WIK-Consult Outline
European Best Practice
in Fibre Advertising
for FTTH Council Europe
WIK-Consult GmbH
Rhöndorfer Str. 68
53604 Bad Honnef
26 June 2020
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 1
0 Executive summary 4
1 Context 6
2 Why is accurate advertising important, and what measures are in place to support it? 7
2.1 Rationale for accurate advertising 7
2.2 EU provisions affecting broadband advertising 8
2.2.1 General measures concerning consumer protection and fair competition 8
2.2.2 Measures specific to the electronic communications sector 9
3 Current practice 11
3.1 Approaches to advertising standards in the countries studied 11
3.2 Advertising practices, past and present 16
4 What is the impact of misleading advertising, and which approaches have proved to be
most effective in addressing it? 25
5 Policy recommendations 31
6 Denmark 34
6.1 Summary 34
6.2 Main players and technologies used 34
6.3 Advertising standards 35
6.4 Advertising practice (past and present) 36
6.5 Outcomes 37
7 France 39
8 Germany 46
9 Ireland 54
9.1 Summary 54
9.2 Main players and technologies used 54
9.3 Advertising standards 54
9.4 Advertising practice (past and present) 56
9.5 Outcomes 59
10 Italy 60
10.1 Summary 60
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 2
10.2 Main players and technologies used 60
10.3 Advertising standards 63
10.3.1 Traffic-light system for broadband products 63
10.3.2 Disputes and fines 64
10.3.3 Broadband-ready label for buildings 65
10.4 Advertising practice (past and present) 66
10.4.1 Advertising in the experimental phase of the resolution 66
10.4.2 Advertising today 67
10.5 Outcomes 71
11 Netherlands 73
11.1 Summary 73
11.2 Main players and technologies used 73
11.3 Advertising standards 74
11.4 Advertising practice (past and present) 77
11.4.1 Ziggo 77
11.4.2 KPN 79
11.5 Outcomes 80
12 Poland 82
12.1 Summary 82
12.2 Main players and technologies used 82
12.3 Advertising standards 85
12.4 Advertising practice (past and present) 87
12.4.1 Advertising practice and disputes in the past 87
12.4.2 Advertising today 89
12.5 UPC Polska, Vectra, Multimedia 89
12.6 Orange Polska 91
12.7 Outcomes 95
13 UK 96
13.1 Summary 96
13.2 Main players and technologies used 96
13.3 Advertising standards 97
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 3
13.4 Advertising practice (past and present) 99
13.5 Outcomes 101
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 4
0 Executive summary
Actions have been taken in a number of countries including France, Italy, Ireland and
the Netherlands - to address “misleading advertising” in relation to fibre. These actions,
which include legislation, regulations, guidelines and court decisions, have been justified
on the grounds that misleading advertising prevents consumers from making an informed
choice and affects competition in the market, by depriving investors in fibre of the ability
to clearly differentiate their offers from other services which do not provide the same
degree of quality and reliability.
A number of surveys confirm that European consumers are confused about the terms
used to market broadband, and find it difficult to identify which services provide the best
performance. Consumers’ focus (and the focus of advertising in several countries)
continues to rest with download speeds in many cases and these may be referenced as
“average” speeds which do not provide an accurate view of the reliability of the
connection. However, future applications and services are increasingly also likely to rely
on other characteristics that include reliability as well as low latency and upload speeds,
which are best encapsulated with reference to the technology used. Different
technologies also differ in their performance regarding energy efficiency, which is
important in meeting environmental goals.
The inclusion of a new objective in the EU Electronic Communications Code, for the
European Commission, BEREC and NRAs to foster the availability of and access to very
high capacity broadband networks, strengthens the case for transparency in broadband
marketing as fostering Very High Capacity Network (VHCN) uptake requires consumers
to be properly informed about which products meet the desired criteria and what benefits
these products confer. However, telecom regulatory authorities often have limited scope
to address issues of awareness and advertising. Meanwhile, Advertising Standards
Authorities (ASA), which do have competence over advertising may have limited
understanding of the wider implications of different technological solutions for broadband,
and no mandate to promote the objective of fostering investment in, and take-up of,
A review of the schemes that have been introduced around Europe, clearly demonstrate
that the strongest and most effective forward-looking interventions in the market have
been driven by the National Regulatory Authority or Digital/Telecom Ministry of the
country in question rather than the ASA. In contrast, while their impact can be significant,
few competition authorities have intervened in this area, and their decisions concern
specific cases.
Our review suggests that the clearest and most user-friendly approach could be the
introduction of a labelling scheme, similar to the traffic light scheme introduced in Italy by
AGCOM in 2018, whereby technologies with differing characteristics would be colour
coded. This would enable customers to clearly compare broadband services in terms of
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 5
their performance and, potentially, environmental characteristics. A coding system which
distinguishes between FTTH, FTTB and cable-based services, FTTC/NGA FWA and
ADSL would best meet the need to distinguish the different technologies that have been
deployed across the EU.
Such a scheme could be applied in a similar manner to current labelling applied for energy
The approach taken in France where only ISPs delivering fibre into the home or premises
are permitted to use the term ‘fibre’ in advertising materials is another model that has
merit in its simplicity.
Guidelines could be considered at EU level to foster the involvement of NRAs and/or
Ministries across Europe and better align policy approaches to advertising broadband
with the objectives established under the Code. Legislative action could also be
considered, such as the introduction of a mandatory labelling scheme for broadband
covering performance and potentially environment characteristics.
In order to avoid problems seen in Italy concerning advertising of products which are not
widely available, in addition to specifying the design of the label and associated criteria,
guidelines should also be provided which ensure that customers are informed when
certain products are not widely available, and what the alternative options are.
We recommend further analysis based on consumer research to confirm the design and
validate the effectiveness of the chosen scheme that could be promoted through
guidelines and/or legislation.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 6
1 Context
Many of the countries which have achieved limited success with FTTH thus far are
characterized by significant FTTC and/or cable coverage.
One of the factors that may have been hampering FTTH take-up and the business case
for deployment in these countries may be a lack of awareness by consumers of the
difference between the capabilities of FTTC vs FTTH infrastructure. This may have been
exacerbated in some countries by a lack of advertising standards which require the
differences between products to be clearly explained.
Advertising authoritities have been prompted to investigate this issue in a number of
countries but these authorities are bound by different objectives than those which govern
electronic communications regulation, and thus may not have a mandate to make
decisions which facilitate the transition to very high capacity networks. .
The impact of misleading advertising could be increased as there is evidence to suggest
fibre may be an experience good (that customers appreciate more over time, which is
possible only once their have experienced it), and as VHC broadband is understood to
have wider economic, social and environmental benefits.”.
In this study, we provide a synopsis of the measures taken in selected European member
states to combat misleading advertising and identify the most effective solutions. We also
discuss the drivers of the decision taken in different countries, the timing of the action,
and discuss the effects on FTTH deployment and take-up of misleading advertising.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 7
2 Why is accurate advertising important, and what measures are in
place to support it?
In this chapter, we discuss the rationale for ensuring accurate advertising, and summarise
the provisions in place at EU level that aim to ensure that misleading advertising is
addressed and that appropriate labels are used.
2.1 Rationale for accurate advertising
Action against misleading advertising has been justified at EU level as well as on a
national level on the basis that it directly harms consumers’ economic interests and
thereby indirectly harms the economic interests of legitimate competitiors.
Effects on
competitors could for example include restricting market demand, thereby undermining
the business case of operators seeking to invest.
Measures to combat misleading advertising are especially relevant in the context of
broadband, as the primary mechanism that has been used to support consumer welfare
in this market is competition,
and in the absence of clear and accurate comparative
information, consumers are unable to make an informed choice.
Moreover, following the transposition of the EECC, NRAs will be given a new objective
“to promote connectivity and access to, and take-up of, very high capacity networks,
including fixed, mobile and wireless networks (VHCN), by all citizens and businesses of
the Union”.
This objective was added, on the basis of evidence from literature and
econometric analysis that suggests that take-up of higher speed broadband supports
economic growth, as well as supporting jobs and services in more remote regions. The
relevance of fibre in the context of the definition of VHC networks concerns not only its
ability to offer higher bandwidths, but also lower fault rates and lower latency, which are
critical to the delivery of next generation services including those offered via 5G networks.
, Thus, the misuse of the term ‘fibre’ in advertising may not only affect outcomes regarding
broadband speed but also limit consumers’ potential to benefit from an infrastructure
which has a range of characteristics that may be central to future services delivery.
Moreover, fibre-based broadband was found to be more energy-efficient and therefore
environmentally sustainable than legacy copper and cable-based solutions.
Supporting deployment and take-up of very high capacity networks in an environment
where there are multiple services available at differing quality levels, will of necessity
1 Recital 6 UCPD
2 Article 3.2(d) of the EECC notes that a core objective of the legislation is to promote the interests of the
citizens of the Union, by ensuring connectivity and the widespread availability and take-up of very high
capacity networks, including fixed, mobile and wireless networks, and of electronic communications
services, by enabling maximum benefits in terms of choice, price and quality on the basis of effective
3 Article 3.2(a) EECC
4 See WIK, Ecorys, VVA (2016) for the EC Support for the preparation of the impact assessment
accompanying the review of the regulatory framework for e-communications
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 8
require knowledge by citizens and businesses about which networks are “very high
capacity”, and what benefits this confers.
2.2 EU provisions affecting broadband advertising
2.2.1 General measures concerning consumer protection and fair competition
Misleading advertising has been subject to EU-wide law on consumer protection since
the adoption in 2005, of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive (UCPD).
The Directive seeks to address “unfair, misleading and aggressive commercial practices
which are capable of distorting consumers’ economic behaviour. It is further clarified that:
‘to materially distort the economic behaviour of consumers’ means using a commercial
practice to appreciably impair the consumer’s ability to make an informed decision,
thereby causing the consumer to take a transactional decision that he would not have
taken otherwise.
The Directive also notes that misleading advertising may involve any marketing of a
product, which creates confusion with any products, trade marks… or other distinguishing
markets of a competitor.
When applying the provisions of the Directive, authorities are advised to assess the likely
effect of an advertisement on the behaviour of an “an average consumer”. For example,
in its Guidelines accompanying the UCPD,
the Commission notes that a commercial
practice may be considered unfair not only if it is likely to cause the average consumer to
purpose or note to purchase a product, but also if it is likely to cause the consumer to, for
example… decide not to switch to another service provider or product.
In addition, the 2006 Directive concerning misleading and comparative advertising,
focuses on addressing marketing behaviours that could lead to distortion of competition
within the internal market. The preamble to the Directive notes that advertising affects the
economic welfare of consumers and traders. It observes that, as advertising is a very
important means of creating genuine outlets for all goods and services throughout the
Community, the basic provisions governing the form and content of comparative
advertising should be uniform and the conditions of the use of comparative advertising in
the Member States should be harmonized. “If these conditions are met, this will help
demonstrate objectively the merits of the various comparable products. Comparative
advertising can also stimulate competition between suppliers of goods and services to
the consumer's advantage.
5 Article 6(2) UCPD
6 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52016SC0163
7 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32006L0114
8 Recital 6 Directive 2006/114/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006
concerning misleading and comparative advertising
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 9
Article 4 of the Directive on misleading and comparative advertising permits comparative
advertising providing it (inter alia) does not discredit or denigrate the trade names, other
distinguishing marks, goods, services etc of a competitor and does not take unfair
advantage of the reputation of a trade mark, trade name or other distinguishing marks of
a competitor… and does not create confusion among traders, between the advertiser and
a competitor or between the advertiser's trade marks, trade names, other distinguishing
marks, goods or services and those of a competitor. Member states are required to
ensure that adequate and effective means exist to combat misleading advertising and
enforce compliance with provisions on comparative advertising in the interests of traders
and competitors.
2.2.2 Measures specific to the electronic communications sector
National Regulatory Authorities have not traditionally engaged in measures to guide or
govern advertising of telecom services. However, there are provisions in the EU
electronic communications Code which require service providers to take steps to ensure
that consumer contracts for Internet Access Services (and telecommunications services
more widely) are complete and accurate, and NRAs are often involved in enforcing these
For example article 102 of the Code requires service providers to include a concise and
easily readable contract summary which includes inter alia information about the main
characteristics of each service provided. The Commission has published a contract
summary template for this purpose.
In line with the provisions of the 2015 TSM Regulation,
which sought to provide greater
transparency on the quality and actual performance of broadband offers (in the context
of supporting open Internet access and “net neutrality”), the template requires service
providers to provide information about “Speed of the internet access service and
remedies in case of problems". Specifically, it notes that:
Where the service includes internet access, a summary of the information required
pursuant to points (d) and (e) of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 shall be
included. For fixed internet access service the normally available download speed
and for mobile internet access service the maximum download speed shall be
included. Where justifiable, a range of speed can be given. Remedies available to
the consumer in accordance with national law in the event of continuous or
regularly recurring discrepancy between the actual performance of the internet
access service and the performance indicated in the contract shall be described.
9 https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/initiatives/ares-2018-4821885_en
10 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32015R2120
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 10
The 2014 Broadband Cost Reduction Directive
also contains a provision
member states may (voluntarily) provide a “broadband-ready label” for buildings which
have been equipmped with high-speed-ready in-building physical infrastructure.
In the context of the BB CRD, ‘High-speed-ready in-building physical infrastructure’
means in-building physical infrastructure intended to host elements or enable delivery of
electronic communications networks.
A general theme in telecom legislation and guidelines has been to promote actions which
serve to foster the deployment of and access to broadband at increasing bandwidths over
time. However, there are only a limited range of mechanisms at EU level which serve to
promote awareness of the different characteristics of products.
At the same time, assessments by advertising authorities which may be called upon to
address claims about misleading advertising under general advertising rules may not
sufficiently reflect more subtle differences between products and services, which may be
central to the bandwidth and quality objectives established in electronic communications
policy at a given time.
11 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/en/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32014L0061
12 Article 8 BB CRD
The 2014 BB CRD sets the definition of high speed electronic communications networks as networks
capable of delivering broadband access services at speeds of only above 30Mbit/s. The objectives of
the BB CRD align with the Digital Agenda for Europe, which was relevant at that time. These objectives
have in practical terms, been superceded by the focus on VHC connectivity, introduced in the Code in
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 11
3 Current practice
Although there is a common body of EU law addressing misleading advertising, different
policies have been adopted concerning broadband, which may reflect differing degrees
of awareness amongst authorities concerning telecom policy. For this study, we have
prepared case studies of broadband advertising standards practices across 8 current and
former EU member states namely Italy, France, the UK, Ireland, Germany, Denmark,
Poland and the Netherlands.
The countries were selected on the basis that full fibre technologies coexist alongside
part fibre technologies and thus there was the potential for misleading advertising of fibre.
Moreover, we were aware that steps had been taken to address misleading advertising
and/or standardize advertising in some, but not all of the countries.
3.1 Approaches to advertising standards in the countries studied
The table below summarises applicable guidelines and rulings on “fibre” in broadband
Advertising/labelling development
Relevant authority
2018 Traffic-light system from NRA requiring advertisers to
distinguish between full (FTTH/B) vs part fibre vs copper via
2018 fines from competition authority on TI, Fastweb,
Vodafone and Wind
Competition and Market
Authority AGCM
2016 Decree requires service providers to specify (when
referring to fibre) whether connection into the home has
been realised with fibre i.e. distinguish FTTH vs FTTB. If
download speed is reported, upload speed must also be
Legal Decree adopted
by French Govt
2018 legal decision under French Commercial Code
requiring ISPs to cease using fibre where the service does
not involve termination via fibre, and to offer SFR clients
which were missold a fibre connection the option to
unsubscribe. SFR was also required to pay damages to Iliad
ASA concluded that references to “fibre” by ISPs offering
part fibre solutions were not misleading. Cityfibre application
for judicial review rejected Apr 2019
Advertising Standards
In August 2019, the ASAI introduced non-binding Guidelines
which require references to FTTC etc to specify that the
network is based on “part fibre”, and clearly highlight cases
where the service advertised is limited in availability
Advertising Standards
Authority for Ireland
No specific provisions on references to fibre in broadband
From 2017 onwards the NRA obliged ISP’s to provide a
‘product fact sheet’ on their website displaying in addition to
the max advertised speed the normally available speed and
the minimum available speed.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 12
Advertising/labelling development
Relevant authority
Industry-led labelling scheme developed in 2008 by Dansk
Energi “Dansk Fibernet”, requiring offer of fast and
symmetric speeds, upgradable up to 1Gbits based on FTTH
Dansk Energi (industry
trade association)
No Guidelines or Decisions concerning misleading
advertising, but Orange Polska has publicly claimed that
cable operators are engaged in misleading advertising in
relation to fibre
No specific Guidelines governing “fibre” advertising.
