block q1 2024 1
Q1 2024 Shareholder Letter
block q1 2024 2
“Why the hell are you all spending so much time on bitcoin?”
We get this question a lot. We’ll use this quarter’s letter to answer it.
First, some facts. Less than 3% of company resources are dedicated to
bitcoin-related projects. All of which have been more than fully covered by the
profits from our bitcoin exchange, which is Cash App’s fourth largest gross
profit stream.
But why spend time on bitcoin at all? We believe the world needs an open
protocol for money, one that’s not owned or controlled by any single entity.
We believe bitcoin is the best and only candidate to be that protocol, and to
ultimately become the native currency of the internet.
How does this benefit Block? An open protocol for money helps us serve
more people around the world faster. We could build an amazing product
experience once and ship it globally to any market in the world, without needing
to customize for hundreds of different payment schemes. This creates the
opportunity to accelerate our growth potential and improve our cost structure
at the same time. It truly levels the playing field for a company like ours, and for
everyone in the world.
Why bitcoin versus all the other “cryptos?” Satoshi designed bitcoin to solve a
very specific problem around payments, which the world has since found to be
immensely valuable. The majority of other projects are either solving different
problems or attempting to be a speculative trading asset. We benefit from an
open protocol for money, and that’s what we’re focused on building upon.
In 2018, Block became the first publicly listed company to offer a bitcoin
product. Our strategy since then follows 3 core directives:
Make it accessible.
Make it more secure.
Make it usable every day.
To make bitcoin more accessible, we started with the greatest need: “how do I
get bitcoin?” We built a simple platform right into Cash App where one can buy,
hold, withdraw, or sell bitcoin. It was a hit. Since launch, Cash App has had over 21
million actives use bitcoin. Cash App bitcoin products generated 3.3% and 4.2% of
Block’s gross profit in 2022 and 2023, with only 0.7% of related expenses.
To Our Shareholders
May 2, 2024
bloc k q1 2024 3
We went on to build ecosystem features to help people get bitcoin. 1.6
million Cash App Card actives have used our Bitcoin Round Ups feature to
automatically convert spare change from everyday transactions into bitcoin.
Our Paid in Bitcoin feature allows customers to convert a percentage
of their direct deposits into bitcoin with zero fees or price spreads, yet
another reason for people to direct their paychecks into Cash App. We
just launched a similar feature named “Bitcoin Conversions” for Square
sellers wishing to convert up to 10% of their daily sales into bitcoin.
We’re doing a few things to make bitcoin more secure. First, we recognize
that holding bitcoin safely can make people feel anxious, especially if
one doesn’t want to keep their bitcoin on an exchange. That’s why we
built and launched Bitkey to over 90 countries: a globally available, non-
custodial wallet that combines intuitive software, robust hardware, and
advanced security measures. Bitkey makes bitcoin easy to use and
hard to lose. It comes integrated with Cash App and Coinbase, allowing
customers to easily buy and transfer bitcoin directly to their Bitkey.
We also want to help secure the bitcoin network by building bitcoin
mining hardware. We’re introducing an entirely new 3 nanometer
ASIC mining chip, in addition to an entire mining rig system. Why?
We’ve heard from countless miners globally about their desire for
reliable, flexible, and US-based mining hardware and software. This
contributes to the health and security of the bitcoin network by further
decentralizing both the supply of mining hardware and the distribution
of hashrate, the computing power devoted to mining bitcoin.
With a standalone mining chip, we will represent the only large, well-
capitalized mining hardware vendor with such a solution. We believe
this will help unlock mining system innovation and support the much-
needed development of new mining system form factors and use cases.
With the full mining rig system, we’ll build on our product and software
development expertise, system engineering competency, supply chain
experience, and aftermarket support capability (with tens of millions
of devices shipped) to build something miners can depend on. This
is a massive market and opportunity we’re very excited about.
And finally, we want to make bitcoin more usable everyday. Our greatest
contribution thus far to this goal has been investing in the Spiral team, a group
of open-source developers who work every day to make bitcoin more than
an investment. Spiral has been directly behind the Lightning Development
Kit, the Bitcoin Development Kit, the Bitcoin Design Community, and has
provided grants to over 50 developers in more than 20 countries, leading
to a dozen foundational open source bitcoin projects. The team has also
been the inspiration for our Bitkey and mining hardware projects and has
helped us think deeply about how finance technology shifts over time.
bloc k q1 2024 4
Global remittance, an $860 billion industry, is a use case that’s more
urgently in need of better solutions today than everyday payments. This
is why we created TBD, to solve cross-border funds flow without the need
for going through a centralized exchange. TBD has created a protocol for
on- and off-ramps from fiat to digital currencies that would allow anyone
without a bank (~1.4 billion people) and with access to a mobile phone
to participate in the larger global economy. We’ll discuss TBD in a future
shareholder letter as we launch our first remittance product later this year.
Ultimately, making bitcoin more usable every day means seeing
bitcoin as a medium of exchange for the internet, thus solving for
the original problem Satoshi stated in the bitcoin white paper:
“Commerce on the Internet has come to rely almost
exclusively on financial institutions serving as trusted
third parties to process electronic payments.
…What is needed is an electronic payment system
based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing
any two willing parties to transact directly with each
other without the need for a trusted third party.”
The internet will have a native currency; it’s just a matter of time. Artificial
Intelligence systems and agents will have to transact, and the most efficient
way to do so will be a common protocol for money movement. Creative
endeavors will rely heavily on micropayments, something that’s been
discussed since the dawn of the internet, and finally being realized at scale
with things like “zaps” (transferring small amounts of bitcoin via lightning) on
the NOSTR protocol. Commerce will be less constrained by national borders,
flowing freely around the world without gatekeepers or rent seekers.
This won’t happen overnight. The existing and emerging financial systems will
operate in parallel for some time. There’s an opportunity to build cohesive
and regulatory-compliant connections between these two worlds. This
is where we’ve always flourished: at the intersection of regulations and
innovative technology that can bring more people into the economy.
Recognizing the interconnectedness of the bitcoin ecosystem, we
understand that our advancements foster collective growth, and the
progress of others, in turn, benefits us. This synergy is pivotal; as the bitcoin
ecosystem flourishes, so does Block. We were the first to recognize this
potential and have reaped the benefits, but as others join, the advantages
compound. The rising tide of bitcoin's growth lifts all boats, and our
proactive contributions have positioned us at the forefront of this wave.
bloc k q1 2024 5
We also believe in investing in the overall asset of the ecosystem, and
holding bitcoin in our treasury. Going forward, each month we will be
investing 10% of our gross profit from bitcoin products into bitcoin
purchases. We were one of the first public companies to put bitcoin on our
balance sheet: we invested $220 million into bitcoin, and that investment
has grown by approximately 160% to $573 million as of the end of the first
quarter. We’re open sourcing our treasury blueprint so other companies
can do the same:
Historically and moving forward, our investment in bitcoin transcends
technology; it is an investment in a future where economic
empowerment is the norm. This commitment drives our business
into new territories, unlocking novel opportunities for our customers,
and securing enduring value for you, our shareholders.
Jack Dorsey
bloc k q1 2024 6
21% 22%27%
Gross Profit
$2.09 Billion
YoY Growth
Q2 Q1
Margins above are all calculated as a percent of gross profit. In the first quarter of 2024, total net revenue was $5.96 billion, up 19% year over year, and, excluding
bitcoin revenue, revenue was $3.23 billion, up 14% year over year.
*We have revised the 2023 quarterly net income and EPS results in this letter and in our Q4 2023 letter from amounts previously reported to correctly reflect the
impact of the remeasurement of bitcoin investment in each period, pursuant to the Company's early adoption of ASU No. 2023-08, Accounting for and Disclosure of
Crypto Assets ("ASU 2023-08"), in 2023, using the modified retrospective approach.
In the fourth quarter of 2023, we began reporting the financial results of our BNPL platform fully within Cash App, rather than allocating 50% of revenue and gross
profit to each of Square and Cash App. The prior period segment financial information in this letter has been revised to conform to the updated segment reporting.
In the first quarter of 2024, net income included a remeasurement gain on our bitcoin investment of $233 million. Reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures
used in this letter to their nearest GAAP equivalents are provided at the end of this letter. Please see these reconciliations for a description of certain items that
affected operating income (loss) and net income (loss) in the first quarter of 2024.
In the first quarter of 2024, gross
profit grew 22% year over year to
$2.09 billion. Cash App generated
gross profit of $1.26 billion, up 25%
year over year, and Square
generated gross profit of $820
million, up 19% year over year.
Q1'24 Highlights
Q3Q2 Q4Q1
Cash App Gross Profit
$1.26 Billion
Q3Q2 Q4Q1
Square Gross Profit
$820 Million
We delivered improvement across
all profitability measures in the first
quarter of 2024. Operating income
was $250 million while Adjusted
Operating Income was $364 million.
