2019 Resident Camp Mah-Kah-Wee Confirmation
Mission Statement: “Girl Scouts builds girls of Courage, Confidence and Character
who make the world a better place.”
Goals of Summer Camp
To encourage girls to embrace the outdoors and explore nature
To promote the physical, spiritual and mental well-being of all girls
To help girls develop their inner leadership and a sense of responsibility
To create a welcoming environment for all girls
To build new friendships, create lasting memories and have the best summer
What’s inside?
Packing list and tips
Information on paperwork and paying for camp
What to expect at check-in
Paperwork needed to attend camp and much, much, more
Mah- Kah-Wee Program Center
1700 South County Road 419
Chuluota, FL 32766
Office: 407-365-3737
Fax: 321-247-5660
General Questions: Summercamp@citrus-gs.org
Important Paperwork
To ensure your camper has a wonderful and safe time attending camp, we need all parents to
complete all the pertinent paperwork specified on the website: https://www.citrus-
gs.org/en/about-girl-scouts/our-council/forms.html for their camp sessions. Most paperwork is in
a writable format so that you can save the forms and email them directly to
Summercamp@citrus-gs.org 2 weeks prior to your camp start date.
You will also be receiving an email from CampDoc to set up a login for your personal account.
This site is a secure service that we use for our medical information. On the site you will find the
medical form to download and bring to your campers physician when she has her physical. All
physicals need to be completed within 1 year of the camp end date. You will also need to obtain
their current shot records and both of them will need to be uploaded to the site. All tabs need to
be completed no later than 2 weeks prior to your daughters start date of camp.
Please make sure if your browser is Internet Explorer and not current, you will need to
select a different one such as: Firefox, Chrome or Safari
Please remember that if your daughter is attending more than 1 week of camp you will
need to note that on her “Get to Know Your Camper” form so that the paperwork can be
prepared. Please note that there will be minimal paperwork that will need to be signed or
initialed upon check in each week.
Buddies at Camp
Each camper has a different experience at camp that is unique and personal to each of them.
This includes making new friends, creating forever memories, becoming independent and more.
We know that many girls like to experience this with someone they know well. To ensure they
have a balance of both experiences, we can only honor 1 buddy request from each camper.
They need to both select each other, be attending the same session and be in the same grade
level. Please do not list multiple girls and/or troops as we cannot honor these requests.
Packing for Camp
The following tips and suggestions make packing easy. Do not go out and purchase brand new
clothes or equipment. Many of the things your daughter needs are already around the house.
How should my camper pack? (See packing list)
There is no room in the cabins for footlockers or trunks. We recommend backpacks, suitcases
or duffel bags with carrying straps. Remember that your camper should be packing her bags
with adult assistance if necessary. This will make her aware of what she has, and to make it
easy for her to repack at the end of the week.
Your camper will need to carry her own luggage to and from trailer.
Please make sure everything is labeled with her name or initials. We suggest packing a day’s
worth of clothes in zip-lock bags (the gallon size ones work great). Each morning your camper
can reach into her duffel bag and pull out an entire outfit. Extra socks, shirts, etc. can be put in
other zip-locks and labeled. This system works really well for younger campers.
Packing List
*Please remember to label all items
T-shirts (No Tank, Halter or Spaghetti Strap Tops)
Shorts, jeans, long pants
Warm sweatshirt or lightweight jacket
Rain gear (poncho)
Bathing suits (one-two for pool and one for waterfront activities)
One piece or tankini; NO BIKINIS
2-3 Towels for pool/shower
Sturdy, closed toe/closed heel shoes for walking around camp (no Crocs or flip flops)
Shower shoes (these can be flip flops or Crocs)
Water shoes or old sneakers for waterfront activities. They will get wet (no Crocs or flip
Socks (worn at all times)
A hat or bandana
Laundry bag (for dirty clothes)
Plastic bag for wet clothes
Toothbrush & toothpaste
Hairbrush or comb
Flashlight and extra batteries
Small backpack/nap sack-(day bag)
Sleeping bag or blanket and sheets. Note: Bring a single top sheet if you are using a
sleeping bag. (twin size)
Insect repellant (non-aerosol)
Sunscreen (non-aerosol)
Refillable water bottle with name
Optional Items
Stuffed animal
Book to read
Stationary and stamps
- (If you would like your daughter to write to you, please send self-
addressed, stamped envelopes)
Parents are permitted to send snacks for their campers providing they follow these guidelines.
All snacks are labeled in a bag or container that can be closed.
They must be dropped off at check in.
Girls cannot have any snacks in their sleeping area.
All snacks will be stored in the unit house and provided by staff upon request.
