Use your voice to work
faster, better and smarter
with an enterprise-level speech-to-text solution
SpeechExec Enterprise is an on-premise dictation and transcription solution,
ideal for medium to large businesses supporting a wide range of speech-to-text
direct access to an outsourced transcription service to client or server-side speech
recognition. The integrated smartphone app adds mobility to your speech-to-text
Work faster
Flexible speech-to-text solution tailored to your needs
Convenient direct dictation with Philips dictation microphones
Smartphone app to maximize on-the-go productivity
Work better
Transcription player with foot pedal support for e cient document creation
Speech recognition option to reduce transcription time and costs
Encryption, backup functions and password protection for highest security
Work smarter
Powerful centralized user administration for e cient use of concurrent licenses and
signi cant cost savings
Remote hardware administration for convenient device con guration and  rmware
Remote environment support for on-demand application delivery
No. 1 in SPS global
customer satisfaction
survey 09/2019.
Dictation and
Transcription Solution
Ideal for medium to large
Client or server-side speech
Smartphone dictation
Remote IT administration and
Speech-to-text solution
SpeechExec Enterprise supports a wide
range of speech-to-text scenarios. The
platform supports traditional dictation
work ows between authors and in-house
transcriptionists. Recordings and the resulting
written documents are automatically routed to
the appropriate person for quicker turnaround
times. Real-time job status information allows
easy tracking of your work and the priority
setting assures those urgent recordings
get preferential treatment in the queue.
Alternatively, users get direct access to Philips
SpeechLive transcription service allowing you
to outsource urgent transcripts when your sta
already has a full workload.
SpeechExec recorder
With the integrated recorder, authors can
record directly into the application with a
microphone. All recording and playback
functions can be controlled with Philips
SpeechMike dictation microphones and
Philips SpeechOne dictation headsets, which
guarantees e cient recording and accurate
speech recognition.
Be productive anytime, anywhere
The Philips Smartphone App supports you to
be productive anytime, anywhere. The app
makes it easy to record directly into your iOS or
Andriod mobile device and send the recordings
immediately for transcription — whether
visiting clients, a job site or your local co ee
shop. With SpeechExec Enterprise Web Access
you can enjoy a location independent working
from any computer with a web browser, e.g.
when working from home or during a business
trip. Web access allows you to be autonomous
from your o ce equipment and local software
SpeechExec transcription player
The transcription module allows e cient
access to digital voice  les. Visual work ow
management, including sort, search, and
lter options and job information such as
author, length and priority, assure productive
transcription and fast document turnaround.
With the ergonomic Philips Foot Control,
all transcription and playback functions can
be controlled with the foot freeing up the
transcriptionists’ hands so they can concentrate
solely on typing. Prede ned templates can be
used, so documents are automatically created
with the appropriate header and footer, saving
you even more time.
Speech recognition
Speech recognition software can be seamlessly
integrated into the solution. Whether you
are dictating directly into the software using
a Philips microphone or converting recorded
les from a voice recorder, speech recognition
will help you to reduce transcription time
and costs. Built-in specialized legal, medical
and professional vocabulary delivers optimal
recognition accuracy. Authors can avoid the
tiresome task of reviewing by automatically
sending the recognized text and the audio
le to their assistant for deferred correction
and proofreading. Users can even extend the
speech recognition functionality to anywhere
they would typically type: o ce productivity
applications, web browsers, and other standard
Windows applications.
Highest security
Real-time  le encryption (256 bit), password
protection and secure  le transfer grant only
authorized individuals access to documents.
The optional automatic backup function
protects data against accidental loss.
SpeechExec Enterprise Dictation and Transcription Solution
SpeechExec Enterprise Dictation and Transcription Solution
Central administration
Increase your organization’s productivity
by managing users, licenses, and system
settings remotely. The concurrent licensing
model o ers  exibility and signi cant cost
savings by guaranteeing that you only pay
for the licenses that you actually need. The
central administration function facilitates the
con guration of worklist columns,  lters, and
job information. Active Directory support also
allows for easier settings management.
