This General Retention and Disposal Schedule covers records commonly maintained by public
and charter schools, school districts, and intermediate school districts. This schedule
supersedes the schedule that was approved on December 7, 2010. The records that are
described on the attached pages are deemed necessary (1) for the continued effective
operation of Michigan government, (2) to constitute an adequate and proper recording of its
activities, and (3) to protect the legal rights of the government of the State of Michigan and of
the people. This schedule meets the administrative, legal, fiscal and archival requirements of
the State of Michigan.
Table of Contents Page 1
General Administrative Pages 2 - 3 100 - 109
Superintendent/Board of Education Pages 4 - 6 200 - 220
Business Office Pages 7 - 11 300 - 331
Personnel Pages 12 - 16 400 - 424
Payroll Pages 17 - 18 500 - 511
Pupil Accounting Pages 19 - 20 600 - 608
Instruction Page 21 700 - 703
Information Technology Pages 22 - 23 800 - 808
Security/Public Safety Page 24 900 - 908
Facility Operations Pages 25 - 26 1000 - 1011
Food Service Pages 27 - 29 1100 - 1122
Transportation Pages 30 - 31 1200 - 1211
Television Services Page 32 1300 - 1304
Schools - Student Records Pages 33 - 34 1400 - 1412
Schools - Building Administration Pages 35 - 37 1500 - 1521
Schools - Guidance Counseling Page 38 1600 - 1603
Schools - Special Education Page 39 1700 - 1702
Schools - Early Childhood Education Page 40 1800 - 1802
Schools - Library Page 41 1900
Schools - Athletics Page 42 2000 - 2006
Professional Development Page 43 2100 - 2104
Community Education Page 44 2200 – 2204
Record Retention Guide Pages 45 - 49
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
0100- Subject
Title Series Description
These records document various topics, issues,
projects, or activities that an agency or employee
is involved in. They may include, but may not be
limited to, topical reference files about issues,
strategic planning files for the agency or specific
initiatives, special project files (including final
reports), budget documents, audit documents,
and development files for policies, press releases,
publications, and forms. Document types may
include topical correspondence, memoranda,
reports, research, articles, meeting notes, and
related background materials.
Retention Period
Topical file is no
longer of interest
for ongoing
PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
0101- Correspondence
Files - These records document correspondence
received or sent that is not pertinent to an active
project, matter, or case being handled by the
agency. They may include, but may not be limited
to, requests for information that do require
administrative action, a policy decision, special
compilation of research, analysis, or referral
correspondence. This series also includes
correspondence indexing and tracking tools.
PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
Date 4/11/2023
0102- Transitory Records These records document agency activities that
have temporary value and do not need to be
retained once their intended purpose has been
fulfilled. They may include, but may not be
limited to, routine requests for information that
require no: administrative action, policy decision,
special compilation of research; requests or
matters that are addressed by creating other
records; and reminders.
Activity is
THEN: Destroy
0103- Meeting Records
Agency Staff and
- Internal
These records document meetings that are
internal to a school district, between district
employees and parents, and between multiple
districts. They may include, but may not be
limited to, meeting minutes, agendas, recordings,
and distribution materials. This series does not
apply to meetings of the school board and its
subcommittees (see item #200).
PLUS: 2 years
THEN: Destroy
Date 4/11/2023
0104- Planners and Calendars
These records document an individual employee's
work-related meetings, assignments, and tasks.
They may include, but may not be limited to,
appointments, meetings, calendars, and planners.
Event date
PLUS: 2 years
THEN: Destroy
0105- Freedom of Information
(FOIA) Request Records
These records document requests for information
and public records maintained by state agencies.
They may include requests for information,
correspondence, a copy of the information
released, and billing documentation. [MCL
Response is sent,
request is denied
PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
General 0106- Budget Planning Records These records document each department's RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
forecast of the need for new facilities, equipment,
longer needed to
supplies, staff, programs, etc. They may include, administer the
but may not be limited to, budget requests, and budget for the
statistics current fiscal year,
and to prepare
future budget
THEN: Destroy
General 0107- Grant Files These records document the administration of RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Administrative grants that are applied for by the school district Grant is closed out,
from state, federal and private agencies. plus any additional
Examples of grants include the Consolidated time that is
Application for Federal Funding (Title I, II, III, V), required by the
Section 31A grants from the Michigan granting agency for
Department of Education, Safe and Drug Free auditing purposes
Schools grants from the ISD, Homeland Security, THEN: Destroy
Michigan School Readiness, and Gates
Foundation grants. They may include, but may
not be limited to, applications, budgets,
worksheets, adjustments, plans, rules and
regulations, award letters, committee records,
staffing sheets with account numbers, grant
evaluation and monitoring reports, audits, and
periodic progress reports.
General 0108- Publications These records may include press releases, RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Administrative brochures, newsletters, and other items that are School district is
published by the school district to distribute dissolved
information about upcoming events, THEN: Transfer to
accomplishments, services offered, etc. the Archives of
General 0109- Policies, Procedures, and These records document school district policies, RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Administrative Directives procedures, etc. (including those approved by the Replaced by a new
school board). version
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Superintendent and 0200- Board of Education Meeting These records document the proceedings of the RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education Records - Open Sessions school district’s Board of Education and any School district is
subcommittees or advisory committees to the dissolved
board. They may include, but may not be limited THEN: Transfer to
to, approved minutes and agenda packets the Archives of
containing any materials that are distributed to Michigan
board members for review (such as budgets,
district calendars, policies, contracts, election
resolutions, etc.).
Superintendent and 0200A- Board of Education Meeting These records document the proceedings of the RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education
school district’s Board of Education and any Minutes are
Recordings subcommittees or advisory committees to the approved
board. They may include, but may not be limited THEN: Destroy
to, audio and/or video recordings of the meeting.
Superintendent and 0201- Board of Education Meeting These records document the official activities of RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education Records - Closed Session the district's Board of Education. They may Approval of the
include, but may not be limited to, approved minutes of the
meeting minutes, agendas, audio and video regular meeting at
recordings, and other supporting documentation which the closed
related to closed meeting sessions only. [MCL session was held
15.267(2)] PLUS: 1 year, and 1
THEN: Destroy
Superintendent and 0202- Notices of a Public Meeting These records document the posting of notices RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education that a public meeting will be held in compliance Meeting is held or
with the Open Meetings Act (MCL 15.265). They cancelled
may include, but may not be limited to, posted PLUS: 1 year
notices of any meeting, including annual THEN: Destroy
schedules and special meetings.
Superintendent and 0203- Board Member Files These records document people who served on RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education the district’s Board of Education. They may Individual is no
include, but may not be limited to, petitions, longer serving as a
conference and training requests, and member of the
correspondence. board
THEN: Destroy
Superintendent and 0204- Board Candidate Records These records document people who ran for RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Board of Education vacant school board seats. They may include, but created
may not be limited to, affidavit of identity, PLUS: 2 years
petition sheets, correspondence, election THEN: Destroy
certificate, and receipts for the nominating
Superintendent and 0205- Millage Files These records document millage proposals. They RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Board of Education may include, but may not be limited to, created
presentations, research, budgetary documents, PLUS: 2 years
ballot language, attorney opinions, and board THEN: Destroy
Superintendent and
Board of Education
0206- Election Results (obsolete) These records document
each school election and
Canvassers certification.
the final vote count for
include the Board of
These records
covered by GS
Superintendent and
Board of Education
0207- Election Returns (obsolete) These records document voting activity during a
school district election. They may include, but
may not be limited to, poll lists, statements, tally
sheets, absent voters’ applications, absent voters’
These records are
covered by GS
23.223, 23.233,
return envelopes, absent voters’ records, and
other returns made by inspectors of the precincts.
(MCL 168.811).
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Superintendent and
Board of Education
0208- Election Ballots (obsolete) These records document the votes that were cast
during a school district election. They may
include, but may not be limited to, ballots, seals,
These records
covered by GS
ballot tags, ballot labels from voting machines,
and ballot pages from punch card devices.
Superintendent and
Board of Education
0209- Election Notice
Records These records document notices that a school
district election will be held. They may include,
but may not be limited to, notices of the last day
These records
covered by GS
of registration, and notices of election.
Superintendent and 0210- Property Transfer Records These records document when land is added and RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Board of Education
removed from a school district’s boundaries. They
may include, but may not be limited to, boundary PLUS: 50 years
change forms, correspondence, decisions, THEN: Destroy
appeals, hearing schedules, legal descriptions of
the property, and maps.
Superintendent and 0211- District Boundary Maps These records document school district and ISD RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education boundaries and plats. They are used to identify Replaced by a new
boundary corrections. version
THEN: Destroy
Superintendent and 0212-
These records document the reorganization, RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Board of Education or Annexation Records consolidation, or annexation of a school district. created
They may include, but may not be limited to, PLUS: 50 years
copies of board resolutions, election results, THEN: Destroy
maps, correspondence, and supporting
Superintendent and 0213- Annual Report Records These records document Annual Education RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education Improvement Plans and Progress Reports that are School district is
published by each school district in accordance dissolved
with the provisions of Public Act 25 of THEN: Transfer to
1990, federal No Child Left Behind legislation, and
the Archives of
MCL 388.1619.
Superintendent and 0214- Security Access Records These records document school district personnel RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education who are authorized to access the Michigan Authorization is
Education Information System (MEIS) and other revoked
computer systems operated by the State of THEN: Destroy
Michigan to submit and access information about
the school district.
Superintendent and 0215- Speech Files These records document official presentations RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Board of Education conducted by the Superintendent. They may longer of use for
include, but may not be limited to, electronic preparing future
presentations, speaker notes, and formal papers. presentations, or
for documenting
significant events
THEN: Destroy
Superintendent and 0216- Superintendent’s Building These records document issues, activities and RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Board of Education Reference Files events taking place at each building in the school longer of use for
district. They may include staff information, reference to the
project records, and correspondence. Superintendent
THEN: Destroy
Superintendent and 0217- Graphic Design Records These records document the production of RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Board of Education publications and may log each project that is longer needed to
worked on. produce current
and future
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Superintendent and 0218- Special Event and Activity These records document events and activities of RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education Records the school district. They may include, but may not School district is
be limited to, photographs, news clippings, dissolved
certificates, awards. THEN: Transfer to
the Archives of
Superintendent and 0219- Third Party Subpoenas These records document subpoenas or other RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education
court orders that an agency responds to when it is
Requested records
not a party to the litigation but is required to are produced
produce records. They may include, but may not PLUS: 1 year
be limited to, subpoenas, orders, THEN: Destroy
correspondence, copies of the produced records,
and documentation of redactions for production.