However, in 2014 the Appeal Board of the Advertising Code
Committee advised the cable operator to cease using the
term “own fibre optic cable network” following complaints
raised by Reggefiber
Board of Appeal of the
Advertising Code
Committee (non-
Only two of the eight countries covered by the research have adopted binding rules or
legislation governing the use of the term “fibre”. In France, a Decree adopted in 2016
requires service providers making reference to fibre to specify whether the connection
into the home is fibre (i.e. to distinguish FTTH from FTTB), and to specify the upload
speed, whenever the download speed is specified. Meanwhile, in 2018 the Italian
regulator AGCOM adopted a mandatory “traffic light” system, whereby the word “fibra”
and green labelling is reserved for FTTH/B, while yellow refers to part fibre (e.g. FTTC)
and red to copper (ADSL) services.
The labels are shown in the figure below. However, a fibre optic offering (with a green
label) may be advertised as such, even if it is not available nationwide.
Figure 1: AGCOM sticker
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 13
Source: AGCOM (2018).
Another important feature of the AGCOM ruling is that the implicit association of several
technological architectures under the same commercial brand in one-to-many
communication is not allowed.
In both Italy and France, adoption of the legal rulings on fibre labelling were triggered by
cases in which operators were fined for advertisements deemed to be misleading.
Specifically, in 2018 the Italian Competition and Market Authority
imposed fines on
Telecom Italia (4.8 million €)
, Fastweb (4.4 million €)
and Vodafone (4.6 million
for misleading advertising of fibre optics and Wind Tre
(4.25 million €)
misleading and omissive advertising of fibre optics.
The AGCM noted that the fibre optic connection advertising campaigns used wording that
suggested the exclusive use of fibre and/or the achievement of maximum performance in
terms of speed and reliability of the connection, without adequately informing consumers
of the actual characteristics and limitations of the service offered. This meant in particular
geographical limits on the coverage of the various network solutions, the differences in
the services available and different performance depending on the infrastructure used for
the fibre connection.
As a result of that conduct, according to AGCM, the use of the generic term 'fibre' means
that the consumer is not able to identify the special characteristics of the products.
In August 2019, the Antitrust Authority also accepted complaints of the National
Consumer Union, and imposed fines totalling €875,000 on TIM, Fastweb, Wind Tre and
Vodafone for misleading offers on fibre.
14 Allegato C alla delibera n. 292/18/CONS
15 L’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato - AGCM
16 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/3/alias-2458
, Rome, 16 March, 2018
17 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2459, Rome, 23 April, 2018
18 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2456, Rome, 27 April, 2018
19 The fine of 4,25 million for Wind Tre related to both mobile Internet services and Internet connectivity
services using fibre optic technology.
20 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2457
, Rome, 11 April, 2018
21 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/3/alias-2458, Rome, 16 March, 2018;
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2459, Rome, 23 April, 2018;
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2456, Rome, 27 April, 2018;
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2457, Rome, 11 April, 2018
22 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/3/alias-2458, Rome, 16 March, 2018,
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2459, Rome, 23 April, 2018,
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2456, Rome, 27 April, 2018;
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2457, Rome, 11 April, 2018
23 https://www.consumatori.it/comunicati-stampa/antitrust-vittoria-unc-compagnie-telefoniche-fibra/;
fibre-advertising-35956/; https://www.agcm.it/dotcmsdoc/bollettini/2019/31-19.pdf
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 14
Meanwhile in France, the Decree referring to fibre was influenced by a legal challenge
mounted by Iliad in 2015 against the use of the word “fibre” by SFR, following SFR’s
acquisition of cable operator Numericable, which resulted in the company using a
combination of full fibre, FTTB (with in-building cable) and cable technology to deliver its
Iliad’s legal challenge, was based on alleged infringement of the French
Commercial Code.
In its January 2018 conclusions, the tribunal found in favour of Iliad,
and required SFR to:
Cease using the term fibre in cases where the service does not involve termination
via fibre optics in the premises of the subscriber
Not to use, for “very high speed” offers, the term “fibre” without specifying where
this technology ends within its network
Cease all national advertising which presents their network as being based on a
an infrastructure which is technologically homogeneous
Specify in commercial communications, the precise characteristics of
infrastructure used in the relevant zone
Communcate to each client which subscribed to an offer mentioning the word
“fibre” with SFR or Numericable (except for FTTH offers), information concerning
the nature of the connection including the distance to the fibre optic cable, the
number of households sharing the cable, and the average speeds in peak and
non-peak hours
Inform clients which subscribed to a “fibre” offer which was not FTTH, that they
could benefit from the option to cease their connection with immediate effect, as
a result of the inaccurate information provided concerning its characteristics; and
Publish in each journal in which the misleading advertisements were published a
judicial statement, noting that it had engaged in misleading advertising in
representing in offers carrying the term “fibre” services offered via cable, which
cannot offer the same quality of connectivity as offers using fibre up to the building,
and that this could undermine the investments made by operators deploying fibre.
Pay damages of €51.87m to Iliad
One other country from those reviewed Ireland has issued non-binding Guidelines
around the use of the word “fibre”. In August 2019, the ASAI released Part 1 of a
Guidance note on “marketing communications for mobile phone and broadband
services”. The note states that the ASAI consider that “where the descriptor ‘fibre’ is used
and where the service is not provided on a full fibre network, advertising must contain a
prominent qualification that the network is ‘part fibre’”. The Guidelines also state that “if
a product is described by a narrative, such as ‘high speed’, ‘superfast’ or similar,
24 https://lexpansion.lexpress.fr/high-tech/fibre-optique-free-attaque-en-justice-numericable-
25 Article L 480-8 Code du Commerce
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 15
advertisers must ensure that the use of language does not mislead, bearing in mind the
existing comparator products available, e.g. superfast must not be used for products
which are significantly slower than the maximum generally available product on the
On the subject of “availability”, the Guidelines note that “advertisers offering mobile phone
and broadband services must take care in the design and presentation of their marketing
communications so as not to exaggerate the availability of their products, particularly
when new products/technology are launched. Where the provider offers limited
geographical coverage, advertising in national media must include a prominent and
transparent reference to this fact.”
Contrary to the decision reached in Ireland, in 2017 conclusions published by the UK’s
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), they found that there were no grounds to establish
guidance in relation to use of the term “fibre”. These conclusions were based on their
interpretation of the results of consumer research that they had commissioned from
Define. The ASA highlighted the summary of the research conclusions, which stated that:
The term ‘fibre’ was not one of the priorities identified by participants when
choosing a broadband package; it was not a key differentiator.
The word ‘fibre’ was not spontaneously identified within ads it was not noticed
by participants and did not act as a trigger for taking further action. It was seen as
one of many buzzwords to describe modern, fast broadband.
Once educated about the meaning of fibre, participants did not believe they would
change their previous purchasing decisions; they did not think that the word ‘fibre’
should be changed in part-fibre ads.
No guidelines on the use of “fibre” in advertising have been considered or adopted in
Poland, Germany, the Netherlands or Denmark.
However, in 2008 the association representing Danish fibre utilities established a
voluntary certification scheme under which operators offering services meeting certain
characteristics (including full fibre with symmetric bandwidths upgradable to 1Gbit/s)
could use a standard label “Dansk Fibernet”.
A number of complaints have been raised on the subject in the Netherlands, and in 2014
the Appeal Board of the Advertising Code Committee (a non-statutory body) advised the
cable operator to cease using the term “own fibre network” in advertisements which it had
issued in response to Regefiber’s deployment of FTTH.
More generally, it can be said that the clearest and strongest actions (and all binding
measures) that have been taken to address misleading advertising, have typically been
taken by bodies other than the advertising authorities such as the national regulatory
authority for telecoms and competition authority, in the case of Italy, and the competition
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 16
authority and Government, in the case of France. This may reflect the greater awareness
of competition and telecom regulatory authorities of the importance and effects of these
cases. However, most telecom regulatory authorities do not have the powers to act in this
area, and the standards required for a competition law case are relatively high, with the
French and Italian competition authorities being relatively unique in their willingness and
ability to process such cases efficiently.
3.2 Advertising practices, past and present
Approaches to advertising, including where relevant, changes in approaches to
advertising resulting from Guidelines or decisions, are summarised in the following table.
Date of Decision
concerning “fibre”
practice before
Current advertising practice
2016 Govt Decree
2018 Court judgement
advertised as
Technologies are referenced in
“Fibre” commonly used, but only for
FTTH, otherwise ADSL, cable
2018 AGCOM
Decision (traffic lights)
and court judgement
Restrictions on
associating different
architectures with
same commercial
FTTC, wireless
advertised as
Technologies are referenced in
Labelling system is applied. “Fibre”
used only for FTTH/B, but is widely
promoted despite limited availability.
2019 ASAI Guidelines
FTTC, wireless,
advertised as
Most operators now focus on headline
speed and/or super/ultrafast although
eir advertises FTTH as “fibre”
2014 Decision of the
Appeal Board
Advertising Code
Cable advertised
as if fibre
Cable advertising refers to “Gigabit
speed” on “Giganet”
KPN distinguishes standard
broadband from “fibre optic
2017 ASA concluded
that references to
“fibre” were not
Cable, FTTC
widely advertised
as fibre
Cable, FTTC widely advertised as
Distinctions only between superfast,
Cable operator refers to “fibre” for
architectures which include coax at
least in the final segment (incl FTTB)
Pure FTTH operators also refer to
Technologies are referenced in
Most operators distinguish between
ADSL, cable and fibre optic
Only fibre utilities refer to “fibre”
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 17
Other operators focus on headline
speeds, Gigaspeed etc
The decisions in Italy and France regarding “fibre” advertising were taken in response to
conduct by major service providers which was deemed to be misleading. In Italy, the term
“fibre” had been used for services based only on partial fibre deployment (FTTC).
Meanwhile, following its merger with the FTTH/copper-based operator SFR, Numericable
had been advertising services as “fibre” without reference to the actual (cable) technology
used (see below). For example, Numericable offered “fibre” up to 800Mbit/s in Paris and
up to 400Mbit/s in Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux, revealing the differing technological
capabilities of the network, and constraints resulting from use of cable infrastructure.
Figure 2: Numericable web advertisements prior to the Decree……………………..
Source: Numericable website
Following the introduction of legislation, misleading references to fibre in France and Italy
ceased, but some issues remain especially in Italy.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 18
Italian operators are making, apparently correct, use of the labelling scheme to distinguish
between fibre and other products. However, it is notable that our review of offers
advertised on websites, fibre offers have been made central to the marketing campaigns,
despite the limited availability of fibre infrastructure.
In France, full fibre operators including Orange and Iliad now typically distinguish between
“fibre” offers and “ADSL” offers. SFR (the operator subject to the court decision) similarly
distinguishes between offers based on “fibre” and “ADSL”, and is promoting its new box
8”, which relies on these technologies. However, for its cable network, SFR also offers
(but does not actively promote to the same extent), a “4K THD” (Very high speed) box,
which is no longer labelled as “fibre”.
Figure 3: SFR/Numericable web advertising after the Decree
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 19
Source: SFR website January 2020
Approaches towards broadband advertising have also changed in the Netherlands and
Ireland, following the adoption of non-binding Guidelines or arbitrarion decisions.
In the Netherlands, cable operator Ziggo no longer refers to fibre in advertising, but
instead focuses on “Gigabit speeds”. On Ziggo's current website,
the company's own
network is not generally referred to as a "fibre optic network". Rather, it is highlighted that
97% of the network is made up of fibre and the last piece is "super fast coaxial cable".
In Ireland, prior to the release of the Guidelines by the ASAI, major operators were using
“fibre” to advertise FTTC and HFC-based services as shown in the screenshots below.
Figure 4: Sky Ireland sample advertisement
Source: Sky Ireland website Jan 2020
However, following the introduction of the Guidelines, operators have changed or
restricted their references to fibre. For example, Sky has focused on distinguishing
26 https://www.ziggo.nl/internet/glasvezel/,
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 20
speeds, with reference to the labels “essential”, “superfast” and “ultrafast”, with ultrafast
broadband promising speeds only achievable via Sky’s fibre-based offering. Vodafone
seems to have pursued a similar strategy, but with a focus on first obtaining customers’
location to present relevant offers. Virgin Media (based on cable), has also chosen to
focus on the headline download speed (see below).
Figure 5: Virgin Media Ireland advertisements
Source: Virgin Media website Jan 2020
Eir has on the other hand chosen to explicitly advertise services based on fibre (150Mbit/s
and above) as such, while focusing for part-fibre services only on the headline speeds.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 21
Figure 6: eir advertisements
Source: eir website Jan 2020
The change in approach that can be seen in Ireland, contrasts with the continued
indiscriminate references to “fibre” in the UK, where the ASA concluded that such
references were not misleading to consumers.
For example, in contrast to their advertising in Ireland, Virgin Media in the UK, is
advertising “lightning fast broadband” with an image showing fibre optics, and references
to “fibre broadband” in relation to a 200Mbit/s product that is likely in most cases to be
delivered via cable.
Figure 7: Virgin Media UK advertisements
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 22
Source: Virgin Media UK website Jan 2020
BT, which provides broadband services predominantly via FTTC/VDSL, with a small, but
expanding FTTH footprint, refers to “fibre” across their full portfolio. For example
broadband services with speeds of just 36Mbit/s (likely based on VDSL) are being
advertised as “superfast fibre essential”. True FTTH-based products at speeds of up to
300Mbit/s are meanwhile being advertised as Ultrafast fibre. Thus, with references to
“fibre” predominating the only distinguishing feature for broadband products is between
“superfast” and “ultrafast”, and it may not in all cases clear to consumers, what these
labels mean.
“Fibre » is also referenced in advertising by the Polish cable operator UPC for services
which appear to rely on the coax network, at least in the terminating segment. The
advertisements specify that the services are based on FTTB technology. This has led to
complaints in the media from the incumbent Orange Polska, that customers cannot
readily distinguish the quality available from UPC from their own FTTH-based network,
which is also marketed as “fibre”.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 23
Figure 8: Extract from Website UPC Polska
Source: https://www.upc.pl/internet/kup-internet/internetowi-start-500-24mc/.
Notwithstanding the absence of formal guidelines, in Germany, technologies are
distinguished in advertising and fibre is typically been referenced in the context of FTTH/B
deployment. For example, Deutsche Telekom distinguishes on its website between
products offering “Internet and DSL” and “fibre optics”. However, the DT xDSL and fibre-
optic tariffs are both marketed under the MagentaHome brand, which would not have
been permitted under the Italian regime. Meanwhile, Vodafone offers "Kabel-Internet"
(cable Internet), "DSL" and "Glasfaser" (optical fibre), and markets its cable, DSL and
fibre optic tariffs under different brands ("Red Internet & Phone Cable" "Red Internet &
Phone DSL", "Red Internet & Phone Glasfaser"). However, Vodafone does make mention
of “fibre optic Internet” in the context of cable.
Meanwhile in Denmark, only the fibre utilities (with deployments based on FTTH) make
use of the word “fibre” in advertising. Other operators, whose services are often based
on a mix of FTTC, cable and FTTH technologies refer instead to headline speeds with a
tagline of “Gigaspeed” or “maxspeed” for the highest speed bands available.
27 translated from Polish into English via Google Chrome
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 24
Figure 9: Waoo (fibre utility) advertising
Source: Waoo website Jan 2020
Overall, the case studies suggest that measures to limit misleading references to “fibre”
in advertising have been effective in changing conduct in France and (partially) Italy, as
well as in Ireland and the Netherlands, while challenges remain with advertising practices
in the UK, and (to a lesser extent) Poland and Germany.
It has become standard practice in most of the countries examined to refer to broadband
with reference to the technology used and to use “fibre” as a marketing tool to distinguish
very high grade broadband services from others. Exceptions are the UK and Ireland,
where the indiscriminate use of the word “fibre” has meant that the main distinguishing
feature has been references to “superfast” and ultrafast” speeds, which may however
themselves be subject to interpretation.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 25
4 What is the impact of misleading advertising, and which
approaches have proved to be most effective in addressing it?
As discussed in section 2.1, measures against misleading advertising have been justified
at EU and national level on the basis that it undermines the ability of customers to make
an informed choice between products which have different characteristics, and as a
consequence undermines the business case for operators to invest in superior
technology, as those that do face the potential of unfair competition from products which
falsely claim to have the same properties as their own.
The case to promote clear labelling in broadband is further supported by the fact that
different technologies have been found to offer different capabilities in terms of speed
and quality
and higher bandwidths have been associated with economic, social and (in
the case of fibre) environmental benefits.
To realise these benefits, the European
Commission, BEREC and NRAs have been given a new objective in the Code to foster
availability of and access to very high capacity networks.
