Substance Abuse Control
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Every employee of the City of Baltimore has a right to a safe and drug-free workplace. Every citizen
of Baltimore has a right to require public employees to be alcohol-free and drug-free because public
health, safety and welfare are threatened by substance abuse by City employees.
The use of illegal drugs and alcohol adversely affects a person's judgment and response capabilities.
Judgment and response are perhaps the two most important attributes which a civil servant, who
seeks to discharge assigned duties safely and effectively, can possess.
The City of Baltimore believes that the threat to public safety posed by employees who are substance
abusers is a legitimate basis for establishing a drug-testing program, as described in this Policy.
Substance abuse testing is appropriate when conducted for the purpose of determining whether City
employees are using drugs that could affect their ability to safely perform their work. While
substance abuse testing is not always required to establish that an employee is abusing drugs or
alcohol, it is especially important when there is a disagreement between the employee and the
supervisor about the employee's actions.
The City of Baltimore also has a legitimate interest in assuring the public that none of the City's
employees are under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on duty, or on call for duty, where
applicable, and that they are fully capable of performing their duties. Furthermore, the City of
Baltimore has an interest in protecting its employees and supervisors from mistakes and abuse as to
the application of this Substance Abuse Control Policy (Policy). Therefore, there will be no
retaliation against any employee who reports the suspected substance abuse of another employee.
This policy applies to all employees and those applicants for employment in sensitive positions in
the Baltimore City government, except those sworn positions in the Police Department and Fire
Department. The Fire and Police Departments shall issue their own departmental policies relating
specifically to drug or alcohol abuse, and the employees and applicants for employment in those
departments shall be subject to those departmental policies.
This policy is intended to be in accordance with Maryland Code: Health-General: Title 17.
Laboratories: Subtitle 2. Medical Laboratories: § 17-214. "Job-related alcohol and controlled
dangerous substances testing" and all relevant State and Federal regulations. If a conflict ever arises
between this Policy and the State or Federal regulations, the State or Federal regulations shall take
precedence over this Policy. All applicable State and Federal regulations (including those
forCommercial Drivers), but only as to the classes to which they are applicable, are hereby
incorporated within this Policy.
Abuse - Any of the following activities:
Any use of an illegal drug.
Misuse of any over-the-counter drug, in cases where such misuse results in impairment
and/or impairs job performance.
Use of any prescription drug in a manner inconsistent with its medically prescribed or
intended use, or under circumstances where use is not permitted.
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Use of alcohol where such use results in impairment or impairs job performance.
Consumption of alcohol while on duty.
Intentional and inappropriate use of any substance, legal or illegal, which impairs job
Accident - A sudden, unexpected event resulting in personal injury and/or property damage.
Aftercare - A programmed series of steps outlined to assist a person in continuing sobriety
and/or freedom from substance abuse.
Alcohol - Ethyl alcohol or ethanol.
Applicant - A person who applies to become an employee of the City of Baltimore in a sensitive
class, or who applies for promotion to a sensitive class within City government.
Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) - A person who instructs and assists employees in the alcohol
testing process and operates an evidential breath- testing device.
Chain of Custody - Special handling procedures for specimens taken as evidence of substance abuse.
City - The City of Baltimore, its agents, representatives and designees, also called the Employer.
Confirmation Drug Test - A second analytical procedure to identify the presence of a specific drug
or metabolite, conducted independently of the initial test in order to ensure reliability and accuracy.
Any established testing procedure may be used.
Department/Agency Head - The chief executive officer of a department, agency or other
employment unit.
Department of Human Resources (DHR) - The Department of Human Resources as defined in the
Baltimore City Charter (1996 Ed.).
Department of Transportation (DOT) - The U.S. Department of Transportation. The regulatory
agency that sets the requirements for all Commercial Driver License (CDL) holders within the
United States.
Detoxification - A program that assists a person to withdraw from drugs and/or alcohol in a safe,
protective environment. During this period, all medical problems caused by drugs and/or alcohol are
addressed and a program of education and motivation is started.
Drug - Any substance, including a controlled dangerous substance, taken into the body, including
alcohol, which may impair one's mental faculties, change one's mood and/or impair one's physical
Employee - Any person employed by the City of Baltimore including any probationary, contractual,
seasonal, part-time and temporary employee. This definition excludes any sworn person employed
by the Fire and the Police Departments.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - The City of Baltimore’s counseling and referral program
for employees with personal problems.
Follow Up Testing - A series of unannounced drug or alcohol tests given to CDL holders for the
period of time required by the SAP in accordance with DOT regulations.
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Human Resources (HR) Designee - Any person designated by a department or agency or other
employment unit of the City of Baltimore to perform the human resource function of a department
or agency or employment unit.
Initial Drug/Alcohol Test - A drug test used to initially detect the presence of alcohol or drugs.
Intoxicated - Diminished ability to act with full physical and/or mental capability due to substance
Mandatory Rehabilitation Program - A program mandated by the City of Baltimore as a condition
for continued employment for any employee involved in an on-duty incident involving drugs and/or
alcohol. Managed by the EAP, the rehabilitation program may entail several phases of treatment at
a professional facility including detoxification, outpatient treatment and aftercare.
Medical Review Officer (MRO) Mercy Clinic or other City of Baltimore contracted facility A
licensed physician who is responsible for recording and reviewing laboratory results generated by
an employer’s drug testing program and evaluating medical explanations for certain drug test
Monitor Program - A program managed by the EAP requiring an employee who abuses substances
to report periodically on specified occasions. At such time, the employee is required to present
documentation of compliance in a counseling program if so assigned, to present verification of
attendance at meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or other service groups,
and/or to submit to substance abuse testing.
Off-Duty - Non-work hours during which an employee is completely relieved of all job-related
On Call - Any period of time, during which an employee is expected to remain available for duty
whether on or off the work premises, e.g. being available for snow detail or for periods when the
City's emergency plan is in effect.
On-Duty - Any period of work-time regardless of whether the employee is allowed to leave the
premises or the job-site during periods of inactivity or break.
On-Site Testing - The collection of specimens (e.g. urine; breath and possibly others such as saliva)
at the City of Baltimore Occupational Medical Services facility, Mercy Clinic after hours, at the
Occupational Medical Services at Mercy Hospital in the Emergency Department and performing
screening testing at the time of collection with an “immediate result.”
Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) A contract, developed by the employee’s supervisor with
the assistance of the department’s HR officer and the EAP, which addresses the employee’s work
performance deficiencies, requires complete abstinence from drug and/or alcohol use, and requires
successful completion of a Mandatory Rehabilitation Program, (including compliance with EAP
treatment recommendations and the Treatment Contract) and periodic drug and/or alcohol testing.
Positive test results are then confirmed by standard testing methods.
Positive - Indicates the presence of an illegal drug in amount equal to or in excess of the legal cut-
off level for alcohol or other drugs, or the unauthorized use of prescription or over-the-counter
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Post Accident Testing - Drug or alcohol testing performed after an incident involving a City-owned
vehicle or a privately owned vehicle while being used for City business.
Pre-placement/Pre-employment Testing- Drug or alcohol testing prior to hiring, transfer, or
promotion, but after a contingent offer of employment is made based on passing all requirements
and testing.
Random Testing - Drug or alcohol testing of certain identified employees using a computer
generated random program.
Reasonable Suspicision When an employee in the performance of duties is suspected by a
supervisor of drug or alcohol use based upon specific, observations concerning the appearance,
behavior, speech or body odors of the employee, which observations provide a reasonable basis to
suspect substance abuse. Verifiable deterioration of the employee’s job performance that is likely to
be attributable to substance abuse by the employee may also be considered.
Refusal to Consent - When an employee or pre-placement candidate refuses to submit to a drug
and/or alcohol testing order, or as defined in Section III, D of this Policy.
Rehabilitation - A treatment plan determined by an authorized provider and approved by the EAP.
Return to Duty Testing Drug or alcohol testing following an initial positive test to determine
whether an employee is able to resume previous job functions after successfully completing all
Sensitive Classes - Those classes that the Department of Human Resources has specifically listed in
Appendix B in this document. Sensitive classes include all City drivers and are not limited to the
classes listed in Appendix B. The list of sensitive classes shall be updated by the Department of
Human Resources as job classes are created, abolished or revised. Those classes may involve
positions where there exists:
A substantially significant degree of responsibility for the safety of others; or
A potential that impaired performance of the employee could result in death of or injury to
the employee or others; or lack of close monitoring of the employee's behavior that reduces
the possibility of intervention or assistance by another when necessary.
Any category of trust, as defined in AM-200-4.
Any position that is not listed in Appendix B is considered a non-sensitive position.
Substance - Alcohol or drugs.
Substance Abuse Control Officer OFFICER (SACO) - A representative of the department or
agency or other employment unit who shall provide confirmation that all necessary grounds for
reasonable suspicion are in order and consistent with this Policy, approve and co-sign referrals of
employees to Mercy Clinic for drug and alcohol testing, and act as a consultant for all supervisors
and employees in matters relating to this Policy. Each department, agency or other employment unit
shall have a list of SACOs that is available to all employees. SACOs will be specifically trained
to perform all aspects of their position toinclude HIPAA restrictions and requirements concerning
medical information. Their performance shall be evaluated on an annual basis.
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Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) - A person who evaluates employees who have violated a
DOT drug and alcohol regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, and
follow-up testing. The EAP will provide a qualified SAP (under DOT) for the City of Baltimore.
Supervisor - A person authorized to train, assign, evaluate, and discipline other employees and to
approve leave.
