Blockchain is an increasingly popular technological innovation that underlies cryptocurrencies
such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. In order to understand cryptocurrencies and the impact they
will have on the gambling market, it’s important to first understand how blockchain functions.
Blockchain is a method for tracking transactions using a public, globally distributed ledger.
Transactions can include anything of value (e.g., houses, patents, intellectual property, cars,
software, contracts), but is most commonly used for virtual currency (i.e., cryptocurrency).
Blockchain automatically and securely (using cryptography) keeps a historical record, or
ledger, of all transactions.
New transactions are saved in a “block” and added to the existing chain (hence the term
blockchain). Importantly, this record has a number of encryptions and redundancies which
ensure it cannot be changed, falsified or altered. As such, the blockchain remains unbroken,
and free of error or tampering. The unbroken record is shared and distributed among
everyone who uses blockchain. This means that everyone has a record, which can then be
compared across individuals to ensure there are no anomalies. When a new transaction is
added to the record, it is time-stamped and verified by all those who are using the blockchain.
This ensures that no records are falsified or altered.
Simplified Blockchain Example
Say Joe wants to pay Sue using blockchain technology. When Joe sends Sue the money, this
transaction will be automatically (and securely) recorded in the blockchain and distributed
globally. Now, everyone can see that Joe has indeed sent Sue the money. When Sue then
accepts the money, this too is automatically (and securely) recorded in the blockchain and
distributed globally. Everyone can now see that Sue has accepted the payment. Neither party
can claim that the transaction didn’t take place, or the value was a different amount than was
actually sent.
Note that Joe did not have to send money to a bank first, and Sue didn’t have to go to the
bank to deposit her money – it all happened without the use of an ‘intermediary’.
Intermediaries are useful in transactions, as they act as a trusted, neural ‘third party’ to ensure
(and record) that a transaction takes place. With blockchain, there is no need to use an
intermediary, as all transactions are secure and transparent. Thus, blockchain technology may
make intermediary organizations (such as banks) redundant.
Another benefit of blockchain is that it automatically ensures that Joe indeed has the money to
send to Sue (this information was contained and verified in the blockchain itself when Joe
deposited his money). This prevents any accidental or intentional ‘double spending’ of funds.
Digital currencies were one of the first applications of blockchain. There are many types of
cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin (LTE), Zcash, (ZEC), Ripple, Dogecoin, PPcoin, Quark, and
many more. One of the first and most successful of all cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin. Bitcoin, like
other cryptocurrencies, is not issued by a bank, or protected by government rules; therefore, it
is considered ‘decentralized’. Due to the technological innovations of blockchain, payments
with cryptocurrencies are popular because:
transactions have low fees (some cryptocurrencies don’t have any transaction fees);
payments are confirmed in a short period of time;
there is a low risk of payment fraud, considering that the transactions are
irreversible; and,
there is no need of identification.
Since cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology, you can think of them as a ‘chain’ of digital
signatures. Each owner of the cryptocurrency transfers to the next owner by (a) digitally
signing the previous transaction (i.e., the transaction that gave them the cryptocurrency they
are about to transfer), (b) adding in the public key (or, identifier) of the next owner, and (c)
amending this information to the end of the ‘chain’. Then, before the new owner can transfer to
the next, the process repeats itself. Hence, there is an unbroken chain of digital signatures
and verifications tracing the transactions of the cryptocurrency. Any payee can follow the
signatures to verify the chain of ownership, and this feature helps to eliminate any fraud.
Simply put, cryptocurrency includes built-in validation and authentication mechanisms, which
removes the need for intermediary financial institutions.
Cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly accepted as a legitimate source of funds. Some
major vendors include Subway, Microsoft, Dell, Steam and WordPress. However, there are
vendors that accept cryptocurrency and then use an intermediary to first convert the
cryptocurrency into a standard currency before accepting payment. Importantly, casinos are
now accepting cryptocurrency as payment, and there are even casinos that are built
exclusively for cryptocurrency (and harnesses the technological benefits in the casino design).
Gambling accounts for approximately half of all transactions with Bitcoin.
Examples of
popular cryptocurrency casinos include:
Stake: The high stakes casino
True Flip
Bet King
Bustadice: Next generation dice
The main benefits to using cryptocurrencies for gambling are summarized by Gainsbury
and Blaszczynski:
Transactions occur rapidly (near-instant), including immediate and automatic withdrawal
and/or deposits.