Remote hardware administration
Remote hardware administration allows
you to centrally con gure the buttons of
Philips dictation microphones and update the
r m w a r e .
Microsoft RDS, Citrix and VMware ready
Support for Microsoft Remote Desktop
Services (RDS), Citrix and VMware Horizion
environments allow on-demand application
delivery. SpeechExec can be virtualized,
centralized, and managed in the data
center and instantly delivered as a service to
users anywhere. In addition, SpeechExec is
compatible with the HL7 interface. SpeechExec
Enterprise can work as a communication
interface between the dictation work ow and
the hospital information system (HIS).
SpeechExec Enterprise Dictation and Transcription Solution
SpeechExec Enterprise Dictate for authors
The dictation module organizes and stores
dictation les. You can record directly into the
application with a microphone or automatically
download recordings from a voice recorder.
Then, the les are automatically distributed
to transcriptionists. Real-time job status
information allows easy tracking of your work
and the priority setting assures that urgent
recordings get preferential treatment in the
queue. After processing, you will automatically
receive the transcribed documents. With the
Speech Recognition package and a microphone,
you can perform speech recognition and watch
the transcript appear in real time on the screen.
Users who work on the go can automatically
convert the dictation les recorded on a voice
recorder or smartphone to text. Authors
can avoid the tiresome task of reviewing by
automatically sending the recognized text and
the audio le to their assistant for deferred
correction and proofreading.
SpeechExec Enterprise Transcribe for
The transcription software allows ecient
access to digital voice les. Visual workow
management, including sort, search, and
lter options and job information such as
author, length and priority, assure productive
transcription and fast document turnaround.
With the ergonomic Philips Foot Control all
transcription and playback functions can
be controlled with your foot freeing up the
transcriptionists’ hands so they can concentrate
solely on typing.
SpeechExec Enterprise Web Access
Enjoy being location independent, working
from any computer with a web browser, e.g.
when working from home or during a business
trip. Web access allows you to be independent
of your oce equipment and local software
installations. You can upload dictations from
voice recorders and transcribe them using
a Philips foot control. Access can easily be
granted to external employees if needed.
SpeechExec Enterprise Manager
The central administration module for the
system denes user settings, job information
settings, and licenses, and supports Microsofts
Active Directory services.
SpeechExec Workflow Manager
Set up and automate a workow for moving,
copying, and deleting dictation les based
on predened rules and schedules, and send
automatic email notications.
SpeechExec Statistics Module
The Statistics Module displays comprehensive
statistics on dictation, transcription, job status,
and workload. The module oers graphical
output for better and more precise analysis.
Results can be easily exported to Microsoft
Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, Crystal
Reports, or displayed as RTF documents
for further processing. More than 30 pre-
congured statistical reports are available.
SpeechExec Remote Device Management
IT administrators can centrally congure all
Philips dictation hardware and programmable
accessories like the foot control, saving time
and resources.
Philips Smartphone App
The Philips Smartphone App is designed to t
perfectly into the Philips SpeechExec Enterprise
suite. Record, edit, and send dictation les
directly from your iOS or Android smartphone.
The accompanying SpeechExec Mobile Service
Module manages dictations from the Recorder
App and distributes the les automatically in
SpeechExec Enterprise.
Philips SpeechLive transcription service
Send your recordings to the Philips SpeechLive
Transcription Service, where trained
transcriptionists turn even complex recordings
into text for you.
