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Support Staff:
Target Problem Behaviors:
Student has frequent absences
Student frequently comes to school late
Student is frequently late getting to classes
Student is frequently tardy for 1
Student frequently misses the first period, class, or approximate half hour or more of school
Student has a history of attendance problems
Intervention Plan:
Student will daily come to school on time
Student will decrease number of tardies
Student will maintain regular school attendance
Student will get to all classes on time
Student will daily get to their 1
hour, class, or period on time
Student will reduce number of absences
Preventative Strategies:
Parent/Guardian will ensure the student’s regular and consistent attendance and punctuality
Teachers will daily remind student to get to classes on time and warn them how much time they have
Teacher will develop a good rapport with the student by spending 15 minutes with them after school once a week to talk or
do non-academic activities (go to the gym, play a card game, talk, etc)
Student will lose passing time privileges, changing classes before or after regular passing time
Student will report to the school office 10 minutes before school starts where they will wait until after the bell, then they will
be sent to their first class or period
Teacher will make a point to offer the student at least one activity, task, or assignment each day that allows the student to
experience success or progress (like a hands-on activity, relating to student’s interests, asking the student to tell about
something they know or do well, or anything else that will help the student to establish a positive connection with school)
Teacher will try to relate topics and assignments to the student’s interests, life, and experiences
Teacher will frequently remind the student to manage their passing time wisely
Teacher and student will meet with the student and the student’s friends to discuss with the friends how they can help keep
the student on time for classes and remind the student to get to classes more quickly and avoid distractions in the halls
If the student has trouble separating from the parent, the parent will bring the child to school but the teacher, administrator,
or another student will walk the student into school without the parent (after the parent says bye to the student leaves)
For students that do not want to or will not go into the classroom, the student will sit in a desk or seat outside of the
classroom until they are ready to enter the classroom (if the student will not even sit outside of the classroom, the desk they
sit in can be progressively moved closer to the classroom door each day)
Teaching Alternative Behaviors:
Student will develop a structured, consistent, and predictable morning routine (with parent assistance if needed)
Student will daily use an alarm clock
Student will maintain a sticker or other chart system to track attendance and punctuality, which the student will utilize to self
monitor and earn rewards
Student will be given a classroom job in the morning at the start of school or several minutes before school begins (raising
the flag, safety, cleaning board, assisting with younger kids in another class, assisting maintenance staff, etc)
Student will take part in Check In Check Out (CICO)
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Student, parent, and teacher will develop a Home/School behavior contract
Student will develop a checklist and post it in their locker or on folders, using it to organize their routine during passing time
Teacher and student will develop strategies together that will help the student to be on time for school and classes
Positive Reinforcement:
Student will be rewarded at school and home for consistent and regular attendance and punctuality
Teacher and parent will verbally praise student for regular attendance and punctuality
Teacher and parent will encourage the student for good attendance through high fives, pats on the back, thumbs up, etc
Student will be able to spend time with or “hang out” with a teacher or staff person if they get to school early
Student may eat breakfast in the lunch room if they get to school early
Student will earn rewards for achieving predetermined goals on their sticker or attendance tracking chart system
Teacher will offer the student opportunities and incentives the student cannot get at home and does not have at home (like
using the computer and internet, writing on the board, gym time, recess, games, books, library time, helping with chores in
the class, hands-on activities, science experiments, doing assignments with cameras or video cameras, caring for class pets,
Student will take part in before and after school extra curricular activities (like sports, clubs, tutoring, etc)
The teacher will try to make the student feel welcome in school as much as possible, looking for even small
accomplishments to praise and encourage the student with
Teacher will greet the student in the morning with encouragement and a positive statement (for example, “Hi Johnny! So
good to see you this morning! I can’t wait to work with you today!”)
Consequences for Non-Compliance:
Student will be subject to the school and class discipline policies and procedures
Student will be subject to natural consequences
Student will receive detention for being late to school, tardy to classes, or absent
Student will take missed work home for homework
Student will lose privileges at school and home for being absent, late, or tardy (no recess, free time, video games, TV etc)
When the student is absent or late, the parent will be contacted and the student will be spoken with about the absence or
tardy when they return or get to school
Home Intervention/Support:
Parent/Guardian will monitor student’s academics, behavior, and attendance on Parent Connect
Parent/Guardian will daily check the student’s attendance through Parent Connect or by calling the school and/or teacher
Parent/Guardian will follow through with rewards and consequences for attendance and punctuality
Parent/Guardian will attend all behavior meetings and conferences
Parent/Guardian will maintain regular communication with teachers, administrator, and school
Parent/Guardian will establish and maintain a regular, consistent, and predictable morning and bedtime routine
Parent/Guardian will daily bring the student to school on time
Parent/Guardian will maintain the student’s consistent and daily attendance
Parent/Guardian will daily walk the student into the school and/or class on time
Parent/Guardian will daily wake the student up and ensure they have adequate time to get to school before the starting bell
Parent/Guardian will reinforce a Home/School behavior contract
Parent/Guardian will refuse to allow the student to come home from school unless the student is truly sick or there is a real
and evident reason the student cannot remain in school
Parent/Guardian will support the school when the teacher or administrator feels the student should remain in school by
telling the student they cannot come home and must remain in class
Parent/Guardian, using their best judgment, will make the student attend school when the student complains they do not feel
well or cannot go to school for whatever reason or excuse the student may give
When the student is refusing to attend, the parent will call the teacher and have the teacher speak to the student, saying the
teacher and class miss them and really want to see them and play/work with them (teacher may also say the student will
miss a special activity or treat that day if they do not go)
For more extreme instances where the child is older and refuses to attend after all other interventions have been attempted,
the parent may consider calling the police to escort the child to school
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Program Review Schedule:
The Behavior team will meet to review, assess, and revise the BIP (if needed) on: