Additions starting from the 6th policy year onwards till the end of chosen policy term, provided that all due premiums till date have been paid.
The Linked Insurance Products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in Linked
Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year.
Purchase of any insurance products by a bank's customer is purely voluntary and is not linked to availment of any other facility from the bank.
Flexible payment
term options
management options
Loyalty Additions
& Wealth Boosters
Life Cover with
Financial Security
Unit Linked, Non-Participating Life Insurance Plan
Partial withdrawal,
Fund switching &
Premium redirection
Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Platinum Plus Plan
Unit Linked, Non Participating Life Insurance Plan
You believe in living your life on your own terms; always. As a successful individual you are used to the best life has
to offer. As a passionate person you prefer the best in your life, be it at work or investment.
Presenting Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Platinum Plus Plan which can help
you provide the maximum mileage on your investment. It is a unit linked investment cum protection plan which
you can customize as per your goals and changing requirements. This plan provides you unmatched flexibility and
letting you to have full control over your investment in any market movement.
Key Benefits of the Platinum Plus Plan
Life Cover: You can choose your life cover based on your protection need. Further, you also have the option of
increasing or decreasing your life cover to match your protection requirements during the Policy Term.
Flexibility of Premium Payment Term: pay Premium for limited or entire period of Policy
Multiple Investment Management Options to enable you optimize returns from the Policy
Ø Self Managed Option (SMO): Choice of investing upto 7 different Unit Linked Funds with equity
exposure ranging from 0% to 100% basis your risk preference
Ø Systematic Transfer Option (STO): Enables you to enter volatile and unpredictable equity market
in systematic manner
Ø Return Protector Option (RPO): Helps you in protecting your gains of equity market by
automatically moving such gains into low risk fund to avoid future equity market volatility.
Ø Auto Funds Rebalancing Option (AFR): Helps you maintain allocation of your investments in a
specific proportion across funds, irrespective of market movements
Ø Safety Switch Option (SSO): Enables you to systematically move your investment into low risk fund
near maturity to safeguard your returns
Loyalty Additions & Wealth boosters during the Policy Term as additional allocation of units to boost your
Flexibility of switching and redirection between the fund options to take advantage of market movements
or change in risk preference
Liquidity to take partial withdrawals to help you meet unplanned contingencies or meet changing needs of
your family
Tax benefits on Premiums paid and benefits received during Policy Term under Section 80C and Section
10(10D), as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, as amended from time to time
Product At A Glance
Particulars Details
Entry Age (Life Assured) Minimum: 0 years, Maximum: 70 years
Maturity Age Minimum: 18 years, Maximum: 80 years
Premium Payment Term Limited : 5 /7/10/15 years
Regular : Equal to Policy Term
Premium Amount &
Premium Payment Modes⁵
Minimum Premium Maximum PremiumPremium
Payment Mode
`2,00,000/- per annum
`25,000/- per month
No Limit
*Please note that it is mandatory to pay first 3 month’s Premium in
advance and subsequently through standing instruction.
Policy Term¹
Sum Assured
Term (years)
Regular Pay
0 to 50
51 to 55
56 to 60
0 to 50
51 to 55
56 to 60
61 to 65
66 to 70
10 to 30
10 to 25
10 to 20
10 to 15
In 5 Pay for ages 56 to 60 years, maximum Policy Term available is 15 years
10 to 30
10 to 25
10 to 20
Age (years)
Available Policy Term (years)
Minimum Maximum
For ages below 45:
Higher of (0.5 x Policy Term x
Annualized Premium^) Or
10 x Annualized Premium
For ages 45 and above:
Higher of (0.25 x Policy Term
x Annualized Premium^)
Or 7 x Annualized Premium
Basis maximum Sum Assured
multiple available in the plan. The
maximum Sum Assured is subject
to Underwriting acceptance as per
Board Approved Underwriting
Policy of the Company
Maximum Sum Assured multiple depends on age, Premium Payment Term
and Policy Term. For example for age 30 maximum multiple is 40, for age 70
maximum multiple is 10, subject to available Premium Payment Term and
Policy Term combinations detailed above.
^Annualized Premium is the amount of Premium payable in a Policy Year.
Illustrative Example
Mr. Nair, aged 40, is planning to invest annually on a regular basis in our Platinum Plus Plan for a period of 10 years
with 10 year Premium Payment Term in order to create a corpus. He also wants to protect his family incase of any
unfortunate event and he chooses life cover (Sum Assured) of 10 times the annual premium.
The table below shows maturity values for multiple scenarios assuming annual gross investment return of 4% and
8% with 100% investment in India Multi-Cap Equity Fund.
The assumed rates of return (4% p.a. or 8% p.a.) shown in the above illustrative examples of different scenarios
are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back as the value of your Policy
depends on a number of factors including future investment performance. The Fund Values shown in the above
illustrative example are after deduction of all charges (including Goods and Services Tax & applicable cess
(es)/levy, if anys) @18%).
# #
4% 8%
2,00,000 20,00,000 22,08,116 27,51,381
5,00,000 50,00,000 56,20,072 69,98,458
10,00,000 1,00,00,000 1,13,24,381 1,40,99,766
25,00,000 2,50,00,000 2,84,37,306 3,54,03,640
Fund Value(`) at the end of 10 years
Assuming Gross Investment Return of
Premium (`)
Sum Assured (`)
How Does Your Plan Work?
Step 1: Choose your Premium
The Premium paid by you in this plan is invested in Unit Linked Funds of your choice or basis chosen Investment
Management Option after deduction of allocation charges including the applicable taxes.
Step 2: Choose your Payment term and Sum Assured
You have the option to choose your payment period and your investment horizon. We provide you the convenience
to choose among Limited Pay or Regular Pay option along with flexibility to pay in annual or monthly mode.
