North American Brant: effects of changes in habitat and
climate on population dynamics
United States Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage, AK 99503, USA, wCanadian Wildlife
Service, 1141 Route de l’Eglise, Ste-Foy, PQ, Canada G1V 4H5, zDepartment of Environmental and Resource Sciences, University
of Nevada Reno, 1000 Valley Rd., Reno, NV 89512 USA, §Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 95521
USA, }New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, Nacote Creek Research Station, P.O. Box 418, Port Republic, NJ 08625 USA
We describe the importance of key habitats used by four nesting populations of nearctic
brant (Branta bernicla) and discuss the potential relationship between changes in these
habitats and population dynamics of brant. Nearctic brant, in contrast to most geese, rely
on marine habitats and native intertidal plants during the non-breeding season, parti-
cularly the seagrass, Zostera, and the macroalgae, Ulva. Atlantic and Eastern High Arctic
brant have experienced the greatest degradation of their winter habitats (northeastern
United States and Ireland, respectively) and have also shown the most plasticity in
feeding behavior. Black and Western High Arctic brant of the Pacific Flyway are the most
dependent on Zostera, and are undergoing a shift in winter distribution that is likely
related to climate change and its associated effects on Zostera dynamics. Variation in
breeding propensity of Black Brant associated with winter location and climate strongly
suggests that food abundance on the wintering grounds directly affects reproductive
performance in these geese. In summer, salt marshes, especially those containing Carex
and Puccinellia, are key habitats for raising young, while lake shorelines with fine
freshwater grasses and sedges are important for molting birds. Availability and
abundance of salt marshes has a direct effect on growth and recruitment of goslings
and ultimately, plays an important role in regulating size of local brant populations.
Keywords: brant, Branta bernicla hrota, Branta bernicla nigricans, breeding, climate change, migration,
molting, North America, winter
Received 15 June 2004; received in revised form and accepted 27 January 2005
Brant (Branta bernicla; brent geese in Europe) are small-
bodied geese that migrate long distances from holarctic
nesting areas to temperate wintering habitats of the
northern hemisphere. They are among the most marine
of all geese and are associated with coastal wetlands
throughout their range. Brant are herbivorous, but differ
from other geese in that they still almost completely
rely on native plants through the full annual cycle.
Two of the three recognized subspecies of brant breed
in North America (B. b. nigricans and B. b. hrota). These
subspecies are separated into four breeding popula-
tions based on genetics, location of breeding and
wintering areas, and migration routes (Reed et al.,
1998). Two of the populations occur in the Pacific
Flyway (Fig. 1). Black Brant breed from the western
North America low Arctic to the eastern Russian Arctic,
and winter along the Pacific coast of North America
from Alaska to Mexico. Western High Arctic (WHA)
Brant nest on islands in the western North American
high Arctic and winter mainly in Puget Sound,
Washington (Reed et al., 1998). The other two popula-
tions occur in the Eastern Canadian Arctic (Fig. 1).
Atlantic Brant breed in the eastern Canadian low Arctic
and winter on the Atlantic coast from Massachusetts to
North Carolina, and Eastern High Arctic (EHA) Brant
nest on islands in the eastern Canadian high Arctic and
winter primarily on the coast of Ireland (Reed et al., 1998).
All populations, except EHA Brant, are 20–50%
below levels in the early 1950s and 1960s, when winter
inventories were first initiated. Two populations are
considered to be stable. Black Brant number about
Correspondence: David H. Ward, tel: 987-786-3525;
Global Change Biology (2005) 11, 869–880, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.00942.x
r 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 869
Fig. 1 Breeding and wintering areas, and migration routes of nearctic brant populations.
870 D. H. WARD et al.
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120 000 individuals (Pacific Flyway Council, 2002) and
EHA Brant total about 20 000 birds (Merne et al., 1999;
O. Merne, personal communication). Atlantic Brant, the
largest population in North America, number about
160 000 individuals and are experiencing a period of
growth (Atlantic Flyway Council, 2002), while WHA
Brant are in decline with a population size of about
6000 birds (Pacific Flyway Council, 2002).
Environmental change over the last half of the 20th
century, driven both by human perturbations and/or
natural events, has had a great impact on wetland habitats
in North America and these changes have affected brant.
Effects include changes in distribution, survival and
fitness, and breeding propensity (e.g., Hestbeck et al.,
1991; Cooch et al., 1993; Schamber, 2001; Person et al.,
2003). Although environmental change is ongoing,
current global warming predictions indicate that the rate
of change is likely to accelerate (Folland & Karl, 2001).
