Bloomsburg, PA 17815
February 28, 2007
The Bloomsburg University Council of Trustees met in the Assembly Room of
Monty’s at 10:00 a.m. Those in attendance:
Council of Trustees
Mr. Steven Barth, Vice Chair
Ms. Ramona Alley
Dr. Robert Dampman
Mr. Charles Housenick
Mr. Steven Knepp
Dr. Joseph Mowad
Mr. David Petrosky
Excused: Mr. Robert Gibble, Mr. A. William Kelly, Ms. Marie Conley Lammando,
Mr. LaRoy Davis
University Personnel
Dr. Jessica Kozloff, President
Dr. James Mackin, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Preston Herring, Vice President for University and Student Affairs
Dr. Richard Rugen, Vice President for Administration and Finance
Ms. Brenda Cromley, Executive Assistant to the President
Ms. Jennifer Kluck, Administrative Assistant, President’s Office
Council of Trustees Advisors
Ms. Veronica Breisch, President, Bloomsburg Chapter AFSCME Local 2361
Ms. Cheryl John, Treasurer, AFSCME Local 1977
Ms. Gretchen Osterman, Bloomsburg Chapter of SCUPA
Dr. Stephen Kokoska, President, Bloomsburg Chapter of APSCUF
Mr. Josh O’Brien, President, CGA
Mr. David Stover, University Legal Counsel
Call to Order
Mr. Steven Barth, Vice Chair of the Council of Trustees, called the meeting to
order and welcomed all those in attendance. He reported the Council of
Trustees met earlier in Executive Session to discuss some personnel and legal
Trustee Barth then introduced special guests in attendance:
Ms. Veronica Breisch, President, Bloomsburg Chapter AFSCME, Local 2361
Ms. Cheryl John, Treasurer, AFSCME Local 1977
Ms. Gretchen Osterman, Bloomsburg Chapter of SCUPA – not present
Dr. Stephen Kokoska, President, Bloomsburg Chapter of APSCUF
Mr. Josh O’Brien, President, Community Government Association – not
Trustee Knepp introduced Chris Bevan as President Elect of CGA.
Pledge of Allegiance
In accord with House Resolution Number 32, Trustee Barth requested that
everyone stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Public Comments
Minutes of the Council of Trustees
A motion was made by Trustee Petrosky, seconded by Trustee Dampman, and
unanimously carried that the November 28, 2006 minutes be approved.
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Alley to present the items relating to Manager
and Non-Instructional Emeritus.
Manager Emeritus
Trustee Alley made a motion to approve Manager Emeritus Status for James F.
Michael. Seconded by Trustee Mowad. Unanimous Approval.
Non-Instructional Emeritus
Trustee Alley made a motion to approve Non-Instructional Emeritus Status for
Terry Lemon. Seconded by Trustee Housenick. Unanimous Approval.
Resolution for Steven Knepp
Trustee Alley also made a motion to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, Steven J. Knepp served as a student member of the Bloomsburg
University Council of Trustees for the 2006-2007 academic year, and
WHEREAS, he has served responsibly and with integrity on various committees
representing Bloomsburg University, and
WHEREAS, more importantly, he has been a positive role model for all other
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Trustees of
Bloomsburg University expresses its gratitude and appreciation for his dedicated
service to Bloomsburg University.
Motion seconded by Trustee Housenick. Unanimous approval.
Dr. Kozloff personally thanked Steve for his service.
President’s Report
Trustee Barth called upon President Kozloff to discuss the President’s Report
and other informational items.
President Kozloff introduced the new Dean of the College of Professional
Studies, Dr. Dianne Mark and reviewed her President’s Report with the Trustees.
A copy of the report will be appended to the minutes.
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Dampman to lead discussion on the Academic
Affairs section of the agenda.
Trustee Dampman called upon Dr. James Mackin, Provost and Vice President
for Academic Affairs, who introduced Dr. David Martin, Dean of the College of
Business to discuss the information item: Notebook (Laptop) Initiative.
The Notebook University Pilot Project Steering Committee developed a plan to
implement a pilot notebook university project. A voluntary program will begin in
the fall semester of 2007. It will utilize freshmen from accounting majors in the
College of Business. Classes will be held in buildings where wireless
connection is available. In the event that students experience an equipment
problem during class, 2-4 laptops will be available. Laptops will also be made
available for faculty members for use, if desired. The Pilot will be evaluated to
determine whether movement to a mandatory laptop college is advisable.
Trustee Barth recognized Trustee Alley to discuss the University and Student
Affairs section of the agenda.
Room and Board Fees
Trustee Alley introduced Vice President Herring to lead discussion on Room and
Board Fees.
Dr. Herring reviewed background information with the Trustees including future
priorities for campus housing and long-range philosophy to enhance facilities.
Three options were presented to the Trustees for their consideration:
Option 1: Fixed/operational costs + Life cycle/Interior renovations
(5.9% increase)
Option 2: Fixed/operational costs + Life cycle/Interior and Exterior renovations
(6.9% increase)
Option 3: Fixed/operational costs + Life cycle/Interior and Exterior renovations +
Occupancy reduction
(7.6% increase)
Trustee Alley made a motion to accept Option 2 with a 6.9% increase for room and
board fees. Dr. Mowad seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Majority
accepted; Trustee Housenick opposed. Motion carried.
BU Foundation and Development Update
Maryann Lindberg, Executive Director of the BU Foundation presented updated
information to the trustees on behalf of the BU Foundation and the Development
Trustee Barth recognized Trustee Housenick to lead discussion of the General
Administration section of the agenda.
Trustee Housenick recognized Vice President Richard Rugen to discuss the
items under General Administration.
Approval of Purchasing Activity
Trustee Housenick made a motion, seconded by Trustee Petrosky and
unanimously carried, to approve purchasing activity under Act 188 in excess of
$10,000 for October 26, 2006 to January 24, 2007.
Delinquent Student Accounts
Trustee Housenick made a motion to write off delinquent student accounts as
presented by Vice President Richard Rugen, seconded by Trustee Petrosky.
Unanimous approval.
Proposed Fee Schedule 2007-2008
Vice President Rugen reviewed the information presented to the Trustees.
Trustee Housenick made a motion to accept the fee schedule for 2007-2008,
seconded by Trustee Dampman. Unanimous approval.
Capital Project Request
Eric Milner, Assistant Vice President for Administration, reviewed the capital
project requests and recommended prioritization for funding/authorization for
2007-2008 to 2011-2012.
