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Case No.
(Md. Rule 2-323)
If this submission contains Restricted Information (confidential by statute, rule or court order) you
must file a Notice Regarding Restricted Information Pursuant to Rule 20-201.1 (form MDJ-008) with
this submission, and check the Restricted Information box on this form.
I, , state the following answers to the
filed against me:
1. Paragraph No. 1 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 1.
2. Paragraph No. 2 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 2.
3. Paragraph No. 3 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 3.
4. Paragraph No. 4 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 4.
CC-DR-050 (Rev. 08/2024) Page 1 of 4
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
Mark this box if this form contains Restricted Information.
Case No.
5. Paragraph No. 5 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 5.
6. Paragraph No. 6 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 6.
7. Paragraph No. 7 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 7.
8. Paragraph No. 8 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 8.
9. Paragraph No. 9 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 9.
CC-DR-050 (Rev. 08/2024) Page 2 of 4
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
Case No.
10. Paragraph No. 10 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 10.
11. Paragraph No. 11 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 11.
12. Paragraph No. 12 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 12.
13. Paragraph No. 13 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 13.
14. Paragraph No. 14 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 14.
CC-DR-050 (Rev. 08/2024) Page 3 of 4
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
Case No.
15. Paragraph No. 15 (check one):
I admit the statement(s).
I deny the statement(s).
I deny all of the statement(s), except that I admit that
I do not have enough information to either admit or deny the statement(s).
There is no paragraph no. 15.
16. In my defense to any of the statements made by the opposing party, I would like the court to consider
the following facts:
FOR THESE REASONS, I request (check all that apply):
Dismiss / Deny the complaint / petition / motion.
Grant the relief requested in the complaint / petition / motion.
Grant all of the relief requested in the complaint / petition / motion except dismiss / deny
Order any other appropriate relief.
I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of this document are true to the best of my
knowledge, information, and belief.
I certify that I served a copy of this answer, and any attached documents, upon the following persons by
mailing first class mail, postage prepaid hand delivery, on to:
CC-DR-050 (Rev. 08/2024) Page 4 of 4
State the facts contained in this paragraph that you admit
State the relief requested by the opposing party that you do NOT want the court to grant.
Printed Name
Telephone Number
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Signature of Party Serving
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