Belmont Syllabus Template
Based on the 2020-2021 Course Engagement Policy
From the Faculty Handbook (revised April 2020): 2.17.1. The Course Syllabus - Faculty members shall
prepare a syllabus for each course taught and provide an electronic copy of the syllabus to each
student enrolled, the office of the department chairperson, and the office of the dean, as instructed
by the dean of the college. The syllabus should include, but is not limited to the course objectives,
procedures, course requirements used for establishing the student’s grade, instructor name, and
instructor contact information and office hours. Faculty are encouraged to include the following
statement on every course syllabus: Accommodation of Disabilities: In compliance with Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Belmont University will provide
reasonable accommodation of all medically documented disabilities. If you have a disability and
would like the university to provide reasonable accommodations of the disability during this course,
please notify the Office of the Dean of Students, located in the Beaman Student Life Center (460-
6407) as soon as possible. All students have the right to the fair and consistent application of policies
and criteria stated in the course syllabus. Any material change made in course requirements which
prejudices a student because it occurs after the student has acted in reliance on the original
requirement can be the basis of legal action against the faculty member and the University. These
material alterations should not be made without the students’ consent. Other syllabus modifications
should be made only after careful review of the effects of such changes on students’ reasonable
expectations of the policies and criteria which will be applied to them.
Institution: Belmont University
Course Identity:
Course number, section, title
Semester (and session, if relevant)
Meeting time
Class location: Provide physical location of class and Zoom link for synchronous
online and Hyflex instruction.
Credit hours
Instructor Information:
Contact information (No instructor is required to provide personal (home or cell
phone) contact information unless he/she wishes to.)
o Telephone (adjunct faculty may list department or school)
o E-mail
o Office location
o Office hours
Course Information:
Description from current catalog (or description of special topic)
Objectives and/or goals for the course
Student Learning Outcomes for the course
Relevant pre-requisites
Method(s) of instruction: Include asynchronous online, synchronous online, and
Hyflex (a combination of online and in-person) as they pertain to the specific course.
Specify which type of instruction/activities will be included in each: discussion,
lecture, projects, group work, on-line work, labs, presentations, breakout room
activities, etc.
Course requirements:
• Textbooks and other resources or supplies
Methods of Evaluation:
• All assignments and requirements are subject to evaluation:
Tests, papers, participation, presentations, group projects, quizzes, reading,
etc. and how each will be assessed
Value (percentage or point value) for each assignment or requirement
Grading scale or point range for assignment of letter grades
Communication during the Course:
State what University software will be utilized
State how communication of assignments, advising and other contacts are to be made
Class Schedule:
• Provide a class schedule appropriate for the course
• Identify scheduled test and final exam dates
• Identify policy re: changes in schedule (will be announced in class; will be changed as
necessary; no changes will be made, etc)
Engagement Policies by Course Format:
Asynchronous Online
o Asynchronous student engagement can be assessed through weekly checkpoints
throughout the semester. Engagement checkpoint opportunities may include class
activities, discussion board posts, quizzes/tests, assignments, or any combination,
as defined by the professor.
Synchronous Online
o Faculty members will determine which class meetings will be conducted
synchronously, and students will be expected to participate in such meetings
unless otherwise excused.
o For synchronous sessions, students are expected to have their cameras on during
class meetings.
o There are a variety of ways for students to demonstrate engagement, including
asking questions, contributing to the discussion through the chat feature,
participating in breakout room activities, or giving student presentations.
Asynchronous/Synchronous Courses
o Some online courses may have a combination of synchronous and asynchronous
components. In such cases, the faculty member will clarify the expected
engagement parameters for the students.
Class Attendance: Belmont University is committed to the idea that regular student engagement
is essential to successful scholastic achievement. Absence is permitted in cases of illness or other
legitimate cause, as determined by the professor. Attendance and engagement are assessed from
the first class meeting, whether in the traditional classroom setting, in an online classroom, or a
hybrid of the two. Late registrants will automatically have accrued some absences prior to formal
registration in the course. In the case of an excused absence from class, students have the right
and responsibility to make up all class work missed.
