Building Regulation 2021 • Section 73 and 77 • Form 15 • Version 2 • March 2023 Page 1 of 4
Form 15
Compliance certicate for
building design or specication
This form is the approved form that must be used in accordance with section 10 of the Building Act 1975 and sections 73 and 77
of the Building Regulation 2021 (Design-specication certicate) stating that an aspect of building work or specication will, if
installed or carried out as stated in this form, comply with the building assessment provisions.
Additional explanatory information is included in the Appendix at the end of this form.
1. Property description
This section need only be completed
if details of street address and
property description are applicable.
E.g. in the case of (standard/generic)
pool design/shell manufacture and/
or patio and carport systems this
section may not be applicable.
Where applicable, the description
must identify all land the subject of
the application.
The lot and plan details (e.g. SP/RP)
are shown on title documents or a
rates notice.
If the plan is not registered by title,
provide previous lot and plan details.
Street address (include number, street, suburb/locality and postcode)
State Postcode
Lot and plan details (attach list if necessary)
Local government area the land is situated in
2. Description of aspect/s certied
Clearly describe the extent of work
covered by this certicate, e.g. all
structural aspects of the steel roof
3. Basis of certication
Detail the basis for giving the
certicate and the extent to which
tests, specications, rules, standards,
codes of practice and other
publications were relied upon.
Building Regulation 2021 • Section 73 and 77 • Form 15 • Version 2 • March 2023 Page 2 of 4
4. Reference documentation
Clearly identify any relevant
documentation, e.g. numbered
structural engineering plans.
5. Building certier reference
number and building development
application number
Building certier reference number
Building development application number (if available)
6. Appointed competent person
Under Part 6 of the Building
Regulation 2021 a person must be
assessed as a competent for the type
of work (design-specication) by the
relevant building certier.
Name (in full)
Company name (if applicable) Contact person
Business phone number Mobile number
Email address
Postal address
State Postcode
Licence class or registration type (if applicable)
Licence or registration number (if applicable)
7. Signature of appointed competent
This certicate must be signed by the
individual assessed and appointed by
the building certier as competent to
give design-specication help.
Signature Date
Date received Reference number/s
Building Regulation 2021 • Section 73 and 77 • Form 15 • Version 2 • March 2023 Page 3 of 4
Appendix – explanatory information
IMPORTANT NOTE: it is an oence for a competent person to give a building certier a document, including this form, that the person
knows or reasonably suspects, is false or misleading.
Who can complete this certicate? (section 10 of the Building Act 1975 (Building Act) and sections 73 and 77 of Building Regulation 2021
(BR 2021))
A building certier can accept from a competent person (design-specication) a certicate stating that the competent person has
assessed the building design or specication for the aspect of building work, and it will, if installed or carried out under the certicate,
comply with the building assessment provisions, including any relevant standards and codes.
Schedule 10 of the BR 2021 denes building design or specication as any material, system, method of building or other thing related to
the design of or specications for building work.
When completing the certicate, a competent person is required under section 77 of the BR 2021 to include the basis for giving the
certicate and state the extent to which the competent person has relied on tests, specications, rules, standards, codes of practice or
other publications.
What is the purpose of this form? (section 10 of the Building Act and sections 73 and 77 of the BR 2021)
The information in this form informs the building certier’s decision making when they are assessing a building development
application, issuing the building development approval for the building work the subject of the certicate (form) and when amending
the building development approval due to the receipt of updated aspect information such as glazing or truss specications or revised
excavation drawings.
Can a manufacturer or supplier give this Form 15?
A building certier can accept this form from a manufacturer or supplier who the certier has decided is a competent person (design-
A manufacturer or supplier of building materials can give this form if they have undertaken the design component for the product. For
example a window manufacturer who designs, constructs and supplies the windows to industry could give this form.
Competent person (section 10 of the Building Act 1975 and Part 6 of the BR 2021)
A building certier must assess and decide to appoint an individual as a competent person before they can accept design-specication
When deciding whether a person can be a competent person, the building certier must assess the person having regard to their
experience, qualications and skills and ensure the person holds a licence or registration if required.
The building certier is required to keep detailed records about what was considered when appointing a competent person.
For further information about assessment of someone as a competent person refer to the Guideline for the assessment of competent
What is required if a manufacturer or supplier did not do the design work for the product?
A manufacturer or supplier who is not part of the design process may give the construction contractor, builder, competent person or the
building certier evidence of suitability such as a product technical statement under Part A5 of the Building Code of Australia (BCA),
for an aspect or material stating that it is compliant with the relevant reference documents in the BCA i.e. the applicable Australian
What if there is not enough space for all the supporting material/documents?
Items 2, 3 and 4 requires the competent person to clearly identify the extent of the assessment that was undertaken for aspect/s of work
identied in this form.
For instance, there is provision for material such as specications, standards, codes or other relevant publications to be referenced in
the form. However, if the space in the form is not sucient to accommodate all of this material, you can create and refer to additional
material in an addendum or attachment to the form.
The form is also available in a Microso Word version, that you can download and edit to include additional material in the relevant
parts of the form. Note that editing the form in the Microso Word version may cause the relevant boxes to expand and increase the
length of the document. This is acceptable and does not change the approved form, provided the section text (description on the le-
hand side of the page) is not altered.
Appointed competent person (design or specication) – (sections 34 and 36 of the BR 2021)
A building certier must assess and decide to appoint an individual as a competent person before they can, as a competent person,
give design-specication help. The building certier is required to keep detailed records about what was considered when appointing a
competent person.
A building certier must be satised that an individual is competent to give the type of help having regard to the individual’s experience,
qualications and skills and if required by law to hold a licence or registration, that the individual is appropriately registered or licensed.
An individual is appointed as competent to give design-specication help on or from a particular day.
For further information about assessment of someone as a competent person refer to the Guideline for the assessment of competent persons.
Building Regulation 2021 • Section 73 and 77 • Form 15 • Version 2 • March 2023 Page 4 of 4
The Department of Energy and Public Works is collecting personal information as required under the Building Act 1975. This information
may be stored by the Department, and will be used for administration, compliance, statistical research and evaluation of building laws.
Your personal information will be disclosed to other government agencies, local government authorities and third parties for purposes
relating to administering and monitoring compliance with the Building Act 1975. Personal information will otherwise only be disclosed to
third parties with your consent or unless authorised or required by law.