AT&T Information & Network Security Customer
Reference Guide
March 2023 v7.4
© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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ARCH 2023
AT&T Information & Network Security Customer
Reference Guide
March 2023 v7.4
© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
Page 2
Table of Contents
1. To th e Reader ................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. About AT&T .................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. The AT&T Global Network........................................................................................................................... 5
5. The AT&T Labs ............................................................................................................................................... 5
6. AT&T Chief Security Office - A Worldwide AT&T S ecu rity Organ ization ........................................ 6
7. Security Organization Mandate ................................................................................................................. 7
8. AT&T Security Standards, ISO 27001, and ISO 9001 Certifications ................................................... 8
9. AT&T S ecu rity Programs ...........................................................................................................................10
10. Organization of Information Security ....................................................................................................12
11. Risk Management........................................................................................................................................14
12. Asset Man ag emen t .....................................................................................................................................14
13. Human Resource Security.........................................................................................................................15
14 Physical and Environmental Security .....................................................................................................16
15 Vendor and Supplier Management .........................................................................................................16
16 Access Controls ...........................................................................................................................................17
17 Network Element Access Controls .........................................................................................................19
18 Network Perimeter Protection ................................................................................................................20
19 Public-Facing Web site Protection ...........................................................................................................20
20 Vulnerability Man agement Proc ess ........................................................................................................21
21 Secu rity Inc id en t Reporting an d Manag em en t....................................................................................21
22 Intrusion Detection Services/Intrusion Prevention Services (IDS/IPS).........................................22
23 Distributed Denial of Service....................................................................................................................22
24 Workstation Security Management .......................................................................................................22
25 Chan g e Managemen t .................................................................................................................................23
26 Security Status Checking and Vulnerability Testing ..........................................................................24
AT&T Information & Network Security Customer
Reference Guide
March 2023 v7.4
© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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27 Compliance ...................................................................................................................................................25
28 Business Continuity Management ..........................................................................................................28
29 Network Disaster Recovery ......................................................................................................................28
30 Privacy ............................................................................................................................................................29
31 Strategy of Continuous Advancements ................................................................................................29
32 Customer Security Responsibilities ........................................................................................................30
33 Summary .......................................................................................................................................................32
34 Appendix........................................................................................................................................................32
1. To the Reader
This document is designed for the use of AT&T (“AT&T” or “Company). current and potential
business customers (Business Customers or “Customer”). The document provides:
An introduction to AT&T and its global security organization
A review of AT&T security roles and responsibilities
A summary of Customers’ security responsibilities
An overview of AT&T security policy and comprehensive programs that strive to
security into every facet of AT&T computing and networking
environments. This overview focuses on the key elements and initiatives to safeguard
AT&T Customers and their data while managed by AT&T or in transit on an AT&T
In general, the use of security’ throughout this document refers to information and network
For further information regarding AT&T, visit our website at or contact
local AT&T account team.
AT&T Information & Network Security Customer
Reference Guide
March 2023 v7.4
© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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2. Disclaimer
This document provides an overview of the AT&T security policy and program. To
security, AT&T does not divulge details regarding the tools and processes utilized to manage
security. AT&T operates a common infrastructure used for its internal communications, as well
as shared by its Customers. Consequently,
AT&T implements and maintains commercially
reasonable technical and organizational controls and measures to safeguard all data and
Customers on the shared network platforms, including Customers with uniquely hosted
environments and custom safeguards.
This document is provided as summary information only. It is not a contract, and no
statement, representation, or characterization within this document shall be construed as an
implied or express commitment, obligation, or warranty on the part of AT&T Inc. or any of its
affiliates, or any other person.
All contractual obligations between AT&T and its Customer are set out exclusively in a written
agreement with the Customer, and nothing in this document shall amend, modify,
supplement or otherwise change the provisions or terms of that agreement.
AT&T may, in its sole discretion, alter the policies and procedures described in this document
without notice to or consultation with any Customer or another person. AT&T Customers are
responsible for maintaining security policies and programs appropriate to their enterprises.
3. About AT&T
AT&T Inc. is a global leader in telecommunications and technology. We help more than 100
million U.S. families, friends and neighbors, plus nearly 2.5 million businesses, connect to
greater possibility. From the first phone call 140+ years ago to our 5G wireless and multi-gig
internet offerings today, we @ATT innovate to improve lives.
AT&T operates one of the world’s most advanced and powerful global networks,
more than 594 petabytes of data traffic on an average day with up to 99.999 percent
AT&T Information & Network Security Customer
Reference Guide
March 2023 v7.4
© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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4. The AT&T Global Network
AT&T provides MPLS-based services to businesses in over 200 countries using both its own
network assets as well as cross-border Ethernet, Network to Network Interfaces (NNIs), long
private lines and dedicated satellite arrangements. Many AT&T customers are multinational
corporations with locations in multiple global regions. AT&T is responsible for managing this
worldwide data network with a presence on six (6) continents. This document provides a high-
level view of AT&T’s corporate approach to security, with special focus on the security of the
AT&T Global Network. The AT&T Global Network is comprised of multiple components
converging into a common Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) network:
AT&T Network Cloud cloud infrastructure hosting virtualized network functions
connected to the Global IP/MPLS network
A global Internet Protocol/MPLS backbone network
A circuit switched network
Ethernet, Frame Relay and ATM private networks
Internal business and management networks
Intelligent optical network
Physical layer networks, including terrestrial fiber and subsea cables
5. The AT&T Labs
AT&T Laboratories ( is the driving force behind
groundbreaking innovations that transform the way people work, live and play. With a rich
heritage of innovation, our teams of researchers and engineers continue to invent
technologies that enable AT&T to bring a new generation of universal networks and
communications to the market.
AT&T Labs is made up of the world's best scientists and engineers, including experts in Cloud
services, software defined networking (SDN), mobility and wireless data networks, IP network
management, optical networking
technology, high-speed / broadband Internet transport
and delivery systems, information and data management, and artificial intelligence.
Innovations include new
technologies, applications and services that support our security
portfolio which enhance and provide additional safeguards to the customer experience.
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Reference Guide
March 2023 v7.4
© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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6. AT&T Chief Security Office - A Worldwide AT&T Security Organization
AT&T maintains a comprehensive global security organization comprised of over 1300
security professionals. This organization, the AT&T Chief Security Office (CSO), is dedicated to
the protection of the AT&T global network and its service offerings. It supports a broad
range of functions, from security policy management to Customer-facing security solutions.
The AT&T Chief Security Office continually reviews and assesses the Company’s securit y
posture to keep pace with industry security developments and to satisfy regulatory and
business requirements. Recommendations are made on the technology solutions and critical
skills that are to be developed or acquired to maintain the required security posture.
The AT&T Chief Security Office establishes policy and requirements, as well as comprehensive
programs, to incorporate security into every facet of AT&T computing and networking
environments. At the executive level, the Chief Security Officer chairs the AT&T Security
Advisory Council, a program where key business and functional leaders meet on a regular
basis to discuss corporate security strategy, vision, and concerns. The AT&T Chief Security
Office’s technical personnel work in partnership with other AT&T business units to evaluate
threats, determine
protective measures, create response capabilities, and promote
compliance with best security practices.
AT&T and its employees interact with and participate in several US and international s e curity
organizations. These organizations include:
Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center (CERT/CC)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s National Security Telecommunications
Committee (NSTAC) and its National Coordinating Center (NCC) for
U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC)
U.K. National Cyber Security Centre National Security
Information Exchange (NSIE)
Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) National Information Exchange (NIE)
Various Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs), including Information
Technology-ISAC and Communications-ISAC
US InfraGard
Security activities within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
AT&T Information & Network Security Customer
Reference Guide
March 2023 v7.4
© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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Cyber Information Sharing and Collaboration Program (CISCP)
AT&T also participates in:
Communication Security, Reliability, a nd Interoperability Council (CSRIC)
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
Network Reliability Steering Committee (NRSC)
Communications Sector Coordinating Council (CSCC)
US Telecom
GSM Association (GSMA)
AT&T is proud to be a leader and a participant in these and other organizations both to set
standards and to keep pace with industry developments.
7. Security Organization Mandate
AT&T considers network and information security to be a cornerstone of the services that it
delivers worldwide. Through the security policy mandates and recommendations of the AT&T
Chief Security Office, AT&T is committed to
protecting its Customers and its own
information and resources from unauthorized access, disclosure, corruption, or disruption of
service. This security policy is designed to protect AT&T and AT&T managed assets, services,
and is applicable to network elements, systems, applications, data, and
computing devices
owned or managed by AT&T.
Execution of the policy is led by the AT&T Chief Security Office whose role is to:
Protect AT&T owned and managed assets and resources from security breaches by
monitoring potential security threats, correlating network events, executing
actions, and enabling compliance with legal, regulatory, and contractual
Own and manage the AT&T security policies and standards for the entire Company and
maintain ultimate responsibility for all aspects of network and information security
the Company.
Promote compliance to AT&T security policies and network and information security
program in a globally consistent manner on all networks, systems, and applications,
AT&T Information & Network Security Customer
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March 2023 v7.4
© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
Page 8
hold senior executives accountable for security compliance in their business unit
or region.
Offer best-in-class security, while offering security thought leadership in the global
security arena.
8. AT&T Security Standards, ISO 27001, and ISO 9001 Certifications
The primary objective of an information security program is to protect the integrity,
confidentiality, and availability of Company assets. A critical component of the program
is the security policy. The AT&T Security Policy and Requirements (ASPR) serve as a guide
and a reference point to conducting business in a secure environment and protecting
AT&T assets. ASPR is a comprehensive set of security control standards based, in part, on
leading industry standards such as ISO/IEC 27001:2013.
AT&T Executive Management has produced and implemented an approved Information
Security Management System (ISMS); ASPR defines the scope and boundaries of the
company’s ISMS. This policy defines the scope of the organizational ISMS and defines the
ISMS policy in terms of the business, its location, assets, and technology. The policy
provides a general framework for setting information security objectives and establishes
an overall sense of direction and principals for action regarding information security. The
Company takes its lead from the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard in further defining ISMS
policy. Management commitment to Information Security Management is strong
throughout the Company. Authorization to implement and operate the company ISMS
comes directly from our Chief Security Officer supported fully by all other executive and
mid-level management team members. AT&T maintains two global ISO/IEC 27001
certifications. The scope of these certifications covers the AT&T Global IP infrastructure
and Customer facing products and services. To maintain the certifications, AT&T must
undergo annual recertification assessments, which it is committed to completing and
achieving ongoing certification. In compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001: 2013 standard for
information security, AT&T has prepared a Statement of Applicability.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international standards
setting body comprised of representatives from standards organizations worldwide. Its
purpose is to develop common standards in several different business aspects including
areas such as quality, security, environmental management and social responsibility,
amongst others. These standards are continuously developed to outline best practices for
the area that each cover. ISO 9000 is the family of standards which cover different
aspects of quality management. ISO 9001 covers the client focused aspect of quality,
AT&T Information & Network Security Customer
Reference Guide
March 2023 v7.4
© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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which is ensuring that the client is provided the highest level of quality regarding services
and products that they receive.
AT&T has achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification, which demonstrates and reinforces our
belief that Customer satisfaction and expectations are the most important factors in the
work we do. We are fully committed to a high standard and quality of work that we
undertake for any project we undertake.
We are exceptionally proud of our achievement in the ISO 9001:2015 certification
standard. However, were not resting on this achievement and in our continuing
endeavors to improve, were also focusing on our ISO 27001:2013 certification. This
standard looks at security techniques within Information Technology systems; high
compliance and data security is another key factor in our internal and external operations
and projects which we find gives our Customers the satisfaction and results they have
come to know and expect of us at AT&T.
Additional information about the AT&T ISO 27001 certification, Information Security
Management System (ISMS), and Statement of Applicability are available
from your
account team upon request.
Given the dynamic environment that AT&T supports, ASPR content is continually re-
evaluated and modified, as industry standards evolve and as circumstances require. In
addition, operating procedures, tools, and other protective measures are regularly
reviewed to ensure the highest standards of security are observed throughout the
Company. AT&T security policy and control standards are proprietary to AT&T and are
not generally disclosed to any organization or entity external to the AT&T corporate
family. Maintaining the confidentiality of this information is a facet of our security
program that protects AT&T Customers.
The Enterprise Mobility Security Standard (EMSS) provides guidance for organizations to
follow as they are mobilizing their operations. EMSS helps organizations develop mobile
security controls to strengthen data and information protection on smartphones, IoT
devices and associated ecosystems. This document is available from your account team
upon request.
AT&T Information & Network Security Customer
Reference Guide
March 2023 v7.4
© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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9. AT&T Security Programs
9.1 Security Executive Briefing and Round Tables
Security experts from the AT&T Chief Security Office frequently host Security Executive
Briefings and Roundtables for AT&T Customers, analysts, and media to discuss the latest
security trends and activities. They share expertise and offer guidance on security issues
observed in very large and dynamic environments such as the AT&T network and provide
advice on best practices in dealing with ever increasing threats in today’s world. The
executive briefings
and roundtables take place at AT&T Executive Customer Briefing Centers
and at public venues in major cities.
9.2 Security Training and Certificates
AT&T encourages its employees to obtain security training and to achieve accreditations and
certifications. This training is conducted both within AT&T and through corporate training
organizations such as:
The International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc.
Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)
The SANS Institute
Vendor and product-specific training and certification, such as, Cisco, Microsoft,
Checkpoint, Juniper, and others.
Our large population of security professionals maintain certifications and credentials such
Certified Information System Services Professional) (CISSP)
Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)
Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)
Certified Information Systems Auditors (CISA)
Certified Information Security Management (CISM)
Certified in Risk and Information Systems Controls (CRISC)
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)
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© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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RSA Certified Security Professional (CSP)
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
Cisco Qualified Professional
Public Cloud
Microsoft Azure Certification
Amazon AWS Certification
9.3 AT&T CSO Security Center for Innovation
The AT&T CSO Security Center for Innovation was created within the AT&T Chief Security Office
to drive security innovation and create what may be impossible today and revolutionary for
tomorrow. The researchers work on large scale problems in dynamic areas such as mobility
and cellular/5G, cloud computing, broadband, networking, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain,
NFTs and Artificial Intelligence /Deep Learning/ Machine Learning (AI/DL/ML). The Security
Research Center searches for ways to leverage the power of the network for new security
solutions, architectures and mechanisms. Their results and innovations become part of new
systems and services that AT&T deploys for next-generation security.
