e Indian Jihadist Movement: Evolution and
by Stephen Tankel
Center for Strategic Research
Institute for National Strategic Studies
National Defense University
Institute for National Strategic Studies
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Cover: Indian soldier takes cover as Taj Mahal Hotel burns
during gun battle between Indian military and militants inside hotel,
Mumbai, India, November 29, 2008
(AP Photo/David Guttenfelder, File)
e Indian Jihadist Movement
Institute for National Strategic Studies
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
Series Editor: Nicholas Rostow
National Defense University Press
Washington, D.C.
July 2014
By Stephen Tankel
e Indian Jihadist Movement:
Evolution and Dynamics
For current publications of the Institute for National Strategic Studies, please visit the NDU Press Web site at:
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This paper benefited greatly from peer reviews by Jesse Bryan and Swetal Desai, and from
detailed comments and editorial support from Dr. Thomas F. Lynch III.
First printing, July 2014
Executive Summary ..............................................1
Introduction ....................................................2
e Four Phases of Indian Jihadism ............................... 2
Dynamics ......................................................9
Qualifying the reats ..........................................14
Appendix 1. Indian Jihad Dramatis Personae .......................18
Appendix 2. List of Indian Mujahideen Attacks .....................20
Appendix 3. Map of India ........................................22
Notes .........................................................23
About the Author ...............................................33
The Indian Jihadist Movement
Executive Summary
e Indian jihadist movement remains motivated primarily by domestic grievances rather
than India-Pakistan dynamics. However, it is far more lethal than it otherwise would have been
without external support from the Pakistani state, Pakistani and Bangladeshi jihadist groups,
and the ability to leverage Bangladesh, Nepal, and certain Persian Gulf countries for sanctu-
ary and as staging grounds for attacks in India. External support for the Indian mujahideen
(IM) from the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence and Pakistan-based militant groups such as
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) persists, but the question of command and control is more dicult to
discern. e IM is best viewed as an LeT associate rather than an LeT aliate.
e Indian mujahideen emerged as part of a wider jihadist project in India, but now con-
stitutes the primary domestic jihadist threat. IM is best understood as a label for a relatively
amorphous network populated by jihadist elements from the fringes of the Students Islamic
Movement of India and the criminal underworld. Today, it has a loose leadership currently
based in Pakistan and moves between there and the United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia.
e direct threat to India from its indigenous jihadist movement is manageable and un-
likely to impact the country’s forward progress or wider regional stability. It is a symptom of
political, socioeconomic, and communal issues that India arguably would need to address even
if indigenous jihadism disappeared tomorrow.
An attack or series of attacks by indigenous jihadists, however, start a wave of communal
violence in India or trigger a diplomatic crisis with Pakistan. With or without LeT assistance,
the IM constitutes a potential, but minimal, direct threat to U.S. and Western interests in India.
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
India has been confronting a jihadist threat from Pakistan for decades. Expeditionary ter-
rorism typically receives the most focus, but indigenous actors beneting from external support
are responsible for the majority of jihadist attacks in India. e Indian mujahideen (IM) net-
work, which announced its presence to the public via media in 2007, is the latest and most well
known manifestation of the indigenous Islamist militant threat. As this paper details, however,
its members were active before then. Moreover, a small number of Indian Muslims have been
launching terrorist strikes—with and without Pakistani support—for more than two decades.
e dynamics of Indian jihadism and the nature of Indias evolving counterterrorism response
are not easy to comprehend. is is understandable given that, even among Indian security of-
cials and analysts, a knowledge gap exists.
Discussions with issue experts and policy analysts prior to eld research highlighted that
three key areas regarding Indian jihadism remained opaque: the organizational nature and scale
of the indigenous movement, the degree to which indigenous networks could threaten U.S.
interests in India or across the wider South Asia region, and the nebulous ties between Indian
jihadist networks and Pakistan-based groups. is paper addresses these and related issues and
focuses on the evolution and dynamics of Indian jihadism.
It begins by providing an overview
of the evolution of the Indian jihadist movement, then explores the dynamics extant within that
movement today, and concludes with an assessment of the threats posed by the movement.
e Four Phases of Indian Jihadism
Phase One
In December 1992, Hindu chauvinists demolished the Babri Masjid (Babur mosque) in
Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India, which had been constructed by the rst Mughal Emperor of
India in the 16
century. Hundreds of Muslims were killed in the communal riots that followed
the mosques demolition. An environment of relative deprivation aicting Indian Muslims had
already created a small pool of would-be militants.
So too did pervasive abuse by the police,
which grew once Muslims started becoming involved in homegrown terrorism and contributed
further to a sense of political alienation.
e demolition of the Babri mosque thus catalyzed
a response among an already radicalizing portion of the Muslim community. Believing that
established leaders of the Muslim community had failed to stand against a rising threat from
Hindu chauvinism, radical members took it upon themselves to ght back.
The Indian Jihadist Movement
In the wake of communal riots that killed hundreds of Muslims, Dawood Ibrahim, the
Muslim leader of South Asias largest crime syndicate known as D-Company, worked with the
Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to engineer a lethal series of bomb blasts in
Mumbai (Bombay at the time) in March 1993.
is series of blasts remains the most deadly
terrorist attack in Indias history and may have helped inspire or embolden would-be jihadists
to take action. At the very least, D-Company became an important recruiting vehicle, using its
logistical networks and ties to Pakistan to facilitate transit there for aspiring Indian jihadists in
search of training and support.
e link between organized criminality and Islamist militancy remained an enduring fea-
ture of the Indian jihadist movement. e Asif Raza Commando Brigade, formed by gangsters-
cum-jihadists and discussed later in this section, constitutes one of the two major building
blocks of that movement. e Tanzim Islahul Muslimeen (Organization for the Improvement
of Muslims, or TIM) is the other.
Activists from the Gorba faction of the Jamaat Ahl-e-Hadith in Mumbai formed the TIM
in the Mominpora slum in summer 1985.
Motivated by communal riots that erupted the previ-
ous year in Bhiwandi and spread to Mumbai and ane, these activists converged around the
need for a Muslim self-defense militia and the possibility of taking revenge for Hindu national-
ist violence.
ree key gures were present at the Mominpora meetings: Jalees Ansari, Azam
Ghouri, and Abdul Karim (also known as “Tunda”). (For an alphabetical reference of these and
13 other key gures in the history of Indian jihadi activities, see appendix 1.)
Even though TIM was an armed defense militia, its members largely conned themselves
to parading around the grounds of the Young Mens Christian Association where, modeling the
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, they trained with lathis, the long, heavy wooden sticks oen
used as weapons in India.
However, Ansari, Ghouri, and Karim were already training with
explosives, the latter having earned his nickname aer a bombmaking accident blew o his le
As early as 1988, Ansari allegedly was executing “petty bombings” for which he used
folded train tickets as the timer and detonator for small explosives.
Aer the demolition of the
Babri mosque and the riots that followed, the three men outlined a signicantly grander plan
for which they found help from abroad.
In the early 1990s, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) was still a small Pakistani militant group and
just becoming the Pakistan military’s most powerful proxy against India. However, LeT was
organized enough to dispatch an operative named Azam Cheema to India shortly before the
eruption of the 1992 communal violence. Soon thereaer, Cheema recruited several TIM lead-
ers. A year to the day aer the Babri mosques destruction and with the support of LeT, the men
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
of TIM executed a series of coordinated bombings in several Indian cities (not to be confused
with those D-Company engineered).
Ansari was captured in the midst of planning a second series of bombings scheduled to
coincide with Indias Republic Day celebrations in January 1994.
Ghouri ed to Saudi Arabia
and then traveled to Pakistan where he linked up with LeT.
Karim crossed into Dhaka, Bangla-
desh, and headed LeT operations there during the mid-1990s as part of a wider tasking to help
build the groups pan-India capabilities. TIM members who had not ed or been arrested began
a recruitment drive, sending some of those they enlisted to Pakistan for training, oen via Ban-
Karim acted as a conduit for Indian recruits transiting from or through Bangladesh to
LeT camps in Pakistan.
Working via the Dhaka-based Islamic Chattra Shibir (Islamic Students
Organization), Karim coordinated the creation of a robust network throughout north India.
formed the backbone of LeT’s Indian operations branch, known as the Dasta Mohammad bin
Qasim. Cheema was its commander. Karim became its top eld operative, returning to India in
1996 to begin putting his network into action.
Collectively, Karim was allegedly involved in
over 40 bomb attacks across the country, 21 in Delhi alone, committed in 1994 and from 1996–
Ghouri returned to India in 1998 at Karims behest and launched the LeT-associated
Indian Muslim Mohamadee Mujahideen in Hyderabad. It executed seven bomb blasts, ve in
Hyderabad, and two in the surrounding areas of Matpalli and Nandad, targeting trains, buses,
and markets.
It was just one of a number of small outts operating in the area at the time, all
of which were part of the same network despite their dierent names.
In 1994, two Indian gangsters, Aab Ansari and Asif Raza Khan, who belonged to the other
major building block of the jihadist movement, were locked up alongside Ahmed Omar Saeed
Sheikh in Tihar Jail. Sheikh was a British-born member of the Pakistani militant group Harkat-
He motivated Ansari and Asif Khan to wage jihad against India.
Both took
up this charge following their release from prison. ey linked up with militant members of the
Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), which became a feeder for the burgeoning Indian
jihadist movement and a recruiting pool for Pakistan-based organizations like LeT looking to
train would-be homegrown Indian terrorists.
