e force you bring to the Battleeld is chosen using an Army List.
To help ensure you are playing a fair and balanced game, these
Army Lists are chosen to equal points values.
Every Model in a game of Conquest First Blood! has a points value,
representing its overall worth and prowess on the Battleeld.
Models with higher points values are generally better or more
exible ghters, while those with lower points values are less
eective, or are useful in a narrow set of circumstances. Your Army’s
points value is equal to the total points values of every Model in
your Army, plus those of any upgrades you have purchased for
those Models. e higher the points values, the larger in terms
of numbers and power the Army you have selected. By choosing
Armies to equal points values, you and your opponent can ensure
a fair, challenging battle.
By default, we recommend battles of about 800 points – this
generally gives enough slaughter for an evenings gaming. However,
there’s nothing stopping you from choosing a larger or smaller size
for your confrontation, as long as you and your opponent agree.
Indeed, smaller games of 300 or 400 points are an excellent way
to learn the rules.
An Army consists of three types of entities: Character Regiments,
Ocers and Regular Regiments. Each one of those options is
drawn from the Army List of each Factions’ respective Army
List. You must include one Character Regiment and any number
of either Ocers or Regular Regiments in your Army, subject to
the following rules:
Every Army must include only one Character Regiment consisting
of a Character Model(s) as described in the Characters section
of your Faction’s Army List Entry. Most Infantry Character
Regiments may purchase additional Retinue Models to add to the
Character Regiment. ese Retinue Models add to the prowess of
a Character Regiment and confer unique abilities. You will nd
more information about Retinue Models under the “Retinues”
section of each Army List.
Ocers are upgrades to Regiments conferring unique abilities and
add to the combat prowess of that Regiment and other Regiments
around them as described in the Ocer’s section of your Faction’s
Army List Entry. In addition, Ocers have their own Characteristics
Prole and can make use of [Command] Abilities.
An Ocer Model may be added to any Regiment that has access to
it. You can see if a Regiment can take an Ocer in the Regiment’s
Army List Entry as well as the Ocers’ respective point costs. Each
Ocer Model may be included up to two times when making an
Army List.
e Ocer Model Activates when its Regiment Activates and
does not need its own Command Card in order to do so. For more
information regarding Ocers in Conquest First Blood! check
Chapter 7 “Characters and Ocers” (see page 53).
Each Regiment is drawn from the Regiment section of your
Faction’s Army List Entry. ese troop formations are the backbone
of every Conquest: First Blood Army! and will do most of the
ghting. Each Regiment may be included up to four times when
making an Army List.
Each Regiment has a points cost associated with it and comes
with a number of Models specied under the “Number of Models”
section of its Army List Entry. ere you will also be able to see if
the Regiment has a Leader or the option to purchase one, if not
then a Model in the Regiment becomes the Acting Leader as per
the “e Leader and the Standard Bearer” rules (see page 17).
In addition, a model in the Regiment may be promoted to Standard
Bearer for free once the Regiment has reached a certain number
of Models as described in the Army List Entry, including Ocers.
Finally, you may purchase additional Models for your Regiments,
if the option is available, as detailed in the Regiments Army List
Entry. An Infantry Regiment may not number over 13 Models
including Ocers, whereas Cavalry and Brute Regiments may
not number over 4 Models including Ocers.
You may agree with your opponent or randomly roll a die to select
which scenario to play. Regardless of which scenario you choose
to play, you always follow the following steps:
We recommend that you play First Blood in a 4’ by 4’ Battleeld.
However, if you decide to use larger forces and would like to play
a much bigger battle, you can agree with your opponent on a
dierent battleeld size. Each Scenario diagram has the 48” by 48”
Battleeld divided up in a grid made of smaller 12”x12” squares.
When determining where an Objective Marker or Zone is placed
simply add up the sides of each square to nd the exact coordinates.
Points of interest can only be found centered in one of the 12”x12”
squares, at the center of one of the 12”x12” square’s sides or on a
square’s corner. When placing Objective zones measure from the
center point of each Zone.
No two battles are the same. Deployment zones, objectives – even Army composition itself–can vary wildly.