Future and complementary
wireless networks such as 5G and its successors will also depend to a large extent on
the widespread availability of fibre. That widespread availability of fibre has been
described as a necessary (but not sufficient) condition of 5G deployment and by
implication, of all the services and industrial processes that will depend on these
networks. Furthermore, knowledge about the differences between technologies and the
advantages offered by fibre compared with legacy technologies will be important in
enabling the eventual switch-off of the copper network, which is envisaged through
provisions in the Code covering “migration”, which itself will drive significant
environmental savings.
With this in mind, it is concerning that, especially in cases where broadband advertising
is unclear and no action has been taken to inform customers around the capabilities of
different technologies or to limit misleading references to “fibre”, there is evidence that
consumers are not aware of the importance of attributes other than broadband “download
speed”, are confused by the broadband options presented to them, and may not have an
accurate understanding of the services they actually receive.
For example, in a study conducted by Opinion Leader,
CityFibre explored consumers’
understanding and potential effects of the use of terminology around “fibre” in Internet
Access Services (IAS) advertising in the UK. Their study used a qualitative approach
covering focus groups and individual interviews with consumers and small businesses in
28 These are outlined in the WIK, IDATE, Deloitte (2016) study for the EC “Regulatory, in particular access,
regimes for network investment in Europe”. A further updated analysis is contained in the WIK (2019)
for the DEA “Telecommunications Markets in 2020”
29 See WIK, Ecorys, VVA (2016) for the EC “Support for the Impact Assessment accompanying the Review
of the EU Framework for electronic communications” and well as WIK (2018) for Ofcom “The benefits
of ultrafast broadband”, and WIK (2019) for the DEA “Telecommunications Markets in 2020”
30 Article 3 EECC
31 Opinion Leader. 2017. Understanding Broadband Customer Responses to Use of 'Fibre' in Advertising
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 26
order to explore: (1) Customers’ understanding of the word “fibre” across different media,
(2) whether inaccurate use of “fibre” can materially mislead customers, (3) the specific
arguments used to justify not changing rules around the use of the word “fibre” in IAS
commercial communication, and (4) alternative terminology or iconography. The study
found that customers currently have generally low levels of trust towards claims of
broadband providers generally. In particular, their doubts revolved around claims of the
speed and level of service quality (to be) delivered. Many participants felt that they had
been promised better technological and service performance prior to their recent
purchases and provider switches than they had ultimately received. Participants in the
CityFibre study were also confused by the often pseudo-technical language used in
broadband advertising. Even after an explanation of the technological differences
between part- and full-fibre, participants were unable to distinguish broadband offers
based on the advertisements. This indicates a consistent lack of clear language in
commercial communication around IAS offers.
Similar findings were made in a study conducted for the UK Advertising Standard
Authority (ASA)
which explored the impact of terminology around “fibre” on consumers’
broadband choices in the UK using qualitative research methods. In total, they conducted
30 in-depth interviews with broadband users covering general aspects of the broadband
customer journey and an additional set of 79 in-depth individual interviews focusing on
broadband advertisements and the impact of the word “fibre”. They found that consumers’
interest and engagement with broadband services purchases is generally low.
Purchasing was perceived as boring and as requiring significant effort. While consumers
cared about value for money and bundle aspects of typical IAS offers, hardly any
interviewee mentioned the delivery technology (e.g. fibre) without prompting. As regards
“fibre, participants in the ASA study did not see terminology around the word as a
differentiator of IAS offers mainly because they assumed fibre simply to be a kind of
shorthand for modern, high quality broadband. The clear majority thought that all ISPs
were offering it in any event. Even with additional information, participants were not able
to distinguish which ads were for full-fibre and which for part-fibre. Similar findings were
made in research conducted by Kantar Milward Brown in August 2018 for SIRO in the
Irish market. Based on a nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults, the
researchers found that over half of respondents were confused by the different uses of
the term ‘fibre’ (e.g. ‘fibre-powered’, ‘fibre broadband’, ‘100% fibre’ etc.) in marketing
Moreover, 68% of responding households had changed broadband
providers in the past two years, with speed being ranked as the top consideration when
selecting a provider. However, more than half of the surveyed consumers in Ireland (54%)
did not know what type of broadband provides the fastest speeds.
32 Define research & insight. 2017. ASA - Broadband Fibre Qualitative Research - Final Report,
Advertising Standards Authority, London
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 27
Representative online surveys conducted by WIK-Consult in the German market in 2017
and 2019 further underline the confusion experienced by consumers about what is meant
by “fibre”, and whether they are currently benefiting from it. In both years, only around
one in ten consumers who stated that they had a full fibre connection at home actually
did given the cross-check for their ISP and the region they live in, while the fibre status
for a further proportion of respondents was uncertain (see foillowing figure).
Figure 10: Consumers in Germany thinking they are on a full fibre IAS
(2017 and 2019)
N(2017) = 274 out of a total 4160; N(2019) = 214 out of a total 2750. This translates into a stated fibre
penetration of 6.4% and 7.7% respectively when the actual penetration according to VATM was 2.4% and
4.3% respectively.
Source: WIK-Consult survey data
This confusion means that consumers may not be aware of the benefits that could be
obtained by switching to a full fibre solution, and therefore may decide not to switch.
However, there is ample evidence that customers using full fibre do experience benefits
from using this modern technology. For example, according to the survey conducted on
behalf of Cityfibre, participants, who already had full fibre connections at their homes,
reported a higher level of satisfaction due to higher upload and download speeds as well
as a generally more reliable service than with (their previous) part fibre connections. This
positive experience of consumers actually using FTTH connections is also reflected in
research conducted by WIK-Consult for the FTTH Council, which compared the
experience of consumers using different technological solutions in Sweden and
An earlier survey conducted by Diffraction
arrives at similar conclusions.
They found that consumers in Sweden who subscribe to FTTH/B are on average more
satisfied with their broadband service and keener to try new types of advanced services.
34 Arnold R, Kroon P, Taş S, Tenbrock S. 2018. The socio-economic impact of FTTH, WIK-Consult, Bad
Felten, Benoit 2015. FTTH/B makes a real difference Usage survey (Sweden). Diffraction Analysis.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 28
That study also observed the strongest driver of take-up measured using regression
analysis is time, which suggests strongly that fibre is an experience good. Another finding
was that over time, consumers were willing to pay more for their fibre connectivity, the
more they experienced the product the more they valued it, reinforcing the conclusion
that fibre is an experience good.
This is an especially important observation which points to one of the most serious effects
of misleading advertising. Since fibre demand is driven in large part by experience, a
significant cohort of users who believe they are using fibre but are not, and are therefore
not experiencing fibre connectivity, risks reducing demand for fibre in the short, medium
and long terms with the attendant effects on roll-out and copper switch off.
Despite this, the UK ASA’s ultimately concluded that consumers had not been misled as
a result of references to “fibre” in advertising. They cited in support of this decision that
research suggested that consumers were generally satisfied with their current offer, and
did not see “fibre” as a differentiating factor. However, this perception may have been
perpetuated by the widespread (mis)use of the term “fibre” in the British market, and lack
of experience by those currently on part fibre packages of the advantages of full fibre (as
elaborated above). Indeed, these conclusions are supported by the Cityfibre survey,
which found that the overwhelming feeling among participants was that using “fibre” in
the commercial communication for part fibre broadband was misleading. They also
disagreed with ASA’s reasons to permit this practice as they thought this would reinforce
the status quo of consumers with little technological knowledge not being able to choose
the right connection for their needs. The different mandate that ASA holds compared to
that of Ofcom may have influenced this conclusion, noting in particular that the ASA has
no mandate to promote the deployment of VHCN or to facilitating the switch-off of copper
networks and migration to VHCN.
Consumers participating in the study for Cityfibre noted that they wanted a clear and
easy-to-comprehend way to distinguish between various types of access technology.
Likewise, 73% of consumers involved in the Kantar research for SIRO also stated that
they would like a “quality broadband mark” that guarantees the types of service they
would receive.
The potential for education to drive more informed consumer choices is
also highlighted in a study conducted at PRICE Lab,
which used quantitative methods
to assess the impact of advertising claims on consumers’ broadband choices, and to test
the impact of information campaigns.
Although the research did not specifically
consider “fibre”, the researchers did find that one in five consumers chose a provider
advertising “lightning fast” broadband over another offering the same speed at a cheaper
price, suggesting that some consumers are influenced by terminology that implies
37 A research programme funded by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, the
Commission for the Regulation of Utilities and the Commission for Communications Regulation.
38 Timmons S, McElvaney TJ, Lunn P. 2019. An experiment for regulatory policy on broadband speed
advertising - ESRI Working Paper No. 641, The Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 29
superior quality, even when it may not be associated with a superior offer. The research
also found that providing information to the customers (i) decreased the proportion of
suboptimal decisions, (ii) increased the likelihood that consumers switched package, and
(iii) improved understanding of speed descriptions.
Information campaigns and tools have thus far focused mainly around “download
speeds”, and studies suggest that the download speed was and is still considered the
“primary measure of economic value that end users receive from broadband
infrastructure providers.”
This is reflected in the prominence of discussions around the
use of “up to” speed claims in commercial communication around IAS offers.
in light of the development of applications which require low latency including services
based on AR and VR, and the trend towards applications running on the cloud (which
require more symmetric bandwidth), a focus on download speed alone may prove to be
misguided, and may limit the degree to which consumers are able to benefit from new
services going forwards. Thus information or labelling campaigns could usefully focus
around the wider benefits of specific technologies, which extend beyond “download
speed”. This would be consistent with the increased focus on fibre (or substantially fibre-
based) VHC technologies in the context of the Code, as well as supporting wider
environmental objectives.
Effective information about the broadband technology when purchasing or switching
one’s IAS is important since subscribing to an IAS is a long-term decision. Contracts last
typically at least 12 months, and commonly run to 24 months. Few consumers switch
their IAS providers regularly resulting in “loyalty penalty”.
Usually, this loyalty penalty is
thought of in monetary terms, but perhaps even more importantly, there is a penalty in
terms of broadband speed and other quality of service criteria and ultimately quality of
experience as broadband technology progresses and fibre becomes available to more
and more households. By not considering / not purchasing the latest technologies,
consumers likely forego a substantial positive impact on their well-being, wealth etc. as
the FTTH Council study by WIK-Consult shows.
In principle, addressing misleading advertising and providing clear information to
consumers about the relative performance of different products, should in turn result in a
boost in take-up for more performant technologies. In Italy and France, there are indeed
some signals of a ramp-up in take-up of FTTH in the period following the rulings in
39 Rajabiun R, Middleton CA. 2015. Lemons on the edge of the internet: The importance of transparency
for broadband network quality. Communications & Strategies: 119-36. (p. 121f referring to Bauer S,
Clark DD, Lehr W. 2010. Understanding broadband speed measurements. Presented at TPRC,
Washington, D.C.)
40 As discussed in the case studies, all countries examined have introduced measures to ensure the
accuracy of speed reporting in the context of broadband contracts, and often in advertising. However,
measures focused around the technologies used and other features such as symmetry, which may have
longer term relevance for the capabilities of the network have been more limited
41 Merola R, Greenhalgh L. 2017. Exploring the loyalty penalty in the broadband market, Citizens Advice,
42 Arnold R, Kroon P, Taş S, Tenbrock S. 2018. The socio-economic impact of FTTH, WIK-Consult, Bad
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 30
comparison with technologies which were previously “mis-sold” (primarily FTTC in Italy,
and FTTB/cable in France). In Italy, for example, take-up of FTTH lines grew by 46%
between 2017-2018 and by 49% between 2018-2019 compared with a growth rate of
34% in the previous year (before the introduction of the decree). Meanwhile in France, a
small decline in FTTB (cable termination) connections can be seen between Q4 2015
and Q1 2016, around the time of the Decree. The January 2018 court order permitting
Numericable/SFR customers to unilaterally renounce their connection, may also have
contributed to the ongoing decline in FTTB (cable termination) connections, which
continues to this day. However, many other factors may have contributed to these effects,
including the pace of deployment, and service level challenges following the
SFR/Numericable merger (the overall take-up of FTTH in Italy also remains low), and
thus, while advertising standards may have contributed to the outcomes seen in the
market, it is not possible to conclude definitively to what extent advertising played a role
relative to other factors.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 31
5 Policy recommendations
Actions have been taken in a number of countries including France, Italy, Ireland and
the Netherlands - to address “misleading advertising” in relation to fibre. These actions
have been justified on the grounds that misleading advertising prevents consumers from
making an informed choice and affects competition in the market.
From a telecom perspective, the case for action has, if anything, been strengthened by
the inclusion of an objective for the European Commission, BEREC and NRAs to foster
the availability of and access to very high capacity broadband networks, as fostering
uptake requires consumers to be properly informed about which products meet the
desired criteria and what benefits these products confer. However, in practice this change
would not have any impact on the conclusions that may be reached by Advertising
Standards Authorities across Europe, as they have no mandate to promote this policy
A review of the schemes that have been introduced around Europe, clearly demonstrate
that the strongest and most effective forward-looking interventions in the market have
been driven by the National Regulatory Authority or Digital/Telecom Ministry of the
country in question rather than the ASA. In contrast, while their impact can be significant,
few competition authorities have intervened in this area, and their decisions concern
specific cases.
Our review suggests that the clearest and most user-friendly approach could be the
introduction of a labelling scheme, similar to the traffic lights introduced in Italy, whereby
technologies with differing characteristics would be colour coded. This would enable
customers to clearly compare broadband services in terms of their performance and,
potentially, environmental characteristics. A coding system which distinguishes between
FTTH, FTTB and cable-based services, FTTC/NGA FWA and ADSL would best meet the
need to distinguish the different technologies that have been deployed across the EU.
Such a scheme could be applied in a similar manner to current labelling applied for energy
The approach taken in France where only ISPs delivering fibre into the home or premises
are permitted to use the term ‘fibre’ in advertising materials is another model that has
merit in its simplicity.
Guidelines could be considered at EU level to foster the involvement of NRAs and/or
Ministries across Europe and better align policy approaches to advertising broadband
with the objectives established under the Code. Legislative action to introduce a
mandatory labelling scheme for broadband covering performance and potentially
environment characteristics, could also be considered.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 32
In order to avoid problems seen in Italy concerning advertising of products which are not
widely available, in addition to specifying the design of the label and associated criteria,
guidelines should also be provided which ensure that customers are informed when
certain products are not widely available, and what the alternative options are.
We recommend further analysis based on consumer research to confirm the design and
validate the effectiveness of the chosen scheme that could be promoted through
guidelines and/or legislation.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 33
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 34
6 Denmark
6.1 Summary
Broadband is provided by the incumbent in Denmark by a mix of cable, FTTC and to a
lesser extent FTTH. Meanwhile, FTTH has thus far primarily been deployed by regional
fibre utilities.
The trade association representing Danish fibre utilities developed a certification for fibre
networks in 2008 called Dansk Fibernet. Companies participating in the scheme
committed to offering full fibre (FTTH) connections, with symmetric bandwidths and
guaranteed speeds. The infrastructure was certified as “upgradable to 1Gbit/s”.
Although advertising guidelines covering marketing of “speeds” were adopted in 2013,
there are no guidelines covering the use of the word “fibre”. Service providers marketing
FTTH specifically such as Waoo tend to refer to fibre in their marketing, while operators
using a mix of technologies refer to “Gigaspeed” and “Maxspeed” to refer to cable and
FTTH connections.
6.2 Main players and technologies used
FTTH deployment in Denmark has mainly been carried out by regional fibre utility
companies, representing around 60% household coverage. Norlys, the company created
by the merger between SE and Eniig, offers services over both Coax and FTTH. The
incumbent TDC provides broadband primarily over cable infrastructure, and has deployed
FTTC/VDSL to increase the broadband capabilities of its networks in areas where cable
is not available. TDC also provides broadband via FTTH in part of the Copenhagen area
(10% coverage of households), mainly over a network that it acquired from the energy
utility Dong,
although expansion has been announced.
Broadband service providers such as Telia and Telenor primarily offer broadband
services using wholesale access provided by TDC. However, the energy utilities are in
the process of opening their networks to competition, and some amongst them have
signed wholesale agreements enabling TDC, Telia and Telenor to offer fibre-based
43 https://www.commsupdate.com/articles/2009/11/18/tdc-acquires-fibre-optic-network-for-dkk425m/
44 See https://www.macquarie.com/kr/about/newsroom/2018/approach-to-tdc-as-to-discuss-a-possible-
45 In October 2014, TREFOR (now EWII) left the Waoo! cooperation to enter a strategic cooperation with
TDC (YouSee) as a service provider. In the first half of 2019, Telia, Telenor and Altibox have announced
that they reached agreements with Eniig (OpenNet).
