Sample papers
© UCLES 2013 | CE/2051b/3Y11
Young Learners
Young Learners English Tests (YLE)
Cambridge English: Young Learners is a series of fun, motivating English language tests for children in primary and lower
secondary education. The tests are an excellent way for children to gain confidence and improve their English.
There are three levels:
• CambridgeEnglish:Starters
• CambridgeEnglish:Movers
• CambridgeEnglish:Flyers
These sample papers show you what the Cambridge English: Movers test looks like. When children know what to expect in
the test, they will feel more confident and prepared.
To prepare for Cambridge English: Movers, children can practise parts of the test or do the complete practice test.
To download the Cambridge English: Movers Listening sample test go to
For further information about the three levels of Cambridge English: Young Learners and for more sample papers, go to
There are 25 questions.
You will need coloured pens and pencils.
Cambridge Young Learners English
Sample Paper
Centre Number Candidate Number
My name is: ..........................................................................................
Part 1
– 5 questions –
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.
Peter Jim John Sally
Jane Daisy Anna
Part 3
– 5 questions –
What did Sally do last week?
Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture.
There is one example.
Part 4
– 5 questions –
Listen and tick () the box. There is one example.
Where did Jim see the film?
1 Where did the rabbits in the film go?
2 Where did the children have their lunch?
3 What did the children eat?
4 What did the children do after lunch?
5 What did Jims friends give him?
Part 5
– 5 questions –
Listen and colour and write. There is one example.
Movers Listening
Marking Key
Part1 5marks
Lines should be drawn between:
1 Sally and girl painting rainbow
2 Peter and boy in blue T-shirt and jeans,
painting leaves
3 Daisy and girl carrying box of drinks
4 Jim and boy taking photos
5 Jane and girl sitting down and drinking
Part2 5marks
1 30/thirty (kinds of animals)
2 (the) elephant(s)
3 (the) parrot(s)
4 (all kinds of)/(some) fruit
5 W-I-L-D
Part3 5marks
Thursday Friday
Monday Sunday (example)
Saturday Wednesday
Part4 5marks
1 B
2 B
3 A
4 C
5 C
Part5 5marks
1 Colour clock – blue
2 Write ‘MAP’ below map on wall
3 Colour star on boy’s sweater – green
4 Colour comic on desk – red
5 Colour eraser on desk – brown
( ) = Acceptable extra words are placed in
/ = A single slash is placed between
acceptable alternative words within an
// = A double slash is placed between
acceptable alternative complete
F = Female adult
M = Male adult
Fch = Female child
Mch = Male child
Movers Listening
R Hello.ThisistheUniversityofCambridgeMovers
M Excuse me. What are you all doing?
Fch We’re drawing and painting on this wall.
M Oh. A wall picture! Are these all your friends?
Fch Yes. But one is my brother, John.
M Is he the boy whos painting a rainbow?
Fch Yes, you’re clever! How did you know?
M His hair is blond, like yours.
R Canyouseetheline?Thisisanexample.
M That’s a beautiful rainbow.
Fch Yes, it is. John’s very good at painting.
M Who’s the girl that’s helping to paint it?
Fch The one who’s standing on a box?
M Yes.
Fch That’s Sally.
R Two
M Who’s the boy that’s painting the leaves?
Fch Which one?
M The one with jeans and a blue T-shirt.
Fch Oh, he’s called Peter.
M I love those leaves!
R Three
Fch Look at Daisy.
M What’s she doing?
Fch She’s bringing a box of drinks for the children.
M Oh yes! I’m thirsty. Can I have a drink, please?
R Four
M One boy isn’t painting. He’s taking photos of the
Fch The one with the purple shirt?
M Yes.
Fch That’s Jim. He likes taking photos more than
M Mmmm.
R Five
M Who’s the girl who’s having a drink?
Fch The one with the curly hair?
M Yes.
Fch That’s my best friend, Jane.
M Why isn’t she painting?
Fch Well, she’s hot and tired, I think.
R NowlistentoPartOneagain.
F What’s your homework today, Paul?
Mch I’ve got to write about the zoo.
F When did you go to the zoo? Was it last Tuesday?
Mch That’s right. Last Tuesday.
F Well, that’s easy, then.
Mch Is it?
R Canyouseetheanswer?Nowyoulistenandwrite.
F How many dierent kinds of animals did you see at
the zoo?
Mch That’s dicult.
F Well, think about it.
Mch Oh…thirty, I think.
F Thirty! Good.
R Two
F What were the biggest animals that you saw?