To represent this, we use a selection of Scenarios, each of which alters the form and scope of the battle. is
rulebook includes four Scenarios, but you should feel free to invent your own!
Regardless, First Blood should be played with heaps of Terrain. e
forces of First Blood undertake missions that a large rank-and-le
Army could not; they battle within city streets, in dense forests,
or abandoned ruins and even dungeon holds. In order to help you
determine how much Terrain should be used, we recommend that
you use about 10 Terrain pieces for a 4’ by 4’ Battleeld.
Terrain follows all normal rules found in Chapter 9 of the Conquest
First Blood rulebook with the following changes and additions:
No piece of Terrain is placed on top of an Objective Zone Marker.
No piece of Terrain is within 3" of another Terrain piece unless
a Terrain Special Rule species that certain pieces of Terrain
need to be even further apart.
No piece of Terrain should have a footprint larger than 9"x6".
Smaller Terrain pieces can be grouped together to form a single
Terrain piece. is combination of Terrain pieces should not
create a footprint larger than 9"x6". E.g. A ruined hamlet can be
combined with a few Obstacles to create a larger ruined structure.
Can only include up to 2 pieces of Garrison Terrain on each
Can only include up to 4 pieces of Ruins Terrain on each Battleeld.
Must include at least 2 pieces of Terrain with the “Obscuring”
Special Rule.
Must include at least 2 pieces of Terrain with the “Obstructing”
Special Rule.
When the T.O. sets up Terrain pieces it is important to keep
both sides of the table fairly symmetrical to ensure a fair game.
e Battleeld should contain about 10 pieces of Terrain but
no more than 14.
Every Conquest First Blood! battle plays for a set number of
Rounds, or until a specific Victory Point (VP) threshold has
been reached. If a Players forces are completely wiped out, this
constitutes a loss for that player.
A Players forces are wiped out if there are none of their Models le
on the Battleeld and no further Reinforcements are available in this
or subsequent Rounds. Each scenario will specify VP thresholds,
Special Objectives, Reinforcement and Deployment zones.
Many Scenarios will require a Player to seize territory – battleeld
quarters, center of the Battlefield, Objective Zones, destroy
Objective Markers and so on. When such is the case, Models gain
the respective Player VPs.
Objective Zones
An Objective zone refers to a circular area on the battlefield
usually 6”, 9” or 12” in diameter used to denote areas of interest.
When a Model’s base overlaps an Objective Zone then that Model
is considered to be within range of an Objective Zone.Certain
Scenarios refer to some Objective Zones as friendly to one player
or the other. Friendly Zones cannot be Seized by the player they
are friendly to. Objective Zones cannot be Seized during the rst
Round of a game.
Seizing Objective Zones
Models within a Regiment can Seize Objective Zones as per the
following rules:
e Player with the most Models, within range of an Objective
Zone, claims that Objective.
Every two Light Infantry Regiment Models count as one Model
for the purposes of Seizing Objectives.
Each Light Cavalry and Brute Regiment Model counts as two
Models for the purposes of Seizing Objectives.
Each Medium and Heavy Infantry Regiment Model counts as
one Model for the purposes of Seizing Objectives.
Each Medium and Heavy Cavalry and Brute Regiment Model
counts as three Models for the purposes of Seizing Objectives.
Each Monster Regiment Model counts as six Models for the
purposes of Seizing Objectives.
Each Character, Retinue and Ocer Model counts as one Model
for the purposes of Seizing Objectives.
Objective Markers
Unlike Zones, Objective Markers refers to Models on the Battleeld,
used to denote items of interest.
Objective Markers are Models based on Brute/Cavalry bases, are Size
2 and are considered Enemy entities on the Battleeld depending
on the Scenario. ese Markers are only used in Scenarios that
include them and placed according to each Scenarios diagram.
ese Markers do not Activate, do not perform Actions, do not have
Engagement Range and do not count towards Seizing Objectives.
Certain Scenarios refer to some Objective Markers as friendly to
one player or the other. Friendly Objective Markers cannot be
destroyed or attacked by the player they are friendly to. When
a friendly Objective Marker is within an Objective Zone then
that Zone is Contested and cannot be Seized by Enemy Models.