Superintendent and 0220- School District Governance These records document the establishment and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Board of Education Records governance of the school district. They may School district is
include, but may not be limited to, bylaws, dissolved
charters, and articles of incorporation. THEN: Transfer to
the Archives of
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item
Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Business Office 0300- Insurance Policy Files These records document insurance policies that
provide coverage for property and casualty,
workers compensation, errors and omission,
fleet, general liability, umbrella, etc.
Expiration date
PLUS: 30 years
THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0301- Insurance Claim Files
These records document claims that are
submitted to an insurance provider. They may
include, but may not be limited to, claim forms,
correspondence, and supporting documents for
each claim that is submitted.
Fiscal year ends
PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0302A- Accident Reports
Files - Adults
and Claim
These records document accident reports for
personal injuries, property damage claims, and
other incidents provide details about any
unexpected incidents on school premises or
property. The reports may list the location of the
accident, description of the accident, first aid
administration, witnesses, person injured, type of
injury or property damage, actions taken,
recommendations to prevent reoccurrence, etc.
They may include, but may not be limited to,
reports, witness statements, medical information,
legal counsel, and subsequent claims.
PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
Date 4/11/2023
Business Office 0302B- Accident Reports
Files - Minors
and Claim
These records document accident reports for
personal injuries, property damage claims, and
other incidents provide details about any
unexpected incidents on school premises or
property. The reports may list the location of the
accident, description of the accident, first aid
administration, witnesses, person injured, type of
injury or property damage, actions taken,
recommendations to prevent reoccurrence, etc.
They may include, but may not be limited to,
reports, witness statements, medical information,
legal counsel, and subsequent claims.
Minor turns 18
years old
PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0303- Bid and Quote Files These records document bids that are received
from vendors for products and services that the
school district needs for construction, furnishings,
grounds maintenance, trash and snow removal,
cleaning services, food, transportation, etc. They
may include, but may not be limited to,
Invitations to Bid, bid documents that are
is awarded
PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
Bid 4/11/2023
submitted, and reviewer documentation.
Business Office 0304- Contract Files These records document contracts that cover a
variety of products and services including
construction, custodial work, copiers, facility
rental, Internet providers, maintenance, wiring,
telephone services, employment, land, etc. They
may include, but may not be limited to, contracts,
correspondence with the vendor, warranties, and
copies of purchase orders.
Expiration date
PLUS: 6 years
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Business Office 0305- Litigation Files These records document any litigation to which RETAIN UNTIL: Case 4/11/2023
the school district is a party. They may include, is closed
but may not be limited to, depositions, PLUS: 5 years
transcripts, decisions, correspondence, data, THEN: Destroy
exhibits, research materials, reports, press
releases, and media clippings.
Business Office 0306- Tax Levy Certification and
These records document the amount of taxes that
RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Reconciliation Files will be collected, based upon the millage rate and Fiscal year ends
the taxable value. They may include, but may not PLUS: 7 years
be limited to, L-4029 Tax Levy Certification forms, THEN: Destroy
and supporting documentation.
Business Office 0307- Real Property Records These records document all buildings and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
property owned by the school district. They may Property is no
include, but may not be limited to, deeds, longer owned by
easements, surveys, abstracts, appraisals, scope the district
documents projecting work to be done, and as THEN: Destroy
built construction plans.
Business Office 0308- Budget Files These records document the annual budget RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
development process. They may include, but may Fiscal year ends
not be limited to, adopted appropriations for PLUS: 1 year
each account or line item, amendments, funding THEN: Destroy
requests, and “truth in taxation” documents.
Business Office 0309- Accounting Transaction Detail These records document all revenue, RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Data expenditures and balance sheets that are Fiscal year ends
recorded in various accounts maintained by the PLUS: 7 years
school district.
THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0310- Chart of Account Data These records document the accounting codes RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
that are used in the accounting transaction detail Fiscal year ends
(see item #309). PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0311- Receivable Files These records document funds that are received, RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
including the billing for services (such as Fiscal year ends
enrollment payments, facility use, printing, PLUS: 7 years
recreation activities, before and after school THEN: Destroy
programs, transportation, etc.). They may include,
but may not be limited to, invoices that are sent
to departments or groups, supporting
documentation, agreements, gift and donation
forms, and ledgers.
Business Office 0312- Receipt Records These records document deposits into various RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
accounts. They may include, but may not be Fiscal year ends
limited to, cash receipt lists, and receipt registers.
PLUS: 7 years
Information in these records may include the THEN: Destroy
check number, date, receipt number, description,
amount deposited, batch number, account
number, etc.
Business Office 0313- Gate Receipt Records These records document the amount of money RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
that is collected at each athletic event for Fiscal year ends
admission. They may include, but may not be PLUS: 7 years
limited to, date, time, event, competition level, THEN: Destroy
number of adult tickets sold, number of child
tickets sold, and event expenses (ticket takers,
clock operators, etc.
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Business Office 0314- Journal Entry Records These records document transfers between RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
accounts, such as expenses not included in Fiscal year ends
accounts payable, and revenues not in cash PLUS: 7 years
receipts. Transaction balance reports may identify
THEN: Destroy
the account number, account description,
transaction amount, date, journal entry number,
transaction description, etc.
Business Office 0315- Budget Summary and Balance These records document the status of budgetary RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Sheet Records activity on each account. They may include, but longer needed to
may not be limited to, account balances per verify the status of
month and year to date, and activity within the financial accounts
month on each account. THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0316- Payment Records These records document the payment for goods RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
and services. They may include, but may not be Fiscal year ends
limited to, purchase orders, packing slips, PLUS: 7 years
requisitions, and invoices.
THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0317- Telephone and These records document bills that are received RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Communications Bill Records from the telephone and other communications Fiscal year ends
service providers and may be used to generate PLUS: 7 years
bills that are distributed to each department in THEN: Destroy
the school district. These bills may cover services
for telephones, cellular phones, etc.
Business Office 0318- Bank Activity Records These records document activity on the school RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
district’s bank account. They may include, but Fiscal year ends
may not be limited to, deposit slips, PLUS: 7 years
reconciliations, cancelled checks, bank THEN: Destroy
statements, and electronic funds transfer
Business Office 0319- State Cost and Expenditure These records document reports submitted by RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Reporting Records school districts to State of Michigan agencies Fiscal year ends
including the Department of Education (MDE), PLUS: 7 years
the Center for Educational Performance and THEN: Destroy
Information (CEPI), the Department of Licensing
and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), etc. These reports
may document school finances, special education,
grant expenditures, career and technical
education, personnel, buildings, transportation,
Business Office 0320A- Act 18 Fund Records - These records document estimates developed by RETAIN UNTIL: Final 4/11/2023
Estimates ISDs for the distribution of Act 18 special report is approved
education funds. THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0320B- Act 18 Fund Records - Final These records document the final amount of RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Report money that is distributed each year by ISDs for Fiscal year ends
Act 18 special education funds. PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Business Office 0321- Medicaid Records These records document reimbursements to RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
school districts by Medicaid for providing eligible Quarterly Medicaid
services to special education and other students. claim is submitted
These records may include, but may not be PLUS: 7 years
limited to, documentation required by the THEN: Destroy
Michigan Department of Health and Human
Services’ Medicaid Provider Manual,
reimbursement claims, doctors’ prescriptions and
referrals, provider reports, outreach documents,
audit documents, and referral service reports.
Business Office 0322- Investment Records These records document investments made by RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
the school district. They may include, but may not Fiscal year ends
be limited to, statements from investment PLUS: 7 years
accounts that identify the date and amount of THEN: Destroy
each transaction, the maturity and balance of the
account, as well as cash flow and reconcile
statements that summarize the beginning and
ending balance of the account and all transactions
dates and amounts.
Business Office 0323- Municipal Finance and These records document bonds for capital and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Borrowing Records construction projects, including school aid notes, Expiration of the
School Bond Loan Fund, etc. They may include, bond or note
but may not be limited to, transcripts of bond PLUS: 7 years
proceedings, and supporting documentation. THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0324- Final Affidavit of Payment These records document that all funds that were Permanent 4/11/2023
Records borrowed by the school district were paid back in
Business Office 0325- Bond Cremation Records These records document the cremation or Permanent 4/11/2023
disintegration of bonds or interest coupons upon
maturity in compliance with the Bond Cremation
Act (PA 56 of 1962). They may include, but may
not be limited to, certificates documenting the
destruction of the records.
Business Office 0326- Supply Inventory Records These records document the volume of supplies RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
(office, school, maintenance, etc.) that are Fiscal year ends
purchased and used. PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0327- Fixed Asset Inventory Data These records document all major property and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
its book value. School district policy determines Annual report for
the value at which property must be included on the fiscal year in
an inventory. The value of these items is then which the item was
distributed across the useful life of the property. disposed is audited
Data may include, but may not be limited to, a THEN: Destroy
description of the item, value, date purchased,
depreciation amount, insurable value, and
building location.
Business Office 0328- Fixed Asset Annual Report These records document annual reporting RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records requirements for financial statements prepared Fiscal year ends
by state and local governments in compliance PLUS: 7 years
with Government Accounting Standards Board THEN: Destroy
(GASB) Statement 34. They may include, but may
not be limited to, annual reports produced from
the fixed asset inventory.
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Business Office 0329- Audit Records - Supporting These records document audits of school finances RETAIN UNTIL: Final 4/11/2023
Documents that are conducted annually by an independent
report is issued [see
certified public accounting firm. They may OMB Circular A-
include, but may not be limited to, work papers, 133.320 (g)]
schedules, and reconciliations. PLUS: 3 years
THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0330- Audit Records - Final Reports These records document final reports submitted RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
by auditors. School district is
THEN: Destroy
Business Office 0331- Indirect Cost Records These records document annual determinations RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
of the allowable indirect cost rate that the district Fiscal year ends
may charge to various state and federal grants. PLUS: 7 years
The actual indirect cost rates are determined and THEN: Destroy
approved by the Michigan Department of
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Personnel 0400A- Personnel Files and Data These records document each employee of the RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
(supersedes item #401) school district. They may include, but may not be Individual is no
limited to, employee data, Michigan New Hire
longer employed by
forms, resumes, teaching certificates, assignment the school district
letters, continuing education, clippings, PLUS: 6 years
correspondence, service record change forms, THEN: Destroy
attendance, evaluations, applications, tenure
evaluations, investigations, testing, training,
blood borne pathogen training, transcripts,
contracts, disciplinary records, layoff notices,
recall notices, certifications for CPR and first aid,
bus driver certifications, current driver’s licenses,
driving records, and police accident reports.