Mch Erm… the giraes, I think.
F Weren’t there any elephants?
Mch Oh yes, that’s right. The elephants were the biggest!
R Three
F So, which animal did you like best in the zoo?
Mch I liked them all.
F Which was your favourite? The lions?
Mch No, I liked the birds. The parrots were my favourite.
F The parrots?
Mch Yes. They were beautiful. They were in a very
R Four
F What do they eat?
Mch Well, they like all kinds of fruit.
F Did you give them some fruit?
Mch Yes we did. They loved it!
R Five
F Oh, yes, one last thing – what was the name of the
Mch Wild Zoo.
F How do you spell that?
Mch W-I-L-D.
F Oh yes, I know it. Good. Well, now you can start
your homework.
R NowlistentoPartTwoagain.
M Hello, Sally. Did you have a good holiday last week?
Fch Not bad. Sunday was good. I flew my kite!
M Where did you do that?
Fch In the park.
R CanyouseethelinefromthewordSunday?
M What did you do on Saturday?
Fch I went for a long walk with my mum and dad. We
took our dog with us.
M Did you enjoy it?
Fch It was OK, but it was very windy that day. In the
evening, we were all tired.
R Two
M Did you go shopping last week, Sally?
Fch Yes, we did. We went to the shops in town on
Monday afternoon. I bought a present for my
M Did you drive into town?
Fch Yes. The weather was terrible that day and we didn’t
want to walk.
R Three
M And what did you do on Thursday, Sally?
Fch Which day?
M Thursday.
Fch Oh, I rode my bike in the park.
M With your friends?
Fch That’s right.
R Four
Fch I went shopping again on Wednesday!
M Did you?
Fch Yes, but I didn’t go to town that day. I only went to
the shop in the village.
M What did you buy?
Fch Oh, we needed some bread and milk.
M Did you walk there?
Fch Yes, it’s very near.
R Five
M Which was your best day last week?
Fch Friday, I think.
M Why? Did you go shopping again?
Fch No! I don’t go shopping every day, you know! I
invited my favourite cousin to come and play with
M Oh. That was good. What did you do with her?
Fch We took our dogs for a walk in the fields. It was very
hot that day.
M Great!
R NowlistentoPartThreeagain.
Mch I saw a good film last week.
F Oh, did your Mum take you to the cinema?
Mch No…
F Was it at your school, then?
Mch No, it was at my birthday party.
F Oh, I see!
Mch It was a DVD.
R Canyouseethetick?Nowyoulistenandtickthe
Mch The film was about some rabbits.
F Oh. I know the one. They have to find a new home.
Did they go to live with the animals in a zoo?
Mch No, they didn’t do that!
F Oh. Well, did they go to a farm then?
Mch No. They went to live in a big forest.
R Two.Wheredidthechildrenhavetheirlunch?
F What did you do after the film?
Mch We all had lunch.
F In a café?
Mch No. We had a picnic.
F Where? In the park?
Mch No, we had it in my garden.
R Three.Whatdidthechildreneat?
F What did you have for your lunch? Sandwiches?
Mch No, we had burgers.
F And ice-cream?
Mch No. We had some grapes.
R Four.Whatdidthechildrendoafterlunch?
F What did you do after lunch? Did you have the
birthday cake?
Mch No, we played ball games in my garden.
F Oh! It’s better to play quiet games after a big lunch.
Mch Not on my birthday!
R Five.WhatdidJim’sfriendsgivehim?
F What did your friends give you for your birthday?
Mch Oh, a lot of things. Some of them gave me CDs.
F Did they give you any new books?
Mch No. But my best friend gave me something very
F What is it?
Mch It’s a little kitten!
F Wow!
R NowlistentoPartFouragain.
M Can you see the teacher?
Fch Yes, I can. She’s helping the boy.
M That’s right. Look at her hair.
Fch Yes, it’s curly!
M That’s right. Colour the teacher’s hair yellow.
Fch OK.
R Canyouseetheteacher’syellowhair?
M Now, do you want to colour something?
Fch Yes, please. Can I colour the clock?
M OK, what colour?
Fch Blue is my favourite.
M OK, that’s a good colour for the clock, then.
R Two
M Now, would you like to write something for me?
Fch What? A word?
M Yes, can you see the map on the wall?
Fch Behind the teacher?
M That’s right. Can you write the word MAP below it?
Fch OK. I’m writing that now.
R Three
M Right. Can you see the boy’s sweater?
Fch Yes, it’s got a star on it.
M That’s right.
Fch Can I colour the star?