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 35
6.3 Advertising standards
Complaints over advertising standards in Denmark are handled by the Danish consumer
ombudsman. During the period when the energy utilities were beginning fibre
deployments (2005-2007), Dansk Energi, representing the fibre utilities, highlighted
concerns with the ombudsman about misleading claims on how speeds on copper
networks were advertised (specifically claims about speeds being “up to” a given
bandwidth). Dansk Energi observed that these claims undermined the messaging
provided by its members that fibre provided a future-proof technology delivering
guaranteed speeds, with the potential for symmetrical bandwidth.
In the absence of a statutory or Government-sponsored labelling scheme, in 2008 Dansk
Energi developed its own certification scheme for fibre networks, called “Dansk Fibernet”.
The certification required participating companies to offer:
An all-in one cable for Internet, TV, telephony, video on demand and other digital
Fast and symmetric speeds and the capability to receive HDTV
Guaranteed speeds requiring fibre companies to make available additional
capacity to avoid reductions in the speed due to data loss or the transmission of
Fibre network to be upgradable to a capacity of 1Gbit/s or more
Signals and services to be provided on fibre networks all the way into the
customer home (FTTH). In housing associations the internal cabling must be
based on fibre networks or PDS cabling minimum category 5G, supporting
Gigabit speeds
As of Feb 2008, Dansk Energi reported that 14 fibre utility operators were participating in
the scheme.
In 2012, following working groups involving the industry, the Consumer Ombudsman
published Guidelines for the marketing of broadband connections, which came into force
in March 2013. The Guidelines require broadband providers to give speed indications
which reflect the actual obtainable speed that a consumer could expected between 7am-
1am and exclude any required capacity not provided to consumers from the marketed
speed, and reflect shared capacity. The Guidelines also expressly require operators to
indicate how concurrent use of services such as TV might impact speeds, and to ensure
that when using the term “up to most customers (80%) targeted by the marketing
should be able to obtain the indicated speed. Moreover, the Guidelines state that if the
product is targeting a limited or small group of people, this must be highlighted in the
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 36
However, there is no discussion in the Giudelines about appropriate use of references to
The Guidelines are non-binding, but indicate how the ombudsman would enforce
marketing legislation.
Advertising is not considered to be within the remit of the regulatory authority. However,
the authority is responsible for the implementation of regulations concerning net
neutrality, which include provisions to ensure that accurate information is provided about
the capabilities of broadband products in the contracts signed by consumers.
6.4 Advertising practice (past and present)
The adoption of the Guidelines in 2013 led to more detailed and accurate descriptions
concerning the bandwidths achievable via ADSL connections, thereby enabling
consumers to identify the difference with “fibre”.
Waoo, a common marketing platform used by a number of the fibre utilities to sell retail
services, markets its services with reference to “fibre”, using the terms “light”, “basic”,
“extra” and “full”.
Figure 11: Waoo (fibre utility) advertising
Source: Waoo website Jan 2020
Noryls notes that when customers on the Waoo platform (used by Eniig) are transferred
from Eniig to Norlys in April 2020, their service will remain unchanged. However, it is not
clear what differences might emerge in Norly’s advertising strategy for cable-based
broadband. Stofa (the pre-merger cable brand) focuses on advertising speeds available
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 37
at given addresses and explains the differences between services offered over the cable
and fibre networks.
TDC/Yousee, which primarily uses its cable network to offer broadband, coupled with
FTTC/VDSL and FTTH in specific locations advertises broadband primarily based on
bandwidth and markets its 1000/100Mbit/s offer as “Gigaspeed”. It is notable that, unlike
offers from many of the fibre utilities, the bandwidths offered are asymmetric, thereby
enabling the same “Gigaspeed” marketing to be used for both cable and fibre.
Figure 12: TDC/Yousee advertising
Source: TDC./Yousee website Jan 2020
Telenor markets its highest level 1Gbit/s broadband (mainly provided via wholesale cable,
but also now encompassing offers made via fibre access) as offering as “Maxspeed”.
It thus appears that while there is no legislation or guidelines cautioning against the use
of the term “fibre” to refer to cable and VDSL technologies, the main operators in the
market have not made such references.
6.5 Outcomes
Data provided by the DBA shows a migration from copper to both cable and fibre
technologies in the years from 2015-2018. Each of the technologies gained by roughly
the same proportion.
46 https://stofa.dk/bredbaand#/address
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 38
Figure 13: Trends in take-up of copper, fibre and cable technologies
Source: DBA
DBA also notes that fibre-based broadband on the networks of the energy utilities are
increasing, and amounted to 25% of the total broadband market in 2018. Meanwhile,
TDC’s retail market share fell from 71% in 2016 to 66% in 2018, as customers migrated
towards energy utilities and competitors.
It is not clear to which extent the use of the term “fibre” by fibre utilities for example in the
context of the Waoo platform, contributed to their improved market position, compared
with operators offering services via cable, marketed as “Gigaspeed or Maxspeed”.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 39
7 France
7.1 Summary
France is a notable case in that the Government intervened through a Decree in 2016 to
restrict the circumstances in which “fibre” can be used in advertising to FTTH cases only,
and required reporting of upload speeds alongside download speeds.
The Decree followed legal proceedings, which had been pursued by Iliad against
SFR/Numericable on the basis that the merged company had advertised services
terminating on cable infrastructure as “fibre”.
Operators in the French market now clearly distinguish between “fibre” offer and “ADSL”
offers. Cable-based offers are not actively marketed on a nationwide basis, but are now
sold as “very high bandwidth”, without reference to fibre.
7.2 Main players and technologies used
FTTH has been deployed to 17.1m French households. Incumbent Orange has deployed
the most FTTH lines, while other players including Iliad, SFR and “public initiative”
specialist operators such as Covage, Altitude etc have deployed FTTH in regional areas.
The largest broadband consumer retail providers Orange, Iliad, SFR and Bouygues have
reached long-term access arrangements with each other (and in some cases with the
“public iniative” operators), to enable them to offer fibre-based broadband over their
respective networks.
In areas where FTTH has not been deployed, the main consumer providers offer copper-
based ADSL services. FTTC/VDSL is not widespread.
In addition to its FTTH-based network, SFR also operates a DOCSIS cable network,
which it acquired from Numericable, and which is present in a limited area in France
covering 9.2m households. Bouygues has a wholesaling agreement with SFR, which
enables it to offer services via SFR’s cable network.
Thus, Orange and Iliad provide services via FTTH and ADSL, while SFR and Bouygues
provide services via cable, FTTH and ADSL, depending on network availability in different
areas of the country.
7.3 Advertising standards
Advertising standards for broadband in France are governed by legal Decrees adopted
in 2013 (implementing the EU TSM Regulation) and amended in 2016.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 40
Following amendments made in 2016, the Decree
provides that if an advertising
message or commercial document contains the terms “fibre” or “fibre optic”, but where
the final connection to the customer into their home has not been realised with fibre, the
advertisement must qualify the reference to fibre with the works “except for the connection
to the home”. This should be stated after each use of the term “fibre” and with the same
font size, colour, and for audiovisual commercials, at the same volume as the reference
to fibre. Advertisements should also specify the physical mention of the final connection,
stating that “the connection to the home is not fobre optic but….”.
Another amendment made in 2016 included a requirement to refer to upload speeds
whenever download speeds are referenced.
The Decree also includes provisions, aimed at standardising the method for calculating
the estimated speed, and provides wording that should be used in relation to references
to speed in advertising (although these relate to copper-based products). Another
provision of the Decree is that references to “speed” should refer to the “usable” speed
for the consumer, and thereby taking into account bandwidth that may be used for the
transmission of IPTV.
The Decree was modified to include provisions relating to “fibre” after Iliad mounted a
legal challenge in 2015 against the use of the word “fibre” by SFR, following SFR’s
acquisition of cable operator Numericable, which resulted in the company using a
combination of full fibre, FTTB (with in-building cable) and cable technology to deliver its
Iliad’s legal challenge, was based on alleged infringement of the French
Commercial Code.
In its January 2018 conclusions, the tribunal found in favour of Iliad,
and required SFR to:
Cease using the term fibre in cases where the service does not involve termination
via fibre optics in the premises of the subscriber
Not to use, for “very high speed” offers, the term “fibre” without specifying where
this technology ends within its network
Cease all national advertising which presents their network as being based on a
an infrastructure which is technologically homogeneous
Specify in commercial communications, the precise characteristics of
infrastructure used in the relevant zone
Communcate to each client which subscribed to an offer mentioning the word
“fibre” with SFR or Numericable (except for FTTH offers), information concerning
the nature of the connection including the distance to the fibre optic cable, the
47 https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000028320204
48 https://lexpansion.lexpress.fr/high-tech/fibre-optique-free-attaque-en-justice-numericable-
49 Article L 480-8 Code du Commerce
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 41
number of households sharing the cable, and the average speeds in peak and
non-peak hours
Inform clients which subscribed to a “fibre” offer which was not FTTH, that they
could benefit from the option to cease their connection with immediate effect, as
a result of the inaccurate information provided concerning its characteristics; and
Publish in each journal in which the misleading advertisements were published a
judicial statement, noting that it had engaged in misleading advertising in
representing in offers carrying the term “fibre” services offered via cable, which
cannot offer the same quality of connectivity as offers using fibre up to the building,
and that this could undermine the investments made by operators deploying fibre.
Pay damages of €51.87m to Iliad
There is no independent authority dealing with advertising standards in France. Rather,
these issues are addressed by a branch of the ministry in charge of consumer affairs.
ARCEP is not considered to have authority over advertising matters, but it provided input
to the development of the Decree and welcomed its adoption,
noting that “The decree
will provide consumers with better information on the offers available on the market and
their characteristics, before and after subscription. The Authority notes with satisfaction
that the draft decree has been modified compared to the version submitted to it, in
particular to take into account the comments it had made in its opinion on the need to
strengthen information on upload speeds, given the growing importance of symmetrical
uses. The Authority welcomes the Government's desire to clarify the choice of users, and
thus contribute to establishing the confidence and transparency that are essential to
support the investment cycle in very high speed networks”.
7.4 Advertising practice (past and present)
Prior to the 2016 Decree, Numericable had been advertising services as “fibre” without
reference to the actual technology used (see below). For example, Numericable offered
“fibre” up to 800Mbit/s in Paris and up to 400Mbit/s in Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux,
revealing the differing technological capabilities of the network, and constraints resulting
from use of cable infrastructure.
50 https://www.arcep.fr/actualites/les-communiques-de-presse/detail/n/larcep-se-felicite-de-ladoption-de-
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 42
Figure 14: Numericable offers prior to the Decree
Source: Numericable website
There has been widespread compliance with the Decree, and “fibre” is no longer used in
reference to cable-based offers. Operators have generally chosen to advertise their
FTTH-based services with reference to “fibre”, and invite customers to check whether
they are eligible for “fibre” or “ADSL”-based services.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 43
Figure 15: Iliad fibre offers
Source: Iliad/Free website Jan 2020
SFR similarly distinguishes between offers based on “fibre” and “ADSL”, and is promoting
its new “box 8”, which relies on these technologies. SFR also offers (but does not actively
promote to the same extent), a “4K THD” (Very high speed) box, which is compatible with
its cable network.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 44
Figure 16: SFR/Numericable current offers
Source: SFR website Jan 2020
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 45
7.5 Outcomes
Data from ARCEP shows that, the share of end-to-end FTTH connections increased
relative to cable between 2014 (prior to the Iliad Numericable case) and 2019. There
may have been some effect from the legislative and court action, but it is not possible to
demonstrate causality due to the many other factors affecting relative take-up, including
the expanding FTTH footprint. A small decline in FTTB (cable termination) connections
can be seen between Q4 2015 and Q1 2016 (around the time of the Decree), but the
number of high bandwidth cable connections continued to increase subsequently. The
number of cable terminated connections peaked at 1.345m in Q3 2017 and has been in
gradual decline subsequently, reaching 1.198m in Q3 2019. The January 2018 court
order permitting Numericable/SFR customers to unilaterally renounce their connection,
may have contributed to this decline, but the process predates this decision.
Figure 17: Broadband take-up by technology: France
Source: ARCEP observatory
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 46
8 Germany
8.1 Summary
There are no specific provisions or Decisions governing “fibre” advertising or broadband-
ready labels in Germany. However, since 2017 the NRA has required ISPs to provide a
product fact sheet on their website. In addition to the maximum advertised speed, the
normally and minimum available speeds must be shown.
Notwithstanding the absence of specific rules in this area, operators have tended to refer
only to “fibre optics” in the context of full fibre products.
More generally, Germany lags behind in FTTB/H-availability andthe willingness-to-pay of
consumers is low. Against this background, the public debate has revolved around fibre
deployment rather than fibre advertising. In addition, a significant share of the deployment
of fibre-optic networks is taking place in rural areas with limited overlapping with FTTC
and cable infrastructures. Often, the roll-out is driven by companies with a strong local
anchoring and pre-marketing acitivities. Their campaigns inform customers very precisely
on the expansion and advantages of "real" glass fibre. However, with further expansion
of fibre into urban areas, clear wording in relation to "fibre optic" will become increasingly
8.2 Main players and technologies used
Deutsche Telekom is the market leader in the broadband market with a share of 39.4%
of broadband subscribers. In August 2019, the cable company Vodafone took over the
cable network operator Unitymedia. The two companies have a combined market share
of 30,8% followed by 1&1 (12,4%), Telefónica (6,4%), EWE (1,7), Tele Columbus (1,7%),
M-net (1,4%), NetCologne (1,2%), Deutsche Glasfaser 0,6% and other competitors
51 DIALOG CONSULT/VATM (2019): 21. TK-Marktanalyse Deutschland 2019, Slide 13,
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 47
Figure 18: Broadband subscribers by company
The Incumbent mainly focuses on the upgrade of its network with FTTC/VDSL vectoring,
although is deploying FTTB/H in some areas in the context of state aid. The commercial
FTTB/H roll-out in Germany is mainly driven by alternative regional operators such as
EWE, NetCologne, M-net, Deutsche Glasfaser, and numerous small providers. Vodafone
is expanding FTTB/H in Germany in the context of some state-aid projects and in new
development areas. 1&1 and Telefónica mainly rely on wholesale products of Deutsche
Telekom. However, in 2019 Telefónica Deutschland and Vodafone agreed that
Telefónica Deutschland couldl have access to the cable network of Vodafone and
Unitymedia in Germany.
8.3 Advertising standards
Consumer protection in the telecommunications sector falls within the competence of the
national regulatory authority, the Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA). The NRA enforces
contracts and documentation.
52 https://www.telefonica.de/news/corporate/2019/05/highspeed-internet-per-kabel-telefonica-
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 48
Since September 2015 the NRA publishes the results of broadband speed measurements
on its website. Speed data are collected and published on an annual basis to improve
The underlying basis are the transparency clauses in the Telecommunications Law which
require that end customers should be able to compare telecom services with regard to
their price and quality.
In this context from 2017 onwards the NRA obliged ISPs to provide a product fact sheet
on their website displaying the normally and the minimum available speed in addition to
the maximum advertised speed.
Commercial advertising is governed by the German legal regime, which sets framework
conditions for fair competition and prohibits misleading advertising statements.
In addition, the German Advertising Council (Deutscher Werberat) develops voluntary
codes of conduct for advertising and provides a mechanism for conflict resolution
between the public and commercial advertisers.
There are no specific provisions governing “fibre” advertising except for general rules
contained in the law against unfair competition.
There has been no significant public
debate about the misleading use of fibre” in advertising and there are no formal
complaints or decisions on this subject.
In Germany, the introduction of a broadband-ready label as part of its transposition of the
Directive via the DigiNetz law was discussed by a working group involving a number of
industry associations. The preliminary version of the proposed "broadband" label includes
three levels of certification - "bronze", "silver" and "gold" - with different specifications for
residential and commercial buildings.
The label has been introduced as Gütesiegel Breitband” as a purely private sector quality
, but not as a state quality seal or one introduced by the federal government or the
Federal Ministry of Transport. There is currently no active discussion about the
introduction of a Government-backed broadband ready label in Germany. However, this
discussion could arise anew in connection with the amendment of the
Telecommunications Act.
53 https://www.werberat.de/content/english-keyfacts
54 https://www.werberat.de/content/english-keyfacts
55 Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (UWG)
56 Godlovitch, Ilsa; Plueckebaum, Thomas; Kroon, Peter; Wissner, Matthias; Batura, Olga; Hausemer,
Pierre; Vincze, Mate; Held, Caroline, Schäfer, Saskja; Juskevicius, Ricardas (2018): Study on
Implementation and monitoring of measures under Directive 61/2014 Cost Reduction Directive SMART
2015/0066, study carried out for the European Commission by WIK-Consult and VVA Consulting, page
120 ff.,
57 https://dibkom.net/guetesiegel/
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 49
8.4 Advertising practice
1&1 and Telefónica do not refer to “fibre” when advertising residential products.