Personnel 0400B- Personnel Files and Data - These records document employee of the school RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Employees Cited for district who were cited for unprofessional Individual is no
Unprofessional Conduct conduct (MCL 380.1230b). They may include, but
longer employed by
(supersedes item #401) may not be limited to, employee data, Michigan the school district
New Hire forms, resumes, teaching certificates, PLUS: 30 years
assignment letters, continuing education, THEN: Destroy
clippings, correspondence, service record change
forms, attendance, evaluations, applications,
tenure evaluations, investigations, testing,
training, blood borne pathogen training,
transcripts, contracts, disciplinary records, layoff
notices, recall notices, certifications for CPR and
first aid, bus driver certifications, current driver’s
licenses, driving records, and police accident
Personnel 0402- Employment Verification These records document requests that are RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Records received from mortgage or credit companies that created
want to verify the employment status of an PLUS: 30 days
THEN: Destroy
Personnel 0403- Background Files These records document that school districts RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
complied with the requirement to conduct Individual is no
background checks on all employees They may
longer employed by
include, but may not be limited to, release forms the school district
to conduct criminal history checks, fingerprint PLUS: 6 years
checks and professional conduct checks, and the THEN: Destroy
results of those checks.
Personnel 0404A- Medical Files - Non-exposure These records document employee medical RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
information pertinent to employment. They are Individual is
maintained separately from the employee employed by the
personnel file (see item #400). They may include, school district or
but may not be limited to, medical leave receiving benefits,
applications, insurance forms (including disability whichever is longer
forms), leave extension requests, medical PLUS: 7 years
certifications by physician, applications for THEN: Destroy
continuation of insurances, doctor's releases,
supporting medical documentation,
accommodations, blood tests, vision and hearing
tests, tuberculosis tests, off-work notices, family
medical leave act, drug and alcohol tests, and
current physical exams.
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Personnel 0404B- Medical Files - Exposure These records document employee medical RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
information pertinent to employment that created
document employee exposure to toxic substances
PLUS: 30 years
or blood-borne pathogens. They are maintained THEN: Destroy
separately from the employee personnel file (see
item #400 They may include, but may not be
limited to, medical leave applications, insurance
forms (including disability forms), leave extension
requests, medical certifications by physician,
doctor's releases, supporting medical
documentation, and exposure documentation.
Retention of these files is governed by OSHA 29
CFR 325.3457.
Personnel 0405- COBRA Plan Records These records document the temporary RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
continuation of group health coverage for former Qualifying event
employees, retirees, spouses, former spouses, takes place
and dependent children that otherwise might be PLUS: 6 years
terminated in compliance with the Consolidated THEN: Destroy
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).
They may include, but may not be limited to,
COBRA required notices, documentation or
signed acknowledgements that the notices were
received by the employee or qualified
beneficiary, detailed documentation related to
any instance in which COBRA continuation is not
offered, enrollment forms, correspondence,
monthly statements, and status reports.
Personnel 0406- Substitute Teacher Records These records document substitute teachers who RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
are contacted for assignments. They may include, Notification that
but may not be limited to, contact information, the teacher has
dates contacted, and enrollment or renewal dates
received full time
with the school district. employment, has
moved, does not
respond to calls, or
fails to renew with
the district
THEN: Destroy
Personnel 0407- Teacher Professional These records document that teachers took the RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Development Records required 30 hours of professional development Individual is no
classes each year, and the courses taken by each
longer employed by
teacher They may include, but may not be limited the school district
to, teacher names, category of class, and number PLUS: 3 years
of hours that the class is worth. THEN: Destroy
Personnel 0408- Employee Training Records These records document attendance at RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
mandatory training. They may include, but may created
not be limited to, class lists. Additional PLUS: 5 years
documents will be retained in the personnel file. THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Personnel 0409 - I-9 Records These records document verification by RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
employers of identity and immigration status of of hire
all new employees. They may include, but may PLUS: 3 years
not be limited to, employment eligibility OR
verification forms, and supporting RETAIN UNTIL:
documentation. 8 CFR 274 a.2 (1998) Termination date
PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
Personnel 0410- Grievance Records These records document employee grievances RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
against the school district and the resolution of Grievance is
the grievance. They may include, but may not be resolved
limited to, written grievances, correspondence, PLUS: 1 year
summary sheets, legal documents, and employee THEN: Destroy
history information.
Personnel 0411- Employee Injury Records - These records document any reports of accidents RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Exposure or injuries involving exposure to toxic substances created
or blood-borne pathogens. These files are PLUS: 30 years
maintained separately from the personnel file. THEN: Destroy
They may include, but may not be limited to,
incident reports, medical reports, responses by
supervisors and management, requests for
medical leave, insurance forms, applications for
continuation of insurance, and supporting
medical documentation. OSHA 29 CFR
Personnel 0412- Employee Injury Records - These records document any reports of accidents RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Non-exposure or injuries involving an employee. They may Fiscal year in which
include, but may not be limited to, incident event occurs ends
reports, medical reports, responses by PLUS: 5 years
supervisors and management, requests for THEN: Destroy
medical leave, insurance forms, application for
continuation of insurance, and supporting
medical documentation. 29 CFR 1904.2
Personnel 0413- Employee Injury Records -
These records document employee injuries within
RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
OSHA 300 Log a calendar year. 9 CFR 1904.33 Calendar year ends
PLUS: 5 years
THEN: Destroy
Personnel 0414- Job Description Records These records document job classification RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
systems and positions. They may include, but may
Replaced by a new
not be limited to, summary of responsibilities, version
functions, applicant requirements, salary, and PLUS: 6 years
benefit classifications. THEN: Destroy
Personnel 0415- Position Re-classification These records document requests from an RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Records employee to have a position re-classified. They created
may include, but may not be limited to, copies of PLUS: 6 years
existing and proposed job descriptions, decisions THEN: Destroy
affecting the request, and supporting
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Personnel 0416A- Job Application Records - These records document applicants for positions RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Unsolicited or Ineligible who were not hired. They may include, but may Decision is made to
not be limited to, resumes, letters of interest, not hire the
applications, regret letters, qualification exam individual
scores, unsolicited applications, and supporting PLUS: 1 year
documentation. THEN: Destroy
Personnel 0416B- Job Application Records - These records document applicants for positions RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Considered, Not Hired
who were considered, but not hired, regardless of
Position is filled
whether they were interviewed. They may PLUS: 2 years
include, but may not be limited to, resumes, THEN: Destroy
letters of interest, applications, regret letters,
qualification exam scores, and supporting
Personnel 0417- Emergency Contact Records These records document the people that the RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
employee wants to be contacted if they are Replaced by a new
involved in an emergency situation. version
THEN: Destroy
Personnel 0418- Workers Disability These records document claims made for workers RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Compensation Files disability compensation benefits. They may Claim is settled
include, but may not be limited to, reports of the PLUS: 7 years
incident or injury made by the employee, and THEN: Destroy
reports from the occupational health center.
Personnel 0419- Worker Disability These records document reports that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Compensation Report received from disability insurance providers that Fiscal year ends
Records identify the amount of benefits that were paid PLUS: 7 years
from the policy.
THEN: Destroy
Personnel 0420- Labor Agreement and These records document labor negotiations and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Negotiation Records resulting contracts with individual employees and Expiration date
employee groups. They may include, but may not PLUS: 10 years
be limited to, salary and benefit schedules, THEN: Destroy
ground rules proposals and counter proposals,
secondary negotiations, meeting minutes,
agreements, and final contracts. Teachers may
have individual contracts that are maintained in
their personnel file (see item #400). Separate files
are maintained for each employee negotiating
Personnel 0421- Seniority Records These records document notifications sent to RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
union presidents about the seniority status of Replaced by a new
their members. version
PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
Personnel 0422- Assurance Records These records document notices that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
distributed to notify all staff who work less than a Specified period of
full year that they will be provided with a time ends
reasonable assurance of employment with the THEN: Destroy
school district for a specified period of time.
Personnel 0423- Intent to Return Records These records document whether the employee RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
intends to return to their position for the created
following school year. They are distributed to PLUS: 2 years
support staff (teacher assistants, THEN: Destroy
paraprofessionals, etc.), per contractual
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Personnel 0424- Selection Files These records document the appointment and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
selection of individuals for employment. They Position is filled
may include, but may not be limited to, job PLUS: 4 years
advertisements, recall lists, transfer lists, seniority
THEN: Destroy
lists, vacancy reports, selection criteria, candidate
evaluations, position descriptions, applications,
interview questions, reference checks, drug test
results, rating forms, background checks, driving
record checks, and appointment
recommendations and notifications.
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series
Description Retention Period Approval
Payroll 0500A- Employee Files and Data - These records document payroll activities for RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Employees Enrolled in a each employee who is enrolled in a pension plan Individual is no
Pension Plan (supersedes (such as the MPSERS or a locally operated plan).
longer employed by
item #401) They may include, but may not be limited to, the school district
employee data, W-4, hiring authorization, PLUS: 50 years
requisitions, pay increase or change of status OR
notices, contract calculations, long-term RETAIN UNTIL:
disability, retirement purchases, current MPSERS retirement
enrollment for benefits (including health, life, PLUS: 6 years
disability, dental, vision and supplemental WHICHEVER IS
insurance), credit union deposits, flexible SOONER
spending accounts, investments in tax deferred THEN: Destroy
accounts (such as 403B, 401K, 457, etc.),
employee and employer deferral elections,
employee and employer loan agreements,
contribution limit testing, supporting
documentation for garnishments, levies and
deductions, tax deferred payment agreements,
retirement beneficiary forms, final salary
affidavit, and electronic funds transfer
Payroll 0500B- Employee Files and Data - These records document payroll activities for RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Employees Enrolled in each employee who is enrolled in a defined Individual is no
Defined Contribution Plans contribution plan only and does not receive a
longer employed by
Only (supersedes item #401) pension. They may include, but may not be the school district
limited to, employee data, W-4, hiring PLUS: 6 years
authorization, requisitions, pay increase or THEN: Destroy
change of status notices, contract calculations,
long-term disability, current enrollment for health
benefits, credit union deposits, flexible spending
accounts, investments in tax deferred accounts
(such as 403B, 401K, 457, etc.), employee and
employer deferral elections, employee and
employer loan agreements, contribution limit
testing, supporting documentation for
garnishments, levies and deductions, tax deferred
payment agreements, beneficiary forms, final
salary affidavit, and electronic funds transfer
Payroll 0501- Salary and Benefit Schedule These records document the rate of pay for RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Records employees and define the benefits that are created
offered. PLUS: 6 years
THEN: Destroy
Payroll 0502- Payroll Register Records These records document payroll activities for RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
employees enrolled in a pension plan. They may Fiscal year ends
include, but may not be limited to, employee PLUS: 50 years
name, social security number, employee THEN: Destroy
identification number, gross wages, deductions,
net pay, current pay period, and year to date
Payroll 0503- Payroll Report Records These records document reports that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
generated after paychecks are issued to verify the Fiscal year ends
accuracy of the payroll. They may include, but PLUS: 7 years
may not be limited to, payroll summaries, pay THEN: Destroy
journals, check registers, account distributions,
payroll liabilities, payroll transactions, payroll
account creation reports, gross pay balance, and
deduction registers.