Transactions are non-reversible (no charge-backs), meaning fraud and non-payment are
Transactions tend to have few overhead fees (no deposit and withdrawal fees), which
allow casinos using bitcoin to have a very low house edge.
Players can retain their anonymity, which allows users to avoid regulations (such as
betting in jurisdictions where gambling is prohibited).
Players do not need an account, so there is no need for players or operators to manage
and protect funds and accounts.
In addition, gambles that use blockchain are open to verification, so gamblers can ensure
games are fair. Due to the blockchain technology, there is no way for gambling operators to
cheat, or interfere with outcome or payments. This is referred to asprovably fair”, and you will
often see this term used to market cryptocurrency casinos.
From a regulatory perspective, cryptocurrency may be problematic because it is difficult to
prohibit this type of online gambling since sites that use blockchain are censorship resistant
(cannot be seized or stolen). It is also difficult to regulate, as no banking institutions are
involved with transactions; therefore, it’s difficult to impose rules and regulations on the
The anonymity of cryptocurrency may also pose problems. Transactions that use blockchain
are tied to wallets and not individuals, allowing for a layer of anonymity while still ensuring
transparency and honesty. However, the unique identifier codes associated with
cryptocurrency wallets can help prevent money laundering and match fixing. In addition,
reputable wallets require identification for anti-money-laundering and know-your-customer
People who use and gamble with cryptocurrency offer a potential new customer base.
Cryptocurrencies can be used to gamble by anyone with an internet connection, and there is
no need to have access to traditional banking services (as is the case in less developed
nations). In addition, new cryptocurrencies are being invented specifically for gambling
purposes such as CasinoCoin. CasinoCoin has also introduced the Double C Foundation, a
non-profit organization designed to educate, promote, and technologically facilitate the use of
cryptocurrency in the commercial gambling industry. Although some technological knowledge
is currently needed to use cryptocurrency, the level of knowledge is decreasing. Mainstream
wallets and exchanges are available and are becoming easier to use and understand.
Ethereum is a relatively new type of cryptocurrency that uses “smart contractors”. These
contracts are based on simple ‘if-then statements’. For example, Joe and Sue may bet on the
outcome of the next role of virtual dice. Joe bets the number will be 1-3 and Sue 4-6. This bet
could then be specified in a ‘smart contract’ that Joe and Sue each agree to. Then, when the
dice is rolled, either Joe or Sue is automatically paid based on the stipulation of the contract
and outcome of the dice. In this way, there is no chance of manipulation; the contract is
transparent and automatic. In this way, Ethereum allows for safe and secure peer-to-peer
betting (not just against an operator).
Implications for Responsible Gambling
Since cryptocurrency use can be anonymous and doesn’t require a player account, current
responsible gambling strategies may be difficult to implement. For example, self-exclusion
may still be possible (using wallet IDs) but will be very easy to bypass. The collection of big-
data to inform RG practices will also be challenging. Still, the open and transparent
understanding of odds may be easier to implement.
There is also a risk that players may spend more money then they had intended when
gambling with cryptocurrency. This is due to the nature of cryptocurrency as a virtual
representation of currency, and players may not readily associate the value of their
cryptocurrency as “real money”.
An additional issue with cryptocurrency is that even people
who don’t directly gamble may be indirectly gambling through currency speculation. Indeed,
there is a large exchange market in which speculators buy, sell and hold cryptocurrencies in
order to profit from favorable fluctuations in exchange rates.
1. Deepika EP, Kaur ER. Cryptocurrency: Trends, Perspectives and Challenges.
International Journal of Trend in Research and Development. 2017;4(4):4-6.
2. Gainsbury SM, Blaszczynski A. How blockchain and cryptocurrency technology could
revolutionize online gambling. Gaming Law Rev Econ. 2017;21(7):482-92.
What is Blockchain? [YouTube Video, 2:19 min]
Blockchain - A short introduction [YouTube Video, 2:07 min]
What is Blockchain? | CNBC Explains [YouTube Video, 4:52 min]
IBM Think Academy: Blockchain, How it works [YouTube Video, 3:34 min]
Understand the Blockchain in Two Minutes [YouTube Video, 2:25 min]
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