Deutsche Telekom's xDSL rates are offered on the company's Internet site via "Fixed
Network & Internet" => "Internet & DSL" under the brand name MagentaHome S-XL (16
Mbit/s - 250 Mbit/s for download). The term "fibre optics" is not used here. However, under
"Fixed Network & Internet" => "fibre optics" Deutsche Telekom provides information on
fibre-based products offered by Deutsche Telekom..
Here the word "Glasfaser" (fibreglass) appears frequently, for example:
“Your advantages with fibre optics from Telekom”
“Full speed surfing with up to 1 GBit/s
The expansion of the Telekom network knows no limits. Do you already have
state-of-the-art fibre optic cable in your street? Then you can surf faster than ever
before. Thanks to fiber optics right into your house, you benefit from speeds of up
to 1,000 Mbit/s for downloading and up to 500 Mbit/s for uploading.”
By clicking on the button "Tariff options" or scrolling to the bottom of the page, you will
get to the overview: "Our tariffs for Internet & Fixed Network - Magenta at home". Here
the tariffs MagentaHome S-XL are listed, alongsidethe tariffs MagentaHome XXL (max.
500 Mbit/s Download) and tariffs MagentaHome Giga (max. 1000 Mbit/s Download). Like
the xDSL tariffs, Deutsche Telekom's fibre-optic tariffs are marketed under the
MagentaHome brand.
On Vodafone's homepage under "Internet & fixed network" you can choose between
"Kabel-Internet" (cable Internet), "DSL" and "Glasfaser" (optical fibre). Vodafone markets
its cable, DSL and fibre optic tariffs under different brands ("Red Internet & Phone Cable"
"Red Internet & Phone DSL", "Red Internet & Phone Glasfaser"). Vodafone lists its FTTH
projects in Germany under "Internet & Fixed Network" => "Fibre Optic". By clicking on a
project you can access the availability check and tariff selection. However, Vodafone
does refer in the context of its cable offers to “fibre optic Internet”.
Fibre Operator Deutsche Glasfaser advertises with terms like “Willkommen im Glasfaser
Zeitalter” (Welcome to the fibre optic age), “Highspeed Internet” und “Echte FTTH
Glasfaser Technologie” (True FTTH fiber optic technology)
58 https://www.telekom.de/zuhause/netz/glasfaser#tarife, Translated into English.
59 https://www.telekom.de/zuhause/netz/glasfaser#tarife, Translated into English.
60 https://www.telekom.de/zuhause/netz/glasfaser#tarife, Translated into English.
61 https://www.telekom.de/zuhause/netz/glasfaser#tarife, Translated into English.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 50
Figure 19: Online advertsising Deutsche Glasfaser
Source: Deutsche Glasfaser (2020).
8.5 Outcomes
In 2019 71,8% of households with fixed Internet use obtained their Internet via xDSL and
23.9% via cable network operators. Although the share of FTTB/H subscriptions has
almost doubled from 2016-2019, it was only 4.3% in 2019.
62 https://www.deutsche-glasfaser.de/tarife/, 08.01.2020
63 DIALOG CONSULT/VATM (2019): 21. TK-Marktanalyse Deutschland 2019, Slide 11,
64 Percentages for 2019 are estimates.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 51
Figure 20: Broadband connections by network type
In 2019, 4.39 million, of German households were connectable to FTTB/H (homes
passed) and 1.49 mio. were connected.
74% of the available connections are provided
by competitors, only 26% by Deutsche Telekom. The take-up rate for FTTH/B on
alternative providers’ networks is appreciably higher than the take-up on Deutsche
65 DIALOG CONSULT/VATM (2019): 21. TK-Marktanalyse Deutschland 2019, Slide 11,
66 DIALOG CONSULT/VATM (2019): 21. TK-Marktanalyse Deutschland 2019, Slide 14,
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 52
Telekom’s network (alternative providers: 39.6%, Telekom: 17.2%).
Although the take-
up rate has increased significantly from 2014-2019 (25.8% in 2014, 33.8% in 2019
overall it is relatively low.
Figure 21: Number of real fibre optic connections (FTTB/H) by competitors and
Telekom Deutschland
67 DIALOG CONSULT/VATM (2019): 21. TK-Marktanalyse Deutschland 2019, Slide 15,
68 DIALOG CONSULT/VATM (2019): 21. TK-Marktanalyse Deutschland 2019, Slide 14,
69 Percentages for 2019 are estimates.
70 At the end of each year. FTTB = Fiber-to-the-Building. FTTH = Fiber-to-the-Home.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 53
Thus far there is no evidence of a negative effect of misleading fibre advertising on the
take-up of "real" fibre. The public debate in Germany revolves more around fibre optic
expansion than fiber advertising, as Germany lags behind in international comparison
and the willingness-to-pay of consumers is low.
In addition, fibre-optic expansion in Germany is taking place particularly in rural areas,
where is not much competition from FTTC and cable. Furthermore, in these areas some
of the expanding companies are very close to the customers and inform them very
precisely about the expansion and the advantages of "real" glass fibre, for example within
the framework of local information events.
However, this type of advertising is very expensive. Once expansion reaches urban
areas, where personal contact with the end customer is less than in rural expansion
areas, marketing via the Internet, for example, with clear wording in relation to "fibre optic"
will become increasingly important so that customers can distinguish offers with all-glass
fibre from other offers.
71 DIALOG CONSULT/VATM (2019): 21. TK-Marktanalyse Deutschland 2019, Slide 15,
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 54
9 Ireland
9.1 Summary
In August 2019, the ASAI (advertising standards authority), adopted Guidelines which
limit references to “fibre”, recommend that information is provided about any limitations
on availability, and discourage misleading use of terms such as “superfast”.
Prior to these Guidelines coming into effect, operators in Ireland had referred to fibre in
the context of offers provided via FTTC, HFC or even wireless technology. Practices have
now changed with more consistent references to “ultrafast” or “fibre” to represent “fibre-
based” services. It is however, too soon to say whether this has had an effect on
consumer behaviour.
In a 2018 survey conducted for SIRO, more than half stated that they did not know which
technologies delivered the fastest speeds, and 73% said that they would like a quality
mark which would guarantee the broadband speed they receive in their household.
9.2 Main players and technologies used
The largest infrastructure-based operators present in Ireland are the incumbent eir (which
offers broadband based on FTTC, with a smaller footprint based on FTTH), and the cable
operator Virgin Media,
a subsidiary of Liberty Global.
Specialist providers such as SIRO (a wholesale only joint venture between the energy
company ESB and Vodafone) have additionally deployed FTTH in certain regions.
Retail broadband service providers such as Sky, Digiweb and Vodafone offer services on
the basis of (primarily FTTC-based) wholesale access rented from eir or FTTH-based
access rented from SIRO.
9.3 Advertising standards
Advertising standards fall within the remit of the statutory Competition and Consumer
Protection Commission.
In addition, the voluntary Advertising Standards Authority for
Ireland (ASAI)
can issue non-binding Guidelines in the context of self-regulation of
advertising across different sectors. The NRA Comreg is responsible for enforcing
consumer protection aspects of the EU electronic communications Code (and its
72 https://www.virginmedia.ie/
73 https://www.ccpc.ie/
74 https://www.asai.ie/
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 55
predecessor) as well as enforcing the contractual transparency provisions contained in
the TSM Regulation.
Until recently, there were no guidelines in place concerning advertising standards for
broadband. However, in a 2016 report published by the Government-sponsored mobile
phone and broadband task force
the Task Force recommended that the Advertising
Standards Authority should undertake a review of advertising of telecom services, and
individual operators should review their own advertising to ensure they are not creating a
false or misleading impression.
In August 2019, the ASAI released Part 1 of a Guidance note on “marketing
communications for mobile phone and broadband services”.
The note states that the
ASAI consider that “where the descriptor ‘fibre’ is used and where the service is not
provided on a full fibre network, advertising must contain a prominent qualification that
the network is ‘part fibre’”.
The Guidelines also state that “if a product is described
by a narrative, such as ‘high speed’, ‘superfast’ or similar, advertisers must ensure
that the use of language does not mislead, bearing in mind the existing comparator
products available, e.g. superfast must not be used for products which are significantly
slower than the maximum generally available product on the market.”
On the subject of “availability”, the Guidelines note that “advertisers offering mobile phone
and broadband services must take care in the design and presentation of their marketing
communications so as not to exaggerate the availability of their products, particularly
when new products/technology are launched. Where the provider offers limited
geographical coverage, advertising in national media must include a prominent and
transparent reference to this fact.”
The note also contains guidance on advertising speed claims, including provisions that:
If an advertised speed claim is unqualified, advertisers must ensure that they
hold evidence to demonstrate that all relevant customers, i.e. customers on the
advertised plan can achieve the advertised speed. Where the provision of the
service is limited, this must be made clear in the body copy of the advertising.
When operators refer to speeds of “up to” a given bandwidth, this should imply
that the speed should be available to 80% of customers on the product as
evidenced by monthly tests on a rolling six month basis. The statement must be
included in the body copy rather than the small print of any advertisements.
Advertisers may also indicate the normally available or minimum speed.
75 https://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/Taskforce%20Report.pdf
76 See Action 32
78 See page 6 of the guidelines.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 56
If an advertised claim is based on actual user experience, it must be based on
the experience of at least 50% of users of the promote plan, and descriptors
such as “average” must be used.
Although the note states that it is in force since 1 September 2019, the enforcement date
was extended to December 2019.
The ASAI’s Guidelines rely on “name and shame” and industry support for enforcement.
For example, TV channels in theory should refuse to accept advertisements which fail to
abide by ASAI Guidelines.
9.4 Advertising practice (past and present)
Stakeholders report that, prior to the release of the advertising Guidelines, there were a
number of examples where “fibre” was misrepresented, including a case of an operator
offering wireless “fibre”, for which fibre was limited to the connection to the wireless base
station. Major operators were also using the word “fibre” to advertise FTTC and HFC-
based services, as shown in screenshots dating from 2018.
Figure 22: Offers in Ireland from Sky, eir and Pure Telecom 2018
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 57
Source: Operator websites
Research commissioned by SIRO from Kantar Milward Brown in August 2018 (nationally
representative sample of 1,000 adults) underlined the confusion among the general public
about fibre broadband and what constitutes the best service.
The key data points from the research were as follows:
7 out of ten members of the public (73%) would like a quality mark which would
guarantee the broadband speed they receive in their household
Over half of consumers (54%) do not know what type of broadband provides the
fastest speeds
68% of households have changed broadband providers in the past two years,
with speed being ranked as the top consideration when selecting a provider
At the present, only one month has passed since the new (non-binding) Guidelines came
into force. Operators seem to be complying with the Guidance. Selected offers are shown
Figure 23: Current offers Sky Ireland
Source:Sky Ireland webste Jan 2020
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 58
Figure 24: eir current broadband advertising
Source: eir website Jan 2020
Different strategies appear to have been adopted by different companies. For example,
Sky has focused on distinguishing speeds, with reference to the labels “essential”,
“superfast” and “ultrafast”, with ultrafast broadband promising speeds only achievable
via Sky’s fibre-based offering. Vodafone seems to have pursued a similar strategy, but
with a focus on first obtaining customers’ location to present relevant offers. Eir has on
the other hand chosen to explicitly advertise services based on fibre (150Mbit/s and
above) as such. Virgin Media (based on cable), has chosen to focus on the headline
download speed (see below).
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 59
Figure 25: Virgin Media Ireland current advertising
Source:Virgin Media Ireland website Jan 2020
9.5 Outcomes
The proportion of FTTP lines in Ireland has been expanding rapidly, albeit from a low
base, and reached 8.2% of broadband subscribers in Q3 2019, compared with 4.4% a
year earlier. As the new advertising standards Guidelines only came into force in recent
months, it is not yet possible to gauge whether they had a discernable effect on consumer
Figure 26: Broadband subscription proportions by platform in Ireland
Source: Comreg
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 60
10 Italy
10.1 Summary
Regulator Agcom has set out clear rules regardinug how operators must communicate
the characteristics of different types of physical infrastructure used in the provision of the
service. To this end, Agcom has introduced a mandatory traffic light system consisting of
a red, yellow and green sticker that must be used in all types of advertising.
A review of the websites of the major Italian operators did not reveal misleading
advertising. However, it is notable that TIM and other operators choose to highlight their
best service, namely FTTH, on television, on their website, on billboards, etc., even
though the availability of FTTH is extremely limited. This does not violate Agcom´s
resolution, but in practice can lead to problems.
Italy is one of the few European countries that has introduced a broadband-ready label.
10.2 Main players and technologies used
In the fixed broadband and ultra-broadband market, Telecom Italia (TIM) has the largest
market share with 43.5% , followed by Vodafone (16.4%), Fastweb (15.1%), Wind Tre
(13.8%), Linkem (3.7%), Eolo (2.6%) and Tiscali (2.6%). Other operators have a
combined market share of 2.3%.
Figure 27: Broadband and ultrabroadband fixed lines, market shares by operator
Source: Agcom (2020).
79 Agcom (2020): Communication Markets Monitoring System no. 1/2020, slide 5,
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 61
Figure 28: Broadband fixed lines by operator and advertised speed
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 62
Source: Agcom (2020).
For broadband lines with a speed 30 Mbit/s < 100, TIM has a market share of 33.6%,
followed by Linkem (24.4%), Eolo (14%), WIND Tre (13.4%), Vodafone (12.2%), Tiscali
(0,1%) and Others (2.2%).
As regards the speed class above 100 Mbit/s TIM is the main operator (39.4%), followed
by Vodafone (22.1%), Fastweb 21.8% and WindTre (12,7%)..
The incumbent operator Telecom Italia has only a very limited FTTH network. Like
Telekom in Germany, TIM is more focused on FTTC expansion. However, there is no
vectoring in Italy. In 2016, Fastweb and TIM entered into a strategic partnership with the
aim of connecting 3 million households in 29 cities with FTTH by 2020.
There is no cable Internet in Italy. However, infrastructure-based competition is
increasing, particularly due to the market entry of the wholesale-only provider Open
At the end of 2019, Open Fiber had passed 8 million households in both
commercially viable areas and market failure areas, where Open Fiber won all three
contracts for the roll-out of fibre networks with public funding.
Open Fiber’s goal is to
supply to over 19 million households by 2023.
Fastweb reports that it reaches a total of 22 million households and businesses, 8 million
of which use its own infrastructure through Fiber-to-the-Home or Fiber-to-the-Node
Fastweb and Open Fiber have entered into an agreement in 2019 under which Fastweb
will use Open Fiber's FTTH connections in regions where Fastweb does not have its own
In 2019, Vodafone, Wind Tre and Tiscali have expanded their wholesale agreements with
Open Fiber.
80 Agcom (2020): Communication Markets Monitoring System no. 1/2020, slide 8,
81 EU (2018): 2018 DESI ReportElectronic communications markets overview per Member State
(Telecom Chapters) Italy, page 1, https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/desi-report-
82 EU (2018): 2018 DESI ReportElectronic communications markets overview per Member State
(Telecom Chapters) Italy, page 2,
83 Add Open Fiber press release
84 EU (2019): 2019 DESI ReportElectronic communications markets overview per Member State
(Telecom Chapters) Netherlands, page 2,
85 https://www.fastweb.it/corporate/azienda/la-rete/?lng=EN
86 https://www.fibre-systems.com/news/italys-fastweb-and-open-fiber-share-ftth-networks
87 https://www.fibre-systems.com/news/open-fiber-extends-partnership-vodafone-bring-ftth-271-italian-
cities, https://www.commsupdate.com/articles/2019/07/11/vodafone-italy-and-open-fiber-extend-
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 63
10.3 Advertising standards
10.3.1 Traffic-light system for broadband products
Resolution 292/18/CONS (July 2018) defines “the technical characteristics and the
corresponding names of the different types of physical infrastructure used for the
provision of telephony, television networks and electronic communications services,
pursuant to art. 19 quinquiesdecies of the law decree 16 October 2017, n. 148.”
Agcom precisely defined how operators must communicate the characteristics of different
types of physical infrastructure used in the provision of the service. To this end, Agcom
has introduced a mandatory traffic light system consisting of a red, yellow and green
sticker that must be used in all types of advertising.
AGCOM notes that this classification should protect consumers from falling into the traps
of misleading advertisements.
Figure 29: AGCOM sticker
broadband-agreement/, https://www.commsupdate.com/articles/2019/10/04/open-fiber-and-wind-tre-
expand-wholesale-agreement/, https://openfiber.it/mondo-open-fiber/comunicati-stampa/tiscali-open-
89 https://www.consumatori.it/telefonia/bollini-agcom-internet/
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 64
Source: AGCOM (2018).