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Payroll 0504- Retirement Report Records These records document reports that track RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
employee and school district contributions into Fiscal year ends
retirement plans. They may include, but may not PLUS: 7 years
be limited to, payroll dates, employee names, THEN: Destroy
social security numbers, employee identification
numbers, retirement hours, wage codes,
classifications, retirement wages, withholdings for
the member investment plan, district
contributions, rates of pay, contract dates, and
number of payments per year.
Payroll 0505- Time and Attendance Records These records document the hours worked and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
leave time used by each employee for each pay Fiscal year ends
period. PLUS: 3 years,
or final average
whichever is longer
THEN: Destroy
Payroll 0506- Federal and State Tax These records document payment of financial RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Deduction Records liabilities for monies withheld from employee Fiscal year ends
wages. They may include, but may not be limited PLUS: 7 years
to, quarterly forms 941 to pay reporting to the THEN: Destroy
Internal Revenue Service for taxes withheld,
quarterly transfer of state withholding and sales
taxes, Medicaid wage detail, and quarterly
Payroll 0507- W-2 and W-3 Records These records document the annual gross wages, RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
federal, state, Medicare, and local taxes withheld Fiscal year ends
for each employee for the purpose of reporting PLUS: 7 years
income taxes.
THEN: Destroy
Payroll 0508- Michigan Employment These records document reports that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Security Commission (MESC) generated for both contributing and reimbursing Fiscal year ends
Report Records employers, generally on a quarterly basis. They PLUS: 7 years
may include, but may not be limited to, employee
THEN: Destroy
names, wages, and social security numbers.
Payroll 0509- Unemployment Claim These records document people who are claiming RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records unemployment benefits from the school district Fiscal year ends
via the Unemployment Insurance Agency. They PLUS: 1 year
are used to verify that the people are entitled to THEN: Destroy
these benefits, and to resolve discrepancies.
Payroll 0510- Wage Differential Report These records document wage differentials RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
between sexes. They may include, but may not be
limited to, reports, and supporting PLUS: 2 years
THEN: Destroy
Payroll 0511- Employee Abandoned Wage These records document abandoned employee RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records wages that are reported and remitted to the Individual is no
Michigan Department of Treasury. They may
longer employed by
include, but may not be limited to, employee’s the school district
name and last known address. PLUS: 10 years
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Pupil Accounting 0600- Membership Reporting These records document counts of students that RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Records are conducted twice each year and are submitted created
to the Center for Educational Performance and PLUS: 3 years
Information (CEPI) and/or the Michigan THEN: Destroy
Department of Education. They may include, but
may not be limited to, school district and ISD
reports documenting their submission, validation
records, and audits of the pupil FTE count.
Pupil Accounting 0601- Planned and Actual Days and These records document two annual reports that RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Clock Hours Reporting submitted electronically to the Michigan created
Records Department of Education to monitor compliance PLUS: 3 years
with MCL 388.1701, dealing with the THEN: Destroy
required number of days and clock hours of
instruction. They may include, but may not be
limited to, Planned Days and Clock Hours reports,
and Actual Days and Clock Hours reports, ISD
audits, and correspondence.
Pupil Accounting 0602- Student Count Support These records document preparation of the pupil RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Records counts that are submitted to the Michigan created
Department of Education. They may include, but PLUS: 3 years
may not be limited to, records required by the THEN: Destroy
Pupil Accounting Manual (see section
1—Required Documents).
Pupil Accounting 0603- Internal Audit Records These records document periodic audits RETAIN UNTIL: ISD 4/11/2023
conducted by school districts of their school audit is completed
buildings to confirm that documentation for FTE PLUS: 3 years
and non-traditional students is accurate. They THEN: Destroy
may include, but may not be limited to, checklists
of paperwork and counts, and alphabetical
membership lists of students.
Pupil Accounting 0604- External Audit Records - These records document audits of local school RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
districts that are conducted randomly by the ISD created
to verify student counts (FTE) and that PLUS: 3 years
procedures are in place and followed. They may THEN: Destroy
include, but may not be limited to, worksheets,
and checklists of errors and problems.
Pupil Accounting 0605- Pupil Audit Records - These records document the submission by local RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
school districts of pupil accounting data to the Fiscal year ends
ISD. The ISD conducts desk audits of the PLUS: 7 years
paperwork to verify its accuracy. In addition, ISDs THEN: Destroy
conduct random field audits at local school
districts, and they audit pupil exit statuses and
other pupil data used in calculating annual
graduation and pupil dropout rates. They may
include, but may not be limited to, worksheets,
notes and checklists of errors and problems, and
narrative reports that summarize audit findings
for each school district and each count that is
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Pupil Accounting 0606- Unique Identification Code
These record document codes are assigned by the
RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
(UIC) Data Center for Educational Performance and
Student reaches the
Information (CEPI) to each student in the State of age of 26
Michigan. They may include, but may not be THEN: Destroy
limited to, code numbers, student names, birth
dates, genders, general education FTE, special
education FTE, alternative education FTE, dates
enrolled, and school identification numbers.
Pupil Accounting 0607- Graduation and Dropout These records document audits conducted by RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Audit Records ISDs of data submitted by school districts about created
graduation and dropout activity. PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
Pupil Accounting 0608- Teacher Certification Audit These records document audits conducted by RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Records ISDs of data submitted by school districts about created
teacher certifications. PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Instruction 0700- Standardized Testing Data These records document summary scores for RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
statewide and locally administered standardized Fiscal year ends
tests taken by students. They may include, but PLUS: 5 years
may not be limited to, SAT, PSAT, ACT, MSTEP, THEN: Destroy
NWEA, AIMSweb, iReady, and Dibels.
Instruction 0701- District Assessment Records These records document the scores of each RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
student in the district on year-end math tests, Graduation,
language arts tests, writing tests, diagnostic transfer, or
reading tests, etc. They may include, but may not expected
be limited to, student names, teachers, grades, graduation date
school, and scores.
THEN: Destroy
Instruction 0702- Curriculum Development These records document annual plans that map RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Records out curriculum goals, subject area benchmarks, longer of use for
grade level goals or expectations, etc. They may reference when
include, but may not be limited to, council notes, updating the
parent guides, report card templates, annual curriculum
reports, and sexual education advisory committee
THEN: Destroy
Instruction 0703- School Improvement Plan These records document plans that are submitted RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records to the Michigan Department of Education Replaced by a new
through the consolidated application. They cover version
a 3 to 5-year range of testing goals, strategies to THEN: Destroy
improve student performance, professional
development, etc. They may include, but may
not be limited to, meeting notes, reference data,
test scores, and surveys.
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Information 0800- Technology Inventory These records document the school district’s RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Technology Records inventory of equipment, software, telephones, Annual report for
etc. They may include, but may not be limited to, the fiscal year in
tag numbers, locations, serial numbers, price, and which the item was
account sources. disposed is audited
THEN: Destroy
Information 0801- Software License Agreement These records document agreements that define RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Technology Records how many users are licensed to access each Expiration date
software application.
THEN: Destroy
Information 0802- Internet Access Policy and These records document the terms of use and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Technology Agreement Records access of the Internet, information technology Replaced by a new
resources, network access, etc. The documents version, or the
are used to generate user accounts for staff, person is no longer
teachers, and students. They are signed by the a user
user and a parent if the user is under the age of THEN: Destroy
Information 0803- Technology Service Request These records document problems with RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Technology Records equipment, and they are used to generate repair Fiscal year ends
tickets. They may include, but may not be limited THEN: Destroy
to, user names, descriptions of the problem,
locations of the equipment, and date and time
the request was received and resolved.
Information 0804- Technology Network Maps These records document the mapping and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Technology and Records description of the school district’s technology Replaced by a new
infrastructure and the wiring of phone lines. They
may include, but may not be limited to, security THEN: Destroy
information, identification numbers, and
Information 0805-
These records document a school district’s Content published 4/11/2023
Technology Content (obsolete) website and social media accounts. These online, including
platforms are used to present information to social media
employees, students, and the public about postings, do not
programs, events, and activities. They may have a single
include, but may not be limited to, the content retention period.
and layout of the website, and social media Refer to other
postings. items on the
schedule that cover
the posted content.
Information 0806- Communications Device These records document which staff are issued 2- RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Technology Records way radios, cell phones, etc. to facilitate Equipment is
communication. They may include, but may not returned by the
be limited to, service contracts, employee staff or destroyed
contracts, FCC licenses, and distribution lists, THEN: Destroy
phone numbers, and passwords.
Information 0807- Technology Training Records These records document training conducted by RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Technology information technology staff about the use of Course materials
computer software or equipment for school are replaced by a
district employees. They may include, but may new version, or
not be limited to, curricula materials. until the course is
dropped entirely
from the training
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Information 0808- Universal Service Fund (USF) These records document the amount of the USF RETAIN UNTIL: Last 4/11/2023
Technology Records
discount that is awarded to the school district and
service date
how the allocation was computed. They may PLUS: 5 years
include, but may not be limited to, receipt and THEN: Destroy
delivery records relating to the technology plans,
pre-bidding, bidding, contracts, application
process, invoices, provision of services, and
supporting documentation. [Paragraphs 45-50 in
the FCC's 5th Report and Order (FCC 04-190)]
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Security/Public Safety 0900- Incident Case Files These records document criminal and non- RETAIN UNTIL: Case 4/11/2023
criminal incidents taking place on school property is closed, and any
and at school events, including theft and potential litigation
vandalism. They may include, but may not be ends
limited to, police reports, petitions, warrants, PLUS: 7 years
witness lists, evidence envelopes, statements, THEN: Destroy
audio or video recordings, and photographs.
Security/Public Safety 0901- Complaint Number Log Data These records document the complaint number RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
that is assigned to each incident file, and created
summary information about each incident. Data PLUS: 7 years
may include, but may not be limited to, incident THEN: Destroy
numbers, dates, times, buildings, locations,
offense types, victims, accused, and comments.