Some children do not receive care packages from their parents. Additional snacks for
girls in the unit are welcomed.
Please be specific when dropping snacks off.
What Not to Bring or Send to Camp
Soda, energy drinks, candy, gum, and coffee type drinks
Fruity smelling deodorant or toothpaste
Body sprays or perfumes
Aerosol containers of any kind
Permanent markers
Any expensive or irreplaceable items
Valuable jewelry
No Electronics - iPods, iPads, MP3’s, digital cameras or any other electronic devices
NO Cell phones
Please keep in mind that when your camper arrives we want to make sure that this is a
time to enjoy the outdoors, make new friends and develop a strong sense of self. Please
be sure to check your camper’s bags before they arrive to avoid us having to take away
any unnecessary items. We thank you for your assistance and understanding in making
your camper’s experience a memorable one.
If Cell Phones or other items that are not allowed to be on or with the camper are
found, they will be collected and locked in the safe until parent pick up.
Check In
Check in at Camp Mah-Kah-Wee will be on the Sunday of your camper’s camp session.
At Mah-Kah-Wee we check in thru the side entrance which is off of Riverwoods Drive, Chuluota,
FL 32766. Please follow the signs for check in.
Daisy/Brownies 2:00 pm
Juniors 2:30 pm
Cadettes/Seniors/Ambassadors 3:00 pm
CITs 12:00 pm
This is a very busy time and we ask for your patience. We check-in each and every camper
individually and this takes time. To assist in this please have all paperwork and medications
ready. Please plan on spending some time with us during our check in process. We ask that
everyone that is attending check in please wear closed toe shoes as you will be walking back to
the units with the girls.
All campers must take a swim test on the first day of camp.
Check-in Procedures
We make every effort to move your child through the check-in process as quickly as we
can. We ask for your patience and understanding if a delay occurs.
When you arrive at camp, a staff member will direct you to the luggage pavilion.
You will then put your camper’s luggage in the trailer marked for her unit.
Please make sure that everyone that is dropping off your camper has closed toed shoes
on their feet to walk down to the units. (Anyone that does not have on proper shoes
will not be allowed down to the unit.)
You will then proceed to the lodge and go to the designated stations. Make sure you
have any missing paperwork, all medications including OTC, snacks, money for the
trading post or trips, etc.
“Check In” is where you will turn in most of your paperwork, drop off your mail, and have
any non-medical questions answered.
Heads and Toes is where Girls will have their head and toes checked and temperature
taken. If your camper is found to have head lice, athlete’s foot or a fever she will not
be able to return to camp unless she is cleared. At that time she may return to camp or
choose another camp session, if available.
Nurse Station is where you will turn in any medical documents and medications. At this
time you will be able to discuss with the health staff any medical concerns you may
have. Please remember to complete all of your camper’s information on the CampDoc
website, and upload the Health Form that was completed by your physician.
“Trading Post” is an area where girls can purchase items for their week of camp. You will
be able to leave money for them to shop during their week. We will have a variety of
items including care packages, stamps, towels etc.
Once all of the stations are completed you will walk down to the unit that your camper is
staying in to meet some of the staff and drop her off. (This step is not necessary for older
campers, just let a staff member know so they can bring them to the unit)
Unpacking & Saying Goodbye
When you arrive at your camper’s unit, you will be greeted by your camper’s counselors. You
may also want to help your camper pick out a bunk. Once your camper is settled into her unit, it
is time to say goodbye. Our staff has been trained and is prepared to immediately engage your
daughter in fun activities to help facilitate the transition. Due to our tight schedule on this day,
we ask that all parents leave camp no later than 4 PM in order for the girls to get ready for
dinner and their swim test.
Camp Meals
All meals served at camp are formed using the FDA food plate. Girls are always given an
alternative option ranging from a cheese sandwich to peanut butter and jelly. There is a salad
bar available during lunch and dinner every day.
We will try to accommodate most medical special needs, if your camper has any medically
necessary special needs please complete the needs assessment form and fax or email it
2 weeks prior to her arrival to 321-247-5660 or Summercamp@citrus-gs.org It is imperative that
we are aware of these needs before she arrives to camp.
Please be advised that campers are not permitted to drink coffee/soda/energy drinks
while at camp.
Program Opportunities
Each week of camp has a special theme. Please feel free to send in costumes or accessories to
enhance your camper’s experience while she is here. We encourage getting into character for
many of the weeks, so dress up at all ages is always appropriate!!
Some sessions, not all of them may include high adventure activities which are scheduled
according to GSUSA, Safety Activity Checkpoints and ACA guidelines. Some activities are grade
level specific, including our challenge course, archery and waterfront sessions. The girls will
never be forced to participate in anything they are uncomfortable with; however they will be
encouraged to try new things. Please let the girls know that not all sessions include these activities
and to only expect what is in the description.