Trustee Housenick made a motion to approve the capital project requests,
seconded by Trustee Dampman. Unanimous approval.
Presidential Search
Trustee Barth asked Dr. Mowad to make comments regarding the Presidential
The committee has engaged John Thornburgh of Witt/Kieffer as our consultant.
The first meeting was held to organize the committee in accordance with the
Board of Governors regulations.
An open forum will be conducted on March 20 where the consultant will meet
with constituents. Dr. Mowad encouraged everyone to attend.
Every applicant will be screened by the committee and be narrowed down to
12-15 applicants. In late summer or early September, the committee will meet at
a major airport (Philadelphia) to interview those candidates over a weekend. The
committee will then narrow down the candidate pool to 5 or 6. Those candidates
will be brought onto campus for further interviews.
The committee will submit the names of 3 unranked candidates to the
Chancellor. The Chancellor will bring her recommendation to the Board of
Governors, preferably by their November meeting. The final decision will by
made by the Chancellor’s office and the Board of Governors.
With no other items to be presented to the Council, Trustee Barth adjourned the
meeting at 11:15 a.m.
________________________ ___________________________
Marie Conley Lammando Jennifer D. Kluck
Secretary Administrative Assistant
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
February 28, 2007
Since the Council of Trustees last met, we had a successful graduate and
undergraduate commencement in December. Today I want to highlight a
number of academic, financial and student/faculty-related items, achievements
and recognitions for Bloomsburg University.
Academic Related:
I want to welcome Dr. Dianne Mark, our new Dean of the College of
Professional Studies. Dr. Mark officially starts next Monday, March 5
however she is here settling in to her house and office. Previously Dr.
Mark served as Associate Dean at Central Michigan University in Mt.
Pleasant, Michigan.
The College of Business has initiated the use of “Careerbeam,” a state-of-
the-art online tool that provides career assessments, resume and cover
letter development tools, job search strategies, and employment research
databases. It will be used in selected classes and will be available to all
students and alumni.
The Education of the Deaf/HH Program in collaboration with the Institute
for Interactive Technologies offered its first online courses in the Fall and
Spring semesters 2006-2007 as part of a $45,000 grant from the
Pennsylvania Department of Education.
73 student-athletes were named as Scholar-Athletes at the University at a
recent luncheon held on campus. Student-athletes who attain a grade
point average of 3.25 or higher during the past two semesters, or have a
minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.25, quality for this
recognition. In addition, 21 freshmen or transfer student-athletes have
posted a 3.25 grade average or higher in their first semester at BU and
thus show promise to become future scholar-athletes.
Financial Related:
We have received a number of grants since the New Year began.
The university received approval for two Customized Job Training (CJT)
grants. The first grant is on behalf of Press-Enterprise, Inc. The grant will
be used to train 124 retention employees in specific equipment upgrade
training. A $75,000 Customized Job Training (CJT) grant was awarded to
the University on behalf of Wise Foods, Inc., Berwick. The grant will be
used to train 10 entry-level and 126 upgrade employees, consisting of
operator and maintenance skills training for automatic case packer
The university received approval for a $400,000 Industry Partnership
Worker Training Grant from Pennsylvania Department of Labor and
Industry, in partnership with Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development
Corporation. The grant will be utilized to provide online and classroom
workforce training in the areas of database management, information
technology project management, and Web 2.0. The curriculum is being
developed by BU's Institute for Interactive Technologies (IIT). The grant
expects to serve over 100 participants in the training project.
Faculty - Staff Recognition:
Recently our alumni office totaled the number of volunteer hours
contributed by 135 alumni and friends of Bloomsburg University over the
past seven months. That figure amount to more than 500 hours spent by
those groups to promote Bloomsburg University. These figures do not
include the hours volunteers give while serving on many advisory boards
at BU. Each year, alumni and BU friends volunteer for homecoming, the
Bloomsburg Fair kiosk, student recruitment and high school college nights,
alumni and athletic events, university department sponsored programs,
and speaking engagements on campus.
Bloomsburg University SPECTRUM magazine, produced in the Mass
Communications Department under the guidance of Dr. Walter Brasch, is
listed among the nation’s top 20 College Magazines from the Association
for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications/Magazine Division
Dr. Herring has been working with a number of administrators, staff and
student governing bodies in reviewing and revamping our security
measures for campus events. A campus committee made up of
students, faculty advisors and Student Life staff have recently proposed a
number of security enhancements for Kehr Union activities including the
purchase and use of metal detectors, enhanced security presence,
registration of off campus guests, and requirements for pre-event
meetings with staff. These new policies closely mirror the security
arrangements for concerts outside of Kehr Union. The new regulations
will be implemented immediately.
Construction of the addition to the Warren Student Services Center began
a few weeks ago. The two-story addition will include an expanded
Roongo’s on the first floor. The ground floor will house a Credit Union, a
commuter lounge and a coffee bar.
Construction has also just started on our academic quad resulting in some
changes to our parking lots around the Waller and Centennial buildings.
The Women’s Center of Columbia/Montour and the Nursing Wellness
Center of Bloomsburg University announced the staffing of a satellite
office on BU’s campus for the spring semester. Free confidential
counseling and support services through the Women’s Center are
available to all students, staff, faculty and community members.
Finally, I’m pleased to inform the Trustees of the most recent group of
Faculty Emerti; Professor Chuck Laudermilch, Professor Gary Clark, Dr.
Mary Badami, Dr. Alex Poplawsky and Ms. Maureen Mulligan.
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
June 6, 2007
The Bloomsburg University Council of Trustees met in the Assembly Room of
Monty’s at 10:45 a.m. Those in attendance:
Council of Trustees
Mr. Steven Barth, Vice Chair
Ms. Ramona Alley
Mr. LaRoy Davis
Mr. Charles Housenick
Mr. David Klingerman
Ms. Marie Conley Lammando
Dr. Joseph Mowad
Excused: Dr. Robert Dampman, Mr. Robert Gibble, Mr. A. William Kelly
University Personnel
Dr. Jessica Kozloff, President
Dr. Preston Herring, Vice President for University and Student Affairs
Dr. Richard Rugen, Vice President for Administration and Finance
Ms. Brenda Cromley, Executive Assistant to the President
Ms. Jennifer Kluck, Administrative Assistant, President’s Office
Excused: Dr. James Mackin, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Council of Trustees Advisors
Ms. Veronica Breisch, President, Bloomsburg Chapter AFSCME Local 2361
Ms. Cheryl John, Treasurer, AFSCME Local 1977
Mr. Chris Bevan, President, CGA
Excused: Dr. Stephen Kokoska, President, Bloomsburg Chapter of APSCUF;
Ms. Gretchen Osterman, Bloomsburg Chapter of SCUPA; Mr. David Stover,
University Legal Counsel
Call to Order
Mr. Steven Barth, Vice Chair of the Council of Trustees, called the meeting to
order and welcomed all those in attendance. He reported the Council of
Trustees met earlier in Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations.
