I am an
How do I hire a foreign
national for short-term
employment in
the United States?
This customer guide covers a complex area of U.S. law and
Government regulations. If in doubt, employers may wish to
consult specialists in this area to ensure they proceed correctly.
Employers sometimes need to hire foreign labor when there is
a shortage of available U.S. workers to fill certain jobs. Under
certain conditions, U.S. immigration law may allow a U.S. employer
to file a Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, with
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on behalf of a
prospective foreign national employee. Upon approval of the petition,
the prospective employee may apply for admission to the United
States, or for a change of nonimmigrant status while in the United
States, to temporarily work or to receive training.
For most employment-based nonimmigrant visa categories, the
employer starts the process by filing Form I-129 with USCIS. Filing
instructions and forms are available on our Web site at www.
uscis.gov. Please note that in some cases the employer must file
a Labor Condition Application or Application for Temporary
Employment Certification with the Department of Labor (DOL)
and/or obtain certain consultation reports from labor organizations
before filing a petition with USCIS.
There are numerous nonimmigrant, employment-based visa
categories. Under all of these categories, listed below, the foreign
national must meet specific requirements for the occupation covered
in the petition.
What are the various types of visa classifications under
which a foreign national may temporarily engage in
employment or training?
The following are the most common visa classifications under which
a foreign national may temporarily work or train:
knowledge, fashion models of distinguished merit and ability,
or certain services of an exceptional nature in Department of
Defense cooperative research and development projects or
co-production projects
and Chile
skilled or unskilled
sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics
members of an entertainment group and certain other athletes
and entertainers
program that is culturally unique
For specific information regarding each nonimmigrant classification
or qualifying occupation, please refer to our Web site at www.uscis.
gov, or call Customer Service at 1-800-357-2099.
E1—I am an employer…How do I hire a foreign national for short-term employment in the United States?
M-582B (October 2013) N
E1—I am an employer…How do I hire a foreign national for short-term employment in the United States?
M-582B (October 2013) N
Am I required to file an application or other request with
the U.S. Department of Labor for each foreign national
Certification from the Department of Labor (DOL) is required
You must first request certification from DOL before submitting
Condition Application
an Application for Temporary Employment Certification must
be filed in accordance with DOL instructions. For filing instructions
and other information, please see the DOL Web site at www.
foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov. DOL certification is not required for
the other nonimmigrant, employment-based, or investor-based visa
classifications previously listed.
What happens after I file a Form I-129, Petition for a
Nonimmigrant Worker?
received your petition. If your petition is incomplete, we may have to
reject it and return your fee,
or ask you for more evidence or information, which will delay
processing. We will notify you when we make a decision. If the
prospective employee is in the United States in a valid nonimmigrant
status, he or she can begin working for the employer upon approval
of the Form I-129 petition, provided that:
stay request that was also approved; or
•IncaseswhereaForm I-539, ApplicationtoExtend/Change
Nonimmigrant Status, is required, the foreign national has filed
and obtained approval of the application for change of status or
extension of stay.
If the prospective employee is residing outside the United States
or appears to be ineligible to change his or her status while in the
United States, the petition will be sent to the U.S. consulate nearest
the prospective employee’s foreign residence. The prospective
employee can then apply at the U.S. consulate for a nonimmigrant
visa. If the visa is issued, he or she will then be able to travel to the
United States and apply for admission. For more information about
nonimmigrant visa processing, please visit the U.S. Department of
State’s Web site at www.travel.state.gov.
Can an employer request expedited adjudication of a Form
I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker?
Yes.AnemployercanfileForm I-907, RequestforPremium
Processing Service, with the appropriate fee, concurrently with the
Form I-129, or after receiving the receipt notice for Form I-129
at the USCIS location where the Form I-129 was filed. For more
information on premium processing, please see our Web site at
How long will it take USCIS to process my petition?
Processing time depends on a number of factors. You can check our
current processing times on our Web site at www.uscis.gov. Once
the petition is filed, you can receive an updated estimate by checking
on our Web site or calling Customer Service at 1-800-357-2099.
How long may a nonimmigrant employee stay in the United
The initial period of stay granted to a temporary employee varies,
depending on the specific visa category. Likewise, the maximum
period of initial allowable stay varies, depending on the specific
visa category and on the foreign national’s intended employment.
received upon entering the United States, or on the USCIS-issued
below, in certain cases, a foreign national may seek to remain in a
nonimmigrant classification longer than the period for which he or
she was initially admitted or granted, up to the maximum period
allowable by law. For detailed information
on the period of stay initially granted and the maximum
period of stay allowable for a specific visa category, please
see our Web site at www.uscis.gov or call Customer Service at
How can an employee extend his or her status if it is about
to expire?
If it appears that an employee may be needed longer than the period
for which he or she was approved in his or her current nonimmigrant
status, an employer may be able to file a new Form I-129 petition
on behalf of the employee. To avoid disruption of authorized
employment, employers are encouraged to file a petition to extend
the employee’s status well before it expires. Note, however, that if
the employee has already stayed for the maximum allowable period
of time, an extension may not be granted.
