Horace Mann Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill
Scholarship Program
April 2023
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Josh Shapiro, Governor
Department of Education
Khalid N. Mumin, Ed.D., Acting Secretary
Office of Postsecondary and Higher Education
Kate Shaw, Ph.D., Deputy Secretary
Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult Education
Kimberly J. McCurdy, Ph.D., Director
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) does not discriminate in its educational
programs, activities, or employment practices, based on race, color, national origin, [sex] gender,
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policy is in accordance with State Law including the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and with
Federal law, including Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the Pennsylvania
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All Media Requests/Inquiries: Contact the Office of Press & Communications at (717) 783-9802
Table of Contents
Program Description ...................................................................................................................... 1
Legislative Authorization and Program Funding ............................................................................ 1
Eligibility Requirements ................................................................................................................. 1
Partner Graduate Universities ....................................................................................................... 2
Applying for a Bond-Hill Scholarship ............................................................................................. 2
Bond-Hill Scholarship Application .............................................................................................. 3
Letter of Recommendation from the Undergraduate University ................................................ 3
Letter of Acceptance from the Partner Graduate University ...................................................... 4
Proof of Pennsylvania Residency .............................................................................................. 4
U.S. Citizenship and Residency Requirements ......................................................................... 4
Additional Documentation .......................................................................................................... 4
Application Review Process .......................................................................................................... 4
Award Notification ......................................................................................................................... 5
Accepting the Offer .................................................................................................................... 6
Declining the Offer ..................................................................................................................... 6
Deferring Enrollment .................................................................................................................. 6
Failure to Comply with Scholarship Requirements ........................................................................ 7
Leave of Absence .......................................................................................................................... 7
Dropping Courses ......................................................................................................................... 7
Failing Courses ............................................................................................................................. 7
Withdrawing from the Graduate Program or University ................................................................. 8
Approved Use of Scholarship Funds ............................................................................................. 8
Releasing Scholarship Funds ........................................................................................................ 8
Administrative Stipend for Undergraduate Universities ................................................................. 9
Reporting ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Cheyney University & Lincoln University ................................................................................... 9
Graduate Universities ................................................................................................................ 9
Roles and Responsibilities .......................................................................................................... 10
Undergraduate Universities ..................................................................................................... 10
Program Administration ........................................................................................................ 10
Outreach and Recruitment ................................................................................................... 10
Student Application Coordination ......................................................................................... 10
Scholarship Recipients ............................................................................................................ 11
Graduate Universities .............................................................................................................. 11
Admissions ........................................................................................................................... 11
Fiscal .................................................................................................................................... 12
Enrollment and Academic Standing Verification .................................................................. 12
Glossary ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix A: Scholarship Application ........................................................................................... 13
Appendix B: Scholarship Acceptance Form ................................................................................ 15
Appendix C: Textbook Reimbursement Form ............................................................................. 16
Updated April 2023 1
Program Description
The Horace Mann Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill Scholarship Program (Bond-Hill) provides financial
assistance to Pennsylvania students from Cheyney University of Pennsylvania (Cheyney) and
Lincoln University (Lincoln) who pursue approved professional and graduate programs at
Pennsylvania state-related universities and universities in the Pennsylvania State System of
Higher Education (PASSHE).
Originated in 1983, the scholarship is named in honor of two distinguished past presidents of
Lincoln University and Cheyney University, Horace Mann Bond and Leslie Pinckney Hill,
The Bond-Hill scholarship program provides award recipients with funds toward tuition, tuition-
related fees, and required course materials for up to four years (or eight full-time semesters) of
graduate or professional study, depending on the student’s field of study and academic standing.
Students enrolled in professional graduate-level programs in law, medicine, podiatry, and
dentistry at partner universities receive priority funding. Based on available funding, scholarships
also may be awarded to students admitted to other approved professional and graduate
programs at the partner universities.
Legislative Authorization and Program Funding
Legislative authorization for the Bond-Hill scholarship program is included in the General
Assembly’s annual appropriation to Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA).
