dynamically change based on
the context of the current record or playbook activity. The records that are displayed in the
Related Records tab depend on the following settings:
The related record contexts and definitions that have been configured for a record or
playbook activity.
The agent's access permissions to data.
Types of related records
Therelated records appear in the list as a read-only card. The initial set of records that display
in the list is determined by the record type that you select in the filter at the top of the list.
Depending on the related record configuration for the source record or playbook activity,
you can see the following types of related records:
Similar Service Requests
Open Case Tasks
Related Work Orders
Blocked Tasks
Escalations for the case or customer
Default related records
The following table shows the following default related records that are based on each
playbook step.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Default related records
Stage Playbook Activity Default related record
lntake All activities Similar Service Requests
Check similar requests
Similar Service Requests
Inspect and report
Record findings
Open Case Tasks
Assess resources
Perform work
Open Case Tasks
Process Approve resources Approvals
All activities
Open Case Tasks
You can search the Related Records list by entering text in the search field or by filtering the
list to display the records of a specific type. You can expand a card to show a more detailed
view or open the list in a subtab. If you have the create permission, you can also create new
related records of the selected type.
Customizing the related records view
The following table lists the customization options for the related records view.
Customizing the Related records view
Task Description
View the related records in the
contextual side panel
Related Records icon ( ) that you can select to
view the Related Records list.
Related records appear as a card format in the
list. The initial set of records that display in the list is
determined by the record type that you select in the
filter at the top of the list.
Select the type of related record to
Filter at the top of the Related Records list where you
can select the type of related records to view. You
can also use the filter to see the current selection. For
more information on how to do this, see Customizing
the related records view in Service Request Playbook.
Search the related records list
Search field at the top of the Related Records list to
perform a text search. Records that match the search
text are highlighted. For more information on how to
do this, see Customizing the related records view in
Service Request Playbook.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Customizing the Related records view (continued)
Task Description
Open a related record in a subtab Card in the Related Records list that you can use to
open the record in a subtab under the parent record.
In the subtab, you can view the record details and
perform available actions.
Open the related record list in a list
view in a subtab
List view icon ( ) to display the related records in a
list view in a subtab under the parent record.
Create a new record for the
selected related list
New record for the record type that is currently
selected in the Related Records list. This action opens
a new record form in a subtab under the parent
Users with the admin role can activate the Dynamic Related Records for the Configurable
Workspace plugin (com.snc.uib.sn_dyn_rel_rec).
This plugin provides you, the agent, with access to related information that is based on the
context of the current record. Users with the admin role can configure the related record
definitions that make the data available in context to the action that you, the agent, is
performing. This plugin adds the Dynamic Related Record menu and the following modules
to the application navigator:
Related Record Contexts
Related Record Definitions
Viewing the ribbon information in Service Request Playbook
You can view the information about the ribbon in the contextual side panel in CSM
Configurable Workspace. The ribbon displays important information about the case, such as
the service record information, constituent contact details, and the case timeline, so agents
can see an overview of the case.
Select the record information icon ( ) in the contextual side panel to view the information
about the ribbon.
You can see the information about the fields in the contextual side panel in the following
Contextual Side Panel Ribbon fields
Field Definition
Record Information Fields, case record number, short description, stage,
state, and address.
Requester Overview Card Details about the constituent and contact for the
Timeline Chronological summary of case activities, including
the case state changes and interactions between the
agent and the customer. You can also see how much
time that the agent and customer spent on the case.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Contextual Side Panel Ribbon fields (continued)
Field Definition
SLAs Active service level agreements (SLAs) for the case,
including the time remaining, the SLA state, and any
Customizing the related records view in Service Request Playbook
You can customize
The following table lists the customization options for the related records view.
Customizing the Related records view
Task Description
View the related records in the
contextual side panel
Related Records icon ( ) that you can select to
view the Related Records list.
Related records appear as a card format in the
list. The initial set of records that display in the list is
determined by the record type that you select in the
filter at the top of the list.
Select the type of related record to
Filter at the top of the Related Records list where you
can select the type of related records to view. You
can also use the filter to see the current selection.
1. Select the filter icon ( ).
2. Select a record type from the menu.
The menu includes the related lists that have been
configured for the parent record.
Search the related records list
Search field at the top of the Related Records list to
perform a text search. Records that match the search
text are highlighted.
1. In the search field at the top of the Related Records
list, enter the search text.
2. Select the search icon ( ).
Note: The search field is grayed out if search
is not available for the selected type of related
Open a related record in a subtab Card in the Related Records list that you can use to
open the record in a subtab under the parent record.
In the subtab, you can view the record details and
perform available actions.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Customizing the Related records view (continued)
Task Description
Open the related record list in a list
view in a subtab
List view icon ( ) to display the related records in a
list view in a subtab under the parent record.
Create a new record for the
selected related list
New record for the record type that is currently
selected in the Related Records list. This action opens
a new record form in a subtab under the parent
1. Select the create record icon ( ) at the top of the
Related Records list.
2. Fill in the fields on the record form and select Save.
Track government service requests as an agent using Service Request
Track all the service requests that are assigned to you or other agents in your government
agency by using the Service Request Playbook.
Before you begin
Role required: sn_gsm.constituent_agent, sn_gsm.business_agent, sn_gsm.agency_agent,
sn_gsm.relationship_agent, and sn_gsm.service_manager
About this task
When you select a case, a form opens with the following sections:
A conversation of the interaction between the user and the government service agent.
The action that needs to be taken on the user's part, such as accepting or rejecting a
The case details, including the case number and status.
Any attached files.
1. Open the Service Request Playbook by navigating to Lists in the CSM Configurable
2. Navigate to the Service Requests list and click All.
In the Service Requests section, select a list that is described in the following table:
Service Request Lists
List Description
All All service request cases that the agent has access to.
My Cases All service request cases that are assigned to the agent.
My Open Open cases that are assigned to the government service agent.
Unassigned for
my group
Cases that belong to any of the government service agent's groups but
haven't been assigned to an agent.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
The agent should be able to see the following fields under each list:
Short description
Action status
Business contact
Playbook Stage
Address type
Reported on
Assigned to agency
Assigned to
For a detailed description of these fields, see Government Service Case form.