Net income attributable to common
stockholders was $472 million and
Adjusted EBITDA was $705 million,
up 91% year over year.
Q3Q3 Q2Q2 Q4Q4 Q1
Net Income (Loss)*
$472 Million
Adjusted EBITDA
$705 Million
*Attributable to common stockholders
margin margin
Q3Q2 Q4Q1
Adjusted Operating Income (Loss)
$364 Million
Operating Income (Loss)
$250 Million
Q3Q2 Q4Q1
bloc k q1 2024 7
Cash App
Cash App, with its bank partners, is
focused on a three-part strategy,
introduced last quarter: banking our base,
moving upmarket by serving families,
and building the next-generation social
bank. Our primary focus in the near term
is banking our base by driving paycheck
deposit adoption and increasing inflows
per active.
We are committed to earning
our customers’ trust.
We are working to provide elevated
card management tools for Cash App
Card customers, which increases the
card’s utility and is critical for building
trust with our customers. In March, we
allowed customers to stop charges
from select merchants directly in
the app, a frequently requested
feature via our support channels.
Over time, we expect to grow upmarket
with families and can do so by offering
an increasingly robust set of oversight
controls to promote safety. In the
first quarter, we redesigned the
interface for Families so parents can
more easily understand their teen’s
balance, pay them, set up a recurring
allowance, or modify controls and
limits for their teen's account.
We believe our financial services
offerings are uniquely connected and
differentiated from traditional banks.
Cash App Taxes offers a free tax filing
service. We can help our customers
with their taxes and also introduce them
to our direct deposit offering: More
than 40% of Cash App Taxes actives
chose to receive their refund directly
into Cash App during this tax season,
an increase from the prior year.
We are launching products and features across financial
services that provide customers with a differentiated
experience beyond traditional banks.
A transacting active is a
Cash App account that has
at least one financial
transaction using any
product or service within
Cash App during a specified
period. A transacting active
for a specific Cash App
product has at least one
financial transaction using
that product during the
specified period and is
referred to as an active.
Examples of transactions
include sending or receiving
a peer-to-peer payment,
transferring money into or
out of Cash App, making a
purchase using Cash App
Card, earning a dividend on a
stock investment, and
paying back a loan, among
others. Certain of these
accounts may share an alias
identifier with one or more
other transacting active
accounts. This could
represent, among other
things, one customer with
multiple accounts or multiple
customers sharing one alias
identifier (for example,
A paycheck deposit active
is a Cash App account that
receives ACH inflows during
a specified period, but
excludes tax refunds and
ACH transfers. There are
certain features that a
paycheck deposit active
gets access to if they
deposit a certain amount of
money each month, such as
free overdraft coverage and
a 4.5% yield on their Cash
App Savings account,
among other benefits.
Cash App Card monthly
actives, which increased
16% year over year.
bloc k q1 2024 8
In the fourth quarter, we launched free
overdraft coverage up to a certain
amount for eligible customers, helping
our customers save money and easing
their day-to-day cash flow needs.
This is a key feature that can drive
direct deposit adoption, given the
engagement we’ve seen since launch.
We believe that bringing a yield to Cash
App’s savings product will continue to
drive engagement, which we’ve seen
by growth in the number of accounts
utilizing it and increasing balances:
Since launching in January, eligible
actives have deposited more than $1
billion into their Savings accounts.
We continued to integrate Afterpay
into Cash App because we believe that
commerce tools enhance the value of
our entire financial services offering.
BNPL GMV was $6.98 billion in
the first quarter, up 25% year over
year. Acquisition was strong across
customers and merchants, with growth
in the quarter driven by Single Use
Payments (“SUP”) and Gift Cards.
We see advantages to distributing BNPL
through Cash App Card. Over the past
few months, we have been testing an
Afterpay installment product using
Cash App Card. This allows customers
to convert certain purchases into a short-
term loan and access BNPL anywhere
they use their Cash App Card for a small
fee. While early, we have seen strong
adoption based on eligible customers.
bloc k q1 2024 9
Square is focused on four priorities:
a rock-solid and flexible platform,
providing a “local” experience to
sellers of all sizes, growing with
AI, and banking on Square.
We continued to strengthen our platform
with features that we believe improve
our ability to serve our sellers.
A key priority is improving platform
resilience, and in the first quarter we
launched the full global expansion of
offline payments to all Square hardware
devices. Sellers in every one of our
markets can now accept payments even
if they are having connectivity issues.
As we work toward a single app
for all sellers, we have evolved the
onboarding experience for quick-
service restaurants, reducing friction
while creating a more tailored product
experience for these sellers. Early
results show an improvement in
feature discovery, which we believe
will increase the ability of sellers to
find and use more of our products. As
we learn more, we plan to update the
onboarding flows for other verticals.
We recently introduced new features
that improve the onboarding experience
for Square Appointments, our point-of-
sale booking platform used by sellers
across services industries such as
health and beauty. We are using AI
to automate the previously manual
task of uploading details about their
various service offerings to Square
Appointments, saving sellers time.
bloc k q1 2024 10
We serve many mixed-use sellers
who don’t fit neatly into one vertical.
For example, we may serve a retailer
who primarily sells grocery items but
also has a deli that serves fresh food.
Ahead of our convergence to a single
app, we continued to improve the
connectivity of our software across
verticals to better serve these mixed-
use sellers. Retail sellers who also have
a food and drink component can now
send orders to Square Kitchen Display
System (“KDS”) directly from their Retail
Point of Sale, improving their buyer
experience and showing the power of
shared technology across verticals.
We are evolving our go-to-market strategies
and focusing on improving product velocity to
deliver enhanced local experiences to sellers.
We rolled out contracts in the second
half of 2023 and saw the number
of U.S. sales wins with contracts
attached more than double from
December to March. While still
early, we are seeing encouraging
improvements in early cohort retention
when contracts are deployed.
Expanded franchise capabilities have
been an unlock for Square to serve
larger sellers. Since launch in the third
quarter of 2023, we've expanded
relationships with growing multi-location
franchises, including Greek fast-casual
restaurant chain Taziki’s Mediterranean
Cafe, and signed new sellers, including
innovative dessert concept JARS.
In the first quarter, we enhanced
our Square Loyalty Promotions
offering: Sellers choose what type of
promotion, such as a holiday special,
to launch, and our AI-enabled loyalty
tool leverages traffic data, transaction
patterns, and other inputs to create
an offer that optimizes for business
goals like increasing foot traffic during
slow hours or selling specific items.
Square KDS is a kitchen display system that connects with
Square for Restaurants, Square for Retail, Square Point of Sale,
Square Online, and our online ordering and delivery platforms. To
help multi-vertical sellers customize their Square experience, in
the first quarter we began enabling mixed-use retail businesses
that also sell made-to-order foods to send orders to a Kitchen
Display System directly from their Retail Point-of-Sale.
Our AI-enhanced Square Loyalty Promotions offering leverages
traffic data and transaction patterns to help our sellers choose
which type of promotion they want to launch.
bloc k q1 2024 11
We were able to bring new banking
products to market quickly by leveraging
existing Cash App infrastructure, as
we have focused on creating more
connections between our ecosystems.
We launched Paper Cash Deposits in
the first quarter, which allows sellers
using Square Checking to deposit cash
into their checking account at more
than 70,000 retail locations across
the U.S. This product has consistently
been requested by sellers who
accept cash and want to use Square
for more of their banking needs.
In April, we began allowing sellers
to instantly convert a portion of
their sales into bitcoin through Cash
App for a lower cost than buying
bitcoin through an exchange.
bloc k q1 2024 12
We outperformed our gross profit and
profitability guidance in the first quarter
of 2024. Gross profit grew 22% year over
year to $2.09 billion. Cash App sustained
strong gross profit growth of 25% year over
year in the first quarter driven primarily by
inflows per active and monetization rate, with
strong performance across Cash App Card,
our BNPL platform, our Bitcoin products,
and Cash App Borrow. Square gross profit
grew 19% year over year in the first quarter,
an improvement from the fourth quarter,
behind notable strength in our banking
products and international markets.
We continued to drive strong profitability
and delivered operating income of $250
million and Adjusted Operating Income of
$364 million. Operating income margin
was 12% and Adjusted Operating Income
margin was 17%, as we achieved meaningful
margin expansion during the quarter. We
remained below our 12,000 people cap at
the end of the quarter. We believe we can
continue to drive profitability by leveraging
our scale to improve our cost structure
across a range of different expense
areas, and utilizing AI and automation.
At the same time, we are also investing
behind key initiatives that we believe will drive
sustainable long-term growth. In Square,
we are investing in our sales team to drive
growth with larger sellers while increasing
product velocity to enhance our ability to
serve sellers across our business. For Cash
App, we’re prioritizing initiatives, with our
bank partners, that drive more customers
toward a primary banking relationship.
Our focus is on continued execution to
reach our Rule of 40 target in 2026.
While we recognize there is more
work to do, we are excited about the
momentum across the business and
believe we are setting the foundation for
ongoing profitable growth at scale.