Security/Public Safety 0902- Daily Activity Log Data These records document the daily activities of RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
public safety officers, including contact with created
students and incidents. PLUS: 3 years
THEN: Destroy
Security/Public Safety 0903- Security Video Recordings These records document recordings created by RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
any type of device for routine surveillance or created
security, training, patrols, incidents, activities, PLUS: 30 days
school bus trips, public space, or crowd THEN: Destroy
monitoring, etc.
Security/Public Safety 0904- Building Sign In and Sign Out These records document when students arrive or RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records depart the building at unscheduled times, and School year ends
when visitors (tutors, parents, presenters) arrive THEN: Destroy
or leave the building. They may include, but may
not be limited to, logs, and sheets.
Security/Public Safety 0905- Emergency Planning Records These records document the command structure RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
and crisis management response plan for Replaced by a new
emergencies and disasters to ensure the version
continuity of operations. They may include, but THEN: Destroy
may not be limited to, plans, contact lists,
checklists, manuals, procedures (operational,
security, recovery, evacuation, etc.), site-specific
information, and supporting documentation.
They are reviewed and updated annually.
Security/Public Safety 0906- Emergency Drill Records These records document emergency drills that RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
are conducted by school in accordance with MCL Fiscal year ends
29.19. They may include, but may not be limited PLUS: 3 years
to, drill type, drill date and time, evacuation THEN: Destroy
information, areas in need of improvement.
Security/Public Safety 0907- Security Planning Records These records document security planning for RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
each building. They may include, but may not be Replaced by a new
limited to, surveys of buildings, improvement version
plans, and response plans.
THEN: Destroy
Security/Public Safety 0908- Building Security Data These records document monitoring of card RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
access to buildings by tracking each time a card is School year ends
swiped or scanned. Data may include, but may PLUS: 1 year
not be limited to, date, time, location, and card THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Facility Operations 1000- Building Plan Records
These records document the “as-built” design and
RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
construction of school facilities. They may Facility is no longer
include, but may not be limited to, schematics for owned by the
plumbing, electrical, architectural, structural, and school district
mechanical features, specifications for products, THEN: Destroy
and materials and equipment that were used
during construction. The files may also contain
operational and maintenance manuals and
warranties that are used to support the
maintenance of the facilities and will be revised if
changes are made to the infrastructure.
Facility Operations 1001- Construction Close-out Files These records document property that will be RETAIN UNTIL: Item 4/11/2023
maintained by the school district. They may is replaced or
include maintenance manuals, equipment disposed of
inventories, parts lists, warranties, etc.
THEN: Destroy
Facility Operations 1002- Shop Drawing Files These records document drawings with RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
specifications for equipment that are submitted created
by engineers and will be used and purchased by PLUS: 3 years
the school district. These drawings are used to THEN: Destroy
ensure that the product is installed properly.
Facility Operations 1003- Work Order Records - These records document maintenance work RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Warranty performed on school facilities, and they support Warranty expires
the warranty of the property. Work orders may THEN: Destroy
be issued for preventative maintenance and
repairs to the grounds and buildings. They may
include, but may not be limited to, dates opened
and closed, staff who performed the maintenance
work, parts and materials that were purchased,
and descriptions of the problem.
Facility Operations 1004- Work Order Records - No These records document maintenance work RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Warranty performed on school facilities that do not have a Work is completed
warranty. Work orders may be issued for PLUS: 1 year
preventative maintenance and repairs to the THEN: Destroy
grounds and buildings. They may include, but
may not be limited to, dates opened and closed,
staff who performed the maintenance work, parts
and materials that were purchased, descriptions
of the problem, etc.
Facility Operations 1005- Asbestos Removal Plan These records document management plans for RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records the removal of asbestos, in compliance with the Facility is no longer
Hazard Emergency Response Act (HERA). They owned by the
may include, but may not be limited to, plans, school district
inspection reports that are produced every 6 THEN: Destroy
months, and annual public notices.
Facility Operations 1006- Pollution Prevention Plan These records document Pollution Incident RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records Prevention (PIP) plans that are developed to Replaced by a new
ensure that fuel tanks do not become pollution version
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Facility Operations 1007- Key and Badge Authorization These records document which employees RETAIN UNTIL: Key 4/11/2023
Records assigned keys or badges to access the facilities. is returned
They may include, but may not be limited to, THEN: Destroy
employee’s name, employee's identification
number, date issued, date returned, key or badge
code, and authorizer’s name.
Facility Operations 1008- License and Permit Records These records document legally required permits RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
and licenses for regular operation of school Expiration date
facilities and services, as well as construction. PLUS: 1 year
They may include, but may not be limited to, THEN: Destroy
building permits, and elevator permits.
Facility Operations 1009- Inspection Certificate Records These records document that facilities passed RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
safety inspections. They are maintained for the Certificate is
boiler, electrical system, vehicles, fire marshal replaced by a new
plan approvals, fire marshal occupancy approvals, version, or the
etc. equipment or
building is no
longer owned
THEN: Destroy
Facility Operations 1010- Hazardous Material Safety These records document compliance with federal RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Data Sheet Records law [OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200.g] that requires Hazardous material
employers to provide Material Safety Data Sheets is no longer used or
to staff regarding any hazardous material on the stored on school
premises. They may include, but may not be property
limited to, information about the product PLUS: 30 years
manufacturer, composition, physical and THEN: Destroy
chemical properties, identification of hazards, fire
hazard, accidental release measures, handling,
and storage, first aid measures, toxicology,
ecological information, disposal and transport
considerations, and regulatory information.
Facility Operations 1011- Warehouse Inventory These records document items that are stored at RETAIN UNTIL: Item 4/11/2023
Records the warehouse including office supplies, is shipped to a
computers, furniture inactive records, etc. school district
building, is sold as
surplus, or is
PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Food Service 1100- Meal Production Records These records document the amount of food that RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
is planned, prepared, and served each day by Fiscal year ends
building. They may include, but may not be PLUS: 3 years
limited to, menu items, approximate number of THEN: Destroy
meals, serving sizes, date, and temperatures of
Food Service 1101- Meals Sold Reporting Records These records document the number of meals RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
that are sold at each building within each Fiscal year ends
category. They are used to produce the monthly PLUS: 3 years
THEN: Destroy
Food Service 1102- Daily Participation Records These records document the daily meal counts by RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
building and by category for the month and are Fiscal year ends
used to prepare the monthly claim. PLUS: 3 years
THEN: Destroy
Food Service 1103- Monthly Claim Records These records document claims that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
submitted to the Michigan Department of Fiscal year ends
Education on a monthly basis to request PLUS: 3 years
reimbursement for paid, reduced and free meals. THEN: Destroy
They may include, but may not be limited to,
number of meals served by category for breakfast
and lunch by building, number of students
enrolled in each building, number of students
approved for free and reduced meals, and
number of serving days within each month.
Food Service 1104- School Food Authority These records document the number of students RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Verification Collection eligible for reduced and free meal benefits and Fiscal year ends
Reporting Records the accuracy of benefit assignment that is PLUS: 3 years
submitted by school districts annually to the THEN: Destroy
Michigan Department of Education.
Food Service 1105- Free and Reduced Meal These records document applications that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Application Records submitted for each family with students in the Fiscal year ends
school district for participation in school meal PLUS: 3 years
programs. They are also used to identify THEN: Destroy
eligibility for free or reduced price meals in
accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture
guidelines. They may include, but may not be
limited to, student names, school buildings,
grades, parental income, social security numbers,
addresses, and phone numbers.
Food Service 1106- Free and Reduced Meal These records document the verification that RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Application Verification students are eligible to receive free or reduced Fiscal year ends
Records priced meals. They may include, but may not be PLUS: 3 years
limited to, applications that were selected for THEN: Destroy
verification, letters to parents, income
verification documents, and summaries of the
verification process.
Food Service 1107- Food Inventory Records These records document the monthly inventory RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
of the food and supplies on hand. They may Fiscal year ends
include, but may not be limited to, item name, PLUS: 3 years
codes, and cost.
THEN: Destroy
Food Service 1108- Health Department These records document on-site inspections RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Inspection Records conducted by local health departments of Fiscal year ends
production and service kitchens. They may PLUS: 3 years
include, but may not be limited to, THEN: Destroy
correspondence, and inspection reports.
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Food Service 1109- Commodity Consortium These records document school district RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records participation in a consortium to assist with the Fiscal year ends
purchasing of food and supplies. USDA PLUS: 3 years
commodity foods could be diverted to the THEN: Destroy
consortium. They may include, but may not be
limited to, which food items were ordered and
delivered, and where they are physically located
in the delivery process.
Food Service 1110- Commodity Consortium These records document the commodity orders RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Order Summary Records for the next school year. Fiscal year ends
PLUS: 3 years
THEN: Destroy
Food Service 1111- Commodity Fair Share and These records document orders for deliveries of RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Bonus Surplus Order Records commodities. Fiscal year ends
PLUS: 3 years
THEN: Destroy
Food Service 1112- Debit Account Records These records document the balance in each RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
student’s debit account. They may also be used to
Fiscal year ends
produce summary reports and meal histories. PLUS: 3 years
They may include, but may not be limited to, THEN: Destroy
student name, student identification number,
building, grade, status, amount deposited,
amount spent, daily balance.
Food Service 1113- After School Snack Program These records document the number of snacks RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Reporting Records that are provided to students participating in Fiscal year ends
after school programs for reimbursement. They PLUS: 3 years
may include, but may not be limited to, daily and THEN: Destroy
monthly reports identifying which food and
beverage items were served, and the amount
Food Service 1114- After School Snack Program These records document reviews that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
On-Site Review Records completed by the local school district within the Fiscal year ends
first four weeks of the snack operation. The PLUS: 3 years
second review is completed after January 1. THEN: Destroy
Food Service 1115- Summer Food Service These records document monthly claims that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Program Claim Records submitted for meals provided to students Fiscal year ends
participating in summer programs. They may PLUS: 3 years
include, but may not be limited to, daily meal THEN: Destroy
counts by site, site reviews, daily production
reports, and applications.
Food Service 1116- Summer Food Service These records document enrollment in the RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Program Application and Summer Food Service Program. They may Fiscal year ends
Renewal Records include, but may not be limited to, information PLUS: 3 years
about food production sites, buildings where food
THEN: Destroy
is served and prepared, school names and
addresses, enrollment, and contact information.
Food Service 1117- Year End Reporting Records These records document reports that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
submitted at the end of the school year to the Fiscal year ends
Michigan Department of Education. They may PLUS: 3 years
include, but may not be limited to, reports THEN: Destroy
identifying the revenue and expenses by
accounting categories and meal programs.