The appropriation provides funding for the Bond-Hill scholarships and for outreach and
recruitment activities related to the scholarship program through Cheyney and Lincoln. The
Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) administers the scholarship program in
cooperation with PHEAA.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible students must:
Be a senior at Cheyney or Lincoln or be a graduate of a baccalaureate degree program at
either university;
Be accepted as a full-time student in an approved professional or graduate degree
program at a Pennsylvania state-related university or PASSHE university;
Enroll full-time in the program within five years of graduating from either university;
Be recommended by the Dean of the undergraduate institution;
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident or hold a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA) work authorization document or Temporary Protected Status (TPS) with work
Be a resident of Pennsylvania for at least one year at the time of application and remain a
resident during the entire term of the scholarship;
Demonstrate high academic performance and maintain satisfactory progress;
Submit a completed application packet to PDE via Cheney or Lincoln.
Updated April 2023 2
Partner Graduate Universities
Eligible students may receive scholarships to enroll full-time in select professional and graduate
degree programs at the following partner universities, including online programs:
Cheyney University of PA
Commonwealth University of PA (including the Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, or Mansfield
East Stroudsburg University of PA
Indiana University of PA
Kutztown University of PA
Lincoln University
Millersville University of PA
Pennsylvania State University
Pennsylvania West University (including the California, Clarion, or Edinboro campuses)
Shippensburg University of PA
Slippery Rock University of PA
Temple University
University of Pittsburgh
West Chester University of PA
Applying for a Bond-Hill Scholarship
Scholarship applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and are awarded contingent on available
funding. Applicants will not be considered until their application packets are complete. Application
packets are considered complete when all required materials have been received by PDE.
The student’s undergraduate institution is responsible for submitting the completed scholarship
application packet to PDE. Applicants should work with the Bond-Hill representative at Cheyney
or Lincoln to compile the required application materials. Students may not submit application
materials directly to PDE.
The application packet includes the following:
Bond-Hill scholarship application signed by the student;
Letter of recommendation from the student’s undergraduate university, signed by the
Bond-Hill Scholarship administrator at the university and on official university letterhead;
Letter of full acceptance from the partner graduate university, signed by an official
representative of the university and on official letterhead (conditional acceptance letters
may be considered for a preliminary application approval; however, a full acceptance
letter must be sent before funding will be paid. Failure to update the conditional
acceptance letter will result in forfeiture of the scholarship);
Documentation confirming the student is a resident of Pennsylvania; and
Documentation that the student is a citizen or lawful permanent resident or holds a
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) work authorization document or Temporary
Protected Status (TPS) with work authorization document.
Updated April 2023 3
Bond-Hill Scholarship Application
Interested students apply for the scholarship through their undergraduate universities (Cheyney
or Lincoln). Below is contact information for the Bond-Hill scholarship administrators at each
Cheyney University
Cheyney Honors Academy
1837 University Circle
P.O. Box 200
Cheyney, PA 19319
Dr. Eric Schumacher
Phone: 610.399.2599
Lincoln University
Class Dean
1570 Baltimore P
Lincoln U
niversity, PA 19352
Yvonne Hilton
Phone: 484.365.7
Applicants must provide the following information on the scholarship application:
Full name;
Contact information, including current mailing address, phone number, and email address;
State of residency;
Country of citizenship;
Undergraduate university and graduation date (month/year);
Graduate university;
Professional or graduate degree program;
Date of acceptance and enrollment in the graduate program including if the program is a
year-round program; and
Expected date of graduation from graduate program.
Letter of Recommendation from the Undergraduate University
All applicants must be recommended by their respective undergraduate universities to be
considered for the scholarship. The letter of recommendation must be written on university
letterhead and signed by the university’s Bond-Hill scholarship administrator. The letter must
include, at minimum, the following information:
A statement indicating why the applicant should receive a Bond-Hill scholarship;
Confirmation that the student is planning to enroll full-time in an approved graduate
degree program at a partner graduate university;
The student’s intended graduate degree program and graduate university;
The student’s date of enrollment in the graduate program and expected date of
Confirmation that the student is a Pennsylvania resident and a citizen or permanent
resident of the United States or holds a DACA work authorization document or Temporary
Protected Status; and
Confirmation that the student was eligible for in-state tuition in the final year at the
undergraduate institution, has lived in Pennsylvania for at least one year, or is eligible for
in-state tuition at the graduate university.
Updated April 2023 4
Letter of Acceptance from the Partner Graduate University
All applicants must submit a copy of their graduate program acceptance letter. The letter must be
written on university letterhead and signed by an official representative from the graduate
university. Copies of official acceptance emails may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. The
letter should include the following information:
Applicant's name;
Applicant’s Pennsylvania address;
Graduate program to which the student has been accepted;
Date of enrollment at the graduate institution;
Expected date of graduation from the graduate program; and
Estimated total cost of full-time tuition, fees, and course materials per semester.