However, a Player would still need to have more Models than their
opponent on an Objective Zone to Seize it as normal, even though
Enemy Models cannot Seize a Zone due to it being Contested.
E.g. An Objective Marker, iendly to Player 1, is within range of a 12”
Objective Zone. Player 2 has more Models within range of the Objective
Zone than Player 1 but cannot Seize it due to it being “Contested”.
Player 1 however, will still need to bring more Models within range
of the Objective Zone than Player 2 if they wish to Seize it.
Destroying Objective Markers
Objective Markers cannot be destroyed or damaged during the
rst Round of the game. To damage an Objective Marker Models
need to attack it the same way they would attack an Enemy Model
as follows:
Models can select an Objective Marker as a Target for Charge
and Clash Action
Models inict Impact Hits on Objective Markers as normal
Models can only select an Objective Marker as a Volley Action
Target if the Marker is within 6” of the Model ring at it
Objective Markers have 5 Wounds and a Defense value of 3.
e Objective Markers’ Defense Rolls are rolled by the non-
Active player.
Objective Markers cannot suer more than 1 Wound per Action
Once an Objective Marker loses all its Wounds it is removed
from play.
Furthermore, damage dealt to an Objective Marker by each Player
is tracked separately. is means that an Objective Marker is
destroyed only when the amount of Wounds caused by the same
Player is enough to destroy the Objective Marker.
E.g. Player 1 has caused 3 Wounds to an Objective Marker, whilst
Player 2 has caused 4 Wounds to the same Objective Marker. e
Marker is not yet destroyed as no single player has dealt 5 Wounds.
During subsequent Activations Player 1 has managed to inict 2 more
Wounds on the Objective Marker causing its destruction.
In Conquest First Blood! forces are deployed onto the Battleeld at
the beginning of each game. Before starting a game of First Blood,
Roll-o against your opponent. e player that Rolls the lowest
gets to choose which Player will deploy their rst Regiment. at
Player will proceed to place one of their Regiments Wholly within
their Deployment Zone as specied in each Scenario.
Once the Regiment is deployed then it’s the opposing Player’s turn
to Deploy one of their Regiments in their respective Deployment
zone. Keep alternating Deploying Regiments until there are no
more Regiments le to Deploy. If a Player runs out of Regiments
to Deploy then their Opponent nishes Deploying all of their
remaining Regiments.
When deploying your forces it is entirely possible that Models
begin the game Engaging or being Engaged by Enemy Models
given each Scenario’s deployment zone setup.
Regiments that remain outside the Battleeld as Reinforcements,
usually due to Special rules like “Flank” or other Abilities, are set
aside and not Deployed on the Battleeld.
Regiments come onto the Battleeld from Reinforcements as
No Reinforcements come on to the Battleeld during Round 1.
Reinforcements come on to the Battleeld from your Reinforcement
Zone during Rounds 2 and 3.
Reinforcements come on to the Battleeld from any point of
the sides of the table excluding the Opponent’s Reinforcement
Zone from Rounds 4 and onwards.
Regiments March onto the Battleeld as per the “Marching onto the
Battleeld from Reinforcements” Rules (see page 32). Regiments
that have not entered the Battleeld by the end of the game are
considered to have been destroyed during the nal round of the
game for all VP scoring purposes.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place two 12" Objective Zones and four Objective Markers as
shown in the diagram. Objective Markers “A” are considered to be
friendly to Player 1 whereas Objective Markers “B” are considered
to be friendly to Player 2.
Objective Zones are placed 24" away from each players table edge
and 12" away from opposing sides of the table. Two Objective
Markers are placed 6” vertically away towards Player 2’s table edge
from the center of the Objective Zones. e other two Objective
Markers are placed 6" vertically away towards Player 1’s table edge
from the center of the Objective Zones.
Deployment zones are 12" from each Player’s Table edge and
Reinforcement Zones extend to 24" to both sides of the table for
both Players as per the Scenario diagram. Players consider the
Objective Zones to be “Contested” as long as there is an Enemy
Objective Marker within range of an Objective Zone.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 2 VPs for every Enemy Objective Marker they have
destroyed during the Round.
Players gain 3 VPs for each Objective Zone they are Seizing.