Anthropogenic changes to marine and freshwater
wetlands in the temperate regions have caused most
species of geese to abandon or alter their food
preferences during migration and winter from native
plants in natural habitats to agricultural plants and
seeds in cultivated fields (e.g., Abraham et al., 2005; Fox
et al., 2005; Gauthier et al., 2005; van Eerden et al., 2005).
Species have undergone this adjustment with differing
degrees of success but most with favorable results. In
contrast to other geese, including the European
populations of brant (Madsen et al., 1999), brant
wintering in North America have, for the most part,
not switched to agricultural and cultivated plants.
North American brant still depend on native marine
macrophytes, especially their preferred forage species
of seagrass, Zostera marina. No other species of goose
relies so heavily on a single plant species.
This paper offers insight into the current situation
and conservation challenges faced by brant in North
America. We do this by describing the significance of
key wetland habitats in the annual cycle of the four
populations of brant. We characterize the relationship
between brant and their wetland habitats by presenting
examples of variation in brant population dynamics
(i.e., distribution, migration patterns, population para-
meters) with respect to habitat parameters (i.e., abun-
dance, availability, and quality) and climatic variability.
To compare use of key habitats among the four nearctic
populations of brant during nonbreeding and breeding
periods we summarized data from the literature. We
conducted trend analyses of count data from mid-winter
surveys to examine changes in overall population size
and shifts in winter distribution of Atlantic and Black
brant with respect to variation in winter climatic
conditions. These standardized surveys have been
conducted annually across the entire nonbreeding range
of Atlantic and Black brant populations and have proven
to be reasonably accurate estimates for evaluating trends
in overall population size and winter distribution (Kirby
& Obtrecht, 1982; Sedinger et al., 1994). We used multiple
linear regression of the log-transformed annual totals to
assess trends in overall population size and shifts in
winter distribution of Atlantic and Black brant.
To examine the influence of climatic variations on
shifts in winter distribution, we tested for a correlation
between annual population counts of brant and a
measure of climatic variability, the North America
Oscillation (NAO) for Atlantic Brant and El Nin
Southern Oscillation (ENSO) for Black Brant, using
the Pearson product–moment correlation coefficients.
The NAO and ENSO are large-scale atmospheric
phenomenon that are associated with the intra- and
inter-annual changes in temperature and precipitation
in the north Atlantic (Hurrell, 1995), and central and
eastern Pacific (Philander, 1990), respectively. A
monthly index value has been developed using several
large-scale atmospheric measures, and in the case of
ENSO, also oceanic measures to monitor the state of
each phenomenon. We used values of the NAO index
averaged over the winter months of December to
March 1960–2003 (Hurrell, 1995; http://www.cgd.ucar.
edu/ jhurrell/noa.stat.winter.html#winter) as an in-
dicator of climate variability during winters in the
northeastern United States. Positive values of the NAO
index are associated with above-normal temperatures
during winters in northeastern North America,
whereas negative values are associated with below-
normal temperatures, and above-normal snowfall
during winters in the region (Hurrell, 1995). For an
indicator of climate variability during winters in
Mexico, we used values from the multivariate index
of the ENSO (MEI) for the months of December and
January combined (
enso.mei_index.html). Positive MEI values, or El Nin
events, are associated with above-normal sea surface
temperatures and precipitation along the Pacific coast
of southern California and northern Mexico, and
negative MEI values, or La Nin
a events, are associated
with below-normal sea surface temperatures in this
region (Philander, 1990; Minnich et al., 2000).
Results and discussion
Key habitats during nonbreeding
During the nonbreeding season, nearctic brant are
found exclusively in coastal areas, where they typically
r 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 11, 869–880
feed within the intertidal zone of shallow, protected
embayments that contain beds of seagrasses (Z. marina,
Ruppia maritima and Z. japonica in North America, and
Z. marina and Z. noltii in western Europe) and/or green
macroalgae (Ulva spp. and Enteromorpha spp.). For all
populations, Zostera is the preferred food during fall
and spring migration and winter (Reed et al., 1998).
Patterns of use of Zostera and other intertidal plants are
primarily dictated by tides and by the plant’s distribu-
tional range and seasonal availability and abundance.
All populations use a network of staging areas
during migration to obtain their nutrient reserves for
the annual cycle. These networks consist of one major
staging area and varying number of ancillary sites.