Founded in 1977 at Aligarh Muslim University in Uttar Pradesh as the student wing of
the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, SIMI was soon at odds with its parent organization. In 1981 they
separated. During the next 10 years, some SIMI members became even more alienated from the
mainstream political culture and more prone toward militant Islamism. SIMI rhetoric hardened
in the lead-up to the 1992 mosque demolition, with some leaders of the organization ultimately
declaring Islam to be under threat in India and calling upon Muslims to wage jihad against the
The Indian Jihadist Movement
Indian state or at least members of its Hindu majority.
As the 1990s progressed, SIMI leaders
increasingly sought to link themselves—ideologically, rhetorically, and operationally—to the
transnational jihadist movement burgeoning at the time.
Some of its most hardline members,
frustrated with extremist talk but little action, linked up with Ansari and Asif Khan.
Riyaz Shahbandri (hereaer known by his alias Riyaz Bhatkal) and Mohammed Sadique
Israr Sheikh (hereaer Sadique Sheikh) were the most prominent among these hardline mem-
bers. In April 2000, Sadique Sheikh connected with Aab Ansari, aer which he and several
other would-be militants traveled to Pakistan, all of them carrying Pakistani passports. Aer
training in LeT camps, Sadique Sheih returned in July where he reconnected with Asif Khan to
begin plotting terrorist attacks.
Riyaz Bhatkal was seeking funding from Asif Khan to nance
terrorist operations in India by this time as well.
e Gujarat police killed Azam Ghouri in 2000. Karim absconded to Pakistan via Ban-
gladesh the same year. In December 2001, the Gujarat police gunned down Asif Khan, who
had been taken into custody and was allegedly trying to escape. Despite their absence from the
battleeld, the movement these men helped to build was poised for growth.
Phase Two
e second period lasted from 2001–2005. By the beginning of the decade, it was becom-
ing clear that the guerrilla war in Indian-administered Kashmir was not bearing fruit and that
some Pakistani militant groups were escalating their involvement in attacks against the hin-
e 9/11 attacks followed by the December 2001 assault on Indias Parliament by the
Pakistani militant group Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) also may have triggered a realization within
the ISI that an overreliance on Pakistan proxies risked provoking international ire. e conu-
ence of these factors likely contributed to the LeT decision to expand its recruitment eorts in
India and terrorist operations there.
At approximately the same time, India banned SIMI in 2001, driving many of its mem-
bers underground and triggering a cleavage within it between those who, while extreme, were
not prepared to take up arms and hardliners looking to launch a terrorist campaign.
A small
number of SIMI activists who split from the organization went on to form the core of the Indian
In early 2002, riots in the Indian state of Gujarat claimed the lives of 790 Muslims
and 254 Hindus.
The riots mobilized a section of Indias Muslim population already prone to radicaliza-
tion at a time when LeT and the inchoate network that would become the IM were increas-
ing recruitment efforts.
Other independent militants, often with ties to Pakistani militant
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
groups—especially LeT, the Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami branch in Bangladesh (HuJI-B), or
both—were active during this time, too. The focus here is on the network that coalesced
into the IM. However, it is worth noting that key LeT operatives, including Sayed Zabiud-
din Ansari (aka Abu Jundal), the Indian who taught Hindi to the 2008 Mumbai attackers
and was in the control room for the operation, was among those recruited into the group
during this phase.
In December 2001, the men who ultimately came together to form the IM constituted only
another small cell with ties to militant groups in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Aer the Gujarat
police gunned down Asif Raza Khan, his brother Amir Raza Khan (A.R. Khan) established
the Asif Raza Commando Force in his brother’s name. He enlisted several Indians, including
Sadique Sheikh, as well as two Pakistani militants. Operating under the Asif Raza Commando
Force banner, they attacked police ocers guarding the American Centre in Kolkata killing 6 of
them and injuring 14 other people.
A.R. Khan ed to Pakistan. On his instructions, Sadique Sheikh launched another recruit-
ment drive, this time focused on his native Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh.
At the same time, Ri-
yaz Bhatkal and his brother Iqbal were recruiting a cadre for training across the border.
In his
new role as a Pakistan-based LeT interface for Indian jihadist networks, A.R. Khan facilitated
training and travel for recruits via the provision of fake passports and nancing.
As those who
traveled to Pakistan for training returned to India, they quickly became involved in launching
bomb attacks.
Indian prosecutors allege that in 2004 Riyaz Bhatkal brought various operators from the
burgeoning jihadist movement together for a retreat in the south Indian town of Bhatkal. His
brother Iqbal, Sadique Sheikh, and others, some of whom had also trained with LeT, were pres-
Together, these men formed the core of the IM network. On February 23, 2005, using Re-
search Department Explosives (RDX) provided by HuJI-B, they bombed the Dasashwadmedha
Ghat in Varanasi, the holiest bathing place for Hindus on the banks of the Ganges.
e IM
network had activated.
Phase ree
e third phase lasted from 2005–2008, during which time the IM was primarily or solely
responsible for at least nine additional bombings, not including the 2006 Mumbai blasts, which
may have been a joint LeT-IM attack, and the 2008 Bangalore blasts, which almost certainly
was. (List of attacks attributed to the Indian Mujahideen is available in appendix 2.)
The Indian Jihadist Movement
Members of the Azamgarh module led by Atif Ameen and Sadique Sheikh, who recruited
many of them, were responsible for all but one of these nine bombings.
With the Azamgarh
module active in the north, the Shahbandri brothers increased their recruitment eorts in
southern India.
is included establishing a module in Pune, Maharashtra, where the two
were based for part of 2007.
Mohsin Choudhary, who met Iqbal at a religious event in 2004
and became another high-ranking IM leader, is believed to have assisted with these eorts.
Under the direction of Riyaz Shahbandri (also known as Riyaz Bhatkal), the Pune module exe-
cuted one attack, the 2007 twin bombings in Hyderabad that killed 44 people and lent assistance
for the LeT-led 2008 Bangalore blasts that le 2 dead.
However, Indian ocials continued to
attribute these attacks to LeT and HuJI-B, which intelligence ocials now admit hampered their
counterterrorism eorts.
In 2007, the IM began publicly claiming its attacks.
By this time it was becoming increas-
ingly cohesive and consisted of three wings: the Mohammad Gaznavi Brigade, which was built
around the Azamgarh module and also known as the Northern Brigade; the Sahabuddin Bri-
gade, which was built around the Pune module and also known as the Southern Brigade; and
the Shaheed-Al-Zarqavi Brigade responsible for planning dayeen attacks (which never came
to fruition).
e IM later added the Media Group, which became responsible for claiming its
attacks via electronic and print media.
is cohesion meant that removing a key node could cause a serious blow. In September
2008, the Delhi police stumbled onto such a node: Atif Ameen and several of his colleagues in
their rented address at Batla House. Ameen and another militant, Mohammad Sajid, were killed
and two others were arrested while one suspect escaped.
e information gleaned from the
Batla House encounter led to a wave of arrests, including Sadique Sheikh. It also forced others
to go underground or ee the country.
is threw the IM into disarray and contributed to an
almost 2-year pause in attacks. It did not, however, end the IM terrorist threat.
Phase Four
e ability to nd safe haven in Pakistan and to travel from there to the Gulf, specically
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), enabled IM leaders, including the Shah-
bandri brothers who ed India, to regroup and rebuild their networks. With Atif Ameen dead
and Sadique Sheikh in prison, Ahmed Siddi Bapa emerged as the on-the-ground commander
in India. He took control of the Pune module and built another, alternatively called the Bihar or
Darbhanga module.
e Indian authorities arrested him in August 2013.
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
e IM resumed attacks in 2010, bombing the German bakery in Pune. Additional attacks
followed, some more successful than others. In several instances, discussed in the following
section, IM members allegedly worked with LeT operatives or used LeT-supplied RDX. Man-
soor Peerbhoy, who led the Media Group, was arrested before the IM resumed its bombing
campaign, and no claim of credit was issued for the rst two blasts. In December 2010, aer a
bomb exploded at the Sheetla Ghat in Varanasi, an email entitled “Let’s feel the pain together”
was purportedly sent to several media houses. It claimed, “Indian Mujahideen attribute this
attack to December 6 . . . the loss of their beloved Babri Masjid” and was signed “Al-Arbi,” the
same signature used on all the previous IM emails.
Although most interlocutors with whom
the author spoke concurred this was an IM attack, several of them observed that anyone with
rudimentary computer knowledge could send a claim signed Al-Arbi. eoretically, this makes
assigning blame for attacks more dicult and can create additional uncertainty for investiga-
In reality, no claims of responsibility accompanied subsequent IM attacks.
On average, there has been a reduction in number of attacks per year and the lethality of
attacks, correlating with a drop in the yearly death toll. e most successful strike occurred in
July 2011 when the IM executed three simultaneous bombings in Mumbai.
is was the most
calculated and organized attack to occur since the Batla House encounter; it killed 26 people
and injured approximately 130 others.
e head of the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad
claims to have evidence that Riyaz Shahbandri planned the attacks from Saudi Arabia, where he
met with others involved.
He and Siddi Bapa are named in the 4,700-page charge sheet led
as having planned, funded, and provided explosives for the attack.
According to the National
Investigative Agency, which was questioning Siddi Bapa at the time of writing, the IM eld
commander told them a Pakistani national called Waqas with bombmaking expertise planted
one of the three explosive devices. He alleged Waqas was roped in specically for the operation,
was currently in hiding, and reported directly to handlers in Pakistan.
