This Booklet Provides:
Important information about the
eligibility requirements that must
be met to receive Unemployment
Insurance benefits.
A step-by-step guide on how to
certify for ongoing Unemployment
Insurance benefits.
DE 1275B Rev. 5 (2-24) (INTERNET) Front Cover + 7 Pages CU
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Unemployment Benefits: What You Need to Know
You have received this booklet because you filed a claim for unemployment benefits with the Employment Development
Department (EDD). Your claim is valid for one year, beginning the Sunday of the week that you filed. This booklet will
help you understand the claim process, when benefits are payable, and your responsibilities when certifying for benefits.
The unemployment program, funded completely by employers, provides partial wage replacement to workers who have
lost their job and meet the program’s eligibility requirements each week they certify for benefits.
Basic Eligibility Requirements
To have a valid claim and be eligible to receive unemployment benefits, you must meet the monetary requirement of
working and earning a minimum amount of wages within the past 18 months. In addition, you must meet the following
eligibility requirements set by state law:
Be unemployed through no fault of your own. If you were terminated or fired from your last job, quit your
last job, or left your job due to a trade dispute or strike, you will be scheduled for a phone interview.
Be able and available for work. You must be physically able to work and available to work. In most
instances, you are required to work full-time. If you are not able or available to work full-time, you will be
scheduled for a phone interview.
Be willing to accept suitable work. You must be willing to accept a job offer in your customary occupation.
If you refuse a job offer, you will be scheduled for a phone interview.
Be actively looking for work. You must be actively looking for work. Looking for work may include
contacting employers about a job in-person, by mail, by phone, or on the Internet. It also includes searching
the Internet, newspapers, or other publications for jobs, and contacting prior employers about job openings.
If you have not looked for work during a week, you will be scheduled for a phone interview.
Phone Interviews, Eligibility Decisions, and Appeal Rights
If there is a question about your eligibility after you have filed an unemployment claim, you will be scheduled for a phone
interview with an EDD representative to determine if you are eligible to receive benefits. You will be sent a Notification
of Unemployment Insurance Benefits Eligibility Interview, (DE 4800), with the date and time of the interview. An EDD
representative will call you at the scheduled interview date and time.
If we determine that you are not eligible for benefits, you will be sent a Notice of Determination, DE 1080, with the
reason(s) you have been denied benefits, and an Appeal Form, DE 1000M. If you disagree with the decision, you have
the right to appeal the decision and have a hearing before a third-party, independent Administrative Law Judge from the
California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Complete and mail the Appeal Form, or a letter with your name,
Social Security number, and reason why you disagree with the decision, within 30 days from the mailing date of the
Notice of Determination to the address on the notice.
Managing Your Claim with UI Online
Once you've filed your claim, you can use UI Online
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to certify for benefits, get your
latest claim and payment information, reopen an existing claim, review appointments, reschedule phone interviews, and
more!. You'll also receive important notifications such as reminders to certify for benefits. For convenience, UI Online
is available for smartphone and tablet users. To learn more or to access your account, visit UI Online
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Certifying for Continued Benefits
After you have filed an unemployment claim, you must certify every two weeks that you are continuing to meet eligibility
requirements to be paid benefits. We will mail you a paper Continued Claim Form, (DE 4581), for you to certify by mail,
but we recommend that you certify online using UI Online
(edd.ca.gov/UI_Online) because it is a fast, convenient,
and secure way to certify. You may also certify by phone using EDD Tele-Cert
at 1-866-333-4606.
Important: For faster processing, submit your certifications timely within 14 days after the “complete and mail this form
on” date displayed on your claim form. Certifying early or late could result in a delay or denial of your benefit payments.
Note, if your employer provides you with a Partial or Work Sharing claim form for you to complete and mail to us, you
cannot certify online or by phone; however, you may still use other self-service features available on UI Online
and by
If all eligibility requirements are met, a benefit payment will be issued after the certification is received. If you do not
receive a payment within 10 days of certifying for benefits, it may be because there is a question about your eligibility
and you may receive a Notice of Unemployment Insurance Benefits Eligibility Interview, (DE 4800).
Understanding the Questions Asked When Certifying for Continued Benefits
This section will help you understand the questions asked when certifying for UI benefits. Your answers are used by us to
determine your weekly eligibility for benefit payments. Answer all questions truthfully and correctly to avoid committing
UI fraud. For more information on UI fraud, see Preventing Benefit Fraud on page 6. Instead of mailing the paper form,
you can certify using UI Online
at www.edd.ca.gov/UI_Online or EDD Tele-Cert
at 1-866-333-4606 for faster
processing. If you certify for benefits using the paper Continued Claim Form, DE 4581, carefully review the form to ensure
all questions are answered for each week on the form and that the form is signed.