The green sticker with letter "F" subtitled "Fibra" must only be used for full fiber-optical
infrastructure, meaning FTTB and FTTH based services. It is no longer permitted to use
the term fibre” in any advertising for services which are not at least based on FTTB.
The yellow dot indicates services based on hybrid architectures i.e.connections based on
mixed copper- fiber (FTTN - Fiber To The Node architectures, e.g. FTTC - Fiber to the
Cabinet) or mixed-radio fiber.
For services that are provided over networks with no optical fiber in the access network
such as ADSL, it is not permitted to use the word “fibre”. For such services the red sticker
with the wording "R" and the subtitle "copper" or "radio" must be used.
AGCOM has also introduced an Internet tool (NE.ME.SYS.) for measuring surfing speed
on its website.
With this tool users can obtain a certificate with a legal value, with which
they can complain about non-compliance with the terms of the contract.
10.3.2 Disputes and fines
Before the AGCOM Resolution came into force, in 2018 the Italian Competition and
Market Authority
imposed fines on Telecom Italia (4.8 million €)
, Fastweb (4.4 million
and Vodafone (4.6 million euros)
for misleading advertising of fibre optics and
Wind Tre
(4.25 million €)
for misleading and omissive advertising of fibre optics.
The fibre optic connection advertising campaigns (website, below-the-line advertising and
television advertising) used a wording that suggested the exclusive use of fibre and/or
the achievement of maximum performance in terms of speed and reliability of the
connection, without adequately informing consumers of the actual characteristics and
limitations of the service offered. This meant in particular geographical limits on the
90 Allegato C alla delibera n. 292/18/CONS
91 https://www.consumatori.it/telefonia/bollini-agcom-internet/
92 https://www.consumatori.it/telefonia/bollini-agcom-internet/
93 https://www.consumatori.it/telefonia/bollini-agcom-internet/
94 https://www.agcom.it/misura-internet-da-postazione-fissa
95 https://www.consumatori.it/telefonia/fibra-di-veloce-ce-solo-la-richiesta-di-pagamento/
96 L’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato - AGCM
97 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/3/alias-2458
, Rome, 16 March, 2018
98 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2459, Rome, 23 April, 2018
99 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2456, Rome, 27 April, 2018
100 The fine of 4,25 million for Wind Tre related to both mobile Internet services and Internet connectivity
services using fibre optic technology.
101 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2457
, Rome, 11 April, 2018
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 65
coverage of the various network solutions, the differences in the services available and
different performance depending on the infrastructure used for the fibre connection.
Furthermore, in AGCM’s opinion, TIM's various advertising campaigns TIM did not or only
insufficiently indicated that an additional charge was payable in order to reach maximum
In the advertising campaigns of Fastweb and Vodafone, according to AGCM, there was
no clear indication that maximum connection speeds can only be achieved by activating
an additional option which can only be used free of charge for a limited period.
As a result of that conduct, according to AGCM, the use of the generic term 'fibre' means
that the consumer is not able to identify the special characteristics of the products.
In August 2019, the Antitrust Authority accepted the complaints of the National Consumer
Union, and imposed fines totalling €875,000 on TIM, Fastweb, Wind Tre and Vodafone
for misleading offers on fibre.
10.3.3 Broadband-ready label for buildings
In 2017, the Italian Ministry for Economic Development presented at the Smart Building
Expo 2017 the voluntary "Broadband ready building" (“Edificio predisposto alla Banda
Ultralarga”) label in accordance with Art. 135 of the Consolidated Building Act. According
to the Unblock Italy regulations and Legislative Decree 33/2016, both new buildings and
those undergoing major renovation must be equipped with an optical infrastructure. The
label should make it possible to identify "broadband ready" buildings.
Figure 30: "Broadband ready building" label Italy
102 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/3/alias-2458, Rome, 16 March, 2018;
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2459, Rome, 23 April, 2018;
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2456, Rome, 27 April, 2018;
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2457, Rome, 11 April, 2018
103 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/3/alias-2458, Rome, 16 March, 2018
104 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2459, Rome, 23 April, 2018;
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2456, Rome, 27 April, 2018
105 https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/3/alias-2458, Rome, 16 March, 2018,
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2459, Rome, 23 April, 2018,
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2456, Rome, 27 April, 2018;
https://en.agcm.it/en/media/press-releases/2018/4/alias-2457, Rome, 11 April, 2018
106 https://www.consumatori.it/comunicati-stampa/antitrust-vittoria-unc-compagnie-telefoniche-fibra/;
fibre-advertising-35956/; https://www.agcm.it/dotcmsdoc/bollettini/2019/31-19.pdf
107 Mininistry of Economic Development (2017): News: Look for the sticker for a fiber-proof
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 66
Source: Mininistry of Economic Development (2017).
Certification can only be carried out by an authorized technician who must confirm that
the preparation of the ultra-wide band has been carried out in a workmanlike manner and
meets the reference standard (provided for in the CEI 306-2 and CEI 64-100 / 1, 2 and 3
Market players such as Open Fiber have called for the broadband-ready building label
concept to be extended to authorise use of the label not only for new buildings, but also
for existing buildings where a telecommunications operator has deployed an in-building
passive multiservice physical infrastructure that is suitable for fibre. They have also
advocated that the current voluntary labelling scheme be made mandatory so that all
properties equipped with a passive infrastructure enabling fibre are distinguished by the
added value they are able to guarantee in terms of performance.
10.4 Advertising practice (past and present)
10.4.1 Advertising in the experimental phase of the resolution
In the experimental phase of the traffic light system for marking Internet services based
on different infrastructure, AGCOM investigated how the main operators applied the three
colours to their commercial offers.
The monitoring has shown that all operators have more or less correctly applied the
information provided by the Authority, both in relation to one-to-many and one-to-one
In particular 2 application errors were criticised.
108 Mininistry of Economic Development (2017): News: Look for the sticker for a fiber-proof
109 https://www.pmstudiotecnico.it/predisposizione-degli-edifici-alla-banda-ultralarga/
110 https://www.agcom.it/documents/10179/13777942/Allegato+26-2-2019+1551198801242/5ecd6b5f-
111 https://www.agcom.it/documents/10179/13777942/Allegato+26-2-2019+1551198801242/5ecd6b5f-
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 67
1. The use of 2 stamps on one and the same trademark is not allowed (e. g. red and
yellow sticker at TIM).
2. The implicit association of several architectures to the same commercial brand in
one-to-many communication (e.g. Vodafone and WindTre) is not allowed. The sticker
must be associated with the commercial brand and the corresponding architecture
and access speed.
A fibre optic offering (with a green label) may be advertised as such, even if it is not
available nationwide. However, if the FTTH service is not available, it is not sufficient to
indicate the available alternative technology with the corresponding label (e.g. FTTC with
a yellow label). The brand name of the alternative service that the customer can receive
as an alternative should also be changed.
Furthermore, no acronyms other than those provided for in the Resolution on network
architectures should be used. For example, FTTS should not be used instead of FTTN.
The fact that some providers only advertise the "fibre-only" offer on their homepage is
considered a commercial choice which cannot be mandated by the regulatory
10.4.2 Advertising today
According to the Resolution TIM offers on its website three distinct products "TIM SUPER
FIBRA", "TIM SUPER MEGA" and "TIM SUPER ADSL" for the three different
technologies available, each featuring the corresponding sticker. TIM uses the term fibre”
correctly, applying it only to the FTTH offer.
What is remarkable is that TIM only prominently advertises its “TIM SUPER FIBRA” tariff
directly on the start page, despite its limited fibre coverage.
112 https://www.agcom.it/documents/10179/13777942/Allegato+26-2-2019+1551198801242/5ecd6b5f-
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 68
Figure 31: Extract 1 from the TIM´s website
Source: https://www.tim.it/.
Figure 32: Extract 2 from the TIM´s website
Source: https://www.tim.it/tim-super-fibra#/
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 69
If one enters an address where this product is not available, TI directly changes the offer
to those available.
The other tariffs can also be reached directly via https://www.tim.it/offerte
and selection
on the left side.
Figure 33: Extract 3 from the TIM´s website
Source: https://www.tim.it/offerte
The fact that only the best tariff is advertised directly on the start page applies not only to
TIM, but also to other operators, such as for example Fastweb
and Vodafone
113 https://www.fastweb.it/
114 https://www.vodafone.it/portal/Privati
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 70
Figure 34: Extract from the Fastweb´s homepage
Source: https://www.fastweb.it/
Figure 35: Extract from Vodafone´s website
Source: https://www.vodafone.it/portal/Privati
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 71
However, during the evaluation of the experimental phase of the Resolution, AGCOM
had clarified the fact that some providers only advertise the "fibre-only" offer on their
homepage is considered a commercial choice which cannot be mandated by the
regulatory authority.
10.5 Outcomes
The fact that TIM and other operators offer only or extremely visible only their best
service, namely FTTH, on television, on their website, on billboards, etc., does not violate
the resolution, but in practice it can lead to problems if the advertised service is only
available to a limited extent.
For example, if a consumer wants to conclude a contract in a shop or via a call centre for
a service he has seen on TV, he will often find that the service he wants for his address
is not available, but only a service via FTTC. Especially when concluding a contract via a
call centre, it becomes difficult to guarantee the accuracy of the information for the end
By advertising only the best service, it becomes difficult for the consumer to distinguish
clearly between the advertised offer (FTTH) and the actually available offer.
However, it is difficult to say to what extent the misleading fibre advertising in Italy in the
past had and today´s advertising practice has on the take-up of real fibre.
The following figure shows the development of fixed network: direct access by
infrastructure from December 2015 December 2019.
115 https://www.agcom.it/documents/10179/13777942/Allegato+26-2-2019+1551198801242/5ecd6b5f-
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 72
Figure 36: Fixed network: direct access by infrastructure
Source: Agcom (2020).
Access via TIM's copper network decreased significantly by -49% compared to December
2015. The services offered over FTTC increased by 21.6% from December 2018 to
December 2019. Over the same period, FTTH access has increased by 43.5%.
116 Agcom (2020): Osservatorio sulle comunicazioni N. 1/2020, slide 4.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 73
11 Netherlands
11.1 Summary
In 2017 Regulator ACM obliged ISP´s to publish information on internet speed in
contracts and advertisements as of 2018 in accordance with the net neutraliy rules.
There are no specific provisions governing “fibre” advertising in the Netherlands.
However, following a complaint from the wholesale only fibre company Reggefiber, in
2014, the Board of Appeal of the Advertising Code Committee (self-regulatory
organisation) instructed cable operator Ziggo to stop using the term "own fibre network".
A recent investigation of the websites of the major Dutch operators did not reveal
misleading advertising. KPN advertises products based on full fibre with reference to fibre
optics, distinguishing these products from standard Internet products which may be based
11.2 Main players and technologies used
There are two nationwide NGA infrastructures in the Netherlands, the network of
incumbent KPN which consists of a combination of copper (FTTC) and fibre (FTTH) and
the coax network of VodafoneZiggo. These networks are complemented with smaller
regionally acting networks. The FTTP coverage of Dutch households accounts for 35,1
%. The latest FTTP expansion is mainly in rural areas.
With 2.8 million homes passed on 1 January 2019, KPN has 81% of the fibre optic
connections in the Netherlands.
Nevertheless KPN's investment in FTTH declined in
the last years following the acquisition of Reggefiber in 2014.
Since then KPN´s focus
has been on the rollout of FTTC for (vectored) VDSL. In January 2019, however, KPN
announced that it would increase its FTTH expansion.
In total there are about 50
parties in the Netherlands that build and operate FttH networks. After KPN comes EQT
(consisting of CIF, CAIW, Glasvezel Buitenaf and Delta Fiber) with about 300.000 HP. In
addition, there are a number of smaller commercial parties that are more regionally active
(e.g. COGAS, E-Fiber, Kabelnoord, CAI Harderwijk and REKAM) and more than forty
117 EU (2019): 2019 DESI ReportElectronic communications markets overview per Member State
(Telecom Chapters) Netherlands, page 2, https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/2019-
118 ACM (2019): Marktstudie naar de uitrol van glasvezel in Nederland, 18.10.2019, page 11,
119 ACM (2019): Marktstudie naar de uitrol van glasvezel in Nederland, 18.10.2019, page 8,
120 EU (2019): 2019 DESI ReportElectronic communications markets overview per Member State
(Telecom Chapters) Netherlands, page 5f.,
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 74
"local" players ( e.g. Rendo, SK Veendam, FiberNH/FiberFlevo, Kabeltex, Glasdraad,
Delta Rijssen Infratechniek (Digital City), L2Fiber) and many smaller cooperatives or
It is notable that some local cable operators (e.g. Cogas, Kabelnoord, Rekam, Kabeltex,
SK Veendam, SK Waalre and CAI-Harderwijk) have installed fibre in areas where they
operated a coaxial network. However, the national cable operator, VodafoneZiggo, has
decided not to replace its HFC network with FTTH, but rather to focus on DOCSIS
The providers with the largest market shares are KPN, VodafoneZiggo, followed by
Tele2’s services are primarily based on FTTH and FTTC wholesale access
products from KPN.
In addition to offering fibre-based services (alongside FTTC) over its own network, KPN
has several cooperations with local fibre optic providers, through whose network it offers
fibre products.
However, VodafoneZiggo does not generally offer services on third-
party fiber optic lines.
11.3 Advertising standards
The ACM is both the national regulatory authority and the authority for consumer rights
in the Netherlands. In its capacity as an authority for consumer rights, the ACM enforces
consumer rights related to various directives, including Directive 2006/114 (Misleading
and Comparative Advertising). The ACM is also responsible for the receipt and
processing of Administrative complaints.
The advertising rules applicable in the Netherlands are laid down in the Dutch Advertising
Code. This code was created by the Dutch Advertising Code Authority (ACA) and applies
to all types of advertising, regardless of the medium used. The code is regulated and
enforced by the Dutch Advertising Code Committee (DACC). Complaints about
advertising practices can be submitted to the DACC. The committee then investigates
whether there has been a violation of the code. If this is the case, the committee can ask
the advertising company to stop the relevant advertising. The DACC is a self-regulatory
121 ACM (2019): Marktstudie naar de uitrol van glasvezel in Nederland, 18.10.2019, page 11,
122 ACM (2019): Marktstudie naar de uitrol van glasvezel in Nederland, 18.10.2019, page 9,
124 https://www.kpn.com/internet/glasvezel/lokale-glasvezelaanbieder.htm
124 https://www.kpn.com/internet/glasvezel/lokale-glasvezelaanbieder.htm
125 ACM (2019): Marktstudie naar de uitrol van glasvezel in Nederland, 18.10.2019, page 13,
126 European e-Justice Portal (2017): Enforcement Systems The Netherlands, https://e-
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 75
organisation. It has no governmental power, and therefore no authority to impose fines
or penalties. However, it can publish violations in press releases.
In 2017 ACM published a policy rule on the provision of information on Internet speeds in
contracts and advertisements. For new contracts, this rule entered into force on 1 January
2018 and for existing contracts on 1 March 2018. In accordance with the net neutraliy
rules, Internet providers must provide in their contract, information on the minimum,
normally available and maximum down and upload speeds on fxed networks. It also
prohibits fixed and mobile Internet service providers advertising speeds higher than the
maximum speed the network can deliver.
In November 2017 ACM sent a letter to providers of fibre-optic services asking them to
inform consumers better in advance about what they can expect, e.g. the date of
completion of the new fibre network, the conditions under which consumers can terminate
their contract, etc.
Beyond this rule, there are no specific provisions or rules in the Netherlands concerning
the use of the term "fibre" in advertising. This also applies to broadband labelling”
In 2008 UPC filed a complaint with the DACC against the advertising of a residents'
initiative group "Dronten Op Glas Fiber". In newsletters the initiative had advertised
services of Solcon Internetdienste BV, which were to be provided via the fibre optic
network to be installed by Reggefiber. These services were compared with the services
provided by UPC via its own cable network. The Commission found serveral statements
in the newsletters to be "misleading" and recommended that the residents' initiative group
should no longer advertise in such a way. Other statements were not considered
misleading by the Commission. One controversial passage that the Commission, unlike
UPC, did not consider "misleading" was the following: UPC heeft toch ook glas? NEE,
dit is niet het geval. In de wijken ligt koperkabel en dit bepaalt de snelheid en kwaliteit
van hun netwerk.(translated: UPC also has glass? NO, this is not the case. There is
copper cable in the neighborhoods and this determines the speed and quality of their
network). The Commission considered that the statement was correct in the context in
which it was made. Although 95% of the UPC network was fibre optic, the signals were
transmitted via coax near the homes. The Commission also considered it to be factually
correct that the UPC network determined which services were possible at what speed
and in what quality. The Commission therefore took the view that this statement alone
127 https://platform.globig.co/knowledgebase/NL/netherlands-go-to-market/advertising-regulations-
netherlands; European e-Justice Portal (2017): Enforcement Systems The Netherlands, https://e-
128 https://www.acm.nl/en/publications/acm-publishes-policy-rule-internet-speed-information and
129 https://www.acm.nl/en/publications/acm-calling-providers-fiber-optic-services-inform-consumers-
better-advance and https://www.acm.nl/sites/default/files/documents/2019-11/brief-acm-aan-
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 76
could not be considered misleading or harmful to UPC.