Pledge of Allegiance
In accord with House Resolution Number 32, Trustee Barth requested that
everyone stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Public Comments
Minutes of the Council of Trustees
A motion was made by Trustee Barth, seconded by Trustee Davis, and
unanimously carried that the February 28, 2007 minutes be approved.
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Alley to present the items relating to Non-
Instructional Emeritus status.
Non-Instructional Emeritus
Trustee Alley made a motion to approve Non-Instructional Emeritus Status for
Barbara Dietterick, Doyle Dietterick, Marie Fisher, and Linda Hunt. Seconded by
Trustee Housenick. Unanimous Approval.
President’s Report
Trustee Barth called upon President Kozloff to discuss the President’s Report
and other informational items.
President Kozloff presented her report on Campus Security and reviewed
Bloomsburg University’s current practices and committee recommendations. A
copy of the President’s report will be appended to the minutes.
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Mowad to lead discussion on the Academic
Affairs section of the agenda.
Trustee Mowad called upon Dr. Jonathan Lincoln, Assistant Vice President for
Academic Affairs and Dean of Undergraduate Education to discuss the
information item: Reorganization of Graduate Studies and Corporate and
Continuing Education.
Dr. Lincoln reviewed the current organizational structure of Dean of Graduate
Studies and Research. He noted, with the announced retirement of Dr. James
Matta in May 2008, a re-examination of job duties was necessary. Dr. Lincoln
reviewed the proposed organizational structure. The department of Corporate
and Continuing Education will now report to the Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs. Ace/Dual Enrollment Programs, Summer School, Economic
Development Reporting, Community College Program Development, Distance
Education, and Off-Campus Programs will all report to Corporate and Continuing
Education Director, Tom Fletcher.
Trustee Barth recognized Trustee Davis to lead discussion of the General
Administration section of the agenda.
Trustee Davis recognized Vice President Richard Rugen to discuss the items
under General Administration.
Approval of Purchasing Activity
Trustee Davis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Housenick and unanimously
carried, to approve purchasing activity under Act 188 in excess of $10,000 for
January 25, 2007 to May 8, 2007.
Resolution for Inspection of Facilities
Trustee Davis made a motion to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, members of the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University
of Pennsylvania did conduct their annual inspection of facilities on
Wednesday, June 6, 2007 and found maintenance procedures that ensure
buildings and structures are being properly maintained and in good
working order and found also that lawn, flower, shrubbery, tree and
recreation areas were attractive and well maintained. Trustees conducted
a tour of Old Science, Hartline East, and the McCormick addition.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Trustees of
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania expressed its approval of both the
general condition and the care of the facilities, and transmits their
sentiments to the Board of Governors of the State System of Higher
Second by Trustee Conley Lammando. Unanimous approval.
The Trustees thanked Mr. Eric Milner for the informational tour and
complemented Dr. Rugen and Mr. Milner on the work done to improve the
campus and their ability to handle the number of projects under construction.
Update on Upper Campus Housing Project
Mr. Eric Milner, Assistant Vice President of Administration, updated the Trustees
on the progress of the new student apartment complex on the upper campus of
Bloomsburg University. Several renderings were viewed of the facility including a
typical apartment building, an overview of the site, parking availability, and the
community building. The process for the approval of land development is in
progress as well as the Labor and Industry approval.
Update on Redman Stadium Project
At the request of Trustee Davis, Mr. Milner also gave a brief update on the
Redman Stadium Phase 1 project. A design firm has been selected. The project
is on schedule for bids to be received by November 2007 with the project
beginning in March of 2008.
Trustee Barth recognized Trustee Conley Lammando to discuss the University
and Student Affairs section of the agenda.
Disciplinary Policies
Trustee Conley Lammando recognized Vice President Preston Herring to discuss
the information item Student Disciplinary Policies.
Dr. Herring reviewed the process of adjudicating off-campus misconduct and
when issues arise, how Bloomsburg University is working with the Town of
Bloomsburg. He also reviewed the Block Party in 2007 including preparations,
response, and future plans. Dr. Herring noted that out of 153 violations, only 36
were BU students.
Resolution honoring Trustee David Petrosky
Trustee Mowad made a motion to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, Mr. David Petrosky has served responsibly and with integrity as a
member of the Bloomsburg University Council of Trustees since 1995 serving on
various committees; and
WHEREAS, his experience, expertise, insight and sound judgment have proven
invaluable to the deliberations and policy-making of the Council; and
WHEREAS, the faculty, staff, and administration are grateful for his advocacy on
behalf of Bloomsburg University as he has forged resolutions on complex
campus issues; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Trustees of
Bloomsburg University conveys its profound gratitude and esteem to our
colleague and friend for his dedicated service to the Council of Trustees and
Bloomsburg University.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be made a part of the official
minutes of the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University and that a copy be
presented to Mr. David Petrosky.
Second by Trustee Alley. Unanimous approval.
Presidential Search
Trustee Barth asked Dr. Mowad to make comments regarding the Presidential
The Presidential Search committee will meet with consultant, John Thornburg of
Witt/Kieffer on July 18 to discuss all the resumes submitted. They will review
every candidate and select 10-12 to interview.
The committee will travel to Philadelphia on August 2-5 to conduct 1 ½ hr – 2 hr.
interviews with the selected candidates. The committee will then narrow down
the candidate pool to 5 or 6. Those candidates will be brought onto campus for
further interviews during the last week in August and first two weeks in
The committee will submit the names of 3 unranked candidates to the
Chancellor. The Chancellor will bring her recommendation to the Board of
Governors, preferably by their November meeting. The final decision will by
made by the Chancellor’s office and the Board of Governors.
Trustee Mowad noted we are on a tight schedule, but the search is going well.
With no other items to be presented to the Council, Trustee Barth adjourned the
meeting at 12:11 p.m.
________________________ ___________________________
Marie Conley Lammando Jennifer D. Kluck
Secretary Administrative Assistant
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
June 6, 2007
Here is a summary of what our divisions have accomplished since we met in
Academic Related:
Approximately 1,125 students took part in undergraduate commencement
ceremonies at Redman Stadium on Saturday, May 12. Bloomsburg’s
graduate commencement was held the night before in the Hass Center for
the Arts. More than 200 master’s and doctoral candidates participated in
the ceremony.