Furthermore, you can also decide on the Sum Assured you wish to avail to protect your family in case of any
unfortunate event.
Step 3: Choose your Investment Management Option
You can choose one among following 5 different Investment
Management Options to manage and build on wealth in an
optimal way;
1. Self Managed Option (SMO)
2. Systematic Transfer Option (STO)
3. Return Protector Option (RPO)
4. Auto Funds Rebalancing (AFR)
5. Safety Switch Option (SSO)
Auto Funds
Option (AFR)
1. Self Managed Option
This option gives you the flexibility to manage & control the investment in your own way. Here you can choose from
a range of 7 Unit Linked Funds to cater to your investment needs. You can choose to allocate your Premiums to any,
all or a combination of the Unit Linked Funds as per your risk preference.
The investment and risk profile of each Unit Linked Fund is described below:
Fund Name Fund Philosophy Asset Allocation Risk Profile
Medium to
Equity II
Plus Fund
Plus Fund
Money Market
Money Market
Money Market
Money Market
Money Market
Debt Securities
Debt Securities
Debt Securities
Debt Securities
Debt Securities
To generate capital appreciation in the
long term through equity investments
by investing in a diversified portfolio of
Small Cap, Mid Cap and Large Cap
To gen erate lon g t erm ca p i tal
appreciation through investments
predominantly in mid cap stocks
To g e n e r a t e l o n g-term c a p i t a l
appreciation from active management
of a portfolio invested in diversified
To achieve capital appreciation by
investing predominantly in equities,
with limited investment in fixed
income securities.
To generate capital appreciation and
current income, through a judicious
mix of investments in equities and
fixed income securities.
Fund Name Fund Philosophy Asset Allocation Risk Profile
Low to
Debt Fund
Money Market
Money Market
Debt Securities
Debt Securities*
To earn regular income by investing in
high quality debt securities.
To generate reasonable returns to
commensurate with low risk and a
high degree of liquidity.
Equity includes Equity and equity related instruments, Money Market includes Money market instruments and Others
*Debt Securities under Liquid Fund will comprise only of short-term securities
2. Systematic Transfer Option (STO)
If you want to invest in equity oriented fund but worry about market volatility and risk associated with lump sum
investment, then you can opt for STO which enables you to enter the equity market in a systematic manner.
Through STO, your entire annual allocable Premium (after deduction of applicable charges) will be first allocated to
the Liquid Fund ('Source STO Fund') and then systematically transferred on a monthly basis into any one of the
Unit Linked Funds ('Target STO Fund') as chosen by you as per the below Table. While STO is operational, you are
not allowed to change your 'Target STO' Fund.
3. Return Protector Option (RPO)
This option enables you to take advantage of the equity market by protecting your gains from the future equity
market volatility. Through RPO, your entire Premium net of applicable charges is invested into any one of either
India Multi-Cap Equity Fund or Equity II Fund or Emerging Leaders Equity Fund, as opted by You ('RPO Fund') and
gains made from RPO Fund are automatically transferred to a lower risk Debt Fund. You can choose any fixed flat
target appreciation percentage in multiple of 1 within a range of 5% to 15% ('Target Appreciation') to decide on the
gains you wish to protect from further market volatility.
Once RPO is chosen, then starting from the 2 Policy Year onwards, the Fund Value in 'RPO Fund'' is tracked on
every business day against the 'Net Investment Amount' {the amount equal to Premium(s) paid less applicable
Source STO Fund Target STO Fund
Liquid Fund Equity II Fund or India Multi-Cap Equity Fund or Emerging Leaders Equity
Fund (You can choose only one Unit Linked Fund out of above three Unit
Linked Funds)
Under this option, during the Premium Payment Term, the Fund Value available in the Liquid Fund at the beginning
of each month (net of applicable charges) shall be switched to 'Target STO Fund' by cancelling units in the Liquid
Fund and purchasing units in the 'Target STO Fund' till the availability of units in the Liquid Fund, in the following
Policy Month Transfer of units from Liquid Fund
Policy Month 1: 1/12 of the units available at the beginning of Policy month 1
Policy Month 2: 1/11 of the units available at the beginning of Policy month 2
Policy Month 6: 1/7 of the units available at the beginning of Policy month 6
Policy Month 11: 1/2 of the units available at the beginning of Policy month 11
Policy Month 12: Balance units available at the beginning of Policy month 12
You can avail this option at inception or anytime later during the Policy Term. This option can be availed only on
annual Premium payment mode and will be active during the Premium Payment Term chosen by you provided due
Premium has been paid.
charges} in 'RPO Fund' as on date. In the event, where the gain from the 'RPO Fund' becomes equal to or more
than your 'Target Appreciation', then such gain will be transferred to the Debt Fund at the prevailing unit price. This
ensures that your gains are protected from any future equity market volatilities.
However, if the gain from 'RPO Fund' is less than your 'Target Appreciation', then the Fund Value will continue to
remain in the 'RPO Fund' and no automatic transfer to Debt Fund will happen.
You can choose the RPO at inception only. Once opted out, you cannot choose it again.
This Option only enables you to automatically shift your gains basis 'Target Appreciation' to low risk Debt Fund. The
'Target Appreciation' chosen by you does not in any way indicate the upper or lower limit of return earned on the
chosen RPO Fund. The actual return will depend upon the performance of the chosen RPO Fund and there could be
a possibility that "Target Appreciation" may not be achieved during the Policy Term.
4. Auto Funds Rebalancing (AFR)
If you wish to maintain allocation of your investments in a specific proportion across different Unit Linked Funds,
irrespective of market movements, you can do so through Auto Funds Rebalancing. Once opted, after every 3
months, it automatically rebalances the allocation of your investments in various Unit Linked Funds to the
allocation proportions chosen by you.