Two more attacks followed: serial blasts executed in Pune on August 1, 2012, and two
bicycle bombs in downtown Hyderabad that killed 17 and injured over 100 people.
It remains
unclear whether the IM was denitively responsible and, if so, who within the network planned
or executed these attacks. Investigators undoubtedly will seek clarication from Siddi Bapa. His
arrest also raises questions about the future of the IM network and, especially, the Bihar module.
Authorities claim to have successfully degraded the Pune module in the past 2 years, leaving the
Bihar module as the most important IM entity. Siddi Bapas arrest is unlikely to spell the end of
the Indian jihadist movement, but investigators and analysts can hope to learn more about its
dynamics. It is to these that we now turn.
The Indian Jihadist Movement
e following briey explores the scale and composition of the Indian jihadist movement,
its ideology, drivers and recruitment, the evolution of bombmaking, and external support from
Pakistan and Pakistan-based groups such as LeT.
Scale and Composition
e IM is part of a larger universe of jihadist entities operating in India. Many are con-
nected to one another and to external jihadist entities such as LeT or HuJI-B, each of which
recruits and runs its own Indian operatives in addition to supporting independent networks.
e IM also is best thought of as a label or brand for a network of modules that connect to, and
sometimes suck in, smaller cells and self-organizing clusters. Even at the peak of cohesion and
attacks in 2008, all the entities acting under the IM label were not in touch with each other.
Some of the men arrested in September 2008 had not even known they were part of the IM until
its leaders began making public announcements claiming credit for attacks that those men had
executed. As the Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) recalled, “these boys had joined Atif Amin to
do jihad and that’s all they knew.
e Bhatkal brothers exercise a loose leadership over the IM network from abroad. ey
are believed to shuttle between Pakistan and Gulf countries, primarily Saudi Arabia and UAE.
Ahmed Siddi Bapa, who until his arrest in late August 2013 served as the on-the-ground IM
commander, allegedly told investigators the two now spend the majority of their time in Paki-
stan, where they sought to remain perhaps in order to avoid arrest and deportation.
Kagzi is alleged to have acted as a main LeT/IM interface in Saudi Arabia.
Aer several LeT
and IM operatives were deported to India, Kagzi is believed to have ed to Pakistan.
According to several IB analysts who have tracked the IM network for years, the situation
on the ground in India is uid:
Its not like Pakistan where you have JeM turf and LeT turf, JeM leaders and LeT
leaders. Here it’s about focal points. If you have 1 or 2 people connect with the
Bhatkals or LeT in a certain area here in India then they become a focal point
and can recruit others mainly from that area. So people join Person X who might
go to someone like Riyaz Bhatkal for help and if hes successful then he will get
more support and recruit more people. Riyaz is a big focal point. But Person X is
a focal point too.
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
e IB estimates the entire number of people who are part of the IM network—includ-
ing foot soldiers within modules, but excluding individual cells tangentially connected to it—
at most 100 people, some of who may have ed the country.
ose inside India are spread
throughout the country, but concentrated in certain states: Bihar (Darbunga), Delhi and Uttar
Pradesh (Azamgarh) in the north, and Karnataka (Bhatkal and Bangalore), Kerala, and Maha-
rashtra (Mumbai and Pune) in the south. Simply being located or recruited in one area, how-
ever, does not imply being active there.
e IM is more of a terrorist network than a jihadist organization. Its division of responsi-
bilities is almost entirely operational, and the network has never boasted a religious committee
of any sort. Nor does the IM have any clerics among its ranks. Boiled down to its essence, IM
ideology is one of exacting revenge for communal injustices. IM leaders attempt to situate their
domestic struggle in the context of a wider pan-Islamist jihad, for example by referring to Indias
capital not only as the “most strategic hindutva hub,” but also the country’s “green zone,” a likely
reference to the protected U.S. enclave in Iraq.
Yet this pretense of a grander ideological para-
digm masks what still remains an overwhelmingly locally focused terrorist campaign fueled by
communal grievance. e Bhatkal brothers repeatedly proclaim their bombing campaign as
MuslimsQisaas or revenge.
Although IM leaders repeatedly single out Hindu nationalist organizations, the police,
and various politicians and state institutions as the culpable parties, they do not ideologically
circumscribe their violence accordingly. Instead, they have threatened to punish the entire na-
Echoing al Qaedas assertion that all Americans are fair targets for terrorist violence be-
cause they elected and paid taxes to the U.S. Government, the IM labels all Hindus “combatants
because they elected the country’s leaders.
e IM also encourages targeting fellow Muslims
if they act as hired informers or spies.
Although IM leaders establish broad parameters for
acceptable targets, they do delineate priorities and single out specic states for terrorist attacks.
ese states, which have “crossed the limits of cruelty,” are Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya
Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra.
A review of IM attack locations re-
veals that the networks rhetoric matched its operational planning.
Drivers and Recruitment
e overwhelming majority of Indians who become involved in militancy appear moti-
vated primarily by a sense of grievance. Individual recruits may believe that violent jihad is
The Indian Jihadist Movement
obligatory, but collectively, the ambition to impose Sharia or otherwise Islamize society is sec-
ondary, if it exists at all, to the desire for revenge against real and perceived injustices. According
to police and intelligence ocials, almost every arrested militant they interrogated mentioned
the Babri mosques demolition, the Gujarat riots, or both as a major motivator.
Indian experts such as Praveen Swami and Shishir Gupta have written about the role that
economic hardships, especially frustration among educated Muslims who believe employment
opportunities are closed o to them, are believed to play in terms of contributing to a sense of
Poor treatment by the police came up repeatedly in interviews with security ocials
and Muslim community leaders as well.
ere is also a pattern among some Indian militants of
moving back and forth between jihadism and for-prot crime.
Finally, as with many militant
movements, the IM also attracted its share of attention seekers. One member reportedly told an
interrogator he simply wanted to see his face on Indias most wanted list.
How are those looking to engage in violence or at least open to it recruited into the jihadist
movement? SIMI may no longer be the feeder it was in the past when a core mass in the hun-
dreds—radicalized and motivated to ght against Hindu domination—moved along a conveyer
belt into jihad. But SIMI connections still matter, as do familial and friendship ties.
In some
instances, a person is exposed to the proper “mood music,” decides he wants to “do” jihad, and
looks for assistance where he can nd it. In others cases, talent-spotters work from the top
down, but even in this instance, the connections are oen organic. Recently recruitment has
been taking place via the Internet, including Facebook and Twitter.
Recruitment also takes place in the Gulf where many Indian Muslims have sought em-
ployment opportunities. e Gulf employment boom for Indian Muslims led it to become a
place for recruiting and indoctrinating them rst by LeT and now by the IM.
Fayyiz Kagzai,
Fasih Mahmood, and Sayed Zabiuddin Ansari were the three most well-known Indian recruit-
ers based in Saudi Arabia. e latter two have since been deported to India. Notably, all three
are considered LeT members who recruit for and interface with the IM, suggesting considerable
overlap between the two.
When the IM network began its bombing campaign in 2005, it used HuJI-B–supplied
RDX smuggled across the Bangladesh border.
While Sheikhs Azamgarh module was carrying
out attacks in 2005–2006, Riyaz Bhatkal is believed to have been sourced ammonium nitrate
from Karnataka.
is eort paid o aer June 2006 when the militant responsible for smug-
gling RDX was arrested and the explosives supply line broke down. ereaer, Siddi Bapa was
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
tasked with transmitting the ammonium nitrate used for all of the attacks from 2007–2008.
is move indigenized the process, and it remained the explosive of choice through 2008.
Yet at those times when the indigenous movement has struggled, such as aer Batla House,
external entities such as LeT may have stepped in to provide an infusion of assistance. For ex-
ample, the 2010 Pune bombings used ammonium nitrate as the core charge and RDX as the
booster charge.
Networks associated with LeT commander Rashid Abdullah were suspected
of supplying the RDX.
e July 2011 serial blasts in Mumbai that killed 26 and wounded 130
were the rst successful attack to use only indigenous materials (that is, ammonium nitrate)
since the Batla House encounter.
However, more recent attacks have used pentaerythritol tet-
ranitrate to trigger ammonium nitrate mixed with fuel, once again suggesting the possibility of
external support.
External Support and Command and Control
e IM has received signicant support from abroad; most notably from Pakistan, but its
members also leveraged hospitable environments in Bangladesh, Nepal, and several Persian
Gulf countries. In addition to its support for the IM, LeT supports militants seemingly uncon-
nected or only tangentially linked to the network. For example, it helped to train and support
militant networks in the southern state of Kerala. Some of these men were connected to the IM
or later absorbed into its web, but others remained independent.
e ISI allegedly launched an enterprise, since dubbed the “Karachi Project,” to help sus-
tain the homegrown jihadist network in India without the same negative international reper-
cussions that came from attacks by Pakistani actors.
David Headley, the captured LeT operative who performed reconnaissance on all of the
targets hit during the 2008 Mumbai attacks, appears to have been the rst to use the term Ka-
rachi Project. However, it is unclear whether the term describes an actual delineated program,
or if Headley simply used it to describe LeT units based in Karachi.
Two things are clear from
Headley’s testimony. First, the purpose of each unit in Karachi was to launch operations in India
using indigenous actors. Second, he alleges the militants in charge of these units were in contact
with and received assistance from ISI ocers for their operations.
