Walkthrough: Creating a Measurement
Studio Application with Windows Forms
Controls and Analysis
Note To complete this walkthrough, you must have either the Measurement Studio
Professional or Measurement Studio Enterprise package installed for Visual Studio 2005
or later. This walkthrough will not work with the Measurement Studio Standard package.
Measurement Studio includes user interface controls, such as a waveform
graph control and a gauge control, and analysis functionality, such as signal
generation and mathematical functions. This walkthrough is designed to
help you learn how to add analysis and presentation functionality to a
Windows Forms application by taking you through the following steps:
Setting up the project—Using the Measurement Studio Application
Wizard, you will create a new project that references the Measurement
Studio Analysis class library and Windows Forms controls.
Adding user interface controls to the projectUsing the Toolbox,
smart tags, and the Properties window, you will add and configure a
button, waveform graph, legend, gauge, and numeric edit user
interface control.
Generating, plotting, and analyzing the data—Using
and NationalInstruments.Analysis.Math.
, you will generate data, plot the generated data on
a waveform graph, and calculate the mean of the data.
Customizing the user interface—Using smart tags and the Collection
Editor and Auto Format dialog boxes, you will display the mean value
on the gauge and the numeric edit, as well as customize your user
Measurement Studio Walkthrough 2 ni.com
Before You Begin
The following components are required to complete this walkthrough:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008
Measurement Studio 8.0.1 or later (Professional or Enterprise
package) for Visual Studio 2005 or Measurement Studio 8.5 or later
(Professional or Enterprise package) for Visual Studio 2008
Setting Up the Project
1. Select Start»All Programs»Microsoft Visual Studio 2005»
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or Start»All Programs»Microsoft
Visual Studio 2008»Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
2. Select File»New»Project. The New Project dialog box launches.
3. In the Project Types pane, select Measurement Studio under
Visual C# or Visual Basic, depending on which language you
want to create the project in.
© National Instruments Corporation 3 Measurement Studio Walkthrough
4. In the Templates pane, select NI Windows Application. Specify
MyMeasurementStudioProject for Name and specify a Location
of your choice.
5. Click OK. The Measurement Studio Application Wizard launches.
6. Select Analysis Library and Windows Forms User Interface
Control Library.
Tip If you are working with an existing project, you can access the Add/Remove Class
Libraries dialog box by selecting Measurement Studio»View .NET Class Library
7. Click Finish to display
Form1 in the Windows Forms Designer.
Measurement Studio Walkthrough 4 ni.com
Adding User Interface Controls to the Project
1. Select View»Toolbox to display the Toolbox. The Toolbox contains
components and controls that you can add to your project.
2. Expand the All Windows Forms group. The All Windows Forms
group contains controls and components included in the
System.WindowsForms namespace.
3. Select the Button control and drag and drop it onto the form.
4. Right-click the button and select Properties to display the Properties
window. You configure the properties of the control in the Properties
5. The Text property will be highlighted. Type
Start for the button text.
6. Expand the Measurement Studio group in the Toolbox.
© National Instruments Corporation 5 Measurement Studio Walkthrough
7. Select the WaveformGraph control and drag and drop it onto the
8. Right-click the waveform graph and select Edit Plots to display
the WaveformPlot Collection Editor dialog box. You use the
WaveformPlotCollection Editor dialog box to add or remove plots
and to configure plot properties.
Note You can also access the WaveformPlot Collection Editor dialog box by clicking the
waveform graph smart tag. To access the smart tag, left click on the control to select it and
then left click on the arrow button in the upper right corner of the control.
9. Type
Plot for the Name. Click OK.
10. Before you add the Measurement Studio legend, numeric edit, and
gauge controls, you need to resize the form to accommodate them.
Select the form and use the double-sided arrow to resize it.
11. Select the Legend control and drag and drop it onto the form.
12. Select the NumericEdit control and drag and drop it onto the form.
13. Select the Gauge control and drag and drop it onto the form.
Measurement Studio Walkthrough 6 ni.com
14. Click the gauge smart tag to display the Gauge Tasks.
15. Type
gauge for the name of the gauge.
The following screenshot shows
Form1 with the user controls.
© National Instruments Corporation 7 Measurement Studio Walkthrough
Generating, Plotting, and Analyzing the Data
1. Double-click the button control to display the Form1 code, with the
cursor inside the click event handler of the button control.
2. Add the following code to generate random data, plot the data,
calculate the mean of the data, and display the mean on the gauge.
' Declare and initialize an instance of WhiteNoiseSignal.
Dim whiteNoise As New WhiteNoiseSignal()
' Store the generated data in a double array named data.
Dim data As Double() = whiteNoise.Generate(1000.0, 256)
' Use the PlotY method to plot the data.
' Use the Mean method to calculate the mean of the data.
Dim mean As Double = Statistics.Mean(data)
' Display the mean on the gauge.
gauge.Value = mean
// Declare and initialize an instance of WhiteNoiseSignal.
WhiteNoiseSignal whiteNoise = new WhiteNoiseSignal();
// Store the generated data in a double array named data.
double[] data = whiteNoise.Generate(1000.0, 256);
// Use the PlotY method to plot the data.
// Use the Mean method to calculate the mean of the data.
double mean = Statistics.Mean(data);
// Display the mean on the gauge.
gauge.Value = mean;
Measurement Studio Walkthrough 8 ni.com
Customizing Your User Interface
1. Right-click the legend and select Edit Items to display the LegendItem
Collection Editor dialog box. You use the LegendItem Collection
Editor dialog box to add or remove legend items and to configure
legend item properties.
2. Select Plot in the Source drop-down list and enter
Signal in the Text
box. Click OK. Now that you have specified a legend item for the plot,
changes you make to the plot will be reflected on the legend.
3. Right-click the graph and select Auto Format to display the Auto
Format dialog box. The Auto Format dialog box provides a set of
pre-configured control styles. When you select a style and click OK,
the Auto Format feature configures the appropriate control properties
to reflect the style you chose.
© National Instruments Corporation 9 Measurement Studio Walkthrough
4. Select Points Only. Click OK. Notice that the legend changed
automatically to match the formatting of the graph.
5. Click the gauge smart tag to display the Gauge Tasks.
6. Select Auto Format to display the Auto Format dialog box.
7. Select Dark and click OK.
8. Right-click the gauge and select Properties to display the Properties
9. Set the Range property for the gauge with the drop-down Range type
editor. Type
-0.2 for the minimum value and type 0.2 for the
maximum value.
10. Click the numeric edit smart tag to display the Numeric Edit Tasks.
11. Select Gauge in the Source drop-down list. Setting the Source
property to the gauge allows two-way binding between the controls.
12. Deselect ArrowKeys, Buttons, and Text for the InteractionMode
property of the numeric edit control. Deselecting these interaction
modes makes the numeric edit an indicator. The numeric edit control
only displays the calculated mean.
13. Select the Format Mode property and in the Numeric Edit Format
Mode Editor dialog box, change the Precision to
4 to show four
decimal places of precision.
14. Select File»Save Form1.cs to save your application.
15. Select Debug»Start Without Debugging to run the application.
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16. After your program builds, click Start. Notice the graph shows the
data plot, and the gauge and the numeric edit display the mean of the