Agent experience with Public Sector Digital Services
Public Sector Digital Services provides agents across government agencies a tailored
workspace experience to work on cases created by constituents, businesses, and agencies.
The Configurable Workspace allows agents to set favorites for faster navigation and shows
screen history to allow the agent to quickly retrieve screens they have worked with in the
CSM Configurable Workspace
The service agents can do the following tasks in the Configurable Workspace:
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
View a list of service cases for services requested.
View complete information about constituents including details about household
members, services received, and other constituent information.
View complete information about business including details about contacts, services
received, and other business profile information.
View complete information about agency including details about staff, services received,
and other agency information.
Manage interactions from multiple channels including phone and chat.
Lookup and verify a constituent, business, or agency.
Create a new record from the interaction.
Create cases for constituents, businesses, or agencies.
Using Virtual Agent for Public Sector Digital Services
Use ServiceNow
Virtual Agent to create chatbot conversations tailored to public sector use
With Virtual Agent, which is available with a subscription, you can build conversation topics
that assist your constituents with self-service tasks. For example, you can create Virtual
Agent topics that enable constituents to submit government service cases or help them find
relevant information on government regulations or benefits.
As admins or topic authors, you can build your own custom, public sector
conversation topics. Or, you can use pre-built conversations that are available with
the Virtual Agent platform and Customer Service Virtual Agent Conversations plugin
(com.sn_csm.virtualagent) and modify them for public sector use cases.
When you’re creating or modifying topics, you can also use pre-built components called
topic blocks. These blocks are subflows that run conversational elements or common tasks
in a conversation, such as adding or retrieving records. Pre-built topic blocks are included
with the Virtual Agent platform and Customer Service conversations. Topic blocks enable
topic authors to quickly add standard functions to Virtual Agent conversations, simplifying
conversation design and maintenance.
The Public Sector Digital Services app provides several topic blocks that you can use in public
sector conversations:
Prompt Service for Constituent – Asks constituents to select a type of government service.
Create Public Sector Additional Members – Prompts constituents to add other persons who
have an authorized interest in an issue or case.
To learn more about topic blocks and how to use them in Virtual Agent conversations, see
Maximizing code reuse with topic blocks .
Before building Virtual Agent topics for public sector use cases
Before creating Virtual Agent conversations, review the following prerequisites and the basic
process for working with pre-built topics and topic blocks in Virtual Agent Designer.
Activate the Customer Service Virtual Agent Conversations plugin
(com.sn_csm.virtualagent) to access pre-built Customer Service conversations and topic
Determine the public sector use cases for topics to be created.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
In Virtual Agent Designer:
Preview (test) pre-built topics and topic blocks , such as the public sector blocks, to
see how they work. Use the Type filter to sort the list of items, such as topic blocks, in the
Topics page.
If you want to use a pre-built topic or topic block, duplicate and publish it.
Add the appropriate copies of topic blocks, such as the public sector topic blocks, to the
originating (calling) topic. To learn more about adding topic blocks to a conversation,
see Add a reusable topic block to a calling topic or topic block
Note: You can use both public sector topic blocks in a conversation.
Prompt Service for Constituent topic block
Use this topic block in a conversation to ask constituents to select a service from a list of
available government services, for example permits or licenses. Activate the Customer
Service Virtual Agent Conversations (com.sn_csm.virtualagent) plugin to use this topic block.
Example of prompt for services
Create Public Sector Additional Members topic block
Use this topic block to let your constituents specify other people, such as family members or
other authorized individuals, who can view a case or issue. Activate the Customer Service
Virtual Agent Conversations (com.sn_csm.virtualagent) plugin to use this topic block.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Example prompts for adding members to a government service case
When you use this topic block in a conversation, you specify the input parameters from the
originating (calling) topic to the topic block.
Public Sector Additional Members input parameters
Parameter Description
sys_id of the public sector case record
Extension of the base public sector service.
Analytics and Reporting Solutions for Public Sector Digital
Platform Analytics and Reporting Solutions contain prepackaged Performance Analytics
and Reporting content for use with other Now Platform products. This Performance Analytics
and Reporting Solution provides KPIs and benchmarks to measure the government services
provided to constituents.
Required roles
The following roles and tasks are associated with this Solution:
Now Platform administrator (admin): Install and activate this Analytics and Reporting
Solution and make any necessary changes to system properties.
Performance Analytics administrator (pa_admin): Review the indicators, breakdowns,
widgets, and dashboards. Set up and start data collection. Share the dashboards with
appropriate stakeholders.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Related topics
Analytics and Reporting Solutions
Constituent Service dashboard
Use this dashboard to monitor the health of citizen services, gain insights on how efficiently
government cases are handled, and assess the overall performance of services offered.
Constituent Service Dashboard Overview tab
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Constituent Service Dashboard - Performance tab
Required Now Platform roles
sn_gsm.constituent_agent, required to view the dashboard widgets and data.
sn_gsm.constituent_admin, required to edit the dashboard.
Access the Constituent Service dashboard
To open the dashboard, navigate to All > Self-Service > Dashboards > Constituent Service.
Use cases
For examples of how different people in your organization would use this dashboard, see
these use cases.
User Dashboard use
Admin or agent Creates and monitors cases from
constituents to accelerate case resolution
and increase customer satisfaction. Does the
Tracks cases that have been open for a
period of time.
Monitors the number of cases for a certain
type of service type.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
User Dashboard use
Reviews the average closing time of cases
for each service type.
Drills down into details of cases for specific
service types.
Government service manager
Monitors the health of government services.
Tracks case resolution to drive improvements
in service delivery processes and agent
Average response time for cases
Average hours for agents to respond to a new government case. This
score is calculated by using this formula: [[GSM-Summed duration of
FirstResponseTime]] / [[GSM-Number of Responded Cases]]
GSM-Number of Open Cases
Number of open cases created daily.
Customer satisfaction score based on survey results. The score is calculated by
using this formula: [[GSM_Number of satisfied customers (CSAT)]]/[[GSM_Number
of CSAT survey respondents]]*100.
GSM-Average close time of cases
Average number of days to close cases. This score is calculated by using this
formula: [[GSM-Summed duration of closed cases]] / [[GSM-Number of closed
cases]] / 24.