Dr. James W. Ermatinger has accepted our offer to become the next Dean
of the College of Liberal Arts. Dr. Ermatinger will officially join us on July
16, 2007. He comes to us from Southeast Missouri State University,
where he has been Chair of the Department of History for the past six
Bloomsburg University, through a group of faculty and students, has been
actively involved in Columbia County needs assessment, including
research and final report preparation. The Columbia County Needs
Assessment is a three-year examination commissioned by the Columbia
County Human Service Coalition. The conclusions are based on
interviews with community leaders and services providers, as well as a
survey completed by 1,094 county residents. The assessment covers the
strengths and weaknesses of Columbia County in a variety of areas.
Geisinger Medical Center approved our proposal for a collaborative CRNA
program. The new nurse anesthetists’ graduate program will be jointly
delivered with Geisinger Medical Center. Geisinger requested RFP’s
from a number of highly selective programs. We should all be very proud
that our program proposal rose to the top, and BU was selected to deliver
this highly competitive program, which will begin this fall. The initial
plans are to accept ten applicants accepted the first year of the 2 ½ year
program and each year thereafter.
We have received word on a number of new or renewing grants.
The Department of Nursing recently received a $66,620 Pennsylvania
Clinical Education Grant as part of a statewide investment to help increase
the number of nurses across the state. The grant, received in conjunction
with the Central Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board, will be used
to support a Simulated Learning Lab supervisor position in BU's nursing
We were awarded a $160,000 expansion grant from the PA Dept. of
Community and Economic Development to extend the Workforce
Leadership 2+2+2 grant in computer forensics for FY 07-08. BU will
continue to expand relations with secondary partner Columbia Montour
Area Vocational-Technical School (CMVT) and two-year postsecondary
partner Luzerne County Community College (LCCC). We will welcome
new secondary partner, Northumberland County Area Vocational-
Technical School (NCAVTS) in Shamokin to the grant. BU's share of the
grant funding will be utilized for ongoing curriculum development and
equipment needs.
We received notice of the refunding of the Upward Bound grant (four
years of funding at $400,000 per year).
Eric Rawson, assistant professor of exercise science and athletics, is an
expert on creatine, a dietary supplement that athletes use to increase
muscle strength and boost their performance. Rawson is researching how
creatine might help ordinary older Americans. He's been awarded a
$208,577 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
And, in other areas:
In response to the tragedy at Virginia Tech University, I asked Dr. Rugen
to form an ad hoc committee to identify the security measures we currently
have in place and to make recommendations regarding further measures
to be developed in the event of a similar occurrence at Bloomsburg
University. The committee consisted of representatives from student life,
residence life, administration, information technology, human resources,
facilities, and CGA.
Current practices related to campus security:
1. Police have undergone extensive training in responding to emergency
situations on campus.
2. The University has several avenues for communicating to faculty, students
and staff in the event of an emergency:
o Email
o The university web site
o The “Be Safe” hotline
o Telephoning building managers and back up contacts in each
o Students to place notices on doors of buildings
3. Asst. VP heads up a student response team to respond to notification from
faculty, staff or students of a student in crisis.
The committee recommended that these additional procedures be
explored to enhance campus security and communication
1. Options for a messaging system including phone, text and computer, to
send out notices to students and employees in the event of an emergency.
PASSHE is also exploring a text messaging system to be used system-
2. Options for a siren on campus to alert the entire campus of an emergency.
3. Develop training programs for faculty, staff and students regarding how to
respond in different emergencies.
4. Upgrade and expand the campus wide video surveillance system.
5. Conversion of locks in classroom buildings to enable locking from inside
the classroom or lab.
6. Review security measures in residence halls.
Jan Hutchinson, Head Women's Field Hockey coach and Danny Hale,
Head Football coach, were recently named conference coaches of the
year in their respective sports by the Pennsylvania State Athletic
BU's annual Trash to Treasure sale brought in $7,850 for the Columbia
County United Way.
We have now installed special shower valves in all of BU's residence halls
which will greatly reduce water usage. The shower valves mix air with the
water so that it appears and feels like the same amount of water is being
used. BU is the first institution in the United States to install the water-
saving devices. Costing less than $18 each, the valves pay for themselves
through water and sewage savings in just several months. We've saved
600,000 to 700,000 gallons of water a month already, and that's before all
of the campus halls had the valves installed. We estimate that the shower
head valves reduce water usage in the residence halls by 25 percent – an
annual savings of 8 million gallons of water.
It has indeed been a very good year, thanks to the efforts of many faculty and
September 5, 2007
The Bloomsburg University Council of Trustees met in the Assembly Room of
Monty’s at 10:30 a.m. Those in attendance:
Council of Trustees
Mr. Robert Gibble, Chair
Mr. Steven Barth, Vice Chair
Ms. Ramona Alley
Mr. James D’Amico
Dr. Robert Dampman
Mr. LaRoy Davis
Mr. Charles Housenick
Mr. David Klingerman
Mr. A. William Kelly
Ms. Marie Conley Lammando
Dr. Joseph Mowad
University Personnel
Dr. Jessica Kozloff, President
Dr. James Mackin, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Preston Herring, Vice President for University and Student Affairs
Dr. Richard Rugen, Vice President for Administration and Finance
Ms. Brenda Cromley, Executive Assistant to the President
Ms. Jennifer Kluck, Administrative Assistant, President’s Office
Council of Trustees Advisors
Ms. Veronica Breisch, President, Bloomsburg Chapter AFSCME Local 2361
Ms. Cheryl John, Treasurer, AFSCME Local 1977
Dr. Stephen Kokoska, President, Bloomsburg Chapter of APSCUF
Excused: Mr. Chris Bevan, President, CGA; Ms. Gretchen Osterman,
Bloomsburg Chapter of SCUPA; Mr. David Stover, University Legal Counsel
Call to Order
Mr. Robert Gibble, Chair of the Council of Trustees, called the meeting to order
and welcomed all those in attendance. He reported the Council of Trustees met
earlier in Executive Session to discuss the System Accountability Report.
Mr. Gibble welcomed our new student trustee, Jim D’Amico and introduced the
Advisory Council as well as Dr. Larry Smith, Columbia County Animal Rescue
Team, Mr. David Kovach, Columbia County Commissioner, Mr. Robert Rupp,
Chief, Bloomsburg Fire Department; and Mr. Claude Renninger, Mayor of the
Town of Bloomsburg.