9.4 AT&T Security Operations Center
The AT&T Security Operations Center (SOC) provides comprehensive security across one of
the world’s largest network infrastructure by deploying a proactive defense-in-depth st rategy
of including additional layers of security behind the network perimeter. AT&T’s Security
Operations Center provide a highly specialized and coordinated approach to protecting the
network and services. AT&T utilizes the same set of security tools to manage its global
network that it uses for its Managed Security Services available to its Customers.
The AT&T SOC is a 24x7 centralized command and control center that includes expert
time-tested methodologies, and proprietary technology. The SOC can monitor and analyze
traffic via the AT&T IP backbone, providing advance and near real-time notification/alerts of
different types of security events a nd produce daily company security reports.
Using a global sensor network, the AT&T SOC supports the detection and mitigation of all
events across multiple devices and device types. The SOC provides correlation and
situational awareness, incident response, as well as proactive threat vulnerability
analysis. It can manage threats and clean harmful traffic that may result in a business loss.
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© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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9.5 Security Awareness and Education
The AT&T Chief Security Office is charged with managing the security awareness program
across AT&T. The program comprises targeted security awareness initiatives promoted
internally within AT&T, an internal security awareness website, an internal awareness
newsletter, all-employee bulletins and communications, and employee security awareness at
on-site events. The AT&T Chief Security Office also maintains and updates the security training
curriculum. The Chief Security Office provides an annual Security Awareness Corporate
Compliance course. The Compliance course trains on the major cybersecurity tenets. All
corporate employees are required to take this course. The Chief Security Office tracks
completions of the Compliance course in conjunction with the corporate training
Subject matter experts from the various security groups and disciplines support content
development for web and video-based courseware. In addition, all AT&T personnel are
required to annually acknowledge their responsibilities to adhere to the AT&T Code of
Business Conduct, AT&T information security policy, and AT&T information protection
10. Organization of Information Security
10.1 Security Policy
It is the policy of AT&T to protect our information, infrastructure, and services, (AT&T’s
Information Resources), in all its forms from unauthorized or improper use, theft, accidental
or unauthorized modification, disclosure, transfer, or destruction. This is achieved through
the analysis of security risks to create security requirements that address those risks
commensurate with the AT&T Information Resources sensitivity, value, and criticality.
This policy applies to all AT&T’s Information Resources which are created, used, or maintained
by or on behalf of AT&T or its customers unless superseded by a customer contract.
In protecting AT&T’s Information Resources, it is AT&T’s obligation to comply with all
applicable laws and government regulations, including those that relate to the safeguarding
of personal information and critical infrastructure.
The AT&T Chief Security Office develops, maintains, and issues specific security
requirements and other reference materials in support of this policy. The security
requirements and reference materials comprise the AT&T Security Policy and Requirements
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© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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(ASPR) content, which is the basis for all security controls that protect AT&T’s Information
Resources. ASPR is not shared externally except when approved, necessary, and under
strictly controlled circumstances with proper non-disclosure agreements in place.
10. 2 AT&T Security Roles and Responsibilities
AT&T Security Policy & Requirements (ASPR) applies enterprise-wide and establishes the
minimum required safeguards to protect computing and networking assets, data and
All Employees, Contractors, Supervisors, Application/Software Developers, System &
Database Administrators, Network Architects & Operations must comply with ASPR and
such responsibilities include:
Ensuring accountability for protecting assets under their ownership and control.
Revoking logical and physical accesses owned by an employee based on
his/her job
reassignment or termination from employment.
Validating their personal logical and physical accesses to systems and facilities on a
regular basis
Maintaining and executing security status checking processes, security
upgrades, etc., on systems under their control.
Complying with confidentiality requirements, Customer privacy agreements,
government policies where applicable and necessary, and office "clean desk
programs for securing confidential information.
Responsible for developing skills necessary to support the security function.
Complying with the AT&T Code of Business Conduct.
10.3 AT&T Corporate Management Engagement
AT&T management is engaged with the security program. Some of the situations where
management in the service lines are engaged include:
Security incidents as they occur
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© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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Progress from security initiatives
Threat intelligence gathered by trend analysis; and
Results of internal and external audits and reviews.
In addition, the management chain of command receives consolidated reports on a regular
basis outlining the results of the security programs and the key issues for their area of
responsibility. These reports are delivered to the senior executives as well as their line
Senior executives are required to annually acknowledge their commitment to support
corporate compliance which includes completion of an annual compliance verification form.
11. Risk Management
The AT&T approach to identifying and mitigating network and application vulnerabilities is
formalized in the Risk Management program. When vulnerabilities are identified, they are
assessed as to severity, potential impact to AT&T and its Customers, and likelihood of
occurrence. Plans are developed, implemented, and tracked to address vulnerabilities within
prescribed timeframes according to the criticality rating. AT&T has a formal, documented Risk
Management policy and program that includes risk identification, risk assessment, risk
analysis, and risk mitigation/acceptance. An extensive program of vulnerability testing,
compliance reviews and security audits provide a comprehensive view of AT&Ts security risk
12. Asset Management
AT&T has an information classification policy that is periodically approved by management
and communicated to employees.
AT&T is committed to accounting for and protecting its assets from unauthorized access.
Designated components reside in secured locations, accessible only by authorized
personnel, and applicable employees are required to complete annual security and access
control training designed to prevent unauthorized building and equipment access. AT&T
assets are tracked according to documented processes in systems maintained according to
AT&T Security Policy & Requirements (ASPR) guidelines.
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© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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AT&T has numerous internal accounting control guidelines in place to manage the entire
lifecycle of its assets:
Transactions are carried out in an authorized manner.
Transactions are reported and recorded in a way that permits correct preparation of
financial statements and accurate records of assets.
Access to assets is in accordance with management authorization.
Comparisons between existing assets and records are made periodically, as
appropriate, with action taken to correct discrepancies.
13. Human Resource Security
13.1 Background Checks
AT&T is committed to maintaining a workplace free of violence and to the protection of its
employees, Customers, and assets. To promote consistency, the Company conducts
background checks on the finalists for all U.S. and international employment positions. It is
AT&Ts practice to conduct background checks that include foreign countries to the best of
our ability and within our influence. We respect the laws and customs of all foreign countries
that prohibit us from conducting a complete background check. In addition to conducting
background checks on all new hires and rehires, AT&T also conducts background checks on
existing employees as needed, e.g., employees moving into sensitive positions, in support of
Customer contracts and/or as required by law.
13.2 Personnel Security
The AT&T Human Resources organization has controls in place so that AT&T employees are
properly screened and are aware of their responsibilities regarding AT&T and Customer
in accordance with ASPR and AT&T’s Code of
Business Conduct.
The AT&T Supply Chain organization facilitates insertion of asset protection background
requirements into AT&T agreements with its suppliers. These requirements help to
ensure that the
personnel of suppliers granted physical access to AT&T and Customer
premises are properly
screened and are aware of their responsibilities regarding AT&T and
Customer assets.
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© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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14 Physical and Environmental Security
14.1 Physical Access Control
Physical access controls are based on the principle of "Least Privilege," which strives to
restrict or limit all access to only areas necessary to perform authorized functions. AT&T
operates in secured environments where physical access to staff office space, switching
centers, global network and service management centers and other network facilities is
controlled through an enterprise-wide physical security standard that applies to AT&T
companies, affiliates and contractors. Physical access to AT&T facilities is controlled with the
use of an
AT&T-issued Photo ID Card and one or more devices including an access card, code,
biometric reader and/or Company-issued key. All access devices are approved and validated
by an authorizing
Critical facilities are controlled through alarming and monitoring based on physical security
standard criteria and periodic audits are performed to confirm adherence to the
requirements of this standard.