GSM-Average age of open cases
Average number of days that cases remain open. The score is calculated by
using this formula: [[GSM-Summed age of open cases]] / [[GSM-Number of Open
Cases]] / 24.
Average resolution time of cases
Average number of days to resolve cases. The score is calculated using this
formula: [[GSM_Summed duration of resolved cases]] / [[GSM_Number of
resolved cases]] / 24
GSM-Case Average Response Time
Average length of time for an agent to respond to a case. The score is
calculated using this formula: [[GSM-Summed duration of FirstResponseTime]]/
[[GSM-Number of Responded Cases]].
GSM_Number of resolved cases
Daily count of government cases resolved. The goal for this indicator is to
maximize the count.
GSM-Number of closed cases
Daily count of closed cases.
GSM-Number of Responded Cases
Daily count of cases to which agents responded.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
The following indicators are not shown directly on the dashboard but are used in calculating
GSM-Summed duration of closed cases (hours)
GSM-Summed duration of FirstResponseTime (hours)
GSM-Summed age of open cases
GSM-Summed duration of resolved cases (hours)
Title Type Source table Description
Open cases older
than 30 days by
stage and state
Service Case
Detailed summary
of open cases older
than one month,
arranged by stage
and state.
Open cases
Service Case
Total number
of unresolved
government cases
in the system.
Cases opened per
Service Case
Weekly trend of
new government
cases opened.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Title Type Source table Description
Open cases older
than 30 days
Horizontal bar Government
Service Case
Distribution of
government open
cases older than 30
Unassigned cases
Service Case
Total number of
government cases
not yet assigned to
Cases by case type
Service Case
Percentage of
government cases
by case type.
Open cases by
stage and state
Service Case
summary of open
government cases,
arranged by stage
and state.
Cases closed per
Line Line
Service Case
Weekly trend in
government cases
closed by agents.
Open Cases by
Horizontal bar
Service Case
Distribution of
government cases
by priority.
Service Offered Performance Overview dashboard
Use the Service Offered Performance Overview dashboard to assess key performance
indicators and data visualizations on government services offered to and requested by
constituents, businesses, and agencies.
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Service Offered Performance Overview - Overview tab
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Service Offered Performance Overview - Benchmarking tab
Required Now Platform roles
sn_gsm.service_offered_viewer, required to view the dashboard widgets and data.
sn_gsm.service_offered_admin, required to edit the dashboard.
Access the Service Offered Performance Overview dashboard
To open the dashboard, navigate to All > Self-Service > Dashboards > Service Offered
Performance Overview.
Use cases
For examples of how different people in your organization would use this dashboard, see
these use cases.
User Dashboard use
Admin Reviews benchmarking information to track
the government services offered to and
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
User Dashboard use
requested by constituents, businesses, and
Government service manager, service
viewer,and owner
Monitors the government services offered to
and requested by constituents, businesses,
and agencies. Does the following:
Observes short and long-term trends and
patterns in service delivery.
Identifies opportunities to improve case
resolution, agent performance, and the
service experience.
GSM-Government Case Count for Services requested
Daily number of government services requested by constituents, businesses, and
GSM-Average of Government Case for Services requested
Daily average of government cases for services requested by constituents,
businesses, and agencies. The average is calculated by using this formula:
[[GSM-Government Case Count for Services requested]]/30.
GSM-Average resolution duration of Government Cases
Average number of days to resolve government cases.
GSM-Average number of services provided each week by service type
Average count of government services requested each work, by type of service.
The count is calculated by using this formula: [[GSM-Average days to provide
services by service type]]/7.
GSM-Average resolution duration of Government Cases in last 365 days
Average number of days to resolve government cases in the last 12 months.
GSM-Avg number of services requested each week by service type
Average count of government services requested weekly by service type. The
count is calculated by using this formula: [[GSM-Count of services requested
each week by service type]]/7.
GSM-Count of services requested each week by service type
Average number of government services requested each week, by service type.
Measured daily.
GSM-Average days to provide services by service type
Count of government services provided each week by type of service.
Measured daily.
GSM-Government Services with fastest/slowest time to resolve
Government services that have the quickest and slowest resolution times.
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Title Type Source table Description
Top 10 services
requested in
the last 30 days
Service Case
Top 10
services over
a 30-day
Top 10 services
with most open
cases in last 7
Service Case
Top 10
services over
a seven-day
(weekly) period.
Top 10 services
in the last 6
Service Case
Top 10
services over a
6-month period.
requested by
service type
Pie chart Government
Service Case
of government
requested by
businesses, and
Services offered
Service Offered
Total number of
all government
available in the
Services offered
by service type
Pie chart Service Offered
of government
available in the
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Public Sector Digital Services reference
Reference topics provide additional information about Public Sector Digital Services.
Service Request case form
A government service agent can create a case using the Service Request case form to
capture detailed information about questions, requests, and issues that constituents, business
stakeholders, or agents have. Constituents, business stakeholders, or agents can also view the
form to see the status of their requests and service cases.
A government service agent creates a case to identify a constituent's question or issue
and to track the activities related to resolving the issue. An agent also uses a case to track
communication to and from the constituent, including the communication channels being
Case activities include any action that is taken to resolve an issue. This can include phone
calls or emails, knowledge base research, conversations with subject matter experts, and
dispatch requests to field service agents, as well as other activities.
From the Case form, an agent can associate and store the related information, such as
the constituent's name, phone number, and company; account information; product and
asset information; service contract and entitlement details, and any associated service level
agreements (SLAs).
There are several key features to a case.
Communication between an agent and the constituent or an agent and other employees
within the organization. Details of all internal and external communication are recorded on
the Case form.
Any additional tasks that result from a case, such as a work order. Tasks are tracked from a
related list on the Case form. These tasks may be internal to the organization or they may
involve the constituent.
Information from the case that can be included in the knowledge base and used to help
resolve other cases.
There are two different Case form views: a detailed view that is available to agents and
agent managers in the Public Sector Digital Services application and a simplified view that is
available to external constituents from the Government Service Portal.
Agent view
The agent view of the Case form includes the following components:
A timeline that provides a visual display of case activities.