SpeechExec Enterprise Dictation and Transcription Solution
SpeechExec Enterprise
SpeechExec Enterprise
SpeechExec Enterprise
Speech Recognition
SpeechExec Enterprise Voice
Recorder App
SpeechExec Enterprise Dictate
for authors
SpeechExec Enterprise
Transcribe for transcriptionists
Web Access for location
independent working from any
computer with a web browser
SpeechExec Enterprise Manager
for central administration and
user management
SpeechExec Enterprise Basic
+ for
advanced routing of dictation
l e s
+ Statistics Module for in-depth
usage analysis
+ Remote device management
software for central
con guration of dictation
+ Philips SpeechLive Manual
Transcription Service (minute
packages have to be purchased
SpeechExec Enterprise Plus
+ On-screen speech recognition
in SpeechExec Enterprise
+ Speech recognition directly in
web browsers, and other
Windows applications
+ 
recorded on a voice recorder or
smartphone to text
+ Speech recognition hosted in
private or public cloud
+ Specialized legal, medical and
professional vocabulary
Mobility add-on for all packages
For iOS and Android
SpeechExec Enterprise Dictation and Transcription Solution
Thin client
Igel OS 11/Igel OS 12
eLux RP 6.x
Supported Philips dictation hardware in
virtual environments
SpeechOne Wireless Dictation Headset
PSM6000 series
Philips PocketMemo Voice Recorder DPM8000
Philips SpeechMike, SpeechMike Premium,
SpeechMike Premium Touch and SpeechMike
Premium Air Dictation Microphones
Philips Foot Control ACC2300 series
Issue date 2024-07-16
Version 1.0
© 2024 Speech Processing Solutions GmbH.
All rights reserved.
Specications are subject to change without
notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke
Philips N.V. or their respective owners.
System requirements
Processor: Intel dual core or equivalent AMD
processor, 1 GHz or faster processor
Hard-disk space: 100 MB for SpeechExec
software, 4.5 GB for Microsoft .NET Framework,
2 GB for SAP Crystal Reports
Network: 100 Mbit/s transfer rate, TCP/IP
network protocol
Client operating system: Windows 11/10 Pro/
Enterprise (64 bit)
Server operating system: Windows Server
Graphics: DirectX-compliant graphics card with
hardware acceleration recommended
Sound: Windows-compatible sound device
Free USB port
Internet connection
File servers: Windows Server 2022/2019/2016,
Linux Samba-Server (Debian, Kernel 3.16.7)
Email congurations: Microsoft Outlook
2019/2016, Microsoft Exchange Server
Supported speech recognition software
Client software: Nuance Dragon Professional/
Legal 16/15 Individual/Group, Nuance Dragon
Medical Practice Edition 4
On-premise private cloud: Nuance Dragon
Speech Recognition Server for SpeechKit
(integrated in SpeechExec Enterprise Dictate
and the SpeechExec Enterprise Speech
Recognition Server), Nuance Dragon Legal
Anywhere, Nuance Dragon Professional
Public cloud: Nuance Dragon Legal Anywhere,
Nuance Dragon Professional Anywhere,
Nuance Dragon Medical One
Supported languages: English, German,
French, Dutch, Spanish, Czech, Danish. Finnish,
Norwegian, Swedish
Automatic update via internet
Recording format: .dss, .ds2, .wav
Playback format: .dss, .ds2, .wav, .mp3, .wma
File transfer: LAN, email, FTP
Automatic download from portable voice
Automatic le format conversion at download
Interface for automatic transcription with
Dragon speech recognition software
DSS Pro encryption: real-time AES encryption
with 256 bits
SpeechExec encryption: AES encryption with
256 bits
Hardware configuration
Supported hardware: Philips PocketMemo
Voice Recorder DPM8000 Series, Philips
SpeechOne Wireless Dictation Headset,
Philips SpeechMike, SpeechMike Premium,
SpeechMike Premium Touch and SpeechMike
Premium Air Dictation Microphones, Philips
Foot Control ACC2300 series
Conguration options: device option
settings, conguration of slide switch
and programmable buttons, keyword
conguration, recording proles, le
download, encryption, PIN code protection
Windows-based server virtualization
Supported virtualization software: Citrix Virtual
Apps and Desktops, Microsoft Remote Desktop
Services, VMware Horizon
Client operating system: Windows 11/10 (64
SpeechExec Enterprise Dictate and Transcribe
Software running on a server operating system
is only supported in Microsoft Remote Desktop
Services, Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops and
VMware Horizon environments