QUESTION 1: Were you too sick or injured to work?
If yes, enter the number of days (1 through 7) you were unable to work.
“Yes” If:
You were unable to work due to illness or injury. Or, you had to delay starting a new job because of illness or
“No” If:
You were physically able to work every day of the week if you had a job or were going to start a new job.
Details: You must be well enough to work every day of the week to receive unemployment benefits.
Benefits are paid according to the number of days you can work during this week. Your benefits are reduced
by one-seventh for each day you cannot work due to an illness or injury.
QUESTION 2: Was there any reason (other than sickness or injury) that you could not have accepted full-time work
each workday?
“Yes” If:
You were not immediately available to accept work for any reason, such as lack of childcare, lack of
transportation, taking care of an ill family member, personal business, or being on vacation.
“No” If:
You were ready and willing to accept work that matches your occupational skills or educational background.
If offered a job, there was nothing that would have prevented you from accepting that job.
You must be available for work to receive unemployment benefits. Available means you are ready and willing
to accept work.
Benefits are paid if you are available to accept full-time work; however, there are certain circumstances when
you may limit yourself to part-time work and still be paid benefits. If so, you will receive further information
from the EDD.
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QUESTION 3: Did you look for work?
“Yes” If:
You looked for work this week. Looking for work includes contacting employers about a job in-person, by
mail, by phone, or on the Internet. It also includes searching the Internet, newspapers, or other publications
for jobs, contacting prior employers about job openings, and submitting job applications.
If you are a union member, you should answer “yes” to this question if you were registered with your union or
met your union’s reporting and dispatch requirements.
“No” If:
You did not contact any employers, submit any applications, or search for job openings during the entire
If you are a union member, you should answer “no” to this question if you were not registered with your
union or were not meeting your union’s reporting and dispatch requirements.
Details: You do not need to submit your work-search record each week, but you should maintain a record that is
immediately available if we ask for your work-search information. Follow the work-search instructions on the
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award, (DE 429Z).
If you choose to certify using the paper form and we marked the box with an “X,” then you must complete
Section B, Work-Search Record, on the back of the form.
QUESTION 4: Did you refuse any work?
“Yes” If:
You refused an offer of suitable work from an employer during this week.
If you are a union member and you refused a union referral to a job, answer “yes.
“No” If:
You did not refuse any offers of work this week. This means you did not receive an offer of work, or you
received an offer and accepted it.
Details: You must be willing to accept suitable work to receive unemployment benefits.
If you refuse an offer of work that is suitable for your occupation or educational background, you may not be
eligible for benefits.
QUESTION 5: Did you begin attending any kind of school or training?
“Yes” If:
You began attending school or training this week. Only answer “yes” if you started a new term or a new class
during this week.
“No” If:
You did not begin attending any kind of school or training this week. Answer “no” if you did not start a new
term or new class during this week or were continuing school or training that you previously reported when
the term or class started.
Details: Only report school or training during the week you started attending.
Benefits are paid when you are available to accept work, regardless of whether you are attending school or
For examples on how to report school or training, visit File for Unemployment (edd.ca.gov/unemployment).
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QUESTION 6: Did you work or earn any money, whether you were paid or not?
“Yes” If
You Are
UI Online
and any of the following exists:
You worked.
You earned money for work performed*.
You worked and received any other type of income*.
You earned money for work performed* and
received any other type of income*.
The paper Continued Claim Form and any of the
following exists:
You worked.
You earned money for work performed*.
You received any other type of income*.
Enter information on items 6a and 6b.
“No” If
You Are
UI Online
and any of the following exists:
You did not work.
You did not earn money for work performed*
You did not work, but you received any other type
of income*. When you answer “no,” you will be
provided with another section to enter other types of
income on UI Online
The paper Continued Claim Form and ALL of the
following exist:
You did not work.
You did not earn money for work performed.
You did not receive any other type of income.
Do not enter information on item 6a or 6b.
You must report all work and earnings (money for work performed and any other type of income), even if
you have not received payment from the employer.
*Money for work performed: includes regular earnings, In-Home Support Services, tips, commissions,
military pay, self-employment or independent contract-work pay, meals and lodging provided in exchange
for work, stipends, corporate or union officer pay, picket-duty pay, and piece-rate pay.
*Other type of income: includes pensions, residual pay, holding fees, severance pay, vacation pay, jury-
duty pay, sick-leave pay, holiday pay, workers’ compensation, bonuses, back-pay award, witness fees, profit
sharing, royalties, strike benefits, etc.
QUESTION 6, ITEM 6A: Enter earnings before deductions here.
Gross Earnings: Report gross earnings (all earned money or income before taxes or any other deductions). If you do
not know your gross earnings, contact your employer.