For example, if you wish to stay invested in the ratio of 50 : 25 : 25 in Equity II Fund, Balanced Plus Fund and Debt
Fund; then at the end of every 3 months starting from the date of commencement of Auto Funds Rebalancing, your
total Fund Value shall be rebalanced as per the chosen ratio of 50 : 25 : 25 in Equity II Fund, Balanced Plus Fund
and Debt Fund.
You can avail this option at inception or at any time later during the Policy Term.
5. Safety Switch Option (SSO)
As your Policy nears maturity, you may want to avoid market movements and safeguard your funds. The Safety
Switch Option enables you to move your funds systematically to a relatively low risk Liquid Fund at the beginning
of each of the last four Policy Years. The following table shows the proportion of investment in Liquid Fund and
other than Liquid Fund, for the last four Policy Years:
You can avail this option at inception or at any time later during the Policy Term except during the last 4 years of
the Policy.
Beginning of… Allocation in Liquid Fund Allocation in Unit Linked
Funds other than Liquid Fund
Fourth last Policy Year 30% 70%
Third last Policy Year 60% 40%
Second last Policy Year 90% 10%
Last Policy Year 100% 0%
Create exclusive funds under Married Women’s Property Act (MWPA)
You can combine a very useful feature with our Platinum Plus plan. Through this feature you will be able to create
exclusive corpus for the benefit of your loved ones. With the help of MWPA, you can be sure that only your loved
ones have access to this corpus and that it is legally protected from creditors and claimants*.
Under Section 6 of the Married Women’s Property Act, 1874, a married man can take an insurance Policy on his
own life, and express it to be for the benefit of his wife or children. When such intent is expressed on the face of the
Policy, it shall be deemed to be a trust for the benefit of the named beneficiaries and it shall not be subject to the
control of the husband; or his creditors; or form part of his estate.
* Unless taken otherwise with the intention to defraud creditors.
16-19 20
Death Benefit : In the unfortunate event of your demise while the Policy is in-force, the claimant will receive
the following benefit:
a. Before the age of 60 years, higher of
i. Sum Assured less partial withdrawals, if any, in the preceding two years, or
ii. Fund Value, or
iii. 105% of all Premiums paid
b. At 60 years of age or above, higher of
i. Sum Assured less partial withdrawals, if any, after attaining 58 years of age, or
ii. Fund Value, or
iii. 105% of all Premiums paid
Death benefit will be equivalent to the Proceeds of Discontinued Policy in case your Policy monies are moved to
Discontinued Policy Fund (DPF). (For more details on Discontinuance, please refer to section 7 of Key Terms and
Maturity Benefit: Your Policy will mature at the end of the Policy Term as chosen by you at inception. You will
receive the Fund Value based on the prevailing NAVs at maturity. Once Fund Value is paid, risk cover will cease and
your Policy will be terminated.
You also have the option to take Fund Value on maturity in periodic installments as per Settlement Option . For
complete details on Settlement Option, please refer 'Other Benefits available under the plan' and 'Key Terms and
Conditions' given below.
Loyalty Additions: Your plan offers regular loyalty additions in the form of extra allocation of units to your Unit
Linked Fund(s), provided that all due Premiums till date have been paid. These regular loyalty additions will be
added to the Unit Linked Fund(s) at the end of the each Policy Year, starting from the 6th Policy Year onwards till the
end of chosen Policy Term. Each loyalty additions will be 0.5% of the average Fund Values of the last 12 monthly
Policy anniversaries.
Wealth Boosters: This plan also offers the additional allocation of units which will be added to the Unit Linked
Fund(s) at specific Policy intervals provided all due Premiums till date have been paid. These Wealth Boosters will
be a percentage of the average Fund Value of last 60 monthly Policy anniversaries. The percentages of Wealth
Boosters are as mentioned below:
Tax Benefit : You may be entitled for tax benefits under Section 80C and Section 10(10D), as per the Income Tax
Act, 1961 as amended from time to time.
Partial Withdrawal : To take care of any unforeseen liquidity crunch, you can make partial withdrawals (in
multiples of `1,000) from your Policy without completely surrendering it. Partial withdrawals are allowed from the
6th Policy Year. Partial withdrawal charges are as detailed in the 'Charges’ section.
Switching: You can opt to switch your investments from one Unit Linked Fund to another at any point of time. You
can either switch a percentage of your investments or an absolute amount. The minimum amount that you can
switch is `10,000. Switching charges are as detailed in the 'Charges’ section.
Premium Redirection: At anytime during the Policy Term, you have the option to change the allocation
proportion of your future Premiums into one or more Unit Linked Funds. However, redirection of Premiums shall be
allowed only once in a Policy Year, which shall be free of cost. In case this option is not availed, it cannot be carried
forward to the next Policy Year. The revised allocation proportion will apply to your subsequent Premiums.
Key Benefits Under the Plan
Other Benefits Available under the Plan
At the end of Wealth Booster
10 Policy Year 2.90%
15 Policy Year & thereafter at interval of every 5 Policy Years 1.50%
Increase or Decrease of Sum Assured : You can choose to alter your Sum Assured based on your protection
needs, from the 6 Policy Year. There will be no change in your Premium amount as a result of the increase or
decrease in Sum Assured opted by you.
Change in Premium Payment Term : You have the flexibility to change your Premium Payment Term (in
multiple of 1) anytime after paying first 5 Policy Years Premiums, in order to align it with your changing financial
situation. The increase or decrease in Premium Payment Term will be subject to acceptance by the Company as per
its Underwriting Policy and terms & conditions of this plan.
Settlement Option : You can choose to receive your maturity benefit through Settlement Option in installments
as per the frequency chosen by you, over a maximum period of 5 years. There will not be any life cover during this
period and you may opt for complete withdrawal of Fund Value at any time during this period.
Insurance plans are long-term by nature. Therefore you are expected to continue paying Premiums for the
Premium Payment Term as chosen by you in order to achieve most out of your Policy.