Eastern populations rely on only a few sites and tend to
concentrate in fall and spring at single major staging
areas that are rich in Zostera; James Bay, Quebec
(Atlantic Brant) and western Iceland (EHA Brant)
(Fig. 1). Black and WHA brant stage at more sites but
also concentrate at a single staging area, Izembek
Lagoon, Alaska, in fall, prior to a 42000 km flight to
their primary wintering area (e.g., Dau, 1992). During
spring migration, western populations generally dis-
perse across several staging areas and travel shorter
distances between stops in a stepping stone approach.
This movement pattern presumably conserves nutrient
reserves for breeding. Moore et al. (2004) showed that
portions of the Black Brant population use no fewer
than 67 different bays and estuaries during spring
migration and variation in bird numbers among eight
of the major staging areas was best explained by
Z. marina abundance and distance to the next large
(containing 4500 ha of Z. marina) estuary to the north
(Fig. 2).
Wintering Black and WHA brant are more dependent
on Zostera than the other two populations, probably
because this seagrass has two to three times the spatial
extent on the Pacific coast (41000 km
) than along the
Atlantic coasts of North America (ca. 600 km
) and
western Europe (o350 km
) (Green & Short, 2003).
Populations from eastern North America still feed on
Zostera when available, but also consume Ulva and
Enteromorpha (green algae now dominates the diet of
wintering Atlantic Brant), as well as, some salt marsh
plants (Spartina alterniflora for Atlantic Brant and
Festuca rubra and Puccinellia maritima for EHA Brant)
(Penkala, 1976; Smith et al., 1985; Merne et al., 1999).
Since the 1970s, both eastern populations have used
inland sites that contain cultivated grasslands. Cur-
rently, this behavior is displayed by about 5% of the
wintering Atlantic Brant and is generally confined to
sites within 1–2 km of the coast, where birds feed on
school fields and golf courses (P. Castelli, unpublished
data). In Ireland, where intertidal foods are more
limited, inland feeding is an important activity for
about 25% of the EHA Brant and birds may travel up to
20 km inland to feed on farmlands, managed grass-
lands, and cereal crops (Merne et al., 1999).
Key habitats during breeding
Nesting. Brant nest predominantly in wet graminoid
meadows adjacent to coastal salt marshes (Reed et al.,
1998). At the low Arctic nesting sites of Black and
Atlantic brant, meadows are relatively extensive allowing
these birds to nest in colonies (Reed et al., 1998), and are
dominated by sedges (Carex spp.) and grasses such as
Poa eminens and Calamagrostis deschampsioides (Jorgenson,
2000). At the Arctic sites of WHA and EHA brant,
graminoid meadows are less extensive and consequently,
nesting is more dispersed, often occurring inland near
freshwater lakes or in braided river beds (Boyd & Maltby,
1979; Merne et al., 1999). For all populations, distribution
of nests is likely influenced by the typical distribution
of predators, especially arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus),
because brant are incapable of defending their nests
from foxes. Nonetheless, all principal nesting areas
occur in close proximity to salt marshes dominated by
C. subspathacea and Puccinellia spp. (Merne et al., 1999;
Jorgenson, 2000; Person & Ruess, 2003), where females
feed predominantly during incubation (Eichholz &
Sedinger, 1999). Availability of foraging habitat in
close proximity to nests is essential for brant because
females begin breeding with nutrient reserves to meet
only about 20% of their needs during breeding
(Ankney, 1984) and females must continue feeding
throughout the incubation period to maintain their
body mass (Eichholz & Sedinger, 1999).
ln (ha Zostera)
ln (peak numbers)
Fig. 2 Linear regression of log-transformed data: peak brant
numbers vs. eelgrass abundance at eight pooled spring staging
areas throughout the Pacific Flyway (R
5 0.79, F
1, 6
5 21.91,
P 5 0.003. C, Coos Bay; H, Humboldt Bay; I, Izembek Lagoon; M,
Morro Bay; PSG, Puget Sound and Strait of Georgia area; SQ, San
Quintin Bay; T, Tomales Bay; W, Willapa Bay. The regression
indicates a positive relationship between peak brant numbers
and eelgrass. From Moore et al. (2004).
872 D. H. WARD et al.
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Following hatch in the low Arctic, broods also feed
primarily in salt marshes, where they maintain grazing
lawns (Person et al., 2003) containing plant leaves with
high concentrations of protein (Sedinger et al., 2001).