LeT emerged as and has remained the primary, though not the only, group responsible for
instructing Indian recruits. It is questionable whether as many of those recruited—either in the
Gulf or locally—still go to Pakistan for training as in the past. Over time, Indians learned how
to build explosives using locally sourced materials for explosives. Once a well-trained cohort
of operators who could pass along their skills returned, there was less need for either deploying
The Indian Jihadist Movement
Pakistanis to India or bringing new recruits to Pakistan for training. is helped to indigenize
the Indian jihadist movement and decrease the need for travel to Pakistan. Some new recruits
are now trained in places such as the Hubli jungle in Karnataka on the use of small arms or the
basics of bombmaking rather than traveling to Pakistan.
Other recruits are simply used as foot
soldiers or for logistical support and need no serious instruction.
Numerous Indian security ocials pointed to interrogation reports and intercepts cor-
roborating the existence of a nexus with Pakistan and the presence of this infrastructure, which
allegedly includes the provision of safe haven for wanted Indian militants such as Riyaz Bhatkal
and A.R. Khan.
Indian ocials have transmitted lists of militants believed to be sheltering in
Pakistan to their counterparts there on numerous occasions. Although it is by no means certain
all of those on these lists are receiving sanctuary in Pakistan, some almost certainly are.
Money matters, too. It is an article of faith among the Indian authorities that LeT continues
to nance the IM via hawala networks and cash couriers (some of whom transport counterfeit
Both are notoriously challenging to trace. Recent reporting suggests the IM also
raises money through criminal activity and by using false names to solicit donations from Gulf
donors with the pretense of using it for charity, a tactic LeT and other militants groups have
engaged in for many years.
Siddi Bapa allegedly coordinated with Gulf-based Indian opera-
tives including Fasih Mahmood to “rope in the funds through which the Indian Mujahideen
survived” aer Batla House.
is raises questions about whether the IM successfully built
semi-independent nancing operations.
Until recently Bangladesh was a major transit point for Indian and Pakistani militants.
Bangladesh-based HuJI-B and LeT operatives oen facilitated their travel, with ISI sometimes
providing passports and money as well as intervening with local Bangladeshi authorities when
However, since the Sheikh Hasinas Bangladesh Awami League administration came
into oce in Dhaka early in 2009, such activity has shrunk signicantly. In recent years, Indian
authorities have begun to worry more about Nepal, which they see as a growing transit point for
people executing terrorist attacks in India.
A serious lack of governance exists in Nepal and it
is unclear whether the ISI plays, or even needs to play, a major role in facilitating jihadist travel
through there. Saudi Arabia and the UAE also remain important safe havens and transit points.
Many Indians traveling between these countries carry Pakistani passports. Until recently even
known Indian militants captured in Saudi Arabia or the UAE would simply be sent back to
Pakistan if they had a Pakistani passport.
It is unclear whether the Saudis’ arrest and deporta-
tion of Ansari and Fasih Mahmood signal a permanent break from this practice.
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
While support for the jihadist movement in India from LeT and the ISI undoubtedly exists,
the degree of command and control over the movement remains unclear. Indian intelligence
analysts assert that during the IMs heyday from 2005–2008, Amir Raza Khan was the main
interface between the network and the Pakistan-based LeT.
A dossier prepared by the Andhra
Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad also contends that Sadique Sheikh and Riyaz Shahbandri would
liaise with A.R. Khan regarding attack plans.
One captured militant supports this contention,
telling investigators that A.R. Khan took direction from LeT commanders based in Pakistan.
Riyaz Bhatkal’s relationship with the ISI remains unclear and is subject of speculation among
various Indian analysts. Some in the Intelligence Bureau believe he has replaced A.R. Khan as
the main interface with the ISI in Pakistan and is taking direction from it directly or via LeT.
In either case, one can assume Pakistan is able to exert a level of inuence over the IM.
Whether the ISI has been directing attacks remains a subject of debate. Most Indian ocials
contend the ISI, via LeT, is directing the IM. is is anchored on the theory that the ISI would
not provide safe haven to IM leaders without seeking to exert control over how the network op-
erates. However, it is possible the ISI may be protecting major IM leaders for other reasons. For
example, they could implicate Pakistan for the support it has provided and their capture would
endanger militant networks that Pakistan does not wish to see unraveled.
A spectrum of possibilities exists with signicant control on one end of the continuum and
an ISI/LeT–supported “wind-up toy” on the other. Based on what is known about ISI tasking
from the anti-Soviet jihad, insurgency in Kashmir and more recent insurgency in Afghanistan,
it may be that the ISI engages IM leaders on ad hoc basis to undertake discrete attacks. As this
report illustrates, evidence suggests LeT operatives have solicited attacks and provided support
for them, though whether they have always done so at the behest of ISI ocers (ocial, rogue,
or retired) is unknown. Direction may include instructions simply to “do something,” to do
something in a certain area (for example, Mumbai or Delhi), or to strike a particular target or
type of target. It may also be the case that in exchange for safe haven and support, IM networks
execute specic types of operations when directed to do so, but are otherwise le to their own
devices. To quote one Indian analyst, “You do what I ask you to do, but I don’t tell you to do
everything you do.
Qualifying the reats
e Indian jihadist movement constitutes an internal security issue, but one with an ex-
ternal dimension. e two dimensions are historically intertwined, and in the last few decades,
the boundaries between them have become increasingly blurred. Pakistan-based groups, most
The Indian Jihadist Movement
notably LeT, have signicantly greater capacity, more robust capabilities, and considerably more
resiliency, thanks in no small part to a more hospitable environment. However, they are also
easier to detect than their Indian counterparts and typically lack the topographical and cultural
knowledge these indigenous operatives enjoy. Ultimately, trying to quantify the threats from
each set of actors—internal and external—risks misrepresenting the degree to which the two
are connected.
Indian jihadists are far more lethal as a result of external support, but no longer entirely de-
pendent on it. Even in those instances where a purely indigenous attack occurs, the perpetrators
oen will have beneted from earlier assistance. Pakistan-based actors have signicantly greater
capacity and more robust capabilities, and may remain able to launch unilateral strikes absent
Indian assistance. But they are unlikely to be able to equal the frequency of attacks achieved by
the IM. Moreover, although pure expeditionary terrorism with no indigenous assistance can
still occur, a catalogue of past attacks—attempted and successful—suggests foreign militants
oen benet from some form of Indian assistance such as safe haven or reconnaissance.
short, most attacks involve some admixture of foreign and indigenous elements.
Any loss of life is tragic, but as with most terrorist attacks the greater danger lies in the
wider responses they can trigger.
Although many Indian ocials now make only a minimal distinction between the IM and
Pakistani groups such as LeT, viewing both as tools of the Pakistani state, it has become more
dicult to trace Indian militants and the attacks they execute back to Pakistan. is is partly
the case because some Indian attacks really are entirely indigenous, and partly because the ISI
and Pakistan-based groups such as LeT have become more sophisticated at hiding their involve-
ment. New Delhi is unlikely to mobilize for war in the event its own citizens were responsible
for even a major terrorist spectacle. is is especially true given Indias strategic culture of re-
straint, which likely would remain the case even if it could be proved quickly that Pakistan had
provided support or direction. Nevertheless, the issue is of enough concern that it now merits
discussion at Track 2 events.
Furthermore, although an attack by homegrown militants with
foreign support may not spark a war, it has become yet another hurdle to overcome as the two
countries seek to navigate a peace process.
Numerous Indian interlocutors cite another threat: the prospect that another sustained
terrorism campaign could trigger a spate of communal violence. As one senior Indian security
ocial admitted, “Islamist terrorism is a manageable problem, but we do worry seriously about
the backlash eect from the Hindu community.
Such concerns are understandable. Hindu
extremists launched several terrorist attacks in recent years—Malegaon, the Samjauta Express,
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
and the Mecca Masjid—in response to Islamist terrorism and what they viewed as the states
failure to combat it. Notably, they do not appear to have dierentiated between attacks by indig-
enous and Pakistan-based actors, both of which are equally motivated to avenge Hindu violence
as this report illustrates. Indeed, these fed the terrorism cycle, triggering reprisal bombings by
the IM, which was already partly a byproduct of past episodes of communal violence. When
asked what the state could do better in terms of counterterrorism, the aforementioned ocial
zeroed in on policing and stated, “We need to be careful and aware of the prejudices in our own
security forces.
Although Lashkar-e-Taiba has become a higher priority for the United States since the
2008 Mumbai attacks, which killed six Americans, the indigenous Indian jihadist networks re-
main a signicantly lower priority.
is is sensible given limited resources, but that does not
mean that the IM poses no threats. e networks focus primarily on communal, touristic, eco-
nomic, and other so targets, but these have included locations where Westerners are present.
Specically, the 2010 Pune attack targeted a restaurant, the German Bakery, known to be popu-
lar with foreigners. As with the 2008 Mumbai assault, these blended attacks can serve multiple
purposes. Killing foreigners, especially Westerners, may be intended to weaken the economy
and the state. It also might indicate an attempt to satisfy an internationalist agenda within the
IM, LeT, or both, and thus the potential for further fusion of Indian and foreign targets. It is
worth noting, therefore, that David Headley, who remained a LeT operative but began freelanc-
ing aer the 2008 Mumbai attacks, told investigators he performed reconnaissance on targets in
Pune for the late Ilyas Kashmiri who led the 313 Brigade and was al Qaedas chief of operations
in Pakistan at the time.
Kashmiri sent an email to a Pakistani journalist in which he did not
directly claim credit for the Pune attack, but implied 313 Brigades involvement.