Supervisory Monitoring - A process whereby the supervisor of an employee who has violated this
Policy closely monitors the employee’s job performance and adherence to the terms of a properly
issued Performance Improvement Plan. This shall include regular and unannounced drug and alcohol
testing under the Performance Improvement Plan.
Treatment Contract - A confidential contract between the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and
the employee developed by EAP. This Contract shall describe steps that shall be taken by the
employee in order to be in compliance with a Mandatory Rehabilitation and Monitoring Program.
Workplace Any City-owned or utilized premises or any location where City work is performed,
including City vehicles.
A. Employees
Must become familiar with all sections of this Policy. All employees must remain free from drug or
alcohol abuse. All employees are responsible for their own physical and mental condition in the
Are urged to report any suspected substance abuse by any other employee during work hours,
including lunch periods. Such report shall be made to the supervisor of the suspected employee, a
designated SACO, any other supervisor or the Safety office. The identity of the reporting individual
will be held confidential to the full extent permitted by law.
Must report to their supervisor any arrests or convictions of any drug or alcohol- related crimes,
whether on-duty or off-duty, including motor vehicle driving violations such as driving while
intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI). This applies to sensitive class employees
only, as defined in Appendix B.
Must ensure that they comply with all sections of this Policy. Employees who violate this Policy and
are given an opportunity for rehabilitation must comply with all requirements of this Policy including
all terms of the Treatment Contract and the Performance Improvement Plan.
Must successfully complete the Mandatory Rehabilitation Program, in addition to achieving
satisfactory performance and attendance on the job in order to maintain employment with the City.
Must contact the Employee Benefits Division (410-396-5830) for continuation of health insurance
benefits if suspension is without pay for more than 14 days.
B. Supervisors
Supervisors must:
Document that reasonable suspicion exists based on specific, current, articulable observations
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concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body order of the employee.
Secure a SACO to independently verify and approve an order for any permanent employee to be
tested, if the supervisor concludes that reasonable suspicion exists for testing. Upon approval by the
SACO, the supervisor shall order the employee to proceed with the supervisor’s designee to the
MRO or other approved site for testing.
Escort (or assign a designee to escort) the employee to the MRO for testing following an accident.
Adhere to current procedures for testing. These procedures are set forth in Section III B,
"When Testing Is Required", of this Policy.
Not allow any employee to work until questions concerning any possible impairment are resolved.
The supervisor may order retesting on subsequent days, as required.
Ensure that the employee is returned to duty if the employee’s confirmatory test is negative.
Perform the following actions, upon receipt of a first positive test result for an employee or if the
supervisor learns through an initial self-disclosure by the employee or disclosure by the EAP of a
sensitive class employee’s substance abuse problem:
Immediately relieve from duty, through leave or suspension for the remainder of the workday, any
employee whose initial screening test indicates a positive result. The supervisor shall arrange any
transportation necessary to take the employee to his or her home address of record;
Work with HR designee to develop a Performance Improvement Plan; Allow employee to use
available leave in case of an initial self-disclosure.
Refer to Section VII (Disciplinary Actions) of this Policy upon receipt of a second positive test result
and forward all letters from the EAP to the agency HR department.
Approve, in the appropriate circumstances and through the guidance of the EAP counselor, an
employee’s request for leave to enter detoxification or other in- patient rehabilitation.
Keep an employee’s test results confidential.
C. Substance Abuse Control Officers (SACO)
The SACO serves as the principal on-site resource person for this Policy and must be familiar with
all of the Policy. The SACO must:
Independently review the evidence to verify that reasonable suspicion exists for each employee
identified by a supervisor for mandatory drug or alcohol testing, including post-accident tests.
Approve and sign the Drug/Alcohol Testing order prior to referral to the MRO for testing.
Prepare and sign a written confidential report detailing the basis for reasonable suspicion based on
specific observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of the employee
and/or verifiable deterioration of job performance. This confidential report must be forwarded to the
HR designee.
Serve as a consultant and answer questions from supervisors and employees regarding this Policy.
Testify at disciplinary hearings, if required.
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Provide assurance that all aspects of his or her responsibilities under this Policy are implemented
fairly and impartially.
D. Human Resources (HR) Designee
The HR designee must:
Provide a copy of the City’s Substance Abuse Control Policy to all employees. Ensure that each
employee signs an acknowledgment form for receipt of the Policy. The HR designee will provide
training to employees regarding the Policy.
Ensure that all supervisors are trained to recognize drug and alcohol symptoms.
Be informed of the test results. Test results shall be considered confidential and shall be kept in the
employee’s confidential medical file.
Notify the manager/supervisor of a positive alcohol/drug test.
Meet with any employee who tests positive for drugs/alcohol within 30 days of the positive test
Provide complete information to the employee about the EAP, including the location, hours of
business, telephone number and procedure for requesting leave to visit the EAP;
Schedule a mandatory appointment for the employee for counseling at the EAP, to be paid for by the
City of Baltimore;
Prepare a written Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) for employee with the assistance of the
employee’s supervisor or the EAP.
In conjunction with EAP, assist the supervisor in preparing a Performance Improvement Plan.
Provide mandatory testing training for supervisors and SACOs in the areas of random, reasonable
suspicion and post-accident testing.
Review and update the list of sensitive classes when new positions are created or reclassified and
submit such changes to the Department of Human Resources for approval and inclusion to this Policy.
Ensure that any employee who tests positive is immediately removed from driving status or
operating heavy equipment and that the Safety Officer is notified.
Ensure that the appropriate discipline is administered in accordance with this Policy.
Identify a sufficient number of SACOs so that they are distributed evenly among all locations and
Maintain a list of current SACOs and make the list available to all managers, supervisors, employees,
bargaining agents, and the Office of the Labor Commissioner.
Ensure that all SACOs are specifically trained to perform all aspects of their position to
include HIPAA restrictions and requirements concerning medical information.
Oversee the annual evaluation of SACOs to ensure compliance with City standards.
Grant the employee backpay for the length of any leave or suspension if the employee’s confirmatory
test is negative. Records of any suspension shall be purged from the employee’s personnel file.
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Maintain a file on the employee documenting any information provided to the employee, the
appointments arranged at the EAP, performance evaluations, reprimands and warnings and other
disciplinary actions taken against the employee subsequent to the positive drug test result.
E. Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The EAP must:
Make the determination whether an employee who tests positive for drugs or alcohol is eligible for
acceptance into the Program. If eligible, the EAP shall schedule an appointment for the employee
upon the referral of the supervisor or HR designee. The only reason an employee would not be
eligible for EAP services under this Policy is because of a second positive result.
Obtain a copy of the drug test results from the MRO and any other reports from the employee’s
supervisor relative to the employee’s work status (i.e.: attendance records, documentation of
behavioral problems, etc.).
Assess the employee to determine the scope of the drug or alcohol problem.
Develop a treatment plan and make a referral for the employee to the appropriate treatment resource.
Implement a confidential Treatment Contract with the employee that will specify the terms of a
treatment plan and all treatment and monitoring expectations.
Assist the supervisor in writing a Performance Improvement Plan for the employee.
Make recommendations to the supervisor regarding the employee’s need for leave in order to obtain
the appropriate treatment.
Create and maintain records concerning compliance with Treatment Contracts, and inform the HR
designee of an employee’s non-compliance with the Treatment Contract.
Monitor the employee’s treatment and inform the referring supervisor when the employee’s case is
closed with the EAP.
Provide a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) for the City. The SAP will evaluate employees who
have violated a DOT drug and alcohol regulation. The SAP will make recommendations concerning
education, treatment and follow-up testing in accordance with DOT requirements. This paragraph
pertains only to employees whose positions are regulated by DOT.
Recommend in writing to the employee’s supervisor, the Division of Occupational Safety and the
HR designee if an employee in a sensitive position should not operate a City vehicle or perform other
sensitive functions. Generally, an employee must meet specific treatment related criteria established
by the EAP prior to a recommendation that the employee may return to full duties. (It is the decision
of the Division of Occupational Safety to reinstate driving privileges for employees.)
Recommend that an employee return to work following a first positive drug or alcohol test provided
the following conditions are met:
The employee provides a negative drug and alcohol test either through the MRO or a
treatment facility as determined by the EAP;
The employee is compliant with all treatment recommendations made by the EAP and/or
treatment facility; and
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The EAP has received a written Performance Improvement Plan from the employee’s
A. Drugs Tested
When alcohol testing is required under the provisions of this Policy, breath alcohol tests will be
given to detect the presence of:
Initial Test Confirmatory Test
Alcohol: Ethyl 0.02% W/V 0.02% W/V
Ethanol 0.02% W/V 0.02% W/V
If the alcohol test indicates an amount equal to or greater than .02% but less than .04%, refer to
Section VII.
If the alcohol test indicates an amount equal to or greater than .04%, the results shall be called
“positive.” Upon receipt of a report of a “positive” test result the supervisor must refer to Section
VII for disciplinary action.
For all employees where drug testing is required urinalysis tests will be given to detect the presence
Type of Drug or Metabolite
Initial Test
Marijuana metabolites
50 ng/mL
Cocaine metabolites
300 ng/mL
Opiate metabolites
6 Acetylmorphine
2000 ng/mL
Phencyclidine (PCP)
25 ng/mL
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Only applicants in sensitive classes sent for pre-placement and promotional drug testing shall also
be subject to urinalysis tests to detect the presence of:
Type of Drug or Metabolite
Initial Test
Confirmatory Test
(1) Methadone
300 ng/mL
200 ng/mL
300 ng/mL
200 ng/mL
If the drug test result indicates an amount equal to or greater than the level indicated above, the
results shall be called "positive" based on an MRO review. Upon receipt of a report of “positive”
test result the supervisor must refer to Section VII E for disciplinary action.