Referenced entities for the case including account and contact information, product and
asset information, service contract and service entitlement details, and any pertinent SLAs.
Except for SLAs, this information exists in the system and can be associated with the case
by the agent or agent manager.
All communication about the case, both external and internal. This information is stored
in the Additional comments field (external communication), the Work notes field (internal
communication), the Resolution notes field. The Resolution notes field stores details
about the case resolution, and the Activity field, which stores all communication in a
chronological list.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Agents and managers can view a Case form in the Public Sector Digital Services application
by navigating to Lists > Service Requests and selecting one of the following menu options:
• All
• My Cases
• My Open
• Unassigned for my group
From the Case list, click a case number to display the Case form.
Government Service Case form (agent view)
Field Description
Number Auto-generated number for the case. Numbers for cases use the default
prefix GOVCS.
Opened Date and time that the case was opened.
Type of applicant:
Business Name of the business. If the business does not exist, the agent can create a
business record from the case.
Name of the business contact. If the business contact does not exist, the
agent can create a business contact record from the case.
Constituent Name of the constituent. If the constituent does not exist, the agent can
create a constituent record from the case.
Priority How quickly the agent should address the service request. Priority ranking is
as follows:
1 — Critical
2 — High
3 — Moderate
4 — Low (default)
Channel Method by which the constituent initiated contact and the case was
Web (default)
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Government Service Case form (agent view) (continued)
Field Description
Virtual Agent
In Person
The reason that the constituent created the case:
• Constituent Benefits: services that constituents can apply for.
• Governance Procedures: other types of cases such as Frauds, Appeals,
Investigations, Complaints.
Defaults to Constituent Benefits.
Service The requested service indicated in the case. By default, this field will show
services offered with ‘Service type’ = Service Requests.
Reference to service category field.
Note: This field does not appear in the Mobile Agent.
Reference to the service subcategory field.
Note: This field does not appear in the Mobile Agent.
Assigned to
Name of the agency that is assigned with the case.
by agency
Name of the agency that requested the case.
Assigned government service agent group.
Assigned to Agent(s) the case is assigned to. If a group is selected in the Assignment
group field, the assigned agent must belong to this group.
Reference to the service received. Will be used when the citizen creates
a case for a service/benefit they are already using, for example, license
Brief description of the question, request, or issue. Users can use the related
search results to find a list of knowledge base articles with a possible solution.
Request Location
The type of location where the issue is being reported. Address or
Street The address where the issue is located. This field is only required if Addressis
selected as the Address type.
First Cross
Cross Street
The cross streets where the issue is located. This field is only required if
Intersectionis selected as the Address type.
City The city where the issue is located.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Government Service Case form (agent view) (continued)
Field Description
The state or province where the issue is located.
The ZIP code or postal code where the issue is located.
Country The country where the issue is located.
The coordinates where the issue is located. This field is required for either
address type, and auto-populates based on the address data entered.
Request Details
The date that the case was submitted. This field defaults to the case creation
date but can be changed.
Description A description about the case status.
Applicant Information
The type of document used as a constituent identification:
Social Security Number
State Identification Number
Driver's License Number
Medicare ID
One of the following fields based on the selection in the Primary
Identification type field:
Social Security Number
State Identification Number
Driver's License Number
Medicare ID
Email The email address of the requester.
Street The street name for the primary address.
City The city for the primary address.
The state or province for the primary address.
The ZIP code or postal code for the primary address.
Country The country of the requester.
Watch list Users who receive notifications about this case when additional comments
are added or if the state of a case is changed to Resolved or Closed.
Click the add me icon to add yourself to the watch list.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Government Service Case form (agent view) (continued)
Field Description
Work notes
Internal users who receive a notification about this case when work notes
are added. You can only add internal users to the work notes list.
Click the add me icon to add yourself to the watch list.
More information about the issue as needed. All users who can view
incidents can also see additional comments.
Work notes
Information about how to resolve the case or steps taken to resolve it, if
Internal users who have been added to the Work notes list receive a
notification that Case work notes have been added.
You can configure the notification, as required. The notes are viewable by
the admin, agent, and agent manager.
When a user with the case task agent role
(sn_customerservice.case_task_agent) is assigned to a case task, the user is
added to the Contributor Users field.
If this user is removed from the Assigned to field on the Case Task form,
and this user is not assigned to any other tasks for the case, the user is also
removed from the Contributor Users field.
When a user with the case task agent role
(sn_customerservice.case_task_agent) is assigned to a case task, the user's
assignment group is added to the Contributor Groups field.
If the user is removed from the Assigned to field on the Case Task form, and
no other member of their assignment group is assigned to any other tasks
for the case, the assignment group is removed from the Contributor Groups
If a group is removed from the Assignment group field on the Case Task form,
and the group is not assigned to any other tasks for the case, the assignment
group is removed from the Contributor Groups field.
Resolution Information
Resolved by The agent to whom the case is assigned when the case is resolved.
Resolved Date and time that the case was resolved.
Closed by Name of the user who closed the case.
Closed Date and time that the case was closed.
List of the resolution states for the case.
This field is mandatory when an agent proposes a solution for a case.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Government Service Case form (agent view) (continued)
Field Description
By default, this field is set to Resources Not Approved.
Cause Details about the cause of the resolution.
Details about how the case was closed. This field is mandatory if a
government service agent or agent manager closes a case. If a constituent
closes a case, it is not mandatory.
Related Records
Parent Associated parent incident that makes the current incident a child incident.
Note: When the parent incident is resolved, the child incident is also
marked as resolved.
Problem Any related problem record.
Any related change request.
Caused by
Associated change request that prompted the creation of the incident.
Constituent view
Users with the constituent or business contact role can view Case forms by selecting Your
Cases in the government service portal header, then selecting the case number from the
Case list.
The constituent or business contact view of the Case form includes the following
A process flow formatter that indicates the current state of the case.
The related entity information, including agency and contact information, pending service
case task information, and service request information.
An Activity field that stores all communication for the case in a chronological list.
Components installed with Public Sector Digital Services Core
Several types of components such as tables, user roles, and flows are installed when you
activate the Public Sector Digital Services Core plugin.