14.2 Environmental Security & Compliance
AT&T operates in an N+1 (Need plus one) methodology to provide the highest level of
assurance for the environments such as, generators, UPS, switch-gear, HVAC, fire detection
and suppression along with multiple power and networks feeds to critical facilities.
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) assessments and reviews are conducted by AT&T
Real Estate Operations (REO) at any given AT&T facility to assess compliance with applicable
laws, regulations and company requirements. The internal reviews assess compliance
related to underground/aboveground fuel storage tanks, hazardous materials and waste
management, air emissions, water quality, and facility issues as well as key health and safety
15 Vendor and Supplier Management
AT&T Supplier Information Security Requirements (SISR) is a minimum set of security
requirements which are required in contracts with Suppliers when they are performing
services for AT&T where any of the following occur:
The collection, processing storage, handling, backup, disposal, and/or access to
information when performing any action, activity or work
Providing or supporting AT&T branded applications and/or services using non-AT&T
Information Resources
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Connectivity to AT&T's Nonpublic Information Resources
The development or customization of any software for AT&T; or
Website hosting and/or development for AT&T.
16 Access Controls
Access controls are applied at three resource levels within AT&T:
Operating Systems
An access request workflow system enables employee and contractor access to each of
these levels. Each request requires the approval of a supervisor in the chain of command and
the resource owner, which results in provisioning of access to the requested resource.
Automated periodic access reviews, operational administration, compliance reporting and
auditing functions are also available as part of the access controls framework.
Similar access controls are enabled in the form of Identity and Access Management (IAM)
platforms for consumer, business, and FirstNet, as well as enterprise. Each of these systems
has an access management and an identity lifecycle management component of functions.
Access Management can be thought of as a runtime environment in which user
authentication and authorization are enforced for access to protected resources, such as
AT&Ts wireless services. Identity lifecycle management provides identity assurance,
registration, identity profile management, authenticator management for ensuring a users
identity can be validated. Followed by authorization management for assigning a user with
permissions to perform functions on the resources to which they have access. Individual
accountability, auditability, and forensics are enabled on these systems by logging the
transactions performed by each user, each administrator, or anyone else who uses these
systems for accessing AT&T resources.
AT&T uses various technologies built into our IAM platforms to assure the security and
authorized access to AT&T’s resources, such as the following:
Authentication: up to 3 factors of authentication
Federated Identity Management: typically, Security Assertion Markup Language
or OpenID Connect, either as an Identity Provider or as a Service Provider
Role Based Access Control
Attribute Based Access Control
OAuth 2 (delegated authorization)
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Mobility device-based single sign-on access to web-based or native applications
16.1. Logical Access Control Measures
Logical access controls are based on the principle of "Least Privilege" that strives to restrict or
limit access to computer resources to only the commands, data, and systems necessary to
perform authorized functions. A user who needs access to AT&T and Customer services must
have a current business need, must be allocated a unique identifier (a User ID), approval from
their management (e.g., for employees and contractors),
and must validate their identity.
This access is controlled by:
Authenticating a claimed identity to the satisfaction of an access permission-
granting authority. This authentication entails all individual users being positively
uniquely identified before being granted access using one or more authentication
such as:
o Shared secrets (e.g., passwords, personal identification numbers (PINs) tokens)
o Something you have (e.g., certificate, Time-Based One-Time Password to a
mobile device)
o Something you are (e.g., biometric fingerprint, biometric face print, biometric
voice print)
Having systems and network administrators or access providers review and verify
with the user’s supervisory manager that the User IDs, accounts, and
command and data access permissions are appropriate for the person's
responsibilities. Where a valid business requirement does not exist
for the
continuance of such privileges, access is revoked.
Controlling privileged access to systems and network elements through established
security administration controls that restrict access to sensitive information, and
network processors, as well as limiting the ability to set, modify or disable system
security functions to authorized staff.
Identifying and recording, through audit logging, each successful and unsuccessful
access attempt, and blocking access when access attempts exceed threshold
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Requiring that all passwords, passphrases, and two factors for user authentication
(employee, contractor, business partner, etc.) conform to established rules. The
for passwords specify: the minimum number and types of characters,
both from previous user passwords, as well as from username or
dictionary words,
avoidance of repeating characters, limitations on password
sharing or group use, and
requiring passwords to be changed at regular intervals. In addition, certain common
passwords are blocked from being used.
16.2 Access Authorization Control
AT&T Personnel
Only AT&T personnel with a current business need are authorized with physical and
access to facilities and systems.
Access (physical and logical accesses) is validated
upon staff re-assignment or removed upon
termination of employment. As a control measure, physical and
logical accesses are
revalidated regularly at defined time intervals to verify that the staff
continues to have a
legitimate business requirement for the access.
Customer authorization to AT&T services is controlled through the assignment of roles that
assign privileges to perform functions within a service typically that a customer has
17 Network Element Access Controls
Current industry and AT&T-developed tools are utilized for managing the authentication and
approval of support personnel to access the large population of AT&T network elements
including routers, switches, and wireless access points in the worldwide network. Access is
provided to AT&T technical support personnel only on an as-needed basis for individuals with
responsibility for network element maintenance and support. Access to network elements
supporting Customer services is controlled by:
Using authenticating servers that validate and verify user access so that only
personnel currently responsible for managing these networks have access.
Logging all access to the authenticating servers and subsequent devices.
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Flagging repeated failed login attempts and blocking offending accounts.
Changing passwords or passphrases for routers at regular intervals and complying
with AT&T internal requirements for both.
Reviewing passwords or passphrases on routers, or their management
whenever an employee possessing such a password or passphrase
employment with AT&T or is re-assigned.
Using strong authentication when required, specifically two-factor token-based
authentication for access to managed network elements.
18 Network Perimeter Protection
AT&T external network connections are protected by firewalls that screen incoming and
outgoing traffic based on source and destination address, protocol, and port, in accordance
with AT&T security policy. Internet connections and extranets are protected by
firewalls and
demilitarized zones (DMZs) that block any direct network routing between the internet and
internal AT&T networks.
External Customer and third-party connections to AT&T networks are protected by access
controls (such as access control lists or network-based firewalls) that screen incoming and
outgoing packets to allow only authorized traffic.
19 Public-Facing Website Protection
Public-facing website platform applications requires protection at each of the layers: network,
operating system, application, and database.
Protection for the Network and Operating system layers includes:
User management systems maintaining user account access and type of access.
Monitoring systems and user activities through event logging along with automated
log analysis.
Host scanning tools to assess vulnerabilities and configuration issues along with
searching for malware.
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Network scanning of each device to determine potential vulnerabilities, where
scanning is performed both from outside of the AT&T network in, and from inside of
the corporate network out.
Protection for the application layer including database entails fulfilling the AT&T Security
Policy and Requirements for Application Development and Sustainment including Mobile
Applications. For example, strong authentication and change of passwords regularly are
required on our public facing websites where authentication is used. New threats and
vulnerabilities are addressed on an ongoing basis to protect the public-facing website
platform applications against known attacks.
20 Vulnerability Management Process
AT&T utilizes an internal global program to acquire and distribute security advisories, coupled
with review and compliance processes as a follow-up to these advisories. Security advisories
predominantly consist of newly identified vulnerabilities and flaws to network software,
systems and
equipment which could potentially allow unauthorized users to bypass access
controls and/or gain access to data.