This list is not intended as an exhaustive inventory of every drug that may be tested for by the City.
The selection of drugs will be based upon known abuses in the community and the recognized ability
of the drug to affect an employee's performance. The City shall notify its workforce and the
bargaining unit agents representing City employees when a drug is added to the list for which testing
is required. The MRO shall report all positive test results to the HR designee when drug or alcohol
testing has been ordered.
B. When Testing Is Required
Regulated (CDL)
Biennial (CDL only)
Probationary and Temporary
Pre-employment/ Pre-placement
Random (sensitive employees)
Reasonable Suspicion/ For Cause
Reasonable Suspicion/For Cause
Supervisory Monitoring
Return to Duty
Return to Duty
*Note: Non-regulated tests apply to all employees (including CDL
holders for biennial physicals). Regulated tests apply to CDL drivers
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i. Follow-up Testing CDL Only
For any CDL holder who violates this Policy or a DOT drug or alcohol regulation and seeks
to resume the performance of sensitive functions, follow-up drug and alcohol testing shall be
performed as follows:
The SAP shall establish a written follow-up drug and alcohol testing plan. This Plan shall not
be established until after the SAP determines that the CDL holder has successfully complied
with all recommendations for education and/or treatment.
The SAP shall present a copy of this plan directly to the HR designee.
The SAP is the sole determiner of the number and frequency of follow-up tests and whether
these tests will be for drugs, alcohol, or both, less otherwise directed by the appropriate DOT
agency regulation.
The SAP shall, at a minimum, direct that the employee be subject to six unannounced follow-
up tests in the first 12 months of sensitive duty following the employee’s return to sensitive
The SAP may require a greater number of follow-up tests during the first 12- month period
of sensitive duty.
The SAP may also require follow-up tests during the first 48 months of sensitive duty
following the first 12-month period.
The SAP shall not establish the actual dates for the follow-up tests prescribed.
The City shall not impose additional testing requirements on the employee that exceed the
SAP’s follow-up testing plan.
The requirements of the SAP’s follow-up testing plan shall “follow” the CDL holder through
breaks in service, transfers or change in assignment.
The SAP may modify the determinations concerning follow-up tests. However, the SAP
shall not modify the requirement that the CDL holder take at least six follow-up tests within
the first 12 months after returning to the performance of sensitive functions unless follow-up
testing is conducted as directed by the SAP.
The department shall carry out the SAP’s follow-up testing requirements. The department
shall not allow the CDL holder to continue to perform sensitive functions unless follow-up
testing is conducted as directed by the SAP.
The department shall schedule follow-up tests on dates of the department’s choosing, but
shall ensure that the tests are unannounced with no discernable pattern as to timing. The
CDL holder shall not be given advance notice of testing.
The department shall not substitute any other tests (e.g., those carried out under the random
testing program) conducted on the employee for this follow-up testing requirement.
The City shall not count a follow-up test that has been cancelled by the supervisor as a
completed test. A cancelled follow-up test must be rescheduled.
ii. Post-Accident Testing
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a. Fatal Accidents
As soon as practicable following a motor vehicle accident involving the loss of human life,
the supervisor shall order the testing of the employee operating the City vehicle at the time
of the accident. The supervisor shall also order the testing of all other employees whose
performance could have contributed to the accident, as determined by the supervisor using
the best information available at the time of the decision.
The supervisor shall ensure that any employee required to be tested for drugs and/or alcohol
under this section is tested as soon as practicable and within 24 hours of the accident. Any
employee who is subject to post-accident testing who fails to remain readily available for such
testing, including notifying all relevant persons as required in AM 501 (City-Owned Vehicle
Policy), shall be deemed by the City to have refused to submit/consent to drug and/or alcohol
Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the delay of necessary medical attention
for any injured employee following an accident or to prohibit an employee from leaving the
scene of an accident for the period necessary to obtain assistance in responding to the accident
or to obtain necessary emergency medical care.
If an alcohol test required by this section is not administered within two (2) hours following
the accident, the supervisor shall prepare and maintain on file a record stating the reasons the
test was not promptly administered.
b. Non-fatal Accidents
As soon as practicable following an accident not involving the loss of human life and/or
property damage in which a City vehicle is involved, the supervisor shall order the testing
of the employee operating the City vehicle at the time of the accident unless the supervisor
determines, using the best information available at the time of the decision, that the
employee’s performance can be completely discounted as a contributing factor to the
accident. The supervisor shall also order the testing of all other employees whose
performance could have contributed to the accident, as determined by the supervisor using
the best information available at the time of the decision.
The supervisor shall ensure that any employee required to be tested for drugs and/or alcohol
under this section is tested as soon as practicable and within 24 hours of the accident. Any
employee who is subject to post-accident testing who fails to remain readily available for
such testing, including notifying all relevant persons as required in AM 501 (City-Owned
Vehicle Policy), shall be deemed by the City to have refused to submit/consent to drug and/or
alcohol testing.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the delay of necessary medical attention
for any injured employee following an accident or to prohibit an employee from leaving the
scene of an accident for the period necessary to obtain assistance in responding to the accident
or to obtain necessary emergency medical care.
If an alcohol test required by this section is not administered within two (2) hours following
the accident, the supervisor shall prepare and maintain on file a record stating the reasons the
test was not promptly administered.
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iii. Pre-employment/Pre-placement Testing
Applicants for non-sensitive classes will not be subject to pre-employment drug or alcohol
Only applicants in sensitive positions (those listed in Appendix B) shall be subject to drug
and alcohol testing prior to placement in a City position. Any applicant who tests positive
shall be denied the opportunity to apply for City employment for a period of one year from
the date of a positive test result.
In cases of existing City employees designated for promotion to a sensitive class, drug and
alcohol testing shall be required prior to promotion. Any employee who tests positive shall
be denied promotion to a sensitive class.
Prior to the first time a driver performs sensitive functions for the City, the driver shall be
subject to drug and alcohol testing. No City agency shall allow a driver, who that agency
intends to hire or use, to perform sensitive functions unless that Agency has received a drug
and alcohol test result indicating a verified negative test result for that driver.
iv. Testing for Probationary (Initial and Promotional) and Temporary Employees
Probationary employees in sensitive classes must be tested at least three times during the
probationary period without prior notice to the employees.
Probationary employees in non-sensitive classes must be tested on a random basis up to three
times during the probationary period.
Temporary employees shall be subject to reasonable suspicion testing and must be terminated
immediately upon confirmation of a positive test result.
Employees promoted into sensitive class positions must be tested according to the
requirements of the positions. If the promotion is to a position requiring a CDL, then the
employee will be subject to the CDL drug screening. If the promotion is to a sensitive, non-
CDL class, the pre-placement drug screening requirements apply.
Probationary (non-promotional) and temporary employees are not entitled to participation in
the City’s rehabilitation program nor continued employment with the City.
NOTE: A SACO is not required for testing of temporary and non-promotional probationary
v. Random Testing CDL and Sensitive Class Employees
All CDL holders shall be subject to regulated drug and alcohol testing and all employees in
non-CDL sensitive job classifications shall be subject to unscheduled drug and alcohol
testing on a random basis without the need of a Performance Improvement Plan as follows:
Employees shall be randomly selected for a drug or alcohol test using a computer-based
random number generator that is matched with the drivers’ Social Security numbers or
payroll identification numbers. Separate selections will be made for drug testing and for
alcohol testing. Management shall have no input in the selection of employees for testing.
Drug and alcohol testing shall be unannounced and the employee shall be tested immediately
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upon notification. Efforts will be made to ensure that the dates for administering tests are
spread reasonably throughout the calendar year.
All active employees in sensitive job classifications shall be included in this selection
program. Employees who have been tested shall remain in the random pool and could be re-
tested at any time.
Alcohol testing may occur just before, during or after an employee performs a sensitive
Employees selected for random testing must proceed to the test site immediately. If,
however, the employee is selected while performing a sensitive job function, the supervisor
shall escort the employee to the testing site as soon as is reasonable so as not to cause
unnecessary disruption in the work being performed.
vi. Reasonable Suspicion
Where there is reasonable suspicion of drug and/or alcohol abuse by an employee, the
supervisor shall call upon the SACO who shall be asked to independently verify and approve
an order for the employee to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing by the MRO. If a
reasonable suspicion test is required by the SACO but not performed within two hours of the
order for the test, the reason for delay must be documented. Reasonable suspicion of
substance abuse may be based upon, among other things, any of the following:
An on-duty accident where the employee does not or cannot reasonably explain his or her
behavior, or where there is evidence that the employee may have been using or under the
influence of drugs or alcohol.
An on-duty incident, such as a medical emergency or altercation, that is likely to be
attributable to drug or alcohol use by the employee.
Supervisory observation of behavior by the employee, which demonstrates that the employee
may be unable to perform the employee's job satisfactorily or which may pose a threat to the
safety or health of the employee or others. Such behavior may include mental confusion,
slurred speech, and the smell of alcohol or marijuana, unusually slow reflexes, unusual
appearance of eyes or skin or other symptoms of drug or alcohol use.
Reports from non-supervisory employees or private citizens that any supervisory or non-
supervisory employee is using or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which have been
confirmed. A confirmed report may be obtained through corroboration from another witness
or source, or through physical evidence.