Reconciliations of non-
GAAP metrics used in this
letter to their nearest GAAP
equivalents are provided at
the end of this letter.
Bitcoin gross profit was $80
million in the first quarter of
2024. The total sale amount
of bitcoin sold to customers,
which we recognize as
bitcoin revenue, was $2.73
billion. Bitcoin gross profit
was 3% of bitcoin revenue.
Margins are calculated as a
percent of gross profit.
Rule of 40 is the sum of our
gross profit growth and
Adjusted Operating Income
margin as a percent of gross
gros s pro f it
YoY G ro w th
bloc k q1 2024 13
block total revenue and gross profit
In the first quarter of 2024, total net
revenue was $5.96 billion, up 19% year
over year. Excluding bitcoin revenue,
revenue was $3.23 billion, up 14% year
over year. Gross profit was $2.09
billion, up 22% year over year.
Transaction-based revenue was $1.51
billion in the first quarter of 2024, up 6%
year over year, and transaction-based
gross profit was $638 million, up 6% year
over year. We processed $54.43 billion in
GPV in the first quarter of 2024, up 6%
year over year. Transaction-based gross
profit as a percentage of GPV was 1.17%,
down 1 basis point year over year and up
4 basis points quarter over quarter.
Subscription and services-based revenue
was $1.68 billion in the first quarter of 2024,
up 23% year over year, and subscription
and services-based gross profit was
$1.41 billion, up 28% year over year.
In the fourth quarter of 2023, we began
reporting the financial results of our BNPL
platform fully within Cash App, rather than
allocating 50% of revenue and gross profit
to each of Square and Cash App. The prior
period segment financial information in
this letter has been revised to conform
to the updated segment reporting.
In the first quarter of 2024,
gross profit included $18
million of amortization of
acquired technology assets.
GPV includes Square GPV
and Cash App Business
GPV. Square GPV is defined
as the total dollar amount of
all card payments processed
by sellers using Square, net
of refunds, and ACH
transfers. Cash App
Business GPV comprises
Cash App activity related to
peer-to-peer transactions
received by business
accounts and peer-to-peer
payments sent from a credit
card. GPV does not include
transactions from our BNPL
platform because GPV is
related only to transaction-
based revenue and not to
subscription and services-
based revenue. Revenue
from our BNPL platform
includes fees generated
from consumer receivables,
late fees, and certain
affiliate and advertising fees
from the platform.
bloc k q1 2024 14
cash app revenue and gross profit
In the first quarter of 2024, Cash App
generated $4.17 billion of revenue and
$1.26 billion of gross profit, up 23% and
25% year over year, respectively. Excluding
bitcoin revenue, Cash App revenue was
$1.44 billion, up 18% year over year. Cash
App generated $1.33 billion of subscription
and services-based revenue, up 23% year
over year. Strength in Cash App gross
profit was driven by growth in Cash App
Card, our BNPL platform, our Bitcoin
products, and Cash App Borrow.
In March, Cash App had 57 million monthly
transacting actives, up 6% year over year. In
the first quarter of 2024, overall inflows were
$71 billion, up 17% year over year and 12%
quarter over quarter. Inflows per transacting
active were $1,255, up 11% year over year
from strength in financial services products
and 10% quarter over quarter, reflecting tax
refund seasonality. Monetization rate was
1.48%, up 7 basis points year over year and
down 1 basis point quarter over quarter.
Our top strategic priority continues to be
increasing engagement of banking products
with our existing Cash App transacting
actives. We continued to see strong usage
of Cash App Card as the number of Cash
App Card monthly actives increased
to 24 million in March and spend per
monthly active also grew on a year-over-
year basis. During the quarter, Cash App
Card transaction fees surpassed Instant
Deposit as Cash App’s largest contributor
to gross profit. Paycheck deposit actives
as of March grew quarter over quarter.
BNPL GMV was $6.98 billion, up 25% year
over year. Growth was driven by Single
Use Payments (“SUP”), which enables
customers to BNPL at both in-network and
out-of-network merchants from within the
Afterpay app, and Gift Cards. Cash App Pay
also continued to grow, with volume up more
than 40% on a quarter-over-quarter basis.
Inflows per transacting
active refers to total inflows
in the quarter divided by
monthly actives for the last
month of the quarter.
Inflows refers to funds
entering the Cash App
ecosystem. Inflows does not
include the movement of
funds when funds remain in
the Cash App ecosystem or
when funds leave the Cash
App ecosystem, or inflows
related to the Afterpay or
Verse apps. Inflows from
Verse actives were not
material to overall inflows.
Eligible customers have the
option to purchase online
Gift Cards from a variety of
leading retailers and then
spread the cost into 4
payments with Afterpay.
We calculate monetization rate by dividing Cash App gross
profit, excluding contributions from our BNPL platform, by
Cash App inflows.
cash app inflows framework
Inflows per Active
Monetization Rate
ca sh ap p i nflows
bloc k q1 2024 15
Cash App generated $80 million of bitcoin
gross profit in the first quarter of 2024, up
59% year over year. The total sale amount
of bitcoin sold to customers, which we
recognize as bitcoin revenue, was $2.73
billion, up 26% year over year. The year-
over-year increase in bitcoin revenue and
gross profit was driven by a few factors,
including a pricing change made in the
prior quarter, as well as a benefit from the
price appreciation of our bitcoin inventory
and an increase in the average market
price of bitcoin during the quarter.
In the first quarter of 2024, Cash App
generated $109 million of transaction-based
revenue, down 19% year over year. Cash
App Business GPV was $3.96 billion, down
19% year over year. Cash App Business
GPV comprises Cash App activity related
to peer-to-peer transactions received
by business accounts and peer-to-peer
payments sent from a credit card.
Bitcoin revenue is the total
sale amount of bitcoin sold
to customers. Bitcoin costs
are the total amount we pay
to purchase bitcoin in order
to facilitate customers’
access to bitcoin. In future
quarters, bitcoin revenue
and gross profit may
fluctuate as a result of
changes in customer
demand or the market price
of bitcoin.
bloc k q1 2024 16
square revenue and gross profit
In the first quarter of 2024, Square
generated $1.73 billion of revenue and
$820 million of gross profit, up 11% and
19% year over year, respectively. Square
generated $1.40 billion of transaction-
based revenue in the first quarter of 2024,
up 9% year over year, and $296 million of
subscription and services-based revenue,
up 29% year over year. Growth in Square
gross profit was driven primarily by our
banking products and international markets.
Square GPV was $50.46 billion, up 9% year
over year on both a reported and constant
currency basis. Square GPV in our U.S.
market grew 6% year over year, and Square
GPV in our international markets grew 23%
year over year, or 26% year over year on a
constant currency basis. On a year-over-
year basis, food and drink GPV was up 14%,
GPV from services verticals was up 7%, and
retail GPV was up 4%. During the quarter,
Square saw a higher percentage of GPV
with custom pricing on a year-over-year
basis, as we intend to drive incremental
growth with larger sellers through our
go-to-market and product strategies.
Throughout the first quarter, we saw
weather-related impacts to our U.S. volume
and pockets of continued same-store-growth
weakness, most notably in our retail vertical.
Card-present GPV was up 12% year over
year, while card-not-present GPV was up
3% year over year. Within card-not-present
volumes, GPV growth from online channels
was up 10% year over year. We continued
to experience softness in a portion of our
card-not-present volume related to manual
keyed entry or “MKE” transactions, and we
remain focused on shifting to more software-
enabled payments volume. We achieved
positive growth in acquisition, or gross profit
from new sellers, and churn of existing sellers
remained consistent with prior periods.
Services verticals include
professional services,
beauty and personal care,
health care and fitness, and
home and repair.
squa re gro s s pro fit by pro d uct a re a
Software &
ex. PPP
pe r cent o f total s q ua r e gros s prof i t ex p p p
Q1'20 Q1'21 Q1'22 Q1'23 Q1'24
17% 11% 16% 20% 23%
Banking ex.
53% 61% 62% 60% 59%
Software &
34% 30% 27% 23% 20%
Hardware gross profit losses are not presented for any period.
Percentages are of Square gross profit excluding contributions
from PPP loan forgiveness for each period.
Square GPV is defined as the total dollar amount of all card
payments processed by sellers using Square, net of refunds,
and ACH transfers.
squa re gro ss paym ent vol ume
bloc k q1 2024 17
Software solutions are a key part of our
strategic priority to help sellers save time
and grow their businesses, and we remain
focused on cross-selling more solutions
to sellers. Software and integrated
payments gross profit grew 17% year over
year in the first quarter of 2024, while
gross profit from our vertical point-of-sale
solutions, including Square Appointments,
Square for Restaurants, and Square for
Retail, was up 24% year over year.