AT&T continually reviews bulletins, alerts and advisories regarding security issues, patches,
vulnerabilities, and exploits from vendors and organizations (such as US-CERT) for AT&T
owned and managed network assets.
The vulnerability management program is also responsible for notifying system owners and or
administrators to apply security patches to network systems in
a timely manner. Each se curity
advisory is reviewed, evaluated, assigned a severity rating, and published by the AT&T global
security organization, which in turn, dictates the timeframe within which the vulnerability
must be resolved.
21 Security Incident Reporting and Management
AT&T uses a consistent, disciplined global process for the identification of security incidents
and threats in a timely manner to minimize the loss or compromise of information assets
belonging to both AT&T and its Customers, and to facilitate incident resolution. Each
employee and contractor is responsible for reporting suspected or suspicious security
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The AT&T Global Technology Operation Centers (GTOCs) maintain 24 x 7 near real-time
security monitoring of the AT&T network for investigation, action and response to network
security events. AT&T Threat Management platform and program provides near real-time
data correlation, situational awareness reporting, active incident investigation and case
management, trending
analysis, and predictive security alerting.
If AT&T discovers that a party has obtained unauthorized access to customer’s data during a
security incident on AT&Ts network and/or data storage facilities, AT&T will promptly
conduct an investigation to determine when, and if possible, how the incident occurred, and
will promptly notify the customer consistent with all applicable laws and regulations.
Incidents are reported to the AT&T Computer Security Incident Response Team and, if
appropriate, senior management to draw attention to the types of attacks reported by our
incident response team as well as other noteworthy incident and vulnerability information.
22 Intrusion Detection Services/Intrusion Prevention Services (IDS/IPS)
AT&T employs a combination of internally and commercially developed tools to detect
attempts by unauthorized persons to penetrate the AT&T Global Network. AT&T does not
monitor individual Customer connections for intrusions, except when part of a managed
security service. For Customers who have subscribed to this component of managed security
AT&T will promptly notify the Customer if it believes that a detected intrusion
attempt may
impact the Customer’s service.
23 Distributed Denial of Service
AT&T employs a combination of internally developed and commercial tools to detect and
mitigate Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attempts by unauthorized persons to
penetrate the AT&T Global Network. AT&T does not monitor individual Customer
connections for intrusions, except when part of a managed security service. For Customers
who have subscribed to this component of managed security service, AT&T will promptly
notify the Customer if it believes that a detected DDoS event may impact the Customer’s
24 Workstation Security Management
The workstation security policies protect AT&T and Customer assets through a series of
processes and technologies including, but not limited to, verification of personnel work s t a tion
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accesses, endpoint (anti-virus and anti-malware) protection, Operating System hardening and
updates, full disk encryption where permitted by law to protect sensitive information on
portable assets, along with a firewall intrinsic to remote access software
implemented on
workstations or portable PCs that remotely connect to the AT&T network. AT&T also limits
the administrative capabilities of each workstation.
Securing of the personal computer while in use is further managed by the requirements for
log-on passwords, hard drive passwords where possible, and password-protected keyboard
or screen-locks that are automatically triggered through inactivity. Management at AT&T is
responsible for ensuring compliance with these policies.
AT&T workstations are required to have active endpoint protection software. AT&T’s endpoint
protection software vendor provides threat protection updates which are referenced
automatically by workstations across the Company. Updates are provided continuously,
including in the event of an outbreak, via the vendor’s cloud-based solution. Furthermore,
security advisories forwarded by the AT&T Chief Security Office provide information
regarding security threats and mitigation strategies to AT&T personnel.
25 Change Management
To maintain the integrity of the security infrastructure, AT&T uses documented change
management processes to submit, approve, and report change requests. A new change
request initiates scheduling of a maintenance activity and approval processing. Change
requests must receive the appropriate approvals prior to being performed.
The scope of the AT&T change management program includes, but is not limited to:
Installing, removing, or modifying software
Modifying configuration parameters including Operating System (OS) and
security logging and security parameters
Upgrading to a new release level
Installing patches or fixes
Invasive system or process testing
Changes to application software
Changes to hardware (physical and virtual)
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Changes to the network or network elements (physical and virtual)
26 Security Status Checking and Vulnerability Testing
26.1 Security Status Checking
Status Checking is performed by centralized tools on a regular basis to review and
verify system security
settings, computer resource security settings and status, and
users having security
administrative authority or system authority.
Verification of authorized software compliance
Status Checking includes the testing of network elements to verify the proper level of
security patches, and to confirm that only required system processes are active.
Validation of server compliance to AT&T security policy is conducted on a regular basis
on AT&T servers.
26.2 Vulnerability Testing and Security Analysis
Vulnerability Testing is performed by authorized personnel to determine whether controls
can be
bypassed to obtain any unauthorized access.
Vulnerability tests to evaluate the level of safeguards on network components are
performed on a varying frequency based on the risk of compromise and other factors,
utilizing authorized
leading-edge testing tools.
Vulnerability scans are conducted on networks, computer hosts and applications
by AT&T at regular intervals as directed by AT&T security policies using AT&T-
developed tools and leading-edge scan tools from recognized commercial software
Network or computer security analysis is commonly referred to as intrusion testing,
penetration testing, sweeps, profiling, and/or vulnerability analysis. Performing securit y
of the AT&T networks or computers or applications is the responsibility of AT&T.
Performance of security analysis by Customers is expressly prohibited unless written approval
has been obtained from AT&T.
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26.3 Security Status Reporting
Information regarding the security status of the AT&T infrastructure a nd services is managed
and communicated on a need-to-know basis. Results of security health checking and
vulnerability testing are tracked and reported by the security programs responsible for
compliance management of those activities. Security status, as well as progress on security
initiatives, is combined with threat intelligence gathered through trend analysis and reported
to security organization executives.
Security program managers share security status information to promote alignment of
program objectives and prioritization of efforts. This disciplined sharing of security status
information and reporting enables AT&T to achieve synergy and cooperation among security
teams and appropriate management attention to the AT&T overall security posture.
27 Compliance
27.1 Security Compliance Reviews
AT&T conducts regular internal reviews of operations and applications functions for
compliance with AT&T Security Policy and Requirements (ASPR). AT&T considers such
reviews as essential to evaluating the adherence to the established security procedures
worldwide. Results of these reviews are reported to AT&T regional security managers and
executive management. Results of routine internal reviews are not typically shared with
Customers, except as warranted by applicable auditing standards
Security reviews may be facilitated or conducted by the AT&T Chief Security Office; by a
business area sponsor of a product, service, or supplier or partner relationship; or by an
operations team responsible for life-cycle service management. Business and operations
are encouraged to perform self-reviews to verify compliance with published security
An internal review of compliance with security requirements is a comprehensive review of an
organizations adherence to regulatory guidelines and internal policies, controls, and
procedures, as applicable. Security auditors or assessors evaluate the strength and
thoroughness of compliance. Assessors review security policies, user access controls and risk
management procedures over the course of a compliance engagement and report the
to all key stakeholders.
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27.2 Internal and External Reviews and Audits
In addition to the security compliance reviews, AT&T conducts regular internal and external
reviews to assess compliance with regulatory, industry, corporate governance, and privacy
requirements. For certain Services, AT&T retains external auditors for audits and
certifications of AT&Ts security practices and controls against various standards, such as
Sarbanes-Oxley, SSAE18/ISAE3402, and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard
(DSS), the Information Security Standard (ISO/IEC 27001), and the Quality Management
Standard (ISO 9001) in the following areas within AT&T: Network Operations, Supply Chain,
and Government Solutions).