If the graduate program acceptance letter does not include all the above information, the
university may provide the student with supplementary documentation.
Proof of Pennsylvania Residency
The applicant must be a resident of Pennsylvania for at least one year at the time of application
and remain a resident during the entire term of the scholarship. The student’s undergraduate
university is responsible for confirming the student’s residency in the letter of recommendation.
After the student receives the scholarship award, the student’s graduate university is responsible
for confirming the student’s residency each semester. PDE reserves the right to request a student
submit proof of residency any time during the application process and while participating in the
scholarship program.
U.S. Citizenship and Residency Requirements
Qualified students must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or hold a DACA
work authorization document or Temporary Protected Status (TPS) with work authorization.
Citizenship, permanent resident status or work authorization should be confirmed by the
undergraduate institution in the letter of recommendation. PDE reserves the right to require an
applicant to provide additional documentation.
Additional Documentation
Applicants and the universities may provide additional documentation if they choose. Likewise,
PDE reserves the right to request additional information and documentation as needed to
effectively evaluate the student’s application and determine acceptance into the scholarship
Application Review Process
PDE reviews scholarship applications on a rolling basis and awards are contingent on available
Updated April 2023 5
New awards will be granted to eligible applicants pursuing approved professional and graduate
degree programs at PASSHE universities and Pennsylvania state-related universities. Award
recipients may not enroll in graduate programs at the same institution where they earned their
undergraduate degree.
New scholarship awards will be approved in accordance with the following tiered process,
contingent on available program funds.
Tier I
: Awards will be granted to eligible new applicants pursuing the following professional
Podiatry; and
Tier II
: To the extent that additional scholarship funds are available after the first level is fully
funded, scholarships will be awarded to eligible students admitted to professional and graduate
programs in the following fields of study:
Computer Science;
Education, including the Doctorate of Education;
Public Administration;
Public Health Administration;
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Health Sciences (STEM-H); and
Social Work
The number of new scholarships awarded each year is based on the availability of program
funding and the annual appropriation from the General Assembly. Awards vary by individual and
are based on the costs of the student’s graduate university and graduate degree program.
Qualified students are eligible to receive a Bond-Hill scholarship for the length of the program as
defined by the graduate university, not to exceed a total of eight full-time semesters.
Award Notification
After the application packet is reviewed and the applicant is deemed eligible for a Bond-Hill
scholarship, PDE will send an award notification letter to the student, the student’s undergraduate
and graduate universities, and PHEAA. The award letter will include an offer of acceptance to the
scholarship program and the terms of acceptance.
The terms of acceptance will be as follows:
Scholarship recipients must meet all eligibility requirements of the scholarship program while
enrolled in the graduate degree program, including being enrolled full-time and being a resident of
The institutions and students must confirm with the professional licensure agency that they are eligible to apply for licensure upon
completion of the graduate program.
Updated April 2023 6
The scholarship award may be used to cover the cost of tuition, tuition-related fees, and required
course-specific textbooks, course materials, and/or medical equipment in the approved graduate
program, contingent on available funding.
The student is responsible for ensuring that bills for tuition, tuition-related fees, and required
course materials are submitted to PDE by their graduate universities each
academic period.
Scholarship funds may cover the costs for summer and/or winter interim enrollment provided that
the courses are being used to accelerate degree completion.
Accepting the Offer
To accept the scholarship, the student must sign and return the Scholarship Acceptance Form to
PDE within 10 days of receiving the award letter. See Appendix A.
Declining the Offer
If a student chooses not to accept the scholarship, the student should mark the Scholarship
Acceptance Form accordingly and return the form to PDE within 10 days of receiving the award
letter. See Appendix A.
If the student does not respond to the award letter within 10 days, PDE will attempt to contact the
student. If the student cannot be reached, PDE reserves the right to defer or rescind the
scholarship offer.
Deferring Enrollment
A student who has been awarded a scholarship may request the award be deferred until a later
date within the same academic year. The student must submit a written request to PDE prior to
the start of the semester in which the student originally planned to enroll along with
documentation from the graduate university indicating the following:
Student’s name;
Student’s current contact Information, including address, phone number and email
Graduate program;
Graduate university;
Original date of enrollment;
New date of enrollment; and
Anticipated graduation date.
