Internet Service Connections
Housing Services - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Guide
Q: Why is the council involved with internet service providers connecting high-speed
internet to estate areas and homes?
A: We are working with internet service providers as part of our City for All commitment to
be one of the best-connected cities with unrivalled internet access and speeds for residents.
More than ever, with social isolation, it is important residents are connected to high-speed,
low cost internet, within their homes so they can benefit from access to greater
opportunities that enhance their experiences and capabilities.
We have a ‘wayleave’ agreement in place giving internet service providers access to connect
their services across our housing estates which will ensure residents have access to a fair
market for internet services. If residents decide to sign up to the services offered to them,
the contract is between the residents and the company providing the service, like any other
utility such as telephone or gas services. Under UK telecommunications law we do not
endorse any specific internet service provider.
Q: Which internet service providers are connecting high-speed internet to homes and do
residents need to sign up?
A: Internet service providers are Community Fibre Ltd, Hyperoptic, Virgin Media and G
Network who are carrying out work to connect cables across estate areas in preparation.
There is no cost to residents for this work.
Whilst internet service providers may contact residents with their service offer of high-
speed internet connection, residents do not have to sign up for internet services or allow
access into their homes.
Q: Will plans to allow council-owned buildings and homes to be connected with high-
speed internet continue in light of coronavirus, with work being carried out by internet
service providers?
A: Telecommunications work, including provision of internet services, is classified as critical
within new government regulations and legislation in response to dealing with coronavirus.
We will continue to allow internet service providers to carry out essential work to connect
more homes on our housing estates with high-speed internet, as far as possible and where
safe to do so following with latest public health advice. This supports our City for All
commitment to be one of the best-connected cities with unrivalled internet access and
speeds for residents.
Where internet service operators need to enter homes, they and residents should follow
the guidance on social distancing for everyone in the UK.
We are contacting residents to let them know in advance, where internet service providers
are due to carry out connection work in their area and to assure them they do not have to
sign up for internet services or allow access into their homes.
Q: How will residents be notified of internet service providers plans to carry out
connection work in their area and if there will be any disruption or access required to
their building?
A: We are contacting residents to let them know in advance, where internet service
providers are due to carry out connection work in their area. As part of this we are assuring
residents they do not have to sign up for internet services or allow access into their homes.
Internet service providers will then write directly residents in the area with details of their
services and before they carry out any connection work in their building. With this they will
include details of planned work including dates, locations and type of work, and who to
contact with any questions.
Q: How will the council ensure internet service providers carry out connection work
safely, and do not damage decorations, the building structure or interfere with other
planned works?
A: Internet service providers are required to agree their work plans with us in advance,
including specific details of where they intend to connect cables throughout communal
areas. We will ensure they have measures in place to protect the building and work safely,
whilst coordinating their activity with any of our other planned work.
Q: Who should residents contact if they any questions about internet service connections?
A: In the first instance, residents should contact the internet service provider directly to find
out more about their plans and any services on offer.
Residents can find out more online at
and contact us on 0800 358 3783 or email [email protected] with any
other questions or to report issues in relation to work to connect internet services.