AT&T has adopted the Statement on Standards for Attestations Engagements (SSAE) in
conjunction with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE). SSAE
18/ISAE 3402 standard as the professional standard for service organizations to obtain an
independent assessment about the effectiveness of internal controls that are relevant to
our Customer's financial statements. An examination under this standard signifies that a
service organization has had its control objectives and control activities, including controls
over information technology and related processes, examined by an independent
accounting and auditing firm. A formal report containing the auditor's opinion, detailed
control descriptions, and test results is issued to the service organization at the end of the
examination. This formal report is referred to as a Service Organization Control (SOC)
AT&T plays multiple roles in PCI compliance - one being a Merchant and the other being a
Service Provider. AT&T serves as Merchant because it accepts credit cards as payment for
goods and/or services. AT&T serves as a Service Provider as it may store, process, or
transmit cardholder data on the entitys behalf or serve as a managed service provider that
manages components of the entity’s cardholder data environment, such as routers, firewalls,
databases, physical security, and/or servers.
Additional information about external audits and certifications relevant to the Services is
available from the Customers AT&T account team upon request. AT&T will provide
applicable audit reports to Customers that AT&T undertakes as part of its general business
operations. Such reports are AT&T’s Confidential Information and will be subject to
restrictions on use and disclosure.
AT&T will engage in general security discussions with client executive representatives to
address questions or concerns from their Customers or the Customers auditors. However,
security reviews conducted by AT&T Customers or their representatives are only permitted
under specific terms and conditions, including non-disclosure, and require express written
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authorization from AT&T concerning the scope and frequency; a fee may be charged as well
to cover the cost.
27.3 Compliance with Standards and Regulations
AT&T's Code of Business Conduct is the foundation for how we do business, and how we
treat each other and our Customers. The Code puts our values in action and guides us to the
right decisions every day. Each employee is responsible for being familiar with the
information in this Code and for following the Code and the Company's policies and
AT&T possesses sensitive, detailed information about our Customers, who rely on AT&T to
safeguard that information. Laws and regulations tell us how to treat such data. Any
inappropriate use of confidential Customer information violates our Customers' trust and
may also violate a law or regulation. Preserving our Customers' trust by safeguarding their
private data is essential to our reputation. We are diligent about following the laws and
regulations that relate to our business. The Company's internal policies and procedures
support and clarify these laws and regulations and facilitate our compliance. Our business
has grown into many parts of the world. While our goal is to conduct business consistently
across the globe and in accordance with the principles of this Code, we adjust our practices
to comply with the laws and requirements of our diverse markets.
AT&T complies with legal, regulatory data protection and privacy controls relevant to its
services in the countries where we do business (e.g., GDPR, CCPA). AT&T processes and
programs are designed to support external corporate compliance regulations (e.g.,
Sarbanes-Oxley, ISO 27001, and Payment Card Industry certifications), as well as with
standards applicable to AT&T commercial activities.
Subject to availability, AT&T offers custom network services as well as managed security
products and services that can support Customer compliance with certain regulations in
applicable countries. Examples include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) in the United States, and security standards as specified through governing
bodies such as the European Union. To the extent that AT&T personnel require access to
information subject to privacy regulations, such information is used only for rendering
service to the Customer, network management, service assurance, or as the Customer has
otherwise expressly authorized.
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28 Business Continuity Management
Planning for and responding to crises is something that AT&T performs on a routine basis.
The company has extensive experience responding to a wide variety of situations, both
anticipated and unanticipated situations.
AT&T maintains a Business Continuity Management Program (Program) to help prevent or
mitigate service disruptions and aims to respond to any loss of essential AT&T business
processes or AT&T services as quickly and safely as practicable. A global team of industry-
leading, certified, and experienced business continuity experts are responsible for the
implementation of the risk-based approach to document, certify, and maintain business
resumption plans on an annual basis or as business conditions require greater frequency.
The Program is ISO 22301 certified, initially obtained in 2015 under the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security Voluntary Private Sector Preparedness Program (PS-Prep™). Maintaining
this recertification demonstrates AT&T’s continued commitment to resume business
operations and customer service delivery in the vital hours and days after a disaster strikes.
AT&T is also aligned and/or certified to the:
Disaster Recovery Institute International Professional Practices
CTIA, as part of its Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Program
National Incident Management System
ISO 27001 pertaining to Information Security Management
29 Network Disaster Recovery
AT&Ts Network Disaster Recovery (NDR) team provides recovery solutions and support for
Network disaster responses in the U.S. and across AT&T’s Most of World (MoW) service areas.
NDR’s inventory includes portable generators, emergency communications assets, telco
technology recovery trailers, hazmat response trucks, and a broad array of logistical support
equipment including command centers, fuel trailers, and bunk trailers.
NDRs technology, asset management, and emergency communication teams are continually
evaluating emerging technologies that will improve our readiness to respond. NDR partners
with other AT&T Network organizations to provide proactive disaster response solutions.
NDR maintains and stages assets at more than twenty warehouses and equipment yards
allowing for a rapid response across AT&Ts service footprint.
NDR’s core team ensures the physical and technological readiness of the recovery equipment
to enable asset deployment anywhere in the U.S. and worldwide7x24x365. NDR uses a large
pool of AT&T employees from across all business units to be emergency responders during
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times of need. They physically deploy, turn-up, and recover the assets as needed; that
capability is built and sustained using hands-on training exercises.
30 Privacy
Customer information is accessible only to those authorized to access and view it. AT&T has
implemented a six-tiered Information Classification framework for categorizing information
based on sensitivity of the content and legal requirements. Document markings are
specified for each data classification to identify the means and levels of protection required
to safeguard information in each classification.
Customer information managed by AT&T is protected by a standard privacy policy applicable
to all employees and contractors, and a Code of Business Conduct that includes
consequences for an employee’s violation of obligations to protect personally identifiable
information. AT&T personnel receive periodic awareness and compliance training to
reinforce the Company’s privacy standards.
Certain Customer information managed by AT&T, as defined by applicable contract terms,
or classified as Sensitive Personal Information (SPI), such as Social Security numbers, credit
card numbers and mobile device location, is given significant protection, including
encryption (where permitted by law) when stored on AT&T networks.
AT&T employs information and data destruction and sanitization procedures to physically
destroy, shred, erase or wipe electronic and physical media used to store proprietary data and
information in accordance with commercially accepted practices when the media is no longer
required for business purposes or hard copy leaves the control of the company. Equipment
containing storage media are checked so that any proprietary data and licensed software has
been removed or securely overwritten prior to disposal.
The AT&T Chief Privacy Office maintains the AT&T privacy policy. This privacy policy is
available at ( Compliance with legal and regulatory privacy
requirements is addressed in the Internal and External Reviews and Auditssection.
31 Strategy of Continuous Advancements
The world of networked computing - especially for today’s mobile, always-connected devices
and applications, as well as cloud environments - is fast moving and highly dynamic. Thus,
AT&T is continually advancing security through active security research and development
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programs, involvement in standards organizations, tracking of industry developments, and
evaluation of new security technologies and products. New tools and systems are regularly
evaluated and deployed as necessary. New security architectures, taking advantage of the
latest advances in virtualization, artificial intelligence, and networking, are designed and
implemented to protect the mobility-and-cloud-based enterprise in the era of large scale,
sophisticated attacks.