Abundance and quality of plants in salt marshes
govern growth of brant goslings (Sedinger et al., 2001;
Herzog, 2002), which, in turn, controls recruitment
(Sedinger et al., 1995). Consequently, availability of salt
marsh plays an important role in regulating brant
populations (Sedinger et al., 1998; Person et al., 2003). In
the high Arctic, where salt marshes are limited, many
broods are raised along rockier shorelines or at inland
freshwater lakes (O’Briain et al., 1998). Maintaining
population size in this harsh region is also likely
influenced by available salt marsh habitat; however,
weather is likely equally or possibly more important
and can in some years cause complete breeding failure
(O’Briain et al., 1998).
Molting. Many brant that lose their clutches and those
that do not attempt to nest, emigrate from breeding
areas to high Arctic molting sites in June and July. Brant
molting areas are reused year after year when
undisturbed, and these long-standing traditions are
thought to reduce intraspecific competition for food
between unsuccessful breeders and nonbreeders and
breeding pairs (Salomonsen, 1968). Two key areas of
concentration for molting Pacific Flyway brant, in
Alaska and Russia, have been identified and their
habitats described. No exclusive molting areas have
been discovered for Atlantic and EHA brant, but
nonbreeders and failed breeders do molt at nesting
areas on Southampton and Bathurst islands, Canada,
respectively (Reed et al., 1998).
In northcentral Alaska, the large, oriented thaw lakes
north and east of Teshekpuk Lake provide molting
habitat for an average of 14% (17 500 birds) of the
Pacific Flyway population of brant (King & Hodges,
1979; Derksen et al., 1979; King & Derksen, 1979;
E. Mallek, unpublished data), although numbers of
flightless birds vary considerably between years
depending, at least in part, on nest success at
breeding colonies in western Alaska (Sedinger et al.,
1994). Flightless brant feed primarily along moss/peat
shorelines immediately adjacent to open water rather
than along the little used sedge zones more distant from
the security of the lake (Derksen et al., 1982; Weller et al.,
1994). These relatively narrow moss flats support fine
grasses (Deschampsia caespitosa, Dupontia fisheri) and
sedges (Carex spp.) preferred by brant and the birds
spend up to 52% of the 24 h cycle in foraging behavior
(Derksen et al., 1982). Importantly, the availability of
moss/peat flats along shorelines of thaw lakes is very
limited only about 2% (about 8 km
) of all habitats
classified in the Teshekpuk Lake molting area (over
4000 km
) consisted of this land cover class (Markon &
Derksen, 1994).
Another important, but less well known, molting
area for Pacific Flyway brant occurs on Wrangel Island,
Russia. An estimated 4200 molting brant were counted
during the first survey of the island in 1990 (Ward et al.,
1993). The freshwater lakes used by molting brant on
Wrangel Island have vegetation zones similar to those
of the Teshekpuk Lake area. The largest and most
heavily grazed community was a moist, moss-
dominated zone immediately adjacent to lake
shorelines, where brant primarily foraged on Dupontia
fisheri and F. rubra (Ward et al., 1993).
Variation in brant use of wintering grounds and
migration routes with respect to habitat change
Shifts in distribution and behavior caused by food depletion
or habitat degradation. The nonbreeding distribution of
nearctic brant is largely dictated by the distribution and
abundance of Z. marina (Ganter, 2000; Moore et al.,
2004); therefore, changes in abundance and availability
of Zostera have implications for brant distribution,
survival, and reproductive output. An example of
food depletion resulting in a large-scale, long-term
shift in brant distribution and behavior occurred in
1931–1932 (Table 1) when a pathogenic slime mold,
Labyrinthula zosterae, caused an extensive die-off of
Z. marina in the north Atlantic (Rasmussen, 1977). This
die-off was followed by an apparent 80–90% decline in
the Atlantic Brant population (Cottam et al., 1944; Kirby
& Obrecht, 1982). Loss of Z. marina throughout its
nonbreeding range caused many Atlantic Brant to
move north to areas where Z. marina was more
abundant and/or to switch to alternative foods
(Cottam et al., 1944). Although some birds may have
starved (Cottam et al., 1944), the greatest influence on
population size was likely through reduced breeding
effort by malnourished birds (Kirby & Obrecht, 1982). A
concurrent rapid decrease in numbers of EHA Brant, as
well as, populations of brant wintering in Europe was
also attributed, in part, to this wasting disease event
(Merne et al., 1999).