In case you are unable to continue paying Premiums on your Policy then treatment of such Policy shall be as per
Section 7 of the Key Terms and Conditions. Revival of discontinued Policy will be possible as per Section 8 of the
Key Terms and Conditions.
Premium Allocation Charge: This charge will be deducted upfront and will be levied through reduced Premium
Allocation to the fund. Refer to the table given below:
You can surrender your Policy at anytime during the Policy Term. On surrender, the risk cover will expire; the Policy
will terminate and cannot be revived thereafter. The surrender value is the Fund Value net of surrender charges.
Surrender/Discontinuance charge will be applied as shown in the 'Charges' section.
Surrender during Lock-in Period :
If the Policy is surrendered within the first 5 Policy Years, the surrender value (Fund Value less applicable surrender
charges) will be transferred to the Discontinued Policy Fund and will earn at least a minimum guaranteed interest
rate of 4% per annum or as declared by IRDAI from time to time. The proceeds of the discontinued Policy will be
paid to you only after completion of the 5 Policy Year.
The investment and risk profile of Discontinued Policy Fund will be as follows:
Surrender after Lock- in Period:
If the Policy is surrendered after completion of 5 Policy Year, the Fund Value will be paid immediately. On such
payment your risk cover will cease and the Policy will terminate and cannot be revived thereafter.
Fund Name Fund Philosophy Asset Allocation* Risk Profile
Policy Fund^
Money Market
Govt. Securities
To generate reasonable returns on
funds from discontinued policies
determined in accordance with the
^ Only available in case of Discontinuance/ Surrender of a Policy during the first five Policy Years.
* These are subject to revision as guided by IRDAI from time to time.
Policy Year Premium Allocation Charge (As a % of Premium)
1 5.00%
nd th
2 to 5 3.35%
th th
6 to 10 1.00%
11 onwards Nil
Policy Administration Charge: The charge is a percentage of Annualized Premium levied from your Policy fund
at the beginning of each Policy month by cancellation of units. It will be 0.20% of the Annualized Premium
chargeable on monthly basis during the entire Policy Term. This charge will increase by 20% every five years
staring from the 6 Policy Year. However, this charge will not exceed `500 per month in any case.
Mortality Charge: This charge will be deducted at the beginning of each Policy month by cancellation of units.
The amount of the charge taken each month depends on the Life Assured’s age and Sum at Risk .
Sample standard mortality rates applicable (`per annum per `1,000 of Sum at Risk) in this plan are as follows:
Fund Management Charge (FMC): The following fund management charges will be applicable and will be
deducted on daily basis from the Fund before calculation of the NAV .
In case Policy monies are in Discontinued Policy Fund then FMC of 0.50% p.a. will be charged. The FMC on Debt
Fund and Liquid Fund may be revised up to 1.35% p.a., subject to prior approval of IRDAI.
Surrender/Discontinuance Charge is levied on the Fund Value on account of Surrender/Discontinuance of the
Policy. The Surrender/Discontinuance charges for this product are stated below:
Age 20 30 40 50
Male 0.799 0.950 1.623 4.451
Female 0.669 0.904 1.302 3.210
Fund Option FMC (per annum)
Emerging Leaders Equity Fund 1.35%
India Multi-Cap Equity Fund 1.35%
Equity II Fund 1.35%
Growth Plus Fund 1.35%
Balanced Plus Fund 1.35%
Debt Fund 1.00%
Liquid Fund 0.80%
Policy is surrendered/discontinued Surrender/Discontinuance charges
during the policy year
1 Lower of 6% * (AP or FV) subject to maximum of `6,000/-
2 Lower of 4% * (AP or FV) subject to maximum of `5,000/-
3 Lower of 3% * (AP or FV) subject to maximum of `4,000/-
4 Lower of 2% * (AP or FV) subject to maximum of `2,000/-
5 and onwards Nil
(AP Annualized Premium; FV Fund Value)
Notwithstanding the information provided in the table, there will not be any Surrender/Discontinuance
charges for a Surrender/Discontinuance request received by the Company after the 5 Policy anniversary or
Policy is discontinued at least after five Policy Years.
Switching Charge will be `250 per switch. However, first 24 switches in a Policy Year are free of charge. This
charge can be revised to maximum `500, with prior approval of IRDAI. Any unutilized free switch(s) cannot be
carried forward to the next Policy Year.
Partial Withdrawal Charge will be `250 per withdrawal. However, first 4 withdrawals in a Policy Year are free of
charge. This charge can be revised to maximum `500, with prior approval of IRDAI. Any unutilized free partial
withdrawal(s) cannot be carried forward to the next Policy Year.
Miscellaneous Charge of `250 will be levied in case of increase or decrease of Sum Assured or change in
Premium Payment Term or change in Premium payment mode. This charge can be revised to maximum `500 per
request, with prior approval of IRDAI.
All charges are exclusive of Goods and Services Tax & applicable cess (es)/levy, if any as applicable and amended
from time to time which will be borne by the Policyholder. All these charges mentioned above except Premium
Allocation Charge and Fund Management Charge will be deducted through cancellation of units. The Premium
Allocation Charges, Policy Administration Charges, Fund Management Charges (except Debt Fund & Liquid Fund)
and Mortality Charges mentioned above are guaranteed during the Policy Term.
1. The definition of age used is age as on last birthday. Please note that for a minor life, risk commences from the
date of commencement of Policy. The entry ages, Premium Payment Terms, Policy Terms and maximum Sum
Assured multiple given in this product are only applicable for policies issued with standard mortality rates.
2. All benefits (death and survival) are linked to the life of the Life Assured and there is no benefit payable on the
death of the Policyholder. If Premiums are not paid due to death of the Policyholder, then the Policy will be
discontinued on the expiry of the notice period as described in the discontinuance section (7).