Pledge of Allegiance
In accord with House Resolution Number 32, Trustee Gibble requested that
everyone stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Public Comments
Minutes of the Council of Trustees
A motion was made by Trustee Mowad, seconded by Trustee Davis, and
unanimously carried that the June 6, 2007 minutes be approved.
Trustee Gibble called upon Trustee Alley to present the items relating to the
Columbia County Animal Rescue Team.
Columbia County Animal Rescue Team
Trustee Alley made a motion to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, Dr. Larry Smith, Coordinator for Columbia and Montour County
Animal Response Team and Mr. David Kovach, Columbia County Commissioner,
have recognized that pet owners are often faced with difficult decisions about
leaving their pets and animals behind during times of emergencies and disasters,
and that County emergency plans should provide for temporary shelter during
those times;
WHEREAS, Dr. Smith and Commissioner Kovach, have created the Columbia-
Montour Animal Response Team (C.A.R.T.) and are collaborating with
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania to provide shelter for small animals in
times of emergencies; and
WHEREAS, the University and CART have established specific site(s) on the
upper campus of the University as the shelter and have named it “Annie’s Place”
in honor of President Jessica S. Kozloff’s Shih Tzu who was well known to the
University community.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Trustees of
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania hereby congratulates Dr. Smith and Mr.
Kovach for their leadership in planning for pet shelters in times of emergencies,
and that the Council of Trustees wholeheartedly endorses the use of “Annie
Place” to temporarily shelter small animals during times of emergencies and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be made a part of the official
minutes of the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and
that copies be presented to Dr. Smith and Commissioner Kovach.
Seconded by Marie Conley Lammando. Unanimous approval.
Contributions to Volunteer Fire Company
Trustee Alley made a motion to approve the Bloomsburg University contribution
of $38,000 to the volunteer fire company of the Town of Bloomsburg for the
2007-2008 fiscal year. She also made a motion to approve a $25,000
contribution toward the purchase of a new ladder fire truck. This is the fourth of
eight annual payments. Seconded by Marie Conley Lammando. Unanimous
Non-Instructional Emeritus
Trustee Alley made a motion to approve Non-Instructional Emeritus status for
Sherry Eyer, Bonnie Girton, Cindy Kelley, and LouAnn Tarlecky. Seconded by
Trustee Mowad. Unanimous Approval.
2008-2009 Budget Request
Trustee Gibble called upon President Kozloff to review the 2008-2009 budget
request. President Kozloff reminded the Trustees that this is the annual request
to inform the State System of the needs of Bloomsburg University. After
reviewing, Trustee Davis made a motion to approve the 2008-2009 budget
request, seconded by Trustee Dampman. Unanimous approval.
President’s Report
President Kozloff reviewed her President’s Report with the Trustees. A copy of
the report will be appended to the minutes.
Five-Year Strategic Plan
Dr. Kozloff gave an overview of the five-year strategic plan goals and objectives.
Trustee Gibble called upon Trustee Dampman to lead discussion on the
Academic Affairs section of the agenda.
Continuation of the Husky Research Corporation (HRC) as an affiliated
Trustee Dampman called upon Dr. James Mackin, Provost and Vice President
for Academic Affairs to discuss the action item: continuation of the Husky
Research Corporation (HRC) as an affiliated organization. Dr. Mackin requested
a motion, as required by the Board of Governors, certifying compliance with
policy 1985-04-A. Trustee Dampman moved to approve the continuation of the
Husky Research Corporation (HRC) as an affiliated organization, seconded by
Trustee Mowad. Unanimous approval.
Summer College Enrollment Update
Trustee Dampman called upon Dr. James Mackin to lead discussion of Summer
College enrollment update. Dr. Mackin made appropriate remarks.
Trustee Gibble recognized Trustee Davis to lead discussion of the General
Administration section of the agenda.
Trustee Davis recognized Vice President Richard Rugen to discuss the items
under General Administration.
Approval of Purchasing Activity
Trustee Davis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dampman and unanimously
carried, to approve purchasing activity under Act 188 in excess of $10,000 for
May 9, 2007 to August 8, 2007.
End of Year Finance Report
Trustee Davis introduced Vice President Richard Rugen to discuss the end-of-
year finance report. A hard copy of this report was distributed to the Trustees
immediately following the quarterly meeting.
Update on Construction Projects
Mr. Eric Milner, Assistant Vice President of Administration, updated the Trustees
on several constructions projects including: Academic Quad, McCormick
classroom addition, Ben Franklin, Warren Student Services Center, new student
apartments, and the Redman Stadium renovation. Trustee Conley Lammando
suggested placing display boards at home football games to show the future
improvements to be completed at Redman Stadium. Other projects mentioned
by Mr. Milner: Haas renovation and addition, Lycoming exterior and Starbucks in
the Andruss Library.
Trustee Gibble recognized Trustee Conley Lammando to discuss the University
and Student Affairs section of the agenda.
Fall Enrollment and Housing Update
Trustee Conley Lammando recognized Vice President Preston Herring to discuss
the information item Fall Enrollment and Housing Update. Dr. Herring reviewed
the Fall 2007 Enrollment Summary of both freshmen and transfer students as
well as the Housing Summary and Honeysuckle Apartments Occupancy.
End-of-Year Fundraising Report & End-of Year BU Foundation Report
Trustee Conley Lammando recognized Mr. Jim Hollister, Assistant Vice
President of University Relations and Ms. Maryann Lindberg, Executive Director
of the BU Foundation to give their end of the year reports.
Mr. Hollister reviewed the mission statement of University Relations and key
areas including: alumni affairs, Celebrity Artist Series, communications,
development and government relations. He reviewed recent highlights, 2006-
2007 gift summary comparison, 2006-2007 development income, PASSHE
Schools Total Giving, Alumni Donors, and unrestricted funds and restricted funds
for current operations.
Ms. Lindberg reviewed the end-of-the year fundraising report. She presented
figures of total assets, endowment, total revenues, total gifts, gifts to endowment,
and Foundation support to BU. She also reviewed highlights of 2006-2007.
SAP Report 2006-2007
Trustee Gibble asked for a motion to accept the results of the System
Accountability Plan. Trustee Mowad made the motion, seconded by Trustee
Housenick. Unanimous approval.
2007-2008 Committee Appointments
Trustee Gibble called to the attention of the Trustees the 2007-2008 committee
appointments included in their packets. Please make note of any changes to
your committees.