It is far from certain that the IM constitutes a horizon threat for the United States in South
Asia, but it is one that should be monitored for signs of a shi toward internationalist aims. In
the meantime, Washington has an interest in reducing Pakistans strategic reliance on militant
proxies, but doing so entails raising the costs to Pakistan of this reliance and/or reducing the
utility of militant proxies. e low-cost and relatively low-risk option of covertly supporting
Indian jihadists further reduces the disincentives for the Pakistani ISI of breaking with this
practice. Finally, the United States is invested in Indias peaceful rise and wider stability in South
Asia. Hence any challenge to either is problematic, though one that must be kept in perspective.
Ultimately, the issue of Indian jihadism is not now a major threat to regional stability or
to Indias rise. Rather, it is a symptom of several stubborn factors including an Indian bilateral
relationship with Pakistan dened by intense, zero-sum competition, as well as poor Indian
The Indian Jihadist Movement
domestic governance, political malfeasance, economic inequality, and a sense of injustice felt
by many. As one former ocial acknowledged, “ese problems would still be here even if we
had no terrorism.
Another former police ocer concurred, adding, “Pakistan may be taking
advantage of the situation to radicalize Muslim boys. ey may even be controlling the IM. But
even if they are then so what? We still must look within as to why Indians are susceptible. And
its up to us to solve this problem here.
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
Appendix 1. Indian Jihad Dramatis Personae
Atif Ameen: Headed Azamgarh Module of Indian Mujahideen (IM), which was respon-
sible for most bombings from 2007–2008; killed during the Batla House encounter.
Aab Ansari: Gangster-cum-jihadist radicalized in prison; facilitated training in Pakistan
and support for future IM leaders; arrested in Dubai; extradited to India; and imprisoned for
role in 2001 attack on U.S. Cultural Center in Kolkata.
Jalees Ansari: Early member of Tanzim Islahul Muslimeen (TIM); involved in 1993 serial
bombings; arrested while planning bombings during Republic Day celebrations in January 1994.
Sayed Zabiuddin Ansari: Recruited into Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) networks after 2002
Gujarat riots; fled to Pakistan during middle of last decade after involvement in Aurang-
abad arms haul; trained 2008 Mumbai attackers in Hindi and was in control room for the
attacks; key interface between LeT and the IM; arrested in Saudi Arabia and deported to
India in June 2012.
Ahmed Siddi Bapa: Became the IM eld commander in 2008 aer Batla House led to ar-
rest of Sadique Sheikh and forced migration of Shahbandri brothers; arrested by Indian authori-
ties in Nepal in August 2013.
Azam Cheema: LeTs rst head of operations for India; deployed to India in 1991–1992;
oversaw recruitment, attacks, and helped to build LeT networks during 1990s.
Azam Ghouri: Early member of TIM; involved in 1993 serial bombings; ed to Saudi
Arabia and helped build LeT networks there; returned to India in 1998; killed by police in 2000.
Fayyiz Kagzi: LeT operative recruited into same network as Sayed Zabiuddin Ansari; ed
to Pakistan during middle of last decade aer involvement in Aurangabad arms haul; key inter-
face between LeT and the IM.
Abdul Karim: Early member of TIM; involved in 1993 serial bombings; ed to Bangladesh
and helped build LeTs pan-India networks; returned to India in 1996 as LeT eld commander;
ed to Pakistan in 2000; arrested by Indian authorities in Nepal in August 2013.
Amir Raza (A.R.) Khan: Brother of Asif Raza Khan; founded Asif Raza Commando Force
that executed 2001 attack on U.S. Cultural Center in Kolkata; ed to Pakistan via the Gulf;
became the main interface for facilitating training and support for inchoate IM network; later
became main IM interface in Pakistan; believed to be in Pakistan.
Asif Raza Khan: Brother of A.R. Khan; gangster-cum-jihadist radicalized in prison; facili-
tated training in Pakistan and support for future IM leaders; killed by police in 2001.
The Indian Jihadist Movement
Fasih Mahmood: LeT/IM operative allegedly involved series of attacks in 2010; helped
recruit Indian cadre in the Gulf; arrested by Saudi authorities and deported to India in 2012.
Mansoor Peerbhoy: Headed IM Media Group; arrested in 2008.
Mohammed Sadique IsrarSheikh: Former Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI)
member; recruited by Aab Ansari and Asif Raza Khan; trained in Pakistan; involved in 2001
attack on U.S. Cultural Center in Kolkata; one of the founders of the IM; recruited many cadre
for Azamgarh Module.
Iqbal Shahbandri: Brother of Riyaz Shahbandri; former Tablighi Jamat member; one of
the founders of the Indian mujahideen; known for indoctrinating IM cadre; signatory to IM
communiqués; believed to be in Pakistan.
Riyaz Shahbandri: Brother of Iqbal Shahbandri; former SIMI member; one of the found-
ers of IM; signatory to IM communiqué; allegedly leads IM at time of writing; believed to be in
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
Appendix 2. List of Indian Mujahideen (IM) Attacks
Attack Date Responsible
Ghat, Varanasi
February 23,
Research Department
Explosives (RDX) smuggled
from Bangladesh
Shramjeevi express
train, Juanpur
July 28, 2005 IM–Northern
RDX smuggled from
Diwali Festival,
October 29,
RDX smuggled from
Bangladesh; Lashkar-e-Taiba
(LeT) may have contributed
manpower assistance
Temple and railway
station blasts,
March 7, 2006 IM–Northern
RDX smuggled from
Commuter train
blasts, Mumbai
July 11, 2006 LeT and/or IM;
possible joint attack
LeT initially blamed and
some LeT operatives claim to
know bombers; arrested IM
operatives claim Northern
Brigade was responsible;
believed to have used RDX
smuggled from Bangladesh
Gorakhpur serial
May 22, 2007 IM–Northern
Locally sourced ammonium
Twin bombings,
August 25,
IM–Southern Brigade Locally sourced ammonium
nitrate; revenge for Mecca
Masjid bombing by Hindu
Varanasi, Lucknow,
Faizabad courts
November 23,
Locally sourced ammonium
nitrate; rst communiqué
Jaipur serial blasts May 13, 2008 IM–Northern
Locally sourced ammonium
nitrate; second communiqué
Bangalore serial
July 25, 2008 Jamiat-ul-Ansar-ul-
Muslimeen (JIAM)
LeT provides material
support and guidance to
JIAM members; IM–Southern
Brigade assists with explosives
The Indian Jihadist Movement
Ahmedabad serial
July 26, 2008 IM–Northern
Attempted blasts in Surat by
IM–Southern Brigade fail;
locally sourced ammonium
nitrate; third communiqué
Delhi serial blasts September 13,
Locally sourced ammonium
nitrate; fourth communiqué
German bakery;
Pune (American
February 13,
IM–Pune and/or
Bihar Module
LeT may have provided
assistance in the form of RDX
and/or manpower
cricket stadium
April 17, 2010 IM–Pune and/or
Bihar Module
LeT may have provided
manpower assistance
Jama Masjid
shootings, Delhi
September 19,
IM–Pune and/or
Bihar Module
LeT believed to provide one
Sheetla Ghat,
December 7,
IM–Pune and/or
Bihar Module
Email claiming credit in IM
issued, rst formal claim since
Batla House encounter in 2008
Delhi High Court,
May 25, 2011 IM–Pune and/or
Bihar Module
No fatalities
Serial blasts,
July 13, 2011 IM–Pune and/or
Bihar Module
LeT may have provided
assistance with manpower/
Serial blasts, Pune August 1,
IM–Pune and/or
Bihar Module
No fatalities
Twin bicycle
February 21,
IM–Bihar Module Believed to be purely
indigenous attack
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
Appendix 3. Map of India
The Indian Jihadist Movement
Extensive desk-based research augmented 4 weeks of eld research in India in New Delhi,
Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, and 1 week of eld research in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Interview
subjects included local and foreign journalists, senior Indian government ocials from the National
Security Council, Ministry of Home Aairs, and Ministry of External Aairs, Indian security ocials
from the National Intelligence Bureau (IB) and National Investigative Agency (NIA), former ocials
from the IB, NIA, and the Research & Analysis Wing, current and former police ocers, academ-
ics, think tank experts, nongovernmental organization workers, leaders from the Muslim community,
civilian politicians, and U.S. diplomats. e aim was to triangulate between what the various actors do,
what they say, and what others say about them in order to solicit enough information from dierent
sources to redress the bias or ignorance of any one party. Meetings also were held with experts from the
Department of Defense, Department of State, and others within the interagency community in advance
of travel to India and Bangladesh. Preliminary ndings were presented to individuals at the Defense and
State Departments thereaer to sharpen analysis.
For example, according to the Sachar Committee commissioned in 2005 to examine the social,
economic, and educational conditions of the Muslim community, Muslim graduates had the highest
unemployment rate of any socio-religious group. Overall, Muslims were found to be underrepresented at
elite educational institutions as well as in the Indian Administrative Service (3 percent), Indian Foreign
Service (1.8 percent), and Indian Police Service (4 percent). See Prime Ministers High Level Committee,
Social, Economic and Educational Status of the Muslim Community of India, November 2006.
Shishir Gupta, Indian Mujahideen: e Enemy Within (Gurgaon, India: Hachette Littlehamp-
ton, 2012), 296.
Hasan Zaidi, Black Friday: e True Story of the Bombay Bomb Blasts (New Delhi: Penguin,
Praveen Swami, “e Well-Tempered Jihad: e Politics and Practice of Post-2002 Islamist
Terrorism in India,Contemporary South Asia 16, no. 3 (September 2008); Praveen Swami, “A Road to
Perdition: India and Its Invisible Jihad,” unpublished manuscript, April 2008.