Report from Sunday through Saturday: You must report your work and earnings according to the Sunday begin-date
and Saturday end-date of the certification form. If your payroll week is not Sunday through Saturday, we suggest you
keep a record of work and the money earned for each day to correctly report work and earnings.
Calculate Earnings: You must report your gross earnings before any deductions. In most situations, you can calculate
your total wages by multiplying the hours worked by your hourly wage. For example, if you worked 10 hours from
the Sunday through Saturday period on your Continued Claim Form and are paid $16 per hour, your wages to report
would be $160. Report your wages during the actual week when you performed the work and earned the wages —
not when you receive your pay.
More Than One Employer: If you worked for more than one employer, combine the earnings from each employer to
provide the total earnings. For example, if you worked 10 hours for ABC Company at $16 per hour and 12 hours for
XYZ Company at $16 per hour from the Sunday through Saturday period on your Continued Claim Form, your total
wages to report would be $352.
Earnings Over $999.99: If your earnings are $1,000.00 or more, enter $999.99 in the boxes for earnings.
Part-Time or Full-Time Work: If you are working part-time, you may be able to receive reduced unemployment
benefits even if your earnings are higher than your weekly benefit amount. We will calculate the amount to deduct
from your weekly benefit amount and you will be paid the difference, if any. If we determine that you earned
too much money to be paid benefits or you returned to full-time work, then your unemployment claim may
become inactive. We will notify you that you earned too much money, and you will not receive the next weeks for
certification. If you want to certify for benefits again, you must first reopen your claim. See page 6 for information on
reopening your claim.
Report Mistakes to the EDD: If you misreported your earnings, contact us immediately.
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QUESTION 6, ITEM 6B: Report employment or source of earnings information.
You must report your employer or source of earnings information according to the Sunday begin-date and Saturday end-
date of the certification form.
Date Last Worked: Enter the last day worked. If you worked for more than one employer during the same week, enter
the last day you physically worked during that week and the name and address of the last employer you physically
worked for during that week.
Total Hours Worked: Enter the total hours worked. Combine the hours from each employer to provide the total hours
worked in the same week. For example, if you worked 10 hours for ABC Company and 12 hours for XYZ Company
during this week, report a total of 22 hours worked this week. If you did not work, leave this box blank.
Employer Name and Mailing Address: Enter your employer’s information or the source of your earnings (who you
received earnings from).
Reason No Longer Working: If you received wages for work performed and are no longer working, enter the reason
you are no longer working. If you received wages and are still working, enter “still working.” If you received other
types of income, but didn’t work, enter the type of income you received (e.g., severance, in-lieu-of-notice pay,
residuals, etc.).
Additional Information: For additional information and examples on reporting wages, visit File for Unemployment
QUESTION 7: Federal income tax.
Unemployment benefits are taxable income and must be reported on your federal income tax return. (For more
information, you should contact the Internal Revenue Service or your tax advisor.) You can choose to have federal
income tax withheld from your unemployment benefits. If you want federal income taxes withheld for the weeks, mark
the box on UI Online
or the paper form, or answer “yes” on EDD Tele-Cert
. Leave this box blank on UI Online
the paper form, or answer “no” on EDD Tele-Cert
if you do not want federal taxes withheld.
QUESTION 8: Change of mailing address or phone number.
You may use UI Online
or the paper certification form to change your mailing address or phone number with us. The
fastest way to change your mailing address or phone number is through UI Online
(edd.ca.gov/UI_Online). You may
update your mailing address or phone number through UI Online
at any time. If you certify using the paper form,
mark the box and complete the information on the back of the form.
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Receiving Benefit Payments
You must serve a one-week, unpaid, waiting period on your claim before you are paid unemployment benefits. The
waiting period can only be served if you certify for benefits and meet all eligibility requirements for that week. Your first
certification will usually include the one-week, unpaid, waiting period and one-week of payment if you meet eligibility
requirements for both weeks. Certify for benefits every two weeks to continue to receive benefit payments.
You have an option in how you receive your benefit payments. We issue benefit payments through a prepaid debit card or
by check. The debit card is the fastest and most secure way to receive your benefits. However, you do not have to accept
the debit card. Once your claim is filed, contact us if you wish to receive your benefits by paper check.
If you were previously issued a card for prior unemployment, disability, or Paid Family Leave benefits and need a
replacement card, you must contact the Money Network’s toll-free customer-service line at 1-800-684-7051 or 1-800-
684-7053 (TTY).