The following plugins are activated when you enable the Public Sector Digital Services Core
plugin (com.sn_public_sector_digital_services_core):
UI Components for Customer Portals (com.sn_ciwf_ui_cmpnt)
Agency Support Model (com.sn_agency_support_model)
Customer Service Case Types (com.snc.csm_case_types)
Customer Service Portal (com.glide.service-portal.customer-portal)
Customer Service Install Base Management (com.snc.install_base)
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Note: The Application Files table lists the components that are installed with this
application. For instructions on how to access this table, see Find components installed
with an application .
Demo data is available for this feature.
Note: For information about the roles installed when you activate the Public Sector
Digital Services Core plugin, see Roles installed with Public Sector Digital Services Core.
Tables installed
Table Description
Government Service Case
Government service case table
Note: This table is an extension of the Case
[sn_customerservice_case] table.
Constituent Profile
Constituent profile table
Service Received
Service-received table
Note: This table is an extension of the Sold
Product [sn_install_base_sold_product]
Service Offered
Service-offered table
Note: This table is an extension of the
Product Model [cmdb_model] table.
Business Registration Request
Table for a new business registration request
Flows installed
Flow Description
Auto create Service Received
Creates an automatic Service Received
Create blocked by record if Case Task is
associated with government case
Creates a blocked by record if the Case
Task is associated with a government case.
Create blocked by record if Government
case needs customer information
Creates a blocked by record if the
Government case needs more customer
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Flow Description
Resolve blocked by record if Case Task is
closed and associated with Government
Removes the blocked by record for
the associated Government case if the
Government case is resolved.
Resolve blocked by record if user information
is provided for Government case
Removes the blocked by record if the case
task is closed.
Roles installed with Public Sector Digital Services Core
The Public Sector Digital Services application uses roles to provide access to information,
identify internal and external users, maintain data security, and establish different types of
relationships between users. Admins can assign various roles to users to give them access to
records in the Public Sector Digital Services workspaces.
Constituent roles
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
to request
services and
manage their
service cases,
and services
agents to
perform the
Read, write,
and update
cases for all
Read, write,
and update
Enables users
to request
and raise
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
cases on
behalf of any
agents with
admin access
and enables
them to
create, read,
and delete
agents with
access to
create, read,
and update
agents with
access to
Business roles
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
to request
services and
service cases,
and services
a business
with admin
access to
a business
This role has
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
access to
all the data
within the
Enables a
to manage
service cases
for a business
account and
This role can
perform the
Create a
case on
behalf of
View a list
of cases
to the
Edit cases
to the
to request
and raise
service cases
on behalf of
any business.
partners to
create, view,
and edit
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
service cases
from their
own account
or from a
that they are
a business
with admin
access to
a partner
This user can
access all the
data within
the partner
and the
service cases
created by
the partners.
agents to
perform the
Read, write,
and update
cases for
all business
Read, write,
and update
Agency agent roles
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
to create
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
and fulfill
cases for the
and business
with the
to create
and fulfill
cases for
with the
agents to
and raise
service cases
on behalf of
the agency.
Enables an
to perform
the following
Create and
cases for
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
data for
with the
within the
data for
with the
within the
a service
to perform
the following
all work
by agents
working on
Read, write,
delete all
Read, write,
delete all
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
Admin and other roles
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
Provides a
user with
access to
created on
the Public
users with
access and
them to
and delete
records and
users with
access to
read, and
records and
service_offered_viewer Provides
users with
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
access to
records and
agents with
access to
read, and
agents with
access to
access to
case tasks
and related
GSM case
agents or
to create
cases and is
included in
the top-level
roles. This
role can
cases but
cannot view
other cases.
write access
to the fields
on the
© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
Case form.
agents to
work on
cases for
that they
to raise
cases on
behalf of
that they
users to view
reports on
the Public
Granular access roles
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
or business
access to
case_read_granular Provides
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Role title [name] Description Contains roles
or business
access to
or business
access to
or business
read access
to services-
Public Sector Digital Services data model
Learn about the Public Sector Digital Services application by viewing data model and role
relationship diagrams. These diagrams show the relationships between the tables and roles
within the application and provide an overall picture of how the Public Sector Digital Services
application operates.
Data model
The following diagram shows the tables and their relationships within the Public Sector Digital
Services application.
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Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Core role relationships
The following diagram shows the core role relationships within the Public Sector Digital
Services application. Use this diagram to understand how each role is related to the other
roles within the application.
Government Service Case type
You can use a government service case, which is based on the Government Service Case
type, to extend a customer service case. By using a case type, you can define the processes
and data that are needed to resolve your government service requests.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Overview of a case type
The base government service case type is called a Government Service Case, and is an
extension of the Customer Service case type from the Customer Service Management
application. The Public Sector Digital Services application also has a Service Request case
type (also known as a 311 service request case type), which is an extension of the base
Government Service Case type.
For more information on the base government service case type, see Government Service
Case form. For more information on the Service Request case type, see Service Request Case
As an admin, you can extend this base case type to create additional case types for various
government services that your agency offers.
Creating a case type includes creating a table that is an extension of an existing case, or
creating an entirely new case type table. Typically, you create roles, modules, workspaces,
and other required entities for the case type.
Government Service case type plugin
The Customer Service Case Types plugin (com.snc.csm_case_types) is
activated when you enable the Public Sector Digital Services Core plugin
Activating this plugin adds the Case Types module to the application navigator. You can use
this module to create and manage case types, as well as extend the Government Service
base case type.
For more information on the plugins that are installed with the Public Sector Digital Services
Core application, see Components installed with Public Sector Digital Services Core.
Government service case type applications
The following table lists the applications available from the ServiceNow Store that use the
government service case type and its extensions.
Government service case type applications
Application Description
Service Request Playbook
A playbook that provides step-by-step
guidance through the lifecycle of a
government service request case. Uses the
service request case type to capture the
details of the requests for various types of
community maintenance.
Review the Service Request Playbook application listing in the ServiceNow Store
for information on dependencies, licensing or subscription requirements, and release
Government Service case stages
The government case type moves through the stages that are listed in the following table.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Government service request case stages
Stage Description
Intake Default stage for a new case.
Review Stage when the state is updated from Draft
to Open because the case is assigned and
has been accepted by the agent named in
the Assigned to field.