32 Customer Security Responsibilities
AT&T Customers are responsible for establishing and implementing appropriate technical and
organizational policies and procedures to safeguard its data and sensitive information against
unauthorized access or use, and
any connection to the AT&T Global Network from loss,
disclosure, unauthorized access, or service
disruption. The Customer is expected to promptly
notify AT&T of any actual or suspected s ecurity
incidents or vulnerabilities relating to AT&T
services of which the Customer becomes aware.
Customer programs should address, at a minimum, physical, and logical security, and
of data. The Customer should designate a member of its management team
to be the owner of its
security policy and program. The Customer's security obligations
include, but are not limited to:
Responsibility for protecting the Customer's confidential information from disclosure.
Responsibility for the management of Customer data, content and transaction
stored on or transmitted over the AT&T Global Network, e.g., backup and
restoration of
data, erasing data from disk space that the Customer controls.
Responsibility for the selection and use of appropriate services, security features, and
options to meet the Customer's business and security requirements, such as
encryption to
protect privacy of personal information.
Responsibility for developing and maintaining appropriate management and security
procedures, such as, physical, and logical access controls and processes, (e.g.,
logon security, including unique user identifications and
passwords/pins/tokens complying
with prudent security policies) on any Customer
provisioned and managed networked
devices and systems.
For "Client Managed" Customers who retain administrative control of their
environment or
portions thereof, sole responsibility for their own patch management,
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including the review,
assessment, and application of patches. Under these
circumstances, the Customer assumes
all risks due to vulnerability exploitation,
including any additional usage charges due to such
incidents. AT&T may disconnect a
"Client Managed" Customer from the network if AT&T
finds them to be infected with
a virus or other malicious code such that AT&T or its other
Customers could be placed
at risk. If they choose, "Client Managed" Customers may
upgrade their service level to
"AT&T Managed", in which case AT&T network and
information security policies and
procedures will then apply.
Responsibility for the protection and physical security of devices and systems on the
Customer's premises, including preventing unauthorized sensors, sniffers, and
devices from being installed in the Customer's premises.
Responsibility to ensure no security testing or scanning, etc., sourced by the Customer
occurs on network or application components outside the responsibility and
ownership of
the Customer.
Responsibility to ensure that its end users comply with applicable laws and with the
AT&T Acceptable Use Policy (found at in
using any service
offered by AT&T that is provided over or includes access to the
Responsibility for the acts and omissions of the Customer's end users of any service
obtained from AT&T.
Responsibility to notify AT&T promptly of any security breaches detected by the
related to the services provided by AT&T.
Many country laws (for example, in the United States) prohibit unauthorized access to data
transmitted over a public network or commercial carrier (e.g., Internet) and unsecured
lines (e.g., cellular, radio or satellite). However, these open transmission services
offer increased
opportunity for unauthorized parties to discreetly obtain transmitted data.
Consequently, all
transmitted data containing information that Customer wants to protect
should be encrypted when
transmitted across such networks or lines. Responsibility for
encryption of data traffic is solely the
responsibility of the Customer data owner.
AT&T serves customers with widely varying privacy and security requirements. These include
agencies of federal, state, and local governments and, in addition, firms in the financial and
health care sectors covered by industry specific laws and regulations requiring the
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protection of personal and private information. AT&T complies with all legal and regulatory
privacy controls relevant to network services. We recognize that our customers are not only
required to protect such information but also may have duties to document the manner in
which they and their providers have done so.
AT&T expects that customers specifications will include specific line-item level requirements
regarding compliance with special laws and regulations, to the extent that these laws and
regulations apply to AT&T’s provision of services. While some obligations are owned by
AT&T, others are owned by the customer, so it is the customers responsibility to define
custom requirements to meet their needs. The specific manner in which we meet customer
requirements will depend on the nature of the networks, products, and services we are
asked to provide. We view these specific requirements as matters of network, product, and
service design.
33 Summary
AT&T is one of the world’s largest communications companies and is recognized as a leading
provider of IP-based communication services to businesses and consumers. AT&T views
security as a process, driven by management direction/directives, by user awareness, and
supported by expert skills and
advanced technology. The security policies, programs and
initiatives outlined throughout this
document are administered worldwide by AT&T’s Chief
Security Office.
This document provides an overview of AT&T security policies and programs and how they
designed to safeguard AT&T Customers and their data while managed by AT&T or in
transit on an
AT&T network. This document also provides a summary of the Customer's
security responsibilities to
protect their greatest assets and heightens their awareness of
why they should implement security
34 Appendix
34.1 AT&T Managed Services
AT&T Managed Services take advantage of the security of the AT&T global Internet
Protocol/Multi-Protocol Label Switching (IP/MPLS) network. MPLS technology enables
the creation of feature-rich
network-based services coupled with AT&T management
expertise, tools, and automation. AT&T Network-based managed services include
AT&T Virtual Private Network (AT&TVPN) Service, AT&T Dedicated Internet, and AT&T
Flexware Service and AT&T SD-WAN
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AT&T Virtual Private Network (AVPN) Service is a network-based IP VPN solution
that provides a menu of transport capabilities in over 195+ countries.. It combines the
flexibility of Ethernet and IP access with an advanced MPLS core to provide reliable
highly secure Multi-Site connectivity Customers can build an
application-aware VPN to
link global locations, enabling efficient transport of voice, data and
video via a single
connection. This solution supports Customer managed routers and AT&T
firewall and intrusion detection services. AT&T NetBond Service provides a private
virtual IP network connection between a supported cloud service provider and a
supported AT&T network service using Virtual Network Connections (VNCs) provided
by AT&T.
AT&T Dedicated Internet helps Customers consolidate management of
Internet applications with high-speed dedicated access, optimized performance and
security. This service provides proactive 24x7 network monitoring, enhanced network
security features, and maintenance of the communications links between Customer
and the AT&T network. Customers can select a completely AT&T-managed
solution or can
choose to self-manage components of their Internet solution.
AT&T FlexWare (previously known as AT&T Network Functions on Demand) is a
managed service that allows Customers to deploy and use one or more Virtual
Network Functions in conjunction with associated AT&T Equipment which may be
included in the Customer’s solution. Virtual Network Functions are networking
capabilities, such as routing, SD-WAN and firewall that have traditionally been
implemented in single-purpose hardware appliances and can now run as virtualized
software instances at various Sites across the Customer’s network.
AT&T SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) is a networking approach
that uses a centralized control function incorporating user defined application and
routing policies, to provide highly secure, dynamic, application-aware network traffic
management and is available in various connectivity types to fit Customer’s business
needs. This solution can provide centralized management of the network giving
Customers visibility into network and applications performance, allowing more
control of the network as well as costs and capital expenditures.
34.2 AT&T Security Products and Services
AT&T offers managed security products and services to its Customers, designed to assess
protect their vital network infrastructure. Our cybersecurity platform is equipped with tools,
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processes and people with the necessary expertise to help Customers prevent, detect, and respond
to evolving threats. In addition, with AT&T Cybersecurity Consulting solutions, AT&T has the
flexibility and expertise to custom
design solutions to meet Customer needs. AT&T Managed
Security Products and Services
AT&T Managed Threat Detection and Response ( MTDR) is a sophisticated managed
detection and response (MDR) service that helps you to detect and respond to
advanced threats, both on premises and in the cloud. It builds on our decades of
expertise in managed security services, our award-winning Unified Security
Management (USM) platform for threat detection and response, and AT&T Alien Labs
threat intelligence. Managed Threat Detection and Response has a dedicated security
operations center (SOC), providing 24 x 7 proactive security monitoring, alarm
validation and incident investigation, and security orchestration and incident
response automation.