Physical evidence of drug or alcohol use on duty by the employee.
Verifiable deterioration of the employee's job performance that, using the best information
available at the time of the decision in addition to other observed behaviors, is likely to be
attributable to substance abuse by the employee. A report of off-duty drug or alcohol abuse
may be sufficient to presume a cause of a deterioration of performance.
A supervisor who suspects substance abuse, or who receives a report of suspected substance
abuse, shall initiate an investigation and contact the SACO before testing is prescribed for
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the employee. The SACO and the supervisor must co-sign any order for testing. Before
testing is ordered, the suspected employee shall be told of the evidence supporting reasonable
suspicion of substance abuse. The employee shall have the opportunity to respond to the
Drug testing is not required where the employee does not contest the charge of substance
abuse. However, if there is disagreement about how much alcohol
was consumed or which substance(s) were used, the supervisor and SACO shall order the
employee to submit for drug and/or alcohol testing through the MRO.
For sensitive classes, emphasis shall be placed on the potential hazard that can be caused by
substance abuse, without requiring an additional demonstration of poor work performance.
Employees reporting to the MRO shall be subject to testing under the following
If an on-duty employee is sent to the MRO for any examination or treatment (even
when substance abuse is not suspected) and if in the judgment of the MRO drug and/or
alcohol abuse is suspected, the MRO shall act in the capacity of both the supervisor and the
SACO to order a drug test. A positive drug test result shall be reported to the HR designee.
For employees who are on medical or accident leave, the MRO may require those employees
who appear at the clinic for examination or therapy to be tested for substance abuse if in the
judgment of the MRO, the employee’s conduct and appearance suggests that the employee
is impaired. A positive test result shall be reported to the HR designee.
vii. Return to Duty Testing
If an employee seeks to return to the performance of job functions following an initial
positive test, the HR designee shall ensure that the employee takes a return-to-duty test. This
test cannot occur until after the EAP has determined that the employee is in compliance with
prescribed treatment. The HR designee must receive a negative drug and/or alcohol test result
before the employee may resume the performance of duties.
viii. Supervisory Monitoring
Employees who have tested positive or self-disclosed a substance abuse problem to a
supervisor and are under a Performance Improvement Plan will be subjected to unscheduled
testing as follows:
Drug and alcohol testing shall be unannounced, and the employee shall be tested
immediately upon notification. Efforts will be made to ensure that the dates for administering
tests are spread reasonably throughout the calendar year.
The employee’s supervisor, HR designee or the EAP may order testing under the Performance
Improvement Plan (PIP).
Employees ordered to report for unscheduled drug and/or alcohol testing must be escorted to
the testing site immediately. If, however, the employee is performing a sensitive function at
the time of the notification, the supervisor shall instead
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ensure that the employee ceases to perform the sensitive function before that employee
proceeds to the testing site.
C. Testing Procedure
Testing should occur as soon as possible, but in any event, under circumstances that will ensure that
the test will accurately indicate the condition of the employee at the time of the incident. All tests
will be arranged through the MRO or through the closest available medical facility that is both
certified under federal and state standards and able at the time to conduct the test under reliable
conditions. Any certified testing procedure may be used.
At the time of testing, non-CDL employees and applicants in sensitive positions may provide a list
of those medications that they have recently used. The list of medications, if provided, shall be sealed
and held as confidential until there has been a positive test result. In the event of a confirmed positive
test result, the list of medications shall only be disclosed to the medical professional that will
determine whether the positive result was due to the lawful use of any of the listed medications.
In the case of CDL holders, no list of medications shall be obtained prior to testing. The MRO may
require that the employee submit proof of a prescription, and/or sign a release for additional medical
i. Breath Examinations
Any device or instrument used to measure an employee’s breath alcohol level shall meet all
State and federal regulations. In case of suspected alcohol abuse, breath specimens will be
taken at the testing site by having the employee exhale into the monitoring tube of the test
instrument. The employee will be advised of any abnormal results.
ii. Urine Examinations
When urine specimens are necessary, such specimens will be obtained by having the
employee void into a collection container, and the sample shall be split into two individual
specimen bottles in the presence of the employee. The employee will verify that the labels
on the containers are marked with his/her name and social security number.
One specimen bottle, containing at least 30 ml of urine, will be used for initial drug and
confirmatory tests and then frozen. The second specimen, containing at least 15 ml of urine,
will be refrigerated or frozen and retained at the laboratory for possible use for split sample
testing. Any positive findings will require a second independent confirmatory test with the
integrity of the specimens maintained by the appropriate chain of custody. The above urine
testing procedures shall be subject to change, as required for compliance with State and
federal regulations.
Urine specimens exhibiting abnormal pH levels, temperature, or other chemical
abnormalities indicating possible adulteration will be rejected. Notification will be placed in
the employee’s chart that an adulteration specimen was received. The employee should be
notified of such an entry on the chart.
Any request for further testing of a split sample must be made by the employee or the
applicant in a sensitive position in writing and reach the MRO within five (5) business days
of receipt of the results of the confirmatory test. The additional testing, at a City approved
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facility, shall be the financial responsibility of the employee.
D. Refusal to Consent
Applicants for employment to sensitive classes and applicants for promotion to positions in sensitive
classes must consent to drug and alcohol testing as a condition for employment. Applicants in
sensitive positions who refuse their consent to the required testing shall be denied employment or
A refusal to consent is insubordination and will result in disciplinary action. An employee who is
ordered to submit to a drug or alcohol test who refuses to consent will be subject to disciplinary
action as stated in Section VII, C of this Policy and Rule 56 of the Civil Service Commission Rules.
An employee has refused to consent to take a drug test if the employee:
Failed to cooperate with any part of the testing process (e.g., refused to empty pockets when so
directed by the collector, behaved in a confrontational way that disrupts the collection process);
Failed to remain readily available for post-accident testing;
Failed to appear for any test (except a Pre-Placement test) within two hours after being directed
to do so by a supervisor, HR designee, SACO, Division of Occupational Safety personnel, or
Failed to remain at the testing site until the testing process is complete;
Failed to provide a urine specimen for any drug test required by this section or DOT regulations;
Failed to permit the observation or monitoring of the provision of a specimen in the case of a
directly observed or monitored collection in a drug test;
Failed or declined to take a second test the City, MRO or collector has directed;
Failed to undergo a medical examination or evaluation, as directed by the MRO as part of the
verification process;
Failed to provide a sufficient amount of urine when directed, and it has been determined, through
a required medical evaluation, that there is no adequate medical explanation for the failure:
o The employee must provide at least 45 milliliters of urine for a split specimen collection,
o If the employee has not provided the required quantity of urine, the specimen shall be
discarded. The collection site person shall direct the employee to drink up to 40 ounces
of fluid, distributed reasonably through a period of up to three hours, or until the
employee has provided a new urine specimen, whichever occurs first. If the employee
refuses to drink fluids as directed or to provide a new urine specimen, the collection site
person shall terminate the collection and notify the employer that the employee has
refused to submit to testing,
o If the employee has not provided a sufficient specimen within three hours of the first
unsuccessful attempt to provide the specimen, the collection site person shall
discontinue the collection and notify the MRO,
o Any employee who does not provide (as soon as possible after the attempted provision
of urine) sufficient urine to obtain an evaluation from the MRO concerning the
employee’s ability to provide an adequate amount of urine.
o If the MRO determines, in his or her reasonable medical judgment, that a medical
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condition has, or with a high degree of probability, could have, precluded the employee
from providing an adequate amount of urine, the employee’s failure to provide an
adequate amount of urine shall not be deemed a refusal to take a test. For purposes of
this paragraph, a medical condition includes an ascertainable physiological condition
(e.g., a urinary system dysfunction) or a documented pre-existing psychological disorder,
but does not include unsupported assertions of “situational anxiety” or dehydration. The
MRO shall report his or her conclusions (setting forth the basis for it, which shall not
include detailed information on the medical condition of the employee) to the HR
designee in writing.
o If the MRO, in his or her reasonable medical judgment, is unable to make the
determination set forth in paragraph D,4,a; the employee’s failure to provide an adequate
amount of urine shall be regarded as a refusal to take a test. The MRO shall report his
or her conclusions (setting forth the basis for it, which shall not include detailed
information on the medical condition of the employee) to the HR designee in writing.
o A specimen temperature outside the range of 32 degrees - 38 degrees C/90 degrees-100
degrees F constitutes a reason to believe that the employee has altered or substituted the
o Whenever there is reason to believe that a particular employee has altered or substituted
the specimen as described in this section, a second specimen shall be obtained as soon
as possible under the direct observation of a collection site person. All specimens
suspected of being adulterated shall be forwarded to the laboratory for testing.
Failed to provide an adequate amount of breath:
o This section sets forth procedures to be followed in any case in which an employee is
unable or alleges inability to provide an amount of breath sufficient to permit a valid
breath test because of a medical condition,
o The Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) shall again instruct the employee to attempt to
provide an adequate amount of breath. If the employee refuses to make the attempt, the
BAT shall immediately inform the MRO,
o If the employee attempts and fails to provide an adequate amount of breath, the BAT
shall so note in the “Remarks” section of the breath alcohol testing form and immediately
inform the MRO,
o If the employee attempts and fails to provide an adequate amount of breath, the employee
shall obtain, as soon as practical after the attempted provision of breath, an evaluation
from the MRO concerning the employee’s medical ability to provide an adequate amount
of breath.
o If the MRO determines, in his or her reasonable medical judgment, that a medical
condition has (or with a high degree of probability, could have) precluded the employee
from providing an adequate amount of breath, the employee’s failure to provide an
adequate amount of breath shall not be deemed a refusal to take a test. The MRO shall
provide to the HR designee a written statement of the basis for his or her conclusion.
o If the MRO, in his or her reasonable medical judgment, is unable to make the
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determination set forth in this section, the employee’s failure to provide an adequate
amount of breath shall be regarded as a refusal to take a test. The MRO shall provide a
written statement of the basis for his or her conclusion to the HR designee.