Praveen Swami, “Harnessing Hate,Frontline, July 29–August 11, 2006, available at <www.
Swami, “e Well-Tempered Jihad.” Regarding the riots, see Asghar Ali Engineer, ed., Com-
munal Riots in Post-independence India, 33 (Hyderabad, India: Universities Press, 1991); omas Blom
Hansen, Wages of Violence: Naming and Identity in Postcolonial Bombay (Princeton: Princeton Univer-
sity Press, 2001), 70.
Praveen Swami, “e ‘Liberation’ of Hyderabad,Frontline, May 13–26, 2000, available at
<www.frontlineonnet.com/1710/17100390.htm>; Praveen Swami, India, Pakistan, and the Secret Jihad
(New York: Routledge, 2007), 196.
Swami, “Harnessing Hate.
Ansari would allow potassium to burn through the paper ticket. Once complete, it would
detonate a small explosive. Rakesh Maria, chief of the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad, interview by
author, Mumbai, India, June 11, 2012. See also Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 26.
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
Swami, “e Well-Tempered Jihad”; Swami, “A Road to Perdition.” See also Praveen Swami,
“e Spreading Tentacles of Terror,e Hindu, August 31, 2003.
See “Life Sentences for 15 for 1993 Serial Train Blasts,Redi, February 28, 2004.
Swami, “e Well-Tempered Jihad.
Indian Security Services, “Interrogation Report of Abdul Razzak Masood”; “Lashkar Using
Gulf NRIs in Network,e Times of India, November 29, 2002; Praveen Swami, “Behind Bangalore:
e Origins of the Long Jihad,e Hindu, January 9, 2006, available at <www.thehindu.com/todays-
Stephen Tankel, Storming the World Stage: e Story of Lashkar-e-Taiba (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2011), 90–91.
Ibid. 90.
Praveen Swami, “Why LeT Terrorist Abdul Karim Tunda Is a Big Catch for India,Firstpost,
August 19, 2013, available at <www.rstpost.com/india/why-let-terrorist-abdul-karim-tunda-is-a-big-
Swami, “e Spreading Tentacles of Terror”; Manoj Joshi, e Lost Rebellion: Kashmir in the
Nineties (Melbourne: Penguin Group Australia, 1999), 176–177.
“LeT Terrorist Abdul Karim Tunda Arrested, Sent to 3-day Police Custody,Firstpost, August
17, 2013, available at <www.rstpost.com/india/let-terrorist-abdul-karim-tunda-arrested-sent-to-
3-day-police-custody-1040369.html>; Jatin Anand, “Who Is Syed Abdul Karim alias Tunda,Hindustan
Times, August 17, 2013, available at <www.hindustantimes.com/India-news/NewDelhi/Who-is-Abdul-
Praveen Swami, “Road to Unimaginable Horror,e Hindu, July 13, 2006.
K.S. Reddy, Andhra Pradesh bureau chief for e Hindu, interview by author, Hyderabad,
India, June 14, 2001. Anjani Kumar, Inspector General of Police, interview by author, Hyderabad, India,
June 19, 2012.
Arrested and incarcerated for his role in kidnapping four foreign nationals as part of a plot
to free other Harakat Ul-Mujahidin members imprisoned in India, Sheikh later gained international
notoriety when he engineered Daniel Pearls kidnapping in Pakistan.
Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 128–129.
According to former head of the IB Ajit Doval, the Students Islamic Movement of India
(SIMI) was responsible for recruiting the cadre, who were then vetted by Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)-linked
mosques and then sent to Pakistan for training. Ajit Doval, former head of the IB, interview by author,
May 31, 2012. Regarding SIMI’s role in recruitment see, Gupta, Indian Mujahideen; Swami, “e Well-
Tempered Jihad”; C. Christine Fair, “Students Islamic Movement of India and the Indian Mujahideen:
An Assessment,Asia Policy, no. 9 (January 2010), 110–119.
Farhat Aysas, professor at Jamia Millia Islamia, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June
27, 2012; Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 4, 34.
SIMI launched a national movement to mobilize support for Caliphate rule, identifying rhe-
torically with Osama bin Laden and connecting with various Pakistani and Kashmiri militant groups.
See Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 4, 20; Swami, “e Well-Tempered Jihad.
Information in this paragraph comes from the courts trial record of Mohammad Sadique
The Indian Jihadist Movement
Israr Sheikh Final Report Forum (Under Section 173 Cr. P.C.) in the Court of Ms. Kaveri Baweja,
CMM, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi, FIR No. FIR No. 130/08, February 27, 2009.
Praveen Swami, “Riyaz Bhatkal and the Origins of the Indian Mujahideen,CTC Sentinel 3,
no. 5 (May 2010).
Tankel, Storming the World Stage, 140.
e Composite Dialogue launched between India and Pakistan in early 2004 likely rein-
forced these dynamics. It made clandestinity for LeT, and hence the availability of indigenous militants
to launch attacks or provide logistical support, more important.
Former high-ranking Indian intelligence ocial, interview by author, Bangalore, India, June
14, 2012. Fair, “Students Islamic Movement of India and the Indian Mujahideen,” 114.
Swami, “Riyaz Bhatkal and the Origins of the Indian Mujahideen.
Unocial estimates put the death toll as high as 2,000. It was widely alleged that ocials
from the Bharatiya Janata Party–led state government, whose chief minister (then and now) Narenda
Modi was named in September 2013 as that party’s candidate for prime minister in the coming 2014
elections, encouraged and assisted Hindus who were involved in violence. For ocial casualty gures,
see “Gujarat riot death toll revealed,BBC Online, May 11, 2005. For unocial casualty gures, see We
Have No Orders To Save You: State Participation and Complicity in Communal Violence in Gujarat (New
York: Human Rights Watch, April 2002). In 2012, a state legislator and former state education minister,
who is among Modis condants, was one of 32 people convicted for roles in the riots. See Gardiner
Harris and Hari Kumar, “32 People Convicted for Roles in Gujarat Riots,e New York Times, August
29, 2012.
Rahul Bedi, “Bombay Bombings Fuel Tension,Janes Terrorism & Security Monitor, Septem-
ber 12, 2003; Swami, “e Well-Tempered Jihad”; Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 4.
Information in this paragraph comes from the courts trial record of Mohammad Sadique Is-
rar Sheikh Final Report Forum (Under Section 173 Cr. P.C.) in the Court of Ms. Kaveri Baweja, CMM,
Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi, FIR No. FIR No. 130/08, February 27, 2009. See also Gupta, Indian Mujahi-
deen, 133.
During the next year, he transited between India, Dubai, and Pakistan, enlisting cadre who
would form the sinews of the Indian mujahideen. Information comes from the courts trial record of
Mohammad Sadique Israr Sheikh Final Report Forum (Under Section 173 Cr. P.C.) in the Court of Ms.
Kaveri Baweja, CMM, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi, FIR No. FIR No. 130/08, February 27, 2009.
New Delhi Police Special Cell, “Final Form Report Under Section 173, Code of Criminal
Procedure in the Court of Kaveri Baweja, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate,” November 2010.
Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June 7,
2012; Swami, “Riyaz Bhatkal and the Origins of the Indian Mujahideen.
Swami, “Riyaz Bhatkal and the Origins of the Indian Mujahideen”; Final Form Report Under
Section 173, Code of Criminal Procedure in the Court of Kaveri Baweja, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate,
New Delhi Police Special Cell, November 2010 [Final Report New Delhi Special Cell, 2010].
Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June 7,
2012; Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 135; Praveen Swami, “e Indian Mujahidin and Lashkar-i-Tayyibas
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
Transnational Networks,CTC Sentinel 2, no. 6 (June 2009), 9; Organization for Counter Terrorist Op-
erations, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Study Material on Indian Mujahideen,” n.d.
Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June 7,
2012; “Study Material on Indian Mujahideen”; Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 178, 181, 189–191, 203–205.
is information comes from an Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) analysts responsible for IM
portvisiting Hyderabad in 2007. Brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June 7, 2012; from Indian Na-
tional Investigations Agency (NIA) analyst, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 5, 2012; “Study
Material on Indian Mujahideen”; See also Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, chapter 5.
Assessment provided by Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) analysts responsible for IM portvis-
iting Hyderabad in 2007. ere they out India, g to recruifolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India,
June 7, 2012. Information corroborated in, “Study Material on Indian Mujahideen”; Mohd Mansoor
Ashgar Peerbhoy, Mubin Kadar Shaikh, Asif Bashiruddin Shaikh FINAL REPORT FORM, (Under Sec-
FIR No. 293/08 Date 13.09.2008. See also Chaitraly Deshmukh and Prasannakumar Keskar, “Bhatkal
Brothers Spent 8 Years to Set Up IM Base,DNA India, October 12, 2012.
Shishir Gupta, journalist with e Hindustan Times, interview by author, New Delhi, India,
June 1, 2012; Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June
7, 2012; Praveen Swami, journalist with e Hindu, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 5, 2012;
Study Material on Indian Mujahideen”; Deshmukh and Keskar, “Bhatkal Brothers Spent 8 Years to Set
Up IM Base.
Study Material on Indian Mujahideen”; Vicky Nanjappa, “Yasin Bhatkal—e Real
S t o r y,” Journalism for Vertebrates, August 30, 2013, available at <http://vickynanjapa.wordpress.
com/2013/08/30/yasin-bhatkal-the-real-story/>. Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 192–194; interrogation
report, adlantede Naseer (Kannur District, Kerala), Interrogation Centre, Bangalore, January 7,
2010; interrogation report, Sarfaraz Nawaz (Ernakulam District, Kerala State), Bangalore City Police,
PIN 683565.
Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June 7,
2012; Indian NIA analyst, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 5, 2012. Former Indian intelli-
gence ocial, interview by author, Bangalore, India, June 14, 2012.
One theory holds that this was done via A.R. Khan at Inter-Services Intelligences behest
to create the illusion of a purely indigenous movement and sow greater communal tensions. Another
suggests that, although they received support from LeT and the ISI, IM leaders were tired of Lashkar
getting credit for their attacks.
Shakeel et al., Final Report Baweja Court, December 2008; Peerbhoy, Shaikh, and Shaik, Fi-
nal Report Baweja Court, September 2008. “Indian Mujahideens Declaration Open War Against India,
sent aer Jaipur bombings on May 13, 2008.
Praveen Swami, “Behind the Batla House Shootout,e Hindu, October 10, 2008.
According to Indias Institute for Conict Management, more than 130 men allegedly be-
longing to or associated with the IM were arrested following the Batla House encounter. See Sanchita
Bhattacharya, “Indian Mujahideen: Mutating reat,Eurasia Review, May 14, 2012, available at <www.
The Indian Jihadist Movement
Shishir Gupta, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 1, 2012; “Interrogation Report:
Statement of Salman (aka Chotu, aka Aquib),” IB brieng; Bhattacharya, “Indian Mujahideen: Mutating
reat”; Vicky Nanjappa, “Darabanga—Yasins Baby,Journalism for Vertebrates, August 29, 2013, avail-
able at <http://vickynanjapa.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/darabanga-yasins-baby/>; Neeraj Chauhan,
“Investigators suspect role of rst IM module,e Times of India, August 6, 2012.
Rajesh Ahuja, “IM Claims Blast, Says Its Retaliation for Babri Verdict,Hindustan Times, De-
cember 7, 2010, available at <www.hindustantimes.com/India-news/Mumbai/IM-claims-blast-says-it-
s-retaliation-for-Babri-verdict/Article1-635634.aspx>; Rashmi Rajput and Prachi Wagh, “Varansi Bomb
Blast: Indian Mujahideen Email,NDTV, December 8, 2010, available at <www.ndtv.com/article/india/
varanasi-bomb-blast-indian-mujahideen-email-71369>; Anubhuti Vishnoi, “IM Sends Email, ‘Biased’
Babri Verdict Its eme,e Indian Express, December 8, 2010, available at <www.indianexpress.com/
B. Raman, director of the Institute for Topical Studies, interview by author, Chennai, India,
June 17, 2012; Sushant Sareen, Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, interview by author, Delhi,
India, June 28, 2013; Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi,
India, June 7, 2012; U.S. intelligence analysts, brieng for author, Washington, DC, date withheld
upon request.
“3 Bomb Blasts in Mumbai; 17 Dead, 131 Injured,IBN Live, July 14, 2011, available at
<http://ibnlive.in.com/news/twin-blasts-in-mumbai-15-injured/167291-3.html>; “ree Bomb Blasts
Shatter Mumbai’s Peace,Redi, July 13, 2011, available at <www.redi.com/news/report/three-explo-
sions-in-mumbai/20110713.htm>; Shailesh Shrivastava, “Serial Blasts in Mumbai, at least 10 killed,
International Business Times, July 13, 2011, available at <www.ibtimes.com/serial-blasts-mumbai-least-
Mumbai Blasts: Death Toll Rises to 26,Hindustan Times, July 30, 2011, available at <http://
aspx>; “Mumbai Blasts: Death Toll Rises to 23,NDTV, July 23, 2011, available at <www.ndtv.com/ar-
ticle/india/mumbai-blasts-death-toll-rises-to-23-121559>; “Death Toll in Mumbai Terror Blasts Rises to
19,NDTV, July 16, 2011, available at <www.ndtv.com/article/india/death-toll-in-mumbai-terror-blasts-
Rakesh Maria, interview by author, Mumbai, India, June 11, 2012.
MHS not kept in the loop on 13/7 Mumbai blasts arrests by Maharashtra ATS: sources,IBN
Live, January 23, 2012, available at <http://ibnlive.in.com/news/mha-not-kept-in-the-loop-on-137-ar-
Vicky Nanjappa, “13/7 blasts—Goof ups galore,Journalism for Vertebrates, September 10,
2013, available at <http://vickynanjapa.wordpress.com/2013/09/10/137-blasts-goof-ups-galore/>.
“Dilsukhnagar bomb blast toll rises to 17,e Hindu, March 6, 2013, available at <www.the-
hindu.com/news/cities/Hyderabad/dilsukhnagar-bomb-blast-toll-rises-to-17/article4481093.ece>; “An-
other Suspected IM Militant Held in Pune Blasts Case,OutlookIndia.com, October 17, 2012, available
at <http://news.outlookindia.com/items.aspx?artid=778432>; Mihir Tanksale, “Yasin Bhatkal one of the
August 1 Pune Bombers?” e Times of India, August 11, 2012, available at <http://articles.timesondia.
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
“Pune serial blasts case ‘cracked,’ three held,e Hindu, October 12, 2012, available at <www.thehindu.
ece?homepage=true>; “Another IM member held for Pune serial blasts,Deccan Herald (Bangalore,
India), October 17, 2012, available at <www.deccanherald.com/content/286212/another-im-member-
held-pune.html>; “Pune blasts: Key IM suspect arrested,ZeeNews, October 26, 2012, available at
Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June 7, 2012.
Ibid.; Rakesh Maria, interview by author, Mumbai, India, June 11, 2012; Indian NIA analyst,
interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 5, 2012; Anjani Kumar, interview by author, Hyderabad, In-
dia, June 19, 2012; Praveen Swami, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 5, 2012; Shishir Gupta,
interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 1, 2012; Vicky Nanjappa, journalist with Redi, interview
by author, Bangalore, India, June 13, 2012. According to one captured operative, who met both brothers
when they visited Sharjah (in the United Arab Emirates) in September–October 2009 and again in Paki-
stan that winter, they are “extremely mobile and freely frequent locations such as Dubai and Shargah.
Excerpts from the confession of Salman.
Vicky Nanjappa, “Yasin speaks of Riyaz and Iqbal,Journalism for Vertebrates, August 29,
2013, available at <http://vickynanjapa.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/yasin-speaks-of-riyaz-and-iqbal/>.
For example, three operatives arrested while planning attacks in Bodhgaya and New Delhi
alleged to the police that Kagzai facilitated their meeting with Iqbal Bhatkal in Saudi Arabia aer which
they were told to coordinate with Yasin Bhatkal in India. See Vicky Nanjappa, “IMs Saudi hub—Fayaz
Kagzai is the man we need,Journalism for Vertebrates, October 5, 2012.
Nikhil S. Dixit, “ Saudi Arabia deports IM operative; held in Delhi,Daily News and Analysis
(Mumbai), October 23, 2012, available at <www.dnaindia.com/india/report-saudi-arabia-deports-im-
Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June 7, 2012.
“Indian Mujahideens Declaration of Open War Against India,” sent aer Jaipur bombings on
May 13, 2008.
“Eye for an Eye: e Dust Will Never Settle Down,” sent prior to the Delhi bombings on
September 13, 2008; “Indian Mujahideens Declaration of Open War Against India.
“Indian Mujahideens Declaration of Open War Against India.
e Rise of Jihad: Revenge of Gujarat,” sent in advance of the Ahmedabad and failed Surat
bombings on July 26, 2008.
Crossed the limits of cruelty” from “Eye for an Eye: e Dust Will Never Settle Down,” sent
prior to the Delhi bombings on September 13, 2008. e list of states is delineated in “e Rise of Jihad:
Revenge of Gujarat,” sent in advance of the Ahmedabad and failed Surat bombings on July 26, 2008.
For example, “Interrogation report, adlantede Naseer (Kannur District, Kerala), Inter-
rogation Centre, Bangalore, January 7, 2010, author in possession of hard copy.” “Interrogation report:
Sabahuddin Ahmad, Anti-Terrorist Cell, Bangalore City Police, Oce Gandhwar, Police Station Sakri,
District Madhubani, Bihar, undated, author in possession of hard copy.
Gupta, Indian Mujahideen; Swami, “e Well-Tempered Jihad.
The Indian Jihadist Movement
Satish Sahney, chief executive of the Nehru Center, interview by author, Mumbai, India, June
11, 2012; Farhat Aysas, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 27, 2012; Obeid Siddiqi, professor at
Jamia Millia Islamia, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 1, 2012; Maulana Mahmood Madani,
executive member of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, interview by author, New Delhi, June 4, 2012; Asghar Ali
Engineer, chairman of the Centre for Study of Society and Secularism, interview by author, Mumbai,
India, June 12, 2012; Ejaz Ahmed Aslam, secretary of the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, interview by author,
New Delhi, June 27, 2012; also see Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 296.
See, for example, Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 86, 129–131.
Ibid., 185.
Regarding SIMI, Mirza Himayat Baig, recently convicted for his role in the 2010 Pune bomb-
ing, belonged to a SIMI module and was arrested in 2011 for links with the banned organization. See
Chandan Haygunde, “Aspiring teacher to terror accused,Indian Express, April 19, 2013. Regarding
familial ties, the leadership roles the Bhatkal brothers and their cousin Yasin played is one sign of their
importance. In another example, while Mohsin Choudhary was helping to establish the Pune module,
his brother Akbar was allegedly one of those involved in the August 2007 serial blasts in Hyderabad for
which that module was responsible. See Rahul Tripathi, “e IM story, from its roots to sudden emer-
gence in terror,Indian Express, October 24, 2012.