With no other items to be presented to the Council, Trustee Gibble adjourned the
meeting at 12:14 p.m.
________________________ ___________________________
Marie Conley Lammando Jennifer D. Kluck
Secretary Administrative Assistant
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
September 5, 2007
Last month I gave the Trustees a report on the results of the committee,
chaired by Dr. Rugen, which identified the security measures we currently
have in place and the recommendations regarding further safety and security
measures on campus. Let me give you an update on where we stand at this
- We have identified and purchased, at a cost of $22,000, a text
messaging system. We are collecting the appropriate
emergency email and telephone numbers from students as they
registered for fall semester.
- We will be installing, during the fall semester, two sirens – one
for the upper campus and one for the lower campus. Upon
activation of the sirens, students and staff will check their cell
phones or computers for a message.
- Also during this semester we will be changing the locks in
classrooms and laboratories to enable doors to be locked from
inside the rooms.
- The university has identified a consultant who will deliver
training to faculty and staff on steps to take in the event an
active shooter is on campus.
U.S. News and World Report's annual ranking of U.S. colleges and
universities once again lists BU as number 80 in Best Universities -
Master's for the northern region. Best Universities - Master's ranks
institutions that offer a full range of undergraduate degrees and some
master's degree programs but few, if any, doctoral degrees.
Among the 14 Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education
universities, Millersville Shippensburg and West Chester were also named
on the list. A total of 574 universities are included in Best Universities -
We are welcoming 47 new full-time teaching and administrative faculty to
the BU campus this semester.
Our Computer Science program has recently received its initial ABET
accreditation. I know Dean Marande and Provost Mackin are especially
proud of the work the department has done to receive this status. And, I
want to particularly congratulate Dr. Curt Jones, Chairperson of the
In early August Bloomsburg University and Lehigh Carbon Community
College signed two partnerships agreements. The first establishes an
Elementary Education completion program on LCCC’s campus in
Tamaqua. The second agreement is a dual admissions transfer
agreement that is designed to ease students’ transition from an LCCC
associate degree to BU’s bachelor degree programs.
Dr. Sheila Dove Jones has been named the new Director of the Teaching
and Learning Enhancement Center. She is a Professor in the Department
of Exceptionality Programs and currently serves that department as the
special education graduate advisor. The TALE Center provides
professional development opportunities for faculty in every department
across campus I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Dr.
Shelley Randall for her years of dedicated service as the previous Director
of TALE. Dr. Randall demonstrated creativity and initiative in the
development of new programs that address the needs of our faculty.
Dr. Elizabeth Mauch, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Director of
the Math and Science Resource Center, was awarded a National Science
Foundation grant of $600,000. These monies will be used to offer 4-year
scholarships to approximately 13 students who are first generation college
students and satisfy low income requirements. They will be required to
maintain a certain level GPA along with majoring in specific disciplines
within the College of Science & Technology.
We have been awarded a $145,000 grant from the PA Department of
Community and Economic Development. This Customized Job Training
grant will assist in the workforce development needs for 400 employees of
ConAgra Foods in Milton.
Our TRiO Upward Bound Program has been refunded through a federal
grant provided by the Department of Education. We received word that as
a result of our proposal ranking in the top 10 percent of applications
submitted; our grant has been extended for a five-year cycle. Upward
Bound provides programs and academic preparation for first-generation
college students.
Our first Frederick Douglass scholars have been named. Dr. Ivan
Turnipseed is in the Department of Management and Dr. Wazi Apoh is in
the Department of Anthropology.
I wanted to make note of two individuals, both alums, who have joined the
ranks of BU employees. Matt Phelan has joined us as the Assistant
Director of University Safety and Police. Nate Conroy has been hired as
the Assistant Director of Alumni Affairs.
We have one faculty who has been granted faculty emeritus status; Dr.
Jack Couch from Physics and Engineering Technology.
On behalf of the university community, I want to thank the Trustees for your
leadership and look forward to a very successful semester.
November 28, 2007
The Bloomsburg University Council of Trustees met in the Assembly Room of
Monty’s at 10:30 a.m. Those in attendance:
Council of Trustees
Mr. Steven Barth, Vice Chair
Mr. James D’Amico
Dr. Robert Dampman
Mr. LaRoy Davis
Mr. Charles Housenick
Mr. David Klingerman
Dr. Joseph Mowad
Mr. Robert Gibble
Mr. A. William Kelly
Ms. Marie Conley Lammando
Ms. Ramona Alley
University Personnel
Dr. Jessica Kozloff, President
Dr. James Mackin, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Preston Herring, Vice President for University and Student Affairs
Dr. Richard Rugen, Vice President for Administration and Finance
Ms. Brenda Cromley, Executive Assistant to the President
Ms. Jennifer Kluck, Administrative Assistant, President’s Office
Council of Trustees Advisors
Ms. Cheryl John, Treasurer, AFSCME Local 1977
Dr. Stephen Kokoska, President, Bloomsburg Chapter of APSCUF
Mr. David Stover, University Legal Counsel
Excused: Mr. Chris Bevan, President, CGA; Ms. Veronica Breisch, Bloomsburg
Chapter AFSCME Local 2361; Ms. Gretchen Osterman, Bloomsburg Chapter of
Call to Order
Mr. Steven Barth, Vice Chair of the Council of Trustees, called the meeting to
order and welcomed all those in attendance. He reported the Council of
Trustees met earlier in Executive Session to discuss land and legal issues.
Trustee Barth also mentioned the need for an additional action item to be added
to the agenda: Naming of an interim President from January 1, 2008 to
January 6, 2008. This is a requirement by the Pennsylvania State System of
Higher Education.
Trustee Barth welcomed special guests in the audience: Coach Karen Brandt;
Tom Pajic, Offensive/Recruiting Coordinator; Jamar Brittingham, a member of
the football team; Coach Jan Hutchinson; and Jamie Vanartsdalen, a member of
the field hockey team.
Pledge of Allegiance
In accord with House Resolution Number 32, Trustee Barth requested that
everyone stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Public Comments
On behalf of the Town of Bloomsburg and the Town Council, Mayor Claude
Renninger presented Dr. Jessica Kozloff a certificate of appreciation and a
pewter pin.
Minutes of the Council of Trustees
A motion was made by Trustee Barth, seconded by Trustee Davis, and
unanimously carried that the September 5, 2007 minutes be approved.
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Mowad to present the items relating to
President Emerita status.
President Emerita
Trustee Mowad made a motion to approve President Emerita status for Dr.