In 2011, in a complaint against
UPC's advertising, the Commission took the view that the use of the term "fiber power"
for UPC's Internet subscription was not incorrect. UPC's network consisted of 97% glass
fibres. There was no misrepresentation of things if this property was emphasized by the
name 'FiberPower'.
In 2013, a further complaint against UPC concerning the
advertisement of “Fiber power was rejected by the chairman with reference to the
Commission's decision in 2011.
In 2011 there was a complaint against the following advertising message of UPC in a
brochure in which UPC network provider claims that internet via cable is faster than
internet via a fiber optic network. “With ADSL, but also with fiber, for example, all
information goes from the internet, TV and telephony together as it were through one
funnel. If you then watch TV, part of the room is used for the TV signal. This reduces your
internet speed. With cables from UPC the signals are separated and get the space they
need. As a result, watching TV is not at the expense of the Internet speed. With UPC
cable you can: watch TV and use the internet at the same time without losing speed of
the internet. ”
The Commission recommended that UPC should no longer advertise in
this way.
In 2013/2014 there was a dispute in the Netherlands between Reggefiber, a wholesale-
only fibre optic provider, and Ziggo in the area of abusive advertising of fibre optics.
Reggefiber filed a number of complaints in relation to a Ziggo campaign in Baarn with the
Board of Appeal of the Advertising Code Committee (RCC). Ziggo had described its own
network in Baarn
, an expansion area of Reggefiber, on a poster and flyer as a "fibre
optic network" as part of a counter advertising campaign. In the context of Reggefiber's
expansion, Ziggo speaks of building a "second fibre optic network". According to
Reggefiber Ziggo, this gave the impression that Ziggo had its own fibre optic network,
even though Ziggo's network between the cabinet and the end customer consists of
coaxial cables. Reggefiber also highlighted the text used by Ziggo in its advertising:
"Unnecessary. You do not need what you already have", because there are substantial
differences between the fibre optic network of Reggefiber and the Ziggo cable network.
130 https://www.reclamecode.nl/uitspraken/ziggo/2008-08-0609/-341195/
131 https://www.reclamecode.nl/uitspraken/upc/tele-communicatie-technologie-2011-00635/59315/
132 https://www.reclamecode.nl/uitspraken/upc/2013-00005/91578/
133 Translated into Englisch, Original Text: “Met ADSL, maar ook met bijvoorbeeld glasvezel, gaat alle
informatie van internet, tv en telefonie samen als het ware door één trechter. Als u dan tv kijkt, wordt
een deel van de ruimte gebruikt voor het tv-signaal. Uw internetsnelheid gaat daardoor omlaag. Met
kabel van UPC zijn de signalen gescheiden en krijgen zo de ruimte die ze nodig hebben. Hierdoor gaat
tv-kijken niet ten koste van de internetsnelheid. Met kabel van UPC kunt u: tegelijkertijd tv-kijken en
internetten zonder snelheidsverlies van het internet.”, https://www.reclamecode.nl/uitspraken/upc/tele-
134 https://www.reclamecode.nl/uitspraken/upc/tele-communicatie-technologie-2011-00676/60430/
135 Ziggo also used the expressions in other places such as Hellendoorn, Nijverdal, Gilze-Rijen and other
places where Reggefiber conducts its fibre campaign; see
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 77
Other complaints concerned Ziggo's false and misleading representation of Internet
speeds and the claim that the actual freedom of choice for fibre optic providers is rather
disappointing in practice, as many providers are subsidiaries of KPN. According to Ziggo,
the designation of its own network as a "fibre optic cable network" was permissible
because it is a hybrid fibre optic coax, where the backbone network is made of fibre and
the last part of the traffic is carried over coaxial cable. 98 percent of Ziggo's network is
fibre optic. Ziggo considered Reggefiber's advertising to be misleading as its view was
that the FTTH network was not fundamentally different from Ziggo's network. The Board
of Appeal of the Advertising Code Committee instructed Ziggo to stop using the term "own
fibre network". Nonetheless, at the time, Ziggo suggested that they would not abide by
the ruling, which is not binding. A company spokesperson said after the ruling that Ziggo
would continue to use the term "fibre network".
11.4 Advertising practice (past and present)
A review of advertising practices suggests that “fibre” has not been used to market part
fibre services.
11.4.1 Ziggo
On its website Ziggo promotes its network with "GigaNet" "Het krachtige netwerk van
Vodafone en Ziggo. Slim, stabiel, snel en klaar voor de toekomst. Wat betekent dit voor
jou?” (The powerful network of Vodafone and Ziggo smart, stable, fast and ready for the
Figure 37: Internet advertising 1 Ziggo
Source: https://www.ziggo.nl/
136 https://tweakers.net/nieuws/94155/ziggo-blijft-term-glasvezelkabelnetwerk-gebruiken-ondanks-
kritiek.html, https://www.reclamecode.nl/uitspraken/ziggo/2013-00955/131185/,
137 Translated from Dutch to English via Google Chrome
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 78
Figure 38: Internet advertising 2 Ziggo
Source: https://www.ziggo.nl/giganet/?intcmp=ak2_homepage_noncust
Furthermore, the term "Gigabit speed" is used, e.g.: "Gigabit speed now in Hilversum And
soon in almost all of the Netherlands on our GigaNet."
The term "fibre optic cable network" is not used.
On Ziggo's current website https://www.ziggo.nl/internet/glasvezel/, the company's own
network is not generally referred to as a "fibre optic network". Rather, it is highlighted that
97% of the network is made up of fibre and the last piece is "super fast coaxial cable".
Figure 39: Extract from the Ziggo website
Source: https://www.ziggo.nl/internet/glasvezel/.
138 Translated from Dutch to English via Google Chrome
139 https://www.ziggo.nl/internet/gigabit/
, translated from Dutch to English
140 The text was translated into English.
141 Translated from Dutch to English via Google Chrome
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 79
The cable network is compared with the fibre optic network in some places on the same
website. The message conveyed is that in terms of performance including speed, there
is hardly any difference between a fibre optic and cable connection.
11.4.2 KPN
Under https://www.kpn.com/internet.htm KPN advertises with the wording "Glasvezel van
KPN" (Glasfaser von KPN).
Figure 40: Extract 1 from Website KPN
Source: https://www.kpn.com/internet/glasvezel.htm
Under "View fibre optic" one reaches the availability check and an overview of the
bandwidths of different subscriptions divided into standard Internet and fibre optic Internet
of KPN.
142 https://www.ziggo.nl/internet/glasvezel/.
143 Translated from Dutch to English via Google Chrome
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 80
Figure 41: Extract 2 from Website KPN
Source: https://www.kpn.com/internet/glasvezel.htm
11.5 Outcomes
Satisfaction surveys of the the Dutch consumer association Consumentenbond show that
consumer experiences with their operator and quality of service are quite good.
In the
Netherlands, privately owned free comparison tools for communications services have
been in place since 1998 and work well.
An example is BREEDBANDWINKEL.nl,
where you can search for Internet service providers that offer services at your place of
residence and filter the offers by, among other things, speed and underlying connection
(ADSL, VDSL, fibre, cable).
Furthermore the Advertising Code Committee publishes
violations aigainst the Dutch Advertising Code which means that consumers can be made
aware about misleading advertising of fibre.
The market share of DSL has declined by an average of 3.2% annually from 2014-2018,
while the market share of FTTB/H has increased by an average of 12.6%. Compared to
2014, this market share has almost doubled in 2018. Cable's market share has declined
144 Translated from Dutch to English via Google Chrome
145 EU (2019): 2019 DESI ReportElectronic communications markets overview per Member State
(Telecom Chapters) Netherlands, page 10,
146 EU (2019): 2019 DESI ReportElectronic communications markets overview per Member State
(Telecom Chapters) Netherlands, page 10,
147 https://www.breedbandwinkel.nl/vergelijken/internet.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 81
by an average of 0.03% annually. Compared to 2014 (46.6%) there is hardly any change
in 2018 (46.5%).
Figure 42: Technology market share Netherlands
Source: WIK based on Data of European Commission 2014-2018
148 European Commission (2014-2018): Broadband Indicators 2014-2018
149 European Commission (2014-2018): Broadband Indicators 2014-2018
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 82
12 Poland
12.1 Summary
In Poland the ISP´s are oblidged to publish information on internet speed in contracts and
advertisements as of 2018 in accordance with the net neutraliy rules. In case of non-
compliance the President of the UKE imposes by decision a fine of up to 3% of the
revenues of the penalized company for the foregoing calendar year.
There are no specific provisions governing “fibre” advertising in the Poland.
The recent investigation of the operator websites shows that UPC, the biggest cable
operator in Poland, incumbent Orange Polska and its competitor Netia use the wording
“fibre” in their advertising.
There is no special ‘broadbandready’ label in Poland. However, buildings with a
technical infrastructure adapted to high-speed networks are entered in the Register of
Land and Buildings.
12.2 Main players and technologies used
With a market share of 37% in July 2018, the most popular technology for fixed Internet
access in Poland was cable followed by xDSL with 32%, FTTB/H with 13% and and other
technologies with 18%.
In 2018, biggest cable operator in Poland was UPC with a share of 41.9% in the total
number of users using the internet access service via cable TV modems, followed by
Vectra (20.7%), Multimedia (14.2%), Toya (4%), Inea (3,4%) and Others (15.8).
150 UKE (2019): Report on Monitoring the Implementation of Regulation 2015/2120 in Relation to Open
Internet Access in Poland, Warsaw, 26 June 2019, page 21.
151 EU (2018): 2018 DESI ReportElectronic communications markets overview per Member State
(Telecom Chapters) Poland, page 6,
152 European Commission (2018): Boadbandindicators (2018)
153 UKE (2019): Report on the state of the telecommunications market in Poland in 2018, Warsaw, June
2019, page 10.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 83
Figure 43: Operators´ shares in the total number of users using the internet access
service via cable TV modems
Source: UKE (2019).
The biggest xDSL operator was Orange Polska, whose share in the total number of users
using xDSL-based Internet access services amounted to 80,3% in July 2018, followed by
Netia in second position with a share of 17%. Others accounted for 2.7%. Compared to
the previous year, the number of xDSL users decreased by 11%.
154 UKE (2019): Report on the state of the telecommunications market in Poland in 2018, Warsaw, June
2019, page 10.
155 UKE (2019): Report on the state of the telecommunications market in Poland in 2018, Warsaw, June
2019, page 11.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 84
Figure 44: Operators´share in the total number of users using xDSL-based Internet
access services
Source: UKE (2019).
There is no vectoring in Poland,
as tests conducted by Orange Polska showed that
the VDSL technique ist not feasible due to long copper length.
Thus, full fibre is the
only way to compete with cable networks.
Both incumbent Orange Polska and its
competitor Netia are deploying fibre.
Netia and Orange Polska recently released plans for fibre consortia extending fibre BB
The highest shares in the number of users using FTTH-based Internet access services
were Orange Polska (26.7%), Inea (7.2%), Netia (5.4%) and Multimedia (3.2%), giving a
total share of 43%. The rest of the FTTH market is very fragmented. A share of 57.5%
was held by other companies, each with an individual market share of less than 1.5%.
156 UKE (2019): Report on the state of the telecommunications market in Poland in 2018, Warsaw, June
2019, page 11.
157 EU (2018): 2018 DESI ReportElectronic communications markets overview per Member State
(Telecom Chapters) Poland, page 2f.,
158 Godlovitch, Ilsa; Kroon, Peter; Strube Martins, Sonia; Eltges, Fabian (2019): Copper switch-off,
European experience and practical considerations
159 Godlovitch, Ilsa; Kroon, Peter; Strube Martins, Sonia; Eltges, Fabian (2019): Copper switch-off, A
European benchmark, Case summaries, March 2019, slide 31
160 Godlovitch, Ilsa; Kroon, Peter; Strube Martins, Sonia; Eltges, Fabian (2019): Copper switch-off, A
European benchmark, Case summaries, March 2019, slide 31
161 UKE (2019): Report on the state of the telecommunications market in Poland in 2018, Warsaw, June
2019, page 11.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 85
Figure 45: Operators´share in the total number of users using FTTH-based Internet
access services
Source: UKE (2019).
Im September 2018 Poland had FTTB/H coverage of 28% with 5% homes connected and
therefore a take-up of 18%.
From September 2017 to September 2018 Poland had a
growth rate in homes passed of 40.5%.
The technology market share of FTTB/H
raised from 9% in July 2017 to 13% in July 2018.
12.3 Advertising standards
According to Article 209 (1) point 29a of the Polish Telecommunications Act
, penalties
are levied on anyone that does not fulfil the obligations of Article 3, 4 and 5 (2) of the
Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
162 UKE (2019): Report on the state of the telecommunications market in Poland in 2018, Warsaw, June
2019, page 11.
163 IDATE (2019): FTTH Council Europe Panorama, Europe Broadband status, Market at September
2018, FTTH Council Europe Conference March 12-14th, 2019 Amsterdam, page 31,
164 IDATE (2019): FTTH Council Europe Panorama, Europe Broadband status, Market at September
2018, FTTH Council Europe Conference March 12-14th, 2019 Amsterdam, page 12,
165 European Commission (2018): Broadbandindicators, July 2018
166 Telecommunications Act of 16 July 2004 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1954, as
167 Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 laying
down measures concerning open Internet access and amending Directive 2002/22/EC on universal
service and users’ rights relating to electronic communications networks and services and Regulation
(EU) No 531/2012 on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union;
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 86
conducting an administrative procedure, the President of the UKE imposes by decision a
fine of up to 3% of the revenues of the penalized company for the foregoing calendar
The Regulation came into effect on 1 January 2017.
In September, Skynet was fined 15,000 by the President of UKE for failing to comply
with the obligation to specify minimum and normal available speeds in its contracts, in
breach of Article 4(1d) of Regulation (EU) 2015/2120. As the company complied with the
obligation at the beginning of 2019, the penalty was reduced.
Since 1 December 2018, UKE offers a free of charge quality control mechanism for
Internet end-users provided by the company V-Speed. The mechanism is available at:
. With this mechanism certified measurements of services in fixed
networks can be carried out. A series of measurements can be used to produce a certified
report on the quality of the services used, which can be utilized by the end-user in the
event of a dispute with an ISP.
In addition, advertising for Internet access services may also constitute an infringement
of the Act of 16 February 2007 on Competition and Consumer Protection if it is contrary
to collective consumer interests. The President of the Office for Competition and
Consumer Protection (UoKik) is responsible for proceedings against practices that violate
collective consumer interests.
The President may be informed of any suspected use
of practices that harm the collective interests of consumers, for example in the event of
an infringement of Directive 2006/114 (Misleading and comparative advertising).
UOKiK also warns consumers against anti-consumer behaviour and publishes warning
notices on its website. In recent years there were some decisions and fines imposed by
the UOKiK in the telecommunications sector, including some in the field of misleading
advertising. However, none of these penalties and decisions concerned misleading fibre
Poland also has some self-regulatory enforcement systems, such as the Association of
Advertisers. The Council has developed the Code of Ethics for Advertising. The
168 UKE (2019): Report on Monitoring the Implementation of Regulation 2015/2120 in Relation to Open
Internet Access in Poland, Warsaw, 26 June 2019, page 21.
170 https://www.uke.gov.pl/akt/prezes-uke-nalozyl-kare-na-skynet-sp-z-o-o-za-brak-okreslenia-w-
171 UKE (2019): Report on Monitoring the Implementation of Regulation 2015/2120 in Relation to Open
Internet Access in Poland, Warsaw, 26 June 2019, page 11, 23;
172 UKE (2019): Report on Monitoring the Implementation of Regulation 2015/2120 in Relation to Open
Internet Access in Poland, Warsaw, 26 June 2019, page 6
173 European e-Justice Portal (2017): Enforcement Systems Poland, page 1,
174 Reports on UOKiK activities in 2016-2018.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 87
association deals with complaints about advertising from both consumers and
competitors. It can advise advertisers to modify or remove specific advertisements.
