UK CAA Guidance Visual limitation codes 1 of 3 June 2023 v2.0
OFFICIAL - Public.
Vision Limitation Codes
Class 1 and 2
VDL - Valid only with correction for defective distant vision
Pilot does not meet distance vision requirements. Monofocal spectacles (or contact lenses)
required to meet distance (intermediate and near standards). Pilot is required to carry a spare set
of similarly correcting spectacles. Spectacles must not be removed for intermediate / near tasks.
VNL - Valid only with correction for defective near vision
Pilot has unaided vision within distance requirements but requires correction for near (+/-
intermediate) due to presbyopia. Note that a second pair also required. Look over (1/2 eyes)
frames required.
VML - Valid only with correction for defective distant, intermediate and near
Pilot requires multifocal spectacle correction to meet distance, intermediate and near requirements
(as a separate prescription strength is required for different distances). Pilot is required to carry a
spare set of similarly correcting spectacles. This would generally replace a VDL limitation at the
onset of presbyopia.
CCL - Correction by means of contact lenses
Pilot is only able to achieve the vision requirements with contact lenses. This may be due to
pathology of the cornea such as keratoconus. Spare spectacles should be available but not used
as the primary correction. Most pilots who habitually use contact lenses will also meet vision
requirements with spectacles. They do not require this limitation and can use instead a VDL or
VML as appropriate. See note below regarding contact lenses.
RXO - Specialist ophthalmology examination(s)
The limitation code for RXO is stated in AMC2 MED.B.001 as “Specialist ophthalmological
examination(s), other than the examinations stipulated in Part-MED, are required for a significant
Those with high refraction are required under AMC1 MED.B.070(d) to undergo periodic evaluation
by an eye specialist every 5 years or 2 years depending on prescription.
An RXO limitation is not required for those applicants considered to have a high refraction unless
there is also associated eye pathology which requires specialist ophthalmological examination.
The periodicity of eye specialist review for those with high refraction can be determined on
The RXO limitation is added to a Class 1 medical certificate by a Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
medical assessor. It can be added to a Class 2 medical certificate by the aeromedical examiner
(in consultation with the CAA guidance material and / or a CAA medical assessor). It is used in
cases of complex eye conditions or where there are concerns of potentially progressive ocular
pathology which could impact on flight safety. The periodicity of the specialist ophthalmological
examinations is normally one or two yearly but is determined on a case-by-case basis.
UK CAA Guidance Visual limitation codes 2 of 3 June 2023 v2.0
Class 3
VDL - Wear correction for defective distant vision and carry a spare set of
Air traffic control officer (ATCO) does not meet distance vision requirements. Monofocal
spectacles (or contact lenses) required to meet distance, intermediate and near standards.
Controller is required to carry a spare set of similarly correcting spectacles. Spectacles must not
be removed for intermediate / near tasks.
VNL - Have correction available for defective near vision and a spare set of
ATCO has unaided vision within distance requirements but requires correction for near (+/-
intermediate) due to presbyopia. Note that a second pair also required. Look over (1/2 eyes)
frames normally required but full frame single vision near correction may be acceptable for radar
only controllers.
VML - Wear multifocal spectacles and carry a spare set of spectacles
ATCO requires multifocal spectacle correction to meet distance, intermediate and near
requirements (as a separate prescription strength is required for different distances). Controller is
required to carry a spare set of similarly correcting spectacles. This would generally replace a
VDL limitation at the onset of presbyopia.
VXL - Correction for defective distant vision depending on the working
Would apply where distance standards are not met but intermediate and near standards are met
without correction (as would be the case for radar only controllers). ATCO would need to wear
spectacles if operating in a tower environment.
VXN - Have available corrective spectacles and a spare set of spectacles;
correction for defective distant vision depending on the working environment
Would only apply for an ATCO working in a radar only environment whose distance vision does
not meet requirements uncorrected but who meets intermediate standards without correction but
would need correction to meet near standards. This would apply to a small group of presbyopic
and mildly myopic controllers (approximately -1.00D right and left with a near add approximately
+2.00D or more). In this scenario, 2 pairs of look over or full frame near spectacles must be
available. Contact lens use would not be compatible with this limitation.
Note for VXL and VXN, controller should meet required intermediate (and near) standards unaided
in each eye separately for the application of the limitation otherwise a VDL / VML should be
CCL - Wear contact lenses that correct for defective vision
ATCO is only able to achieve the vision requirements with contact lenses. This may be due to
pathology of the cornea such as keratoconus. Spare spectacles should be available but not used
as the primary correction.
Most ATCOs who habitually use contact lenses will also meet vision requirements with spectacles.
They do not require this limitation and can use instead a VDL or VML as appropriate. See note
below regarding contact lenses.
UK CAA Guidance Visual limitation codes 3 of 3 June 2023 v2.0
RXO - Specialist ophthalmological examination(s)
The limitation code for RXO is stated in AMC2 ATCO.MED.B.001 as “Specialist ophthalmological
examination(s), other than the examinations stipulated in Part-ATCO.MED, are required for a
significant reason”.
Those with high refraction are required under AMC1 ATCO.MED.B.070(d) to undergo periodic
evaluation by an eye specialist every 4 years or 2 years depending on prescription.
An RXO limitation is not required for those applicants considered to have a high refraction unless
there is also associated eye pathology which requires specialist ophthalmological examination.
The periodicity of eye specialist review for those with high refraction can be determined on
The RXO limitation can be added to a Class 3 medical certificate by the AM (in consultation with
the CAA guidance material and / or a CAA medical assessor). It is used in cases of complex eye
conditions or where there are concerns of potentially progressive ocular pathology which could
impact on flight safety. The periodicity of the specialist ophthalmological examinations is normally
one or two yearly but is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Same limitations apply as for Class 1 and 2 above.
Cabin crew
CVL Requirement for visual correction
This limitation should be used for all UK crew who require visual correction, including contact lens
CCL Wear contact lenses that correct for defective vision
Used if crew only able to achieve the vision requirements with contact lenses.
Contact lenses
Contact lenses must be monofocal, non-tinted and not OrthoK. Monovision (where one eye is
corrected for distance and one eye is corrected for near) correction is not acceptable. A back-up
pair of glasses must also be available. If the pilot / ATCO is presbyopic, then a VNL limitation
should also be applied, 2 pairs of reading correction spectacles must be carried together with a
pair of back-up multifocal spectacles.