Below is a list of possible high adventure activities, depending on the camp session:
Archery - Brownies and up (not available for sampler camp)
Canoe- Brownies and up
Funoes Daisies and Brownies
Kayaks - Depends on Program and Grade Level
Challenge Course - Low Elements - Brownies
Challenge Course - High Elements - Juniors and up
Please be advised that when the girls are participating in ALL lake activities they will be
required to wear a PFD (personal floating device).
Part of the camp experience is being able to have Girl Choice each week. We allow girls to
choose specific activities that they would like to participate in as well. These could range from
sports and jewelry making to extra pool time or me time.
The following activities will be offered during your campers stay: Arts & Crafts, Environmental
Activities, Team Building, Dance & Skits, Campfires, SWAPS and of course S’mores’
Mah-Kah-Wee Pool
All campers must take a swim test on the first day of camp. They will all be given a color coded
swim cap to wear whenever they are in the pool. The different colors will enable the lifeguards
to monitor everyone accordingly. Please be sure to list any allergies to latex on the
CampDoc forms. Anyone that does not have a strong swimming ability will be required to wear
a PFD (personal floating device). Campers will also be given ear drops when they come out of
the pool to prevent ear aches and infections.
*Please be aware that all girls will be required to wear swim caps throughout the week at
the pool, which will be given to them to keep after their swim test.
* Please note that if your camper is coming for multiple weeks, please send her swim cap
back with her, to help us to identify her swimming ability and to be resourceful without
issuing an additional cap.
Health Care Information and Medications
To provide a more secure and accurate database for our medical information, we have moved
to using CampDoc for all medical related information. Please put CampDoc.com in your safe
sender list.
Each camper is required to have a physical exam within 12 months of the last day of their
camp session.
Medications - Please do not pack any medications in your camper’s bag.
Here are a few things to remember about medications at camp:
When you receive an e-mail from CampDoc, download and print the Health Form. Have
it completed by your physician and upload it to CampDoc. If you are unable to upload
please bring it with you to check-in. Complete ALL sections of the CampDoc survey to
ensure we have the most current information. CampDoc is not considered complete
until the authorization in the last step is checked and submitted.
Be sure to list ALL medications in CampDoc properly and send it to camp in the original
bottle with the Rx label intact.
All prescription medications must be listed by the PHYSICIAN on the health form.
Campers who require prescriptions while at camp MUST have their individual standing
orders signed by a physician on the Health Form.
All over-the-counter medications must be in their original containers with your camper’s
name on it, and turned into the health staff. Vitamins may be stored in a weekly or daily
dispenser, but must also be entered on the form and turned into the health staff.
All medications will be stored in the infirmary and administered by the health staff.
Please remember to pick up any leftover medication from the health staff at the end of
the week.
Picking Your Camper Up
Camper’s safety is our #1 priority. It is imperative you completely fill out and sign the “Camper
Release” form included in your documents.
Also remember to list yourself on the Camper Release Form.
Check OUT will be between the hours of 3:00pm and 4:30pm on Friday.
Please remember to list all the people you think may possibly pick your camper up in
case of an emergency or at the end of the camp session. Don’t forget to include
yourself and your spouse/partner.
Our staff will only release campers to those indicated on the pick-up form...NO
Everyone will need to show photo identification. Campers will not be released without
it. Please inform everyone on your list.
Your camper’s luggage will be under her unit sign. Please be sure to take all of her
luggage and double check that she has packed in the same way she came so you don’t
forget something.
more than two weeks will be donated.
Questions or Concerns about:
To make payments please:
Login to your “My GS” account and navigate to your activities tab then select make
payment or
Contact Customer Care at Custome[email protected]rg or 407-896-4475
Please Note:
All final payments vary based on the session date.
Please be sure to note when your final payment is due to avoid forfeiting your camp
session and non refundable deposit and/or fees.
Camp Forms
Need to be emailed no less than 2 weeks prior to the start of camp to:
Summer Camp General Questions
Jessica MacGregor (Firfley) Outdoor Program Manager at 407-228-1657 or
Financial Assistance or other questions
Aimee Beauchamp (Ennie) Director of Outdoor Program & Camp 407-228-1655 or
Camp Doc or other Medical needs
Karen Anderson Health Supervisor 407-365-1436 or summercamp@citrus-gs.org
Summer Camp Office (at MKW)
Phone: 407-365-3737
Fax: 321-247-5660
Email: summerca[email protected]
In Case of an Emergency Only
Site Ranger: Rose Colson 814-331-3790
See you at Camp!!