Players gain an additional 2 VPs if they are Seizing both Objective
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Game Length
e game ends when a Player gains 16 VPs or at the end of the
10th Round. If no Player has won by the end of the 10th Round
then the Player with the most VPs wins the game.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place two 9" Objective Zones and two Objective Markers as
shown in the diagram. Objective Marker “A” is considered to be
friendly to Player 1 whereas Objective Marker “B” is considered
to be friendly to Player 2.
Deployment zones are two 12"x12" squares on two opposing cor-
ners of the Battleeld and Reinforcement Zones extend the entire
length of each Players table edge as per the Scenario diagram.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 3 VPs for every Enemy Objective Marker they have
destroyed during the Round.
Players gain 3 VPs for each Objective Zone they are Seizing.
Players gain 1 additional VP every time they gain VPs by Seizing
Objective Zones if they have destroyed the Enemy Objective
Players gain an additional 2 VPs if they are Seizing both Objective
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Game Length
e game ends at the end of the 8th Round. e Player with the
most VPs at the end of the 8th Round wins the game.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place three 6" Objective Zones as shown in the diagram. One
6"zone is placed in the center of the battleeld whereas the other
two are placed 6" from each opposing side of the table and 24"
away from each Player’s table edge.
Deployment zones are two 24"x12" rectangles centered on the
two opposing sides of the battleeld and Reinforcement Zones
extend the entire length of each Player’s table edge as per the
Scenario diagram.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 2 VPs for each Objective Zone they are Seizing.
Players gain an additional 2 VPs if they are Seizing two or more
Objective Zones.
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Game Length
e game ends when a Player gains 18 VPs or at the end of the
10th Round. If no Player has won by the end of the 10th Round
then the Player with the most VPs wins the game.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place four Objective Markers as shown in the diagram. Each Objective
Marker is placed at the center of its respective 12"x12"square. Each
corner Marker is 6" from the closest player’s table edge and 6" from
the side of the table. Each central Marker is 18" from the closest
players table edge and 18" from the side of the table.
Deployment zones consist of three 12"x12" squares, as shown
in the diagram, on two opposing corners of the battleeld and
Reinforcement zones extend 36" from each opposing corner.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 3 VPs for every Enemy Objective Marker they have
destroyed during the Round.
Players gain an additional 2 VPs if they have destroyed more
than one Objective Marker during a Round.
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Players gain 1 VP for every Enemy Regiment they have destroyed
during the Round.
Game Length
e game ends at the end of the 8th Round. e Player with the
most VPs at the end of the 8th Round wins the game.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place four 6" Objective Zones as shown in the diagram. Each
Objective Zone is placed at the center of its respective 12"x12"square.
Each corner Zone is 6" from the closest player’s table edge and 6"
from the side of the table. Each central Zone is 18" from the closest
players table edge and 18" from the side of the table. Objective
Zone “A” is considered to be friendly to Player 1 whereas Objective
Zone “B” is considered to be friendly to Player 2.
Deployment zones are two 36"x12" rectangles on two opposing
corners of the Battleeld and Reinforcement Zones extend the
entire length of each Players table edge as per the Scenario diagram.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 3 VPs for each Objective Zone they are Seizing.
Players gain 5 VPs for Seizing the Enemy Objective Zone.
Players gain an additional 2 VPs if they are Seizing two or more
Objective Zones.
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Game Length
e game ends when a Player gains 16 VPs or at the end of the
10th Round. If no Player has won by the end of the 10th Round
then the Player with the most VPs wins the game.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place four 6" Objective Zones and two Objective Markers as shown
in the diagram. Objective Marker “A” and Zone “C” are consid-
ered to be friendly to Player 1 whereas Objective Marker “B” and
Zone “D” are considered to be friendly to Player 2. Each Objective
Zone is placed at the center of its respective 12"x12"square. Each
corner Zone is 6" from the closest player’s table edge and 6" from
the side of the table. Each central Zone is 18" from the closest
players table edge and 18" from the side of the table.
Deployment zones are two 12"x24" rectangles extending from each
Players table edge towards the center of the battleeld, as shown
in the diagram. Reinforcement Zones extend the entire length of
each Players table edge as per the Scenario diagram.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 4 VPs for every Enemy Objective Marker they have
destroyed during the Round.