Thus far however, there are no specific rulings or regulations on fibre advertising in
Furthermore, there is no special ‘broadbandready’ label in Poland. However, buildings
with a technical infrastructure adapted to high-speed networks are entered in the Register
of Land and Buildings.
12.4 Advertising practice (past and present)
12.4.1 Advertising practice and disputes in the past
In Poland the race towards Gigabit speeds began in August 2018. UPC and Orange
offered 1 Gb/s Internet speed, Netia 900 Mb / s. For UPC customers this offer was only
available in Warsaw and was available only through “pre-order”. For Orange customers,
who were previously supplied with a speed of 600 Mb / s, this was possible immediately.
They were even automatically switched from Orange's offer on the same day.
In 2018 there was a media conflict in Poland between incumbent Orange Polska and
Poland's largest cable operator UPC over UPC's fibre optic advertising.
In August, UPC had introduced the pre-sale of 1 Gb/s Internet access via fibre optic
connections. However, at the time, this access was limited to selected areas of Warsaw,
and would only in future be extended to the whole of Warsaw and other cities. The
marketing campaign included a series of TV spots, online advertising, radio advertising
and outdoor advertising.
The following illustration shows the advertisement. UPC promises Internet
"światłowodowej o prędkości 1gb/s od upc", which translated means "Fibre optic internet
with a speed of 1gbps from upc".
175 https://kosmetyki-detergenty.pl/en/our-partners/union-of-associations-advertising-council/, Fiche
176 EU (2018): 2018 DESI ReportElectronic communications markets overview per Member State
(Telecom Chapters) Poland, page 6,
177 https://antyweb.pl/orange-swiatlowod-od-upc-to-fibersztuczki/
178 https://www.wirtualnemedia.pl/artykul/orange-polska-upc-polska-swiatlowod-internet-1-gb-s-co-lepsze
179 https://www.wirtualnemedia.pl/artykul/orange-polska-upc-polska-swiatlowod-internet-1-gb-s-co-lepsze,
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 88
Figure 46: UPC advertisement of
Source: UPC.
Under this advertising image UPC speaks on its newsroom page of "wielomilionowych
inwestycji w rozwój światłowodowej technologii DOCSIS 3.1" (multi-million investments
in the development of DOCSIS 3.1 fibre optic technology).
Orange Polska accuses UPC of "fibersztuyczki" and „marketingowe ściemnianie”, which
can be translated as “artwork/dummy fibre” and “marketing shading” , in 1 Gb / s Internet
advertising. Orange Polska accused UPC of advertising on the Internet for a 1 Gb/s FTTH
fibre service that it could not even offer.
Orange Polska´s spokesman criticised these advertising activities as misleading for
consumers, noting that UPC does not produce Fibre to the Home (FTTH), but only runs
fibre to the maximum of the building and then reaches customers with coaxial cables.
Therefore, from a technological point of view, the networks in question are DOCSiS and
HFC (Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial) networks.
Michal Fura, spokesperson of UPC Polska, pointed out that UPC does not say anywhere
that it has FTTH.
UPC further accused Orange of wanting to capture fibre optics exclusively for itself, but
that these times are over.
180 http://media.upc.pl/35832-upc-przenosi-predkosc-polskiego-internetu-na-jeszcze-wyzszy-poziom-i-
181 http://media.upc.pl/35832-upc-przenosi-predkosc-polskiego-internetu-na-jeszcze-wyzszy-poziom-i-
182 http://media.upc.pl/35832-upc-przenosi-predkosc-polskiego-internetu-na-jeszcze-wyzszy-poziom-i-
183 https://www.telko.in/rzecznik-orange-upc-polska-stosuje-fibersztuczki
184 https://www.wirtualnemedia.pl/artykul/orange-polska-upc-polska-swiatlowod-internet-1-gb-s-co-lepsze
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 89
Witold Woźniak, CTO at Klonex, said that both UPC and other MSOs were building new
networks using RFoG technology. This is a variant of FTTH "and in addition to data
transmission in the DOCSIS 3.1 standard, this platform offers much wider possibilities
than GPON implemented by Orange".
In the Orange company blog, company spokesperson Wojtek Jabczyński explained in
March 2019 the difference between "Fibre Internet", which some cable companies offer
but will never be in the house or apartment, and "fibre optics" or "real fibre into the
apartment", as offered by Orange. He also draws attention to further marketing and
technical fibre optic subtleties.
12.4.2 Advertising today
12.5 UPC Polska, Vectra, Multimedia
From UPC Polksa's homepage one can access the offered Internet tariffs by selecting
UPC promotes "Internet światłowodowy" (Fiber Optic Internet) on this
Figure 47: Extract 1 from Website UPC Polska
Source: https://www.upc.pl/internet/kup-internet/
185 https://www.telko.in/rzecznik-orange-upc-polska-stosuje-fibersztuczki
186 https://biuroprasowe.orange.pl/blog/jak-rozroznic-swiatlowod-i-produktu-swiatlowodopodobnego/
187 https://www.upc.pl/internet/kup-internet/
188 https://www.upc.pl/internet/kup-internet/
189 translated from Polish into English via Google Chrome
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 90
In the tariff selection below, under the heading "Fibre Optic Internet", UPC exclusively
offers Fibre Internet between up to 500 Mb/s and 1 Gbps, with TV between up to 300
Mb/s and 1 Gb/s.
Figure 48: Extract 2 from Website UPC Polska
Source: https://www.upc.pl/internet/kup-internet/
In the details of all Internet tariffs the word "Superszybki Internet światłowodowy" (High-
speed fibre optic Internet) is used. In the details of all tariffs the word "technologia FTTB
" (FTTB technology) is also used.
190 translated from Polish into English via Google Chrome
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 91
Figure 49: Extract 3 from Website UPC Polska
Source: https://www.upc.pl/internet/kup-internet/internetowi-start-500-24mc/
The second and third largest cable operator Vectra and Multimedia don´t use the wording
“fibre” for the internet services offered on their homepage.
12.6 Orange Polska
Directly on the start page of Orange Polska one is asked to check optical fibre up to 300
191 translated from Polish into English via Google Chrome
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 92
Figure 50: Extract 1 from Website Orange Polska
Source: https://www.orange.pl/
The button "Check" takes one to a new page where the term "fibre" is used a few times
and where one can check again with the button "Check" which speed is available at one's
own address.
The website https://www.orange.pl/internet-domowy
provides access to Orange Polskas
services via fibre optics.
Figure 51: Extract 2 from Website Orange Polska
192 translated from Polish into English via Google Chrome
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 93
Source: https://www.orange.pl/internet-domowy
Here, under the details for all tariffs, it is indicated that it is "Internet domowy oparty na
najnowocześniejszej technologii światłowodowej" (Home Internet based on the latest
fibre optic technology) and that "łącze światłowodowe doprowadzone jest bezpośrednio
do mieszkania klienta" (the fibre optic link is led directly to the customer's apartment).
Only with the availability check you receive an offer for another technology, if fibre optic
technology is not available.
The other services are not advertised separately.
This is also the case with Netia. On the website under "Internet" => "Fixed Internet" only
"Fibre Optic Internet up to 1 Gb/s" is advertised.
193 translated from Polish into English via Google Chrome
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 94
Figure 52: Extract 1 from Website Netia
Source: https://www.netia.pl/pl/internet?stacjonarny=oferta-na-24miesiace
With the availability check one receives a tailored offer for the own address.
194 translated from Polish into English via Google Chrome
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 95
12.7 Outcomes
The market share (fixed broadband subscriptions by technology) of DSL has declined by
an average of -0.78% annually from 2014-2018, while the market share of FTTB/H has
increased by an average of 37.1% per year. Compared to 2014, the market share has
more than quadrupled in 2018. Cable's market share has increased by an average of
7.2% annually.
Figure 53: Market share by technology in Poland
Source: European Commission (2014-2018)
195 European Commission (2014-2018): Broadband Indicators 2014-2018
196 European Commission (2014-2018): Broadband Indicators 2014-2018
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 96
13 UK
13.1 Summary
The term “fibre” has been used liberally in the UK to advertise services based on cable
as well as services based on FTTC/VDSL with speeds as low as 36Mbit/s.
Consumer research commissioned by FTTH providers suggests that consumers are
confused by broadband advertising, and would welcome clearer labelling. However, the
Advertising Standards Authority has concluded, based on its own research, that
notwithstanding any performance differences between full and part-fibre based services,
consumers have not been “misled”.
In its September 2019 statement on Strategic Priorities for telecommunications, the UK
Government has now instructed the telecom regulatory authority Ofcom to consider
whether the information available to consumers about the characteristics of different
types of broadband services, and in particular full fibre broadband, is helping consumers
make informed choices. Ofcom has included a work item in its proposed 2020/21 work
programme to take this forward.
13.2 Main players and technologies used
FTTH deployment in the UK is limited. Much of the existing coverage stems from
specialist FTTH providers including Cityfibre, a wholesale only operator, which is present
in a number of urban areas across the UK and is targeting coverage of 5m premises by
2025, and Gigaclear, which has focused on rural deployments, in some cases with the
support of state aid.
The incumbent BT, which operates under model of structural separation, but with
common ownership of the infrastructure and retail divisions, has stated its intention to
reach 4m premises with fibre by March 2021.
Cable operator Virgin Media is also expanding its footprint through the deployment of
fibre, and was reported to have passed 1.8m homes in the first half of 2019.
In addition to BT and Virgin Media, two other large retail broadband service providers are
present on the market, Sky and Talk Talk. Sky and Talk Talk predominantly rely on LLU
and FTTC-based wholesale access over the BT “Openreach” network, although Talk Talk
has engaged in its own fibre deployments in limited areas via the initiative Fibrenation.
Vodafone, which has a significant presence in the mobile market, has also reached a
197 https://www.cityfibre.com/residential/
198 https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/08/08/virgin_adds_another_130k_lightning_premises/
199 https://fibrenation.co.uk/what
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 97
partnership deal with Cityfibre to support Cityfibre’s deployment and offer services via the
Cityfibre network, initially on an exclusive basis.
13.3 Advertising standards
The UK has been the subject of a long-running dispute about misleading references to
“fibre” within broadband advertising.
In response to an information request from the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA),
in June 2017, Cityfibre, alongside regional fibre operators Gigaclear and Hyperoptic
submitted consumer research
that indicated that conusmers were confused about how
broadband was advertised, and were likely to choose fibre (due to its positive attributes
on speed and reliability), in the event that clear standards were adopted on the use of
“fibre” in advertising which clearly distinguished between full and part fibre products.
Consumers interviewed for the research stated that they wanted to be able to identify
different types of products in order to be able to make an informed choice.
In November 2017, the ASA published conclusions
from its review of how they
interested the Advertising Codes when judging the use of the term “fibre” to describe
broadband services. They concluded that there were no grounds to establish guidance in
relation to use of the term “fibre” on the basis of consumer research that they had
commissioned from Define.
The ASA highlighted the summary of the research
conclusions, which stated that:
The term ‘fibre’ was not one of the priorities identified by participants when
choosing a broadband package; it was not a key differentiator.
The word ‘fibre’ was not spontaneously identified within ads it was not noticed
by participants and did not act as a trigger for taking further action. It was seen as
one of many buzzwords to describe modern, fast broadband.
Once educated about the meaning of fibre, participants did not believe they would
change their previous purchasing decisions; they did not think that the word ‘fibre’
should be changed in part-fibre ads.
At the same time, in light of another piece of consumer research commissioned by ASA
on broadband speed claims,
the CAP published updated Guidelines on broadband
advertising for application from May 2018.
The Guidance focused on clarifying claims about speeds made in broadband advertising,
noting that speed claims should be based on the actual experience of users (as
200 Opinionleader (2017) Understanding broadband customer responses to use of “fibre” in advertising
201 https://www.asa.org.uk/news/asa-concludes-review-of-fibre-broadband.html
202 https://www.asa.org.uk/uploads/assets/uploaded/d791272c-805a-495d-8e25650af1740ab7.pdf
203 https://www.asa.org.uk/resource/qualitative-research-for-broadband-speed.html
204 https://www.asa.org.uk/resource/broadband-speed-claims-guidance.html
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 98
evidenced by demonstrating that the speed is achievable for at least 50% of the relevant
customer subscriber base at peak time (8-10pm). Such speeds available to at least 50%
of the customer base should be described as “average”, and if focused on a particular
area should make this clear. Advertisers should also mention factors that could result
in customers receiving speeds significantly below the claimed speed. Terms such as
“superfast” should be qualified with information e.g. about the proportion of customers
that can expect to receive speeds above or within a certain range. The Guidance is
primarily focused on download speeds, but it notes that upload speed claims should
conform to the guidance where relevant. The Guidance contains further
recommendations concerning sampling and statistical methods used to evidence speed
In 2018, Cityfibre launched a judicial review of the ASA’s conclusions concerning
references to fibre, claiming that the ASA had misconstrued the findings of the Define
research. However, in its April 2019 Judgement, the judge upheld the decision of the
ASA. In making the judgment, an interesting point made was that the technical superiority
of full fibre over part fibre was not disputed, but was not relevant to the question
considered by the ASA i.e. what average consumers (not provided with additional
information) understand by fibre claims and whether they had been misled.
In parallel with the judicial procedure, Cityfibre also called on Ofcom to conduct a review
on how to enable consumers to more effectively differentiate between broadband
services. In its submission to Ofcom, Cityfibre noted, according to Ofcom’s own
broadband presented difficulties for consumers in terms of making
comparisons. Moreover, the ASA had confirmed that consumer knowledge regarding
broadband services was low, and this might be a barrier to consumers choosing the best
deal for their needs. Cityfibre suggested that a review of broadband labelling could be
conducted in the context of a “switchover strategy” as a key element in explaining the
benefits for consumers of migrating to fibre. Cityfibre highlighted European examples
such as the Italian traffic light system as potential model that the UK could follow.
The case for review of the information available about broadband services in the UK has
been reinforced by the publication in October 2019, of the UK Digital Strategy, which
notes (paragraph 56) that:
The UK’s Digital Strategy made clear that Government would work with regulators and
industry to ensure broadband advertising more accurately reflects the speeds consumers
can expect to receive and accurately describes the technology used. The Government
welcomes the reforms that the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has made to the
way broadband speed claims can be advertised, which came into force on 23 May 2018,
and Ofcom's changes to its Code of Practice on Broadband Speed, which came into force
in March 2019. In the context of the strategic objective to secure the roll-out of full fibre
205 Futuresight: consumer engagement with communications services
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 99
broadband, Government would ask Ofcom to consider whether the information available
to consumers about the characteristics of different types of broadband services, and in
particular full fibre broadband, is helping consumers make informed choices.
Ofcom’s draft 2020/2021 work programme, published for consultation in January 2020
includes the following action point, for which work is “ongoing”:
Consumer information on gigabit-capable / ultrafast broadband. To ensure
that people and businesses have the right information to make informed decisions
about the broadband services best for them, we are considering whether they
would benefit from more information about the characteristics and capabilities of
gigabit-capable / ultrafast fixed and mobile broadband technologies and how it
should be communicated.
13.4 Advertising practice (past and present)
UK broadband advertising includes various direct or indirect references to “fibre” in
relation to services that are provided only partially via fibre. For example, Virgin Media,
whose network is based predominantly on cable, is advertising “lightning fast broadband”
with an image showing fibre optics, and references to “fibre broadband” in relation to a
200Mbit/s product that is likely in most cases to be delivered via cable.
Figure 54: Virgin Media UK broadband advertising
Source: Virgin Media website Jan 2020
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 100
BT, which provides broadband services predominantly via FTTC/VDSL, with a small, but
expanding FTTH footprint, refers to “fibre” across their full portfolio. For example
broadband services with speeds of just 36Mbit/s (likely based on VDSL) are being
advertised as “superfast fibre essential”. True FTTH-based products at speeds of up to
300Mbit/s are meanwhile being advertised as Ultrafast fibre. Thus, with references to
“fibre” predominating the focus has switched to distinguishing between “superfast” and
Figure 55: BT broadband advertising
Source: BT website Jan 2020
Meanwhile, Talk Talk, which relies primarily on LLU and FTTC-based wholesale access
provided by the incumbent is advertising unlimited superfast fibre offers with a download
speed of 67Mbit/s.
Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising 101
Figure 56: Talk Talk broadband advertising
Source: Talk Talk website Jan 2020
13.5 Outcomes
The UK continues to have amongst the lowest rates of FTTH deployment and take-up in
Europe. Notwithstanding the limited availability of FTTH, research by WIK for Ofcom in
January 2018 suggested that UK consumers had relatively bandwidth usage and would
likely be early adopters (compared with other European countries) of new technological
trends such as 8K TV, VR and AR, in the absence of bandwidth constraints.