International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-1S6, December 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Retrieval Number: A10341291S619/2019©BEIESP
Journal Website:
Abstract: Automatic path maker for emergency vehicles” is the
most convenient solution for the people. It is adequate condition
into the traffic lights systems, as the emergency vehicles as route
concerned in the higher priorities among the junctions as the
road. At emergency vehicles as included into ambulances, rescue
vehicles, fire brigades, polices, & VIP persons. Which is many
problem for then the problems, in while it is depended at the injury
at the patients, personal accidents, fire fighting’s, robbery, &
several vital situation. And can compulsory as implementing at
techniques as to solve into situation. The proposed system is for
interrupt the running traffic signal when ambulance or VIP is
near traffic signals lane. This RFID readed will send these
messages to the traffic signal junction to release the news.
Keywords: Traffic control, Raspberry pi, RFID Tags, RFID
Vehicle traffic controls as roads into crossing have been
always at a matter on concerning at administration as several
moderns city around in the worlds [4]. Among these apply
into many attempts was make to designed into efficient
automate system into solves in this problems. Moreover the
present days system as used to pre determine time circuit to
operates as traffic signal, when it is not very practically as
becomes they are acting as before to the present congestions
as the traffic into the crossing. Now, automate traffic controls
system in that vehicle has waited as road crossings even
among rather traffic into other directions. This is main
problems are such as ambulance get into wedged up through
a red traffic signals & wasted as valuable time , & can be lead
as taken into risk as patient's life. In the normal , Congestion
at translate and on lost time, missed as opportunity, lost
worker productivity, delivery delay, & increased costs. The
managed as non recurred into congestions, they will used to
the raspberry pi. RFID tag as helping clearing to the heavy
traffics. And Node MCU have been MQTT protocol with
transmitting & receiving with wireless connects into used to
the Wi-Fi modules as used into provides as a network among
reader & raspberry pi. To solved in these problem & an
adding furthermore enhancement in the complex issues to
vehicle traffic controls as road cross at an images recognition
& send as information’s nearby hospital & vice versa. They
will propose used to radio frequencies identifications (RFID).
These are critical ideas among the principles of the RFID
Manuscript published on 30 December 2019.
* Correspondence Author (s)
A.Radha Rani, Professor, Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women,
Maisammguda, Hyderabad, TS
Dr. C.V.P.R. Prasad, Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women,
Maisammguda, Hyderabad, TS
Dr. D.B.K.Kamesh, Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women,
Maisammguda, Hyderabad, TS
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the
CC-BY-NC-ND license
tracks as vehicles. too, and can be worthly mentioned into the
RFID tags, as design into explicits with scanned into the fast
moving object (up to 15 cms), as a paper, developed into
vehicle tracks as possibles. Presently, obtainable hardware
may be uses into monitoring as a near distance upto 15 cms.
The essentially as to known as the road traffics density into
real time, particularly at metropolitan city, form signal
controls & effective managed in the traffic as emergency.
One of the most common problems everywhere is traffic,
although many control measures are applied. Still, there is a
problem with traffic in emergency cases and ambulance
vehicles. Many lives are under risk, due to heavy traffic and
no proper traffic management
The proposed system is for interrupting the running traffic
signal when an ambulance or VIP is near traffic signal lane,
and the RFID reader will send to the traffic signal junction to
release the message.
A. Necessity:
The adequate condition into the traffic light systems, the
emergencies vehicles route concern to the higher priority
among the junctions as the road. At the emergencies as
vehicles as included ambulances, rescue vehicles, fire
brigade, police, & VIP persons. There are several problem for
this problems, in which is dependent in the injury at the
patients, personal accidents, fire fightings, robbery, & several
various vital situation. The compulsory is implemented into
techniques as solved into this situations.
B. Objectives:
The proposed system is for interrupting the running traffic
signal when ambulance or VIP is near traffic signal lane. The
RFID reader will send the messages to the traffic signal
junction to release the news.
In this generation, people prefer smart work only. The
same goes for the cities. The term automation has led to a
significant change in the world. Almost all countries artfully
digitalized. In short, automation has become a relevant term,
whether at home or outside the home. Our project focuses on
traffic automation. The signals can be controlled manually
from long distance as well.