Students are expected to attend their assigned in-person class sessions as they would in a typical
semester. Faculty members will determine how course content will be delivered in the online
setting and use the appropriate policies outlined above for asynchronous or synchronous
engagement as appropriate.
o If the course attendance policy differs from the University policy on student
attendance and absences, the course policy may not lead to a failure for non-
attendance (FN) prior to the University policy triggering the same result.
o [Include the policy that matches your course’s format:]
! In terms of asynchronous online instruction, if there are three (3) total (as
opposed to consecutive) weeks in which there is no evidence of engagement
in any of the week’s checkpoints, the faculty member may assign the grade
“FN” (failure for non-engagement) to that student.
! If a student demonstrates no engagement in more than 20% of synchronous
and/or asynchronous sessions, the faculty member may assign the grade
“FN” (failure for non-engagement) to that student.
! In cases where a student is unable to attend a synchronous session, an
absence is permitted in cases of illness or other legitimate cause, as
determined by the professor. The faculty member will honor absences that
are properly documented and/or provide opportunities for students to make
up missed coursework during or immediately following an excused absence
period. Such engagement opportunities may include discussion board posts,
journal entries, assigned readings, and/or writing projects, as determined by
the professor
Provost’s Excused Absences: If a class absence is necessary because of an activity by another
class or university organization, the sponsor of the activity will provide a detailed memorandum
on the letterhead of the unit to the Provost at least two (2) weeks prior to the event. The memo
will provide the names of students involved, the type of event, and the date range of the event. If
approved, the Provost will countersign the memo, generating a Provost’s Excuse, and the
sponsor will provide copies to each student to present to their course instructor as a Provost’s
Excused Absence with the allowance for the student to make up missed class work.
Student responsibilities: Students are responsible for notifying faculty members if they miss
class(es). They are to provide documentation in support of absenteeism for the faculty member to
review and evaluate according to course engagement policies. Students with excused absences
(as approved by the faculty or through the Provost’s Excuse) are able to make up all classwork
missed during the absenteeism period.
Faculty responsibilities: Faculty members will provide a course engagement policy on each
course syllabus and review and explain the policy to all students. Faculty members providing for
excused absences will review requests for those not covered by the Provost’s Excuse and
communications relating to unexcused absences and approve them according to the course
syllabus. They will honor absences that are properly documented and provide either the same or
in-kind assignments and provide opportunities for students to make up missed coursework during
or immediately following an excused absence period.
Appeal: The first appeal on a disputed course engagement matter should be directly to the
faculty member. Students may appeal a disputed course engagement matter to the chair of the
faculty member’s department (or to the appropriate dean’s office should the faculty member be
the department chair). The chair’s decision will be final (or dean’s decision, should the faculty
member be the chair). Proper documentation must be provided in support of the appeal. If the
appeal is approved, the chair or dean will communicate the reason for the approval and the
remedy to the faculty member who will permit the student (s) to make up missed coursework in a
timely manner.
Honor Pledge: Provide the University Academic Honor Pledge.
In affirmation of the Belmont University Honor Pledge, I pledge that I will not give or receive
aid during examinations; I will not give or receive false or impermissible aid in course work, in
the preparation of reports, or in any other type of work that is to be used toward my grade; I will
not engage in any form of academic fraud in the fulfillment of requirements for graduation
whether curricular or co-curricular. Furthermore, I will uphold my responsibility to see to it that
others abide by the spirit and letter of this Honor Pledge.
Accommodation of disabilities: Provide the compliance statement.
In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities
Act, Belmont University will provide reasonable accommodation of all medically documented
disabilities. If you have a disability and would like the university to provide reasonable
accommodations of the disability during this course, please notify the Office of the Dean of
Students, located in the Beaman Student Life Center (460-6407) as soon as possible.
Statement regarding expectation of student participation in course evaluations.