Gross profit from our banking products,
which primarily include Square Loans, Instant
Transfer, and Square Debit Card, grew
36% year over year. Strength in banking
gross profit was driven by continued strong
demand for loans and healthy repayment
trends. We continue to find incremental
opportunities to deliver lending solutions to
our customers while maintaining underwriting
discipline. Square Loans facilitated
approximately 129,000 loans totaling $1.32
billion in originations, up 17% year over year.
International gross profit was up 38%
year over year in the first quarter as we
observed healthy growth in payments
volumes across each of our international
markets. We’ve also seen strength in
our banking products internationally,
most notably the recent launch of our
merchant cash advance product in Japan.
Hardware revenue in the first quarter of
2024 was $32 million, down 15% year over
year, and gross loss was $18 million as
we use hardware as an acquisition tool.
squa re gpv m ix by se ller s ize
Annualized GPV
Annualized GPV
Annualized GPV
Percent Mid-market
35% 38%
We determine seller size based on annualized GPV during the
applicable quarter. A mid-market seller generates more than
$500,000 in annualized GPV.
gross profit in markets outside the u.s.
% of Square
Gross Profit
bloc k q1 2024 18
corporate and other revenue
and gross profit
Corporate and Other generated $54 million
in revenue and $16 million in gross profit in
the first quarter of 2024. Corporate and
Other was comprised primarily of TIDAL and
intersegment eliminations between Cash
App and Square in the first quarter of 2024.
operating expenses
In 2023, we sharpened our focus on
identifying areas where we could be more
cost efficient while driving growth. In
the first quarter of 2024, we continued
to make progress on these goals.
In the first quarter of 2024, operating
expenses were $1.84 billion on a GAAP basis
and $1.41 billion on a non-GAAP basis, up
7% and 3% year over year, respectively.
Product development expenses were $721
million on a GAAP basis and $461 million
on a non-GAAP basis in the first quarter
of 2024, up 15% and 16% year over year,
respectively. The increase was driven primarily
by personnel costs related to our engineering
team, as we continue to develop and diversify
our products, as well as by software and
cloud computing infrastructure fees.
Sales and marketing expenses were
$444 million on a GAAP basis and
$412 million on a non-GAAP basis in
the first quarter of 2024, down 11% and
12% year over year, respectively.
Cash App marketing expenses were
down 18% year over year, driven primarily
by a decrease in advertising costs as
we have continued to focus on expense
discipline, and a $27 million release
of chargeback losses related to prior
periods, which were partially offset by an
increase in peer-to-peer processing costs.
Other sales and marketing expenses
were up 2% year over year. Other sales
and marketing expenses primarily include
expenses related to Square and TIDAL.
In the first quarter of 2024,
operating expenses included
$43 million of amortization
of customer and other
acquired intangible assets.
We discuss Cash App
marketing expenses
because a large portion is
generated by our peer-to-
peer service, which we offer
free to our Cash App
customers, and we consider
it to be a marketing tool to
encourage the use of Cash
App. In the fourth quarter of
2023, we began reporting
BNPL platform marketing
expenses within Cash App.
The year-over-year growth
rate for Cash App marketing
expenses presented in this
letter reflect the new
reporting classification for
all historical periods.
bloc k q1 2024 19
General and administrative expenses were
$471 million on a GAAP basis and $358 million
on a non-GAAP basis in the first quarter of
2024, up 9% and down 1% year over year,
respectively. On a GAAP basis, the increase
was driven by a $32 million charge related to
certain purchase considerations related to the
TIDAL acquisition that had been previously
withheld for post-acquisition activities.
Transaction, loan, and consumer receivables
losses were $166 million in the first quarter
of 2024, up 30% year over year. The
increase was driven primarily by growth in
Cash App Borrow volumes, and partially
offset by a release of previously established
risk loss provisions related to prior periods.
In the first quarter, loss rates for Square
GPV, Square Loans, and Cash App Borrow
remained consistent with historical
ranges, and losses on BNPL consumer
receivables were less than 1% of GMV,
also consistent with historical ranges.
In the fourth quarter of 2020 and first
quarter of 2021, we invested $50 million
and $170 million, respectively, in bitcoin. As
of March 31, 2024, we held approximately
8,038 bitcoins for investment purposes
with a fair value of $573 million based on
observable market prices, which is included
within “Other non-current assets” on the
condensed consolidated balance sheets.
In the first quarter of 2024, other income,
net, included a remeasurement gain on
our bitcoin investment of $233 million.
As bitcoin is considered an
indefinite-lived intangible
asset, and upon adoption of
Accounting Standards
Update No. 2023-08,
Accounting for and
Disclosure of Crypto Assets,
we remeasure our bitcoin at
fair value at each reporting
date with changes
recognized in net income.
bloc k q1 2024 20
In the first quarter of 2024, operating
income was $250 million, compared to
a loss of $6 million in the first quarter of
2023. Adjusted Operating Income was
$364 million, compared to $51 million
in the first quarter of 2023. Adjusted
Operating Income benefitted from
approximately $52 million in non-recurring
items, including a $38 million release of
chargeback losses related to prior periods,
with $27 million related to peer-to-peer
transactions losses in sales and marketing
expenses and $11 million in transaction,
loan, and consumer receivable losses, and
a $13 million indirect tax reserve release
in general and administrative expenses.
The year-over-year improvement in operating
income (loss) and Adjusted Operating Income
was driven by gross profit growth across
our Cash App and Square ecosystems.
Please see the reconciliations at the end of this letter for a
description of certain items that affected operating income (loss)
in the first quarter of 2024.
Q3 Q4
ope rating i ncome (loss)
adj ust ed op er ati ng inc ome (loss)
bloc k q1 2024 21
Net income attributable to common
stockholders was $472 million in the first
quarter of 2024. Net income per share
attributable to common stockholders was
$0.77 on a basic and $0.74 on a diluted
basis, based on 616 million weighted-average
basic and 637 million weighted-average
diluted shares outstanding during the first
quarter of 2024, representing a $0.61 and
$0.58 increase year over year, respectively.
Adjusted EBITDA was $705 million in the
first quarter of 2024, compared to $368
million in the first quarter of 2023.
The year-over-year improvement in net
income attributable to common stockholders
and Adjusted EBITDA was driven by gross
profit growth across our Cash App and
Square ecosystems and, on a GAAP net
income basis, a $233 million gain from the
remeasurement of our bitcoin investment.
In the first quarter of 2024, Adjusted Net
Income Per Share (Adjusted EPS) was $0.85
on a diluted basis based on 637 million
weighted-average diluted shares outstanding
during the first quarter of 2024, representing
a $0.42 increase year over year.
Q3 Q4Q2
adj ust ed e bitda
Please see the reconciliations at the end of this letter for a
description of certain items that affected net income (loss) in the
first quarter of 2024.
net income (loss) at tributable to
common s tockholde rs
bloc k q1 2024 22
balance sheet/cash flow
We ended the first quarter of 2024 with
$8.0 billion in available liquidity, with $7.2
billion in cash, cash equivalents, restricted
cash, and investments in marketable debt
securities, as well as $775 million available
to be withdrawn from our revolving credit
facility subject to compliance with our
covenants. Additionally, we had $600
million available to be withdrawn under
our warehouse funding facilities, to
support funding of growth in our consumer
receivables related to our BNPL platform.
In October 2023, our board of directors
authorized the repurchase of up to $1 billion
of our Class A common stock. In the first
quarter of 2024, we repurchased 3.6 million
shares of our Class A common stock for
an aggregate amount of $252 million. As
of March 31, 2024, $591 million remained
available and authorized for repurchases.
In the first quarter of 2024, Adjusted
EBITDA contributed positively to our
overall liquidity. Overall liquidity was also
positively impacted by a refund of a $350
million deposit held by a processor to
meet requirements related to processing
volumes in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Net cash provided by operating activities was
$296 million for the twelve months ended
March 31, 2024, compared to $241 million
for the twelve months ended March 31,
2023. Adjusted Free Cash Flow was $1.07
billion for the twelve months ended March
31, 2024, compared to $423 million for the
twelve months ended March 31, 2023.
Adjusted Free Cash Flow is a
non-GAAP financial measure
that represents our net cash
provided by operating
activities adjusted for
changes in settlements
receivable; changes in
customers payable; changes
in settlements payable; the
purchase of property and
equipment; payments for
originations of consumer
receivables; proceeds from
principal repayments and
sales of consumer
receivables; and sales,
principal payments, and
forgiveness of PPP loans.