Process Stage when the state is updated from Open
Work In Progress.
Decision Stage when the state is updated from Work
in Progress to Resolved.
Government Service Case states
The government case type moves through the states that are listed in the following table. For
more information, see Life cycle of a government service request case.
Government service request case states
State Description
Draft Default state for a new case.
New Case that moves from Draft to New when
the user selects Submit.
Open Case that moves from New to Open when
it’s assigned and has been accepted by the
agent in the Assigned to field.
Work in Progress Case that moves from Open to Work in
Progress when the agent selects Start Work.
Awaiting Info Case that moves from Work in Progress
to Awaiting Info when the agent selects
Request Info.
Resolved Case that moves to the Resolved state when
the agent selects Propose Solution.
Closed Case that moves to the Closed state when
the requester selects Accept Solution or
Close Case.
Cancelled Case that is moved to the Cancelled state.
This can happen through automatic timeout,
or if the requester selects Cancel.
Government Service Case form
Agents can create a Government Service Case form to display detailed information about
questions, requests, and issues that constituents, business stakeholders, or agents have.
Constituents, business stakeholders, or agents can also view the form to see the status of their
requests and service cases.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Government Service Case form
Field Description
Number Auto-generated number for the case. Numbers for cases use the default
prefix GOVCS.
Type of applicant:
Business Name of the business. If the business does not exist, the agent can create a
business record from the case.
Name of the business contact. If the business contact does not exist, the
agent can create a business contact record from the case.
Channel Method by which the constituent or business contact initiated a request and
the case was opened:
Web (default)
Virtual Agent
In Person
Constituent Name of the constituent. If the constituent does not exist, the agent can
create a constituent record from the case.
by agency
Name of the agency that requested the case.
Assigned to
Name of the agency that is assigned with the case.
Service The requested service indicated in the case.
Reference to service category field.
Reference to the service subcategory field.
Opened Date and time that the case was opened.
Priority The assigned priority:
1 — Critical
2 — High
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Government Service Case form (continued)
Field Description
3 — Moderate
4 — Low (default)
Assigned government service agent group.
Assigned to Assigned agent. If a group is selected in the Assignment group field, the
assigned agent must belong to this group.
The reason that the constituent created the case:
Constituent Benefits: services that constituents can apply for.
Governance Procedures: other types of cases such as Frauds, Appeals,
Investigations, Complaints.
Reference to the service received. Will be used when the citizen creates
a case for a service/benefit they are already using, for example, license
Partner The name of the partner company.
The name of the partner contact for this case.
Brief description of the question, request, or issue.
Applicant Information
The type of document used as a constituent identification:
Social Security Number
State Identification Number
Driver's License Number
Medicare ID
One of the following fields based on the selection in the Primary
Identification type field:
Social Security Number
State Identification Number
Driver's License Number
Medicare ID
Email The email address of the requester.
Street The street name for the primary address.
City The city for the primary address.
The state or province for the primary address.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Government Service Case form (continued)
Field Description
The ZIP code or postal code for the primary address.
Country The country of the requester.
Application Information
The date that the case was submitted. This field defaults to the case creation
date but can be changed.
The date that a decision about the case was reached.
The status of the application:
Description A description about the case status.
Watch list Users who receive notifications about this case when additional comments
are added or if the state of a case is changed to Resolved or Closed.
Click the add me icon to add yourself to the watch list.
Work notes
Internal users who receive a notification about this case when work notes
are added. You can only add internal users to the work notes list.
Click the add me icon to add yourself to the watch list.
Comments for the case that are visible to the constituent.
Work notes
Information about how to resolve the case or steps taken to resolve it, if
Internal users who have been added to the Work notes list receive a
notification that Case work notes have been added.
You can configure the notification, as required. The notes are viewable by
the admin, agent, and agent manager.
When a user with the case task agent role
(sn_customerservice.case_task_agent) is assigned to a case task, the user is
added to the Contributor Users field.
If this user is removed from the Assigned to field on the Case Task form,
and this user is not assigned to any other tasks for the case, the user is also
removed from the Contributor Users field.
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Government Service Case form (continued)
Field Description
When a user with the case task agent role
(sn_customerservice.case_task_agent) is assigned to a case task, the user's
assignment group is added to the Contributor Groups field.
If the user is removed from the Assigned to field on the Case Task form, and
no other member of their assignment group is assigned to any other tasks
for the case, the assignment group is removed from the Contributor Groups
If a group is removed from the Assignment group field on the Case Task form,
and the group is not assigned to any other tasks for the case, the assignment
group is removed from the Contributor Groups field.
Resolution Information
Resolved by Agent that the case is assigned to when the case is resolved.
Resolved Date and time that the case was resolved.
List of the resolution states for the case.
This field is mandatory when an agent proposes a solution for a case.
Closed by Name of the user who closed the case.
Closed Date and time that the case was closed.
Cause Details about the cause of the resolution.
Details about how the case was closed. This field is mandatory if a
government service agent or agent manager closes a case. If a constituent
closes a case, it is not mandatory.
Life cycle of a government service request case
A government service request case within the Public Sector Digital Services Service Request
Playbook application can be in one of several states as it progresses through the fulfillment
Service request case stages
A service request has four stages:
As a service request case moves through the stages listed above and toward a resolution,
the case status is updated. Stage and status are related to each other as described in the
following table.
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Service request case stages and status
Case Stage Case Status Description
Draft The case has not yet been submitted, and
the service request case record has not yet
been created.
Guides the agent to collect
the information needed to
create the service request
New The initial status for a new service request
case created through the Government
Service Portal or the Service Request
In this state, a Government Service agent can
do one of the following:
• Assign to me: Assign themselves the case.
The state changes to Open.
• Accept: If the case was assigned to the
agent by a government service manager,
the can agent accept or re-assign the
case. If accepted, the state changes to
• Update: Update the case.
• Close Case: Close the case.
• Delete: Delete the case.
In this state, a constituent can do either of the
• Update: Update the case with additional
• Close Case: Close the case.
Open A case changes from New to Open when a
Government Service agent assigns the case
to themselves (Assign to me), or accepts a
case assigned to them by a Government
Service manager.
In this state, the agent can do one of the
• Update: Update the case.