Atlantic Brant fed primarily on Z. marina (85% of
their diet) prior to the event. After the onset of the
wasting disease, brant diet consisted mostly of Ulva
(75%), and much less so on Z. marina (9%; Cottam et al.,
1944). The Atlantic Brant population gradually
increased concomitant with the Z. marina recovery
and a sport-hunting moratorium between 1933 and
1952. By the mid-1950s, Atlantic Brant reached the level
present before the Z. marina die-off (Atlantic Flyway
Council, 2002). Lack of historical data makes it
r 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 11, 869–880
Table 1 Changes in brant population dynamics and use of nonbreeding and breeding areas with respect to habitat change
Event Date/location Population affected
Duration of
effect Effect on brant Population effect Reference
Nonbreeding areas
Wasting disease 1931–1932 North
Atlantic brant EHA
Decadal Starvation
Fewer feeding
Flyway-wide shift in
Reduced breeding
Lower population size
Cottam et al. (1944),
Kirby & Obrecht
Other eelgrass
1999–2000 James Bay,
Atlantic brant Not yet known Diet switch to salt
marsh vegetation?
Unknown Lemieux & Lalumie
Habitat degradation 41970 North Atlantic Atlantic brant EHA
Ongoing? Diet switch to algae
and upland grasses
Fewer feeding
Flyway-wide shift in
Change in migration
Kirby & Obrecht
(1982), Green & Short
Severe weather 1976–1977 1977–1978
Northeastern U.S.
Atlantic brant 2 winters Starvation
Fewer feeding
Flyway-wide shift in
Reduced breeding
Lower population size
Kirby & Obrecht
(1982), Kirby &
Ferrigno (1980)
El Nin
o Southern
1997–1998 North
Black brant Usually 1
Fewer feeding
Flyway-wide shift in
Reduced breeding
Greater winter
Lower population size
Ward et al. (1999),
Schamber (2001)
Climate change? 41980 North Pacific Black brant WHA
Ongoing Fewer feeding
Flyway-wide shift in
Ward et al. (1999,
2003), Dau & Ward
Oyster aquaculture 1987–1993 Willipa Bay,
Black brant Annual Fewer feeding
Local shift in
Wilson & Atkinson
Breeding areas
Habitat degradation 1980–1985 YKD, AK Black brant Decadal Reduced gosling
growth rates
Increased food
Lower carrying
Reduced breeding
Reduced recruitment
Lower population size
et al. (1993,
YKD, Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta; EHA, Eastern high arctic; WHA, Western high arctic.
874 D. H. WARD et al.
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impossible to know whether Z. marina along the
Atlantic coast has ever recovered to its prewasting
disease abundance and spatial extent. However, based
on behavior of brant, it appears that Z. marina has not
recovered to its full extent. Atlantic Brant have
maintained a diet consisting primarily of Ulva and
alternative foods through the 1970’s and 1980’s
(Penkala, 1976; Smith et al., 1985; Hindman & Ferrigno,
1990) and up to the present (Reed et al., 1998; P. Castelli,
unpublished data).
The dependence of Atlantic Brant on Ulva is likely
related to the increase in abundance and availability of
this macroalgae and a corresponding degradation and
loss of Z. marina habitats along the United States
Atlantic coast (Green & Short, 2003). Over the last 20–30
years, water quality of shallow estuaries and lagoons
has declined because of inputs of nutrients and
sediment loads associated with upland development
and shoreline construction (Short & Wyllie-Echeverria,
1996). Zostera losses have been attributed largely to
nutrient over-enrichment that can stimulate the
proliferation of fast growing phytoplankton and
filamentous algae like Ulva and Enteromorpha
(McGlathery, 2001). If blooms of macroalgae are
extensive and persistent enough, they can eventually
displace seagrasses as the dominant macrophyte in
eutrophic waters (Hauxwell et al., 2000).
Loss of Z. marina in northeastern North America
may also influence spring migration routes of Atlantic
Brant. Traditionally, large numbers of these birds
migrated along two main fronts: one up the Atlantic
coast from the United States to the gulf and estuary of
the St. Lawrence River, and the other overland, also to
the St. Lawrence, but further west near the confluence
with the Ottawa River and in eastern Lake Ontario (Fig.