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Food Service 1118- Building On-site Review and These records document inspections that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Inspection Records conducted annually by the local school district by Fiscal year ends
February 1 of each school year. They are PLUS: 3 years
submitted to the Michigan Department of THEN: Destroy
Education. They are used to support auditing of
menus, pricing, sanitation, and other factors.
Food Service 1119- Administrative Review and These records document audits that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Nutrition Analysis Records conducted by the Michigan Department of Subsequent audit is
(supersedes item #1120) Education periodically to verify compliance with completed
the requirements of school meal programs so PLUS: 1 year
districts can receive reimbursement for qualified THEN: Destroy
expenses. They may include, but may not be
limited to, administrative review documents,
correspondence, nutrition analyses, menus,
nutrition labels, recipes, and reports.
Food Service 1121- Miscellaneous Food Revenue These records document various sources of food RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records revenue, such as catering, special events, adult Fiscal year ends
sales, etc. They are used for event planning and PLUS: 3 years
billing. They may include, but may not be limited THEN: Destroy
to, group or event names, dates, locations,
customers, number of people, menu, billing
Food Service 1122- Civil Rights Compliance These records document civil rights compliance RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records activities. They may include, but may not be Fiscal year ends
limited to, training records, complaints logs, and PLUS: 3 years
complaint procedures.
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Transportation 1200- Vehicle Files These records document all vehicles in the school RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
district’s fleet, including buses. They may include, Vehicle is no longer
but may not be limited to, registrations, titles, bus
owned by the
repair orders, maintenance work documents, and school district
State Police inspections. THEN: Destroy
Transportation 1201- Student Trip Records These records document when school buses are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
used to provide transportation for trips both Fiscal year ends
inside and outside of the school district. These PLUS: 1 year
activities may include same-day field trips, THEN: Destroy
overnight trips, athletic trips, etc. They may
include, but may not be limited to, transportation
request forms, trip mileage reports, itineraries,
driver information, and copies of driver meal
Transportation 1202- Student Transportation These records document each incident that RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Conduct Reporting Records occurs on a school bus. They may include, but Fiscal year ends
may not be limited to, date of the incident, PLUS: 1 year
student’s name, school, grade, whether previous THEN: Destroy
reports have been filed for that student, driver
name, bus number, a description of the incident,
and parental signature. Reports for severe
offenses may be kept longer and may be copied
into the student file (see item #1400B).
Transportation 1203- Driver Inspection Reporting These records document inspections conducted RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records by bus drivers that are used to identify Fiscal year ends
maintenance or repair work that is needed They PLUS: 1 year
may include, but may not be limited to, driver’s THEN: Destroy
name, bus number, date, mileage, gallons of fuel,
quarts of oil, equipment that was inspected. and
maintenance work was performed.
Transportation 1204- Bus Stop Review Records These records document requests that the RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
location of bus stops be reviewed. They may Fiscal year ends
include, but may not be limited to, date, driver’s PLUS: 3 years
name, bus number, stop location, route, reason THEN: Destroy
for the request, concerns, and actions taken.
Transportation 1205- Running Red Light Reporting These records document when a bus driver RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
reports that a vehicle ran the red light or stop sign
Fiscal year ends
on the bus when the bus was stopped for PLUS: 1 year
passengers. They may include, but may not be THEN: Destroy
limited to, date, bus driver’s name, bus number,
location of the incident, time of incident, number
of road lanes, weather conditions, incident
description, and description of vehicle and driver.
Transportation 1206- Incident Reporting Records These records document miscellaneous incidents RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
that are reported by bus drivers, such as when Fiscal year ends
they hit a mailbox, a student falls on steps or icy PLUS: 1 year
sidewalks, etc. They may include, but may not be THEN: Destroy
limited to, driver’s name, bus number, people
involved, and incident description.
Transportation 1207- Vehicle Crash Files These records document crashes involving school RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
vehicles. They may include, but may not be Vehicle is no longer
limited to, Traffic Crash Reports, and owned by the
correspondence. school district
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Transportation 1208- Dangerous Railroad Crossing These records document when a railroad crossing RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Reporting Records
is not functioning properly. A copy of the report is
Fiscal year ends
sent to the company responsible for the crossing. PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
Transportation 1209- Fuel Log Records These records document invoices that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
received from the company supplying fuel to the Fiscal year ends
school district. They may include, but may not be PLUS: 1 year
limited to, number of gallons sold, cost per gallon,
THEN: Destroy
bus number, and driver.
Transportation 1210- School Bus Scheduling These records document the routes taken by the RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
district’s buses. They may include, but may not be
Fiscal year ends
limited to, time and location of each stop on the PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
Transportation 1211- Dispatch Logs These records document where school buses are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
assigned to travel. They may include, but may not Fiscal year ends
be limited to, bus number, driver, date, time, PLUS: 1 year
destination or route, and mileage.
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Television Services 1300- Television Recordings - These records document television recordings RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Finished Products that are produced of school board meetings, longer of use for
sporting events, theatrical productions, concerts, reference
award ceremonies, etc. The finished product may THEN: Destroy
be the edited version of raw footage, or it may be
a recording of a live event that is unedited.
Finished products are aired by the television
Television Services 1301- Television Recordings - Raw These records document raw footage of events RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Footage that may be edited prior to airing on the Finished product is
television station. completed
THEN: Destroy
Television Services 1302- Production Scheduling These records document the schedule of events RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Records that will be recorded. They may include, but may longer of use for
not be limited to, dates, times, events, locations, reference
staff assignments, recording lengths, and camera THEN: Destroy
types used.
Television Services 1303- Program Scheduling Records These records document the schedule of RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
programs that will be aired by the television longer of use for
station. They may include, but may not be limited reference
to, dates, times, program lengths, and program THEN: Destroy
Television Services 1304- Recording Inventory Records These records document the inventory of RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
recordings that are maintained of past events. Replaced by a new
They may include, but may not be limited to, version
recording numbers, dates, events, lengths, and THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item
Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Schools -
Student 1400A- Student Files and Data -
Academic Records (formerly
CA-60) (supersedes item
#1407, 1408, 1409)
These records document each student enrolled in
classes at the school district (including adult
education, cooperative education such as career
and technical education, shared time pupils, and
dual enrollment pupils), and follow the student
from enrollment through graduation, transfer, or
withdrawal. The academic records include
personal information about the student that may
be collected on the CA-60 form/folder, on some
other form that is used by the school district, or in
the student information system, transcripts,
approved personal curriculums, withdrawal
documents, and GED test results, as well as
disclosure documents, amendment documents,
and destruction documents that are applicable to
the academic records.
Student graduates
or student’s
graduation date
PLUS: 60 years
THEN: Destroy
Schools -
Student 1400B-
Records (supersedes item
#1407, 1408, 1409)
These records document each student enrolled in
classes at the school district (including adult
education, cooperative education such as career
and technical education, shared time pupils, and
dual enrollment pupils). They may include, but
may not be limited to, most recent enrollment
records, emergency contact information, photos
from each school year, early childhood education
program records, school of choice applications,
attendance records, report cards, academic
progress reports, educational development plans
(EDP), court orders (relating to divorce, custody,
foster care, etc.), disciplinary records (including
police reports, suspension or expulsion notices,
etc.), age of majority release forms, social
developmental evaluations, non-special
education service notes and assessments and
Student graduates,
or student’s
graduation date
THEN: Destroy
evaluations, language assessments, and
correspondence, as well as disclosure documents,
amendment documents, and destruction
documents that are applicable to the non-
academic records.
Schools -
Student 1401- Student Health Records
(supersedes item #1402,
These records document a student’s health, and
health services provided by a school nurse, or
designated school personnel acting in the
absence of a school nurse. They may include, but
may not be limited to, immunization records,
doctor’s medical orders, physician instructions,
medication administration records, vision and
hearing screening tests, nursing notes, nursing
care plans, nursing reports, and treatment
Student graduates
PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
Schools -
Student 1403- Personal Protection Order
These records document court orders that
identify people who are not allowed to have
contact with an individual student.
Order expires
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Schools - Student 1404- Enrollment Eligibility Records These records document that a student is eligible RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records to enroll in schools (including adult education) Replaced by a new
within the school district without paying tuition version, or until
fees. They may include, but may not be limited student graduates,
to, proof of identity, age, and residency. whichever occurs
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Student 1405- Student Standardized Testing These records document test scores and analysis RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records Data for standardized tests that were taken by Student graduates
individual students. They may be used to grant PLUS: 5 years
Michigan Merit Awards to students. THEN: Destroy
Schools - Student 1406- Student Work Permit Records These records document minors over the age of RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records 14 who must have a work permit prior to Student graduates
beginning work. Schools must approve the work PLUS: 7 years
permit, and new permits are required for each THEN: Destroy
new job held by the teenager. They may include,
but may not be limited to, completed permits, job
offers, approved deviations, correspondence,
injury reports, workers compensation documents,
and work and school training agreements or
Schools - Student 1410- Student Census Records These records document all students who RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records (obsolete) attended each school for each school year. They School district is
may include, but may not be limited to, students, dissolved
parents, addresses, and birth dates. THEN: Transfer to
the Archives of
Schools - Student 1411- Student Record Transfer These records document that another school RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Records Request Records district requested the transfer of a student’s file created
and that the file was sent to the other school PLUS: 4 years
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Student 1412- Special Program These records document tutoring and other RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Records Authorization Records services that are provided to students through longer required by
federally or state-funded special programs, such the rules of the
as the Title I program. They may include, but may funding program
not be limited to, authorization forms signed by THEN: Destroy
parents allowing their child to participate in the
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item
Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Schools - Building
1500- Accreditation
Records - Work These records document the accreditation
process that school buildings may choose to
participate in. They may include, but may not be
limited to, school improvement plans, reports,
goals and objectives, school profiles, evidence of
performance, and field inspection
Replaced by a new
version or expired
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1501- Accreditation Records - These records document the accreditation that is RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Administration Certificates received by the school building.
School district
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building
1502- Gradebooks These records document the grades that students
received from their teachers throughout the
school year, and which are often entered into the
student information system (see item #1400A-B).
They may include, but may not be limited to,
student names, grades, and attendance.
Fiscal year ends
PLUS: 3 years
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1503- Daily Lesson Plans and These records document class assignments RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Administration Objectives Files
related to each curriculum objective that are
planned by teachers. They are modified each
to address new curriculum standards and the
learning needs of the students.
Fiscal year ends
PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1505- Summary Testing Data These records document student performance on RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
standardized tests. Reports will document the
scores of all students in the building who took the
PLUS: 5 years
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1506- Locker Records These records document student locker RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
assignments. They may include, but may not be
limited to, student’s name, locker number, and
lock combination.