Jessica S. Kozloff and the following resolution:
WHEREAS, Dr. Jessica S. Kozloff, has served with great distinction as
Bloomsburg University President since 1994; and
WHEREAS, her education, experience, skills, leadership, expertise, insight,
diplomacy, and sound judgment have proven invaluable to the members of the
Council of Trustees; and
WHEREAS, she has forged resolutions on complex campus issues, built bridges
between the University and the Bloomsburg community; worked to update,
renovate or build new or existing facilities, expanded or created new academic
initiatives, effectively used the human and financial resources available for the
benefit of the many university constituencies, played a significant strategic
planning role in preparing Bloomsburg University for the future; and
WHEREAS, the students, faculty, staff and administration are grateful for her
advocacy on behalf of Bloomsburg University with the Council of Trustees, the
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), local, state and
national elected representatives; and
WHEREAS, her deep commitment, loyalty, enthusiasm, graciousness, warmth
and compassion are the culmination of a lifelong commitment to young people
and to education; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Trustees of
Bloomsburg University conveys its profound gratitude and esteem to our
colleague and friend for her dedicated service to Bloomsburg University with the
granting of the distinction and status of President Emerita.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be made a part of the official
minutes of the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University and that a copy be
presented to Dr. Jessica S. Kozloff.
Second by Trustee Klingerman. Unanimous approval.
Non-Instructional Emeritus
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Housenick to present the items relating to
Non Instructional Emeritus status.
Trustee Housenick made a motion to approve Non-Instructional Emeritus status
for Jolene Folk, Patrick Gaffney, Terry Lehman, John Martin, and Jerry Smith.
Seconded by Trustee Mowad. Unanimous approval.
Women’s Cross Country Team Resolution
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee D’Amico to present the resolution for the
women’s cross country team.
Trustee D’Amico made a motion to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Bloomsburg University women’s cross country team won both
the 2007 Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) and NCAA Division II
East Regional championship; and
WHEREAS, Coach Karen Brandt has been recognized by her coaching peers in
the United States Track, Field and Cross Country Coaches Association
(USTFCCCA) Coach of the Year in the Eastern Region of Division II. and
WHEREAS, the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
advocates excellence in athletics as well as academics, and recognizes the
important contributions of coaches, student-athletes, and the staff in the field of
athletics to the total university environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Trustees of
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania hereby congratulates the 2007
Bloomsburg University Women’s Cross Country Team and coach Karen Brandt
and extends their appreciation for the recognition they have brought to
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be made a part of the official
minutes of the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and
that a copy be presented to Coach Karen Brandt and the 2007 Bloomsburg
University Women’s Cross Country team.
Second by Trustee Klingerman. Unanimous approval.
Field Hockey Team Resolution
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Housenick to present the resolution for the
field hockey team.
Trustee Housenick made a motion to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Bloomsburg University field hockey team and head coach Jan
Hutchinson won the 2007 NCAA Division II field hockey championship and
finished the year with a record of 21-4; and
WHEREAS, the team won the championship for the second straight year; fifth
time in the last six years and ninth time in the last twelve; and
WHEREAS, the NCAA title was the 14
field hockey championship in school
history; and
WHEREAS, the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
advocates excellence in athletics as well as academics, and recognizes the
important contributions of coaches, student-athletes, and the staff in the field of
athletics to the total university environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Trustees of
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania hereby congratulates the 2007
Bloomsburg University Field Hockey Team, Head Coach Jan Hutchinson and
extends their appreciation for the recognition they have brought to Bloomsburg
University of Pennsylvania.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be made a part of the official
minutes of the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and
that a copy be presented to the 2007 Bloomsburg University field hockey team
and to Coach Jan Hutchinson.
Second by Trustee Mowad. Unanimous approval.
Jamie Vanartsdalen Resolution
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Dampman to present the resolution to field
hockey player, Jamie Vanartsdalen.
Trustee Dampman made a motion to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, field hockey player Jamie Vanartsdalen became the all-time leading
scorer in the history of Bloomsburg University and the Pennsylvania State
Athletic Conference (PSAC) with 196 points; and
WHEREAS, Jamie Vanartsdalen set a new Bloomsburg, PSAC and NCAA
Division II single-season scoring record with 89 points and the Bloomsburg and
PSAC record for assists in a season with 19;
WHEREAS, Jamie Vanartsdalen broke the 32-year old NCAA Division II record
for most goals in a season with 35; And
WHEREAS, the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
advocates excellence in athletics as well as academics, and recognizes the
important contributions of coaches, student-athletes, and the staff in the field of
athletics to the total university environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Trustees of
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania hereby congratulates Jamie
Vanartsdalen and extends their appreciation for the recognition she has brought
to Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be made a part of the official
minutes of the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and
that a copy be presented to Ms. Jamie Vanartsdalen.
Second by Trustee Housenick. Unanimous approval.
Football Team Resolution
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Klingerman to present the resolution to
football team.
Trustee Klingerman made a motion to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Bloomsburg University football team won the 500
game in the
history of the program; and
WHEREAS, the team has an all-time record of 501-421-32; and
WHEREAS, the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
advocates excellence in athletics as well as academics, and recognizes the
important contributions of coaches, student-athletes, and the staff in the field of
athletics to the total university environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Trustees of
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania hereby congratulates the 2007
Bloomsburg University Football Team, Head Coach Danny Hale and his
coaching staff and extends their appreciation for the recognition they have
brought to Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be made a part of the official
minutes of the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and
that a copy be presented to the 2007 Bloomsburg University Football team and to
Coach Danny Hale.
Second by Trustee Mowad. Unanimous approval.
Jamar Brittingham Resolution
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Davis to present the resolution to football
Trustee Davis made a motion to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, senior running back Jamar Brittingham became the all-time career
rushing leader in the history of both Bloomsburg University and in the
Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC); and
WHEREAS, Jamar Brittingham has finished his career with 5,689 yards rushing
and a total of 28 school and conference records; and
WHEREAS, Jamar Brittingham finished his career as the 14
all-time leading
rusher in NCAA Division II history; and
WHEREAS, the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
advocates excellence in athletics as well as academics, and recognizes the
important contributions of coaches, student-athletes, and the staff in the field of
athletics to the total university environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of Trustees of
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania hereby congratulates Jamar Brittingham
and extends their appreciation for the recognition he has brought to Bloomsburg
University of Pennsylvania.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be made a part of the official
minutes of the Council of Trustees of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and
that a copy be presented to Mr. Jamar Brittingham.