M Yes, good idea!
Fch What colour?
M Green.
Fch Fine.
R Four
M Now, can you see the comic?
Fch Which one?
M The comic on the boy’s desk.
Fch Oh, yes. I can’t colour all of it.
M Yes, you can. Do it quickly!
Fch What colour?
M You choose.
Fch OK. I’m doing it red …
R Five
M One last thing now … what can we have?
Fch I don’t know. Oh, can I colour the eraser? The one by
the pencil.
M Yes, colour that eraser brown, please.
Fch OK. That’s all.
M Yes. Well done! The picture looks great now!
R NowlistentoPartFiveagain.
MoversReading & Writing
There are 40 questions.
You have 30 minutes.
You will need a pen or pencil.
Cambridge Young Learners English
Reading & Writing
Sample Paper
My name is: ..........................................................................................
Centre Number Candidate Number
MoversReading & Writing
Part 1
– 6 questions –
Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the
a whale coffee
a shoulder an elephant
soup a stomach
milk a bat
MoversReading & Writing
a bat
This animal can fly and it comes out at night. .............................
1 You can eat this from a bowl. Sometimes there
are vegetables in it. .............................
2 This is the biggest animal in the world. It lives
in the sea. .............................
3 This is part of your body. All your food and
drink goes here first. .............................
4 This big animal lives in hot countries and eats
leaves and grass. .............................
5 This is between your neck and your arm. .............................
6 Mothers give this white drink to their babies. .............................
MoversReading & Writing
Part 2
– 6 questions –
Look and read. Write
yes or no.
There are five white towels in
the bathroom.
The two smallest bears are washing
their faces.
MoversReading & Writing
1 A big brown bear is having a shower.
2 There are some glasses below
the mirror.
3 The yellow bear is fatter than the
blue bear.
4 There are four toys in the bath.
5 There are lots of boxes in
the cupboard.
6 The floor is wet and there is a
toothbrush on it.
MoversReading & Writing
Part 3
– 6 questions –
Read the text and choose the best answer.
Peter is talking to his friend Jane
Jane: Hello, Peter. How are you?
I’m not very well.
B I’m Johns cousin.
C I’m going outside.
1 Jane: Whats the matter? Have you got a headache?
Peter: A No, thank you. I don’t want one.
B No, I’ve got toothache.
C No, I haven’t got it.
MoversReading & Writing
2 Jane: Would you like to come to my house?
Peter: A Yes, I went home quickly.
B No, thanks. I want to go home.
C Well, I like my house a lot.
3 Jane: Have you got a coat?
Peter: A Yes, It does.
B OK, hes here.
C No, I haven’t.
4 Jane: Do you want a drink of water?
Peter: A Yes, please.
B Yes, it is.
C Yes, I had.
5 Jane: Shall I walk home with you?
Peter: A He can walk there.
B I’d like that, thanks.
C I can go with her this evening.
6 Jane: Is your mum at home?
Peter: A Its his new home.
B Next to the bus station.
C Only my dads there today.
MoversReading & Writing
Part 4
– 7 questions –
Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct
word next to numbers 1–6. There is one example.
My name is Daisy. I like toys, but I like books and
best. I love stories about men on the moon and about
who live in different countries.
I read a good story yesterday. In this story, a boy climbed
a (2)
. At the top, there was a lot of snow. It was
evening, but the boy could see the forest below him.
He (3)
down on a rock to have a drink and to look
up at all the (4)
But then he (5)
something that he didn’t understand.
Something very big and round flew quietly and quickly behind a cloud.
What was it? The boy didn’t know and he didn’t wait to see it again. He
home to his village because he was very afraid.
I wasn’t afraid! I enjoyed the story a lot!
MoversReading & Writing
(7) Now choose the best name for the story.
Tick one box.
A boy that Daisy knows
A film that Daisy watched
A story that Daisy liked
comics blankets ran
children cooked stars
saw sat mountain
MoversReading & Writing
Part 5
– 10 questions –
Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some words to
complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3
A family holiday
Vicky lives with her parents and her two brothers, Sam and Paul, in the
city. Last week, they had a holiday by the sea. Sam is ten, Vicky is eight
but Paul is only five. They went to the cinema on Wednesday because it
rained all day. They saw a film about sharks. The sharks had very big
teeth. Paul didn’t like watching them and he closed his eyes.
Vickys family went on holiday last
Vicky has two
who are called Sam and
1 The family had a holiday by
2 It
all day on Wednesday
and the family went to the cinema.
3 Paul didn’t enjoy seeing
in the film.