E. Privacy In Drug Testing
Urine shall be provided in a private room with a toilet. In cases when the employee has had a previous
positive test result or where there is suspicion of tampering with the specimen, the specimen shall
be taken under observation. The employee may request that the observer be of the same gender.
i. Confidentiality of Test Results
Only the Department Head or HR designee, EAP, the Division of Occupational Safety and
employee shall be informed of positive test results by the MRO. The positive test results shall
be a part of the employee's confidential Human Resource medical file. This file shall be
maintained separately from any other personnel file. Except for those authorized by law as
having the right of access to test results, only those members of management who have a
need to know of test results shall be made aware of any test results. As part of the employee's
personnel file, test results may be offered as evidence at legal hearings held by City, State
and federal agencies only as permitted under 49 CFR 40.321.
The testing laboratory shall destroy the records of unconfirmed positive test results.
The City allows employees to voluntarily seek detoxification/rehabilitation treatment for substance
abuse problems through the EAP. The employee shall be expected to comply with all treatment
recommendations made by the EAP.
In order for an employee's admission of a drug and/or alcohol problem to be considered voluntary,
the disclosure must be made prior to the employee being ordered for drug and/or alcohol testing and
prior to disclosure to a supervisor of an alcohol or drug problem.
If there is a need for rehabilitation that involves loss of time from the workplace, the employee may
request appropriate leave. All requests for leave are governed by the leave policies of the City.
Voluntary referrals for non-sensitive class employees shall be considered confidential and generally
no information will be released to a supervisor by the EAP. If the voluntary referral is related to an
employee in a sensitive job classification, the EAP counselor shall inform the employee’s supervisor
and recommend that the employee not perform those sensitive job duties until specific treatment
criteria are met and the supervisor is notified otherwise in writing.
If an employee discloses a substance abuse problem for the first time to the Employer, the
employee’s supervisor shall make a referral to the EAP for the employee. At the time of the
disclosure to the supervisor, the supervisor shall not order the employee to submit to a drug or alcohol
test. Self-disclosure does not constitute a positive test. The employee will be expected to complete a
Mandatory Rehabilitation Program and comply with a Treatment Contract with the EAP.
A Performance Improvement Plan shall be implemented and signed by the employee and the
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employee’s supervisor. Failure to comply with the Performance Improvement Plan will result in a
disciplinary action consistent with this Policy. A subsequent self-disclosure will result in a
drug/alcohol test during the period of the PIP.
As a requirement under this Policy, the supervisor shall establish a written Performance Improvement
Plan (PIP) for substance abusing employees. The PIP shall be in effect for a period of one year from
the date of the initial positive test. The employee shall comply with all terms of the PIP. Failure to
comply shall result in disciplinary action consistent with this Policy.
The PIP shall include:
The employee’s work performance deficiencies; Satisfactory attendance;
The required standards of performance;
The deadline for compliance with such standards; Complete abstention from drug and alcohol
Successful completion of the Mandatory Rehabilitation Program as stated in the EAP
Treatment Contract;
Periodic drug and alcohol monitoring while the PIP is in effect; and
The appropriate disciplinary action to be imposed for violation of the PIP. The PIP may
include other options such as:
o additional job-related training; sick leave to receive therapy; leaves of absence; and
closer supervision.
Technical assistance for supervisors in preparing a PIP shall be available from the HR designee
and the EAP. A sample PIP is attached to this Policy as Appendix E.
A. Probationary Employee Restriction
A probationary employee who receives a confirmed positive test result, or who intentionally tampers
with a sample provided for drug screening, or who falsifies identification or test results, shall be
terminated during probation, and shall be denied the opportunity to apply for City employment for a
period of one year.
B. Failure to Comply with a Performance Improvement Plan
Any employee who fails to comply with any portion of a Performance Improvement Plan, including
successful completion of required rehabilitation on or before the deadline, shall be recommended
for discipline up to and including termination.
C. Refusal to Consent
First Refusal to Consent to testing shall result in a 5-day unpaid suspension and placement on a
Performance Improvement Plan. The employee must submit to a drug and/or alcohol test before
returning to duty following a suspension or shall be recommended for termination.
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Second Refusal to Consent to testing shall result in a recommendation for termination of the
D. Consequences of a First Positive Alcohol Test Result
Any employee in a sensitive class arrested for a DUI or DWI (on or off duty) shall be referred to the
EAP and subject to a Performance Improvement Plan to the extent recommended by the EAP.
Any employee in a sensitive class convicted of a DUI or DWI (on or off duty) shall be considered to
have a positive alcohol test result under this Policy.
Any employee who tests .02% W/V or above but less than .04% for alcohol shall be immediately
removed from work for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours. A Return to Duty test will not be
required prior to the employee’s return to work.
Any employee who tests .04% W/V or above for alcohol shall be immediately removed from the
work site and suspended without pay for five (5) days. The employee shall be recommended for
termination if:
The employee is currently subject to an Performance Improvement Plan to remain drug-free or
alcohol-free, or
The employee had been required to participate in a rehabilitation program within a period of three
(3) years of a positive initial test for an employee working in a non-sensitive class and within a period
of five (5) years of an initial positive test for an employee working in a sensitive class, or
The employee refuses to participate in, or fails to successfully complete an approved rehabilitation
program, or
The employee is convicted of an alcohol-related felony within the past three (3) years, for a sensitive
or non-sensitive class or
The employee is convicted of any controlled dangerous substance offense within the last three (3)
A first offender who is not a CDL holder, whose conduct does not fit into the above categories,
shall be referred to the EAP for mandatory participation in a rehabilitation program. This does not
guarantee employment in the same position.
If the employee is a CDL holder, the employee shall be referred to a SAP for evaluation or
recommended for termination in accordance with the Policy.
The employee shall not be returned to work unless the City receives confirmation of a negative Return
to Duty Drug Test.
If the employee is returned to work, he or she shall be subject to follow-up testing as described by
the policy.
E. Consequences of a First Positive Drug Test Result
An employee, who has a confirmed positive result for the first time, shall be recommended for
termination if;
The employee is currently subject to an Performance Improvement Plan to remain drug-free or
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alcohol-free, or
The employee had been required to participate in rehabilitation program within three (3) years of an
initial positive test for an employee working in a non- sensitive class and within five (5) years of an
initial positive test for an employee working in a sensitive class, or
The employee refuses to participate in, or fails to successfully complete an approved rehabilitation
program, or
The employee is convicted of an alcohol-related felony within the last three (3) years, or
The employee is convicted of any controlled dangerous substance offense within the last three (3)
A first offender who is not a CDL holder, whose conduct does not fit into the above categories, shall
be referred to the EAP for mandatory participation in a rehabilitation program. This does not
guarantee employment in the same position.
The employee shall not be returned to work unless the City receives confirmation of a negative Return
to Duty Drug test after a five (5) day suspension without pay. After the five (5) day suspension
without pay, the employee may use accumulated leave to cover any necessary absences.
If the employee is a CDL holder, the employee shall be referred to a SAP for evaluation or
recommended for termination in accordance with this Policy.
The employee shall not be returned to work unless the City receives confirmation of a negative Return
to Duty Drug Test.
If the employee is returned to work, he or she shall be subject to follow- up testing as described
by this Policy.
Consequences of a Subsequent Positive Drug or Alcohol Test Result
If a non-sensitive class employee has tested positive, whether or not the employee has completed a
Mandatory Rehabilitation Program and later tests positive for drugs or alcohol within 3 years from
the date of the original test, then the employee shall be recommended for termination. If an employee
in a sensitive class has tested positive, whether or not the employee has completed a Mandatory
Rehabilitation Program, and later tests positive for drugs or alcohol within 5 years from the date of
the original test, then the employee shall be recommended for termination.
For those employees who test positive after completing the time period specified in the proceeding
paragraph for their class, disciplinary actions will be based on Section D for positive alcohol test and
Section E (above) for a positive drug test.
No employee may be afforded more than two opportunities for rehabilitation. An employee shall be
recommended for termination after two successful completions of mandatory rehabilitation
programs and subsequently tests positive for drug and/or alcohol.
Any employee who tampers with a sample provided for drug screening, violates chain-of-custody or
identification procedures, or falsifies a test result shall be recommended for termination.
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Applicants in sensitive positions and employees who test positive may appeal to the Baltimore
Occupational Medical Services’ MRO, who is a physician, to request testing of a split specimen
sample. Decisions of the MRO regarding the interpretation of an individual's test results are subject
to further appeal through the grievance and Civil Service processes.
Permanent employees are entitled to follow the established grievance procedure for any violations
of this Policy. Classified Civil Service employees must follow the regular Civil Service appeal
procedures if they are terminated demoted or suspended for more than 30 days as a result of this
Policy and wish to appeal the disciplinary action.
In the event that drug or alcohol tests are found to be improperly ordered by the supervisor and
SACO, the test results shall be declared invalid and all records of the test results shall be removed
from the employee's files.