Second by Trustee Klingerman. Unanimous approval.
President’s Report
President Kozloff reviewed her President’s Report with the Trustees. A copy of
the report will be appended to the minutes.
Trustee Barth called upon Trustee Dampman to lead discussion on the Academic
Affairs section of the agenda.
Report on Diversity Issues
Trustee Dampman called upon Dr. James Mackin to lead the discussion item:
Report on Diversity Issues. Dr. Mackin made appropriate remarks.
Trustee Barth recognized Trustee Davis to lead discussion of the General
Administration section of the agenda.
Trustee Resolution Certifying Bloomsburg University Foundation
Compliance with Board of Governors Policy 1985-04-A
Trustee Housenick made a motion to approve the Resolution certifying
compliance with Board of Governors Policy 195-04-A:
WHEREAS, the Bloomsburg University Foundation exists solely for the benefit of
the university, requires an annual external audit of funds and publishes copies
thereof, and annually makes significant contributions to the benefit of
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania students and its academic programs; and
WHEREAS, a satisfactory written memorandum of understanding exists between
The Bloomsburg University Foundation and Bloomsburg University of
Pennsylvania; and
WHEREAS, appropriate fiduciary agreements have been enacted to allow the
Bloomsburg University Foundation to retain university gifts and grants; and
WHEREAS, the Bloomsburg University Foundation does not and will not
undertake programs or activities that are properly part of the university's
academic mission; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bloomsburg University of
Pennsylvania Council of Trustees certifies that the Bloomsburg University
Foundation is in compliance with the Board of Governors Policy 1985-04-A which
speaks to university external financial support.
Seconded by Trustee Mowad. Unanimous approval.
Approval of Purchasing Activity
Trustee Davis made a motion, seconded by Trustee Housenick and unanimously
carried, to approve purchasing activity under Act 188 in excess of $10,000 for
August 9, 2007 to November 2, 2007.
Auditor’s Report
Trustee Davis called upon Dr. Richard Rugen, Vice President of Administration
and Finance for comments relating to the auditor’s report.
Dr. Rugen introduced Andrea Caladie, of Parente Randolph, to present the audit
report. No questions from the Trustees.
Redman Stadium Renovation
Trustee Davis introduced Vice President Rugen who introduced Eric Milner,
Assistant Vice President of Administration to present the update on the Redman
Stadium renovation.
In addition to the update on Redman, Mr. Milner gave the Trustees an update on
Housing Improvements on upper campus. Bids for the housing improvements
came in slightly below estimated cost. Bids were $30,007,795; Estimated cost is
Bids for Redman Stadium improvements were higher than estimated. Without
lights: $3,200,000 bid price; Estimated cost is $2,600,000. With lights, the cost
would be an additional $250,000 with approval from the FAA.
The Trustees recommended a special meeting be held in the beginning of
December to review additional information and recommendations provided by Dr.
Rugen and Mr. Milner. A decision will be made at that time.
Trustee Barth recognized Trustee D’Amico to discuss the University and Student
Affairs section of the agenda.
Website and Branding Projects
Trustee D’Amico recognized Vice President Preston Herring to discuss the
information item website and branding projects. Dr. Herring introduced Wayne
Mohr, Assistant Vice President of Information and Communication Technology
and Liza Benedict, Director of the Office of Communications to make the
Mr. Mohr reviewed the website improvement accomplishments from October
2005 to August 2007 as well as the web review process, results, and
recommendations. He proceeded to discuss the branding study process, brand
drivers and the brand statement “A Great American Residential State University.”
COT Meeting Calendar 2008-2009
Trustee Barth called to the attention of the Trustees the 2008-2009 Council of
Trustees meeting calendar.
Interim President
Trustee Davis made a motion to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, President Jessica S. Kozloff will retire effective December 31, 2007
WHEREAS, Dr. David Soltz will assume the office of President effective January
7, 2008 and
WHEREAS, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania requires the appointment of
an interim president for the period of January 1, 2008 to January 6, 2008;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of Trustees at Bloomsburg
University of Pennsylvania recommends to the Chancellor and the Board of
Governors of the State System of Higher Education, that Dr. James Mackin serve
as Interim President for the period of January 1, 2008 to January 6, 2008.
Second by Trustee Klingerman. Unanimous approval.
With no other items to be presented to the Council, Trustee Barth adjourned the
meeting at 11:45 p.m.
________________________ ___________________________
Marie Conley Lammando Jennifer D. Kluck
Secretary Administrative Assistant
November 28, 2007
Here is a summary of what we have accomplished since we met in September.
The Master of Science in Clinical Athletic Training was approved by the
Board of Governors
Music Department granted “full membership” accreditation with the
National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).
The Art and Art History program had a site visit from a National
Association of Schools of Art and Design accreditation team.
The Electronics Engineering and Technology program in the Department
of Physics had a successful site visit and a positive exit interview visit with
the ABET accreditation team.
Concept proposals were submitted for an M.Ed. in School-Based Speech-
Language Pathology and an M.A. in Public Policy and International Affairs.
A team of anthropologists that includes BU professor DeeAnne Wymer
has earned a legal easement for the next 25 years to an Ohio farm that
contains archaeological sites.
The land owner has created a special legal easement which gives
unrestricted access to the property, including ownership of the excavated
artifacts and the right to bring university students onto the property for
archaeological fieldschools. Ten Bloomsburg University anthropology
students participated in recent excavations at the site.
Admissions begin next semester for our Bachelor of Science degree
program in American Sign Language / English Interpreting with classes
starting in the fall 2008 semester. Our program is the only four-year
program of its kind in Pennsylvania and one of very few programs on the
east coast that results in a bachelor's degree. New student admission to
the program was stopped several years ago while the university recruited
two new faculty members. Thirteen students who had already been
admitted will complete their degree in May.
Bloomsburg University received a grant from the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) to provide scholarships for one or two students per
year who are enrolled in BU’s health physics program. Scholarship
recipients will be selected through a competitive process based primarily
on academic merit and other criteria established by the NRC. David
Simpson, associate professor of physics and engineering technology and
coordinator of BU’s health physics program, is director for the project.
Since we last met, we officially dedicated the McCormick Center building
addition and the Academic Quadrangle during Homecoming weekend.
We have received many positive comments on both from our faculty, staff,
students and alumni.
We have one faculty who has been granted faculty emeritus status; Dr.
David Greenwald from Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice.
It has indeed been a very good semester thanks to the efforts of many faculty
and staff.