To make the Smart environment that enables the user to
monitor and control signals parameter on a real-time basis
using RaspberryPi. To save the time of the emergency
vehicles by using NodeMCU for network connection Taking
into the considerations different advancements in the field of
Electronics and Robotics, we can develop a method for
monitoring signals by using RaspberryPi with the help of
Internet of Things. It helps in the completion into making an
automatic pathway more quickly in less period.
Automatic Path Maker for Emergency Vehicles
A. Radha Rani, C.V.P.R. Prasad, D.B.K. Kamesh
Automatic Path Maker for Emergency Vehicles
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Retrieval Number: A10341291S619/2019©BEIESP
Journal Website:
A. Literature Survey:
“Automatic Path Maker for Emergency Vehicles “The
project makes use of Raspberry Pi and RFID tags to control
the signals using IoT based technology. “Automatic Path
Maker for Emergency Vehicles”-The signals are controlled
using Raspberry Pi, which Node MCU, which will be in the
same network where it uses the MQTT protocol for
transmitting and receiving information to the cloud server
giving exact analysis. “Automatic Path Maker for Emergency
Vehicles”- involves RFID tags and RFID Readers to detect
the moving vehicles connected with RFID Readers. IoT
based Industrial automation paper proposed by Sanyuta
Swami and team.
Industrial Automation Uses as the Internet of Things
(IoT) In these papers, there is developed as system is
automatic monitored in the industrial application & generated
& made into intelligent decision used to the concepts as iot.
arduino and iot based industrial automation. Internet of things
as completed through used to local networks standard &
remote controlling a& monitoring signals parameter through
RaspberryPi (IoT based Technology).The UK People have
developed a series of small single-board computers.
Raspberry Pi Foundation to encouragethe teaching of basic
computer science in schools and developing countries.It does
not take in peripherals and cases.
The originally is model because most populars than
projects, as sell outside it is targets as marketing as used to
like robotics. It is developed in the new technology as has
been allows at moves with the1st Generation as the Internet
to the current change over as the Fourth generations. IOT
based the unique models because far more popularly in than
expect, In this paper, Referred from IEEE paper of
International Research Journal of Engineering and
Technology Industrial Automation using IoT paper proposed
by Bhosale. Then automatically creating an interface for
controlling that appliance. The specification of each device
includes a high-level description of every function, a
hierarchical grouping of those functions, and dependency
information, which relates the availability of each task to the
appliance’s state. Wireless Industrial Automation Using
Raspberry Pi paper proposed by Thomas, Mathew and team.
B. Block Diagram
a. Description of various blocks
Wi-Fi networks physicallynot wired connection between
the sender and receiver using radiofrequency (RF)
Node MCU:
Node MCU is an open-source IoT platform that runs on
the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC from Express the firmware based
on an ESP-12 module. The term "NodeMCU" are pure
development kit as rather than the firmwares. Between applyi
Lua scripting languages into firmware. It is base as the eLua
projects & built into the Express if Non OS SDK with
ESP8266. Among the used to several open source project.
Likelua-cjson & SPIFFS.
RFID Reader:
Radio-frequencyidentification (RFID) is used
to electromagnetic field to identify & tracks tag attach into
object automatic. The card is contains into electronics as
stores information’s. Passive tag gathering as energy at a hard
through RFID reader crossed examine as radio wave.
Energetic tag has been locally power source like at battery &
can operates as hundred into meter into the RFID readers.
Uncertain an barcodes, in the cards require is not with the line
of sight as the reader therefore that it can be root into the track
objects. RFID as one methods to automatic identifications &
data captures (AIDC).
The Radio Frequencies Identifications Tag (RFID) to an
electronic tags in that conversation data’s for as RFID read
into radio waves.