Once received, PDE will respond to the student in writing with a decision. A student wishing to
defer enrollment beyond the academic year in which the award was originally granted will be
required to reapply the following year as long as they are within their 5-year eligibility window.
A student who has enrolled at a different participating institution since their application was
received will be required to reapply the following year as long as they are within their five-year
eligibility window.
Updated April 2023 7
Failure to Comply with Scholarship Requirements
A student may receive the Bond-Hill scholarship for the duration of the initial degree program, not
to exceed four academic years or a total of eight semesters of enrollment, provided the student
enrolls full-time in the approved graduate program, continues to meet the scholarship eligibility
criteria, and maintains satisfactory academic standing, as defined by the graduate university. A
student who does not meet these requirements will have the scholarship rescinded. When this
occurs, PDE will send written notification to the student, the Bond-Hill scholarship coordinators at
the student’s undergraduate and graduate institutions, and PHEAA. The scholarship program
provides funding for required program coursework and pays for courses only once.
Leave of Absence
An award recipient may request the scholarship be suspended for up to one academic year while
on an approved leave of absence from the graduate university.
After the graduate university approves the leave of absence, the student must submit written
notification to PDE along with documentation from the graduate university indicating the following:
Student name;
Graduate program;
Leave of absence effective date;
Expected date of return to the graduate program;
Number of full-time semesters remaining to complete program;
Expected graduation date; and
Confirmation that the student is maintaining academic progress and permitted by the
university to return to the approved graduate program after the leave of absence.
The request will be considered by the Director of the Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult
Education. If the leave request is approved, the student’s file will be placed on "inactive/hold"
status until the graduate university notifies PDE that the leave of absence has ended, and the
student has enrolled full-time in the graduate program.
Reinstatement of the award is contingent on availability of funds and official readmission to the
graduate program by the graduate institution.
Dropping Courses
Students must enroll full-time (minimum nine credits or as determined by the graduate university
for the student’s degree program) each semester to qualify for an award. For this reason,
students are advised to speak to a program advisor and the university scholarship coordinator
prior to making schedule changes.
Failing Courses
The student is financially responsible for retaking failed courses.
Updated April 2023 8
Withdrawing from the Graduate Program or University
A student who withdraws from the graduate program or university forfeits the scholarship award
effective the date of withdrawal. The student is responsible for notifying PDE within 30 days of the
date of withdrawal.
Approved Use of Scholarship Funds
The Bond-Hill Scholarship Program provides recipients with funding for tuition, tuition-related
fees, and required course-specific textbooks and materials for the length of the degree program,
not to exceed eight semesters of full-time graduate or professional study, depending on the
student’s field of study and academic standing.
Releasing Scholarship Funds
Reimbursement each semester is dependent on the graduate university submitting the following
documentation to PDE on behalf of the scholarship recipient:
University invoice indicating cost of tuition and tuition-related fees charged to the student
for the semester;
The student’s signed and completed PDE Textbook Reimbursement Form along with the
itemized receipts verifying the cost for each purchase and course syllabi indicating the
purchased items are course requirements. (See Appendix B: Bond-Hill Textbook
Reimbursement Form); and
Confirmation that the student is enrolled full-time, meets the award criteria, and is in good
academic standing for the academic period in which reimbursement is being requested.
The graduate university is responsible for submitting an invoice to PDE for each academic period
in which a student is enrolled in the graduate program of study. Institutions are permitted to
invoice PDE for the exact cost of tuition and required fees, textbooks, and related materials each
semester of enrollment, not to exceed the equivalent of eight full-time semesters or the length of
the program, whichever is less. Universities may not invoice for room and board, late fees, and
student loans, including loan interest, or origination fees. Expenses that accrued prior to the
program approval date are not eligible for reimbursement.
Student bills and expense forms should be sent to ra-[email protected]
prior to the end
of the semester in which the expenses occurred:
Missing or incomplete invoices or forms may result in payment delay or denial.
Following receipt and approval of these bills, PDE will submit a payment request to PHEAA.
PHEAA will disperse award funds directly to the university via wire transfer usually within 30 days.
Scholarship funds are to be applied directly to the student’s university account. Award funds may
not be sent directly to the student. Neither PHEAA nor the university may submit payment to a
lender on a student’s behalf. PDE will not approve and PHEAA is not permitted to release funds
for non-eligible expenses.