Canceling or Stopping Your Claim
You may only cancel your unemployment claim if your claim has not ended, a Notice of Determination, (DE 1080),
has not been mailed, no benefits have been paid, and no overpayment has been established on the claim. If your
claim is canceled, you can file a new unemployment claim at a later date. If you want to cancel your claim, contact us
immediately. You cannot cancel a claim after you have collected unemployment benefits, and you cannot file a new
unemployment claim until your current claim ends. If you go back to work or are no longer in need of benefits, simply
stop certifying. You can reopen your claim in the future if benefits are still available and your claim has not ended.
Reopening Your Claim
If you stopped receiving benefits and now need to certify again, do not delay reopening your claim. You may reopen your
claim through UI Online
, by phone, or by fax. The fastest way to reopen a claim is through UI Online
Preventing Benefit Fraud
Any claimant who provides false information or withholds information to receive benefits may be assessed a false-
statement disqualification penalty that denies them benefits from 2 to 23 weeks. In addition, if the claimant is assessed an
overpayment, a 30 percent monetary penalty will be added to the amount overpaid.
We may also pursue criminal charges against any claimant who commits fraud to illegally obtain benefits. These charges
could result in additional penalties, interest, and a possible jail sentence. We conduct benefit audits by cross-referencing
employer information with claim information to identify claimants who work and fail to report earnings. If you suspect
unemployment fraud is being committed, you can report it by calling the Fraud Hotline at 1-800-229-6297 or online by
using Contact EDD (edd.ca.gov).
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Forms and Notices You Will Receive
After filing a UI claim, you will receive the following notices and forms in the mail:
Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed, (DE 1101 CLMT): This notice includes information you provided when you
filed an unemployment claim. If any of the information is incorrect, contact us within 10 days from the mailing date
of the notice.
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award, (DE 429Z): This notice includes information about your claim including
the maximum benefit amount available to you and your weekly benefit amount (the amount you will receive each
week before deductions if you are eligible for benefits). The table at the bottom of the notice includes all the wages
you earned in the base period that was used to establish your claim. If you believe the wages shown are incorrect,
contact us within 30 days from the mailing date of this notice.
Continued Claim Form, (DE 458)1: You will receive this form to certify for benefits. Instead of mailing this form, you
may certify online using UI Online
or by phone using EDD Tele-Cert
. The fastest, most convenient and secure way
to certify is through UI Online
Notice of Requirement to Register for Work, (DE 8405): This notice advises you that you are required to enter and
keep an active resume in CalJOBS
to be eligible to be paid unemployment benefits. CalJOBS
is an Internet-based
virtual job center that gives you access to thousands of job listings and tools to help you manage your career. Visit
CalJOBS (caljobs.ca.gov) to register today and meet this program requirement..
Employment Development Department (EDD) Customer Account Number, (DE 5614): This notice provides you with
your unique, 10-digit randomly assigned number to be used when registering for UI Online
. The Customer Account
Number is an additional safeguard to protect your identity and to prevent and detect fraud.
You may also receive other forms and notices than the ones listed above if there are any issues with your application, if
you are scheduled for an eligibility determination phone interview with us, or if we need additional information to verify
your identity.
Obtaining Employment and Training Services
Employment and training services are available through America’s Job Centers of California
(AJCC). Visit
www.edd.ca.gov/Office_Locator to find a location near you.
California Training Benefits
California Training Benefits (CTB) allow eligible claimants to further their education, upgrade their skills, and
learn a new trade while receiving unemployment benefits. For more information including eligibility or how
to apply, visit CTB (edd.ca.gov/CTB).
More Information
Visit File for Unemployment (edd.ca.gov/unemployment) to obtain more information about the
unemployment program and other notices you may receive. For more detailed information about your rights
and responsibilities with unemployment benefits and information about special programs or job services,
read A Guide to Benefits and Employment Services, (DE 1275A). You may view or order the handbook
online by visiting Forms (forms.edd.ca.gov/forms). Select Search Criteria “Keyword(s) or Form Number,
enter the Form Number “DE 1275A” in the Form Locator box and select the Search button.
Contact Us
If you have a question that is not addressed on our website and need additional information or assistance,
use UI Online
. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is a secure and confidential way to ask
questions and obtain information. Visit UI Online
(edd.ca.gov/UI_Online) and register to submit an online
DE 1275B Rev. 5 (2-24) (INTERNET) Back Cover + 7 Pages
Unemployment Self-Service
Phone Line
Available 24 Hours a Day,
7 Days a Week
English and Spanish
Unemployment Customer
Available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon-
day through Friday
English & 1-800-300-5616
Cantonese 1-800-547-3506
Mandarin 1-866-303-0706
Vietnamese 1-800-547-2058
TTY 1-800-815-9387
The EDD has representatives who can assist you in other languages. If you need assistance and would like to speak to an EDD representative in
another language please call one of the customer service numbers and request an interpreter in your preferred language.
The EDD is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Requests for services, aids, and/or alternate formats need to be made by calling the numbers listed above.