3. Grace period: You have a period of 30 days for Annual Mode of Premium payment and 15 days for Monthly
Mode of Premium payment from the due date to pay your Premiums, during which life insurance cover will
4. Lock-in Period: The period of 5 consecutive Policy Years from the date of Commencement of Policy during
which no benefits will be payable, except in case of death of the Life Assured.
5. You may change your Premium payment mode anytime during the Policy Term by submitting a request
provided your Annualized Premium is equal to or more than minimum Annualized Premium of `3,00,000
where the mode is changed from Annual to Monthly. The change in Premium payment mode will be effective
only on the next Premium due date subject to payment of due Premium(s).
6. Collection of advance Premium shall be allowed within the same financial year for the Premium due in that
financial year. However, where the Premium due in one financial year is being collected in advance in earlier
financial year, the Company may collect the same for a maximum period of three months in advance of the
due date of the Premium. The Premium so collected in advance shall only be adjusted on the due date of the
Premium. Such advance Premium, if any, paid by the Policyholder shall not carry any interest.
7. Discontinuance: The state of the Policy arising out of the surrender of the Policy or non-payment of the due
Premium before the expiry of the Notice Period whichever is earlier.
Date of Discontinuance of the Policy: The date on which the Company receives the intimation from the
Policyholder about discontinuance of the Policy or Surrender of the Policy or on the expiry of the Notice Period,
whichever is earlier.
Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rate: This means the rate applicable to the Discontinued Policy Fund as
declared by IRDAI from time to time. The current minimum guaranteed rate of interest applicable to the
Discontinued Policy Fund is 4% per annum.
Discontinued Policy Fund: The segregated fund maintained by the Company into which Fund Values under
policies which are surrendered or where Premium payment is discontinued during the Lock-in Period are
credited subject to deduction of Discontinuance Charges, as applicable, to be paid out to the respective
Policyholders in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Policy. The Company will levy Fund
Management Charge as mentioned in 'Charges' section. The amounts credited to the Discontinued Policy Fund
will earn at least the Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rate. The excess income earned in the Discontinued Policy
Fund over and above the Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rate will also be apportioned to the Discontinued
Policy Fund in arriving at the proceeds of the discontinued policies and will not be apportioned to the
shareholders of the Company.
A. Discontinuance of Premium during the Lock-in Period
If the due Premium is not received by the expiry of the Grace Period, the Company will, within 15 days of the
expiry of the Grace Period, give a notice to you to exercise one of the following options in writing within 30
days of the receipt of such notice (“Notice Period”):
i. Revive the Policy within Revival Period; or
ii. Complete withdrawal from the Policy without any risk cover
Until the expiry of Notice Period, the Policy is deemed to be in-force with benefits and applicable charges
continuing as per terms and conditions of the Policy.
If option as per Clause A (ii) is exercised within the Notice Period, the Policy will be treated as surrendered
and the surrender provisions as elaborated earlier in Surrender section will be applicable. In case you do
not exercise any of the options, the treatment of such Policy will be in accordance with A (ii) above.
A1. In case you intimate your intention to revive the Policy as per A (i) but do not revive the Policy within
the Revival Period, then at the end of the Lock-in Period, provided that the Revival Period has expired by
the end of Lock-in Period, the proceeds of the Discontinued Policy Fund will be paid to you.
A2. In case you intimate your intention to revive the Policy as per A (i) and do not revive the Policy till 60
days before the end of Lock-in Period, provided that the Revival Period does not expire by the end of Lock-in
Period, then the Company will send a notice to you 45 days before the end of the Lock-in Period to exercise
one of the below options within a period of 30 days of receipt of such notice:
i. Revive the Policy within Revival Period; or
ii. Payout the proceeds at the end of the Lock-in Period; or
iii. Payout the proceeds at the end of the Revival Period.
In case you do not exercise any of the options under A2 within the Notice Period, the treatment of such
Policy will be in accordance with A2 (ii) and the Policy will terminate upon such payment.
In case you exercise the option as per A2 (I), then the Fund Value will continue to remain in the
Discontinued Policy Fund till the Policy is revived or up to the end of the Revival Period whichever is earlier.
If the Policy is not revived within the Revival Period, the proceeds of the Discontinued Policy Fund will be
payable to you at the expiry of Revival Period and the Policy will terminate upon such payment.
In case you exercise the option as per A2 (iii), the proceeds of the Discontinued Policy Fund will be payable
to you at the expiry of Revival Period and the Policy will terminate upon such payment.
On the date of Discontinuance of the Policy, the Fund Value less applicable Discontinuance Charges will be
transferred to the Discontinued Policy Fund and risk cover under the Policy will cease and no further charges
will be levied by the Company other than the Fund Management Charge applicable on the Discontinuance
Policy Fund.
B. Discontinuance of Premium after the Lock-in Period:
If the Premium is not received by the expiry of the Grace Period, the Company, within 15 days of the expiry of
the Grace Period, give a notice to You to exercise one of the following options in writing within 30 days of the
receipt of such notice (“Notice Period”):
i. Revive the Policy within a period of two years starting from the date of discontinuance of Premium;
ii. Complete withdrawal from the Policy without any risk cover; or
iii. Convert the Policy into Paid-up Policy, with the Paid-up Sum Assured i.e. Sum Assured multiplied
by total number of Premiums paid divided by the original number of Premiums payable. The Sum
Assured applicable for a Paid-up Policy shall be the Paid-up Sum Assured.
Until the expiry of Notice Period, the Policy is deemed to be in-force with benefits and applicable charges
continuing as per terms and conditions of the Policy.
If option as per B (ii) is exercised within the Notice Period, the Policy will be treated as surrendered and the
surrender provisions as elaborated earlier in Surrender section will be applicable. In case you do not
exercise any of the options within the Notice Period, the treatment of such Policy will be in accordance with
B (ii) above.