We present Adjusted Free
Cash Flow because we use it
to understand the cash
generated by our business
and make strategic decisions
related to our balance sheet,
and because we are focused
on growing our Adjusted
Free Cash Flow generation
over time. It is not intended
to represent amounts
available for discretionary
ca sh flow (twe lve months e nded)
March 31
March 31
Net cash provided by
operating activities
Adjusted Free
Cash Flow
bloc k q1 2024 23
Q2 2024
Gross Profit $2.165B to $2.185B
YoY Growth 16% to 17%
Adjusted EBITDA $670M to $690M
% Margin 31% to 32%
Adjusted Operating Income $305M to $325M
% Margin 14% to 15%
Current 2024 Previous 2024
Gross Profit $8.78B $8.65B
YoY Growth 17% 15%
Adjusted EBITDA $2.76B $2.63B
% Margin 31% 30%
Adjusted Operating Income $1.30B $1.15B
% Margin 15% 13%
Rule of 40 32% 29%
We are raising our full-year outlook to reflect outperformance in the first quarter and our
improved expectations for the remainder of the year. For the full year, we expect gross profit
of at least $8.78 billion, or 17% growth year over year. For Adjusted Operating Income, we
expect at least $1.30 billion, or 15% margin for the full year. We remain focused on achieving
Rule of 40 in 2026, which we calculate as gross profit growth plus Adjusted Operating Income
margin. Our updated guidance for the full year equates to a Rule of 32, an increase compared
to our prior guidance of at least Rule of 29 and an improvement compared to the prior year. Our
outlook does not assume any additional macroeconomic deterioration, which could impact results.
On a GAAP basis, we expect to recognize approximately $58 million in expenses related to
amortization of intangible assets in the second quarter and $53 million in each of the third and
fourth quarters, based on the intangible assets as of March 31, 2024. These amounts may be
affected by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates in future periods.
In the second quarter of 2024, we expect our share-based compensation expense to remain
relatively stable year over year on a dollar basis.
Margins are calculated as a percent of gross profit.
1. We have not provided the forward-looking GAAP equivalents for certain forward-looking non-GAAP metrics, including Adjusted
EBITDA and Adjusted Operating Income (Loss), or GAAP reconciliations of any of the aforementioned, as a result of the uncertainty
regarding, and the potential variability of, reconciling items such as share-based compensation expense. Accordingly, the Company has
relied upon the exception in item 10(e)(1)(i)(B) of Regulation S-K to exclude such reconciliations, as the reconciliations of these
non-GAAP guidance metrics to their corresponding GAAP equivalents are not available without unreasonable effort. However, it is
important to note that material changes to reconciling items could have a significant effect on future GAAP results. We have provided
reconciliations of other historical GAAP to non-GAAP metrics in tables at the end of this letter.
bloc k q1 2024 24
Block (NYSE:SQ) will host a conference call
and earnings webcast at 2:00 p.m. Pacific
time/5:00 p.m. Eastern time, May 2, to
discuss these financial results. To register
to participate in the conference call, or to
listen to the live audio webcast, please
visit the Events & Presentations section
of Block’s Investor Relations website at A replay will be available
on the same website following the call.
We will release financial results for the
second quarter of 2024 on August 1,
2024, after the market closes, and will
also host a conference call and earnings
webcast at 2:00 p.m. Pacific time/5:00
p.m. Eastern time on the same day
to discuss those financial results.
Jack Dorsey
Amrita Ahuja
bloc k q1 2024 25
Square is one of the pillars of our
business. It’s taken us through
constant growth and expansion
hurdles and played a major role in
keeping our customers spending
money with Southern Grist.
Kevin Antoon
Co-founder and CEO of Southern Grist Brewing Company
Southern Grist Brewing Company is a Nashville, TN
based taproom and restaurant that has two locations
and a 9,900-square-foot production facility. They use
Square for Restaurants, Square Register, Square
Marketing, and Square Payroll, which have helped
them enable multiple revenue streams while saving
them 10 hours a week managing their team of more
than 60 employees.
bloc k q1 2024 26
My mom finally got a cash app card
now I can send her money whenever
I’m like finally girl. (She’s been anti
debit card for a while and didn’t want a
bank account LOL don’t ask) But yay
I have the pink card now it’s time
for glitter green one
I’ve done my taxes through
cash app /credit karma for
about 4 years now. Idk how
people file any other way.
cashapp letting me borrow
money is the best thing that
ever happened to me idk
Via X
Via TikTok
Via X
Via X
Via Instagram
4.5% is siiiiiiiiiiick
bloc k q1 2024 27
safe harbor statement
This letter contains “forward-looking statements” within the
meaning of the Safe Harbor provisions of the U.S. Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other
than statements of historical fact could be deemed forward-
looking, including, but not limited to, statements regarding the
future performance of Block, Inc. and its consolidated
subsidiaries (the Company); the Company’s strategies,
including expected impact of such strategies on our
customers, actives, and sellers as well as our business and
financial performance, expected financial results, guidance,
and general business outlook for current and future periods;
the Company’s integration of Afterpay, and its impacts on the
Company’s business and financial results; future profitability
and growth in the Company’s businesses and products and
the Company’s ability to drive such profitability and growth;
the Company’s expectations regarding scale, economics, and
the demand for or benefits from its products, product
features, and services; the Company’s product development
plans; the ability of the Company’s products to attract and
retain customers, particularly in new or different markets or
demographics; trends in the Company’s markets and the
continuation of such trends; the Company’s expectations and
intentions regarding future expenses, including future
transaction and loan losses and the Company’s estimated
reserves for such losses; the Company’s bitcoin investments
and strategy as well as the potential financial impact and
volatility; and management’s statements related to business
strategy, plans, investments, opportunities, and objectives for
future operations. In some cases, forward-looking statements
can be identified by terms such as “may,” “will,” “appears,”
“should,” “expects,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “could,”intends,”
“target,” “projects,” “contemplates,” “believes,” “estimates,”
“predicts,” “potential,” or “continue,” or the negative of these
words or other similar terms or expressions that concern our
expectations, strategy, plans, or intentions.
Such statements are subject to a number of known and
unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors
that may cause the Company’s actual results, performance, or
achievements to differ materially from results expressed or
implied in this letter. Investors are cautioned not to place undue
reliance on these statements, and reported results should not
be considered as an indication of future performance.
Risks tht contribute to the uncertin nture of the forwrd-
looking sttements include, mong others,  continued or
prolonged economic downturn in the United Sttes nd in
other countries round the world; the Compny’s investments
in its businessnd bility to mintin profitbility; the
Compny’s efforts to expnd its product portfolio nd mrket
rech; the Compny’s bility to develop productsnd services
to ddress the rpidly evolving mrket for pyments nd
finncil services; the Compny’s bility to del with the
substntil nd incresingly intense competition in its
industry; cquisitions, strtegic investments, entries into new
businesses, joint ventures, divestitures, nd other
trnsctions tht the Compny my undertke; the
integrtion of Afterpy; the Compny’s bility to ensure the
integrtion of its services with  vriety of operting systems
nd the interoperbility of its technology with tht of third
prties; the Compny’s bility to retin existing customers,
ttrct new customers, nd increse sles to ll customers;
the Compny’s dependence on pyment crd networks nd
cquiring processors; the effect of extensive regultion nd
oversight relted to the Compny’s business in  vriety of
res; risks relted to the bnking ecosystem, including
through our bnk prtnerships, nd FDIC nd other regultory
obligtions; the effect of mngement chnges nd business
inititives; the libilities nd loss potentil ssocited with
new products, product fetures, nd services; litigtion,
including intellectul property clims, government
investigtions or inquiries, nd regultory mtters or
disputes; doption of the Compny’s productsnd services in
interntionl mrkets; chnges in politicl, business, nd
economic conditions; s well s other risks listed or described
from time to time in the Compny’s filings with the Securities
nd Exchnge Commission (the SEC), including the
Compny’s Annul Report on Form 10-K for the fiscl yer
ended December 31, 2023, which re on file with the SEC nd
vilble on the Investor Reltions pge of the Compny’s
website. Additionl informtion will lso be set forth in the
Compny’s Qurterly Report on Form 10-Q for the qurter
ended Mrch 31, 2024. All forwrd-looking sttements
represent mngement's current expecttions nd
predictions regrding trends ffecting the Compny’s
business nd industry nd re bsed on informtion nd
estimtes vilble to the Compny t the time of this letter
nd re not gurntees of future performnce. Except s
required by lw, the Compny ssumes no obligtion to
updte ny of the sttements in this letter.
bloc k q1 2024 28
key operating metrics and
non-gaap financial measures
To supplement our financial information presented in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in
the United States (GAAP), from period to period, we consider
and present certain operating and financial measures that we
consider key metrics or are not prepared in accordance with
GAAP, including Gross Payment Volume (GPV), Gross
Merchandise Value (GMV), Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted
EBITDA margin, Adjusted Net Income (Loss), Diluted Adjusted
Net Income (Loss) Per Share (Adjusted EPS), Adjusted
Operating Income (Loss), Adjusted Operating Income (Loss)
margin, Adjusted Free Cash Flow, constant currency, and
non-GAAP operating expenses as well as other measures
defined in this letter such as measures excluding bitcoin
revenue, and measures excluding PPP loan forgiveness gross
profit. We believe these metrics and measures are useful to
facilitate period-to-period comparisons of our business and to
facilitate comparisons of our performance to that of other
payments solution providers.