USM Anywhere™ delivers powerful threat detection, incident response, and
compliance management in one unified platform. It combines the essential
security capabilities needed for effective security monitoring across your
cloud and on-premises environments: asset discovery, vulnerability
assessment, intrusion detection, endpoint detection and response, user and
entity behavior analytics (UEBA), SIEM log management, continuous threat
intelligence, playbooks, automation and orchestration.
USM Anywhere™ Advisors provides for reactive support, including platform
tuning, configuration, and incident investigations, for a pre-defined number of
monthly hours. This is available for clients using USM Anywhere to manage
their security environment but need a bit of help at times to optimize their
AT&T Threat Detection and Response for Government is FedRAMP authorized
at the Moderate Impact Level and built on our award-winning Unified Security
Management (USM) platform, which combines threat detection, incident
response, and compliance management. Featuring built-in integrations with other
IT and security tools, our single-pane-of-glass view provides visibility across your
environment, both on-premises and in the cloud. AT&T Threat Detection and
Response for Government is faster to deploy and easier to use than other threat
platforms, allowing your security teams to begin discovering threats sooner.
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AT&T DDoS Defense is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack
identification and mitigation
capability within the AT&T network cloud providing
increased protection from malicious traffic by eliminating it before it reaches the
Customer’s network.
AT&T Authentication Verification Services (AAVS) is a service that provides
enterprises with consented access to AT&T mobiles subscriber data to
authenticate a user through the use of subscriber, device data, and network data.
The service is delivered as a network-based service via Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs) and allows enterprises to integrated fraud defense into new or
existing applications and processes
AT&T Premises-Based Firewall Service is a managed network security service
that provides the first layer of defense between a local area network (LAN) and
the Internet. Premises-Based Firewall Service includes all hardware and software
components, configuration, installation, and day-to-day management and
maintenance backed by expert customer support and proactive network
monitoring. Email and Web Security Solutions include AT&T Secure Network
Gateway Service, an
integrated, turnkey security solution allowing Customers to
bundle AT&T Network-Based Firewall
Service, and AT&T Web Security Service on
one convenient
contract and bill. The service offers a single pricing schedule with
multiple service and term discounts. AT&T Web Security offers URL blocking and
application filtering of malware for Web
traffic with real-time reporting of service
AT&T Endpoint Security Services encompass a variety of Endpoint Protection,
Endpoint Detection & Response, Unified Endpoint Management and Mobile Threat
Defense solutions helping customers secure and manage endpoints running
Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. These solutions use threat intelligence
& research as well as advanced Machine Learning methods to identify and stop
attacks including Ransomware and other malware. These solutions also notify OS
vendors and users of required OS upgrades, patches or other remediation actions.
The management solutions work in conjunction with the security solutions to
help enforce security policies across traditional (Windows/macOS), servers
(Linux) and mobile (Android/iOS) endpoints. AT&T Endpoint Security Services
serve organizations of all sizes in Commercial and Public Sector market segments.
AT&T Government Trusted Internet - A fully managed, CISA-compliant, and
scalable cloud-delivered security service, AT&T Government Trusted Internet
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adheres to the TIC 3.0 initiative while providing security protection for federal
agency connections. In addition to significant security capabilities, AT&T
Government Trusted Internet includes a multitude of capabilities, including the
CISA standard on TIC capabilities and optional Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)
with 24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC) and Security Operations and Analysis
Center (SOAC). AT&T Government Trusted Internet uses AT&T Direct Internet
(ADI) as its transport mechanism for branch offices. Features apply to traffic that
has been forwarded to the service.
o Next-Gen Firewall (FWaaS)
o Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
o AT&T Secure Web Gateway
o Enhanced protection from unknown threats with cloud protection
o Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
o Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) functionalities
o Threat detection with advanced analysis
o IPsec VPN and SSL decryption
o Traffic logging for visibility, compliance, and correlation
o Threat correlation with OTX
o URL filtering
o Transparent DNS security
o Traditional use case security features available under AT&T MTIPS
Cybersecurity Consulting Services provide Risk Advisory Services, Cyber
Operations and Cyber as a Service (CaaS). Solutions range from security strategy
development, program design, technical assessments that help evaluate security
posture, strategy, risk & compliance consulting, security operations consulting
including vulnerability management, and security response consulting including
incident response, remediation, and post mortem analysis that help
align security
with business objectives, assessments that help evaluate security posture and
compliance requirements and technical security assessments from a
network and application
perspective to keep abreast of the threat environment.
The increasing frequency, sophistication, and ever-changing nature of cyber
intrusions and data breaches continually challenge organizations' cyber
mitigation and risk management teams. Cybersecurity expertise can help
organizations handle the scale and complexity of their cybersecurity needs.
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Tailored to your specific business environment and requirements, AT&T
Cybersecurity Consulting Services address the essential elements of
cybersecurity, from strategy, governance, and enterprise risk management to
controls architecture, implementation, and management.
Our solutions, powered by AT&T Alien Labs Threat Intelligence, focus on aligning
business objectives and IT needs to fit your organization with Information
Security and Risk Management. These services provide comprehensive analysis of
your security requirements against industry standards and best practices,
prioritize risks and identify controls and remediation opportunities.
AT&T Cybersecurity Consulting also provides a suite of infrastructure, security
operations, transformation, threat management and vulnerability services. These
services improve security operations to allow organizations to accelerate
adoption of emerging technologies, prioritize resource allocation and provide
better orchestration across the security fabric.
They also help resolve all aspects and impacts of cyber breaches with technical
investigation, forensics, containment and recovery. An incident response team
can help improve time to containment and prevent threats with experts who
know the organizations and environment.
At AT&T, we help organizations minimize risks, manage security operations
effectively and work toward compliance requirements are met.
AT&T Cybersecurity Consulting Services can help you:
o Connect the Business and Security Goals
o Drive Faster, More Efficient Security Response
o Know and Improve Your Security Posture
Our services address regulations such as:
o ISO 27001/27002
o FISMA/Fed Ramp
AT&T Cybersecurity Consulting helps provide edge-to-edge security solutions in
today’s evolving threat landscape with a multi-layered approach.
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Vulnerability Management AT&T Consulting will utilize best in class
vulnerability tools along with a risk-based assessment to implement and manage
a vulnerability program customized to your needs.
Risk Management AT&T Consulting can assist with an effective risk
management program operated in close alignment with business goals to include
risk and strategy.
Incident Response -AT&T Consulting can conduct an investigation or
supplement internal cybersecurity and legal teams.
Security Operations- AT&T Consulting can transform your Security Operations
Center (SOC) with next-generation security technologies including defining
service goals, assess current environments, identify remediation opportunities,
and develop your roadmap.
Compliance- AT&T Consulting can help you adhere to regulatory compliance
requirements and meet strategic business objectives in a cost-effective manner.
Emerging Technology- AT&T Consulting will provide guidance with Mobility,
Cloud security strategy, IoT Security, and Security innovation.
For further information on AT&T Consulting, ask your account team or visit
These products and services may not be available in all regions. For more information on
these and
other products and services, please visit or contact
your AT&T account team.