If option as per B (i) is exercised and you neither revive nor surrender the Policy, the Policy is deemed to be
in-force with risk cover and applicable charges continuing until the expiry of 2 years starting from the date
of discontinuance of Premium or end of Policy Term whichever is earlier. The Fund Value of the Policy, as
applicable, will be paid at the end of the Revival Period or at the end of the Policy Term, whichever is earlier
and the Policy will terminate upon such payment.
If option as per B (iii) is exercised, the Policy will continue in Paid-up state till the end of the Policy Term
without any further Premiums payable subject to deduction of applicable charges, unless it is revived.
8. Revival: In case due Premiums are not paid before end of the Notice Period, you can apply for revival of the
Policy by paying all due and unpaid Premiums, within the Revival Period. The Company reserves the right to
revive the Policy either on its original or modified terms and conditions or reject the revival as per its
Underwriting decision.
Revival Period: It means a period of 2 consecutive years from the date of Discontinuance of the Policy,
during which period you will be entitled to revive the Policy which was discontinued due to the non-payment
of Premium.
The Policy shall be revived subject to the conditions mentioned below:
A Policy can be revived any time before the end of the Policy Term and within the
Revival period of 2 years for a Policy discontinued before Lock in period and
expiry of 2 years period from the date of discontinuance of Premium for a Policy discontinued after
Lock-in period.
Revival shall be subject to Underwriting as per Company’s Board Approved Underwriting Policy.
The revival of the Policy will be effective only after Company’s approval is communicated.
Revival of a discontinued Policy during the Lock-in Period:
If you choose to revive the discontinued Policy, the Policy can be revived by restoring the risk cover along with
the investments made in the Unit Linked Funds as chosen by you, out of the Discontinued Policy Fund, less the
applicable charges.
At the time of revival, the Company shall:
collect all due and unpaid Premiums without charging any interest or fee.
levy Premium allocation charges and Policy administration charge as applicable during the discontinuance
add back to the Fund Value, the discontinuance charges deducted at the time of discontinuance of
the Policy.
reinstate all the benefits as per terms and conditions of the Policy subject to Underwriting.
Revival of a discontinued Policy or Paid-up Policy after the Lock-in Period:
If you choose to revive the discontinued Policy or wish to revive the Paid-up Policy, the Policy can be revived in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Policy. At the time of revival, the Company shall:
collect all due and unpaid Premiums without charging any interest or fee.
levy Premium allocation charge as applicable during the discontinuance period.
reinstate all benefits as per the terms and conditions of the Policy subject to Underwriting.
9. Systematic Transfer Option (STO): You can avail this option at inception or at any Policy anniversary through a
request at least 30 days before the Policy anniversary. Once request is accepted, the STO shall be effective
from the Policy anniversary immediately following such request. STO cannot be opted once all Premiums
payable under the Policy have been paid. You can opt out of the STO at any time during the Policy Term by
giving us the request which shall be effective from next monthly Policy anniversary immediately following
such request. STO cannot be chosen simultaneously with either RPO or AFR except SSO. If You have opted for
SSO then during the last 4 Policy Years, STO will cease and SSO will become operational. You can do switching
among the Unit Linked Funds other than STO Funds (Liquid Fund and either of India Multi-Cap Equity Fund or
Equity II Fund or Emerging Leaders Equity Fund). However while STO is operational, switching into or from
any of the STO Funds will make STO ineffective. Also Partial withdrawals from Liquid Fund will make STO
ineffective. The automatic switches during the operation of the STO from Source STO Fund to the Target STO
Fund will not be counted as switch.
In case the due Premium is not received before the expiry of the Notice Period, STO will cease to continue. The
Premium received after the due date but before the expiry of Notice Period will be allocated to 'Source STO
Fund' and thereafter from the following monthly anniversary, monthly transfer will happen in the same
manner as stated under STO feature above for the remaining months in a Policy Year. If due Premium is not
received during the Notice Period, STO will cease to be operational. The Premiums received after the expiry of
Notice Period will be allocated entirely to the chosen 'Target STO Fund' (either of India Multi-Cap Equity Fund
or Equity II Fund or Emerging Leaders Equity Fund) unless otherwise specified by You. If you choose this
option later in the Policy Term, then any amount remaining in other than STO Funds will continue to remain
invested in those Unit Linked Funds. If you give the request for Premium redirection or to change to monthly
Premium payment mode, then such request will make STO ineffective. Once STO ceases to exist, your future
Premiums will continue to be invested in chosen 'Target STO Fund' unless otherwise specified by you.
10. Return Protector Option (RPO): RPO cannot be chosen simultaneously with either STO or AFR except SSO. If
You have opted for SSO then during the last 4 Policy Years, RPO will cease and SSO will become operational.
While RPO is operational, request for Premium redirection, partial withdrawal or switching will make RPO
ineffective. If you opt out of RPO or RPO ceases to exist, all Your future Premiums will continue to be invested
into chosen 'RPO Fund' (either of India Multi-Cap Equity Fund or Equity II Fund or Emerging Leaders Equity
Fund) unless otherwise specified by You and you cannot re-opt for it again during the Policy Term. RPO will not
be applicable once the Policy moves into Discontinuance before the end of Lock-in Period. However RPO will
automatically become operational on revival of the Policy. RPO will continue to be active during Paid-up state
or where the Policy is within its Revival Period (i.e. 2 years from the date of discontinuance of the Premium)
due to non-payment of Premium after the end of Lock-in Period. The automatic switches into Debt Fund from
'RPO Fund' during the operation of the RPO will not be counted as switches. There could be a situation beyond
control of the Company where realization of gain and switching of the gains into Debt Fund may not be
possible and for that Company would not liable to pay any compensation.