We define GPV as the total dollar amount of all card payments
processed by sellers using Square, net of refunds, and ACH
transfers. Additionally, GPV includes Cash App Business GPV,
which comprises Cash App activity related to peer-to-peer
transactions received by business accounts, and peer-to-peer
payments sent from a credit card. GPV does not include
transactions from our BNPL platform.
We define GMV as the total order value processed on our
BNPL platform.
Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, Adjusted Net
Income (Loss), and Diluted Adjusted Net Income (Loss) Per
Share (Adjusted EPS) are non-GAAP financial measures that
represent our net income (loss) and net income (loss) per
share, adjusted to eliminate the effect of share-based
compensation expenses; amortization of intangible assets;
gain or loss on revaluation of equity investments; bitcoin
impairment losses; amortization of debt discount and
issuance costs; and the gain or loss on the disposal of
property and equipment, as applicable. Adjusted Operating
Income (Loss) is a non-GAAP financial measure that
represents our operating income (loss), adjusted to eliminate
the effect of amortization of acquired technology assets;
acquisition-related and integration costs; restructuring and
other charges; goodwill impairment; bitcoin impairment
losses; amortization of customer and other acquired intangible
assets; and acquisition-related share-based acceleration
costs. We also exclude from these measures certain
acquisition-related and integration costs associated with
business combinations, and various other costs that are not
reflective of our core operating performance. We exclude
amortization of intangible assets arising from business
combinations because the amount of such expenses in any
specific period may not directly correlate to the underlying
performance of our ongoing business operations. Acquisition-
related costs include amounts paid to redeem acquirees’
unvested stock-based compensation awards; charges
associated with holdback liabilities; and legal, accounting, and
due diligence costs. Integration costs include advisory and
other professional services or consulting fees necessary to
integrate acquired businesses. Other costs that are not
reflective of our core business operating expenses may
include contingent losses, impairment charges, and certain
litigation and regulatory charges. We also add back the impact
of the acquired deferred revenue and deferred cost
adjustment, which was written down to fair value in purchase
accounting. Additionally, for purposes of calculating diluted
Adjusted EPS, we add back cash interest expense on
convertible senior notes, as if converted at the beginning of
the period, if the impact is dilutive. In addition to the items
above, Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure
that also excludes depreciation and amortization, interest
income and expense, other income and expense, and provision
or benefit from income taxes, as applicable. Adjusted
Operating Income (Loss) margin is calculated as Adjusted
Operating Income (Loss) divided by gross profit. Adjusted
EBITDA margin is calculated as Adjusted EBITDA divided by
gross profit. To calculate the diluted Adjusted EPS, we adjust
the weighted-average number of shares of common stock
outstanding for the dilutive effect of all potential shares of
common stock. In periods when we recorded an Adjusted Net
Loss, the diluted Adjusted EPS is the same as basic Adjusted
EPS because the effects of potentially dilutive items were
anti-dilutive given the Adjusted Net Loss position.
bloc k q1 2024 29
key operating metrics and
non-gaap financial measures
Adjusted Free Cash Flow is a non-GAAP financial measure
that represents our net cash provided by operating activities
adjusted for changes in settlements receivable; changes in
customers payable; changes in settlements payable; the
purchase of property and equipment; payments for
originations of consumer receivables; proceeds from principal
repayments and sales of consumer receivables; and sales,
principal payments, and forgiveness of PPP loans. We present
Adjusted Free Cash Flow because we use it to understand the
cash generated by our business and make strategic decisions
related to our balance sheet, and because we are focused on
growing our Adjusted Free Cash Flow generation over time. It
is not intended to represent amounts available for
discretionary purposes.
Constant currency growth is calculated by assuming
international results in a given period and the comparative
prior period are translated from local currencies to the U.S.
dollar at rates consistent with the monthly average rates in the
comparative prior period. We discuss growth on a constant
currency basis because a portion of our business operates in
markets outside the U.S. and is subject to changes in foreign
exchange rates.
Non-GAAP operating expenses is a non-GAAP financial
measure that represents operating expenses adjusted to
remove the impact of share-based compensation,
depreciation and amortization, bitcoin impairment losses, loss
on disposal of property and equipment, and acquisition-
related integration and other costs.
We have included Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin,
Adjusted Operating Income (Loss), Adjusted Operating
Income (Loss) margin, Adjusted Net Income, Adjusted EPS,
and non-GAAP operating expenses because they are key
measures used by our management to evaluate our operating
performance, generate future operating plans, and make
strategic decisions, including those relating to operating
expenses and the allocation of internal resources. Accordingly,
we believe that Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin,
Adjusted Operating Income (Loss), Adjusted Operating
Income (Loss) margin, Adjusted Net Income, Adjusted EPS,
and non-GAAP operating expenses provide useful information
to investors and others in understanding and evaluating our
operating results in the same manner as our management and
board of directors. In addition, they provide useful measures
for period-to-period comparisons of our business, as they
remove the effect of certain non-cash items and certain
variable charges that do not vary with our operations. We have
included measures excluding our BNPL platform because we
believe these measures are useful in understanding the
ongoing results of our operations. We have included measures
excluding bitcoin revenue because our role is to facilitate
customers’ access to bitcoin. When customers buy bitcoin
through Cash App, we only apply a small margin to the market
cost of bitcoin, which tends to be volatile and outside our
control. Therefore, we believe deducting bitcoin revenue or
gross profit better reflects the economic benefits as well as
our performance from these transactions. We have included
measures excluding PPP loan forgiveness gross profit
because we believe these measures are useful to facilitate
comparisons of our business without PPP loan forgiveness.
Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, Adjusted Net
Income, Adjusted Operating Income (Loss), Adjusted
Operating Income (Loss) margin, Adjusted EPS, and
non-GAAP operating expenses, as well as other measures
defined in the shareholder letter, such as measures excluding
our BNPL platform, bitcoin revenue, and PPP loan forgiveness
gross profit, have limitations as financial measures, should be
considered as supplemental in nature, and are not meant as
substitutes for the related financial information prepared in
accordance with GAAP.
We believe that the aforementioned metrics and measures
provide useful information about our operating results,
enhance the overall understanding of our past performance
and future prospects, and provide useful measures for
period-to-period comparisons of our business, as they remove
the effect of certain variable amounts, or they remove
amounts that were not repeated across periods and therefore
make comparisons more difficult. Our management uses
these measures to evaluate our operating performance,
generate future operating plans, and make strategic
decisions, including those relating to operating expenses and
the allocation of internal resources.
These non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered
in isolation from, or as a substitute for, financial information
prepared in accordance with GAAP. These non-GAAP financial
measures are not based on any standardized methodology
prescribed by GAAP. Other companies, including companies in
our industry, may calculate the non-GAAP financial measures
differently or not at all, which reduces their usefulness as
comparative measures.
bloc k q1 2024 30
Condensed Consolidated
Statements of Operations
In thousands, except per share data
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
In thousands, except per share data
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Transaction-based revenue $ 1,511,209 $ 1,422,705
Subscription and services-based revenue 1,682,294 1,366,224
Hardware revenue 32,501 37,451
Bitcoin revenue 2,731,124 2,163,751
Total net revenue 5,957,128 4,990,131
Cost of revenue:
Transaction-based costs 873,165 820,787
Subscription and services-based costs 269,668 264,092
Hardware costs 50,785 58,785
Bitcoin costs 2,651,010 2,113,375
Amortization of acquired technology assets 18,027 18,508
Total cost of revenue 3,862,655 3,275,547
Gross profit 2,094,473 1,714,584
Operating expenses:
Product development 720,574 626,937
Sales and marketing 443,885 496,011
General and administrative 471,260 432,825
Transaction, loan, and consumer receivable losses 165,729 127,896
Amortization of customer and other acquired intangible assets 43,282 37,087
Total operating expenses 1,844,730 1,720,756
Operating income (loss) 249,743 (6,172)
Interest income, net (18,745) (3,161)
Other income, net (237,824) (77,717)
Income before income tax 506,312 74,706
Provision (benefit) for income taxes 35,492 (21,122)
Net income 470,820 95,828
Less: Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests (1,185) (2,488)
Net income attributable to common stockholders $ 472,005 $ 98,316
Net income per share attributable to common stockholders:
Basic $ 0.77 $ 0.16
Diluted $ 0.74 $ 0.16
Weighted-average shares used to compute net income per share attributable to common stockholders:
Basic 616,401 602,234
Diluted 637,360 623,579
bloc k q1 2024 31
Condensed Consolidated
Balance Sheets
In thousands, except per share data
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
In thousands, except per share data
Mar. 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,753,436 $ 4,996,465
Investments in short-term debt securities 573,390 851,901
Settlements receivable 3,714,810 3,226,294
Customer funds 4,046,346 3,170,430
Consumer receivables, net 1,914,278 2,444,695
Loans held for sale 892,068 775,424
Safeguarding asset related to bitcoin held for other parties 1,681,111 1,038,585
Other current assets 1,962,865 2,353,488
Total current assets 20,538,304 18,857,282
Goodwill 11,721,329 11,919,720
Acquired intangible assets, net 1,673,618 1,761,521
Other non-current assets 1,679,579 1,531,370
Total assets $ 35,612,830 $ 34,069,893
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity
Current liabilities:
Customers payable $ 8,137,147 $ 6,795,340
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 1,275,321 1,334,669
Current portion of long-term debt (Note 12) 997,197
Warehouse funding facilities, current 410,426 753,035
Safeguarding obligation liability related to bitcoin held for other parties 1,681,111 1,038,585
Total current liabilities 12,501,202 9,921,629
Warehouse funding facilities, non-current 543,751 854,882
Long-term debt (Note 12) 3,125,456 4,120,091
Other non-current liabilities 475,225 480,455
Total liabilities 16,645,634 15,377,057
Commitments and contingencies (Note 17)
Stockholders’ equity:
Preferred stock, $0.0000001 par value: 100,000 shares authorized at March 31, 2024 and December 31,
2023. None issued and outstanding at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Class A common stock, $0.0000001 par value: 1,000,000 shares authorized at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023; 556,563 and 555,306 issued and outstanding at March 31, 2024 and December 31,
2023, respectively.