• Request Info: Request additional
information from the constituent. The case
state changes to Awaiting Info.
• Propose Solution: Propose a solution for the
case. The case state changes to Resolved.
• Close Case: Close the case.
• Delete: Delete the case.
Additional information has been requested
from the constituent. In this state, the
constituent can do one of the following:
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Service request case stages and status (continued)
Case Stage Case Status Description
• Update: Add the requested information to
the case. Once that information has been
received, the case moves back to Open.
• Close Case: Close the case.
Enables the agent to do initial
troubleshooting on the case,
check for similar or duplicate
case requests, and determine
what services need to be
Open In this state, the agent can do one of the
Check to see if there are similar or
duplicate requests. If so, the case can be
moved to progress directly.
• Request an Inspection: If an inspection
is requested, the case status moves to
Inspection in Progress
in Progress
Inspection of the service location by a field
service agent is in progress. Once complete,
the case is moved to Process.
If an agent requests more information at any
time during the Review stage, the status of
the case changes to Awaiting Info.
In this state, the agent can do one of the
• Open Case: Change the case state back
to Open.
• Update: Update the case.
• Close Case: Close the case.
• Delete: Delete the case.
In this state, the constituent can do one of
the following:
• Update: Add the requested information to
the case. Once the constituent updates
the case, the state changes to Open.
• Close Case: Close the case.
Process Work in
The case status changes to Work in
Progresswhen the agent selects Start Work.
A work order is now in progress to solve the
service request.
in Progress
A work order is in progress, and the
government service agent resolves any open
case tasks associated with the case.
The case moves to the Awaiting Info state
when an agent selects Request Info to
request more information from the requester.
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Service request case stages and status (continued)
Case Stage Case Status Description
The agent has requested more information
during or after work has been done to resolve
the case.
Allows the requester to review
the agent's decision and either
accept or reject.
Ready for
The case is ready for an agent decision.
Resolved Once an agent provides a resolution code,
enters resolution notes in the Resolution
Information tab, and selects Propose Solution,
the case state changes from Awaiting Info to
The Resolution code and Resolution notes
fields are mandatory for an agent to propose
a solution to the case.
In this state, the agent can do one of the
• Update: Update the case
• Close Case: Close the case.
A case cannot be closed by an agent or
agent manager when it is in this state.
In this state, the constituent can do one of
the following:
• Accept Solution: Accept the solution
proposed by the agent. The case state
changes to Closed and a survey is
• Reject Solution: Reject the solution
proposed by the agent. The case state
changes to Open.
• Delete: Delete the case.
Closed After proposing a solution, the agent waits for
a constituent response.
If the constituent clicks Accept Solution,
the case state changes from Resolved to
If the constituent clicks Reject Solution, the
state changes from Resolved to Open, and
the agent must propose another solution.
Closing a case as an agent or agent
manager requires comments to be added to
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Service request case stages and status (continued)
Case Stage Case Status Description
the Resolution notes field. This is not required
when a customer closes a case.
A case cannot be updated once it is closed.
Cancelled The service request is cancelled.
Note: You can't edit a service request case when the state of the case is set to Closed
complete or Canceled.
Government Service Portal service catalog list
The following services are base system catalog items offered with the Government Service
These services display automatically for logged in users, and using one of these catalog items
to create a case automatically maps the item to certain pre-built requests.
A user can go to the service catalog and create a case using the categories and sub-
categories outlined in the following table.
311 Service Request Catalog Items
Category Subcategory Description
Aggressive Animal Report truly
aggressive animals as
opposed to animals
that are merely
barking or running at
Abused and
Neglected Animal
Report an injured,
abused, neglected
or, otherwise, in
danger domestic
Injured Animal Report any non-
owned animal in the
public way, public
place, city park, on a
pole, electrical wire,
or train tracks that is
injured or sick.
Wildlife, Stray or
Dead Animal Pickup
Report and request
the removal of a
dead wild or stray
animal from the
public right-of-way
Housing, Buildings,
and Structures
Housing Abandoned Vehicle
(Private Property)
Report abandoned
vehicles on private
occupied property,
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311 Service Request Catalog Items (continued)
Category Subcategory Description
private vacant
property and public
vacant lots/property.
Housing Inspection,
Report residential
animal problems
such as animal
feces, too many
animals and/or
exotic animals on
occupied private
Housing Inspection,
Fire Protection
Report damaged
or lack of proper
fire protection
equipment (e.g.,
fire extinguisher,
fire escape, smoke
alarms) in residential
rental property
Housing Inspection,
Vacant Residential
Report a residential
property which has
become open to
casual entry by the
public and represents
a hazard to the
Illegal Flyers Report illegal flyers
posted on private
Damaged Garbage
Bin Replacement
Submit a request for
replacement of a
damaged garbage
Public Trash Can Issue Report overflowing
public trash cans to
be emptied
Illegal Dumping Report report large
amounts of trash
bags or more, bulk
items, or building
materials that
appeared overnight
or a witnessed act
of dumping from a
Garbage, Recycling
& Graffiti
Missed Residential
Report missed
residential garbage
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311 Service Request Catalog Items (continued)
Category Subcategory Description
Recycling Missed Recycling Report missed
residential recycling
Grafitti Graffiti Removal Report graffiti on
private or public
Park Cans Request to have
overflowing trash
cans and trash
around cans
removed from
Recreation & Parks
Park Maintenance Request
maintenance at
within public park or
at a park structure
(e.g., pavilion or
gazebo). Typical
park maintenance
requests include
trash on grounds,
replacement, tennis/
basketball court
repairs, fences
repairs, bench
repairs, masonry
work, water fountain
repairs and other
outside water leaks.
Street Tree Down Report a loose or
fallen limb from a city
street tree that is a
hazard to transit or
public safety
Street Tree Inspection Request an
inspection of a City
street tree that may
need removal or
Tree Planting Request Requests to plant
a tree on the City
parkway in front of
your house.