1; Reed et al., 1998). From the St. Lawrence staging areas
both groups move to James Bay. However, a radio
telemetry study (2002–2004) indicated that a minority of
Atlantic Brant now uses the coastal New England route
(P. Castelli, unpublished data), even though it was once
predominant (Palmer, 1976). Extensive declines in
Zostera have occurred along the coastal route (Green
& Short, 2003) and have been especially severe at
Monomoy Point, Cape Cod, Massachusetts (P. Castelli
personal observation), which has traditionally been a
primary spring staging area for Atlantic Brant (Fig. 1;
Palmer, 1976). With the continued low availability of
Zostera along the Atlantic coast and in the St. Lawrence
estuary, and with further recent declines in Zostera, the
coastal route has become less advantageous than the
direct inland flight, even if the latter route offers no
coastal feeding areas before James Bay.
Atlantic Brant have experienced other instances of
food depletion causing large-scale changes in their
distribution and abundance. During the winters of
1976–1977 and 1977–1978, severe weather at the main
brant wintering sites in New York and New Jersey
covered intertidal habitats with ice and prevented birds
from feeding on seagrasses and macroalgae (Kirby &
Ferrigno, 1980). In each of these winters, there was
about a 30% decline in brant use of estuaries in the
north and a corresponding increase in more southerly
wintering areas (Fig. 3; Atlantic Flyway Council, 2002)
where intertidal areas were ice-free. This was also the
first time that brant were recorded feeding on
cultivated grasses and clover on golf courses
(Hindman & Ferrigno, 1990). Reduced food resources
in the 1970s combined with hunting pressure and
reduced recruitment were likely responsible for a crash
in the Atlantic population (1960–1979: R
5 0.68,
1, 18
5 38.56, Po0.001; Fig. 3) similar to the 1930s
crash (Kirby & Obrecht, 1982). The population has
steadily increased from its lowest count of 42 000 birds
in 1979 to 165 000 birds in 2003 (1980–2003: R
5 0.45,
1, 22
5 17.80, Po0.001; Fig. 3), but is still 20–25% below
levels of the 1960s (Fig. 3). An important decline in Z.
marina has been reported for James Bay (Lemieux &
re, 2001), but the effects on brant have not been
We found no correlation between the winter NAO
index and Atlantic Brant wintering in areas north
(r 50.03, P 5 0.84) or south (r 5 0.22, P 5 0.15) of their
core habitats in New Jersey since 1960. Moreover, the
direction of the relationship in each case was opposite
what one would expect if a positive winter NAO index
caused an increase in brant numbers at northern
wintering areas and a negative winter NAO index led
to an increase in brant at southern wintering areas. The
lack of correlation is not surprising given the low
power of these types of analyses; however, except for
extreme climatic events, other factors, such as hunting
pressure, and/or other human activities, may have
greater influence on winter distribution of Atlantic Brant.
40 000
80 000
120 000
160 000
200 000
240 000
280 000
Number of brant
NJ Northern states Southern states
Fig. 3 Change in abundance and distribution of Atlantic Brant
across the winter range 1960–2003. Trends were evaluated on
log-transformed data using multiple linear regression analyses.
Atlantic Brant populations were assessed across three geogra-
phical regions: NJ (New Jersey), northern states (New York to
Maine), and southern states (Delaware to North Carolina).
r 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 11, 869–880
Massive die-offs of Z. marina have not been
documented on the Pacific coast; nevertheless, shifts
in distribution of brant related to loss of Z. marina have
occurred. Currently, Black Brant are experiencing a
flyway-wide shift in distribution (Ward et al., 2002) that
is likely related to changing environmental conditions
such as those that influence the abundance and
availability of Z. marina (e.g., irradiance and water
temperature; Hemminga & Duarte, 2000). Over the last
20 years, there has been a rise in sea-surface
temperatures and sea level in the north Pacific
(Zveryaev & Selemenov, 2000; Cabannes et al., 2001),
and recent assessments of seagrass at the major brant
wintering areas along this coast have revealed a decline
in Z. marina abundance and spatial extent between 1980
and 2000 (Ward et al., 2002, 2003; S. E. Ibarra-Obando,
unpublished data). Between 1980 and 2000 and during
a period of population stability for Black Brant,
inventories showed a negative trend in numbers of
Black Brant wintering in Mexico (R
5 0.35,
2, 20
5 10.59, Po0.01; Fig. 4a) and a positive trend in
numbers in the United States and Canada (R
5 0.69,
2, 20
5 44.71, Po0.01; Fig. 4b). Brant reductions in
Mexico have largely occurred at the southern
wintering sites (Fig. 4a) where Z. marina reaches the
southern extent of its range in the northern hemisphere
and air and sea surface temperatures already limit Z.
marina growth to low intertidal and subtidal areas
pez & Ibarra-Obando, 1999; Cabello-Pasini
et al., 2003). Shifts in distribution also coincided with a
period of increased El Nin
o activity (Fig. 4c). Between
1960 and 2003, we found a weak, but nonsignificant,
negative correlation (r 50.20, P 5 0.22) between the
winter MEI and number of brant wintering in Mexico.