Players gain 3 VPs for each Objective Zone they are Seizing.
Players gain 5 VPs for Seizing the Enemy Objective Zone.
Players gain an additional 2 VPs if they are Seizing both Objective
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Game Length
e game ends when a Player gains 20 VPs or at the end of the
10th Round. If no Player has won by the end of the 10th Round
then the Player with the most VPs wins the game.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place two 6" Objective Zones and one Objective Marker as shown
in the diagram. Objective Markers Zone “A” is considered to be
friendly to Player 1 whereas Objective Marker “B” is considered
to be friendly to Player 2. Each Objective Zone is placed at the
center of its respective 12"x12" square. Each corner Zone is 6" from
the closest players table edge and 6" from the side of the table.
e Objective Marker is placed at the center of the Battleeld.
Deployment zones consist of three 12"x12" squares, as shown in the
diagram, on two opposing corners of the battleeld. Reinforcement
Zones extend the entire length of each Players table edge as per
the Scenario diagram.
Scenario Special Rules
e Objective Marker cannot be wounded, destroyed or become
Engaged. During the Victory Phase of each Round the player that
has the most Models within 3" of the Objective Marker, following
the rules for Seizing Zones, moves the Marker 6" directly towards
the center of their friendly Objective Zone.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 2 VPs for Seizing the Objective Marker.
Players gain 3 VPs for Seizing the Enemy Objective Zone.
Players gain an additional 2 VPs if they are Seizing both the
Enemy Objective Zone and Marker
Players gain 15 VPs if the Objective Marker is within range of
their friendly Objective Zone
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Game Length
e game ends when a Player gains 25 VPs or at the end of the
10th Round. If no Player has won by the end of the 10th Round
then the Player with the most VPs wins the game.
Setting up the Battlefield
Mark nine points on the Battleeld as shown in the diagram.
Each point marks the corners of the four central squares in the
grid. Point “A” is considered to be friendly to Player 1 and within
Player 1’s deployment zone. Point “B” is considered to be friendly
to Player 2 and within Player 2’s deployment zone. Point “A” is
considered to be under the control of Player 1 and Point “B” is
considered to be under the control of Player 2.
Deployment zones are two 12"x12" squares on two opposing
corners of the Battleeld and Reinforcement zones extend 36"
from each opposing corner.
Scenario Special Rules
Each point can be represented by a marker 27mm in diameter, the
size of an Infantry Base, has Size 1, cannot be wounded, destroyed
or become Engaged. In addition, the Markers do not Activate, do
not perform Actions and do not have Engagement Range.
During the Victory Phase of each Round the player that has the
most Models within 3" of such a point, following the rules for
Seizing Zones, captures that point. Once a point is captured it
remains under the control of the Player who captured it until an
Opponent Seizes it.
When capturing a point that is 12" horizontally or vertically from
another point you control then they become linked, more than two
points can be linked in this way making a chain. A point cannot
be linked with a point that belongs in the same chain.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 2 VPs for every point under their control.
Players gain 1 additional VP if they form a chain of 3 or more
Players gain 2 additional VPs if they form a chain of 4 or more
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Game Length
e game ends when a Player gains 21 VPs or at the end of the
10th Round. If no Player has won by the end of the 10th Round
then the Player with the most VPs wins the game.
In addition, during the Victory Phase of each Round, the player
whose Seized points form an unbroken chain linking point A to
point B, or vice-versa, wins the game regardless of VPs. If a player
wins in this way they count as having scored 21 VPs.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place two 12" Objective Zones and four Objective Markers as
shown in the diagram. Objective Markers “A” are considered to be
friendly to Player 1 whereas Objective Markers “B” are considered
to be friendly to Player 2.
Each Zone is 12" from the closest players table edge and 12"
from the side of the table. Two Objective Markers are placed
12"vertically away from the center of the battleeld and 24" away
from each other. Two other two Objective Markers are placed 12”
horizontally away from the center of the battleeld and 24"away
from each other.
Deployment zones are two isosceles triangles on the two opposing
sides of the battleeld, whose sides are 24" from each opposing
corner, as per the Scenario diagram. Reinforcement Zones extend
the entire length of each Players table edge as per the Scenario
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 2 VPs for every Enemy Objective Marker they have
destroyed during the Round.