Effective January 1, 1995, under the federal Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991,
vehicle drivers who retain a (Maryland) Commercial Drivers License (CDL) are required to submit
to drug and alcohol testing. Many of the CDL requirements are discussed in other areas of this Policy.
The drug testing rules cover the same drivers as the alcohol testing rules, however, the types of tests
required and the circumstances requiring them may differ. For drug testing the types are:
A. Pre-employment (This is required by federal standard as opposed to alcohol testing pre-
employment which is not federally mandated): See Section III of this Policy for details on this
required testing.
B. Reasonable suspicion conducted when a trained supervisor or City official observes behavior
or appearance that is characteristic of drug misuse. See Section III of this Policy for details on this
required testing.
C. Post-accident conducted after accidents on drivers whose performance should have contributed
to the accident (as determined by Section III of this Policy).
D. Random conducted on a random unannounced basis and shall comply with all requirements of
Section III.
E. Return-to-Duty conducted when an individual who has violated the prohibited drug conduct
standards returns to performing sensitive duties. See Section III of this Policy for details on this
required testing.
F. Follow-up shall exist, for each employee who has committed a DOT drug or alcohol regulation
violation, and who seeks to resume the performance or sensitive functions under a written follow-up
testing plan established by the SAP.
G. The SAP shall not establish this plan until after the SAP determines that the employee has
successfully complied with all recommendations for education and/or treatment.
H. The SAP shall present a copy of this plan directly to the Agency.
I. The SAP is the sole determiner of the number and frequency of follow-up tests and whether
these tests will be for drugs alcohol or both.
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Appendix A Sensitive Classes
Sensitive classes include all City drivers and are not limited to the classes listed herein. Such classes
have a substantially significant degree of responsibility for the safety of others and/or a potential in
which impaired performance of the employee could result in death of or injury to the employee or
Job Code - Description
33352 - 911 Lead Operator
33351 - 911 Operator
33355 - 911 Operator Supervisor
10257 - Agency IT Associate
33146 - Agency IT Associate (Civil Service)
33152 - Agency IT Manager - I
33153 - Agency IT Manager - II
10262 - Agency IT Manager I
10263 - Agency IT Manager II
10269 - Agency IT Manager III
33157 - Agency IT Manager III (Civil Service)
10258 - Agency IT Specialist I
33147 - Agency IT Specialist I (civil service)
33148 - Agency IT Specialist II
10259 - Agency IT Specialist II (Non-Civil)
10260 - Agency IT Specialist III
33149 - Agency IT Specialist III (Civil Service)
33154 - Agency IT Specialist IV
10267 - Agency IT Specialist IV (Non-Civil)
33150 - Agency IT Supv/Project Manager
10261 - Agency IT Supv/Project Manager (Non-Civil)
00808 - Alcohol Assessment Counsel I
00807 - Alcohol Assessment Counsel II
00803 - Alcohol Assessment Counsel III
00802 - Alcohol Assessment Dir Coord
33145 - Analyst/Programmer Supervisor
41413 - Animal Control Investigator
41411 - Animal Enforcement Officer
83215 - Aquatic Center Director
83115 - Aquatic Center Leader
71425 - Assistant Watershed Manager
82121 - Associate Teacher Preschool (Civil Service)
53541 - Asst Chief Div of Utilities
52153 - Automotive Body & Fender Tech
52114 - Automotive Lead Mechanic
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52115 - Automotive Maintenance Supv I
52193 - Automotive Maintenance Worker
52110 - Automotive Mechanic
52105 - Automotive Mechanic Apprentice
52117 - Automotive Service Writer
52725 - Aviation Maintenance Prog Supv
52721 - Aviation Mech Air & Powerplant
52722 - Aviation Mech Inspector A & P
52723 - Avionics Tech Power Plant Mech
41236 - Battalion Fire Chief
41237 - Battalion Fire Chief ALS
41259 - Battalion Fire Chief Spec Oprn
31138 - Bike Share Program Coordinator
52541 - Bindery Worker I
52542 - Bindery Worker II
52543 - Bindery Worker III
52991 - Building Maint General Supv
72492 - Building Project Coordinator
01899 - Building Project Coordinator (Non-Civil)
53111 - Building Repairer
00082 - Building Repairer I
53115 - Building Repairer Supervisor
07339 - Building Services Supervisor
07340 - Cabinetmaker Convention Center
52231 - Cabinetmaker I
52232 - Cabinetmaker II
52235 - Cabinetmaker Supervisor
42325 - Cable Inspection Supervisor
42321 - Cable Inspector
52241 - Carpenter I
52242 - Carpenter II
52245 - Carpenter Supervisor
34211 - Cashier I
34233 - Cashier I Hourly
34212 - Cashier II
34215 - Cashier Supervisor I
54516 - CDL Driver I
54517 - CDL Driver II
54518 - CDL Driver III
53311 - Cement Finisher
00983 - Chauffeur Bands R&P
71521 - Chemist I
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71522 - Chemist II
71523 - Chemist III
10286 - Chief Investment Officer
10283 - Chief Medical Director
00877 - Chief Medical Officer Courts
00070 - Chief of Fiscal Services I (Non-CSC)
72646 - Chief of Surveys
41289 - Chief Risk Prog Plan & Dev ALS
41288 - Chief Risk Program Plan & Dev
08004 - Chief State's Attorney Lead
71412 - City Arborist
71418 - City Forestry Supervisor
61121 - Clinical Director Health Ctr
81116 - Clinical Social Work Supv
00787 - Coach
42931 - Code Enforcement Invst I
42933 - Code Enforcement Invst II
53707 - Coin Collection Worker
34241 - Collections Supervisor I
34242 - Collections Supervisor II
81442 - Community Coordinator (Civil Service)
61251 - Community Health Educator I
61252 - Community Health Educator II
61253 - Community Health Educator III
10224 - Community Health Nurse I
62211 - Community Health Nurse I
10225 - Community Health Nurse II
62212 - Community Health Nurse II
62215 - Community Health Nurse Supv I
62221 - Community Hlth Nurse I 10Mth
62222 - Community Hlth Nurse II 10Mth
01959 - Computer Analyst
53555 - Conduit Maintenance Supv I
42261 - Const Bldg Inspector I
42263 - Const Bldg Inspector I DGS
42262 - Const Bldg Inspector II
42264 - Const Bldg Inspector II DGS
42271 - Const Elect Inspector I
42273 - Const Elect Inspector I DGS
42272 - Const Elect Inspector II
42274 - Const Elect Inspector II DGS
42281 - Const Mech Inspector I
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42283 - Const Mech Inspector I DGS
42282 - Const Mech Inspector II
42284 - Const Mech Inspector II DGS
42221 - Construction Project Supervisor I
42222 - Construction Project Supv II
33120 - Control System Lead Operator
33119 - Control System Operator
33105 - Control System Operator Supv
07831 - Court Laboratory Assistant
00898 - Court Reporter
00071 - Court Security Assistant
00072 - Court Security Assistant Supv
00867 - Court Technologist
33216 - Crime Laboratory Assistant
10220 - Crossing Guard
82190 - Crossing Guard
82195 - Crossing Guard Supervisor I
62425 - Dental Asst Board Qualified
62441 - Dental Hygienist I
62442 - Dental Hygienist II
10281 - Deputy Police Commissioner (Non-Sworn)
10281S - Deputy Police Commissioner (Sworn)
10256 - Dir ATVES
82125 - Dir Day Care Center
62312 - Dir Oral Health Services
54492 - Drawbridge Operator
54437 - Driver I
54439 - Driver II
00631 - Driver Library
74392 - Economic Empowerment Officer
53421 - Elect Mech St Lighting I
53422 - Elect Mech St Lighting II
53425 - Elect Mech Supv St Lighting
54352 - Electrical Maint Tech II
54353 - Electrical Maint Tech III
54355 - Electrical Maint Tech Supv I
54356 - Electrical Maint Tech Supv II
52215 - Electrical Mech Supv
52210 - Electrical Mechanic Apprentice
52211 - Electrical Mechanic I
52212 - Electrical Mechanic II
52216 - Electrical Supv Licensed
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62721 - Emergency Medical Aide
62710 - Emergency Medical Technician
33691 - Employee Assistance Counselor I
33696 - Employee Assistance Counselor II
33697 - Employee Assistance Counselor III
41206 - EMT Fire Fighter
42932 - Environment Crimes Invst
42251 - Environmental Inspector
42511 - Environmental Sanitarian I
42512 - Environmental Sanitarian II
42992 - Environmental Technician
61291 - Epidemiologist
61293 - Epidemiologist Supervisor
62723 - Field Health Services Supv
72616 - Field Survey Supervisor
41256 - Fire Capt Urban Search Rescue
41238 - Fire Captain
41239 - Fire Captain ALS
41292 - Fire Captain OEM ALS
41287 - Fire Captain Safety & Risk Mgm
41270 - Fire Captain Safety Health ALS
41275 - Fire Captain Special Operation
41276 - Fire Captain Special Opns, ALS
41258 - Fire Captain USR ALS
00110 - Fire Commander
00110 - Fire Commander
41301 - Fire Dispatch Supv Training QA
41245 - Fire Emergency Serv Ins Supv
41244 - Fire Emergency Serv Instru
41246 - Fire Emergency Serv Instru ALS
41247 - Fire Emergency Srvc Supv ALS
41218 - Fire Emergency Veh Drvr ALS
41208 - Fire Emergency Vehicle Driver
41248 - Fire Lieutenant
41249 - Fire Lieutenant ALS
41291 - Fire Lieutenant OEM ALS
41269 - Fire Lieutenant Safety & Risk
41222 - Fire Lt Invst & Prev Srvcs ALS
41285 - Fire Lt Safety & Health
41250 - Fire Lt Special Opns Dive
41255 - Fire Lt Urban Search & Rescue