Most of RFID tags is finish as at least two part. The
antenna to the first one that receive as radio frequencies (RF)
wave. The another one as an integrated circuit (IC), while it is
uses as processing & store data’s, as known modulated &
demodulated in the radio wave receive or sent through the
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-1S6, December 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Retrieval Number: A10341291S619/2019©BEIESP
Journal Website:
A. Introduction
Designed as called as the first stepped into famousin the
implement as phases form any technique & principle to the
defined as a devices, on process & system into satisfactions
detailed as to certifications in its physically awareness.
One of the software requirement has been examine &
specifies, in the software designs as involved as three
technical activity designed, coding, implementations, &
testing as carry out.
The designing into activity is the primary important in the
phases so, into activities, decision ultimate affects in the
software implementations & maintenance is done. The
decision has been the finally as bear upon the reliable &
maintain as the systems. Designed as the one way to
translated the customer requirement into date accurate.
B. Circuit diagram
NodeMCU connected to the RFID reader
RFID connections
C. Description of components
Raspberry pi:
Raspberry Pi is trivialin size computers mainly designed
for children to improve their knowledge over the extensive
network. Raspberry Pi is built on an ARM processor and runs
off the Linux platform, not precisely the Linux but a
distribution of Linux. Raspberry Pi consists of 512 MB ram
with two USBs also with an Ethernet cable connector. The
Raspberry pi can makeit to a TV or an HDMI monitor
through HDMI cable. It also supports analog and HDMI
audio. Now let’s list down what are the required accessories
for Raspberry Pi.
Looking at the circuit board, you can see:
The Processor and RAM chip
The LAN controller chip
An HDMI video output connector
A composite analog video connector (on models A and
An SD card connector
A micro-USB power connector
A USB port
An Ethernet port (on model Bs)
A camera connector
And the essential GPIO headers
Technical features of the Raspberry pi
Making a bootable SD card for Pi:
Now let’s go ahead with building a bootable SD card for Pi.
Step1: Download the image of a Linux distribution
NOTE: The Windows platform is shown below
First, download the picture of a Linux distribution from
the official site of Raspberry Pi ( In
downloads, you can find the distributions of Linux.
Automatic Path Maker for Emergency Vehicles
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Retrieval Number: A10341291S619/2019©BEIESP
Journal Website:
Download Raspbian from the page and save it on your
Step2: Download win32diskimager
Win32 disk imager is used to burn the downloaded
OS image into the SD card. Download the software, run it,
and follow the steps:
Browse the image file of OS downloaded in step1
from your computer and click on the write button. It burns the
image file onto the SD card.
Other ways of making a bootable SD card:
Using New Out of Box (NOOBS):
Download it from site. It will
download a zip file containing some files. Don’t forget to
download the formatting tools because first, you should
format the SD card with the formatting tools and copy the
extracted data of NOOBS into the formatted SD card.
Now when you power ON Raspberry Pi with the SD
card inserted into it, you will come across the above screen
from which you can select an OS you want and click on
install OS. The OS will automatically get installed, and
Raspberry Pi will start booting with that OS.
Using berry boot:Berry boot is software that is used to
install the selected OS from the network and install the
selected OS on Raspberry Pi.
Select the OS you want and click on BOOT. That’s it.
Now you got an OS on the SD card, and the
Raspberry Pi can boot with that SD card. Now when you start
booting the Raspberry Pi for the first time, it asks you for
some configuration setting for the first time.
Configuring Raspberry Pi:
When you boot your Raspberry Pi for the first time,
you will come across the following screen for some
configuration settings.
The default overscan option is disabled. Ifyou
enable the overscan and alteration the values to fit the image
to the screen. The values show the amount of overscan so that
the display software can correct; use positive values if the
picture goes off the screen, harmful if there are black borders
around the edge of the display.
Node MCU:
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-1S6, December 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Retrieval Number: A10341291S619/2019©BEIESP
Journal Website:
What Makes It Special
In various feature into Arduino controller as made as
stand out within the rests as the micro controller in the
markets. In this examples, in the software as opened as
sources, therefore we can be “looking as under in the
covering, Because speaks, & it is free as downloading,
modification, & re use in when it always an plus with more
advance developer. Even if the requires as plan with the
Arduino is open sources, therefore user may builds in their
owns into have to buying once. Many company to make the
Arduino board, too, & you may be buying to full kit
breadboard, wire sensor, & more. Both fullyassembled,
Arduino as the low ending to the costs spectrum & as
compatible for Window, Mac, & Unix system.