11. Auto Funds Rebalancing (AFR): AFR cannot be chosen simultaneously with either RPO or STO except SSO. If
You have opted for SSO then during the last 4 Policy Years, AFR will cease and SSO will become operational.
While AFR is operational, request for Premium redirection or switching will make AFR ineffective. In case of
partial withdrawal, the AFR will be applicable on the balance of the Fund Value remaining in the Policy after
withdrawal. Once AFR is operational your Premium(s) will continue to be invested into the same proportions
as chosen by You while opting in for AFR. AFR will not be applicable once the Policy moves into Discontinuance
before the end of Lock-in Period. However AFR will automatically become operational on revival of the Policy.
Premium(s) paid for revival of Policy will be invested in the same proportions as chosen by You while opting in
for AFR. AFR will continue to be active during Paid-up state or where the Policy is within its Revival Period (i.e.
2 years from the date of discontinuance of the Premium) due to non-payment of Premium after the end of
Lock-in Period. The automatic switches in order to affect the auto rebalancing into the chosen allocation
proportions will not be counted as switch.
12. Safety Switch Option (SSO): You can choose this option simultaneously with either of RPO or STO or AFR. If
You have opted for SSO then during the last 4 Policy Years, RPO or STO or AFR if operational will cease and SSO
will become operational. In case of partial withdrawal, the SSO will be applicable on the balance of the Fund
Value remaining in the Policy after withdrawal. In case SSO is chosen and operational then SSO will become
ineffective once the request for redirection is made. However, if SSO is opted but not operational, redirection
can be exercised without impacting SSO. Switching is allowed among the Unit Linked Funds other than Liquid
Fund. Switching in or out of the Liquid Fund will cause the SSO to cease. However, the automatic switches in
order to effect the SSO will not be counted as switch.
13. If the Safety Switch Option (SSO) is opted but not operational, switching can be exercised without impacting
SSO. You can opt out of SSO even in the last 4 Policy Years.
The total Fund Value (including the amounts in Liquid Fund and in other Unit Linked Funds) will be rebalanced
four times at yearly intervals only at the beginning of each of the last 4 Policy Years, such that the proportion of
Unit Linked Funds is as mentioned in the table given earlier under Safety Switch Option Section. Therefore,
the Unit Linked Funds in the “other than Liquid Fund” category will remain in the same proportion both before
and after the exercise of Safety Switch Option.
14. Settlement Option: You can opt for this option any time at least 3 months before the end of the Policy Term.
You can choose Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly or Yearly frequency for installment payouts. All investment
risk related to NAV movements will be borne by you. The first installment will start from the date of maturity
and units from the applicable Unit Linked Funds will be cancelled at the time of installment payouts. There
are no charges other than Fund Management Charges during the settlement period. Switching and Partial
withdrawal will not be available during this period. In case of death of the Life Assured during the settlement
period, the remaining Fund Value as on the date of registration of death claim will be paid to the Claimant. No
Fund Management Options will be available during Settlement period.
15. You can increase or decrease your Sum Assured starting from the 6 Policy Year onwards provided due
Premiums have been paid. The request for any alteration in Sum Assured will be effective only from the Policy
anniversary following the date on which you have made your request, subject to such request being made at
least 60 days prior to the Policy anniversary. This flexibility is available to you once every Policy Year subject to
a maximum of three times during the Policy Term. Option to increase the Sum Assured is not available where
the Life Assured is minor or above 50 years of age. Increase/decrease in Sum Assured is subject to
Underwriting acceptance and minimum and maximum Sum Assured limits stipulated under this plan.
16. Risk commencement date under this plan will be the date of Underwriting acceptance subject to realization of
Premium. The date of commencement of Policy is the same as the risk commencement date under this plan.
17. The Sum at Risk (SAR) on a given date for computing mortality charges is calculated as follows:
SAR for Life Assured before the Age of 60 years: Higher of
i. Sum Assured less Partial Withdrawals in the preceding 2 years less Fund Value as on that date ,or
ii. 105% of Premiums paid less Fund Value or
iii. Zero
SAR for Life Assured for the age of 60 years and above: Higher of
i. Sum Assured less Partial Withdrawals post attaining age of 58 less Fund Value as on that date, or
ii. 105% of Premium paid less Fund Value, or
iii. Zero
18. Suicide exclusion: In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of the
Policy or date of revival of the Policy, the Claimant shall be entitled to Fund Value as available on the date of
death. Also any charges recovered subsequent to the date of death shall be paid back to Claimant along with
the Fund Value as on the date of death.
19. During the Lock-in Period, if death happens after the Policy has been surrendered, the Proceeds of the
Discontinued Policy Fund as on the date of registration of death claim shall be payable.
20. The term ‘claimantin this Sales Literature means the Policyholder, however for the purposes of payment of
death benefit Claimant means the following person(s) :
(i) Where the Policyholder and Life Assured are different, Claimant shall be the Policyholder,
(ii) Where Policyholder and Life Assured are same, Claimant shall be the Nominee (s) ,
(iii) Where Policyholder and Life Assured are same and there is no Nominee(s), then Claimant shall be the
Policyholder’s legal heir or legal representative or the holder of a succession certificate.
21. The minimum partial withdrawal amount is `10,000 and the maximum is such that the Fund Value
immediately after withdrawal does not fall below 120% of the Annualized Premium. The cap on maximum
partial withdrawal has been kept with the view to avoid those partial withdrawals which would result in
immediate termination of the Policy. If the Life Assured is a minor, partial withdrawals will be allowed when the
minor Life Assured attains majority, i.e. on or after attainment of 18 years of age.