Class B common stock, $0.0000001 par value: 500,000 shares authorized at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023; 60,501 and 60,515 issued and outstanding at March 31, 2024 and December 31,
2023, respectively.
Additional paid-in capital 19,687,428 19,601,992
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (660,203) (378,307)
Accumulated deficit (56,424) (528,429)
Total stockholders’ equity attributable to common stockholders 18,970,801 18,695,256
Noncontrolling interests (3,605) (2,420)
Total stockholders’ equity 18,967,196 18,692,836
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $ 35,612,830 $ 34,069,893
bloc k q1 2024 32
Condensed Consolidated
Statements of Cash Flows
In thousands
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
In thousands
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income $ 470,820 $ 95,828
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization 97,640 93,173
Amortization of discounts and premiums and other non-cash adjustments (266,991) (85,314)
Non-cash lease expense 14,512 24,333
Share-based compensation 311,168 279,592
Loss on revaluation of equity investments 1,111 14,885
Bitcoin remeasurement (233,404) (96,088)
Transaction, loan, and consumer receivable losses 165,729 127,896
Change in deferred income taxes (7,984) 1,353
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Settlements receivable (542,070) 452,868
Purchases and originations of loans (3,010,609) (1,834,442)
Proceeds from payments and forgiveness of loans 2,824,953 1,753,515
Customers payable 465,891 (418,948)
Settlements payable (7,341) (64,528)
Other assets and liabilities 205,970 (49,722)
Net cash provided by operating activities 489,395 294,401
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchases of marketable debt securities (184,048) (56,761)
Proceeds from maturities of marketable debt securities 204,737 273,771
Proceeds from sale of marketable debt securities 327,128 15,697
Payments for originations of consumer receivables (6,095,104) (4,911,509)
Proceeds from principal repayments and sales of consumer receivables 6,824,596 5,339,800
Purchases of property and equipment (31,998) (32,253)
Purchases of other investments (2,924) (4,821)
Net cash provided by investing activities 1,042,387 623,924
Cash flows from financing activities:
Repayments of Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility advances (5,077)
Proceeds from warehouse facilities borrowings 160,587 47,975
Repayments of warehouse facilities borrowings (790,592) (692,556)
Proceeds from the exercise of stock options and purchases under the employee stock purchase plan 19,943 6,825
Net increase in interest-bearing deposits 18,650 13,601
Repurchases of common stock (252,095)
Change in customer funds, restricted from use in the Company's operations 875,916 620,149
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 32,409 (9,083)
Effect of foreign exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents (41,755) 1,033
Net increase in cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and customer funds 1,522,436 910,275
Cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and customer funds, beginning of the period 9,009,087 8,435,906
Cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and customer funds, end of the period $ 10,531,523 $ 9,346,181
bloc k q1 2024 33
Reportable Segment Disclosures
Information on the reportable segments revenue and segment operating profit (in thousands):
Mar. 31, 2024
Cash App Square
Corporate and
Other (i) Total
Transaction-based revenue $ 109,220 $ 1,401,989 $ $ 1,511,209
Subscription and services-based revenue 1,332,560 296,218 53,516 1,682,294
Hardware revenue 31,830 671 32,501
Bitcoin revenue 2,731,124 2,731,124
Segment revenue $ 4,172,904 $ 1,730,037 $ 54,187 $ 5,957,128
Segment gross profit (ii) $ 1,258,527 $ 820,272 $ 15,674 $ 2,094,473
Mar. 31, 2023
Cash App Square
Corporate and
Other (i) Total
Transaction-based revenue $ 134,663 $ 1,288,042 $ $ 1,422,705
Subscription and services-based revenue 1,085,748 229,884 50,592 1,366,224
Hardware revenue 37,451 37,451
Bitcoin revenue 2,163,751 2,163,751
Segment revenue $ 3,384,162 $ 1,555,377 $ 50,592 $ 4,990,131
Segment gross profit (ii) $ 1,009,953 $ 691,562 $ 13,069 $ 1,714,584
Corporate and other represents results related to products and services that are not assigned to a specific reportable
segment, and intersegment eliminations.
Segment gross profit for Cash App for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023 included $13.7 million
and $14.4 million of amortization of acquired technology assets expense, respectively. Segment gross profit for Square for the three
months ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023 included $2.5 million and $2.7 million of amortization of acquired technology assets
expense, respectively. Amortization of acquired technology assets expense included in Corporate and Other was immaterial for the three
months ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023.
Reportable Segment Disclosures
Information on the reportable segments revenue and segment operating profit are
as follows (in thousands):
Operating Segment Disclosures
A reconciliation of total segment gross profit to the Company’s income (loss) before applicable income taxes
(in thousands):
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Total segment gross profit $ 2,094,473 $ 1,714,584
Less: Product development 720,574 626,937
Less: Sales and marketing 443,885 496,011
Less: General and administrative 471,260 432,825
Less: Transaction, loan, and consumer receivable losses 165,729 127,896
Less: Amortization of customer and other intangible assets 43,282 37,087
Less: Interest income, net (18,745) (3,161)
Less: Other income, net (237,824) (77,717)
Income before applicable income taxes $ 506,312 $ 74,706
Operating Segment Disclosures
A reconciliation of total segment gross profit to the Company’s income (loss)
before applicable income taxes is as follows (in thousands):
(i) Corporate and other represents results related to products and services that are not assigned to a specific reportable segment, and intersegment
(ii) Segment gross profit for Cash App for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023 included $13.7 million and $14.4 million of
amortization of acquired technology assets expense, respectively. Segment gross profit for Square for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and
March 31, 2023 included $2.5 million and $2.7 million of amortization of acquired technology assets expense, respectively. Amortization of acquired
technology assets expense included in Corporate and Other was immaterial for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023.
bloc k q1 2024 34
Key Operating Metrics and
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
In thousands, except GPV and per share data
Key Operating Metrics and Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Gross Payment Volume (GPV) (in millions) $ 54,426 $ 51,117
Adjusted Operating Income (in thousands) $ 364,264 $ 50,974
Adjusted EBITDA (in thousands) $ 705,074 $ 368,367
Adjusted Net Income Per Share:
Basic $ 0.88 $ 0.45
Diluted $ 0.85 $ 0.43
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Square GPV (in millions) $ 50,465 $ 46,220
Cash App GPV (in millions) 3,961 4,897
Total GPV $ 54,426 $ 51,117
Adjusted EBITDA
In thousands
Adjusted EBITDA
In thousands
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023 June 30, 2023 Sept. 30, 2023 Dec. 31, 2023
Net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders $ 472,005 $ 98,316 $ (102,042) $ (88,738) $ 102,236
Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests (1,185) (2,488) (3,336) (4,806) (20,266)
Net income (loss) 470,820 95,828 (105,378) (93,544) 81,970
Share-based compensation expense 304,531 279,591 319,248 345,690 331,568
Restructuring share-based compensation expense 6,637
Depreciation and amortization 97,640 93,173 94,545 115,518 105,324
Acquisition-related and integration costs 32,512 1,479 1,434 3,391 5,118
Restructuring and other charges 14,063 72 100,915 21,421 117,174
Goodwill impairment 132,313
Interest income, net (18,745) (3,161) (3,944) (21,415) (18,701)
Other expense (income), net
(i) (237,824) (77,717) (14,635) 23,912 (134,035)
Provision (benefit) for income taxes 35,492 (21,122) (8,150) 81,139 (59,886)
Loss (gain) on disposal of property and equipment (71) 191 343 1,355 1,297
Acquired deferred revenue and cost adjustment 19 33 24 21 21
Adjusted EBITDA $ 705,074 $ 368,367 $ 384,402 $ 477,488 $ 562,163
(i) Includes the loss (gain) from the remeasurement of the Company's bitcoin investment.