Fiscal year ends
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building
1507- Student Trip Files These records document student trips, including
same-day field trips, overnight trips, etc. They
may include, but may not be limited to, health
forms, itineraries, proof of insurance, driver
information, permission slips, transportation
request forms, and trip mileage reports.
Fiscal year ends
PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1508- Facilities Scheduling Records These records document the scheduling of school RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Administration facilities for group activities or events. They may
include, but may not be limited to, internal
request forms, and rental agreements. These
documents may contain the customer contact
information, reservation information, reservation
number, etc. This information may be used to
generate confirmation letters, building event
schedules, etc.
longer of use for
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1509- Swimming Pool Usage These records document who used the school RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Administration Records swimming pool. They may include, but may not
be limited to, date, time, name of the teacher or
group, and number of people.
longer of use for
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1510- Student Handbook Records These records document district and school RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
policies that are published annually in handbooks
that are distributed to students and their parents.
longer of use for
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Schools - Building 1511- Student Directory Records These records document students attending the RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Administration school. They may include, but may not be limited longer of use for
to, grades, classrooms, student names, addresses,
and phone numbers.
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1512- Curriculum Guide Records These records document the curriculum that is RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Administration approved annually by the school district’s board longer of use for
of education. They may describe the courses that reference
are offered by the district, the requirements for THEN: Destroy
graduation, and off-campus educational
opportunities that are available.
Schools - Building 1513- Teacher Handbook Records These records document employee policies, RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Administration procedures, expectations, etc. They may include, longer of use for
but may not be limited to, handbooks that are reference
published annually and are distributed to THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1514- Teacher Directory Records These records document which teachers are RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Administration employed by the school district each year. They longer of use for
may include, but may not be limited to, teacher reference
names, schools, grades, phone numbers, and THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1515- Yearbook Records These records document the students, teachers, RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Administration and staff of the school each year. They may longer of use for
include, but may not be limited to, photographs reference
and information about athletic teams, clubs, and THEN: Destroy
special events, during the school year.
Schools - Building 1516- Graduation Program Records These records document annual commencement RETAIN UNTIL: No 4/11/2023
Administration exercises. longer of use for
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1517- Drivers Education Records These records document drivers’ education RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
courses that may be offered by the school district.
Fiscal year ends
They may include, but may not be limited to, PLUS: 4 years
student rosters, grade books, copies of learner’s THEN: Destroy
certificates, accountability reports that are
submitted to the Secretary of State for
reimbursement, curricula, and exams.
Schools - Building 1518- Special Event Files These records document field days, concerts, RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
theatrical programs, art exhibits, award programs,
School district is
etc. They may include, but may not be limited to, dissolved
rosters, programs, flyers, schedules, and financial THEN: Transfer to
information. the Archives of
Schools - Building 1519- Schools of Choice Application These records document students who submitted RETAIN UNTIL: End 4/11/2023
Administration Records - Denied and Not schools of choice applications that were either of the school year
Enrolled denied or did not enroll. They may include, but for which the
may not be limited to, applications, and student applied
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Building 1520- Volunteer Background Check These records document security screenings and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Administration Records background checks that are conducted for school Current school year
volunteers and people transporting students. ends
They may include, but may not be limited to, PLUS: 1 year
applications, driving record checks, THEN: Destroy
correspondence, and the results of name-based
background checks through the Internet Criminal
History Access Tool (ICHAT).
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Schools - Building 1521- Child Protective Services and These records document when the school district RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Administration Education Neglect Referral notifies authorities about potential abuse or
Student is no longer
Records neglect of a student. They may include, but may enrolled in the
not be limited to, forms, correspondence, and district
supporting documentation. These files should be PLUS: 1 year
kept separate from the Student Academic THEN: Destroy
Records (see item #1400A-B).
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Schools - Guidance 1600- Student Counseling Files These records document the assistance that RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Counseling students receive from guidance counselors. They Counselor is
may include, but may not be limited to, assigned to provide
correspondence and notes about student issues services to the
and concerns. student
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Guidance 1601- Child Support Team Files These records document meetings with teachers, RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Counseling parents, students, and guidance counselors to Counselor is
develop an action plan for general education assigned to provide
students who need assistance with academic and services to the
behavior issues. They may include, but may not student
be limited to, notes, action plans, progress THEN: Destroy
reports, correspondence, and testing.
Schools - Guidance 1602- Accommodation Plan Records These records document plans to accommodate RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Counseling - Section 504 the needs of non-special education students with School district is no
disabilities, including ADHD, depression, dyslexia, longer providing
etc. They may include, but may not be limited to, services in
plans, notes, correspondence, progress reports, accordance with
grades, and testing. the plan
PLUS: 3 years
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Guidance 1603- Educational Development These records document assistance provided to RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Counseling Plan Records students with preparing for their future. They Replaced by a new
may identify how students will prepare for their plan or the student
future through career education, jobs, community
graduates, or
service and extra-curricular activities, including student’s expected
athletics. Students may be tested to identify their graduation date,
interests and skills so suggestions can be made whichever is sooner
about career pathways and high school course THEN: Destroy
work. They may include, but may not be limited
to, test results, and plans.
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item
Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Schools - Special
1700- Special
Education Student These records document the services that are
provided to special education students including
speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical
therapy, social workers, etc. They may include,
but may not be limited to, evaluations, referrals,
multidisciplinary evaluation team (MET)
summaries, achievement tests, progress reports,
permission forms, nursing notes, height and
weight charts, doctor evaluations, psychological
reports, therapy reports and scripts, behavioral
plans, releases and permissions, vocational
information, due process hearings,
correspondence, and Section 53 qualification
documents. [34 CFR 300.573]
Student graduates,
was expected to
graduate, or
completes the
PLUS: 3 years
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Special
1701- Individual Education
(IEP) Records
These records document plans that are
developed primarily for special education
students to identify education goals and services
that will be provided by the school district to
assist the student.
meeting date
PLUS: 6 years
THEN: Destroy
IEP 4/11/2023
Schools - Special
1702- Pupil Accounting
The December 1 special education headcount is
conducted annually and is reported to the
Michigan Department of Education using MiCIS.
The EETRK database is used to report early on
students for federal funding. The report includes
the student’s name, building, grade level, UIC
code, eligibility code, etc. Supplementary records
may include student rosters, resident district
summaries, count day process, count day absence
log, homebound summaries, transition and work
study summaries, clock hours of instruction, audit
summaries, etc. Other special education student
count reports that are submitted to the Michigan
Department of Education or the U.S. Department
of Education shall also be retained for 5 years.
PLUS: 5 years
THEN: Destroy
Date 4/11/2023
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Schools - Early 1800- At-Risk Student Files These records document At-Risk programs that RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Childhood Education are offered to children ages birth to 5. They may Student leaves the
include, but may not be limited to applications, program, and does
individual education plans, evaluations, CA-60 not enroll in
forms, risk factor analyses, and progress reports. kindergarten with
the school district
PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Early 1801- Great Start Readiness These records document GSRP programs that are RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Childhood Education Program (GSRP) Participant offered to children aged 4. They may include, but Student leaves the
Files may not be limited to, applications, individual program, and does
education plans, evaluations, CA-60 forms, not enroll in
eligibility analyses, and child assessments and kindergarten with
parent reports. the school district
PLUS: 7 years
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Early 1802- Early On Student Files These records document Early On services that RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Childhood Education are provided to eligible children ages 0-3 who Student leaves the
have disabilities, developmental delays, or other Early On program,
special needs. They may include, but may not be and does not enroll
limited to, evaluations, referrals, multidisciplinary in another early
evaluation team (MET) summaries, Individualized childhood program
Family Service Plans (IFSP), Individualized PLUS: 7 years
Education Program Team (IEPT) reports, progress THEN: Destroy
reports, medical evaluations, psychological
records, therapy reports and scripts, releases,
permissions, and transition plans.
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Schools - Library 1900- Library Catalog and These records document the district-wide use of RETAIN UNTIL: Item 4/11/2023
Circulation Records library materials and media equipment, and they
is deaccessioned; or
identify which items are available for use. They until student
may include, but may not be limited to, item-level
catalog information for books and periodicals, transfers, or
individual patron information, and item-level withdraws; or until
equipment inventories. staff employment
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Schools - Athletics 2000- Coach Directory Records Th These records document coaches who work RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
for the school district. They may include, but may Replaced by a new
not be limited to, coach names, addresses, phone version
numbers, and email addresses. THEN: Destroy
Schools - Athletics 2001- Coach Handbook Records These records document the handbook that is RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
provided to all coaches to inform them about Replaced by a new
policies and procedures that are established by version
the school district and the Michigan High School THEN: Destroy
Athletic Association (MHSAA).
Schools - Athletics 2002- Student Athlete Files These records document students who RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
participate in athletics programs. They may Student graduates,
include, but may not be limited to, eligibility or student’s
evaluations, annual consent forms and physical expected
exams, and agreements to comply with the graduation date
handbooks or rules. THEN: Destroy
Schools - Athletics 2003- Student Eligibility Reporting These records document if student athletes RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Records continue to be eligible to participate in athletic Fiscal year ends
activities. PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
Schools - Athletics 2004- Officials’ Contract Records These records document contractual RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
arrangements that are made with game officials Expiration date
who work at athletic events. They may include, PLUS: 6 years
but may not be limited to, which event they are THEN: Destroy
working at, and the amount they will be paid for
that event.
Schools - Athletics 2005- Season History Records These records document each athletic season for RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
each team. They may include, but may not be School district is
limited to, school, sport, year, competition level, dissolved
coaches, opponents and scores for each game THEN: Transfer to
and tournament, athlete’s names and grade the Archives of
levels, team captains, league standings, honors, Michigan
and school records.
Schools - Athletics 2006- Athletic Event and These records document athletic events and RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
Accomplishment Records accomplishments. They may include, but may not School district is
be limited to, programs, team photos, and dissolved
trophies and awards won by varsity teams for THEN: Transfer to
major competitions (such as conference, league, the Archives of
or MHSAA championships). Michigan
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item
Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
2100- Curriculum
Development These records document the professional
development curriculum for school district
professionals about prevention, health, literacy,
and other issues. Some of these programs are
developed by the school district that is offering
the program. They may include, but may not be
limited to, meeting records, research and data,
strategic planning, facilitator or instructor
materials, student materials, and evaluations.
Course is no longer
PLUS: 5 years
THEN: Destroy
2101- Attendance Records
These records document which courses school
employees took. They may include, but may not
be limited to, attendee names, social security
numbers, work and home addresses, sex, race,
school districts, counties, phone numbers, mailing
list codes, and courses taken.
