Billet Owner Guide:
Review Volunteers for Position
Bid (Select) Volunteers for Position
Talent Marketplace
Your journey starts here
Step 1 Receive system generated email from MyVector that there are volunteers ready to bid
*IMPORTANT* Close out dates are set at 2359 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)/1959 Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Note 1: One system notification is sent at the end of day, if there is an action required.
Note 2: If you are not receiving notifications, please check your email information located in
your MyVector profile. For other issues, submit a Support Ticket under “Help.
Bidding close-out set
by Assignment Team
Step 2 Using Google Chrome or latest version of Microsoft Edge, login to MyVector at
Use the AF Portal and type “MyVector” in top right search box
Step 2a Click “I agree” on the Notice banner
Step 3 Logon to MyVector
Step 4 On the MyVector home page, click the “Update Bids” hyperlink in the Notifications box
*Note: See slide #9 for alternate method to view Special Assignments page, if desired.
This page will pop-up
to the
Step 5 Review volunteers
Click arrow of
position to
view details
Click “Job ID” to view
ad from applicant
Click “PSN” to view
advertisement build
set by
Asgn Team
Step 5a Review volunteer, click “Bid
Last, First M.
Last, First M.
Link 1: Name
hyperlink will take
you to the
volunteers record.
All blue hyperlinks
will open specified
Link 4: Download application
documents, click
Link 3: View other
applications from this
volunteer, click blue hyperlinks
Link 2: View Losing
Commander recommendation
Last, First M.
Step 6 Bid on volunteer
*Note 1: The term “Bid” means to select
*Note 2: The system will not allow you to bid after the Suspense date
Option 1: Click ‘speech bubble’ to add
Billet Owner comments specific to
volunteer. Mandatory for all AGR
volunteer applications.
Option 2: Click the
‘person icon’ to view the
personal record
Option 3: Click the green
thumb’s up to bid (select) the
vol. If you do not wish to bid,
enter non-selection comment
and do nothing else.
*Click red X to remove bid
--You can add/remove bids for as
long as the bidding period is open
Option 3a: Bid screen
view, if selected
Last, First M.
Bidding Window
Set by Asgn Team
OPTIONAL How to change the ranking order on bids
*Note: Contact your Assignment Team for specific policies regarding who within a unit may submit a bid
TSgt Macklin, Burt D.
TSgt Callamezzo, Joan E.
SSgt Traeger, Christopher
Option 2: Drag
and drop name
of other name
to replace order
Option 1: Use
your mouse and
highlight the
number in the box,
and type the
number you wish
to change it to, i.e.
highlight “1” and
type “2” over it.
Then the order will
**Alternative Method to locating the Billet Owner page (if unavailable under “Notifications)**
Step 1: ClickTalent
Step 2: Click “Billet
Owner” tile
Step 3: Click “Special
Assignments” tile
Step 4: Click “Ready
for Bidding” tab
Will I receive an email when a position is ready to bid?
Yes. You will receive a system generated email at the end of the day, as well as a notification on your MyVector dashboard.
I am the primary Billet Owner, am I able to assign other Billet Owners?
Yes. The primary Billet Owner will be the only person listed in the advertisement details for the field to view and contact. Multiple (alternate) Billet Owners may be
added, such as the approval authority, or other members of the Assignment Team. All assigned Billet Owners have the same system rights as the Primary and will be
able to create or edit the ad, as well as see all the applications once available.
Can a volunteer apply for the same position more than once?
No. If the applicant must make corrections, they are required to
the application and submit the corrected version.
After I make a bid, can I change my mind?
Yes. You can change your bid(s) for as long as the bidding window is open. The bidding window is set by the Assignment Team.
Bidding window suspense will be annotated in the system notification, as well as on the “Ready for Bidding” screen under the “Advertised Billets” tile.
I am receiving a system error when I try to view or submit a bid, who do I contact?
Please submit a trouble ticket in MyVector > Help > Submit Support Ticket
I am looking at a volunteers record on Talent Marketplace and it appears some data is missing?
This information is pulled over from the personnel system. For any questions, contact the volunteer based on the contact information provided in the application.
I am unable to open an attachment from the volunteer, what happened?
The system will not allow PDF portfolio or PDF with active digital signatures. For any questions, contact the volunteer based on the contact information provided in
the application.
I see that a volunteer has # amount of bids, what does that mean?
This means the volunteer has been bid on # amount of times on their current open applications. While as a Billet Owner you can see the positions they have applied
for, you will not be able to view who bid on them and for which open positions.
A volunteer contacted me and said they submitted an application by close-out date listed, however they received an error that the ad had already closed?
The close-out window is set at 2359 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)/1959 Eastern Standard Time (EST).
I do not want to select any of the applicants, what do I do?
Do not click the “Thumb’s Up” button to bid on the volunteer(s)
Add comments in the “Comment Bubble” button to add non-selection remarks (seen by Assignment Team)
Request Assignment Team to readvertise
Frequently Asked questions