If I filed for an extension of status for my employee, but
have not received a decision by the time his or her status
expires, can I continue to employ the individual?
status before his or her status expires; and
The employee may continue to be lawfully employed
for a period of up to 240 days, or until USCIS makes
a decision on your application, or until the reason for your
requested extension has been accomplished—whichever comes
first. (Note:
portability—the ability to work for
If the request for extension is denied and the employee’s status has
already expired while the employee is in the United States, he or she
will be considered “out of status” as of the date that his or her status
expired. If this should happen, the employee will be required
to cease employment immediately and depart from the
United States upon denial of the extension. There is no appeal
of a denial of a request for an extension of status. The period of
time that the foreign national has been “out of status” may affect his
or her ability to return to the United States following the individual’s
required departure.
What is H-1B portability?
E1—I am an employer…How do I hire a foreign national for short-term employment in the United States?
M-582B (October 2013) N
files a “nonfrivolous” (defined as: an application that must have an
arguable basis in law and fact and must not have been filed for an
the end of their period of authorized stay; and
since his or her lawful admission to the United States, and before
the filing of the nonfrivolous petition.
the petition is adjudicated and approved.
What is an employer liable for once a nonimmigrant
begins work?
Under immigration law, an employer is liable for the reasonable costs
of return transportation abroad for a foreign national employee in the
from employment before the end of the period of authorized
admission. If employment is terminated for an employee in the O or
P visa categories, for reasons other than voluntary resignation, the
employer and the petitioner are “jointly and severally” (a specific
legal term) liable for the reasonable costs of return transportation for
the foreign national employee.
Employers must keep USCIS informed of any firings, termination of
employment, or changes in the employee’s eligibility by submitting
a letter to the USCIS Service Center that approved the application
or petition. Please note that the employee may only perform the
other labor-related responsibilities separate from those required
under the immigration laws. For information regarding these other
responsibilities, please contact the appropriate U.S. Government or
State agency.
U.S. employers are required by law to verify the employment
eligibility of all workers they employ in the United States, regardless
of their immigration status, by processing a Form I-9, Employment
Eligibility Verification. For more information on completing and
maintaining Form I-9, please see Customer Guide E3, IAman
Can I file a Form I-129 petition even though I may wish to
help this employee get permanent resident status?
When applying for the nonimmigrant visa at a U.S. consulate abroad,
nearly all applicants must prove that their intention is to remain in
the United States temporarily and to depart after they have fulfilled
the purpose of their intended stay for which they are seeking a
nonimmigrant visa—whichever is shorter. There are certain
able to maintain lawful nonimmigrant status and, at the same time,
benefit from an immigrant visa petition, even if the individual worker
may have taken certain steps to obtain lawful permanent resident
status. For other classifications, the mere filing of an immigrant visa
petition on behalf of a nonimmigrant worker, without any action taken
by the worker himself or herself, may not have an adverse effect on the
worker’s nonimmigrant status. For more information on sponsoring a
foreign national employee for lawful permanent resident status, please
see Customer Guide E2,
If I want to hire more than one employee, can I include all
of them on one petition?
This depends on the particular nonimmigrant visa classification that
you are seeking for the prospective employees.
for multiple employees on one petition.
single “blanket petition” to establish a required intra-company
approved, each individual employee seeking to work for the
blanket petitioner must still file his or her individual Form
I-129-S, NonimmigrantPetitionBasedonBlanketLPetition.
a single petition may cover multiple workers if the workers are
performing the same service at the same location.
Can my employee change employers or work for more than
one employer at the same time?
Yes, but each employer must file a separate Form I-129 petition
and, where applicable, the appropriate Labor Certification, or
Labor Condition Application with the DOL, and receive approval
from USCIS before the employee can begin to work for a new or
an additional employer. Please note that a foreign national who
additional employer once that employer has appropriately filed the
Form I-129 petition with USCIS.
Key Information
Key USCIS forms referenced
in this guide
Form #
Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker I-129
RequestforPremiumProcessingService I-907
Employment Eligibility Verification I-9
Other U.S. Government Services–Click or Call
www.usa.gov 1-800-333-4636
U.S. Dept.
of State
U.S. Dept.
of Labor
E1—I am an employer…How do I hire a foreign national for short-term employment in the United States?
M-582B (October 2013) N
For more copies of this guide, or information
about other customer guides, please visit
You can also visit www.uscis.gov to
download forms, e-file some applications,
check the status of an application, and more.
It’s a great place to start!
If you don’t have Internet access at home
or work, try your local library.
If you cannot find what you need, please call
Customer Service at: 1-800-375-5283
Disclaimer: This guide provides basic information
to help you become generally familiar with our
rules and procedures. For more information, or
the law and regulations, please visit our Web
site. Immigration law can be complex, and it is
impossible to describe every aspect of every
process. You may wish to be represented by
a licensed attorney or by a nonprofit agency
accredited by the Board of Immigration Appeals.