MoversReading & Writing
On Thursday, Paul thought about the film. He didn’t want to swim in the
sea. He sat on the beach and watched Sam and Vicky. They played in the
water. Mum gave Paul an ice cream but he didn’t want it. Then Dad said,
“Come on Paul! Lets go for a swim.” But Paul didn’t want to.
4 Sam and Vicky
in the sea.
5 Paul didn’t want the ice cream that his
gave him.
6 Dad wanted to go for
with Paul.
On Friday, the family ate breakfast in the garden because it was very sunny
but Paul didn’t want any. Then they all went to the beach again. The
sea was very blue. Paul looked. There were three beautiful dolphins in the
water! He ran to the sea and swam to them. Then Pauls dad threw a ball
in the sea and the dolphins played with it. It was great and Paul stopped
thinking about the sharks in the film. That evening, all the family went to
the cinema again. This time the film was about a funny dolphin and they
all enjoyed it.
7 The family had breakfast in
8 Paul saw
in the water.
9 Pauls dad
into the water.
10 All
enjoyed another film
at the cinema on Friday evening.
MoversReading & Writing
On Thursday, Paul thought about the film. He didn’t want to swim in the
sea. He sat on the beach and watched Sam and Vicky. They played in the
water. Mum gave Paul an ice cream but he didn’t want it. Then Dad said,
“Come on Paul! Lets go for a swim.” But Paul didn’t want to.
4 Sam and Vicky
in the sea.
5 Paul didn’t want the ice cream that his
gave him.
6 Dad wanted to go for
with Paul.
On Friday, the family ate breakfast in the garden because it was very sunny
but Paul didn’t want any. Then they all went to the beach again. The
sea was very blue. Paul looked. There were three beautiful dolphins in the
water! He ran to the sea and swam to them. Then Pauls dad threw a ball
in the sea and the dolphins played with it. It was great and Paul stopped
thinking about the sharks in the film. That evening, all the family went to
the cinema again. This time the film was about a funny dolphin and they
all enjoyed it.
7 The family had breakfast in
8 Paul saw
in the water.
9 Pauls dad
into the water.
10 All
enjoyed another film
at the cinema on Friday evening.
MoversReading & Writing
Part 6
– 5 questions –
Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the
good eyes. They can see very well
at night.
cats climb trees and eat meat.
They can move very quietly and catch animals. Then they eat
them. They have strong teeth. There
small cats and big cats like lions and tigers. Only tigers live
the jungle. Lions don’t. Some people go
and see lions and tigers at the zoo. A lot of people have small
cats in
homes. These cats are pets.
them because they are beautiful.
Example had have has
1 All Every Any
2 am are is
3 at on in
4 your their our
5 like liking likes
MoversReading & Writing
MoversReading & Writing
Movers Reading
& Writing
Marking Key
Part1 6marks
1 soup
2 a whale
3 a stomach
4 an elephant
5 a shoulder
6 milk
Part2 6marks
1 yes
2 yes
3 no
4 yes
5 no
6 yes
Part3 6marks
1 B
2 B
3 C
4 A
5 B
6 C
Part4 7marks
1 children
2 mountain
3 sat
4 stars
5 saw
6 ran
7 A story that Daisy liked
Part5 10marks
1 the sea//the seaside
2 rained
3 the sharks//the sharks’ teeth
4 played
5 mum//mother//mummy
6 a swim
7 the/their garden
8 (three/some) (beautiful) dolphins
9 threw a ball
10 the/Peter’s family
Part6 5marks
1 All
2 are
3 in
4 their
5 like
( ) = Acceptable extra words are placed in
/ = A single slash is placed between
acceptable alternative words within an
// = A double slash is placed between
acceptable alternative complete answers
Movers Speaking
Summary of Procedures
The usher introduces the child to the examiner. The examiner asks how old the
child is.
1 The examiner asks the child to describe several differences between the two Find
the Differences pictures, e.g. ‘This is a bird but this is a cat.’
2 The examiner tells the child the name of the story and describes the first picture
e.g. ‘Fred is sad. He can’t play football. His ball is very old. His mums saying,
“Take the dog to the park.” ’ The examiner then asks the child to continue telling
the story.
3 The examiner demonstrates how to do this task with the first set of four odd-one-
out pictures and then asks the child to choose one picture in the other three sets
and say which is different and why. For example, ‘These are all animals, but this is
a sweater.’
4 The examiner asks questions about the child, e.g. ‘Whos the youngest in your
MOVERS SPEAKING. Find the Differences
2 3 4