(i) Includes the loss (gain) from the remeasurement of the Company's bitcoin investment.
bloc k q1 2024 35
Adjusted Operating
Income (Loss)
In thousands
Adjusted Operating Income (Loss)
In thousands
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023 June 30, 2023 Sept. 30, 2023 Dec. 31, 2023
Operating income (loss)
$ 249,743 $ (6,172) $ (132,107) $ (9,908) $ (130,652)
Amortization of acquired technology assets
18,027 18,508 18,392 17,880 18,049
Acquisition-related and integration costs
32,512 1,479 1,434 3,391 5,118
Restructuring and other charges
14,063 72 100,915 21,421 117,174
Restructuring share-based compensation
Goodwill impairment
Amortization of customer and other acquired intangible
assets 43,282 37,087 36,865 56,965 43,127
Adjusted Operating Income
$ 364,264 $ 50,974 $ 25,499 $ 89,749 $ 185,129
Key Metric Margins
In thousands, except for percentages
Mar. 31, 2024
Gross profit
$ 2,094,473
Gross profit change (%) YoY
22 %
Operating income
Operating income margin (%) of gross profit
12 %
Net income attributable to common stockholders
Net income margin (%) of gross profit
23 %
Adjusted Operating Income
Adjusted Operating Income margin (%) of gross profit
1 7 %
Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA margin (%) of gross profit
3 4 %
Key Metric Margins
In thousands, except for percentages
Adjusted Operating Income (Loss)
In thousands
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023 June 30, 2023 Sept. 30, 2023 Dec. 31, 2023
Operating income (loss)
$ 249,743 $ (6,172) $ (132,107) $ (9,908) $ (130,652)
Amortization of acquired technology assets
18,027 18,508 18,392 17,880 18,049
Acquisition-related and integration costs
32,512 1,479 1,434 3,391 5,118
Restructuring and other charges
14,063 72 100,915 21,421 117,174
Restructuring share-based compensation
Goodwill impairment
Amortization of customer and other acquired intangible
assets 43,282 37,087 36,865 56,965 43,127
Adjusted Operating Income
$ 364,264 $ 50,974 $ 25,499 $ 89,749 $ 185,129
Key Metric Margins
In thousands, except for percentages
Mar. 31, 2024
Gross profit
$ 2,094,473
Gross profit change (%) YoY
22 %
Operating income
Operating income margin (%) of gross profit
12 %
Net income attributable to common stockholders
Net income margin (%) of gross profit
23 %
Adjusted Operating Income
Adjusted Operating Income margin (%) of gross profit
1 7 %
Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA margin (%) of gross profit
3 4 %
bloc k q1 2024 36
Adjusted Free Cash Flow
In thousands
Adjusted Free Cash Flow
In thousands
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Net cash provided by operating activities
$ 295,955 $ 240,881
Consumer receivables cash flows included within investing activities in the GAAP statement of cash flows:
Payments for originations of consumer receivables (25,152,382) (21,326,912)
Proceeds from principal repayments and sales of consumer receivables 25,726,447 21,588,716
Less: Purchase of property and equipment
(150,896) (161,881)
Reversal of:
Changes in settlements receivable
2,103,467 825,828
Changes in customers payable
(2,141,417) (505,439)
Changes in settlements payable
396,849 (133,006)
Sales, principal payments and forgiveness of PPP loans
(10,901) (104,918)
Adjusted Free Cash Flow $ 1,067,122 $ 423,269
Net cash provided by investing activities
$ 1,101,664 $ 719,007
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities $ (198,645) $ 1,057,053
(i) The twelve months ended information presented in this table is comprised of financial data from the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, excluding
first quarter of 2023 and 2022, and including first quarter of 2024 and 2023, amounts, respectively.
(i) The twelve months ended information presented in this table is comprised of financial data from the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022,
excluding first quarter of 2023 and 2022, and including first quarter of 2024 and 2023, amounts, respectively.
bloc k q1 2024 37
Select Financial Results
Excluding Bitcoin and PPP
In thousands
Select Financial Results Excluding Bitcoin and PPP
In thousands
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Bitcoin revenue $ 2,731,124 $ 2,163,751
Bitcoin costs 2,651,010 2,113,375
Bitcoin gross profit $ 80,114 $ 50,376
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Total net revenue (GAAP) $ 5,957,128 $ 4,990,131
Less: Bitcoin revenue 2,731,124 2,163,751
Total net revenue, excluding Bitcoin $ 3,226,004 $ 2,826,380
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Cash App revenue (GAAP) $ 4,172,904 $ 3,384,162
Less: Bitcoin contribution to Cash App revenue 2,731,124 2,163,751
Total Cash App revenue, excluding Bitcoin $ 1,441,780 $ 1,220,411
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2022 Mar. 31, 2021 Mar. 31, 2020
Square gross profit (GAAP) $ 820,272 $ 691,562 $ 615,080 $ 468,016 $ 355,769
Less: gross profit from Paycheck Protection Program
(PPP) loan forgiveness
182 693 51,454 9,400
Square gross profit excluding PPP loan forgiveness $ 820,090 $ 690,869 $ 563,626 $ 458,616 $ 355,769
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2022 Mar. 31, 2021 Mar. 31, 2020
Square gross profit from Banking $ 190,363 $ 140,328 $ 142,191 $ 60,289 $ 60,208
Less: gross profit from PPP loan forgiveness 182 693 51,454 9,400
Square banking gross profit excluding PPP loan
$ 190,181 $ 139,635 $ 90,737 $ 50,889 $ 60,208
bloc k q1 2024 38
Adjusted Net Income and
Adjusted EPS
In thousands, except per share data
Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS
In thousands, except per share data
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Net income attributable to common stockholders $ 472,005 $ 98,316
Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests (1,185) (2,488)
Net income 470,820 95,828
Share-based compensation expense 304,531 279,591
Restructuring share-based compensation expense 6,637
Acquisition-related and integration costs 32,512 1,479
Restructuring and other charges 14,063 72
Amortization of intangible assets 61,309 55,595
Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs 3,071 2,949
Loss on revaluation of equity investments 1,111 14,885
Bitcoin remeasurement (233,404) (96,088)
Loss (gain) on disposal of property and equipment (71) 191
Acquired deferred revenue and cost adjustment 19 33
Tax effect of non-GAAP net income adjustments (118,336) (84,607)
Adjusted Net Income - basic
$ 542,262 $ 269,928
Cash interest expense on convertible notes 673 1,236
Adjusted Net Income - diluted $ 542,935 $ 271,164
Weighted-average shares used to compute net income per share attributable to common stockholders:
Basic 616,401 602,234
Diluted 637,360 623,579
Net income per share attributable to common stockholders:
Basic $ 0.77 $ 0.16
Diluted $ 0.74 $ 0.16
Weighted-average shares used to compute Adjusted Net Income Per Share:
Basic 616,401 602,234
Diluted 637,360 627,423
Adjusted Net Income Per Share:
Basic $ 0.88 $ 0.45
Diluted $ 0.85 $ 0.43
bloc k q1 2024 39
Depreciation and Amortization
by Function
In thousands
Depreciation and Amortization by Function
In thousands
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Cost of revenue $ 18,505 $ 19,222
Product development 37,101 30,537
Sales and marketing 1,006 1,458
General and administrative 9,456 16,879
Amortization of acquired customer assets 31,572 25,077
Total depreciation and amortization $ 97,640 $ 93,173
Non-GAAP Operating Expenses
In thousands
Non-GAAP Operating Expenses
In thousands
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Operating expenses $ (1,844,730) $ (1,720,756)
Share-based compensation 304,358 279,449
Restructuring share-based compensation 6,637
Depreciation and amortization 79,135 73,951
Loss (gain) on disposal of property and equipment (71) 191
Acquisition-related and integration costs 32,512 1,479
Restructuring and other charges 14,063 72
Non-GAAP operating expenses $ (1,408,096) $ (1,365,614)
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Product development $ (720,574) $ (626,937)
Share-based compensation 217,450 197,857
Restructuring share-based compensation 4,504
Depreciation and amortization 37,101 30,537
Loss on disposal of property and equipment 45 324
Non-GAAP product development $ (461,474) $ (398,219)
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
Sales and marketing $ (443,885) $ (496,011)
Share-based compensation 30,290 29,365
Restructuring share-based compensation 1,078
Depreciation and amortization 1,006 1,458
Gain on disposal of property and equipment (8)
Non-GAAP sales and marketing $ (411,519) $ (465,188)
Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2023
General and administrative $ (471,260) $ (432,825)
Share-based compensation 56,618 52,227
Restructuring share-based compensation 1,055
Depreciation and amortization 9,456 16,879
Gain on disposal of property and equipment (108) (133)
Acquisition-related and integration costs 32,512 1,479
Restructuring and other charges 14,063 72
Non-GAAP general and administrative $ (357,664) $ (362,301)