Nevertheless, seven out of the 10 lowest counts of Black
Brant in Mexico were associated with positive winter
MEI values (0.39–2.74; Fig. 4c). Effects of changing
environmental conditions on Z. marina are exacerbated
during strong El Nin
o events, such as in 1997–1998,
when a sharp rise in sea level (up to a 20 cm above
mean sea level) and increased sea-surface temperatures
(1–3 1C) were associated with dramatic declines (up to
50% decrease) in Z. marina abundance at brant southern
wintering sites (Ward et al., 1999).
Increased numbers of brant at wintering sites has
been most evident in Alaska (Fig. 4B). Recent studies of
the Alaskan wintering population (Dau & Ward, 1997;
D. Mather, unpublished data) indicate that a portion of
the increase may be attributed to an influx of WHA
Brant that traditionally wintered exclusively in Puget
Sound (Pacific Flyway Council, 2002). The reasons for
some WHA Brant shifting their winter distribution
northward are unclear. Estuaries along the Alaska
Peninsula contain extensive beds of Z. marina (Ward
et al., 1997) and support virtually the entire populations
of Black and WHA brant in fall. However, prior to the
1980s, these estuaries were believed to winter fewer
than 1000 brant (Dau, 1992), presumably because Z.
marina beds were often covered by ice and inaccessible
to birds. Brant numbers in Alaska have steadily
increased in winter to 18 000 birds in 2001 (Pacific
Flyway Council, 2002) coincident with a warming trend
in the north Pacific (Zveryaev & Selemenov, 2000).
Warmer temperatures appear to have reduced the
period and frequency of ice cover in coastal areas
along the Alaska Peninsula (Dau & Ward, 1997), thus,
increasing food availability and reducing energy costs
for wintering birds.
MEI index
20 000
40 000
60 000
80 000
100 000
120 000
140 000
160 000
180 000
Number of brant
Winter MEI index (only positive values shown) Mexico
10 000
15 000
20 000
25 000
30 000
Number of brant
Alaska California Washington Oregon
50 000
100 000
150 000
200 000
Number of brant
Northern Mexico Southern Mexico US and Canada
Fig. 4 Change in abundance and distribution of Black Brant
across the entire winter range 1960–2003 (a), within the US 1980–
2003 (b), and in Mexico 1960–2003 with respect to the winter MEI
(c). Black Brant populations were assessed across four geogra-
phical regions: southern Mexico (Mexican states of Baja
California Sur, Sonora, and Sinaloa), northern Mexico (Baja
California), and US/Canada (California, Oregon, Washington,
British Columbia, and Alaska). Three counts in Mexico were
excluded from the analysis because they were either conducted
outside the winter period in February (1962 and 1987) when
Black Brant begin northward migration from Mexico or were
considered unrealistic counts (1981) (Sedinger et al., 1994).
876 D. H. WARD et al.
r 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 11, 869–880
Shifts in distribution can also occur at a more local
scale such as when human activities influence seasonal
use patterns. For example, in an important spring
staging area for Black Brant in Washington, Wilson &
Atkinson, (1995) showed that oyster farming activities
were correlated with reductions in Z. marina abundance
and in turn, significant decreases in brant use-days.
Variation in habitat condition at nesting areas and its
effect on brant population dynamics
Black Brant nesting on the Yukon–Kuskokwim (Y–K)
Delta declined by 460% between about 1980 and 1985,
primarily as a result of intensive arctic fox predation
(Sedinger et al., 1993). Subsequent increases in the brant
population created a natural experiment by which
regulation of this population could be studied, similar
to the case for several European populations of geese
(Larsson & Forslund, 1994; Loonen et al., 1997; Black et
al., 1998). A retrospective analysis combined with
studies of vegetation dynamics during the population
increase indicated that Black Brant maintain grazing
lawns of C. subspathacea through their foraging activity
(Person et al., 2003). Reduced grazing intensity during
the early 1980s allowed most of these grazing lawns to
‘escape’ to a taller growth form that could no longer be
eaten by goslings. Consequently, carrying capacity was
reduced and density dependent effects on growth and
recruitment of Black Brant were observed at population
sizes 430% below historic levels (Sedinger et al., 1993,
1998). Growth rates of goslings increased steadily
throughout the late 1990s, corresponding to increased
areal extent of grazing lawns (Person et al., 2003).