22. Change in Premium Payment Term: The change in Premium Payment Term will be available only once during a
Policy Year subject to maximum of 2 times during the entire Policy Term and will always be in multiples of one
year. Alteration in Premium Payment Term should not result in change in Premium Amount or Policy Term but
may result in decrease in Sum Assured. For increase in the Premium Payment Term, all due Premiums should
be paid. You cannot change Premium Payment Term if Your Policy is in Paid-up state. However, You can give
request for alteration post revival of a Paid-up Policy subject to conditions stated above. For specific
information on increase or decrease in Premium Payment Term, You are requested to contact the Company for
complete details.
23. Auto termination: At any time during the Policy Term after the completion of first 5 Policy Years provided that
first 5 Policy Years Premium have been paid, if on any monthly Policy anniversary, the Fund Value is
insufficient to deduct monthly charges due to cancellation of units, or becomes equal to zero, then this Policy
shall terminate automatically. The remaining Fund Value (if any) as on the date of such termination shall be
payable to You.
24. First Premium will be allocated at the NAV on the date of commencement of the Policy.
25. Net Asset Value (NAV) calculation: NAV shall be calculated on all Business Days in accordance with the IRDAI's
guidelines in force from time to time. As per the present guidelines in force, NAV is computed
as follows:
{(Market Value of investment held by the fund + Value of Current Assets) - Value of Current Liabilities and
provisions, if any}/ Number of Units existing on Valuation Date (before creation/redemption of Units)
26. Unit Price: It is the price of each unit under a Unit Linked Fund arrived at by dividing the NAV by the total
number of outstanding units in the respective Unit Linked Fund.
27. Transaction requests (including renewal Premiums, switches, partial withdrawals, surrender etc) received
before the cutoff time of 3.00 pm will be allocated the same business day's NAV and the ones received after
the cutoff time of 3.00 pm will be allocated next business day's NAV. The cutoff time will be as per IRDAI
guidelines as amended from time to time.
28. Tax Benefits under the Policy will be as per the prevailing Income Tax laws and are subject to amendments
from time to time. For tax related queries, contact your independent tax advisor.
29. There is no provision of loan on the Policy.
30. Assignment and Nomination are permitted under this Policy as per Section 38 and Section 39 respectively of
the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time.
31. Free look period: The Policyholder has the right to cancel the Policy within 15 days from the date of receipt of
the Policy document, in case he/she does not agree with the terms and conditions of the Policy. If the
Policyholder cancels the Policy during free look period, the Company will refund the Fund Value on the date of
cancellation plus any non-allocated Premium amount plus any charge deducted by cancellation of units, after
deducting proportionate risk premium for the period of insurance cover and expenses incurred on stamp duty
and medicals (if any).
Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time:
(1) No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take
out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any
rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the Premium shown on the Policy, nor
shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a Policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may
be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer:
Provided that acceptance by an insurance agent of commission in connection with a Policy of life insurance
taken out by himself on his own life shall not be deemed to be acceptance of a rebate of Premium within the
meaning of this sub-section if at the time of such acceptance the insurance agent satisfies the prescribed
conditions establishing that he is a bona fide insurance agent employed by the insurer.
(2) Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty
which may extend to ten lakh rupees.
Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time will be applicable. For full text
of the provisions of this Section, please contact the Company or refer to the Policy contract of this
Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the insurance
company and Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Platinum Plus Plan is only the name of the
linked insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns.
The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the
quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns. The SFIN (Segregated Fund Index Number) for:
Emerging Leaders Equity Fund is ULIF02020/12/17EMLEDEQFND136, India Multi-Cap Equity Fund is
ULIF01816/08/16IMCAPEQFND136, Equity II Fund is ULIF00607/01/10EQUTYIIFND136, Growth Plus Fund is
ULIF00913/09/10GROWTPLFND136, Balanced Plus Fund is ULIF01013/09/10BLNCDPLFND136, Debt Fund is
ULIF00409/07/08INDEBTFUND136, Liquid Fund is ULIF00514/07/08LIQUIDFUND136 and Discontinued
Policy Fund is ULIF01319/09/11POLDISCFND136.
Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your insurance agent or the intermediary or
Policy document issued by the insurance company.
Linked Insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors.
Linked Funds are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objective of the
investment fund will be achieved.
The Premium paid in Linked insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets
and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the
capital market and the insured is responsible for his / her decisions.
Past performance of the investment funds do not indicate the future performance of the same. Investors in the
scheme are not being offered any guaranteed / assured returns.
The policyholder can know the value of policy wise units as per the FORM D02 through a secured login on the
Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Limited is a company formed jointly by three
leading financial organizations - Canara Bank and Oriental Bank of Commerce, which are among India's largest
nationalized banks in terms of aggregate business, along with HSBC Insurance (Asia Pacific) Holdings Limited.
The shareholding pattern of the Joint Venture is - Canara Bank: 51%, HSBC Insurance (Asia Pacific) Holdings
Limited: 26% and Oriental Bank of Commerce: 23%.
Our aim is to provide you with a transparent range of Life Insurance products backed by excellent customer service
and thereby, making your life simpler.
Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce
Life Insurance Company Limited (IRDAI Regn.No.136)
Registered Office:
Unit No. 208, 2nd Floor, Kanchenjunga Building,
18 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001, India
Corporate Office:
2nd Floor, Orchid Business Park, Sector-48, Sohna Road,
Gurugram - 122018, Haryana, India
Corporate Identity No.: U66010DL2007PLC248825
Website: www.canarahsbclife.com
Call: 1800-103-0003/1800-180-0003(BSNL/MTNL), Missed Call: 0124-6156600
SMS: 9779030003
• IRDAI or its officials do not involve in activities like sale of any kind of insurance or financial products nor invest premiums.
• IRDAI does not announce any bonus.
Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint along with details of phone call, number.
Trade Logo of Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Limited (Insurer) is used under license with Canara Bank, HSBC Group
Management Services Limited and Oriental Bank of Commerce.
UIN: 136L044V02