Theatres Trust
22 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0QL
Telephone 020 7836 8591 Email Website Twitter @TheatresTrust
Facebook Instagram @TheatresTrust
Chair Dave Moutrey OBE Director Jon Morgan
Trustees James Dacre, Suba Das, Stephanie Hall, Annie Hampson, Lucy Osborne, Truda Spruyt, Katie Town
The National Advisory Public Body for Theatres. The Theatres Trust Charitable Fund co-operates with the Theatres Trust, has the same Trustees
and is registered as a charity under number 274697
Ref.: TC/699
5 April 2024
Muhammad Saleem
Development Management
City Hall
Bristol City Council
PO Box 3176
By e-mail: [email protected]
Application: 24/00423/F & 24/00424/LA
Site: 10 St Augustines Parade Bristol BS1 4UZ
Proposal: Removal of temporary air handing equipment, replacement of obsolete
permanent air handling equipment with access gantry and repositioning of access
stair over roof. Reinstatement of historic, opening roof and ventilation grilles.
Recovering roof to prevent water ingress.
Theatres Trust is the national advisory public body for theatres. We were established
through the Theatres Trust Act 1976 'to promote the better protection of theatres' and
provide statutory planning advice on theatre buildings and theatre use in England
through The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)
(England) Order 2015, requiring the Trust to be consulted by local authorities on
planning applications which include 'development involving any land on which there
is a theatre'.
Theatres Trust
22 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0QL
Telephone 020 7836 8591 Email Website Twitter @TheatresTrust
Facebook Instagram @TheatresTrust
Chair Dave Moutrey OBE Director Jon Morgan
Trustees James Dacre, Suba Das, Stephanie Hall, Annie Hampson, Lucy Osborne, Truda Spruyt, Katie Town
The National Advisory Public Body for Theatres. The Theatres Trust Charitable Fund co-operates with the Theatres Trust, has the same Trustees
and is registered as a charity under number 274697
These applications for planning permission and listed building consent have come to
the attention of Theatres Trust. They are seeking to remove and replace air handling
equipment and associated infrastructure at the Bristol Hippodrome along with
reinstatement of the opening to the buildings roof dome, replacement of damaged
roof covering and installation of an access walkway for future maintenance and
The Hippodrome is a Grade II listed heritage asset, designed by renowned theatre
architect Frank Matcham for Sir Oswald Stoll. Stoll, who owned a number of venues
and a film production company during the silent era and is noted for founding the
Royal Variety Performance, considered the Hippodrome to be second to his flagship
venue the London Coliseum (also designed by Matcham). The Hippodrome has a
capacity of 1,951 seats and was built with a large water tank at the front of the stage,
however this was lost in works to convert the Hippodrome to a cinema in the 1930s.
Following a fire in 1948 which destroyed the Hippodromes stage its flytower was
rebuilt and the theatre reopened within a year; the auditorium had survived with little
damage. Internally the theatre shares some design features with the Coliseum. Its
ceiling is in the form of a large saucer dome which is capable of being slid open for
ventilation. The auditorium is Baroque in style and is more sparsely decorated than
Matcham’s earlier works. Externally the Hippodrome has been altered over the years
including losing a tower during the 1950s. Its canopy and entrance doors are more
modern installations. The Hippodrome is an important cultural venue for Bristol,
attracting touring West End shows and notable comedians, musicians and similar
events. Paragraph 97 of the NPPF (2023) seeks planning decisions to plan positively
for facilities of this nature.
The rationale for this project has been clearly articulated by the applicant, namely
that the theatres existing air handling units have come to the end of their operational
life and the output of current temporary plant is insufficient. There is a pressing need
for replacement to ensure that ventilation and comfort within the auditorium and other
areas of the theatre meet the standards required.
Although the replacement equipment is of larger footprint and adds some additional
height, we do not consider this will impact on the Hippodromes significance. With
reference to paragraph 208 of the NPPF, this scheme would additionally generate
public benefits in terms of environmental sustainability and amenity as the new
equipment will be more efficient and produce less noise than existing equipment.
Theatres Trust
22 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0QL
Telephone 020 7836 8591 Email Website Twitter @TheatresTrust
Facebook Instagram @TheatresTrust
Chair Dave Moutrey OBE Director Jon Morgan
Trustees James Dacre, Suba Das, Stephanie Hall, Annie Hampson, Lucy Osborne, Truda Spruyt, Katie Town
The National Advisory Public Body for Theatres. The Theatres Trust Charitable Fund co-operates with the Theatres Trust, has the same Trustees
and is registered as a charity under number 274697
Furthermore as part of these works there will be installation of replacement roof
covering which will prevent water ingress and assist in the longer-term conservation
of this important asset. The potential to regularly utilise the sliding roof as intended
constitutes a heritage benefit.
We are therefore supportive of the granting of planning permission and listed building
Please contact us if we may be of further assistance or should you wish to discuss
this representation in greater detail.
Tom Clarke MRTPI
National Planning Adviser