PLUS: 5 years
THEN: Destroy
Date 4/11/2023
2102- Course Files
These records document each time a course is
offered. They may include, but may not be limited
to, expectations and outcomes, registrations,
instructor contact information, and continuing
education units.
PLUS: 5 years
THEN: Destroy
Date 4/11/2023
2103- Course Catalog Records
These records document courses that are offered
by ISDs. They may include, but may not be limited
to, course titles and descriptions, dates, times,
locations, presenters, costs, and materials.
PLUS: 3 years
THEN: Destroy
Date 4/11/2023
2104- Class Lists
and Evaluation These records document who attended each
course that was offered and their evaluations
the program.
PLUS: 5 years
THEN: Destroy
Date 4/11/2023
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools
Department Item Series Title Series Description Retention Period Approval
Community Education 2200- Community Recreation These records document who registered for RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
Records community recreation programs, such as pre- created
school, aquatics, youth and adult enrichment, PLUS: 1 year
athletic leagues, etc. They may include, but may THEN: Destroy
not be limited to, names, addresses, phone
numbers, payment information, and classes
Community Education 2201- League Roster Records These records document the players assigned to RETAIN UNTIL: Date 4/11/2023
each team on various athletic leagues. They may created
include, but may not be limited to, names, email PLUS: 1 year
addresses, and phone numbers. THEN: Destroy
Community Education 2202- Certificated Class Records These records document classes prepare students RETAIN UNTIL: 4/11/2023
for certification in CPR, first aid, lifeguard, real Expiration of the
estate, health department, etc. They may include, certificate
but may not be limited to, exams, answer sheets, THEN: Destroy
pass or fail grades, and personal contact
Community Education 2203- Child Care Records These records document the children that are
enrolled in pre-school and before and after school
is no longer
child care programs. They may include, but may enrolled in the
not be limited to, registration information, program
emergency contact information, immunization PLUS: 1 year
and other health information, and field trip THEN: Destroy
permission slips.
Community Education 2204- Child Care Billing Records These records document billing for child care
services. They may include, but may not be is no longer
limited to, personal contact information, enrolled in the
enrollment information, and attendance. program
PLUS: 1 year
THEN: Destroy
State of Michigan
Records Management Services
Record Retention Guide: Michigan Public Schools
This guide accompanies the General Schedule for Michigan Public Schools that was approved 4-
Table of Contents
Public Records
Retention and Disposal Schedules
Record Maintenance
Suspending Destruction
Disaster Preparedness and Response
Public Disclosure
Preservation of Historical Records
Non-record Materials
School Election Records
School Internet Site and Social Media Content
Student Academic Records
Student Coursework
Special Education Student Records
Dissolved Districts
Public Records
The Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (MCL 15.231-15.246) defines public records as
recorded information “prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by a public
body in the performance of an official function, from the time it is created.
Retention and Disposal Schedules
Michigan law (MCL 399.811 and 750.491) requires that all public records be listed on an
approved Retention and Disposal Schedule that identifies the amount of time that records must
be kept to satisfy administrative, legal, fiscal and historical needs. Schedules identify when
records may be destroyed, and when certain records should be sent to the Archives of Michigan
for permanent preservation. Records cannot be destroyed unless their disposition is authorized
by an approved Retention and Disposal Schedule. All schedules are approved by the Records
Management Services, the Archives of Michigan, and the State Administrative Board. There are
two types of schedules that government agencies may use:
General Schedules: cover records that are common to a particular type of government
agency, such as a public and charter schools, local school districts, public school academies
and intermediate school districts. General schedules may not address every single record
that a particular agency may have in its possession. General schedules do not mandate that
any of the records listed on the schedule be created. However, if they are created in the
normal course of business, the general schedule establishes a minimum retention period for
Agency-Specific Schedules: cover records that are that are unique to a particular
government agency, and that are not listed on a general schedule. Agency-specific
schedules always override general schedules if a record is covered on both types of
schedules. Agency-specific schedules only address the records of the agency named on the
schedule and may not be used by another agency.
Record Maintenance
Records can exist in a wide variety of formats, including paper, maps, photographs, microfilm,
digital images, email messages, databases, etc. The record series listed on this general schedule
do not specify the format that the record may exist in, because each school district that follows
this schedule may choose to retain its records using different recording media. School districts
are responsible for ensuring that all of their records (regardless of format) are properly retained
and remain accessible during this entire retention period. All records need to be stored in a
secure and stable environment that will protect them from tampering, damage, and
degradation. Electronic records are dependent upon specific hardware and software to be
accessed and used. It is important to understand that the original technology that is used to
create electronic records will eventually become obsolete. As a result, school districts should
work with their information technology staff to develop preservation plans for retaining
electronic records with long-term (more than 10 years) retention requirements. Various laws
(including the Records Reproduction Act, MCL 24.401-24.406) identify acceptable formats for
retaining public records; agencies are responsible for understanding and complying with these
Suspending Destruction
School districts must immediately cease the destruction of all relevant records (even if
destruction is authorized by an approved Retention and Disposal Schedule) if they receive a
FOIA request, if they believe that an investigation or litigation is imminent, or if they are
notified that an audit, investigation, or litigation has commenced. If relevant records exist in
electronic formats (such as email, digital images, word processed documents, databases,
backup tapes, etc.), the school district may need to notify its information technology staff.
Failure to cease the destruction of relevant records could result in penalties.
Disaster Preparedness and Response
Schools should identify which of their records are vital and need to be protected in case a
disaster occurs. A disaster plan is helpful to define how the agency will try to prevent disasters
and respond to disasters. If records are completely destroyed during a disaster and are not
recoverable, the school should document which records were destroyed, and when/how the
destruction occurred. This information should be kept until the destroyed records’ retention
period is met. If records are damaged (but not destroyed) during a disaster, the school is
responsible for recovering those records that have not met their retention period yet. This may
require the services of a vendor that specializes in disaster response. An online guide is
available to assist with disaster preparedness and response.
Public Disclosure
Select records series that are listed on this schedule may be exempt from public disclosure, in
accordance with the provisions of various state and federal laws. Please consult with your
attorney if you need additional information.
Preservation of Historical Records
School districts generate some records that document the history of the school, its employees,
and its students. The school district may decide to keep these records on-site in their school
library or the administration offices. The Archives of Michigan may take responsibility for
preserving historically significant records if a school district dissolves (such as board meeting
records, annual reports, etc.). School districts can contact the Archives for assistance at 517-
335-2576 or
Non-record Material
General Schedule #1 addresses t
he retention of “non-recordmaterials. These documents are
broadly defined as drafts, duplicates, convenience copies, publications and other materials that
do not document agency activities or are not the official source of truth for the agency. These
materials can be disposed of when they no longer have reference value to the agency. School
districts need to identify the “office of recordwhen multiple offices possess copies of the same
record. The “office of recordis responsible for following the retention period that is specified.
Duplicates do not need to be retained. Employees should keep non-record duplicates for the
shortest amount of time necessary to satisfy their needs, and not longer than the retention
period of the official record. If the official record is destroyed (in compliance with its Retention
and Disposal Schedule), any non-record duplicates that still exist remain subject to FOIA and
litigation requests. A more comprehensive definition of “non-records” can be found in the
approved schedule.
School Election Records
The retention periods for election records are covered by General Schedule #23. School districts
only need to retain these records if they are responsible for administering the election.
School Internet Site and Social Media Content
Content published online, including social media postings, do not have a single retention
period. The retention period depends upon the content of the document or post. School
districts should treat their online publications and postings as duplicates, and they should
maintain the official records according to the other items listed on the schedule. Internet
technology is not designed to support the preservation of information. Information that is
posted online that needs to be retained for more than a few years should be kept in a format
and location that supports the retention period.
Student Academic Records
Personal information about a student may be collected on the CA-60 form/folder, on some
other form that is used by the school district, and/or in a student information
If a student drops out of school or dies, the records remain active until the expected
graduation date, and must be retained in compliance with item #1400A-B.
Schools remain responsible for retaining these records for the full retention period and they
cannot give them to the student upon graduation.
Schools are responsible for retaining records of students who transfer to another school
district until the next school district requests the student’s file (MCL 380.1135(4).) School
districts may select to retain a copy of the records that are transferred to the other school
district, however, they are not required to do so. If they do retain copies, those copies are
If the school district has a student information system (item #1400A-B) that contains
student grades and attendance, the student information system is the official record.
If a student participates in adult education, cooperative education (such as career and
technical education), dual enrollment programs, and/or shared time programs, the
applicable records should be retained by the home school district as part of the student
academic record. Cooperative education programs must send the student’s official records
to the student’s home district.
If a child participates in an early childhood education program and remains in the school
district, these records will become part of the student’s academic record (item #1400A-B).
Security incidents (see item #900) and security video recordings (see item #903) may meet
the criteria of student educational records, and if so, would need to be retained in
compliance with item #1400B.
Student Course Work
Students are the owner of the work they produce while taking a class. Some districts allow
students to store course work using school-owned storage locations (either paper or
electronic). Districts are encouraged adopt a policy about the storage of student course work
that defines when it will be deleted (such as at the end of the school year or upon graduation).
Students should be notified at the beginning and end of each semester that if they want to
keep their course work, they should save it to a storage location that they own before the
policy is implemented
Special Education Student Records
34 CFR 300.573 states that schools “shall inform parents when personally identifiable
information collected, maintained, or used under this part is no longer needed to provide
educational services to the child. (b) The information must be destroyed at the request of the
parents. However, a permanent record of a student’s name, address, and phone number, his or
her grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed
may be maintained without time limitation.”
Dissolved Districts
If a school district is dissolved and absorbed by another school district(s), the records of the
former school district must be transferred to the new district(s) to fulfill the remainder of
their retention period.
Intermediate School Districts may coordinate the retention of, or retain themselves, the
records of closed public schools (if the files are not transferred to another open school) for
the remainder of their retention period.
When a public school academy is dissolved by its authorizer, a non-profit corporation or a
receiver becomes responsible for compliance with this record Retention and Disposal
Schedule for all records (not just student records) of the former public school academy.
The Archives of Michigan may take responsibility for preserving historically significant
records if a school district is dissolved (such as board meeting records, annual reports, etc.).
School districts in this situation should contact the Archives for assistance at 517-335-2576
Records Management Can Help!
State of Michigan Records Management Services is available to assist government agencies
with their questions. Agencies may contact the Records Management Services at 517-335-9132
or via email at [email protected]. Additional information is also available from the
Records Management Services’ website,
including online training, guidance documents, and general schedules.