Players gain 3 VPs for each Objective Zone they are Seizing.
Players gain an additional 2 VPs if they are Seizing both Objective
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Game Length
e game ends at the end of the 8th Round. e Player with the
most VPs at the end of the 8th Round wins the game.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place two 9" Objective Zones and two Objective Markers as shown
in the diagram. Objective Marker labeled “A” is considered to
be friendly to Player 1 whereas Objective Marker labeled “B” is
considered to be friendly to Player 2.
Objective Zones are placed 18” from each Players table edge and
12" from each opposing side of the battleeld. Markers are placed
18" from each Player’s table edge and 12" from each opposing side
of the battleeld mirroring the Zones.
Deployment zones are two 24"x12" rectangles on two opposing
corners of the Battleeld and Reinforcement zones extend 24"
and 36" from each opposing corner respectively.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 3 VPs for destroying the Enemy Objective Marker.
Players gain 3 VPs for each Objective Zone they are Seizing.
Players gain 2 additional VP every time they gain VPs by Seizing
Objective Zones if they have destroyed the Enemy Objective
Players gain an additional 2 VPs if they are Seizing both Objective
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Game Length
e game ends at the end of the 8th Round. e Player with the
most VPs at the end of the 8th Round wins the game.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place one 12" Objective Zone and four Objective Markers as shown
in the diagram. Objective Marker “A” is considered to be friendly
to Player 1 whereas Objective Marker labeled “B” is considered
to be friendly to Player 2.
e 12" Objective Zone is placed at the center of the Battleeld, as
per the Scenario diagram. e two neutral Objective Markers are
placed 24" from each Player’s table edge and 6" from each opposing
side of the table respectively. Objective Marker “A” is placed 6"
vertically below the center of the battleeld whilst Objective Marker
“B” is placed 6" vertically above the center of the battleeld. e
two Objective Markers are 12" away from each other.
Deployment zones are two isosceles triangles where one point
is at the center of the Battleeld and the other two points are
at the corners of the two opposing table edges respectively and
Reinforcement zones extend 24" and 48" from each opposing
corner respectively. Players consider the Objective Zones to be
“Contested” as long as there is an Enemy Objective Marker within
range of the Objective Zone.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 5 VPs for each Objective Marker they destroy that
is not within range of an Objective Zone.
Players gain 3 VPs for Seizing the Objective Zone.
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Players gain 2 VPs for every Ocer Model they have slain.
Game Length
e game ends at the end of the 8th Round. e Player with the
most VPs at the end of the 8th Round wins the game.
Setting up the Battlefield
Place one 12" Objective Zone, two 6" Objective Zones and two
Objective Markers as shown in the diagram.Objective Marker
labeled “A” is considered to be friendly to Player 1 whereas Objective
Marker “B” is considered to be friendly to Player 2.
e 12" Objective Zone is placed at the center of the Battleeld
with Marker “A” and “B” each within range of it and 6" horizontally
away from the Zone’s center. Each corner Zone is 12" from the
closest players table edge and 12" from the side of the table.
Deployment zones are two isosceles triangles on the two opposing
sides of the battleeld, whose sides are 24" from each opposing
corner, as per the Scenario diagram. Reinforcement Zones extend
the entire length of each Players table edge as per the Scenario
diagram.Players consider the Objective Zones to be “Contested”
as long as there is an Enemy Objective Marker within range of
an Objective Zone.
Victory Points
During the Victory Phase of each Round Players gain VPs as follows:
Players gain 4 VPs for each 6” Objective Zone they are Seizing.
Players gain 3 VPs for each Seizing the 12” Objective Zone.
Players gain 3 VPs for destroying an Enemy Objective Marker.
Players gain an additional 2 VPs if they are Seizing two or more
Objective Zones.
Players gain 2 VPs if they have slain the Enemy Character
Regiment. (Additional Character Regiments like “e Perfect
Tool” do not award points for destroying them).
Game Length
e game ends when a Player gains 18 VPs or at the end of the
10th Round. If no Player has won by the end of the 10th Round
then the Player with the most VPs wins the game.