Updated April 2023 9
Administrative Stipend for Undergraduate Universities
Historically, the General Assembly has provided for Cheyney University and Lincoln University to
receive funding for recruitment and outreach. The administrative stipend shall be determined
annually by PDE based on the appropriation and availability of funds.
Release of the funds by PHEAA is contingent on PDE’s receipt and acceptance of the following
information from Cheyney and Lincoln universities:
End of year report recounting the institution’s recruitment and outreach activities for the
prior academic year;
A final program budget for the academic year; and
A proposed budget for the upcoming academic year.
Cheyney University & Lincoln University
Cheyney and Lincoln shall submit the following information electronically to PDE no later than
September 30 of each year:
1. Year-End Report for the academic year:
Narrative explaining student recruitment at the high school and college level, coordination
of the nomination process, communication to students, and communication with the
approved graduate universities and supporting pre- professional campus-based
The applicant pool for the award.
Program goals, including desired outcomes, activities used to achieve the goals, and
related costs.
Final budget showing how the university used state-appropriated funds to administer the
scholarship program on its campus.
2. Proposed Budget describing how the university plans to use state-appropriated funds
To administer the scholarship program and recruit applicants for the upcoming
academic year.
The release of funds by PHEAA for outreach efforts is contingent on PDE’s receipt and
acceptance of the above information.
Graduate Universities
Scholarship eligibility is based on a student being enrolled full-time in an approved graduate
degree program, making academic progress as defined by the graduate university, and
maintaining residency in Pennsylvania.
For this reason, each semester, each graduate university with enrolled scholarship recipients
shall report to PDE the following information:
Name of Bond-Hill Scholars enrolled and the professional/graduate programs in which
Updated April 2023 10
they are enrolled;
GPA, number of credits completed, and number of credits remaining (if known) per
Anticipated date of graduation;
U.S. citizenship, lawful permanent residency, or work authorization and confirmation that
the student is eligible for in-state tuition; and
Confirmation that the university considers the student to be in good academic standing.
Reports are due no later than one month after the end of the semester for which the data is being
reported and should be sent to ra-[email protected]
Roles and Responsibilities
Undergraduate Universities
Program Administration
Cheyney and Lincoln universities must provide the necessary staff to recruit and administer
the scholarship program on their respective campuses. Responsibilities include informing
students of the program, coordinating the student application process, communicating with
the partner graduate universities, and supporting pre-professional campus-based
Outreach and Recruitment
Cheyney and Lincoln universities are required to use a combination of outreach and
recruitment activities to assist students with preparing for graduate school and to create a
pool of qualified scholarship applicants each year.
“Outreach activities” are activities that serve to promote and inform students about the Bond-
Hill Scholarship Program. An example of an “outreach activity” is an event the university
sponsors for high school students who are still deciding on a major and an undergraduate
“Recruitment activities” are defined as specific actions that result in students applying to and
being prepared for the scholarship program and the graduate program in which they intend to
enroll. For example, a Bond-Hill information session for junior undergraduates interested in
entering the medical field is a “recruitment activity.”
Student Application Coordination
PDE relies on the undergraduate universities to coordinate the following duties:
Confirm that each applicant meets the Bond-Hill Scholarship Program eligibility
Provide a written recommendation for each qualified applicant that includes appropriate
information related to student’s eligibility for the Bond-Hill scholarship;
Assist applicants with compiling the scholarship application packet; and
Submit student application packets to PDE in a timely manner.
Updated April 2023 11
Scholarship Recipients
Availability or continuation of the Bond-Hill scholarship is contingent on students adhering to the
following responsibilities. Failure to do so may result in a loss of the scholarship.
1. Ensure that all required documentation and the application are submitted to Cheyney or
Lincoln to meet the application deadline.
2. Maintain continuous Pennsylvania residency for the entire program.
3. If a non-citizen, maintain lawful permanent residency or work authorization.
4. Be continuously enrolled full-time in the approved graduate degree program at the
graduate university (exceptions may apply on a case-by-case basis per term).
5. Demonstrate high academic performance and maintain satisfactory progress as
determined by the graduate university.
6. Notify PDE immediately of any changes to the following:
Residency status;
Contact information;
Enrollment status, including, but not limited to, graduation, part-time enrollment, leave
of absence, course withdrawal and program dismissal; and/or
Intended graduate program.
7. Submit the Bond-Hill Textbook Reimbursement Form along with original receipts and
course syllabi to the coordinating office at the graduate university each semester.