The project is to made micro controller is accessible on
everybody, both these are minimal computers backgrounds,
regardless as the age.
It is different techniques as Arduino boards, together.
What You Need:
Working to the NODEMCU, They needed as a
laptops, desktops, and tablets than your may downloading the
Arduino developmental into environments. It has been write
into Java & can be colding at Window, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
as newer, or Linux 32 and 64 bits. The connected as ayour
board for your computers, your can be needed as a USB data
cables. Unlike USB charges and synching wire, they can be
squares, block shape interfaces as instead into small interface
such as the micro USB. Unless at a well establishing into
electronics hobby for ton of the cold sensor & like lying
around, we invested as a kits. Form tests & prototypes, your
laptop provide in the power form the Arduino by means of
the USB data cables. Therefore, form independent laptop
project, and it can be probable need to given as independents,
portable powersource with your projects. At links into
provide under online resource in that shows how to uses as
battery power with the Arduino.
A. Hardware Development
In this project, Raspberry Pi Python language and Node
MCU is programmed in embedded C language and used to
turn on and off the signals, connect through RFID tags and
RFID readers. The Raspberry pi connected to Node MCU
such a way that it involves in controlling and monitoring the
messages, and the received analysis data will be displayed in
the cloud server
The following connection of the components does the
above execution:
WIRED: 1. RFID Reader to Node cu
2. Raspberry pi to 3 sets of signals
WIRELESS: Node MCU, Raspberry pi connected to a
shared network
2. RFID Reader connected to the Wi-Fi module.
The Raspberry Pi connected via PUTTY or Remote
B. Software development
a. Flow chart
Main Program Code
C. Interfacing of hardware:
1. Give power connection to Raspberry Pi and Node MCU.
2. You will find the transactions of signals in the project.
3. Check whether the signals are detected with the help of
RFID Readers and RFID tags.
4. This is how the whole project is interfaced to our cloud
5. All the signals are connected to the raspberry pi, which is
mainly linked to this Node MCU (having MQTT
Protocol), which is IoT based.
D. Debugging and testing of hardware and software:
Connection establishment between the Node-MCU, and
Raspberry pi. Verifying the power supply and the voltage that
is being passed by the Raspberry pi. We need to check that
there must be one secured network for connecting the
modules present in the project. Readings from the RFID
reader must be sent thoroughly to the Raspberry pi via
Node-MCU. This can be done by opening the running code in
any PC by clicking the serial monitor for Node-MCU
delivery, and for raspberry pi delivery, we need to run the
raspberry pi code in the pi either by using the remote desktop
connection or by using putty application. Check the signal
transition for various RFID readings and later to that.
Automatic Path Maker for Emergency Vehicles
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Retrieval Number: A10341291S619/2019©BEIESP
Journal Website:
E. Final words on working of the project:
Technology is meant to provide a secure life for all
living beings. According to that rule, our plan is majorly for
providing security to all the experiences. With the unaltered
access to the modules and signals, we can provide quick and
fast transitions of messages without any human interference.
For monitoring of the words, we are offering cloud updates
depending on the date and time for the access of superiors of
the government.
F. Output Screens and Project Picture:
A. Conclusion:
This paper is beneficial in places where there are heavy
traffic and busy areas. It helps in auto transmitting the signal
junctions without human resources. As this is wireless
technology, we can further improve the accuracy with
real-time implementation.
B. Future scope:
This project can be further enhanced with IoT technology
to achieve high performance in current technology. We can
also develop an android application for the user to make it a
more natural operation side part.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-1S6, December 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Retrieval Number: A10341291S619/2019©BEIESP
Journal Website:
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A.Radha Rani,Professor, Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women,
Maisammguda, Hyderabad, TS
Dr. C.V.P.R. Prasad, Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women,
Maisammguda, Hyderabad, TS
Dr. D.B.K.Kamesh, Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women,
Maisammguda, Hyderabad, TS