Tarique Anwar, “Jama Masjid attack: Suspected IM operative Fasih Mehmood chargesheet-
e d ,” Dailybhaskar.com, February 18, 2013; Srinath Vudali, “Terror groups luring tech-savvy youth,e
Times of India, April 22, 2013.
ose recruited (or merely groomed) in India may also be directed to travel to the Gulf for
indoctrination and instruction.
Anwar, “Jama Masjid attack”; Sanchita Bhattacharya, “India: Terror Trails to Saudi Arabia,
South Asia Intelligence Review, October 30, 2012.
Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June 7,
2012; “Study Material on Indian Mujahideen”; Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 123, 165.
Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June 7,
2012; “Study Material on Indian Mujahideen”; Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 178, 181, 189–191, 203–205;
Praveen Swami, “Who Is Arrested Indian Mujahideen Founder Yasin Bhatkal?” Firstpost, August 29,
2013, available at <www.rstpost.com/india/who-is-arrested-indian-mujahideen-founder-yasin-bhat-
kal-947229.html>; Vicky Nanjappa, “Yasins Interrogation So Far,Journalism for Vertebrates, August 30,
2013, available at <http://vickynanjapa.wordpress.com/2013/08/30/yasins-interrogation-so-far/>.
Mohammed Shakeel et al., Final Report Baweja Court, December 18, 2008. Vicky Nanjappa,
“Karachi project—Yasin tells all”; Praveen Swami, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 5, 2012; “Study
Material on Indian Mujahideen”; Deshmukh and Keskar, “Bhatkal Brothers Spent 8 Years to Set Up IM Base.
Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 261.
K.S. Reddy, interview by author, Hyderabad, India, June 14, 2001; Shishir Gupta, interview by
author, New Delhi, India, June 1, 2012; Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author,
New Delhi, India, June 7, 2012. See also Praveen Swami, “Lashkar-linked Charity Raises Terror Fears,e
Hindu, September 3, 2011, available at <www.thehindu.com/news/national/article2418883.ece>.
Rashmi Rajput, “Mumbai Blasts: Sophisticated IEDs Controlled by Cellphones Used,NDTV,
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
July 14, 2011; “Ammonium Nitrate Used to Carry Out Mumbai Blasts,CNN-IBN, July 14, 2011.
See, for example, “Explosions bear signature of Indian Mujahideen,Indian Express, February
22, 2013.
Praveen Swami, “e Lashkar-e-Taibas Army in India,e Hindu, January 17, 2009; Swami,
“e Indian Mujahidin and Lashkar-i-Tayyibas Transnational Networks”; Shaju Phillip, “Kochi to Kup-
wara, the Lashkar recruitment trail,Indian Express, March 11, 2011; “Confessions of a bombmaker,”
Redi, July 24, 2009.
Headley told investigators that at least two separate units existed in Karachi for the purpose
of launching or supporting attacks against India. Sajid Mir (aka Sajid Majid), who handled transna-
tional operatives for LeT, oversaw one unit. Abdur Rehman Syed, a Pakistan army ocer who took early
retirement and joined LeT in 2003, controlled the other. Syed split from LeT in 2008, but kept control
over his unit in Karachi according to Headley. See “Testimony of David Coleman Headley to the Indian
National Investigative Agency,” June 3–9, 2010. Author in possession of hardcopy.
Ibid. For open source information, see Animesh Roul, “Aer Pune, Details Emerge on the
Karachi Project and Its reat to India,CTC Sentinel 3, no. 4 (April 2010).
Rakesh Maria, interview by author, Mumbai, India, June 11, 2012; former high-ranking
Indian intelligence ocial, interview by author, Bangalore, India, June 14, 2012; D. Sivanandan, former
director general of Police, Maharashtra, India, interview by author, Mumbai, India, June 9, 2012.
Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India,
June 7, 2012. An Indian operative named Salman (aka Chhotu) who traveled on a Nepali passport to
Dubai and then to Pakistan was arrested in 2010 aer returning to India. In his confession to Indian
authorities, he described having seen Bhatkal and Khan living in a protected area of Clion in Kara-
chi. Aer his deportation, Sayed Zabiuddin Ansari reportedly told Indian authorities that the Bhatkal
brothers met with LeT members in Pakistan. Another Indian militant, Sheikh Abdul Khwaja (aka
Amjad), also told interogators that IM leaders were present in Karachi and handled by Inter-Services
Intelligence in late 2009. Khwaja added that LeT commander Muzammil Butt paid him a salary for
recruiting and motivating Indian youth. Information regarding Salman from “Interrogation Report:
Statement of Salman (aka Chotu, aka Aquib),” Intelligence Bureau; information regarding Khwaja
from “Interrogation Report of Shaikh Abdul Khwaja,” Intelligence Bureau. See also Gupta, Indian
Mujahideen, 143–149. On Ansari see, “Jundal had sent shooter to India to help IM boss,e Times of
India, June 26, 2012.
Pushpita Das, associate fellow in the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, in-
terview by author, New Delhi, India, June 5, 2012. Some Indian security officials claim that in
addition to confessions by captured operatives, signal intercepts reveal discussions about financing
for the indigenous movement. Rakesh Maria, interview by author, Mumbai, India, June 11, 2012;
Anjani Kumar, interview by author, Hyderabad, India, June 19, 2012; Indian IB analysts respon-
sible for IM portfolio, briefing for author, New Delhi, India, June 7, 2012. On hawala, see John Rol-
lins, Liana Sun Wyler, and Seth Rosen, International Terrorism and Transnational Crime: Security
Threats, U.S. Policy, and Considerations for Congress, (Washington, DC: Congressional Research
Service, January 2010).
Rakesh Maria, interview by author, Mumbai, India, June 11, 2012; Anjani Kumar, interview
The Indian Jihadist Movement
by author, Hyderabad, India, June 19, 2012; Bhattacharya, “India: Terror Trails to Saudi Arabia”; Nan-
jappa, “IM’s Saudi hub—Fayaz Kagzai is the man we need”; Vicky Nanjappa, “IM raised Rs 45 cr—How
they did it?,Journalism for Vertebrates, October 11, 2012.
Vicky Nanjappa, “Darabanga—Yasins baby,” August 29, 2013, available at <http://vickynan-
Bangladesh National Security Intelligence ocer, interview by author, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
June 22, 2012; Bangladesh Enterprise Institute brieng for author, Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 22, 2012;
Gupta, Indian Mujahideen, 10.
Pushpita Das, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June 5, 2012.
Anti-Terrorist Cell, Bangalore City Police, “Interrogation Report: Statement of Sabahuddin
Ahmed”; Intelligence Bureau, “Interrogation Report: Statement of Salman (aka Chotu, aka Aquib)”; Ste-
phen Tankel, “e Mumbai Blame Game,Foreign Policy, July 9, 2012; Tankel, Storming the World Stage,
92–95. Swami, “e Indian Mujahidin and Lashkar-i-Tayyibas Transnational Networks.
Indian IB analysts responsible for IM portfolio, brieng for author, New Delhi, India, June
7, 2012.
Study Material on Indian Mujahideen.
Shakeel et al., Final Report Baweja Court, February 2009.
is information was relayed to the author during a brieng with Indian IB analysts respon-
sible for the IM portfolio, who believed A.R. Khan was in semiretirement. e interrogation report of
Salman both supports and contradicts this assessment. On the one hand, he clearly states, “Amir Raza
Khan has been replaced.” However, Salman also claims to have come into contact with A.R. Khan on
several occasions during which he describes him in operational terms. Citing the same interrogation
report, Shishir Gupta asserts A.R. Khan is still “running the show” (Indian Mujahideen, 266). However,
at no point does Salman state this denitely in the copy in the authors possession. See “Interrogation
Report: Statement of Salman (aka Chotu, aka Aquib).
Ajai Sahni, executive director of the Institute for Conict Management, interview by author,
Delhi, India, June 1, 2012.
Many Indian analysts and journalists suspect that indigenous elements provided additional
assistance on the ground in advance of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, but there is no denitive evidence in
open sources. Regarding Ansaris assistance with preparing the dayeen squad, see Tankel, “e Mum-
bai Blame Game.
Senior Indian National Security Council ocial, interview by author, New Delhi, India, June
16, 2012.
Two of the Americans killed in the 2008 Mumbai attacks had dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship.
Testimony of David Coleman Headley to the Indian National Investigative Agency.
Al Qaedas number three at the time, Sheikh Sai’d al-Masri, claimed credit for the bombing on
behalf of Illyas Kashmiri. On Kashmiris email, see Syed Saleem Shahzed, “Al-Qaeda chief delivers a warn-
ing,Asia Times, February 13, 2010, available at <www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/LB13Df03.html>.
On al-Masris email, see Praveen Swami, “Indian Mujahideen Doesnt End with Yasin Bhatkal’s Arrest,
Strategic Perspectives, No. 17
Firstpost, August 30, 2013, available at <www.rstpost.com/india/indian-mujahideen-doesnt-end-with-
Former high-ranking Indian intelligence ocial, interview by author, Bangalore, India.
Satish Sahney, interview by author, Mumbai, India, June 11, 2012.
The Indian Jihadist Movement
About the Author
Stephen Tankel is an Assistant Professor at American University and the author of Storm-
ing the World Stage: e Story of Lashkar-e-Taiba (Oxford University Press, 2011). He is also an
Adjunct Research Fellow in the Center for Strategic Research, Institute for National Strategic
Studies, at the National Defense University.
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