8. Abide by the requirements and terms of the scholarship guidelines.
Graduate Universities
Graduate universities are responsible for the following activities:
1. Reviewing candidates for their intended graduate program of study based on the
institution’s standard admission procedures.
2. Providing each scholarship applicant accepted into the approved graduate program with
an official letter of acceptance that includes the following information. If the acceptance
letter does not include all the required information, the university may provide the student
with supplementary documentation.
Applicant’s name;
Applicant’s Pennsylvania address;
Graduate program to which the student is accepted;
Date of enrollment at the graduate university;
Expected date of graduation from the graduate program;
Statement indicating the student will be charged in-state tuition and fees; and
Updated April 2023 12
Estimated cost of full-time tuition, fees, and course materials for the entire graduate
program by semester.
Graduate universities are responsible for submitting student invoices to PDE each academic
period in which the student is enrolled in the program of study. Institutions may invoice PDE
for the full cost of tuition, tuition-related fees, and required course materials, including
textbooks, supplies, and medical supplies. Institutions should submit the university bill
reflecting tuition charges and tuition-related fees and the completed Bond-Hill Textbook
Reimbursement Form (See Appendix B) along with receipts and course syllabi. Inclusive book
access fees will be considered mandatory charges if the student doesn’t opt out and would be
paid in lieu of an itemized book reimbursement form. Invoices received after the semester’s
completion will be paid based on availability of funds. Graduate universities are responsible
for providing financial projections for each student to PDE as requested.
Graduate universities agree to accept payment by electronic transfer from PHEAA on the
student’s behalf and to apply those funds to the student’s account for that semester.
Enrollment and Academic Standing Verification
Scholarship eligibility is based on a student being enrolled full-time in an approved graduate
degree program, making academic progress as defined by the graduate university, and
maintaining residency in Pennsylvania while enrolled in the program. Therefore, PDE relies
on the graduate universities to confirm for each term the enrollment status and academic
standing for each scholarship recipient.
Graduate universities are expected to notify PDE of any changes to student’s eligibility such
as enrollment status, graduation, withdrawal, or leave of absence.
DACA work authorization document: A document issued by the United States Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) that provides temporary employment authorization to noncitizens
in the United States who have obtained Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival status.
Full-time enrollment: Enrollment for a minimum of nine credits per term or as determined by the
graduate university for the respective program. Doctoral students admitted to the dissertation
phase of the program must be enrolled for a minimum of three semester credits and must be
considered as full-time students by their department and university.
Lawful Permanent Resident: A resident alien, who is not a U.S. citizen, who has been lawfully
admitted to the United States to live and work permanently and has been issued a Lawful
Permanent Resident Card by the U.S. Government.
Pennsylvania resident: A student with continuous residency in the commonwealth at least 12
months prior to applying for the Bond-Hill Scholarship.
Tuition-related fees: Mandatory fees for all graduate students in the approved program of study
at the graduate university. These fees support the infrastructure of the university. While these
fees are calculated on the same basis as tuition, they are not determined by course requirements.
Appendix A: Scholarship Application
Horace Mann Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill
Scholarship Application
Eligibility Requirements
Be a senior at Cheyney or Lincoln or be a graduate of a baccalaureate degree program at
either university;
Be accepted as a full-time student in an approved professional or graduate degree program
at a Pennsylvania state-related university or PASSHE university;
Enroll full-time in the program within five years of graduating from either university;
Be recommended by the Dean of the respective university;
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident or hold a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA) work authorization document or Temporary Protected Status (TPS) with work
Be a resident of Pennsylvania for at least one year at the time of application and remain a
resident during the entire term of the scholarship;
Demonstrate high academic performance and maintain satisfactory progress;
Submit a completed application packet to PDE via Cheney or Lincoln.
Name: ____________________________________________________Date: ________________
Home Address: __________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________ State: __________________ Zip: ___________
Phone: _______________________ Email: ____________________________________________
University: Cheyney University of PA Lincoln University
Date of graduation (or expected graduation): __________________
Are you a current resident of Pennsylvania? Yes No
Are you a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident, or recipient of a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival
(DACA) employment authorization document? Yes No
Graduate Program Information
Eligible students may receive scholarships to enroll full-time in select professional and graduate degree
programs at the following partner universities, including online programs:
Cheyney University of PA
Commonwealth University of PA (including
the Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, or Mansfield
East Stroudsburg University of PA
Indiana University of PA
Kutztown University of PA
Lincoln University
Millersville University of PA
Pennsylvania State University
Pennsylvania West University (including
the California, Clarion, or Edinboro
Shippensburg University of PA
Slippery Rock University of PA
Temple University
University of Pittsburgh
West Chester University of PA
University that you have applied to: _______________________________________________
Program: _________________________________ Date of enrollment: ___________________
Summer and/or winter enrollment is required to complete my program: Yes No
*Note you are required to be full-time during the fall and spring semesters.