Parks and Trees
Tree Removal
Request to remove
a dead or diseased
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311 Service Request Catalog Items (continued)
Category Subcategory Description
tree on the public
Equipment Noise
Report excessive
noise coming from
air conditioners,
generators, or
any other piece
of industrial or
Spills or Dumping in
Natural Water Ways
Report pollution into
rivers, lakes, canal, or
Public Safety
Water Supply Issues Report issues with
water supply or no
water to property
Street Cleaning
Request for curb to
curb sweeping the
debris off the street
by a street sweeping
Water On Street Report water that
remains on the street
due to broken fire
hydrants, drains etc.
Remove Obstruction
in the Right of Way
Report items such
as concrete poles,
wood, tools, car
parts, etc., that are
obstructing the Right
of Way (ROW)
Potholes Report a pothole
(surface level
damage to a street
or a depression/
hollow in a road
surface caused by
wear or subsidence.)
Streets and Sidewalks
Sidewalks Sidewalk Inspection
Report the condition
of City sidewalks or
accessibility (ADA)
ramp issues
Broken Parking Meter Report a broken
parking meter
Traffic and Parking Parking
Parking Complaint Report suspected
illegal parking
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311 Service Request Catalog Items (continued)
Category Subcategory Description
Damaged or Missing
'Do Not Enter' signs
Report maintenance
issues to damaged or
missing "Do Not Enter"
Damaged or Missing
Stop Signs
Report maintenance
issues to damaged or
missing "Stop" signs
Damaged or Missing
Street Name Sign
Report a damaged
or missing street
name sign in need
of replacement or
Traffic Signal Out Report traffic signals
and/or pedestrian
crosswalk signals that
are not working or
are flashing
Sewer Sewer Investigation Report any sewer
related issues such
as sewer/sanitary
manhole cover
damage/missing, an
odor of sewage with
no visual evidence,
or maintenance of
tree roots in a sewer
drain which could
cause a backup.
Sewer Overflow Report sewer
water leaking or
overflowing from
outside pipes.
Water Meter Cover
Missing or Damaged
Report a missing or
damaged water
meter cover.
Water Odor or Bad
Report any unusual
smell or taste
associated with a
dwelling's tap water.
Water & Sewer
Open Hydrant Report water flowing
from a hydrant
Agency Service Constituent Profile form
Use the Agency Service Constituent profile form in the Public Sector Digital Services
application to display the detailed information about a constituent, such as the name
and address, marital status, or military service. The form also includes the primary type of
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identification for the constituent, which may be a social security number, driver's license, or
state ID.
The following table describes the detailed information that you can add to the Agency
Service Constituent form.
Agency Service Constituent form
Field Description
Reference number for the constituent case
First name First name.
Last name Last name.
Middle name Middle name.
Number Phone number of the constituent.
Suffix Suffix of the constituent name. The suffix may include MD or Jr.
Mobile phone Mobile phone number for the constituent.
Business phone Business phone number for the constituent.
Fax Fax number.
Photo Photo of the constituent.
Email Email of the constituent.
Gender Gender of the constituent.
Date of birth Date of birth of the constituent.
Country of birth Country of birth of the constituent.
Age Age of the constituent.
Identification Information
Type of primary identification:
Social Security Number
State Identification Number
Drivers License Number
Medicare ID
Type of identification. This field appears only when an option is selected
from the Primary identification type field.
Social Security Number
State Identification Number
Drivers License Number
Medicare ID
Primary correspondence Information
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Agency Service Constituent form (continued)
Field Description
Primary address
Type of primary address for the constituent:
Home address
Business address
Mailing address
Street Street of the constituent.
City City that the constituent lives in.
State/Province State in which the constituent lives.
ZIP/Postal code ZIP code for the address of the constituent.
Latitude Latitude of the address of the constituent.
Longitude Longitude of the address of the constituent.
Primary phone
Primary phone number of the constituent.
Additional information
Marital status
I do not wish to provide this information
Self employed
I do not wish to provide this information
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Black or African American
I do not wish to provide this information
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Agency Service Constituent form (continued)
Field Description
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
I do not wish to provide this information
Military status
Active duty
No military duty
I do not wish to provide this information
Disability status
Yes, I have a disability
No, I do not have a disability
I do not wish to provide this information
education level
High school or equivalent
Technical or occupational certificate
Associate degree
Some college coursework completed
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Notes Additional notes about the constituent or the case.
Actions for service request case types
The following actions are available for case tasks in the Government Service Portal.
Available actions for case tasks in Government Service Portal
Action Description
Save Saves changes to the case task.
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Available actions for case tasks in Government Service Portal (continued)
Action Description
Checks that comments are entered in the Work Notes or Additional Comments
field(s). Changes the state of the case task to Awaiting Info and sends an email
notification to the constituent.
Close Ensures that a work note or comment has been entered in the Work Notes or
Comment field before changing the case status to Closed.
Government Service Case form related lists
The Case form includes related lists that store case information and that agents can use to
perform case-related tasks.
Government service case form related lists
Related List Description
Case Tasks Tasks that have been created for this case by the government service
agent or agent manager. When you create a task or change the state of a
task, the information is recorded in the case Activity field.
When you create a case task, the system generates a task number with a
prefix. New and existing case tasks, regardless of state, both use the CSTASK
A list of related parties, such as contacts or constituents added to the case.
A list of cases created for the same account or contact.
Work Orders A list of work orders created for this case.
Interactions A comprehensive list of interactions created between constituents and
government service agent for this case. Interactions use the IMS prefix.
SLAs The service level agreements that are associated with this case.
Draft Emails Emails that are unsent.
Emails The case email log. A list of the emails that are sent or received as part of
resolving this case.
The government service agent or agent manager can send email from
within the case, such as updates and inquiries to constituents or other
agents or parties. A change in the state of the case triggers an automatic
email to be sent to the constituent.
Constituent contacts can create and update cases by email as well as
receive updates from government service agents.
Blocked Tasks A list of blocking tasks that have been created for this case. A blocking task
is something that prevents the agent from making progress toward case
Escalations A list of escalation records that are related to this case.
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Government service case form related lists (continued)
Related List Description
Knowledge articles attached as a proposed solution to the case.
Feedback tasks that are created when a knowledge gap is reported.
Appointments Appointments that the government service agent makes with the
constituent or others as part of resolving this case.
When you create an appointment, an appointment creation message is
recorded in the case Activity field. The user selected in the To field on the
appointment form receives an email with the appointment details.
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