Association between gosling growth and recruitment
(Sedinger et al., 1995) suggests that local recruitment
rates also increased during this period. These results
directly link recruitment, hence local population dy-
namics, to the availability of intensively grazed salt
marsh vegetation in the vicinity of the breeding colony.
Black Brant goslings on the North Slope of Alaska
grew substantially faster than those on the Y–K Delta,
because there was substantially greater biomass of salt
marsh vegetation on the North Slope of Alaska
compared with the Y–K Delta (Sedinger et al., 2001).
Greater biomass of salt marsh vegetation on the North
Slope of Alaska was associated with lower local
densities of Black Brant there, which is probably a
result of high nest predation rates in the adjacent
oilfields (Sedinger & Stickney, 2000). Black Brant
goslings from the North Slope of Alaska survived their
first fall at higher rates than those from the Y–K Delta
(Ward et al., 2004). This was consistent with their higher
growth rates and provides additional support for a
linkage between salt marsh vegetation and population
dynamics of Black Brant. Comparison of Black Brant
populations from the Y–K Delta and the North Slope of
Alaska shows that regulation of local populations
represents a balance between habitat availability and
predation rates. On the Y–K Delta, where nest success
has been high (75–83%) in most years since the mid-
1980s, recruitment is heavily influenced by gosling size,
which is regulated by availability of salt marsh
vegetation. In contrast, on the North Slope of Alaska,
high nest predation rates reduce the number of goslings
foraging in salt marsh habitats, increasing per capita
food abundance, growth rates, and first-year survival.
Links between wintering conditions and population
Cross-seasonal effects. Variation in reproductive
performance associated with wintering location and
winter climate strongly suggests that quality of winter
habitat plays an important role in population dynamics
of Black Brant. Schamber, (2001), using observations of
individually marked Black Brant, showed that birds
wintering in southern Baja California were less likely to
nest the next summer than those wintering in northern
Baja California and British Columbia. Individuals
wintering in the southern areas that did breed
initiated their nests later than birds using more
northern wintering areas. This effect was especially
pronounced in the ENSO year of 1997–1998 when fewer
than 10% of Black Brant wintering in San Ignacio
Lagoon, the most southern area studied, were observed
nesting the next summer. This contrasts with 39% of
individuals wintering in Boundary Bay, British
Columbia, and 28% of birds wintering in San Quintin
Bay, Baja California breeding the following summer
(Schamber, 2001). Reduced breeding in the ENSO year
was directly related to reduced production of Z. marina,
especially in more southern bays and estuaries (Ward et
al., 1999; Cabello-Pasini et al., 2003), suggesting that
food abundance at wintering areas had a direct effect
on reproduction at the population level. Numbers of
Black Brant nesting on the Y–K Delta have declined in
each ENSO year since aerial surveys of nesting Black
Brant began in the mid-1980s (W. Eldridge & W. Butler,
unpublished data) indicating that the relationship
between winter food and subsequent reproductive
performance is a general phenomenon.
Reduced ability of adults to breed associated with
declines in winter food availability have the potential to
decrease the size of the Black Brant population that can
be sustained along the Pacific Coast of North America.
Brant management plans for both flyways (Atlantic
Flyway Council, 2002; Pacific Flyway Council, 2002)
recognize this potential and point out the need to
r 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 11, 869–880
maintain the integrity of Z. marina and other intertidal
plants, particularly in bays that are geographically
isolated from other large staging areas (Moore et al.,
2004), and to reduce human disturbance at goose
feeding and roosting areas where grit is obtained. The
dependence of brant on Z. marina and other intertidal
habitats leaves them vulnerable to the human activities
that increasingly impact shallow bays and estuaries
along North America’s coasts (e.g., oil spills, sediment
runoff, channel dredging, pollution, and mariculture).
We thank W. Butler, B. Conant, W. Eldridge, D. Mather, and
J. Voelzer for sharing unpublished data on Black Brant, S. Ibarra-
Obando for providing unpublished seagrass data from Mexico,
and K. Abraham for providing useful comments on Atlantic
Brant. We also greatly appreciate Mary Whalen for assistance in
developing the population maps and T. Lee Tibbitts for helpful
comments on the manuscript.
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