Expected completion date: ____________________
Please attach the following documents to your application for consideration:
Unofficial transcript
Cover Letter from the candidate
Letter of recommendation from your undergraduate institution
Full acceptance letter from graduate institution (if you are an undergraduate and the acceptance
letter is conditional, you must provide the full acceptance letter upon your graduation from your
undergraduate program)
Documentation of Pennsylvania residency (include your driver’s license and a W-2 from the prior
year and/or a bill or lease showing your residency during the year prior to application).
I, __________________________________, have read and understand the conditions of the Horace Mann
Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill Scholarship as noted by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. I affirm that
I plan to pursue a career as defined in the Bond-Hill Scholarship Guidelines.
I give permission to officials of my institution to release transcripts of my academic record and other
information requested for consideration in the Bond-Hill Scholarship program. I understand that this
application will be available only to qualified people who meet all eligibility requirements. I affirm the
information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________
Appendix B: Scholarship Acceptance Form
Horace Mann Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill
Scholarship Acceptance Form
Name Date
Home Address
City State Zip
Phone Email
I accept the Horace Mann Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill Scholarship and agree to abide by the
following terms and conditions of the award:
Maintain continuous Pennsylvania and U.S. residency for the entire program.
Be continuously enrolled full-time in the approved graduate degree program.
Demonstrate high academic performance and maintain satisfactory progress as
determined by the graduate institution.
Notify the Department immediately of any changes to the following:
Residency status
Contact information, including change of address
Enrollment status at the graduate institution, including change to part-time enrollment
Change of major
Leave of absence, withdraw or dismissal from the program or university
Submit the Bond-Hill Textbook Reimbursement Form and original receipts to the coordinating
office at the graduate institution each semester.
Abide by the terms of the scholarship requirements and guidelines.
Graduate Program Date of Enrollment
Summer and/or winter enrollment is required to complete my program.
Expected Graduation Date _
I decline the Horace Mann Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill Scholarship. I am declining the scholarship
offer for the following reason/s:
_ _
_ _
_ _
Please sign and return this Agreement within ten (10) days of receiving the scholarship offer to:
Dr. Kimberly McCurdy, Bureau Director
Office of Postsecondary and Higher Education
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 12
Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
ra-edbondhillgrant[email protected]
Appendix C: Textbook Reimbursement Form
Bond-Hill Scholarship
Textbook Reimbursement Form
Student Name: ________________________________________ Graduate University: ___________________________________
Date of Request: ______________________________ Semester of Enrollment: Fall □ Winter □ Spring □ Summer □ 20______
Total Reimbursement Requested by Student: _______________
Graduate University Approval
Amount Approved by University: ____________________ Date Approved: ____________________
Approved by: ________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________
1. Purchase required textbooks and/or course-specific materials for the courses in which you are enrolled this semester.
2. Complete the form below as indicated.
3. Attach itemized receipt(s) for each item(s) listed.
4. Attach a copy of the syllabus for each course in which you are enrolled and course materials are required. If you are enrolled in a course that does
not require textbooks or course materials, then the course should not be listed on the form.
5. Make copies of this form and all related documentation for your records.
6. Submit the form and related documentation to the Bond-Hill Coordinating Office at your graduate university as soon as possible each semester.
7. Your graduate university then will submit the form on your behalf to the Bond-Hill Scholarship Program Administrator at the Pennsylvania
Department of Education (PDE).
Note: Textbook Reimbursement Forms MUST be submitted and approved by PDE no later than the last day of the semester. Forms submitted after this
date will be approved based upon available funding.
Course Number &
Course Title
Material Description
(i.e., title of textbook or
description of class material)
(i.e., college bookstore,
Barnes & Noble, online)
Cost of
Ex: Acct 5001-004
Principles of Accounting
Advanced Principles of Accounting
College Bookstore
Course Number &
Course Title
Material Description
(i.e., title of textbook or
description of class material)
(i.e., college bookstore,
Barnes & Noble, online)
Cost of