41257 - Fire Lt USR ALS
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41217 - Fire Operations Aide
41231 - Fire Operations Aide ALS
41232 - Fire Operations Aide Supp ALS
41219 - Fire Pump Operator ALS
41266 - Fire Respiratory Tech
41267 - Fire Respiratory Tech ALS
33620 - Fire Srvc Education Specialist
41300 - Fire Systems Analyst
41215 - Firefighter
41207 - Firefighter Paramedic
10165 - Fiscal Legislative Analyst
34424 - Fiscal Officer (Civil)
52162 - Fleet Quality Control Analyst
10242 - Food Policy Director
00828 - Forensic Psych/Eval Courts
53693 - Forestry Technician
71264 - Fuel Systems Specialist
53523 - Gen Supt Utilities Maint Rep
81331 - Geriatric Day Care Aide
33187 - GIS Analyst
53155 - Graffiti Removal Supervisor
53692 - Greenhouse Supervisor
53675 - Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
61245 - Health Analysis Supervisor
62492 - Health Clinic Aide
62491 - Health Services Trainee
63331 - Hearing & Vision Tester 10 Mth
54213 - Heat Air Cond Tech III
54211 - Heat Air Conditioning Tech I
54212 - Heat Air Conditioning Tech II
54215 - Heating & Air Cond Tech Supv I
54216 - Heating Air Cond Tech Supv II
54431 - Heavy Equipment Operator I
54432 - Heavy Equipment Operator II
53331 - Highway Maintenance Supervisor
91110 - Holding Class I
91111 - Holding Class II
42132 - Housing Inspector
42129 - Housing Inspector Apprentice
42133 - Housing Inspector Senior
52134 - Hydraulic Mechanic
33159 - Information Tech Specialist
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42231 - Inspection Associate I
42232 - Inspection Associate II
42911 - Inspector Trainee
52620 - Instrument Tech Apprentice
52625 - Instrumentation Tech Supv I
52626 - Instrumentation Tech Supv II
52621 - Instrumentation Technician I
52622 - Instrumentation Technician II
33106 - IT Associate BCIT
33116 - IT Deputy Director BCIT
10185 - IT Director
10188 - IT Division Manager BCIT
33115 - IT Division Manager BCIT (Civil)
10186 - IT Manager
33112 - IT Manager BCIT
10187 - IT Project Manager (Non-Civil)
33114 - IT Project Manager BCIT
33107 - IT Specialist I BCIT
33109 - IT Specialist II BCIT
33110 - IT Specialist III BCIT
10266 - IT Specialist IV
33156 - IT Specialist IV BCIT
33111 - IT Supervisor BCIT
71511 - Laboratory Assistant I
71512 - Laboratory Assistant II
71527 - Laboratory Technical Admin
71526 - Laboratory Technical Supv
52941 - Laborer
52942 - Laborer Crew Leader I
52932 - Laborer Crew Leader I (Annually)
52943 - Laborer Crew Leader II
52931 - Laborer Hourly
32935 - Legal Assistant Supervisor
81423 - Liaison Officer Safe Streets
00625 - Library Bookmobile Operator
00661 - Library Building Repairer
00634 - Library Carpenter
42912 - License and Right of Way Insp
62260 - License Practical Nurse
62250 - License Practical Nurse 10 Mth
00853 - Licensed Clinical SW Supv
00841 - Licensed Grad Social Worker (Non-Civil)
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10223 - Licensed Practical Nurse
00796 - Lifeguard I
00797 - Lifeguard II
52415 - Line Maintenance Tech Supv
42941 - Liquor Board Inspector I
42942 - Liquor Board Inspector II
42944 - Liquor Board Inspector III
33204 - Liquor Brd Community Rep
75310 - Loan Servicing Officer
54361 - Maintenance Manager Mechanic Pumping
07348 - Maintenance Mechanic
54351 - Maintenance Tech Apprentice
41625 - Marine Dock Master
41622 - Marine Enforcement Agent I
41623 - Marine Enforcement Agent II
41260 - Marine Engineer Fire Dept ALS
54513 - Marine Equipment Operator I
54514 - Marine Equipment Operator II
41262 - Marine Pilot ALS
52221 - Mason I
52222 - Mason II
52225 - Mason Supervisor
42241 - Materials Inspector
54363 - Mechanical Maint Tech II
54364 - Mechanical Maint Tech III
54365 - Mechanical Maint Tech Supv I
54366 - Mechanical Maint Tech Supv II
53813 - Mechanical Sweeper Operator
63221 - Medical Lab Technologist
63225 - Medical Laboratory Tech Supv
10222 - Medical Office Assistant
61391 - Medical Office Asst
61392 - Medical Office Asst 10 Mth
00852 - Medical Psychiatrist Courts
81141 - Mental Health Analyst
81195 - Mental Health Program Asst
71531 - Microbiologist I
71532 - Microbiologist II
71533 - Microbiologist Supervisor
54445 - Motor Pool Supervisor
54441 - Motor Pool Worker I
54442 - Motor Pool Worker II
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54421 - Motor Vehicle Driver I
54411 - Motor Vehicle Driver I Hourly
54422 - Motor Vehicle Driver II
54412 - Motor Vehicle Driver II Hourly
62294 - Nurse Practioner
62293 - Nurse Practioner 10 Mth
10226 - Nurse Practitioner
52552 - Offset Press Operator I
52553 - Offset Press Operator II
54311 - Operations Tech Apprentice
94311 - Operations Technician I
52271 - Painter I
07344 - Painter I Convention Center
52272 - Painter II
07390 - Painter II Convention Center
52273 - Painter III
52275 - Painter Supervisor
41612 - Parking Control Agent II
41615 - Parking Control Supervisor I
41616 - Parking Control Supv II
53711 - Parking Meter Mechanic
53715 - Parking Meter Mechanic Supv
52961 - Pest Control Worker
63393 - Phlebotomist
62413 - Physician's Assistant
52281 - Pipefitter I
52282 - Pipefitter II
52285 - Pipefitter Supervisor
53290 - Plant Building Maint Supv
10277 - Police Captain
10276 - Police Chief
10280 - Police Colonel
10282 - Police Commissioner
10275 - Police Inspector
10279 - Police Lieutenant Colonel
10278 - Police Major
71211 - Pollution Control Analyst I
71212 - Pollution Control Analyst II
71213 - Pollution Control Analyst III
71215 - Pollution Control Analyst Supv
71216 - Pollution Control Prog Admin
00416 - Program Compliance Officer I
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00417 - Program Compliance Officer II (Non-CSC)
00418 - Program Compliance Supervisor
10240 - Program Coordinator
31192 - Program Coordinator
62311 - Public Health Dentist
42571 - Public Health Investigator
10109 - Public Health Physician
10110 - Public Health Physician II
42561 - Public Health Rep II
42211 - Public Works Inspector I
42212 - Public Works Inspector II
42213 - Public Works Inspector III
54345 - Pumping Stations Oprs Manager
54341 - Pumping Stations Oprs Supv
54318 - Pumping Technician II
54319 - Pumping Technician III
54320 - Pumping Technician Supervisor
52421 - Radio Maintenance Tech I
52422 - Radio Maintenance Tech II
52425 - Radio Maintenance Tech Supv
52420 - Radio Maintenance Trainee
83213 - Recreation Area Manager
83211 - Recreation Center Director I
83212 - Recreation Center Director II
83210 - Recreation Center Director III
83216 - Recreation Inclusion Specialist
83111 - Recreation Leader I
83112 - Recreation Leader II
83113 - Recreation Leader II Elder
81243 - Registered Dietitian
10228 - Registered Nurse - School Health
62210 - Registered Nurse - School Health
62220 - Registered Nurse - School Health (10 Months)
34218 - Remittance Supervisor
34514 - Research Analyst Supervisor
33633 - Retirement Analyst I
33634 - Retirement Analyst II
33641 - Safety Enforcement Officer I
33642 - Safety Enforcement Officer II
33643 - Safety Enforcement Officer III
99000 - School Crossing Guard
10221 - School Health Aide
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62497 - School Health Aide
62494 - School Health Aide 10 Mth
41240 - Senior Fire Operation Aide ALS
41228 - Senior Fire Operations Aide
10048 - Senior Investment Analyst
81413 - Senior Youth Development Tech
42311 - Sewerline Video Inspector Tech
53371 - Sign Fabricator I
53372 - Sign Fabricator II
53790 - Small Engine Mech Apprentice
53791 - Small Engine Mechanic I
53792 - Small Engine Mechanic II
81110 - Social Work Associate I
81111 - Social Work Associate II
81115 - Social Work Supervisor
81112 - Social Worker I LGSW
81113 - Social Worker II
53812 - Solid Waste Driver
53814 - Solid Waste Lead Worker
53815 - Solid Waste Supervisor
53811 - Solid Waste Worker
41613 - Special Traffic Enfor Officer
00786 - Sports Coordinator
00666 - Storekeeper
33561 - Storekeeper I
33562 - Storekeeper II
33563 - Storekeeper II Auto Parts
33565 - Stores Supervisor I
33564 - Stores Supervisor I Auto Parts
33566 - Stores Supervisor II
53312 - Street Mason
53521 - Supt Utilities Maint & Repair
53531 - Supt Waste Water Maint Repair
72611 - Survey Technician I
72612 - Survey Technician II
72613 - Survey Technician III
72614 - Survey Technician IV
00795 - Swimming Pool Attendant
00793 - Swimming Pool Manager
00794 - Swimming Pool Operator
82122 - Teacher Preschool
82111 - Teacher's Asst I
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82112 - Teacher's Asst II Preschool
52194 - Tire Maintenance Worker I
52195 - Tire Maintenance Worker II
54461 - Tow Truck Operator
54440 - Tractor Trailer Driver
52911 - Trades Helper
42411 - Traffic Investigator I
42412 - Traffic Investigator II
42413 - Traffic Investigator III
42415 - Traffic Investigator Supv
53321 - Traffic Maint Worker I
53322 - Traffic Maint Worker II
53325 - Traffic Maint Worker Supv
31993 - Traffic Safety Coordinator
31994 - Traffic Safety Manager
53411 - Traffic Signal Installer I
53412 - Traffic Signal Installer II
53413 - Traffic Signal Installer III
53415 - Traffic Signal Maint Supv
00809 - Training Coordinator
31981 - Transit Services Administrator
41627 - Transportation Enfor Off II
41628 - Transportation Enfor Supv I
41629 - Transportation Enfor Supv II
41626 - Transportation Enforc Off I
