Washington Township Health Care District
Board of Directors Policy
Category: Governance and General Administration
Policy No: A-007
Original Adoption Date: 05/06/60
Last Reviewed/Revised Date: 04/18/22
Last Approval Date: 05/11/22
The purpose of this policy is to set out guidelines and procedures concerning reimbursement of
reasonable travel and related expenses incurred by Directors while on District business.
Directors will be reimbursed for appropriate and reasonable travel and hospitality expenses
incurred in connection with District business. Each Board Member shall be allowed his/her
actual necessary traveling and incidental expenses incurred in the performance of official
business of the District. This includes travel in connection with attending meetings related to the
business of the District, which includes, but is not limited to, attending meetings of organizations
and associations of which the District is a member.
Each Board Member is authorized and encouraged to attend conferences sponsored by such
organizations as the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and Estes Park Institute. These
organizations (and organizations like them) are key resources for Board Member education as
required by the Joint Commission and good governance practices.
Board members are expected to exercise due diligence when making travel arrangements and
incurring expenses for travel and meals in connection with their activities relating to the District.
Expenses should enable the Director to complete District business with reasonable cost to the
District, consistent with the least amount of interruption to the Director’s regular business and
personal schedules.
Costs related to others traveling with the Director (e.g. spouse, child) are not eligible for
reimbursement by the District.
The foregoing described travel is hereby referred to as “Authorized Travel.”
All reasonable travel, meals, lodging and other actual and necessary expenses incurred in
connection with Authorized Travel as further specified below is hereby approved.
Mode of Transportation
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Board Policy – A-007
Travel and Reimbursement Policy
Page 2
The mode of transportation chosen (air, train, or car) should be that which enables the Director to
attend to District business with the least cost to the District and the least disruption to the
Director’s regular business and personal schedule, including consideration of time away from
1. Air Travel. Air travel will be reimbursed/paid at coach or economy class. If reasonably
possible, reservations should be made early to obtain the lowest rate available. The
ticket/eTicket for each segment of travel shall be attached to the expense claim form.
2. Rental Cars. The standard car rental for members is a “mid-sized” car. A larger vehicle is
approved if more than two members share a single vehicle. Generally, rental car agencies
provide insurance coverage at a premium. The District recommends electing such coverage.
However, credit card companies (i.e., “gold cards”) may offer the same coverage at no extra
cost under the credit card’s policy. Before accepting or declining the rental car agency’s
coverage, determine whether the credit card company provides the same coverage at no extra
cost. The receipt for car rental shall be attached to the expense claim form.
3. Private Auto/Mileage allowance. For trips up to 300 miles, private vehicle usage will be
reimbursed at a rate equal to the then current rate set by the Internal Revenue Service for
mileage. For trips which require travel beyond 300 miles, the Board Member will be
reimbursed at the “economy” airfare to/from the location. Mileage will be calculated based
on a round-trip to and from the main Hospital campus. Private autos must be insured at the
minimum California requirement or greater. Parking and bridge tolls will be reimbursed.
The District assumes no financial responsibility for damage or other claims as a result of
using a personal vehicle for District business. Receipts for parking charges and applicable
bridge or highway tolls shall be attached to the expense claim form.
4. Taxi and other transportation services. Taxis, shuttles, airport transfers and other such
services will be reimbursed including reasonable and customary tips for services. Receipts
shall be attached to the expense claim form.
Meals will be reimbursed at a per diem rate of $60.00 (including taxes and tips), provided
however, that the per diem rate may be adjusted as needed to account for participation at group
meals at conferences and other events. Original, itemized receipts (including taxes and
gratuities) shall be attached to the expense claim form.
Expense claims for the consumption of alcohol while on District business will not be reimbursed.
Other Business Related Expenses
Business related expense such as faxes, internet service, Federal Express charges and mail
service will be reimbursed.
While traveling on District business, Board Members are encouraged to stay at reasonably priced
hotels. In addition, when attending conferences such as IHI and Estes Park, Board Members are
DocuSign Envelope ID: F168ED5B-A1E6-4B4A-A849-95B3E38B065BDocuSign Envelope ID: AE2B0142-AE1B-45CA-B9D3-57E46B716101
Board Policy – A-007
Travel and Reimbursement Policy
Page 3
encouraged to stay at the same hotel as the conference location to allow for full participation.
Premium accommodations should be avoided unless no other suitable arrangements can be made
or if the conference/meeting being attended is held in such a setting; provided, however, that the
lodging costs shall not exceed the maximum group rate published by the conference or activity
sponsor. Hotel arrangements will be reimbursed only when staying overnight and the hotel is
outside of a 75 mile radius of the District unless otherwise approved by the Board President or
Chief Executive Officer.
Personal and Other Expenses
Items of a personal nature are not reimbursable, including but not limited to movies, premium
television services, dry cleaning, spa treatments, and fines or traffic violations. Any questions
regarding what constitutes either a personal item which is not reimbursable or an item which is
outside of the scope of this policy should be resolved prior to expenditure by seeking approval of
the Board President or Chief Executive Officer.
Claims for Travel Reimbursement
Expense report forms for reimbursable expenses should be submitted within 30 days after
completion of travel on appropriate forms with receipts documenting compliance with this
Report on Meetings Attended
Board Members will provide a brief report on any meeting attended at the expense of the District
at the next regular meeting of the Board.
___________________________ ___________________________
Jeannie Yee William Nicholson, M.D.
President Secretary
Cal Government Code Section 53232
Cal Government Code Section 53232.1
Cal Government Code Section 53232.2
Cal Government Code Section 53232.3
DocuSign Envelope ID: F168ED5B-A1E6-4B4A-A849-95B3E38B065BDocuSign Envelope ID: AE2B0142-AE1B-45CA-B9D3-57E46B716101