82191 - Transportation Safety Inst I
82194 - Transportation Safety Inst II
53655 - Tree Service Supv I
53656 - Tree Service Supv II
53651 - Tree Trimmer
52920 - Tree Trimmer Apprentice
71411 - Urban Forester
53511 - Utilities Inst Repair I
53512 - Utilities Inst Repair II
53513 - Utilities Inst Repair III
53515 - Utilities Inst Repair Supv I
53516 - Utilities Inst Repair Supv II
52951 - Utility Aide
34311 - Utility Meter Reader I
34312 - Utility Meter Reader II
34315 - Utility Meter Reader Supv
34320 - Utility Meter Technician Supt
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32221 - Vehicle Damage Investigator
54325 - Water Pumping Asst Manager
42330 - Water Service Inspector
34321 - Water Service Representative
54322 - Water Systems Pumping Manager
54316 - Water Systems Pumping Supv
54323 - Water Systems Treatment Mgr
54317 - Water Systems Treatment Supv
54324 - Water Treatment Asst Manager
54312 - Water Treatment Tech II
54313 - Water Treatment Tech III
54315 - Water Treatment Tech Supv
71421 - Watershed Forester
53691 - Watershed Maint Supv
71426 - Watershed Manager
41520 - Watershed Ranger I
41523 - Watershed Ranger II
41524 - Watershed Ranger III
41525 - Watershed Ranger Supervisor
52311 - Welder
52310 - Welder Assistant
52315 - Welder Supv
54358 - WW Maint Mgr Instrumentation
54359 - WW Maint Mgr Mechanical
54332 - WW Opns Tech II Pump
54333 - WW Opns Tech II Sanitary
54354 - WW Plant Coordinator
54339 - WW Plant Manager
54337 - WW Plant Opns Supv
54335 - WW Tech Supv I Pump
54336 - WW Tech Supv II Pump
54338 - WW Tech Supv II Sanitary
54334 - WW Techn Supv I Sanitary
10232 - WWW Division Manager I
10233 - WWW Division Manager II
81410 - Youth Development Aide I
81411 - Youth Development Aide II
81420 - Youth Development Aide Supv
81412 - Youth Development Tech
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(City Employees)
I hereby consent to provide a sample, as required, to City of Baltimore Occupational Medical Services (Mercy Clinic) or its
agents to test for drugs or alcohol.
1 I have received a copy of the Baltimore City Substance Abuse Control Policy.
1. I am aware that the drug or alcohol test will include the use of a breathalyzer, or a urinalysis for alcohol,
amphetamines, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, cocaine metabolite, methadone, opiates, phencyclidine, and
other drugs ordered by the City of Baltimore Occupational Medical Services.
2. I am aware that initial test results that indicate the use of the above substance(s) will be confirmed through the
use of a second, more sensitive test.
3. I am aware that if these drug/alcohol tests are positive, I may be subject to disciplinary action consistent with the
Substance Abuse Control Policy, and I may be required by the City to participate in a rehabilitation program as a
condition of my continued employment.
4. I am aware that if these drug/alcohol tests are positive, I have the right to provide an explanation to the Mercy
Clinic and to my supervisor. I also have the right to disclose any medications I use to the Mercy Clinic, which will
maintain that information as confidential.
5. I am aware that if these drug/alcohol tests are positive, I have the right to request an independent testing of the
split sample for verification of the test results by a laboratory that holds a permit under Maryland laws. I
understand I must pay for any such further test. I am aware that my request must be made, in writing to my
agency’s Human Resources Office, within 5 business days of the date I am notified of the results.
Signature Date
I hereby refuse to provide a breath and/or urine sample as required by my supervisor or the City of Baltimore
Occupational Medical Services. I may be subject to disciplinary action consistent with the City's Substance Abuse Control
Signature Date
Witness Date
Revised: 12/15/21 Page 40 of 42
(Applicants for Employment or Promotion)
I hereby consent to provide a sample, as required, to City of Baltimore Occupational Medical Services (Mercy Clinic) or its
agents to test for drugs or alcohol.
I. I have received a copy of the Baltimore City Substance Abuse Control Policy.
II. I am aware that the drug or alcohol test will include the use of a breathalyzer, or a urinalysis for alcohol,
amphetamines, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, cocaine metabolite, methadone, opiates, phencyclidine, and other drugs
ordered by the City of Baltimore Occupational Medical Services.
III. I am aware that initial test results that indicate the use of the above substance(s) will be confirmed through the
use of a second, more sensitive test.
IV. I am aware that if these drug/alcohol tests are positive, I may not be recommended for hire and/or may be subject
to disciplinary action consistent with the City’s Substance Abuse Control Policy. I am aware that if I am currently employed
with the City, I may also be required to participate in a rehabilitation program as a condition of my continued City
V. I am aware that if these drug/alcohol tests are positive, I have the right to provide an explanation to the Mercy
Clinic and to my supervisor. I also have the right to disclose any medications I use to the Mercy Clinic, which will maintain
that information as confidential.
VI. I am aware that if these drug/alcohol tests are positive, I have the right to request an independent testing of the
split sample for verification of the test results by a laboratory that holds a permit under Maryland laws. I understand I must
pay for any such further test. I am aware that my request must be made, in writing to my agency’s Human Resources
Office, within 5 business days of the date I am notified of the results.
Signature Date
I hereby refuse to provide a breath and/or urine sample as required by my supervisor or the City of Baltimore
Occupational Medical Services. I may be subject to disciplinary action consistent with the City's Substance Abuse Control
Signature Date
Witness Date
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Performance Improvement Plan
J.P. Employee
Bureau of
A positive alcohol/drug test on (date).
Other work/behavior that needs improvement if needed (e.g., additional training, sick leave,
closer supervision, etc.).
Must comply with and be monitored by the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) until (dated
usually one year later)
Must be completely abstinent from drugs and alcohol according to the Baltimore City
Substance Abuse Control Policy.
Must maintain satisfactory performance and attendance on the job.
Employee is to remain drug and alcohol free. Employee is subject to unscheduled testing by
EAP Counselor or supervisor during the time the Performance Improvement Plan is in effect.
Employees must comply with all EAP recommendations. Employee is to successfully complete
a rehabilitation program as recommended or agreed to by EAP. Employee is to successfully
complete one year monitoring by the EAP and the supervisor.
Employee must comply with the Treatment Contract with the EAP and complete the Monitoring
Supervisor will monitor employee and send for testing at the supervisor's discretion during
the time the Performance Improvement Plan is in effect.
If Employee Refuses to sign
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Appendix E Employee Acknowledgment
Acknowledgment of Substance Abuse Control Policy
I, [employee name], have received a personal copy of the Substance Abuse Control Policy, to
review and maintain in my personal records. This signed copy acknowledges that I did receive
a copy of the policy for my use. It also acknowledges that I agree to review the policy, and if I
do not understand any sections that I immediately contact my supervisor for further
I understand that every employee of the City of Baltimore has a right to a safe and drug- free
workplace. Every citizen of Baltimore has a right to require public employees to be alcohol-
free and drug-free because public health, safety and welfare are threatened by substance abuse
by City employees.
The City of Baltimore believes that the threat to public safety posed by employees who are
substance abusers is a legitimate basis for establishing a drug-testing program, as described in
this policy. Substance abuse testing is appropriate when conducted for the purpose of
determining whether City employees are using drugs that could affect their abilities to safely
perform their work. While substance abuse testing is not always required to establish that an
employee is abusing drugs or alcohol, it is especially important when there is a disagreement
between the employee and the supervisor about the employee’s actions. The City of Baltimore
also has a legitimate interest in assuring the public that none of the City's employees are under
the influence of drugs or alcohol while on duty or on call for duty, where applicable, and that
they are fully capable of performing their duties.
I am aware that any violation of the policy by me will subject me to disciplinary action, up to
and including discharge from employment or contract. I also am aware that a copy of this
Acknowledgment will become part of my agency personnel file.
Print Name of Employee
Employee Signature
Date Signed
Print Supervisor or Witness
Supervisor/Witness Signature
Date Signed